For immediate release: 4 February 2019 | Please include in all listings and announcements. Arts Ahead presents CULTURAL KALEIDOSCOPE: MIGRATION IN THE ARTS Created by Centennial College's post-graduate Arts Management students Thursday, February 21, 2019 | Artscape Sandbox,

Our identity, our culture, our future. Our strengths lie in our differences.

This year, Centennial College’s annual student-run event, Arts Ahead, presents Cultural Kaleidoscope: Migration in the Arts. The event aims to create an atmosphere exploring the effects of human migration and dispersion of artistic influences on culture. The focus centres around the shaping of our cultural identity through art and tradition.

The full-day symposium will feature a workshop, collection of panel discussions, silent auction, reception, and inspiring presentations by admirable arts professionals from multidisciplinary backgrounds. The following distinguished guests will be presenting at the event:

MENON DWARKA DORIT NAAMAN AMIR ALI ALIBHAI Executive Director, Arts Etobicoke Film Theorist and Documentarist Head of Performing Arts, Aga Khan Museum

GÖKÇE ERDEM MARJORIE CHAN PHILIP AKIN Film Writer and Director Artistic Director, Cahoots Theatre Artistic Director, Obsidian Theatre Company

TAMARA TOLEDO LISA RANDALL SADIA ZAMAN Curator, Writer, and Artist Program Manager, CultureLink CEO, Inspirit Foundation

PATRICK CRUZ JIEUN JUNE KIM LINDY KINOSHAMEG Painter and Installation Artist Painter and Muralist Community Engagement Facilitator, Young People's Theatre KARIM RAHEMTULLA MARTA KELLER HERNANDEZ Managing Director, Artscape Programming Director, Paralia Daniels Launchpad Newcomer Arts Network

Interview with Menon Dwarka willl be conducted by DANIELA NARDI, Executive and Artistic Director, 918 Bathurst

The event will be moderated by DORIS RAJAN, Director of Social Development, Institute for Research and Development on Inclusion and Society (IRIS) Founded in 2015, Arts Ahead encourages important and topical conversations in the arts and culture sector. Each year, the full-day symposium is coordinated by the class of post- graduate Arts Management students at Centennial College. Unique and fitting to the theme of this year's event, the team is encompassed of entirely young women from a variety of cultural backgrounds. The Arts Ahead team is comprised of women from China, Ukraine, Brazil, , Iran, and . Working together with female fortitude, innovation, and intelligence, these women will not fall short of presenting a one-of-a-kind occasion.

Arts Ahead is a student collective organized through the post-graduate, Arts Management program at Centennial College’s Story Arts Centre. As aspiring arts managers with backgrounds in various disciplines, students came together under the umbrella of Arts Ahead to highlight the importance of arts management through an annual symposium. Through these events, Arts Ahead seeks to provide cultural professionals with practical development and networking opportunities to strengthen the position of arts management within the Toronto and Canadian arts, culture, and heritage industries.

Arts Ahead is immensely grateful for the supporters and partners who share the same passion for arts and culture and make this paramount event possible.

VENUE SPONSOR: IN ASSOCIATION WITH: PRINT SPONSOR: Unite with us for a day of creativity and passion.

Arts Ahead presents


THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 2019 | 8:30 AM TO 4:30 PM


Ticket prices range from $25.00 to $8 5.00 and can be purchased online at

ccartsahead CCArtsAhead Arts Ahead

#ArtsAhead |

Media contact: Leanna Shoniker | [email protected]