◥ of synaptic proteins in the striatum after 5 min RESEARCH ARTICLE SUMMARY of stimulation was partially blocked by protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) inhibitors, underscoring the involvement of PP2A in KOR- SIGNAL TRANSDUCTION mediated synaptic functions. Pathway analysis revealed enrichment of mTOR (mechanistic target of rapamycin) signaling by In vivo brain GPCR signaling associated with aversion. Strikingly, mTOR inhibition during KOR ◥ elucidated by phosphoproteomics ON OUR WEBSITE activation abolished aver- Read the full article sion while preserving ther- Jeffrey J. Liu, Kirti Sharma, Luca Zangrandi, Chongguang Chen, at http://dx.doi. apeutic antinociceptive Sean J. Humphrey, Yi-Ting Chiu, Mariana Spetea, Lee-Yuan Liu-Chen, org/10.1126/ and anticonvulsant effects. Christoph Schwarzer*, Matthias Mann* science.aao4927 Parallel characterization ...... of phosphoproteomic changes related to KOR-mediated mTOR acti- INTRODUCTION: The G protein–coupled re- applied this technology to achieve a global over- vation in a cell line model provided additional ceptor (GPCR) superfamily is a major drug view of the architecture of brain phosphopro- mechanistic insights at the level of the signal- target for neurological diseases. Functionally teome in five mouse brain regions, in which we ing cascade. selective agonists activate GPCRs, such as the examined signaling induced by structurally and Downloaded from kappa receptor (KOR), in a pathway- behaviorally diverse agonists. CONCLUSION: We dissected the signaling specific manner that may lead to drugs with pathways associated with desired and un- fewer side effects. For example, KOR agonists RESULTS: Through the quantification of 50,000 desired outcomes of KOR activation in vivo that trigger beneficial antinociceptive, anti- different phosphosites, this approach yielded and applied this knowledge to suppress the pruritic, and anticonvulsant effects while causing abrainregion–specific systems view of the latter. Our work demonstrates the utility of

minimal or no undesirable dysphoric, aversive, phosphoproteome, providing a context to un- combining phosphoproteomics with phar- or psychotomimetic effects would be invaluable derstand KOR signaling in vivo. We observed macological tools and behavioral assess- in light of the current opioid epidemic. How- strong regional specificity of KOR signaling ments as a general approach for studying ever, functional selectivity observed in vitro attributable to differences in protein-protein GPCR signaling in vivo. Together with ap- frequently has little predictive value for behav- interaction networks, neuronal contacts, and propriate in vitro cellular systems, individu- ioral outcomes. the different tissues in neuronal circuitries. al pathways can be characterized in depth, Agonists with distinct signaling profiles elicited providing a rational basis for GPCR drug RATIONALE: Obtaining a systems view of differential dynamic phosphorylation of synap- discovery.▪ GPCR signaling in the brain may overcome tic proteins, thereby linking GPCR signaling to the gap between in vitro pharmacology and the modulation of brain functions. The most in vivo testing. Recent breakthroughs in mass prominent changes occurred on synaptic pro- spectrometry–based proteomics have enabled teins associated with dopaminergic, glutama- The list of author affiliations is available in the full article online. on November 7, 2018 us to quantify tens of thousands of phosphoryl- tergic, and g-aminobutyric acid–mediated *Corresponding author. Email: [email protected] (M.M.); [email protected] (C.S.) ation events simultaneously in a high-throughput (GABAergic) signaling and synaptic vesicle Cite this article as J. J. Liu et al., Science 360, eaao4927 fashion. Using the KOR as a GPCR model, we release. The large-scale dephosphorylation (2018).DOI:10.1126/science.aao4927

in vivo High-throughput GPCR Signaling HTP Phosphoproteomics phosphoproteomics to characterize in vivo brain GPCR p signaling. Subsequent bioinformatic analysis p enables prediction LC-MS/MS and modulation Analgesia Unwanted of downstream Single run, EasyPhos workflow signaling pathways, which are correlated Bioinformatic Analysis Behavioral Outcomes with unwanted Glutamatergic Analgesia Unwanted effect effects but not the Dopaminergic synapse synapse NMDAR mGlu5 Writhing test Conditioned place aversion therapeutic outcome. VGKC 50 *** 400 ## Cav1.2 VSSC EAAT2 40 Grin2b 200 Kcnb1 Grin2a S1691 S1742 Scn1 Kcna2 S21 S24 S1040 S1284 30 S467 S449 S736 S890 S1198 S1459 S505 0 Kcnd2 Kcnh7 20 -200 S17 Gng12 S548 S174 PSD-95 S415

writhe count 10 -400 S1334 S7 S10 Gi-protein S74 0 -600 **** Shank2 S362

Sapap1 difference test pre-post S648 Src TEM TEM S1338 saline saline saline saline saline Plcb1 vehicle vehicle Camk2b S319 U-50,488H U-50,488H T338 T358 CamkII S1199 DAG S687 TEM + U-50,488H TEM + U-50,488H

