Board of Health Courtship
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ffrrial - . Vv-,-- PAGES 1 TO 8. PAGES 1 TO 8 ESTABLISHED JULY 1 1869. PSIvT10 5925. HONOLULU, HAWAII TERRITORY, FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 1901. SIXTEEN PAGES. PRICE FIVE CENTS. " .g!ggHg"""""WHgggg!!g?ggg"""!g- 1 nllT t ... m - ...... T 1 AMA II lilt iLtiHUl BOARD OF HEALTH s un ynwcv COURTSHIP iu muiiLi OLD ORGAN Commission fax Thirty--Seven Years May Not Draw Of Splendid Any Salary. Service. EMMELUTH AS LILIUOKALANI THE JUNKETER WAS ORGANIST WouldHave Had a Splendid Out Organ That Has Been Played ing on the Mainland While at Many Historic Functions, Seeking Data. Grave and Gay. the Tax HE OLD church organ at Kawaia-ha- o, WILL which was created by thirty-seve- n years resolution of the after of 1 service in the big stone church, and which has organized feature, has been taken away to give place to is ready for business, be able to cd a new one more modern and more pre- president to the Mainland for letd its tentious, but It has not been cast aside fflformation is a question which may as a thing worn out and useless. Its settled today, If the decision Is ad-w- se k tones are yet too sweet and the memo- one of the prettiest junkets yet ries of its melodies too to the Ha- will have gone wrong. dar 0uuKd waiian people of the congregation to There was passed at the regular ses-jo- n permit it to be disposed of as rubbish so a concurrent resolution which prov- it is being repainted in white and gold ided that the presiding officers of the and is to begin a new career in the Houses should appoint the members of Rice chapel at Molliili, where it will the commission, and in pursuance of probably lead the harmony of song power five, consisting of to the three service for many years to come. Representatives two Senators, and During its service at Kawaiahao, the ure named. It was made a concur- - ' old organ has pealed forth its tones rtnt resolution so that the Governor year after year, slowly and mournfully app- mi not sign It. Then when the in the funeral dirge and joyously in ropriations bill came up a little item wedding march, often furnishing L the jf $5,000 for the expenses body of the ' the music for both occasions, and for tag put in, and it was one of those baptismal hymn as well. tones Tbich the Governor approved. But the Its Sere does not seem to have been any Do not let others kiss you indiscriminately, and never without first carefully wip have often added solemnity to occa- Mention paid to the little formality of r rose-wat- er sions of special worship, and Queen ing your lips with carbolized drying ftiEg whether or not the money could and thoroughly them. Board of Health Liliuokalanl, before her ascendancy to ie got out of the treasury war-n- nt on the the throne, played upon its keys for of a member of a body, appointed Circular. without warrant at law. many services. When the Commission Anally met and from the thoughtfulness of the Legis- racks. Major Davis, who is the new In Itself, the old organ is a wonderful organized on Wednesday there was lature in preparing for the study of MAJ. ROBINSON MAY RECEIVE commandant at Camp McKinley, Is an instrument, and recent repairs and ren- sothing said of the true meaning of the taxation conditions. If it should ap- earnest advocate of the plan of having ovations have made it almost as good (lection of John pear .really ought to be a them as close to the guns they must Emmeluth as chairman, that there as when it was new. It was brought ai his proposed trip to study made of the systems of the older serve as they can be stationed. While the States. temporary con around the Horn in 1863, its purchase There was some congratulation upon States, theGrOvernor under the powers ORDERS TO GO TO MANILA there has been some . present of the having been a matter of careful delib- 'it chair-na- 1896 1898 ap- struction at the site timeliness of the visit of the a of the laws of and could post, it is not thought that there will eration for a long time previous. The to the older communities, where point such a commission, and using the be a move from the leased grounds, money with which it was purchased could study the systems of taxation, money, which hardly will be used to which might be followed toy another up by subscription, wt in the Major W. W. Robinson Jr., has years of tropic was taken ad words of one of the members send an Independent leader to the East who service to be exacted move before the government's property some of the subscribers contributed "there was nothing said of expenses." for information, have prepared for re- been depot quartermaster here for the f ,om any officer. By a change now the is made the site of the permanent , upon the condition that the money laterday, when inquiries were made port to the next Legislature, which was , j . , service of Major Robinson here will be quarters. ' counted as tropical, while if he is al- - At Camp McKinley the new com might be used, if it was thought ad- uti the processes of getting money out to be the course of the present Com- the Philippines some time during the to purchase an ordinary ( the lowed to stop here for a longer time mandant is having made some im- visable later, treasury, it was developed that mission, a measure which, while being was ti fall. He expects that the order will and then comes the change to Manila, provements which will enable him to organ, it being argued that there plan of the Home Rulers was to barren perhaps of single tax, will offer there is a chance he will have to camp. who know a- -t be made as soon as General Ludington, that make his home right in the no one in the Islands would today perhaps and pass a reso-to- n a means of raising revenues which will spend the full two years in Phil- - purpose the quartermaster general of the army, the For this the old headquarters' how to play a pipe organ if the church making the visit of the leader in carry the Territory through at. all ippines. jg not degired by any of building is having an addition put to had one. This difficulty did arise when the Lower House an official one, and times. reaches Manila, which would mean that the officers now going out, and they it, and this will serve as the home of organ was set up, a sailor on "us provide take as soon as they can the but a nice little junket, dur-1- 8 in the ordinary course of business It their service the family 6f Major Davis. There will a whaling vessel nappeneu in m hub which he "? and u ove,r- - be nothing done there which can be could rest from his labors would reach the officer here about Sep-- 1 JFet port opportune time, and when 't the past A Bnub to Greece. Major Robinson had expected that avoided, as all the officers are of opin- at the two months. tember 1st. There would be another was learned that he could play the But there flurin& his time here ne couid have ion that it will be but a short time seems to be a hitch. A conc- CONSTANTINOPLE, July 25. The elapse relieving offl- - got organ he was persuaded to stay and urrent month before the to work on the settling of the urti! there is some pan which may resolution has no standing as Turkish Government has arbitrarily re- cer here, would Question of the permanent site for the lead to the government owning and teach a number, of young people of the being effective reaches and this make post, only as binding fused to permit the Greek squadron to it about the first of October when the but there are too many consider occupying its own quarters. During congregation. Queen Llliuokalani was m the Houses which pass it. With ations which will enter into such a the recent inspection of the tract at among his pupils and became one of the to view and Mount change of there can be no warrant upon visit Smyrna, Salonica orders for his station would matter to expect that anything will be Kahauiki there was some discussion of organists, in the Islands, playing Hch very sqon. best money may be drawn from the Athos. Greece sent the usual notifica- become effective in taking him away done The first step expect- the advisability of condemning the the every Sunday for a asury, ed by the line officers here, as lookinp are in upon instrument as there is no officer legally tion of projected cruise, but the from Honolulu. leases which existence the number of years. Pfcvlded the toward the permanent post, will be lands, but the fact that all the officers who may sign a demand. Act-J- S propo- The change for Major Robinson was The organist who was considered the Governor Porte declined to entertain the the selection of a board of engineers who have been here are of opinion that Cooper said that he had decided upon during visit here of to place best in the Islands was a native wom no on political grounds.