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No. 14/ 7th Year


1. President Traian Basescu asks for Gov't strategy for Black Sea gas transit to be made via Transgaz 2. BEC - final results: Iohannis 54.43 pct, Ponta 45.56 pct 3. Constitutional Court validates presidential elections: is Romania's President 4. Klaus Iohannis - President-elect (bio) 5. IRES poll: Over 80pct of Romanians expecting Iohannis to make good on his electoral promises 6. Romanian President-elect Iohannis meets Chisinau mayor Chirtoaca 7. Bogdan Aurescu is the new Foreign Affairs Minister and Hegedus Csilla, the new Culture Minister and Deputy Prime Minister 8. Foreign Minister Aurescu, U.S. chargé d'affaires Thompson discuss Strategic Partnership guidelines for 2015 9. Present government coalition benefits from support of 67% of MPs 10. Draft law on amnesty and pardons rejected by Chamber of Deputies 11. The international conference "25 years after the fall of communist dictatorships in Eastern Europe: looking back, looking forward"starts in 12. Gorbachev's message to conference "25 Years since the Collapse of Communist Dictatorships in Eastern Europe: Looking Back, Looking Forward" 13. Mast Stepping Ceremony - dedicated to the anti-missile facility Aegis Ashore at the military base at Deveselu 14. MAE does not recognize the so-called Treaty on Allied Relations and Strategic Partnership between the Russian Federation and Abkhazia


1. Romania ranks 52 of 189 countries in Paying Taxes 2015 top 2. The cut VAT on meat and meat products, conducting 3.5 billion euros in annual businesses 3. Analysts: Romania needs accelerated economic growth and good policies to adopt euro



Arundel House, 4 Green London W8 4QD UK Phone: 0044 (0)20 7937 9666 Fax: 0044 (0)20 7937 8069 e-mail: [email protected] web site: www.london.mae.ro

Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______

1. Cigarette smuggling, in a slight decrease 2. 38 percent asylum applications less in 2014 compared to previous years


1. International Conference of the Bologna Process Researchers


1. President Traian Basescu asks for Gov't strategy for Black Sea gas transit to be made via Transgaz

President Traian Basescu called on the Government during a meeting of the Romanian Supreme Defence Council (CSAT) to find a strategy that it should also turn into law by which the transit of the natural gas to be drilled for in the Black Sea be made via Romanian gas transporter Transgaz, the Presidential Administration said in a press release.

It added the incumbent head of state also asked that the Black Sea natural gas should mainly ensure the consumption demand of Romania and the neighbouring Republic of Moldova, with the surplus to be used for export. The Council members analysed and approved the strategic directions of Romania on the development of the energy infrastructure amid the relevant European developments.

The participants in the CSAT concluded that 'the scenarios regarding Romania's involvement in energy infrastructure projects must, beyond commercial reasons, consider the strategic dimension and the contribution to ensuring the national and regional energy security', the President's Office stressed.

2. BEC - final results: Iohannis 54.43 pct, Ponta 45.56 pct

Christian Liberal Alliance's candidate Klaus Iohannis got 54.43 percent (6,288,769 votes) in the second round of the presidential elections on Sunday, while , the candidate of the Social Democratic Party - National Union for Romania's Progress - Conservative Party alliance polled 45.56 percent (5,264,383 votes), according to the final report on the election results the Central Electoral Bureau (BEC) published on its website.

The total number of the voters who went to the polls was 11,719,344 (64.10 percent), of which 10,042,721 were registered with the permanent voter rolls, 1,569,668 with additional lists and 106,955 have cast their vote in the mobile ballot box. Out of the ballots cast, 1.41 percent were void, namely 166,111. According to the final results released by BEC, the total number of Romanian citizens from abroad who went to the polls was 379,116. 2

Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Phone: 0044 (0)20 7937 9666 Fax: 0044 (0)20 7937 8069 e-mail: [email protected] web site: www.london.mae.ro

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3. Constitutional Court validates presidential elections: Klaus Iohannis is Romania's President

The Constitutional Court of Romania (CCR) unanimously confirmed the results of the recent presidential elections and validated the election of Klaus Iohannis as Romania's President, CCR president Augustin Zegrean announced."We checked the documents we received from the Central Electoral Bureau. Our examination resulted in no findings that could have changed the elections outcome. The results of the elections were confirmed and Mr. Klaus Iohannis was validated as . The decision is to be handed over to the president-elect of Romania in a meeting at midday," Zegrean said.

He pointed out he has invited the two presidents, incumbent President of Romania Traian Basescu and president-elect Klaus Iohannis to attend this meeting, as well as former judges with the CCR. Zegrean mentioned he did not invite Prime Minister Victor Ponta, but only the incumbent president of Romania. "Of course it's a special moment. Not often in life one gets the chance to check files on the election of the president of Romania. Not just for me [it's a special moment], but for all my colleagues who have worked on these files," the CCR head said.

4. Klaus Iohannis - President-elect (bio)

Sibiu's Mayor Klaus Werner Iohannis was born on June 13, 1959 in (central Romania), in a family of Transylvanian Saxons.

Between 1979 and 1983, he attended the Faculty of Physics of the "Babes Bolyai" University of Cluj Napoca (central Romania). After graduating from the faculty, he was a teacher at various schools and high schools in Sibiu (1983-1989) and from 1989 to 1997 he was a teacher at the Brukenthal High School in Sibiu. He held the position of deputy general school inspector (1997-1999) and then general school inspector in the Sibiu County School Inspectorate (1999-2000).

In 1990 he became a member of the Democratic Forum of Germans in Romania (FDGR). In 1997, he became a member of the Education Commission of the FDGR , while in 1998 he was elected to the Leadership Committee of the FDGR Sibiu, as well as being elected head of the Education Commission of the FDGR Sibiu. From 2002 to 2013 he was the FDGR president, having been re- elected in 2006 and 2010.

He was elected Mayor of Sibiu on June 30, 2000, in the second round of polling, supported by the FDGR. In 2004 he was re-elected with 88.7 percent of the votes. In the local elections of 2008 he gained a new mandate, garnering 83.2 percent of the votes. He was re-elected for a fourth term in office in the local elections of June 10, 2012. 3

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He initiated numerous contacts with foreign investors and the offices of the . During his tenure, the City of Sibiu was named the European Capital of Culture in 2007 (together with Luxembourg).

Following the dismissal of the Boc Government, by adoption of a censure motion by Parliament, Klaus Iohannis was proposed, on October 13, 2009, to President Traian Basescu, by the National Liberal Party (PNL), for the position of Prime Minister, as an independent. The forming of a new technocratic government was supported by the Social Democratic Party (PSD), Conservative Party (PC), and the Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania (UDMR). The head of state refused the proposal twice, designating instead Lucian Croitoru (October 13, 2009) and Liviu Negoita (November 6, 2009). On October 21, 2009, Parliament adopted a political statement of support for Klaus Iohannis' bid as Prime Minister, with 252 votes for and 2 against.

