TWITTER CELEBS @newsofbahrain SPORTS 15 FIFA put plans for lucrative new Club World Cup INSTAGRAM Black Eyed Peas /nobmedia 27 release their LINKEDIN SATURDAY newsofbahrain OCTOBER 2018 seventh album

WHATSAPP 200 FILS American group Black 38444680 ISSUE NO. 7912 Eyed Peas, consisting of FACEBOOK, and /nobmedia Taboo, have released MAIL their seventh album, [email protected] “Masters of The Sun WEBSITE Vol. 1”. P13

Black Eyed Peas release their seventh album 13 SHOW WORLD 6 US arrests suspect over pipe bombs

Multilateral ties ‘vital to defeat terrorism’ His Majesty receives Secretary Mattis

TDT | Manama includes wide ranging initia- tives that contribute to improv- is Royal Highness ing opportunities and increas- Prince Salman bin ing young people’s participation HHamad Al Khalifa, the in the Kingdom’s development. Crown Prince, Deputy Supreme HRH the Crown Prince went Commander and First Deputy on to stress that continued glob- Prime Minister, yesterday wel- HRH the Crown Prince al terrorist activity only serves comed senior delegates from to reinforce the importance of the global foreign policy and and living standards driven by shared approaches to tackle defence community to Bahrain’s innovative economic policies. the destructive ideology that 14th Manama Dialogue security HRH the Crown Prince spoke drives it. conference. of the importance of combatting His Royal Highness em - His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa yesterday received US Defence Secretary, James Mattis, along with the HRH the Crown Prince high- violent extremism by providing phasised that Bahrain’s own commander of US Central Command, General Joseph L Votel at Gudaibiya Palace. Secretary Mattis is currently on a lighted that this year’s Manama young people with the oppor- counter-terrorism efforts are visit to the kingdom to take part in the 14th IISS Manama Dialogue. HM the King welcomed the US defence secretary Dialogue takes place at a cru- tunity to become active and re- not carried out in isolation and and the commander of US Central Command, and expressed pride in the depth of the solid deep-rooted relations and cial juncture – extremist ide- sponsible global citizens. encompass a broad spectrum of partnership between the two countries, noting that the Bahrain-US relations are based on a long history of mutual trust ologies continue to challenge In this regard, His Royal military, political, and economic and respect, as well as joint coordination for the common interests of the two friendly countries and their peoples. HM the region’s stability in spite of Highness emphasised that Bah- collaboration with Arab part- King Hamad lauded the steady progress of bilateral relations in all fields, within the two countries’ shared keenness to an acceleration in development rain’s development programme ners and international allies. develop them especially regarding military coordination and defence cooperation.

Syria rejects UN proposal Beirut United Nations plan Beware of Iran’s goals Ato end the seven-year civil war in Syria has run aground after Damascus Regional threats posed by Iran dominate first day discussions at Manama Dialogue blocked the world body’s proposal for a committee by the Ministry of Foreign Af- efforts and share in his people’s to draft a new constitution, Jordan’s Foreign fairs, in cooperation with the grief. Ayman Safadi, Jordan’s provoking anger among • International Institute for Stra- Foreign Minister, will instead Western powers. Minister delivered tegic Studies (IISS). deliver His Majesty’s speech UN special envoy Staffan the speech of King Sir Tom Beckett, Executive on his behalf,” the IISS said in a de Mistura has been work- Abdullah II yesterday Director at IISS, said, “Some statement. ing since January on form- at the event. of the most significant policy In a statement issued, For- ing a group of 150 members questions facing the Middle eign Minister Shaikh Khalid bin to thrash out a new consti- East are not, at their root, se- Ahmed Al Khalifa said Manama tution, seen as a first step Foreign Minister curity issues. Diversification Dialogue is an opportunity to to winding down a conflict •Shaikh Khalid bin from hydrocarbon economies, learn about countries’ policies that has cost more than Ahmed Al Khalifa said climate change and a bulging while enabling senior officials 360,000 lives. Manama Dialogue is an youth demographic are long- to consult on various issues. Under the UN plan, the term concerns. From these flow The minister commended the Syrian regime would choose opportunity to learn existential challenges.” role of the International Insti- 50 of the committee mem- about countries’ policies “The existing social contract tute for Strategic Studies in or- bers, the Syrian opposition while enabling senior in some Gulf economies, to name ganising the Manama Dialogue another 50 and the UN officials to consult one example, rests on petrodol- and the success of all its ses - would nominate the final lar disbursement, but securing sions, and in enhancing stability 50, composed of represent- on various issues. the future for poorly educated, and security of the region. atives of civil society and social-media connected, unem- Defence Minister Lieutenant-General Yussef Al Jalahma receives US Defence Some of the plenary speakers technical experts. TDT | Manama ployed or wastefully employed Secretary James Mattis and his accompanying delegation upon arrival at the for this year’s Manama Dialogue Mohammed Zafran youth will be difficult.” Bahrain International Airport yesterday. includes United States Secre- “But as the region faces up tary of Defence James Mattis, he threat posed by Iran to these long-term issues, it is King Abdullah, decided to stay Minister of Foreign Affairs, as well as the dangers of challenged by two immediate in Jordan. Saudi Arabia Adel Al Jubeir, Textremism will dominate threats: Iran and extremism.” “IISS regrets to announce German Minister of Defence the discussions led by top de- Jordan’s Foreign Minister de- The region is challenged that His Majesty is unable to Ursula von der Leyen, Italian fence experts and officials from livered the speech of King Ab- by two immediate deliver his scheduled keynote Defence Minister Elisabetta DON’T MISS IT across the world at this year’s dullah II yesterday at the event. threats, Iran and address at the opening dinner Trenta, Omani Foreign Minister Manama Dialogue, which was Following the tragic deaths extremism. of the 14th IISS Manama Dia- Yousef bin Alawi and Japanese launched yesterday. of schoolchildren and adults in logue, having decided to stay Foreign Minister Taro Kono. The event is being organised recent flash floods in Jordan, MR BECKETT in Jordan to oversee the rescue See pages2-3 ‘No regional peace without RESEARCH FINDING Speed tests for participants 02 solving Palestinian crisis’ ‘Week 34 of pregnancy reduces breast cancer risk’ Paris breast cancer for the rest of 82pc of work on your life,” Mads Melbye, from Alba-Nuwaidrat omen’s bodies un- the University of Copenhagen’s 04 intersection dergo a “striking” Department of Clinical Med- Wchange during a spe- icine and lead study author, project completed cific week of pregnancy that told AFP. can significantly reduce their “It’s a very distinct change in Opening of risk of developing breast cancer risk when you go from week 33 later in life, scientists said. to week 34.” new hotels Previous research has high- Kosovan girls dressed as ballet A typical pregnancy lasts 40 05 ‘not affecting lighted how women under the dancers during a breast cancer weeks and a baby born before occupancy rates’ age of 30 can reduce their risk awareness event. 37 weeks is considered pre - of contracting breast cancer mature. later in life by having a baby. change occurs. Melbye and his team studied But a new study by experts in “If you deliver a child at week a huge database of nearly four The participating teams at the Third FAI World Cup of Indoor Skydiving took Denmark and Norway claims 33 you get the child, which is million women in Denmark and part in the tests, in which Gravity gave the opportunity for all players to have identified the precise great, but you don’t get the bo- Norway stretching back almost of the teams to carry the tests by using the wind tunnel to control the speed week of pregnancy when the nus of having a lower risk of 40 years. of the wind and the pushing power inside the tunnel. Full report Page 4. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2018 02 manama dialogue ‘No regional peace without solving Palestinian crisis’ Palestine crisis a failure of global strategic relationships and credibility, says Jordan King

TDT | Manama Mohammed Zafran

he region cannot find peace and stability until Ta solution is reached with regard to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, according to Jordan King. The current situation in Pales- tine is a failure of global strate- gic relationships and credibility, Lasting peace said King Abdullah II of Jordan. cannot be King Abdullah II, who was unilateral; it can unable to attend the event as he only be built by stayed back in Jordan following respecting the the tragic deaths of schoolchil- dren and adults in flash floods, rights, hopes, had his speech read out by Ay- and needs of both man Safadi, Jordan’s Foreign sides. Minister. KING ABDULLAH II The issue of the long denial of Palestinian statehood was fea- tured prominently in his speech. world. To me personally and to “This conflict has been a global all Jordanians, the Hashemite disrupter of peace and stability. Custodianship of Jerusalem’s When occupation and violence Islamic and Christian holy sites continue for generations and is a binding duty. Join us in pro- the peace process hits a dead- tecting the holy city as a unify- end again and again, this is not ing city of peace.” just the failure of the parties. He said that extremist ideol- It is a failure of global strategic ogies must be exposed by true relationships and credibility,” he values religion. “The ideological pointed out. aspect is key. The khawarej rely “Eight years ago, here at the on a pseudo-religious ideology Manama Dialogue, I argued that to justify murderous acts and our region will not enjoy securi- foment sectarianism. We need ty and stability unless we solve to do more than expose their lies the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Mr Beckett receives Secretary Mattis and the accompanying delegation at the summit venue. and crimes; we need to counter This has sadly proved true. And their false narrative with a true we cannot expect better until needs of both sides, in accord- Palestinian state, on the 1967 the hope the two-state solution be a deep religious offence to one that offers human solidarity our world does much more to ance with international laws lines, with East Jerusalem as offers. Today, these negative billions of people around the and hope. guide the parties towards a just and resolutions that provides its capital.” efforts include the fallacy of a and durable two-state solution. an end to conflict, and creates a “There have been many at- single, bi-national state. Any “A solution that meets the viable, independent, sovereign tempts to delay and subvert such solution, based on unilat- eral acts and unequal rights, would be a moral disaster and a recipe for continued conflict. “Lasting peace cannot be unilateral; it can only be built by respecting the rights, hopes, and needs of both sides. This is the real security of peace.” “In the days ahead, glob- al collective action will be more important than ever. Above all, we need to safe- guard Jerusalem’s holy sites and historic Arab Muslim and Christian identity. “Anything that puts the holy city in jeopardy would Dr John Chipman speaks at the Summit. Iran ‘to feel more pain than ever’ as sanctions take effect on Nov 4 TDT | Manama Mohammed Zafran

he sanctions being What Iran is facing placed on Iran by the US is quite a bit Tthis time will hurt the different from country more when compared what they faced to previous sanctions, opined with the previous a top US expert at the Manama Dialogue. administration who Imposing sanctions will were trying to get an have a strong effect in deter- agreement with them. ring Iran’s ambitions of inter- GENERAL PETRAEUS fering in the internal affairs of its neighbouring countries, said General (retd) David Pe- tary General Dr Ahmed Abo over the years and the mis - traeus, Chairman KKR Global El Gheit, Gulf Research Cen- sile programme became more Institute and Former Director tre Chairman Dr Abdulaziz threatening. Central Intelligence Agency Sager, and The National Ed - “The US administration after (CIA) of the US. itor-In-Chief Mina Al Oraib. hesitating for some time decid- He was speaking during the “The Joint Comprehensive ed to reimpose the sanctions. first plenary session which Plan of Action made with Iran The final and the most signif- was held as part of the Mana- did not really materialise as icant sanctions are the ones to ma Dialogue. Other speakers hoped. Iran did not halt its ma- come into effect on November during the session included lign activities in the region, in 4th. League of Arab States Secre- fact cases actually increased “I think that the sanctions SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2018 03 manama dialogue ‘No regional peace without solving Palestinian crisis’

Mr Safadi reads out Jordan King’s speech at the Summit. A section of the audience.

