A Study on Health Care Services in Village Tilpat
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RESEARCH PAPER Marketing Volume : 4 | Issue : 4 | Special Apr Issue 2014 | ISSN - 2249-555X A Study on Health Care Services in Village Tilpat KEYWORDS Urban Area, Rural Area, health status, nonprofit organisation ANKITA DHAMIJA KRITY GULATI MEHTA Assistant Professor, Department of Business Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, Lingaya’s University, Faridabad. Administration, Lingaya’s University, Faridabad. ABSTRACT Now a day’s people are very conscious about their Health. Health is for all whether civilian of urban area or rural area. There are many organizations that are providing the health care services in urban area. But there are few nonprofit organizations that are supporting the rural area people to provide health care facilities, and making them aware of their right related to health care service. The study focuses on the health care services proposed and provided in village Tilpat of Faridabad District of Haryana by the mutual effort of government of India and various NGO’s. The focus will be on assessing the awareness on various health issues, status of health care facilities, health status of villagers especially women and kids and handling of emergencies. This is an empirical study based on primary and secondary data. INTRODUCTION ing in Rural. Tilpat is one of the rural area. It is located in the The World Health Organization (WHO) defined health in north east of the Faridabad with the population of 18,000(ap- its broader sense in 1946 as “a state of complete physical, proximately). Tilpat is surrounded by the villages like Surdas, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of Palla, and New Tilpat. disease or infirmity.” The study focuses on the health care services proposed and Health care continues to pose a major challenge for a de- provided in village Tilpat. The focus was also assessing the veloping state like Haryana. In laymen terms Health is con- awareness on various health issues and handling of emergen- sidered to be good if a person is able to think effectively cies. and sound physically fit. A number of factors affect the health status of the individuals including background, lifestyle, eco- THREE TIER SYSTEM OF HEALTH SERVICE IN RURAL IN- nomic, social conditions etc. These are also referred as deter- DIA minants of health. The recent study has also identified stress Health care Infrastructure in rural area has been developed as as a major cause of health problems. It has been observed three tier system and is based on population norms: by many health organizations that health is maintained or im- proved not only by the growth and upcoming technology in Centre Population Norms the medical science but it is majorly nurtured by surroundings Hilly/Tribal/Difficult Plain Area Area and life style i.e society. Sub Center 5000 3000 As per the common belief and sayings also, health is for all, Primary Health Centre 30,000 20,000 whether a saint or a sinner. Health is a need and right of all Community Health 1, 20,000 80,000 individuals irrespective of their class, custom, creed, belief, Centre age etc. Even a person living in rural has equal right on a Source: Rural Health Care system in India healthy living or a healthy body but attainment of the same is challenging for them on a comparative notion. Rural area Sub Centre: Sub centre is the most peripheral and first con- is defined on the basis of all territory, persons and housing tact point between the primary health care system and the facilities that are available in particular area. Rural areas are community. As mentioned above, there should be one sub having less than 1000 people population with less of services centre in the normal plain area having population up to 5000 which surrounds that area.70% of the population is living in people. The sub centers are shouldered with the responsibil- the rural area as per Health Ministry of India. ity of effective inter personal communication with the objec- tive of bringing behavioral change and facilitating villagers Rural areas are also known as ‘countryside’ or a ‘village’ in with better maternal and child health care services. This also India. It has a very low density of population. According to includes family welfare and planning, nutrition, immuniza- the Planning Commission, a town with a maximum popula- tion, diarrhea control and control of communicable diseases tion of 15,000 is considered rural in nature. In these areas the program.[3] panchayat takes all the decisions.[1] Primary Health Centre: PHC is the first contact between the The National Sample Survey Organisation (NSSO) defines village community and the medical officer. The PHCs em- ‘rural’ as follows:[2] phasis on preventive and promotive aspects of Health care. · An area with a population density of up to 400 per square These are established and maintained by state government kilometer, under the Minimum Needs Program (MNP)/ Basic Minimum · Villages with clear surveyed boundaries but no municipal Services (BMS).