Klaus Iohannis joined the PNL on February 20, 2013, remaining a FDGR member, but giving up the chairmanship of the Forum. He was first vice chairman of the PNL, elected on February 23, 2013. On May 2014, he announced his resignation from the post, as well as from the Political Bureau of the party. On June 2, 2014, he was designated ad-interim chairman of the PNL. On June 28, 2014, during the Ordinary Congress of the PNL, he was elected chairman of the PNL. During the same event, the merger between the Democratic Liberal Party and the National Liberal Party was approved, with the party following the merger to be named, also, the National Liberal Party.

The Liberals and Democrat Liberals held a joint congress, on July 26, 2014, to approve the statute of the new formation resulting from the merger and of the new electoral alliance — the Christian Liberal Alliance National Liberal Party — Democrat Liberal Party (ACL PNL-PDL).

On August 11, 2014, the joint PNL-PDL National Political Bureau, meeting in the , decided to designate the Liberal leader, Klaus Iohannis, as the candidate of the Christian Liberal Alliance in the presidential elections of November 2014. On September 20, 2014, the ACL candidate for the Presidency of Romania, Klaus Iohannis, submitted his candidacy to the Central Electoral Bureau.

On December 28, 2007 he was awarded with the National Order of the Star of Romania in the rank of Knight, while in 2011 he was awarded with the National Order of Romania "For Merit" in the rank of Knight. In 2006, he received the Federal Cross of Merit, offered by the Federal Republic of Germany; in 2008 he received the Italian National Order — The Star of Italian Solidarity, in the rank of Commander; in 2009 he received the Order of Merit in the rank of Officer granted by the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and in that same year he was awarded the Grand Silver Cross Order of Merit of and the Order of Officer of the Belgian Crown. He is married and is fluent in German and English. 4

Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Phone: 0044 (0)20 7937 9666 Fax: 0044 (0)20 7937 8069 e-mail: [email protected] web site: www.london.mae.ro

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5. IRES poll: Over 80pct of Romanians expecting Iohannis to make good on his electoral promises

More than 80 per cent of Romanians are expecting Romania's President-elect Klaus Iohannis to make good on his electoral promises, but 50 per cent of them say Iohannis should not continue the programmes of outgoing President Traian Basescu, according to findings of an IRES poll conducted after the November 16 presidential runoff and released on Sunday.

Most of the respondents are optimistic when it comes to Iohannis making good on his promises, with a majority expecting him to succeed.

Thus, 29 per cent of the respondents say success is sure, while 53 per cent say it is rather likely. Just 14 per cent of the respondents say success is nil.

A similar percentage of optimists expecting Iohannis to keep his promises is also expecting Romania to benefit from Germany's support, given that the president-elect is ethnic German; 37 per cent of the respondents say that will surely happen, while 43 per cent say it is likely. Only 16 per cent of them are sceptical.

The first measure Iohannis should take after his inauguration should be job creation - 15.2 per cent.

The next priority measure mentioned as thus by a significant share of the respondents is the fight against corruption - 13.9 per cent.

The first country Iohannis should visit once in office should be Germany, according to nearly 40 per cent of the respondents. As many as 10 per cent of them say the United Stated of America and 7 per cent Moldova.

On the other hand, one in two Romanians believe Iohannis should not continue the programmes of outgoing President Traian Basescu, while 40 per cent believe the contrary and 12 per cent cannot answer.

Men, young men, university graduates, urbanites and Iohannis' voters are more likely than not to support the continuation of Basescu's programmes. Among the programmes, most of the respondents mention justice reform and the fight against corruption. They are followed in a priority order by improving or strengthening foreign ties and cutting the number of MP seats and improving infrastructure.

And yet, IRES says, a majority of the respondents do not know what projects of Basescu Iohannis should continue. 5

Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Phone: 0044 (0)20 7937 9666 Fax: 0044 (0)20 7937 8069 e-mail: [email protected] web site: www.london.mae.ro

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The poll was conducted on November 20, 2014, comprising 1,338 persons aged 18 years and above using the CATI Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing method. It carries an error margin of plus/minus 2.7 per cent.

6. Romanian President-elect Iohannis meets Chisinau mayor Chirtoaca

Romanian President-elect Klaus Iohannis met Chisinau mayor Dorin Chirtoaca, the Liberal Party senior leader, the National Liberal Party (PNL) said in a release.

The two officials approached several issues relating the situation in the neighbouring Republic of Moldova in the last five years of pro-European government, the prospects facing the country in the coming years, the relation between Moldova and Romania, the Moldovan parliamentary elections due on Nov. 30 as well as a visit Iohannis is to pay to Chisinau.

'I wish you to succeed in building Romania of the properly-done thing (Iohannis's presidential election slogan — editor's note), I wish you that things go exquisitely for you at Cotroceni (palace — the Romanian president's seat) too, as they went and are going in Sibiu (where Iohannis was a mayor — editor's note). I also sincerely wish that the properly-done thing should pass the Prut river, reach the Republic of Moldova too, so that things might go exquisitely in Chisinau as well', Chirtoaca said. He argued that with the presidential elections, Romania proved 'it can be more rational, it can elect with the mind and soul together and that it can be less misled'.

'It is about a change of mentality, a vote of protest against the corrupted political class and also a major responsibility as regards strengthening the rule of law, ensuring the independence of the judiciary, a free economy, the modernisation of Romania in achieving its European being... We may say we have the same situation and the same expectations in the Republic of Moldova, obviously with the proper delay', Chirtoaca underscored. 'We have to build this relation well, solidly, on the long term and we will certainly succeed in doing it. Romania is and will be by the side of the Republic of Moldova on its European route. Romania wishes that the Republic of Moldova's citizens be able to better tell the difference between the European Union and the customs union and be able to as soon as possible enjoy the benefits that Europe brings the ordinary man', Iohannis said.

Chirtoaca thanked for the constant support rendered by Romania to Moldova and reiterated the commitment of the Liberal Party and Chisinau City Hall to take the goal of Moldova's EU integration and NATO accession to the very end.

Romania's President-elect Klaus Iohannis will be visiting Chisinau, Moldova, on Friday to meet Moldova's President Nicolae Timofti and national leader of Moldova's Liberal Democratic Party Vlad Filat. 6

Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Phone: 0044 (0)20 7937 9666 Fax: 0044 (0)20 7937 8069 e-mail: [email protected] web site: www.london.mae.ro

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'Mr President Klaus Iohannis will have official talks with national leader of the Liberal Democratic Party of Moldova Mr Vlad Filat and an informal meeting with Mr Nicolae Timofti, Moldova's President. At the same time, Mr President Iohannis will meet media representatives of Moldova,' reads a press release issued on Wednesday by the National Liberal Party (PNL).

