Competition and Market Structure in the Zambian Banking Sector
No 168 - January 2013 Competition and Market Structure in the Zambian Banking Sector Anthony Musonda SIMPASA Editorial Committee Rights and Permissions All rights reserved. Steve Kayizzi-Mugerwa (Chair) Anyanwu, John C. Faye, Issa The text and data in this publication may be Ngaruko, Floribert reproduced as long as the source is cited. Shimeles, Abebe Reproduction for commercial purposes is Salami, Adeleke Verdier-Chouchane, Audrey forbidden. The Working Paper Series (WPS) is produced by the Development Research Department of the African Development Bank. The WPS Coordinator disseminates the findings of work in progress, Salami, Adeleke preliminary research results, and development experience and lessons, to encourage the exchange of ideas and innovative thinking among researchers, development practitioners, policy makers, and donors. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in the Bank’s WPS are entirely Copyright © 2013 those of the author(s) and do not necessarily African Development Bank represent the view of the African Development Angle de l’avenue du Ghana et des rues Bank, its Board of Directors, or the countries Pierre de Coubertin et Hédi Nouira they represent. BP 323 -1002 TUNIS Belvédère (Tunisia) Tel: +216 71 333 511 Fax: +216 71 351 933 Working Papers are available online at E-mail: http:/ Correct citation: Simpasa, Anthony Musonda, (2013), Competition and market structure in the Zambian banking sector, Working Paper Series N° 168 African Development Bank, Tunis, Tunisia. AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK GROUP Competition and Market Structure in the Zambian Banking Sector Anthony Musonda Simpasa1 Working Paper No. 168 January 2013 Office of the Chief Economist 1 Anthony Simpasa is a Principal Research Economist at the Development Research Department, African Development Bank (AfDB).
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