Pensions Visitors Children’s proposals conference TV is 60 page 2 2010 page 8 page 3

October 2010 Number 7

With highlights from Ariel Jasmine Bligh – elegance amid the adventure page 6 News BBC outlines a third way for pensions reform details of CAB 2011, but it is proposing that Negotiations between the BBC and existing staff it should have a pensionable age of 65, that pensions would accrue at the same rate as continue as part of the consultation process over the current CAB section (1.67% of salary per year, in other words 1/60ths), and that pensions proposed pension changes. in payment should increase by the lower of Consumer Price Inflation and 2.5%. In the latest development, Mark Thompson If a current member opted for CAB 2011, To be affordable, member contributions to sent an email to all BBC staff on 16 September, they would leave the existing Defined Benefit CAB 2011 will have to be higher than for the outlining a ‘third option’ that has been section in the BBC Pension Scheme. As a result, current career average scheme, for which proposed by the organisation. they would become a ‘deferred’ member and the they are 4% of salary. For CAB 2011, the Current members were being given a choice pension they had built up to date at that point BBC is proposing that member contributions either to stay in the Defined Benefit scheme but would rise broadly in line with inflation. They should be 7% of salary. with a 1% annual limit on future pensionable would then immediately join the new CAB In order to give members time to consider the PROSPERO salary; or to transfer to a new Defined 2011 arrangement in which they would build new proposal, the BBC has extended the Contribution (DC) plan. The proposed limit up benefits year by year for their remaining time consultation period to run until 15 November. October 2010 has been one of the most controversial elements at the BBC. The benefits will be based on their Mark Thompson concluded: ‘CAB 2011 is an of the proposal, while members are also wary pensionable salary. There would be no limit on important addition to [our] proposals. It is not about the risk of transferring to a DC plan. The how far their pensionable salary could grow, a panacea, but in the terms I’ve set out above it BBC has therefore proposed a third option for either because of annual or other pay rises or is affordable, and I believe it goes a significant Prospero is provided free to current members – a new Career Average because of promotion. way to addressing the concerns you’ve expressed Benefits arrangement which is called CAB 2011. The BBC is still working through the full to us during the consultation.’ retired BBC employees. It can also be sent to spouses or dependants who want to keep Chair of the Trustees sets the record straight in touch with the BBC. Jeremy Peat, Chair of Trustees, sent this letter to provision as it wished to reduce cost, risk and about setting up an additional career average It includes news about Ariel regarding the BBC’s latest pension proposals, unpredictability whilst continuing to provide benefit section which it intended to ask the which readers of Prospero may find interesting: an affordable salary related pension scheme for Trustees to administer. On the Friday before former colleagues, pension employees. It indicated that it would share its Mark Thompson’s 13 Sept email to staff, I Dear Sir thinking with the Trustees at the appropriate received a letter from the BBC which included issues, and developments at I have been asked for clarification on some of time. The Trustees were given no further details the same outline details of CAB2011 as were the BBC. Prospero includes the statements made at the members' meeting and there were no discussions with us until we sent to staff. It went on to say that it was the on 14 September, in the light of comments were informed about the1% cap proposal, in BBC’s intention, subject to the Trustees classified advertisements. made during the ring main session with staff confidence, shortly before members were told. agreement, that the alternative career average To advertise in Prospero or on 16 September, as there may appear to be The BBC made it clear to the Trustees from pension option would be set up as a separate some inconsistency in what Zarin Patel and the the outset that, as far as the 1% cap was section within the Scheme. the BBC Staff magazine, Trustees have said. concerned, it intended to do this contractually, So, yes the Trustees do know that the BBC I believe that this stems from a difference in without changing the rules. By taking this would like them to administer CAB2011 but, Ariel, see page 12. perception and interpretation by the BBC and route they effectively by-passed the Pension by the BBC’s own admission, the fine detail the Trustees; rather than any contradiction. Trustees. We took legal advice from a leading has still to be worked out before the Trustees However, clarity in these important issues is QC, who confirmed that the Trustees had no and their advisers can consider the implications Subscription information for clearly essential. power to block the proposal. Had it been of agreeing to administer a new section and a Ariel is on page 12. Zarin Patel said that the BBC had been necessary for the Trustees to approve a cap on decision is reached. At this stage it is a notice openly discussing pension reform with the pensionable salary increases by way of a rule of intention not a formal request. Trustees keeping them informed all the change then, as I said at the members' meeting, We face great challenges in dealing with the way through. the Trustees could not and would not have pension deficit but I am confident that we can Staff could have taken that to mean that the agreed to make such a change. build on the good track record for collaborative Trustees were, at an early stage, aware of and Zarin Patel also said on Thursday that working between the Trustees and the BBC consulted on the proposal to cap the future she wanted CAB2011 to be administered mentioned by Zarin. Along with colleagues on growth of pensionable pay at 1% p.a. They by the Trustees and that the BBC had written the Trustee board, I look forward to discussing were not. to them ‘formally’ asking them to consider the new section with Mark, Zarin and Lucy. In December 2009 the BBC informed the administering it. Jeremy A Peat Trustees that it was reviewing pension The BBC did inform us that it was thinking Chair of Trustees

CROSPERO 151 1 2 Editorial contributions Devised and compiled by Jim Palm 3 4 5 Complete the square by using the clues; these apply only to words running across. Then take these words in numerical order and extract Write to: Prospero the letters indicated by a dot. If your answers are correct, these letters 6 7 8 BBC Pension and Benefits Centre will spell out the names of two vintage BBC programmes. 910 Please send your answers in an envelope marked Crospero to Cardiff, CF5 2YQ The Editor, Prospero, BBC Pension and Benefits Centre, Tel: 020 7765 1414 Broadcasting House, Cardiff CF5 2YQ by July 16. 11 Clues: 1. Just open (4); 2. Welcome spots (5); 3. Goes with ‘neither’ 12 Email (3); 4. Mite (3); 5. Zero (3); 6. Horse (3); 7. Exclamation (3); 8. Crafty (3); 9. Valve part (5); 10. Council levy (4); 11. Grasps (4); 12. e.g. Leech (11); 13. Own of old (4); 14. Decorative border (4); 15. Affirms (5); 16. 13 Please make sure that any digital Beverage (3); 17. Metal (3); 18. Fifties dance (3); 19. By all means (3); 20. Devoured (3); 21. Mineral (3); 22. Makes crooked (5); 23. Repair (4) pictures you send are scanned 14 15 at 300 dpi. Solution to Crospero 150: Solution to Crospero 150: Facet, Alto, ABTA, Fayre, Ahab, Aim, Honey, Gnat, Sure, Arid, Tact, Steel, Yes, 16 17 18 Cope, Apes, Trap, Tag, Earn, Neaten, Coir, Lord, Acid, Scot, Kangas, Coat, Pal, Caen, Moot, Amen, Nab, Stuck, Bier, Come, Walk, Dart, Venue, Ice, Cord, Hides, Moth, Rest, Medea. The hidden words were 19 20 21 CLAYHANGER, CLEOPATRA and CLAVICHORD, all commencing with CL which are the Roman numerals for 150. 22 23 The winner of Crospero 150 is Mrs A Page of Bishop Sutton, Bristol.

2 • • October • 2010 BBC Pensions Conference highlights key issues for pensioners