“Jordan has led a global effort to artic- the local community to cyberspace, the sure that all people, especially young “Our international partnership needs tant job is to help the host communities ulate the real social values of Islam—tol- voices of coexistence must be heard. people, share in the promise of this to stay strong until this crisis is tru- that have sacrificed so much to do the erance, compassion, mercy, and respect “And the principles of coexistence century. Global support is especially ly over. Only one part of the job is to right thing, and support the sustainable, for the dignity of all men and women. must also guide collective action. The important for refugee host countries, help prepare refugees to return to their inclusive development that is essential We seek an international, interfaith countries of the world have a security like mine, that have borne the brunt of homes and rebuild peaceful, prosperous for regional and global stability and dialogue against bigotry and hate. From interest, as well as a moral duty, to en- multiple regional refugee crises. communities. The other, equally impor- growth.” Speakers at the summit

Pioneers for peace TDT | Manama They carry out fact-based research, convene and frame discussions, and produce publica- he IISS has been advancing global peace tions including the Military Balance, the defin- and security since 1958. itive annual assessment of defence capabilities, T Carefully researched facts and incisive and Survival, the global politics and strategy analysis produced by the institute help govern- journal. ments, academics, journalists and businesses. The IISS organises and convenes conferences The experts belonging to the institute work including the IISS Shangri-La Dialogue and in its four offices in London, Washington DC, IISS Manama Dialogue, the two world-leading Bahrain and Singapore. forums for the discussion of security issues. Iran ‘to feel more pain than ever’ as sanctions take effect on Nov 4

will have a greater impact on is not going to compromise Iran this time than it did last much on this. What Iran is fac- time. At the end of the day ing now is quite a bit different when it comes as a choice from what they faced with the between doing business with previous administration who Iran or the number one econ- were trying to get an agree - omy of the world, the choice is ment with them and using the pretty easy. sanctions to encourage that “The are some countries that agreement.” would have some workarounds Giving his opinion on the but its not going to be in Eu- issue, Gulf Research Centre rope. I believe Iran is going to Chairman Dr Abdulaziz Sager feel more pain this time than said, “When the US president they did last time. Donald Trump came into pow- “The US administration, I er he gave strong suggestions think is quite intent on seeing on the Iran issue that was more this through, there were 12 appropriate for the region. We, demands laid out, these were in the GCC were not supportive quite substantial demands of the Joint Comprehensive such as to cease all nuclear Plan of Action,” he said. programme activity, declare “But there are many ques- everything, which they never tions that still remains like really have done and to stop what will the repercussions the support of militias and be for the region, because the state sponsor of terror. region is tired of all the wars,” “I think this administration he said. A panel discussion in progress. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2018 04 82pc of work on Alba-Nuwaidrat intersection project completed Works Ministry has completed five million working hours with zero worksite injuries

She explained that the open- The official explained ing of the first phase of the • project on August 31 this year that the opening of the was a challenging task, as the first phase of the project project is considered one of the on August 31 this year biggest strategic road develop- was a challenging task. ment projects being implement- ed in Bahrain. The first phase included linking Shaikh Jaber The project is Al Ahmed Al Sabah Highway considered• one of the with King Hamad Highway go- biggest strategic road ing south. As of now, work is development projects On the eastern and western routes, the flyover above Nu - underway on the being implemented waidrat intersection was also road linking King in Bahrain. opened, to ensure smooth flow Hamad Highway of traffic on one of the busiest and Istiqlal TDT | Manama roads in the Kingdom, with over Highway. 100,000 vehicles crossing it on Thamer Taifoor MS FAKHRO a daily basis. he Works, Municipalities Ms Fakhro also confirmed Affairs and Urban Plan- that work is underway on the Tning Ministry recently road linking King Hamad High- King Hamad Highway. revealed the latest update on way and Istiqlal Highway, clar- The project also includes the the progress of work on Al - ifying that 96pc of the work transformation of the existing ba-Nuwaidrat intersection. has been completed and that Nuwaidrat roundabout into a The ministry confirmed that The project is expected to ease traffic flow on one of the busiest roads in the Kingdom. only the rainwater drainage two-level intersection, one with 82 per cent of the project has networks are being constructed. light signals and another three- been completed, with the help since August, 2015. wait KCC and Nass Company of The work on the project in- lane overhead bridge, diverting of 900 workers, and that the “This proves the strict pro- Bahrain) took all precautionary cludes converting the current traffic along Shaikh Jaber Al opening of the first stage of the cedures followed by the safety measures and applied safety Alba roundabout to a three-lev- Ahmed Al Sabah Highway. project has contributed to the affairs department in the min- standards during the period of el intersection consisting of That is in addition to the de- reduction of traffic jams on the istry,” Ms Fakhro said. implementation of the work in an intersection, a three-lane velopment and expansion of a busy junction. Ms Fakhro said in the state- coordination and supervision overhead bridge diverting traf- large part of the Shaikh Jaber Roads Affairs Assistant Un- 900 ment: “The ministry is keen of the engineers of the ministry. fic along Istiqlal Highway and Al Ahmed Al Sabah Highway, dersecretary Huda Abdulla labourers are working on to introduce the occupational “We hope to adhere to them King Hamad Highway, a one- Istiqlal Highway, Al Muaas - Fakhro said in a statement that the project, according to health and safety requirements until the end of the project way bridge from two tracks kar Highway and King Hamad Works Ministry sources. the ministry completed five mil- at the worksites. The project while ensuring the safety of above the bridge and the traffic Highway, reaching Route 96, lion working hours on the pro- workers number crossed 900. road users and workers working coming from Shaikh Jaber Al and the reconstruction of Route ject with zero worksite injuries “The project contractors (Ku- on the same project.” Ahmed Al Sabah Highway to 15 to the south of Nuwaidrat. Book stresses need for Speed tests for Gravity participants increased co-operation Ministry of Interior, on the There are high hopes sidelines of the opening cere- among Arab countries • mony of the event. The show that competitiveness attracted the attendees as the and excitements to Gravity building was filled with be high among all the the participants and the public participants to achieves who enjoyed the various per- formances of the paragliding to top positions. team. The organising committee TDT | Manama of the World Cup has allocat- ed an exclusive zone for the he participating teams fans in the surrounding area of at the Third FAI World the Gravity headquarters. This From left, Mr Friji, Ms Rajab and Dr Mahmood Sayed Daood, Professor of TCup of Indoor Skydiving zone is the area for the public Politics and International Relations at the University of Bahrain, at the book took part in the speed tests, to gather and watch the compe- launch. in which Gravity gave the op- titions through a giant screen portunity for all players of the that were placed there. The TDT | Manama ‘game of nations’ played in teams to carry the tests by using The speed tests were carried out for all participants. first day of the World Cup wit- Harpreet Kaur the region; Ms Rajab said that the wind tunnel to control the nessed a massive crowd in the through her book, she has at- speed of the wind and the push- inside the wind tunnel. petition were explained. The zone and the other areas allo- tempted to “shed some light ing power inside the tunnel. The Gravity tunnel is one of judges highlighted the provi- cated for the side-line activities he International Peace before Arabs and researchers, The technical team of Gravity the longest glass wind tunnels sions of the Cup in its third that included cultural and arts Institute, Middle East in view of the formidable ob- provided all speeds required by in the world with a length of 12 edition, in which it will be held events in festive atmospheres. Tand North Africa (IPI stacles and knowledge barri- the players, in which each team metres, width of 4.3 metres and on categories; 4-WAY FS, 4-WAY The organising committee MENA) yesterday launched the ers that get a grip on the reality depends on a speed suitable to speed of up to 290 kilometres FS Females, 4-WAY FS Juniors, has allocated a special area and book “The Arabs at the Cross- of the entire region”. the moves it is going to per - per hour. 4-WAY VFS, D2W, FREESTYLE named it “Gravity Boulevard” road”, authored by Samira Ra- She stressed that her aim forms, thus the team members The World Cup that officially and FREESTYLE for Juniors. to hold social, artistic, enter- jab, Special Envoy of the Royal was to clarify the “importance could carry them simply and commenced yesterday is ex- The meeting was important tainment and youth events. The Court. of cohesion and Arab integra- comfortably. pected to attract strong compe- to highlight the main points of Gravity Boulevard located in The audience at the event tion as a single block force” in The speed tests were carried tition between all participating some of the World Cup-related the World Cup area is part of included ambassadors, gov- an environment of change. in the best ambiences through teams, especially after the play- rules and laws, in addition, to the associated events, in which ernment officials, dignitaries Through an audio presenta- negotiating with their trainers ers have shown high skills dur- notify the participating teams the visitors and the fans would and religious leaders. tion addressed to the audi - about the speeds that are suit- ing the speed tests that carried to provide the main require - be treated to shopping activi- IPI MENA director Nejib Friji ence, Dr Mokhtar Ben Abdel- able to their capabilities and yesterday top performances ments of the teams through ties of various products, in ad- opened the event by stating lawi, Professor of Philosophy performances in the wind tun- in the wind tunnel, as well as the support of the organising dition to different food outlets that the launch of the book, and Arabic and Islamic Studies nel, before the official opening distinguished shows. There are committee that is dedicated and music shows. ‘Arabs at the Crossroad’ meets from Hassan II University in of the competitions. high hopes that competitive- to the success of the Cup and The Gravity Boulevard in - the series of questions put by Morocco, praised IPI initia- The speed tests are consid- ness and excitements to be high providing all facilities to ensure cludes many restaurants and IPI within the ‘Taskforce on tives and stressed on the need ered as protocol procedures in among all the participants to the best performance to reflect companies that would offer Regional Integration in the for integration and a mul - such Cups, and they took place achieves to top positions. the strong competitions by all products and foods. It is an op- Middle East’ initiative. ti-pronged approach to face before the official competitions Meeting between the judges sides. portunity for visitors, young Outlining the historical the integration challenges in to allow the teams to practice and the team leaders was held, A paragliding show was and adults to enjoy the provid- and political analysis of the the MENA region. the speeds suitable for them in which the rules of the com- carried out by the team of the ed services. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2018 05

Kuwaiti man jailed for attacking police Opening of new hotels ‘not officer TDT | Manama Ali Tarif

Kuwaiti man has been Asentenced to one year affecting occupancy rates’ behind bars for attacking an on-duty police officer and insulting him. Expenditure per tourist not increasing owing to conservative spending The 33-year-old man is said to have been sent to TDT | Manama 2018 saw an increase of one per “More people came to Bah- the anti-drug department Mohammed Zafran cent in occupancy rate when rain but tourism expenditure de- to serve a punishment after compared to 2017. In four star creased per tourist. Despite the he was held guilty in a drug he hospitality sector has Factors such as VAT hotels, we were able to maintain decrease there is a balance due case. been able to maintain the implementation the occupancy rate.” to the fact that there are more However, when he was Toccupancy rates in recent in neighbouring He said that despite increase tourists coming in now.” informed about the sen - years despite the impressive in- in tourist arrivals, expenditure He said that keeping track of tence, he insulted the victim crease in number of new hotels in countries have made per tourist has not seen an in- tourism statistics has led to im- and assaulted him, causing Bahrain, it was revealed. the tourists from crease due to tourists being more mense benefits. “Few years ago injuries. Six new hotels and with it those countries more conservative in spending due to we did not have tourism statistics The defendant didn’t 1,400 rooms were opened dur- conservative when it the recent developments in their which was a major issue. show any signs of regret ing the 2017-2018 period, yet the comes to spending. countries. “In recent years we have out- while appearing before the overall occupancy rate in the sec- SHAIKH KHALED “Factors such as VAT imple- sourced a tourism statistics pro- High Criminal Court, say tor remained the same, according mentation in neighbouring coun- gramme where we have 40 full sources. to Shaikh Khaled bin Humood tries have made the tourists from time employees that survey tour- However, the defendant Al Khalifa the Chief Executive rooms entered the market due to “Interestingly, even with a those countries more conserva- ism statistics so that we know was handed down a lighter Officer of Bahrain Authority for the opening of six hotels which 10pc increase, we were able to tive when it comes to spending. exactly the spending pattern of sentence by the court, citing Tourism and Exhibitions. is an increase of 10 per cent,” maintain the occupancy rate. And of-course we rely on those tourists from different coun- circumstances that led to “From 2017 to 2018, 1,400 he said. Furthermore, five star hotels in countries for tourism. tries,” he said. the case.

Woman jailed for GCC national sentenced for using fake dollars about the defendant when he went to its The defendant’s identity Bahrain International Airport branch and forging signature • attempted to exchange fake dollars. was established after CCTV “We accepted the notes as we thought TDT | Manama cameras installed in the Ali Tarif they were genuine. But, in the next few airport were reviewed. minutes we realised that they were fake 1,000 notes,” an employee in the company told When I went to the he Lower Criminal Bahraini dinar was the fine prosecutors. company, I was shown TDT | Manama imposed by the court on Court has sentenced a Ali Tarif the defendant. The defendant’s identity was estab - TBahraini woman to one contracts that were not lished after CCTV cameras installed in the year behind bars along with signed by me. airport were reviewed. BD500 fine for forging a salon FRAUD VICTIM he High Criminal Court has sen - However, he is still at large and was owner’s signature to purchase tenced a young GCC national to five sentenced in absentia. The defendant mobile phones as well as SIM Tyears in prison for using fake dollars According to court files, a currency was fined BD1,000 for the crime he com- cards from a local telecommu- and she pledged to solve all of in the Kingdom. exchange company alerted police officers mitted. nication company. them. However, a telecommu- The defendant is said to have nication company suddenly signed a contract with the vic- began demanding me to settle tim to manage the salon, but an amount of BD500,” the vic- the agreement contained clear tim told prosecutors. Efforts lauded conditions denying the former “When I went to the compa- Education Minister Dr Majid Al from inking deals with other ny, I was shown contracts that Nuaimi yesterday received former companies to buy any kind of were not signed by me. Then, Adviser for Education and Training items. I discovered that the woman Development Project Dr Roy However, she violated the who rented the salon faked my Blatchford. He lauded the efforts of agreement by signing a con- signature in order to buy the Dr Blatchford and his cooperation tract with a local telecommu- phones,” she added. in carrying out education and nication company to buy mo- The defendant admitted to training development initiatives. bile phones and SIM cards. her wrongdoing during the The meeting was attended by “After three months from questioning. She was charged Education Ministry Undersecretary signing the agreement with on grounds of forgery and for Resources and Services Dr her many problems erupted fraud. Mohammed Mubarak Juma’a. Little models to walk the ramp Govt Forum begins tomorrow

• This year’s Government Forum The ultimate goal of will kick off tomorrow, the forum’s themes and will bring and initiatives is to together all public increase and enhance sector institutions. the quality of services delivered by the Manama government to the citizens. orks, Municipalities SHAIKH MOHAMMED Affairs and Urban WPlanning Ministry’s Shaikh Mohammed said that The undersecretary pointed Undersecretary for Agriculture the ultimate goal of the Govern- out that the outstanding suc- and Marine Resources, Shai- ment Forum’s themes and initia- cess of the previous government kh Mohammed bin Ahmed bin tives is to increase and enhance forums has contributed to en- Sultan Al Khalifa, has asserted the quality of services delivered hancing coordination and co- that the Government Forum by the government to the cit- operation among government 2018 is an important platform izens, and work as a national departments. to to continue achieving the cit- team to achieve the goals of the This year’s Government Fo- izen-oriented visions and plans coming period, noting that this rum will kick off tomorrow, and Over 500 children aged between five and 13 took part in the model hunt held at the Dalma Mall. The successful kids through concerted efforts by all year’s Government Forum coin- will bring together all public will showcase the very latest seasonal kids fashion collections on the runway at the show on November 1, 2, and 3. The government departments, and in cides with the launch of the Fis- sector institutions. It will review fashion show will feature popular kids fashion brands including LC Waikiki, Baby Shop at Centre Point, Okaidi Kids, accordance with the Economic cal Balance Programme which the achievements of ministries Zippy, Matalan, Blu Kids, OVS, and SMYK. Vision of Bahrain, 2030. includes important initiatives. and government departments. 06 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2018 world

