ANNUAL 011 011 2 2 REPORT Since 1955, The Foundation has been dedicated to addressing the needs of the $50 MILLION 2010 Calgary & area community. As a community foundation, we play three important roles: NEW GIFTS

DONOR & ENDOWMENT STEWARDSHIP RECEIVED 2011AT GLANCE A KNOWLEDGEABLE GRANTMAKING 55 NEW FUNDS COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP ESTABLISHED REFLECTING ON A YEAR OF COMMUNITY PHILANTHROPY 10 YEAR The Calgary Foundation works to support emerging needs in the Calgary and area community. In addition to our role as a community convener, the Foundation COMPOUND continues to focus on building endowments for the long-term benefit of Calgary and area. We work to RETURN 5.8% support and strengthen BENCHMARK the charitable sector and, Our commitment to address vital emerging issues and despite challenging times, needs in our community prompted the establishment INDICES 4.3% the Foundation has been of the Forever Funds. The Forever Funds initiative fortunate to benefit from addresses the needs in the sectors of Environment, the ongoing generosity Arts & Heritage, ASSET BASE of our donors. Seniors, Diversity & FOREVER FUNDS Inclusion, and Mental Health. Through the Forever $396 MILLION In the area of Environment, the Funds, the Foundation has increased its capacity to Forever Funds signature project HARVIE make proactive and responsive grants across these five important issue areas, hosted a successful Speaker ASSETS BY FUNDS is Harvie Passage. The project [MILLIONS OF DOLLARS] involves the redevelopment PASSAGE Series to increase the visibility of the issue, and of the Bow River Weir which will eliminate the supported signature projects that will make a lasting Designated $103 drowning hazard and allow for the Bow River to impact in each sector. Donor flow freely for the first time in over 100 years. Advised A period of intensive safety testing is currently $168 Field of underway and we look forward to celebrating The Arts and Heritage Forever Fund Interest $39 KING EDWARD the opening of Harvie Passage in 2012. supports and celebrates creativity and SCHOOL ARTS

INCUBATOR Managed $14 history, interpreting the past and forging links to Community $49 contemporary discussions. The signature project for this sector has seen a unique partnership Flow Through $23 develop between The Calgary Foundation and Calgary Arts Development Authority to advance a vision for the historic King Edward School to serve as an innovative arts incubator. The vision of the King Edward School Arts Incubator project partnership is an integrated, mixed-use ‘hub’ that provides a dynamic and collaborative environment focused on the incubation and advancement of professional arts practice, social innovation and community development in $22.2 MILLION GRANTED South Calgary. The incubator will connect the community of artists and cultural workers to each TO 651 CHARITABLE other as tenants in the building and to the broader community in which the facility is embedded. ORGANIZATIONS ACCELERATING In 2010, The Calgary Foundation, The United Way of Calgary & Area and the City of Calgary, commissioned a report to explore the readiness for social enterprise GRANTS BY SECTOR SOCIAL activity in Calgary. This report determined that our city has a strong appetite for [MILLIONS OF DOLLARS] innovation and growth in the area of social entrepreneurship, and that nonprofits Human Arts & Heritage $4 ENTERPRISE and companies alike are coming together to achieve a connection between societal Services $3.2 and economic growth. Seeking new ways to strengthen Calgary’s nonprofit sector, The Calgary Foundation, Community in partnership with Social Venture Partners Calgary, launched a Social Enterprise Pilot Project in 2010 to Development $1.8 demonstrate how nonprofit organizations can generate new revenue from mission-based business activities. From twenty interested organizations, two were selected as best fitting the criteria for developing Social Enterprise Health & Wellness initiatives that would provide the most relevant learning for other charitable organizations. Education & $6 Lifelong The full report Learning $4.5 Alison T. Love Eva Friesen Accelerating Social Enterprise Chair, Board of Directors President & CEO Faith & Religion $1.5 Environment & is now available at Animal Welfare $1.2 To all Friends of the Foundation, we thank you and are truly inspired by your commitment to community. 2 & FAMILIES Bob White Anila Umar Jessica Schneider Patti Pon, Ross Kobayashi Terence Field W.R.(Bill) Dickson Cohen Cheryl Cathy Cochrane Allan Baker Don Thurston, Don Smith Donald Seaman Bill Hay W.R. (Bill)Dickson Cassie Campbell-Pascall Karam-Ali Talakshi Jason Sweeney Ken Lima-Coelho Eileen Kwan Lawrence Gervais W.R.(Bill) Dickson Trish Bond, Tracy Beairsto Bernadette Alexander Anne Tingle Trish Savill Marlene Mulligan David B.Mitchell, Susan Lerner W.R.(Bill) Dickson Brian Briggs Chima Nkemdirim, Hieu Van Ngo Julia Melnyk Donna Livingstone Amanda Koyama Chris Downie W.R.(Bill) Dickson Sunny Delaney-Clark Alan Castle Suzanne Boss LIFELONG LEARNING EDUCATION & CANADIAN HOCKEY FUND DARYL K. SEAMAN CHILDREN, YOUTH CAMPUS CALGARY ARTS & HERITAGE GRANT ADVISORY COMMITTEES

REPORT 2011ANNUAL chair chair

chair chair

chair Ameera Ladak Catherine Kobayashi Shirley Hesje members ofallcommittees and theCEOareexofficio Note: theChairofBoard Ursula J.Wohlfarth Keith Seel Stephen Schroeder Ferronato, Sherry W.R.(Bill) Dickson Gabrielle Arrizza Thao Vu DeeAnne Vonde, Don Thurston Bev Renaud Jeff Loomis W.R.(Bill) Dickson Shane Smith Robert Sadée Kirby Redwood Anne Lockwood Murray Laverty Zabin Jadavji Chris Hsiung, W.R.(Bill) Dickson Justin Brown Greg Shyba Elizabeth Peters John Mannix Jamie Major Hamish Kerfoot Tian Everest, David Dunlop W.R.(Bill) Dickson Yasmin Dean Kitt Chanthaboune OFFICE VOLUNTEERS DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION NEIGHBOUR GRANTS HEALTH & WELLNESS ENVIRONMENT

chair chair THECALGARYFOUNDATION.ORG THECALGARYFOUNDATION.ORG chair chair VOLUNTEERS & STAFF & PROFESSIONAL Anne Tingle Michael Maher Alison Love Ken Little Dale Ens Gerald Deyell, Donald G.Cormack Don Smith Mike Skrypnek Carl Scholz Ken Little Ross Kobayashi Gottselig Cheryl Pierre Fournier Dale Ens, Jasbinder Butalia Scott Timson Ruth Spetz Lohnes Gregory Bev Foy, Donald G.Cormack Ian Bourne committees CEO areexofficiomembersofall Note: TheChairoftheBoardand Blake Walker Wes Peters John McCormick Sandra MacenkoMerkley Blaine Lennox Bob Gibson Bev Foy Ian Bourne, Ali Bhojani DeeAnne Vonde Don Thurston Betty Schultz Patti Pon Chima Nkemdirim Chris Hsiung Ferronato Sherry Tian Everest W.R.(Bill) Dickson, Trish Bond GOVERNANCE ADVISORS DONOR RELATIONS AUDIT INVESTMENT GRANTS CORE COMMITTEES chair chair chair

chair chair Susan Tyrrell, DonorsGrants Assistant Dan Thorburn,Vice President,Grants&CommunityInitiatives Marie Stevens,DonorGrantsAssociate Dean Prodan,Vice President,Investments Laily Pirbhai,Vice President,DonorEngagement Hope Oyesoro,Gifts&AccountsPayableProcessor Jantina Oosterhuis,SeniorOfficer, Gifts&EstatePlanning Craig March, Vice President, Finance Longpré,ViceKerry President, Communications Lynn Jobe, GrantsAssistant Janet Hails,CommunityGrantsAssociate Eva Friesen,President&CEO Janice Francey, CommunicationsSpecialist Linda Ford,EventsCoordinator Renée Fan,Accountant Mayor, CityofCalgary, Maria Dewaele, Edward M.Bredin,QC Alison Love Donald G.Cormack Ross B.McNichol Dean Prodan Roy D.Boettger, Q.C. Dr. RalphStrother, M.D. J. BruceDunlop,F.C.A. Ann McCaig John C.Armstrong Ross F. Phillips,F.C.A. Fred L.Fenwick W. ReesTaprell Dr. Cohen,C.M Harry Holland Cameron Duncan A.Sim Ron H.Jenkins M. Ted Riback George Lancaster Howard P. Miller Dr. J.W. GrantMacEwan Senior Bencher, District) LawSocietyofAlberta(Calgary ChamberofCommerceChairman, Calgary Chancellor, UniversityofCalgary Chief Justice,CourtofQueen’s Bench(Calgary) Darlene Chrapko,StudentAwards &AgencyFundsOfficer Grace Chiu,Gifts&EstatesAdministrator Julie Black,CitizenEngagementAssociate Taylor Barrie,CommunicationsAssistant Céline Baril,OfficeAssistant&Reception Ennien Ashbrook,FinanceAssistant Hayden E.Smith,CLU Ross F. Phillips,FCA V.L. (Doug)Hawkes HONORARY LIFE DIRECTORS CHAIRS OF THE BOARD LEGISLATED COMMITTEE OF NOMINATORS STAFF

Human Resources Officer Executive Associate& 


2010 - 2008 -2010 2006 -2008 2004 -2006 2002 -2004 2000 -2002 1997 -2000 1994 -1997 1991 -1994 1986 -1991 1982 -1986 1979 -1982 1978 -1979 1976 -1978 1975 -1976 1973 -1975 1970 -1973 1965 -1970 1963 -1965 1955 -1963 THECALGARYFOUNDATION.ORG THECALGARYFOUNDATION.ORG VOLUNTEERS & STAFF

THE CALGARY FOUNDATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2011-2012 wide range ofcharities. a their givingandsupport place fordonorstomanage provideexpertise acentral our financialmanagement community needs,alongwith extensive knowledge of of strong communityties, The Foundation’s longhistory community accountability. investment stewardship and leadership, efficient focus onproactive community GUIDING PRINCIPLES THE CALGARY FOUNDATION’S Director since2009 Community Volunteer Sunny Delaney-Clark Director Since2007 Chair, Ballard PowerSystems Ian Bourne Director since2009 Capital PartnersInc. President, NCPNorthland Ali A.Bhojani Community Vol Corporate Directorand Catherine (Kay)Best Director Since2007 Blake, Cassels&GraydonLLP Retired Partner, Vice-Chair Gerald M.Deyell Director Since2003 Officer, EnbridgeInc. &ChiefCompliance Secretary Vice President,Corporate Alison T. Love, Director since2011


Chair , Q.C.

THECALGARYFOUNDATION.ORG THECALGARYFOUNDATION.ORG Director Since2005 Community Volunteer Ross Kobayashi Director Since2010 Momentum Executive Director, Walter Hossli Director Since2010 Rothschild Canada Managing Director, Robert (Bob)Gibson Director Since2008 LLP Collins BarrowCalgary Retired Partner, Beverley Foy Director Since2006 Planning Inc. Estate Principal, Blaeberry Dale Ens Director Since2004 Community Volunteer W.R. (Bill)Dickson UNIQUE ADVANTAGES and assistwithgrantmaking. financial reporting,assetmanagement is inplace,wetakecareofthepaperwork, charitable andfinancialgoals.Onceaplan to designgivingplanssuiteddesired We workwithdonorsandtheiradvisors and organizationsinthecommunity. connectionsbetweendonors and powerful sectors. We arewellplacedtomakesimple We developnetworksinawiderangeof the communityatlarge. special interests.We reflecttheinterestsof We areacommunityconvenertranscending is independentandcrossesmanysectors. Our viewofcommunityissuesandpriorities


, Ph.D

Director Since2003 Community Volunteer Anne Tingle Director Since2004 Management Inc. President, SelkirkPortfolio Donald Thurston Director Since2011 Principal, ParadoxInc. Patti Pon Director Since2011 TransCanada Corporation Natural GasPipelines President, Lohnes Gregory Director Since2008 Carscallen LLP Partner, Ken Little Director Since2003 Calgary CEO, ImmigrantServices Din Ladak

site visitsandgrantmeetings. community, includingparticipatingin connections toorganizationsinthe donors todeveloptheirownpersonal granting decisions.We encourage take ahands-onapproachwiththeir We proudlyworkwithourdonorsto the lowestcost. we strivetoreceivethebestreturnat Through prudentinvestmentpractices, North America’s topfinancialadvisors. Our fundsareinvestedbysomeof maximum taxbenefitsfromeachgift. gifts andworkwithdonorstoensure We acceptsophisticatedandcomplex SOPHISTICATED GIFT ADVICE DONOR ENGAGEMENT INVESTMENT EXPERTISE a DonorCentralaccount, visit To learnmoreaboutcreating • • • • • • allows Fundholdersto: YOUR FUNDS… TO MANAGE AN ONLINE WAY DonorCentral information Update personalcontact organizations Research grantee Grants Projects current Community View theFoundation’s electronically recommendations Make grant Fund statements View andprintmonthly grants history made totheFund,and View Fundbalance,gifts


3 2011 ANNUAL 011 011 2 2 REPORT RECOGNIZING OUR DONORS & GRANTEES FUNDS & GRANTS THE CALGARY FOUNDATION MANAGES OVER 1000 FUNDS TO REALIZE THE VISION AND COMMITMENT OF DONORS TO ALL SECTORS OF OUR COMMUNITY. Funds at The Calgary Foundation are established in a broad range The Calgary Foundation believes in the expertise and creativity of of categories: Donor Advised, Donor Designated, Flow Through, the organizations we support. These partnerships build a strong and Community, Field of Interest, Managed, Student Awards, Charitable sustainable charitable sector that serves to support the Calgary and Organization and Memorial Funds. area community.

Alberta Pioneer Legacy Fund Epstein and Daskal Family Fund Gordon R. McLeod Fund Joan Colleen Snyder Fund NEW Agnes and Gordon Burrows Evamy Family Designated Fund for McLeod & Company LLP Fund Special Olympics Calgary Participation Fund Foundation Fund Christchurch Anglican Parish Moon Beams Fund-Retention Massimo and Christina Spoletini Charitable FUNDS Calgary Culture of Peace Fund Michael & Jane Evans Family Fund Graydon and Dorothy Morrison Flow Fund Calgary Firefighters Fairview Ranch Fund Through Fund Dr. Martin T. Spoor Memorial Bursary at the 2010 Benevolent Flow Through Fig Tree Charitable Foundation Fund Not Afraid of Greatness Fund Fund Fund Fyidoctors Flow Through Fund One Small Act Fund The Robert James Stewart Legacy Fund Isabel Evelyn Hardwick Calow Barbara L. Groves Memorial Fund Robert and Kathryn Price Family Fund Strength in Numbers Flow Through Fund Fund 2011 Peg & Nick Taylor Family Foundation Fund Estate of Mary Guinn Pyke Family Fund Christ Church Endowment Trust Managed The Transformation Fund Fund Hall Family Fund Gordon and Barb Rankin Fund Mr. & Mrs. Thorarinson Sr. Family Fund C. Percy Cole Memorial Scholarship Fund Hall Family Flow Through Fund Sapphire Foundation Together For Chile Fund Ann & Sandy Cross Conservation Area Heart of Gold Foundation Fund Margaret J Saunders Memorial Fund for Youth Turner Family Foundation Estate of Walter Brian Dingle James and Laurie Kidd Family Fund Mary Lesingham Shortt Bequest Octavio Ventura Memorial Fund Jean Dreger Memorial Fund for Gerontology Sam & Eunice Krausert Memorial Fund C. Siemens and M. Sinotte Fund Michelle M. Vincent Foundation Fund DT Kayra Fund Lou MacEachern Fund for Rotary Olympic Simpson Youth & Family Fund Club Keith Werry Memorial Fund Elkays (Kunelius) Fund Roger and Lorna Smith Fund

COMMUNITY FUND DONORS COMMUNITY FUND The Calgary Foundation’s Community Fund Anonymous (4) William and Karen Dickson George Little harnesses the generosity of a broad range of donors to Dr. Tallel Abougoush Estate of Walter Brian Dingle Alison and Andrew Love collectively support the emerging needs and innovations Flora Allison David R. Driscoll Brenda Marcellus Joan Barber EnCana Cares Foundation James Mathieson of the community. By dedicating their funds to the J. Lorne Baxter Dale Ens Outi Mceachern Community Fund, donors support the Community Grants Muriel Bell FirstEnergy Capital Corp. Roy E. McLellan Program and its rigorous volunteer-led review process. Olive Bissell Barbara E. Gates Edd F. McRory Ian and Heather Bourne Donald M. Graves Michael L. Morin George Brookman Richard and Lois Haskayne Eileen Nelson Pirie Foundation Southworth Holdings Ltd. Canada Life Assurance Company Grant Heimbecker Estate of Carl Olaf Nickle Sylvia Planche The Home Depot Foundation Canadian Pension and Benefits Karen Hickey Moira Nolan Estate of Robert Gardiner Price Dan Thorburn Institute AB Regional Council Lorna Hood Clifton D. O’Brien Prosser Charitable Foundation Sandra J. Tidswell Cenovus Energy Ltd. Lilian Jardine Anne O’Gorman RBC Dexia Anne S. Tingle Robert B. Christie Edward and Ann Kerwin William Overend and Patricia Dibski George J. and Marilyn Reti TransCanada PipeLines Limited John Clarry Benjamin and Heather Kis Parlee McLaws LLP Stanley and Clarese Sailer United Way of Calgary and Area Collins Barrow Calgary LLP Irene Kwong Glen A. Patterson William and Marian Sayers Venture Communications Madeline Crawford Janet Kwong M. Aileen Pelzer Estate of Mary Lesingham Shortt Gary R. Webb Gerald and Kathleen Deyell Lily Lister Robert G. Peters NAMED FUNDS IN THE COMMUNITY FUND

Alberta Petroleum Trust Fund Brent R. Dawson Memorial Fund Junkin Family Fund Fred A. McKinnon Memorial Fund Donald A Ross Memorial Fund Ross Alger Bequest Jacob Diamond Estate Kalmacoff Family Named Fund R. L. McKinnon Family Fund Royal Trust Fund Allen Family Fund Estate of Walter Brian Dingle James Kerr Estate Fund Minnie Melech Fund Seaman Family Fund John C. Armstrong Fund Elkays (Kunelius) Fund Estate of Berta Knakis Virginia Middelberg Bequest Daryl K. Seaman Foundation Fund Lorne and Marg Baxter Family Fund John A.S. Falconer Memorial Fund Knipe and Mercier Families Fund Virginia Middelberg Fund Sherbut Family Fund Franklin Donald Bean Fund James Richardson Fish Community Carmel & Stan Kosman Fund Don Morris/Gas King Memorial Mary Lesingham Shortt Bequest Board of Directors Fund Fund Sam & Eunice Krausert Memorial Fund M. Wayne Stewart Fund Max Brandstaetter Memorial Fund Fort Chicago Energy Trust Fund Fund Motherwell Memorial Fund Clarence E. Tait Fund Mr. & Mrs. James F. Burns Senior Jim C. Fowler Fund Stan B. Laing Memorial Fund Walter C. Mueller Trust Fund Tamaratt Fund Family Fund J. A. French Memorial Fund Stan B. & Gertrude Laing Fund Carl & Diana Nickle Trust Rees & Abigail Taprell Memorial Agnes and Gordon Burrows Gorbachev Dinner Fund James A. Love Fund Carl O. Nickle Bequest Fund Foundation Fund Grace Hardy Memorial Fund Grant MacEwan Community Fund Carl O. Nickle Memorial Fund Bill and Jean Toole Family Fund Calgary Community Partners Fund James Lloyd Harris Bequest Estate of Emroy Bruce Main Carl & Diana Nickle Special Fund Craig Trimble Memorial Fund Ian Cayzer/Calgary Crowchild Lions Lloyd Harris Memorial Fund F.C. Mannix Memorial Fund Oiltec Nature Conservancy Fund Octavio Ventura Memorial Fund Club Fund Paul Peter Hickle Memorial Fund M. Ann McCaig Fund Prue and Ken Penley Fund Co-operative Fertilizers A.E. Child Fund Jane Huckvale Bequest Maurice W. McCaig Fund Ross F. & Mary R. Phillips Fund Fund Dr. Harry Cohen, C.M. Bequest Gertrude Irwin Fund Mary and Allan McDonald Planche Family Fund Helen J. Whillans Memorial Fund Harry Cohen Memorial Fund Lilian and Colin Jardine Fund Memorial Fund Robert and Kathryn Price Family George A. and Mary F. Wilson Fund Ruth Elizabeth Craig Fund Ron H. Jenkins Fund Charles Henry McKinnon Bequest Fund Woodman Financial Group Charity Raymond W. Davidson Memorial Fund Ron H. Jenkins Memorial Fund Fred A. McKinnon Bequest Mr. & Mrs. R. J. Robb Fund Fund 4 THECALGARYFOUNDATION.ORG ANNUAL 011 011 2 RECOGNIZING OUR DONORS & GRANTEES FUNDS & GRANTS REPORT 2 FIELD OF INTEREST FUNDS

March 31, 2011 March 31, 2011 March 31, 2011 Fund Grantee Grant Amount Market Value Fund Grantee Grant Amount Market Value Fund Grantee Grant Amount Market Value Larry and Judy Aikenhead Fund $10,397 Forever Fund for the Environment $98,686 Stella McCaig Memorial Fund $11,244 Children’s Legal and Educational Resource Centre Society $446 Forever Fund for Mental Health $38,433 Association for the Rehabilitation of the Brain Injured $543 AJN Children & Youth Fund $246,909 Forever Fund for Seniors $41,136 Mental Health Fund $432,749 Children’s Legal and Educational Resource Centre Society $11,921 Association for the Rehabilitation of the Brain Injured $2,473 Fraser Family Fund $91,551 Fresh Start Addictions Centre $18,302 Alberta Fund for the Environment $39,902 Calgary Immigrant Women Association $4,052 Biosphere Institute of the Bow Valley $178 L.A. Michaluk Fund- FOI $231,582 Bow River Basin Council Society $1,742 Colin Fraser, Daniel Kenneth Fraser, May Shields Fraser Fund $277,060 Balzac United Church $1,800 Stanley and Hilda M. Miller Memorial Health Fund $78,314 Ashburner Family Fund $143,346 Cochrane Youth Association $11,500 Association for the Rehabilitation of the Brain Injured $393 Inn from the Cold Society $6,927 Galvin Family Fund $3,559,518 Naimark Fund $21,378 Agnes and Wes Aylesworth Fund $56,296 Alberta Easter Seals Society $15,360 Quest Theatre Society $925 Enviros Wilderness School Association $2,718 Alberta Wilderness Association $15,000 Ryan Netzel Memorial Fund $4,867 Bartlett Knechtel Family Fund $13,018 Calgary Zoological Society $7,628 Biosphere Institute of the Bow Valley $235 Young Women’s Christian Association of Calgary $550 EducationMatters - sponsoring Lord Beaverbrook Rainbow Fund for Children $537,476 Calgary Beautification Foundation Fund $59,224 High School $12,500 Children’s Legal and Educational Resource Centre Society $25,841 The Friends of the Federation of Calgary Communities Society $2,859 Fort Calgary Preservation Society $12,355 Missing Children Society of Canada $15,000 Rainbow Field of Interest Fund $735,435 Calgary Community Lottery Board Legacy Fund $13,750 Parks Foundation, Calgary $40,000 Frank Myron Read Fund $552,334 Calgary Old Folks Home Fund $828,525 Quest Theatre Society $37,450 Alberta Wilderness Association $5,000 Calgary Immigrant Women Association $36,882 The Learning Partnership Canada $15,900 Calgary Zoological Society $2,383 Ghost River Rediscovery Society $2,988 Romeo Gervais Fund $60,179 Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society $15,194 Joyce K. Carlyle Estate (FOI) $4,009 Children’s Legal and Educational Resource Centre Society $2,905 Charles Reid Memorial Fund $2,367,728 Parks Foundation, Calgary $193 Estate of Grace Glaum $1,165,074 Art a la Carte $10,000 CLJ Fund $2,737 University of Calgary - Faculty of Medicine $45,000 Calgary Drop-In & Rehab Centre Society $15,000 Children’s Legal and Educational Resource Centre Society $132 NeighbourLink of Calgary Northwest and Beltline Inc. $13,304 Jennifer Gregory Fund $81,234 The Canadian Red Cross Society/ Gertrude Cohos Arts Endowment Fund $58,795 Wellspring Calgary $3,900 La Societe Canadienne de la Croix $25,000 Katherine Coutts Health Fund $5,371 Estate of Mary Alberta Guinn $37,050 Rempel Family Fund $56,350 Calgary Society of Community Opportunities $258 Hamilton Hall Soles / Ray and Berndtson Inc. Fund $12,392 Association for the Rehabilitation of the Brain Injured $2,626 Katherine Coutts Theatre Arts Fund $5,393 Brian G. Harrington Fund $76,872 Robert and Grace Ruben Fund $362,445 Calgary Opera Association $259 The Arthritis Society Alberta Division $3,600 Association for the Rehabilitation of the Brain Injured $8,475 Alexander Rothney (Sandy) Cross Estate Fund $5,706,015 Donald Harvie Fund $22,028 Inn from the Cold Society $9,041 Alberta Ecotrust Foundation $30,000 Bow River Basin Council Society $3,895 Daryl K. Seaman Canadian Hockey Fund $10,216,408 Alberta Wilderness Association $19,023 Western Sky Land Trust Society $60,000 Athol Murray College of Notre Dame $12,500 Ann & Sandy Cross Conservation Area $200,000 Greater Bragg Creek Trails Association $26,100 Bow River Basin Council Society $3,508 Herskind Family Fund $749,063 Sunshine Foundation of Canada $36,075 Hockey Hall of Fame and Museum $100,000 Bowwest Community Support Services Society $5,000 Hull Child and Family Services $7,000 Calgary Arts Academy Society $1,900 Nellie K. Hicks Fund for the Blind (FOI) $260,397 KidSport Canada $50,000 Calgary Centre for Global Community $3,060 CNIB Canadian National Institute for the Blind $12,500 Silver Springs Community Association $9,500 Calgary Centre for Performing Arts $33,000 Lois Hole Care and Nurture Legacy Fund $58,849 The Northern Alberta Institute of Technology Foundation $20,000 Enviros Wilderness School Association $13,957 Homelessness Assistance Fund $1,104,208 University of $6,900 Friends of Fish Creek Provincial Park Society $30,000 Varsity Community Association $18,000 Ghost River Rediscovery Society $56,882 Bissell Centre $21,252 Glenbow-Alberta Institute $28,000 Calgary Urban Project Society $31,878 Senior Citizens’ Fund $8,841 Golden Age Club Society $3,500 Honens Musical Projects Fund $2,363,355 Calgary Immigrant Women Association $297 Immigrant Services Calgary Society $2,530 Calgary Centre for Performing Arts $32,098 Ghost River Rediscovery Society $130 Inn from the Cold Society $4,032 Calgary Philharmonic Society $6,565 Elspeth Lou Sine Memorial Fund $6,794 Kiwanis Club of Calgary Kamp Kiwanis $20,000 Esther Honens International Piano Competition Foundation $30,000 Children’s Legal and Educational Resource Centre Society $327 Nose Creek Sports and Recreation Association $10,568 Forte Musical Theatre Guild $15,000 Barry Smith Memorial Fund $27,454 Parks Foundation, Calgary $18,816 The Calgary Fiddlers Association $30,000 Enviros Wilderness School Association $1,299 Partners FOR the River Basin $11,000 John Stanley Horne Bequest $7,596 Gwen & Norman Stewart Fund $137,092 Pathways Community Services Association $20,000 Association for the Rehabilitation of the Brain Injured $367 The Educational Society of Father Whelihan School $2,500 Tom Symington “Equal In Dignity and Rights” Fund $13,569 The Friends of the Federation of Calgary Napier and Lucilla Hoskin Education Fund $77,762 Fairy Tales Presentation Society $638 The Learning Partnership Canada $3,754 Communities Society $17,504 Telus Fund $24,132 United Way of Calgary and Area $15,150 Vera L. (Jacques) Ireland Fund $111,280 Varsity Community Association $400 Children’s Legal and Educational Resource Centre Society $27 Charles and Grace Thomson FOI Fund $1,038,708 Victory Outreach Foundation $25,000 The Learning Partnership Canada $5,346 Nose Creek Sports and Recreation Association $24,432 Diskin Family Field of Interest Fund $39,451 Robert L. Jamison Trust Fund $106,964 Norman Sheppard Trouth Memorial Fund $151,481 Calgary Immigrant Women Association $1,906 Calgary Centre for Performing Arts $5,168 Biosphere Institute of the Bow Valley $6,572 Chris Dunkley Natural Environment Retention Fund $203,613 Mary E. Kirkpatrick Memorial Fund $193,424 DHH Urchison Fund $5,378 Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society $9,806 The Arthritis Society Alberta Division $9,289 Bethany Care Foundation $258 Ens Family Fund $25,477 Harvey Kowall Memorial Fund $13,184 Uwanishen Health and Wellness Fund $1,127,805 Children’s Legal and Educational Resource Centre Society $1,126 The Friends of the Federation of Calgary Communities Society $637 Association for the Rehabilitation of the Brain Injured $10,461 Muscular Dystrophy Canada $35,050 Environment Fund $17,770 Kathleen Lane Field Of Interest Fund $184,268 Sunshine Foundation of Canada $8,925 Bow River Basin Council Society $855 Calgary International Fringe Festival Society $2,749 Children’s Legal and Educational Resource Centre Society $6,148 Bill and Margaret Whelan Field of Interest Fund $48,528 Keith and Christine Fewster Fund $12,953 Association for the Rehabilitation of the Brain Injured $2,345 Quest Theatre Society $625 Joyce Margaret Locke Estate $278,250 Calgary Philharmonic Society $13,435 John & Jean Wilkins Fund $10,368 James Richardson Fish Memorial 25 Year Fund $278,911 Association for the Rehabilitation of the Brain Injured $501 Enviros Wilderness School Association $13,501 Robert W.T. Lockhart Memorial Fund $0 Young Women’s Christian Association of Calgary $4,754 Erma & Roy Wilson Family Fund $126,627 Forever Fund for Arts and Heritage $93,062 Calgary Inter-Faith Food Bank Society $6,118 Forever Fund for Diversity and Inclusion $97,865 Martin Family Trust Fund $5,808 Association for the Rehabilitation of the Brain Injured $281 K.Winkler & K.MacDonald Animal Welfare Fund $10,903 MEOW Foundation for the Adoption of Abandoned Cats $527