According to the release, accompanying Iohannis on his visit will be PNL co-chair Vasile Blaga and PNL First Deputy Chair Mihai-Razvan Ungureanu.

7. Bogdan Aurescu is the new Foreign Affairs Minister and Hegedus Csilla, the new Culture Minister and Deputy Prime Minister

Bogdan Aurescu took the oath of office to become Romania's new Foreign Affairs Minister, at a swearing-in ceremony before President Traian Basescu at the . The new Culture Minister and Deputy Prime Minister, Ms. Hegedus Csilla also took the oath of office before Traian Basescu at the same ceremony.

President Traian Basescu on Monday signed a decree appointing Bogdan-Lucian Aurescu as Foreign Affairs Minister, the Presidential Administration informs. The head of state also signed a decree noting the resignation of Teodor Melescanu from foreign minister and the cessation of his Government membership.

Traian Basescu also said at that time he had no objections as regards the person proposed for the position of culture minister, Csilla Hegedus, although he heard the debates in the public space about the business of Hegedus' family, allegedly related to EU funds; Basescu added that the responsibility lies with those who made the proposal.

Bogdan Aurescu (bio) Diplomat Bogdan Lucian Aurescu was born on Sept. 9, 1973.

He graduated from Bucharest Sfantul Sava National College (high school) in 1992, the Law Faculty (1996, with a Merit Diploma) and the History Faculty (1998) of Bucharest University, the - Henri Capitant French-Romanian Institute of the Affairs Law and International Cooperation (1996) and Bucharest National Defence College (2000).

He has a PhD in legal sciences, specialising in law, with "Summa cum laude" with the thesis entitled The Concept of Sovereignty and the Supremacy of International Law (2003). He completed the post- PhD research programme getting the "excellent" mark in International Law of the Minorities Protection, Humanitarian International Law, the Refugees Law and Criminal Law. 7

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Aurescu started a teaching activity in 1998 (a university assistant over 2002-2004; university reader 2004-2012).

He is also a university reader at the Public Law Department of the Law Faculty - Bucharest University since 2012.

Aurescu has been working at the Foreign Affairs Ministry since 1996, where he started at the Judicial and Treaties Directorate.

Starting September 2004, Bogdan Aurescu was Romania's Agent for the International Court of Justice, in this capacity he coordinated the entire activity of the team having represented Romania in the lawsuit vs Ukraine at the International Court of Justice on the Maritime Delimitation in the Black Sea, that ended on February 3, 2009.

During 2010-2011, Aurescu was the chief negotiator for Romania of the Romanian-U.S. Agreement on missile defence and of the Common Declaration of the Strategic Partnership for the 21st Century between Romania and the United States.

He currently holds the diplomatic rank of plenipotentiary minister.

Aurescu was named a State Secretary for Strategic Affairs at the Foreign Ministry on February 4, 2009. Over August 2010 - February 2012 he served as a State Secretary for European Affairs and also coordinated the Security Policies Directorate. He served as a State Secretary for Global Affairs over March - June 2012. In June 2012 he became a State Secretary for Strategic Affairs.

Aurescu is a member of The Hague Permanent Court of Arbitration, an alternative member in the European Commission for Democracy through Law (the Venice Commission) of the Council of Europe, an alternative representative of Romania in the Danube Commission and Arbiter appointed by Romania in accordance with Article 2 of Appendix VII to the U.N. Convention of the Sea Law.

He has been bestowed numerous decorations and distinctions, among which the Star of Romania National Order, Knight's Rank (2009) and Officer's Rank (2013) and the Gold Medal of the Polish Armed Forces (2013).

Aurescu is an author, co-author or coordinator of 13 volumes on international law, 15 chapters published in collective volumes, 15 studies published in volumes of the international specialised conferences and over 100 articles, studies, commentaries published in Romanian and foreign magazines. As an alternative member (independent expert) of the Venice Commission, he was a rapporteur or co-rapporteur for 22 reports, opinions or studies of this institution. 8

Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Phone: 0044 (0)20 7937 9666 Fax: 0044 (0)20 7937 8069 e-mail: [email protected] web site: www.london.mae.ro

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He is fluent in English and French.

8. Foreign Minister Aurescu, U.S. chargé d'affaires Thompson discuss Strategic Partnership guidelines for 2015

Minister of Foreign Affairs Bogdan Aurescu received U.S. chargé d'affaires a.i. in Bucharest Dean Thompson, whom he assured, in his new capacity as chief diplomat, of the Foreign Ministry's full support, reiterating the desire of the Romanian authorities to develop and deepen the Strategic Partnership with the U.S.

According to a Foreign Ministry release sent to AGERPRES on Wednesday, the discussion tackled developments, priorities and the 2015 guidelines of the Strategic Partnership, the situation in the immediate vicinity of Romania and the extended Black Sea area, focusing on the Republic of Moldova and on other issues of common interest, in the perspective of the meetings, next week, of the NATO Foreign Ministers and the OSCE Ministerial Council, respectively.

The interlocutors highlighted the privileged nature of bilateral relations, the high dynamics of the Strategic Partnership between Romania and the United States, as well as the prospects for enhancing bilateral dialogue and cooperation at various levels, with the Foreign Minister reiterating the need for progress as regards the appointment of a new U.S. Ambassador in Bucharest and the goal of including Romania in the Visa Waiver Program.

With regard to the Strategic Partnership's security dimension, the Romanian official stressed the importance of the two states taking coordinated action and cooperating on the implementation of the decisions adopted at the North Atlantic Alliance Summit held in the UK this year, as well as on rendering operational in 2015 the U.S. ballistic missile defense system installed in Romania at the Deveselu base.

According to the Foreign Ministry release, Bogdan Aurescu informed of the decisions passed yesterday by the Romanian Supreme Defence Council on Romania's supplementing by up to 450 troops its participating forces in the NATO Resolute Support Mission in Afghanistan.

Another important topic on the agenda of talks was the meeting of the NATO Foreign Ministers on December 2; in the perspective of the Allied dialogue at the NATO Headquarters, the Romanian chief diplomat highlighted the importance of the participants in the event passing the decision to expand the measures for reassuring the Eastern allies in the light of security developments in the Eastern Neighborhood, as well as the need for the full implementation and within the agreed timeline of the NATO action plan for a heightened response level.


Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Phone: 0044 (0)20 7937 9666 Fax: 0044 (0)20 7937 8069 e-mail: [email protected] web site: www.london.mae.ro

Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______

The two officials exchanged views on the latest developments within the international Anti-ISIL Coalition. In this context, they discussed aspects of the informal ministerial meeting of the international Anti-ISIL Coalition that will take place on December 3 in Brussels, with the Romanian Foreign Minister participating too. The sides emphasized their expectations of the event, which is aimed at rendering more efficient and better structuring the efforts of the Anti-ISIL Coalition.

At the same time, the sides also exchanged views on the preparation of the OSCE Ministerial Council meeting which will take place in Basel on December 4 — 5, the Foreign Ministry also informs.

9. Present government coalition benefits from support of 67% of MPs

The present government coalition benefits from parliamentary support of 67% of elected, a study made by infopolitic.ro shows. According to the source, the Social Democratic Party (PSD), the National Union for Romania's Progress (UNPR), the Conservative Party (PC) and Calin Popescu Tariceanu’s party have 317 MPs, plus 43 elected from Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania (UDMR) and minorities.

The coalition is still based on the votes of 39 independent MPs and those of PPDD. At parliament level, National Liberal Party (PNL) and Liberal-democrat party (PDL) have 171 senators and deputies.

In Senate, Social democrat party (PSD) has 66 MPs PC and PLR -15, UNPR - 13, UDMR -8, independents, PPDD, PMP -5, while PNL and PDL have together 62 senators.

At the Chamber of Deputies there are 152 PSD deputies, 35 from PC-PLR, 36 from UNPR, 18 UDMR, 13- PPDD, 17 minorities, 21-independents and PMP, 73- PNL, 36-PDL.

Petrescu, Pricopie and Nita, ministers who could be reshuffled next to delegate ministers

Ioana Petrescu (finances), Remus Pricopie (education) and Constantin Nita (economy) are some of the ministers who could be reshuffled by premier Victor Ponta. The future cabinet will not include most of delegate ministers as well, political sources told Mediafax.

They showed that, besides Petrescu, Pricopie and Nita Ponta might also reshuffle Mihnea Costoiu (delegate minister for research), Bogdan Stanoevici (delegate minister for Romanians everywhere) and other delegate ministers in order to reduce the number of ministries. Darius Valcov (budget), Florin Jianu (IMM and tourism), Doina Pana (waters, forests and fishing), Razvan Nicolescu (energy), Aurelia Cristea (social dialogue) are other delegate ministers.

On the other hand, parliamentary sources say that premier Ponta promised PLR leader Calin Popescu Tariceanu two positions of ministers in the future government, one of them being the finance portfolio. 10

Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Phone: 0044 (0)20 7937 9666 Fax: 0044 (0)20 7937 8069 e-mail: [email protected] web site: www.london.mae.ro

Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______

Sources say that present deputy premiers will be maintained in the future cabinet.

Premier Ponta will propose on December 10, in front of the ruling coalition, a government reshuffle so that PLR could be also represented in the government.“When another party becomes part of the government, a Parliament vote is needed” said Premier Ponta on Tuesday.

He added that he had no signal about the withdrawal of UDMR from government. Former UDMR president Marko Bela declares that the Union would discuss a new possible majority with PNL which was trying to reach a new parliament majority.

10. Draft law on amnesty and pardons rejected by Chamber of Deputies

The draft law on amnesty and pardons was rejected on Tuesday by the plenum of the Chamber of Deputies.

The deputies have adopted, with 293 votes for, one vote against and one abstention, the report of the Juridical Committee regarding the rejection of the draft law on amnesty and pardons. The plenum of the Chamber should have issued the final vote on Wednesday upon the project.

The draft law on amnesty and pardons received on Tuesday a rejection report from the Juridical Committee of the Chamber of Deputies. The decision was reached unanimously by the members of the Committee and the draft law entered the Tuesday agenda of the plenum session. The draft law regarding amnesty and pardons had initially received an adoption report and the rejection report granted on Tuesday by the Committee is supplementary. The chairman of the National Liberal Party (PNL), Klaus Iohannis, had requested that Parliament put on its Tuesday agenda the draft law on amnesty and pardons and reject this normative act. "I call on the Parliament to make good on its promise and put the amnesty and pardon law on the agenda and reject it. I also ask the Parliament tomorrow to discuss all the requests from the judiciary and approve them all", Iohannis told a press conference.

Prime Minister Victor Ponta announced, also on Monday, that the Social Democrat Party (PSD) and its allies will vote on Tuesday in Parliament for the definitive rejection of the draft law on amnesty and pardons and for the approval of requests to lift the immunity of MPs under criminal investigation. "As I said last week in the debate I had with Mr. Iohannis, tomorrow not only those in PSD, but all in the coalition will vote for the definitive rejection of the amnesty and pardon law and of course for the approval of the requests of the judiciary", said Ponta at the Parliament Palace.

11. The international conference "25 years after the fall of communist dictatorships in Eastern Europe: looking back, looking forward" starts in Bucharest


Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Phone: 0044 (0)20 7937 9666 Fax: 0044 (0)20 7937 8069 e-mail: [email protected] web site: www.london.mae.ro

Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______

Twelve former heads of state from Central and Eastern Europe will be present in Bucharest, took part in the international conference titled "25 years after the fall of communist dictatorships in Eastern Europe: looking back, looking forward".

The Royal House has announced that, in honor of the guests, King Michael I will offer an official dinner on the occasion of celebrating twenty-five years since the fall of communism.

According to a release of the Press Bureau of King Michael I, the official dinner, that will take place in the Large Dining Room of the Elisabeta Palace at 21:15, and that is to be preceded by a ceremony in the Hall of Kings, will be attended by Lech Walesa, President of Poland between 1990-1995, Emil Constantinescu, President of Romania between 1996-2000, Petar Stoyanov, President of Bulgaria between 1997-2002, Stanislav Shushkevich, President of Belarus between 1991-1994, Sali Berisha, President of Albania between 1992-1997, Petru Lucinschi, President of the Republic of Moldova between 1996-2001, Rexhep Meidani, President of Albania between 1997-2002, Rudolf Schuster, President of Slovakia between 1999-2004, Boris Tadic, President of Serbia between 2004-2012, Viktor Yushchenko, President of Ukraine between 2005-2010, Leonid Kuchma, President of Ukraine between 1994-1999, Valdis Zatlers, President of Latvia between 2007-2011, as well as Hans-Gert Pottering, President of the European Parliament between 2007-2009.

Together with the King, the event will be attended by Crown Princess Margareta, and Princes Radu and Nicolae.

Furthermore, during the morning of Thursday, starting with 11:30, Princess Margareta will represent King Michael in the Plenum of the , during the inaugural session of the international conference titled "25 years after the fall of communist dictatorships in Eastern Europe: looking back, looking forward".

On that occasion, Prince Radu will read the address of King Michael.

