Third Sunday of Lent March 4, 2018

7232 KY 56, Owensboro, KY 42301 Ph: 270-771-4436  Fax: 1-866-856-7191

MARCH 4 2018 Third Sunday of Lent

MASS SCHEDULE PASTORAL COUNCIL Saturday Vigil: 4:00 pm Danny Ebelhar; Jason Elder; Jane Thomas; Sunday: 7:30am & 10:30 am Shannon Offerman; Jeff Riney Weekdays: Tues.—Fri. 7:00 am FINANCE COUNCIL Holy Day: Contact Parish Office Kenny Knott; Rebecca Schwartz; Rita Wood; Sarah O’Bryan

PASTORAL STAFF Pastor: Rev. Shaiju Thomas SACRAMENTS [email protected] BAPTISM: Contact Pastor at least a month before the baptism for instructions. (270) 625-9514

CONFESSIONS: Saturdays at 3:00pm;anytime by appointment. DRE: Debi Hopkins [email protected] MARRIAGES: Contact the pastor six months in advance to begin marriage preparation. Youth Minister: Crissy Stevenson, [email protected] ANOINTING OF THE SICK: First Friday’s during Mass, or anytime it is needed. Minister of Music: Hein Ministry to the Sick and Homebound: If you know someone, [email protected] who is a member of our parish, would like to visit the sick, Secretary: Patti J. Bartley homebound, assisted living or in the hospitals and to receive the [email protected] sacraments of Reconciliation, Communion and Anointing, contact the office or the pastor. Bookkeeper: Susan Calhoun [email protected]

2 Third Sunday of Lent March 4, 2018 LITURGICAL MINISTERS for Sunday, March 11, 2018 4:00PM 7:30 MASS 10:30AM Donna Ebelhar Tony Ebelhar Jim Hartz Lector

Altar Servers Nathan & Kaelin Cole Cecil Trendon & Treson Monday, March 5th Payne Leah Thompson Byrne 7:00AM No Mass

Tuesday, March 6th 7:00AM Bob Elder Eucharistic Debbie Blandford Karen Gilbert Debi Hopkins Wednesday, March 7th Gloria McCarty George Ann Mark Payne 7:00AM Mary Frances Fogle Ministers Imelda Millay Bottles Sandi Boswell

Thursday, March 8th 7:00AM Charlotte Kamuf Ushers/Greeters Jerry Knott Kelly Thomas Sean Byrne Friday, March 9th Wes Knott Terry Ebelhar Heath Byrne 7:00AM James H. Clark, Jr

Saturday, March 10th 4:00PM Vincent Ebelhar

Sunday, March 11th Minister to the Sick: Kevin Schwartz the weekend of March 4th 7:30AM Parishioners 10:30AM Gaddis MARCH Church Cleaners: Martha Kamuf; Sherleye Goff Amy Knott; Holly Smith; Laurie Payne; Francis Gaddis; Keyna Dunn; Mary Payne;

READINGS FOR THE WEEK KEEP HOLY THE SABBATH There’s no better way to deepen our Lenten practice than to review the Monday: 2 Kgs 5:1-15b; Ten Commandments. The first three, having to do with our right relation- Lk 4:24-30 ship to God, get the most ink. The one we busy people probably have the Tuesday: Dn 3:25, 34-43; most problem with is keeping holy the Sabbath. Mt 18:21-35 If we take this commandment literally, babies will go undiapered and dishes will stay on the table, or perhaps meals will not be served. The sick Wednesday: Dt 4:1, 5-9; Mt 5:17-19 will go unattended and nothing that has anything to do with physical labor will be done. Is mental labor really work? How about changing that dirty Thursday: Jer 7:23-28; diaper (poor baby!)? Lk 11:14-23 We need to depend on God to discern how to observe real Sabbath time in our lives. The point of this commandment is that God has given us a great Friday: Hos 14:2-10; Mk 12:28-34 gift: one whole day per week when we are free to rest, worship God, sing, feast, love, and rejoice. As Psalm 19 proclaims: “The law of the LORD is Saturday: Hos 6:1-6; Lk 18:9-14 perfect, / refreshing the soul” (19:8). Our Sabbath rest is a great gift, to be received from God with joy, not with nitpicking. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.

