Roy Motors, Inc. B I N
■■.T.^rr: ;-v.*4T. f > !W ya»MJ»'uJUWg.f -HP‘ - VM V- ■■ ■ ■■ i ------4r''*---' ■ ■ . ^ - y Sirntfng If^ralit SATURDAY. MARCH 1, IKt^ - fwrvr-trrr-,-r~i-;r^1BSi Qkm Where Live-'-Anstcer the. Red Cross Call Munale celebrated her aotb bUth- noticed It until aha fiiiiabMi bar. ^^fetttTown day inniveravy yeaterdsy," be- MKypptng. , cauae 1900 waa not a leap year. I t And tlM copsr Wan, they can TCaitmurHere Heard Along Main Street ia not dlvialble by 400. go alonjg with a gag.. Betrothal Is Announced ATcrac* DbUf Net Prana Raa tiM iMXt m etU flf o f S t ¥■ .Bridtat't lloUicni Ctrcte wUl b« -''.‘ Far thn Wank Bndbig Tha Weather S h ew Mwde held at Uia hem* of Mrt. Arthur Kltchy-Koo March 9 to 11 •n m n I , , Foeecnat nf V . R. Weather i And on Some of Manchester*» Side Streets, Too Frank 8. Lent of Laurel atreet. Smachatti. SS Moor# atroet Mon Barbers are, as a iiila, voluble who.haa a aon and daughter In the day at 8 p. m. petqila. Perhaps it's becaaae at one Red sups L’p a without frequent arbitrary adJust- aervlce, rcaorted to poetry to^ m a tbaJr shops were centers of- *Alert America* Trailers 10,523 Into feaiglit Just when you don't expect It,^ ment. Leap year ia an example." ^ntBHm orate hla apft' Frank's' Robart E. Spaldlhr. aon o f Mr. locni goaslp. where Information w of tbs AadR to the obvious always happens. , So our astronomy text teUs u a , -----Balnbridge.
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