The Romanian Foundation for Democracy (FRD), the organizer of the international conference that will take place on Thursday and Friday, mentions, in a release remitted to AGERPRES, the presence, in the Palace of the Parliament, of the first democratic presidents of Central and Eastern Europe and Western personalities that have marked the post-communist period.

"A dialogue will take place, during round table sessions, between leaders of the anti-communist revolution and of the transition to democracy and the generation born in 1989-1990. At the round table sessions important personalities of the academic and civic circles of the entire world will participate, as chairmen and moderators", the FRD mentions.

According to the quoted source, on the occasion of the conference, the Palace of the Parliament will 12

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Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______

also host the philatelic exhibition "25 years since the Romanian anticommunist Revolution of 1989" done by the Romfilatelia company, the photograph and document exhibition titled "Romania's path to NATO. Turning point: 1996-2000" done by the Romanian Foundation for Democracy, as well as the exhibition titled "Communist repression in Romania 1945-1965: common denominator - death" done by the Institute for Communist Crime Investigations and the Memory of the Romanian Exile (IICCMER).

Friday, after the conclusion of the event, at 11:30, a press conference will take place at the Palace of the Parliament.

12. Gorbachev's message to conference "25 Years since the Collapse of Communist Dictatorships in Eastern Europe: Looking Back, Looking Forward"

Former President of the Soviet Union Mikhail Gorbachev suggested in a message conveyed to the international conference "25 Years since the Collapse of Communist Dictatorships in Eastern Europe: Looking Back, Looking Forward" taking place in Bucharest and which gathers former heads of state from Central and Eastern Europe, a return to the basic tenets of the new thinking offered to the world more than twenty-five years ago.

Gorbachev also referred to the conflict in Ukraine, which he considers to cause "a serious and dangerous deterioration of relations between Russia and the West".

"We already hear talk of a new Cold War. This situation requires a sober and balanced view of the developments and cooperation between all the leading political forces in the world. I would suggest that we return to the basic tenets of the new thinking offered to the world more than twenty-five years ago. We should try to start a dialogue based on the understanding that we have a common future and that rebuilding trust would be an uphill task, but we have to take this path. For many centuries, the Europeans have repeatedly proved their ability to overcome crisis and progress to a new stage, we've proved it twenty-five years ago as well, when history accelerated its progress. It was a major test of the maturity and wisdom of European peoples and leaders," Mikhail Gorbachev said in the message presented to the Bucharest conference organized by the Romanian Foundation for Democracy established by former President of Romania Emil Constantinescu.

Through the voice of his advisor, Alexander Likhotal, PhD, Professor, President of Green Cross International Geneva, Mikhail Gorbachev said that the events of 25 years ago "opened unprecedented opportunities for Europe, they gave a chance to create a new Europe" and recalled that in November 1990, the leaders of European countries, the United States and Canada signed a document that was titled accordingly: the Charter for a New Europe.

"At the same time, we have to admit that we failed to really make good use of the opportunities 13

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provided to us. Europe has still to address its key challenges: laying solid foundations for peace, creating a new security architecture covering the entire continent. Instead, we saw NATO's expansion to the east, promises given at the end of the Cold War were forgotten, the Paris Charter was no longer even mentioned, all these created obstacles to build a common Europe, new dividing lines emerged in place of the cold ones, Europe saw wars and blood spilling," was the message of Gorbachev, who apologized in the beginning for being unable "to join the participants in this important and timely forum" because of health issues.

The message of King Mihai I was presented during Thursday's opening session of the two-day international conference held at the Palace of Parliament; some of the speakers to address the audience were as follows: former President of Romania Emil Constantinescu; former President of Poland Lech Walesa; former President of the European Parliament Hans-Gert Pottering; former President of the Republic Moldova Petru Lucinschi; former President of Albania Sali Berisha; former President of Serbia Boris Tadic; and former President of Ukraine Viktor Yushcenko.

King Michael happy at opportunity to address conference by celebrating fall of communism

Romania's sovereign Michael I said in a message to the international conference on "25 Years since the Collapse of Communist Dictatorships in Eastern Europe: Looking Back, Looking Forward" taking place at the Palace of Parliament on Thursday that communism in Romania was born in 1921 and now, nearly nine decades on he has the opportunity to address the participants in the conference by celebrating its fall.

'In 1927, at the death of King Ferdinand I, my grandfather, I was proclaimed . In the 87 years that have passed I was the direct witness of the rise and fall of fascism and communism. Two criminal systems that have left more than 100 million victims behind and many million people with mutilated souls and bodies... My family and I have worked much in the last 25 years since the fall of communism for a democratic, prosperous, free and dignified Romania. We will not stop doing this thing till the end of our days, being convinced that the institution of the Royal House is part of our state—and national identity', said the message read by Michael's son-in-law Prince Radu from the Parliament rostrum. King's life 'has been a long and loyal wait, a wait for Europe to come to its senses, a wait for Romania to go back to its own self', the message said. 'But I have also known blessed moments in my long life. God wanted me to be on the front line of my country's returning to the dignified family of the free nations by Romania's joining the EU and the North Atlantic Organization as a full member', the message added.

13. Mast Stepping Ceremony - dedicated to the anti-missile facility Aegis Ashore at the military base at Deveselu 14

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High officials of Romania, the United States, Poland, Turkey and NATO have participated in a solemn ceremony - the Mast Stepping Ceremony - dedicated to the anti-missile facility Aegis Ashore, that is presently in construction at the military base at Deveselu, a press release remitted by the Foreign Affairs Ministry (MAE) informs.

The quoted source mentions that the ceremony is specific to naval tradition, signifying the process of finalizing construction on a ship and its commissioning. The participants of the tradition usually place symbolic objects at the base of the main mast to bear luck to the ship.

"In anticipation of the successful completion of the Anti-Missile Facility in Deveselu in 2015, Romanian, American, Polish, Turkish and NATO representatives introduced in a box that will be placed under the construction in Deveselu, a series of coins, photographs and other similar objects", the release shows.

On behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, State Secretary for Strategic Affairs Bogdan Aurescu participated in the event. He placed in the box that is to be stored in Deveselu a photograph from the first round of negotiations regarding the placing of the US ballistic missile defence system in Romania.

The ceremony also saw the participation of the head of the Romanian Chief of General Staff, General Stefan Danila, US Navy Director of the Missile Defense Agency, admiral James Syring, Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense, Brian McKeon, the ambassador of Turkey to Bucharest, Koray Ertas, as well as other Polish and American officials.

The ceremony took place on the sidelines of the Multinational Ballistic Missile Defence Conference and Exhibition, organized by the Missile Defence Agency of the US State Department and hosted by Romania during 17-19 November 2014.