NEW PARISHIONERS St. welcomes all newcomers to our Parish Family. We would be honored to have you as a member. Please fill out this section, cut out, and turn in or mail it to the Parish Office. We will send you papers for membership.. Name______

Address______Phone ______

3 Third Sunday of Lent March 4, 2018

TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — God gives the law through (Exodus 20:1-17 [1-3, 7-8, 12-17]) or Exodus 17:3- 7. Psalm — Lord, you have the words of everlasting life (Psalm 19) or Psalm 95. Second Reading — We proclaim Christ crucified (1 Corinthians 1:22-25) or Romans 5:1-2, 5-8. Adoration and Stations of the Cross each Wednesday during Gospel — Many began to believe in Jesus’ name Lent. Adoration 5:30-6:30PM followed by Stations of the when they saw the signs he was doing (John 2:13- Cross. 25) or John 4:5-42 [5-15, 19b-26, 39a, 40-42]. The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, Evening Prayer each Monday evening at 5:30PM International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. Musical Rosary on Wednesday, March 21st following Stations of the Cross.

March 4, 2018: 3rd Sunday of Lent “Zeal for your house will consume me.” Ministers needed for Palm Sunday and Holy Week. There are sign up sheets in the back of church. Thank The priesthood is a call from the Lord to those who have you!! a zeal for bringing people to him and to his Church. It is a call to conform oneself to Christ and to make his desire Donations Needed- Boulware Mission is a faith-based to build up the Kingdom of God your own in a particular shelter that has been serving Owensboro and its surrounding way. If you would like more information about counties since 1921. discerning a vocation to priesthood, contact the Boulware’s programs help homeless and near-homeless vocationsoffice:270- 683-1545 individuals identify and overcome obstacles to their financial well-being and independence. Mandatory OCS Parent Meeting Our Self-Sufficiency program assists individuals with employment skills, financial literacy, general education, for all SMM Parish Sponsored Families substance abuse treatment, healthy living, general life skills, (2) Opportunities to choose from faith-building, and more… providing our clients with the tools Thursday, March 1st at 6:30PM or they need to become independent, contributing members of Sunday, March 4th at 6:30PM in the Parish Center. the community. Boulware is currently in need of the following items: Ibuprofen Men’s Discernment Retreat Tylenol “Listening to the Voice of God” Cough Drops March 23-25, 2018 Non-Drowsy Cold Medicine “This is my beloved Son, Listen to him” Mk 9:7 Neosporin Green Scotch Brite Scrubbing Pads How do you hear God’s voice above the noise we Bathroom Cups encounter each day? Men’s Belts To whom do you listen for advice? White T Shirts (L/XL) How does prayer help you discover God’s will for you? Men’s Socks How do you pray? Are you looking for new ways to There will be a labeled box in the back of church for any pray? items you are able to contribute. What is God calling you to do with your life? If you have an interest in learning more about Boulware The Men’s Lenten Discernment Retreat is a retreat for Mission, please contact executive director Leigha Taylor at men ages 18-30 who are seriously thinking about their 270.683.8267 or Sarah O'Bryan, board member at vocation and who have the desire to courageously give 270.691.2020. their lives to Christ. This retreat is an opportunity to set Thank you for your generosity some time out in silence to listen to the voice of God in your life; receive guidance for the discernment process; learn the tools of discernment, and sharpen your WELCOME TO OUR PARISH discerning skills. There will be time for prayer, If you are a visitor to St. Mary Magdalene, we want to welcome reflection, and rest. The Men’s Discernment Retreat you. If you are new to the parish, please call the office at (771- will be held on March 23-25 (Palm Sunday Weekend) 4436) to register in the parish. at St. Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology. There is no cost to attend but registration Office Hours: Monday, Tuesday, & Thursday is necessary. 7:30-2:30PM

