Morasha Olami Onward Israel Jerusalem Summer Internship Hosted by Organized by

Rabbi Yaakov Lubow – Director

Mrs. Bashi Rosen – Internship Coordinator

Summer 2015


TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction ...... 3 2. Your Professional Internship ...... 4 3. Travel Information ...... 4 4. The Learning Program ...... 5 4.1. Touring Israel ...... 5 4.2. Jewish Learning ...... 5 4.3. A message from the Supervisor, Moshe Lazerus ...... 7 4.4. Who’s Who at Ohr Somayach ...... 8 4.5. The Calendar ...... 8 4.6. General Daily Schedule during Learning Program ...... 8 5. The Campus ...... 9 6. Ohr Somayach Dormitory Rules ...... 10 7. Trips (Tiyulim) ...... 12 8. Security ...... 12 9. Shabbat ...... 12 10. Packing List ...... 13 11. Health Insurance ...... 14 12. Cell Phones...... 14 13. Passport ...... 14 14. Important Contact Information ...... 15 14.1. Ohr Somayach/jInternship Staff ...... 15 14.2. Doctors and Medical Services ...... 16


Student Guidebook

1. Introduction Congratulations on being selected to take part in Morasha Olami / Onward Israel Jerusalem Internship Summer ’15 Session in Jerusalem! The program is hosted by Ohr Somayach and administered by jInternship. The official organizer is Morasha Olami. This unique and innovative program is a hybrid of Jewish learning and professional development. It mimics the Jewish ideal of placing importance on both Torah learning and using Jewish values to succeed in the marketplace. In the program’s two month format, you’ll have the opportunity to learn about from some of the world’s top Jewish educators at Ohr Somayach as well as to work alongside successful professionals in your industry of interest.

We hope you will keep in mind that your internship has been secured through much effort, networking and administrative work. The opportunity is a privilege. You were selected because of the high recommendations you received from your campus rabbi/other references as well as the talents and potential that was apparent from your resume and your interviews. Based on this, we have great confidence that you will live up to the high expectations we and your host-company have for you.

This Guidebook will introduce you to this powerful and carefully designed program. We are confident that the experience will help you reach new heights personally and professionally.


2. Your Professional Internship Since most students will work for different host companies, it is not in the scope of this Guidebook to discuss specific requirements for time spent at your professional internship. In general, you should discuss the requirements for the internship with your supervisor and our Internship Coordinators, Bashi Rosen or Yisroel Choleva. Upon arrival in Israel, Yisroel will supply you with a packet that includes information such as the contact information of your supervisor, directions to your internship, bus routes, proper attire, an overview of the work culture in Israel, etc. Make sure you understand clearly what their expectations are for you. It is equally important that you make clear to them what you hope to accomplish during the internship.

If you have any problems with your internship, you should immediately be in touch with Bashi Rosen. It is her job to make sure that things go smoothly. You can also contact Jeff Surowitz (the Director), Yisroel Choleva, Rabbi Lubow, or the madrichim (student coordinators) for assistance. The entire team is committed to making your experience a success.

Upon arrival in Israel, your Madrich will help you secure a Rav Kav card for public transportation for travel to/from work. Yisroel will prepare a map of where your internship is located and transportation instructions for you upon arrival in Israel.

3. Travel Information Students are advised to arrive for international flights four hours prior to departure. Airlines very often overbook and a late arrival will sometimes forfeit one's place despite prior reservation.

Please check ASAP that your travel documents are accessible and have not expired. New regulations require that all passports are valid for at least six months after your travel dates. Please make sure that your passport is acceptable.


4. The Learning Program It's hard to believe what you'll accomplish during your learning program at Ohr Somayach. You'll enjoy exciting classes on the timeless wisdom of your tradition from world-renowned . Couple this with a unique opportunity to be mentored by a successful professional lay-person and you'll marvel at your new impressive perspective.