The Aegis Ashore Facility in Deveselu is scheduled to become operational by the end of 2015.

US Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Jonathan W. Greenert starts a visit the Deveselu base State Secretary for Defence Policy and Planning with Romania's Defence Ministry (MApN) Valeriu Nicut and General Staff Chief Lieutenant-General Stefan Danila, met visiting US Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Jonathan W. Greenert, at the Deveselu base.

MApN reported in a press release issued on Wednesday that the three defence officials discussed with the Romanian and American personnel of the base and received updates on the latest developments in making the Deveselu military facility operational.

After the visit, Nicut said that 'both Romania and the US have so far met their deadlines for the tasks agreed upon related to making the Deveselu missile defence facility operational, as provided for in a 15

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schedule of joint actions.'

Greenert mentioned that with the facility becoming operational, the facility in 2015 will become an important component of the NATO missile defence system. He also highlighted the special part of the nearly 200 American troops, civilian personnel and contractors in the smooth operation of the facility alongside their Romanian allies.

On his visit to Romania, Greenert also met Chief of Romania's Navy Staff Rear-Admiral Alexandru Mirsu and visited the Regele Ferdinand frigate and the Mircea training ship. Discussed during his meetings were the latest developments in naval cooperation, joint participation in NATO operations as well as future action guidelines to increase stability in the Black Sea zone, reads the release.

14. MAE does not recognize the so-called Treaty on Allied Relations and Strategic Partnership between the Russian Federation and Abkhazia

The Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) does not recognize the so-called Treaty on Allied Relations and Strategic Partnership between the Russian Federation and Abkhazia, signed in Sochi by the President of the Russian Federation and the de facto Abkhaz leader, and condemns the signing of this document.

"The Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs does not recognize the legal framework under which this treaty was signed and points out that, as the breakaway regions of Abkhazia and Tskhinvali / South Ossetia are an integral part of Georgia, no treaty between the Russian Federation and the de facto authorities of a breakaway region can be recognized as lawful. Romania's Ministry of Foreign Affairs condemns the signing of this so-called "treaty" which, by its provocative and unilateral character, induces an additional risk to security and for the region's destabilization," the Romanian Foreign Ministry said in a statement issued on Tuesday.

According to the cited source, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs reiterates its strong support for the peaceful, negotiated settlement of the protracted conflicts in Georgia, under observance of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of this country within its internationally recognized borders. Iohannis met Charge d'affaires with the US Embassy in Bucharest Dean Thompson Romania's President-elect Klaus Iohannis on Tuesday met Charge d'affaires with the US Embassy in Bucharest Dean Thompson, who extended to Iohannis congratulations from the US Government on his election, the National Liberal Party (PNL) reports in a press release.

'The American diplomat conveyed to Mr Iohannis congratulations from the US Government on being elected Romania's president,' reads the release.


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The release also mentions that the two officials exchanged opinions on topics of common interest in the spirit of the excellent cooperation and bilateral strategic partnership between the two countries.


1. Romania ranks 52 of 189 countries in Paying Taxes 2015 top

Romania ranks 52nd in the Paying Taxes 2015 top, climbing by 82 positions compared to the previous edition of the top. It is now among the best ranking countries of Central and Eastern Europe, according to the annual report made by PricewatershouseCoopers (PwC) and the World Bank.

According to the source, Romania is among the best ranking countries in Central and Eastern Europe before Poland (87), Hungary (88), Bulgaria (89), Slovakia (100) and Czech Republic (119) but is behind the Baltic states (Latvia 24, Estonia 29, Lithuania 44), Croatia (36) and Slovenia (42). “Romania is one of the performers of this year’s edition of Paying Taxes report and that was possible due to the measures adopted by fiscal authorities over 2010-2013 to facilitate electronic payments and online declarations,” said Mihaela Mitroi, the leader of the Fiscal and Juridical Consulting Department of PwC Romania.

At present, companies in Romania must make 14 tax payments in a year (compared to the European average of 12 annual payments) and are spending 159 work hours to fill in and send these declarations, the European average being 176 hours.

On the other hand, for the overall tax rate, which measures the share of taxes and contributions made by a company as profit percentage, Romania ranks slightly above the European average with 43.2% compared to 41%.

At global level, the overall average tax rate of a company is 40.9% of commercial profit, with 25.9 payments per year and 264 hours spent to fulfil fiscal requirements.

“In the ten years in which the Paying Taxes report was made, the time spent by a company for fiscal payments dropped by 10 days, which shows the increase of the use of electronic payments at world level. 105 of the 379 fiscal reforms recorded in Paying Taxes reports starting with 2004 concern the online deposition of fiscal statements and payments, the PwC report shows.

Paying taxes 2015 takes into account mandatory contributions a company has to make during a year. Taxes and contributions include the tax on profit, social contributions and labour force taxes paid by employers, taxes on property, on transfers of property, tax on dividends, on financial transactions, for waste collecting, fleet and road taxes and other smaller taxes. 17

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The Paying Taxes report analyzes tax paying in 189 countries in the world by taking into account three major indicators: overall taxing rate, which measures the share of taxes and contributions paid by a company as percentage from profit, the time needed to comply with fiscal law and the number of payments made by a company to fulfil fiscal obligations.

The annual Paying Taxes study is based on the Paying Taxes chapter of the World Bank Doing Business report.

Last year Romania ranked 134th in the top.

2. The cut VAT on meat and meat products, conducting 3.5 billion euros in annual businesses

The cut value-added tax (VAT) on meat and meat products, cutting red tape and backing the food industry in order to promote the Romanian products in the foreign markets were some of the topics 'passionately' debated and examined by the Romanian authorities and business environment during a two-day seminar and that was totally dedicated to this sector conducting 3.5 billion euros in annual businesses.

The authorities' representatives support the orientation of the Romanian producers in the agri- foodstuffs sector towards the integration of the production, the more so since the Agriculture Ministry has introduced this concept in the new National Rural Development Programme and the beneficiaries who are making efforts with a view to switching to market production and setting up processing centres will only stand to gain.

Unfortunately, the good productions in the plant sector were shipped as raw material and, given such a situation, the vision for the development of each separate sector needs to be changed, the participants underscored.

Official figures unveiled at the debates show that the animal production totalled more than 25 billion lei last year, or 36.7 percent of the total farm production value, being an extremely important sector in the Romanian food industry, but some of these figures were challenged by the representatives for the Romanian pig breeders.

The Romanian meat industry officials, no matter if in the sector of pig-meat, poultry, fish or canned food are unanimous in their demand that the VAT be cut on the chain to 5 percent or 9 percent, since 75 percent of the current 24 percent VAT size applied in Romania for everything meaning industry and consumption is not being collected.