produce a range of audio tapes and large format Around 130 former BBC colleagues – now volunteers in the BBC Visiting print when requested to. For example, did you know that Prospero is available on audio tape for Scheme – gathered in Cardiff in late August to brush up on their people with sight impairment? knowledge of the issues that are important to the pensioners. What’s in a name? During the conference, the visitors also spoke The two-day conference gave the visitors a responsibility for Prospero , using an external born before 6 April 1950 you could claim a free at length about what the Visiting Scheme means chance to say hello to familiar faces and agency to manage the contributions and design bus pass at age 60. If you were born after this and how it can be improved. welcome some new ones as well. But as well as of the magazine. One the main issues raised by date and are a woman, you can claim it at your Some people suggested that the name of the socialising, the event aimed to keep the visitors the visitors was the popularity of the obituaries new pension age – and men also can only claim Scheme should be changed. ‘It smacks of abreast of new developments that might be of section and the disappointment felt by it at the new women’s pension age. welfare,’ said one delegate. ‘People don’t want interest – and important – to the BBC contributors when obituaries had to be edited to be seen as welfare cases – even though we pensioners in their regions. down for reasons of space. One suggestion was State Pension Age know it’s not, it’s purely a social network.’ The sessions covered everything from the that in cases where obituaries had been edited Born before 6 April 1950 60 Another delegate said: ‘The people who are BBC’s pension proposals, to changes to State down, the full version could be posted in the Born before 5 April 1952 62 eligible to receive visits don’t because they see it benefits, and more general interest items such pensions website for people who wanted to read as Big Brother watching them – the pension as doorstep crime and services for people with more. Jeff said he would look into this as an Born before 6 August 1953 63 & 6 months scheme checking if they’re still alive!’ failing sight. option – so watch this space! Born after 6 April 1955 65 However, in a count of hands, the majority of After the close of the first afternoon session, visitors seemed happy to keep the name as it is. the visitors had some time to explore Cardiff NHS prescriptions too are free over age 60, so (But tell us your thoughts: has the name ever First up before meeting up for dinner in the hotel, where technically they should have changed with the put you off contacting your local visitor?) Dan Cook, an active Member-Nominated everyone got together to share their experiences State Pension Age increases, but, said Brian, the Trustee of the BBC Pension Scheme, was one of being a BBC visitor. forms haven’t been updated yet! of the first to address the visitors. He spoke He reminded the visitors about the There are over 10,059 BBC about the latest developments affecting the importance of claiming pension credit if you are Scheme that we reported on in the last issue of Day Two eligible. There are still over one million eligible pensioners aged 70 and over. Prospero , i.e., the deficit and the BBC’s The next morning, everyone gathered early to pensioners not claiming it. And, even if you proposals for dealing with it. (However, as hear from a representative from the Trading weren’t previously eligible, you might now be, Around a third of these have reported on the previous page, the BBC has Standards Service, who told them about the because the amount of savings you can have and since come out with a ‘third option’ for active growing problem of doorstep crime. The still claim pension credit went up from £6,000 requested contact from their members to consider.) visitors were given useful information on what to £10,000). Next on the agenda was an update constitutes doorstep crime, what can be done The last of the external speakers was a local BBC visitor. about Prospero and a discussion about how it about it, and how to help pensioners in their representative from RNIB, who explained the could be improved. Jeff Webley, Pension networks whom they believe might be wide range of services the charity provides to In the final session of the conference, Communications Manager, explained that his vulnerable to this. people who have sight loss. These include Christine Geen, who co-ordinates the Scheme, team had temporarily taken over editorial One of the most popular sessions of the counselling services for people who have been asked the visitors: ‘If we were designing the conference was an update on state benefits for newly diagnosed with an eye condition, or who Visiting Scheme now in 2010, what would it older people, from Brian Hogarth of The are struggling emotionally with their sight loss, look like?’ The oldest BBC pensioner is Retirement Counselling Service. to more tangible products – such as their Overall, comments were favourable, and He talked them through changes to the State extensive library of talking books, and even no-one identified any areas that need to change 106 and enjoys regular visits. Pension Age and the knock-on effect this would talking kitchen scales! The BBC has a close hugely. Christine said: ‘The visitors suggested have on other benefits. For example, if you were relationship with the RNIB, using them to various ideas on how to improve different aspects of what we already do, and we will be working on these over the coming months.’ As the conference came to a close, feedback from the volunteers was that they had enjoyed the opportunity to network with their fellow visitors, and to meet the team responsible for running the Scheme. Christine hopes that they will find next year’s conference just as interesting and informative – details TBA. Volunteer Scheme in a nutshell The Scheme covers people who are: • Aged 70 or over, or who left the BCC on health grounds • Known to be in difficulties (irrespective of age) • Known to have been bereaved recently. The visitors are active BBC pensioners who provide a social contact to these pensioners, either through visits or telephone calls. However, it’s up to the pensioners themselves to decide if they want to be visited. The BBC volunteer visitors gather in the hotel foyer for a photo opportunity.

October • 2010 • • 3 Letters Contacts This issue… what was under that fountain?; remembering Visiting Scheme If you would like a visit or information on how to become a volunteer visitor, please ring 0845 712 5529. You will be charged Fountain furore only as a local call. Prospero was IT WAS TRUE that path length timing Queries required careful planning of cable routes in For benefit and pension payroll queries, inundated with order to achieve synchronism at the central call the Service Line on 029 2032 2811. mixing point, but camera cable lengths were not responses to Bob the prime consideration. Prospero Later technology made timing easier to To add, or delete a name from the achieve, but the basis of signal timing that I distribution list, ring the Service Line Walker’s letter in the learnt at Television Centre was to prove useful (number above). Prospero is provided free in later life when designing and installing studio of charge to retired BBC employees. On August issue, in which systems worldwide. request, we will also send it to spouses or Frank Page dependants who want to keep in touch he wrote that the with the BBC. Prospero is also available on I WAS INTERESTED to read Bob Walker’s audio tape for those with sight impairment. ‘doughnut’ shape of letter to Prospero . I first worked at TVC about To register, please ring the Service Line May 1960. I worked in Presentation as on 029 2032 2811. TVC was the result of an engineer. One of the areas I worked in was the Central BBC Club ‘form follows function’ Apparatus Room. It was housed in the central The BBC Club in London has a retired wedge on the third floor, above telecine and category membership costing £24 a year and the need to avoid under the network control rooms. for members; and £36 a year for family The area that was flooded by the fountain membership. Pre-1997 life members are non-sync cuts. was Videotape. not affected. Regional clubs may have Timing or synchronisation was certainly different arrangements. The information in Bob Walker’s letter in the achieved by delaying the synchronising pulses Please call BBC Club London August issue was so incorrect that I feel a and the video signals with lengths of coaxial administration office on 020 8752 66 66 or response is necessary. cable. (At Lime Grove, the roof part of Studio email [email protected]. When the TVC was commissioned in the G was full of coaxial cable which was used to early 60s, CAR was on the 3rd floor of the that effect.) Outside sources were made in VT heard dripping water which was coming Benevolent Fund wedge which was between studios 3 and 4. The synchronous by means of genlock and latter through the ceiling immediately below the This is funded by voluntary contributions ground floor of this wedge was the walkway slavelock. OBs were always frame phased to fountain’s core. Machines were turned off, as from the BBC and its purpose is to protect between the scenery block and the centre of the minimise picture disturbance. The News was the fountain. One of the supervisors found the welfare of staff, pensioners and their doughnut. Presentation studios were on the Studios led the way by introducing some spare plastic sheeting from one of the families. Grants are made at the discretion fourth floor of the wedge with two temporary synchronisers on their mixers. Wherever a signal studios being installed upstairs and covered up of the trustees. They may provide VTR machines. came from, it was always synchronous. the machines directly involved. assistance in cases of unforeseen financial Shortly after, Videotape occupied the area in I wonder which channels Bob Walker is It was also necessary to break in to a room hardship, for which help from other the basement under the fountain and did so for referring to in his ‘Rant’, as certainly BBC with four brand new RCA TR22 VT machines sources is not available. about 30 years. I still remember the water channels are not guilty of picture disturbances undergoing acceptance by P&ID (Planning and coming in from the fountain and having to (other than break-up due to faulty links). ‘Lip Installation Department in those days). These Prospero Society move a number of RCA TR22 machines until sync’ and audio-level control is no better nor were dragged out of the room to a dry place. Prospero Society is the only section of the the area dried out. worse that it ever has been. The latter has been House Services did an amazing cleaning up BBC Club run by and for retired BBC staff I agree that monochrome video timing was a bone of contention for a very long time. job overnight and by the time Shift 2 came in and their spouses. Its aims are to enable carried out by adjusting cable length. Later the Methinks nostalgia has clouded the next morning and uncovered the VT BBC pensioners to meet on a social basis fine colour timing was controlled by the colour his judgement. machines, everything worked, except VT4 for theatre visits, luncheons, coach outings phase part of the Natlock system. (There was no Charles Lacaille which had a… dry joint! etc. Prospero is supported by BBC Club standard for sync/subcarrier phase at that time.) Apparently the ‘flood’ was caused by the funds so as to make events affordable. I always understood that the reason for the READING THE LETTERS in the August drains from the fountain being blocked The only conditions (apart from paying a doughnut was that the scan block, where the issue of Prospero , I noted Bob Walker’s tale of with debris. small annual subscription) are that you scenery was constructed, was outside the the fountain, and would like to add a correction In later years Record Breakers (I think) used must be a BBC pensioner and a member doughnut, which provided easy access between and supply some more information. the fountain in one of their programmes and of the BBC Club. Write for an application the studios and the construction site. Architects The area under the fountain, Area 80, was in there was a commissionaire stationed at the form to: Graham Snaith, 67 Newberries were never broadcast engineers and had no fact allocated to Telerecording, with videotape main control valve in the basement – just Avenue, Radlett, Herts. WD7 7EL. concept of the problems of video timing. and film recordings there. In the summer of in case! Telephone: 01923 855177 Brian Jenkinson 1963 there was indeed a flood – staff on duty Chris Booth Mobile: 07736 169612 Email: [email protected] BBC products Old Town Hall beats the band… BBC retired staff are entitled to a 30% discount off the RRP of most products in the BBC TV Centre shop. There is a In Iris Davies’ letter, ‘Can You Beat the Band?’ in the August issue I postage charge of £2.95 per order (not note that, although her memory serves her well with the contents of the per item). Pensioners must quote their radio show she so enjoyed, her recollection of its title is grossly astray. BBC pension number when ordering. Brother and sister Clay and Gladys Keyes were never part of Monday Contact: BBC Shop, Audience Foyer, Night at Eight – the many features Iris recalls were all component parts Television Centre, Wood Lane, London of their own highly popular series, The Old Town Hall . W12 7RJ. Tel: 020 8225 8230. The programme was first on the air from January 1941 and ran Email: [email protected]. through four long series until October 1945. Clay Keyes was the show’s Other ways to order (quoting your genial compere and Gladys co-wrote the scripts and acted the part of pension number when ordering): Old Ebenezer’s daughter in the regular drama sketches. By phone: 08700 777 001 The shows came from the ‘Monseigneur’ News Cinema in Marble 8.30am-6pm weekdays. By post: BBC Arch, and the resident band, directed by Billy Ternent, took part in the Shop, PO Box 308, Sittingbourne, Kent feature known as ‘Penny on the Drum’. ME9 8LW. Email: [email protected]. I was often the show’s ‘sound effects boy’ doing sundry noises such as Or visit BBC Shops in Eastbourne, stoking the fire bucket Old Ebenezer sat by, but my chief function was being Brighton, Leicester, Birmingham or positioned behind Pat Dodd, the band pianist and, equipped with a large Liverpool. UK postage £2.45 for bag of pennies and a bass drum, throwing the pennies on the drum telephone, post and email orders. whenever the answer to the musical question was not guessed correctly. For Overseas: £4.50 for one item and £2 for example: ‘What did the white bear say to the brown bear?’ The answer was each additional product for telephone, the song title, Amapola. Well, back in the roaring 40s life was more simple! post and email orders. The producer was Eric Spear who later achieved greater fame by JUST TO SHOW how old I am getting, Clay Keyes was the front man composing the signature tune for ITV’s Coronation Street. of a half-hour LE show called The Old Town Hall , which went out during BBC PA Clay Keyes also co-starred with Charlie Irwin, Doris Nichols and WW2. I well remember the band being beaten by another of his ‘catch For details of how to join the Pensioners’ Jacques Brown in a long-running radio series, Danger Men at Work questions’: ‘Where do NCOs play skittles?’ The answer (this was a Association, see panel on page 5. and, despite the Canadian accent, he apparently came from Liverpool! wartime number promoting the ATS): ‘Sergeant Sally’ (sergeants’ alley). Brian Willey Bob Matthews