4.1. Touring Israel

Ohr Somayach’s jInternship learning program is famous for its extensive touring program ranging from half day & full day expeditions around Jerusalem. Whether you've never been to Israel or have visited many times before, you'll have a chance to visit places and gain perspectives that you have NEVER seen before! You'll visit all the essential tourist attractions as well as many places off the beaten track. A healthy mix of jeeping, camel rides, sunrise hikes make the touring an exciting and FUN part of the program.

4.2. Jewish Learning

For over forty years, Ohr Somayach has offered Jewish men from diverse backgrounds and affiliations the opportunity to explore Israel and what it means to be Jewish. On the jInternship program, you will engage in a vibrant excursion through contemporary and classical Jewish thought. Most importantly, you will take this journey in a warm and open environment with top students from campuses all over Australia. jInternship participants build lifelong friendships and become part of an exclusive alumni network.

Ohr Somayach has earned the distinction of being the premier Jewish Learning program for more than 40 years because of the following thought-provoking classes and inspiring speakers:

Rabbi Dovid Gottlieb

Having received his Ph.D. at Brandeis University, Rabbi Gottlieb went on to become Professor of Philosophy at Johns Hopkins University. Today he is a senior faculty member at Ohr Somayach in Jerusalem. An accomplished author and lecturer, Rabbi Gottlieb has electrified audiences with his stimulating and energetic presentations on ethical, moral and philosophical issues.

. Belief In G-d . The Concept of the Chosen People . Purpose of Creation . Afterlife . Historical Verification of the Torah . Free Will


. Alternative . The Age of the Universe . The Concept of Evil . Nature & Miracles . Where was G-d in the Holocaust . Cross Cultural Critique . Providence and Responsibility . Anti-Semitism . Mysticism, Meaning and Mitzvah . Business Ethics . Science and Judaism Rabbi Yitchak Breitowitz

Rabbi Breitowitz was the rabbi of the Woodside Synagogue in Silver Spring, Maryland for decades as well as a former associate professor of law at University of Maryland. He received rabbinical ordination from Ner Israel Rabbinical College and his law degree from Harvard Law School. He is currently a senior lecturer at Ohr Somayach Jerusalem.

Rabbi David Kaplan

Rabbi Kaplan, originally from Chicago attended Northeastern University and received his rabbinical ordination in Jerusalem. He has lectured widely in Israel and America and is presently a senior lecturer in the Carla Schoen Institute of Ohr Somayach Jerusalem. His modern, streetwise approach to clarifying Jewish issues is an inspiration to people around the world.

. Basic Judaism . Prayer . Daily Ritual . Cycle of the Jewish Year . The Synagogue . Kashrut - The Jewish Dietary Laws . Teffilin, Mezuza, Kippa, Tzitzit . Shabbat - Day of Rest . The Cycle of Jewish Life i. Birth and Circumcision ii. Redemption of the First Born iii. Bar and Bat Mitzvah iv. Marriage and Divorce v. Death and Mourning . Between Man and Man i. Charity ii. Business Ethics iii. Laws of Slander & Libel iv. Honoring One's Parents

Group Learning

In small groups and tutorials, the participants will learn to analyze classical Talmudic, Biblical and philosophical works. Emphasis will be placed on acquiring the critical analytical skills that have marked Jewish scholarship throughout the centuries.


4.3. A message from the Supervisor, Rabbi Moshe Lazerus

Dear Students,

We hope that you will have a productive, enjoyable and fun experience. Ohr Somayach’s dedicated faculty is ready to help you, inspire you, and teach and befriend you. One of the unique aspects of Ohr Somayach is its sense of achdut (togetherness). Aside from Ohr Somayach’s reputation as an educational institution of excellence, the warm, personal attention given to each student is outstanding. We want you to grow at your own pace in technical learning skills, personal character development, and religious knowledge.