Attacker wounds 14 in US arrests suspect Chinese kindergarten Peking, China the scene, children were evacuated for medical knife-wielding woman treatment. Aattacked and injured 14 The woman who carried out children at a kindergarten in the attack is currently in police over pipe bombs China’s southwestern Sichuan custody and an investigation is province yesterday, authorities ongoing. said. The attack took place at The 39-year-old assailant about 9:30 am (0130 GMT) US media said the suspect was taken into custody in Florida used a kitchen knife to slashed local time, according to the AFP | Pekin, China students while they were re- department. the aisle have branded the pack- turning to the classroom after Knife attacks targeting ages -- intercepted in New York, morning exercises, said the schoolchildren are not uncom- he US government yester- Maryland, Florida, Delaware Banan district public securi- mon in China. Tday announced a suspect and Los Angeles -- domestic ty bureau in Chongqing city In April, a 28-year-old man had been arrested in connec- terrorism, but Trump has come on its official social media killed nine middle school stu- tion with 12 suspicious packages under fire for his response. account. dents as they were returning and pipe bombs sent to critics “Republicans are doing so Images and video footage home in one of the country’s of Donald Trump in a days- well in early voting, and at the posted by local media online deadliest knife attacks in re- long spree that has inflamed polls, and now this ‘Bomb’ stuff show children in blood-soaked cent years. The killer, who said the United States ahead of key happens and the momentum clothes, some with knife he had been bullied when he midterm elections. greatly slows - news not talking wounds on their face. attended the school, was exe- A Department of Justice politics,” Trump tweeted Friday After police rushed to cuted in September. spokeswoman announced in remarks bound to enrage his the arrest yesterday morn - A New York Bomb Squad unit exits the Time Warner Building (file) opponents. ing, saying a news conference would be held at 2:30 pm Democratic presidential hope, Trump under fire (1830 GMT). was intercepted in Florida, the “Very unfortunate, what is Malaysian drug US media said the suspect was FBI confirmed. going on. Republicans, go out taken into custody in Florida, A 12th package, identified by Republicans are and vote!” where a huge nationwide man- police as a pipe bomb similar to New York’s state Democratic trafficker hanged hunt mobilizing hundreds of others found across the country, doing so well in early Governor Andrew Cuomo was Singapore, Singapore agents, had reportedly concen- was found at a US Post Office in voting, and at the unimpressed. The ministry said the Ma- trated in recent hours. Manhattan and the bomb squad polls, and now this “Leaders have to be more laysian government had asked Since Monday homemade were dispatched, New York po- ‘Bomb’ stuff happens responsible and the Amer - convicted Malaysian drug Singapore to spare the man bombs and other suspected lice said. and the momentum ican public have to de - Atrafficker was hanged in on humanitarian grounds but explosive devices have been James Clapper, among a greatly slows - news mand that responsibility,” he Singapore on Friday, officials respects the city-state’s laws. addressed to Barack Oba - string of former intelligence not talking politics told CNN. said, after the city-state re - Capital punishment, which ma, Hillary Clinton, Holly - chiefs critical of Trump, was the Even before his yesterday’s jected last minute efforts to is carried out by hanging, is a wood megastar Robert De addressee of the 12th package, TRUMP TWEETED tweet bemoaning slacking Re- save him. legacy of British colonial rule Niro and a litany of figures sent care of CNN. publican momentum, Trump The Malaysian government in both countries. loathed by the US president’s On Wednesday, the news net- came under criticism from the -- which decided earlier this Pathmanathan was sen - supporters. work evacuated its New York left for tempering calls for uni- month to abolish the death tenced to death in 2014 for Early yesterday, an 11th pack- bureau after a similar package CNN guest, former CIA director ty in the wake of the attacks, penalty -- had asked neigh- trafficking 227.82 grams (7.97 age to Cory Booker, a New Jer- was found in the mail room John Brennan. by lashing out at the press for bouring Singapore to spare ounces) of heroin into Singa- sey senator often touted as a addressed to another frequent Politicians on both sides of stirring up “anger.” the 31-year-old man from pore, media reports said. the gallows on humanitarian Family lawyer N. Surendran grounds. said in a statement that the But Malaysia’s Ministry of family received a letter from Foreign Affairs said in a state- the office of the Singapore Same-sex penguin couple become parents ment late yesterday that Prabu president on the eve of the ex- N Pathmanathan was executed ecution denying their appeal Sydney, Australia ence when it comes to breed- to each other again next year,” in Singapore’s Changi Pris- for clemency. The family has ing behaviours between said Hannan. on earlier in the day, in the now claimed the body, their wo male penguins who males and females,” Hannan This is not the first time same- presence of family members lawyer added. Tpaired up as a “same-sex explained. sex penguin couples have adopt- and a representative from the There was no comment from couple” have successfully incu- So it “is common to have ed eggs in captivity, with a hand- Malaysian embassy. the Singapore government. bated a baby chick and are “dot- male-male or female-female ful of zoos worldwide reporting ing” on their tiny offspring, an SMILE showing courtship and breeding similar cases. Australian aquarium announced behaviour.” In 2009, two male penguins Friday. In the wild, however, these -- Z and Vielpunkt -- success- Gentoo penguins Sphen and courtships are unlikely to result fully hatched and reared a Floods kill six in Magic are happily “taking turns Unlike many mam- in a chick, so they are normally chick that was rejected by its caring for their baby chick,” mal species, male shortlived, with the penguins heterosexual parents at a zoo in born on October 19 weighing 91 and female pen- becoming unsatisfied and look- Berlin. southern Russia grams, said Tish Hannan of the ing for another partner. Before them came Roy and Sea Life Sydney Aquarium. guins take on the “Because we have given Silo, two male chinstrap pen- Sphen and Magic had caught same parenting Sphen and Magic the opportu- guins at a zoo in New York the attention of aquarium work- roles, and share nity to have a potentially suc- who were spotted frequent- ers when they were constantly parental duties cessful breeding season, it is ly trying to mate with each seen waddling around and going very likely that they will return other. for swims together. They then began to build a collective nest of pebbles, prompting the aquarium to provide a dummy egg for them to look after and, when A view of the area affected by floods in the town of Tuapse they proved up to the task, a real egg. Russia’s emergencies min- Moscow, Russia The pair have bonded, istry said it had recovered the Hannan, Sea Life’s pen - bodies of six people while guin department supervisor, ix people including an el- clearing rubble. Two people told AFP. “They recognise Sderly man and woman died were hospitalised. each other’s signature calls in floods in southern Russia, Officials opened investi- and songs. authorities said yesterday, as gations into the deaths of an “Only bonded penguins will emergency workers struggled 81-year-old man and a 71-year- be able to successfully find their to get food and water to the old woman who drowned sep- partner using their calls when victims. arately in their homes. they are separated.” Flash floods affected parts of Another 67-year-old wom- Unlike many mammal species, the Krasnodar region, includ- an was missing after strong male and female penguins take ing the area around the Black currents sucked her into a on the same parenting roles, and Sea resort city of Sochi, where ditch and carried her away, share parental duties 50-50. The two male gentoo penguins who have paired up as a “same-sex couple” at the Sea Life Sydney Aquarium. Inset, A Moscow hosted the Winter the Investigative Committee “There is no real differ - baby gentoo penguin, born on October 19 Olympics in 2014. said. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2018 07

Harry and Meghan wrap up four-day ‘Dead Sea tragedy’ Pacific island trip Jordan floods kill 21 as 37 people were rescued in a major operation involving helicopters and divers point on earth, is surrounded Rescuers are still by steep valleys and gullies that • frequently see flash floods and searching for 8 people landslides in autumn and winter. Education Minister Azmi Floodwaters Mahafzah promised a “full in- carried• away school quiry” into the school children’s children into the sea deaths. He said the bus had taken a route not agreed upon by the King Abdullah II ministry and that the organiser Harry and Meghan visit a craft had• cancelled a planned of the trip bore full responsi- fair in Nuku’alo in Tonga visit to Bahrain to bility. Nuku’alofa, Tonga monitor developments. An official at Jordan’s educa- tion ministry said the school had received permission around a rince Harry and wife Iraqi pupils were week ago to visit Al-Azraq, the PMeghan donned match- among• the dead site of a nature reserve east of ing red and cream unisex Amman. skirts yesterday as they AFP | Amman, Jordan Social media users said several wrapped up a four-day Pa- parents had at the last minute cific island trip in Tonga The site of a bus accident near the Dead Sea in Jordan. Flash floods in Jordan swept away a school bus refused to let their children join with a celebration of local t least 21 people were itors who had been picnicking in He chaired an emergency the trip, after Jordan’s meteoro- crafts and culture. killed in flash floods in the area, the civil defence said, meeting with senior officials logical office warned of severe The emphasis has been on AJordan, most of them adding that a nearby bridge had and called for a thorough inves- weather conditions and possible Meghan’s fashion choices children whose school bus was collapsed. tigation to determine who was mudslides. during her first internation- swept away, emergency servic- Most of the dead Jordanian television reported responsible for what he termed Roads leading to the area were al tour since marrying into es said Friday, in what a gov - were schoolchildren that King Abdullah II called off the “great disaster that hurt us closed on Friday morning “to the British royals last May, ernment newspaper dubbed a aged 11 to 14 taking a planned visit to Bahrain and all as Jordanians”. allow search and rescue opera- but Harry cut a dash with a “Tragedy at the Dead Sea”. returned home from the Gulf. tions”, the Directorate of Gener- tasselled skirt worn over the Another 35 people were in- part in a school trip “My sadness and sorrow are ‘Full inquiry’ al Security said. outside of his suit. jured following heavy rains on to the Dead Sea matched only by my anger at A medical source told AFP Jordanian television showed The warm welcome re- Thursday, including members region anyone who did not take the three Iraqi pupils were among scenes from the rescue oper- ceived by the royal cou - of the security forces involved SECURITY SOURCE steps that could have prevented the dead. ation, with dozens of security ple during their travels in in rescue operations, a civil de- this painful incident,” he wrote Private television station Roya personnel and local residents Tonga and Fiji this week fence official told AFP. on Twitter. showed an Iraqi man crying and searching near the shore of the continued, with local Iu- A security source said rescu- saying: “My wife died a month Dead Sea, with boats also de- nisi Fotofili struggling to ers were still searching for eight ago and today my son died.” ployed in its waters which had express her feelings at being people missing in the Dead Sea The Dead Sea, the lowest turned brown from mud. in Meghan’s presence. area, a popular tourist attraction “I’m very happy. Excited. around 50 kilometres (30 miles) I don’t know if when I see west of Amman. them, I will cry, or be like... “The number of victims has I just want to run to her and risen to 21. Most of them were hug her.” schoolchildren aged between “Coming to Tonga I feel 11 and 14, who were on a school very much as though I am trip in the Dead Sea area” when coming to visit an extended they were swept away by the family,” he said, reading a floodwaters, he said. message from his grand- Security officials said the pu- mother Queen Elizabeth II. pils, their teachers and minders After less than 24 hours in had stepped out of their bus in Tonga, they return to Aus- a tourist area called Al-Miyah tralia later yesterday for the al-Sakhina when they were hit final days of the Invictus by a flash flood that washed Games. them towards the nearby Dead They will then end their Sea. marathon 16-day tour in Also among the dead were vis- A wounded pupil lays on a stretcher at a hospital Residents and relatives of flood victims gather outside a hospital New Zealand.

Ireland votes on Hanoi’s colonial-era railway doubles as selfie spot blasphemy ban AFP | Hanoi, Vietnam Dublin, Ireland But for many, the thrill of mode of transport for tourists cony coming down, you’ve got n the heart of Hanoi’s busy dodging a speedy train is part The tracks were first and travellers seeking a cheaper buildings which are very old rish voters were decid- IOld Quarter, French-built of the appeal. option. and close to each other. You see Iing yesterday whether to railroad tracks have become a “It was amazing but scary in built by former colo- But in the past few years, vis- people here living close to the repeal a ban on blasphemy hotspot for tourists seeking the the same sense, a little bit over- nial rulers France itors to Hanoi have seized upon train tracks,” Hong Kong tourist -- the latest potential reform perfect Instagram selfie, and whelming being so close to the their photographic possibilities. Edward Tsim said. distancing the once-devout for cafe owners serving up hot train,” Australian tourist Mi- Hemmed in by houses and As the train rumbles into view, nation from its Catholic coffee and cold beer. chelle Richards told AFP. During the Vietnam War, cafes, the tracks offer a unique everyone clears the tracks and past. The referendum was Though picturesque, they are The tracks were first built by parts of the railway were badly charm for budding travel pho- pulls their phones out to capture being held alongside a pres- also perilous: the tracks are still former colonial rulers France damaged by American bombs tographers -- and a business the scene. idential election in which in use and most days visitors who used the railway to trans- that rained down on the com- opportunity for makeshift cafe “It felt like waiting for Christ- incumbent Michael Higgins must scramble for safety as the port goods and people across Vi- munist-ruled north. owners who have set up shop. mas... and when it arrived, wow, was expected to secure a daily train rumbles through the etnam -- then part of Indochina, Today the original me - “It’s got a really weird charm. it was something else,” British new seven-year term in the narrow streets. along with Laos and Cambodia. tre-gauge tracks are still a You’ve got flowers from the bal- tourist Paul Hardiman said. largely ceremonial post. Irish law defines blas- phemy as a “matter that is grossly abusive or insulting in relation to matters held sacred by any religion.” It is punishable by a $28,400 fine, although the last attempted prose- cution is believed to have involved a priest who ac- cidentally burnt a bible in 1855 -- before blasphemy was enshrined in the 1937 constitution -- rendering the present-day law largely A Vietnamese scrap vendor doing business on a railway track Tourists posing for a photo while sitting on a railway track A Vietnamese woman sitting on a chair in a middle of a track obsolete. 08 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2018 society

Rotary Club of Sulmaniya held a business meeting at the Golden Tulip hotel. The board members updated the floor on the activities and plans of the club.

