Forward Plan Reference FP/608/08/11


Originating Officer: Geraldine Willden Ext: 30677

Purpose of Report

Epping Expansion Programme: & C of E Voluntary Controlled Primary School C of E Primary School Ivy Chimneys County Primary School Proposal to increase the permanent accommodation in three Epping primary schools to provide additional basic need pupil places by September 2012. For best value and economies of scale the three projects have been combined into one design and build package.


I have made the following decision:

I approve the project to provide additional permanent accommodation at three Epping Primary Schools and the placing of the contract order for the construction of: • 2 new class bases and associated accommodation at Coopersale and Theydon Garnon C of E Voluntary Controlled Primary School • 3 new class bases with associated accommodation, a hard-play area and netball court at Epping Upland C of E Primary School • 3 new class bases with associated accommodation and internal remodelling at Ivy Chimneys Primary School.

The total capital cost is £2,074,112 and is contained within the 2011/12 and 2012/13 Education Capital Programme and includes Section 106 developer contributions of £284,000. Furniture and equipment costs total £30,000 and will be met by a separate revenue budget.

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Background, context, and area of the County affected Pre-school numbers in Epping are rising significantly as a result of an increased birth rate and housing development. In September 2012 there will be a need for up to 30 additional reception places. Longer term forecasts indicate that this is a sustained need and the School Organisation Board agreed exploration of additional permanent provision to balance future supply and demand for places.

The proposal is for three Epping Primary schools to be provided with permanent additional accommodation:

• Coopersale & Theydon Garnon C of E Voluntary Controlled Primary School • Epping Upland C of E Primary School • Ivy Chimneys County Primary School


Board approval of Outline Business Case 7th April 2011 Completion of specifications and client requirements 15th April 2011 Tender Offer via SmarteEast framework June 2011 Appointment of SmarteEast contractor July 2011 Outline design completed September 2011 Planning application submitted October 2011 Planning consent granted December 2011 Confirmation of Target price February 2012 Board approval of Final Business Case & Key Decision March 2012 Construction starts April 2012 Construction complete August 2012

Options Infrastructure Delivery (ID) assisted Schools Children and Families (SCF) to identify suitable schools for expansion in order to meet the projected demand in each local area.

Following the identification of suitable sites SCF and ID secured the support of the Head and governing body. A viability evaluation for each of the schools’ accommodation requirements was undertaken to ensure that each project was feasible.

For best value and to maximise economies of scale the three project proposals were put together into one tender package. The procurement route selected was via the second generation SmarteEast framework and a two-stage design and build mini-competition was held between the six contractors in tier 2. It was anticipated that early engagement of the contractor and the proposed design team would encourage a best value for money solution.


KD06-FP-608-08-11 Decision Page 2 of 7 The tender submissions were compared via an evaluation model and the results showed Lakehouse Contracts Ltd. to be the first ranked company. A Tender Evaluation Report was compiled by the ECC building economist.

A period of detailed design followed and planning permission was sought and obtained. Individual work packages were tendered by Lakehouse and a Final Target Cost agreed.

Proposals The following is proposed:

Coopersale & Theydon Garnon Primary School Provision of a new classroom block containing two standard class bases plus space for pupils’ coats and bags and classroom storage. A group room, cleaner’s cupboard and WCs are situated within the new building. The new block will be separate from the existing school and a covered walkway linking the two buildings together will be installed. Epping Upland Primary School The school will be extended to house three class-bases, two standard class bases and one foundation class base, plus a coat and bag storage area and classroom store. A group room, staff work area, cleaner’s cupboard, WCs and associated plant space are included. A new external play area to the foundation class-base and a hard-play area with a netball court will also be provided. Ivy Chimneys Primary School The school will be extended to house three additional class-bases plus space for pupils’ coats and bags and class store. A group room, cleaner’s cupboard and WCs are also sited within the extension. Additionally, some remodelling works are also required within the school which will include remodelling the existing staff room (formerly a classroom) back into a classroom. Remodelling to provide a replacement staff room of an appropriate size for a 330 place school and remodelling of pupil WCs and changing areas.

The schemes are due to start on site at the start of the Easter break (2nd April), with some enabling work in March, and complete by August 2012 in time for the new school term in September.

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Relevance to ECC’s corporate plan and other Strategic Plans

This project is included in the Education Capital Programme and is necessary to provide sufficient pupil places in Epping as a result of population growth. This links to the corporate plan objective that pledges to “ensure sufficient primary school places to cope with growth in pupil numbers”.