Ohr Somayach is a yeshiva, which means that it is a Jewish religious institution for learning. We hope that you will take advantage of the wonderful and unique things that Ohr Somayach has to offer. And because Ohr Somayach prides itself on achdut (togetherness) we expect everyone to put in an effort to make this yeshiva YOUR yeshiva. Most of the students who have passed through our doors have made good, loyal lifetime friends. The faculty is warm and friendly and will be there for all of those wise enough to take advantage of the opportunity. In the words of Pirkei Avos 1:6

Rabbi Yehoshua ben Prachia says: Choose for yourself a rav, acquire for yourself a friend and judge all men favorably.

You will be given an opportunity to experience a semester of learning, personal growth, a time of connecting to Land of Israel, its history and its geography with the day trips that are both educational and fun. Most of all, you will experience personal and Jewish growth that you will find immensely rewarding.

Rabbi Moshe Lazerus


4.4. Who’s Who at Ohr Somayach

a. The Ohr Somayach administration is headed by:

Rav Nota Schiller-Rosh Yeshiva (Dean) b. The other three members of the Ohr Somayach administration are:

Rabbi Moshe Lazerus, Rabbi Avraham Rockmill, Rabbi Shlomo Simon

c. The jInternship program is headed by Rabbi Yaakov Lubow.

d. The madrichim (student coordinators) for jInternship will be announced at a later date.

4.5. The Calendar

Date Description

May 26 Travel to Israel May 27 – June 13 Full Time Learning Program June 14 – July 16 Internship Program from 9 AM to 3 PM, Evening Programming from 4 PM to 6 PM July 17 – July 26 Full Time Learning Program July 26 Program Ends/Depart from Israel

4.6. General Daily Schedule during Learning Program

Each student will receive a copy of his full schedule during the Ohr Somayach Orientation. The schedules reflect the particular level of study relevant to each student. We regret that we are unable to send you the schedule prior to the program.


5. The Campus Ohr Somayach’s main campus is located at 22 Shimon HaTzaddik St. in the Shmuel HaNavi neighborhood. Upon arriving at Ohr Somayach, locate the entrance at the end of the building with five stairs. The gate combination is C1640. The Old City and Kotel are only a 15-20 minute walk from our campus and 10 minutes from Geula and Meah Shearim (main religious shopping areas- religious items, pizza shops, falafel, book stores, clothing etc.), and about 15-20 minutes to the center of town. The nearby neighborhoods of Sanhedria Murchevet, Sanhedria, and Ramat Eshkol are places where residents often offer hospitality to our students. The Bucharim shuk, a great place to find some authentic Israeli food, is a 5 minute walk from the yeshiva.

The main Ohr Somayach campus is comprised of three buildings:

a. The Beis Medrash building houses classrooms, the main Ohr Somayach Beis Midrash, the dining room and kitchens (plus a soda machine and a coffee/cocoa machine). The second floor houses the Intermediate Program with its own Beis Midrash, classroom and office. Also found on the second floor, above the dining hall, are dormitory blocks 9-15. The top floor houses the Derech program's Beis Midrash, classrooms, offices, game room/student lounge, Derech e-mail service and a public phone.

b. The Administrative office building houses the main Ohr Somayach administrative offices, the Center Program (the entrance is to the extreme right when facing the building), and on the second floor dormitory blocks 1-8.

c. Laufer Hall. Across from the main Beis Midrash is Laufer Hall which is where most of your classes are held. The first floor houses the canteen (small shop to by snacks, etc.), Laufer auditorium, classrooms and the dormitory supervisor’s office. The second floor houses the Shoresh offices, the English Language Library and several classrooms. In addition, the Ohr Somayach Computer Communications Center is housed there. Washing machines for student use are found under the Laufer building.


