THE CRITERION,DECEMBER 15. 196T PAGE TWO DAILY I}RILL H SIX.IIOUR '# ;* lunguege :f Musteryr,f i:

mJ.ssion center_(J g'oul

' By REV. VINeENT LOVETT tul'r coufs('$ ({rsililll.v two .locttlfr}ri 0lltc't niltt'ictI cottplc :tt tht cou" a tla]') on such sul:.iccts as Latitt [t'r', ttrllrtit llrt' possiltilit.t' tlt:it tltcy (coFtriEht'l96l) r\mctican histoly arrri geoglnplly, ntay ttot lrt: ltltltt to takc llte lifa 'l'ntnirz,ttlil, l,ikc lll tlte lrt'icst-sttttlcnis rtI Clurrch-statc rclalions, socinl and nt i\le xitrrl, rvltttt'e tlt

As Strong and Tough as Al,t MAKES ri. * wqtchg. You Know What It Fnrhlon Jerrelry filirrq s!'llirl,rkr snunrls nt *ar'lr othcr'lrkr: lryo tnirclrirre t{urrs, Slre *' Ihrcorstivs []lockr "la" "la"; GRADY'S snid nnrl lrr: sairl she "lln" slirl rnrl hr' anss'crcrl back }l .Skywnyl.rrggagc "lla." ASP}IAIT In Sparrislr I rlrrs irtvitr:cl to join Giflslrom $l up W. J. Grrdy R. 8. Grrdy tirc paltl'nrrrl rvc stalletl again ln Iht' sorrrrrlof lhe variotrs Spntt- Christmrr Hourr Asphalt Roads, Drives, Street Constructisn 'rlrt" 9:30'ril 9 Daily ish s)'llahles. .,\l llur young 'til Mrrkelers and Applierr of Roatl Oil Tar, Enrulsilied Asphalf "Nu. Sal. 6 _ larty stoppc