[3] board, · A minimum of 75% of male working population involved Community Health Centre: These are also established under in agriculture and allied activities MNP / BMS Program with the provision of 30 beds , one OT, X Ray, labor room and laboratory facilities.[3] SCOPE OF STUDY The study is based on Village Tilpat located in Faridabad Dis- OBJECTIVE OF STUDY trict of Haryana State. As per the census 2011 the population · To know the status of awareness among the people of of Faridabad is 17, 98,954 and 20%of the population is resid- the village Tilpat regarding health care INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH X 69 RESEARCH PAPER Volume : 4 | Issue : 4 | Special Apr Issue 2014 | ISSN - 2249-555X · To study the different facilities provided by the Govern- was also taken for this research. The Research Area is village ment for the civilians of village Tilpat Tilpat in Faridabad District of Haryana State NEED OF HEALTH CARE SERVICE The Study is based on the data collection tools are observa- Majority of people in the village are struggling for healthy tions and response through interview of 80 families of village life due to preventable and curable diseases as there are not Tilpat. sufficient resources available in these areas. The main rea- son for this is low level of health facilities and lack of quality The families were interviewed on various parameters like infrastructure. Cherishing a healthy life is not only the need but the right of individual. An unhealthy life leads to the vi- · Supply of safe drinking water, cious circle of more expenditure, less affordability, family suf- · Proper sanitation ferings, lack of contentment and all these ultimately leads to · Health awareness campaigns unhealthy life. · Availability of medical services · Approach of Health providers Budget outlay of Rs 74429 crore has been provided under · Availability of first Aid in emergency the Plan head to the Department of Rural Development for the financial year 2013-14.[4] OBSERVATION The study includes the following observations: Patients perception of quality of care and satisfaction with There are different primary health care’s centers are working care are critical to utilization of health services for the health care of the civilians of Tilpat village but there facilities are not sufficient. % of the centers don’t have the HEALTH CARE SERVICE Doctors and medical staff India being so advanced in medical sciences, but then also rural areas of India are suffering from unavailability of many · There is no Laboratory in Village Tilpat. Only Hemo- health care facilities. Each sub centre is required to be facili- globin and pregnancy testing facility is available in Sub tated by at least one auxiliary nurse mid wife (ANM.)/Female centre. health worker and one male health worker. As far as PHC is · Inspite of appx. 18000 population in village Tilpat no concerned, there need to be a team of 15 people inclusive PHC is available till now. of one medical office , one pharmacist, one nurse mid wife , · Sub centers don’t have pharmaceutical facility but there one health worker, one health educator, one health assistant- are few general medicines which are available for villag- male and female along with upper and lower division clerk , ers. laboratory technician, driver and class four are promised to · Village doesn’t have facility to handle emergency cases. be facilitated to villagers .The CHC which are catering to ap- · Population of village Tilpat travel more than 10 km to proximate One lack fifty thousand population are provided seek emergency services with the team of twenty five health providers that includes · Lack of quality infrastructure related to beddings and hy- four medical specialist i.e surgeon, physician, gynecologist giene and pediatrician, , seven nurse mid wife, one dresser, one · Lot of health care campaigns like national rural health pharmacist, one laboratory technician, one radiographer, two mission , Janini Suraksha Yojna, Janini shihu Suraksha Yo- ward boys ,one dhobi, three sweepers, one mali, one chowk- jna run by Government to make people aware about the idar, aya, peon. hygienic conditions · It was also found that one of the reason of maternity The various associations has also proposed awareness cam- deaths are superstitious believes of villagers against paigns on women health care awareness, communicable dis- availing medical benefits for delivery of pregnant wom- eases, polio campaigns, first aid campaigns, educating the en. women of village on the benefits of nutritious diet, benefits · Regularity of Polio vaccination and awareness program of proper sanitation facilities, hazards of improper sanitation is worth appreciable and this is helping in weeding out facilities, right to demand good quality of care, campaigns Polio virus from the village. on effects of tobacco, alcohol on health.