·TH\£ Sr6RY'OFlHE NATIONS • .• I - •

.. EDfllON


I. JLDD. By AlmIVR GILIIAW, 290 1'HB :l'OBBA.B'B. By SAAAH II.A. OK~K fY.WETT. :a. nm UWI. By Prof. J. K. JO. 'l'RE BYZAlfTDO BIlPmE. Hos"ER. lly_ C. W. C. 0 .."", J. ORBJLUIY. By Rev.S.BARIXa­ 31, BIOIL Y: PhomUriaa, Greek ad GOULD, ItA. Jl.omu. By the Jate 1'rof. £. + OARTHAGE. By Prof. ,\LI'RED A. FUfOI':U");. 32. THB TU8ClAlf JtEPU"BLICS• 50 •Jri~~H' ER'S EIIPIB.B. By By BJ'!LLA. DUFFY. Prof. J. P. MAHAFFY. 3J.. POLAlfD. By W. R. l'ORYILt. 6. !'JIB "OORB m BPAIII'. By II.A. STANLEY" LANE-POOLE. n PARTKIA. "Prof. GaoROE 7. AlfCIElfT ::BGYPT. By Prof. R"WUNSOH. GEORGE RAWUNSOR. 35- AVSTEALIAW OO ••OW. & JIVlfGAllY. By Prof. Aalifoous WEALTlL By GnvIL... V.UIBF.:RY. TRF..QAoRTlln. • ~ TlIB SARACElI'B. By ARrBua 36. BPAllf. By H. E. 'VATn, GILliAN, 1I.A. 37. IUAJ. By DAYJD .lJURUY. 10. IRELAlfD. By lbe Hon. EUILY Ph.D. LAWLESS. - 3& bUTB Al'JlIC.&. B1 Gzoao. n. CllALDEA. By'ZtM'AlDB IL 11. THE.\L UA.COZIN. , . JI). VElfICE. By ALETHEA \Vila.. 12. 'l'BB GOTJIB. By HURY DRAP. .fO. TIlE ,CB.1JB.ADEI. By T. A. LEY. AReuER and C.L KouarORD. 130 ASBYBlA. By ZAAIDB A. RA- 41. VEDIO DID1.&. By Z. A. R4- 0021)/. . GOZI". 1+ rvRXBY. By STouy Lue. ~ 'WE8TIlfDIFJIuAtheIPAlIUB POOLl!. KAllI". By IAIIES RoDWAY. IS. BOLLAllD. By Prof. J. E. 4.J. BOllE.IA. By C. EDMU.O THOROLD RoG2R!I. MAURICE. (M.A. 16. DDUNAL PRAICB. By 44. TB::E BALEd•• B,. W. IfJLLJ'!II. GUSTAva IfASSO •• 450 OAlfAn.&. By Sir J. G. Bov.u­ • ,. ttmI.SU. By S. Go W. Du­ IIOOT. LL.D. JAW,•• ... B1lITISK nmu. By a. w. l8. PHQQ!fIOIL By Prof. Gao. FRAZER. LLB. RAwu,.. ·soW. 41. IIODEllII nAIOB. By ""... 19- DDI4. By ZibJ&i'oa A. JlA. LEBo,.. GOZI'. f8. nm FB.AIIK& By LEWD 15m­ ao. 7BB BAlt'U 'l0WllS. By GUNT. HELO ZlllllERS. * AV8TJUA,. By Slwr:I' WJIJT· 2L BABLY BlUTAIlf. BJ' Prol. II"". AU1lED .J. CHeRCH. sa. IODEBlI" DGLAlID. Bdore zz.!'lIB JlAltBARY C01l8AlB& tbe Rdorm BilL By JC!fTIJI . BJ'IlI~ULEY JA)(&-PooL&. McC.utmy. 230 ltV BvW.R. HORFlu.,. HA. 5L 01IIlfA. Bv PmI.R. KDooous. 24- TKB lEWB 1J)IDElL '1'lDI 51- .ODEllB' DOL.&llD. From tbe :B.O~s. B.1W.D. 110Rltl!JOlf. Refonq DiD to the PreK"nt :IS BCOTLAlID. BJ JOIIK J.I.t.c:Iwf.. Time. By fl~. MCCA.R1'HY. T05aLLD. SJ. JIODEJm SPADI'. By IrU.aTu' ... 8WI'l'ZERLAlIlI. By 1m ..... A. S. HClu'_ HCG a.s a. STEAD. Sf. _ODEllII ITALY. By Pllm., rI. .:EXICO. By SVs.ur H.uL 0 ...... :PORTUGAL. By H. MOJtD 5S WOJlWAY. By H. R. non:n:s. SUPIlEIIS. ----~ W4LU. By O. II. EvwARIIS. Lo"DO~: JI'. FISHER UNWIN. PATE""OSTER SQ"A'" E.C. HOLY lSLAND, LOUGH DUG.. (FlU ' .'7itc'i~~ W.,ti.,.) IRELAND

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AUTHOR O. "u.UIUUS.Il; .& sruDY," ETC.




CI • Entered at Stationers' Hall By T. FISHER UNWIN ~ THS EARL OF .DU FFERIN, K.P., G.C.B., F.R.S., &:c., . . VICU.OY 0" INDIA.


IRISH history i'l,a long, dark road, with many blind alleys, many sudden turnings, many unaccountably crooked portions; a road which; if it has a few sign. posts to guide us, bristles with threatening notices, now upon the one side and now upon the other, the very ground underfoot being often full of unsuspected perils threatening to hurt the unwary. To the genuine explorer, flushed with justified self­ confidence. well equipped for the journey. and in. different to scratches or bruises. one may suppose J this to be rather an allurement than otherwise. as he spurs along, lance at rest, and sword on side. To the less well-equipped traveller, who has no pretensions to the name of explorer at all, no particular courage to boast of, and whose only ambition is to make the way a little plainer for some one travelling along it f.)r the first time, it is decidedly a serious impediment, so much so as almost to scare such a one from attempting the ,,;/, of guide even in the slightest an(!. least responsible capacity. • PREFA.CE. Another and perhaps even more formidable ob· jection occurs. A history beset with such distracting problems, bristling with such thorny controversies, a history, above all, which has so much bearing upon that portion of history which has still to be born, ought, it may be said, to be approached in the gravest and most authoritative fashion possible, or else not approached at all. This is too true, and that !IO slight a summary as this can put forward no claim to authority of any sort is evident enough. National .. stories," however, no less than histories, gain a gravity, it must be remembered, and even at times a solemnity from their subject apart altogether from their treatment. A good reader •will rdd a great deal more into them than the mere bald words con­ vey. The lights and shadows of a great or a tragic past play over their easy surface, giving it a depth and solidity to which it (!QuId otherwise lay no claim. tf the present attempt disposes anyone to study at first band one of tbe strangest and most perplexing cbapters of buman bistory and national destiny, its author for one will be more than content. CONTE·NTS.

1. • ... G. PRIMEVAL IRELAND • 1-12 Early micnuioDs, I-The great ice age,3-Northern character of the r~un:t. and 80ra of irelAnd, 5-First inhabitants, 6- Funnorian, Firbolgs, Tuatha.-da·Danaans, 6-Battle of MOJ' tur.1 Cong, 7-9-The Scoto·Cekic invasioD. 9-AnDnls and annalists, how Inr credible 19-1:'.


THE LEGENDS AND LEGEND-MAKERS The legends. 13-Their a.rchaic character, 14-The pursuit or .. GillaDackerand his horse,14-I8-The ollamhs, 19-Posilions of the bards 01 oll:unhs in Primitive Ireland, 19-21.

Ill. '

PRE-CHRISTIAN IRELAND 02-31 Early Celtic lAw, 24-The Sellchus MOl and Book 9r Aicill. IS-Laws of inheritance, a6-28-Narrow conception of patriotism. 10-31. CONTENTS..

IV. - 5T. PArllXX THlIt MISSJOlIAIlY 32-37

St. PWU:k'. biab, ~ • ...,...... _ lJ-His ...... to Irolaud. 33--at Tam. 34-V"_ ~ .... m..e..:w. .fi-Eoriy _ miwW • .... dIm"'- ...... tIu: wodc, 15-37. v.