4 Third Sunday of Lent March 4, 2018

A man was driving without his seatbelt when he spotted a patrol car right behind him. He grabbed for the belt and put it on. But it was too late, and the red lights began to flash. "You weren't wearing your seatbelt," said the officer. "Yes I was," said the man, "and if you don't believe me, ask my wife." "So how ABOUT it, ma'am?" asked the cop. "Officer," she said, "I've been married to this man for forty years, and there's one thing I've learned: Never argue with him when he's drunk! Just give him a ticket for not wearing the seat belt.” The central theme of today’s readings is the challenge to keep our covenant agreement with Jesus Christ, just as the Israelites tried to keep the agreements of the Old Testament covenant with Yahweh by promising to obey the Ten Commandments. We become people of the new covenant by loving others as Jesus did, by keeping our parish church holy and fully dedicated to divine worship and by keeping our hearts cleansed, just, holy and pure temples of the Holy Spirit. Today’s first reading teaches us that the Ten Commandments are the basis of our religious and spiritual life, just as they formed the rules of life for the Israelites as the result of their covenant with Yahweh at Mount Sinai. The second reading reminds us that we must preach the divine folly of the crucified Christ and the spirit of the cross, especially during the Lenten season. The message of the cross is God’s wisdom and power and, foolish as it may seem, it is greater than the Law, greater than the Temple, greater than worldly wisdom or human strength. Today’s gospel gives the dramatic account of Jesus' cleansing the Temple of its merchants and money-changers, followed by a prediction of his death and resurrection. In Today’s Gospel Jesus doesn’t bother to argue with the unjust merchants and money changers who converted the temple of Jerusalem into a noisy “market place” and a “hideout of thieves.” Instead, he frightens them with his angry order and chases them away, holding a whip in his hands. Our relationship with God must be that of a child to his parent, one of mutual love, respect and a desire for the family’s good, with no thought of personal loss or gain. Hence, fulfilling our Sunday obligation only out of fear of mortal sin and consequent eternal punishment is a non-Christian approach. So, let us ask these questions during this third week of Lent: Can leading worship become simply a business for the clergy for which they are paid? Do the laity sometimes think that they are "paying" the minister to do the worship for them -- thinking, "we pay them to do this for us"? Do we think of God as a vending machine into which we put our sacrifices and good deeds to get back His blessings? Do we use our acts of obedience to the Ten Commandments as bargaining chips with God? The theologian Karl Rahner put it this way: "The number one cause of atheism is Christians. Those who proclaim God with their mouths and deny Him with their lifestyles are what an unbelieving world finds simply unbelievable." Our church is the place where we come together as a community to love and praise God. It is the holy place where we gather strength to support one another in the task of living the gospel. It is the place where we come privately to enter into intimate conversation with God. In this building many prodigal sons and daughters have met the merciful Lord in the Sacrament of Reconciliation and been welcomed back to our community. In this building tears have been shed by those in pain and grief. Let’s look around our church this morning and treasure it. When we pass our church, we might take the time to make a brief visit. Let us make our church even more of a holy place by adding our prayers and songs to parish worship and offering our time and talents in the various ministries.

Saints Perpetua and Felicity’s Story “When my father in his affection for me was trying to turn me from my purpose by arguments and thus weaken my faith, I said to him, ‘Do you see this vessel—water pot or whatever it may be? Can it be called by any other name than what it is?’ ‘No,’ he replied. ‘So also I cannot call myself by any other name than what I am—a Christian.’” So writes Perpetua: young, beautiful, well-educated, a noblewoman of in North Africa, mother of an infant son and chronicler of the persecution of the Christians by Emperor . Perpetua’s mother was a Christian and her father a pagan. He continually pleaded with her to deny her faith. She refused and was imprisoned at 22.

In her diary, Perpetua describes her period of captivity: “What a day of horror! Terrible heat, owing to the crowds! Rough treatment by the soldiers! To crown all, I was tormented with anxiety for my baby…. Such anxieties I suffered for many days, but I obtained leave for my baby to remain in the prison with me, and being relieved of my trouble and anxiety for him, I at once recovered my health, and my prison became a palace to me and I would rather have been there than anywhere else.” Despite threats of persecution and death, Perpetua, Felicity–a slave woman and expectant mother–and three companions, Revocatus, Secundulus and Saturninus, refused to renounce their Christian faith. For their unwillingness, all were sent to the public games in the amphitheater. There Perpetua and Felicity were beheaded, and the others killed by beasts. Felicity gave birth to a girl a few days before the games commenced. Perpetua’s record of her trial and imprisonment ends the day before the games. “Of what was done in the games themselves, let him write who will.” The diary was finished by an eyewitness.

5 Third Sunday of Lent March 4, 2018

Upcoming Youth Dates March 4– All Youth 6-8 PM March 9– 11– Youth 2000 March 14– Confirmation Practice Immediately following Stations of the Cross March 17– Sacrament of Confirmation March 18– Middle School Youth 5-6:15 PM; High School Youth 6:30-8:30 PM March 25– All Youth attend Youth Holy Hour 7-8 PM at St. Stephen’s

Youth 2000 Info: For those who Registered to attend Youth 2000, please drop off and pick participants up at Bre- scia University’ Campus Center. Crissy will be located in the main lobby to check in with our group. Please, find her upon arrival. Times for Youth 2000 are: Friday, March 9: 6:30 PM-10:30 PM Saturday, March 10: 9:00 AM-10:00 PM Sunday, March 11: 8:30 AM-12:30 PM

