CELEBRATION OF THE EUCHARIST Saturday 4:30 p.m. & Sunday 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. Monday thru Friday at 6:30 a.m. Holy Days and holidays as published in Sunday Bulletin

Saturday 4:30 p.m. Mass is live streamed and is accessible online for the duration of the weekend


Saint Margaret of Scotland  St. Margaret of Scotland Parish  Church is a diverse, urban, School is a diverse, urban, vibrant, Catholic parish. Inspired by the and inclusive Catholic community. Holy Spirit and the example of our We promise a challenging learning patroness, we are called to be a environment for children, vibrant voice and beacon of the pre-kindergarten through eighth grade, in which Catholic faith in our neighborhoods. they realize their academic potential and giftedness in body, mind and spirit. Our students We proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ in word embody the example of our patron saint as and action by: responsible leaders and caretakers of our Praying and celebrating as a Eucharistic community through works of service and social community, justice. Educating children and adults to live a full Christian life in today’s world,

Serving others with unconditional generosity,      and  Living just lives and working for a more just “There are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the society. same Spirit; there are different forms of service but the same Lord; there are different workings but the same God who produces all of them in CǟǞǤǑǓǤ IǞǖǟǢǝǑǤǙǟǞ everyone.” - 1 CORINTHIANS 12:4-6

PASTOR: Rev. Matthew L. O’Toole All of us are blessed, regardless of our own individual circumstances. God has given each of [email protected] us many gifts. How we use those gifts is our gift RECTORY: 3854 Flad Avenue, back to God. For God’s plan to work, each must Saint Louis, MO 63110 do what we are called to do. Guess what? We Office: 314-776-0363 are not all called to do the same thing! For God’s Staff Directory Available At: plan to work you have to do what God is calling you to do and I have to do what God is calling me to do. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY: For emergency assistance call: 314-772-2219 PARISH/SCHOOL WEBSITE: PARISH EMAIL: [email protected] BULLETIN ARTICLE DEADLINE: Monday, 2:00 p.m. E-mail submissions to: [email protected]                  

 O FǕǜǙǨ CǥǜǠǑ   “I have much more to tell you, but you cannot bear it now.” (John 16:12) We hear Jesus say this to His apostles in one of the gospels for this Pentecost Sunday. There’s more they will need to know and to understand after His departure, but Jesus recognizes their human limitations. And ours, as well. We cannot, in our present condition, take in the breadth and depth and height of the truth that is God and God’s ways. In time, though, through the gift of the Holy Spirit, we can come ǒǩ FǢ. MǑǤǤ O’TǟǟǜǕ to understand this mystery.

Jesus calls the Holy Spirit an ‘Advocate.’ It offers a rich image for the third person of the Trinity. In the original Greek language, the word ‘advocate’ means “called alongside” to speak for another. In a sense, Jesus is telling us that the Holy Spirit is our assistant who accompanies us, walking with us on our journey and sometimes speaks up for the sake of God’s interests.

In our journey as a faith community, St. Margaret was challenged to see how it could endure: the economic hardships of the Great Depression, the boom of large families with limited space in the school, the carving of Highway 44 through our neighborhood, the flight of people out of the city, the downturn in the number of parishioners, the uptick in crime and the instability it created. Each presented challenges for the parish to see where the Spirit was taking St. Margaret. But with the benefit of reflection through the lens of faith, we come to see that God was walking alongside us all the time. The Spirit was our advocate, our holy reminder who helped in the choices that were made, allowing us not only to endure those difficulties but to thrive and make us the strong parish we are today.

Sometimes ‘in the now’ we find ourselves perplexed. Rather than despair because changes are happening or challenges are confronting us, we must put our faith in the movement of the Holy Spirit – leading us in ways we may at first not trust. Jesus’ counsel, “I have much more to tell you, but you cannot bear it now,” is a promise that we will come to see how far God can bring us by faith.