w "Rt'pitn" ffi Iions: (r'elleat), and ut "tlarluscu" w { tlanslale). QUALITY Big! Plqz,gl ll I never learn anolher word Scores ut of Spanish, I think that I will "Comc ut rlways be able lo sly: COAIand Olt And we do mean wied0malnn's Fine with fresft'fr0m-the.mrel in. Sil down. Whai it your 5 LOCATIONSTO SEP.VEYOU ut SANTA'S botfle,every rjan.(lt's like havingyot'r own b€er \-" name? Do you have r pencil?" For Prompi Delivery taste.inevery tap!)wiedemanrl's does tasie dif fererrtf rom otlter beers.And \d HEREI j'i'aisc ilour the strrrtents for jnstlrrctors lhc l' rl'as trnani" the quality never chantie$o o. il's Registereld" uf, "'lhcy BRING THE mous, alc Rnrrzing," sitid \f 't ouc oldcr pricst of the instntctols, KIDOtES O "thoy w VISIT SANTA! neltr losc thcil putience (Q ot' thcit' pcLscr'orallcc." INDIANAPOLIS COAL OIL CO. \i, "Sonlt'tinlL.s tt0BEnT SIIXSON,Ou'ner w DAILY* Ilo saitl, 1'orr fccl Noon to 9 P.M. like a fool l)ut thcy aln'uys Ir'ett 35 Years Sotne t\latutgeitent N' l'ou \vith rcspoct." Nornrally WIEIIEwN (f SATURDAY_ l0 A.M..6 P.M. C.l.l,'. l)l'ogl'nrlr, thc s{trdcnt,s ft spoke of the language course ils "cxccllent" "srrperb," or and lhe MOHLHEAT rINEM,BEER (,llrildrt:rr rvill lovr: lVorl:shop gift given "r'cly Santa's arrd tlre hc lrns faintt:st praisc it ruas BUDGETPAYMENT PLAN lor cach clrikl. Plrotos availablo iI palcnts tlcsilc. goorl, " Choice Gitt scltrctions in etrcir liotrtholn I'lazir stoLe "Ortr Oil lleot,, Can't Be Bcal" tluttlitl' ttrct'clurnrlisc soltl b1' r'cputrblc nrolcharrts. elruosc Ytlt.lll Gifts tvillr r:onfidcrrec at Southc|u l'laza. CITYSUPPTV (0., lnc. Slore Hours: tITTEt'IiAN CAPIT0I illontlal'thru l'rirlay l0 &.lrt. lo lt Distributors Saturday - l0 B.rn. to {i p.rn. Coal & Oil Corp. 'fll(JXl;\S t'trod and l)rug Stores Open l)aily ilill 10 p.rn. i\1. Ir l'l'Zr;ll11A[,D, Pt'csitllttt "Kcep 4200 South on Highway 31, or Highwry 135 b'nll ,\'eruicc" 214E. St,Clair 5t. Indianapolis, Ind. i THE CRITER|ON,DECEMBER t5, 196l n4 PAGE THREE yrfr 1!llllllnillllilllllillllillllilnllllllllllllllnlllllllillllllllllllllllllllll 'Black ' ;.;): = eye ffi ;r*"'u"u"'i;#;;'i"irif 1,. = ./ fo, ;:;';.-/;:';;.;;'."";'r;;;';;''.;;;;'.'.'.== KANDANA, Ceylon-A THE VATICAN I Ceylon' life purily the soul, clevate it and hcad the board of trustees of the Cone, b3, ilre wife of the Central 'Fountlation, ese govcrnment propqsal to bnr open the gatcs o[ hcavcn [o others Natlonal Newman r inteliigence,Agcncy director. She nrgctl I Popa JohF Xxlll has membersor rerigiousbodias-in- anrlro ourscrvcs.. . ." "ri:""t:i,i, u.r. .n;,,?l;,ilii,; educational radio and telcvision ir-,i,..ll,rr..o*lffit'.r10 Tlf,llloul *l:i give cluding Buddhist rnonks e,xperts lrom 68 nations to vInNNA - Archbishop Josot ltrntls to "ia u.s. rv"**un cruir. as christian I .n.ciatrst, was spiritual valrtes lirst placc in their ^irrionori.SltXu"il n"Ji.r.i., named teaching in schools was B.erun o[ Praguc, ttnder arrest . . . Funcral scrvices were hold year efforts. IIc told an attdicnce of -strongly Doctor ol the by critici^zedhyBishop lgnaliur Glen. sinca 1049, could return to his Sce radio and TV erlucatqrs thnt mod- in St. Church, the National l.ederation of Cath- scrve nio, S.J., o{ Trincomalc't, in a if he plcdgcs ern communieations mcdia loyalty to Czecho. Washington, lor Mrr. John A. Mc- olic physicians, Guilds. a Eood anrl lawftrl Purposc in providing entertainnrent' Bttt, lte "it tcaehinE in schools," ploi. added, is still ntore inqtortant the Ameri- Ilut Irlinistcr of I{calth Joref lhat these new fncilities shottltl Confessionsin languages be userl for the instruction nnd Hl;s',.,:i,ift;"'o:'""1"'1!."1ffi* l*"';;:X;"lil:it',i,:i-rT::: foreign services of sorne of the nrost cducation of nankintl." gnua.n*oni'- organization'of spAr{rrnrndlJ,i}iiil,-il:ll,'Hi'h!hl1$;$ftr5.",".1r1'o1tn,r.'d'X1,. r1*alificd taaehers rrut ot trie niuri il,l,i'.'i"iiil.,s,,, adrrcd that rhc Archbirhop Pcriclc Folici prc- devoted amon( 0 them." rd"vcar'oid prolato continucs to rrr*c*-r. rill;l,l''{i,rP.i'jfi.ffrll;i'T"rt'tu?,,l"Tl-z'roa'i0;.m' srrntctl John rvith the {irst BElFAsf-Northern rcfttse to tnake stteh a plcdgc' copy of the secontl edition of a I Ircrantls ,o,.,ru, ,,rni'Jfi',X'ilj 1t^;i'f-trllt l;ll ]ri raur (.rh.d,rr, r4fh rnrr No,rh ,B,,F"fitfi: a ceimPlote stal,cd!g!v hospitalrrvrFlrdr systentlaJnrsrrr rs !r!lr!{1! !-u! !t-vl!tl volume containing is deliber-t{cllug{" aY I,IIttA, Feru-ClerBy};J Rndaltl{l nrem.lllcltt' Salurday.srr,,,drv oecrmberD,.,nh., 16_g,00.9:30r^_r.M,o..A p.m.rH Iist of thc members anrl eonsttltors ol the Pontificnl Irrepilriltoly ;:.,',iJ,J-,:;.''i..,";,l',i',';;'''::]if':';:..'iTi,:x;q.x!t*ill','1''H.Jli,,o*,,,..,,,i.u,',Y'$liiitjiFf!llH{l*1'lii.ig Commission on thc Second Vati- nnndinr rn E-.L^- -,-r--i" L-,1_l tO VOte inlll allalt eleCtiOnSulccltulls ttndertltltlur AI Sdlurd,ry,rdrsrudY, De*i)b€ru*coroer 13*4:@.610orr*4:w'orvu rj,nr,_Z,tO,C,O0p,m,-/rJu'vrou nlm.P,m. cofding tO Ffthcr Kelly, :,1.."t:* can Council. The archhishoP is seelctary gcncl'el of tltc Coururis- Universityinl}e|{astandSccrc.:j.:.::::.':,'''j.}I,f'Y'":]:::1:.'l,''::% siott, tary of Eelfast's lrlntcr Infir. AT HOME nlorunr lftlspital. IIe said that of 478 nlembcrs of comnrittces ap- pointed by the Norther.n lrcland Jlospitnls Authority, only 12 per cent are Catholics. "Catholics Ionn 34,9 pcr cent of thc popula. tion of Northern lreland," he said.