Liu et al., Science 360, 1314 (2018) 22 June 2018 1of1 RESEARCH

◥ able KOR expression (cerebellum) (Fig. 1C). In RESEARCH ARTICLE total, including biological replicates (three per experimental condition) and follow-up experi- ments, we measured more than 300 single-shot SIGNAL TRANSDUCTION label-free phosphoproteomic samples using the high-throughput EasyPhos platform (30)(Fig.1D). Together, this yielded more than 60,000 different In vivo brain GPCR signaling identified phosphosites mapping to ~6700 brain proteins. This is the most comprehensive cover- age of any organ phosphoproteome reported to elucidated by phosphoproteomics date, underscoring the diversity and importance of phosphorylation-based regulation in the brain Jeffrey J. Liu1, Kirti Sharma1, Luca Zangrandi2, Chongguang Chen3, 1 3 4 3 (Fig. 1E). Sean J. Humphrey , Yi-Ting Chiu , Mariana Spetea , Lee-Yuan Liu-Chen , To obtain a general overview of the archi- 2 1,5 Christoph Schwarzer *, Matthias Mann * tecture of the brain phosphoproteome, we per- formed principal components analysis (PCA), – A systems view of G protein coupled receptor (GPCR) signaling in its native environment is which revealed that the phosphoproteomes of central to the development of GPCR therapeutics with fewer side effects. Using the kappa each brain region cluster tightly and are distinct (KOR) as a model, we employed high-throughput phosphoproteomics from other regions. This indicates that each re- to investigate signaling induced by structurally diverse agonists in five mouse brain regions. gion possesses a unique phosphoproteome signa-

Quantification of 50,000 different phosphosites provided a systems view of KOR in vivo ture. Furthermore, brain regions that share a Downloaded from signaling, revealing novel mechanisms of drug action. Thus, we discovered enrichment similar developmental origin exhibit similarities of the mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR) pathway by U-50,488H, an agonist causing in their phosphoproteome (Fig. 2A, component 2). aversion, which is a typical KOR-mediated side effect. Consequently, mTOR inhibition The region-specific nature of the phosphoproteome during KOR activation abolished aversion while preserving beneficial antinociceptive and is partly driven by the underlying differences in anticonvulsant effects. Our results establish high-throughput phosphoproteomics as a the proteomes, because proteins highly expressed general strategy to investigate GPCR in vivo signaling, enabling prediction and modulation in one brain region (e.g., striatum) often also yield of behavioral outcomes. prominent phosphopeptides in the same re- gion (Fig. 2, B and C). In particular, expression he G protein–coupled receptor (GPCR) su- heterogeneity at protein, cellular, and neural path- levels of kinases (32)(the“kinome”)correlated perfamily encompasses drug targets in nu- way levels (20). Thus, it is imperative to develop significantly with the abundance of phospho- merous therapeutic areas, including cancer an unbiased approach that directly investigates peptides containing the corresponding linear T (1)andcardiac(2) and neurological (3)dis- GPCR (and specifically KOR) signaling in vivo, motifs (Fig. 2D). Thus, proteome and kinase ex- eases. Stimulation of a single GPCR, such as therebyelucidatingthelargelyelusivedownstream pression in different regions partially shapes the kappa opioid receptor (KOR), often activates signaling consequences of GPCR activation in the brain phosphoproteome. The complexity parallel pathways, each leading to distinctive phar- the brain. within the brain phosphoproteome is in con- macological outcomes. For example, KOR activa- Developments in mass spectrometry (MS)–based trast to the homogeneity of in vitro cell lines. We 4 tion triggers beneficial ( ), antipruritic proteomics in general, and phosphoproteomics observed that 85% of synaptic proteins were on November 7, 2018 (5, 6), and anticonvulsant/antiepileptic (7)signaling in particular, now enable the near-comprehensive phosphorylated, which is of particular interest (8) as well as undesirable dysphoria or aversion characterization of proteomes and tens of thou- given previous reports of the importance of phos- and psychotomimetic effects (8, 9)(Fig.1A).Re- sands of phosphorylation events (21–24). Appli- phorylation in the regulation of synaptic plas- cently, some KOR agonists were described that cation of MS to study GPCR signaling has been ticity (33). do not induce conditioned place aversion (CPA) limited to assaying the phosphorylation state of a Approximately 50,000 of the identified phos- in mice (10, 11), in contrast to endogenous and single receptor (25) or small-scale phosphopro- phorylation sites were quantifiable (Fig. 1F). As classical agonists. Functional selectivity, a GPCR teomics on in vitro cell lines (26–28)orexvivo established in our recent studies using EasyPhos signaling paradigm derived from in vitro (12, 13) cells (29). We recently described the EasyPhos technology, reproducibility between biological and structural (14, 15) experiments, was used technology, which streamlines phosphoproteo- replicates was robust, with an average Pearson to explain this phenomenon (16, 17). However, mics to such an extent that hundreds of phos- correlation of ~0.85 (fig. S1). Injection of the ref- functional selectivity in cells transfected with phoproteomes can be measured in a short time erence KOR agonist U-50,488H significantly per- KOR is not directly translatable to cells natural- and at uncompromised depth of coverage, en- turbed ~5% of these sites, with different ligand ly expressing KOR (18)ortobehavioraleffects abling time-course studies of dynamic and sig- perturbation patterns in distinct brain regions in vivo (19). The complexity of brain circuitry naling events in vivo (30, 31). Here, we applied (Fig. 1G). After 5 min of U-50,488H stimulation, hinders the in vitro–in vivo correlation through this technology along with behavioral and phar- we observed maximum perturbationinthestri- macological investigations to attain a systems atum (1000 sites), and progressively less in the view of KOR signaling induced by diverse ago- order of hippocampus > cortex > medulla ob- 1Department of Proteomics and Signal Transduction, Max nists in temporally and spatially resolved areas longata, in line with the expression level of KOR Planck Institute of Biochemistry, 82152 Martinsried, of the mouse brain. intherespectivebrainregions(34). In the cer- Germany. 2Department of Pharmacology, Medical University of Innsbruck, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria. 3Center for ebellum, where KOR is not detectable, there were Substance Abuse Research and Department of Brain phosphoproteomic architecture hardly any regulated sites, providing a strong vali- Pharmacology, Temple University Lewis Katz School of We administered five KOR agonists intracister- dation of our technology (Fig. 1G). Furthermore, 4 Medicine, Philadelphia, PA 19140, USA. Department of nally (i.c.) in dosages established to be effective we found that in the four KOR-expressing brain Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Institute of Pharmacy and Center for Molecular Biosciences Innsbruck (CMBI), University of in pharmacological and behavioral experiments regions (striatum, hippocampus, cortex, and me- Innsbruck, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria. 5Novo Nordisk (Fig. 1B and Table 1). After short (5 min) and dulla oblongata), the regulated sites were not Foundation Center for Protein Research, Faculty of Health long (30 min) intervals after injection, we dis- detected in the brains of KOR knockout mice Sciences, University of Copenhagen, 2200 Copenhagen, sected four brain regions that express KOR at (KOR-KO), which demonstrates the specific- Denmark. *Corresponding author. Email: [email protected] (M.M.); different levels (striatum, hippocampus, cortex, ity of ligand effects in the brain (fig. S2). Over- [email protected] (C.S.) and medulla oblongata) and one without detect- all, these results show that phosphoproteomics

