Glossary of Recreation Therapy and Occupational Therapy
Glossary of Recreation Therapy and Occupational Therapy ✍ David R. Austin Glossary of Recreation Therapy and Occupational Therapy Venture Publishing, Inc. Copyright © 2001 Venture Publishing, Inc. 1999 Cato Avenue State College, PA 16801 (814) 234-4561; Fax (814) 234-1651 No part of the material protected by this copyright notice may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the copyright owner. Trademarks: All brand names and product names used in this book are trademarks, registered trademarks, or trade names of their respective holders. Production Manager: Richard Yocum Manuscript Editing: Valerie Paukovits, Richard Yocum, and Julie F. Klein Cover Design: Venture Publishing, Inc. Library of Congress Catalogue Card Number 00-111038 ISBN 1-892132-19-2 Preface This glossary of recreation therapy and occupational therapy terms is meant to serve as a study guide for students and a reference book for practitioners. It may also be a valuable aid to those preparing for comprehensive examinations, such as national certification exams or graduate school comprehensive exams. Recreation therapy and occupational therapy encompass a wide scope of activity. Therefore, I have attempted to be eclectic in developing the glossary in order to reflect a full range of approaches to these professions. I would like to thank my colleagues, Professors Youngkhill Lee, Ph.D., CTRS, and Bryan McCormick, Ph.D., CTRS, for their thoughtful reviews of the glossary. I would also like to thank Karen Scott, M.S., OTR, of Bloomington Hospital, for her thorough review of the glossary and Professor Celestine Hamant, M.S., OTR, SAOTA , of Indiana University, for identifying historical figures in occupational therapy.
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