Fake Dead Sea Scroll Fragments New Developments in Carbon Tax Debacle Found in Museum Canada’s Future Warships Selected

Page 3 Page 4 Page 6 Saudi Journalist Murdered in Turkey Middle East Tensions Intensify as Jamal Khashoggi Killed in Saudi Consulate

SkyNews under Fair Use BEVERLY VAZ an article by the BBC[1], he had no ap- gating the matter onry to Saudi Arabia. The UN special 2T SOFTWARE prehensions going back to the consulate Turkey, on the other hand, has a rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or as he had been treated well on his first slightly different version; they say that arbitrary executions said “[the] killing Jamal Khashoggi – a journalist, au- visit. a team of Saudi nationals had arrived of Jamal Khashoggi bear[s] the hall- thor, and editor-in-chief of Saudi Ara- However, he did ask his fiancé, who in the country in the days preceding the mark of an extrajudicial execution”. She bia’s Al Arab News Channel – has been was waiting for him outside the con- murder and that care had been taken to further said “[W]e have enough right declared dead. His death has been ruled sulate, to call an adviser to the Turkish remove security cameras and surveil- now to determine that the government as premeditated murder. President if he did not come out. He lance footage from the building prior of Saudi Arabia is responsible and is im- What makes this instance of murder headed in at 13:14 local time and was to the journalist’s arrival. They claim to plicated.”[2] so interesting? never seen coming out. have audio and video evidence of what As far as the jurisdiction of this case One, the lead suspects involve some For a little over two weeks since the actually went down on October 2. Some is considered, it does fall under Turkish of the top leaders of Saudi Arabia. Two, events took place, the Saudi govern- other Turkish officials claim that he was authority. To quote an answer on Stack the murder took place at an embassy ment consistently denied knowledge of killed within two hours of arriving at Exchange “if Turkey were to obtain cus- consulate in Turkey, bringing in the anything of this sort happening. How- the consulate and that his body was later tody of people it accused of doing the question: do the murderers have dip- ever, on the October 20, their state tel- dismembered. They have video footage killing, and if those people were not ac- lomatic immunity? Which country has evision reported that the journalist had that shows some diplomatic vehicles en- credited diplomats, it could try them un- legal jurisdiction over the scene of the been murdered in a rogue operation and tering the consulate at 12:13 on October der Turkish law.”[3] crime, and, which country will oversee promised to punish those behind it. 2. These same vehicles were seen leav- But as there is much doubt in who ex- the investigation and trial? Their version of the story is that ing the consulate at 15:08 on the same actly called the operation and who mur- For those of you who are lost about Khashoggi was killed in a choke-hold day and entering the consul’s residence. dered Khashoggi, the probability of this what’s happening, let me walk you when he resisted attempts to return to The Turkish police have seized sam- happening is questionable. through it. The entire story has had a lot Saudi Arabia. His body was handed for ples from the consulate and the Saudi [1] of twists and turns. So, it’s important disposal to a local aid. They also an- consul’s residence xxfor DNA testing. europe-45812399 that we get all the facts we have as of nounced the arrest of eighteen Saudi na- So far, there has been no sign of the [2] now, straight. tionals and the dismissal of two officials body news/2018/10/official-khashog- On September 28, Jamal Khashoggi in connection with this. Canadian Prime Minister Justin gi-victim-extrajudicial-execu- visited the Saudi consulate in Istanbul A couple days later, the public prose- Trudeau condemned this act and has de- tion-181025195717558.html to obtain a document that would certify cutor of Saudi Arabia was quoted saying cided to pressurize Riyadh by freezing [3] his divorce from his ex-wife. He was that the murder was premeditated. This a deal that would provide Saudi Arabia questions/32863/what-is-the-jurisdic- asked to return later, so he went back to happened around the same time a joint with armored vehicles. Germany too has tion-of-the-khashoggi-murder-case the consulate on the October 2. As per Saudi-Turkish task force started investi- decided to suspend the export of weap- THE IRON WARRIOR 2 Editorial WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2018 Letter From the Editor

