Ministry of Forests Vancouver Forest Region 2 100 Labieux Road Nanaimo, B.C
Golder Associates ltd. 500 4260 Sell Creek Drive Burnaby, British Columbia. Canada V5C 6C6 Telephone (604) 298.6623 FOX (604]298-5253 REPORT ON AN ARCHAEOLOGICAL OVERVIEW OF THE CENTRAL COAST LRMP AREA Submitted to: Ministry of Forests Vancouver Forest Region 2 100 Labieux Road Nanaimo, B.C. V9T 6E9 Submitted by: Golder Associates Ltd. 500 - 4260 Still Creek Drive Burnaby, B.C. v5c 6C6 HERITAGE RESOURCE CENTRE MIkISTRY OF SMALI.. BUSINESS, ?0L~R1Siv~ ANCj l;Ui.TURE 101 8C0 :&!NSON STREET BOX 9821, STN PROV GOVT ‘.‘1cr0RIA SC \‘8W 9w3 DISTRIBUTION: 4 Copies - Vancouver Forest Region, Ministry of Forests, Nanaimo, B.C. 1 copy: Phil Hobler, Simon Fraser University, Bumaby, B.C. 1 copy- Archaeology Branch, Victoria, B.C. 2 Copies - Golder Associates Ltd., Bumaby, B.C. June 1999 962-1936 June 1,1999 -i- 962-1936 MANAGEMENT SUMMARY This report describes the results of an archaeological overview assessment (AOA) of the Central Coast Land and Resource Management Plan (LRMP) area. The study was undertaken on behalf of the Ministry of Forests (Vancouver Forest Region). The objectives of the study were to summarize and evaluate existing information about cultural heritage resources in the study area and to develop a series of predictive models to help assess the need for archaeological investigation (impact assessments or reconnaissance) prior to land development. The project involved four main phases: (1) background research, including a review of previous archaeological, historical, and ethnographic reports and publications; (2) development of models to predict where archaeological sites are most likely to be found; (3) implementation of the models to assess the archaeological site potential of the Central Coast; and (4) recommendations for appropriate cultural resource management strategies for the LRMP area.
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