King to Camden. 681
KING TO CAMDEN. 681 [Enclosure E.] lg06 RETURN of Live Stock, March 8th-15th 1806. is March. [A copy of this return is not available.] HveUstock for use as STATEMENT of the time the Cattle belonging to the Crown in Provisions- New South Wales will last at whole and half Rations for the Numbers Victualled from the Stores, Say 2,000 full Rations at 7 lbs. of Fresh Meat a week each full Ration. 3 014 Cattle 300 lbs At full { ' ® - each ") 68 Weekg \ 1,410 Sheep @ 30 „ „ j b» weeks. At half j 3.0W Cattle @ 300 lbs. each ( 186 Weeks \ 1,410 Sheep @ 30 „ „ ) The whole Number of Cattle, Young and old being taken, they are averaged at 300 lbs. each; But the grown Cattle well fattened will weigh from 6 to 800 Weight. For the Cattle and other Stock belonging to Individuals, a Reference may be made to the last General Muster in August, 1805. [Enclosure F.] MR. JOHN MACARTHUR TO GOVERNOR KING. Sir, Parramatta, 2nd March, 1806. When I received my Grants of Land at the Cow Pastures, Macarthur's consequent on the Right Hon'ble Earl Camden's directions, Tour gJ'g^Hd cattle Excellency was pleased to signify, if a Proposal were to be made for reclaiming the numerous Herds of Wild Cattle on Terms equitable and of evident Advantage to Government, such a Pro posal might receive Your Approbation, and induce You to enter into a Contract for the Accomplishment of that Object. Having since very attentively reflected on the Practicability of such an Undertaking, I now do myself the honor to lay before You the enclosed Proposal, And I trust it will appear to Your Excellency both moderate and equitable, Altho' doubtless it will admit of, and perhaps require, some Modifications.
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