THECALGARYFOUNDATION.ORG THECALGARYFOUNDATION.ORG 5 ANNUAL 011 011 2 2 REPORT FUNDS & GRANTS CONNECTIVE PHILANTHROPY THE WEB THAT LINKS PEOPLE WHO GIVE, PEOPLE WHO SERVE, AND PEOPLE IN NEED. Through six different granting programs, the Foundation supports over 600 organizations in all sectors of the community: community development, arts, recreation, human services, health and the environment.

Grantee Project Total Grant Contributing Fund Amount Contributed STRENGTHEN CHARITIES COMMUNITY GRANTS Praerie – Saengerbund Saengerfest Calgary 2011 $5,000 Grantee Project Total Grant Choir Association Inc. Contributing Fund Amount Contributed – promote a healthy community by supporting Community Fund $5,000 Grantee Project Total projects that create new futures, engage citizens, The Learning Partnership Canada Turning Points: $25,000 Contributing Fund Amount Contributed strengthen charities and/or explore and celebrate Character Development & Literacy Alberta Easter Seals Society Meeting Equipment Needs $34,000 Galvin Family Fund $15,900 Through Recycling history and culture Napier and Lucilla Hoskin Education Fund $3,754 Daryl K. Seaman Foundation Fund $3,070 Vera L. (Jacques) Ireland Fund $5,346 F.C. Mannix Memorial Fund $15,570 United Way of Calgary and Area Holistic Support for Aboriginal Youth $45,150 Galvin Family Fund $15,360 CREATE NEW FUTURES Alexander Rothney (Sandy) Cross Estate Fund $15,150 Alberta Wilderness Association Alberta Wilderness Resource Centre $40,400 Mary Child Legacy Fund $30,000 Project Grantee Project Total Grant Alexander Rothney (Sandy) Cross Estate Fund $19,023 Contributing Fund Amount Contributed Work Research Foundation Calgary’s Soul: Values & Infrastructure $35,000 Cargill Family Legacy Fund $91 Dunlop Family Fund $5,000 Alberta Ecotrust Foundation Taking Stock: Collaborative $30,000 Daryl K. (Doc) Seaman Flow Through Fund $34,909 Galvin Family Fund $15,000 Environmental Management Nana Environment Fund $933 Alexander Rothney (Sandy) Cross Estate Fund $30,000 Perlette Fund $444 Bethany Care Foundation Symposium: Caring $25,000 Art a la Carte Sustainability Through $10,000 Communities for Seniors ENGAGE CITIZENS Fund Development Bill and Jean Toole Family Donor Advised Fund $618 Biosphere Institute of the Lights! Camera! $14,500 Charles Reid Memorial Fund $10,000 DHH Urchison Fund $258 Bow Valley Community Connection! Association for the Rehabilitation Enhancing On-site Rehabilitation $36,000 Mary Child Legacy Fund $24,124 Alberta Fund for the Environment $178 of the Brain Injured for Survivors Bow River Basin Council Society Online State of the Watershed (2010) $10,000 Community Fund $7,515 Bill and Margaret Whelan Field of Interest Fund $2,345 Alberta Fund for the Environment $1,742 Norman Sheppard Trouth Memorial Fund $6,572 John & Jean Wilkins Fund $501 Alexander Rothney (Sandy) Cross Estate Fund $3,508 Ryan Netzel Memorial Fund $235 John Stanley Horne Bequest $367 Donald Harvie Fund $3,895 Calgary Immigrant Engaging Immigrant Seniors $43,137 Love & Light Mercy Fund $7,535 Environment Fund $855 Women Association Martin Family Trust Fund $281 Calgary Chinese Community Chinatown Mural Project $36,000 Calgary Old Folks Home Fund $36,882 Mental Health Fund $2,473 Service Association Diskin Family Field of Interest Fund $1,906 Rempel Family Fund $2,626 Community Fund $18,000 Fraser Family Fund $4,052 Robert and Grace Ruben Fund $8,475 Daryl K. Seaman Foundation Fund $18,000 Senior Citizens’ Fund $297 Stanley and Hilda M. Miller Memorial Health Fund $393 Calgary Opera Association Arts Factory Project Development $60,000 Calgary Public Library Board Arts & Recreation Pass $40,900 Stella McCaig Memorial Fund $543 Uwanishen Health and Wellness Fund $10,461 Community Fund $60,000 Community Fund $900 Calgary Opera Association Community Stories: $33,000 Daryl K. (Doc) Seaman Flow Through Fund $30,000 Boys’ & Girls’ Clubs of Calgary Volunteer Management: $44,000 A New Community Opera Daryl K. Seaman Foundation Fund $10,000 Recruitment, Retention, Recognition Daryl K. Seaman Foundation Fund $10,000 Community Fund $32,741 Calgary Zoological Society Educating Youth about $15,011 Mary Child Legacy Fund $34,000 Katherine Coutts Theatre Arts Fund $259 Alberta’s Wetlands Calgary Spoken Word Society Website: Inspiration from $24,000 Dunlop Family Fund $5,000 Calgary Centre Tessitura Consortium $100,000 Poets Who Teach Frank Myron Read Fund $2,383 for Performing Arts Alexander Rothney (Sandy) Cross Estate Fund $33,000 Daryl K. (Doc) Seaman Flow Through Fund $24,000 Galvin Family Fund $7,628 Canadian Parks and Building Conservation Leaders $25,000 Community Fund $19,734 Calgary Urban Project Society Arts & Crafts Cooperative Assessment $10,000 Daryl K. (Doc) Seaman Flow Through Fund $10,000 Mary Child Legacy Fund $10,000 Wilderness Society in Calgary Chris Dunkley Natural Environment Retention Fund $9,806 Honens Musical Projects Fund $32,098 Children’s Legal and Educational Legal Education and Outreach $48,873 Frank Myron Read Fund $15,194 Robert L. Jamison Trust Fund $5,168 Resource Centre Society to Youth EducationMatters – Tiberious Publishing: $12,500 Calgary Counselling Centre Preventing Treatment Failures $40,000 AJN Children & Youth Fund $11,921 Through Technology CLJ Fund $132 charitable sponsor for 2010 Literacy Week Lord Beaverbrook High School Daryl K. Seaman Foundation Fund $20,000 Elspeth Lou Sine Memorial Fund $327 Galvin Family Fund $12,500 Mary Child Legacy Fund $20,000 Ens Family Fund $1,126 Calgary International Strategic and Operational $25,500 Kathleen Lane Field Of Interest Fund $6,148 Friends of Fish Creek Fish Creek Park $30,000 Fringe Festival Society Development Larry and Judy Aikenhead Fund $446 Provincial Park Society Watershed Stewardship Community Fund $22,751 Rainbow Fund for Children $25,841 Alexander Rothney (Sandy) Cross Estate Fund $30,000 Kathleen Lane Field Of Interest Fund $2,749 Romeo Gervais Fund $2,905 Ghost River Rediscovery Society Healing with Honour Project $40,000 Vera L. (Jacques) Ireland Fund $27 Alexander Rothney (Sandy) Cross Estate Fund $36,882 Calgary Society of Community Develop Strategic Alliances and $25,000 Opportunities Promote New Futures Cochrane Youth Association Morley Youth Engagement $11,500 Calgary Old Folks Home Fund $2,988 Daryl K. (Doc) Seaman Flow Through Fund $24,742 Colin Fraser, Daniel Kenneth Fraser, May Shields Fraser Fund $11,500 Senior Citizens’ Fund $130 Katherine Coutts Health Fund $258 Fresh Start Addictions Centre Supported Family Addiction $40,000 MEOW Foundation for the Community Outreach $40,000 Calgary South West Communities Community Resource Centre $43,000 Healing Program Adoption of Abandoned Cats and Engagement Program Resource Centre Society Data Network Daryl K. (Doc) Seaman Flow Through Fund $21,698 Community Fund $39,473 Mary Child Legacy Fund $43,000 Mental Health Fund $18,302 K.Winkler & K.MacDonald Animal Welfare Fund $527 Canada’s Sports Hall of Fame Volunteer Engagement Program $40,000 The University of Calgary Minds in Motion $28,000 Mountain Standard Time M:ST Community Listings Publication $13,200 in Calgary Program Enhancement Performative Art Festival Society Daryl K. Seaman Foundation Fund $40,000 F.C. Mannix Memorial Fund $28,000 Community Fund $13,200 Diakonos Peace Officer Strategic Marketing to Support $36,700 Missing Children Society Family and Peer Support Program $24,500 Muscular Dystrophy Canada – Community Spirit Program: $35,050 Retreat Society Diakonos’ Operations of Canada Western Canada Calgary Connections Mary Child Legacy Fund $36,700 Daryl K. Seaman Foundation Fund $5,000 Uwanishen Health and Wellness Fund $35,050 Galvin Family Fund $15,000 Partners FOR the First Nations Initiative: $11,000 Enviros Wilderness School Base Camp Renovation $40,000 Mary Child Legacy Fund $4,500 Saskatchewan River Basin Saskatchewan River Basin Association and Building Project Agnes and Wes Aylesworth Fund $2,718 Nose Creek Sports Healthy Activities for Young People $35,000 Alexander Rothney (Sandy) Cross Estate Fund $11,000 Alexander Rothney (Sandy) Cross Estate Fund $13,957 and Recreation Association Trickster Theatre Society Arts-based Learning of $20,000 Barry Smith Memorial Fund $1,299 Alexander Rothney (Sandy) Cross Estate Fund $10,568 Contemporary Issues James Richardson Fish Memorial 25 Year Fund $13,501 Charles and Grace Thomson FOI Fund $24,432 Daryl K. Seaman Foundation Fund $19,328 Mary Child Legacy Fund $8,525 Parks Foundation, Calgary Horticultural Therapy Program $30,000 Herbert and Maren Mueller Foundation Fund $256 Esther Honens International 2012 Competition On-line Application $30,000 Alexander Rothney (Sandy) Cross Estate Fund $11,316 Mardon Fund $416 Piano Competition Foundation Daryl K. (Doc) Seaman Flow Through Fund $7,500 Varsity Community Association Strengthening Communities $20,400 Honens Musical Projects Fund $30,000 Galvin Family Fund $10,000 by Engaging Seniors Joyce K. Carlyle Estate (FOI) $193 Alexander Rothney (Sandy) Cross Estate Fund $400 Green Fools Theatre Society Virtual Office and Marketing Tools $14,000 M Craig Storey Endowment Fund $991 Daryl K. (Doc) Seaman Flow Through Fund $20,000 Community Fund $14,000 Parks Foundation, Calgary – Turning the Tables Youth $50,000 Immigrant Services Calgary Enhancing Resource $25,000 charitable sponsor for Homework Program Society Development Capacity Westside Recreation Centre Daryl K. (Doc) Seaman Flow Through Fund $10,000 Daryl K. (Doc) Seaman Flow Through Fund $10,000 Daryl K. Seaman Foundation Fund $15,000 Daryl K. Seaman Foundation Fund $10,000 Galvin Family Fund $30,000


Grantee Project Total Grant Contributing Fund Amount Contributed Inn from the Cold Society Strategic Planning and Development $20,000 SMALL GRANTS PROACTIVE GRANTS Alexander Rothney (Sandy) Cross Estate Fund $4,032 – support organizations to take advantage of Ashburner Family Fund $6,927 & INITIATIVES Robert and Grace Ruben Fund $9,041 unique opportunities that will advance their work McMan Youth, Family & Implementing McMan’s $15,000 Total – support for innovative approaches to current Community Services Association Human Resources Plan Grantee Project Grant or emerging needs in the community Daryl K. Seaman Foundation Fund $15,000 Calgary Youth Justice Society Database Functionality $2,000 Total Momentum Community Strategic Plan: Creating $30,000 Central United Church Seventh Avenue Site $7,500 Grantee Project Grant Economic Development Society Momentum’s Future Development Strategy Calgary Chamber of Core Operating Support $5,000 Daryl K. Seaman Foundation Fund $30,000 Voluntary Organizations Oxford House Foundation Developing Intranet Capability $30,290 CentrePoint Non-Profit Management Governance in Action Conference $4,000 of Canada for Residents City of Calgary – City of Calgary Poet Laureate $5,000 CentrePoint Non-Profit Management HR Plus Edge Collaborative $40,000 Daryl K. (Doc) Seaman Flow Through Fund $15,290 Calgary Arts Development Project United Way of Calgary and Area Northeast Calgary Small $20,000 Daryl K. Seaman Foundation Fund $15,000 City of Calgary – Community Aboriginal Awareness Week $2,000 Granting Collaborative Quest Theatre Society Artists in School Residency $39,000 and Neighbourhood Services Events Youth Central Society Community Foundations of $2,000 Enhancements Canada Conference Bursaries Galvin Family Fund $37,450 Community Foundations of Canada Monica Patten Award $5,000 Keith and Christine Fewster Fund $625 Community Foundations of Canada Annual Conference Bursaries $5,000 Naimark Fund $925 Community Opportunity Foundation The Art of Hosting Program $5,000 Sunshine Foundation of Canada Community Builder’s Program $45,000 of Alberta Bursaries in Calgary Herskind Family Fund $36,075 Fig Tree Charitable Foundation As We See It Photography $1,200 Uwanishen Health and Wellness Fund $8,925 Exhibition The University of Calgary – Grey Matters: $10,000 North of McKnight Community Aboriginal Feast and Celebration $500 University Press Open Access Publishing Resource Centre F.C. Mannix Memorial Fund $10,000 The Children’s Wish Foundation Honouring J.C. Anderson $10,000 Western Sky Land Trust Society Bow & Beyond Initiative: $60,000 of Canada Outreach and Awareness Donald Harvie Fund $60,000 Tides Canada Initiatives Society Water Innovation Lab 2010 $5,000 Yellowstone to Restoring Wildlife: $32,000 Conservation Initiative Foundation Bow River Watershed Daryl K. (Doc) Seaman Flow Through Fund $12,000 Daryl K. Seaman Foundation Fund $20,000 GRASSROOTS GRANTMAKING Stepping Stones and Neighbour Grants are part of The Calgary Foundation’s vision EXPLORE & CELEBRATE of citizens engaged in community building at all levels. OUR HISTORY & CULTURE Calgary Drop-In & The Possibilities Project: $15,000 Rehab Centre Society Nuturing Creative Expression NEIGHBOUR GRANTS Charles Reid Memorial Fund $15,000 – support resident-led projects that help create and strengthen the ordinary bonds of neighbourliness Calgary Family Services Society Historical Book: $40,000 Calgary Family Services’ Legacy Total Total Daryl K. (Doc) Seaman Flow Through Fund $30,000 Grantee Project Grant Grantee Project Grant Mary Child Legacy Fund $10,000 Arusha Centre Society Take Action Grants 2010 $14,080 Parks Foundation Calgary & Coventry Coventry Hills Naturalization $5,000 Hills Outdoor Spaces Committee Calgary Philharmonic Society Acres of Dreams: $20,000 Bowwest Community Support Bowness Volunteer Engagement $5,000 An Artistic Collaboration Services Society & Parks Foundation Calgary & Windsor Windsor Park Community Pride $2,423 Honens Musical Projects Fund $6,565 Bowness Community Association Park Community Association Joyce Margaret Locke Estate $13,435 Calgary Arts Academy Society Creativity for a Better Tomorrow $1,900 Parks Foundation Calgary & Calgary Marlborough Community $475 Decidedly Jazz Society Elementary Students Explore Jazz $34,500 Marlborough Community Association Playground Build Daryl K. Seaman Foundation Fund $34,500 Calgary Board of Education – Diefenbaker High School $5,000 John G. Diefenbaker High School Naturalization Fort Calgary Preservation Society The Canoe: A Canadian Cultural Icon $32,925 Rockyview Alliance Church Rockyview Alliance Community $3,100 Garden Build Community Fund $5,000 Calgary Board of Education – Stanley Jones Preservation Guild $5,000 Daryl K. (Doc) Seaman Flow Through Fund $15,570 Stanley Jones School & Silver Springs Community Association Silver Springs Community $5,000 Galvin Family Fund $12,355 Stanley Jones Parent Council Garden Build Forte Musical Theatre Guild Maria Rasputin Presents: $15,000 Calgary Board of Education – Tom Baines Junior High $2,400 The Educational Society of Father Father Whelihan School $2,500 A Musical Production Tom Baines Junior High & Culture Night Whelihan School Playground Build Honens Musical Projects Fund $15,000 Tom Baines School Council The Friends of the Federation of Brentwood Community Garden $5,000 Parks Foundation, Calgary – Archival Project: $28,000 Calgary Catholic Immigration Society ELITE Calgary Youth Conference $3,000 Calgary Communities Society & Build charitable sponsor for Calgary’s Amateur Sports 2011 Brentwood Community Association Calgary Booster Club Daryl K. Seaman Foundation Fund $28,000 Calgary Catholic School District – Monsignor Doyle School $2,500 The Friends of the Federation of Banff Trail Community Garden $5,000 Monsignor E. L. Doyle Elementary Playground Build Calgary Communities Society & Build The Calgary Fiddlers Association Fiddle Instruction Books and CDs $30,000 School & MELD Society Banff Trail Community Association Honens Musical Projects Fund $30,000 Calgary Centre for Global Community Networking Neighbourhoods, $5,000 The Friends of the Federation of CKE Community Garden Build $5,000 Connecting Communities Forum Calgary Communities Society & Centre Street Church Oakhill Estates International $2,500 Chinook Park Kelvin Grove Eagle ORGANIZATION Cookbook Ridge Community Association Crossroads Community Association Vista Heights Performing Arts $5,000 The Friends of the Federation of DDDG Community Garden Build $5,000 Club Calgary Communities Society & TRANSFORMATION GRANTS Douglasdale Glen Community – support organizations in a period of transition Golden Age Club Society Seniors Helping Seniors $3,500 Association towards their long term sustainability Hillhurst Sunnyside Community Revitalization of an Inner City $3,000 The Friends of the Federation of Inglewood Design Initiative $3,000 Association Urban Farmers’ Market Calgary Communities Society & Total Inglewood Community Association Grantee Project Grant Immigrant Services Calgary Society & Sudanese Youth Talent Show $2,530 Ann & Sandy Cross Conservation Area Executive Search $6,500 United Sudanese Enhancement Society and Resource Fair The Friends of the Federation of Westgate Acoustic Jam $3,550 Calgary Communities Society & Parks Foundation Calgary & Huntington Hills Community $580 Calgary Block Watch Council Community Impact Assessment $5,000 Westgate Community Association Huntington Hills Community Centre Playground Build Calgary Immigrant Women Alberta Network of $3,800 Association The Friends of the Federation of Auburn Bay: Celebration of a $3,900 Association Immigrant Women Calgary Communities Society & New Community Parks Foundation Calgary & King George School Collaborative $4,700 Auburn Bay Community Association Calgary Military Families Board Development $2,710 Friends of King George Society Art Resource Centre The Friends of the Federation of Cranston Community Garden $3,500 Parks Foundation Calgary & Louis Riel School Creative $2,500 Calgary Communities Society & Build Louis Riel School Parent Council Playground Build CentrePoint Non-Profit Management Shaping our Future $7,500 Marquis de Lorne Community Diabetes Association (Foothills) Executive Search and Transition $7,500 Parks Foundation Calgary & Alex Munro Creative Playground $2,500 Association Alex Munro Parent Association Installation and Celebration Further Education Society of Alberta Planning for Future Success $3,200 The Friends of the Federation of Somerset Bridlewood Community $3,500 Parks Foundation Calgary & Prairie Winds Community $2,500 Calgary Communities Society & Garden Build International Avenue Arts and Culture Transition Strategy $5,000 The Rotary Club of Calgary East Playground Installation Somerset Bridlewood Community Centre Association Parks Foundation Calgary & Forest Forest Heights Community $2,500 KidSport Canada Planning to Meet Demand $3,500 Heights Community Association Playground Design and Build The Friends of the Federation of Albert Park Centennial $3,000 Calgary Communities Society & Celebrations The Children’s Cottage Society Planning to Meet Demand $4,950 Parks Foundation Calgary & McKenzie McKenzie Towne School $2,500 of Calgary Albert Park Radisson Heights Towne School Parents Society Playground Build Community Association