Liu et al., Science 360, eaao4927 (2018) 22 June 2018 1of10 RESEARCH | RESEARCH ARTICLE enables observation of KOR-modulated signal- part of the mesolimbic pathway and the cortex tors such as different protein-protein interaction ing in a brain region–specific fashion. is part of the mesocortical pathway; these are networks, neuronal contacts, or the position of the two most prominent pathways in KOR sig- the tissue in neuronal circuitries. Indeed, map- – KOR signaling is brain region specific naling (also reflected in the relatively high KOR ping the U-50,488H–regulated phosphorylation Next, we spatially and temporally analyzed U- expression in both regions). Unlike in vitro cell events onto known interaction networks (37) 50,488H–regulated sites determined to be signif- model systems, each brain region comprises elab- highlighted the signaling pathways relevant to icant by analysis of variance (ANOVA). U-50,488H orated connections of heterogeneous neurons. the specific physiological functions of each brain activates inhibitory G proteins (Gi/o) and induces In this complex background, we also discovered region, including the GO terms “neurotransmitter internalization of KOR through b-arrestin2 recruit- U-50,488H–mediated KOR signaling to be highly secretion” and “dopaminergic synapses” (enriched ment (35). Inhibition of Ca2+ channels modulates region-specific. For example, we found that U- in striatum) and “axon guidance,”“long-term po- release of neurotransmitters such as g-aminobutyric 50,488H–regulated sites in the striatum were tentiation,” and “calcium signaling” (enriched in acid (GABA), dopamine, and glutamate, and nega- specific to this region—a result that also held for hippocampus), which was not the case for the tively regulates signaling mediated by all three the other brain regions (Fig. 3C and fig. S4). basal phosphoproteome (fig. S6). neurotransmitters. Accordingly, our bioinformatics At the level of known functional sites, we ob- Next, we contrasted signaling of the initially analysis of regulated phosphosites (36)revealed served dephosphorylation of the dopamine- and cy- investigated agonist U-50,488H with that of significant enrichment of Gene Ontology (GO) clic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP)–regulated 6′GNTI (38), which possesses a different signaling terms such as “inhibition of adenylate cyclase neuronal phosphoprotein (DARPP-32) on phos- profile (Table 1). Depending on the brain region activity by G protein signaling pathway,”“pos- phorylated Ser97 (pS97) and of the tyrosine kinase and time point, U-50,488H and 6′GNTI shared itive regulation of receptor internalization,” and Src on pS17 exclusively in the striatum. The raf proto- 30to50%ofregulatedsites.Substantialdiffer- “regulation of neurotransmitter secretion.” This oncogene serine/threonine protein kinase Raf1 ences were apparent in the first component of a unbiased approach also highlighted mechanisms was dephosphorylated at pS259 only in the cortex, PCA between U-50,488H and 6′GNTI after 5 min Downloaded from not yet linked to KOR activation, such as “RNA and the extracellular signal–regulated kinase ERK1 of stimulation in the striatum and hippocampus, splicing” (fig. S3A). In line with this, the phos- was phosphorylated at Thr203 and Tyr205 (pT203/ but not in the medulla oblongata and cortex. After phorylationstatesofnumerousmembranepro- pY205) only in the hippocampus (Fig. 3D). We fur- 30 min of stimulation, the ligand differences were teins, such as voltage-gated sodium channels and ther investigated the regional specificity of ERK1 greatly reduced in the striatum but were more neurotransmitter transporters, are altered by phosphorylation using immunohistochemistry. pronounced in other regions, especially the cortex KOR activation (fig. S3B). This latter observation validates the phospho- (fig. S7). Because the i.c. injected doses of each Like the basal brain phosphoproteome, phos- proteomics findings and reveals that elevated ligand were similar across brain regions and time phosites clustered tightly by replicates. Inter- ERK1 phosphorylation is specifically located on points, these region- and time-dependent changes estingly, the PCA map was dynamic in time, with hippocampal mossy fibers (Fig. 3E). between ligands may reflect the position of the therelativepositionsofthecortex,medulla,hip- In contrast to the basal phosphoproteome, regions in distinct brain circuitry, but also may pocampus, and striatum changing drastically be- which was partly shaped by the proteome and reflect differences in pharmacokinetic effects and tweenthetimepoints(Fig.3,AandB).Inthe particularlybythekinome(Fig.2),nocorrela- biodistribution of these two agonists. first component, the striatum deviated most from tion between U-50,488H–regulated phosphoryl- the other regions at the 5-min interval, whereas ation events and the region-specific proteome or KOR signaling in the striatal the cortex diverged mostly at 30 min, which sug- basal phosphoproteome was observed (fig. S5). synaptic phosphoproteome gests that U-50,488H perturbation is most pro- This implies that region-specific regulation is not Some KOR agonists induce aversive states, pri-

found in the striatum at early time points and in just a function of expression levels of kinases and marily through activation of medium spiny neu- on November 7, 2018 the cortex at later time points. The striatum is substrates, but results from more complex fac- rons in the nucleus accumbens (NAc) of the

