Red Ambush Smashes Viet Column, 51 Killed

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Red Ambush Smashes Viet Column, 51 Killed '.•< J fRUSSOAY. MAY lA 1M4 T rfr WrolTYi-BIOHT t i '» ' 'V w .p 4lmtrj^onEt»r . 1 A nrt^ Daily Net PremK«i Tha Nutnoggar Ctamara dub a( giilB h atwaan For toe Wmk 3 X will hold an appla bloaaflpi ffs- IS yaafa ad ago who wWi May e, 19M About Town tival Sunday, mtn or ahiM sotthalf wmiM Sat- Mambara win laava RtUtop fram.lO njn. to noon add World W»r 1 Burmeka u d Houaa, Bast. Hartford, at 1 pjn. 1 to t.njn. at Memorial Auxiliary wU inMt Sunday at and return tbara at • for a FMd of Mandhootar Rlah American Furniture 13,974 3 p.m. at tlM v r w Poat Hama, buffet i' ■ ' SdiooL Raglattatiun wnTHM «r tha Audit ■lootkia o< daiacataa to tiM held again on May 31, same at Owwlattaa ^ t a convantlon in Bridcaport Joeoph Stahhntas, aon of Mr. tima aad plaoo. W orkshop wUl bo halA Mambara aro . ro> andM ra. Joseph W. Stanlunaa, Mmdmter^ACUyofrWmgeChn mindad of tha cup aucstion to ba 74 PijntonUi L4un, waa raconUy Mbnehootar Orange will spon- held aftar tha meattaic. iSiUatad Into Tau Bata PI, a na- aor a teblic mlUta^ wMai and ANTIQUE and MODERN FURNITURE ▼OL. LXXXm, NO. IM (TWENTT-FOUS PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) Uonal honorary s o ^ ty for aU aatbaek card party at • pjn. to­ M A N C R l^E lt, ODNN., FRIDAT, MAY 16, 1964 PRICE EEVIN m m Tha Maa’a Laagua of tha Sal­ ongtnoortng majors, at tho Uni- morrow at Odd Fbllows Hall, vation Army will moat at 7:30 voralty of Connaetleut whore ho ttokata will ba ayailabla at tha Rspsirsd snd Rsftniihsd tomorrow at tha church. la a Junior. Brig. Vamon Poat of Now Lon­ Frss sstlmatsf givss on work. Chapman Court Order of Tho ,drfli team af John Mather British Find 2 Troopers Events don will apoak on tho "Art of Good Photography." Rafroah- Amaranth, will moat at 7:45 Chapter, Order of DaMolay, will Ssfisfsction Gusrantood menta will ba aarved aftor tho t.m. tomorrow at tha Maaonic pteusUca a t 7 tonight at tjM Ma­ mooting. I 'bmple at which time thare.artn sonic Temple for the i ^ e d be the annual memorial aoHice. Foroaa Day parade Saturday. In State. Red Ambush Smashes Officers are reminded to attend CAU C. GRILLI—M3-9741 Mutilated by Rebel Tribe ThoTo Will be a aorvice at 7:80 the rehearsal at,.7. ' Aftar tha niare wlU be no Jimlor choir tonight at tho Salvation Army. meeting refraaBments will be rMiaaraal at Second Oongrega- ADEN (AP) — The re -t'^ m im as the New Unit Asked Dmm Kakaclw Jiadith Pick Mrs. Florence Stevenson will served by. Mrs. Anna Robb and tional Church on Saturdays un­ i ^ W letfaethcMtrolohaivedeiiight that the Middle Beat la devoUonal loader. her oparmittao. til June g. ^ n s of two British sol- ahouMer to ehouMar and broke ready to arupt into war. But be srs whose heads were through a ring of tribeamen. satd his government had no In­ In Plan to Curii R hm n Juniors Delegates to Girls State The rest of me patrol escaped. tention of intervening in the Viet Column, 51 Killed hacked off by rebel tribes­ An IntelUgence report mid the a ttw le between Yemen'e re- men are being buried in Mvared hesde were burled Juat Double - Dealings ^borougfa, has been a member of pubUcan and royalist facUons: Three Jnlora at Rham Highland Mna Joeeph Buiha of Am-< Aden today with full mlU- acroae the Yemen border in Douglae-Hcme aittd Britain's Seheol In HebrMi have been at<m Lake, has been a member the chorus, vice president of the tfry honors. Qataba. only objective la to protect Its HARTPi:)RD (AP)—Es- fftnasn by the faculty as dele of the Art dub, ohorua cheer­ school band and a student coun­ Four day* Wter the BrlUah military baae at Aden and liva tablishment a “conflict gntea to Laurel Girle State leaders and majorettes. She has cil member. She was recently Middle Beat commander aald up to Ita trmty obligattoha to adteduled for the University of raoeived the acholaaUc aiward in Inducted into the National Honor Robin Bdwatdm end Pvt J<£ii the hmds had baen dteplayed on of interest review board’’ to 30 Wounded Warburton were dlecovered In South Arabian federation, which Oamnectlout June 31-37. the Mancheeter Uona Art Fes­ Society. She la being aponaored apikea In Tala, one of Yemen'e la menaced by rebel tribesmen look into^charges of. ^uble Ike girla were choeen on the tival and several awards at by the Lions d u b and the Bver- the Radtan Mountain* ao mllm north of Aden by troop* oTthe two cepitala. Tite report chocked anpporied by the Yemeni repub­ dealings by state emi^byes In A ttack on basis of leadetahlp. abiUty, co­ Rham'a recent art show. Ready Group. BrlUah public opinion. licans and President Gemal Ab­ operation, dvlc interest and All three girls are eo-i mrtUttMpnXeeted FM«imtlaR', of is slated to be recommend­ She la beii^ sponsored by the muth Arabia, Bridah Army au- Later U.8. otadala at Tala del Nasmr of United Arab Re­ ed by Gov. Dempsey late Am*ton Lake Fire Department ed by the Jones-Keeto^oet of reported that the heads had not public. the American Legl^nto Hebron, thoritim announced Ihunday this afternoon. Relief Force Mks Bmba, daughter of MSr. AuxllUry, Hebron. Republican B ight been diaplayed Utere. Leadera of Nasser Uka called cm the and Democratic Town Commit­ Britain'* oppoeltlon Labor party Arab world to expel Britain from It tops the list of propoaels tees, Hebron Orange, Mr. and jT h * ahallow grave* near the criUciaed the OonservaUve gov­ the Middle Bast, Hiuraday Ira­ being made by the epectal aix- SAIGON, Sooth V kt Mrs. Albert Hilding and Mr. Yemen frontier were within a ernment for putting out an un­ qi president Abdel Salam Aref, member committee named Iqr Nam (AP)—Slipping out and Mrs. Frank Cdio. fgw hmidrsd yards of where verified report. a gueat of Nksser, advised Brit­ the Governor March 33 to eug- of their jungle stnmghold lOaa Ktdcucka, d au ^ te r of Bdwardm’ nine-man patrol nut In London, Prime Minlater Sir ain to leave the Arabian penin­ it legislation to thwart con- lato more than 100 rebele April Alec Douglaa-Home told the i of interest ebusse by state in “D’’ rone north of Sai­ Mr. and Mrs. Andrew : sula ^before It Is engulfed by workera CEMENT of Andover, ie secretary 3 1 . Bdwardm* and Warburton House of Commons Thursday rising revolutionary fight of the gon, a Communist Viet Arabs." This stems from a State studoit council, Highway Department investi­ Ck>ng force smashed a gov­ W. H. DIGLAND of the Pep Club quid'a member Rrittah Commonwmlth Secre­ gation which brought about the ernment relief cc4umn in of the Junlor-Banlor Prom Com­ tary Duncan Sandys told the arrest of five emplojres of the one of the bloodiest am­ mittee. S ^ is A high honors stu­ House of Commons another 800 i ^ t s of way division on LUMKR CO. dent anp-Haa been inducted into to 1,000 aoldiera ere being flown bushes of the year. Carnage Mouse Record Vote Seen, charges of wrongdoings. From dug-ln pnritions, the “At toe Greini’’ «4S-«M1 th^'N ational Honor Society, to Aden to beck up the hetallion n is being sponsored by the Beauty Salon fighting the Inamxents In the TTis proposed review m>ard Viet Ckmg o j^ e d up with heavy others dub, Garden dUb and Radfan Mountains. would examine reported con- weapon and automatic rifle fir* 625 Main Street 4fllot-of-int*rest oases and de- that killed 61 government the Regional District 8 Insur­ • Open Mondays • Xh Yemen a royaUat radio eta- temine whether charges are ance Agents. Polls Favor Lodgi tton broadcast a wwning that troops. Another 80, including an American Rango* officer, were Mlaa Pick, daugHter of Mf. Tel. 643-0695 "no Egyptian prisoner wUl be left aUve” unlpm Bgypttan The committee is expected to wounded In the engagement on and Mrs. Addison Pick of Mari- suggest general oonfUct-of-ln- Thursday 33 mUss north of Sai­ PORTLAND, Ore. (AP)—Ore-<$wlio did his own campaigning— ‘ ''(Oek Pag* T ta) terest guide Unas for passage gon. free-for-aU—ai I eyed the last-minute polls and by the 1986 legislature. T«i soldiers were reported presidential primary elecUon declared: "Mr. Lodge ie the There is no central group missing. iHth six candidatsa and one man to stop In Oregon. I would now which can look into con- "Ws make the same mistakes ealnpalgner—la being settled to- be very happy to make substan­ fUct-of-interest mattws. Each aU the time,” a frustrated my- tial gains.” Poverty Hit depstfetment acts on its own. American adviser cemmented. Bleotion officials forecast a B ^ te e n convention delegates State'r-Atty. John D. La- There Is sn average of one record OOP turnout of about are at stake. Belle, in a report to the gov­ major Viet Cong ambuSh every 360,000 voterit Rockefeller sdtd a powerful On Property ernor last MoKh on his High­ week. American' advisers are And public opinion pollsters showing In Oregon would hdlp way D e p a r t m e n t prbbe, concentrating much ot their ef­ predicted more of them would his cauBT fS Ckillfomla's June 3 strongly urged legislation deal­ fort on making the Vietnameee vote for Henry Cabot Lodge primary, with no write-in votes Of Ladybird ing with conflict - of - interest ambush-conscious.
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