To Fmsr IalSB MOIfAS'l'EIlKS - - The Tribes at tIu: Sam.., w .JS---...;.. ia tIu: w.... 3'1> .p-I'1aa at __ Iife.., R IJ fill ad ',.4L


Birth fill Columbo. 4%-His joanIey ID ...... 4:1 - His _ mol -'Y. 4~ at 5aaa ~ 44--5cha _ W ...... CImrda aDd i':qJac:y.4s--511D11 at Whitby. 4I>-The Irish a-.. at ...... 47-49-


Tim NOR'I'BDl'I ScotrKGE. S~9 hdaDd diwidcd _ &.. ~ so-TheAld-Reogh. sz­ AnmI fill V"UtiDgs. S3-Thoq:ist .. T ...... ? ss-u­ '-Wag "'-loIs, S6-The ...... d -. ~DubIia """"led. sS-Haoed ...... tho ..... _ S90

BIlIAJI OF THlIt TIlIBlJTK • • • T_ oIdi ...... 6o-Defcat at tb..- Vikiar .. s.r.:... "'- Brim ...... Iciog at lIDs... fJ-5cUes u.bd. 6J--Ooco- __ JWadly. 63-- bug at bdaad. "r-Ceitic dJcoIy at ~. 6.t--FftIh \u.mg ionasiaa. 66-BattIe 01 a-an. 67-


FROM BRlAN 1'0 ST:RONGBOW Result of Brian Born's death, 71-Chaos returns, 7J-Struggle for the succeSsion, 1a-Roderick O'Connor, last native king oflrela-nd, 75. X. THE ANMo·NoRMAN INVASION. 76- 89 First group of knightly invaders, 76-Their relationship, 16- Giraldus Cambrensis, 78-Motives for invasion, 79-Papal sanction, 81-Dermot McMurrough, 8J-He enliIts recruits,

82--Arrival of Robert FitzStephenJ 83-Wex.ford, Ossory, !JDd Kilkenny captured, 8.j-86C-Arrival of Strongbc!w, 8Ch- ~:~~er:!~~;~~b~:e t!~;;~~~~r!;:w~J~-;: Roderick·O'ConnoT. loes to Wexford, and embarks at Water­ fOld, 88-1IIeets the king, 88-Arrival of Henry II., B9-

XI. HENRY II. IN IRELAND Large military forces of Henry, 9O--The chiefs submit and do homage, 'go, 9I-Irish theory of Ard-Reagh or ·Over-Lord, 91 -Henry i,n Dublin, 92-$ynOd at Casbel, 92-:Henry recalled to England, 92. XII. EFFECTS OF THII ANow-NoRMAN INVASION 93--97 Effect of Henry's stay in Ireland, 93-His large schemes, 94- Their pra.ctica1 failure, 95-Rapacity of adventurers, 96----(:0n­ trast between Irish and their conquerors, 96-Civil war from the ...set, ifHn. XIII. JOHN IN IRELAND • 98-100 John's first viSit, 98-His it\solence and ~tt~, 98-Re­ called in disgr~ce, 98-Second visit as king, 99-His energy, ~ns Meath and Ulster, 99'-7Retums to England, 99-Effect afbis visit, 100. .xiv. CONTENTS. ,.... XIV.

THE LoRDS PALATINE 101-106 The Geraldines, JOI-Their possePlonS in Ireland, J02-The five palatinates, I03-The heil"l of Strongbow, r03-The De Durghs, 104-The Butlers, lOS-Importance of the great territorial owners in Ireland, 105, 106.

xv. EDWARD BRUCE IN IRELAND • Want oC landmarks in Irish history, 107-Edward the I.'. reign. 107-Battl4!of Bannockburn. loS-lllI effect on Ireland, loS-Scotch invasion under Edward Bruce, loS-Ravages and famine caused by him, 109-The coio,pistJ regain cour3ge: Battle of .Dundalk, lIo-Edward Bruce killed, Ito-Rault of the Scotch invasion, III, 112.


THE STATUTI!: or KtLItJ!IOIV • 113-118 Reign of Edward III., Ill-A lost opportunity, !I.-Duke of Clarence lent to Ireland, H4-Parliament at Kilkenny, liS-Statute of KiikeDny, IIS-11lI obi ..... IJ6--Two Ire­ landi, u6-WeakOell .resorts to cruelty, 1J7-Elfects of the statute, 118.


RICHARD II. IN IRELAND • Richard tbe 1I.'. two visits to Ireland, I19-Utter diJ.. organization 01 the coontty, 119-J20-Tbe chieftains submit u and come in, J20- Sit Art II McMurroagh, J20-RidlaJd lea.... and Art McMarroagb breaks oat again, 121-Ead oi Much killed, 121 - Richard retumo, 122 - Atw:ks Art McManougb, I22-Failure of atw:k, I22-Recalled to Eng. bnd, 12J-His defeat .... death, 12,r-Confusion ledoables, "4- CONTENTS. ....xv XVIIL

THE DEEPEST DEPTHS 125-[3' Monotony of Irish history, 12s-State of Ireland during the Wars of the Roses, 126-Pillage, carnage, and rapine, 126, 1:l7-The seaport towns, 128 - Richard Duke of York in Ireland. I28-His conciliatory policy, 129-BaUle otTowtan, 129-The Kildares grow in power, 13o-Geroit Mor, IJO­ His character, 131. XIX.

THl! KILDARES IN THE ASCENDANT Effect of the battle of Bosworth, 132-Kildare still in power, 132-Lnmbert Simnel in Ireland, 132:-CroWned in Dublin, 1J4-Battle of Stoke, 13s-Henry VII. pardons the rebels, 13S-lrish peers summoned to Court. 136-Perkin Warbeck • in Ireland, tl37-Quolrels between the Kildares and Ormonds, 138-Sir Edward Poynings, 138-Kildare's trial and acquital, 14o-Restored to power, 141-Battle of Knocktow, 142. 143.


FALL OF THII HOUSII or KILDARB Rise of Wolsey to power, 144-Resolves to destroy the Geraldines, 144-Geroit Mor suceeeded hy his son, 14S-EarI of Surrey &eDt as viceroy, 14s-Kildare restoted to power, 146 -Summoned to London and imprisoned. I46-Again restored and again imprisoned, 147-5ituatiOD changed, 147-Rnolt of Silken Thomas, 147-Seizes Dublin, l,.a-Archbishop AIle. munlered. l,.a-Sir William Skeffington to Ireland, [,.a

-Kildare dies in prison, 149-" The Pardon of Maynooth, lJ 14g-Silken Thomas aarrenders, and is executed, Iso.

XXI. THE ACT or SUPREMACY • [5[-[5S Lord Leon:ud Gre, deputy, ISI-Accused of treasou., re­ called and. executed, Isz-Act of Supremacy proposed, IS2- Opposition of clergy, 1~.-S.ppressioD of the abbeys, '53- xiv CONTENTS...... XIV. THE LoRDS PALATINE • 101-106 The Geraldines, JOJ-Their possessiOfll in Ireland, 102-The five palatinates, I03-The hein of Strongbow, J03-The De Burghs, 104-The Butlers, loS-Importance of the great territorial owners in Ireland, lOS, 106.


EDWARD BRUCE IN IRELAND Want of landmarks in Irish history, 107-Edward tbe I.'. reign. 'CIT-BatllcO( Bannockburn, loS-Ill effectOlilreJand, loS-Scotch invasion under Edward Bruce, JoS-Ravages and famine caused by him, 109-The co~istJ regain courage: Dattle of Dundalk. lIo-Edward Dra .. killed, 11\)-Retult of the Scotch invasion, III, 112.


THE STATUTE or KILItENNY • 1l3-US hign of Edward III., II:J-A klot opportooity, 114-Duke of Clarence sent to Ireland, 114-ParliameDt lit Kilkenny, liS-Statute of Kilkenny, IIS-Itl objects, I16-Two Ire· buuIs, I16-Weakness _ 10 auel'1, 117-Effecu of the statute, 118.

XVIL RlCHARD II. n. IRELAND • • Rkhatd the II.'. two Yisib to Ireland, I19-Utter d.. organizatioo 01 the country, JI9-I:zo-Tbe chieftains submit and come in, l20-u Sir Art" McMunough, I~Riebard lea• .., aDd Art MeManoogh break> oat again, I.,-Earl 01 March killed, ,., - Richard ,eturm, 122 - At"".. Art McMarroagb, I22-Failore oIatw:k, In-heaJled 10 Eng­ !aDd, 12:J-Hio deleaI aDd death, 12J--CoofasioD ,edOObJea, 124- CONTENTS. xvii

i76-Arrest of Desmond, .77-Sir Peter Carew, 178-His violence, 178-RebellioD in the South, 178-.."'ir James Fitz­ maurice, 179-Relations between him and Sir Jobn Perrol, 179-He surrenden, and sails for France, 180.