A B C 0 Hippocampus Cerebellum Cortex 5 min 6’GNTI HS666 RB64

0 30 min Analgesia Side effects U-50,488H HS665 Striatum Medulla Oblongata

DEFQuantified Identified G U-50,488H 5 min Single run, EasyPhos workflow 5 min Medulla Phosphopeptides 1200 5 min Cortex Striatum p 5 min Hippocampus 54,762 59,762 p p 1000 Hippocampus p p 30 min Striatum p p 30 min Hippocampus p Phosphosites 800 Cortex p p 30 min Medulla 5 min Striatum 49,907 60,235 600 Medulla Oblongata 30 min Cortex Cerebellum LC-MS/MS Class I Phosphosites 400 Total ~ 54,000 40,994 42,947 200 non KOR-agonist regulated 0 Phosphoproteins 6,766 Regulated phosphosites

Fig. 1. High-throughput phosphoproteomics of in vivo KOR-mediated EasyPhos workflow. (E) Of ~50,000 quantifiable phosphosites, fewer GPCR signaling. (A) KOR signaling activates antinociception while than 5% were perturbed by the U-50,488H treatment. (F)Overall inducing unwanted side effects. (B) Five KOR agonists were administrated statistics of the brain phosphoproteome. (G)Themagnitudeof i.c. to mice with U-50,488H as the reference KOR agonist. (C)Drug- U-50,488H–induced perturbation differs among brain regions. treated groups of mice were killed 5 or 30 min after injection in each The striatum has the most detectable perturbation with more experimental group (n = 3 per group). Five brain regions were dissected than 1000 sites, whereas the cerebellum has fewer observable and processed for phosphoproteomic studies. (D) The single-run U-50,488H–induced perturbation.

Liu et al., Science 360, eaao4927 (2018) 22 June 2018 2of10 RESEARCH | RESEARCH ARTICLE

Table 1. KOR ligands: In vitro pharmacological profiles and behavioral responses. Conditioned place aversion is designated “yes” or “no” depending on

whether it was observed at the dosage applied in the present phosphoproteomic experiments. The applied dose is that used in the present study. EC50,

concentration of the ligand at half of the maximal response; Emax, maximal response elicited from a given ligand; n.a., not available.

Binding G protein b-arrestin2 affinity, activation, recruitment, Conditioned Anticonvulsant Antinociceptive Applied Ligands human KOR human KOR human KOR place aversion effect (range) effect (range) dose (nmol)