Total Donor Advised and Grantee Project Grant The Friends of the Federation of Rosscarrock Community Garden $3,500 Donor Designated Funds COLLABORATIVE PHILANTHROPY Calgary Communities Society & Build are established by donors Rosscarrock Community Association who wish to play a role in recommending The Friends of the Federation of Tuscany Community Garden $3,500 PARTNERING WITH Calgary Communities Society & Build charitable organizations to receive grants. Tuscany Community Association A Donor Advised Fund is established by a The Friends of the Federation of Richmond Knob Hill Habitation $2,500 DONORS TO ACHIEVE Calgary Communities Society & Markers donor who annually recommends charitable Richmond Knob Hill Community organizations to receive grants. A Designated Association GREATER IMPACT The Friends of the Federation of Showcasing Community $5,000 Fund is established by a donor to support specific Calgary Communities Society charitable organizations in perpetuity. IN GRANTMAKING. The Friends of the Federation of Southwood Gardens: Community $3,500 Calgary Communities Society & Garden Kick Off Southwood Community Association DONOR ADVISED & DONOR DESIGNATED ENDOWED FUNDS & GRANTS March 31, 2011 March 31, 2011 STEPPING STONES Fund Grantee Grant Amount Market Value Fund Grantee Grant Amount Market Value A D.R. Ashford Fund $2,361,256 GRANTS & PROJECTS Access Foundation Fund $23,339 Boys & Girls Clubs of Calgary $15,000 In partnership with First Calgary Financial Calgary Inter-Faith Food Bank Society $1,121 Calgary Drop-In & Rehab Centre Society $20,000 Calgary Inter-Faith Food Bank Society $9,672 – encourage active citizenship by helping residents un- Gregory and Wendy Adams Fund $74,477 Doctors Without Borders Canada $25,000 dertake small creative projects—neighbourly first steps— Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) Society of Alberta $1,000 HomeFront Society for the Prevention of Domestic Violence $4,000 Servants Anonymous Society of Calgary $1,300 Momentum Community Economic Development Society $20,000 that benefit their local community Wood’s Homes Foundation $1,300 Nature Conservancy of Canada $20,000 Total Airdrie and District Community Foundation Endowment Fund $5,431 Aufricht Family Fund $684,071 Grantee Project Grant Alberta Pioneer Legacy Fund $10,500 University of Calgary - Student Awards & Financial Aid $32,995 Aspen Family & Community Book Buddies $400 Network Society Alexander Fund $17,418 Roy, Hazel and Nancy Austin Designated Fund $23,246 Ted and Deborah Alexander Fund $75,645 Calgary Family Services Society Integrating Youth Volunteers $275 B for Seniors Calgary Philharmonic Society $1,200 Vic Baer Memorial Golf Fund $20,891 Canadian Women for Women in Afghanistan $1,243 Alberta Golf Association Foundation $2,000 Calgary Family Services Society Traditional Chinese Medicine Fair $300 Strathcona-Tweedsmuir School Foundation $1,200 Calgary Family Services Society Wrinkles and Sprinkles $500 Cheryl Baron and Robert Shiell Fund $7,956 Mark Algar Memorial Fund $74,630 Calgary Health Trust $372 Deer Park United Church Bow Bottom Community Garden $500 Steve and Marjie Allan Family Fund $9,901 Linda Barr Memorial Fund $33,354 Emmanuel Christian Reformed Glenbrook Greenthumbs $450 EducationMatters $477 Ability Society of Alberta $1,500 Church of Calgary Relaxation Garden American Friends of Canada $45,852 William Baxter Memorial Fund $25,715 Sustainable Calgary Society Sunnyside Community Mapping $360 Esther Honens International Piano Competition $2,216 Alberta Diabetes Foundation $1,242 Montgomery Community Association Lost in Montgomery? $300 Darrell Anderson - Wycliffe Bible Translators Perpetual Fund $153,894 Aimee Beddoe Memorial Fund $14,310 Wycliffe Bible Translators of Canada Inc. $7,431 Erinwoods Community Association Honouring Our Seniors $450 Belich Family Fund $937,488 JC Anderson Legacy Fund $10,738,890 Resident Group, Downtown West Creative Expressions $283 Centre for Affordable Water & Sanitation Technology $5,000 Alberta Easter Seals Society $300,000 Diabetes Association (Foothills) $7,500 Calgary Hambastagi Cultural Sing a Song with Nature $300 Alberta Shock Trauma Air Rescue Society $10,000 Kids With Cancer Society of Northern Alberta $10,000 Association Calgary Counselling Centre $10,000 Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada $7,500 Northern Hills Community Northern Hills Community $400 Calgary Homeless Foundation $10,000 Southern Alberta Pediatric Hostel Society $10,000 Association Garden Build Calgary Humane Society for Prevention of Cruelty Michelle Berkly Fund $27,397 Lakeview Community Association Open Minds $250 to Animals $4,171 Hull Child & Family Services $10,000 Alberta Children’s Hospital Foundation $1,324 Resident Group, Ogden Be Fit and Age Well $275 Junior Achievement of Southern Alberta $10,000 A. Lawrence Berry Family Environment Fund $352,460 Winston Heights Mountview Celebrating Winston Heights $400 Southern Alberta Institute of Technology $10,000 Alberta Wilderness Association $4,233 Community Association Mountview People & Place United Way of Calgary & Area $100,000 Ecojustice Canada Society $4,233 Resident group, Patterson Indian Bluffs Community Garden $306 University of Calgary - Faculty of Medicine $50,000 Federation of Alberta Naturalists $4,233 Anonymous Family Fund $6,056 Sierra Club of Canada Foundation $4,233 Ethnocultural Council of Calgary Why Not Vote? Exploring $500 Immigrants and Voting in Calgary Southern Alberta Institute of Technology $293 Cameron Bestwick Memorial Fund $7,922 Children’s Wish Foundation of Canada $263 Crestmont Community Association Crestmont Spring Fling $350 Anonymous Family Fund $44,374 Alberta Cancer Foundation $1,000 Mary and Ken Betts Legacy Fund $26,214 West Heritage Manor Housing Heritage Green Growing Circle $400 Calgary Board of Education - Connaught School $500 Calgary Public Library Foundation $1,262 Cooperative Canadian Women’s Foundation $645 Max Beugin Legacy Fund $10,458 Kincora Community Association Kincora Children’s Music Festival $400 Anonymous Legacy Fund $685,464 Calgary Meals On Wheels $505 Regroupement afro-calgariens Africa Day Congolese $425 Calgary Handi-Bus Association $4,793 Big Sky Fund $41,904 Calgary Inter-Faith Food Bank Society $4,793 FHL Society The FHL (Football Hockey Link) $600 Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary (Pacific), Inc. $500 Project Calgary Womens Emergency Shelter Association $4,793 Kids Up Front Foundation (Calgary) $1,328 Calgary Zoological Society $4,793 Resident group, Rundle Kudos for Flowers $269 Hospice Calgary Society $4,793 Bishop & McKenzie Centennial Fund $28,099 Resident group, Tuxedo Park Medicine Wheel Goddesses $148 Mustard Seed (Calgary) Street Ministry Society $4,793 E.M.U. and R.G.B. Bissell Centre Fund $12,885 R.G.B. Bissell Centre $622 Artpoint Gallery and Studios City Repair Seminar $600 Aquarius Fund $26,746 Arusha Centre Society $500 David and Leslie Bissett Fund $8,749,645 History Graduate Students Association Seventy Years On $200 Arlette Education Fund $148,088 Alberta Conservation Association $70,000 Resident group, Aweil Sudanese Unpack Potentials $200 Alberta Easter Seals Society $25,000 Community Alberta Cancer Foundation $2,621 Calgary Academy Parents Association $1,000 Boys & Girls Clubs of Calgary $40,000 South Asian Canadian Council Multicultural New Years $500 Strathmore District Health Foundation $500 Canadian Women’s Foundation $10,000 VGH & UBC Hospital Foundation $3,000 CentrePoint $10,000 Foothills Country Hospice Society $30,000 Arlis Fund $21,006 Hull Child & Family Services $20,000 CODE $250 Pheasants Forever $65,000 Light Up the World Group $250 United Way of Calgary & Area $100,000 Ubuntu $300 Western Sky L& Trust Society $30,000 WaterCan/EauVive Corporation $209 Wood’s Homes Foundation $20,000 Ashford Memorial Fund $6,828 Bonja Memorial Fund $376,451 Calgary Inter-Faith Food Bank Society $328 The Back Door, a Youth Employment Society $18,128 Trent Bouchard Memorial Fund $108,046 Alberta Children’s Hospital Foundation $333 Alzheimer Society of Canada $1,250 - Faculty of Agricultural, Life & Environmental Sciences $3,000


March 31, 2011 March 31, 2011 March 31, 2011 Fund Grantee Grant Amount Market Value Fund Grantee Grant Amount Market Value Fund Grantee Grant Amount Market Value Patricia Bourne Memorial Fund $32,427 Calgary Culture of Peace Fund $13,809 Ethan and Joan Compton Fund $56,263 Calgary Meals On Wheels $1,464 Calgary Firefighters Benevolent Fund $67,147 Canadian Red Cross Society $1,545 BRBC Executive Directors Glacier Legacy Fund $8,705 Calgary Health Trust $1,000 Heart & Stroke Foundation of Alberta, NWT & $759 Bow River Basin Council Society $369 Canadian Mental Health Association - Calgary Region $1,000 Schizophrenia Society of Alberta $407 Boy Scouts of Calgary Fund $6,805 Diakonos Peace Officer Retreat Society $1,000 Connemara Fund $1,901,384 Scouts Canada, Chinook Region $329 Calgary Humane Society Fund $53,148 Calgary Drop-In & Rehab Centre Society $15,198 Calgary Inter-Faith Food Bank Society $15,198 Boyce Family Gift Fund $70,171 Calgary Humane Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals $2,569 Calgary Urban Project Society $15,198 YWCA Calgary $3,371 Mustard Seed (Calgary) Street Ministry Society $15,198 Joe Brager Pleiades Theatre Society Fund $13,824 Calgary Public Library Fund $88,349 The Salvation Army $15,198 Vertigo Theatre Society $668 Calgary Public Library Board $4,266 Wood’s Homes Foundation $15,198 Joe Brager Continuous Learning Fund at JFSC $15,529 Calgary Stampeder Alumni Charitable Foundation $541,791 Doug and Nancy Craig Fund $10,021 Jewish Family Service (Calgary) $750 City of Calgary $22,832 Boys & Girls Clubs of Calgary $233 Parks Foundation, Calgary $1,000 Centre for Affordable Water & Sanitation Technology $250 Stanley Brodylo Fund $94,229 The Calgary Board of Education - Westview School $2,080 Boys & Girls Clubs of Calgary $1,138 Ruth Elizabeth Craig Fund $114,473 Dawson Community Centre $1,138 Calgary Waldorf School Tuition Assistance Fund $782,324 Calgary Humane Society for Prevention of Cruelty Harvard University $1,138 Calgary Waldorf School Society $23,431 to Animals $5,511 Inn from the Cold Society $569 Isabel Evelyn Hardwick Calow Fund $0 Alexander Rothney (Sandy) Cross Fund $418,938 Trout Unlimited of Canada $569 Margaret Cameron Memorial Fund $2,780 Ann & Sandy Cross Conservation Area $20,191 Marilyn & Mark Brown Family Fund $28,088 Strathcona-Tweedsmuir School Foundation $134 John & Eleanor Cross - A-7 Ranche Fund $163,334 Guide Dog Services $250 Ian William Campbell Memorial Scholarship Fund $429,836 Cummings/Lamont Family Memorial Fund $23,474 Calgary Spoken Word Society $200 Individual Scholarship Recipient $18,000 CARE Canada $200 Cunningham Lee Sullivan Fund $32,552 University of Manitoba $150 Canada Prize Awards Fund $68,844 Calgary Handi-Bus Association $392 Youville Residence Society of Alberta $111 Canada Prize Awards Foundation $3,229 Calgary Meals On Wheels $392 Eleanor and Larry Bryan Fund $38,511 Canadian Snowflake Charitable Foundation Fund $15,846 Heart & Stroke Foundation of Alberta, NWT & Nunavut $392 Calgary Zoological Society $1,854 Cargill Family Legacy Fund $35,073 Hospice Calgary Society $392 The Bryce Children (7 of Couva, TnT) Family Fund $8,112 Community of Christ - Calgary Congregation $1,600 Patricia M. Cushing Fund $117,955 Alberta Children’s Hospital Foundation $97 Work Research Foundation $91 Calgary Board of Education - Alberta Ecotrust Foundation $97 Joyce K. Carlyle Estate (Designated) $2,908 W.H. Cushing Workplace School $5,668 University of Calgary $97 Samaritan Club of Calgary $140 D Emily Brydon Youth Foundation Fund $256,430 Jack Carter Family Fund $2,498,844 Ernest and Iris Damkar Fund $935,871 Thomas Alan Budd Foundation $4,294,877 Alzheimer Society of Calgary $15,000 Canadian Lutheran Bible Institute $5,000 Aberdeen Hall Preparatory School Society $2,500 Canadian Red Cross Society $15,000 Centre Street Church $5,000 BC Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals $37,160 Hospice Calgary Society $15,000 Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship $22,000 BC Children’s Hospital Foundation $11,000 Inn from the Cold Society $10,000 Norman Damkar Fund $913,033 Canadian Cancer Society $10,000 Safe Haven Foundation of Canada $24,995 University of Calgary $43,846 Central Okanagan Association for Cardiac Health $10,000 The Salvation Army $10,000 Society for Treatment of Autism $10,000 Davis & Henderson Limited Trust Fund $3,209 Central Okanagan Women’s Resource & Alberta Theatre Projects Society $155 Education Foundation $7,000 YMCA Calgary $10,000 Kelowna Ballet Society $32,500 YWCA Calgary $10,000 Enso and Fern De Paoli Fund $116,707 Kelowna Community Foodbank Society $7,404 Alan D Castle Endowment for the Arts $147,916 Foothills School Division No. 38 $2,800 Kelowna General Hospital Foundation $25,000 Alberta Ballet Company $933 High River District Health Care Foundation $2,800 Kelowna Visual & Performing Arts Centre Society $40,000 Calgary Opera Association $2,176 Walter and Irene DeBoni Fund $28,700 Muscular Dystrophy Canada $1,000 Calgary Philharmonic Society $2,176 Cantos Music Foundation $700 Okanagan Boys & Girls Clubs $7,404 Vertigo Theatre Society $933 Denholm Family Fund $9,590 Project Literacy Kelowna Society $10,000 Champions In Hockey Endowment Fund $22,224 Living Spirit United Church $461 Rotary Club of Kelowna - Ogopogo Charitable Society $20,000 Canadian Hockey Foundation $1,074 Victoria’s Quilts Canada $2,000 F. A. Dersch Education Fund $9,718 War Child Canada $10,000 Charlie’s Angels Fund $5,347 Bow Valley College $358 Buffalo Fund $9,678 Children’s Diabetes Fund $46,310 Alistair and Gail Des Moulins Fund $8,732 Awo Tann Healing Lodge $468 Alberta Children’s Hospital Foundation $2,239 Further Education Society of Alberta $420 Mr. & Mrs. James F. Burns Senior Family Designated Fund $1,029,776 Child Friendly Calgary - Calgary Youth Foundation Fund $15,950 Irl and Elizabeth Ditto Memorial Fund $98,383 Alberta Cancer Foundation $4,297 Youth Central Society $771 Catholic Family Service of Calgary $1,633 Alberta Children’s Hospital Foundation $1,073 Arthur J. E. Child Foundation Endowment Fund 2006 $2,842,644 Roman Catholic Bishop of the Diocese of Calgary $1,633 Alberta Easter Seals Society $1,612 Mary Child Legacy Fund $4,799,241 DT Kayra Fund $537,782 Alberta Lung Association $534 African Sudanese Association of Calgary $30,000 Donald Dudder Memorial Fund $10,286 Alberta Shock Trauma Air Rescue Society $4,297 Bethany Care Foundation $24,124 Roman Catholic Bishop of the Diocese of Calgary $470 Alzheimer Society of Calgary $2,151 Boys & Girls Clubs of Calgary $34,000 The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Fund $34,985 Calgary Handi-Bus Association $8,060 Calgary Counselling Centre $20,000 Calgary Inter-Faith Food Bank Society $8,060 Duke of Edinburgh’s Award in Canada, Calgary Family Services Society $10,000 Alberta & $1,683 Calgary Womens Emergency Shelter Association $2,151 Calgary South West Communities Resource Centre Society $43,000 Canadian Diabetes Association $1,073 Calgary Urban Project Society $10,000 Dunlop Family Fund $640,570 Canadian National Institute for the Blind $2,151 Diakonos Peace Officer Retreat Society $36,700 Alberta Wilderness Association $5,000 Canadian Red Cross Society $534 Enviros Wilderness School Association $8,525 Calgary Zoological Society $5,000 Christian Blind Mission International $534 Missing Children Society of Canada $4,500 NeighbourLink of Calgary Northwest & Beltline Inc. $10,774 Grace Presbyterian Church $1,073 United Way of Calgary & Area $30,000 Volunteer Centre of Calgary $10,000 High River District Health Care Foundation $1,073 E Kiwanis Club of Calgary Kamp Kiwanis $1,612 Chinook Lesbian and Gay Fund $35,794 Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada (Alberta Division) $534 Fairy Tales Presentation Society $1,227 R. Garry & Shirley Edwards Fund - Donor Advised $407,540 Okotoks Pastoral Charge $2,146 Christian Spiritual Mentoring Fund $13,831 Aspen Family & Community Network Society $8,375 The Salvation Army $4,297 Synod of the Diocese of Calgary $649 Renfrew Educational Services Society $8,376 The Salvation Army Calgary Agape Hospice $1,073 Clearwater Endowment Fund $354,022 Elkays (Kunelius) Fund $107 Southwood United Church $1,073 Basic Health International Foundation $4,135 Calgary Opera Association $834 Button Family Foundation Fund $44,628 Cochrane Youth Association $4,135 Calgary Philharmonic Society $834 Inn from the Cold Society $700 Spray Lake Sawmills Recreation Park Society $5,000 Canadian Council of Churches - Project Ploughshares $1,667 Legacy Children’s Foundation - Alberta $743 Wellspring Calgary $4,135 CODE $1,667 Mustard Seed (Calgary) Street Ministry Society $700 Operation Eyesight Universal $1,667 Cochrane and District Community Foundation $1,057,354 OXFAM Canada $2,501 C Cochrane Activettes Food Bank $6,000 Theatre Calgary $834 Cadmus Fund $8,145,773 Cochrane & Area Heritage Association $2,800 University of Calgary $1,667 Southern Alberta Institute of Technology $350,000 Cochrane & Area Humane Society $2,200 USC Canada $3,335 Cochrane Youth Association $5,000 Calgary Academy Permanent Endowment $6,213 YMCA Calgary $834 Rocky View Regional Handibus Society $5,000 YWCA Calgary $834 Calgary Academy Parents Association $300 Seniors For Kids Society $1,000 Calgary Allied Arts Foundation Civic Art Collection Fund $1,118 Spray Lake Sawmills Recreation Park Society $5,000 Ray & Marg Ellard Memorial Fund $24,786 Calgary Between Friends Club Fund $1,070,899 Town of Cochrane $22,779 Golda Elliott Memorial Fund for the School of Alberta Ballet $62,709 Calgary Between Friends Club $51,705 Western Rocky View Communities Development Society $406 Alberta Ballet Company $3,018 Calgary Cerebral Palsy Association Fund $100,250 Annie Delina Cochrane Fund $53,004 David Elton Outdoor Fund $48,562 Calgary Cerebral Palsy Association $4,846 Calgary Handi-Bus Association $2,562 Hope Mountain Centre for Outdoor Learning Society $2,000


March 31, 2011 March 31, 2011 March 31, 2011 Fund Grantee Grant Amount Market Value Fund Grantee Grant Amount Market Value Fund Grantee Grant Amount Market Value Emeritus Fund $12,928 A. Benjamin Gallay Fund (cont’d) Megan Hately Legacy Fund $12,471 Endowment for Big Game Research $11,220 The Calgary Jewish Academy $3,981 Vecova Centre for Disability Services and Research $579 Alberta Hunter Education Instructors Association $542 The Marian Centre $3,981 Nancy & Bill Hay Family Fund $276,170 The Salvation Army $3,981 Calgary Society for Persons with Disabilities $5,000 Enoch Fund $532,174 University of Calgary $3,984 Alpine Christian Ministries of Canmore $600 Decidedly Jazz Society $2,000 BC Teen Challenge $1,000 Galvin Family Fund $3,600,590 Developmental Disabilities Resource Centre $3,263 CAUSE Canada $500 Alberta Children’s Hospital Foundation $25,000 Momentum Community Economic Development Society $3,000 Fairhaven Ministries $1,000 Calgary Reads (An Early Literacy Initiative) Society $49,750 Hettinga Leong International Humanitarian Fund $52,183 Focus on the Family (Canada) Association $1,000 Calgary Zoological Society $5,000 Opportunity International Canada $2,233 Duke of Edinburgh’s Award in Canada - Hope for the Nations $500 Hicks Memorial Fund (Scholarships & Other) $492,597 Kelowna Christian School $500 AB, NWT & Nunavut Division $12,000 Heritage Park Society $7,000 Alberta Lung Association $4,358 Kelowna Gospel Mission $683 The Banff Centre $1,000 Kelowna Society for Christian Education $10,500 Hospice Calgary Society $23,000 Junior Achievement of Southern Alberta $50,000 Calgary Kiwanis Music Festival Association $1,000 Mission Aviation Fellowship of Canada $2,000 Canadian Opera Company $4,358 Okanagan Valley Pregnancy Care Centre $3,668 The Leighton Foundation $1,736 Opening Gaits Therapeutic Riding Society $11,000 Heart & Stroke Foundation of Alberta, NWT & Nunavut $4,358 Voice of the Martyrs Inc. $1,000 Kerby Assembly $4,358 Environics - West Fund $2,941 Ed Galvin Junior Memorial Fund $4,921 Kidney Foundation of Canada $4,358 Epstein and Daskal Family Fund $5,107 G. S. Garner Memorial Fund $40,040 Barb Higgins Fund $51,893 Simon Fraser University $1,887 Maria K. Eriksen and Harold Hanen Fund $193,029 Jill Higgins Legacy Fund $81,562 Calgary Sexual Health Centre Society $2,500 Jim and Doris Garner Fund $327,278 Animal Rescue Network $1,280 Southern Alberta Institute of Technology $399 Alberta Registered Nurses Educational Trust $1,633 Calgary Health Trust - Grief Support Program $1,280 Calgary Prostate Cancer Foundation $1,633 Saint Andrew’s Presbyterian Church $1,270 J.K. Esler and Annemarie Schmid Esler Family Trust $50,258 Hospice Calgary Society $2,500 Calgary Habitat for Humanity Society $810 Olds College Foundation $2,500 Audrey V. Hill Fund $60 Canadian Mental Health Association - Calgary Region $810 The Salvation Army Calgary Agape Hospice $2,500 H. B. Hill Trust $14,959 Servants Anonymous Society of Calgary $810 University of Calgary - Student Awards & Financial Aid $2,500 City of Calgary - Calgary Allied Arts Foundation $723 Evamy Family Fund-Donor Advised $112,702 University of Guelph $2,500 Hassanali and Khatun Hirji Charity Fund $503,765 The Anglican Parish of Christ Church, Elbow Park $5,500 Lindsay Rachel Giacomelli Memorial Fund $227,189 Rotary Club of Calgary Community Service Fund $2,500 Hodgson Family Fund $218,222 Alberta Ballet Company $8,500 World Vision Canada - Calgary Regional Office $10,000 United Way of Calgary & Area $2,250 Calgary Health Trust $733 Evamy Family Designated Fund for Christchurch Anglican Parish $103,044 Light Up the World Group $500 Chad Hogan Memorial Fund $51,025 Town of Oyen $2,467 Cole Evan Fund $39,563 Maureen Gillette Memorial Donor Advised Fund $76,848 Even Start for Children Society of Calgary $1,869 NeighbourLink of Calgary Northwest & Beltline Inc. $3,692 Honens Calgary Philharmonic Society Fund $2,338,499 Calgary Philharmonic Society $112,635 George Evans Family Fund $79,083 Grace Glaum Fund for the Salvation Army $1,078,139 Breast Cancer Supportive Care Foundation $1,798 The Salvation Army $50,000 Honens Calgary Kiwanis Music Festival/Banff Centre $2,322,237 Calgary Kiwanis Music Festival Association $110,414 Twin Oaks/Birches Health Care Charitable Foundation $400 Allen & Robin Goldstein Memorial Fund $12,077 Wellspring Calgary $1,600 Alzheimer Society of Calgary $580 Esther Honens International Piano Competition Foundation $6,844,579 Esther Honens International Piano Competition $329,089 Every Woman Can: The Maria Eriksen Memorial Bursary Fund $4,906 Terry and Linda Gomke Family Fund $108,241 F Calgary Inter-Faith Food Bank Society $2,500 Eldon and Beth Helena Hoover Memorial Fund $260,205 Calgary Meals On Wheels Society $2,500 Bethany Homes for Children $4,188 Fairs Family Foundation Donor Advised Fund $70,958 Robin Hood Association for the Handicapped $4,188 Fairview Ranch Fund $1,039,254 Walt and Joan Gooder Legacy Fund $28,255 The Salvation Army $4,188 Calgary Womens Emergency Shelter Association $453 Faltous Family Fund $92,411 Olds College $453 Hospice Calgary Endowment Fund $5,647 Canadian Red Cross Society $1,979 Operation Eyesight Universal $453 Hospice Calgary Society $273 Kay Fisher Memorial Fund $12,777 Michael J. Goodfellow Memorial Fund $260,278 Hostelling Development Fund $4,746 Fit Family Foundation Fund $6,829 University of Calgary - Department of Psychiatry $10,000 Calgary Board of Education - Administration $230 Brown Bagging for Calgary Street Kids Society $320 Fund $78,617 S&J Hruska Foundation Fund $11,908 Fletcher Fund $5,765 Hospital for Sick Children Foundation $3,678 Alberta Cancer Foundation $572 Flying Fund $1,987,605 Helen M. Gough Memorial Fund $29,122 Colonel Paul F. Hughes, CD, Fund $8,740 Harvie Conservancy Foundation $572,000 Alberta Children’s Hospital Foundation $704 The Queen’s Own Rifles of Canada Trust Fund $24,353 Francis Family Foundation Fund $4,779 The Salvation Army $704 Colonel Paul F. Hughes, CD, Endowment Fund $504,378 Calgary Humane Society for Prevention of Cruelty Lois Jeanette Grant Memorial Fund $179,064 The Queen’s Own Rifles of Canada Trust Fund $420 to Animals $230 Calgary Womens Emergency Shelter Association $7,400 Humphries Norgaard Madsen Fund $58,606 Charlie and Lulu Franklin Fund $102,923 Grateful Heart Foundation Fund $26,323 City of Calgary - Parks & Recreation $2,830 Birdland Theatre Inc. $750 Alzheimer Society of Calgary $1,091 Husky Community Emergency Fund $250,409 Calgary Outlink Centre for Gender & Sexual Diversity $250 Pamela Grigg Charitable Fund $346,525 Distress Centre Calgary $12,105 The Farley Foundation $649 The Banff Centre $2,512 I Hassle Free Clinic $500 Calgary Philharmonic Society $2,512 PALS Pet Access League Society $250 Imagination Trust Fund $34,000 Canadian Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Foundation $2,512 University of Calgary - Schulich School of Engineering $500 Ryerson Theatre School at Ryerson University $2,000 Canadian Arctic Resources Committee Inc. $670 Brent & Barbara Fraser Fund $114,986 CARE Canada $1,172 IMANUST Endowment Fund $18,840 Alberta Children’s Hospital Foundation $5,522 CAUSE Canada $837 Srilankan Buddhist Society - Calgary $550 Frederick Family Fund $54,654 Ecojustice Canada Society $837 Immigrant Access Fund Society Endowment Fund $32,177 Christian Children’s Fund of Canada $1,684 Hospice Calgary Society $1,675 Immigrant Access Fund Society of Alberta $1,556 Manitoba-Northwestern Synod of Mustard Seed (Calgary) Street Ministry Society $837 Gertrude Irwin Fund-Designated $8,992 The Evangelical Lutheran Church $500 Primate’s World Relief & Development Fund $2,345 UNICEF Alberta $289 The Salvation Army $447 Youth Central Society $837 YWCA Calgary $145 Friends of the University of Fund $743,053 Barbara L. Groves Memorial Fund $5,318 Wesley F. Irwin Fund(Capital) $5,406 University of Prince Edward Island $34,505 H City of Calgary - Calgary Allied Arts Foundation $261 Friesen McHenry Family Fund $11,016 Hall Family Fund $15,791 J FYidoctors Foundation for Sight $43,215 Harry Hamilton Memorial Fund $280,724 Jacobsen Family Fund $310,575 G Calgary Meals On Wheels $13,554 Canadian Lutheran Bible Institute $1,000 Elmer and Penny Harbridge Fund $877,803 Evangelical Fellowship of Canada $500 Jack Gallagher Education Fund $584,348 Gospel for Asia $500 Galileo Educational Network Association $70,000 Alberta Cancer Foundation $8,601 Calgary Humane Society for Prevention of Cruelty Riseup Ministries Society $500 A. Benjamin Gallay Fund $1,242,290 to Animals $8,601 Sylvan Lake Lutheran Bible Camp Association $1,000 Calgary Beth Tzedec Congregation Society $3,981 Calgary Zoological Society $8,601 Wilderness Ranch of Claresholm $1,000 Calgary Jewish Centre $3,981 Heart & Stroke Foundation of Alberta, NWT & Nunavut $8,601 World Mission Prayer League Canada $2,000 Calgary United Jewish Appeal $3,981 University of Calgary - Student Awards & Financial Aid $8,000 Ted & Enid Jansen Fund $1,095,874 Canadian Cancer Society, Alberta/NWT Division $3,981 Owen Hart Foundation Fund $1,461,502 AARC Society (Alberta Adolescent Recovery Centre) $4,813 Canadian Friends of Bar - Ilan University $3,981 Alzheimer Society of Calgary $4,813 Canadian Friends of the Hebrew University $3,981 Momentum Community Economic Development Society $29,000 Mount Royal University - Student Awards & Financial Aid $4,000 Association for the Rehabilitation of the Brain Injured $4,813 Canadian Magen David Adom for Israel $3,981 Boys & Girls Clubs of Calgary $4,813 Canadian Red Cross Society $3,981 Okanagan College $500 Royal Canadian Legion Branch Poppy Fund $100 Canadian Diabetes Association $4,813 Chevra Kadisha of Calgary $3,981 Canadian Intensive Care Foundation $4,813 Congregation House of Jacob - Mikveh Israel $3,981 University of Alberta - Office of the Registrar $4,000 University of Calgary - Student Awards & Financial Aid $32,000 Community Crisis Society - Region 5 $4,813 Hadassah - WIZO Organization of Canada $3,981 Heart & Stroke Foundation of Alberta, NWT & Nunavut $4,813 10 THECALGARYFOUNDATION.ORG ANNUAL 011 011 2 FUNDS & GRANTS REPORT 2