6. Ohr Somayach Dormitory Rules The dormitories are OUR living quarters for the year. Since we are a community and since achdus (unity) is such an important part of the jInternship experience, it is essential to clarify certain rules and standards of behavior. For the vast majority of our students, most of the following is superfluous since it entails common human decency. However, there are other rules which are specifically geared to communal yeshiva living. For many students this may be the first time in their lives that they have not had their own private room. Therefore we are going to spell out the guidelines and rules of the Ohr Somayach dorms.

a. Rabbi Chaim Salenger is in charge of the Ohr Somayach dorms. His word is law.

b. Any problems with the physical plan of the dorms should be directed to Rabbi Salenger.

c. You will be given sheets, a blanket and a pillow.

d. The dorms are yeshiva property as such they must be respected. No writing or drawing on the walls is permitted. You will be billed for any damage to yeshiva property.

e. No improper pictures may be put on the walls.

f. Our campus is located in a residential area. This has great benefit for the students since much home hospitality is offered by our neighbors. Since most of the families in the area have small children, we are required to keep noise to a minimum. Israeli law dictates that after 11:00 PM disturbing noise must be eliminated. In addition, many of your classmates arise early and go to sleep early. Sometimes when you are having fun the noise levels tend to be higher than one realizes. Therefore, we would like to bring to everyone’s attention that it is only courteous that we keep the noise down after those hours. If someone reminds you to lower the volume, please cooperate.

g. The yeshiva maintains communication with the security authorities. No one has ever (Thank G-d) been hurt when our security rules were followed. We, the administration of the yeshiva, feel a very strong sense of responsibility for your well- being, both physical and spiritual. There will be certain places that are OFF LIMITS because of the fact that they are high risk areas and the venue of repeated terrorist attacks. We know that many of you might be tempted to have a cavalier attitude towards these dangerous places. Nevertheless, we take it quite seriously. Please cooperate with us on this matter.


h. Keep your rooms LOCKED. Although we attempt to have good security, if students leave their doors unlocked, outsiders can enter and steal things. Respect your roommates’ possessions as well by locking your door.

i. Valuables like cash, traveller’s checks, passports, etc. should be kept in the yeshiva’s safe in the main office. Try to keep on you only as much cash as you need.

j. If you bring a computer for your class-work or job please notify Rabbi Salenger that you have one. We also have computers available for e-mail and internet use. There is Wi-Fi filtered internet access.

k. Needless to say, getting drunk or substance abuse is a zero tolerance act and will result in immediate suspension or expulsion (and parental notification) with no refund.

NOTE: If you have any reasonable suggestions for the improvement of the living quarters please let us know. Where possible we try to implement things that will allow your stay to be as comfortable as possible.

Let us reiterate, most students are mature and want a good learning environment, making almost all of these rules self-evident. However, due to the fact that in our experience not everyone is mature enough to understand these things we must spell them out clearly. If you are among the majority of serious mature students please don’t be offended by these rules. You will appreciate them.


7. Trips (Tiyulim) Tiyulim are arranged for your enjoyment, for your learning and for bonding experience. Tiyulim will be scheduled. It is important to us that you learn about the Land of Israel and have fun.

8. Security The neighborhood in which Ohr Somayach is located, Maalot Dafna, is quite safe. Caution should be taken when walking alone at night in the Downtown or Old City areas. We recommend that you do NOT walk alone. Our Security Policy is found below.

As mentioned previously security is a high priority for us. You are in Israel. And although you can be as safe here as in most places in the world where Jews live, that is only true for those who do not take unnecessary risks. The seminary may notify you of security alerts. These alerts will be in response to information from the Israeli security forces that they have information that terrorist organizations are preparing an infiltration or attack. At these times please remain on campus. Still, if you are off campus during an alert please call to notify us that you are alright. The vast majority of these attempts have been thwarted by the security forces, thank G-d, but still, EVERYONE must follow this rule.

Thank G-d, things have been quiet the past several years in Jerusalem, nevertheless if, G-d forbid, there is an incident, everyone is required to call in immediately upon hearing about it. Also, you might want to put a call in to your family to let them know you are ok.

If you wish to visit relatives who live in places which are considered, “the territories,” or any place that the seminary administration deems as not secure, this clause serves as written notice that we accept no responsibility for your safety.