4 • • October • 2010 Letters The Old Town Hall; mistaken identity; and the value of local radio… Not worth keeping? Speakers and stanzas Local radio I read in the Chairman’s Newsletter from Tom Just a little thank-you to all our former Rivers of the BBCPA that Lucy Adams is colleagues who responded to my article on BBC This is in answer to John Lewis who casts a weather, school closures, traffic chaos and reported as saying that ‘anyone who stays more speakers, and my wife’s piece in the last Prospero doubt about the future of local radio. It is true power cuts are indeed useful local information. than three years in the BBC isn’t worth about the poetry competition. to say that local radio has always operated on People depend on this knowledge. keeping’. What an extraordinary statement to The response has been wonderful, with some a shoestring. The staff involved have always Listeners with failing eyesight long to hear make. It took three years to train me when I unwanted speakers being located, and a former had to be innovative; which is to be admired. about their local community. A few become so started in the early sixties! colleague in Manchester, Ralph Hill, becoming The BBC has never appreciated the value of cut off from the world. They enjoy On another matter, I was delighted to see a major sponsor of our writing competition. these stations which could quickly link in a participating – music requests and phone-ins. pictures of North 3 in Prospero and not only Joyce and Ian Reed national emergency to provide warnings These listeners do not depend on computers, that, a picture of Con Jones as well! Both lasted [email protected] should it be necessary. ipods, etc. They enjoy the spoken voice – a much longer than three years. The examples of emergencies are many, such voice they recognise and relate to. Would radio Garth Jeffery as flash flooding, foot and mouth disease, local 1,2,3 or 4 have the time to provide this service crime and national crime, any catastrophic the way local radio does? George Short incident that can affect the whole country. It Local radio is a valuable network that works The note on George Short in your August is immediate and informative. Local radio can throughout the country. It aims for a high Access all areas obituaries moved me deeply. I spent many point to new industries in the area – the latest standard and should be given proper support happy years as one of his Bush House industrial and commercial news with views financially, so that it may be improved even scriptwriters. May I record a groundling’s and opinions, and troubles. Radio Solent is more, making it more dynamic. It should not affectionate as well as admiring memory? He already preparing to navigate the seafaring be struggling to survive; it should be backed was quite the best editor I have known. waves and ways for the Olympic Games by those in the BBC who can recognise it as a Arthur Conway in 2012. jewel in the BBC’s crown. It has been said by Sporting commentaries and reports are given some that television is failing, but that local on every kind of game – soccer, rugby, cricket, radio builds up a feeling of belonging. With bowls, tennis, angling, boxing, even judo, and the onset of digital radio 1 trust local radio will other more minor sports. These are of great get a full share of contact from the satellite. interest to those on the home ground. Yes, bad Kay Ennals Stephen Hearst memorial service Rewriting history Thomson) don’t dismiss the ground-breaking work done by so many exceptionally creative A memorial service celebrating the life I was surprised, and somewhat insulted, when people, in a building that admirably suited such and work of Stephen Hearst CBE will an email, distributed to everyone in BBC a function, i.e., to facilitate logically and with take place on Thursday 28 October Global News, asserted that the revived BBC efficiency, the making of all types of programmes 2010 at 12 noon in the BBC Radio Arabic Television channel was ‘our first ever TV throughout a challenging number of complex Theatre, Broadcasting House, London service’ – astonishing the several hundred production processes. And it worked. That’s why W1A 1AA, followed by drinks. All are people who had worked for the Arabic, the BBC was universally admired. welcome, but entry will be by Japanese, Mandarin and Hindi television Patricia Preece services in the 1990s and who still beaver away ticket only. at BBC World News, launched in 1991 as Your article about government plans to give the World Service Television News. National Audit Office ‘full access’ to the BBC’s If you would like to attend, please Would this casual attitude to accuracy be Peter Wheeler accounts reports concerns about public contact Dinah Garrett at acceptable if a World Service news bulletin had perception that this would challenge the BBC’s [email protected] contained such a factual error? separation from government – and so its ability or write to Ian Richardson to scrutinise what government does. In fact, like PO Box 31497, the BBC, the National Audit Office is London W4 3QL, Liliane Landor, controller languages, global news, independent of government. It scrutinises replies: Your correspondent makes a valid point. public spending on behalf of Parliament – not Of course the crucial missing phrase is ‘first ever the government. Please state how many tickets you grant-in-aid funded TV service’. It was in the Bob Edmands would like and give a postal address. original text and got lost in the process of the internal announcement. We are sorry for the factual mistake. BBC World Service television, BBC Arabic TV News and the other services were innovators and the core blueprint from which we and other networks developed.

‘Fortress Beeb mentality’ Thank you to those writers who defended ‘Fortress Beeb’. I was appalled that so much Thank you for featuring my brother Peter’s creative talent could be dismissed so easily by obituary but would you forgive me if I point out Ms Thomson. During my time (1970-1985) I a couple of errors both in the first paragraph? had the privilege of working in the ‘doughnut’ ‘Peter… went on to host Call My Bluff and with multi-disciplined talent. I was trained by Come Dancing .’ Actually, no. As happened the BBC in all aspects of film-making. I was many times, his career has been mixed up lucky, I worked in an ‘in-house’ production with mine. hothouse. The ‘Beeb’ at that time produced Although he did many programmes for BBC contemporary, experimental, and classic drama; radio and for ITV, he did not appear on BBC innovative factual programmes; Science and television. Certainly, he did not do so on Come features; current affairs; documentaries; and, of Dancing , and Call My Bluff was always the course, our celebrated comedy departments; (no exclusive domain of Robert Robinson. space for definitive list). The confusion has no doubt been caused Our production personnel were of the very because way back, when Peter West was hosting highest calibre from film/VT editors; Come Dancing , regional teams were fronted by camera/lighting/sound; set designers; costume, Michael Aspel, Judith Chalmers and by me. As make-up, and many others. News was simply for Call My Bluff , there was a series on which another important discipline within a broad Frank Muir and I captained each of the teams church. Neither department heads nor beneath the genial scrutiny of the Chairman, producers were tied to popularity ratings, or Robert Robinson. commercial considerations. Staff were paid Geoffrey Wheeler modest salaries, and so too were those various heads and, I might add, directors and DG. Our Some readers have pointed out factual errors in reward was the satisfaction of producing Peter Wheeler's obituary. Unfortunately, the programmes of the highest quality. We accept information was supplied by the family and we the inevitability of ‘progress’ but please (Ms had no reason at the time to doubt its accuracy. Ed. October • 2010 • • 5 Memories Jasmine Bligh – first BBC TV woman action reporter? by John Frost Amid a stack of old BBC papers I was about to discard, a transcript of a wartime talk caught my eye and stayed my hand. ‘April 1944 – Talk for North American Service – When television was fun!’