THB: DESMOND REBELLION · 181- 192 An abortive tragedy, lSI-State of the Desmond Palatinate, 183-SirJames Fitzmaurice in France and Spo.in, 183-Nicholaa Saunden appointed legate, 1B4-Stukelcy's expedition, 184- -Fitmlaurice lands in Kerry, 1B4-Desmond vacillates, 185 -Death of Sir James Fitzmaurice•• 57-Concerted attack of Ormond and Pelham, 188- Horrible destruction of life, 188 -Anival of Sraniards 81 Smerwick, I89-Lord Grey de Wilton, I~Defeat Ibr English troops at Glcornalure, 190 -Attack of and slaughter of Spaniards at Smerwick, 1')0- Wholesale executions, 19l-Death of the Earl of Dtsmond and extinction of his hOUle, 192.


BE1'WEItN TWO MORB: STORMS · 193-202 Stale of "·mster, .93-The new plantations. 194-Perrot·s Ildministration~ 19S - Tyrlough Luint"gh, 19S-Sir Willinm. Fillwilliam, a97-ExecutioDl without trial. 19B -Alarn of norlhern. proprietors, 19B-Earl of Tyrone, Igg-Cbaracter of early loyalty. 2OO-Can&el of dissatisfaction, zol-Quarrel with Bagnall, .aol-Preparations for a rising, .)1, 2OZ.


OATTL .. OF THP. YELLOW FORD • 20,3-201 The Northern Blackwater, 303-Altack. of Blackwater Fort by Tyrone, ""3-Death of the depu'Y. Lonl Borough, ""3- Bagnall advances from Dublin, 204-Batlle of the Vello"" Ford, ooS-Def... , ODd death of Bagnall, ""5- R..... ' of 'he English troops. ""5-The rising beco.... geoen.l, ""5. o t- xviii CONTENTS.


THE ESSEX FAILURE 206-210 Essex appointed Lorc.l.l.ieuh:;nant, 206-Anival in Ireland, zoS-Mistakes and disasters, 208-Dealh of Sir Conyer. Clif· ford in the Curlews. 209-Essex advances north, 209-Ho1d. a conference with Tyrone, 2OC')-Agreel to an armislice, 209- Anger of the Queen, 21o-Essex suddenly ICBYei Ireland, 210.


END (IF TilE TYRONE WAR • OIl··.If) Mountjoy appointed depllty, 21J-Conlrut between him and. Essex, 213-Rcasooa (or Mountjoy. greater I~ 213- Conquest by starvation, 2J4-SUCCCII ol method, 214- Arrival of Spanish forces at Kinsale :-MouDtjoy.ud Carew mArched soutb and invests Kinsale, 21S-Altack of Mountjoy by Tyrone, 218-Failure of aUack, 211S-Surrender 01 Spaniards, 218-Sunender of Tyrone, 219.


THE FLIGHT OF TIlE EARLS • 220-225 The last chieflW rising against England, 22!iO-CouJition of affairs .t dose of war, 221-Tyr'ooc'.·poUlion impollWuJe, 221-Reported plot, 2Z2-Tyrone and Tyrconnel take dight, 22Z-Coufiseation of their territory, 223-Sit John Dam, 224 -The Ulster SeUIemeot, ..... 225-


THE FIRST CoNTESTED ELECTION · ..6-228 Parliament summoned, 2:z6-Anxidy 01 G:un:mment CO ICCUre • Protestant majority, 226--Cootcsted elcc:tion.221-Narrow Protestant majority, 227-Farious qaanel over dectioa of Speaker, 2z8-Parliam.... disoolved, 2z8-The king appealed .....28-AII2iod .. ofT,...... andT,..cooael, 2z8-RnenalO/ lIatate of Kilkenny, 2z8. CONTENTS. xix


OLD AND NEW OWNERS Funber plantations, zz9-The Connaugbt landowners, 230- Their positions, 2JI-Charles I.'s accession and bow it .rrected Ireland, 231-Lord Falkland aplV'lintecl viceroy, 231 -S~cceedcd by "·eDt""o~h. 231.

XXXIV, STRArroRD " 23'-'39 Arrival v( Wentworth in Ireland, .Ill-His methods and theory, 23a-Di.&solves parliament, &34-Goes to ConDaugbt. 234-Galway jury fined and imprisoned, 23O-'"His eccle. lio.stical policy, 237-His Irish army, alB-Return to England, aJB-Attainder, tr;'l,4lDd death. 239 . • XXXV.

'FORTYoONB conr...... and diocllder, "'IC>--"5tralfoJd'. army disbanded, bol 'lill iii the country, "I-Plot to sm Dublin Castle, 241- Plot transpires, z.p-Sir Pbelim O'Neili seiaes Charlemont. 243-Allack upon the Prolestanl seltlen, 243-Barbarities and counter blrbariti~ 244-


THE W ATItRS SPRIIAD The risiDg al first I_I, 246-Attitude or the Pale gentry, 249 -They raolft to join the 'rising. 247-Disorganization of the northemm..rg

CIVIL WAR Effecl or the Ulster m...... on England, 2SI'-An agnrian rather thaD. religious risiug. asz-The Confederates' tenIt.sr xx CONTENTS. .... 253-Clamorgan ICnt to Ireland, 2S4-The secret treaty transpires, 2S4-Arrival of Rinucini, 2ss-Battlc of Denturb, 2SS-Ormood surrenden Dublin to the Parliament, 256.



Total confusion of aims apd parties, :asS-The If poor Panther" InClliqain, :asS-Alliance between Jones and Owen Roe O'Neill, 2Sg-0rmond advances upon Dublin, 259- BaUle of Baggotroth and defeat of the RoyalulI, 260-­ Arrival of Cromwdl, 260.

XXXIX. • CROMWELL IN IRELAND .' .61-265 Cromwell's mission, 261-Auault of Drogheda, and .Iaughter of its garrison, 261-Wex(ord garri50D llaughtered, 26z­

Cromwell'. dbcipline, 263-The U country lickneu," 263- Confusion in the Royalist camp, 264-Signature of the Scotch covenant by the king, :z84-Fuud lWTender uf O'NeiU and the Irish army, 265- XL.


Loss of life during the eight yeaD of war, 266-.PanWlmenl of the nnquOOed. 267-Execu'ions, 267-Wbol... le scheme of mctioo, 268--1be New O~ 269-" The Barren," 270 -Sale or women to the West Indian pJaotatioDJ,27o-Dit­ satisfaction amongst the toldien and debeDture holden, ZlJ­ IrOO Cromwellians, 272. XLL

THE Acr OF SETJ'LE" £NT • The R...... ion, 273-Henry Crom ..eU. 273-Coote and Brogbill, 27J-Coart of claim. eotablisbed in DobliD. 277-­ Prolonged dispu~ 276-Final oeulemeu'. 276-Coodi,;"" of IrWI RoowI CatboIieo at cJ .... 01 !he _Ie, 2]6. CONTENTS. xxi

XLil. OPPRESSION 6-ND COUNTER OPPRESSION 277-283 Effects of the Restoration upon the Ulster Presbyterians, 277- A Dew Act of Uniformity. 277-Exodus of Presbyterians from Ireland, 27S-The Popish plot, 279-Iosane panic, 279-· Execution of Archbishop Plunkett. 279-Sudden reversal of the tide, 280-Tyrconnel sent as viceroy, 2So-Terror of Protestant settlers. 2SI-William of Orange in England,282 '-Jamu 11. arrives in Ireland, 283.

XLilL WILLIAM AND JAMES IN IRELAND Popular enthusiasm for James. 284-Struggle between his English and Irish adherents, 28S-Jamesadva.nces to London­ deny. 28S;'Siege of 1!.ondonderry, 286-Its garrison relieved, 286-Debasing the coinage, 286-Reversal of the Act of Settlement, 287-Bill of Attainder. 287-Arriwl of William Ill., 288-Bntlle of the Boyne, 28g-Flight of James, 289- Fint siege of Limerick, 2gl-Atblone captured by Ginkel, 192-Battle of Aughrim, 193, :294.

XLIV. THE TREATY or LIMERICK Sars6eld rerU5e" to surrender, 29S-Second siege of limerick. 295-The Limerick treaty. ag6-lts eXllet purport, :2g6-The mmtary lrenty, 197-Departure of the exiles. 398.