March 31, 2011 March 31, 2011 March 31, 2011 Fund Grantee Grant Amount Market Value Fund Grantee Grant Amount Market Value Fund Grantee Grant Amount Market Value Ted & Enid Jansen Fund (cont’d) Larch Fund $103,400 M Kidney Foundation of Canada $4,813 Boys & Girls Clubs of Calgary $4,993 Colin and Margaret MacDonald Family Fund $128,487 Kids Help Phone $4,813 Heather Herron Larkins Memorial Fund $4,704 Calgary Meals On Wheels $1,250 Operation Eyesight Universal $4,813 Calgary Health Trust $226 Calgary Zoological Society $2,408 Ted & Enid Jansen Fund for Bert Sheppard Library & Archives $115,592 Jackie Larkins Memorial Fund $9,411 Kerby Assembly $1,250 Stockmen’s Memorial Foundation $5,585 Mount Royal University $452 The MacEachern Fund for Rotary Club of Calgary $1,059,451 Jasmarth Fund - Endowment $119,373 John Lauchlan Memorial Award Fund $6,522 Rotary Club of Calgary Community Service Fund $35,142 Calgary Womens Emergency Shelter Association $2,623 Alpine Club of Canada $314 Lou MacEachern Fund for Rotary Challenger Park $111,754 Simon House Residence Society $2,624 Lazar Family Fund $125,420 Calgary Rotary Challenger Park Society $3,708 Jaspo ‘70 Club Endowment Fund $6,169 Mustard Seed (Calgary) Street Ministry Society $4,535 Lou MacEachern Fund for Rotary Olympic Club $120,646 Alberta Children’s Hospital Foundation $298 William and Jean Lefaivre Memorial Fund $98,383 Southern Alberta Institute of Technology $1,000 Nick & Georgie Johnson Memorial Fund $5,627 Catholic Family Service of Calgary $1,633 University of Saskatchewan - Student Awards $1,000 Royal Canadian Legion Branch Poppy Fund $270 Roman Catholic Bishop of the Diocese of Calgary $1,633 Lou MacEachern Fund for AMFY $112,191 Evelyn Jones Memorial Fund $33,943 Francis and Marjorie Lefaivre Fund $3,923,678 Big Sisters & Big Brothers Society of Calgary & Area $3,726 Bow Valley Christian Church $1,641 Alberta Shock Trauma Air Rescue Society (STARS) $1,000 MacEwan Family Charity Fund $687,886 Jordie & Robert Jordan Memorial Endowment Fund $2,784 Calgary Drop-In & Rehab Centre Society $1,000 Alberta Institute for Wildlife Conservation $1,648 Hospice Calgary Society $134 Calgary Health Trust $100,400 Calgary Youth Science Fair Society $250 Joule Resources Inc. & Mavis Mawdsley Fund $17,978 Calgary Inter-Faith Food Bank Society $3,000 Glenbow-Alberta Institute $3,296 Calgary Youth Science Fair Society $570 Calgary Seniors’ Resource Society $7,000 Grant MacEwan University Foundation $6,592 Discovery House Family Violence Prevention Society $143 Campus Crusade for Christ Foundation $2,500 Mennonite Central Committee Alberta $4,944 Canadian Cancer Society, Alberta/NWT Division $1,000 Operation Eyesight Universal $1,648 JRG Family Fund $927,557 Canadian Red Cross Society $3,000 World Society for the Protection of Animals-Canada $4,944 Change the World Foundation $1,800 Catholic Family Service of Calgary $2,000 Zoocheck Canada Incorporated $9,888 Fare Share Food Bank (Oakville ) Inc. $1,800 Catholic Missions in Canada $3,000 Grant MacEwan Nature Protection Fund $165,885 HomeFront Society for the Prevention of Domestic Violence $10,000 Chalice (Canada) $8,352 Hotinohsioni Incorporated $1,800 Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of Canada $1,000 Grant MacEwan Auxiliary Fund $19,348 Hull Child & Family Services $10,000 FAMIS $4,000 Agnes and Duncan Mackellar Memorial Fund $53,548 Light Up the World Group $10,000 The Franciscans $1,400 Alberta Children’s Hospital Foundation $1,295 NeighbourLink of Calgary Northwest & Beltline Inc. $3,346 Kids World Outreach Society $6,000 Canadian National Institute for the Blind $1,295 Opening Gaits Therapeutic Riding Society $4,000 L’Arche Association of Calgary $1,000 Mackenzie Fund for Head & Neck Surgery Innovation $513,090 SALTS Sail & Life Training Society $1,800 Mustard Seed (Calgary) Street Ministry Society $75,700 Just 4 Kidz Foundation Fund $1,034,605 Operation Eyesight Universal $1,000 Beverly MacLeod Family Fund $112,483 Alberta Children’s Hospital Foundation $45,144 Roman Catholic Bishop of the Diocese of Calgary $2,500 Calgary Science Centre Society $5,431 K The Salvation Army Calgary Agape Hospice $1,000 MacLeod Family Fund $56,709 Servants Anonymous Society of Calgary $3,000 Betty Jane Kadz Memorial Fund $7,705 Lorne MacRae Intellectual Freedom Fund $13,355 Simon House Residence Society $1,000 Alberta Library Trustees Association $642 LINKages Society of Alberta $370 St. James Church $9,550 Kamp Kiwanis Legacy Fund $103,834 Youville Residence Society of Alberta $1,000 Kurt and Trudy Madsen Fund $34,106 Mustard Seed (Calgary) Street Ministry Society $1,589 Kiwanis Club of Calgary Kamp Kiwanis $4,766 The Leost Endowment Fund $112,815 Kayak Foundation Alberta Cancer Foundation $5,378 Mamdani Family Foundation $10,822 Keating Family Fund $40,101 Estate of Laust Sondergaard Jensen Leth $53,892 Mardon Fund $97,042 ABC Life Literacy Canada $837 Alberta Health Services - Alberta Cancer Foundation $500 Calgary Inter-Faith Food Bank Society $837 David Thompson Regional Health Authority $2,605 Canmore & Area Healthcare Foundation $500 Centre for Affordable Water & Sanitation Technology $800 James and Laurie Kidd Family Fund $8,723 Levson Family Legacy Fund $7,073 Heart & Stroke Foundation of Alberta, NWT & Nunavut $300 Lindsay Leigh Kimmett Memorial Foundation $221,169 Calgary Pregnancy Care Centre $290 Mustard Seed (Calgary) Street Ministry Society $300 Calgary Catholic School District - St. Timothy School $1,000 Harriet and Philip Libin Fund $6,895 The Salvation Army $400 Rocky View School Division No. 41 - Cochrane High School $1,000 Rotary Club of Calgary Community Service Fund $331 Trickster Theatre Society $416 Rocky View School Division No. 41 - Bow Valley High School $1,000 Lions Eye Bank (Alberta) Society Vern Millard Memorial Endowment Fund $59,859 James and Elsie Mathieson Charitable Trust Fund $564,206 University of Calgary - Faculty of Medicine $5,050 Little Star Fund $11,590 Alberta College of Art & Design $6,287 Mark Kingsbury Foundation Fund- Donor Advised $437,972 Boys & Girls Clubs of Calgary $557 Central United Church $6,288 Doctors Without Borders Canada $2,000 The Salvation Army $6,288 Lockwood Family Fund $268,328 Right To Play International $3,000 Ellen & Everett Mayhood Children’s Fund $6,673 Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative Foundation $2,000 Alberta Cancer Foundation $250 Hospice Calgary Society $1,000 The Salvation Army $322 Jesse Kinley Memorial Fund $8,674 Kidney Foundation of Canada $250 Maurice W. McCaig Fund - Donor-Advised $909,177 Kis Brothers Fund $26,272 University of Calgary - Student Awards & Financial Aid $921 Calgary Health Trust $10,000 Aspen Family & Community Network Society $250 Medical Research Fund $1,643,083 Ernest C Manning Awards Foundation $1,000 Canadian Friends of ANIQUEM Health Junior Achievement of Southern Alberta $5,000 Development Corporation $250 Love & Light Mercy Fund $1,558,887 Kids Cancer Care Foundation of Alberta $7,715 AIDS Calgary Awareness Association $678 Kiwanis Club of Calgary Foothills Fund $40,082 L’Arche Association of Calgary $5,000 Alberta Children’s Hospital Foundation $6,782 University of Calgary $10,000 Kolstad Fund $20,304,992 Association for the Rehabilitation of the Brain Injured $7,535 Wakamow Valley Authority $5,000 Alberta Shock Trauma Air Rescue Society (STARS) $97,463 Canadian Bible Society - Southern Alberta $678 Arthritis Society, Alberta & NWT Division $219,292 Canadian Bible Society $6,104 David and Jenny McDermid Family Fund $393,246 Canadian Cancer Society, Alberta/NWT Division $219,292 Canadian Cancer Society Alberta/NWT Division $678 McEwen Spay/Neuter Fund $14,842 Heart & Stroke Foundation of Alberta, NWT & Nunavut $219,292 Canadian Cancer Society $6,104 Feline Rescue Foundation of Alberta $654 The Salvation Army $219,292 Canadian Diabetes Association - Calgary & District $678 McLeod & Company LLP Fund $20,609 Canadian Diabetes Association $6,104 Vicki Kranenburg Fund $46,456 Gordon R. McLeod Fund $54,215 Bow Valley College $500 Canadian Foundation for AIDS Research $6,104 The Salvation Army $1,042 Canadian Red Cross Society - Southern Alberta $678 Dr. George McQuitty Memorial Fund $82,920 Canadian Red Cross Society $6,104 University of Calgary - Faculty of Graduate Studies $1,991 Matthew Krol Memorial Fund $18,004 Heart & Stroke Foundation of Alberta, NWT & Nunavut $678 University of Calgary - Faculty of Medicine $1,991 Make a Wish Foundation of Southern Alberta $433 L’Arche Association of Calgary $678 Rocky View School Division No. 41 $433 Virginia Middelberg Fund $138,961 L’Arche Association of Lethbridge $6,782 The Banff Centre $1,328 Jack Kwong Fund $38,530 L’Arche Canada Foundation $6,104 Immigrant Services Calgary Society $1,328 Kidney Foundation of Canada $1,812 The Salvation Army - Calgary area $678 OXFAM Canada $1,328 Jack Kwong Memorial Fund $35,032 The Salvation Army $6,104 USC Canada $1,328 United Way of Canada $6,104 Heart & Stroke Foundation of Alberta, NWT & Nunavut $1,585 Mikkelsen Family Fund $113,039 Janine Boyer Kwong Fund-in memory of Marcelle Simoneau $28,092 Derek and Joan Lovlin Foundation Fund $27,293 Animal Rescue Foundation (ARF) $1,750 Alberta Cancer Foundation - Tom Baker Cancer Centre $1,358 Calgary Habitat for Humanity Society $1,087 Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Canada $1,928 Larry & Janine Kwong Fund $73,087 Luminere Body & Spirit Foundation $1,355 Northern Lights Wildlife Society $1,750 Calgary Health Trust - Rockyview General Hospital Foundation$3,403 Wallace and Gretchen Luthy Fund $44,369 Milavsky Family Fund $1,537,188 L Saint Stephen’s Church $2,144 Alberta Champions Society in Recognition of Community Enrichment $15,000 LaBarre Family Fund $108,427 Luxton Historical Foundation $4,248,092 Eleanor Luxton Historical Foundation $204,743 Alberta Children’s Hospital Foundation $2,000 Gordon and Kathy Laing Memorial Fund $360,411 Alzheimer Society of Calgary $2,000 Bow Valley College $5,525 Calgary Beth Tzedec Congregation Society $2,000 Engineers Without Borders (Canada) Organization $1,813 Calgary Drop-In & Rehab Centre Society $4,407 Mount Royal University Foundation $10,000 Calgary Health Trust $5,000 Calgary Inter-Faith Food Bank Society $1,000 THECALGARYFOUNDATION.ORG THECALGARYFOUNDATION.ORG 11 ANNUAL 011 011 2 2 REPORT FUNDS & GRANTS

March 31, 2011 March 31, 2011 March 31, 2011 Fund Grantee Grant Amount Market Value Fund Grantee Grant Amount Market Value Fund Grantee Grant Amount Market Value Milavsky Family Fund (cont’d) Gary Nissen and Rena Nathanail Fund $10,715 Olwen Priestnall Memorial Fund $196,334 Calgary United Jewish Appeal $30,000 Valerie and Bryce Nolan Fund $60,923 Calgary Handi-Bus Association $500 Central Organization for Jewish Education Alberta Wilderness Association $1,488 CAUSE Canada $500 Lubavitch Alberta $2,000 Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative Foundation $1,000 The Children’s Cottage Society of Calgary, An Alberta Society $4,979 Jewish Family Service (Calgary) $5,000 Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada - Calgary Chapter $1,000 United Way of Calgary & Area $2,000 O Nature Conservancy of Canada - Alberta $500 University of Saskatchewan - Edwards School of Business $250 Richard and Lynn Odland Fund $25,166 Save The Children - Canada $1,000 War Amputations of Canada - Champs $2,000 Alberta Cancer Foundation $250 Stephen Lewis Foundation $1,000 Stanley and Hilda M. Miller Memorial Fund $551,236 Calgary Rite to Learn Foundation $250 The Prosser Fund $494,853 Alberta Cancer Foundation - Tom Baker Cancer Centre $413 Grand Lodge of Alberta A.F. & A.M. Big Sisters & Big Brothers Society of Calgary & Area $23,868 Higher Education Bursary Fund $250 Calgary Health Trust - Foothills Hospital $826 Provida Fund $420,678 Calgary Health Trust - Rockyview General Hospital Foundation $413 Heart & Stroke Foundation of Alberta, NWT & Nunavut $213 Calgary Prostate Cancer Foundation $413 University of Calgary - Faculty of Medicine $250 Ptarmigan Fund $3,918,010 The Salvation Army $413 Ohlson Family Endowment Fund $10,904,244 Calgary Drop-In & Rehab Centre Society $50,000 University of Calgary $413 University of Calgary - Faculty of Medicine $141,749 Canadian Physicians for Aid & Relief $10,000 Canadian UNICEF Committee $10,000 Minstrel Ways Fund $13,662 One Small Act Fund $5,667 CARE Canada $10,000 Kids Cancer Care Foundation of Alberta $613 Sage and Shea O’Neill Children’s Fund $29,326 Centre for Affordable Water & Sanitation Technology $10,000 Francis B. Mirtle Estate $6,818 Biosphere Institute of the Bow Valley $500 Doctors Without Borders Canada $10,000 Canadian Cancer Society, Alberta/NWT Division $165 Bow Valley Food Bank Society $356 Health Partners International of Canada $10,000 Knox United Church $165 YWCA Banff $500 Plan International Canada $10,000 Mitchell Family Education Fund $48,513 Osten-Victor Fund $794,738 Ptarmigan Charitable Foundation $68,000 Mitchell Family Endowment Fund $4,842 Alberta Ballet Company $1,000 Linda Putnam Legacy Fund $382,791 Alberta Cancer Foundation $3,600 The Leighton Foundation $11,000 Owen Mitchell Foundation Fund $2,443,202 Alberta Theatre Projects Society $1,000 YouthInk Publications Society $7,037 Best Buddies of Canada $25,000 Calgary Drop-In & Rehab Centre Society $3,790 Pyke Family Fund $1,237,889 David Foster Foundation Society $80,000 Calgary Health Trust $7,500 Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of Canada $1,000 Calgary Men’s Chorus Society $1,000 Q Saskatchewan Institute of Applied Science & Technology $6,000 Calgary Opera Association $1,000 Elizabeth Ann “Babe” Quinton Memorial Fund $112,778 Shining Through Centre for Children with Autism $2,500 Calgary Womens Emergency Shelter Association $2,000 Alberta Cancer Foundation $5,452 Sterling Hall School of Toronto $10,000 Decidedly Jazz Society $1,000 R University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill $111,743 Doctors Without Borders Canada $500 University of Regina $10,500 Inn from the Cold Society $1,000 Harvey Rabin Awards Foundation $18,579 Momentum Fund $135,197 Jewish Family Service (Calgary) $2,000 Calgary Health Trust $799 Momentum Community Economic Development Society $6,536 One Yellow Rabbit Theatre Association $1,000 Rainbow Fund $708,968 Blair Moody Memorial Endowment Fund $19,833 Theatre Calgary $1,000 Alberta Children’s Hospital Foundation $34,274 Recovery Acres (Calgary) Society $959 University of Calgary - Faculty of Graduate Studies $5,000 Gordon and Barb Rankin Fund $11,316 University of Calgary - Student Awards & Financial Aid $3,600 Moon Beams Fund $1,282,097 John and Sandy Read Family Fund $369,864 P Mother Teresa Endowment Fund $14,823,374 Calgary Prostate Cancer Foundation $5,000 Apostolic Church of Pentecost of Canada, Incorporated $30,000 PAA Psychological Services Fund $3,490 Canadian Avalanche Foundation $2,762 Boys & Girls Clubs of Calgary $10,000 Marcia E. Paillefer Memorial Fund $44,975 Canadian Down Syndrome Society $5,000 Canadian Women’s Foundation $10,000 Canadian Diabetes Association $2,173 The Salvation Army $5,000 For the Love of Children Society of Alberta $10,000 Jackie and George Palmer Fund $165,995 Reader Rock Garden Endowment Fund $48,273 Jesus Loves You Society $180,000 Servants Anonymous Society of Calgary $7,468 City of Calgary - Parks & Recreation $2,300 Ssubi Foundation $40,000 Heather Parker Fund $5,407 Iris Reilly Health Fund $96,503 University of Calgary - Faculty of Medicine $10,000 Arthritis Society, Alberta & NWT Division $1,864 Youth With A Mission Society (Mexico) $452,667 Iva & Garfield Payne Western Fund $6,762 Heart & Stroke Foundation of Alberta, NWT & Nunavut $1,864 Motherwell Memorial Designated Fund $17,058 Pekisko Arts Fund $28,572 Town of Bassano $932 The Salvation Army $824 Alberta College of Art & Design $1,200 Floyd & Nancy Reynolds Fund Jason Motkoski Fund $4,348 Perlette Fund $154,123 In appreciation of Canada and all of its citizens $256,134 Douglas Motter Fund $27,200 Alberta College of Art & Design $1,750 Alberta Cancer Foundation Centre $2,468 City of Calgary - Calgary Allied Arts Foundation $1,315 Alberta Wilderness Association $2,194 Canadian Cancer Society, Alberta/NWT Division $2,468 Canadian Parks & Wilderness Society $1,750 Ecojustice Canada Society $1,234 Ruth Moyle/Joyce Moyle Nasmith Fund $7,396 Old Trout Puppet Workshop Society $1,750 Heart & Stroke Foundation of Alberta, NWT & Nunavut $3,702 Alberta Health Services - Didsbury District Health Services $357 Karen Lynn Pescott Foundation Fund $71,039 The David Suzuki Foundation $2,468 MT Land Fund $110,228 Calgary Reads (An Early Literacy Initiative) Society $3,313 A. M. (Don) Robertson Fund $145,559 Alberta College of Art & Design $5,000 Anne Marie Peterson Legacy Fund $2,123,155 Calgary Family Services Society $6,990 Herbert and Maren Mueller Foundation Fund $5,321 The Anglican Parish of Christ Church, Elbow Park $8,518 Bruce Robertson Family Fund $122,253 Trickster Theatre Society $256 Calgary Handi-Bus Association $8,518 Big Sisters & Big Brothers Society of Calgary & Area $2,902 Ehnis Mummery Family Fund $8,143 Calgary Humane Society for Prevention of Cruelty Mustard Seed (Calgary) Street Ministry Society $3,000 The In-Definite Arts Society $376 to Animals $8,518 Boris Rochman Fund $3,865,588 N Calgary Philharmonic Society $8,518 Calgary Zoological Society $8,518 Don and Lynn Ross Endowment Fund $20,948 Nana Environment Fund $20,757 Canadian Cancer Society Alberta/NWT Division $8,518 Youville Residence Society of Alberta $1,013 Alberta Wilderness Association $933 Canadian Red Cross Society $8,518 Cindy Johnson Royer Fund $170,310 Water Matters Society of Alberta $282 Glenbow-Alberta Institute $8,518 Calgary Inter-Faith Food Bank Society $1,000 Elof and Thea Nelson Fund $29,859 The Salvation Army $8,518 Calgary Urban Project Society $1,000 Ponoka Family & Community Support Services $1,442 World Wildlife Fund Canada $8,518 Centre for Affordable Water & Sanitation Technology $1,000 New Sun Joy Harvie Maclaren Awards Fund $208,732 EM Pierce Grandchildren Fund $17,231 Hospice Calgary Society $500 The Banff Centre $10,000 Brown Bagging for Calgary Street Kids Society $427 Kids Help Phone $1,000 Blue Quills First Nations College $2,848 Roots of Empathy $400 Seniors Secret Service Society $1,000 McGill University $100,000 Tides Canada Foundation $1,000 Poelzer Family Foundation Fund $7,270,515 YWCA Calgary $1,500 Mount Royal University Foundation $2,500 Boys & Girls Clubs of Calgary $50,000 National Youth Orchestra of Canada $5,000 Calgary Habitat for Humanity Society $50,000 Rubicon Fund $860,406 University of Alberta - Student Awards Office $1,500 Calgary Health Trust $50,000 Calgary Meals On Wheels Society $10,000 University of Calgary - Student Awards & Financial Aid $1,500 Calgary Inter-Faith Food Bank Society $48,000 Canadian Feed the Children $3,741 University of Lethbridge $19,000 Hospice Calgary Society $50,000 Centre for Affordable Water & Sanitation Technology $4,227 New Sun Joy Harvie Maclaren Fund $297,535 Inn from the Cold Society $50,000 Chalk River Pastoral Charge - St. Andrews United Church $3,000 Blue Quills First Nations College $7,152 The Salvation Army $50,000 Fontaine Children’s Charity Foundation $5,000 University of Saskatchewan - Humanities Research Unit $10,000 Glenbow-Alberta Institute $5,000 Ponte Family Fund $11,895 L’Arche Association of Calgary $2,000 Greig and Brenda Nicholls Fund $151,456 Calgary Seniors’ Resource Society $523 Leprosy Relief Canada Inc. $4,000 Carl & Diana Nickle Fund $209,542 Iris and Charles Porter Fund $43,731 Lifeline Malawi Association $5,000 United Way of Calgary & Area $10,130 Calgary Reads (An Early Literacy Initiative) Society $2,032 Medicos en Accion Society $3,000 Marion & Jim Nicoll Bequest $330,032 POWER to Cure...Endowment Fund $10,386 Rocky View School Division No.41 $5,000 City of Calgary - Calgary Allied Arts Foundation $15,955 Kids Cancer Care Foundation of Alberta $500 UEnd Foundation $2,000 University of Waterloo $10,000 Nissen Family Fund $111,972 Price Family Fund $14,494 YWCA Calgary $1,000 Gary Nissen Fund $10,715 Mustard Seed (Calgary) Street Ministry Society $237 Union Gospel Mission $315


