11M THE NEW Z:mALAND GAZETTE Temp. Lieutenant J. B. Armstrong, from the Reserve of Officers, ADMINISTRATIVE AND SUPPLY BRANCH Supplementa»y List, to be Lieutenant, with seniority from 6th Appointment July, 1946. Dated 1st May, 1949. Special Duties Division- Lieutenant H. D. Orton, from the Reserve of Officers, Supple 71412 Flight Sergeant John Everitt SEAL is granted a permanent mentary List, to be Lieutenant, with seniority from 1st August, commission in the temporary rank of Flying Officer. Dated 15th 1946. Dated 1st May, 1949. April, 1949. Lieutenant D. C. Cox, from the Retired, to be Lieutenant, RESERVE OF Am FORCE OFFIOEBB with seniority from 28th December, 1947. Dated 1st May, 1949. Transfers 2nd Lieutenant (temp. Lieutenant) E. H: Thompson, from the 70112 Flight Lieutenant Leonard George MITCHELL is trans· Reserve of Officers, Supplementary List, to be Lieutenant, with ferred from the Active· List to the Reserve of Air Force Officers, seniority from 30th May, 1948. Dated 1st May; 1949. Class A, Section 1. Dated 18th April, 1949. Ueutenant G. Leighton-Jones, from the Reserve of Officers, 70131 Flight Lieutenant Vernon Hector Waggstaff GROVES is Supplementary List, to be I.ieutenant, with seniority from 26th transferred from the Active List to the Reserve 'Of Air Foroe July, 1948. Dated 1st May, 1949. Officers, Class B,Section 1. Dated 29th Maroh, 1949. Lieutenant J. Osmond, from the Reserve of Officers, Supple F. JONES, Minister of Defence. mentary List, to be Lieutenant, with seniority from 18th Augnst, 1948. Dated 1st May, 1949. Appointment of Honorary OJficers Lieutenant C. M. Opie, from the Retired List, to be Lieutenant" with seniority from 4th September, 1948.
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