A new century and new fortunes, 299-Mr. Leek,'. II Eigh. teenth Century:' JOO-Reversal of all the recent Acts, JOO­ The Penlll Code. ]OI-Burke's description of it, 3oa-How ended, ]o3-lta effects upon Protestants and Catholi~ 304-]06. XLVI. TH£ COMMERCIAL CODE

The II Protestant Asc:endenCJ," J07-I::ng1and" jealousy al 00 xxii CONTENTS.

her Colonists, JOS-Act passed prohibiting export of lri,h .­ woollen goods. l09-Effects of the Act upon Ireland, J09- SmugglinJr on liD immense scale, J09-Collapse of industry, 31o-Strained relations, 310.

XLVII. MOLYNEUX AND SWifT The "Ingenious Molyneux," 31J-Iri"h naturalist., 312- Molyneux" 14 Case of Ireland, H 3J3-Effect of jts publication. 31S-Death of Molyneux, liS-Dean S"jfl, 3IS-lIi15 posi· tion in Irish politics, 3IS-1be II Drapier Letters," 3'7- Their linc of attack, 31~EfTect on popular opinion, 3.8- wooers halfpence suspended, 318.

XLVIIL HEN R Y Jo·LOOD • • Forly dull year", po-Parliamentary ahuses, 32z-Charles Lucas, 32z-Floocl enLers Parliament, 323-His struggle with the Government, 32S-Lord Townsend recalled, 32S-F100d ::t.ccepts office, 326-EO"ect of that acceptance, J26-Rejoins :he Liberal side, J26-Tries 10 outbid Grattao, J26-Failure and end, 327. XLIX. HENRY CUrrAN Unanimity 0( opinioD .boat Grattan. 323-His character, J28 -EOlen Parliament, 3JO-Tbe uD«I."lion of Rights," 3JO-Carried by the Irish Parliament, 3JO-Decbratory Act of George L repeoled, 3JI-A spell 01 prosperit" 331-Roc'" ahcId, 332-:::...... folJo1ring disaster, 332-Gratlan and the Unioo, Jp-GrattaD's death, 333-

I.. THE IRISH. VOLUNTEERS • ReYo1t 01 the American Colonies, 334-1.. effect COl Ireland, 334-Dioostrous condition 01 the """'try, 3JS-VoI.D.... movement bcgaD in Belfasl, 3]1>-Rapid popularity, 3]1>-1 .. effect u.- politics, 33B-Frce Trade, 33B-Dechuatory Act repea1ed, 3JS-The Volunteers diIboDd, J4O. CONTENTS. xxiii

'AGa L1.

DANGER SIGNALS. Reform the crying necessity DC the hour, J41-Corruption steadily increasing. 341-Attempl to obtain (ree iQlPortation of goods to England. 342-lts failure, 342-Disturbed state of tbe country. :J44-Its causes, 344 - II White boys," U Oak boys," and I'Steel boys," 344, 34S-Faction war in the North. 34s-0range lodges. 345-" Society of United Irishmen," 346 -The ODe hope for the (uture, 346.


THK FITZWII,L1AM DISAPPOINTMENT 347'-353 General desire for qtlhoJic Emo.ncipa.tioD, 347-Lord Shef­ field'. evidence, 347-The Catholic delegntes received by the king, 349-Lord Fitzwilliam seot I1S LoId-Lieutenant, 35~ Popular enthusiasm, 3so-Recalled, 3SI-Result of his recall, 352 , 3SJ. LIIL

'NINETY-EIGHT Wolfe Tone, his character and autobiography, 3S4-The other leaden or the rebellion, 354-Englnnd and France at war, 35S-Hoche', descent, 35S-Pnnic, 357-llabeas Corpus Act suspended, 357-Misconduct of soldiers, 3S9-A.,.rest or Lord Edward Fitzgeruld, 36l-Outbra.k of tbe rebellion, 361 - The rising in Wexford, 362-B.tgenal Harvey, 363-Arklow, New Ross» and Vinegar lIill, 36J-5uppression of lbe rebel­ lion, 364-.'inol incidents, 36S-Dcath of Wolfe Tone, 366.

L1V. l'RE UNtON. Sl:.te of lrela.nd a.fter the rebellion, 367, 368-Pitt resolved to paa. the Union, 37o-lnducements offered, 37o-D1S~ aepancy of stlllemeots upon the subject, 371-Bribery or not bribery? 372-Lord Comwnllis and J..ord Casllereagb. 373 -The Uni"lll carried, 375. xxiv CONTENTS.


O'CONNELL AND CATHOLIC EMANCIPATION The Union not followed by union, 277-The :Emmell out .. break, 377-Young Daniel O'Connell, 379-The new Catholic Associalion, 3Bo-The aare election, 3Br-Catholic Relief Bill carried, J81-The If Incarnation of • peopJe," 383- Repeal, 384-The O'CoDDen gatherings, :J86-The mtelin, proclaimed at Clontarf, 387-Proseeution and condemnation oC O'Connell, 387-Released on appeal, 387-Nenr regained his power, ]88-Despondeney and death, 388, J89.


"YOUNG IRELAND l1li 39C>-395 U The Nation," 390- Sir C. GaYaD 110fT" 390. Thorn:l. Davis, 390-Smith O'Brien, J9r-Effect of O'Connell'. death on the U Young Ireland" party, 392-James Lalor, 393-Hil influence on Mitchell, 393-The" United Irishmen n new .... paper started, 394-Arrest and transporl3tioD of Mitchell, 394- -The end of the U Yoang Ireland II movement, 395-


THE FAMINE First symptOlDl of the potato diJease, 396-The (atal nighl, 396-BeginniDg :>l Fam;.e, m-Rap;d mortality, m-Mr. Font..... reporll, ]98-Reliefworb, J99-Soup kiteheo., m -Failure 01 preventive measures, 399-Famine followed ." rain, 4QO--CIearances and Emigration, 401-Emigranl ships, 401-Pe:nna.oenl effects of the FamiDe on Ireland, 4O'Z.


THE LATEST DEVELOPMENT • Eocumbered Estates Ad. 4OJ-Tenanl Lcag"" of North and South, 403-The .. B""" -.. 404-A lull, 404-The Phcmix Grpnjza,riont404-The Fenian "JCare," 4OS-Re:v.ae of Fenian prisoners at M_. 405-The Clerkenwell eaplosioa, 406-The Irish Clllucb Ad, 406.4"7-Tbe Irish CONTENTS. xxv

PO"" Land Act of 1870, 407-Failure of Irish Education Act, and retirement of the Liberals, 408-Mr. Butt and Mr. Parnell, 408-The Llnd League established, 409-Retum of the Liberals to power, 409-The Irish Land Act ot 188.,410- Arrest anei relea..ote of Land League Lea.ders, 4u-Murders in the Ph~nix Park, 411-James Carey, 412-His death, 412- The agrarian struggle, 413-Home Rule, 414-10 eventual· destiny, 414-The untravelled Future, 416.


CONCLUSION Irish h~ 4J7-Ca.... of their want of popularity, 4.8- IrWh wrnu Scotch heroes, 418-" PriDce Posterity," 419- LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS.