9. Shabbat Ohr Somayach "Shabbatonim" are featured several times in the schedule. All students' participation is required. There will be a mix of free shabbatot and a required group shabbatonim. Ohr Somayach staff can arrange Shabbat hospitality within the local community for you for your free Shabbat. You are also permitted to stay in the dorms during your free Shabbat.


10. Packing List Below is a suggested list of what to bring. The weather in Jerusalem can vary from quite mild to very cold and wet in the winter and warm to hot, but very dry, in the summer. You will not need a raincoat in Israel during the summer. There are laundry facilities on campus, so plan your quantities of supplies accordingly. Pillowcases, sheets, pillows and blankets are provided.

The following items are a must for everyone:

 Towels, washcloth, toiletries (although these can also be bought in Israel)  Medications and prescriptions, if needed

Also needed or suggested:

 Bathing suit  Sun glasses  Camera and accessories  Cosmetics (your favorite brands probably cannot be found in Israel)  Everyday clothing (pants, shirts, etc.)  Clothes suitable to be worn at your internship (most offices in Israel are casual, but please discuss this with your supervisor before you arrive in Israel)  Clothing for Shabbat (please note, style in Israel is smart but casual, and Shabbat shoes need to be sturdy enough for serious walking)  Notebooks, pens, stationery (also available for purchase locally)  Shaver and other electrical appliances etc. (Note: Israeli voltage is 220v – bring dual voltage appliances or an adaptor if needed)  Shoes (everyday, Shabbat, walking, sport/hiking, etc.)  Shower shoes  Small suitcase or knapsack for travelling  Sweater, jacket

Clothing needs in Israel are less than at home and room for storage is limited. An oversupply of items can be inconvenient for both you and others. Please bear in mind that most things one might need are readily available in Israel. We strongly advise NOT to bring expensive jewellery or other non-essential valuables. Books: Ohr Somayach provides all textbooks and hand-outs for classes. English publications are also available in Israel.


11. Health Insurance

Every jInternship student is required to join Ohr Somayach’s medical insurance plan (see 18.2 below). The cost is included in the $350 program fee and covers hospitalization in Israel as well as physician services. Students who have applied late for the program should not expect to be covered for medical expenses upon their arrival (Ohr Somayach will not be held responsible for medical expenses incurred under these circumstances). Insurance coverage begins approximately 2 weeks after passport numbers have been received. THIS INSURANCE IS MANDATORY REGARDLES OF WHETHER OR NOT YOU HAVE YOUR OWN MEDICAL OR TRAVEL INSURANCE. PLEASE NOTE: Our medical insurance does NOT cover pre-existing medical conditions.

12. Cell Phones

Students are required to rent cellular phones for the duration of their stay in Israel. This is easily done by pre-ordering them at our special jInternship rate:

13. Passport

Prior to your arrival in Israel, you will be required to ensure that your passport is valid for at least six months from the date you intend to leave Israel.


14. Important Contact Information 14.1. Ohr Somayach/jInternship Staff

Name Positions Phone Email

Rabbi Yaakov Lubow Program Director +972 (0)50-721- [email protected] 7928

Rabbi Moshe Lazerus Yeshiva Supervisor +972 (0)52-709- [email protected] 1516

Rabbi Nosson Adler Mechina Director +972 (0)52-569- [email protected] 0205

Rabbi Guy Matalon Educational Director +972 (0) 50555 [email protected] 6297

Rabbi Ruvein Katz Coordinator +972 (0)54-925- [email protected] 3230

Jeff Surowitz Director 248-914-1138 [email protected]

Yisroel Choleva Associate Director +972 (0)54-949- [email protected] 9896

Bashi Rosen Internship +972 (0)50-550- [email protected] Coordinator 3551

Ruth Wersing Internship 770-878-4457 [email protected] Coordinator

Eli Finman Program Advisor 718-614-7649 [email protected]

Shalva Zneimer Administrative +972 (02)623- [email protected] Assistant 2663


14.2. Doctors and Medical Services

HAREL INSURANCE: Everyone in Ohr Somayach procured Harel Insurance. You will each receive a card with your policy number. Every madrich will have a list of all the policy numbers as well. You must bring your card (or your policy number) with you to any appointment. Doctors can be found using Harel’s website (instructions below).