Let’s Talk Housing – a Major Topic in the Recent Municipal Elections The Newspaper of the University of Waterloo Engineering Society projects and cramming more, smaller units their sidewalk and public realm features, RAFIQ HABIB on a floor plate is the easy answer. That resulting in a mish-mash of street fronts Editor-in-Chief EDITOR-IN-CHIEF way, the largest number of people can live that vary in quality from building to build- Rafiq Habib in the smallest land area. And while this ing. A city mandated public realm such as approach may work well for “young pro- what has been attempted in Queen’s Quay Layout Editors fessionals”, it gives little room for fami- in Toronto creates a more unified com- Stone He Before I begin, I want to thank every- lies. Many of us have grown up in larger munity feel. Kitchener-Waterloo seems to Mia Shi one that contributed to this issue. We have spaces – whether that be a house, town- have done a better job of this as far as pro- many interesting events and developments house, or a larger condo/apartment – and tecting and incorporating heritage facades Copy Editors that are covered in this paper, from the se- would hope for a similar situation if and goes, but will have to ensure they keep this Hasan Ahmed lection of the Canadian Surface Combatant when we have our own kids to raise. Cur- in mind as developers eye uptown regions Parul Arora design to the revelation that a Washington rent homeowners, on the other hand, want for densification. Raeesa Ashique museum didn’t realize that a number of to keep their neighbourhoods as they are, Third, a better architecture screening Steven Du its Dead Sea Scroll fragments were fake. free of skyscrapers towering over their framework needs to be developed. Right Kirsten Ehlers Kirsten has written an update on the carbon backyards and covering their streets in now, developers seem to opt for more bland Gabrielle Klemt tax debate she covered last issue to keep an eternal shadow. Recent development designs and cheaper materials to increase Beverly Vaz readers up to speed on new announcements history has shown that new projects have margins; this leaves the public with an eye- Kaaru Selvarasa regarding the federal carbon tax policy and a tendency to replace small community sore on the skyline for the foreseeable fu- implementation. shops with lifeless glass facades, to break ture. Whether it be a new neighbourhood Photo Editor We also have our first Prof Personali- the character of neighbourhoods, and to review panel or community board, neigh- *OPEN* ties piece this issue, courtesy of Kaaru, increase the cost of living in communities bourhoods need more say in the designs who interviewed someone those of us in by introducing more expensive “high-end” that are coming to their streets and need the Circulation Manager Management, Mechanical, and Chemical stores; it’s no surprise then that the “Not in ability to hold developers to account if they *OPEN* Engineering know well: Rohan Jayasun- my Backyard” (NIMBY) culture exists in fail to satisfactorily execute their project dera. This interview answers all the ques- most neighbourhoods. There is an animos- designs. This is especially important for Web Editor tions that students have wanted to ask him ity between developers and communities, high-rises that have an impact on skyline Kai Huang and is a must read. I know that everyone and there will be no solution to the housing views. Now I get that not every building Tony Kappen that’s had a class with Rohan counts him crisis until this divide can be closed. will be a masterpiece in architectural form, has one of their best and most memorable Cities need to come up with a new way but it is inconceivable that there is nothing Social Media Manager professors, and I speak for everyone when to address housing, one that does not pit better than grey spandrel or white frit when Selina Hsu I say that we wish Rohan all the best in his neighbourhoods against developers and it comes to exterior design. post-retirement endeavours when he retires make communities fearful that a blocky Finally, cities need to have some way of Advertising Manager at the end of this term. grey abomination is posed to destroy every creating sustainable and affordable hous- Stone He Last week, municipalities across Ontario parking lot on their street. There are four ing units. With the Greenbelt restricting and Canada went to the polls to elect their major concepts that can stop the increasing urban sprawl, this puts municipalities in a Staff Writers city and/or regional councils. One issue resentment and get city building to work very tight situation. There is very limited Parul Arora that seemed to come up everywhere, but for both current and future residents. opportunity to strike a balance between Steven Du especially in big cities, was housing. May- First, the indiscriminate tower-building free market development, which follow Kirsten Ehlers oral debates in both Vancouver and Toron- in the city needs to stop. It’s the easy way supply and demand equilibrium prices, and Stone He to focused on the affordability crisis in the out of creating more housing and does not government policy for affordability, like Kai Huang housing market and how to best deal with a take into account the surrounding neigh- rent-to-own program or lower rate rentals. Seline Hsu tight housing supply. bourhood. Instead, we need gentle den- How can rent-to-own programs or below Tony Kappen This is a topic that has a tremendous im- sification in older neighbourhoods (such market rate developments be run in a man- Kaaru Selvarasa pact on us as we look for student housing as building townhomes adjacent to an es- ner that supports the less fortunate without Beverly Vaz here in Waterloo, as well as co-op housing tablished neighbourhood of houses), and exacerbating the housing crisis for those Janny Wang across the country. In all major cities, rents creating a density gradient that allows for that can afford market rates? This is where are sky high and home ownership seems some transition from single-family homes public discourse needs to come in. What like a daunting goal for many of us as we to townhomes to low/mid-rise and then to do the citizens of the city want their hous- look into the near (post-graduation) future. high-rise towers. This way, communities ing policy to look like? Municipal elec- ADVISORY BOARD This is even truer if we ever hope to own do not feel as displaced or victimized by tions have just taken place, but they have Off-Stream Editor-in-Chief more than a 300 square foot studio condo- the projects and there is more flow and been plagued by tight races or voter apathy. Samridhi Sharma minium or spend less than 40% of our fu- transition to the community’s character. For these reasons, a citywide approach has ture income on rent. Second, streetscape protections and a large chance of failure. Instead, power Executive Members The fact of the matter is that we are very standardizations need to be introduced needs to be given back to the neighbour- Emma Swarney limited with regards to how much land we into individual neighbourhoods that en- hoods so they can individually decide how Ashley Clark have in the city. There is a large discon- sure that developers maintain or improve to grow and build communities for the fu- nect regarding how to best make use of the the cohesiveness and character of streets. ture. Any less, and we will never bridge Students-at-Large remaining free land. Developers seem to Currently, most developers seem to barely the divide between builders and communi- Cecile He believe that maximizing the height of their glance out of their plots when designing ties. Alyson Skidmore