The Ministry of Education Girls Guide Department organised a camp on Al Jazayer Beach. Chief of Girls Guide Dr Latifa Al Qauid monitored all workshops. Many schools including the New Generation School, Arad Girls School and Hidd Girls School participated.

As part of the preparation for Value Added Tax (VAT) that will be implemented in Bahrain in January, the Progress Business Centre (PBC), in collaboration with Re-Think organised a seminar titled “VAT Transition Introduction” which was held at the Ramee Grand Hotel and Spa located in Seef area.

1867 is the year in which West Virginia university was established.

West Virginia University (WVU), a leading American university, has welcomed the new and current students to the campus with an informative introductory session on the orientation day held for the Civil and Environmental Engineering Programme, which it is taught entirely in Bahrain at their premises in West Riffa next to the Royal Arabian Gulf University (AGU) celebrated World Osteoporosis Day, which falls on October 20. Dr Adla Bakri, Rheumatology Consultant and Assistant Professor at the College of Medicine, said, “The university organises these events in order to serve the community and educate it about osteoporosis, University for Women. which is a silent disease, caused by low bone density, making bones more prone to fractures.” 08 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2018 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2018 09 society

The Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland – Medical University of Bahrain (RCSI Bahrain) played host to its annual Community Engagement Kick-off event at the Rotary Club of Sulmaniya held a business meeting at the Golden Tulip hotel. The board members updated the floor on the activities and plans of the club. University campus in Busaiteen.

The Ministry of Education Girls Guide Department organised a camp on Al Jazayer Beach. Chief of Girls Guide Dr Latifa Al Qauid monitored all workshops. Many schools including the New Generation School, Arad Girls School and Hidd Girls School participated.

RIFE USA, a multi-disciplinary special need centre in Mahooz hosted training for the advanced treatment of ASD - Assessment and Training for Language and Cognitive Skills of Children Diagnosed with Autism using PEAK: Level 1 certification training by As part of the preparation for Value Added Tax (VAT) that will be implemented in Bahrain in January, the Progress Business Centre (PBC), in collaboration with Re-Think organised a seminar titled “VAT PAS- PEAK ABA The ‘Biggest Human Ribbon’ event was organised by the Cancer Care Group and Al Hilal Hospital to create awareness on Transition Introduction” which was held at the Ramee Grand Hotel and Spa located in Seef area. SOLUTIONS. breast cancer. A total of 2,800 people attended.

1867 is the year in which West Virginia university was established.

West Virginia University (WVU), a leading American university, has welcomed the new and current students to the campus with an informative introductory session on the orientation day held for the Civil and Environmental Engineering Programme, which it is taught entirely in Bahrain at their premises in West Riffa next to the Royal Arabian Gulf University (AGU) celebrated World Osteoporosis Day, which falls on October 20. Dr Adla Bakri, Rheumatology Consultant and Assistant Professor at the College of Medicine, said, “The university organises these events in order to serve the community and educate it about osteoporosis, University for Women. which is a silent disease, caused by low bone density, making bones more prone to fractures.” 10 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2018 business

Japan, China strike Google fired 48 for deals as ties step up AFP | Pekin, China disputed islands claimed by Beijing. apan and China signed The last official visit to Bei- J$2.6 billion in business jing by a Japanese prime min- deals and touted their warm- ister was in 2011. sexual harassment Abe travelled with nearly er ties yesterday during a rare visit to Beijing by Japanese 1,000 delegates from Japa- Prime Minister Shinzo Abe nese companies who struck Those sacked as both face trade challeng- 500 deals worth a total of $2.6 • es from US President Donald billion, Li said, without provid- includes 13 senior Trump. ing details. executives Abe met Chinese President The two leaders also over- Xi Jinping after a full day of saw the signing of several po- Android creater KNOW WHAT activities that included talks litical agreements, including Andy• Rubin received an with Premier Li Keqiang and a currency swap deal and a an honour guard with Japan’s mechanism to avoid acciden- exit package of $90m flag raised outside the Great tal clashes between their mil- Hall of the People across from itaries which often come in AFP | San Francisco, United Google was found- Tiananmen Square. contact in the disputed East States ed by Larry Page Relations between Asia’s China Sea. and Sergey Brin two biggest economies have Abe’s three-day trip, which oogle said Thursday it while they were improved in recent years after began Thursday, sets up the had fired 48 employees Ph.D. students at they sunk to new lows in 2012 possibility that Xi will visit Gin the past two years -- Stanford Univer- when Tokyo “nationalised” Japan next year. including 13 senior executives -- as a result of sexual harassment sity allegations, citing “an increas- ingly hard line” on inappropri- Sundar Pichai, chief executive officer of Google Inc., speaks about Google’s ate conduct. improvements in Artificial Intelligence and machine learning at a product launch event The US tech giant issued the ArcelorMittal, statement from chief executive Asked by AFP and other media “In recent years, we’ve made his own accord to launch ven- Sundar Pichai in response to for its reaction, Google released a number of changes, including ture capital firm and technology a New York Times report that an email sent to employees from taking an increasingly hard line incubator Playground. Nippon to buy one senior Google employee, Pichai stating that 48 people on inappropriate conduct by Rubin went on to found Android creator Andy Rubin, had been terminated for sexu- people in positions of authority,” smartphone company Essential. received an exit package worth al harassment in the past two Pichai said. The Android operating system, $90 million as he faced allega- years, including 13 who were Sam Singer, a spokesman for which Google makes available Essar Steel tions of misconduct, and that senior managers and above Rubin, rejected the allegations to device makers free of charge, Google had covered up other and that none received “an exit against him in a statement to powers about 85 percent of the AFP | Mumbai, India long-term and where domesti- claims of sexual harassment. package.” AFP, saying Rubin left Google of world’s smartphones. cally produced steel products lobal steel giant Arce - have a superior position,” the GlorMittal and Japanese Japanese firm said. firm Nippon Steel said yester- India’s central bank had ear- day they have won a bidding marked Essar Steel for insol- 100 flights cancelled war for India’s Essar Steel with vency proceedings in August India to double gas a $5.7 billion offer for their last year. Brussels, Belgium debt-laden rival. Legislation passed in 2016 Pierard said about 100 de- The deal is one of the biggest makes it easier for profitable production by 2022 strike by baggage han - parting and arriving flights takeovers of a failing Indian firms to take control of in - Adlers at Brussels airport were cancelled, mainly at Ry- company under India’s first solvent companies as Prime Reuters | Singapore general of India’s Directorate has caused the cancellation of anair, as media reported the bankruptcy law, passed two Minister Narendra Modi’s General of Hydrocarbon. India around 100 flights, affecting strike was over demands for years ago to help clean up crip- pro-business government ndia expects to double its plans to spend an addition- thousands of passengers dur- higher staffing levels. pling corporate debts. tackles bad loans hamstringing Inatural gas production by al $2 billion in the next three ing a major school holiday, an “Friday is one of the busiest While ArcelorMittal will Indian banks. 2022 as it seeks to reduce its to five years, particularly in official said yesterday. days of the autumn. A total of own a majority stake in Essar Essar Steel was pinpointed reliance on imports into the deepwater and offshore areas, Some 300 travellers spent 47,000 passengers are due to Steel, Nippon will hold a near as one of India’s biggest de- country, government officials to increase its gas production. Thursday night at Brus - leave today,” Pierard said. equal share, the companies faulters. said yesterday. “There is a lot of potential sels-Zaventem airport after Many other flights were de- said in separate statements. Several steelmakers, in- Gas production will be dou- (for the number to be higher) handlers at Belgian firm Avia- layed, she added. A meeting “India is one of the most cluding Indian firms Vedanta bled to over 60 billion cubic because of all the various bid- partner went on strike, airport between union delegates and promising markets in the Ltd and JSW Steel, had lodged metre (bcm) from the current ding rounds,” said Joy on the spokeswoman Nathalie at Aviapartner was due Friday world with significant growth takeover bids to rival the Nip- 33 bcm, said V.P. Joy, director sidelines of a roadshow. Pierard told AFP. in a bid to resolve the dispute. potential in the medium- and pon Steel-ArcelorMittal duo. China minted two new billionaires per week in 2017, says report In the Americas region, the wealth of billionaires increased at a slower rate of 12 per cent AFP | Zurich, Switzerland cessful companies, raised living five families accounted for 30pc standards,” said Josef Stadler, of the continent’s wealth expan- hina produced around two head of Ultra High Net Worth sion, the study said. Cnew billionaires a week at UBS Global Wealth Manage- Asia’s billionaires are It warned of lower econom- last year as the fortunes of the ment. young and relentless. ic growth in the United States world’s ultra-rich soared by a The report said China minted They are constantly and China if the trade war record amount, a report said two new billionaires a week in transforming their between the two countries yesterday 2017, among more than three a companies, developing escalates. Billionaires’ wealth enjoyed its week created in Asia. “US and Asia ex-Japan equities “greatest-ever” increase in 2017, In the Americas region, the new business models could fall by 20pc from their rising 19 per cent to $8.9 tril - wealth of billionaires increased and shifting rapidly mid-summer 2018 levels.” lion ($7.8 billion euros) shared at a slower rate of 12pc, to into new sectors Billionaires from Asia, es - among 2,158 individuals, said the $3.6trn, with the United States pecially in the Chinese city of report by Swiss banking giant creating 53 new billionaires in RAVI RAJU Shenzhen, are now challenging UBS and auditors PwC. 2017 compared to 87 five years the traditional dominance of HEAD OF ASIA PACIFIC ULTRA HIGH NET But Chinese billionaires ex- ago. WORTH AT UBS GLOBAL WEALTH MANAGE- Americans as technology entre- panded their wealth at nearly Currency appreciation saw MENT preneurs. double that pace, growing by 39 European billionaires’ wealth The report said that global- percent to $1.12trn. grow 19pc although the number A woman lying on the floor as she poses for a picture with lipsticks and handbags ly, self-made billionaires have “Over the last decade, Chinese of billionaires rose by just 4.0pct in Xian in China’s northern Shaanxi province. Chinese social media users have driven 80 percent of the 40 main billionaires have created some of to 414. seized on a viral meme in which people are pictured literally roll in their own breakthrough innovations over wealth the world’s largest and most suc- Wealth transition from just the last 40 years. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2018 11 ‘Sea Festival’ begins The festival showcases Kingdom’s proud maritime heritage

dersecretary for International Tickets are priced Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign • Affairs, Dr Shaikh Abdulla bin at BD 2 per person Ahmed Al Khalifa in addition to and free for children representatives from BTEA and under the age of 4. tourism sector. Previous editions The festival raises awareness of the festival have TDT | Manama of the value of Bahraini sea re- been very popular lated traditions and cultures, with visitors from while also celebrating it using Bahrain and abroad, roviding a chance to ex- latest technologies to attract due to the variety of Pplore and enjoy everything tourists. marine, Bahrain’s ‘Sea Festival’ “We appreciate the efforts events at the festival, has begun showcasing King- made by BTEA to organise events which are suitable dom’s abundant maritime re- that help in preserving and safe- for all ages. We are sources in a funfilled atmos - guarding Bahrain’s history and continuously adding phere for families and kids to link to the sea,” said the Pres- new activities to enjoy. ident of Arab Tourism Organ- attract even more Inaugurated by Chief Ex - ization, Dr Bandar bin Fahd ecutive Officer of the Bahrain Al-Fuhaid. visitors Tourism and Exhibitions Au- The Festival, Shaikh Khaled thority (BTEA), Shaikh Khaled said, has become one the most SHAIKH KHALED BIN HUMOOD AL bin Humood Al Khalifa, the anticipated events on the King- KHALIFA festival held near Bahrain Fi- dom’s calendar. CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER OF BTEA nancial Harbour is in its third “Much like the rest of BTEA’s edition. events, it aims to position Bah- The inauguration was attend- rain as a leading family desti- ed by the President of the Arab nation and double the tourism Tourism Organization, Dr Ban- sector’s contribution in the Na- dar bin Fahd Al-Fuhaid, the Un- tional GDP.” What can you experience at SeaFest? he Festival features a num- The event also features a mu- traditional bands participating Tber of activities, including seum and a Fisherman Village in the event. The ‘Sea Festival’ water taxi, boat tours inside which will have handicrafts will run every day from 25th of Bahrain Bay, in addition to wa- and pearl merchant booths. October to the 3rd of Novem- ter activities and sports like Visitors will be able to enjoy ber from 4:00 pm to 10:00 pm kayaking, paddling, rowing rac- food from over 20 vendors and Saturday to Thursday and from es and the Russian Jetski Show. watch live performances by 4:00 pm to 11:00 pm on Friday.