Please read the insurance policy, attached, so that you are familiar with the coverage this policy provides.

For emergencies, please go to Terem Emergency Center (See below). Be sure to bring your insurance card with you.

To find any other doctors that are covered by this plan, please go to

Select tab on the right that says “Bituach”. On the line below, select the tab all the way to the right that says “Ovdim zarim v’tayarim”. Go to the third list on the left and select the first option, “Chipus Rofim”.

Dr. Ostroy – 8 Rechov Yoel, Mea Shearim 02-537-6990

Dr. Slater - 47 Arzei Habira 02-625-1183

Dr. Speigel – Makes House Calls 057-310-1261

If you are having a hard time with the Hebrew, have a madrich help you.


Haddasah Ein Kerem – Ein Kerem - 02-677-7111 Haddasah Har Hatzofim – Har Hatzofim - 02-584-4111 Shaarei Tzedek - Bayit 12, Bayit Vegan 02-666-6666 02-655-5111 * TEREM (trauma clinic) – 80 Yirmiyahu St. 02-509-3333

Main points of the cover Up to a sum of

1. Medical expenses during hospitalization in Israel Full cover in a general – government hospital: up to 90 days

2. Medical expenses as a result of the deterioration of an Included in the limits of liability existing illness (subject to the insurer’s authorization)

3. Expenses in Israel not during hospitalization Included in the limits of liability


Doctor’s visit Included in the limits of liability

Laboratory tests, imaging services, ECG, plaster casts, Included in the limits of liability bandaging.

Medications Included in the limits of liability

Emergency dental treatment Included in the limits of liability

4. Transfer of a body to the country of origin $5000 / $10,000

5. Medical expenses as a result of a psychiatric emergency $2000 occurrence

6. Continued medical expenses abroad in the event of an $10,000 accidental occurrence which took place in Israel

7. Expenses for transferring the insured to the country of $10,000 origin (including a companion)

8. Transfer expenses in a psychiatric event – for the insured $1500 and a companion

9. Evacuation by air and rescue expenses from the site of the $50,000 occurrence to the nearest hospital

10. Cadets corps Included in the limits of liability

11. Extreme sports Included in the limits of liability

The insurer’s limit of liability shall not exceed a sum of $100,000

Summary of the exclusions: The policy shall not cover: AIDS, periodic examinations, pregnancy, childbirth, infant clinics, use of drugs and/or alcohol, work accidents and/or road accidents. In any event, only the full insurance conditions detailed in the policy shall bind the insurer.

Harel places a nationwide medical array at the disposal of its insured - as well as support and assistance when required, as detailed hereunder:

Support and assistance services The Harel Center is operative 24 hours a day and is manned by highly skilled and professional service representatives.


The Harel center services include:

. Summoning a house call 24 hours a day – the doctor’s house call services shall be provided by the Natali Company. . Assistance in locating medical service providers. . Issuing monetary undertaking for performance of special tests and payments to hospitals. . Upon the occurrence of an insured event, provision of general information regarding entitlement.

The advantages of Harel’s medical array . A medical array deployed nationwide including doctors, specialist doctors, laboratories, imaging services, institutes and a chain of pharmacies. . Contractual arrangements vis-a-vis all in hospitals in Israel. . Private medical service without a need to contend with bureaucratic structural mechanisms. . Private services without administrative and other committees. . A medical array infra-structure provided also by private clinics enabling exceptionally high availability. . Reinforcement and adaptation of the medical array in accordance with the insureds’ demand and location. . An extensive, multi-year business relationship vis-a-vis Israel’s leading medical service providers, enabling the provision of appropriate, immediate solutions with high availability in accordance with the insureds’ needs and without any bureaucracy.

And above all this, a senior and experienced team of workers providing personal attention which will assist you at all times.