Non-voting Member Hasan Ahmed

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We are the official newpaper of the University of Waterloo Engineering Society representing the entire undergraduate engineering student body of over 6000 students. The Iron Warrior is a forum for thought-provoking and informative articles published by the Engineering Society. Views expressed in The Iron Warrior are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Engineering Society. Our newspaper is distributed all across campus and is the perfect medium to The Iron Warrior encourages submissions from students, faculty and advertise your event, employer information session, service, etc. members of the university community. Submissions should reflect the concerns and intellectual standards of the university in general. The au- thor's name and phone number should be included. All submissions, unless otherwise stated, become the property of The For more information, please visit or Iron Warrior, which reserves the right to refuse publication of material contact us at [email protected], 519-888-4567, Ext. 32693 which it deems unsuitable. The Iron Warrior also reserves the right to edit grammar, spelling and text that do not meet university standards. Authors will be notified of any major changes that may be required. Send your submissions for the next issue to [email protected]. Mail should be addressed to The Iron Warrior, Engineering Society, DWE 1532, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3G1. Our Fall 2018 Publication Schedule: September 28, October 17, October 31, November 14, November 28 phone number is (519) 888-4567 x32693. E-mail can be sent to iwarrior@. THE IRON WARRIOR WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2018 Editorial 3 Meet the Rising Tide

reality: even if the entire world stopped celsius by the year 2100. It comes from Panel on Climate Change) show that sea emitting greenhouse gases today, the sea the IPCC (UN Intergovernmental Panel levels can only continue rising. SELINA HSU 1A MECHATRONICS would still continue to rise for hundreds on Climate Change), which releases The youngest people alive today will and hundreds of years. reports containing different possible be alive to see 2100. Anything beyond Rising sea levels have become locked- scenarios for the future state of the then, we so far have no connection to. in as an effect of climate change, which environment. However, it actually is However, even though the big headlines When we think about long-term means that the future changes to come possible for the global average to stop stop after 2100, climate change climate change, we often look only are irreversible. This is attributable rising after the year 2100. This happens doesn’t. As projected by the IPCC, “it towards end of our current century. The simply to the fact that ice takes time in the most ideal scenario where carbon is virtually certain that global mean conversation is about what happens to melt. It will be an ongoing process dioxide emissions are rapidly reduced sea level rise will continue for many by the year 2100 - what cities will be as the change of state catches up to its and we eventually have a means of centuries beyond 2100, with the amount underwater, what the global temperature warmer environment. producing negative emissions (i.e. taking of rise dependent on future emissions.” will be, how the different the world With regards to rising temperatures, carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere) will look. It leads to a bias that lets us the most realistic estimate currently in the future. Meanwhile, all predictions Tl;dr the sea level will keep rising for forget a startling yet not-so-surprising predicts an increase of 3.2 degrees from the IPCC (UN Intergovernmental basically forever. A Tribute to

flights are currently proposed for 2019 produced the film , discussing KAI HUANG and 2020, and if successful, would be the issue of education for girls in various 2A COMPUTER the first privately funded space transport parts of the world. The film helped raise system. over $2.1 million to help with this cause. Allen also took steps into sports team Allen purchased an offshore ownership and had a significant effect service vessel in 2016, naming it On 15 October 2018, Paul Allen died on the and the the RV Petrel, and putting it through of septic shock, caused by complications Seahawks. He purchased the an extensive retrofitting in 2017 to from non-Hodgkin lymphoma at the age Trail Blazers for $70 million in 1988, become a deep submergence research of 65. While most know him only as and invested much of his time and money vessel. Coordinating with historical the Co-Founder of Microsoft, he was a into the development and funding of organizations, Allen’s goal was to explore man of many interests whose work had their new arena, the , finally historically significant wrecks in the a profound lasting impact in a variety of purchasing it in 2007. He purchased the most challenging depths and conditions. areas. Seahawks in 1996 when they were under Some of their most notable finds were the Allen had an interest in space travel, pressure from their former owner to USS Indianapolis in August of 2017 and which was first evident in 2004, when move to Southern California. A former the wrecks of the entire Japanese attack he was the sole investor backing the Seahawks minority owner, Herman force in Surigao Strait in November of SpaceShipOne commercial suborbital Sarkowsky, remarked “I’m not sure 2017. In early 2018, Allen’s team on the spacecraft venture. The craft became anybody else in this community would Petrel also found USS Lexington, USS the first privately funded effort to have done what [Allen] did.” Juneau, and USS Helena. successfully put a civilian in suborbital Allen, together with his sister, pursued These are only a few examples of Miles Harris via Wikimedia Commons space. He then went on to create filmmaking as the owners and executive the innumerable fields that Allen had , a proposed orbital producers of . Many an impact in. Many of us, as engineers, Paul Allen, philanthropist and launch system that would feature a jet of their films, especially documentaries know him for only his most famous co-founder of Microsoft aircraft ferrying a rocket to high altitude such as and Body role at Microsoft. He, like anyone else, which would then separate and climb Team 12, have been nominated for had his own interests and hobbies, and generous enough to use his resources to into orbit with its own engines. Test academy awards. In 2013, they co- he deserves immense respect for being make a lasting impact. Fake Dead Sea Scroll Fragments Found in Museum Washington Bible Museum Reveals That 5 of 16 Scroll Fragments in Its Collection are Fake

