MPF News Vol 3 Issue 1 2006

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MPF News Vol 3 Issue 1 2006 NEWSLETTER OF THE MUSLIM PROFESSIONALS FORUM 27 October 2006 / 4 Ramadhan 1427 VOLUME 3 ISSUE 1 KDN No: PP14199/6/2007 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Pope Benedict, Islam and Violence Dr. Mazeni Bin Alwi Datuk Dr. Ashar Bin Abdullah When the Christians of Jerusalem decided forbade Muslims from ever praying on the to give in to the Muslim army that had steps of the church. Until today, the been laying siege to the city under the keeper of the key to Jerusalem’s Church of Zainal Abidin Bin Jamal command of Amr bin Al As (RA), they set Holy Sepulchre is in the same Muslim a condition that Caliph Umar (RA) must family for generations. The fire-bombing come in person, to sign the peace treaty. of a church in Gaza in the wake of Farah Binti Abdullah Umar and his attendant had only one Muslim protests over Pope Benedict’s camel and they took turns to ride from speech represents an aberration in Medina to Jerusalem. He approached the Christian – Muslim relations in Palestine, Dr. Musa Bin Mohd Nordin city peacefully and by foot, to be one that is spurred by the radicalization of cordially received by its Christian society under a long and brutal military guardian, Bishop Sephronious. Umar occupation than the teachings of Islam Dr. Sarah Haniza Binti signed the peace treaty with the rulers of itself. Abdul Ghani Jerusalem which read, “This is the protection which the servant of God, The portrayal of Islam as a religion that Dr. Sheik Johari Bux Bin Umar, the Ruler of Believers, has granted preaches violence and is primarily spread Sheik Yaacob Bux to the people of Jerusalem. The protection by it is nothing new in western discourse. is for their lives and property, their It is the most potent argument for Mohamed Ali Bin Ghazali churches and crosses, their sick and justifying all manner of prejudicial healthy and for all their coreligionists. treatment on the religion and its Their churches shall not be used for followers, from soft discrimmatory Ruhana Bt Hashim habitation, nor shall they be demolished, policies to islamophobic writings in the nor shall any injury be done to them. media even to occupation of Muslim There shall be no compulsion for these lands killing their innocents, destroying people in the matter of religion, nor shall their societies and plundering of their EDITOR any of them suffer any injury on account resources. This is something that Muslims of religion. The people of Jerusalem must have learned to accept to live with, Dr. Musa Mohd. Nordin pay the poll tax like the people of other especially in the last few years. [email protected] cities and they must expel the Byzantines and the robbers …” But why did the Muslim react in such a manner when Pope Benedict repeated The gates of the city were opened and something that we are already CORRESPONDENCE Umar went to the Temple Mount and said accustomed to hearing from not so his prayer. Afterwards the Bishop invited friendly western public figures? After all Muslim Professionals Forum him to tour the biggest church of the city. flamboyant televangelists like Jerry Falwell Suite 1810, 18th Floor, Umar was in the church when the time for have said worse things than the Pope – Plaza Permata (IGB Plaza) the afternoon prayer came. The Bishop calling the Prophet of Islam a paedophile Jalan Kampar, offered to let him pray in the church. and terrorist – yet we never asked for an off Jalan Tun Razak, “No” replied Umar, “If I do so, the apology. In the modern era, not least 50400 Kuala Lumpur. Muslims one day might take this as an because of the late Pope John Paul II, Tel : 603-40426102 excuse to take the church from you”. So Muslims have a genuine respect for Email : [email protected] Umar prayed on the steps of the church. Website : He then gave the Bishop a pact that Continued on page 3 1 MPF NEWS E ditorial Welcome to this 4th issue of MPF NEWS since our inception. Three memorandums were presented to government ministers We have a potpourri of feature articles, memorandums, letters to address the escalation of efforts by various groupings to to the press, reports of MPF activities, MPF in a lighter vein, undermine the status, role and practice of Islam as the religion quotable quotes overhead in our youth programs and pictures of the Federation. This culminated in the PM’s directive to cease to capture our year round activities. all forms of public discourse which would provoke religious animosities. The misinformed and misdirected “war on terror” crusaded by Bush and his Neo-Cons may have been rebuffed in a MPF’s engagement in the public domain stretched from spectacular and unequivocal fashion by the American debunking the allegations of apartheid Malaysia to the tragic electorate. But the echoes