BBC TV had entertained viewers in the home Hooley (the American interviewer): Miss Bligh, counties, but closed down as war began because I hear you were in at all the thrills? How did TV transmitter signals could guide German it feel? bombers. So an account of our pioneering TV Bligh: Very often I didn’t feel at all, Mr Hooley. achievements was broadcast on short-wave radio I mean, I didn’t feel the cameras. It was such fun to an audience in the USA, which kept some of flying in a helicopter, or I was so cold swimming its TV broadcasting throughout the war. in icy water, or so anxious to be rescued from a The talk was an interview by a US reporter, fire, that I forgot the cameras. with Wing Commander Philip Dorte (pre-war Hooley: The helicopter must have been news in Bligh: Yes. I was quite incapable of holding a Wikipedia has it that she was an actress, TV producer), Freddy Grisewood and Jasmine those days – before the war. mike in that position. descended from Captain Bligh of the Bounty, Bligh, who was recruited in 1936 as one of the Bligh: Yes it was really, I suppose. It was the most I have memories of working as an SM on related to an Earl, and lived until 1991. first three BBC TV presenters, with Leslie extraordinary sensation – leaping straight into 1950s TV OBs. Even then the cameras were Philip Dorte later directed the award-winning Mitchell and Elizabeth Cowell. the air. I took a microphone with me, and tried heavy and cumbrous – yet from 1936 they series War in the Air . Dorte was cool about pre-war filmed TV to give viewers an impression of what it felt like. pioneered live OBs, setting up radio links on This wartime talk was approved by a couple newsreels, but enthused about live sport, theatre I remember I kept saying ‘It’s like floating – awkward locations afloat and ashore. of security censors – one was David Bryson, and event OBs, using simple phrases about floating in the air.’ My parents saw Jasmine Bligh on dad’s mountaineer, talks producer and later in charge ambitious concepts in live telecasting. Already Dorte: I can tell you, Hooley, we were all pretty home-built post-war 10” TV set, but we had of BBC East, in 1960, when I joined the he’d found a new star. relieved when Jasmine floated down again – with missed her first words in 1946 when the station, working on Look East . I was struck by the short piece by Jasmine the utmost self-confidence, I must say, and dressed television service reopened: ‘Good afternoon PS: the transcript has been saved from Bligh, who recalled her years as the first TV in a most elegant white flying suit. everybody. How are you? Do you remember recycling: it’s gone to BBC Archives. presenter – and who seems to have been the first Bligh: Well Philip, I didn’t pilot it myself! me, Jasmine Bligh?’ TV ‘action girl’. Dorte: No, Jasmine was the viewer’s friend. She soared and dived, and did all the other stunts, on his behalf and told him what it was like. Later in the interview, Grisewood (the commentator for the first-ever BBC live outside Hooley: Did you ever feel that your end was near, television broadcast in 1937) explained how in the early days of live TV broadcasts, Miss Bligh? the commentator didn’t have the benefit a monitor to show him what the viewer was BBCPA Bligh: Yes, once. It wasn’t really, of course. It was seeing at home… during the fire-fighting demonstration. In order to make it realistic I stood on the edge of a regional building, about 50 feet above the ground, and Grisewood: …the difficulty was to be quite sure you were describing what the smoke bombs were set off all around me. It viewer was seeing. I well remember one occasion when we were televising a meetings seemed an eternity before the firemen arrived and procession passing through the streets of London. As a matter of fact it was the Lord by that time I didn’t mind in the least being Mayor's Show. Philip Dorte and I made arrangements that as long as I kept The BBC Pensioners’ Association carried head downwards on a fireman’s back describing one particular exhibit, he would keep his cameras on to that and not chairman, David Allen, says this year’s down a 50-foot ladder. switch to the next exhibit until I did. Well Hooley: I’ll take a guess that on that occasion regional meetings are likely to be lively that was a sensible idea, but it didn't the commentary was given for you by quite work out according to plan. At one affairs, judging by members’ concern someone else? about pensions. point in the procession an agricultural exhibit came along, with a lot of little The three meetings are at the Guildhall, pigs on it. Guildford (14 October); Redhead room, Hooley : Pigs? BBC, Oxford Road, Manchester (21 Grisewood: Yes. Being interested in pigs, October), and Meeting Room A, BBC, I said, quite involuntarily ‘Oh look at Whiteladies Road, Bristol (28 October). those little pigs, aren’t they grand.’ Well there was no harm in that, but Association members and anyone unfortunately at that moment the interested in joining will be welcome. cameras were showing the leading ladies All meetings start at 2.15pm. of the Health and Beauty section who were following on behind.

6 • • October • 2010 Life after Auntie Radio London In the August issue of Prospero we published a last-minute appeal for the original team involved in setting up BBC Radio London to come forward, for a 40-year reunion. Jeremy Eccles came all the way from Australia to meet the old crew, and filed this report.

Forty years is a long time – too many of BBC member, there were unfounded rumours that Radio London’s founding staff have slipped off the engineer behind the Beeb’s legendary the record, others have done the unthinkable Longdon Control Desk had already passed on and died! But 23 of the remarkably disparate to a techno-heaven where nothing broke down! bunch put together by Station Manager Peter Mercifully not true; his ironic wit remained Redhouse in 1970 made it on the night in undimmed in his 80s. No wonder RL managed L to R standing: Johnny Longdon, Norman de Mesquita, Susie Barnes, Nick Handel, Andy August 2010. to initiate such technical breakthroughs as the Finney, Alex Pascall, Jill Burridge, Hilary Osborn, Joy Hatwood, Jeremy Eccles, Steve Even at the end, though, there was drama: first live phone-in programme on the BBC and Bradshaw, David Walter. Kneeling: Frances Berrigan. Seated: Peter Redhouse Peter’s off-sider Alan Rogers had offered to host the event, but sadly died in July. His widow programmes for London’s Black and have all emerged from the RL furnace – and Jenny represented him instead at new hosts – Radio London managed Jewish communities. several retirees. Steve Bradshaw and Jenny Richards’ place. The great sorrow was how out-of-touch we’d Only Jill Burridge is still with the Beeb – How appropriate – they met at RL! mostly become with each other. For Peter having progressed from SA to Editor of I’d had the idea of a reunion from distant to initiate such technical Redhouse recalled that his recruiting principle Woman’s Hour . Missing in person but Australia since I was heading to the Olde Dart had been that if he liked one of us enough, delightfully present on disc was Tom Vernon, to celebrate the 40th anniversary of my breakthroughs as the first then hopefully we’d all like each other! Against reporting in from rural France. wedding – its honeymoon cut brutally short by that hope was the fact that we were all young Anything our matter-fuddled brains couldn’t the demands of getting RL on-air early to cover and thrusting – racing off to a diversity of recall was conjured up by the amazing Mr power cuts and dustbin strikes, as any good live phone-in programme careers as fast as we could move. Forty years on, Memory, Bob Trevor – with photos supplied community radio station would. While an IT whizz (Andy Finney), a humorist (Nick by Vin Bootle, jokes by Bill Wigmore, style by I travelled, Joy Hatwood (arts) and Frances on the BBC. Handel), a popular biographer (Michael Hilary Osborn, Colemanballs by Norman de Berrigan (education) took over the admin. Freedland), a diplomat (Susie Barnes), a Mesquita, and training by the man who’d done Prospero helped with an article that dug out cultural historian (Alex Pascall OBE), socially it all so effectively way back in 1970, Mike Field (sports) and Gaynor ‘That the first mobile phone broadcast (it was the size conscious film-makers (Jenny Richards and Bob McLeish. Jones Girl’. of a briefcase!), but also pioneering content Steve Bradshaw), a media trainer (David Bob Trevor’s threatening to make such events The great joy had been in finding Johnny such as an open-mic programme for pressure Walter), a voice-over king (Rick Vaughan) and more regular. Longdon still alive! Our oldest founding groups, a legendary travel show, and specialist an expert writer on Aboriginal art (myself)