0 I'HANKFUIIT.oN.IYIAtN, Car- many-t rolief drivc for the per, $#d-Lrr\E'! sceutetl Church hehind thc Iron Curtain, conrlueted in this Wcst German eenter, nettetl 9,10,000 in cash, a considerable amount of ij**nm'*iiiij,iiiiiiii"-,NAMEsMAKENEws.ffi-;d}hw,'IW/ cycles for use try priests: ;;;ilr A 4Z-ycar-oltlforttter Ncrv Jr:r- \ iii"'lllt'T.t"i'";'trl:::i:l"l"llT .o; r;;'l;;';"s c,rrrrr.nerrirrori- :) - l,YLn\l I ltg ffutffi h e-.- xffllit,',tH,ili:llll':,ruiiri::;i*ll,J-"1'liiiilJuii1llfii,l..if;l \*cru AP/.r,< l{pat'cltv_(dior:r:sr:) of (,llticago. '.1$$4ffi.-i/,Y,trrYAgt- "!r. Itastern I'ricsts rlrganization, . . Shrimn. pcrch.Ilounder. \\ l;x1i$11.'i,'iiiJ'i##:':;'.11i';:l:"'t.';);:*'iril'-"$'?;"yl,ilfi: seasquab, cra.b' ovs:4 ,[ r,i, ':r':1ll-or 'T',:::"ll:l^'Jl,T' ".i"iil"N*1b/I7X34;ry11 /7 ? *::?",:11"11.i..'::l1li:: illiilill:';l'?il:ultlrolrcs ot tlrc Ilyzantine nitc. i,l,'J',1'i'o"li'iVi,u'ltly ftsh fry Ntght at the i ('nl nrerlicines,autornobilcs, clolling, A \IVZII-W)_ ,: Slr'css ploycrs' cluty littrratureanrf cash lras bccn seiii . . Abbot Anselm Coppersmith, IIarOtt . . . OFeOSeaSon On,j\_ fS; intO llon Cttrtain courrtfics tlli5 O.S.8,,53, Itas llecn nleCterl irbb,rt rll rhn.l.^..-.lntiraniaerr^rr-'tf,'-1.---4f ,"fl: ^. I to sc[ \\'ork sl.irnclards ycRr the pliest said.

HOOSIERENERGY GENERATINGPLANT G\ uoesh tne.l elephnnt feollyfeur the irrrys on tlte MOUSE? G0,G0, G0,.. meet fheir match in rugged

The only competition thot Hoosier Energy provide, is JUilPrtF',rlrc,l(t con possibly .:empetitign,by 11I' omple. nn(l perhal)$ Unlsls wllal prrvatc uLttr- SENIORS "unfnir Privote utiliries hqve wqiled com- tics are afraid of. petition . , . thcle is plcnly of lorv-cosi potver ND plans [o ailtl conducted in 30 availablc," cvcr sinc'c Junc 15 rvhcn I1UA A recent lmportiol turvey (ounty snd townl- al4lrovctl firtanciutr', Iol the l-Ioosicl Iincrgy Indisns seqi citioc 'lhey 849'6 of Conrpuling Center gcncral,ing plant ncal Pctclslrrrrfr. havc among non-RIJMC members-founcl highly contplintenl-ary of spcnt huntllcds of thorrsarrrlsof rhrllals flying the rownspeople Many exllressc(l il to malic lhc ltclieve thal }loosicl I1lJfulC service. llrclcrctlcc ltrrhlic Among btrsi- Ilncrgy rvill th'ivc pliv:rtc ui.ilitics out of busi- for ITEMC service lhenrselves. Comfort assulcrl lry Juntping- tlessrnelr intervicwccl, 82o/o raLerl REMC serv- "snug - ncss . . . ot at. lcast cirusc thcm glcat financial .lacks' cxclusir,c httg" icc goocl; ttio/s werc not lamiliar with REMCs; Irccl . . plus assut'ance' of cxtt'a loss. cllrlul fittiug at [Iat'tin's. lcss tlran 29b raLe

IewyShine BernardMcGinty .TIIE BillMcldthan liJlaryfitlcGinty $ffilllilG lRl$llffiEt' 301N.Delaware [Yew €r [-[serlCars lllle.5-7264 lUle. 7.4378 BernardHoff THE CRITERION, DECEMBER 15, 196I PAGE FOUR

The Security Council and lhc Gcnelal Assemblv mav 31rin11rt1111llll bc failinS miseiably to solve the political problemi of a-n IIIN irleologically dividetl workl, but the United Nations, through (lornnrent its committees and member organizations is accomplishing = marvels. Pope John XXIII in his Rncyclical on Cliristian-- = rep' crpressed in lhcse ediforial columns i- ffte opinions ily qnd .Soci-at Progress, hailed the ,'accomplishments of li THE Cetholic ,csenf a Cctholic viawpoinl-not necesrarily thc Food and Agriculture Organization and-of the Inter- arc o#orlt of ih: odilors to servc Public nationul Labor Organization. The results of UNESCO and = viowpoinl. They Nrlion' of the World llealth Organizatiop have been no less spec- opinion within tho Church and withln fht = I rt c:t tl:r r.