In pictures, the highlight of the activities held at the ‘Sea Festival’ which runs from 25th of October to the 3rd of November. Doors open from 4:00 pm to 10:00 pm from Saturday to Thursday and from 4:00 pm to 11:00 pm on Friday Stock markets slump at end of volatile week London, United Kingdom Key figures at around 1340 GMT Amazon reported Thurs - day that its net profit in the London - FTSE 100: q 1.3pc at 6,914.66 points tock markets plunged once recently-ended quarter rock- Sagain yesterday after US ti- Frankfurt - DAX 30: q 1.1pc at 11,184.86 eted to $2.9 billion, a ten-fold tans Amazon and Google-parent Paris - CAC 40: q 1.7pc at 4,945.62 increase from the same period Alphabet missed key earnings last year. Milan - FTSE MIB: q 1.2pc at 18,588.26 targets, and geopolitics, Italian However, analysts had ex- debt and Brexit worries clouded EURO STOXX 50: q 1.3pc at 3,124.47 pected an even stronger perfor- the outlook for the global econ- New York - Dow: q 1.0pc at 24,739.57 mance, prompting shares to sink omy. Fresh hefty losses came 8.8pc to $1,643 in after market Tokyo - Nikkei 225: q 0.4pc at 21,184.60 (close) at the end of a hugely volatile trades. trading week that has wiped out Hong Kong - Hang Seng: q 1.1pc at 24,717.63 (close) There was a similar situation all 2018 gains for some markets. Shanghai - Composite: q 0.2pc at 2,598.85 (close) for Alphabet, whose third-quar- “Risk aversion is alive and Euro/dollar: q at $1.1353 from $1.1375 at 2100 GMT ter net profit surged 36pc to $9.2 kicking on Friday, as weaker billion -- but its shares slumped than expected tech earnings Pound/dollar: q at $1.2806 from $1.2817 4.8pc on market disappointment trigger the latest stampede and Traders work the floor at the closing bell of the Dow Industrial Average Dollar/yen: q at 112.03 from 112.37 yen with revenue growth. those still buying the dips once Asian investors also took again get burned,” said Craig the bar so high in recent years two-month low point Thursday flight Friday, with Hong Kong’s Erlam at Oanda. that the numbers reported by amid concerns over Italy’s debt main index closing down 1.1pc, Amazon and Alphabet shares Amazon and Alphabet just wer- pile. a two-month low point under fore diving once more ahead of while Tokyo ended 0.4-per- tumbled at the New York open, en’t quite spectacular enough, S&P Global is to deliver an $1.28 ahead of Britain’s annual the weekend break. cent lower and Shanghai gave pushing the Nasdaq more than not at a time when investors are update on Italy’s debt ratings budget announcement Monday, up 0.2pc. 2.5 per cent down, while the a nervous wreck and fleeing for after the markets’ close Friday. the last before the country exits ‘Dead cat bounce’ Singapore dived 1.4pc and Dow fell 1.0pc. safety at the first sign of danger,” The dollar meanwhile struck the EU in March. “Any hope that Thursday’s re- Seoul shed 1.8pc. However, Wel- he said. a decade-high at 6.9682 against Following losses at the start of covery was anything more than lington was marginally higher ‘Nervous wreck’ The euro recovered against the yuan as US-China trade ten- the week, stock markets showed a dead cat bounce was short- and Manila added more than “Tech companies have raised the dollar after posting a fresh sions rumble on. Sterling hit signs of recovery Thursday be- lived,” said Erlam. one per cent. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2018 12

Sri Lanka President sacks Prime Minister 27 nations raise concerns Colombo, Sri Lanka

resident Maithripa- Pla Sirisena yesterday sacked his Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe and over Britain’s trade plans appointed former president Mahinda Rajapakse as the new premier, the presi - The WTO in Geneva is where countries negotiate the rules of international trade and settle disputes dent’s office said. A private television net- work loyal to Rajapakse tel- Brexit means the evised him being sworn in • as the new prime minister, UK has to separate its replacing Wickremesinghe. trade rules from the EU There was no immediate word from Wickremesing- Concern raised he, who helped Sirisena win over• agriculture the January 2015 elections against Rajapakse. tariffs and quotas The surprise move comes after disagreements be- AFP | Geneva, Switzerland tween Sirisena and Wick- remesinghe over economic wenty-seven countries policy and day-to-day ad- have raised concerns Ministers pose for a group photo at the World Trade Organization reform talks in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada ministration of the govern- Tabout Britain’s future ment. trading terms at the World Trade that 27 countries have “raised Britain’s proposed Brexit deal WTO said in a statement. ganisation. Organisation, trade sources in concerns” about the plans, par- will even leave the UK with A separate issue is whether According to market analysis Geneva said yesterday, in a move ticularly regarding agriculture much power to negotiate free British businesses will continue site MLex, Russia is one of the that could delay post-Brexit free tariffs and quotas, as well as oth- trade deals. to get equal access to bid for gov- countries to have objected to the US tycoon Durst trade deals. er issues. Until a Brexit deal is complet- ernment contracts in other WTO British proposals, saying they The WTO in Geneva -- which The move has been described ed, it is impossible to know what countries, known as government do not meet obligations “under to stand trial for has 164 countries as members as a “welcome to reality” mo- terms of trade will be negotiated procurement agreements. several basic WTO provisions”. murder -- is where countries negotiate ment for the UK, by analysts. at the WTO. “The other countries might Other countries have made it the rules of international trade “All these countries, they are Many of the concerns raised decide to keep treating British clear that they think the plans Los Angeles, United States and settle disputes. all saying we would like some- by other countries at the WTO businesses the same way, but will put them at a disadvantage, Although Britain is a member thing, we want a bigger share of could even fall away if the UK they don’t have to,” warned Doc- the site said. S real estate heir Rob- outright, for decades the EU has the pie,” David Henig, Director stays part of the EU’s custom’s tor Lorand Bartels, a teacher of The WTO played down the Uert Durst was ordered represented the UK at the WTO. of the UK Trade Policy Project, union for example, trade sources WTO law at the University of significance, saying countries on Thursday to stand trial But Brexit means the UK has said. “While the UK is in these said. Cambridge. had simply reserved their right for the murder of his close to separate its trade rules from (WTO) negotiations, that can If the UK does not reach a deal “to sit down and discuss with friend Susan Berman, who the EU if it wants to act with potentially delay bilateral deals National interests with other WTO countries then, the British” negotiations in the was shot in the back of the more independence. with other countries,” he said. The WTO said the situation is “British businesses would not coming months. head in 2000 at her home in As March approaches -- Brit- A delay to new free trade without precedent but that be protected when bidding for The developments are a re- Los Angeles. ain’s Brexit leave date -- the UK deals post-Brexit -- touted as while discussions take place, government contracts,” Dr Bar- minder of the huge complexities Los Angeles County Su- has pushed to essentially repli- a key benefit of leaving the EU trade will continue as normal. tels said. Britain faces to finalise deals perior Court Judge Mark cate the WTO rules it currently by Brexit supporters -- could “The type of conversation 12 per cent of GDP is the while countries promote their Windham said there was follows as an EU member, with have economic consequences that will take place very much amount spent on average in own national interests. sufficient evidence to try some technical changes. for the UK. depends on the outcome of the OECD countries on public pro- “There is a lot of negotiating the 75-year-old multimil- But trade sources have said But it is still unclear whether UK-EU bilateral negotiation,” the curement, according to the or- to go ahead,” Henig said. lionaire, whose life inspired an HBO documentary series. Prosecutors allege Durst murdered Berman on or about December 23, 2000 Oil falls on supply worries to prevent her from being US, European firms bid for Reuters | London questioned by New York po- Europe’s fighter jet procurement plans to decline ahead of next month’s Some of the world’s biggest weapons manufacturers are bidding for lice over the disappearance lucrative contractsjet worth contracts at least 50 billion dollars as European countries il prices dropped yesterday, sanctions deadline,” said Stephen of his wife Kathleen in 1982. look to replace their fleets of ageing fighter jets Oheading for a third weekly Brennock, analyst at London bro- Durst was arrested in Graphic News Candidates for loss after Saudi Arabia warned of ker PVM Oil. March 2015 in a New new fighter jets oversupply, while a slump in stock A global collapse in equities has Orleans hotel room in con- ome of the world’s biggest Rejected markets and concerns about trade roiled oil markets this week as Wall nection with Berman’s mur- weapons manufacturers are clouded the outlook for fuel de- Street had its biggest daily decline S Selected (with der, hours before the final bidding for contracts worth at number ordered) mand. since 2011. episode of the six-part HBO least 50 billion dollars as Euro- Picture: Getty Images Brent crude oil Saudi Arabia’s OPEC Type (number) documentary “The Jinx: pean countries look to replace Country to be replaced F-15E F-16V F/A-18E/FF-35 TyphoonGripen RafaleValue LCOc1 fell $1.12 or governor said on The life and Deaths of Rob- their fleets of ageing fighter jets. Belgium F-16 (54) 34 $3.42bn 1.5 per cent to a Thursday oil markets ert Durst.” In recent weeks, Belgium, Bul- Bulgaria MiG-29 (15) $1.06bn* low of $75.77 per could face oversupply garia, Finland, Germany, Poland, Finland F/A-18 (62) $11.47bn barrel and was $76.34 by the end of the year. Slovakia and Switzerland have Germany Tornado (85) $23bn trading around “The market in the Poland MiG-29 (30) No details released tbc all announced plans to buy new $76.34, down 55 a barrel was the price fourth quarter could Slovakia MiG-29 (12) 14 $1.9bn of Brent crude by 1318 Africa’s biggest fighter jets and other equipment. Switzerland F-5, F/A-18 (83) $8.08bn† cents, by 1318 be shifting towards an The importance of combat *For eight new or used aircraft. †Includes 30-40 planes plus ground-based air defences GMT. The contract GMT. oversupply situation crafts fair opens aircraft within the European FIGHTER JET MANUFACTURERS Eurofighter is on course for a as evidenced by rising Boeing Lockheed Martin / Typhoon air arms has increased in light (McDonnell Douglas) General Dynamics weekly loss of over inventories over the Ouagadougou, Burkina of Russia’s aggressive stance in 4pc and is down more than $10 in past few weeks,” Adeeb Al-Aama

Faso Ukraine and elsewhere. Over 5.84m Dassault Rafale three weeks. told Reuters.

the next decade, the majority F-15E Strike Eagle F-16V Fighting Falcon US crude CLc1 was 60 cents lower Saudi Energy Minister Khalid frica’s largest crafts fair of Europe’s air forces will be at $66.73, set for a 3.4pc loss this al-Falih said there could be a need Aopened yesterday in the reequipped or be beginning the Saab Gripen week. for intervention to reduce oil Burkina Faso capital Oua- process, according to Aviation F/A-18E/F Super Hornet F-35 Lightning II “Fears of a supply surplus are rife stockpiles after increases in recent gadougou under the shad- Week. Sources: Aviation Week, Business Insider, FlightGlobal, Reuters, The Aviationist © GRAPHIC NEWS even as Iranian exports continue months. ow of growing terror in the West African nation. The 10-day Salon Inter- national de l’Artisanat de Ouagadougou (SIAO) has at- tracted more than 2,500 ex- Gold prices up near three-month highs hibitors from 25 countries this year and hopes to draw Reuters | Bengaluru for a fourth week of gains. U.S. “The bears are frightened of of financial, economic and ge- about 300,000 visitors. gold futures rose 0.5pc to $1,238 being caught on the wrong side. opolitical uncertainties, can be It was opened by Bur - old prices rose yesterday an ounce. The liquidation of short posi- seen by the rise in holdings of kinabe President Roch Marc Gtowards the three-month Global stocks slid again yes- tions on COMEX has the poten- physically-backed exchange Christian Kabore and Cana- highs hit earlier this week as terday and were set to post their tial in the short term to drive traded products. dian Governor General Julie nervous investors retreated worst weekly losing streak in gold up to between $1,260 and Holdings in the world’s larg- Payette, a former astronaut. from stock markets and piled more than five years. $1,270.” est gold-backed exchange-trad- It comes at a time of “a into the precious metal seen as “The confusion in bond and Gold prices have gained more ed fund, SPDR Gold Trust saw difficult international and a refuge from financial turmoil. stock markets is fuelling some than 6pc after falling to $1,159.96 outflows of about 4.5 million national context,” said Spot gold was up 0.3 per cent interest in gold. If they continue (file) An employee sorts gold bars in an ounce in mid-August, their ounces between late April and the Austrian Gold and Silver Separating Commerce Minister Harou- at $1,235.53 an ounce at 1134 to fall, that will give support to lowest since Jan. 2017. early October. But now at 24.1 Plant ‘Oegussa’ in Vienna, Austria na Kabore, adding that his GMT having earlier this week hit gold. You’ll then have trend buy- Investor flows into bullion, million ounces, holdings are at country was being increas- $1,239.68, its highest since the ers coming in and supporting od, head of research at Gold - often considered a safe haven their highest since the end of ingly “targeted” by jihadists. middle of July. It is on course the price,” said Alasdair Macle- and store of value during times August. 13 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2018