ECC has a statutory responsibility to provide a school place for all primary aged children for whom a place is requested.

Internal and External Consultation

A separate public consultation meeting was held at each school during September. Summary results were as follows:

Coopersale & Theydon Garnon PS No. of attendees 45 No. of feedback forms received 20 Percentage of those supporting the scheme 95% % of those supporting but with concerns 5% (concerns with parking congestion) Positive comments Plans well thought out and presented

Epping Upland No. of attendees 28 No. of feedback forms received 9 Percentage of those supporting the scheme 44% % of those supporting but with concerns 56% (concerns with parking and future expansion) Positive comments Plans generally liked and choice of site for extension was thought practical.

Epping, Ivy Chimneys No. of attendees 68 No. of feedback forms received 15 Percentage of those supporting the 67% scheme % of those supporting but with concerns 27% (concerns about parking congestion and disruption during construction) % of those not in support of the scheme 6% (concerns regarding health and (one person objected but this translates safety of local residents and school into 6% of feedback forms) pupils due to added vehicle congestion at school drop-off and pick-up times) Positive comments Design is well structured and the position of the new build looks good.

KD06-FP-608-08-11 Decision Page 4 of 7 The following County Council Members have been briefed: Cllr. John Knapman – and Broadway Cllr. Janet Whitehouse – Epping and Cllr. Christopher Pond – Loughton Central Cllr. Anthony Jackson – North Weald and Cllr. Gerard McEwen – Ongar and Rural Cllr. Elizabeth Webster –

Planning applications were submitted in October 2011 and, following the statutory period of consultation, planning consent was granted for each scheme in December 2011.

Legal Implications (Monitoring Officer)

The scope of the Epping projects is not large enough to require the publication of statutory notices.

Informal public consultation meetings were held at each school (see internal and external consultation as above.)

Finance and Resources Implications (Section 151 Officer)

Section 106 Budget S106 Developer Contributions have been negotiated by colleagues in the School Organisation and Planning team within the Schools Children and Families directorate for the Epping area, and money has been deposited in Sums on Deposit (SOND) accounts. Some interest will have accrued on these accounts and it is intended to use the full amount including the interest.

SOND Account Amount SOND 1148 £268,000 SOND 1289 £16,000

The S106 funding above can only be used to fund projects that will add capacity to existing schools in a given area by providing additional teaching areas, or contributing towards the cost of new schools that will serve growth areas.

The S106 contributions identified above will be allocated to the Coopersale & Theydon Garnon project as identified below.

EBN0002 – Coopersale & Theydon Garnon PS

Total 2011-12 2012-13 Non ring fenced grant £274,985 £45,268 £229,717 S106 funding (up to Dec 2019) – Sond £268,000 £268,000 1148 a/c S106 funding (up to Dec 2021) – £16,000 Sond1289 a/c £14,915 £1,085

Total Capital Cost £558,985 £60,183 £498,802

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EBN0004 – Epping Upland PS

Total 2011-12 2012-13 Non ring fenced grant £73,308 £668,195 Total Capital Cost £741,503

EBN0005 – Ivy Chimneys PS

Total 2011-12 2012-13 Non ring fenced grant £80,424 £693,200 Total Capital Cost £773,624

S106 £284,000 £14,915 £269,085 Non ring fenced grant £1,790,112 £199,000 £1,591,112 Total £2,074,112 £213,915 £1,860,197

Human Resources Implications None

Equality Impact Assessment Programmes of work within the capital programme are subject to Equality Impact Assessment by the Policy Lead Directorate when the capital programme is determined and prioritised. As agreed with the Equality & Diversity team, the individual projects subsequently commissioned are done so within the auspices of the programme level assessments.

The key strategic assessment under which this project is delivered is the EIA for the Schools and Education Strategy dated June 2011. The Schools and Education Strategy progresses ECC’s vision for education through a strategic interpretation of recent legislation while delivering bilateral savings. In order to realise our ambition of being ‘Powerful Champions of Educational Excellence’, it puts in place a core improvement team and tools to improve the school system and raise standards across all schools, further increasing ambitions for ALL young people, protecting vulnerable groups and promoting the employability and skills agenda.

Background papers

Final Business Case Tender Evaluation Report

Signature Date Senior Finance Business Partner

Paul Frayne

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Margaret Lee Assistant Director for Major Programmes and Infrastructure

Peter Kelsbie Cabinet Member for Major Projects and Commercial Services

Cllr Derrick Louis Cabinet Member for Finance & the Transformation Programme

Cllr David Finch

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