Ki (nM) EC50 (nM) Emax (%) EC50 (nM) Emax (%) U-50,488H 0.68 (71)43(38) 100 (38)2(38) 100 (38) Yes (100 nmol) (11) 6 to 20 mg/kg (7) 3 to 10 nmol (11) 20 7 44 ...... Yes (2.5 mg/kg) ( ) 1 to 5 mg/kg ( ) ′ 72 38 38 38 38 7 7 73 ...... 6 GNTI 1.15 ( )1.6()64() n.a. ( )* n.a. ( )* No (1 to 30 nmol) ( ) 3 to 30 nmol ( ) 10 nmol ( )30 74 60 60 60 60 9 9 † ...... RB64 0.59 ( ) 5.29 ( ) 101 ( ) 391 ( ) 104 ( ) Yes (3 mg/kg) ( ) n.a. 3 mg/kg ( )3 HS665 0.49 (55)3.62(55)90.0(55) 463 (11)55(11) Yes (30 nmol) (11) n.a. 3 to 10 nmol (11) 10 44 ...... 1.25 to 5 mg/kg ( ) HS666 5.90 (55) 35.0 (55)53.4(55) 449 (11)24(11) No (150 nmol) (11) n.a. 3 to 30 nmol (11) 30 75 ...... 2 to 10 mg/kg ( ) Downloaded from *EC50 and Emax for b-arrestin2 recruitment of 6′GNTI are controversial and reported with different values in the literature. EC50 = 5.9 nM and Emax = 12% (18), and EC50 = 7.38 nM and Emax = 34.7% (63). †Highest solubility. ventral striatum (17, 39). To gain deeper insight, ation of DARPP-32 in general, and Ser97 spe- whole, U-50,488H, HS665, and RB64 exhibited we used five structurally distinct KOR agonists, cifically, is regulated by various drugs of abuse greater similarity to each other than to 6′GNTI each with distinct signaling profiles and in vivo (43, 44) and is correlated with nuclear accumu- and HS666, even though each ligand induced a behavioral responses (Table 1). The unbiased PCA lation of DARPP-32 and the control of gene ex- somewhat unique perturbation to the phospho- analysis of the phosphoproteomic experimental pression related to long-term synaptic plasticity proteome (Fig. 3A and fig. S10). This illustrates results revealed clustering of samples treated with (43). From the MS measurements, we found Ser97 the importance of investigating the molecular U-50,488H (20 nmol) and HS665 (10 nmol) on to be specifically dephosphorylated at 5 min after basis of in vivo GPCR signaling at the systems onesideandtreatedwith6′GNTI (30 nmol) and application of U-50,488H in the striatum by a level instead of at the individual phosphorylation HS666 (30 nmol) on the other in the first com- factor of 2. Immunohistochemistry clearly showed level. ponent. Samples treated with RB64 (3 nmol) were this dephosphorylation in both the caudate puta- These examples illustrate the complexity and clustered between these but were more similar men (CPu) and NAc, the two main loci of the subtlety of the differential regulation of various to those treated with U-50,488H and HS665 (fig. striatum. This effect was specific to Ser97,whereas signaling pathways in the nervous systems by S8). Further bioinformatic analysis showed sig- Ser192 was not regulated (Fig. 4C). these two ligand classes in the important con- “ nificant enrichment for the GO annotations po- Other interesting ligand-directed dynamic phos- text of the synapse. on November 7, 2018 tassium channel complex,”“cell junction,” and phorylation events include the recep- “excitatory synapse” (fig. S9A) (40)basedonthe tor 1 (CB1). The phosphorylation level of CB1 at Phosphatases participate in KOR striatal – sites regulated by U-50,488H, HS665, and RB64 Ser317 was shown to correlate with CB1 activity; U-50,488H mediated signaling but not by 6′GNTI and HS666. This prompted mounting evidence links CB1 activation with KOR The large-scale dephosphorylation of synaptic us to focus on differential phosphorylation of syn- activation (45–47). Our current data suggest that proteins in the striatum after 5 min of stimulation aptic proteins, particularly because dynamic phos- cross-talk between CB1 and KOR may at least be by U-50,488H but not 6′GNTI raised the question phorylation of synaptic proteins in the striatum partially regulated through dynamic phosphoryl- of whether they specifically activate Ser/Thr phos- affects synaptic plasticity (33) and membrane ation of CB1 at Ser317 (Fig.4,AandC). phatases. To test this hypothesis, we injected mice trafficking (41). Among the kinases, down-regulation of Src i.c. with three functionally distinct phosphatase Overall, large-scale dynamic phosphorylation kinase at Ser74 is noteworthy because of the inhibitors: fostriecin, a protein phosphatase 2A changes on synaptic proteins were present at the known role of Src in phosphorylating many of (PP2A) and protein phosphatase 4 (PP4) inhib- 5-min interval and ebbed away at the 30-min the above-mentioned substrates and regulating itor; calyculin A, a PP1 and PP2A inhibitor; and interval (fig. S9B). The most prominent dynamic synaptic plasticity (48). Other sites of interest tautomycetin, a selective PP1 inhibitor (Fig. 5). One phosphorylation changes mediated by U-50,488H, include Ser7 of G protein gamma subunit 12, hour after treatment, mice received U-50,488H; HS665, and RB64, but not by 6′GNTI and HS666, which is an immediate downstream effector brains were dissected 5 min later, and their stri- involved synaptic proteins associated with dopa- of KOR, and Ser1459 of the NMDA receptor 2a atum was processed for phosphoproteomic mea- minergic, glutamatergic, and GABAergic signal- subunit. surementsaspreviouslydescribed. ing and synaptic vesicle release. This included a When comparing the effects of the five ago- Consistent with our hypothesis, we found down-regulation of the phosphorylation state of nists, we observed that 6′GNTI and HS666 did 300 phosphorylation sites in the striatum for the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor and not significantly regulate the abovementioned which dephosphorylation was abolished in the many of its scaffolding proteins, dynamins (Ser851 phosphosites, whereas HS665 and RB64 affected presence of one or more phosphatase inhibitors. on Dnm1), members of the SNARE complex, and some but not all of the sites regulated by U- This establishes that phosphatases play an im- a multitude of ion channels (Fig. 4A). 50,488H (Fig. 3C). This may reflect differential portant role in U-50,488H–mediated signaling. We were especially intrigued by DARPP-32, activation of pathways through KOR, but may About half of these phosphatase-sensitive sites a downstream effector of dopaminergic signal- also be influenced by differences in biodistribu- belong to synaptic proteins, in agreement with ing that is also regulated by glutamatergic sig- tion, the applied dosage, efficacy, or pharmaco- theimportanceofphosphatasesinsynapticfunc- naling. DARPP-32 is a potent inhibitor of protein kinetic or off-target effects that are undetected tions (49). In addition, GO enrichment analysis phosphatase 1 (PP1) and plays an important role using our method. However, viewing the phos- of the proteins regulated by phosphatase revealed in synaptic plasticity (42). Dynamic phosphoryl- phoproteomic changes of synaptic proteins as a enrichment of “clathrin-dependent endocytosis,”

Liu et al., Science 360, eaao4927 (2018) 22 June 2018 3of10 RESEARCH | RESEARCH ARTICLE

