Hoar. A Sonn took Bindery I n n . bprlngport, Michigan 49284 SINGLE COPY — 15c “P lcU M cleaiU tt CHATSWORTH, ILLINOIS (60921), THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28,1974 ONE HUNDRED FIRST YEAR NUMBER 14 Early dismissal Nov. 27 f l Chatsw orth Unit 1 In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue schools will dism iss for the Thanksgiving TRACY HUBLEY, one of the students in the gifted work, reports art teacher John Barnes. Mike Smith holiday at 2:30 p.m . Just a note to let you know I've made special art program, and Michelle Conibear, right, worked and Scott Hoelscher are working on a Thanksgiving N ovem ber 27. School arrangements with The Chatsworth Plaindealer to publish jointly to complete this mural Mayflower scene scene which will be completed soon and will also be your letters to me this Christmas. which decorates the hall at the Elementary school. used to decorate the school, introducing art to all will resum e at regular Just write to me: "Santa Claus”, care of The Chatsworth Some of the students have been doing murals as students, faculty, and visitors. tim e on D ecem ber 2. Plaindealer, Chatsworth, Illinois 60921 and I'll have the folks special art projects after finishing their regular art Plaindealer Photo down at The Chatsworth Plaindealer print your letter in their annual Christmas greeting edition of Dec. 19. Tell me a little something about yourself, how old you are Cropsey land brings $2,525 per acre and how good you've been, and what you want for Christmas. Of course, I personally know all these things, but some of the folks down in Livingston County don't and they A 100 acre tract of farmland between The acreage, known as “the Baxter land", Don Pioletti, was by sealed bid, at the Citizen’s parties, with the sale starting at the highest of might enjoy reading about you.
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