New Policies for In-Person Worship at Church

Following on the Center for Disease Control’s announcement regarding mask wearing, the Archdiocese no longer requires those who are fully vaccinated against the COVID-19 virus to wear a mask inside parish churches of the Archdiocese of St. Louis. The mandate to wear a mask now only applies to all the faithful who have not received a vaccination. St. Margaret is a community of faith, so we will go on good faith to believe that those of us who choose not to wear a mask have been fully vaccinated; and in the same way, we will trust that those coming to Mass who have not yet been vaccinated will wear a mask. Of course, one in either situation is free to wear a mask if that makes the person comfortable being in a public space.

Following the CDC guidance, capacity restrictions and social-distancing measures at Archdiocesan parishes have been left to the parish pastor to determine, based on the size and construct of the church. Here at St. Margaret, we will keep every-other pew restricted to seating but will allow a greater number of persons than before inside church at one time. Please continue to sign-up online for the weekend Mass you plan to attend. We will continue to sanitize the pews and touch points of church between Sunday Masses, and we encourage the use of hand sanitizer as necessary.

Archbishop Mitchell Rozanski leaves in place the dispensation for Sunday Mass at this time, but will be re -evaluating the need for the dispensation in the coming weeks.

CONGRAULATIONS CLASS OF 2021  Eighth graders of St. Margaret of Scotland School will graduate on Saturday, May 22. Fortified with an excellent Catholic education, they will move on to high school at the end of summer. Please keep our young people in your prayers. May the spirit of St. Margaret be with them evermore. Theo Agniel St. Louis High School Alex Bauer Nerinx Hall Nora Blaes Charlie Casey St. Louis University High School Grace Chambers Collegiate School of Medicine and Bioscience Linus Christian St. Louis University High School Sofia Couilloud Metro Academic and Classical High School Claire Council Lucie Crittenden Nerinx Hall Nora Duffy Nerinx Hall Maddie Ewing Nerinx Hall Giuliana Fasano Rosati-Kain High School Carson Heller St. Louis University High School Alexa Hynes California Regan Ibendahl Nerinx Hall Jens Istvan St. Louis University High School Zoe Junginger Mountain Vista High School - Colorado Eva Juric Nerinx Hall Clementine Killeen Visitation Academy of St. Louis Miriam LaCara Rosati-Kain High School Xavier LaPorte Collegiate School of Medicine and Bioscience Rowan Lemp St. Louis University High School Aurea Lopez St. Joseph’s Academy Danny Montrey St. John Vianney High School Olivia Moss Rosati-Kain High School Olivia Oatis Bishop DuBourg High School Bobby Olson St. Louis University High School Norah Overberg Ursuline Academy Miriam Qadadeh Nerinx Hall Naida Reitenbach Cor Jesu Academy Otto Reitenbach St. Louis University High School Rudy Reitenbach St. Louis University High School Abby Stark Rosati-Kain High School Calvin Stewart St. Louis University High School Sarah Wangard Rosati-Kain High School Cedric Wiedlocher St. Louis University High School Avery Williams St. Mary’s High School Malcolm Yearby Collegiate School of Medicine and Bioscience

 NǕǧǣ FǢǟǝ SǤ. MǑǢǗǑǢǕǤ ǟǖ SǓǟǤǜǑǞǔ SǓǘǟǟǜ 

As we come to the end of our 2020-2021 school year, we want to take some time to reflect on the many successes and challenges that we experienced. We learned several things over the course of this school year, but most importantly we learned about the strength of our students, our teachers, our school parents, and the St. Margaret of Scotland community. We learned that teaching and learning in a virtual environment are extremely difficult, that our children’s social/emotional health is the most important thing for learning success, and that relationships and communication within our school community CǜǑǢǕ YǟǥǞǗ matter. We learned that together we can make it through difficult times and still find Bǩ success even though it might look different than in previous years.

During this pandemic, we missed our St. Margaret of Scotland community. We recognize that we’ve had to adjust our school environment and our expectations many times as the year progressed. I want to take this opportunity to reflect on so many things that went well this school year.