Confirmation Information Please continue to pray for our Confirmation class! We are almost finished in our preparation! Confirmation is scheduled for Saturday, March 17 at the 4 PM Mass with Bishop Medley. Upcoming Dates to Remember: Wednesday, February 28– Session #7 from 6-8 PM Wednesday, March 14– Confirmation Practice with Sponsors immediately after 6:30 PM Stations Saturday, March 17– Sacrament of Confirmation 4 PM

The remainder of the PREP schedule is as follows: MARCH: 4, 11, 18, 25 APRIL: 15, 22 & MAY: 6 Please be especially attentive to these dates if your child is in 2nd grade PREP, as they are in preparation for First Communion.

“O God our Creator… give us courage in making our voices heard on behalf of the rights of your Church and the freedom of conscience of all people of faith.” USCCB, “Prayer for the Protection of Religious liberty”

6 Third Sunday of Lent March 4, 2018

March March 8 – Open House – K-3 Campus and 4-6 Campus – 6:00PM 04– PREP The elementary K-3 Campus and 4-6 Campus will 04– All Youth Group 6-8PM host their annual Open House on Thursday, March 8, 04– OCS Parent Meeting 6:30PM 2018 at 6PM. 05– Evening Prayer 5:30PM Giving your child every opportunity to succeed is 07– Study of Sunday Scripture after 7AM Mass high on most every parents list! We believe we can 07– Adoration 5:30-6:30PM help your child by providing: 07– Stations of the Cross 6:30PM  Religion, values, and morals integrated into the 09– Youth 200 (through Sunday at Brescia) curriculum. • An environment where your child can reach his or her highest potential. • A differentiated 11– PREP curriculum that will meet the individual needs of 11– First Communion Parent Meeting 9:05AM your child. • A setting where lifelong friendships are 12– Evening Prayer 5:30PM fostered and developed. • A highly qualified and 14- Study of Sunday Scripture after 7AM Mass trained staff in a caring and nurturing environment. • 14– Adoration 5:30-6:30PM Extracurricular activities and athletics enhance the 14– Stations of the Cross 6:30PM total educational experience. Mar. 5-18 – Registration Opens (current and new 14– Confirmation Practice after Stations families – submit online) ($50 reg. fee applies to 17– Confirmation 4:00PM tuition) – Log on to www.owensborocatholic/ 21– Adoration 5:30-6:30PM admissions and select admissions process from the 21– Stations of the Cross 6:30PM menu on left. Select the proper registration tab (New 21– Musical Rosary following the Stations Students or Returning Students) 25– Palm Sunday Mass times 7:00AM & 10:30AM Returning families will receive a snapcode allowing them to register with prepopulated information. 25– PREP Please note: $50 Registration Fee for new families 25– Adoration for Owensboro Youth Groups at applies to tuition regardless of when you register. St. Stephen’s 7:00PM All registration fees are per family. 28– Tenebrae 6:30PM Mar. 19 – Apr. 1 – Registration ($50 reg. fee from 29– Holy Thursday 6:30PM current families does not apply to tuition) 30- Good Friday– 6:30 PM Apr. 2 – Registration (reg. fee increases to $75 for current families and does not apply to tuition) 31– Easter Vigil 8:00PM June 1 – Deadline to create FACTS account July 13 – Deadline to receive tuition discount for payment in full (3%) KN registration (please note) – Fish Fry– Knights of Columbus Hwy 56 Sorgho, KY Last year Kentucky Law changed the age cutoff date Friday, March 23rd at 5:00PM for students entering Kindergarten. The provision Fiddlers/Fillets, Cole-slaw, French Fries, Hush Puppies! states: A child who becomes five (5) by August 1 Drinks: Lemonade, Tea and Coffee may enter Kindergarten in accordance with KRS Adults: $11.00 158.031. Beginning with the 2018-2019 school year Children: 4-12 $5.00 each OCS will follow this new law for all incoming Kindergarten students. ALL Kindergarten students must be 5 years old by August 1 in order to register Pictorial Directory 2018– Our Church is doing a new and enroll. pictorial directory! We want everyone to get a new picture made

so that our new directory will be complete. IT WON’T BE Tuition Assistance Still Available COMPLETE WITHOUT YOU! If you have not yet submitted your need-based Please allow approximately 1 hour for your appointment. You tuition assistance application, you still have time! will have a professional photography session, see your proofs Log on to immediately on computer and have the opportunity to purchase and select tuition assistance. About halfway down extra portraits for family and friends the page, you will find the application link.