won’t affect the centre, because it is part-funded by the NHS so technically ‘ring-fenced’. Poetic justice However, the advisory panel itself may be under North 3 out and about threat if the powers that be deem it to be a level The restoration-in-progress veteran Among the welcome visitors were Buoyed by the publication of his first volume of of bureaucracy they can do without. scanner CMCR 9 / North 3, owned by Nick Webb and his son Oliver. Nick’s poetry, Subterfuge and Irony (as reported in Whatever happens, Richard’s experiences will Prospero July 2009), former BBC accountant probably form the basis of another volume… Steve Harris, was on display, on only its father, the late Harold Webb, was for Richard Brooks has continued honing his craft ‘I just write what’s in my head and what wants second outing, at the Astle Park Traction many years the BBC’s Northern and has had a second volume published through to come out’. Engine Rally near Chelford, Cheshire Industrial Correspondent. Lapwing Publications. on 14-15 August. North 3’s final outing for this Called Thirty Pieces of Saliva , the book is She'd claimed to be neutral Torrential rain was encountered on year was to the Malpas Yesteryear available to order through bookshops or online So was given a chance the journey there from Tarvin, but the Rally, near Whitchurch, Cheshire on at Amazon. Dropped her a line weather was fine and sunny on the show 11-12 September. Visitor numbers Richard explains the title: ‘My editor said a An olive branch days and once again the public seemed were down on those of the previous number of the poems were ‘spitting in the eye You could feel the force delighted to walk through and inspect rallies, partly due to a less favourable of the world’, and a final line in one poem is Of her silent cold shoulder ‘thirty pieces of saliva’, so he thought that would Her claim wasn't true the three control rooms within. pitch and also possibly due to the very make a good title.’ She'd been sneaky moreover Twenty existing and retired BBC staff unpredictable weather. Steve is now Writing poetry is something that Richard has Underhand manoeuvres visited the unit during the show, where going to do some vehicle maintenance discovered since retiring in 2006, at the age of The traits of a conniver live pictures from outside were displayed and then park up the scanner for the 50. ‘Before then I didn’t have any time to even Who'd sold her soul for on a restored 1970s Prowest winter with dehumidifiers aboard to think about whether I wanted to write,’ he says. Thirty pieces of saliva colour monitor. preserve the restored interior. ‘As a single father to two boys life was pretty Jerry Clegg hectic. It was only after they’d left home that I took stock of everything and decided to slow my life down.’ He finds it interesting that new legislation this year means that people cannot retire before the age of 55. ‘If that had been the case for me, maybe I’d never have started writing, who knows.’ ‘I didn’t have any preconceptions to writing – just a funny feeling that I should,’ says Richard. However, he does find writing an isolated, lonely experience, so it’s important to have people contact – something he gets through his volunteer work with the local criminal justice board, as a member of an advisory panel on victim and witness issue. As reported in Prospero previously, Richard was involved in setting up a sexual assault referral centre – something that came to fruition in May with Former BBC Manchester staff reunited. From left to right: Jerry Clegg (sound), Mike Baker the official opening of the building. (technical manager), Mike Milone (floor manager) and John Jordan (rigger/driver). The change in government, he says, probably October • 2010 • • 7 Back at the BBC

020 8752 6666 Young At Children’s telly turns 60 Heart On Wednesday John Noakes and 3 November the Club Shep. Tucker and will be holding the first in a series of days dedicated to retired staff. The day Trisha. Top Cat and will run from 11am. We will be offering a special lunchtime pension friendly Officer Dibble. Aaaah, package of a main course, dessert and tea or coffee for a mere £5 (from a set kids’ TV really hit the menu). You can pick your copy of the spot back in latest at the same time. If you would like to register your interest yesteryear. and request more details, please phone us on 020 8752 6666 or email us at [email protected] But nostalgia has a funny way of blotting out the mediocre while giving memories a golden In addition to our meal deal, our first glow. Speaking to Ariel last month, in the week ‘Young At Heart’ is all about pampering. that BBC Children’s marked 60 years on air, the Our in-house osteopath Punya is current director Joe Godwin insists the best is offering 15% off osteopathy - £34 for not behind us. all osteopathy (usual price £40 for ‘Inevitably there is a sense among adults that members and £44 for non-Club things were better when they were young, but members). A great opportunity to fix then a lot of adults don’t watch children’s telly,’ Andi Peters and Edd the Duck. your aches and pains! If you would like he reasons. ‘A lot of stuff in the seventies and to phone ahead to pre-book, Punya can eighties was not that great and much of it was heights, but the internet has given to CBBC as in a community where a parent can be lost at imported. In general, the quality is much higher much as it has taken away, Godwin maintains. any time. be contacted on 07738 717 831. today.’ As many children catch up with its programmes It will tackle tough issues, as did Grange Hill , Horrible Histories, Tracy Beaker and the on iPlayer as watch them on TV. And in which Lime also made. So is any replacement Let’s go to the movies Serious … strand match anything offered up by ‘bombarding them with half truths and things for the school drama on the horizon? ‘There’s the past six decades, he reckons. While they don’t understand’, the net has created a new always stuff in development,’ Godwin replies, From 20 September until the end of CBeebies’ innovative Something Special , for role for programme makers. ‘It’s even more ‘but I’m not saying we will or ought to have a October it’s movie madness in the children with learning difficulties, stands out important for us to make high quality factual year-round drama.’ Club. As a Club member, if you refer a from the rest as ‘a brilliant programme – not programmes that reassure children and help Six weeks short of his first year in the job – friend who signs up to the Club or gym just a bit of box ticking’. them to understand the world.’ ‘still time to achieve something’ – the director until January, we’ll give you a free Vue They need to be good these days, of course, as Like the Newsround Specials , which have must also get to grips with some internal cinema ticket*. To claim your ticket: the young audience flits between 30-odd targeted tackled such issues as online safety, bullying and dramas. Foremost among them is next year’s [email protected] channels, games consoles, internet and mobiles. knife crime. It’s more of this kind of content departmental move to Salford. All his senior ‘It used to be that they could watch BBC, watch that Godwin will splash out on with some of management team have signed on the dotted ITV or play outside,’ sighs the former Blue Peter the extra £25m a year for the next three years Salford line, but newspaper reports are claiming Not a Club member? producer whose own childhood was spent glued (as well as a potential £10m courtesy of strategy that 80 per cent of Blue Peter’s crew are ‘ready Join before 31 October and pay not a to favourites like Swap Shop, Animal Magic, Hong review) that will boost his budget. to quit’ rather than head north. penny until 15 November! Text Kong Phooey, Grange Hill and Blue Peter . ‘I never Serious drama, that ‘entertains but also ‘The notion of a Blue Peter mutiny is MEMBERSHIP and your name to 60777 watched Magpie ,’ he swears. ‘It was all inspires, makes you think and explores families nonsense,’ Godwin retaliates. ‘More than half quite tribal.’ and relationships’, could be another beneficiary, of the team have said yes to Salford.’ to receive a free travel mug when you Godwin advocates predecessor Richard admits the man who’s ‘really keen’ on extending sign up. Deverell’s ‘fewer, bigger, better’ approach. It’s CBBC’s hours until 9pm. (‘We need to be BBC Children’s turned 60 last month, paying off, he believes, with ambitious there, but cost effectively and with any and we want your memories... what BBC Players presents… programmes like Richard Hammond’s Blast bandwidth issues solved... Maybe in a year or was your favourite programme as a Lab and Deadly 60 with Steve Backshall (‘the so.’) child, or perhaps you have a favourite The BBC Players would like to invite most exciting natural history programme for He was in Liverpool recently with Lime anecdote from the time you worked for you to a unique performance: Abigail’s kids that I can recall’) demanding the Pictures who are making ‘a brilliant drama’ for Children’s TV? Let us know at the Party by Mike Leigh (Act One), followed audience’s attention. CBBC about children who live on an army usual address. by Dahling You Were Marvellous by Ratings will never return to the past’s heady base. It’s about friendship, but also about living Steven Berkoff. 13-14 October, 7pm, in Conference Centre, 5th Floor, White City. Tickets are £8 for Club members and £10 for It’s all in the archive Hungry for a non-Club members. Friends and family are all welcome. For tickets please The first instalment on BBC’s new look history Churchill’s secretary, Marianne Holmes. diet of docs email [email protected] website takes users back to the time known as Meanwhile, the BBC Archive has original Britain’s ‘finest hour’. radio recordings, including interviews with The BBC ‘has got out of the habit’ of The Battle of Britain project on Battle of Britain pilots, and a documentary that making serious documentaries, 10% car rental discount features clips from the BBC TV takes some of those who built Spitfires back to according to world affairs editor If you’re travelling for business or and radio archive of different stages of the conflict, the factory site. John Simpson. personal reasons, Enterprise as well as accounts by historian AJP Taylor, poetry The collection also features rarely seen BBC Although he believed the quality of Rent-A-Car can get you there. With by Lt Gen Brian Horrocks, who commanded a documents and a confidential report detailing the BBC’s output was now better over 300 locations across the UK and battalion at Dunkirk, and testimony from ‘the character’ of captured German pilots. overall than 40 years ago, he had seen more than 6,000 operations in the USA, a decline in the number of strong, Canada, and Germany, Enterprise can investigative programmes. ‘We should service you home or away. have a constant diet of documentaries. Go to Club Save on the BBC Club We’ve got the money and God knows website for details of how you can we’ve got the talent.’ redeem this offer. Earlier, Paul Hamann, executive producer, Wild Pictures, pointed out BBC Club announces that he used to head a BBC documentary department of 260 price increase people. ‘That has gone,’ said the The BBC Club recently carried out a respected programme maker who pricing review, which means that with brought 14 Days in May , about effect from 1 August 2010, monthly prisoners on America’s Death Row, Club membership payment will be to the screen. £2.50 per month for retired members and an additional £1.25 for retired family members.