HUNTER KILLER JUFFAIR DAILY AT: 10.45 AM + 3.00 + 7.15 + JASON STATHAM, RUBY ROSE, BINGBING LI 11.30 (PG-15) (ACTION/THRILLER) NEW CITYCENTRE DAILY AT: 11.30 AM + 1.45 + 4.00 GERARD BUTLER, COMMON SEEF (I) DAILY AT: 12.30 + 2.45 + 5.00 + 7.15 + + 6.15 + 8.30 + 10.45 PM 9.30 + 11.45 PM Kylie ‘insecure’ about JUFFAIR DAILY AT (ATMOS): 10.45 AM + 1.15 + A STAR IS BORN 3.45 + 6.15 + 8.45 + 11.15 PM VENOM (15+) (DRAMA/ROMANTIC/MUSICAL) DAILY AT: 10.30 AM + 1.00 + 3.30 + 6.00 + 8.30 (PG-15) (ACTION/ADVENTURE) LADY GAGA, SAM ELLIOTT + 11.00 PM TOM HARDY, RIZ AHMED CITYCENTRE DAILY AT: 11.30 AM + 2.00 + CITYCENTRE DAILY AT: 12.30 + 3.15 + 6.00 + post-baby body 4.30 + 7.00 + 9.30 PM + 12.00 MN + (1.00 AM JUFFAIR DAILY AT: 11.00 AM + 1.30 + 4.00 + 8.45 + 11.30 PM THURS/FRI) 6.30 + 9.00 + 11.30 PM DAILY AT (ATMOS): 11.30 AM + 2.00 + 4.30 + CITYCENTRE DAILY AT: 11.15 AM + 1.45 + 4.15 + THE KING OF THIEVES IANS | Los Angeles again,” Kylie says. 7.00 + 9.30 PM +12.00 MN, DAILY AT VIP (I): 6.45 + 9.15 + 11.45 PM (PG-15) (CRIME/DRAMA) NEW Kim expresses her un - Kylie 11.00 AM + 1.30 + 4.00 + 6.30 + 9.00 + 11.30 PM, WADI AL SAIL DAILY AT: 11.45 AM + 2.00 + 4.15 Jenner MICHAEL CAINE, MICHAEL GAMBON eality TV personality and derstanding about dealing DAILY AT VIP (II): 10.30 AM + 1.00 + 3.30 + 6.00 + 6.30 + 8.45 + 11.00 PM + 8.30 + 11.00 PM SEEF (II) DAILY AT: 12.15 + 2.30 + 4.45 + 7.00 + make-up mogul Kylie with “curves”, just before JOHNNY ENGLISH STRIKES AGAIN 9.15 + 11.30 PM Jenner has opened up Kylie calls out trolls. SEEF (II) DAILY AT: 11.15 AM + 12.30 + 1.45 + R 3.00 + 4.15 + 5.30 + 6.45 + 8.00 + 9.15 + 10.30 + (PG) (COMEDY/ACTION/ADVENTURE) about being “insecure” about Kylie said: “I feel like BOARDING SCHOOL 11.45 PM + (1.00 AM THURS/FRI) ROWAN ATKINSON, OLGA KURYLENKO her body since delivering her some people don’t get (18+) (THRILLER/CRIME) NEW SAAR DAILY AT: 10.30 AM + 1.00 + 3.30 + 6.00 + daughter Stormi. it. Like some people JUFFAIR DAILY AT: 11.15 AM + 1.15 + 3.15 + 5.15 LUKE PRAEL, STERLING JERINS 8.30 + (11.00 PM THURS/FRI) + 7.15 + 9.15 + 11.15 PM In a sneak peek of an episode are just body sham- WADI AL SAIL DAILY AT: 11.00 AM + 1.30 + 4.00 CITYCENTRE DAILY AT: 10.45 AM + 12.45 + 2.45 SEEF (II) DAILY AT: 10.30 AM + 12.45 + 3.00 + of the reality show “Keeping Up ers.” + 6.30 + 9.00 + 11.30 PM + 4.45 + 6.45 + 8.45 + 10.45 PM + (12.45 MN 5.15 + 7.30 + 9.45 PM + 12.00 MN With the Kardashians”, Kylie “Trust me, I get it. THURS/FRI) decides to clean out her closet But the pressure to HALLOWEEN HOT DOG to get rid of stuff she believes snap back, it took (18+) (THRILLER/HORROR) NEW SMALL FOOT (18+) (ACTION/COMEDY) NEW will never fit her again. Her me a good six to JAMIE LEE CURTIS, NICK CASTLE (PG) (ANIMATION/ADVENTURE/COMEDY) TIL SCHWEIGER, ANNE SCHAFER older sister, Kim Kardashian eight months. JUFFAIR DAILY AT: 12.30 + 2.45 + 5.00 + 7.15 + CHANNING TATUM, JAMES CORDEN SEEF (II) DAILY AT: 11.30 AM + 1.30 + 3.30 + West, stops by with some words Once I got there 9.30 + 11.45 PM JUFFAIR DAILY AT: 11.00 AM + 1.00 + 3.00 + 5.30 + 7.30 + 9.30 + 11.30 PM of wisdom for the new mother. I was like, ‘Okay, CITYCENTRE DAILY AT: 10.30 AM + 12.45 + 3.00 5.00 + 7.00 + 9.00 + 11.00 PM + 5.15 + 7.30 + 9.45 PM + 12.00 MN + (1.00 AM ANA AND BRUNO “Nothing in my closet fits I’m never leav- THURS/FRI) NIGHT SCHOOL (PG-13)ANIMAITON/DRAMA) NEW me,” Kylie told Kim, who com- ing,’” Kim re- SEEF (I) DAILY AT: 12.15 + 2.30 +4.45 + 7.00 + (PG-15) (COMEDY) DAMIAN ALCAZAR, SCHWEIGHOFER plimented her by saying she calls. “I will tell 9.15 + 11.30 PM KEVIN HART, TIFFANY HADDISH looks “really skinny.” you this: Just SEEF (II) DAILY AT: (12.30 MN THURS/FRI) SEEF (II )DAILY AT: 10.30 AM + 2.30 + 6.30 + 10.30 “Thank you,” Kylie says. wear two pairs CITYCENTRE DAILY AT: 12.30 + 2.45 + 5.00 + SAAR DAILY AT: 11.45 AM + 2.00 + 4.15 + 6.30 + 7.15 + 9.30 + 11.45 PM “I’m getting rid of stuff that I of shapewear 8.45 + (11.00 PM THURS/FRI) VENOM just feel like is never going to fit and get out of WADI AL SAIL DAILY AT: 12.00 + 2.15 + 4.30 + GOOSEBUMPS 2: HAUNTED HALLOW- (PG-15) (ACTION/ADVENTURE) 6.45 + 9.00 + 11.15 PM me. I know I’m not going to fit the house... I EEN TOM HARDY, MICHELLE WILLIAMS into a 25 jean ever again.” literally would (PG-13) (ADVENTURE/COMEDY/FANTASY) HELL FEST SEEF (II) DAILY AT: 11.30 AM + 2.00 + 4.30 + CHRIS PARNELL WENDI MCLEN After a recent photo shoot, wear some- (18+) (HORROR) NEW 7.00 + 9.30 PM + 12.00 MN Kylie accepted to feeling “a lit- times, I’m not AMY FORSYTH, REIGN EDWARDS CITYCENTRE DAILY AT: 10.30 AM + 12.30 + 2.30 tle insecure” about her post-ba- joking you, + 4.30 + 6.30 + 8.30 + 10.30 PM JOHNNY ENGLISH STRIKES AGAIN by body, telling Kim: “I feel like three pairs JUFFAIR DAILY AT: 12.00 + 2.00 + 4.00 + 6.00 + (PG) (COMEDY/ACTION/ADVENTURE) 8.00 + 10.00 PM + 12.00 MN SMALL FOOT my hips have just spread...” of shapewear ROWAN ATKINSON, OLGA KURYLENKO CITYCENTRE DAILY AT: 11.45 AM + 1.45 + 3.45 (PG) (ANIMATION/ADVENTURE/COMEDY) “Yeah. My favourite jeans, just to get out + 5.45 + 7.45 + 9.45 + 11.45 PM +(12.30 MN SEEF (II) DAILY AT: 11.45 AM + 1.45 + 3.45 + 5.45 they are never going to fit me of the house.” THURS/FRI) CHANNING TATUM, ZENDAYA + 7.45 + 9.45 + 11.45 PM SEEF (II) DAILY AT: 11.00 AM + 1.00 + 3.00 CITYCENTRE DAILY AT: 11.00 AM + 1.00 + 3.00 + 5.00 + 7.00 + 9.00 + 11.00 PM + (1.00 AM + 5.00 + 7.00 + 9.00 + 11.00 PM BADHAAI HO THURS/FRI) SEEF (II) DAILY AT: 12.30 + 4.30 + 8.30 PM (PG-15) (HINDI/COMEDY/DRAMA/ROMANTIC) SAAR DAILY AT: 11.00 + 1.00 + 3.00 + 5.00 + SANYA MALHOTRA 7.00 + 9.00 + (11.00 PM THURS/FRI) BADHAAI HO SEEF (II) DAILY AT: 11.15 AM + 1.45 + 4.15 + 6.45 WADI AL SAIL DAILY AT: 11.30 AM + 1.30 + 3.30 (PG-15) (HINDI/COMEDY/DRAMA/ROMANTIC) + 9.15 + 11.45 PM Black Eyed Peas release + 5.30 + 7.30 + 9.30 + 11.30 PM SANYA MALHOTRA, AYUSHMANN DEAD TRIGGER 5 WEDDINGS CITYCENTRE DAILY AT: 10.45 AM + 1.15 + 3.45 + (15+) (ACTION/HORROR) (PG-15) (HINDI/ROMANTIC/ COMEDY) NEW 6.15 + 8.45 + 11.15 PM DOLPH LUNDGREN, AUTUMN REESER their seventh album RAJKUMMAR RAO, BO DEREK FIRST MAN SEEF (I) DAILY AT: 12.00 + 2.00 + 4.00 + 6.00 + JUFFAIR DAILY AT: 1.00 + 5.15 + 9.30 PM (PG-13) (DRAMA/BIOGRAPHY) 8.00 + 10.00 PM + 12.00 MN IANS | Los Angeles CITYCENTRE DAILY AT: 12.00 + 2.00 + 4.00 + RYAN GOSLING, CLAIRE FOY 6.00 + 8.00 + 10.00 PM + 12.00 MN CITYCENTRE DAILY AT: 11.30 AM + 4.15 + KAYAKULAM KOCHUNNI merican group Black SEEF (I) DAILY AT: 11.15 AM + 1.15 + 3.15 + 5.15 + 9.00 PM (PG-15) (MALAYALAM) Eyed Peas, consisting of 7.15 + 9.15 + 11.15 PM NIVIN PAULY, MOHANLAL, PRIYA ANAND A SAAR DAILY AT: 1.15 + 6.00 + (10.45 PM THURS/ EL BADLAH, and Taboo, FRI) SEEF (I) DAILY AT: 11.00 AM + 2.00 + 5.00 + have released their seventh al- (PG-13) (ARABIC/COMEDY) 8.00 + 11.00 PM WADI AL SAIL DAILY AT: 11.30 AM + 1.30 + 3.30 TAMER HOSNY, AKRAM HOSNI bum, “Masters of The Sun Vol. + 5.30 + 7.30 + 9.30 + 11.30 PM AL HAMRA DAILY AT: 3.00 & 9.00 PM 1”. CITYCENTRE DAILY AT: 2.15 + 7.00 + 11.45 PM Produced by, the BAAZAAR JARUGANDI album is the Grammy-win - (15+) (HINDI/THRILLER/DRAMA) NEW MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE FALLOUT (PG-15) (TAMIL) NEW ning group’s first in eight SAIF ALI KHAN, RADHIKA APTE (PG-15) (ACTION/THRILLER/CRIME) JAI, REBA MONICA JOHN TOM CRUISE, HENRY CAVILL, VING RHAMES years and features rappers Black Eyed Peas band members JUFFAIR DAILY AT: 12.30 + 3.15 + 6.00 + 8.45 AL HAMRA FROM FRIDAY 26TH: 12.00 NOON Nas, Phife Dawg and Ali Sha- + 11.30 PM CITYCENTRE DAILY AT: 11.30 AM + 2.30 + 5.30 + MANDHARAM heed Muhammad, K-Pop star the release of a new video for climate, positioning themselves CITYCENTRE DAILY AT: 12.45 + 3.30 + 6.15 + 8.30 + 11.30 PM 9.00 + 11.45 PM (PG-13) (MALAYALAM) NEW CL, rapper Slick Rick, singer “Dopeness” feat. CL. as agents for change against THE EQUALIZER- 2 Nicole Scherzinger, and rapper “Masters of The Sun Vol. 1” is urgent issues affecting commu- SEEF (I) DAILY AT: 12.15 + 3.00 + 5.45 + 8.30 ASIF ALI, ANARKALI MARIKAR + 11.15 PM (15+) (ACTION/CRIME/THRILLER) Posdnuos, read a statement to a hip-hop master-class. It marks nities of colour such as gun con- AL HAMRA DAILY AT: 6.00 PM SAAR DAILY AT: 10.30 AM + 3.15 + 8.00 PM DENZEL WASHINGTON, PEDRO PASCAL IANS. the group’s much-needed mes- trol, immigration reform, pris- DAILY AT: 11.45 AM + 2.30 + 5.15 CHALAKKUDIKKARAN CHANGATHI The album also comes with sage in today’s socio-political on reform and police brutality. WADI AL SAIL CITYCENTRE DAILY AT: 10.30 AM + 1.00 + 3.30 + 8.00 + 10.45 PM + 6.00 + 8.30 + 11.00 PM (PG-15) (MALAYALAM) NEW FIRST LOVE THE MEG RAJAMANI, DHARMAJAN, HONEY ROSE (FILIPINO/ROMANTIC/DRAMA) NEW (PG-15) (ACTION/THRILLER) AL HAMRA DAILY AT: (12.00 MN THURS/FRI) ‘Avengers 4’ will feature flashbacks, AGA MUHLACH, BEA ALONZO says actor Frank Grillo Singer Sinead O’Connor converts to Islam IANS | Los Angeles lowed to say whatever I want because I’m never doing anoth- AFP | London conclusion of any intelligent ctor Frank Grillo has con- er Marvel movie.” theologian’s journey,” she Afirmed that he will reap- Grillo’s statement follows utspoken Irish singer tweeted. pear in the fourth instalment of leaked photographs from the OSinead O’Connor has an- “All scripture study leads to the Marvel super-team series. “Avengers 4” shoot that ap - nounced she has converted to Islam. Which makes all other During an appearance on the peared to show Chris Evans in Islam and changed her name scriptures redundant. I will be UFC Unfiltered podcast, Grillo a version of the Captain Amer- to Shuhada. given (another) new name. It said that he would be making ica costume from 2012’s “The Having adopted the name will be Shuhada.” one more Marvel movie ap - Avengers”, standing in a set Magda Davitt last year, the Her Twitter account says the pearance as Brock Rumlow, that resembles the New York 51-year-old is now called Shu- singer now lives in “Direland”. also known as Hydra agent and Frank Grillo setting of that movie, prompt- hada Davitt. O’Connor’s 1990 hit “Nothing terrorist Crossbones, despite ing fans to speculate about She also changed her Twit- Compares 2 U” became a global dying in “Captain America: ports both a flashback sequence to ter avatar to a black-and-white hit, with her haunting voice, Civil War”. He confirmed a “He makes an appearance in happier, earlier times in the image of the Nike Swoosh logo Sinead O’Connor shaved head and single-tone long-standing rumour about the next Avengers movie,” Gril- Marvel Cinematic Universe, and the slogan: “Wear a hijab. outfits turning her into both the follow-up to “Avengers: In- lo said about his character. or perhaps even a time-travel Just do it.” I am proud to have become an enigmatic and captivating finity War” at the same time, re- “But it’s a flashback... I’m al- plotline. “This is to announce that a Muslim. This is the natural figure. 14 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2018 sports