March 31, 2011 March 31, 2011 March 31, 2011 Fund Grantee Grant Amount Market Value Fund Grantee Grant Amount Market Value Fund Grantee Grant Amount Market Value S Ida Sutherland Memorial Fund $78,826 William and Constance Topley Fund (cont’d) Sadée Family Fund $81,253 Calgary Meals On Wheels $1,265 Mustard Seed (Calgary) Street Ministry Society $24,297 Alberta Wilderness Association $616 Canadian Cancer Society, Alberta/NWT Division $1,265 Royal Canadian Legion Branch Poppy Fund $24,297 Calgary Humane Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals $308 Heart & Stroke Foundation of Alberta, NWT & Nunavut $1,265 Wood’s Christian Homes $24,297 Inn from the Cold Society $616 Phil and Cindy Swift Family Fund $224,913 The Transformation Fund $5,264 Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada - Calgary Chapter $616 Johns Hopkins University $10,801 Trilogy Fund $1,387,763 Wellspring Calgary $308 SX Family Fund $103,871 Turner Family Foundation $103,747 World Wildlife Fund Canada $616 BC Cancer Foundation $500 Saint John’s School of Alberta Fund $28,703 Hope International Development Agency $510 TURR Fund $454,861 Scarboro Foundation Fund $79,030 Kidney Foundation of Canada $2,000 Manny Twork Memorial Fund $3,206 Calgary Humane Society for Prevention of Cruelty Light Up the World Group $500 Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Society of Alberta $155 to Animals $1,265 Mustard Seed (Calgary) Street Ministry Society $500 U Peace Arch Hospital Foundation $500 Friends of Fish Creek Provincial Park Society $1,265 UTA Youth Foundation Fund $335,958 The Scottish Rite Charitable Foundation of Canada $1,265 University of British Columbia $500 V Daryl K. Seaman SALTS Stewardship Fund $50,145 Dr. Kenneth and Marion Symington Memorial Fund $18,269 Southern Alberta Land Trust Society $2,500 Calgary Meals On Wheels $247 Van Wielingen Family Fund $500,599 CUSO $288 Calgary Prostate Cancer Foundation $10,000 Scott Daniel Seaman Memorial Fund $2,019,150 Heart & Stroke Foundation of Alberta, NWT & Nunavut $124 Alison Vaness Public School Library Fund $34,868 Alberta Easter Seals Society $5,000 Living Spirit United Church $164 Diamond/Valley & District Boys & Girls Club $10,000 Calgary Board of Education - Centennial High School $1,677 Friends of the Sheep River Library Foundation $10,000 T Michelle M. Vincent Foundation Fund $5,422 Kids Up Front Foundation (Calgary) $8,000 Tamaratt Endowment Fund $2,757,172 Vintage Fund $482,892 KidSport Canada $5,000 Calgary Military Museums Society $5,000 Alberta Shock Trauma Air Rescue Society $5,000 Municipal District of Foothills No. 31 $10,000 Calgary Science Centre Society $12,500 Foundation $17,000 Priddis Community Association $500 Canadian Red Cross Society $40,000 Calgary Health Trust $10,000 Sheep River Health Trust $2,000 Decidedly Jazz Society $5,000 Right To Play International $5,000 Town of Black Diamond $20,835 Engineers Without Borders (Canada) Organization $10,000 Alberta Bone & Joint Health Institute $5,000 University of Calgary - Faculty of Kinesiology $20,000 Generations of Hope Fertility Assistance Fund Society $10,000 Canadian Sudden Arrhythmia Death Syndromes The Seaview Fund $127,345 Mary A. Tidlund Charitable Foundation $25,000 (SADS) Foundation $3,000 Mustard Seed (Calgary) Street Ministry Society $10,000 Terry Semeniuk Foundation Fund $5,484 Cecil and Dorothy Vogan Fund $582,667 Taylor Legacy Fund $12,133 Boys & Girls Clubs of Calgary $27,981 Maxwell Alexander Settari Memorial Fund $26,122 The Good Shepherd Community Church of Calgary Canadian Society for Mucopolysaccharide (Moravian) $556 W & Related Diseases $1,263 Peg & Nick Taylor Family Foundation Fund $18,873 Davis Walls Memorial Fund $16,456 Leonard and Faigel Shapiro Family Fund $62,386 Calgary Board of Education - Dr. E.P. Scarlett High School $50 Na’amat Canada $1,500 Chris and Peter Thomas Fund $18,531 Strathcona-Tweedsmuir School Foundation $300 Parks Foundation, Calgary $3,500 Canadian Cancer Society Alberta N.W.T. Division $448 Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of Canada - Calgary Chapter $448 Fran Walsh Memorial Fund $27,672 Project Warmth Society of Alberta $1,500 Wings of Hope Breast Cancer Foundation $1,330 Leonard and Faigel Shapiro 2002 Family Fund $514,431 Morgan L. Thomas Memorial Fund $5,157 KidSport Canada $120 Sharon Walz Memorial Fund $6,115 Calgary Health Trust $10,000 Opportunity Works Calgary Inc. $295 Canadian Friends of the Hebrew University $12,000 Rocky View School Division No.41 $121 Kids Cancer Care Foundation of Alberta $3,150 David Thompson Trust Fund $47,811 Wanklyn Family Fund $200,455 Learning Disabilities Association of Alberta $10,000 Aga Khan Foundation Canada $5,000 Charles and Grace Thomson Designated Fund $1,145,824 Alberta Cancer Foundation $500 Project Warmth Society of Alberta $1,800 Alberta Lung Association $5,340 Safe Haven Foundation of Canada $5,000 Alberta Children’s Hospital Foundation $1,000 Alzheimer Society of Canada $5,340 Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Society of Alberta $500 Gerry Shaw Fund $190,468 Calgary Prostate Cancer Foundation $5,340 Association for the Rehabilitation of the Brain Injured $600 Parks Foundation, Calgary $9,197 Canadian Cancer Society Alberta/NWT Division $5,340 Calgary Inter-Faith Food Bank Society $500 Sherling Animal Welfare Fund $491,678 Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation $5,340 Momentum Community Economic Development Society $550 Bow Valley Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals $6,000 Central United Church $5,340 Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada - Calgary Chapter $500 Cochrane & Area Humane Society $7,500 Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada $5,340 Theatre Calgary $500 The Salvation Army Agape Hospice $5,340 MEOW Foundation for the Adoption of Abandoned Cats $3,000 Wanner Family Endowment Fund $310,256 Save Old Souls Senior K-9 Rescue Society $7,161 John and Joan Thomson Fund- Donor Advised $9,357 University of Calgary $449 Randy & Marilyn Ward and Diversified Staffing Fund $18,719 Simpson Youth & Family Fund $10,428 Stockmen’s Memorial Foundation $905 Mr. & Mrs. Thorarinson Sr. Family Fund $11,043 Tara Sloan Memorial Scholarship Fund $64,712 Wark Family Fund $16,358 Alberta Shock Trauma Air Rescue Society (STARS) $556 Lynn LaForge-Tieman Fund for Autism $2,085,561 Calgary Seniors’ Resource Society $619 Calgary Health Trust - Foothills Hospital $556 Autism Aspergers Friendship Society of Calgary $25,000 University of Calgary - Student Awards & Financial Aid $2,000 Janet and Robert Warren Memorial Fund $47,391 Tillema War Amps Fund $265,272 Canadian Red Cross Society - Southern Alberta Region $1,146 Small Potatoes Fund $19,541 War Amputations of Canada - Champs $12,808 The Salvation Army $1,146 The Church of the Christian Community in Canada Scott Timson and Kim Flegg Family Fund $12,517 Vancouver Centre $1,445 Watson Family Foundation $1,412,770 TLC Endowment Fund $49,301 Ability Society of Alberta $2,000 Mogens F. Smed Fund $504,518 James D. Tocher Fund $5,217 Alberta Children’s Hospital Foundation $12,500 Kingfisher Interpretive Center Society $10,000 Alberta Easter Seals Society $10,279 SA Foundation $14,000 Bill and Jean Toole Family Donor Advised Fund $927,758 Association for the Rehabilitation of the Brain Injured $10,000 Don and Susie Smith Family Fund $66,984 Alzheimer Society of Calgary $5,000 Burns Memorial Fund for Children $9,279 Bethany Care Foundation $618 Hayden and Roni Smith Endowment Fund $52,890 Calgary Between Friends Club - Glenbow-Alberta Institute $2,000 Fun & Fellowship for Disabled Youth $3,000 Arthritis Society - Alberta Division $382 Inn from the Cold Society $2,500 Canadian Cancer Society, Alberta/NWT Division $382 Calgary Board of Education - Emily Follensbee School $5,000 Mustard Seed (Calgary) Street Ministry Society $1,500 Camp Sunflower Society for Disabled Children $7,000 Heart & Stroke Foundation of Alberta, NWT & Nunavut $382 Parkinson Society of Southern Alberta $5,000 United Way of Calgary & Area $383 Children’s Link Society (Resource Information) $6,500 The Salvation Army $3,000 Heart Beats Children’s Society of Calgary $2,000 Roger and Lorna Smith Fund $294,568 Samaritan Club of Calgary $1,000 Keith Werry Memorial Fund $120,076 Southern Alberta Deaf Centre Fund $41,825 St. Peter’s Anglican Church $4,000 Deaf & Hard of Hearing Services Calgary Region Society $2,022 Trinity College School $1,000 John A & Fern R White-Handicapped Children’s Fund $371,163 United Way of Calgary & Area $18,000 Calgary Between Friends Club - Massimo and Christina Spoletini Charitable Fund $5,218 University of Calgary - Faculty of Medicine $1,000 Fun & Fellowship for Disabled Youth $8,000 St. Bernard Fund $6,882 TooConn Fund $86,522 Closer to Home Community Services Society $3,000 Catholic Missions in Canada $166 Sacred Heart Church $3,000 Northmount Kiwanis Club of Calgary Charitable Trust $6,842 The Salvation Army $166 Father Albert Lacombe Home $1,156 CJR Wilderman Family Fund $51,581 L.G. Stach Fund $6,736 William and Constance Topley Fund $6,072,589 Calgary Meals On Wheels $2,042 The Robert James Stewart Legacy Fund $899,436 Alberta Shock Trauma Air Rescue Society (STARS) $24,297 Williams Family Fund $970,169 M Craig Storey Endowment Fund $99,199 Alzheimer Society of Calgary $24,297 Calgary Board of Education $44,219 Operation Eyesight Universal $3,775 Boys & Girls Clubs of Calgary $24,297 Foothills School Division No. 38 $2,490 Parks Foundation, Calgary $991 Calgary Habitat for Humanity Society $24,297 Williams-Brawn Family Fund $69,480 Calgary Handi-Bus Association $24,297 Strength In Numbers Foundation Fund $28,768 Calgary Humane Society for Prevention of Cruelty Willow Park Charity Golf Classic Endowment $292,073 Stretch Fund $510,158 to Animals $24,297 Brown Bagging for Calgary Street Kids Society $6,986 Aga Khan Foundation Canada $4,000 Calgary Meals On Wheels $24,297 Calgary Urban Project Society $6,986 Alberta Children’s Hospital Foundation $20,000 Calgary Public Library Foundation $24,297 Inn from the Cold Society $564 Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada (Alberta Division) $24,297


March 31, 2011 March 31, 2011 March 31, 2011 Fund Grantee Grant Amount Market Value Fund Grantee Grant Amount Market Value Fund Grantee Grant Amount Market Value Dick and Nancy Wilson Fund $194,942 Percy and Lois Cole Fund $147,500 MacEachern Flow Through Fund $11,128 Alberta Cancer Foundation $750 Calgary Inter-Faith Food Bank Society $5,000 Rotary Club of Calgary Community Service Fund $2,500 Bow Valley College $2,500 Calgary Philharmonic Society $5,000 University of Prince Edward Island $300,000 Boys & Girls Clubs of Calgary $1,000 Esther Honens International Piano Competition Foundation $5,000 Nizar Lallani Flow Through Fund $6,000 Calgary Catholic Immigration Society $1,000 Foothills Academy Society $20,000 Calgary Youth Justice Society $1,000 Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada - Calgary Chapter $5,000 Beverly MacLeod Family Flow Through Fund $100 Canadian Diabetes Association $500 Mustard Seed (Calgary) Street Ministry Society $5,000 MacLeod Family Flow Through Fund $7,250 Heart & Stroke Foundation of Alberta, NWT & Nunavut $750 The Salvation Army Calgary Agape Hospice $2,000 Alberta Cancer Foundation $250 Inn from the Cold Society $500 Samaritan Club of Calgary $5,000 Kids Cancer Care Foundation of Alberta $250 The Salvation Army $500 University of Alberta - Faculty of Engineering $2,500 Multiple Sclerosis Canada $250 YWCA Calgary $889 University of Calgary - Faculty of Medicine $200,000 Mamdani Family Flow Through Foundation $1,200 Jim and Vicki Wilson Family Fund $509,914 Mary Winefride Collins Award Flow Through Fund $250 Aga Khan Foundation Canada $50,000 Alberta Association for Community Living $2,000 Calgary Board of Education - Haultain Memorial School $250 Akira and Misae Masuda Fund Alberta Children’s Hospital Foundation $5,000 COLMED Fund $1,173,945 Alberta Cancer Foundation Calgary Inter-Faith Food Bank Society $2,000 Canadian Association for Participatory Development $30,000 Alberta Children’s Hospital Foundation Calgary Womens Emergency Shelter Association $1,000 Canadian Museum of Inuit Art $25,000 Alberta Lung Association Canadian National Institute for the Blind $1,000 CKUA Radio Foundation $25,000 Calgary Buddhist Church Colin B. Glassco Charitable Foundation for Children $10,000 Fig Tree Charitable Foundation $40,000 Calgary Health Trust - Foothills Hospital Knox Presbyterian Church $2,500 DHF Fund $350,074 Calgary Health Trust - Rockyview General Hospital The Salvation Army $1,000 Calgary Inter-Faith Food Bank Society M. Jean Wilson Memorial Fund $9,764 Dox Flow Through Fund $1,500,000 Calgary Prostate Cancer Foundation CUSO Health Projects $193 Calgary Prostate Cancer Foundation $100,000 Calgary Women’s Emergency Shelter Association University of Toronto $193 Parks Foundation, Calgary $200,000 Canadian UNICEF Committee Village of Forestburg $100,000 George A. and Mary F. Wilson Fund $261,997 Diabetes Association (Foothills) Jean Dreger Memorial Fund for Gerontology $3,188 Doctors Without Borders Canada Medecins Sans Frontieres Canada Ken and Judy Wilton Foundation Fund $29,908 Dunfield Family Fund $192,282 Heart & Stroke Foundation of Alberta, NWT & Nunavut Jean Woeller Fund $7,254 Boys & Girls Clubs of Calgary $10,000 Save The Children Canada Fresh Start Addictions Centre $300 Canlearn Society for Persons with Learning Difficulties $7,500 University of Calgary Y Centre for Affordable Water & Sanitation Technology United Way of Calgary & Area (CAWST) $7,500 University of Alberta Gerald Yeung Memorial Fund $18,029 YWCA Calgary Association for the Rehabilitation of the Brain Injured $434 Foothills Academy Society $50,000 Universal Rehabilitation Service Agency $434 Frontier Centre for Public Policy Inc. $5,000 James & Elsie Mathieson Flow Through Fund $2,041 Impact Society for Children & Families in Turmoil $7,500 Alzheimer Society of Calgary $1,000 Hayley Young Memorial Fund $1,084 Inn from the Cold Society $15,000 The QR77/Westin Hotel Calgary Children’s Foundation $1,000 Calgary Health Trust $52 Kiwanis Club of Calgary Kamp Kiwanis $7,500 Nayla Mawji Flow Through Fund $7,200 YWCA - Sheriff King Fund $9,582 Learning Disabilities Association of Alberta - YWCA Calgary $463 Calgary Chapter $10,000 Maurice W. McCaig Flow Through Fund $215,125 Mary A Tidlund Charitable Foundation $7,500 Calgary Health Trust $10,000 Missing Children Society of Canada $7,500 Hull Child & Family Services $4,000 Mustard Seed (Calgary) Street Ministry Society $5,000 David and Jenny McDermid Family Flow Through Fund $36,750 DONOR ADVISED & Rotary Foundation Canada $5,000 Dr. G. Fred McNally Scholarship Flow Through Fund $0 Servants Anonymous Society of Calgary $10,000 Harvard University $149 The Salvation Army $10,000 DONOR DESIGNATED West Central Crisis Centre $35,400 Meadowlark Flow Through Fund $75,000 Wood’s Christian Homes $7,500 Meridian Fund $386 FLOW THROUGH David Elton Outdoor Flow Through Fund $4,580 First Evangelical Lutheran Church of Calgary, Alberta $1,800 FUNDS & GRANTS Energy Politics Scholarship Fund $47 Moon Beams Fund $899,865 University of Dundee $5,000 SOS Children’s Villages Canada $100,000 Youth with a Mission (BC) Society $10,000 March 31, 2011 Bree Eriksen Memorial Flow Through Fund $201 Fund Grantee Grant Amount Market Value Graydon and Dorothy Morrison Flow Through Fund $57,309 Evamy Family Flow Through Fund $156 Calgary Zoological Society $10,000 777 Run for Sight Fund $0 Michael & Jane Evans Family Fund $74,250 Colin B.Glassco Charitable Foundation for Children $8,000 Alberta Children’s Hospital Foundation $2,115 Kids Help Phone $500 British Columbia Guide Dog Services $3,000 Hall Family Flow Through Fund $4,950 United Way of Calgary & Area $50,000 Anonymous Fund $637 Owen Hart Foundation Flow Through Fund $0 Mother Teresa Flow Through Fund $1,295 YMCA Calgary $3,000 Art Gallery of Calgary Society $7,500 Plan International Canada $420 Mennonite Central Committee Alberta $15,000 Brown Bagging for Calgary Street Kids Society $1,000 Calgary Educational Partnership Foundation $1,000 Not Afraid of Greatness Fund $396 Bradley Hillmo Anderson Flow Through Fund $42 Dick and Lois Haskayne Fund $28,696 Ohlson Family Flow Through Fund $408,902 Arbour Flow Through Fund $992 Alberta Cancer Foundation $10,000 University of Calgary - Faculty of Medicine $305,000 Aufricht Family Flow Through Fund $194 Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) Society of Canada $10,000 Open Minds School Fund $82,599 University of Calgary - Student Awards & Financial Aid $21,005 The Banff Centre $10,000 Pinto Fund $17,145 Avenue Fund $3,000 Big Sisters & Big Brothers Society of Calgary & Area $10,000 Bonavista Baptist Church Fellowship $500 YWCA Calgary $2,000 Bow Valley College $20,000 Calgary Counselling Centre $30,000 Calgary Pregnancy Care Centre Association $250 Badminton Alberta Fund $75,335 Calgary Health Trust $55,000 Canadian Baptists of Western Canada $500 Georgie Bamber Memorial Fund $3,345 Calgary Philharmonic Society $40,000 Canadian Bible Society $250 Canadian National Institute for the Blind $250 Almas Bhanji Flow Through Fund $8,400 Canadian Diabetes Association $10,000 Canadian National Institute for the Blind $10,000 Canadian Red Cross Society $250 Fund for Big Game Research Flow Through Fund $3,907 Canadian Women’s Foundation $10,000 Diabetes Association (Foothills) $250 Trent Bouchard Flow Through Memorial Fund $99 CentrePoint $15,000 Evangelical Fellowship of Canada $250 Focus on the Family (Canada) Association $1,000 Emily Brydon Youth Foundation Flow Through Fund $1,176 Glenbow Ranch Park Foundation $25,000 Golden Hills Regional Division No.15 - FOI Gospel Ministry, Inc. $300 Thomas Alan Budd Flow Through Foundation $209,689 Central Bow Valley School $2,275 For We Care Outreach Network Society $11,550 Cadmus Flow Through Fund $5,100 Grassland Regional Division No. 6 - Bassano School $1,775 The Gideons International In Canada $550 Canadian Women’s Foundation $25,000 Lethbridge Community College $4,000 Gull Lake Baptist Camp $250 Southern Alberta Institute of Technology $150,000 Lunchbox Theatre $10,000 Lifeline Malawi Association $500 Mission Aviation Fellowship of Canada $500 Calgary Firefighters Benevolent Flow Through Fund $5,940 Medicine Hat College $8,000 Red Deer College - Student Awards Office $8,000 Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada - Alberta Division $250 Cancervive Fund $1,641 Rosebud School of the Arts $29,000 Music for Life Institute $250 Champions In Hockey Flow Through Fund $3,499 Southern Alberta Institute of Technology $40,000 North American Baptist Conference $500 Operation Eyesight Universal $1,000 Charlie’s Angels Flow Through Fund $9,381 Town of Bassano $13,500 Southwest Calgary Pavilion of Hope Church $5,500 Calgary Between Friends Club - University of Alberta $25,000 Taylor College & Seminary $250 Fun and Fellowship for Disabled Youth $3,000 University of Calgary $40,000 University of Calgary - Student Awards & Financial Aid $4,000 World Vision Canada $500 Arthur J. E. Child Foundation Fund $795,000 University of Lethbridge $4,000 Wycliffe Bible Translators of Canada Inc. $660 Canadian Defence & Foreign Affairs Institute $25,000 University of Regina $4,000 Young Life of Canada $500 University of Lethbridge $5,000 Wheatland County $62,500 Placemaking Initiative Flow Through (Funding Partners) Fund $8,211 Chimo Fund $0 Heart of Gold Foundation Fund $976,965 Iris and Charles Porter Flow Through Fund $2,475 Boys & Girls Clubs of Calgary $325,000 Lindsay Leigh Kimmett Memorial Flow Through Fund $933 Sauti Moja $1,000 CINIM Fund $0 University of Calgary - Faculty of Medicine $24,000 Weyburn & District Hospital Foundation $1,210 Canadian Institute of Natural & Integrative Medicine $402,111 14 THECALGARYFOUNDATION.ORG ANNUAL 011 011 2 FUNDS & GRANTS REPORT 2

March 31, 2011 March 31, 2011 March 31, 2011 Fund Grantee Grant Amount Market Value Fund Grantee Grant Amount Market Value Fund Grantee Grant Amount Market Value POWER to Cure...Fund $900 Vigilance Fund $0 Melissa Jean Bone Memorial $19,647 Kids Cancer Care Foundation of Alberta $100 Canadian Defence & Foreign Affairs Institute $165,000 Calgary Board of Education - Western Canada High School $952 The Prosperity Fund $3,735 Davis Walls Memorial Flow Through Fund $0 Brodie’s Professional Outdoor Leadership Fund $82,687 Individual Scholarship Recipient $18,000 Calgary Board of Education - Dr. E.P. Scarlett High School $250 Brownlee - Calgary Board of Education (CBE) Scholarship Fund $105,611 Prosser Charitable Foundation Parent’s Choice Fund $64,475 Glenn Watson Award in Curling Flow Through Fund $1,467 Individual Scholarship Recipient $239 Airdrie Koinonia Christian School Society $10,766 University of Alberta $526 Olds College - Office of Advancement $239 Banbury Crossroads School Society $7,000 Wettstein Family Fund $148,760 University of Calgary - Student Awards and Financial Aid $478 Calgary French & International School Society $7,000 Alberta Bone & Joint Health Institute $5,000 University of Waterloo $239 Calgary Society for Christian Education $8,000 The Anglican Parish of Christ Church, Elbow Park $6,000 James and Lillian Budd Family Fund $130,986 Calgary Waldorf School Society $10,456 Calgary Inter-Faith Food Bank Society $10,000 Alberta College of Art & Design $2,000 Clear Water Academy Foundation $45,500 HomeFront Society for the Prevention of Domestic Violence $1,000 Southern Alberta Institute of Technology - Student Awards $2,000 Eastside City Church & Missionary Society $9,725 Lady Minto Hospital Auxillary Society $6,000 Edge School for Athletes Society $5,100 Calgary Scholarship Fund for Immigrants $30,476 Pediatric Obesity Foundation $1,000 Southern Alberta Institute of Technology - Student Awards $1,400 International School of Excellence (ISE) $91,800 Salt Spring Island Foundation $10,000 Janus Academy Society $7,000 The Salvation Army $10,000 Edwin B. Callaway Fund $4,714 Lycee Louis Pasteur Society $10,500 Social Venture Partners Calgary $5,000 Campbell Laidlaw Neuroblastoma Student Award Fund $8,953 Mountain View Academy Society $38,500 SOS Marine Conservation Foundation $5,000 New Heights Early Learning Services Society $24,500 Dr. James Duncan Campbell Memorial Scholarship Fund $8,196 United Way of Calgary & Area $65,000 Southern Alberta Institute of Technology - Accounts Receivable $375 Renfrew Educational Services Society $35,000 Young Life of Canada $5,000 Rundle College Society $7,000 Frances Camyre Memorial Foundation Fund $1,385,651 Third Academy International Ltd. $52,500 Williams-Brawn Family Flow Through Fund $29,966 Grande Prairie Regional College Foundation $4,024 Plan International Canada $3,000 Grant MacEwan College Foundation $6,707 Rainbow 1997 Fund $0 Social Venture Partners Calgary Ltd. $5,000 Alberta Children’s Hospital Foundation $48,913 Lakeland College $3,353 University of Calgary - Haskayne School of Business $10,000 Mount Royal University Foundation $6,707 Scott Rairdan Foundation Flow Through Fund $867 Volunteer Centre of Calgary $10,000 Northern Alberta Institute of Technology $6,707 Individual Scholarship Recipients $2,039 W. Brett Wilson Family Foundation $1,297,720 Olds College Foundation $3,353 Reversal of Fortune Foundation $170 Battlefords United Way Inc. $50,000 Southern Alberta Institute of Technology - Student Awards $6,707 Mercy for Youth Ministries $44,500 Boomer’s Legacy $25,000 University of Alberta - Student Awards Office $11,402 River Fund $11,615,364 Calgary Counselling Centre $25,000 University of Calgary - Student Awards and Financial Aid $11,000 Calgary Health Trust $750,000 University of Lethbridge $6,707 Bruce Robertson Family Flow Through Fund $500 Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation $5,000 Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers Fund $5,894,604 RSM Richter Inc. $68,810 Canadian National Institute for the Blind $12,346 Grande Prairie Regional College Foundation $8,000 Sapphire Foundation $0 Canadian Sport Centre Calgary $2,500 Grant MacEwan College Foundation $20,000 Kerby Assembly $11,828 Hull Child & Family Services $5,000 Mount Royal University Foundation $20,000 Mount Royal University Foundation $10,000 Northern Alberta Institute of Technology $40,000 Daryl K. (Doc) Seaman Flow Through Fund $545,804 Outward Bound Canada $50,000 Ann & Sandy Cross Conservation Area $6,500 Southern Alberta Institute of Technology - Student Awards $40,000 Persephone Theatre $80,000 University of Alberta - Student Awards Office $65,000 Calgary Block Watch Council $5,000 SOS Children’s Villages Canada $5,000 Calgary Centre for Performing Arts $10,000 University of Calgary - Student Awards and Financial Aid $65,000 University of Saskatchewan - Student Awards $5,000 University of Lethbridge $20,000 Calgary Family Services Society $30,000 University of Saskatchewan - Edwards School of Business $250,000 Calgary Public Library Board $30,000 Verge for Youth Society $20,000 Christine Carron Math Award Fund $4,860 Calgary Society of Community Opportunities $24,742 Ridgetown District High School $234 Wish Upon A Star Foundation Fund $1,488 Calgary Spoken Word Society $24,000 Central Alumni Personal Excellence Award Fund $15,732 Calgary Youth Justice Society $2,000 Brad and Tanya Zumwalt Family Fund $445,077 University of British Columbia $350 Central United Church $7,500 Alzheimer Society of Calgary $3,000 University of Calgary - Student Awards and Financial Aid $375 CentrePoint Non-Profit Management $44,000 Calgary Youth Justice Society $10,000 Children’s Wish Foundation of Canada $10,000 Cross Country Canada $10,000 Jim & Mertie Chilton Scholarship Fund $22,622 Diabetes Association (Foothills) $7,500 St. Vincent de Paul School Educational Society $10,000 Livingstone Range School Division #68 - Fort Calgary Preservation Society $15,570 Willow Creek Composite High $1,092 Fresh Start Addictions Centre $21,698 Pete Cindric Fund $220,792 Immigrant Services Calgary Society $10,000 Southern Alberta Institute of Technology - Student Awards $3,715 International Avenue Arts & Culture Centre $5,000 STUDENT AWARD FUNDS Clapham Bursary Fund $8,950 KidSport Canada $3,500 – support students by providing access to Calgary Board of Education - Oxford House Foundation of Canada $15,290 Central Memorial Senior High School $431 Parks Foundation, Calgary $17,500 educational opportunities through bursaries, Tides Canada Initiatives Society $5,000 scholarships and awards C. Percy Cole Memorial Scholarship Fund $52,710 United Way of Calgary & Area $20,000 Mary Winefride Collins Award Fund $3,157 Varsity Community Association $20,000 March 31, 2011 Fund Grantee Grant Amount Market Value Michael Copeland Memorial Fund $9,391 Work Research Foundation $34,909 Strathcona-Tweedsmuir School Foundation $413 Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative Foundation $12,000 Achievers in Medical Science Fund $5,594,555 Youth Central Society $17,000 University of Calgary - Development Office $268,410 CUPS One World Scholarship Fund $238,105 Seaman Family Septic Shock Research Fund $0 Advocis, Calgary Chapter Fund $80,933 Jim Dinning - Calgary Lougheed Fund $36,505 University of Calgary $1,815 University of Calgary - Student Awards and Financial Aid $3,914 University of Calgary - Student Awards and Financial Aid $2,000 C. Siemens and M. Sinotte Fund $51,096 Alberta College of Art & Design Student Fund $7,118 Drumheller Family Scholarship Fund $495,239 Alberta College of Art & Design $344 Mount Royal University - Student Awards & Financial Aid $5,000 Jim and Marian Sinneave Flow Through Foundation $650,000 University of Calgary - Student Awards and Financial Aid $5,000 Snowflake Flow Through Fund $5,990 Alberta Geomatics Group Scholarship Fund $36,062 University of Lethbridge $5,000 Southern Alberta Institute of Technology - Student Awards $500 University of Victoria - Student Awards and Financial Aid $5,000 Joan Colleen Snyder Fund $89,139 University of Calgary - Development Office $500 The Soby Girls Fund $46,753 Kerry Dyte Education Fund $106,399 Bradley Hillmo Anderson Memorial Award Fund $8,524 University of Calgary - Student Awards and Financial Aid $5,000 Nadirali and Rosemine Sorathia Flow Through Fund $6,000 University of Calgary - Student Awards and Financial Aid $400 Bree Eriksen Memorial Dance Award Fund $9,980 Strength in Numbers Flow Through Fund $5,728 Dennis Anderson Citizenship Awards Fund $20,881 Wild Rose Dance Arts Association $250 Calgary Catholic School District - Bishop Carroll High School $100 Team Taro Foundation Flow Through Fund $4,054 Kevin Fennessey Memorial Scholarship Fund $179,358 Spray Lake Sawmills Recreation Park Society $5,000 Marguerite Patricia P. Bannister Scholarship Fund $1,977,014 University of Calgary - Student Awards and Financial Aid $10,000 EducationMatters $95,172 Teens of Distinction Awards Fund $1,000 Field Law Leilani Muir Graduate Research Scholarship $54,979 Telus Fund $24,132 Beairsto Christian Citizenship Bursary Fund $45,715 University of Alberta - Faculty of Graduate Studies $2,652 University of Calgary - Student Awards and Financial Aid $1,500 Charles and Grace Thomson Flow Through Fund $0 University of Lethbridge $500 John Michael Flanagan Bursary Fund $30,800 Society for Treatment of Autism - Calgary Region $100,000 Franklin Donald Bean Award Fund $5,547 Fogolâr Furlan di Calgary Fund $29,533 TLC Fund $3,370 Alberta Sport Recreation Parks & Wildlife Foundation $266 University of Calgary - Student Awards and Financial Aid $1,400 Room to Read Canada $13,500 Dr. Helen Reynolds Belyea Memorial Scholarship Fund $6,607 Nick Gallelli Memorial Scholarship Fund $21,786 Together For Chile Fund $6,465 University of Calgary - Student Awards and Financial Aid $1,000 Habitat for Humanity Canada Foundation $2,000 Beth Israel Players Scholarship Fund $57,116 Mount Royal University Foundation $1,842 Michael Gee Scholarship Fund $60,375 Tricops Fund $394 University of Calgary - Student Awards and Financial Aid $921 University of Calgary - Student Awards and Financial Aid $1,500 Wellspring Calgary $2,500 Scott Bobye Scholarship Fund $18,937 Hazel Gillespie Community Investment Leadership Award Fund $112,038 UTA Youth Foundation Flow Through Fund $33,025 Junior Achievement of Southern Alberta $912 AFP Foundation for Philanthropy-Canada $2,500 Folk Festival Society of Calgary $5,000 Chris and Betty Harvey Memorial Scholarship Fund $11,902 King’s University College $500