8 • • October • 2010 Back at the BBC Largest ever archive project to by Lisette last until 2022 Johnston The BBC’s most ambitious archive project gets under way next month. Eventually the Genome project will contain the entire broadcast history of the corporation, with details of every programme ever transmitted. Likes to cycle, cares for the environment and teams from both TVC and Bush House, is just prefers PCs to laptops. It might sound like one way in which the W1 project team envisions someone’s rather uninspired dating profile. collaboration. Instead, these are the preferences of ‘We are not going to sit people next to each London-based BBC staff moving to the new other just because they are in the same division,’ Broadcasting House in 2012. the project director adds. He cites arts and The picture of what people want is getting entertainment, business and economics, and clearer with the results of a staff survey. Not science and technology as areas he’d like to surprisingly, people are worried about how the group together, irrespective of where people move might affect their travel plans. What working in these disciplines might come from. wasn’t expected is that so many people These plans might still sound vague, but the (7 percent of those surveyed) would want to building site is looking more like the impressive cycle to work every day. Andy Griffee, editorial office space it will become. Phase two of UK-wide focus on spending review director of the W1 project, admits there won’t Broadcasting House’s refit is running two months be enough cycle racks if those numbers prove ahead of schedule – handover from the builders BBC News is focusing on the impending spending cuts in the public sector in a accurate, but he will be looking at potentially is scheduled for mid-September. And it’s a source mini-season which runs through to the announcement of the cuts the government adding more. of relief to everyone on the team that it’s on intends to make on October 20. Griffee is eager to talk about collaboration. budget. (A revised budget for the refit was set in The Spending Review: Making it Clear will be on TV, radio and online, much of it ‘There is real hunger [among staff] to tap into 2006 and stands at just over £1bn, approximately within existing programmes like the Ten o’clock News , Today and Newsnight . English the expertise that sits across the BBC in other £55m more than anticipated in 2003.) Regions and the nations will also host debates examining the main questions their teams. We don’t make this easy for people, The main entrance to the new Broadcasting partly because of our size and because people sit House has been completed and the iconic BBC audiences are asking about how the cuts might impact locally. in different buildings, but there is untapped signage has moved above the doors. This curved A dedicated spending review section of the news site has been launched, which potential here.’ The huge multimedia glass facade alone will use 2,000 square metres will have news, Q&As, analysis and explainers to help people understand what the newsroom, which will be the home of news of glazing. Comprehensive Spending Review is about and what it means for them.

Annie Time by Adam Bambury year,’ Nightingale remembers. ‘They were Now, as well as working on her regular ‘Being adaptable and flexible is the key all blokes, it was so sexist. It was all Friday night show, she has been to everything. I’m fortunate to be that locker-room humour and I never really felt agonising over a two-hour mix of her way, otherwise it wouldn’t work,’ she I fitted in. For a long time it was incredibly favourite music from the past 40 years muses when asked about her longevity at scary – not the music or talking, but which will be part of the Radio 1 the station. ‘When I started it was all technically it took me a while to catch up. celebrations. There’s also a documentary vinyl, putting a needle on the record. I was aware I was surrounded by all on her life and a Nightingale-curated Now all the music can be sent in digital these flash blokes who loved Maida Vale tribute concert featuring form. It was always my dream for Radio 1 being technical.’ Primal Scream and rapper Tinchy to be heard all over the world, and now For 12 years she was the station’s only Stryder. It’s all a long way from the realm we can.’ female DJ, and remains the only one to of the Hairy Cornflake… be inducted into the Radio Academy Hall of Fame. But things slowly changed, and she became known for her eclectic music taste and personality rather than her Annie Nightingale, the 68-year-old DJ gender. Her Sunday request show, which whose Radio 1 ‘bass, bassline and began in 1982, has become the stuff of breaks’ show won the Breakspoll best legend. ‘I kept thinking: ‘It’s too weird, radio show award this year for the fifth they’re going to take it off.’ And it lasted time running, isn’t one to get stuck in a for 12 years,’ she says. ‘It was a brilliant rut. Since starting at the station in 1970 slot on a Sunday evening, after the she has had a varied and vivid career, charts. [The music] would only go staying at the forefront of new UK music strange after about 7.30 when you’d and championing it both on her radio really grabbed the audience.’ shows and when touring the international The show, which counted Radiohead DJ circuit. To mark her 40 years at the and author Irvine Welsh among its station, Radio 1 dedicated a whole devoted listeners, charted musical night of programming to its longest movements from punk to madchester to serving presenter. acid house. The rise of the latter genre It’s fair to say that this accolade, while marked her move into a more specialist welcome, was far from her mind when slot: ‘I wanted to play these long dance she joined. Being Radio 1’s first female mixes which suited a later slot – that’s DJ in the 70s media landscape – why I went late night. Right from the appointed, she reckons, in part to silence beginning I made the decision to only feminist critics – wasn’t the easiest of play music I chose. I didn’t want to do briefs. ‘I didn’t think I’d last more than a the playlist.’

