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Roy Motors, Inc. B I N ■■.T.^rr: ;-v.*4T. f > !W ya»MJ»'uJUWg.f -HP‘ - VM V- ■■ ■ ■■ i ------4r''*---' ■ ■ . ^ - y Sirntfng If^ralit SATURDAY. MARCH 1, IKt^ - fwrvr-trrr-,-r~i-;r^1BSi Qkm Where Live-'-Anstcer the. Red Cross Call Munale celebrated her aotb bUth- noticed It until aha fiiiiabMi bar. ^^fetttTown day inniveravy yeaterdsy," be- MKypptng. , cauae 1900 waa not a leap year. I t And tlM copsr Wan, they can TCaitmurHere Heard Along Main Street ia not dlvialble by 400. go alonjg with a gag.. Betrothal Is Announced ATcrac* DbUf Net Prana Raa tiM iMXt m etU flf o f S t ¥■ .Bridtat't lloUicni Ctrcte wUl b« -''.‘ Far thn Wank Bndbig Tha Weather S h ew Mwde held at Uia hem* of Mrt. Arthur Kltchy-Koo March 9 to 11 •n m n I , , Foeecnat nf V . R. Weather i And on Some of Manchester*» Side Streets, Too Frank 8. Lent of Laurel atreet. Smachatti. SS Moor# atroet Mon­ Barbers are, as a iiila, voluble who.haa a aon and daughter In the day at 8 p. m. petqila. Perhaps it's becaaae at one Red sups L’p a without frequent arbitrary adJust- aervlce, rcaorted to poetry to^ m a tbaJr shops were centers of- *Alert America* Trailers 10,523 Into feaiglit Just when you don't expect It,^ ment. Leap year ia an example." ^ntBHm orate hla apft' Frank's' Robart E. Spaldlhr. aon o f Mr. locni goaslp. where Information w of tbs AadR to the obvious always happens. , So our astronomy text teUs u a , -----Balnbridge. haircut I t aoema all On .Tour to Stir Inter­ and Mra. Inland Spaldins of 24 that had been picked during the I etUreoIntlena eleeet, min enriy ' lioeuat atraat. haa complatad Uia Patrolman George McCaughey. To begin with, if our «iCycJo- boya "procesaed" at Bain- day by man In need o f a shave or est in Gvil .Defense Manchester—~A City of Village Charm raqulramanta for tha Bachalor of chief prognosticator of the ^llce pedia is correct "The periodic oc- bridge, Md., including a number haircut was passed on to the bar­ Arta dafraa- at the Univeraity of force, has done fairly well select­ currencea of certain natural phe­ from this town, had their hair cut ber who in turn informed suc­ A 13-tmiIer cnmvnn from the Connecticut, and will receive hla ing his basketball winners. Now nomena gave rite to the first divi­ by one of the Navy barbers, at the ceeding cuatomers. Free<tom Foundntlcm at Valley VOL. L X X I, NO. ISH (ChsHlflsd Bivartlabig mm F m a 18) MANCHESTER, CONN„ MONDAY, MARCH 3, 1952 diploma in' June. R e wili leave he has done himself out o f S23, sion of time. Tha apparent daily rate o f 30 seconds per man, elec- A t any rate, the present crop, (TWELVE RACES) PRICE nVB CENTS Forge, Pn, known- as the "A le rt Monday for tha army. Seems George does a little detec-i revolution of the stairry heavens trlcally executed. When complet­ although no longer so neceasary tlye work each week in finding ou t' and the sun about the earth occa- ed the sailor's, hair la no longer aa conveyors o f news sinco the ad­ America Caravan.’’ la aleted to ap­ Tha American Lefion Atnillary wiio Manchester's Mystery .Voice' sloned the division into days. The than a tooth bruah briatle. and fre­ vent of modem meana of eom- pear in JMaacheater aometlnw be- tvreen the dates of March 9 to 11. will meet at the American Lecion on the radio is. Every Wednesday <lay adopted for all civil purposes quently It la scalloped about the munication. aUll aeema to feel It edges, a sight to behold. Three auch ermvans are now tour­ Home Monday aveniny at 8 momlng,< he • calls his w ife to let la the mean solar day, 'because the their duty to chat with their cus­ ^uriol Asks Pinay The boys are kinging the Jingle ing the country with the purpose Air France o’clock. A t thie meeting a die- her know. Just in case the tele- t™* »olar day is a consUntly vary- tomers, bring them up to data on at Balnbridge and Great Lakes to cuaaion will be held on the poui- phone should lin g in the M cCaugh-, lt'8 quantity. The changes o f the whafa new and to ^ck up any of sUrrlng Interest In Civil He- ble revieion o f the constitution ey household. Last W ednesday, moon, which were observed sto the tune of "Oomin’ Round « the loose gossip. fensa. Red slipped up. He forgot to find »KCur every 29 or 30 days, sug- Mountain"—all but the fourth Crash Kills and by-lawa prior to reprinting But although the peraonality of Police Chief Herman O Sohen- out who the mystery. Voice was ft***'*? **** division • into months. verse which they shout. I t waa BuHd New Cabinet them. the barber hasn’t changed too* del, local Civil Defense director, Is ahd-nolify -his wife.