If.l,eople here in the Midviest are taken in by- the con- tcmptible accusations macle against UNESCO, UNICEF, UNNSC{I el,r:., it is because the pres^s 'I'he ha-s failed to eover the U.N. story. sericsi of ai.ticles we printed on international organizations. was.our attempt to make amends, We prom- isc morc such articles for the new vear. 'I'hat)s nt.y lxty! I STRAYLEAVES ,. QUESTIONBO4 l lolv many Russ A unique journal arc actuallv Reds? with solid worth By MICHAEL BOVYr-ES By MSGR. J' D' CONWAY

l'rom time to time ther'e enrpts in the Catholic prcss a discussion on the question of Cathnlie5 614 thc intallectual life. Are Catholics tntellectual? Are they interested in adventures o( the mind? Afc they t()o cozy within the sheltcr of their se. curity on furrdamcntal doctrincs to bothcr with spcculation and thc "contloversial" cxnminalion ol m a lters? Very often. lhr inrpression rc. Cttshing its tlrc trltirrtntc attlhot'ily ceivcd flonr lhcse rliscussions is ott it: nnd ollc, tll()ro z('al()tls, hol)o- that Catholics rlo not tnke theit'parl ftrl lnrl tcrtt'r'otts lltltn tllc fcst, scnt in intellccttral nillttcl's, in thc ex. ltt(r il (:(tP]i lrcc. So I (ltlot(' i() ]'(]tl: ploration, fol examplc, of thc proh' 'lho ('nrdinul i\r'chlrishop of llostott Ienrs of alt antl nusic ancl litela. turc. A couplc of rvecks f,go, I menlionerl a convcrsation rvith sotnc Catholic jour' nnlists rnd report0d an ofrinion that Catholic ptlh' lications rlo not rrtn rcgttlar mrtsic articles beeausc 'l.lte Iict\' htis llecrr cxpr.csserl that tlto collvLllltioll \vill pclcenta{c is t'xact. I ltoptt 1'ott cttlloct. il was fr:lt Chtholics in genet'al werc not inter0sted 'l'hc "l)icttt' rrroirn thc loss Of local r.otrit'ololct'etlttt:aliOtl irt tltis cotttt- (-'ultlirtal goes otl lo oxplirin that the tn ntrrsic. 'l'lrc t,:v. that I"t'tltlt'al cotttl'ol oI erlttcirtiott rvill. itl tttt'n,.llc lofship oI tlte I'r'olctnlilt" is t'vitlt'ttlly anrl a

disa(rct'nronts thlt rr' cottph' ltt'r, runalllt- to hlrntllc satisfurtot'il5' $oiU!c(uitc|slr$tdn[r!ilnii.I|sNMN rlrrlirrg crrtrllslrip. llrrrrrglt :rll toir rttattl' ttnnrl.ittslttl cottples lttkrl llttr "tltr:t1'- slulr irt llro r-nin lroltt'tlutl lhirrg rvill \\1rfk {}ttI illl fii.{ht, ultco " r\'(.'r'r' liiiii'i'iL.(1. r\lost tnllitgt urrttls lt-:iiling ta su('(r0ssflll trltt'tiltl:tls pt'ttcct'rl lrrllrcl strtootltll', IIi ttottt'tsltip is ru;rtkr'rl lrt' tir)lt\ll1 arl lf0{ltl0I}i rlrrnlrrls. il's n llt'itt' ri{n tltttl Ititsit' rlisit{ttt'ttlt'tlls ttt'l'rirl {)r thlt llrt t'ottPk' lrirvr lnl leirrrlcrt *'r Fw""-n""::'glv..::-j:ql*r Irt-xv ln rcsrrlt'c tltcir tli[[t't'r-'tterrs iil"'lilli;l''li,liil-'li"i,liilllirl :yl: in & cr)nstnlctilc llrshion. ltt illhr,t' 1\'ol'rlJ, :tlihotti:lt ll stonlly o WIIAroFnIIE pAy r{rrflshil) tual sttltqlll' t'it'lt nlt- l.ix_lllnfui,*tt,;p,,. tuIiirl for it llr,\t,l ,'a ,,r,t,'i.., it's .ni+. rr{tr.i i1 oturklc\ the nr.- ;r [)L)of pl(rl]itfitli(]ll l(]l A St;tlrlC fll a t'f iil gr'. tp-*u$*:ffiThe JohnBirch Society:a final appraisal By R€V. .IOHNoORAN