Brave CF conducts public weigh-ins ahead of Brave 17 Tuana-Oceane grab TDT | Manama ation fighting against Arben Escayo. In the undercard, Abbas Khan from rave Combat Federation hosted KHK MMA will face Sikander Badar in Bthe public weigh-ins for Brave 17 an amateur welterweight bout in the girl’s doubles title in the presence of Mohammed Shahid, opening bout. Najam Khan from Team President of Brave Combat Federation. Fight Fortress will make his debut The event was held at the Raya Golf at Brave Combat Federation against Fok Kow-Jaideep Club in Lahore, Pakistan. All the 20 Mohammed Wasim. • fighters who are scheduled to com- Haider Farman will have his third crowned boy’s doubles pete in the fight card made weight. bout in Brave Combat Federation champions The fight card features athletes from when he will face Ariel Oliveros in twelve nations including Brazil, a strawweight bout. Ahmed “The TDT | Manama France, Pakistan, Philippines, South Butcher” Amir will make his return Africa, Russia, Ireland, Wales, Afghan- after his first loss in 5 years which he pairings of Tuana Tinaztepe istan, China, New Zealand and Egypt. ended his 7 fight win streak to face of Turkey and Oceane Babel of The fight night will take place on John Brewin. Yibugele, who is the first TFrance and Christopher Fok 27th October at the Nistar Sports Com- fighter in Brave Combat Federation Kow of Mauritius and Rahul Jaideep in Lahore, Pakistan. The event under contract from China will face of India were this evening crowned marks the first International mixed Zia Mashwani from Pakistan. champions of their respective doubles martial arts event hosted in Pakistan. Brave Combat Federation has en- competitions in the 10th Bahrain ITF The main event features Rodrigo tered into a partnership with ARY, Juniors Championships 2018 at Bah- Cavalheiro from Brazil facing Abdoul House of Rockville Pvt Ltd and MRG rain Tennis Club (BTC). Winners and runnerup of boy’s doubles with officials Abdouraguimov from France. The Pvt Ltd to bring the initiative to Pa- Meanwhile, Saud Alhaqbani of Sau- bout is crucial to determine the future kistan. Brave 17 is also supported by di Arabia will battle Charles Barry of 6-0, 6-3 contender for the welterweight cham- GreenHill Sports who is the official Great Britain for the Boy’s Singles Scorecard pionship against Jarrah Al Selawe. In merchandise partner for Brave Com- title; and Nina Danisova of Slovakia Boy’s Doubles Final the co-main event Uloomi Karim from bat Federation. will play Briton Hannah Smith in the Girl’s Doubles Final [1] T/Tinaztepe (TUR)/O Babel (FRA) bt [2] N [4] C Fok Kow (MRI)/R Jaideep (IND) bt A Hassan Team Fight Fortress, Pakistan will face The fight night will be showcased Girl’s Singles final. (EGY)/Y Nabil (EGY) 6-4, 3-6, 10-6 Jeremy Pacatiw from Team Lakay, live in Abu Dhabi Sports, ARY Sports, All four singles hopefuls were vic- Danisova (SVK)/J Dhome-Casanova (GBR) 6-1, 6-0. Philippines. Brave TV, Fite TV, StarSat, VodaCom, torious yesterday in their semi-final Boy’s Singles Semi-finals The fight card also features the re- Combate and B1B Sports in the re - matches. The Girl’s Singles Final will Girl’s Singles Semi-finals 1] Saud Alhaqbani (KSA) bt Victor Paganetti turn of IMMAF Gold medalist, Frans spective territories. The event will be be the first to take place today at 2pm [6] Nina Danisova (SVK) bt [4] Sanne (FRA) 4-6, 6-3, 6-3 Mlambo facing Aidan James and yet followed by the upcoming Brave Inter- as part of the tournament’s final day Schalekamp (NED) 7-6 (5), 6-1 [2] Charles Barry (IRL) bt Abd Elrahman Hassan another IMMAF gold medalist, Gam- national Combat Week 2018 featuring of action at BTC. The boy’s final will Hannah Smith (GBR) bt Ellie Aldrich (GBR) 5-7, (EGY) 6-4, 6-3 zat Magomedov facing South African Brave 18 in the Kingdom of Bahrain in follow, not before 5pm. National wrestling champion, JP Buys. the month of November which is the All are welcome to attend. After Mehmosh Raza will make his promo- largest combat sports event in Asia both championship-deciders, the of- very well, and our friendship affects ting the first two sets, top-seeded tional debut at Brave Combat Feder- till date. ficial closing ceremony and awards our play. Alhaqbani (ranked 706th in the presentation will take place. The clos- “We played well in yesterday’s final; world amongst boys) and unseeded Maincard ing will be held under the patronage we learned from our mistakes in the semi-final opponent Victor Paganetti of Deputy Prime Minister Shaikh previous matches. If Oceane and I (1,975th) of France were tied at 3-3 Rodrigo Cavalheiro (77.6 Kg) vs. Abdoul Abdouraguimov (77 Kg) - (Welterweight) Mohammed bin Mubarak Al Khalifa. meet again in future tournaments, I midway through the third. But the Jeremy Pacatiw (61.1 Kg) vs. Uloomi Kareem (61.2 Kg) - (Bantamweight) BTC President Khamis Al Muqla, BTC will definitely partner up with her Saudi youngster broke Paganetti in J P Buys (61.2 Kg) vs. Gamzat Magomedov (61 Kg) - (Bantamweight) Vice-President Mirza Al Sammak and again.” the very next game to take the crucial Mehmosh Raza (66.3 Kg) vs. Arben Escayo (66.2 Kg) - (Featherweight) other high-ranking officials from BTC “I am very happy to have won here lead, and he did not look back en route Frans Mlambo (60.8 Kg) vs. Aidan James (61.7 Kg) - (Bantamweight) and the Bahrain Tennis Federation are in Bahrain with Tuana,” said Oceane, to sealing a 4-6, 6-3, 6-3 win. expected to attend. who has also claimed a doubles title “Every break is crucial in tennis, es- Undercard Tuana and Oceane lived up to their for the third time this season. “We pecially at three-all,” said Alhaqbani. billing as Girl’s Doubles top seeds may have won the match with what “It was a big game for me; I feel like if Yibugele (66.1 Kg) vs. Zia Mashwani (65.3 Kg) - (Featherweight) and claimed their title after beat - appears to be an easy score, but it was I didn’t win that, it would have been Ahmed Amir (70.6 Kg) vs. John Brewin (70.4 Kg) - (Lightweight) ing second seeds Nina and Jessica tougher than that and the games were a bit of a problem.” Haider Farman (52.4 Kg) vs. Ariel Oliveros (52.5 Kg) - (Strawweight) Dhome-Casanova of Great Britain very close.” Alhaqbani now faces second seed Najam Khan (77.3 Kg) vs. Mohammed Wasim (76.1 Kg) - (Welterweight) with a surprising 6-1, 6-0 score line. Meanwhile, fourth seeds Fok Kow Barry (723rd), who ousted Hassan Abbas Khan (76 Kg) vs. Sikander Badar (76.4 Kg) - (Amateur Welterweight) “This tournament was our first and Jaideep took home the Boy’s Dou- (1,668th) 6-4, 6-3. together, and we are very happy to bles crown after beating the all-Egyp- In the Girl’s Singles, sixth-seeded have won the doubles title,” said Tu- tian tandem of Abd Elrahman Hassan Nina (ranked 1,127th in the world ana, who clinched her third doubles and Youssef Nabil 6-4, 3-6, 10-6 in a amongst girls) overcame fourth seed crown on this year’s International super tie-break. Sanne Schalekamp of the Netherlands Allegri: Juventus not scoring enough Tennis Federation (ITF) Juniors Cir- Both Fok Kow and Jaideep enjoyed 7-6 (5), 6-1 to make it to the final. cuit. “Oceane is a super kind person their first doubles success on this She now faces Hannah (1,976th), who Reuters | Milan dropped their first points in a 1-1 draw and a very talented partner; we are so year’s ITF circuit. needed three sets to beat compatriot with Genoa last Saturday. good together because we get along In the Boy’s Singles, after split - Ellie Aldrich (2,749th) 5-7, 6-0, 6-3. erie A leaders Juventus are not “We are coming from a wonder - Sscoring enough goals considering ful win against Manchester United the number of chances they create, but also a draw against Genoa in the coach Massimiliano Allegri said yes- league,” said Allegri, whose side won terday. 1-0 at Old Trafford in the Champions Juventus have 25 points from nine League on Tuesday. Bundesliga champions Bayern only games, four points clear of Napoli, “We can’t afford to drop any more and are the top scorers in the league points... We need to be more lucid with 19 goals. with the final pass. We should be scor- third best in Germany -- Hamann But Allegri said there was still a lot ing more goals, considering what we to improve on, especially after they create.” AFP | Berlin

ormer Liverpool and Germany Fmidfielder Dietmar Hamann ranks Bayern Munich as only the third best team in Germany -- behind Borussia Dortmund and Moenchengladbach -- with the reigning German champions feeling the pressure both on and off the pitch. Bayern play strugglers Mainz, who are winless in their last five games, at Seef District too away on Saturday, but all is clearly not well with the Bavarian giants. They start the weekend only fourth Bayern Munich’s Spanish defender Javi Martinez heads the ball during the UEFA Champions in the Bundesliga table behind leaders League football match between AEK Athens FC and FC Bayern Munchen Dortmund and second-placed ‘Glad- bach. they dubbed “indecent” criticism of Saturday ended the slide and lifted Last Friday, club president Uli head coach Niko Kovac and his team Bayern to fourth in the table, four Hoeness and chairman Karl-Heinz during the recent four-match winless points behind Dortmund, who they Um al Hassan +973 17728699 Seef District +973 17364999 Rummenigge launched an emotional streak. face away in a crunch Bundesliga attack on the German media for what A 3-1 league win at Wolfsburg last showdown on November 10. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2018 15

Infantino confirms FIFA opposed to La Liga plans for game in USA Tottenham boss backs AFP | Kigali, Rwanda