My heart is filled with gratitude for so many groups of people:  Fr. O’Toole, our Pastor, who worked with me as I navigated through this school year. Thank you for your unwavering support and confidence in me and the entire St. Margaret of Scotland faculty and staff.  Christine Burke, our Assistant Principal, who transitioned seamlessly into her role as Acting Principal during my maternity leave. I have been so impressed with her dedication to the school, her relationships within the St. Margaret of Scotland community, and the leadership that she has shown throughout this pandemic.  Christine Stephens, our Administrative Assistant, who worked tirelessly beginning last spring and throughout the summer to help us figure out how to safely return to learning. She has given me endless support while I have navigated being a new mom during a pandemic.  The Steering Committee, School Board, and St. Margaret of Scotland Parents who worked together to create a plan prioritizing safety and flexibility, along with particular consideration for the vulnerable among us, to return to learning. Our relatively low number of cases, contacts, and quarantines compared to peer schools confirm -- St. Margaret has provided a safe environment for learning in the 2020-2021 school year.  Our Maintenance and Facilities team, whose commitment to St. Margaret of Scotland is undeniable. They have worked hard all year to keep our students' health and safety as a top priority. Over the summer, they diligently prepared our building with improved sanitizing stations and other systems to ensure a safe school environment.  Emily Edgell, our TOP teacher, and Katie Lorenz, our school counselor, who compassionately and unwaveringly worked to address our students’ mental, emotional, social, and spiritual health in conjunction with the demanding academic rigor during these unprecedented months.  Our PTA, including all of our generous volunteers, stepped up in droves to help our teachers feel appreciated and supported.  The St. Margaret of Scotland Auction Chairs and Volunteers, who successfully planned and executed a fundraising event during a pandemic. The creativity and dedication of these volunteers are truly amazing. Dragons for years to come will benefit from their hard work.  Our St. Margaret of Scotland families, for your understanding, patience, and continued grace throughout the past fourteen months of teaching and learning. You succeeded in modeling perseverance for your child(ren) as we’ve navigated through this pandemic. We recognize that you are the first and most important teacher in your children’s lives. Thank you for trusting us to keep your child(ren) safe and for the support that you’ve given to our teachers this school year.  Our St. Margaret of Scotland students, who have likely experienced a school year that rivaled or exceeded any challenge that we adults faced in our elementary school years. Their hard work, perseverance, sacrifice, and flexibility demonstrated a lot of character. Many times, they served as inspiration for us adults.  And, of course, our St. Margaret of Scotland teachers deserve A HUGE Thank You. Teaching is an extremely difficult profession during ‘normal’ days, much less during a pandemic. Carrying out their vocation with excellence during uncharted waters while the ship was at sea is a commendable feat. Thank you will never be enough. Our end-of-the-year meetings will be intentionally shortened this year so that our teachers can refill their depleted buckets. Certainly, there is planning to be done and preparations to make, but first, we’ll catch our collective breath.  MǑǣǣ IǞǤǕǞǤǙǟǞǣ TǘǙǣ WǕǕǛ IǞ OǥǢ PǑǢǙǣǘ

Monday, May 24 Wednesday, May 26 6:30 a.m. John “Jack” Stirnemann + Centering Prayer, 8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. - Canmore Rm Last Day of School, dismissal 12:15 p.m. Tuesday, May 25 6:30 a.m. Ray & Marie Austermann + Thursday, May 27 (8:15 a.m. Marie Tochtrop +)* Eucharistic Adoration, 7:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. - Church

Wednesday, May 26 Friday, May 28 6:30 a.m. Alitz Tucholko + Standing for Racial Justice Vigil, 5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. - Thursday, May 27 in front of Compton Heights Christian Church, 2149 6:30 a.m. Dorothy Gromley + Grand Blvd, 63110 Friday, May 28 6:30 a.m. Fr. O’Toole “Happy 26th Anniversary” Saturday, May 29 Due to Memorial Day holiday bulletin 4:30 p.m. George Thornburgh + articles for the weekend of June 6 are Sunday, May 30 due Wednesday, May 26 by 2:00 pm. 8:00 a.m. People of the Parish If you have questions please contact 10:00 a.m. Buttice Family the Parish Office at 314-776-0363.