)illbet's I

IttrlIr'rl tt rrllr's trltlr' )(rilt'r'c 0f irrrllrstlral trtrrons itlttl surnt,ol. thc llll{)l'ilutll{}ll lrlrrrlrl lltr r\l l, ( l(} oLl,\li l,.t'l() littiIlitttl'l'l'lrrlt'strirtl Ioll\('llll(!ll $r'rr' lltt, It'ottt-p:rl:c tlrc pclsotral rift hctrvt-t'tr sotttt ol' slrrrits prrlrlisherl in llre lliitrrri the {op ofirt't'rs trl lhr. r\Fl,-t'l(.1 plpt'Ls tlrrrittg thr plst .stvt'l'll lurc nrlttrittt'rllr' lt'{}u}rl(}!i(}tttr,pfr]l), '['ht1'(h] rluls, ltc trrillht bc lrtl to thiuk Icnts, llol, lxr\fo\ttr, fortn thut llrc h11t11s11l)ot$0on thc irri. tllo rt)osl irrrpolt:rrrt ploblcrtt firr-= li:lls r\l;'1,:rlrrl ('l() is lllorrt to hc inc the lahor nror-enrerrt at lhc rlt'lt'tt'rl iltl(l lhiri 1ll0 t\to orgarr plt'scrrl tjnrrt.'l'hr ..\[i'1,.(:It)'s lzittr{rlls, rrlrrt'lt trtct'i1r'rl tn \t's' l)i:{[csl singlc plollltnr is thr iat't Vrrrk itt l1)115,lt'c otr lltr'it rrlr' lo l lral its ntcurllt-r'ship, ls :l l'rrtr- lltt' crrtttlr:s trr pt'titurtt .inittllt frrt' tr:nlutlc of lhc tOtul lilllrli' h)fcc. Ir ilivrrn'e ot :tI lt'it-st lo;- 5q,P111';1{cts rltitrlilJ rlcr:li0ing. nlilint('nlllla| .)t) tlrt' fluiltliltr 'l'htl (lintelt-\l(ttts atrti srllrlc {)t' .{r'r'nn{ls r}[ ln('1'nl[]utlhilrt]' lllr' flltl's of iltts t'rilit.:rl ptulrlr'rrr '['lt.rt tlrr'r't' ii ir r't,t'iltitr .rllioulll :rt't' rlist'ttr,srtl ilt cottsirir:r';rlrlr, rlc, tlf tlisst'nsiotr itt tlttr futuill'of or. lltil itt e Tti ll;rge strrrl). b.v 56lri. "'l'lrl r:;rtttzurll;rlrot rs irrr urhtroultrlittl ln{rll []rrrkirr r'nlitlerl I)r lirt:t. \t'r ortht lt,ss, t lltink llrirl. r'lint' of llrr [,ahor' \tort'rttcttt ;tnrl 1\'lt:rt t'ln llrc Itoss is rloirtg ;r ilisst't'rit'e to lle [)nrrc ,\lrorrt ll." rt. tts rclrlcrs illl(l l(l tlri' ,\lrl.'t'l(l lr';rscrl Lr,r,r'lrllt rrnrir)t.thc :rrtsllit.t's (-'cutr:r' irr hlott'in- up tlri,s tijsst,nsiorr rlttt rrf llrc ltir tlrr Strttly o1' I)tnrocLatir' of itll Pr,rport iun, lustitution.r tsiuglr: 'l'hc r.'r)l)i(ts,ll't) :tvtril:rblt: frt't: by *rit- rrt't l)0t\r c0ll sornc ul l ltt ing io the tl('nl el' nt. lJo.r ,l06li. THE 5T. The New Continuous Sirnta lJ;rlbarn. tlalif.. or to its SUNDAY i\tr'.r. \'olk offit:r: r[ 3lt liast 5-tth MISSAL St. Joseph Sunday Missal i:t reet ! " - trir- Birklrr, Itesenrch Drrcctor 'l,e.ttilr: Tl|ILAST CI|RISTII{AS Ot{EART}| lor tlte \Yorkers linion ol 'ililS 't't{E (.'ltRl.S'til,\S It:r\H ttn,t, trE Lnsr t)N tiA.R'rH ;\iuerica (i\lr'1"('lt)), rvrites thal "hospitel'l "nol lo. rhc bif.rr t!l(l }lrk in our ln PUNN.{'f'|t]R/L onll' arc etnpiolccs riot join- 'tlny r ? z )r f,.)ul.he\rn lNlll^\. tols, nrosl of irtrj uniotts irt tho last uunrbt.r's &,lit!Ir'l' thcrn, lhcrrc ;'oun4shrs .(c rll tneur- thay ottcc did, bul. outploy(,fs lrre YJ r['r$ . atrle: rrme o( lherii h:vc tenhs, inr'rtrasingll' resisting tlre spl.ea