tury on the west shores of the Dead Sea. of the people who bought fragments of the cient artifacts in the past. In one instance, STONE HE Most of the scrolls and fragments of the texts are just beginning to realize that they they had smuggled looted artifact from 2A MECHANICAL scrolls were tightly controlled by the Is- might have been scammed with a facsim- around the world and were forced to re- raeli Antiquities Authorities, to ensure the ile and robbed of thousands or even mil- turn these artifacts and pay a 3 million US protection and authenticity of the scrolls. lions of dollars. dollar fine last year. But by 2002, there were a huge surge in The Green family, large contributors to The fake Dead Sea scrolls that were Museum exhibits usually give us a scroll fragments that started to appear out the museum who played an instrumen- discovered may have an affect on the mu- glimpse into the past. They usually dis- of nowhere. Along with museums, there tal role in its opening, also bought many seum’s credibility. However, it is impor- play artifacts such as craftwork, writings, were many American Evangelical Chris- fragments of the texts. They were asked tant to know next time where an artifact is and clothing based on what ancient and tians who were eager to get their hands earlier in 2017 on how they acquired the obtained from, and whether there could be early civilizations would have used. But on owning a piece of these sacred texts texts, but Steve Green wasn’t sure of who any credibility from where it came from. what if one of those artifact were fake? Or due to their historical significance and sold them the texts. However, they have In addition, there should be more research maybe 5? It appears that in the Dead Sea spiritual value. After the discovery that been known for getting in trouble with the next time to prevent having another fake Scrolls exhibit in Washington’s Museum some of the scrolls might be fakes, many justice system in terms of acquiring an- historical artifact on display. of the Bible, 5 out of the 16 scroll frag- ments have been determined to be fake. On October 22 it was confirmed that some of the scrolls were not in fact origi- nal fragments, although there were al- ready questions about their authenticity since the opening of the Dead Sea Scroll Exhibit on November 2017: inconsistent handwriting and content across the texts had created some serious doubts about the origins of the scroll fragments. These inconsistencies were the decisive piece of evidence that led to a team of German scholars concluding that at least 5 frag- ments were not real. The Dead Sea Scrolls were ancient Jew- ish texts written in mainly Hebrew, with some written in Greek, Aramaic, and Na- bataean Aramaic. These texts were writ- ten nearly 2000 years ago and most of the scrolls were lost or destroyed by the natu- ral elements. However, there were several SAUL LOEV/AFP/Getty Images Under Fair Use scrolls that were well preserved and kept that were discovered in the mid-20th cen- The Dead Sea Scroll Exhibit at the Washington Bible Museum THE IRON WARRIOR 4 News WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2018 Canada’s Future Warships Selected British Type 26 Frigate Wins Design Competition for Canadian Surface Combatant Project


The Canadian Navy’s current surface fleet primarily consists of 12 Halifax- class frigates the entered service in the 1990’s. The Liberal government, in their defense policy review, recognized that the Halifax-class would need a replacement by the 2020’s that improves on wide-area air defense and anti-submarine warfare (ASW), as well as surface combat. Three proposals were submitted in 2017: the British Type 26 frigate, The Dutch De Zeven Provinciën-class frigate, and the Spanish F-105 frigate. BAE Systems under Fair Use On 19 October 2018, the government announced that the Type 26 was the A rendering of the Type 26 frigate chosen design, with procurement moving on to the next stage: negotiations go without a hitch. first truly modern vessels in our arsenal the fleet is replaced with 15 of these with Lockheed Martin Canada and BAE Regardless, the new frigates represent and also allow for improved synergy new vessels, a new era for the Navy will Systems to confirm that they can deliver a major step up in the Royal Canadian with many of our allies around the begin. on every aspect of the complex design. Navy’s capabilities. These will be the world that utilize shared systems. Once The specific terms of the deal would cover the construction of 15 vessels as well as the associated equipment and services. The prime contractor for the vessels would be Irving Shipbuilding in Halifax, NS. Integrated into the Type 26’s core design would be innovative TD WALTER BEAN PUBLIC high-tech platforms from many Canadian companies such as CAE, LECTURE IN ENVIRONMENT MDA, L3 Technologies, and Ultra WEDNESDAY Electronics. The core armament on the Type 26’s design features 24 vertical launch NOV DR. STEVEN COOKE system (VLS) cells for the British Sea Ceptor surface-to-air missile, as well as another 24 Mark 41 VLS, which primarily utilizes American weaponry, such as the Sea Sparrow missiles, and 21 Tomahawk land attack missiles. This would be a significant boost over the Halifax-class, which does not have any VLS cells and is only able of carrying 16 Sea Sparrows and 8 dated Harpoon anti-ship missiles. The Royal Navy FREE PUBLIC LECTURE variants of the Type 26 also carry a 127mm main gun, which, if chosen for the Royal Canadian Navy version, On the State of Freshwater would also be a significant upgrade from the Halifax-Class, with its 57 mm automatic cannon. Fish and Fisheries: Finding The existing designs also use American Phalanx Close-In Weapon Systems (CIWS) for local defense, and a Future for the Forgotten utilize towed and fixed sonar arrays. A flight deck is present on the rear of the ship. Canadian variants would likely DR. STEVEN J. COOKE Freshwater fish provide diverse ecosystem services. Yet, freshwater fish be similar, with a Sikorsky CH-148 Canada Research Chair, and fisheries are not often a national or regional governance priority Cyclone helicopter being deployed for Environmental Science and and as a result, freshwater fisheries are undervalued and largely ASW purposes. BAE Systems pitches Biology, Carleton University overlooked. Due to lack of reliable data, freshwater fisheries have the Type 26 as also being less prone Steven J. Cooke, PhD, is the Canada to early obsolescence as it is designed never been part of any high profile global fisheries assessment and Research Chair in Fish Ecology and with technologically advanced digital are notably absent from the Sustainable Development Goals. Using Conservation Physiology and the founding elements in mind, which can be updated Director of the Canadian Centre for diverse examples from local to global, Cooke will provide a roadmap for throughout the years. Evidence-Based Conservation. Cooke is elevating the status of freshwater fish and ensuring that moving forward It is currently expected that the the Chair of the Sea Lamprey Research contract will be formally awarded in freshwater fish and fisheries are valued and conserved to ensure Board of the Great Lakes Fishery 2019, with construction beginning in that ecosystem services are maximized. Cooke is a dynamic speaker Commission and Past President of the the early 2020’s. There is not yet a International Section of the American known for engaging audiences with his infectious passion for science, formal time frame on when the first ship Fisheries Society. He is also a Fellow of the evidence-based environmental management, and all things fishy. is expected to be complete. Concerns Royal Canadian Geographical Society, have arose of Irving’s capability to Fellow of the American Fisheries Society, build the frigates. If the contract were Secretary of the College of the Royal WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 2018 | 7:00-8:30 P.M. to be delayed, they would likely have to Society of Canada. Cooke is a proud lay off workers in their downtime after