[Nearly all the archzological iIIostratiods in this ,olume are from

II The Early Christian ," by Mill M. Stoke., who has kindly allowed them to be reproduced. The portrait. artJ chicHy (rom engravingi, &c., kCl,t in tbe Prints Room of tbe British Museum.] ."0. HOLY ISLAND, LOUGH DERG • FTl1II1 i.J/Jiece aMP OF IRELAND J~ ..B.EIGN OF HENRY V,I. IJJ I CROSS IN C£METEaV OF TEIfPUL BRECCA. 39 WEST CROSS, NONASTERBOJCE • • • • DOORWAY OF MAGHERA,_CHURCH • • '"51 KJLBANHOY TOWER • • 54 KELLS ROUND TOWER • • • • • 57 BASE or TUAII' CROSS • • 62 DOORWAY OF RILLESHIN CHURCH 65 INTERIOIl OF COIlMAC's CHAPEl. (CASHEL) 72 WEST FRONT 01' ST. CRONAN'S CHUIlCH • • 77 WEST DOORWAY OF f'RESHFORD CHURCH • 80 Sill HENIlY SIDNEY (''ORTIlAIT OF' . 175 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS•.• xxvii.... ASK EATON CASTLE 18. CATHERINE, THE" OLD" COUNTESS OF DESMOND 186 SIR JOHN PERROT (PORTRAIT OF) • 196' CAHIR CASTLE (IN 1599) • 207 CAPTURE OF THE EARL 6,. ORMOND BY "J'HE a'MORES • 21'





AUTHORITIES.- Adamnan, U Life Qf St. Columba" (trans.). Arnold (Matthew), "On tho Study of Celtic Literature.' • Bagwell, lC I~nd under the Tudors." Barrington (Sir Jonah), "Personal Re.collectionsf "Rise and Fall of the Irish Nation.' II Brewer, It Introduction to the Carew Calendar of State Paper/. Bright (Rt. Hon. J.), .. Speecheti." 'Burke (Edmund), "Tracts on the Popery Laws," "Saeecbes and Letters. U •

Carlyle, "Letters and Speeches of Cromwell.' Carew, "-Pacata Hibernia.A Cloncurry, U Life and Times DC Lord Cloncurry." Clogy, "Life and Tiu'le\ of Bishop Bedell." Cornwallis Correspondence. Croker (Rt. Hon. W.), "Irish, Past and Present,-

Davis (Thomas), "Literary and Historical Essays." • Davies (Sir John), "A Discaverie of the True CallSe5 why Ireland was never Subdued.- Dennis, " Industrial Ireland.- • . Domenach (Abb~, U Larerte Erion.· Dymock Uohn) ... A Treatise on 1re\and.A Duffy (!!ir Charles Gavin), U Four Years of Irish History.·

Essex, "Lives and Letters of the Devereux, Earls of:'. AUTHORITIEI>. Froude a. A.), .. History of England,· "The Engli.h in Ireland." ~ •

Gira1dus Cambronsis, .. Conquest of Ireland," Edited by J. Dimock, Master of the Rolls Series, '867 ; .. Topograpb)' of Ireland," EditC¥! by J. Dimock, Master of the Rulb Series, '867, Green, .. Histofy of th~ Engli .... People.· Grat..", .. Life and Speeches ~ Rt. HoD. Henry GrattaD.-

Halliday, ., Scandinavian Kingdom of Dublin.­ Hennessy.(Sir Pope), .. Sir Walter Raleigh in IrelaneL" Hardilhan, .. History of Galway." Howth (Book 01), from O'Flaberty'5 .. lar I!onnaugbl." • • Joyce, .. Celtic Romancosr F Kildare (M"arquis 01), .. The Earls of Kildare.' • Lodge, ., Desiderata Curiosa Hibemlca.· Leeky, .. History of Englan8 in the Eighteenth Century," Iud .. Leao!ers of Public Opinion in Ireland," l!e1and, .. History of IrelaneL·

Maine (Sir lL)," 'Early History of Institutions,' .. Vi11age Communities. East and WesL" Max Muller's Lectures. •• M'Gfe (T. Darcy), .. ." McGeoghegan, .. History of lreianeLP Mitchell aohu), .. History of Ireland." Montal/>mbert, .. Monks of the West." Mnrphy (ReV. Denis), "Crom'lell in Ireland.· Madden, .. History of Irish Periodical Literatute." McCarthy austin), "I!istory of Our Own TUDes.· • O'Connor (T. P.), .. The" Pamell Movement." O'F!aherty, .. lar Connanght.•

Petty (Sir w.), "Political Anatomy of Ireland. Pelrie'(Dr,), "Round Towers 01 1re1and." AUTHORITIES.•

Prendergast, 'I~Ory War in U1ster,~ "The Cromwellian Settle­ ments."

Ricbey (A. G.), "Lectures on the History of Ireland."

Smith (Goldwin), "Irisb History and I,rish Character." Spenser (Edmund), .. View of the State of Ireland." Stokes (Miss), .. Early Christitm Archilecture ~f Ireland." Stokes (Professor George), "Ireland an~ the Celtic ChiirCh."

Tone (Wolfe), .. Autobiography." . . Vere de (Aubrey), "Queen Meave and other Legend" of tho Heroic Age, IJ ~d " Legends of St. Patrick. II

Walpole, .. K~O;" of Ireland." Webb (Alfred), Compendium of lrisb Biography'; Wilde (Sir W.), .. Lough Corrib," and .. The Boyne and tbe - Blackwater!' •

Young (Arth .... ), .. Tour in lre~d.· IND~X.

A released, 120; he hastens to Abercromby, Sir RAlph, 359 Meath, 121 ; defeat/' th~ royal Act of Supremacy, IS. army, 121; he again meels Act of Uniformity, 278 Richard II. in battle, 121 j Adamman.43 • vict3rioUi, 123 Adarc, 188 Ascendency, the Protestant, 307 Affnne, battle o{~ Ashton, Sir Arthur. a royalist Aidan (Saint) and Irish monk, 4S officer, 261 Alcnnsar, battle of, 184- AskeatoD. castle of. 187; de. Allen, an Irish priest, 184 stroyed, 188 •• Allen, hill of, 14 Association, Loyal National Re· Allen, John, Archbishop of Dub. • peal,386 lin, 146 Attainder, Bill of, draWD II.nd Allen, the Fenian prisoner, 406 passed, 287. .. Andrews, Dean of Limerick, 237 Athenry, battle of, 110; e~ Angareta, mother of Giraldus, 78 feebled state, 175 Angelsea, settlement of, 67 Athlone, fonress of. 104, 292 Anglo-N omULD invasion, 76 Athy. bridge or. 128 Annals of Lough C~, 109 Aughrim, battle of, 293 Anselm (Saint), Atthbi.,op of Augustine (Saint), 44 Canterbury, 81 D'Agui1ar. Don Juan, :Z15 Arctic hare, the, 4 D'Avaux, Count, envoy. to Ard-Reagh, or Over.king, 91 lames II., 083 Artlscul, battle of, loS Arklow Head, 93 B Armagh, Book of, 33 • Annngh, cathedral of, bumt by Baculu.. Crisldhl",. or Staff of Thorgist, 55 St. Patrick. 158 Anndu, a Viking. 68 Baggotrath, battle of, 260 Arran, isles 0(, 38 Bagnall, Sir Henry. 198 j Tyrone· Art McMurrough, or Art Kava. marfi~ bis aster, 201; becomes nagh, 119 j rn::aster of Leinster, his enemy, 201; he marches 119; h.p recourse to Black­ against Tyrone, 204 ; he is shot. rent, 123 ; entertained by lOS j his army defeated, 2OS; Richard 11., 120; knighted, fort of Blackwater surrendered, 120; thrown into prison, 120 ii 20S INDEX.

Ballioasloe, 10.... or. 193 . throne 01 Cubel. 63 ; OYn·ruDi Ba!~e, stronghold oro piratco", Leins'cr, 63; IUbddCI Ouory. 6J; .t!.Vb Meath. 6J; bums Baltioglass, Lon!, '89 the llronghold of Tar.o, 63; Ba..onoek.bum., battle 01, loS; its beannes AnI.Reagh ill M.Ia· effects OIl Ireland, loS chy's p,""", 63' be is ailed SanDOW, bayol, or UFitzSlephco'. Brian of the Tril ..,e, 1i4, be stride, to 83 • becomes master oIlrclaDd, 64 ; Barnabie FitzPatrick, 1.57 his victory at Oontarf. 66: be

Barries descen8.ants 01 Hcsta. 76 • marches against Srodar t 68, 69; 14rri, Robert de., 8J is kmed. 6!j, moomcd aDd Rar?mgton's Bridge, 107 • buried. 69, 7<>- lIanymoad>amptuol. Lord, 358 {NDEX•

