HINCKLEY THURSDAY, MARCH 25, 2021 NEWS VOL. 130 NO. 48 www.HinckleyNews.com $1.00 LEGION NEWS: Bassett receives 50-year award. P12 Pine County offering backyard compost bins, rain barrels PINE COUNTY PLANNING, ZONING & SOLID WASTE April 23. Once ordered, the bins will order online, go to http://recyclemin- space. Landfills are expensive to oper- Pine County is partnering with the be available for pickup at the Pine nesota.org/work/compost-bins-rain- ate, create environmental challenges, Recycling Association of Minnesota County Zoning Office, 1610 Building barrels/ and are generally undesirable land use this spring to provide a sale of home (1610 Highway 23 N, Sandstone) during in our communities. A 2013 study by compost bins ($66+tax) and rain bar- business hours from Wednesday, April WHY COMPOST? the Minnesota Pollution Control rels ($79+tax). 28 through Friday, April 30. Backyard composting serves as a Orders are due by 4:30 p.m. on Friday, For more information, or to place an cost-effective means to save landfill SEE COMPOST, PAGE 2 Kids, camp and COVID-19 BY JAMIE LUND said. “It’s heartbreaking.”
[email protected] Still, it’s an improvement over last summer. In 2020 The Salvation Army the camp was restricted to Northwoods Camp will 12-14 children per day and open this summer with a no overnight camps. pandemic twist. “It was strange to have Staff members continue summer so quiet,” Ceder- to offer the typical summer strom said. camp fun that memories She added they allowed are made of such as making two days between camps new friends, archery, swim- to allow for CDC mandated ming and fishing.