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As for the meat and meat products consumption in Romania, the statistic figures show a slight increase in 2011-13, but such figures do not even come close to the average European consumption. Beef consumption in Romania stands at 4.9 kg per local per annum, marking a rise from 3.9 kg, while pig meat consumption has grown from 30.1 to 31 kg per local per annum. When it comes to fish, however, the consumption has fallen dramatically from 8.5 kg in 1990 to 4 kg at present.

The importance of the Romanian food and beverages industry can be seen in the statistics, as this industry ranks top of the employers in Romania, with some 184,000 workers and the as many as 8,355 companies generate a combined turnover of 10.7 billion euros and 2.2 billion euros in added value. Economic perspectives of Romania for the next six months improved - ZEW The perception of the financial analysts regarding the evolution of Romania’s economy for the next six months improved slightly in November, from 20 points last month to 23.6 points but the indicator regarding the present economic situation continued to drop and entered in negative territory, according to ZEW data. Romania is situated third in Central and Eastern Europe as regards the perspectives of local economy for the next six months, following Austria where the perception of analysts improved by 9.4 points against October and Slovakia (+24.1 points), a survey made by the German research institute ZEW in collaboration with the Austrian group Erste shows. As regards the present situation of Romania’s economy, the perception of the analysts worsened in November at minus 0.1 points, after October when the indicator dropped by 7 points, at 0 points. Despite this, the present situation of the local economy is over that of Croatia or Hungary, where the indicator is at -54.6 points, -20.6 points respectively. The perspective of the stock exchange in Bucharest worsened in November according to the ZEW study and the indicator which measures the expectations for the BET indicator showed a decline of 7.7 points at42.4 points. At the same time, the expectations for the evolution of the leu improved reaching 3.3 points, from 0 points in October. For the survey in November took part 71 financial analysts out of whom 13 from Turkey. The Central and Eastern Europe includes in the ZEW survey Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia and Turkey. The Central and Eastern Europe recorded an improvement of the perspectives regarding the evolution of the economy for the next six months, the indicator of the region advanced by 5.5 points, at 12.5points, supported by the evolutions in Slovakia, Turkey and the Czech Republic. The indicator for the present situation of the region dropped by 22.3 points to -12.6 points. As regards the euro zone, the financial analysts anticipate a coming back of the economy on short term, the indicator going up by 10 points, at 15.8 points.


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3. Analysts: Romania needs accelerated economic growth and good policies to adopt euro

Romania should reach real convergence to adopt euro, with fulfilled Maastricht criteria. It needs an accelerated economic growth of 5% to adopt euro in 2019, an ambitious but impossible project without efficient policies, analysts say. “If we intend to adopt euro, we can do it only by continuing this convergence process in an accelerated way, which means economic growth of 3-4% and even 5% in order to adopt euro in 2019, “said Radu Craciun, the senior economist of BCR, on Thursday at the annual conference of financial banking analysts organized by BNR.

He considers the plan is ambitious and doubts that Romanian economy can reach such an increase in such a short period of time. However Romania will enter the euro zone in 2019.Craciun, who is the president of AAFBR pointed out that growths of 4-5% were obtained in the Romanian economy in very favorable contexts.“Such a favourable context it is unlikely to find on medium term”, said the analysts.

Ionut Dumitru, the president of the Fiscal Council agrees that adopting euro in 2019 is very ambitious and needs a concrete plan with steps that have to be followed to reach the target.“We need a plan establishing things to be done until that moment. We must have someone in the government to handle this project,’ said Dumitru, the senior economist of Raiffeisen Bank. He pointed out that although Romania has nominal convergence it must reach a real one. The countries which adopted euro before had a per capital GDP of 60% of the euro zone, while Romania has bout 50%.To reach the convergence level which allowed countries before us to enter the euro zone, we need high economic growth in a short period of time, Dumitru says.

Florian Libocor, senior economist at BRD considers that Romania should adopt euro when the economy is ready, neither sooner or later. On the other hand, Valentin Lazea, BNR senior economist considers that a country can reach real convergence even after adopting euro if it has good policies. The adoption of euro is a catalyst of real convergence, not a guarantee as real convergence depends on good policies, Lazea said.

He gave the example of Slovakia, which had good policies after adopting euro and continued convergence within it. Countries like Greece and Slovenia converged after entering the euro area because they had had bad policies before.

What matters is policy quality both before and after joining euro. The euro zone can be a catalyst, an accelerator of reforms, but it is not the magic solution to solve all problems, Lazea showed. He pointed out that there is a bi difference between joining EU and the euro zone.

Upon EU accession we could relax, but there is not a moment of relaxation when entering the euro zone. Once we get there we must run as fast as and be as competitive as the Germans, Austrians, Dutch, Fins and the others, the BNR official concluded. 20

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Mugur Isarescu, the BNR governor declared on Thursday that Romania had reached macro stability and fulfilled all five convergence criteria but could not adopt euro too soon. He pointed out that Romanian economy was stable but had problems at micro level.


1. Cigarette smuggling, in a slight decrease

The cigarette black market has slightly decreased in September 2014, being located at 15.4%, compared to 17% in July, according to the data supplied by the Novel Research Company. The smuggling level registered in September is the lowest of 2014. The black market is, however, still at rates higher than the yearly average, about 13%, registered during 2012-2013.

"The Western region was mostly affected in September by the illicit cigarette trade, as in this area of the country the black market is on a fulminate rise (by 16 p.p., up to 42.1%). The next region significantly affected by the smuggling continues to be the North-Eastern area, with an increase of 1.8 p.p., up to 35.9%. Significant drops are registered in the North-Western areas (minus 7.9 p.p. down to 11.8%), in Bucharest (minus 7.9 p.p. down to 7.9%), in the South-East (minus 6.9 p.p., down to 7.2%), as well as in the South-West (by 2.6 p.p. down to 14.7%). The lowest levels of the black market are registered in the Central and Southern areas (3%). As regarding the origin, the ”cheap whites” continue to hold the highest preponderance (48.7%), more than Ukraine (24%) and Moldova (16.6%) together.” has stated Marian Marcu, the Manager of the Novel Research Company.