March 31, 2011 March 31, 2011 Fund Grantee Grant Amount Market Value Fund Grantee Grant Amount Market Value Heartstone Foundation Fund $1,987,766 Optimist Club William J. Cummer Scholarship Fund $69,423 CHARITABLE Lethbridge College $4,004 University of British Columbia $3,000 Southern Alberta Institute of Technology - Student Awards $5,447 Vicky Oveson Memorial Scholarship Fund $8,700 ORGANIZATION FUNDS Southern Alberta Institute of Technology - – established by charitable organizations to build Accounts Receivable $2,610 Owen Scholarship Fund $34,473 University of Alberta - Office of the Registrar $3,302 Alberta College of Art & Design $555 endowments that provide secure sources of University of Alberta - Student Awards Office $2,198 Mount Royal University Foundation $500 operating income and ensure sustainability University of Calgary - Student Awards and Financial Aid $41,609 Southern Alberta Institute of Technology - Student Awards $500 March 31, 2011 University of Lethbridge $5,500 Andrew Patterson Memorial Scholarship Fund $7,451 Fund Grantee Grant Amount Market Value Hillhurst Sunnyside Prize Fund $20,173 Southern Alberta Institute of Technology - Accounts Receivable $360 AARC Endowment Fund (AB Adolescent Recovery Centre) $248,898 University of Calgary - Development Office $972 Marilyn Perkins Awards in Music, Art and Drama Fund $28,860 AARC Society (Alberta Adolescent Recovery Centre) $12,033 Ting Hoknin Memorial Fund $11,438 Individual Award Recipients $3,000 Adult Literacy Fund $45,108 Sino-Canada Culture Association $551 John D. Petrie Family Fund $465,330 The Canlearn Society for Persons with Learning Difficulties $2,175 Kathryn Huget Leadership Fund $28,318 South Calgary Rotary Club - Community Service Fund $22,346 Aero Space Museum Association of Calgary Fund $88,171 University of Guelph $1,350 Plum Foundation Scholarship Fund $13,482 The Aero Space Museum Association of Calgary $4,257 Patricia G. Hunt Scholarship Fund $3,493 Calgary Youth Science Fair Society $649 AIDS Calgary Awareness Association Fund $54,423 Robert M. Pogue Student Award Fund $10,400 Bea Hunter Eastern Star Bursary Fund $50,625 AIDS Calgary Awareness Association $2,628 Bow Valley College $1,000 University of Alberta - Development Office $500 Air Force Museum Society of Alberta Fund $5,317 Tammy-Lynn Powers Memorial Tap Scholarship Fund $6,792 JDC Bursary Fund $0 Air Force Museum Society of Alberta $256 University of Calgary - Student Awards and Financial Aid $7,900 Wild Rose Dance Arts Association (1987) $315 Alberta Ecotrust Community Environmental Fund $4,764 George Prieur Scholarship Fund $15,633 Arlene & Glen Johnston Fund $43,555 Alberta Ecotrust Foundation $230 AARC Society (Alberta Adolescent Recovery Centre) $609 Individual Scholarship Recipient $500 Alberta Emerald Foundation Endowment Fund $9,738 University of Calgary - Student Awards and Financial Aid $1,500 Scott Rairdan Foundation Fund $394,141 Alberta Emerald Foundation $470 Kids Come First Student Award Fund $141,738 4-H Foundation of Alberta $750 Alberta Legal Heritage Fund $111,912 St. Mary’s University College $3,400 Clearview School Division No. 71 $750 Legal Archives Society of Alberta $5,410 University of Toronto - Admission and Awards $3,400 Individual Scholarship Recipients $6,961 Lakeland College $1,500 Alberta Literacy Foundation Fund $11,105 Kinsmen Club of Calgary Scholarship Fund $65,925 Olds College Foundation $1,500 Literacy Alberta Society $536 Mount Royal University - Student Awards & Financial Aid $1,000 Queen’s University at Kingston $750 Alberta Theatre Projects Fund $1,310,803 Southern Alberta Institute of Technology - Accounts Receivable$1,000 Rocky View School Division No. 41 - Cochrane High School $750 Alberta Theatre Projects Development Foundation $60,948 University of British Columbia $1,000 University of Saskatchewan - Charitable Foundation $63,775 Western College of Veterinary Medicine $6,000 Alberta Wilderness and Wildlife Trust Fund $21,537 Alberta Wilderness Association $1,040 Bow Valley College $3,071 Charles C. Reid Memorial Scholarships Fund $205,049 Marion Knight Memorial Scholarship Fund $18,705 Alberta Golf Association Foundation $9,915 Alton Achievement Scholarship Fund $9,814 Mount Royal University Foundation $900 Eva Reid Memorial Scholarship Fund $9,648 Alzheimer Society of Calgary Fund $0 Roberta Knight-Gibson Fund $7,377 Mount Royal University Foundation $468 Alzheimer Society of Calgary $535 Dr. M E Koziol Memorial Fund $9,911 Gerry Rempel Scholarship Fund $22,098 Assn. for Rehabilitation of Brain Injured Fund $38,467 Vulcan Healthcare Auxiliary $480 University of Saskatchewan - Student Awards $1,061 Association for the Rehabilitation of the Brain Injured $1,857 Jack & Janet Kwong Bursary Fund $27,903 Jordan Roppel Memorial Scholarship Fund $21,947 Aventa Treatment Foundation for Women Fund $5,060 Calgary Chinese Public School Society $1,346 University of Alberta - Office of the Registrar $1,000 Aventa Treatment Foundation for Women $244 Kathleen and Russell Lane Canadian Art Scholarship Fund $20,005 Rotary Clubs of Calgary Environment Award Fund $6,581 Friends of the Bar U Historic Ranch Legacy Fund $19,136 Friends of the Bar U Historic Ranch Association $817 Duval Lang Theatre for Young Audiences Award Fund $61,772 Calgary Youth Science Fair Society $317 Quest Theatre Society $2,000 Marley Rynd Foundation Fund $29,125 Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Calgary and Area $33,066 Big Sisters and Big Brothers Society of Calgary & Area $1,597 The Legacy Fund for Youth from Care $150,685 Calgary Philharmonic Society $1,000 Mount Royal University - Student Awards & Financial Aid $2,300 Tony Schneider Memorial Fund $22,947 Calgary Boys’ Choir Scholarship Fund $2,742 University of Calgary - Faculty of Graduate Studies $2,300 Mount Royal University - Student Awards & Financial Aid $1,109 Calgary Boys’ Choir $133 University of Calgary - Student Awards and Financial Aid $2,300 Schultz Bursary Fund $51,654 Calgary Boys’ Choir Endowment Fund $12,740 Levis Family Award for Health Education Fund $33,886 Bow Valley College $2,481 Calgary Boys’ Choir $614 Mount Royal University Foundation $500 Johnathan Paul Scott Memorial Scholarship Fund $6,594 Calgary Community Living Society Fund $10,019 Southern Alberta Institute of Technology - Student Awards $500 Queen Margaret’s School $318 Calgary Community Living Society $484 University of Calgary - Student Awards and Financial Aid $500 John Shirra Memorial Fund $67,007 Calgary Contemporary Arts Society Fund $2,636 Susan Lloyd Memorial Fund $35,776 University of Calgary - Student Awards and Financial Aid $3,000 Calgary Contemporary Arts Society $127 Fraser W. Lockwood Memorial Scholarship Fund $142,661 Connor Rhys Simpson Memorial Award Fund $5,033 Calgary Drop-In Centre Fund $309,689 University of Calgary - Student Awards and Financial Aid $6,579 University of Alberta - Office of the Registrar $242 Calgary Drop-In & Rehab Centre Society $11,903 Harry Lomnes Memorial Fund $43,959 Heather Simpson Memorial Award in Dance $11,873 Calgary Habitat for Humanity Fund $5,215 University of Alberta - Office of the Registrar $2,000 Wild Rose Dance Arts Association $573 Calgary Habitat for Humanity Society $252 Lieutenant Governor of Alberta Arts Awards Fund $588,472 Singleton Family Endowment Fund $54,341 Calgary Handibus Association Legacy Fund $168,297 Lieutenant Governor of Alberta Arts Awards Foundation $48,855 McGill University $1,350 Calgary Handi-Bus Association $8,136 Joan E. MacLeod Fine Arts Scholarship Fund $4,354 Gordon Skitch Scholarship Fund $8,223 Calgary International Children’s Festival $14,856 Calgary Catholic School District - Administration $210 Cerebral Palsy Association in Alberta $397 Calgary International Children’s Festival Society $718 Brent Marshall Memorial Fund $14,076 Solar & Renewable Energy Fund $4,697 Calgary (Downtown) Kiwanis Club - Music Festival Fund $6,604 Alberta Sport Recreation Parks & Wildlife Foundation $678 Calgary Youth Science Fair Society $226 Calgary Kiwanis Music Festival Association $317 Squadron Leader McAlpine Cadet Trust Fund $47,423 Dr. Martin T. Spoor Memorial Bursary at the University of Calgary Fund $5,000 Calgary Kiwanis Music Festival Fund $81,269 Royal Military College of Canada $2,298 Calgary Kiwanis Music Festival Association $3,924 Dr. Martin T. Spoor Memorial Award Fund in Medicine $79,250 Jane McCaig Award Fund $17,374 University of Alberta - Financial Services $3,000 Calgary Kiwanis Music Festival Association Scholarship Fund $315,991 Calgary Academy Parents Association $837 Calgary Kiwanis Music Festival Association $15,179 Brenda Strathern “Late Bloomers” Memorial Fund $91,183 Dr. Lionel E. McLeod Health Research Scholarship $6,849 Honorarium $400 Calgary Legal Guidance Fund $16,834 Dr. G. Fred McNally Scholarship Fund $17,586 Wordfest, Banff-Calgary International Writers Festival $5,000 Calgary Legal Guidance Society $814 Harvard University $851 Julia Turnbull Foundation $113,062 Calgary Military Museums Memorial Legacy Fund $424,353 Janet Mitchell Scholarship Fund $6,052 Queen’s University at Kingston $5,000 Calgary Military Museums Society $20,438 Alberta College of Art & Design $292 Glenn Watson Recognition Award in Curling Fund $30,699 Calgary Opera Endowment Fund $699,497 Donna May Moore Memorial Fund $20,208 University of Alberta - Office of the Registrar $1,474 Calgary Opera Association $33,816 BCIT Foundation $973 Phyllis Weston Scholarship Fund $23,136 Calgary Pro Musica Society Foundation Fund $42,001 Dr. John C. Morgan Scholarship Fund $13,990 University of Calgary - Student Awards and Financial Aid $1,000 Calgary Pro Musica Society $2,018 University of Calgary - Student Awards and Financial Aid $675 H.A.Woodroffe Scholarship Fund $203,912 Calgary Registered Music Teachers Society Fund $13,852 Joseph Naccarato #10 Memorial Fund $28,893 Southern Alberta Institute of Technology - Student Awards $9,818 Endowment Society of the Calgary Registered Music Teachers $667 Selkirk College Foundation $1,000 K.C.Yeung Memorial Fund $13,429 Calgary Society of Organists Scholarship Fund $21,481 Dorothy M. Norton Scholarship Fund $26,119 Calgary Chinese Public School Society $649 Calgary Society of Organists $1,038 University of Calgary - Student Awards and Financial Aid $1,000 Youth Science Fair Scholarship Fund $36,928 Calgary Women’s Emergency Endowment Fund $109,893 William M. Norton Scholarship Fund $26,067 Calgary Womens Emergency Shelter Association $5,313 University of Calgary - Student Awards and Financial Aid $1,000 Calgary Zoological Society Fund $9,842 Calgary Zoological Society $475


March 31, 2011 March 31, 2011 Fund Grantee Grant Amount Market Value Fund Grantee Grant Amount Market Value Canadian Down Syndrome Society Fund $183,698 Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation of Canada Endowment Fund $21,047 MANAGED FUNDS Canadian Down Syndrome Society $8,892 Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation of Canada $1,018 – established by charitable organizations or Canadian Music Centre Fund $717,154 Rotary Club Stay in School Scholarship Fund $646,847 foundations that entrust the Foundation with the Canadian Music Centre, Prairie Region $34,567 Rotary Club of Calgary Community Service Fund $15,000 long-term management of their endowment Funds Canadian Parks & Wilderness Society Fund $128,801 Safe Haven Foundation of Canada Fund $864,777 Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society - National Office $6,203 Safe Haven Foundation of Canada $28,131 while retaining ownership of the Funds Centre for Afforable Water and Sanitation Technology Fund $4,874 SAIT Scholarship Fund $11,164 March 31, 2011 Centre for Affordable Water and Sanitation Technology $235 Southern Alberta Institute of Technology - Student Awards $540 Fund Grantee Grant Amount Market Value Cerebral Palsy Associations in Alberta $377,568 Southern Alberta Land Trust Society Legacy Fund $327,876 Alberta Emerald Foundation Managed Fund $476,169 Cerebral Palsy Association in Alberta $18,207 Southern Alberta Land Trust Society $15,851 Alberta Stockmen’s Memorial Association Fund $696,876 Children’s Cottage Endowment Fund $26,105 SALTS Conservation Easement Stewardship Fund $40,094 Stockmen’s Memorial Foundation $30,000 The Children’s Cottage Society of Calgary, An Alberta Society $1,262 Southern Alberta Land Trust Society $646 Calgary Sexual Health Centre Fund $100,815 Chinook Country Historical Fund $21,365 Simon House Spritual Growth Fund $9,262 Calgary Habitat for Humanity House Repurchase Fund $371,894 Chinook Country Historical Society $1,032 Simon House Residence Society $446 Calgary Highlander’s Regimental Funds Foundation $414,252 Chinook Winds-Sweet Adelines International Fund $1,507 Sister Delia Bourque Endowment Fund for Youville $31,502 Canadian Hockey Foundation $4,594,681 Sir Winston Churchill Society of Calgary Fund $54,513 Youville Residence Society of Alberta $1,517 Canadian Hockey Foundation $251,000 Sir Winston Churchill Society of Calgary $2,614 Special Olympics Calgary Participation Fund $55,091 Christ Church Endowment Trust Managed Fund $149,677 CINIM: Supporters for Integrative Medicine Fund $3,491 St. Stephen’s Anglican Church Endowment Fund $90,270 Ann & Sandy Cross Conservation Area $2,446,580 CKUA Radio Foundation Fund $70,709 Saint Stephen’s Church $4,362 Ann & Sandy Cross Conservation Area $124,892 CKUA Board of Directors Fund $6,619 Vertigo Theatre Endowment Fund $26,618 CSPG Educational Trust Fund $1,249,258 Vertigo Theatre Society $693 Susan Baird CKUA Music Library Fund $14,763 CSPG Educational Trust Fund $30,000 CKUA Radio Foundation $710 Volunteer Centre of Calgary Endowment Fund $84,112 Fig Tree Charitable Foundation Fund $257,887 Volunteer Centre of Calgary $4,064 Jocelyne Stephens Memorial Fund for CKUA $27,419 Foothills Academy Society Bursary Trust $860,830 Western Canada High School Alumni Foundation Legacy Fund $236,604 Foothills Academy Society $27,505 Lorraine R. M. Cooper Memorial Fund $12,829 Western Canada High School Alumni Foundation $11,366 PALS Pet Access League Society $616 Foothills Academy Tuition Assistance Fund $368,643 Garry Willis Memorial Fund $14,518 Foothills Academy Society $17,795 Decidedly Jazz Danceworks Endowment Fund $146,850 Decidedly Jazz Society $666 Decidedly Jazz Society $7,055 Estelle J. Siebens Outreach Endowment Fund $1,099,674 Women In Need Society of Calgary Fund $47,554 Foothills Academy Society $53,076 Drumheller Fund $232,408 Women in Need Society of Calgary $2,294 Royal Tyrrell Museum Cooperating Society $11,191 Girl Guides of Canada, Calgary Area $238,432 Women’s Centre of Calgary Endowment Fund $18,423 Enviros Legacy Fund $17,390 Women’s Centre of Calgary $889 Rotary Club of Calgary Managed Fund $337,674 Enviros Wilderness School Association $840 Samantha Woo Endowment Fund $5,346 St. Stephen’s Anglican Church Managed Fund $0 EPCOR CENTRE for the Performing Arts Foundation Fund $4,915,922 Foothills Academy Society $258 St. Stephen’s Church $175,836 Calgary Centre for the Performing Arts (o/a EPCOR Centre) $236,400 YMCA Calgary Endowment Fund $47,190 Vecova Centre for Disability Services and Research Fund $363,022 Festival Chorus Endowment Fund $6,818 Calgary Young Men’s Christian Association $2,280 The Festival Chorus $330 Youth Science Fair Endowment Fund $278,543 First Evangelical Lutheran Church Fund $29,744 Calgary Youth Science Fair Society $13,415 First Evangelical Lutheran Church of Calgary, Alberta $1,429 Youth Singers of Calgary Society Memorial Scholarship Fund $5,749 Foothills Academy Endowment Fund $13,285 Foothills Academy Society $642 The Free Market Research Foundation $105,319 The Fraser Institute $5,073 FUTURE GIFTS Historical Society of Alberta Fund $75,224 – established by donors who plan to support The Calgary Foundation through Historical Society of Alberta $3,637 Bequests, Gifts of RRSPs/RRIFs, Charitable Gift Annuities, Charitable Remainder Trusts, and/or Life Insurance Honens Future Growth Fund $671,174 Esther Honens International Piano Competition Foundation $32,223 Anonymous (22) Bruce and Victoria Hall Catherine N. Patterson Diane Urchison Estate of Institute of Modern and Contemporary Art Fund $6,651 Larry and Judy Aikenhead Gerald and Alison Hankins Mike and Margaret John Van Wees Mary Alberta Guinn Integro Legacy Fund $5,964 Lois M. Alger The Honourable Perlette Andreas and Lori Estate of Jorgen Karberg Integro Youth Counselling Services $290 R. W. Andrew Mary M. Hetherington Dr. Steven Perry and Mrs. Vollmerhaus Estate of Robert Kolstad Junior League of Calgary Lasting Legacies Fund $28,489 John C. Armstrong, QC Hassanali and Khatun Hirji Christiane Perry Kormer Kari Welsh Estate of Eunice Donalda Junior League of Calgary $1,368 Lorne and Margaret Lee and Christine Horne Ross F. and Mary R. William and Margaret Krausert Phillips Whelan Estate of Jessie MacBean Kerby Centre Designated Endowment Fund $68,357 Baxter Lucilla I. Hoskin Erika Pochailo Kerby Assembly $3,303 John M. Bowlen Shawn and Shelley Ken and Susan Wong Estate of Huisman Belle Poffenroth Gerry and Elaine Wood Alan M. McDonald KCCFA Derek Wandzura Memorial Scholarship Fund $328,775 Maxine E. Brown Bonnie Butler Ted and Enid Jansen Robert and Mary Jane Paul and Eileen Estate of Kids Cancer Care Foundation of Alberta $11,391 Pogue Lillian Adeline Michaluk Catherine Butler James H. Jenkins Wotherspoon Learning Centre Fund $154,401 Sterling T. Rempel Estate of Stanley Miller James S. Campbell Ross and Susan Johnston Gary Zone The Canlearn Society for Persons with Learning Difficulties $7,441 Heather D. Rempel Estate of Carl Olaf Nickle Jeanette Carter Robert Knipe Learning Disabilities Association Fund $6,960 Floyd and Nancy Reynolds Estate of Rosana Chan Ed Koch Learning Disabilities Association of Alberta - Calgary Chapter $336 Bill and Lavina Roberts ESTATES Anne Marie Peterson Claire Chuchla Francis & Marjorie Lefaivre Anonymous (2) Living Spirit United Church Fund $158,729 Foundation James and Kay Robertson Estate of Ted and Yanka Cochrane Estate of Robert Gardiner Price Living Spirit United Church $7,673 Kenneth W. Lloyd David Robertson Joan Compton Cecilia Monica Addy Estate of Lt. Gov. Arts Awards Centennial Legacy Fund $496,451 Melissa S. Robinson Joan Connally Michele and Joe Longo Estate of Frank Myron Read Lieutenant Governor of Alberta Arts Awards Foundation $23,971 Jerry Ronald Katherine Coutts Gretchen Luthy David Ray Ashford Estate of Charles C. Reid Momentum Trades Bursary Fund $16,426 Melvin and Ethel Ross A. R. Cummings Hans and Ingeborg Maciej Estate of Estate of Margaret J. Reid Momentum Community Economic Development Society $790 William E. Rowbotham Darcy and Renee Del Colle Vera M. Mannen Marcel (Max) Beugin Estate of Donna Rubenstein Carol Nielsen Memorial Dance Award Fund $5,329 Diane and David Demyen James and Elsie Mathieson Estate of Agnes Burrows Lois Eleanor Rempel Wild Rose Dance Arts Association $256 Lucy Schaefer Alexandrina Denney Ann McCaig Estate of Isabel Evelyn Estate of Samuel George Dennis and Maureen Hardwick Calow James Robbins Open Door Senior Fellowship Fund $7,057 Fay A. Dersch Graham and Eileen Open Door Senior Fellowship of Calgary $341 McCullough Sheasby Estate of George Chernoff Estate of June Donaldson D. Eleanor McDonald Dorothy Sherling Estate of Peter Cindric Margaret Jean Saunders playRites Fund $1,293,628 Tracey Drummond Gordon Ross McLeod Don and Susie Smith Estate of Alexander Estate of Raymond Alberta Theatre Projects Development Foundation $62,316 Dr. Máire A. Duggan Anne McNamara and Hayden and Roni Smith Rothney (Sandy) Cross Lawrence Schwindt Bill Pratt Living Legacy Endowment for ALS Fund $33,698 Kathleen Eve Terry Lauder Wayne and Martha Estate of Estate of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) Society of Alberta $1,627 Marcy L. Field Elizabeth L. Millham Stewart Walter Brian Dingle Mary Lesingham Shortt Pumphouse Theatres Society Fund $25,644 Jim and Edna Foley Joyanne & Jim Mitchell H. Norman and Gwen Estate of Guenthere Eimer Estate of Pumphouse Theatres Society $1,239 Robert James Stewart Donna M. Fraser Graydon and Dorothy Stewart Estate of Maria K. Eriksen Rainbow Society of AB Wishes for Kids Fund $42,976 Ian Galbraith and Morrison Loraine D. Taylor Estate of Estate of Ida Mary Sutherland Rainbow Society of Alberta $2,064 Cindy Turner Barbara Morrison Ian A. Thom and Bernice Loraine Evans Estate of Keith Werry Rideau Park School Centennial Fund $1,315 Pamela D. Gaudette and Maren Mueller M. Christine Halasa Estate of Gordon Diplock John and Joan Thomson Yolande Marie Freeze Estate of Fern White Joan Riley Memorial - ALS Fund $2,680 Gary Nissen Linda and Louis Gensiorek Barry Tomalin and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Society of Alberta $129 Richard and Lynn Odland Pamela M. Grigg Noreen Page