\\ il \'t' {f l lt lllssl()\s \}:r.:t) VOCATIONS "-, EXHIBIT l. I' s Io iritin a y(|uug nrarr for lhe priesth(X)d in ()l}1.\, l.OI- lSVtl-l-lj. K1 .-,\ tu'rr.tlur' l i\it)1.\, l,:{i Y P't, t,;'l'tll or Ulil'l'ltUrt, c{xits itltL)[clhrr S600. llcli(iorts Vrrt.atirrrrs Exhihit or Sltl0 il )clr' . . l ou'll holp rts lrtln I nalir.r clrrgl bl. stnd, is treirtq pltrurt'rl lrolc li.v tng r d(llrtti(|lr irr aIy.nttlr)lull 1\,e,ll send r (ill:,1,(1.\RIr, tlrt Sttr.r'u i( .r'ou uish, to the llerson .rou B'rnt to tenronrller- L'ltrh [r'r' .\la|r'lt l]t) nnd lil at the 'l'he ::. SlSl'HltS -. Sisters $ho rarc lor ineurnble -' .,", r.' clrlldren .*!:l'l: \i: :s.'llllll:l| 9,'', In t'l'N\',\'l'ltl'R,\ neerlrd hrlp not krng rgo lo comple(e their Narne Gold-slarrrpcd on Frottt. Also Protecfi,re Cover-.- (FR E E Slrrw For Yaur Crib Sel--Corrte noliliate trainilrg.'l'o (lhe trdrr a Slstcr tririninC lasle for two Only $l Fxtla. Why sencl hundreds of rniles away for ln cnd Trke All Y<,u Needl) -ytilr\l er)sts $ii00 altoetther, or Slt\0 il 1eflr....{ (iIFt,tj.,tRl) these Missals when we havc r cornplele slock? fr0nt ttill lc{ tts t}ttt 1ttr\ort r)tr 5orrr gi1t-lisl hlro$ that fou have. in his lrorror, lrai}ltd a Sistrr. ii. f'll.\lt[;LS. S(-Il()()l,S * :I mission chapel ean bc bnitt {or littlr rs as S1.|,000.}'or S'!.ir00 nr.hal it cosls for onc tlass- Phone and Mail Orders Filled roorrr in the U.-\.-{.) n'e can lnrild an cntirc misslon school . (lonalions, rJsrrrR Srnd .rt)ur lrrge or small. on Day Received ll'e.ll r*nnd GtF.'f C..f Rl)S i rt I'out'rteuost. .1. '\L'l .lll .\ttTl{,'Ltls,* lrr er,e11 mlssion t,halrr.l wt rreed rroNS'rH.\r-(it: (s.r0!, n- l'-l_:s]-M:)-rs_ .,:\i0l: . ir clr.rr,reB ($tr0,, Furteral Seruice ! Cl r ROR I t' )l $,lur,'t'.\tililtN.\C:Lt: rsta)). (.RIr(tt l..tX {!i?n). '(fia4. "the I !L' fi'inesll\tssible frCIcarEst$)issions6 i Inoro*ACI:uR(H Supprv 1 tnANcts CAtotNAt 3pEu.MAN,prilldont I At Loup.sf I Hrgr. Jorpi l. l7or. xotl Lc,, I Pnssible Cost i | oll coernmlcotlon lc; I I CATHOLICNEAR EAST WELFARf ASSOCTAITON I @ yo* USHERTIIIORTUARY i 48O loxingfon Avc. ot 46th St. Nrw 17, N. y, [ I i ;;;.;;"';;,1" ,,. MErroro2.e352 I 107South Pennsylvania ME7'8797 Indianapolis,fnd, Lffiv"T,fiffisJy\t rtu-,firrrvcu'ur.' -.i PAGE SIX THE CRITERION, DECEMBER 15, 196I . ANNE CULKIN Her lrnyfriend got fresh

Edited by lhe Cleric Seminsrianr of Wesi Bedan Collogc

Good Samarilorr


Our Lor'tl told a -stot'Y ttnt'c abortt a Jerv ttrirking a trip ft'on't Jet'usalent to Jet'iclto. Ila fcll in IESUTTBROTFIERS rvith robbels tvlro boat ltint, took Sclve Chlist bv Praycr, Dedication his tnoncy and clotltes, and lo[t 'Iechnictrl, of thcir Clelieal, and other abilities at horne anrl irr tlrc forcign l])issions. liiill,,"illfiJL,olffi" .\ I1r'iest clttttc ili t j:ii F'ol lrce ltooklet al.rout the life and ncrv [r'air.r, i,i'**.:j.* \q u t ing lrlograrn, wlitc rv r lkerl on.. ,\ ^I l Brolher W. R. Haas, S.J. i, . i; it o also nS-. West Baden College caurc near tlrc i \$' ..." i\ West Baden Springs, lhdiana I'uL T- I)L'irr l,a1: Cltlrrr:eg arc this tlrc Jervs' enetrtics' hallltt'netl is nol. llrrc irt yottl palticrtlar r:;rsc, along, s:ttv tlte poor s'rctclt. antl llrtI tlllrl sonrc grrls fail to lclt.iorry for hinr, llc tlt'aggetl rc;rlizr',is thlt cvctt though llrcy

IHANKS To All The Families That Have I A Cnristmas HelpedUr YCA. gr0rrl| slnlcs Gitt Witrr To Help Chrislnrus pilrlv Year-Bound Rernembrance

l,r"l)lANr\l'Lll,lS "'l'he \ ottttg (latltolrr: r\tlults rvrll hold lhctr an' utral (lhristrrlas I'itrt5' 8l tlrcir' ncxt mceting otr'Ihttt'stla1'. De' r:curbcr zr at llolr- Ros:rly pat'ish, 'lhera 7'1rcclothing, tilti S. Ilasl St. is to be a .furniturc und $1 [ift cxcltattge. MARY VISITSELIZABETH household itents lutu: .r:ou ''.\tttl ottl rritlt ;t l;lrzllrclll rvli filllrl rvillr lllt llolr'(iltosl: atlrl slrl ttilri ts thc lorrtl rloicg:rnrl sal(l: iJlcssctl alt Ihort aiitottg,r',rttrett. anti lllt'ssr'

Dr, Leonard Kt:r'nel l=.r.1.i1 ^' t!-la.n Dr. Rlanchc Kernel n3.n Keating tml lffil Dr'. I'aul B. Kelncl Dr. ,Iules Tintlct'