* For the safe health of our students attending these Masses, they are not open to the public. LITURGICAL MINISTRIES

To mark a special occasion or to remember a beloved After a long time of privation, we are beginning to family member or friend, living or deceased, with a experience slow and careful restoration of our Mass intention please call the Parish Office at 314-776- communal prayer and many traditional elements. 0363. The bishops of ask the faithful to make Many thanks are due to those who sacrificed their a $10 offering for each Mass if they are able. own desires out of concern for public health and the common good. Thanks too to those who stepped forward to help do the work of liturgy: our A MESSAGE TO PARENTS OF ALTAR SERVERS assemblies, clergy, support staff, lectors, servers, ushers, singers, musicians; those who cared for the FROM FR. O’TOOLE worship environment, made livestream and video Attendance at Sunday Mass is increasing now that possible, brought the Eucharist to neighbors; all more people are vaccinated and healthy. We’re who prayed and facilitated prayer within and for inching back to what worship at St. Margaret the St. Margaret of Scotland family. looked like in pre-pandemic times. There is a need We will gradually be taking careful steps forward for regular ministerial help at our liturgies. If you in each of these ministries. Are you willing to assist son or daughter is a trained altar server at St. by being a member of a new Liturgy Committee to Margaret, please consider signing them up to assist be convened this summer? at one of the weekend Masses. Each week Angie Reitenbach, our coordinator for altar servers, sends Please share your interest, or your questions, with out an email request for help. It would be ideal to Peter Hesed at [email protected]. or text have again a routine team of three servers at each him at 314-349-7037. weekend Mass. As the school year ends and the summer months begin, the parish relies even more on this assistance of our young people to our worship at St. Margaret. Thank you! ~ Fr. O’Toole

  ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION NEWS “The May Magnificat” by Gerard Manley Hopkins May is Mary’s month, and I Fall Sports registration for Judge Dowd Soccer (4 Muse at that and wonder why: years old to 1st grade), CYC Soccer (2nd-8th), and Her feasts follow reason, CYC (3rd-8th). Registration is through Dated due to season— the South Central CYC Team Sideline Candlemas, Lady Day; website. You can also get to the link by visiting But the Lady Month, May, the St. Margaret of Scotland school website and Why fasten that upon her, click Athletics and then Athletic News. Deadline With a feasting in her honour? to register is May 31st. Is it only its being brighter Than the most are must delight her? Is it opportunest  LǙǦǙǞǗ JǥǣǤǙǓǕ NǕǧǣ And flowers finds soonest?

Ask of her, the mighty mother: If you have a passion for environmental justice, Her reply puts this other Just Faith is beginning an eight week Sacred Land Question: What is Spring?— class. This virtual program will be held on Growth in every thing—

Thursdays from 6:00 - 8:00 pm beginning May 20 Flesh and fleece, fur and feather, through July 17. Caring for God’s Creation is a Grass and greenworld all together; challenge to us from Pope Francis in his Star-eyed strawberry-breasted encyclical Laudato Si and is a valued part of our Throstle above her nested parish’s Living Justice Ministry. The course is Cluster of bugle* blue eggs thin limited to 12 participants, so if interested, contact Forms and warms the life within; Cris Fischer at [email protected] And bird and blossom swell In sod or sheath or shell.

All things rising, all things sizing Mary sees, sympathising With that world of good, Nature’s motherhood.

Their magnifying of each its kind

 With delight calls to mind Be Charitable! Protect your Family! How she did in her stored Strengthen your Faith! Magnify the Lord.

Are you (or know) a Catholic man 18 Well but there was more than this: years or older? Invite him to join the Spring’s universal bliss Knights of Columbus! J o i n Much, had much to say at and use To offering Mary May. code JFERRIS to join for free! For more information When drop-of-blood-and-foam-dapple or have questions please contact Jim Ferris at 314- Bloom lights the orchard-apple 276-9316 or [email protected] This offer is for And thicket and thorp† are merry a limited time! With silver-surfèd cherry

And azuring-over greybell makes Wood banks and brakes‡ wash wet like lakes And magic cuckoocall Caps, clears, and clinches all—

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