“synaptic vesicle priming,” and “small GTPase cant response in the CPA assay, consistent with plasticity, learning, and memory, specifically regulator activity,” which suggests that U- previousfindingsthatthis KOR agonist induced through long-term potentiation and depression 50,488H–mediated but not 6′GNTI-mediated aversive effects in mice. Pretreatment with the (56). Our present data specifically connect KOR pathway(s) may be involved in neurotransmitter mTOR inhibitor abolished the CPA induced by activation to depressive/aversive behavior involv- release and membrane receptor trafficking U-50,488H alone (Fig. 6C). This shows that mTOR ing the activation of mTOR, possibly through its (fig. S11). blockade indeed suppressed the aversive effects effect on protein translation; hence, this connec- Among the 300 phosphatase-sensitive sites, linked to KOR activation, which is in agreement tion can be pharmacologically separated. a minor cluster was insensitive to tautomycetin with our hypothesis. The anticonvulsive effect To investigate the upstream mechanism that pretreatment (Fig. 5A). Unlike the other two in- of U-50,488H as assessed in the pentylenetetra- activates mTOR, we used the neuroblastoma cell hibitors, tautomycetin selectively inhibits PP1 zole (PTZ) (tail vein infusion)–induced seizure line (Neuro 2A) with stable expression of mouse but not PP2A; therefore, these sites are most model (Fig. 6D) and the antinociceptive effect KOR. Cells were pretreated with vehicle or per- likely mediated by PP2A. In this group of sites, assessed in the acetic acid–induced writhing test tussis toxin (PTX) (200 ng/ml), a specific inhibitor we were especially intrigued by the aforemen- (Fig. 6E) were unaffected by mTOR inhibition. of the Gi/o signaling pathway, for 2 hours, fol- tioned phosphorylation of Ser317 of the CB1 re- Probing the downstream molecular mecha- lowed by vehicle or U-50,488H (10 mM) for 30 min. 762 ceptor and Ser of the GABAB receptor (Fig. 5B), nism of mTOR activation, we found that U- Phosphoproteomic analysis of these cells revealed both well-known GPCRs. Thus, phosphoproteo- 50,488H, HS665, and RB64 on one hand and that mTOR signaling was the most enriched path- mics can reveal additional mechanistic details 6′GNTI and HS666 on the other differentially way in cells treated with U-50,488H or with U- in the complexity of in vivo GPCR signaling regulated phosphorylation sites of proteins in- 50,488H + PTX (P <10−8) but not in cells treated through the phosphorylation of coexpressed volved in translation, including Eif4b (Ser504) with PTX alone, indicating that mTOR signaling GPCRs. Together, these results highlight the and Rps6 (Ser240, Ser244) (fig. S12). Both pro- is activated in a G protein–independent manner importance of phosphatases in GPCR signaling teins are part of the mTOR signaling pathway, (fig. S13). Specifically, we discovered that Ser939 Downloaded from at synapses. and their phosphorylation sites are regulated of Tsc2 was phosphorylated by U-50,488H treat- by the kinases involved in the same pathway. A ment in a PTX-insensitive manner (fig. S14). Phos- Conditioned place aversion, but not body of evidence already links mTOR-mediated phorylation of Tsc2 by Akt modulates mTOR antinociceptive or anticonvulsant alteration of protein synthesis with synaptic signaling (57), and we found an additional group effects, is ablated by mTOR pathway blockade The bioinformatic analysis of the sites differ- AB C Cortex Pde10a Th 60 entially regulated by U-50,488H, HS665, and 8 S63 S19

′ ) RB64 but not by 6 GNTI and HS666 also re- 6 2 vealed that the mechanistic target of rapamycin Ankrd63 Cerebellum S193 (mTOR) signaling pathway was enriched in the S203 striatum at the 5-min interval and in the cortex 0 Hippocampus at 30 min (Fig. 6, A and B). In the striatum, 0 Rasgrp2 Medulla S130 S97 Darpp-32 mTOR was the most significantly regulated path- S45/46 Oblongata Proteome way, whereas in the cortex it was among the top Pde1b Component 2 (8.8%) Arpp21 Ngef S465 five. This interesting finding from our unbiased Striatum S606 S32 Gng7 -60 Pde2a S2

-6 Akap5 striatum / residual (log S204 phosphoproteomics approach links to previous 3 -60 0 60 Gprin3 on November 7, 2018 reports of mTOR involvement in - -4 0 4 Mast3 Component 1 (15.6%) Phosphoproteome Dlgap2 induced and fluoxetine (Prozac)–induced anti- 357 striatum / residual (log2) depressant effects in a region-dependent manner D (50, 51) as well as dysfunction of the mTOR path- Striatum Hippocampus Cerebellum way in the prefrontal cortex of patients with Kinase Expression Motif Enrichment major depressive disorders (52). 510 0 12 0510 1 2 15 510 0 12 U-50,488H is well established to produce CPA Sgk3 Ptk2b 51 Cdk4 0.006 in rodents (53, 54). A recent report indicated that Mapk4 Camk2a 1.3E-8 28 Mapkapk2 through central injection in mice, 6′GNTI did Camk2a 0.03 Mapk4 28 Cdk2 0.006 not cause CPA, although it showed robust anti- Cdk9 0.03 Prkca 1.5E-10 Eef2k Prkce Map4k5 7 Prkcd 0.003 0.04 seizure activity similar to U-50,488H ( ). RB64 was Camk4 0.03 Map4k3 Csnk1a1 5.5E-5 also reported to produce a unique spectrum of Rps6ka2 Cdk6 0.006 behavioral activities, including CPA in mice (9). Prkcz 0.003 Cortex Csnk1d 5.5E-5 Atr 510 0 12 Mapk14 HS665 and HS666 are recently synthesized KOR- Csnk1e 5.5E-5 Prkcb 0.003 Camk2a specific agonists (55). HS665, but not HS666, was Ulk2 reported to produce profound CPA (11)(Table1). Medulla Oblongata Ptk2b Rps6ka1 0.01 Gsk3b Combined with our present observation that only 510 0 12 Map2k1 Camk2d ′ Pdk2 0.0009 U-50,488H, HS665, and RB64, but not 6 GNTI Limk1 Rps6ka3 0.01 and HS666, induce mTOR signaling, this led us to Stk39 Mapk1 Mapk8 hypothesize that pretreating mice with an mTOR Adrbk1 0.0005 Akt1 0.02 inhibitor could abolish the aversive behavior in- duced by U-50,488H. Fig. 2. Unstimulated brain phosphoproteomic architecture. (A) Principal components analysis We investigated the effects of pretreatment (PCA) of all brain samples. The first and second components are shown. (B) Welch t test difference with temsirolimus, an mTOR inhibitor, at a dose between striatum and rest of brain (residual) at the phosphoproteomic level (x axis) and the of 8 mg/kg. Mice were pretreated for 1 hour with proteomic level (y axis); Pearson correlation = 0.53. (C) Zoom-in of plot in (B) for proteins that are temsirolimus, saline, or vehicle controls before highly expressed in the striatum. (D) Differential kinase expression in each region in comparison receiving U-50,488H or saline injection for each to residual (left) and motif enrichment (right) of the same kinase, when the motif is available. The conditioning session (Fig. 6C). As expected, treat- motif enrichment is the result of the Fisher exact test on phosphosites that exhibit high intensity in ment with U-50,488H induced a highly signifi- each region relative to the residual. The number on each bar indicates the P value of the enrichment.

