Poison pork: From Ketchikan to Kourijima TED PRINCE

ork-barrel politics is govern- Stevens, R-, threatened to resign 1,724-page energy bill provides $14.5 ment spending intended to if the Senate diverted Gravina Island billion in tax breaks among hundreds of benefit constituents of a Bridge funds to rebuild the Katrina- U.S. companies, with House Energy P politician in return for his or damaged Interstate 10 bridge across Committee Chairman Joe Barton, R- her political support. The earliest exam- Lake Pontchartrain. Texas, labeling it “a very balanced bill” ple of this practice in U.S. history is Although the motion failed, Sen. that was “based on the free market with thought to have been the Bonus Bill of , R-Okla., addressed the appropriate government oversight.” 1817, introduced by South Carolina’s perceived ludicrous nature of a $230 Meanwhile, the bill’s critics claim that John Calhoun to construct highways. million for 50 people. “Where government support for oil drilling is The relationship between pork and there’s a ferry service already running unnecessary when high energy prices transportation infrastructure has every 15 to 30 minutes that takes seven are already generating record profits. remained strong ever since. Recently, minutes to cross, (this) is enough money Homeland security is also a pork however, the world’s two largest to buy each one of them a Learjet,” he haven. Current funding guarantees each economies seem to be experiencing said. Trying to maintain the fiction of state 0.75 percent of available funds, so some buyer’s remorse. fiscal discipline, Congress removed the 40 percent of total funds are immediate- On Aug. 9, President Bush signed bridge earmarks last month — but the ly consumed. Wyoming receives per- the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, funds were still sent to Alaska. capita grants seven times greater than Efficient Transportation Equity Act — Compared to the U.S., Japan is liter- California’s. A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU). ally drowning in infrastructure. It has 83 Not everyone in Congress seeks to Among the $286.4 billion authorized airports and 133 “important” seaports. micromanage spending programs for over six years for the nation’s surface Although the Port of Kobe plays a local benefit. In 1997, Sen. John transportation were 6,371 earmarks decreasing role in international trade, McCain, R-Ariz., a leading opponent of worth $24 billion. This reauthorization $50 billion was spent to rebuild it after pork, introduced legislation to require practice has become increasingly far- the 1995 earthquake — even though that all earmarks be paid for with reaching. In 1982, there were only 10 neighboring ports had ample capacity. money from each state’s share of the earmarks, 152 in 1987, 538 in 1991 and The business failure of the $15 billion federal transportation trust fund, rather 1,850 in 1998. Perhaps looking to Kansai (Osaka) airport did not prevent than from money taken from another change the menu, Rep. , R- recent construction of new airports in state’s share. His proposal failed to gen- Alaska, chairman of the House Nagoya ($7 billion, 80 miles away) and erate support. Transportation and Infrastructure Kobe ($5 billion, 20 miles away.) Transportation relies on an extensive Committee, described the bill as being On Sept. 11, Japanese Prime network of infrastructure. Local initia- stuffed “like a turkey.” Minister Junichiro Koizumi won a snap tives do not always translate to national But Young certainly delivered for parliamentary election based on his eco- benefit. If America’s transportation Alaska. For $231 million, the Knik Arm nomic reform crusade — the privatiza- industry is to continue delivering world- Bridge — to be named after Young — tion of Japan Post. Koizumi seeks to class performance, we must ensure that would connect Anchorage with Mat-Su change the routine overbuilding of infra- scarce resources are deployed for the Borough, an undeveloped site. For structure made possible by cheap capital maximum benefit of the entire system. another $223 million, the Gravina Island from Japan Post. Interestingly, Japan has That means the menu must change — Bridge (“The ”) its own “bridge to nowhere.” A bridge to pork can no longer be the main dish. would connect an island of 50 people Kourijima Island (population 361) was with Ketchikan (population 8,002). recently completed for $250 million. By September, the staggering cost of While Japan seems content to limit Ted Prince is senior vice president of Hurricane Katrina — and embarrassing pork mainly to transportation infrastruc- Optimization Alternatives Ltd. He can publicity — had some legislators recon- ture, the U.S. spreads pork liberally be contacted at (804) 754-2291, sidering their recent largesse. Sen. Ted across interests. The recently passed or at [email protected].

December 5, 2005 The Journal of Commerce ● 31