011 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2 2 11 2 REPORTREPORT YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2011 INDEPENDENT CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CASH FLOW AUDITORS’ OF FINANCIAL POSITION Year ended March 31, 2011, with comparative figures for 2010 REPORT TO THE DIRECTORS March 31, 2011, with comparative figures for 2010 Cash provided from (used in): 2011 2010 We have audited the accompanying financial Assets (note 3) 2011 2010 Operating activities: statements of The Calgary Foundation Current assets Change in Foundation funds $51,092,387 $61,183,276 which comprise the consolidated statement Cash and cash Change in Managed funds (note 6) 3,462,357 (1,257,165) of financial position as at March 31, 2011, equivalents $46,949,152 $23,495,923 Change in deferred flow-through the consolidated statements of operations Accrued investment grants 6,833,746 1,480,564 and changes in foundation funds and income 396,980 339,422 Change in funds 61,388,490 61,406,675 cash flows for the year then ended, and Deposit for real estate notes, comprising a summary of significant acquisition (note 16) 500,000 — Items not involving cash: accounting policies and other explanatory 47,846,132 23,835,345 Realized capital (gain) loss on sale information. of investments (3,362,290) (9,424,762) Investments, Unrealized capital (gain) loss on Management’s Responsibility at fair value (note 4) 347,439,070 309,838,173 investments (19,896,221) (47,424,789) for the Financial Statements Other assets (note 5) 883,368 854,338 Contributions of non-cash gifts (25,368,463) (12,406,103) Management is responsible for the $396,168,570 $334,527,856 preparation and fair presentation of Managed fund fees (note 6) (137,681) (130,075) these financial statements in accordance with Liabilities and Funds Amortization of administration Canadian generally accepted accounting Current liabilities assets (note 8) 27,356 19,939 principles, and for such internal control as Grants payable and 12,651,191 (7,959,115) management determines is necessary to accrued liabilities $2,191,074 $1,938,850 Changes in non-cash working capital: enable the preparation of financial statements Deferred flow-through Accrued investment income (57,558) 131,774 that are free from material misstatement, grants (note 7) 22,952,850 16,119,104 whether due to fraud or error. Life insurance proceeds receivable 76,271 425,000 25,143,924 18,057,954 Grants payable and accrued Auditors’ Responsibility Managed funds (note 6) 14,026,365 10,564,008 liabilities 252,224 (940,626) Our responsibility is to express an opinion Foundation funds 12,922,128 (8,342,967) on these financial statements based on our Community and field of audit. We conducted our audit in accordance interest funds (note 7) 86,516,807 56,751,226 Investing activities: with Canadian generally accepted auditing Donor advised and Purchase of administrative assets (32,862) (1,548) standards. Those standards require that we designated funds Deposit for real estate acquisition (note comply with ethical requirements and plan (note 7) 270,481,474 249,154,668 16) (500,000) — and perform an audit to obtain reasonable 356,998,281 305,905,894 Proceeds from sale of endowment assurance about whether the financial Commitments (note 9) investments 44,770,652 140,819,113 statements Purchase of endowment investments (33,706,689) (136,975,519) are free from material misstatement. $396,168,570 $334,527,856 10,531,101 3,842,046 An audit involves performing procedures to See accompanying notes to financial statements. obtain audit evidence about the amounts Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash and disclosures in the financial statements. equivalents 23,453,229 (4,500,921) The procedures selected depend on our Approved by the Board Cash and cash equivalents, beginning judgment, including the assessment of of year 23,495,923 27,996,844 ______Director the risks of material misstatement of the Cash and cash equivalents, end of financial statements, whether due to fraud year $46,949,152 $23,495,923 or error. In making those risk assessments ______Director See accompanying notes to financial statements. we consider internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS AND CHANGES IN FOUNDATION FUNDS expressing an opinion on the effectiveness Year ended March 31, 2011, with comparative figures for 2010 of the entity’s internal control. An audit also Community & Donor Advised & Total Total includes evaluating the appropriateness Revenue Field of Interest Designated Flow-through 2011 2010 of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates Contributions $26,981,322 $ 10,264,922 $13,391,150 $ 50,637,394 $ 29,573,005 made by management, as well as evaluating Interest and dividends 2,249,012 8,727,470 — 10,976,482 10,830,281 the overall presentation of the financial Flow-through funds interest 169,814 — 4,467 174,281 34,169 statements. Managed funds fees (note 6) 137,681 — — 137,681 130,075 We believe that the audit evidence we have Realized capital gains (losses), net 696,339 2,603,939 (57,515) 3,242,763 9,078,312 obtained is sufficient and appropriate to Unrealized capital gains, net 4,102,810 14,656,569 464,317 19,223,696 45,460,554 provide a basis for our audit opinion. Total revenue 34,336,978 36,252,900 13,802,419 84,392,297 95,106,396 Opinion Expenditures In our opinion, these consolidated financial Grants (3,305,014) (12,209,152) (6,724,565) (22,238,731) (28,782,019) statements present fairly, in all material respects, the consolidated financial position Service costs, net (note 8) (1,517,204) (2,660,892) (49,337) (4,227,433) (3,660,537) of The Calgary Foundation as at March 31, Total expenditures (4,822,218) (14,870,044) (6,773,902) (26,466,164) (32,442,556) 2011, and its results of operations and its cash Transfers 250,821 (56,050) (194,771) — — flows for the year then ended in accordance with Canadian generally accepted accounting Decrease (increase) in deferred flow-through grants — — (6,833,746) (6,833,746) (1,480,564) principles. Change during the year 29,765,581 21,326,806 — 51,092,387 61,183,276 Balance, beginning of year 56,751,226 249,154,668 — 305,905,894 244,722,618 Balance, end of year $86,516,807 $270,481,474 $ — $356,998,281 $305,905,894 Chartered Accountants See accompanying notes to financial statements. June 23, 2011 • Calgary, Canada



NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 4. Investments Bonds and debentures 2011 2010 1. The Foundation Investment grade $ 74,780,492 $ 71,150,184 (a) Description of the Foundation: The Calgary Foundation (the “Foundation”) was incorporated in 1955 by The High yield 19,999,485 18,204,959 Calgary Foundation Act of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta. The Foundation is a registered charity classified as 94,779,977 89,355,143 a public foundation under the Income Tax Act (Canada) and accordingly is exempt from income taxes and can issue donation receipts for income tax purposes Stocks (b) Foundation funds: Canada 135,643,998 118,985,046 Community & Field of Interest • These are endowment funds from which grants are directed to new and emerg- International 114,160,142 101,497,984 ing needs of the community at the discretion of the Foundation. Field of interest fund grants are restricted to a 249,804,140 220,483,030 charitable area, population or region at the time the fund is established. Real estate 2,854,953 — Donor Advised & Designated • Donor advised funds are endowment funds from which grants are directed to charitable organizations with the advice of donors. Designated funds are endowment funds from which grants $347,439,070 $309,838,173 are directed to charitable organizations designated at the time the fund is established. Flow-through • These are funds from which grants are directed to charitable organizations with the advice of 5. Other assets donors. These funds are not maintained in perpetuity. 2011 2010 (c) Managed funds: These are funds owned by other charitable organizations and pooled with Foundation assets for Cash surrender value of donated life insurance policies $790,281 $766,757 investment purposes. Miscellaneous 53,968 53,968 (d) Preservation of purchasing power: To support the policy of preserving the purchasing power of the permanent Administrative assets, net of accumulated amortization of $383,218 endowment funds, the Foundation limits the amount of annual grants to a percentage of the market value of (2010 - $357,081) 39,119 33,613 each fund. $883,368 $854,338 2. Significant accounting policies The Foundation is the beneficiary named under whole life and term life insurance policies as follows: (a) Principles of consolidation: The consolidated financial statements include the financial statements of the Founda- 2011 2010 tion and The Calgary Foundation Investment Trust. The Calgary Foundation Investment Trust is a trust estab- Premiums paid Cash surrender value Face value Face value lished August 6, 2009 whose sole beneficiary is the Foundation. On consolidation, all transactions and balances Whole life policies $167,283 $790,281 $15,606,905 $15,868,883 between the Foundation and The Calgary Foundation Investment Trust have been eliminated. Term life policies 17,700 — 673,000 448,000 The Foundation is the beneficial owner of all of the shares of certain other registered charities which were created $184,983 $790,281 $16,279,905 $16,316,883 as a result of bequests to the Foundation. The Foundation has the ability to appoint the majority of these orga- nizations’ boards of directors. The accounts of these controlled organizations have not been consolidated with The cash surrender value is recorded as an asset. As the realizable amount in excess of the cash surrender value is not the accounts of the Foundation. Instead, the Foundation discloses financial information about these controlled certain, the Foundation will record the benefits when the proceeds are certain. organizations as specified in the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants (“CICA”) Handbook (note 10). These controlled organizations follow the deferral method of accounting for contributions. 6. Managed funds (b) Financial instruments: All financial instruments must be initially recognized at fair value on the balance sheet 2011 2010 date as determined based on the Foundation’s assessment of available market information. The Foundation has Increases: Deposits $ 3,096,812 $ 155,535 classified each financial instrument into the following categories: held for trading financial assets and liabilities, Interest and dividends 421,278 397,207 loans or receivables, held to maturity investments, available for sale financial assets, and other financial liabilities. Realized capital gains, net 119,527 346,450 Subsequent measurement of the financial instruments is based on their classification. Unrealized capital gains, net 672,525 1,964,235 Unrealized gains and losses on held-for-trading financial instruments are recognized in earnings. Gains and losses Total increases 4,310,142 2,863,427 on available for sale financial assets are recognized in net assets and transferred to earnings when the asset is derecognized. The other categories of financial instruments are recognized at amortized cost using the effective Decreases: Withdrawals (710,104) (3,990,517) interest rate method. Service fees (137,681) (130,075) There are no financial assets on the balance sheet designated as available-for-sale or held–to-maturity. Cash and Total decreases (847,785) (4,120,592) cash equivalents and investments are classified as held-for-trading. All other financial assets are classified as loans Change during the year 3,462,357 (1,257,165) or receivables and are accounted for on an amortized cost basis. Balance, beginning of year 10,564,008 11,821,173 All financial liabilities are classified as other financial liabilities and are accounted for on an amortized cost basis. Balance, end of year $14,026,365 $10,564,008 Transaction costs are recorded in the statement of operations and changes in Foundation funds. (c) Foreign currency translation: Investments denominated in foreign currencies are translated to Canadian dollars at 2011 2010 the exchange rate in effect on the date of the statement of financial position. Investment income denominated in Canadian Hockey Foundation Fund $ 4,594,682 $ 4,464,422 foreign currencies is translated to Canadian dollars at the exchange rate in effect when realized. Ann & Sandy Cross Conservation Area Fund 2,446,580 — (d) Revenue recognition: Interest on bonds and short-term notes are recorded on an accrual basis. Dividends that CSPG Educational Trust Fund 1,249,258 1,171,900 have been declared are recorded as income on the date of record set for the dividend. Realized and unrealized Estelle J. Siebens Outreach Endowment Fund 1,099,674 1,061,523 capital gains and losses are recorded in the statement of operations when earned. Foothills Academy Society Bursary Trust Fund 860,830 550,094 (e) Contributions: The Foundation follows the restricted fund method of accounting for endowment and flow- Alberta Stockmen’s Memorial Association Fund 696,876 669,935 through contributions. Contributions are recognized when the amount can be reasonably estimated and collec- Alberta Emerald Foundation Managed Fund 476,169 437,465 tion is assured. Flow-through contributions, not distributed in the year of receipt, are recorded as a liability until Calgary Highlanders Regimental Funds Foundation Fund 414,252 379,637 the grants are made. Calgary Habitat for Humanity House Repurchase Fund 371,894 341,666 (f) Administrative assets: The Foundation capitalizes and amortizes administrative assets. The assets are amortized Foothills Academy Tuition Assistance Fund 368,643 355,898 over their useful lives of 3 to 5 years using the straight-line method of amortization. Vecova Centre for Disability Services and Research Fund 363,022 332,687 (previously Vocational and Rehabilitational Research Institute Capital Fund) (g) Cash and cash equivalents: Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash on hand and temporary investments with a maturity date of three months or less. Rotary Club of Calgary Managed Fund 337,674 310,227 Fig Tree Charitable Foundation Fund 257,887 — (h) Investments: Investments are recognized in the statement of financial position at fair value as established by the Girl Guides of Canada, Calgary Area Fund 238,432 218,509 closing bid price on a recognized public stock exchange and as determined based on the Foundation’s assess- ment of available market information. Christ Church Endowment Trust Managed Fund 149,677 — Calgary Sexual Health Centre Fund 100,815 92,390 (i) Use of estimates: The preparation of financial statements in conformity with Canadian generally accepted ac- St. Stephen’s Anglican Church Managed Fund — 177,655 counting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and ex- $14,026,365 $10,564,008 penses during the reporting period. By their nature, these estimates are subject to measurement uncertainty. The effect of changes in such estimates on the financial statements in future periods could be significant. Accounts 7. Foundation funds specifically affected by estimates in these financial statements are the valuation of investments and the recover- The capital of the Foundation is comprised of funds for which the Board seeks varying degrees of donor input on ability and useful life of administrative assets. grant distribution. (j) Future accounting and reporting changes: In December 2010, the CICA Accounting Standards Board (“AcSB”) 2011 2010 issued a new accounting framework applicable to Canadian not-for-profit organizations. Effective for the an- Community $ 49,156,538 $ 26,116,116 nual reporting period that commences on or after January 1, 2012, not-for-profit organizations will have to Field of Interest 37,360,269 30,635,110 choose between International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”) and Canadian accounting standards for not-for-profit organizations, whichever accounting framework best suits the organization. Early adoption of these $ 86,516,807 $ 56,751,226 standards is permitted. The Foundation is considering the adoption of the new Canadian accounting standards Donor advised $167,492,595 $153,575,371 for not-for-profit organizations for its fiscal year beginning April 1, 2012. Designated 102,988,879 95,579,297 $270,481,474 $249,154,668 3. Assets by fund Community & Donor Advised Deferred flow-through 22,952,850 16,119,104 Field of Interest & Designated Flow-through Managed Total $379,951,132 $322,024,998 Cash and cash equivalents $ 2,617,176 $ 22,340,009 $21,586,253 $ 405,714 $ 46,949,152 Accrued investment income 140,865 207,234 43,064 5,817 $396,980 Deferred flow-through grants represent flow-through contributions received prior to March 31, 2011 and not Due from (to) funds (490,000) — 490,000 — — granted at fiscal year end, net of investment gains and losses and service costs, if applicable. This amount is deferred and is recorded as a liability until the grants are designated and paid. Deposit for real estate acquisition 500,000 — — — $500,000 Investments, at fair value 85,490,398 247,343,361 990,477 13,614,834 347,439,070 Other assets 64,841 813,527 5,000 — $883,368 March 31, 2011 $88,323,280 $270,704,131 $23,114,794 $14,026,365 $396,168,570 March 31, 2010 $57,654,976 $249,786,284 $16,522,588 $10,564,008 $334,527,856



8. Service Costs 13. Financial instruments 2011 2010 The following is a summary of the inputs used in valuing the Foundation’s investments using the fair value hierarchy. Salaries and benefits $1,653,248 $1,503,787 Investments at fair value as at March 31, 2011 Investment management and custodial fees 1,528,762 1,212,718 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total Occupancy and insurance 300,485 358,230 Bonds and debentures, Investment grade $ — $74,780,492 $ — $ 74,780,492 Professional fees 289,583 153,761 Bonds and debentures, High yield grade — 19,999,485 — 19,999,485 Office 139,757 107,458 Stocks, Canada 135,643,998 — — 135,643,998 Development and communications 137,214 140,554 Stocks, International 114,160,142 — — 114,160,142 Memberships 82,221 80,956 Real estate 2,854,953 2,854,953 Computer application and website support 51,850 66,177 $249,804,140 $94,779,977 $2,854,953 $347,439,070 Amortization of administration assets 27,356 19,939 Premiums to maintain life insurance policies 184,983 183,586 Investments at fair value as at March 31, 2010 Contributions to pay premiums to maintain life insurance policies (168,026) (166,629) Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total $4,227,433 $3,660,537 Bonds and debentures, Investment grade $ — $71,150,184 — $ 71,150,184 The Foundation allocates service costs to Community & Field of Interest and Donor Advised & Designated funds by Bonds and debentures, High yield grade — 18,204,959 — 18,204,959 way of a cost allocation based on the market value of each fund. Service costs are allocated to Managed funds in Stocks, Canada 118,985,046 — — 118,985,046 ­accordance with the agreements. Expenses incurred for a specific fund are charged to that fund. Stocks, International 101,497,984 — — 101,497,984 $220,483,030 $89,355,143 $309,838,173 9. Commitments The Calgary Foundation Investment Trust (“the Trust”) entered into an agreement to invest up to $10 million in a real • Level 1 – quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities. estate investment partnership. The terms of the partnership agreement generally state that if the partnership has not • Level 2 – inputs other than quoted prices included in Level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability, either called for the full amount of the commitment by February 2012, the Trust is not obligated to invest the balance of directly (i.e., as prices) or indirectly (i.e., derived from prices). the commitment. At fiscal year end, the Foundation had invested $3 million (market value $2.8 million. See Note 4). • Level 3 – inputs for the asset or liability that are not based on observable market data (unobservable inputs). The Foundation has entered into a five year office lease that commenced 2012 $300,000 There have been no transfers between levels during the year. October 2007. Future annual payments under this lease are estimated to be: 2013 150,000 $450,000 14. Financial risk management 10. Controlled organizations The Foundation has exposure to the following risks from its use of financial instruments: (a) Esther Honens Calgary International Piano Competition Foundation: The Foundation is the beneficial owner of all • Credit risk • Liquidity risk • Market risk the shares of the Esther Honens Calgary International Piano Competition Foundation (“Competition Founda- The Foundation adheres to a Statement of Investment Policy, approved by the Board of Directors, which outlines the tion”) which is responsible for a piano competition held every three years. The Competition Foundation was objectives, policies and measures related to its investing activities. This policy prescribes qualitative and quantitative incorporated under the Companies Act and has been granted tax exempt status as a registered charity under parameters around the investments held by the Foundation in its pooled funds in order to moderate the financial paragraph 149(1)(f) of the Income Tax Act. The Foundation’s Esther Honens International Piano Competition risks. The Board of Directors is accountable for the establishment and oversight of the Foundation’s risk manage- Foundation Fund, Honens Future Growth Fund and American Friends of Canada Fund are endowment funds ment framework. that provide annual revenue to the Competition Foundation. At March 31, 2011 the market value of the three (a) Credit risk: funds totalled $7.6 million (2010 - $7.3 million). Credit risk is the risk that a counterparty to a financial instrument will fail to discharge an obligation or commit- Esther Honens Calgary International Piano Competition Foundation ment resulting in a financial loss to the Foundation. The fair value of a financial instrument takes into account As at and for the period ended December 31, 2010 December 31, 2009 the credit rating of its issuer. The Foundation’s investments in cash equivalents and bonds and debentures Revenues $1,380,541 $2,473,186 are subject to credit risk. The maximum exposure to credit risk on these instruments is their carrying value. Revenues from the three endowment funds 348,565 322,878 The Foundation manages the risk by ensuring compliance with the limits to the credit exposure for both the Expenses 1,353,705 2,925,913 Canadian universe bond and the high yield bond portfolios and engaging a professional investment manager to Assets 676,701 908,765 actively evaluate the creditworthiness of the issuers of the high yield debt. Cash equivalents are substantially all Government of Canada Treasury Bills. As at fiscal year end, the Foundation’s credit exposures in its fixed income Liabilities 104,632 370,781 portfolios were as follows: Accumulated surplus 572,069 537,984 Percentage of the market value of the fixed income portfolios (b) Eleanor Luxton Historical Foundation: The Foundation is the beneficial owner of all the shares of the Eleanor 2011 2010 Luxton Historical Foundation (“Luxton Foundation”). The Luxton Foundation was incorporated under the Credit rating Investment grade bond High yield bond Investment grade bond High yield bond Companies Act and has been granted tax exempt status as a registered charity under paragraph 149(1)(f) of the Income Tax Act. The purpose of the Luxton Foundation is to preserve and promote the historical real estate Bonds and debentures, $74,780,492 $19,999,485 $71,150,184 $18,204,959 and artifacts relating to the original settlements of the Banff area. The Foundation holds the Luxton Historical at fair value Foundation Fund, which provides annual revenue to support the Luxton Foundation. At March 31, 2011 the AAA 50.6% 7.7% 51.9% — Luxton Historical Foundation Fund had a market value of $4.2 million (2010 - $4.1 million). AA 23.3% — 22.0% — Eleanor Luxton Historical Foundation A 19.8% 2.3% 20.1% 4.2 % As at and for the period ended December 31, 2010 December 31, 2009 BBB 6.3% 14.6% 6.0% 24.4% Revenues $231,364 $201,388 BB — 30.4% — 34.2% Revenues from the endowment fund 204,743 171,313



(ii) Interest rate risk: 2011 Interest rate risk arises from the possibility that changes in interest rates will affect future cash flows or the fair Canada International values of interest bearing financial instruments held by the Foundation. The Foundation is invested in two pooled bond funds with differing objectives. Duration is a common measure of the sensitivity of the price of a Stocks, at fair value $135,643,998 $114,160,143 bond to a change in interest rates. At fiscal year end, the bond portfolios had an average duration as follows: Assumed increase in market prices +8% +8% 2011 Approximate resulting increase in value $10.9 million $9.1 million Investment grade bond High yield bond Assumed decrease in market prices –8% –8% Approximate resulting decrease in value $(10.9 million) $(9.1 million) Bonds and debentures, at fair value $74,780,492 $19,999,485 Duration (years) 6.0 3.6 2010 Assumed increase in interest rates +1% +1% Canada International Approximate resulting decrease in value $(4.5 million) $(0.7 million) Stocks, at fair value $118,985,046 $101,497,984 Approximate resulting percentage decrease (6.0%) (3.6%) Assumed increase in market prices +8% +8% Assumed decrease in interest rates –1% –1% Approximate resulting increase in value $9.5 million $8.1 million Approximate resulting increase in value $4.5 million $0.7 million Assumed decrease in market prices –8% –8% Approximate resulting percentage increase 6.0% 3.6% Approximate resulting decrease in value $(9.5 million) $(8.1 million) 2010 15. Capital management Investment grade bond High yield bond The Foundation views its capital as the Foundation funds’ balances. The Foundation is not subject to externally Bonds and debentures, at fair value $71,150,184 $18,204,959 imposed capital requirements and invests in accordance with The Calgary Foundation Act (the Act). The Act gener- Duration (years) 5.9 4.5 ally requires that, in the absence of any direction by the donor and subject to the disbursement quota requirements Assumed increase in interest rates +1% +1% of the Income Tax Act (Canada) and the regulations thereunder, contributions are to be invested and devoted in Approximate resulting decrease in value $(4.2 million) $(0.8 million) perpetuity for charitable purposes. Approximate resulting percentage decrease (5.9%) (4.5%) 16. Deposit for real estate acquisition Assumed decrease in interest rates –1% –1% The deposit for real estate acquisition consists of a deposit relating to a purchase and sale agreement dated Approximate resulting increase in value $4.2 million $0.8 million ­September 14, 2010 for closing in the third quarter of 2011. The total purchase price is estimated at approximately Approximate resulting percentage increase 5.9% 4.5% $8 million subject to customary closing costs and adjustments. (iii) Equity price risk: The property purchase is collaboration between the Foundation and the Calgary Arts Development Authority (CADA), Equity price risk is the risk that the value of a financial instrument will fluctuate due to changes in equity the City of Calgary’s designated authority for the development of the arts in Calgary and the municipal granting markets. The Foundation is exposed to equity price risk on its equity portfolio. The Statement of Investment agency for the not-for-profit arts sector. The eventual owner of the property will be CADA or a CADA affiliate. Policy applies to all investments held in the Foundation’s pooled funds and it includes restrictions regarding the The objective for the acquisition and development of the historic property is to create an integrated, mixed-use minimum and maximum amount of equities, bonds, and cash and cash equivalents. The diversification across ‘hub’ that provides a dynamic and collaborative environment focused on the incubation and advancement of pro- various asset classes is expected to decrease the volatility of portfolio returns due to the lack of correlation fessional arts practice, social innovation and community development in South Calgary. between the returns of the various asset classes. MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS FOR THE YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2011 Management’s discussion and VISION AND MISSION Forever Funds Signature Projects analysis (MD&A) is provided to Arts Incubator: Responding to a call for proposals in 2010 to purchase an historic enable a reader to assess our The Foundation envisages a Calgary community that: building, a unique partnership between The Foundation and the Calgary Arts financial condition and results of • is giving, caring and values sharing, collaborating and learning; operations for the fiscal year ended Development Authority has been formed to advance a vision for the building as an March 31, 2011, compared to the • has citizens engaged in building community at all levels; innovative arts incubator. Note 16 to the Consolidated Financial Statements further preceding year. This MD&A should • is healthy, vibrant, embraces diversity and supports all of its people; elaborates the Foundation’s role in addressing needs, building a strong community and be read in conjunction with our • has a strong and sustainable charitable sector serving existing and emerging needs. strengthening the charitable sector. audited financial statements and related notes dated June 23, 2011. The Foundation’s role in seeking to attain this vision is as a: Harvie Passage (on the Bow River): A group of concerned Calgarians have established All amounts are based on financial • community builder – identifying needs, addressing community issues and building a a process for improving the weir area to avoid the dangerous side-effect of a lethal statements prepared in accordance strong community; hydraulic wave that has claimed the lives of several people. The process maintains with Canadian generally accepted the weir’s important irrigation function and enables continuous river passage for fish, • catalyst and convener, a meeting place fostering partnerships, engaging citizens and accounting principles (GAAP) wildlife and people. This group of stakeholders began developing the plan in 2001 and addressing needs; except portfolio returns which are it has since received widespread support from a number of groups representing users of based on performance reporting • knowledgeable grant maker working to strengthen the charitable sector; the river as well as significant funding from the Foundation, the Province of Alberta, the methodology. The Calgary • promoter and facilitator of philanthropy for the long term benefit of Calgary and area. Foundation (the Foundation) City of Calgary and Parks Foundation Calgary. operates in accordance with The Seniors Transportation: Over the next year, the Foundation will explore the third phase, Calgary Foundation Act (Alberta, with the Calgary Seniors Resource Society (CSRS), of a project initiated three years ago, 1955, 2000) and bylaws and STRATEGY AND KEY RESULT AREAS to investigate opportunities for enhancement and expansion to meet the increasing within the regulatory framework of the Income Tax Act (Canada), i Proactive Community Leadership need for accessible, affordable transportation for seniors. The program has already the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) Knowledge of community needs and the work of charitable organizations across all experienced a significant increase in the demand for service and CSRS is anticipating guidelines and the Charitable sectors, derived from 56 years of experience, has positioned the Foundation to take a continued growth based on demographic projections. Fund-raising Act and Regulations proactive leadership role in community building. Donors and charitable organizations Community Knowledge Centre (Alberta). The Foundation has have come to expect this from the Foundation. Through partnerships with others, and Building on technological work undertaken by the Toronto Community Foundation adopted Volunteer Canada’s citizen engagement, the Foundation will continue to address community issues and Code for Volunteer Involvement in partnership with IBM, the Community Knowledge Centre, a searchable web site, build a strong community for the benefit of all. This is the direct charitable activity of and Community Foundations will share stories of impact to a wide audience and act as a virtual meeting place. The the Foundation. It includes: of Canada’s (CFC) criteria for Community Knowledge Centre in Calgary is a companion piece to the Vital Signs® membership. Calgary’s Vital Signs® report. While the Vital Signs® report measures the vitality of city life, identifies trends, Forward-looking statements Calgary’s Vital Signs® is an annual check-up that measures the vitality of Calgary, and grades quality of life, the Community Knowledge Centre is a gateway to the This report contains forward- identifies significant trends, and assigns grades in areas critical to the quality of life in looking statements about certain community organizations creating opportunities, addressing issues and adding texture matters that are by their nature Calgary. Momentum built from the work of the first four years of producing the Vital to daily life. Signs® report, combined with the launch of Vital Conversations last year to further subject to many risks and Sector Capacity Building Initiatives uncertainties, which may cause engage citizens at all levels in issues of concern in their communities, will cement the The capacity building initiatives involve convening the charitable sector to explore actual results to differ materially Foundation’s role in identifying needs as well as aid in our grantmaking. Through Vital new solutions to capacity issues. Research, facilitation, and training are all important from the statements made herein. Conversations, the Foundation has convened citizens to address issues in discussions as Forward-looking statements elements. Work will continue the follow-up on the Building a New Road forum held varied as: “Fundamentals of Food”, “Active Aging, Aging Well”, “Calgary: A Hotbed for include, but are not limited to, in December 2009, the 2010 Social Enterprise Initiative, as well as entrenching the Voting and Volunteering?”, and “Let’s Talk about Sustainable City”. objectives, strategies, initiatives, Communications/Recognition project wherein the Foundation hires communications and the outlook for the Foundation. Youth Vital Signs® consultants for a modest sum to work directly with charities to improve their strategic Risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, changing Presented in partnership with Youth Central (formerly Child and Youth Friendly Calgary), communications, branding and positioning in the community. Our objective is to ® markets, legislation, demographics Youth Vital Signs is a youth driven project that combines research and youth opinions research and implement new, similar low-cost/high impact ways to strengthen Calgary’s and general economic factors or in a report that will inform local government, youth funders and youth programs. This charitable sector. conditions, and other risks, known is the Foundation’s opportunity to introduce the next generation to philanthropy and or unknown. caring about their city.