- -Later-in- the Jtot..lhA jc(uniUu.oow..uaed...though R ritten.f0t.banJa or.gilltar aecom-. - -eo-^Mleman- for the- sbowliig' of - :i-. paniment. much over tlw yaarartw ytdlBpb' The Auxiliary Police will meet day his wife asked him who 1t- nearly equal to a luhatton, is really the caravan in this area while an arbitrary unit; and a still long­ Oh the barber dowm at Balnbridge modem living has tended to 37^ at- On-France Monday evening at 7:30 at the was. George told her he didn't William Lake of the sta^ ataff of Paris, March 3—</P)—A n -t»«~t,‘" They flg- er measure of time was found • he is king develop a brand of men intereated Hollister School. find out. In getting their hair cut without CD la chairman. toine ^Pirniy, 6^ye.r-oId Con- ■'Thanks," she returned. "They necessary for many purposes, it Oh the barber down at Balnbridge Nice, France, March 3—(/P) Wa.5hington, March 3—</P) was supplied by the apparent he ia king chatter and in a hurry. ■ The caravan la to be on diapla.v servative. Skid today he would, make dear the impossibility of H. Crane Miller, aon of Mr. and called us today and I didn't know. Aa a result, there’s often a con- at the West Hartford Armory on —^An Air France . airliner — Senator Connally (D „ T e x .), The Jackpot was worth 23 dollars." yearly revolution of the sun round When he seata you in the chair see if he could form a new ' enforcing a "keei^to-the-rlght" Mrs. J. F. Miller o f Adelaide road, the earth In the eliptic.’ And you start to lose your hair fllct o f Intereata (iVhen a man goes the dates mentioned above and crashed in an olive grove near ckbinet to get France out of policy on u>* middie-of-the-road- said today " I f France does haa been made a member of the t(> get hia hair cut. unless he can will make special parades around W ell the encyclopedia, goes on In Oh the Barber down at Balnbridge this Riviera fun spot today, not do her utmost to defend loornia Junior Octet at Loomis f'larifiration rise to the situation and request some towns in this vicinity. In,- II, polillc.! .n £fii»n m l this lucid fashion for several col­ he ia king. killing 37 persons, including School, Windsor. A member of the Yesterday's Herald reported that aervlce Iri silence, which isn't too eluded In the carayan is a display herself, she cannot Justify" umns, hut the long and short of Pinay announced his deeWon to p ,,„c e . ThoiTh ave beeii 19 cab- Junior class at Loomis, he has also Mrs. James Munsie, bom on leap easy, clviliaatlon being the in­ of the Atomic Age, ehowing-what an American ballet dancer newsmen after a half-hour's talk, large military and economic it la that over the centuries people If you move the alighteat bit or ineta since the liberation. been active recently on the rifle year day in 19(18. was celebrating say a word hibiting force that It la at Umes. the atomic bhmb can do to city two French acJtresses. A wom­ altb President Vincent Aurlol. ' It waa thought that Pinay would aid from the United States. team. kept fooling around with this "M y first Impulse was to refuse," Strikera Picket Plant in Rockville the 20th anniversary of her birth­ The end for you then truly is ab­ However,, a friend of ours who la and ways and meana to 'prepare an taken alive from the "take Just one turn around the Connally made the statement to day. ,. thing until they had it loused up he said, “ but when the PrMident good. surd old enough to be in a hurry but for an atomic bombing. wreckage was reported in track"—that la. interview the va- newsmen after Secretary of Slate Votes 6 to 3 Some readers who may have insisted I consented to consult my Richard P, Yeomans, son of Mr. 1 The Romans u.sefl to stick in an He.shaves your pate so clean young enough to be uninhibited— A special preview ohowing is critical condition. riout party leaders to assure hlm- Acheson had conferred for near­ counted every fourth year since alated for March 9 from 1 until friends and make an effort." -and Mrs. John Hi Yeomans of extra month every now and then I t really don't seem .he's 3 H — rose to tha occasion ¥he four-engine plane had Just aeif that the Job U impossible.
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