CATI-IOLICSALVAGIi I ContactI.,enses I'itted BL]ITEALJ HOURS8 A.M,.' P.M. Clored Wrd. Altcrnoonr ME 2'3155 ILLINOIS ST. t01 N. l15 North lllinois Slreet Phone MElrose 4.6136 {1g !. w'hington 51, inciiancpolir,Ind,

THE CRITERION, DECEMEER ls, 196l FAGE EIGHT F"A fu,*J D AC(E$$ORIES 6, lJ+.o,+., G {;:|'i

4 iiil ,.^d,,i "*$ irAl{cYttt ATSORIID (t|0(0mfi5




GIFTSETS AITTTR.5HAVI^"il t.{)Tl0N ,r J"ill..r'.li'r"'1$t

z.foffi l r 0.45 vALU f J66 P0LAR0ID0AttlERl

RID SAIIHSALL ORHAMEIITS iit':Iil,'lii2.29 TIMIX WATCHES sEV0tVllr0 c0L0RwHtet 5.98 r:oA{l'Lf} f 5I(l(.ii r()f t ADlts Ar'ih l'"'i.l'{ woff8R05, (R001$ .4t Hoox'5 79. 'i.ib" LOW, LQW ,l; 'Jif'o PRIC€5 39. :i.:."-':H*'



ilililillIilillittuiiiiIiiiiiiliiiiiiliiiiiiliillllllilillrlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllli [f-!. rT-I f Worlcl Council stl"csscs ((-'ontinucd {ronr pnge 1) W?ifi{a{rmft no one detties it. il'lte (U coor

{2e l. Wqhul Sl. Indlonqooltr

Gtnr rtrct'll appreclartc tha door to old'fcrshloned dlrrlns pleosura RUSHVTLLE Grrt'ry dtry (Df ttre Ircar! n SlOtOI --q,$595 5 Dining Rooms-GaY Nineties -Bcrr PrivqtJParties-Serving 15 to 200 Persons "Over A CenturY ol HosPitolitY"

Serving 6 o-m. lo Midnight DcrilY p'm' Suntlays SMORGABUFFET ll:30 a.m' to 8

P'M' rvitlt. lfit[]rer 'loltn':r SundaYs-ll A'M'-3 it n(lopte(l a eontnritlic ,i"rr,rri Now Open '\lt'tlicine' lts wltoltr' statinq, horvevcr'. that tlre.1,,i,,.1, *ttlt.]. crllcllLs ALrYou cANEA' lvill obof its Lolrl n'ltcthll rl t-s. .lll{l sr*r1hr'. tht':}'ritn- $1.95 ists rrntlct' il .iust ciril !.{o\cr'nnlcnt or PERCHDINNERS tl')ll \\'lLllottt tlle CHTCKEN ot' rttrtlct ttlillln.v. tlse 'l'htt or ltrtrltt- {i00'ir'old I'osolttliott a.s,',t. 1]f,al'r'ltol "lltc I\rl rlrll{s' 8 Oz. T6F STRLOINSTEAK ing lhlt csct'cise of lclrrlrorrs !lor, Hot f,ollr, Cofec $1.75 lrcnch ?rlcr, libertl inlolves othct' lttttttan Ilillions ol pcoplc rights" rvas arloptctl $'itlr little ItaVc tr-se(l I"rttltcr tlebatt, anrl *.ith tlrc rlclt qation John's illcdicine suc- 5 ccssfully rluring ,,* of the Russian O'thorlox Churc6 the rlr conditlonrd- I'rlvit. dlnitrr roomr ror't}letely Pirst $5 Yeat's. eerTrct' gJfriUt. lor ill occrelonr' Cont0lctt- crtrrlns ryt:]]]tt l.o! R'!'rrrtlont' Ctll t Christmas Special MlcC[,,\RN E Y'S "lTill*lji'i:1,'il. 2-1621-ME 2-1777 40 to 60%ott t{35 W. MORRISST. ME Bell Chlmo announcor calb with On All so{t, m0sical notes, I! IT'SA MUST !! Vbif Our Now Enlarged RESTAURANTond DFIVE'lN I]EI,ICIOUS !'OOD CItcfs Preparecl'Opcn7tlaYsawcck bY Our li,xPert

a Dlt'INERS . BREAKFAST C LUNCHEOI'IS €hops, Chicken, Se.rfood, Salad Plates Putler & Bag !a Steaks, Our.Famous DOUBL-L SANDWICH CharlieHarter l1.\, Evening You Musl Try il Through Privrle PartY Room P.G.A.-PleasantRr-,n Golf Club il Dec. 23rd Sl. Indianapolir, Ind' 601 N. Arlinglon 6501 E. Washington PAGE TEN THE CRITERION, DECEMBER 15, 196I .SL/SAff SLADE' Film hranded sleekly crafted soapopera