Carle CanutesoD,• 67 Connaught, landowner's en"Je of. Carlow, 154 830 .~ Cameg. rock of, 84 Connaught, treaty of. 1.03 ., Carnat, 3SS Connemara, anciently Iar do- Catholic Confederacy, 249 naught, 8 Catholic Relief Bill carried, 381 Conciliation Hall, 386 Casbe), Synod of, 92 Confederates, Young Irelanden, CastJehaven, 21S 39J • CaSllereagb, Lon!, Chief Secle· Con O'Neill (Earlo! Tyrone) 154 tary, 370'" • Cong, plains ~f, 7 Caulfield, Lord, Governor of Conyers, Cliftord, Sir, Governaro! Charlemont, 243 " Connaught, 209 • Cavan, Lord, 365 Cooke, Under-Secretary of State. Cavendish, lA"'t'd Frederick, 3S1 ~ murdered, 411 Coole, Sir Charles, ~ 246, 273. Cerd or Nuad of U the Silver Cork, town of, 119· • hand," 9' Cormac, MacArt, 23 Charlemont, Lord, 330 CoQDac O'Conn, King, J I r..harles I., accessLOD, 231; he COmwalOs, Marquis, Lord-Lieu- sends Strafford to Ireland, 231, tennnt, 365 235. 238 ; ~ ..tb, 279 Corrib Lough, 104 Chester Castle, attack on, pro· Cowper, Lord, 41' jected,405 "Coyne and livery," 183 ~ Chesterfield, Lord, Lord· Lieu· Croagh Patrick. mOUnltiin of,,:w. tenant,344 Crofly, hill of, 247 '.". ' Claims, Court of, 275 Crom a Boo, war cry of the,F'itz;· ClD.n Naim, 11 geralds, 138 '. ClanD Dichin, a malediction, It) Cromwell, Ilenry, Lold·Lieu- Clanricarde, Earl of, 10$ tenant, 76 • Clarence, Lionel, Duke of, 114 Cromwell in Ireland, 261; he Cliach, plains of, 14 takes Drogheda, 261; Wex- Clocthech, round towen of, S6 ford,262; Kilkenny,262 ; Clon- Clogher, Bishop of, 241 mel, 262; his anny sickens, Clonard, town of, 47 • 263; Ireland under his rule, Clonmacnois, high altai' al, 47 264; the struggle continues, Clonmel, 262 264; Limerick and pal wax Clontarf. baltle of. 71, 74; strand yield at Lut, 264; close of civil ooof, 66 war, 265; his methods, 266;. Clyn, Franciscan historian, 109 Catholic evictions, 267; his Cole. Dean of 51. Paul's, story 01, treatment of Sir Phein O'Neill, 163 • Lord Mayo, and Lord Mus- Cole, Sir William. Governor of kerry, 267; bis death, 272 Enniskillen, 243 Crinl, or stringed harp, 52 Coleraine, 243 " Cruachan, mountain of, 3S Colkilla, hill of, 14 Cmngh of Kildare, 14 Colman, Bishop, 46 Columilo (Saint), born, 43; his D characler, 42, 43; he leaves Danaaus, tribe of, 8 Ireland, 43; visiLs Scotland, Danes, 53 43; and lana, 44 Danes, Dublin, 67 INDE;t, I , Dalles of Limerick, 58-61 Edward III., 113; be IUmmODI t!.angen, ancient name of Phillips-­ landownen, 114 ; appoiou '}\own, 162 Lionel, Duke of Clarence, vice­ Dashda, or Druid chieftain, 53 roy, 114; Statute of Kilkenny is Davis. John, Sir, 95-117; he is F..d, 115 elected Speaker, 227; quarrel Ehzabeth, gueen, 165; entertaiOl which (allowed, 227. 22\ Shane 0 Neill at Court, 68; Davis, Thomas (poet), 290 account oems visit, 168; Ireland Davitt, Michael, ltJr',409 • during her reign, 111-172 Declaration of Righu by Grattan, ~mmetl, Robert, 376 320 Emmett, Thomas Addis, 354 Dcdar.:tory, Act of George I., Encumbered Estate Court, 400 322 Enniskillen. town of, 241 II Defend~" Association 0{. 34S Eochaidh king, tale of, 35 I Delrio, 1.0111, 19- EsIex, Robert Daereux. Earl of, Dermot. McMurrougb, King of :zo6; take the command in Leinsta, 83 Ire~ M; pr~ against Derry, town of, 171 • Tyrone. 208; hiS dlJaStcm, 208; Desmond, Earl of, takefl, (0 Lon· takes Cahil' Cutle. 208; meets don, 176; ..ciliates about Ie­ Lugane Earl,~; ...... Ty· belhng, .85; bis death, '92 rone at l.ag3If";,,2OI); retumJ to Desmond-Su£ane or Straw, Earl England, :no of, :zoo Eva, daughter of Dermol, 86

-t>llion, Mr' J 39- Everard, Sir Jobn, 227, 228 DowUd,Clriefof~,90 DooegaI, chapels in, 43 • F DODOF. hill 0(, :t8o Falkland, Lord, 23' Douchad, SOD of~'Brie:nJ 74 Vantine, the fint symptoms of, Dbwdal, Archbishop of Armagb, 396; great distress, 397; Mr. '59 Forst<:rreporta, 397; kelief Act Downpatrick, towu of, 99 paa;ed, 399; the raiD which Drapier Papen by Swift, 3'7 followed it, 400; after eff~ Drogheda, Puliamenlof, .38 403 Drogheda, taken by Cromwell,:z6J Fedlil!\ "O'Connor, king of Coo· Dublin Castle. 240; plot to seize naught, loS it, CoJI ; frustrated. 242 Fenian prisooen, racue of', III Dublin, PhiIooopbical A....a.lioo Manchester, 405 of, 31. . 401 Dublin, ~ of, 311 F enni at F eniant, II Dulfy, ~ Charles Gma, 390 Fercal, tribes of, 161 Dundalk, battle of, 110 Ferns, town of, 83 Dungatmoa, Matthew, Bar"" of; F ...... McCumaI, 14 ••65 FIDII • ,Fmga1, fatbao of o.w.. Dansany, Lord, 247 • .. • FIDJJftIIOgb, king of the fairia, E 2' EdgtOOlDbe, Sir Edwud, 135 YIrbolgs, nee 01, 6 • I:::d"ard, I., 107 Frtton. Sir Edward, 176 Edaard II., loB; Battle 01 JJau.. Fitzgerald, Lord Edward, 354-359 D

Fitzgerald, Mr.. member for Gerald de Barri, Gerald of Wales, Clare, 380 . or jJiraldus Cambrensis, 78 j . Fitzgerald, Raymond (Ie Gros), grandson of Nesta, 78; prics!( 85 and chronicler, 78; his cha­ Fittgerald, Sir James, 191 racter as a. writer, 78 Fitzgerald, Sir John, 191 Gerald, 8th Earl of Kildare, son FitzHenry, Robert and Meiler, of Geroit Mor, 130 sons of Nesta, 76 Gerald tlf Windsor, husband to Fitzmaurice, Lady, 188 Nesta 76 . Fitzmaurice of Lexnaw, III Geraldides, 101; Giraldus' 0rinion Fitzmaurice, Sir James, 178 j of them, 101 ; ancestors 0 Earls breaks into rebellion, 118 ~ re­ • Kildare and Desmond, 102 ; lations between him and Sir important position, 102; their James Perrot, 179 j burlls Kil. keel! at Maynooth. 102; power maUock 179; marches into in rreland, 102; Cero4~ Mar, Ulster, • 179 j burns Athlone, or Gerald the Gren', 7'i E.ul 179 j joins the Ma..an-Earlas, of Kildare, 130 ISo; lays Galway waste, ISo ; Gilbe'll, Sir Humphry, '79 crosses the Shannol\, 180; sur­ Gilla Dal!ker and his horse. reDden and ~es the required legend of, 14 oaths at Kilmnt¥k, 180; sails Ginkel, Dutch general of Wll.. to France, ISo j returns, 184; liam Ill., 291 • his death, 187 Gladstone, Mr. W. t., 406; dis­ FitzSimons, Walter, Archbishop established the Irish Church._ of Dublin, 137 406; introduced Irish unci Act FitzStepheo, Robert, 83 • of 1810, 407; of 188r, 409; FitzUrse of Louth, III imprisoned members of lAud Fitzwilliam, Lord, Lord.Lie" League, 411; ~oposed measure !enant, 349-350 of Home Rule of 1886, 414 • Fitzwilliam, Sir William, l.ord­ Glenmama near Dunlaven, 68 deputy, 199 Godred, King of Man, 87 Flood, RI. Hon. Henry, 323 GonnanstoWD, Lord, 249 Foltbat and Feradach, Legends. Granard, Lord Justice, 280 16 •• Grattan, Henry, 328; his loyalty Fonnorians, race of, 5 and patriotism, 328; he enters Forster. Mr. W. E., 397 Parliament, 330; his eloqla:nce, Forty-shilling Freeholders. Dill of. 330; Declaration of Rights, 349 330; retires into private lire, II Four Masters," the annals of 332; protests against th~ UnioD, the, 9 332; member of English Par­ Foyle, Lough, .65 liament, 332; his death and Fr«"IQ,,'s Journal, 322 burial, 333 FuidlUU', or II broken man," 28 , n Great Darcy of Platten, II 1.12 • .G~ry, Pope, 44 G Gr:lg de Vw'ilton •. Lord-deputy, Gall (Sai.,), 36 Grey, Leonard, Lord. Deputy, Go.lway, ooy and town of. 104- 1St. 152 Galway, Jury of, 241 Griffiths" Sir Richard, Iris!l geo­ ~, Duke of CllQ'el1ce, 1~ logist,112 430 IND'f'.

