Futures MYSTERY Anthology Magazine Carries On!

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Futures MYSTERY Anthology Magazine Carries On! Futures MYSTERY Anthology Magazine carries on! FMAM is a bi-monthly magazine and available in PDF format and Print Digest format Copies of these issues are available to order at: http://twilightitmesbooks.com/fmam/ Cover artwork copyright © Gin E.L. Fenton (GinELF) May July September November June 2005 August 2005 October 2005 December 2005 Available from Babs Lakey: Back issues of the print magazine are still available. There are EIGHT YEARS of incredible talent packed within these pages, folks. Don’t miss out. You can purchase by PayPal, check or money order. FMAM’s anthology, DIME, is available, too. Order a copy today at www.fmam.biz or email Babs at [email protected]! <<<<<< Issue #36 Dial FMAM for Murder! WINTER 2004 Cover artwork copyright © Pete Welling Issue #35 >>>>>> Feel Lucky? FALL 2004 Cover artwork copyright © Dustin Evans <<<<<< Issue #34 CSI Chills! SUMMER 2004 Cover artwork copyright © Alfred Klosterman Issue #32 >>>>>> Predators At Play! WINTER 2003 Cover artwork copyright © James “Toonman” Oddie Futures MYSTERYFMAM Anthology Magazine JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2006 INSIDE MYSTERY FICTION ISSN 1521-5318 PUBLISHER: LIDA E. QUILLEN Featured Authors... CO-PUBLISHER: ARDY M. SCOTT DEATH OF THE MALLORY QUEEN FOUNDER & EXECUTIVE EDITOR: BABS LAKEY Lawrence Block 2 ART DIRECTOR: GIN E.L. FENTON (GINELF) YOUR BLOOD IS SWEET: A TOBIAS TALMO TALE MANAGING EDITOR: BARRY ERGANG Rus Morgan 11 EDITORIAL STAFF: VIRGINIA LO MONACO, MARLENE SATTER, STUFFED SHIRT Barry Ergang 21 CHICK LANG, MARY SCHENTEN, ALFIE EDITORIAL CONSULTANT: EARL STAGGS GNAWING SUSPICION Chick Lang 30 ARTISTS: GIN E.L. FENTON, TERESA TUNALEY, KEVIN DUNCAN, HOW I LEARNED TO PLAY THE HARMON CON GAVIN O’KEEFE, LAURA GIVENS, TERI SANTITORO, VIVIAN PRINCE, PAUL CAMPBELL Robert L. Iles 34 CARTOONISTS: KEVIN DUNCAN, GEORIANN BALDINO, BLOOD SECRETS R. B. Swets 42 DAN ROSANDICH THE PERFECT MARRIAGE Neil Davies 45 SPOT ILLUSTRATIONS: GIN E.L. FENTON THE FRISCO FRAME Arthur C. Carey 48 THE HIT MAN Nancy Sweetland 58 COVER ARTIST FOR THIS ISSUE CAPTAIN SQUARE AND THE TURK’S HEAD GIN E.L. FENTON (GINELF) Charles G. Mossop 63 THE PENITENTIARY SON Timmy Waldron 77 FMAM WEBSITE: WWW.FMAM.BIZ NO STRINGS ATTACHED Mark SaFranko 84 WEBMASTER & REVIEW CO-ORDINATOR: CATHERINE CHANT THE DEEP SIX Lox Crabtree 92 FAME PRODUCTION MANAGER: ARDY SCOTT THE LOOKDOWN Frank Foster 99 FMAM LIST MANAGER: KIMBERLY BROWN MINOR FEAR John Hawfield 108 FMAM MASTHEAD LAYOUT & DESIGN: HER EYE IN THE SKY Ron Savage 124 GIN E.L. FENTON (GINELF) THE SAMARITAN Tom Brennan 129 BRAINSTORM Telett Lyketes 133 FMAM THE ENVELOPE, PLEASE Charles Schaeffer 139 KINGSPORT, TENNESSEE LITERARY, POETRY, MAINSTREAM... COPYRIGHT © 2005 SIMPLIFY, UNITE, DELIGHT LIDA E. QUILLEN AND Kristin R. Masterton 127 FUTURES MYSTERY ANTHOLOGY MAGAZINE STORIES AND ARTWORK © AUTHORS AND ARTISTS COLUMNS - INTERVIEWS - REVIEWS EMAIL: [email protected] OR [email protected] THE INFORMANT Bret Wright 27 MORAL JUDGMENTS G. Miki Hayden 56 FMAM PDF ADVERTISING RATES THE CRIME LAB GUY John L. French 61 BETWEEN THE COVERS WEBMASTER & REVIEW CO-ORDINATOR Catherine Chant 83 STARFIRE Mary O’Gara 96 FULL PAGE: $30.00 1/4 PAGE: $7.50 MURDER-GO-ROUND Harriet Klausner 116 1/2 PAGE: $15.00 BUSINESS CARD SIZE: $5.00. SPOTLIGHT ON TERESA TUNALEY Bret Wright 132 FMAM - Futures MYSTERY Anthology Magazine ~ January - February 2006 1 FMAM SPECIAL GUEST AUTHOR... >> Alfie recommends: paws over this one—a Chip Harrison story by the superb Lawrence Block, it’s an affectionate send-up of Rex Stout’s Nero Wolfe tales, the Lawrence Block traditional detective story, and luminaries in the mystery field. Eccentric detective Leo Haig and his assistant, Chip Harrison, take on the Copyright © bizarre case of a woman who doesn’t object to being murdered Death of the Mallory Queen Lawrence Block th of the Mallory Queen Dea 2006 Gin E L Fenton Copyright © Copyright Illustration Illustration am going to be murdered,” Mavis Mallory There’s a whole roomful of tanks on the top “I said, “and I want you to do something floor, and other aquariums, which he wishes I about it.” would call aquaria, scattered throughout the Haig did something, all right. He spun around house. in his swivel chair and stared into the fish tank. (Well, not the whole house. The whole house 2 January - February 2006 ~ FMAM - Futures MYSTERY Anthology Magazine is a carriage house on West Twentieth Street, Haig’s been quoting a lot of lines lately about and on the top two floors live