UWaterloo alumnus (BES 1997; MSc 1999). HUMANITIES THEATRE, HAGEY HALL, UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO C015925 RECYCLE PLEASE their current project is completed, which would only slow down the schedule further with the time it would take to rehire them and familiarize them with For more information and to register: the new design. Given Canada’s history with military procurement, it would be all too naive to assume the process will THE IRON WARRIOR WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2018 News 5 Prof Personalities: Rohan Jayasundera

KAARU SELVARASA dirty movie? people think that you teach only because 1A MECHANICAL Can you tell me more about your [laughing] Once again that’s a joke. you get a paycheck. No, you teach because research on education? Being a Catholic, I try to avoid watching you see students succeed in life, and that’s Rohan Jayasundera is a physics Yeah, this was something that fascinated any dirty movies. No, I just make fun of the greatest joy you can have. professor, who will be retiring after this me for a long time. A lot of people don’t it to get the students motivated more and term. He was born in Colombo, Sri Lanka, care about education. They think that more, but what to say? No dirty movies. If you weren’t teaching, what would and moved to Canada in 1974, where he okay, if you know the subject, then you’re [laughing] you see yourself doing? pursued his life-long interests in math, the best person to come to for that but It’ll be something teaching-related physics and education. I managed to it’s not just about knowing the subject, Where do you see the field of physics I believe. I think every one of us has arrange an interview with him, despite his it’s the ability to convey the message (or engineering) going and what do you this teaching quality in us. Say you are busy schedule, to ask him some questions to your students. And there are various think is going to be its impact in the having an argument with somebody. Even that many of his students, including ways students learn. You have to try and future? when you fight with that person, you are myself, have been wondering. understand, are they surface learners? Well, I think the impact is tremendous. teaching that person something. Teaching Are they deep learners? What ways do I think in every way, technology is is something we all have, so no matter What motivated you to become a they have to learn? And then you have to improving in such a great manner. With what I do, there will be some teaching professor? Was teaching something consider all these things. Especially when the students that we have now, with their involved. you’ve always been interested in? you have a big class, how are you going curious mindsets, the future is very, very Yes, teaching was something that to create a lecture that everybody will bright. And I have the luxury of teaching What is your best advice for first- was probably in my blood because enjoy? And then, before doing a lecture, the elite in Ontario, so I’m very grateful year engineering students? generations of my family were teachers. you have to think very hard, write your for that as well. And I know you guys There are several things I want to say My grandmother was a teacher, my aunt set of notes, and consider the best way to will eventually turn things around. I have to first-year engineering students. I think was a teacher, I’m a teacher, my daughter do it, which is what I have been doing. It been very lucky to work with Professor that the sooner you learn how to become is a teacher, so I think that’s 4 generations didn’t happen overnight. In the past, after Strickland, we taught a course together a professional student, the better it is for now altogether. But I always enjoy it and every lecture, I used to come to my office and that will always stay as a great honour you. A lot of students coming from high when I see my students talk to me and all and write down the questions my students for me. The impact of that itself is huge. school have this high-school mentality of a sudden understand things, their faces asked. Then I would go back and change I think the programs we have at Waterloo and are brought up by helicopter parents. light up, and that’s a joyful moment for my notes so that the next time I had to deal and the dedicated faculty we have at You have to get out of that mentality as me. That’s the type of joy which really got with that lecture I would have answers to Waterloo will guide our students into very, soon as possible and learn how to extract me going into teaching. those questions already embedded. So, very strong positions in the future. But I information from every person you see. in this way, my lectures got better as the still like to tell my students, whatever you You cannot say this is my learning style, Name any quote or philosophy that years progressed, and now as you would do, do it with pride, or don’t do it all. I need a teacher who can cater to me. You has been central to your life and the have seen, it is very seldom that people should be able to change your viewpoint way you choose to live. ask me questions, even if I stop and ask You keep coming back to that idea. and extract information from anybody The philosophy that I have is, them, because most of the answers to the Is this something you tell all your willing to give it. That’s what makes a “Whatever you do, you should do it with questions are embedded in the lecture. students? professional student. pride, or you shouldn’t do it at all.” So, Yes, I tell that to all my students. If you whether it’s teaching or any other job Would you ever consider coming take pride in what you do, you do a great Is there anything else you want to that I do, I take pride in it. And there are back to teach as a substitute? job. And if you can do a great job, you add? certain things that if I think I cannot take That’s something that a lot of people succeed in life. Because what is success? I’ll miss my students. I have two pride in doing it, I won’t do it. I advise have been telling me to do. They have It is not the dollar value you have in the children of my own, but I always think I my students the same thing because if you been bugging me that I shouldn’t retire, end, it is the happiness you take when have 2000 children here when I come and take pride in what you do, you do a good and that I should definitely come back and you go home. And if you can leave this teach them, so I’m going to miss all of my job, and if you do a good job, you make teach. But at least for a couple years, I’d place and go home and stay happy and students. I think my students know that I your customer happy. If the customer is like to see the youngsters in my department say “Yes! I did my job,” well, there is no always had a love for them, and always happy, it shows, and then you go home pick up the slack and promote their ideas. dollar value you can put to that. wanted to see them succeed. The love will happy yourself, and there is no dollar If I come here, even as a sessional, then it always be there. value you can put to that happiness. would still be my ideas coming forward. So you don’t think of teaching as a I like the department and the faculty, job but more like what you’ve always Before you go, would you rather Where do you get your jokes from? and the young professors should start wanted to do with your life? kiss your wife or a beautiful physics [laughing] Well the jokes, first of all, doing things on their own. So the short I think teaching has to be a service. question? come from one of my mentors. I had a answer to your question is no. But will I It should never be a profession. A lot of Always a beautiful question, ha ha. mentor by the name of Phil Eastman, he be teaching? Yes, I’ll be teaching various had a lot of physics jokes. He’s also the things that I like to do. founder of the Isaac Newton exam which I run now. He always had a good sense of So, you plan on teaching more after humour, and I thought that it would be the you retire? What do you want to do best way to teach physics because when after you retire? I’m teaching, after 20 minutes, students As you know, we both have Sri Lankan need a break. So rather than telling them to heritage, and there a lot of people who can take a break, I tell them a joke. It puts their benefit from our knowledge, so I may do minds at ease. Laughter is very important some missionary work in life. And when you start laughing in class, you’re re-energized, so now I can What is your favourite passage from teach you for another 20 minutes without the Bible? any problems. Actually, there are several passages I like but if I had to talk about the So you find that jokes are a good way commandments, I think I love the second to engage the class? commandment, which is “Thou shalt love That is the main reason I use jokes in thy neighbour as thyself.” That’s the thing class, to get you engaged. By the way, that should govern everybody’s life. It is I’ve heard people saying that sometimes a very powerful statement. Practising it is they don’t remember the content I taught very difficult, but I try my best to do it. them, they only remember the joke, but it doesn’t matter. [laughing] So on that note, what is your favourite