October • 2010 • • 9 Obituaries Engineer who sought Quatermass out new experiences set designer The church in the Somerset village of Shipham was packed to capacity at The designer Richard R Greenough died on In 1955 Richard moved to the new productions he worked on, contained in five Martin Eastland’s funeral on 15 July. 12 August aged 88 after a short illness, at commercial television channel ATV, where he large ring-binders. This complete record of his Family, friends, villagers and BBC Denville Hall, the Actors’ Home in was Head of Design, and in 1965 he was made working life for the corporation are now in the colleagues came together to celebrate North London. Head of Visual Services. Archive holdings of the APTS and provide a the life of a man who put a lot into It was Richard's intention to become an Whilst at ATV he worked as a designer on the wonderful insight into the early years of everything he did. Martin had played a architect, but with the advent of war in Sunday Night at London Palladium series and television design. September 1939, this avenue was curtailed, but probably designed more sets than anyone else ‘Richard was a remarkable, gentle and leading part in the creation of he did attend night school to study architecture. for that famous triple revolve. delightful man. He always had a smile and was Shipham’s splendid village hall and a His first job was as a stagehand at the Simon Vaughan, archivist at the Alexandra truly one of the last of the ‘old family’ that lived, party was held there after the church Shaftesbury Theatre, formally Princes Theatre, Palace Television Society, recalls: ‘In April this breathed and slept television in its first home, service, which is just what he would in 1941, which proved to be good experience year I was fortunate to be able to visit Richard Alexandra Palace.’ have wished. for his future career in scenic design. During the in his home before he moved to Denville Hall. Adam Harrison with additional information Martin joined BBC Television Network war, Richard joined the RAF and trained at Richard had kept a record of all the BBC supplied by Simon Vaughan in 1962 as an engineer. These were the Anglesey, North Wales. By 1945 he had been early days of the Television Centre and moved to Warwickshire to tutor Radar operators, but in between his duties he would it was an exciting place to be an cycle into Stratford-upon-Avon looking for engineer. Martin enthusiastically sought work as an ‘extra’. After two seasons carrying new experiences and in 1972 he was spears with the RSC he was promoted to being appointed to a senior post of Assistant an actor with speaking roles. Towards the end Projects, Television Headquarters of the third season, the company brought Management where he worked on the several productions to Her Majesty’s Theatre early development of computers. and so Richard achieved his ambition of His interest in programmes took him becoming a ‘West End actor’. Richard described to Manchester where he worked as an this as a ‘most wonderful year, but it proved that I would never be a good actor as I was hopeless EM on many programmes covering with lines, being somewhat dyslexic.’ rugby, football, racing and The Good His true talents were backstage and since he Old Days . had trained as an architect he started to be more Ever keen to widen his experience he involved with designing scenery. secured the job of MPSE Leeds in 1979 He worked for the fledgling BBC as a designer and was appointed HPSE Bristol in 1984. between 1948 and 1955 at the new Studios at He subsequently became HPRE BBC Alexander Palace and at various converted South and West Region. The programme theatres. Shows included the cult sci-fi series output was huge, covering network The Quatermass Experiment . television, network radio, regional television and local radio. His duties were for art at school, which took him to Brighton technician, alongside his two brothers, Jim (my multi-disciplined and complex. The man who changed School of Art, followed by working as a designer father) and Reg. He served with the RAF during Martin’s interests were wide ranging. and scenic artist and some acting with Theatre WW2, becoming a corporal, and being awarded He was a founder member of the Bluebell Reith’s lightbulbs Royal Brighton. Then with various Repertory four war and campaign medals. He married his Line, a steam railway line from East The death on 4 July 2010 of BBC Engineer Companies – including Leatherhead – as resident wartime sweetheart, Rose Self, in 1953 before Grinstead to Haywards Heath. Today the Arthur Russell at age 93 is the last chapter in a designer and scenic artist and more acting. joining the BBC in 1954. It was not until 1958 society boasts 10,000 members and is remarkable and colourful life and career. At Alexandra Palace, having served his time at that he took on the role behind the camera for the most successful standard gauge Known to his many friends and colleagues as the drawing board, he was made designer in which he became best known. Russ, his working life began in 1932, only 1957 and began working for Drama, Light George was highly regarded by his peers preserved railway line in the world. In 10 years after the founding of the BBC. Russ’s Entertainment, Ballet and Current Affairs throughout his career and was routinely praised helping to create Shipham’s village hall first role included changing the lightbulbs in programmes. for his hard work and consummate skill with a he headed a group called Facilities Lord Reith’s office. The studios at AP were pre-war, makeshift and camera – often by those who were fortunate Advisory Group, otherwise known as In 1934 he joined the Engineering cramped with columns supporting the building enough to appear in front of it, such as Bob FAG. He was somewhat disappointed Department and in 1938 moved to the Station and always in the way. Sets had to be planned Hope and Her Imperial Highness the Shabanou that the title of ‘Shipham Hall Advisory Design and Installation Department. ‘inch perfect’. Stewart and his colleagues devised of Iran. His work took him around the world Group’ was not acceptable! After the war, Russ was involved mainly with many ingenious tricks of false perspective to and included a 1968 film about Concorde for We extend our sympathies to his wife studio cabling and wiring projects. However, he create the illusion of space in no space at all. which he was praised for his sheer determination was keen to move to a post in the Unit which These tough demands of economy and space, to get a good job done despite lots of difficulties. Sheila, his two daughters and all installed main power equipment at transmitting coupled with his experience as an actor, informed George’s generosity of spirit helped the family. stations and studio centres, where the work was his work as a very skilful designer. subsequent generations of film-makers to Bob Jordan more varied and technically challenging. The As a Senior Designer, he designed for a wide achieve greater things. He himself was never to opportunity came in 1967, when at age 50 he mix of programmes: Z Cars, Black & White obtain the full designation of ‘film cameraman’ joined a group of young engineers in this new Minstrels, Quatermass and The Monsters . that he once sought from BBC management. environment. Our condolences go to his wife Pauline, son He is survived by his seven nephews, our Before finally hanging up his working boots he Simon and daughter Sarah and grandchildren. respective families and his dog, Charlie. spent time working for the South African Cliff Hatts George’s bow ties were given out as a memento Broadcasting Corporation, which needed practical to mourners at his funeral. help with new installations. Russ continued Les Gibbings working in the country until he was almost 70; Bow tie behind the some 55 years after starting with the BBC. Russ will be remembered as an immensely camera Lighting early OBs loyal, capable and loveable character whose With the recent death of my uncle, Henry Tommy Mottram was born in Manchester but spirit and enthusiasm lifted everyone. George Gibbings , aged 90, the TV world has was brought up in Blackpool where he joined Gordon Harold and Malcolm Green, with help lost someone very special. George worked on an the BBC in 1944 as a Youth in Training (YIT). from the family almost endless list of well-loved programmes This was interrupted in 1946 when he was such as Z Cars, , The Forsyte Saga, conscripted into the Signals Corp. He rejoined The Good Life and Bergerac . Upon his retirement the BBC as a Technical Assistant in 1948, and Inch perfect designer from the BBC in 1980, his sartorial trademark worked his way up to become a Technical Stewart Marshall was a pioneer of television of a bow tie was described in Ariel as being as Manager, responsible for the lighting of many design. He began his career at Alexandra Palace famous in television circles as Robin Day’s. of the early OB and studio productions in 1952 as a Holiday Relief Draughtsman. Born in 1920, he first worked for Newman & emanating from Dickinson Road Studios in He came with a classic CV – with high marks Sinclair, the cine-camera makers, as a Manchester at that time. These included Emile 10 • • October • 2010 Obituaries Giant of BBC Radio Alan Rogers was a giant of BBC Radio. Across the creation of Midweek , Stop the Week (later equal opportunities, Alan instinctively found the 70s and 80s he built Radio 4’s heartland Loose Ends ), consumerism in The Food chances for black and Asian people and those and influenced the other networks. By Programme , investigative journalism in with disabilities. He thought the BBC should understanding both audience and controllers’ Checkpoint (later Face the Facts ); programmes reflect society. needs he grew his department from a handful serving minority needs like Does He Take Sugar? Alan wore his deep Christian faith lightly, of programmes to the largest output after News and fresh, quirky features like Tom Vernon’s Fat though it informed his whole life’s work. He and Sport. Man series. He pioneered Newsbeat on Radio 1. hid not only his faith, but also the pain he Alan was a journalist. As a young reporter for This relationship with Radio 1 led to Social suffered from an arthritic condition which led the Daily Herald he infiltrated Sir Oswald Action campaigns, first Action Special on youth to five hip replacements, three spells in Moseley’s National Party. His exposés meant unemployment, followed by Drug Alert and intensive care and then full-time use of a hiding abroad for safety. He reported for the then HIV/AIDS. Eventually, all Radio Networks wheelchair. Throughout, he hid his pain Daily Mail while applying for BBC jobs. His carried their own social action content. They beneath a warm smile. thirteenth attempt was successful, as a producer were backed by literature and a helpline. In turn, He left radio in 1987 and applied his huge on Today. Local Radio was expanding and he these led to the permanent BBC Action Line. skills to Schools and then CE Television. soon joined Radio London as Programme As a boss, Alan was exceptional. He gave Leaving the BBC in 1993 he focussed his Organiser in 1970. In 1972 he was the surprise maximum autonomy to editors and producers. entrepreneurial energy on Management appointment (aged 33) as Head of the re-cast Everyone was supported, protected and allowed Futures, the training company he co-directed Current Affairs, Magazine Programmes – at least three mistakes. He was an outstanding with his wife, Jenny, and Phil Hayes. affectionately known as CAMP. manager of creative people and his department He leaves Jenny, his enduring love, and sons Inheriting Woman’s Hour, Start the Week, In buzzed with ideas and confidence. His Luke and Owen and two grandchildren. Touch and a nascent You and Yours he inspired recruitment policy was visionary. Way ahead of David Harding