ii Engage Donors Investments The Foundation is committed to engaging donors by identifying community needs of interest to them, to The total assets at March 31, 2011 included $347.4 m (2010 - $309.8 m) in investments representing fostering stronger relationships and adding greater meaning to their philanthropy. As part of this effort, $337.4 m (2010 - $303.3 m) of primary endowment portfolio investments, $8.7 m (2010 - $6.2 m) of the Foundation will actively profile the impact of endowment grants that provide funding to all sectors of securities retained at the direction of the donors, $1.0 m in gifted securities awaiting monetization (2010 – the not-for-profit community as illustrative of the cross-sectoral thinking, due diligence work and focused nil) and $0.3 m invested in a Donor Advised investment. support that stems from the Foundation’s Community Grants program. To enable us to expand the The primary endowment portfolio is managed by external investment managers in accordance with a group of donors with whom we work, the resources available to professional advisors (i.e. estate lawyers, statement of investment policy and procedures. The investment policy sets limits on the percentage of accountants, financial advisors and insurance professionals) will be expanded as will the media used to assets held in individual securities and classes and establishes quality, liquidity and performance criteria. relay our message to these and other audiences. The asset mix optimization exercise undertaken in iii Grow the Endowment fiscal 2008 resulted in Growing the endowment for the benefit of the community continues to be the overarching objective of changes to the portfolio PRIMARY ENDOWMENT PORTFOLIO the Foundation. How the Foundation grows the endowment differentiates it in the charitable sector. It does (MILLIONS) structure. In September not mount fundraising campaigns or events. Rather it seeks to inspire giving through results of its work in 2008, the new structure the community and forging relationships between donors and the causes they care about. 2011 was partially implemented Building relationships with the Professional Advisor Community is a key strategy for the Foundation with the conversion of US to reach new audiences and promote philanthropy. The Professional Advisor (PA) program has been and international equity transformed to take a more personalized ‘relationship building’ approach. It is estimated that currently mandates, which represented the Foundation penetrates approximately 25% of the PA market. There is opportunity to do more. It is the Global Equities $114.1 Canadian Bonds 30% of the primary Foundation’s strategy to assist PAs to help their clients achieve their philanthropic goals. $74.6 endowment portfolio, to a The primary endowment fund is managed to achieve an average annual rate of return that is adequate to global equity mandate. An retain the purchasing power of a donation (i.e. address inflation), provide grants to recognized charitable allocation was also made organizations and cover the costs of administering the Foundation. The endowment fund is invested for to a new asset class, high the long term and has low and predictable liquidity requirements. As a result, we can invest in multiple yielding bonds. In November Cdn asset classes, do not have to sell assets at inopportune times and potentially can acquire assets at attractive High- of 2009, an allocation was Small Cap valuations. Canadian Large Cap $109.8 Yield made to Canadian small $18.7 Investment of the endowment continues to be a major focus area as we strive to achieve the optimum Bonds capitalization equities to $20.0 Cash R investment return/risk balance, and achieve portfolio results that build donor confidence. The grant further decrease correlations $7.3 E distribution/preservation of purchasing power policy is to grant a percentage of the market value of between asset classes and the endowment. The Board reviews this disbursement percentage annually. It was determined that the increase the diversification 2010 Foundation would disburse 5% again in the year ending March 31, 2012 but due to reduced mid-term of the portfolio. Investment return expectations in the equity markets, current low interest rates on fixed income instruments and managers were selected the lingering impact of the stock market correction in the fall of 2008 the distribution percentage will be reduced to 4.5% for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2013. to manage a real estate mandate representing 5% of Global Equities $101.5 the portfolio but at year end Canadian Bonds iv Build Confidence and Profile $71.0 In order to partner with other organizations in community leadership, engage donors in philanthropy and only $2.9 m or 0.8% (2010 grow the assets of the Foundation, the building of confidence in, and the expanding of the profile of the – nil) had been invested in Foundation is a prerequisite. this mandate because the To that end, the annual Friends of the Foundation Annual Celebration will be repositioned to both enable demand for commercial real more stakeholders to participate as well as focus to a greater extent on the role and initiatives of the estate investments across the High- Cdn country has driven up asking Canadian Large Cap $99.1 Foundation itself. Vital Conversations will be broadened to attract a wider audience with an aim to making Yield Small Cap prices beyond the prices that greater connections between groups and individuals. We will seek to expand formal partnerships with Bonds $18.7 sponsors for the work of the Foundation. would meet the investment $20.0 Cash $5.3 Similar to profiling the impact of the Community Grants program to support our aim of engaging donors managers’ valuation criteria. more fully, specific attention will be paid to raising the profile of the Community Fund as the permanent At fiscal year-end, 21.5% endowment supporting a wide, and growing, variety of needs in the community while at the same time (2010 – 22.8%) of the needing financial contributions to keep pace with those needs. primary endowment portfolio was invested in Canadian bonds, 5.8% (2010 – 5.9%) in high yield bonds, 31.6% (2010 – 31.9%) in Canadian equities, 32.8% (2010 – 32.6%) in non-Canadian global equities, 5.4% (2010 – 5.1%) in Canadian small cap equities, 0.8% (2010 – nil) in Canadian real estate and 2.1% CAPABILITY TO DELIVER RESULTS AND HISTORICAL ANALYSIS (2010 – 1.7%) in cash. ASSETS Before considering the relevant fees, the primary endowment portfolio gained 10.6% (2010 – 26.6%) The Foundation’s assets under administration as at March 31, 2011 totalled $396.2 million (‘m’) as during the fiscal year. By way of comparison, a weighting of the passive benchmark indices equal to that of compared to $334.5 m at March 31, 2010. The March 31, 2011 figure represents an 18% increase from the the portfolio gained 12.0% (2010 – 23.5%) in the same year. The median return of a generally comparable prior year end and compares to an increase of 22% in the twelve month period ended March 31, 2010. group of endowment funds was 10.0% (2010 - 20.8%). The portfolio’s relative outperformance was Unrealized gains were $19.2 m (2010 – increase of $45.5 m) for foundation funds and $0.7 m (2010 – influenced by an overweight to Canadian equities vis-à-vis other endowment and foundation funds. The increase of $2.0 m) for managed funds. Realized investment income totalled $14.4 m (2010 – $19.9 m) for overweight was due to all but 0.8% of the 5% portfolio allocation to real estate remaining invested in foundation funds and $0.5 m for managed funds (2010 – $0.7 m). Canadian equities as it awaited deployment. Contributions of $50.6 m (2010 – $29.6 m) were made to the Foundation. The Canadian bond mandate is indexed to track the DEX Universe benchmark. The manager’s tracking error in 2011 rose slightly to 5 basis points (bps) from the prior period 4 bps. This tracking error, inherent Grants and service costs were $26.5 m (2010 – $32.4 m) for foundation funds, including $6.7 m (2010 in indexed products, was due to the mis-weightings of holdings within the mandate as the manager – $7.3 m) of flow-through grants. Withdrawals totalled $0.7 m (2010 – $4.0 m) from managed funds. attempted to replicate the hypothetical portfolio that is the index. The mandate returned 5.18%, (Managed funds are endowments owned by other charitable organizations. The managed funds liability exceeding the index return of 5.13%, for the twelve months ended March 31, 2011. is represented on the Consolidated Statement of Financial Position as a claim on the Foundation’s primary endowment portfolio by these other charitable organizations.) Global equity markets provided positive returns over the year with the MSCI World index (excluding Canada) gaining 8.3% in Canadian dollar terms, about 1/3 of the prior year’s positive returns. The actively managed mandate, blending a growth and value style offset, gained a TOTAL ASSETS AT FISCAL YEAR END disappointing 4.3% in the year ended March 31, 2011 ranking it at the 91st percentile against $450 the manager’s peer group. This performance lagged the benchmark and median (8.6%). The style offset thesis did not hold in the year as neither the growth nor value style added value $400 above the benchmark. The strength of the Canadian dollar versus the US dollar over the fiscal $350 year again muted the gains in Canadian dollar terms but less so as the Canadian dollar did not $300 strengthen versus other currencies as it did in the previous period. $250 The two Canadian equity managers averaged 21.1% over the year, outperforming a strong S&P/TSX Composite capped index by 70 bps and ranking the average return significantly

MILLIONS $200 above the median by 230 bps. At the end of the 2011 fiscal year both managers had adopted $150 significant (>5%) sector weight differences than the index. One manager was overweight energy and underweight materials and financials. The second manager was overweight $100 industrials and financials and underweight energy and materials (one name in materials). As $50 the managers were ranked at the 1st and 26th percentiles in their peer group for the quarter $0 ended March 31, 2011, their differing sector allocations illustrated that their stock selection 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 drove their returns.



The Canadian small capitalization (cap) equity mandate is also ANNUALIZED RETURNS OPERATIONS actively managed. The 17.7% return for the year significantly Revenue lagged both the median manager and the BMO Nesbitt 20% During the twelve months ended March 31, 2011, Burns Small Cap benchmark index by more than 10%. The 18% contributions to the Foundation-owned endowment funds continued lack of significant exposure to the materials sector totalled $37.2 m compared to $20.9 m for the prior fiscal since the inception of the mandate in late 2009 and the 16% year. Contributions of $27.0 m for the fiscal year, compared adoption of defensive energy positions were responsible for 14% to $8.3 m for the previous fiscal year, were directed to the relative difference over the year but have also been the 12% Community and Field-of-Interest funds (from which grants reason for the improved performance over the last quarter. are directed to new and emerging needs of the community The concentrated nature of the benchmark in these cyclical 10% at the discretion of the Foundation). Donations of $10.3 m sectors has contributed to its large gains over the year and its 8% for the period compared to $12.6 m for the same prior year more recent slowing. 6% period were gifted to Donor Advised and Designated funds. The high-yield bond manager’s 10.4% return for the year 4% Flow-through contributions added $13.4 m in the period ended March 31, 2011 was good in absolute terms and ($8.7 m for the twelve months ended March 31, 2010). relative to the median (37th percentile) and benchmark (50% 2% Contributions of non-cash gifts of $25.4 m, with one gift DEX High Yield Bond Index and 50% Merrill Lynch High 0% of private company shares from an estate valued at $19.0 Yield Bond Canadian Issuers Index) return of 9.6%. Credit 12345678910 m, were received as compared to $12.4 m in the previous fundamentals explain, in part, why geopolitical events have NUMBER OF YEARS ENDED MARCK 31, 2011 year. Substantially all of these non-cash gifts were gifts of not negatively impacted the credit markets. The improvement securities which were converted to cash and reinvested. Gifts in balance sheets, brought about by the recovery of the Primary Endowment Portfolio Weighted Indices of shares have made up nearly half of the gifts received in financial system and return to corporate profitability has the past few years and are gifted primarily in November and contributed to a steep drop in the default rate across the December. corporate sector. In addition, ratings agencies have been upgrading companies and sectors at a quickening pace since the end of the recession, contributing to investor confidence in corporate and high yield debt. On average, bequests make up approximately 1/3 of the gifts to the Foundation. As illustrated in this fiscal year, the trend towards an increase in bequests related to the life cycle of the Foundation and the changing Donor Advised and Donor Restricted Investments demographics of the city continues. Over the past 56 years, the relationships that have been established In support of our success in our key performance driver of Asset Growth, alternatives to investing between donors, their professional advisors and the Foundation continue to result in the inclusion of legacy endowment gifts in the primary endowment portfolio are available. gifts in estate planning. The Bank of Montreal (BMO)/Community Foundations of Canada (CFC) alliance ‘Supporting Your Expenses incurred to Community’, which is one Donor Advised investment alternative, has grown to $339 thousand (k) (2010 operate the Foundation - $298 k) at fiscal year end. The alliance between BMO and 38 of Canada’s community foundations are allocated to the funds. CONTRIBUTIONS was created to facilitate charitable gifts by clients of BMO and to maintain the “full service” relationship The allocation process is $60 between BMO’s financial advisors and their clients. The BMO Harris Private Banking “Balanced Growth” described below: $50 portfolio, that includes Canadian, US, international and emerging market equities with Canadian bonds • A percentage of the and cash, gained 12.8% (2010 –15.3%) for the year ended March 31, 2011. The BMO Nesbitt Burns market value of the $40 “Balanced” Fund is invested in Canadian equities and fixed income with a small allocation to cash and non- individual endowment $30 Canadian bonds and returned 12.3% (2010 - 16.3%) for the entire period. funds is allocated to The $8.7 m market value (2010 – $6.2 m) of gifts of securities retained at the direction of the donors – service costs on a $20 MILLIONS donor restricted investments – represents a second alternative for investing endowment gifts. The specific monthly basis by way conditions of the gift agreements establish the manner in which these securities are administered. of a tiered schedule. $10

The amount of this 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 200 20 A third alternative is to enable donors to have their endowment gift to the Foundation managed outside $0 20 10 the primary endowment portfolio by an investment manager recommended by the donor. Governance allocation totalled $3.4 11 1 policies have been adopted to ensure appropriate oversight and due diligence processes are in place to m in 2011 and $3.1 m administer these relationships and appropriately invest and monitor these assets. Investment management in 2010. agreements have been signed for the first investment of this type of $14.6 m to be made in fiscal 2012. • Interest earned Flow-through Endowment The following statement is a non-GAAP presentation of the audited Statement of Operations and Changes on the money in Foundation Funds. This statement describes the financial activity by the four types of investments. market instruments, representing flow-through contributions, totalled $170 k (2010 – $29 k) and represented 4% of the Primary Donor revenue available to satisfy service costs in the year (1% in fiscal 2010). The interest revenue, still endowment Flow-through Restricted Donor Advised Total constrained by historically low rates, grew year over year due to a higher balance held in money market portfolio investments investments investments 2011 instruments. Revenue Contributions $ 35,652,744 $13,391,150 $1,573,500 $ 20,000 $ 50,637,394 • Managed funds fees of $138 k ($130 k in 2010) represented 3% of service costs for 2011, down from Interest and dividends 10,541,471 430,662 4,349 10,976,482 4% in 2010. As the managed funds are invested in the same way as the individual endowment funds, the Flow-through funds interest 169,814 4,467 — — 174,281 market impacts this source of revenue in the same manner as i) above. Managed funds fees 137,681 — — 137,681 Expenditures Realized capital During the twelve month period, grants from endowment funds to charitable organizations totalled $15.5 gains (losses), net 3,299,211 (57,515) — 1,067 3,242,763 m, compared with $21.5 m during the same period in 2009-10. Grants of $3.3 m ($2.2 m in the prior Unrealized capital gains, net 17,793,669 464,317 934,344 31,366 19,223,696 period) were made from Community and Field-of-Interest funds. Included in grants from these funds were Total revenue 67,594,590 13,802,418 2,938,506 56,782 84,392,297 grants to charitable organizations that applied for funding from the following programs at the Foundation: Expenditures • Community Grants support initiatives that respond to emerging community issues and evolving priorities Grants (15,138,881) (6,724,565) (362,395) (12,890) (22,238,731) – The program continued to increase the number of grants awarded to charities to explore or implement Service costs, net (note 7) (4,105,325) (49,337) (69,975) (2,797) (4,227,433) shared service and shared space options. A major proactive granting commitment to human resources Total expenditures (19,244,206) (6,773,902) (432,369) (15,687) (26,466,164) development in Calgary’s charitable sector continued through a partnership with three other funders. • Neighbour Grants help create and strengthen the ordinary bonds of neighbourliness – This year 28 Transfers 202,453 (194,771) (7,682) — — grants supported local music, multicultural and art projects that built a sense of belonging and sharing; Decrease (increase) in deferred community garden, naturalization and playground projects that enhanced people’s enjoyment of their flow-through grants — (6,833,746) — — (6,833,746) neighbourhoods; plus traffic safety, neighbourhood clean-up and community planning projects that Change during the year 48,552,837 — 2,498,455 41,096 51,092,387 allowed local residents to directly engage in the well-being of their communities. Balance, beginning of year 299,437,571 — 6,170,139 298,184 305,905,894 • Small Grants support organizations in taking advantage of unique opportunities to advance their work – Balance, end of year $347,990,408 $ — $8,668,594 $ 339,280 $356,998,281 The grants stream supported the piloting of a six-week full time artist residency project for a social service agency’s clients using a group of professional and emerging theatre artists. Cash and cash equivalents • Organization Development & Transformation Grants support organizations in times of transition – A Cash and cash equivalents increased to $46.9 m from $23.5 m at the prior fiscal year end. The March 31, relatively new granting stream, the program awarded ten grants in 2011, compared to twelve grants in 2011 investment in cash and cash equivalents, representing capital contributions received that are to be 2009. This granting stream is continuous intake with quick-turnaround decisions and focuses on helping granted to charitable organizations in the short term (flow-through), was $21.6 m ($16.5 m - March 31, registered charities to transform the ways in which their organizations operate with a focus on sustaining 2010). the long-term impact of their work, often through partnerships with other charities. The remaining balance is comprised of $7.5 m (2010 - $4.0 m) held for liquidity for grants and operational • Stepping Stones Grants encourage active citizenship by helping residents undertake small creative expenses, $2.6 m (2010 - $2.4 m) managed by the primary endowment portfolio managers within projects, neighbourly first steps, that benefit their local community – Youth in a Calgary community their respective mandates, $14.6 m (2010- nil) awaiting deployment into the donor advised investment introduced their young neighbours to the new family activity centre through planning, interior design described above and $0.6 m (2010 - $0.7 m) represents distributions and related interest income from and gardening activities. The parents also got to know one another as neighbours. securities retained at the direction of the donors.



• Daryl K. Seaman Canadian Hockey Fund grants totalling $250 k were made for the first time. Nine grants PROSPECTIVE ANALYSIS AND RISKS included the Canadian Hockey Hall of Fame and Museum, Kidsport Canada and Greater Bragg Creek Trails We continue to monitor the impact of government balance sheets on all three levels of Association. government’s ability to fund programs and organizations in the charitable sector in Calgary. Better Over 60 volunteers are actively engaged in reviewing proposals to the Community and Neighbour grants than expected economic recovery in Canada has lessened, though not eliminated, our concern programs – a key strategy in our grantmaking. about increased demand on many charitable organizations and reduced financial support for Distributions to charitable organizations of $12.2 m and $19.3 m were made in the twelve month periods ended those same organizations. The Foundation assumes that its operations in the 2012 fiscal year will March 31, 2011 and 2010 respectively from Donor Advised and Designated funds. Substantially all of the greater be materially consistent with those in 2011 except for the impact of those factors discussed in this distribution in the 2010 fiscal year was due to two grants of term endowments (gifts endowed for a period of section. greater than 10 years but not in perpetuity) totalling $6.5 m. Donors: Flow-through grants were $6.7 m this year, as compared to $7.3 m for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2010. The impact on donors’ ability to financially support their favoured charitable causes will be Flow-through grants are grants of capital arising from gifts that are not endowed. The timing of these flow- dependent, in part, on the impact of increased interest rates on household finances. The through grants is dependent on the timing of the donors’ advice, the status of the recipient project, CRA’s performance of the stock markets will also impact the level of giving of securities, which have requirement to spend a minimum amount on charitable activities in a particular fiscal year (disbursement quota) made up a significant percentage by dollar value of gifts over the past number of years. Significant and the Foundation’s disbursement quota accumulated from the five prior fiscal years. growth of the asset size of the Foundation through bequests is anticipated due to the increase in the number of bequests received annually. Contributions to the Foundation have averaged $38 m over the last decade. Based on the recent GRANTS levelling of the playing field between public and private foundations vis-à-vis the reduced inclusion $35 rate for gifts of securities previously available only to public foundations, planned gifts of which we have been made aware, and our interpretation of demographic trends, we forecast that $30 contributions of approximately $25 million annually will continue in the mid-term. $25 Risks to these expectations include regulatory, reputational and competitive challenges. The federal government’s June 6, 2011 budget included provisions relating to charities that, amongst other $20 things, levelled the playing field for qualified donees (i.e. organizations eligible to issue charitable $15 donation receipts) in many respects and reduced the advantages of gifting flow-through shares. MILLIONS This attention paid to the charitable sector may presage additional regulations in the sector. $10 Reputational risks include risks due to actions of the Foundation itself as well as those of other $5 charitable organizations. Greater than in the private sector, the improper actions of one charity reflect disproportionately on other charities. Governance structures, attention to internal controls 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 200 $0 20 20 and transparency and accountability initiatives mitigate the reputational risk to the Foundation.

10 11 The support provided to other charitable organizations through the Organization Development 1 & Transformation Grants helps support, to a small extent, these mitigating factors in smaller charitable organizations. Flow-through Endowment Competitive challenges in the growth of endowment building as part of educational, health and social services fundraising efforts could cause the expected and actual outlook for the Foundation’s The service costs incurred to execute the strategy and drive performance are distinguished for management donors and fund development to diverge. Recent research in this area has better enabled the purposes between service costs, investment management costs and direct charitable activity. These costs totalled Foundation to understand our positioning in the charitable endowment-building landscape. $4.2 m ($3.7 m in 2010). Three quarters of these costs, again this year, are human resource costs ($1.7 m – Grants: 2011, $1.5 m - 2010) and investment management costs ($1.5 m – 2011, $1.2 m - 2010). Although the Foundation will continue to grant 5% of the March 31, 2011 market value of the endowment funds for the next twelve months, the percentage of the March 31, 2012 endowment that will be granted will be reduced to 4.5%. This rate, although lower than the prior year in percentage terms, is expected to result in greater funding dollars to charitable organizations in FISCAL 2011 SERVICE COSTS absolute terms because of the above average contributions this past fiscal year and the impact of 4% 1% the expected positive returns in the capital markets on the market values of the funds. In addition, 9% Salaries and benefits we continue to grant well in excess of the Canada Revenue Agency requirement of 3.5%. Risks to this outlook include the impact on the capital markets of interest rate movements, the global 7% 40% Investment economy and stock market volatility. This risk is two-fold as stock market losses and a return to 3% management and sub-optimal economic growth will affect the absolute dollars that the Foundation has available to custodial fees grant as well as reduce the dollars individuals and corporations give to the organizations we fund, thus increasing these organizations’ demand for funding. Development and Primary Endowment Portfolio: communications 36% With 8 managers managing 7 mandates within a portfolio valued at $347.4 million, the Occupancy and complexity of the primary endowment portfolio has increased. This increase in complexity was insurance driven by the asset mix optimization work undertaken to reduce correlations between asset classes FISCAL 2010 SERVICE COSTS and increase expected returns, the specialty investment manager structure seeking best in class 2% performance and the increased scale of the institutional portfolio. Although greater than normal 6%3% Professional fees and memberships volatility in the capital markets is a continued risk, the Foundation expects that the changes to the 10% asset mix initiated in 2008 and substantially completed in 2009 will result in risk-adjusted returns Office and 42% that are better, after fees, than those that would have been produced by the previous portfolio. 4% amortization of administration assets Computer application 33% and website support

Service costs as a percentage of average asset value has been commonly used by community foundations as a benchmark of efficiency. Service costs are impacted by the projects undertaken to support operations, the asset classes and structure of the investment management program and initiatives in the community. Strategic planning time horizons and longer term initiatives combined with uneven timing of contributions and short term vagaries of the capital markets result in dispersion of the ratio around the mean of 1.19% over the past decade. SERVICE COSTS AS A PERCENTAGE OF AVERAGE TOTAL ASSETS 1.50% 1.25% 1.00% 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011