Leo Haig and the rich abundance of the universe we live in, Wong Fat and more tropical fish than you could especially when I suggest he’s spending too shake a jar of tubifex worms at, but the lower much on fish and equipment, and looking at two floors are still occupied by Madam Juana our client I had to agree with him. We live in an and her girls. How do you say filles de joie in abundant world, all right. Spanish, anyway? Never mind. If all of this “Murdered,” he said. sounds a little like a cut-rate, low-rent version She nodded. of Nero Wolfe’s establishment on West Thirty- “By whom?” Fifth Street, the similarity is not accidental. “I don’t know.” Haig, you see, was a lifelong reader of detec- “For what reason?” tive fiction, and a penny-ante breeder of tropi- “I don’t know.” cal fish until a legacy made him financially in- “And you want me to prevent it.” dependent. And he was a special fan of the “No.” Wolfe canon, and he thinks that Wolfe really His eyes widened. “I beg your pardon?” exists, and that if he, Leo Haig, does a good “How could you prevent it?” She wrinkled enough job with the cases that come his way, her nose at him. “I understand you’re a genius, sooner or later he might get invited to dine at but what defense could you provide against a the master’s table.) determined killer? You’re not exactly the phys- “Mr. Haig—” ical type.” ”Huff,” Haig said. Haig, who has been described as looking like Except that he didn’t exactly say huff. He a basketball with an Afro, huffed in reply. “My went huff. He’s been reading books lately by own efforts are largely in the cerebral sphere,” Sondra Ray and Leonard Orr and Phil Laut, he admitted. “But my associate, Mr. Harrison, is books on rebirthing and physical immortality, physically resourceful as well, and—” he made and the gist of it seems to be that if you do a tent of his fingertips “—still, your point is well enough deep circular breathing and clear out taken. Neither Mr. Harrison nor I are body- your limiting deathist thoughts, you can live guards. If you wish a bodyguard, there are larg- forever. I don’t know how he’s doing with his er agencies which—” deathist thoughts, but he’s been breathing up But she was shaking her head. “A waste of a storm lately, as if air were going to be ra- time,” she said. “The whole Secret Service can’t tioned any moment and he wants to get the protect a president from a lone deranged as- jump on it. sassin. If I’m destined to be murdered, I’m will- He huffed again and studied the rasboras, ing to accede to my destiny.” which were the fish that were to-and-froing it “Huff,” Haig huffed. in the ten-gallon tank behind his desk. Their lit- “What I want you to do,” she said, “and Mr. tle gills never stopped working, so I figured Harrison, of course, except that he’s so young I they’d live forever, too, unless their deathist feel odd calling him by his last name.” She thoughts were lurking to do them in. Haig gave smiled winningly at me. “Unless you object to another huff and turned around to look at our the familiarity?” client. “Call me Chip,” I said. She was worth looking at. Tall, willowy, richly “I’m delighted. And you must call me Ma- curved, with a mane of incredible red hair. Last vis.” August I went up to Vermont, toward the end “Huff.” of the month, and all the trees were green ex- “Who wants to murder you?” I asked. cept here and there you’d see one in the midst “Oh, dear,” she said. “It sometimes seems to of all that green had been touched by an early me that everyone does. It’s been four years frost and turned an absolutely flaming scarlet, since I took over as publisher of Mallory’s Mys- and that was the color of Mavis Mallory’s hair. tery Magazine upon my father’s death, and FMAM - Futures MYSTERY Anthology Magazine ~ January - February 2006 3 you’d be amazed how many enemies you can Refused her permission to reprint a story from make in a business like this.” Mallory’s in one of the anthologies she edits?” Haig asked if she could name some of them. “Actually,” our client said, “I fear I did some- “Well, there’s Abner Jenks. He’d been editor thing rather more dramatic than that. You for years and thought he’d have a freer hand know Bart Halloran?” with my father out of the picture. When I re- “The creator of Rocky Sledge, who’s so hard- shuffled the corporate structure and created boiled he makes Mike Hammer seem poached? Mavis Publications, Inc., I found out he’d been I’ve read him, of course, but I don’t know him.” taking kickbacks from authors and agents in re- “Poor Lotte came to know him very well,” turn for buying their stories.
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