IFA are opposed to La FLiga’s plans to stage the match between Barcelona and Girona later this season keeper Hugo Lloris in the United States, Gianni Infantino confirmed yes- AFP | London like all of the team because we ries respectively. terday. deserve more. “We are happy. He started to- “Following a request of nder-fire French goal- “He is disappointed like we day (training) with the group. guidance from the Spanish keeper Hugo Lloris re- all are. “We hope he will be available FA, US Soccer and CONCA- Uceived the unqualified “Sometimes this can happen, for Monday but I am not sure CAF...the council empha- support of Tottenham Hotspur this type of action, for me it was whether he will be put in the KNOW WHAT sised the sporting principle manager Mauricio Pochettino not a red card. squad or not.” that official league matches Hugo Lloris yesterday stating he is “our cap- “Hugo is an important player Pochettino, whose side are must be played within the tain, and no doubt our keeper”. for us, our captain and no doubt fifth just two points off the top territory of the respective Pochettino issued his vote our keeper.” two Manchester City and Liv- member association,” said of confidence in the 31-year- Hugo Lloris re- erpool, said he hoped the pitch the president of world foot- old France captain after he ceived a 20 month Alli is back in training would bear up given that on ball’s governing body at a attracted another bout of driving ban for Pochettino, who has all but Sunday there is an NFL match press conference. criticism for his red card in drink driving in Sep- conceded Spurs hopes of reach- between the Philadelphia Eagles “The council has very Wednesday’s Champions tember and has cost ing the Champions League and Jacksonville Jaguars. clear views on that,” add- League 202 draw with PSV knockout stages were over fol- At the time of the scheduling, ed Infantino, who was Eindhoven. his side dearly in lowing the PSV draw, had some though, Spurs were expected speaking at the end of a Lloris -- who faces a tough successive Champi- good news on the injury front to have been based at their new FIFA council meeting in the examination of his confidence ons League matches in that England midfielder Dele state of the art ground. Rwandan capital Kigali. on Monday when Spurs host against Barcelona Alli is back in training. “Maybe it is good for us to face champions Manchester City However, Pochettino was not one of the best teams in Europe, -- has endured a tough time on certain the 22-year-old would maybe it will help us,” he joked. and off the pitch since cap- Champions League matches be pushed straight back into “It wasn’t a plan for us to play FA to impose taining France to World against Barcelona -- a dreadful the squad after missing the last in this period at Wembley. Cup glory in July. error gifting them a goal -- and three games due to a hamstring “That is the problem. We have historic bag ban at He received a 20 then the sending-off which PSV injury. to accept the reality. Wembley month driving ban took advantage of by scoring a “It is good news but we need “We cannot change that and for drink driving late equaliser. to careful,” said the 46-year-old have to hope the weather will be AFP | London in September “He is (feeling) very good,” Argentinian, who revealed de- good and will not kill the pitch. and has cost said Pochettino at his yesterday fensive duo Danny Rose and Jan “All of the people involved in n an historic move foot- his side dearly press conference. Vertonghen are still unavailable the pitch will work so hard to Iball fans attending the in successive “Of course he is disappointed with groin and hamstring inju- put it in a good condition.” England v United States friendly on November 15 will not be allowed to take bags into Wembley, accord- ing to Football Association Guardiola expects close (FA) chief executive Martin Mourinho fears De Gea Glenn. Premier League title race Glenn said the action was being taken because secu- will reject new United deal rity forces had informed the FA Wembley is a “prime target”. AFP | Manchester, United ing for Real in pre-season, it Glenn said terror attacks Kingdom looks as if a return to the Span- such as the one at the Ariana ish capital is no longer an op- Grande concert at the Man- David De Gea anchester United man- tion for De Gea, but he has been chester Arena last year that Mager Jose Mourinho is linked with a move to Italian left 22 people dead illustrat- “not confident” that goalkeep- club Juventus. ed how vulnerable such live Manchester City’s manager Pep Guardiola encourages his players during the er David De Gea will sign a new “I am not confident,” Mour- events are. English Premier League football match between Manchester City and Burnley contract when his current Old inho told Sky Sports ahead of Trafford deal expires. United’s match against Everton Reuters | London ers will have a far tougher The 27-year-old Spain in - on Sunday when asked about fight on their hands to ternational is now regarded the prospects of De Gea staying Crutchlow out of anchester City manag- defend their title this as one of the best keepers at Old Trafford. Mer Pep Guardiola is ex- season. in world football, having “I am not worried. I am not Australia MotoGP pecting a much closer Premier “I don’t have doubt joined English giants Unit- more than worried. I cannot after breaking League title race this season about that. Two points ed from Atletico Madrid in find the word in English,” the compared to the last campaign. difference in five, six 2011. Portuguese boss added. ankle Defending champions City teams. It’s strong,” Guar- He was, however, close “Let’s see what happens. romped to the title in re - diola told a news confer- to joining Real Madrid be- Only the club, David and Da- AFP | Phillip Island, Aus- cord-breaking fashion under ence yesterday. fore a proposed move to the vid’s people can answer to that.” tralia Guardiola last season, fin - City, who are top on goal Bernabeu collapsed in 2015. United have not won the Eng- ishing 19 points clear of sec- difference ahead of Liverpool, De Gea then signed a re- lish Premier League title since ritish rider Cal Crutch- ond-placed Manchester Unit- face fifth-placed Tottenham newed contract that will see legendary manager Alex Fergu- Blow was yesterday ruled ed. Hotspur at Wembley on Mon- him stay with United until son retired in 2013 and Mourin- out of the Australian Moto But with the top five teams day and Guardiola is wary of 2019, with the option to extend ho’s men are nine points adrift GP after a heavy crash in separated by two points after the tactical surprises his oppo- by an extra year. of leaders Manchester City, the practice which left him the first nine games, Guar- site number Mauricio Pochet- With former Chelsea goal- reigning champions, heading needing surgery for a frac- diola says his league lead - tino is capable of springing. keeper Thibaut Courtois sign- into this weekend’s fixtures. tured right ankle. The Honda hotshot, who won at Phillip Island two years ago and had clocked one of the best laps of the day, tumbled off his bike at FIFA put plans for lucrative new Club World Cup high speed during the final session and was stretchered AFP | Kigali, Rwanda The plans have been harsh- that no final decision be taken away. ly criticised by opponents who in Kigali and lamenting the lack “The fall left Crutchlow IFA President Gianni Infanti- say the international calendar of any consultation. UEFA Pres- with a bimalleolar fracture Fno has delayed any decision is already overcrowded and have ident Aleksander Ceferin has and anterior tibia part right over his plans for a lucrative new accused the FIFA president of also been critical of the plans. ankle fracture, an injury Club World Cup and global Na- using the projects to help win “I am happy to have contribut- that will require the Honda tions League amid widespread votes for re-election in June ed to peace in the world today if rider to undergo surgery,” opposition, instead setting up next year. some were seeing it so dramat- MotoGP organisers said. a taskforce to further look into A source told AFP that Infanti- ic,” Infantino remarked. They added that he had the proposals. no stepped back from adopting “Everyone agrees the Club been “ruled him out for the Speaking at a press conference the new competitions yesterday World Cup needs to be re- rest of the weekend”. in the Rwandan capital Kiga- when UEFA delegates threat- vamped, everyone in the world. It was a big blow for li, where the FIFA Council has ened to walk out of the meeting. “There are some who have Crutchlow who had been been meeting, Infantino said the That is after the World different interests. We were not hoping to build on his sec- taskforce will present “concrete Leagues Forum, a grouping going to decide today how to ond place in Japan last proposals” at a meeting in Mi- President of the International Federation of Association Football (FIFA) Gianni of professional leagues, sent a revamp them, there are different weekend. ami next March. Infantino speaks during a press conference letter to Infantino demanding options on the table. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2018 16 Stephens, Pliskova storm into WTA finals AFP | Singapore

confident Sloane Ste- phens stormed into a Asemi slot at the WTA Fi- nals with a convincing straight sets victory against top seed An- gelique Kerber yesterday, join- ing fellow debutant Kiki Bertens in the knockout stage. The former US Open cham- pion continued her unbeaten run in Singapore with a 6-3, 6-3 triumph in 101 minutes, her fifth Bangladeshi cricketer Soumya Sarkar plays a shot straight-sets victory in a row over Kerber. After topping Red Group, Ste- phens will play Czech Karolina Bangladesh whitewash Pliskova in the semi-finals. For the first time since 2003, Zimbabwe in ODI series none of the top four seeds ad- vanced to the semi-finals of the AFP | Chittagong, Bangladesh 92 balls as Bangladesh reached WTA Finals. 288-3 in 42.1 overs. “I stayed solid the whole time mrul Kayes and Soumya Sean Williams’ career best knowing there was a lot on the ISarkar each scored a cen- of 129 off 143 balls had guid- line,” Stephens said after the tury as Bangladesh defeated ed Zimbabwe to 286-5 at the match. Sloane Stephens of the US hits a return against Germany’s Angelique Kerber Zimbabwe by seven wick- Zahur Ahmed Chowdhury “I knew it was going to be a ets in the third one-day in - . battle and just tried to play as break in the eighth game and defeated Kerber earlier in the ternational to complete a Brendan Taylor contributed hard as I could.” then served it out to knockout round-robin phase. whitewash in the three- 75 runs in Zimbabwe’s total. The match started tensely, the Wimbledon champion. Bertens only qualified for the match series in Chittagong Bangladesh won the first with Kerber unable to convert WTA Finals just days before the yesterday. two matches of the series by seven break points in Stephens’ Tearful withdrawal tournament after world number Imrul hit 115 off 112 balls 28 runs and seven wickets re- first three service games, and KNOW WHAT Bertens faces unbeaten Elina one Simona Halep withdrew while Soumya added 117 off spectively. the missed opportunities proved Svitolina after a hamstring inju- due to injury. costly. ry forced Naomi Osaka’s retire- “It’s never easy or never nice An energetic Stephens made ment earlier yesterday. to win a match like this, but it is her pay by converting all three Hugo Lloris re- She won the first set 6-3 in 47 what it is,” Bertens said. of her break points to draw first ceived a 20 month minutes before US Open cham- “To be at the last four, last Verstappen on top in blood. driving ban for pion Osaka, who wiped away tournament of the year, it’s un- The American impressively drink driving in Sep- tears, forfeited the match. believable.” counterattacked and pinpointed tember and has cost It was a bitterly disappointing Osaka had started the match Mexico first practice, the lines to frustrate Kerber, his side dearly in end for the 21-year-old, who brightly, rolling through her ser- who survived an injury scare successive Champi- came into Singapore as the form vice games before being broken when she landed awkwardly player but lost three-set match- in the eighth game. Hamilton fifth midway through the first set. ons League matches es to Stephens and Kerber. With her upper leg heavily Kerber was immediately un- against Barcelona “I hurt my left hamstring in strapped, Osaka called a medical der pressure in the second set the first match (against Ste - timeout after the eighth game and saved seven break points in “If the court was a little bit phens),” Osaka told reporters. and required treatment in the the fourth game before cracking faster, maybe the result would “It was just getting worse locker room. under the pressure. be on my side today,” she said. “I and worse every time I played. She came back on court but There was still fight left in made a little bit more mistakes I couldn’t even really practice dropped her serve to love, cul- the German, who broke straight than usual.” that well today.” minating in a double fault which back but continued to struggle On her fifth break point, But it was enough for Bertens turned out to be her last action on serve. Stephens claimed the decisive to seal a final four spot having at the WTA Finals. Hamilton takes relaxed ride towards fifth title

Red Bull’s Dutch driver Max Verstappen powers his car during the first free AFP | Mexico City practice session of the F1 Mexico Grand Prix ewis Hamilton is taking a AFP | Mexico City chanical grip and down-force Lrelaxed ride towards his If I were to win that trumps power. likely fifth drivers world title this title, it will ax Verstappen and his Championship leader Lewis and hopes his carefully-rebuilt be one I would MRed Bull team-mate Hamilton of Mercedes, who Mercedes car will carry him probably be most Daniel Ricciardo dominated needs to outscore Ferrari’s Se- to victory in Sunday’s Mexican proud of and yesterday’s opening practice bastian Vettel by five points Grand Prix. for this weekend’s Mexican to take his fifth title, was fifth After a chastening defeat by a appreciate the Grand Prix. ahead of team-mate Valtteri resurgent Kimi Raikkonen and most because The Dutchman, who is seek- Bottas with Vettel seventh and Ferrari in last weekend’s United it has been so ing to repeat his 2017 victory his Ferrari team-mate Kimi States Grand Prix, Mercedes competitive at the Autodromo Hermanos Raikkonen eight. discovered cross-weight imbal- LEWIS HAMILTON Rodriguez, clocked a fastest Vettel, needing to win to ances that had hampered Ham- lap in one minute and 16.656 have any hope of stopping ilton’s progress in Texas. that’s my goal this weekend. to outpace Ricciardo by 0.4 Hamilton’s coronation, was a “They took the car apart and “If I were to win this title, it seconds. full two seconds slower than when they put it together, it will be one I would probably be Carlos Sainz was 1.2 seconds Verstappen at the end of a was imbalanced with a mas - most proud of and appreciate adrift, but third fastest, ahead challenging session that saw sive cross-weight in the order Lewis Hamilton of Great Britain and Mercedes GP rides a scooter in the Pitlane the most because it has been so of his Renault team-mate Nico everyone struggling with tyres of 50 kg – if we hadn’t had that before the United States Grand Prix competitive. Hulkenberg while the cham- and tyre-wear on the ‘green’ problem, it would have been a “But for me, it’s not my first pionship chasing Mercedes surface of the circuit. different race,” he said. manos Rodriguez. Michael Schumacher ahead of rodeo! I’m guessing that at this and Ferrari teams struggled to Hamilton complained of in- The four-time champion His car had been reassembled them in the record books. time of my life, this place, being keep pace. termittent power issues, but spoke late Thursday in Mexico on Sunday morning in Austin to “Now I’m in it and living it, I a bit older, I have the experience The top four cars, signifi- was reassured by the team City where he was set to take change the water pumps. just want to get it done,” he said now to know what I need to do cantly, were all powered by that there was nothing serious part in the opening practice yes- He showed no sign of anxiety of the title race. “As long as you to get myself in shape – and I am Renault engines – a rarity that to worry about and Raikko - terday knowing that he faced a as he reflected on his mission get it done, that’s what matters. really enjoying it.” endorsed the view that in the nen, victorious in Texas last fierce scrap with both Ferrari to draw level with Juan Manuel Of course, it would be a bonus in Hamilton needs to outscore thin air of the 2,200-metres weekend, recovered from a and Red Bull at the high altitude Fangio as a five-time champion an already-great season to win Sebastian Vettel by five points altitude circuit it will be me- spin. (2,200 metres) Autodromo Her- with only seven-time champion the race and take the title – and to take the title.

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