Due to all the days being filled up we have added a new

day, Tuesday, March 6th. Please let Patti know and she will schedule your apt. (270) 771-4436 or [email protected]

7 Third Sunday of Lent March 4, 2018

IN SPECIAL NEED OF PRAYER Happy Birthday to You!!

HOME BOUND/RETIREMENT HOMES: Parishioners celebrating Patty Beyke, Bobby Collignon, Kenneth Ebelhar, Ruth Ann Hardy; Paul & Dorothy Knott, Birthday’s this week Jean McCarty 04– Sarah Ebelhar; Anna Beth Hamilton; We ask that you pause a moment and say a prayer for the sick in our community. Theresa Payne

Remember in prayer, those sick in our Community: 05– Mike Jones; Layla Bartley; , Joe Bill Clark, David Clouse, James W. Corunty, Sr., Savannah Dean, Kelly Dean, Danny Dylan Payne; Durbin, Allan Ebelhar, Kenneth Ebelhar, Margie Elder, Miles Evan, Sylvester Fischer, 06– Jason Elder; Jim O’Bryan Patrick Fulkerson, Connie Griffin, Robert Haire, Jim Hamilton, Patsy Hartz, Mary Lucy 07– Colleen Brey Hines, Steve Hopkins, Becky Joiner, Amelia Jones, Eugene King, Paul Knott, Mary Ann Kurz, 08– Donnie Bittel; Chris Ellis; Leiann Lashbrook, Mary Lasley, Margie Merimee, Gary Miller, Diane Minton, Jessica Haley Fitzgerald; James Obert, Larry Oller, Sandra Posey, Steve Raley; Faye Riney, Larry & Benita Riney, Clayton 09– Brynnan Booth Roberts, Jason Roberts, Roberts, Christian Ruiz, James A. & Juanita Smith, 11– Laura Gillim; Jeanie Heath Norbert J. Smith, Jr., Norbert Smith Sr., Barbara Smith, Dennis Smith, Special Intention, Helen Rose Smith, Patti Terrell, Hillary Thomas, Charles Thompson, Kelly Thompson, Alma Topper, Erika Vandiver, Paula Wilson, Rita Woodall. Happy Anniversary!! *Please note: Names will remain on the list for one month. Parishioners celebrating

Anniversaries this week Prayers for our Military- As a parish family, we at St. Mary Magdalene pray for all the We wish all our Parishioners celebrating members of our parish. We especially pray for our parishioners and their relatives who are this week a happy and blessed currently on active duty in the military. Jackson Brett, Zachary Brett, Cody Byrne, James Anniversary. Calhoun, Jessica Chase, Chris French, Frank Murphy, Chad Norris, Ryan Offerman, Jonathan Tucker. March 03– Jim & Barbara Pinkston “Take these out of here and stop making my Father’s house a marketplace.” 03– Fred & Connie Greenwell Before this visit to the Jerusalem Jesus had already attracted the scrutiny of the 07– Johnathan & Colleen Brey Jewish and Roman rulers. They saw him as a challenge to their authority and 10– Peter & Nicole Ebelhar power. When Jesus arrived at the Temple he saw the corrupt profiteers who, in collaboration with Jewish leaders, charged poor pilgrims a high percentage to change Roman coins into the Jewish coins they needed to pay the Temple tax and the cost of doves or lambs for sacrifice. He was justifiably angry. He could have politely asked them to take their coins and tables and leave. He probable had If your birthday/anniversary is omitted done that on other occasions. But this time he acted forcefully to condemn what from this list, or incorrectly dated, please he knew was not what God intended. Lent is a time for us to reflect on our lives call the parish office. and observe the world in which we live; note the silly, stupid, senseless and sinful things in our life and in the lives of others in our world; and be justifiably angry with ourselves and others. Jesus challenges us to change ourselves and to call other to change.

OFFERINGS: February 25, 2018

Weekly Actual Weekly Budget $ 7,676.00 $ 7,865.00

Year to Date Actual Year to Date Budget $285,129.63 $ 275,275.00 St. Mary Magdalene Weekly Deficit Year to Date Deficit Cemetery $ 189.00 $ Please contact Patti to Thank you for your purchase a cemetery plot. sacrificial giving and generosity! (270) 771-4436.

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