„The drop of the black market noted in September is the result of the efforts made by the competent authorities in fighting against smuggling, which are also supported by the tobacco companies. Recently, a Protocol between ANAF (the National Agency for Fiscal Administration) and the cigarette manufacturers was signed, who are getting organized in a framework created for future joint programs. JTI shall maintain its successful partnerships initiated with the authorities in 2005, supporting the professional development of the customs officers, by offering assistance for the training of new canine teams, as well as by the development of public anti-smuggling campaigns in the border areas of the country. We have a similar positive cooperation with the Border Police and the General Police Inspectorate. Meetings are convened from time to time with the representatives of the authorities in order to discuss certain specific measures (for instance, the common operation developed by the Customs of Romania and Moldova, organized in July-August, further to the alarming results provided by the Novel study regarding the North-East). It is remarkable that during the past weeks three smuggling networks were destructured in Constanta, Iași and Timiș, while in Bucharest an illegal warehouse was discovered. For the efforts of the authorities not to become mere resource losses, a coherent tax policy is mandatory. We would like to remind that the entry of smuggling on an ascending 21

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trend, as of last year’s end, was caused by the artificial indexation of the exchange rate set for the excise calculation, plus the annual increase of the excise duties in April, which has determined the growth of the price difference between the legal products and the ones from the black market. Currently, despite the law, the exchange rate to be used for calculating the excise duties for the next year is still unknown”, has stated Gilda Lazăr, Corporate Affairs & Communications Director at JTI Romania, Moldova and Bulgaria.

„In September, cigarette smuggling has dropped 1.6 percentage points compared to July. It is encouraging, considering that the legal sales are growing and, consequently, the paid taxes are growing too. A smuggling percentage point recovered from the black market means additional yearly revenues for the State Budget of approximately EUR 35 million. We must point out, however, that such amounts are obtained based on additional efforts and resources. For the searches and arrests involved by the dismantling of the criminal group in Constanta only, a deployment of 180 police officers was required! And these efforts of the Police, Customs, Border Police, supported by the tobacco companies, should continue for the black market not to take again the ascending trend. The criminal networks are adjusting themselves fast, and the authorities are forced to act accordingly, such efforts should be supported, however, also by a balanced tax environment. To this end, we hope that the work group at the Ministry of Finance shall not undermine the actions of the National Agency for Fiscal Administration, the General Customs Direction, the Border Police, the General Police Inspectorate, and to identify the optimal solution in regard of the exchange rate at which the excise duties shall be calculated, for both the budget and the legal manufacturers”, has stated Adrian Popa, Corporate & Regulatory Affairs Director at BAT Romania.

“We hope that the decrease registered according to the last study is not temporary and the efforts made by the authorities in order to secure the “hot areas” are successful. Recently, Romania and Ukraine have signed the small border traffic agreement, and the consequences thereof in regard of the illicit traffic shall occur soon enough. Moreover, according to the Novel study, the Western area has become in September the region most affected by the black market, while during the entire year 2014, the North-Eastern area had recorded the highest share of the illicit cigarette trade”, has stated Sorana Mantho, Corporate Affairs Director at Philip Morris Romania and Bulgaria.

In the opinion of the three tobacco manufacturers, in order to restrict the black market, it is necessary, along with the uniform regulation, based upon volume criteria, of the tax evasion and cigarette smuggling felonies, to clarify the situation existing at the internal border crossing points with Hungary and Bulgaria, as well as to establish the specific duties of the local police force and of the gendarmerie, as the illicit cigarette trade takes place in their competence area (markets, fairs, subway stations etc.).

The large tobacco manufacturers have signed cooperation agreements with the European Commission to fight against the illicit trade with tobacco products, and support the establishment, from the amounts


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allotted to Romania under such agreements, of a premium fund for the people with special results registered in the fight against cigarette smuggling.

The tobacco industry is the second largest taxpayer to Romania’s State budget, after the oil companies. In 2013, over 40% of the revenues from excises consisted of tobacco excises. Last year, the tobacco industry has paid to the budget over EUR 2.6 billion, representing excise duties, VAT, taxes and contributions.

2. 38 percent asylum applications less in 2014 compared to previous years

The number of asylum applications filed by foreign nationals is 38 percent less in 2014 compared to previous years, said the head of the General Inspectorate for Immigration, Police Chief-Quaestor Nelu Pop.

"Currently, Romania doesn't have a problem with asylum applications. Whereas 3-4 years ago we had a quite high number of asylum applications, this is currently about 38 percent less; in 2014 we had only 1,367 requests for asylum. Romania has the shortest administrative phase of the asylum procedure in the EU, that is 30 days," Nelu Pop told the meeting of the Committee on migration, refugees and displaced persons of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) taking place on Thursday at the Palace of Parliament.

He explained that Romania is still a transit country where immigration may be greatly influenced by global events.

"Romania has never been an immigration target, a target country for immigrants, for illegal migration, they are headed for the West. Romania may be also favored by its geographical position - the main immigration route is Greece-Bulgaria and onwards to Italy and other countries. There wasn't a crowd flowing to Romania from Ukraine either, we only had 22 applications since the outbreak of the conflict - the distance via northern Ukraine to the West is shorter," said Pop.

He argues that the low number of asylum applications is also due to the "high firmness shown by Romanian authorities at the border." Nelu Pop also said that there are 111,316 foreign nationals in Romania, of whom 55,600 are from third countries, while the rest are EU citizens.

The members of the Committee on migration, refugees and displaced persons of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe are on a visit to Romania on Thursday and Friday.

"Romania's hosting the meeting of the Committee on migration, refugees and displaced persons of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe is part of the approaches of multilateral parliamentary diplomacy aimed at promoting Romania's objectives in the areas of migration, refugees 23

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and displaced persons in the context of cooperation and intercultural dialogue at European level," says a Chamber of Deputies release.

The main themes in the attention of the PACE Committee are migration in Romania, the latest developments in migration at the borders of Romania, as well as human trafficking.


1. International Conference of the Bologna Process Researchers

The International Conference of the Bologna Process Researchers - the Future of Higher Education opened at the National Library of Bucharest. Education Minister Remus Pricopie and the Italian Ambassador to Romania Diego Brasioli attended the event.

The conference gathers over 200 participants - researchers, professors, PhD students, experts of the Bologna Process and specialists in education policies from 30 countries.

Over three days, more than 60 articles will be presented, addressing nine relevant topics of international debates on higher education, namely: the internationalization of education; financing and governance; excellence and diversification of the missions of higher education institutions; teaching, learning and student participation; the social dimension of education and equity; education, research and innovation; quality assurance; the impact of the Bologna Process in the European Space of Higher Education (EHEA) and on the global level; and justified public policies in higher education - analysis, impact and data reporting.

Minister Pricopie declared on the opening that one of the goals of the conference is the continual consultation of researchers for drafting public policies. 'We will do our best to make your voice heard,' he promised the audience.

Ambassador Brasioli asserted that 'education is the basis of economic growth in Europe, and the Bologna Process made the European education system flexible. 'One can start their education in a country and complete it in another country,' he observed.

The event aims giving a voice to researchers within the Bologna Process and worldwide. In a wider perspective, it is intended to send a direct message to the political decision-makers of the Bologna Process Ministers' Conference and Forum, to be held in May 2015. Another goal is to open a dialogue between researchers and policy makers on the new global trends and particularly on the future of the EHEA.


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