Dungeon012120 ‐ Dungeon Level 1 Room # 1 Workroom 50Ft
Dungeon012120 ‐ Dungeon Level 1 Room # 1 Workroom 50ft. long x 30ft. wide x 45ft. tall portcullis; sheet Secret Door, roll again for type leading to a hallway 5ft. long x 15ft. wide x 15ft. tall Focus Trap; DL 1; Search DC 11 (Psionicist CL 2, DC 11 RSW save to negate) Panic Trap; DL 1; Search DC 11 (Cleric CL 2, DC 11 PP save to negate) Pool that (causes/has/or is) Changes ‐ Minds From Body to Body [x1] Psi 45 powers function at zero effect [x1] Radiation (Psi9) of RS=26 (doesn't fluctuate) boots wind, strong, moaning; twanging Wilian the stupendous Gold Elf (Golden); Zhumadian the perplexing Digi‐‐ Beetle (Capsule) 61gp a bee's hive tentatively....., 0gp Sea‐green Bottle: +1 level(s) of exceptional Con, 5110gp Pitch‐black Armor, Heavy [AT+6] +1 AC/+1 Saves; 1M: +1 Memorization Level (this is next level of picks for rogues); CL 7; SL 1, 53 DL I Tiny Plains Reptiles x(7) x[2] AC 11, HD 2, hp 8, #Att 2, TH ÷ AC/Save DC by 2, dmg 3 Str 14, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 15, Wis 14, Chr 16, 0.01kxp Prepared effects: [Psi81 minor] Armor: ‐CL dmg distributed among /energy or /physical attacks Combat effects: [Psi3½ minor] Déjà Vu: Your target repeats his last action. Dungeon012120 ‐ Dungeon Level 1 Room # 2 Priest's Chamber/Lab 20ft. long x 35ft. wide x 20ft. tall hossock (ottoman); coal Bone Door (shrieks loudly if opened) leading to a hallway 15ft. long x 10ft. wide x 10ft. tall Astral Construct Trap; DL 1; Search DC 11 (Psionicist CL 2, DC 11 PPD save to negate), (multiple targets) Ceiling transforms into Elemental Shadow Trap; DL 1; Search DC 11 (4 Chr damage/s, DC 11 PP save for half) Fireplace that (causes/has/or is) Elevator room (with lever to select DL) [x1] Saving Throws cannot be made in the room except on a natural 20 (with no adjustments or die setting effects whatsoever).
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