H -Irish elk, .. "boas Corpus Act, 351 • Irish export of woonen goodJ for- -.drian IV., Pope. 81 bidden, 309 'iamilton, Sir Richard, 282 Irish famine, 31)6-403 Harcourt, Lord, 325 Irish hare, 4 Hardi, French General. 365 Irish heroes, 418 H~ey. Dagenal, United 1r~~hm8D Irish Land Act, 407 and general of the rebel .. , 363 Irish volunleers, 336-340 Hasculph, Danish Go¥emg" 86- Inchiquin, Lord. 256 87 • 'ona,44 Hatton, Sir Christopher r U an Unde1\aker," 194 )' Heber and Heremon, sons 01 Milesiu5, 10 • James II. recalls Lord Orml'Jnd, 2&; restores Catholics 10 office, 'Hoadly, '-rc1J.bisbop of Armagh, z80; his treatment of. Protetl­ 320 " • tants, 28r,.:z82 j his 8ight to Koche, General, 355 France, 282 j arrives in HlJw, vessel called the, 365. Ireland. reception, he­ Home Rule, the questiol of, 44 283 ; bil 284; Howth, Earl of, 134. 1,36 lieges Lortdond~, 285 j gM!I to DubLiD, 2~S defeated at Humbert, French general, 364 the battle oitlie Boyne, :zS8 j HY·Nial, orrOf'al bouseofO'NeiJ, his flight, 289 42, 5' John, the Mad Berserker-warrior, I 87 - Jon.., Michael, Colon.~ '59 lar Connaught, mountains or, 104 Jones. Paul, pirate, 326 Irelanq. PrimevaL.. I; its enrly Joyce'., Mr... Celtic Romance.. '" vicissitudes, 3 ; South European 13 Iflants in, S ; early history or, 5-11; its legends, 13-21; Celtic K Ireland, 23; early 1a'WS 01, 26- Kelts, battle 0(, 99 29; St. Patrick's visit to, J2; Keogh, Judge, 403 the Northern -SC'.ourge of, SO; Kerry, defence of, :lIS invasion by Anglo-Normans, Kerry. 'l~tI .nd animals in, 5 76; King John in, C)8-100; Kildare, Dean of, 149 invaSon or, by Edward Bruce, • Kildare, booJe 01, 102; tarl. of, 107; Richard 11. visits to, 119; 1]0, 1}4t 150; "Sill",n attempt (0 force Protestantism Thomu, 147; vice-depuIY, upon, 158-[60; Molyneus's, 141; renounces aJJegiance 10 H The case of," &c_, 313 ; England, 141; takes DulAin. Union of Great Britain aDd • loIfS; bufDI Trim and Donboync:. Ireland,367-376 149 ; is defeakd. I SO; 1m 1~1and. the (utoue of, 413 prisoaed and bonged, ISO "lreland, YODDg. ot party, ~ Kilkc:a, castle of, 144- 395 Kilkenny, castle of, lOS •. Irish Catholic &sociatioa, IPI Kilkenny. statutes 01, II,. Irish Col ... '5 KiIWa, Ilishop 01. 365 • (rUb Church, disestal,lishmcnt of, KilmaJlock bamt, 179; dmrch 409 of, 119 I.... Edui""'" Act, "'" KimboDth, pri.... 01 )I~ 10 INIfX. . 43 1 King'. County, 52, "I\Macartby. Colonel, 288. KiOSOllc, harbour or, 21S McCarthy. Dermot. go Knights of Giro. 102; of Kerry, Maccu.fraactheneus, St. Patrick's,.., 102 chronicler, 34 .. Knockma, a bill oC, 8 Magan, betrayer of Lord Ed\vanl Knocktow, battle ~ 144. cause fitzgerald, ]61 of, 106 Maguire, Lord, 241 Mahon, ling of Munster, 6~ , L , lrIalach~« Mclachio.Ard.Rea~h, lAcy, Hugo de, vic:oroy 01 Heru'J 52. • Ii., 92 ' ·Malby, Sir Nicolas, governor or Lagan, rord 01, 209, •• Connaught. 187 • Lalor, James, 393 '. Mananan MacLir, Lege.d 01 Lam .." IIoDd or, 55 Gil .. Dacker, 17 Lambert, Simnel, 331; ~'ged Marsbali. William, Earl of Pem· in Dublin and ClOwned, 134; ... broke, 103 ".. - defeated "t Stoke, 115; taken Maryhorougbanci.. 1l1Cam~16. prisoner ODd appointod lul'll- Mary, Queen or England, 163; spit, 135 ~ ber dbth,.I64 Land League, the, 4"9 • '." MaynOOlh. castle of. 102 Land Lepen, 53, ". Mayo, Lord; 267 Lanrnmc, Arcb~ or Can'er- Mayo mountains. 8 • bury, 8. Maxw"~ Colon", 36_ Langan, Comte de, 288 McGeoghan. Abbe, historian. 1 !.aoftbaire, IGng or Meath, 34 McGillapatric:k, Lord 01 L: pper Lark ... , Fenian hanged, 406 PSSOY. 168 Leeky'.. .Mr., •• History of the mHugb,19' Eigh'eenth CieI 01 M_" Lee, Captain, 199 ghan, 192 • Lei.s, town of, 161 McMurrougb, Dermot, King of Leland the historian, 10 Leinster. 83. 241 Liffy river, 87 McMurroogb, son oi Dermot, 83 Lilibullero, anti-CaIhoiic IOCC, McToole, Sir Oweo 197 283 McWilliam, Burke;:Gal... y, 154 Limericlc, articles of. 295 • • McWilliam Eighter. :m.1 Mc­ Limerick. first liege of, 291 William OughlC'l'. the. Nether Limerick, .....l)' or, 295 and Further lJurkes, III • Limerick, wood ODd IowD or, McWilliam 01 Cbnricanle, 142 117 Meagber. 391 Lilldsr...... peniosula or, 45 Meath, pIaiDa of, 8 ... Loodoodeny, siege or, :tb5 l'ila de Cogan, Normaa _ Lovel~ Lord, 135 of Dublio, 87 Lucu,OwI.., 323 M ilcho chieftain, 3 Lui.agh Tyrlougb, 195 Milmans or Scoti. 9t 10 Lundy, _ oIl.oadoodeny, M1!cboIIo Job., 39' 285 ". Molyneu, Thomas, Dr_, 311 Molyncas, William, the " fD. • M genioas Molyneux." 311 lIac ..o·Earla. .,. ol Qanri.. Mootalembert. M. de.40 cardc, I?I ~ODtlDOl'ellef' Henrr de, 85 432 IND{X.