via Waterloo Department of Physics and Astronomy THE IRON WARRIOR 6 News WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2018 A Unaffiliated, Freelance Comrade’s Take on the Events in Xinjiang

JANNY WANG trifling human rights scandals. bureaucratic obstruction to their existence; better’. 2A NANOTECHNOLOGY The traditional avenue for this has been Party officials were so distracted by the One man, who had his life changed for through Tibet, but President Xi is innova- great and weighty love that they bore the the better, was Jurat Memet, who bravely Amidst the general state of disaster of tive as well as wise, and has taken care to Uyghur people that, in their haste to set up shared his story with the Global Times. A modern affairs, China – with it’s glitzy in- ensure that Xinjiang is not entirely neglect- the proper infrastructure, they had forgot- ‘get rich quick’ scheme gone wrong land- dustrializing wealth and famously polite ed in this portioning of autocratic ardor. ten to formally legalize the proceedings. ed him in a radical Islamic training camp, tourists – looks to be having a sort of gold- President Xi has always had a close and By the wisdom of President Xi, this is- where they ‘acquired assassination skills’ en age. Xi Jinping’s quiet, politely dictato- loving relationship with the loyal, commu- sue was resolved on the 10th of October, and were only allowed to eat peanuts, but rial manner seems noble and pleasant com- nist citizens of Xinjiang, but lately Beijing when the provincial government of Xin- fortunately, the Chinese government ar- pared with Trump’s irascible tweeting and has stepped up the love by building free jiang legalized the re-education camps, rested him and sent him to a training cent- Putin’s habit of poisoning all and sundry. “vocational centers” to combat extremism. whereupon they began existing. er, where vocational training and love for It is to the great benefit of America and There was some initial controversy, as These vocational camps have exploded the Party has allowed him to turn his life Russia that President Xi is beneficent aerial pictures from the United Nations in popularity, with over one million Uy- around. as well as majestic; recognizing that his showing these camps were roundly denied ghurs “willingly” entering them to learn Unfortunately, UN officials believe such compatriots light could not but seem dim by Communist Party officials, in a surpris- about the glory of Communism and Presi- camps are unlikely to work in other coun- compared to his radiant communist glory, ing show of diplomatic modesty. At the dent Xi. According to Global Times, an tries, because trainees would not be as mo- he has deigned to allow them to save face time the pictures were taken, the vocational unbiased PRC state publication, de-ex- tivated without a powerful and benevolent by filtering his magnificence through a few centers did not yet exist. There was a minor tremism efforts ‘changed local lives for the leader like Xi Jinping to guide them. Hurricane Cripples 10 Percent of US Raptor Fleet Numerous F-22s Damaged as Hurricane Michael Wreaks Havoc on the Florida Coast