of disinformation of the fate of the late Dr. Nor Baizura. Eight letters are reproduced for Islamophobic variety continues ad lib. Our two feature articles, the reader’s perusal. “Pope Benedict, Islam & Violence” and “Response to Hate Ideology” deals with the virulent anti-Islam nuances found both We have eight independent reports in this issue to highlight our in the global and national scenarios. annual round of events. They range from the pen of the professional journalist to the amateur MPF unofficial reporters. Though firm in stating that “the Pope started on the wrong footing by reviving the old prejudices against Islam” MPF was Departing from the “serious” nature of our raison d’etere, this conciliatory in extending our hand of love & friendship to the year’s issue introduces the “Lighter Side of MPF”. And not to be Pope and the People of the Book, “if the Catholic Church needs outshone, the quotable quotes of our MPFlings. The lyrics friends in these lean times, they can find them in the Muslims”. “se-suap nasi yang ku pinta” to the tune of “seasons in the sun” was sung at the MPF Hi-Tea Fund Raiser for Rumah Solehah. Similarly, in the context of our homeland, one needs to objectively analyse the “clear & present danger”. And our (MPF) I hope you have a pleasurable and maybe even tearful read. hope, not withstanding the differing jurisprudential and philosophical opinions, that we continue to engage in an by “attempt to crystallize the authentic and unadulterated Islamic Dr. Musa Mohd. Nordin position within the context of the Malaysian law”. 10 November 2006 Slamic NGOs Met Datuk Seri Nazri As Show Of Support On I Islamic Family Law (Federal Territories) Act 1984 As Amended Islamic NGOs made a special visit at 2 pm on February 20, 5. Appointment of competent judges, who are well versed in 2005, to YB Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz, Minister in the Prime both substantive and procedural aspects of the Syariah. Minister’s Department, to reiterate their support on the Islamic 6. Conduct nationwide briefings and workshops to educate Family Law (Federal Territories) Act 1984 as amended. Muslim women of their rights under the existing Law and the recent amendments and to emphasise that the proposed The coalition comprised of the Muslim Professionals Forum amendments do not erode their rights but rather enhance them. (MPF), Pertubuhan Jama’ah Islah Malaysia (JIM) and Angkatan 7. Statements on Syariah matters should only be made by Belia Islam Malaysia (ABIM). parties who are well versed in the sources of the Syariah namely, the Al-Quran, the Hadiths (Authentic Traditions of In their support, the Islamic NGOs made the following the Prophet), and Islamic jurisprudence. recommendations: 8. Non Muslims must acknowledge that Islam is the official religion of Malaysia and therefore respect the sensitivities of 1. The amendment provisions are Syariah compliant and Muslims and refrain from making unwarranted comments should be gazetted and enforced as early as possible. on Islam. 2. The same should be expeditiously implemented as in the 9. The media should play a responsible role in interfaith other States, in order to achieve the objective of uniformity understanding and goodwill by publishing only the writings of the Islamic Law in Malaysia. of people who are well versed in the Syariah. This is to 3. Drafting errors need to be duly rectified. Clarity in drafting ensure correct understanding of Islam at all levels of society. avoids misinterpretation from any quarters. 4. Every effort must be made to achieve expeditious, prompt and proper implementation of the Syariah Law. Delays and by improper handling of cases will only lead to unjustified Farah Pang Abdullah criticism of the Syariah Law. Justice delayed is justice denied. 20 February 2006 2 MPF NEWS Continued from page 1 - Pope Benedict, Islam and Violence It has to be admitted that wars are part of Islamic history from very early on, but perhaps not more or not less than in the the head of the Catholic church. The Crusades, the history of other religions that have built civilizations. Wars Reconquista, the Inquisitions were far behind us. The were simply an instrument of politics for much of the history Catholic Church with its long history and tradition, its large of human civilization up to the recent era when the massive number of faithful and the authority of its leadership, its destruction and colossal loss of lives wrought by modern unambiguous moral precepts and its liturgies and rites warfare in World War II made us shudder, and diplomacy represent what constitutes Christian orthodoxy to ordinary and international law became established as the framework Muslim eyes, as the last bastion against the inexorable march for settling the affairs of nations.
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