Mortimer, Roger, viceroy, no prosecution, is,; round guilty Mount~arrelt. Lord, 249 and imprisoned, 381; hi' lUi al!ountJoy, Charles Blount, '211 ; appearance and death, J89 ~hi. character, 211; estnblishes O'Connell, John, 391 miJilary Itations, :.&13; de­ O'Connor, Roderick, the AId- feats by starvation, 213; defeat. Reagb, 75, 84-<)1 Tyrone and the Spani~h Oeet, O'Connon of Connaught, 74 2.8 Octennial Bill, the, 325 Moytura, prehistoric haufe 01 the O'Curry,53 southern, 7 t O'Dogherly. Sir John, 198 .Muckem, or Mul~earn DOl, 187 • O'Donnel, Calvagh, 167 Mullioiar, town 0(, 292 e O'Donnel, of TYfconncl, 167 Munroe, General, 255 O'Donnell, Hygh, or ](,ed Hugh, Murhertach, house of, 74 200. Murphy, Father John, 362. O'Donnell, murder of Carey, 412 Murph~i1her Michael. 304 O'Donnell, Rory, 321 .. O'Donovans, 63 • O'DriscoU'.'piratical clao oC Wett N • Cork, 27 NaJitm, Th" newspaplr, 390 O'Dynor, »ermot, or Dermot of Neil Grey, 167 the Bright F~ 17 Newtown Butler, battle of, 288 O'Flaherty, Blfmund, 403 Norris, Geniral Sir Henry, 206 Oilen-an-Oir, or Gold Island, 18S Norris, Sir Thomas. 194- Ollamhs or Sennachies, he-ad 'iriorsmen, or NorthmeD, or Danes, bards, 19 7.53-56 O'Lochlin of llouse of O'Neill, NOT/ltern Sla" newspnprr, 358 , 74 Nua~ King of.the Tuatha-da­ O'Moore, Roryor Roger, 241 .D:maaos, 7-9 O'Neill, Owen, 248 O'Neill, Shane, called the Proud, 165; his character, 166; hiJ o eloquence, habit., and morals, ., Oakboys," Sq:iety of lbe, 345 166 ; his encounter witb SUMn', ::>'Brian, Prince of Thomond, 90 167; his visit to the EngliNI :)'Brien, race of, 60 C06'rt, 168 j receives title of )'Bricn, Smilh. 391 Captain of Tyrone, 169; re· YB.t"", the F eniau, 406 turns to Ireland. 169; SUMe'X )'Bymes, 128 attempt to poiJOD him, 169; )'Canoll of Argial,91 hU deticent OD the Scou, 110, YConnc,!,l, Daniel, makes his first .nd on Coooaudlt, 170; hiJ speech, 379; his energy. 379; last disamr ...r deaIb, '72. sets OD foot the lrUh Catholic 173 Association, 379; curies CatJao.. O'Neil~ Sir Pbelim. 241 lie rent. 380: contests the O'Neill>, or Hy.Nial., 60-74 county of Clare, J8J,;r bil Orange Lode:es. institution of, 345 character, ]82; his efforts to O'keiU,. of Hrefny, 167 procure repeal, 385; his en­ 0' Rod,e, chieftain 01 Coonaoght, mil, to secret societies, 385; 9' ' • founds the Loyal National 0'Kocke of Breln,. chief'aiD of Repcal Associatiop, J86; hiI Lei.oster, 9. 4.H Ormond, house ~J 105-128 R Ossian, poet and bard, 11-35 Ossory, clan of, 84 Ral~gh, Sir Walter, 190-191 oJ Rents, Black, 17. 123 I () Oswald, King of Northumbria, Rents, Fait Rent and Free Sale, 44 410 Oswin, King of Northumbria, 46 Rents, Ra.:k, 28 07oo1c, Garrot, 191 Rents"Slipulated, 28 O'Toole, St. Lawrence, Arch­ Ribbon Association, 385 bishop of Dublin, 86 Richard lI. la~lls at Waterford, Oulart, hill of, 362 \' 119; his meeting with Art Owel. Lough, near Mullingar, McMurrough, 119; t"ftlertains SS the chiefs, 120; receives their • oaths of allegiance, 120; returns p to ~reland, 122; encounters Arl McMurrough, 122" ·tc.ives Ire- J Paladius, "missionary, ~3 land. 123 ) Parnpll, Mr" 411 Rupert, Prince, 259; his arrival Parnell. Sir John, 371 at Kin~le, 259 Parsons, Sir William, «42 Patrick (Saint),-Jtis birth. 33; lands in lrelan1l. 33; visits s to Meath and to Connaught, Antrim, and Armagh, 34 ; Sadleirs. John and James, 403 legends of, by Mr. Aubrey de Sanim Celtic Festival (Novcmber~ Vere,3S 1St). 14 II Peep of Da.y Boys. II Society of, "Snrs6eld, Patrick, 280 345 Saunders. Pope'~ Legate, 1St. Pelham, SirWiIlinm, Lord.deputy, Schomberg, DUKe of, 288 188 Schwartz, Martin, Dutch Generil. Penal Code, the, 300 135 Perkin Warbeck, 136, 137 Scoti. tribes of the, 9 Perrot. Sir John. 170-179 Sculloboguc, barn or. 363 Peter'. Pence, collection or. 79 Sebastian. King olTortuga!, killed. Petrie, George, LL.D., 7') • at the lJaule of A1cansar. 184 Pelty, Sir William, his survey of Benchus Mor, ancient law.book. lrelnnd, 21. 25.28 I t-hilip 11., King of Spain, 183 Shannon, Lord. 3u Pho:nix organization, 404 Shannon, river, 91 Phumix Park trnged,., 411 Shiel, Rich.vd Lalor. 37q Pic ... 53 Sidney, Henry. Sir, 174; be· Pierce, Captain, 17.1 comes Lord.deputy, 174; ap· Plunkett, Dr., Archbishop of points presidents in the pro­ Dublin, 279 vinces, 176; bis scheme for, Portland. Duke of, 350 flo re:t;lucing expenses., 177 j his Poynings' Act, 138 vislls to M.unster and Con· PoynintlS' Act rept'aled. 287 no.ught, 179 Poynings. Iii" Edward, I,.B Sigurd, Earl of Orkney. 66 Preston. Colonel, 249 Silvermine bills of Tipperary, 29- Protection of Life and I"ropc'rty Simon, priest and tutor to Lam· DiII,409 bert Simnel. 135 29 434 IN EX_

Sitrie, • Vilcing, 67 Swir" J-I~n, Dean ol 51. Skcffingt~ Sir William 141 Patrick's, 315; hi. character, ')'emish mouDlains, 3J • 3~5; his Drapier Pape .... 317: Sligo, towu 0:-, %54 _ hIS :lilaC" on Wood", pdCDL. SlDerwick, (own of, ISS 3 15; his popularil,. 319 Sotnenet, EdtnUd Earl ol GJa- Swonb ill Mcub, 247 mnrgan,254 South European PJanu iII"In:Iand, T 5 Talbot, Richard, Earl ol Tym>o- Southern lIoytuJl, 7 • nd, :008 Spanish AmwIa, 197 TaniR 1aW5 oI_ccession. 27 Speosd: Ed mUDd, poet, 190 Tan in Meath, 63' boule of, 63 Staniluust, bistorian, the. 13i Tenant ~Coa_,""J SIOeI!x.p, Society ol, 345 • Tmure, FOOl, of, 410 , St. Joh ...c;;.jr Oljyer. depot,. 23' TIoomood, lAdy, 303 St. Le!er. SirWarebam, "UDder- TIoomood, Lord, 247 , taker," 194 Towel', ~ II TIC: W'CI' Earl' cf SL Ruth, General. 29:z: • Dnmood, 192 . Stcpbcn, Head Feniand. 88, 220; dies the COUDU'J, 221 ; do __ H""},, 88; ODd ...... ill aile, 222 10 Irdand, 119 SbWIor, n.c-., Sir, .,.., 184 u '. S~ bottle ol. 61 Uoioa, Pill'. ploD ol. "" s.ne,.EarI ol. cIepaJy. '4$ Uoioa, the, 7'7 435

(In;ltd lri.r.fmln\.ewspaper, 394 :z88; he lands at Carrickfergus, United Irishmen, the Society of, 2Ff; meets James's army, i~ 386 victorious at the battle of ." Ussher, Archbishop of Armagh, Boyne, 289; offers Jree pardon, 163; treatment of by Strafford, 290; besieges Limerick, 291; "37 his evidence about tbe trenty of V Limerick, 296 I Willout:hby, Sir Francis, Governor Vere, Aubrey de, Mr., Legends of of Dublin, 24.6 St. Patrick, 35 • Winte/, A ;lmi ...l, 187 Vinegar Hi:J" 363 Wolfe, Tone, 354; I~der 01 Volunteers, irish, the, 334-340 United Irishmen, 3S.f; meet!. • • Lord Edward Fitzgerald in W .Pa~s, 3SS j his scheme of de· scent, 3SS; descc~..aS7 ; I Ware Papers, 163 a fresh attempt, 3SS. again • 'WIterfor4, town of, 262 J d~(ence fails, 361 ; is arrested on board of, Richard or.-s6; Dl!neB SS; th, Hoclle, ~61; condemned II. lands at, 12Z and diet in pnson, 366 Wexford, town of, 8~; castle of, Wood, patentee of batrpence, 317 8,; siege by~romweU, 262 Whitby, Synod of, '\6 y • Whiteboys, outrnges of, 342-344 Wicklow. landing of St. Patrick Yellow Ford, battle of the, 203 .., in. 33 II Young beland," party of, 388, William of Orange in Ireland. , 390