Liu et al., Science 360, eaao4927 (2018) 22 June 2018 4of10 RESEARCH | RESEARCH ARTICLE of Akt substrates to be influenced by U-50,488H signaling pathways are activated in a similar ent from signaling propagation to brain areas with that were also PTX-insensitive (fig. S15) among fashion to activation downstream of the insulin minimal KOR expression at later time points. Such molecules that likely mediate G protein–independent receptor: MAPK through the Grb2-Sos1-Raf branch, results emphasize that a more complex concept of signaling. Akt was previously discovered to be and mTOR activation through the Akt-Tsc2 branch GPCR signaling, which accounts for diversity of downstream of KOR activation in the cultured (fig. S14). cell types and cell-cell communication in addition primary striatal neurons (18), indicating that to in vitro concepts such as functional selectivity, is Akt activation might be an interesting line of Discussion necessary for a better understanding of the subtle- research to pursue. This study offers a systems view of in vivo brain ties of in vivo GPCR signaling. Along with the mTOR pathway, we also found GPCR signaling. Even though specifically KOR- Our study has also established that the phos- the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) mediated signals derive from interaction of lig- phoproteomic approach could disentangle ben- pathway to be enriched in U-50,488H and U- ands with the same GPCR, signaling pathways eficial antinociceptive andanticonvulsanteffects 50,488H + PTX stimulated Neuro 2A cells. Early are channeled toward distinct physiological effec- from unwanted KOR-mediated side effects such activators such as Sos1 and Raf1 were dephos- tors in each brain region and at each time point. as aversion at the pathway level, and possibly phorylated in a PTX-insensitive manner (fig. S14). We found that the basal phosphoproteome in could use this knowledge to separate one from Activation of the MAPK pathway has already been different regions correlates with the abundance the other. This in vivo approach bypasses the linked to KOR G protein–independent signaling of the proteome and the kinome. This was not need of in vitro characterization of ligands and pathways and KOR-mediated aversion (16, 17). thecasefortheregulatedphosphoproteome,re- minimizes the risk associated with in vitro– Thus, our current data establish that both mTOR flecting the importance of additional factors such in vivo translation. Although temsirolimus, the and the MAPK pathways are activated in a G as protein interaction networks, neuron-neuron mTOR inhibitor used here, is an FDA-approved protein–independent manner. This leads us to contacts, and brain circuitry in the makeup of chemotherapy agent, clinical application of these speculate that these two G protein–independent the regulated phosphoproteome. This was appar- results would likely require a specific modulation Downloaded from of the mTOR network that results in the desired AB C behavioral outcomes. 5 min U-50,488H 30 min U-50,488H We propose phosphoproteomics combined ) 30 20 2 6 with pharmacological tools and behavioral as- sessments as a general approach for studying Medulla GPCR signaling in vivo. Together with appro- Hippocampus Cortex Oblongata priate in vitro cellular systems, detailed molec- 0 Medulla 0 0 ular mechanisms of individual pathways can be Oblongata Striatum characterized, leading to a more rational approach Striatum Cortex Density forGPCRdrugdiscovery.Ourapproachbridges Component 2 (19.7%) Component 2 (18.2%) – Hippocampus 0 0.5 1 in vitro based and purely behavioral studies, of- -30 -20 Striatum agonist/Brain (log -6 fering the opportunity to discover, without a -6 0 6 -20 0 20 40 -30 0 30 priori assumptions, signaling pathways that can Component 1 (31.1%) Component 1 (26.2%) Striatum/Control (log ) 2 be pharmacologically manipulated to achieve DEERK pT203/pY205 specific therapeutic benefits. ERK DARPP-32 Saline U-50,488H pT203/pY205 pS97 Materials and methods

2 2 on November 7, 2018

) ** Animals 2 DG DG 0 0 CA3 CA3 All animal care and experimental procedures were approved by the Austrian Animal Experi- -2 -2 ** 1.5 mentation Ethics Board in compliance with the Src pS17 Raf1 pS259 European Convention for the Protection of Ver- 2 2 1 tebrate Animals Used for Experimental and Other A.U. Scientific Purposes ETS no. 123. U-50,488H/Saline (log 0 0 0.5 We investigated knockout (pDyn- 0 -2 -2 * KO) and KOR knockout (KOR-KO) mice (male, *** adult) in the phosphoproteomic and most be- StriatumHippocampus Cortex Medulla Oblongata U-50 DG U-50 Ctx U-50 Nac saline DG saline CA3U-50 CA3saline Ctx saline U-50CPu CPusaline Nac havioral studies. CD1 mice (male, adult) were used in the writhing test. pDyn-KO mice (58) Fig. 3. Region-specific outcomes of U-50,488H–induced activation of KOR. (A) PCA of and KOR-KO mice (59) were backcrossed onto normalized spatial and temporal U-50,488H–regulated sites (significant by ANOVA) versus their the C57BL/6N background over 10 generations. respective saline controls at the 5-min time point. (B) Same as (A) at the 30-min time point. For breeding and maintenance, mice were group