fleet has approximately a 49 percent KAI HUANG availability figure at any given point. 2A COMPUTER Luckily, recent reports between Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson and Senator Marco Rubio have concluded that 69 percent of the F-22’s at Tyndall In the beginning of this month, were able to escape to safety, leaving Hurricane Michael tore through the behind the 31 per cent designated non- southeast United States, carving a mission capable (NMC) to be sheltered path of destruction through the entire in place. region. Right at the edge of the Florida The 31 percent figure would mean that seacoast where the storm first made 17 jets remained in Tyndall’s hangars landfall lies Tyndall Air Base, home of when Hurricane Michael made contact. 55 F-22 Raptor fighter jets. The big concern then is how severe The F-22 raptor is considered to be the damage was that was inflicted on one of the most advanced air superiority them. Photos after the storm had passed fighters in the world. At a hefty price show hangars with collapsed roofs as point of around $150 million USD per well as some that had buckled entirely. aircraft, production was halted in 2009 The distinctive silhouette of the F-22’s after only around 180 jets were finished, are clearly visible within many of the and the assembly lines modified to shots. However, Air Force Secretary prepare for F-35 construction. Wilson mentioned that “damage was United States Air Force under Fair Use Standard operating procedure for the less than we feared and preliminary questionable availability figure, the air superiority fighters. However, the U.S. Air Force to prepare for a natural indications are promising.” loss could be incredibly significant. economic reality is that an additional disaster that may impact the fleet is The damage caused to these seventeen Talks has once again resumed about line of 75 aircraft would incur a roughly to fly the aircraft to a safe location jets could mean a potential loss of potentially restarting production of the $266 million average unit cost, which for the time being. However, the F-22 nearly 10 percent of the entire U.S. F-22 to meet current demands, with is no small price to pay is a finicky aircraft. Being heavily F-22 fleet. Given the very specific role countries such as Russia and China maintenance-intensive, the entire that these jets fulfill and their already developing their new fifth generation New Developments in Carbon Tax Debacle Federal Government Announces its own Carbon Tax Plan

KIRSTEN EHLERS Last Tuesday, Trudeau announced $2 with Ottawa’s carbon tax, criticizing be more green. 1A BIOMEDICAL million in carbon tax rebates, as no one the negative impact it has on business. The objective of the carbon tax is im- is happy. Trudeau had promised that non-compli- portant. Climate change is a real prob- Those of you following provincial or Some provinces, including New ant provinces would have a federally- lem that needs global effort to remedy. federal politics will be painfully aware Brunswick, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, imposed carbon tax and that’s exactly A carbon tax is an effective way for of the never-ending carbon tax debates. and Ontario have refused to comply what has happened. Canada to do their part in reducing Canadians in these four provinces greenhouse gas emissions. However, will now be charged a $20 tax per tonne what are the ramifications of this fed- of carbon to compensate for the lack of erally imposed carbon tax? Tensions a provincial carbon tax. Trudeau has between the provinces and Ottawa are promised at least $2 million in rebates incredibly high. The Canadian oil in- to help lessen the burden of the carbon dustry is already declining and the car- tax on Canadians in these four provinc- bon taxes may threaten the future of es. These rebates can be obtained when the industry. Are the positive effects Canadians file their income taxes. on carbon emission worth the negative Opponents of the carbon tax, includ- side effects that may impact Canada’s ing Ontario Premier Doug Ford have competitiveness? emissions. However, called the government carbon tax plan what are the ramifications of this fed- “the most divisive, most regressive tax erally imposed carbon tax? Tensions in Canadian history”. It has also been between the provinces and Ottawa are criticized for being a cash grab. incredibly high. The Canadian oil in- Ottawa’s view on the carbon tax is dustry is already declining and the car- that is one of the means of achieving bon taxes may threaten the future of Canada’s goals for Paris Agreement, the industry. Are the positive effects but not the only way. Combined with on carbon emission worth the negative Nathan Denetter/Canadian Press under Fair Use investing in renewable energy and pub- side effects that may impact Canada’s Canadian Minister of Environment Catherina McKenna answers lic transportation, the carbon tax aims competitiveness? questions about the federal carbon tax in this undated photo. to change the lifestyle of Canadians to THE IRON WARRIOR WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2018 Engineering Society 7 Coming Soon to a Class- room Near You.... Course Critique Time is Approaching

Hello there everyone! It’s that time with your help we can make future of the term: Course Critiques are students’ lives even better. almost here! Once again, they will Between November 12 and 23, be taking place on https://evaluate. your professors & instructors should for the majority of the give you class time to complete population. Electronic submission Course Critiques electronically. for Course Critiques is great because Make sure you find out from them it helps save us over 22,000 sheets when you’ll be given class time of paper each term. That’s almost so that you can bring your web- three trees per term! Saving the enabled phone, tablet or laptop to environment, hooray! class and complete your Course Beyond that, electronic critiques Critiques. And please, complete all are excellent because they also give your Course Critiques this term! us an easy way to extract meaningful student feedback, filter out offensive responses, and help improve the quality of classes for everyone. However, in order for this system to work, we need YOU to fill out your Course Critiques. Response rates have been gradually declining over the past several years, and low response rates mean that faculty members might not have the same confidence in the responses they get. Feedback is invaluable in all areas of academia and professional life, and