His. idea here, obviously, wos sticky minutcs,.thc will fe(lucsts Tlris is a samplc of ..Susan to tdko. the lwo popular young lhat thc ashcs be sprinklcrl ovcr Slatlc's" appt,,racli hc rliak $r.rc r t)ccn t'e- to iie-otrametc.s trigh"" 'Srts:ttt slars, bury fhem up lo fheir a nearhy lake "so iludc lc liltcst I'ou'll alrvays tr.uths, lt'is aiso'u 'l'ro cute noses in plot, surround Stcvc'ns . Dortahue think of mc in llcatrly, as I will w&y to rnake a living. (Legion ,^:ll:1,: rniglrt I avc r onb of sulcly alrvaysdrrYoJn tlrinkrrrrrrA ou ryou.,,rvt'tl' or Decencyuecency A.3)A-J) "s olhers,:H1".*,*,3jtt"^1j,'""":s- Brian Aherne, Natalie - -"'1l"'1 lxrtll l pir rs, Thc c-i-t-- v--\ - Schofer, Kent Smith) and wrrp ro{ogra' everylhing up in a gorgeous s0ulld technicolor package, Iil vL: il GrinsteinerFuneral llome ttslti Of yorrngsters, thr: [rvo tr'liss Egtablished t854 skill.'i:r Sl-cvcns sccnts lo Itavc rnrlrc tio- lting ! tcrttial. I)t'spilc stcrooll,pr,rl gtirrrl i€ORGEN, GRINSTTINTRHAROLD D. UNGER ' looks antl a voict tlrat is often llrlfor. 2-5374 l60t Eoil N€wyofk st, litllc nrole thirn a squeak. shc has lt rvitle rlnge of rnoo)h>)llitrahn}}l}!'!blr!}!|lll l la nrlf tt l o f Dttst'" 33Pjll1111l}!lll!lll!I:f:3Ytl:*ha!{}hrr*!harr* Gel .flore for Yow Moncf SOTITIIEASTERN SERVICE tomrlel. tinr ot Prdr Phonc -2I)21- Phonc SUPPLY CO. * New Cleaner Trade.ln I"r^ ?.ll?E - Fr^ s.[{ll 119.00cnd up Hanr ?i(k Ut & 0rllY.rt Cor. Soutlreaslern & -t DAYS[RVI(E- (]AITNBLTOIT Prosrrect $t" 5420 E. Washinglon FL 7-l186

SNYDER'S WALLPAPER DR.UGSTORE Hayr tour dccorrlor rhor you out tlllf ,t for. trln ENJOY Actn. g.tnDlo lool|, O'gllttl PAlillt t lltLr trEfrb- EARI F. SNYDER, Prop. t .d, ftrn.r., Flqt[bln& CAPIT(|LGIAS$ Ph. Kf. 7-2811 Connelton Acme Waffpapers, Inc. ,tnrcca. GrtrCca, coiltPAilY,lllc. ASIct|RE AI{D DTIII{ITE Il{COl|lE IOR IIFE D Xoilt Dotr GENTRY E t trtEolia o Store Fronls ^ fr.a .ttl Br..a on your inveslrnenlr lhrough our Aluminum Weafherboard /.) o turni?ure fopr FUNERALHOME 'J Specialists h tt... rrf' r Window Glosr t20 w. lfh 3r. rl. t-!8al Alumiwall Crirporation MISSION CONTRACT "i'.1t o Mirrorc 924W. Michigan ME 2.2416 (AN ANNUITY) f "Don't Sentl A BoA to Do A o Alsynite Fibre Glosr trIan'sJob" YOU WILI RECEIVE A CHECK EVER,Y SIX NAONIHS o Boiley Gloss Sliding Doors FALL SPECIALS Send mc Intormation on your Llls Income Mls:ion Contrlct t $AVE AT $UTHERLAND Pouringwool insulation,sack . 89c l1lRIII HolidaY Parlier COVTRS APFROX. ?4 SO. FI. PER SACX IODAY ffiFor Your LEADED GLASS FOR FURTHERC= $4,48 Sour-Cream STAINED 6LASS DETAlts TO C- City-- rone-State French Onion llod Pq;rlf,d Snrciol Dalinnr Modr

For Church Windows ,,,.:ii,l'vo,?il i."*, Fiywooa, t6i'4ag A.D. Fir, each ...... t2.75 SUTHERLANDLUMBER CO. fUTUTUAtfrlltK(0. l5ooKENTUCKY AVE. ME9'2345 2243Bethel STatr 4'4484 OpenFriday 8 r.m. lo 9 p,m, OfherWeekdrys 8lo 5 THE CR|TERION,DECEMBER ts, t96t PAGE ELEVEN

ilillilillilnilillnilillilllmlllillilllfi mlilliltr[ilililttr IVCRLCofficial hirs CALENDAR 'f PILSO TJUSTl.{tGl{ ENOUGH SO TH6Y i LtLt OAVTO? prgN'T SLOCK OUT subltumen w&ge I THE cHRlsi cHlLo./ farm IVASIIINGTON-I.'arm employ, IIe predieted, horvever, that il the Governnrcnt makes such e{- forts in adrninistering the bracero pro.qram, it will come un

r00K rout BtIt I .,.. . ^- .- ^ ^:l l.l,,i * ou't.t , . tII Ua SUPPu four DruG ritI0il it,t,t MOP.ROW'$PHARMACY ilIr:anrvhilc. lrunrlr.r'rlsoI In