Zola’s Germinal , recorded in Chester le Street, engineers met when they arrived at Lime Grove. as continuity man in Belfast; and returned to Mistress of Hardwick, Top of the Pops (which He moved to Television Centre when that Wood Norton lecturer the mainland to radio continuity in Manchester started in Manchester) and The Harry Worth opened in 1961 and became S.Tel.E Studios Howerd Brooksbank died on 5 May aged 71 where his mellow tones enhanced the likes of Show , with the famous opening titles of the where he set up the team to look after the newly of an aggressive illness that gave short notice. Friday Night is Music Night from Blackpool’s mirror image in a shop window. opened studios there. In the (BBC) beginning, he was acknowledged Tower ballroom. After the move to NBH in Manchester in In 1967 he joined management at Kensington as well versed in engineering matters, and with He brought to Cumbria not just first class 1975, Tommy was responsible for the lighting House and shortly after that moved back to the quick mind was suited to the immediacy of professional skills but experience of making do of the majority of the output from the new Centre in Projects Group where he stayed for operations in Television News at AP There and dealing with the completely unexpected. studio, including Question of Sport, Brass Tacks the remainder of his career. He served the BBC followed a ‘broadening’ period as Assistant He also brought kindness, tolerance, a rare skill and many more programmes. for 38 years and, on retirement, received a Lecturer at Wood Norton from where he was for spotting and nurturing talent, and a huge At his funeral it was said: ‘Every person who personal letter from the DG (Mike Checkland) appointed S.Tel.E at Leeds. appreciation of the absurd. met Tom will be better off for having known of which he was very proud. In the end, there was a return to E.T.D. as Being a man of considerable intellect, and and loved one of the world’s characters and a Ian Stewart Lecturer. Howerd dealt in facts, assessing insatiable intellectual curiosity, combined with true gentleman.’ situations as they were rather than how they charm, Peter was an outstanding interviewer. I Romilly Meager should have been. Knowing the required remember one interview with Patrick Moore Points West stalwart end-points, his decisions on how to reach them which was illuminating and self evidently a Ruth Lovell began with the BBC in 1942, were made near instantly. The principle held conversation between kindred spirits. In Head of make-up restoring orchestral music damaged in the when his own end-point was medically contrast there was the Cumberland Show day, Christine Hillcoat , head of make-up and hair wartime blitz on London and sent to Bristol estimated. He bravely set about the process of when his cunning plan went awry. He design, has died at the age of 91 in Auckland, where national broadcasting was being kept transferring responsibilities of office to volunteered to do an early interview in a hot air New Zealand. After her retirement from the alive. Ruth wanted to be a Wren in the women’s successors who received help and guidance balloon, which should have enabled him to BBC in August 1973, Christine moved to New Royal Naval Reserve but was told that sorting provided by the one whose concern had always finish his shift mid-morning. But after the Zealand to work with NZ Television at the time music was more important. been for others. interview, the pilot cast off without letting him they were converting to colour. When the war ended she trained as a Dick Burden out and Peter and balloon vanished. Off in Christine joined the Corporation in the early television studio director, worked on outside pursuit headed his wife Mary, following the days of WW2 when she was accepted to train broadcasts and played a key role in getting balloon into the remoter parts of Westmorland as a TA(F) (BBC speak for Technical Assistant emerging daily news programmes on air from Cunning plans in where, as night darkened, the pilot finally – Female) in the Engineering Group, to work Bristol and Plymouth. landed and Mary, exhausted, drove Peter home. on the Shortwave Transmitter at Daventry along She directed 30-minute regional programmes Cumbria ‘Got that one wrong’ he admitted the next day with three other female TA(F)s. in the Day Out series from Bristol and for about When Peter Stebbings arrived at Radio Carlisle ‘but it was very interesting.’ The engineer-in-charge was DC Birkinshaw 20 years made sure that Points West started and (as it then was) in 1974, after four years as the As well as his beloved family, he leaves many who had been the engineer-in-charge at AP finished on time. After retirement in 1980 she only non-engineer at the BBC base on friends and colleagues whose lives he enriched before the war. At the end of the hostilities, he was a guide for Ladies Club trips, even to Ascension, he’d probably had the ideal training personally and professionally, and who will miss rejoined AP to help with the reopening of the China. In her 80s she still treasured her for those early days of local radio in the county. him enormously. television service in 1946 and invited Christine allotment. She was 85 when she died on 10 July. He had started off in tech ops in London, in Kath Worrall to join the team as a make-up artiste. Peter Brown 1959, first in radio then TV; worked in vision These were pioneering days for all concerned, with Christine devising make-up techniques to suit the low definition black and white image. Christine worked on many major productions From organ loft to BBC West Head of Music notably Hamlet, Quatermass & the Pit, Heidi, Rob Roy and many more. Emerging unscathed from the war, Philip where the brass band and male voice choir In 1968, when all the design departments Moore was fortunate to be able to return to his country that was musical Cornwall was as far were amalgamated into Design Group, post as sub-organist of St George’s Windsor. away as Manchester. Christine was appointed Head of Make-up and Fortunately for the BBC the dean and chapter Philip revived the BBC West of England Hair Design. Her central concern was for the held his salary at the pre-war level, and a Singers, and supported the BBC West of England wellbeing of her staff, both professional and vacancy in the music department at BBC Players with their light music repertoire, but he personal, and the working conditions of her Midland Region suddenly became attractive. put Bristol firmly on the musical map with his make-up artistes. He abandoned the organ loft in favour of the successful bid to house the BBC Training Cliff Hatts, with help from Anne Davies, music studio, and spent the rest of his working Orchestra. With its origins lying in metropolitan Norman Taylor and Dr Christine Ryecart career in BBC music. bargaining with the MU, the orchestra lacked a After learning his trade in Birmingham, full rationale, but Philip heroically made it work, alongside such legendary figures as studio and former members are distributed among Four decades of manager John Farrington, Philip was professional orchestras. Its sad demise was appointed Head of Music for BBC West brought on by strangling the funding, thus BBC service Region, in Bristol. In BBC terms this region halving its size and doubling its vulnerability. Ken Brown died on 25 May after a very short might seem close to paradise, but it was a There has been nothing quite like it since. illness, in his 82nd year. Ken joined the BBC as tough assignment. The area was huge, from The loss was a symptom of a change in era, a cameraman at Alexandra Palace in 1951 but near Brighton in the East down to the tip of relegating to history the days when those cast transferred to television engineering when Cornwall, and embracing the outlying islands, in the Philip Moore mould nurtured quality operations/maintenance split, and joined the all this in pre-motorway days, when you were music making for truly public service team at the new . He fortunate to make the journey down the A38 broadcasting. quickly became vision maintenance supervisor from Bristol to Plymouth in four hours, and Ian Carson and was the first person newly recruited October • 2010 • • 11 TVC Classifieds OK Houston, by Keith Clement Seaview, Isle of Wight. Wanting to get away for a break? Pleasant ETB 4* Studio Annexe, sleeps 2 we have a problem here comfortably. Near Beach and Village. For details contact [email protected] or All the recent interest in the glory days of Television Centre Tel: 01983 812180.

has reminded me of one of the most exciting days Barbados, St James. Beautiful 2 bedroom (sleeps 5) apartment, close I experienced there. West Coast beaches. Pool, floodlit tennis court. Tel: 07802 483962 On 11 April 1970 I was the studio director covering the launch of Apollo 13 from, I think, TC7. Spain: near MARBELLA/PUERTO It went without a hitch and after 24 hours there would BANUS. Lovely villa, pools, sleeps be little to report for several days until the spaceship was 6-8, walk to beach. Contact approaching the moon. [email protected] Back on earth we had other important news to give to Visit the nation. Chancellor Roy Jenkins was to deliver a crucial drskelly/robertsvillas for details. budget on Tuesday 14 April and it seemed very sensible Tel: 02089524369/07768285337 to use the studio and the same set for Budget Day while we waited for Apollo 13 to catch up. So the designer Lagos, Algarve. Small townhouse organised Budget backings in front of Apollo backings, to within ancient city, 2 bedrooms, be taken down when all the Budget analysis had finished. roof terrace, 5 minutes walk to I arrived early that morning to find Tam Fry, one of the beach. From £150pw. producers, frantically talking into three telephones at once, Tel: 07956 181613; reporting that the astronauts had a problem. There then [email protected] followed about eight hours of what seemed like non-stop broadcasting as we reported from the same studio on the Paphos. A/C studio apartment, drama in space and the slightly less dramatic news from sleeps 2/3, spectacular balcony the House of Commons. The scene-men were continually view, from £95pw. Amenities taking down one backing and putting up the other and at adjacent. Taxi/car hire arranged. one point during the afternoon we transmitted or simultaneously from opposite ends of the studio, the Tel: 01455 635759 Budget on BBC1 and Apollo on BBC2. I doubt if that trick has happened since. Lake District. Historic watermill, Of course, from 15 April onwards we continued to secluded in woods and fields, follow every twist and turn of the recovery mission until There was no happy ending for the Labour party. Roy sleeps 6, beautiful all year for that sensational moment when the parachutes were Jenkins’ budget failed to do the trick for them and they walking, climbing and sailing. spotted returning the astronauts safely to earth. lost the election in June to Ted Heath’s Conservatives. Tel: 020 7387 6654; Email: [email protected]

West Dorset. Recently renovated 3 bedroom MONEYMATTERS cottage with gardens in quiet village close to Beaminster and Lyme Bay coast. Tel: 0118 9451566 Funding the cost of long-term care Prospero Classifieds, by Matthew Truran, • Immediate needs policies BBC Pension and Benefits Independent i.e. annuities Centre, Broadcasting House, Financial Adviser, • Rental income from the family home Cardiff, CF5 2YQ AWD Chase de Vere • Pensions Please enclose a cheque made payable to: BBC Central • High yielding investments. Over the next 50 Directorates. However, there is no one solution that is right for Rate: £5 for 20 words years, the number of everybody and advice from an adviser who has the In a covering letter please include people in Britain aged Chartered Insurance Institute’s long-term care your pension number The next issue will 65-84 is expected to insurance (CF8) qualification should be sought increase by 41%, an when evaluating the best options available; not appear in November additional 3.31 million only to the individual concerned but for the family people. By 2040 there as a whole. BBC South will only be two people of working age supporting each person in Wealth protection reunion retirement. In this ageing society it is vital that If an individual requires care but does not have BBC South first transmitted people have access to adequate information and sufficient capital or income to pay the fees, they from South Western House in are made aware of options available for later life may be forced to sell their main assets; this Southampton 50 years ago on financial planning. typically includes the family home. However, this 6 January. To commemorate does not apply in every case as there are certain this anniversary we are holding Understanding long-term care needs assets which are currently disregarded by the a celebratory reunion on As well as demographic data pointing to the local authority (however, we can’t guarantee this Thursday 6 January 2011. future need to provide advice on long-term care, will always be the case). These include: economic research supports this statement. The • Surrender values of life insurance policies If you’re interested in joining average cost for one year in a residential care or annuities in, please contact either home is nearly £25,000, rising to over £34,000 if • Investment bonds nursing is required. Care fees are also increasing • Certain types of trusts. [email protected] above the rate of inflation, with average costs in Annually out of 130,000 people who enter care, (tel: 02380 760570) 2009 being 5.1% more than in 2008. In England only 14,000 receive specialist advice. With many people with assets valued at over £23,000 have to local authorities facing funding cuts it is important [email protected] ARIEL SUBSCRIPTIONS pay for their own stay in a care home. that people considering care receive advice from a CF8 qualified adviser, who has a sound or UK: 6 months £26 Funding the cost of care knowledge of the UK care system and can offer 1 year £50 The cost of care can be met from a number of suitable financial solutions. [email protected] Overseas: 6 months £36 sources, which typically include one or more of For further information on long-term care (tel: 01962 864943). 1 year £60 the following: planning call AWD Chase de Vere on Please phone 01709 768 199 • Existing savings and investments 0845 140 4014.

12 • • October • 2010