Upcoming Events Calendar Upcoming Events Calendar Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday October 31 November 1 November 2 November 3 November 4 November 5 November 6 Check out up-to- the-day event Council Meeting Winter Clothing Exam Bank Push Engiqueers F*ck Up Forum postings on the #3 Drive Starts 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM, POETS 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM, POETS EngSoc website at engsoc.uwaterloo. Isaac Engineering Resume Critiques ca/event-calendar/ Networking 6:30 PM - 8:300 PM 2 PM - 4 PM

PEO Panel 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM, RCH 307

Puppies in POETS 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM, POETS

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday November 7 November 8 November 9 November 10 November 11 November 12 November 13 Tie-Dye Diversity in Diversity in Diversity in Engiqueers RuPaul Drag Race Engineering Engineering Engineering 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM, POETS Viewing Party Conference Conference Conference 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM, POETS

WEC WEC Dungeons & Dragons Women in 12:00 PM - 3:00 PM, POETS Engineering: What’s Next and What’s Now THE IRON WARRIOR 8 Distractions WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2018 The Iron Crossword Sudoku NANCY HUI #2018-13 CIVIL ‘15 RAFIQ HABIB EDITOR-IN-CHIEF 5 Protagonist of Breaking Bad ‘Tis but a Scratch 6 Decorate with acid! 7 March 14th pastry 8 They’d like to abolish the Ontario Power Authority and the Green Energy Act, expand opportunities for people with disabilities, can- cel the 30% tuition grant, scrap LRT projects for subways, and reduce public service em- ployment through attrition 9 Despises 10 Utilized 11 Had sex with 12 Sum 13 It’s good for doors 21 E.g. Billy Bishop 23 Brain and spine (abbv.) An Arrow to the Knee 25 Typhus or cholera 26 Jolie’s hubby 27 Potentially an alien craft (abbv.) 28 What you can hang at the sea 30 Top-fermented beer 31 The positions up for grab this election 32 “Some Nights” band 33 Brouhaha 34 ___Shep, the XX chromosomal counter- part to BroShep 35 Whit 36 No Better Enigma 37 They’d like to implement a tax credit for ACROSS 43 Insubstantial employers to hire new employees, support 1 Retch 45 Growth medium LRT (like 53-across), introduce a tax credit Et tu, Brute? 4 Hid under a rug 49 YYZ guess for caregivers supporting ill or elderly family 9 Leader of 8-down 50 “You’re gonna miss me when I’m ___” members, and remove sales taxes from energy 14 Yours and mine 51 Fine, banded chalcedony bills. 15 POETS has one! 52 ____ Warrior 38 Currently from 6AM to 9PM 16 Breaking of the fourth wall 53 Party proposing full-day kindergarten, LRT 39 ____ Maria 17 No longer an amateur funding, expanded health benefits for low-in- 40 What you do to i’s 18 Stress symptom come families, and huge grants for agricultural 43 Court 19 Camiknicker and technological industries 44 Inborn 20 Leader of 37-down 55 Leader of 53-across 45 What you do to cheese and wine 22 Forced to drink a Smirnoff cooler 58 Friendship 46 It holds power tools and thousand pound 24 Put up (e.g. a flagpole) 60 Fire death machines 25 Wolf houses 61 ____ and Conflict studies 47 Symptom: involuntary lack of muscular 26 Stock market device giving owner the right 62 Traditional report font coordination to sell an asset under specific conditions 63 Juniper spirit 48 Let up 29 Less done than medium 64 Their calendar falsely portended the end of 50 Currently the 4th biggest party. They don’t 30 Wrong the world have any seats. 32 Kitchener-Waterloo incumbent 65 These portend the end of the term 51 An immeasurable chasm Solutions for previous 33 European mountain range 66 Put food in mouth 52 Peruvian empire crosswords can be found on 34 Not a couch, not yet a bed 53 Glee city The Iron Warrior’s website at 35 Having no party affiliation DOWN 54 A confirmed couple 39 Spanish or Filipino marinade 1 Burrowing rodent 55 Stenographer’s stat 41 The first man 2 Northern lights 56 Aw yisss 42 What YOU’RE going to do on June 12th, 3 Not a shower, perhaps 57 Quite the opposite of 56-down 2014! 4 A sudden gush 59 Stir “You have 10 minutes left...”

“Panic! at the Disco-aaaaaaaaaa(pause)” “I swear he said 30 minutes 5 minutes ago.” “Start Running.” Delaney Lindstorm-Humphries, 2A Eric Fu, 1A Mechatronics Krishn Kiran Ray, 1A Mechatronics Mechanical

“Double down and get as much done as

“ eat lunch and get to class.” “ It’s the 4 minute song twice plus a half.” THE possible.” IRON INQUISITIONIRON Jesse Ren, 1A Environmental Faye Zhang, 4A Mechatronics Jordan Kool, 1A Civil Stone He - 2A Mechanical Stone He - 2A