(C) Scatterplot showing striatum-specific U-50,488H signaling. The x axis denotes the log2 intensity housed (maximum of five animals per cage) with difference of striatum samples between U-50,488H and saline control; the y axis denotes the log2 free access to food and water. Temperature was intensity difference between all the striatum samples and those from the other brain regions. fixed at 23°C and 60% humidity with a 12-hour U-50,488H–regulated sites that are striatum-specific fall on the diagonal, as indicated by the area light-dark cycle (lights on 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.). Mice shaded in blue; U-50,488H–regulated sites that are in common among all brain regions fall on ofthesamestrainandagewerearbitrarilysorted the x axis, as indicated by the area shaded in red. (D) Quantification of selected sites in four brain into groups, splitting litters into different groups. regions. The y axis denotes the log2 intensity difference between U-50,488H and saline samples For the animal experiments, the experimenter in the respective regions. Error bars represent mean ± SD. (E) Immunohistochemistry of ERK was blinded to the treatments of the animals. pT203/pY205. Top: Representative images of stained hippocampus with saline or U-50,488H treatment; Phosphoproteomic experiments were carried specific regions in hippocampus are indicated within the images (n = 4 per group). Bottom: out in pDyn-KO mice to minimize the influence Histogram showing quantification of ERK pT203/pY205 immunoreactivity in various regions including of endogenous . Endogenous dynor- the hippocampus. CA3, cornu ammonis field 3; Ctx, cortex; CPu, caudate putamen (a subregion of phins are released under stressful situations such striatum); DG, dentate gyrus; NAc, nucleus accumbens (a subregion of striatum). Error bars represent as handling. They are considered unbiased full mean ± SD (n = 4). Data in (C) to (E) were collected 5 min after injection. A.U., arbitrary units. agonists and their release during the treatment

Liu et al., Science 360, eaao4927 (2018) 22 June 2018 5of10 RESEARCH | RESEARCH ARTICLE is likely to influence the phosphorylation profile generated in the laboratory of B. Roth as an amounts. U-50,488H was purchased from Tocris; especially of biased, partial agonists. Indeed, com- analog of . As a KOR full agonist, 6′GNTI was a gift from the NIDA Drug Supply paring the profiles of 6′GNTI on wild-type and RB64 was established to have a unique spectrum Program; HS665 and HS666 were synthesized pDyn-KO mice resulted in comparable, yet less of activities in vivo by producing analgesia (with- according to the published procedure (61); and reproducible, phosphorylation patterns. out causing sedation) and CPA in mice (9). All RB64 was a generous gift from B. Roth laboratory. compounds were applied dissolved in saline at KOR agonists the relevant concentration except of RB64, which Phosphatase inhibitors We investigated five KOR ligands: U-50,488H, was only soluble in saline containing 10% dimethyl The phosphatase inhibitors tautomycetin (0.05 mg/ HS665, RB64, 6′GNTI, and HS666. An overview sulfoxide (DMSO). kg), fostriecin (0.05 mg/kg), and calyculin (0.01 mg/ of their in vitro pharmacological profiles and be- In phosphoproteomic experiments, KOR lig- kg) (all from Tocris) were applied intraperitoneally havioral effects is presented in Table 1. 6′GNTI, ands (U-50,488H, 20 nmol; 6′GNTI, 30 nmol; (i.p.) 1 hour before KOR agonists. All of these generated in the laboratory of P. Portoghese, is HS665, 10 nmol; HS666, 30 nmol; RB64, 3 nmol) phosphatase inhibitors are soluble in saline at used as tool ligand to study KOR pharmacology were injected i.c. into pDyn-KO mice under mild the dosage applied. in vitro and in vivo. It was demonstrated to (2%) sevofluorane anesthesia in a fixed volume produce antinociception in mice after central of 3 ml. Each experimental group included three Pertussis toxin and Neuro 2A cells intrathecal administration (46)andanticon- mice. After 5 or 30 min, animals were killed by FmK6H-N2A cells were subcultured in a 100-mm vulsant effects without inducing conditioned cervical displacement; the brain was removed plate in complete medium [GIBCO 41500-034, place aversion after central i.c. administration in from the skull and microdissected immediately. minimum essential medium supplemented with mice (7). HS665 and HS666 are structurally dis- The hippocampus, striatum, cortex, cerebellum, 10% fetal bovine serum and blasticidin (1 mg/ml)] tinctKORligandsfromtheclassofdiphenethyl- medulla oblongata, and olfactory bulbs were and allowed to grow to 80% confluency (~8 × 106 Downloaded from amines from the laboratory of H. Schmidhammer, flash-frozen in liquid nitrogen at 2:15, 3:05, 3:30, cells) in a CO2 incubator. The cells were washed displaying interesting pharmacological profiles 3:50, 4:10, and 5:00 min after decapitation. Cen- and incubated with serum-free medium for 1 hour. (11, 40, 60). HS665 is a potent, selective, and full tral application of drugs avoids several pharma- The pertussis toxin (PTX, List Biological Labo- agonist for KOR G protein activation. It produces cokinetic effects and therefore is considered to ratories Inc., Campbell, CA) was added to the antinociception and CPA in mice (61, 62). HS666 yield better comparability. Moreover, 6′GNTI does cell medium at 0.2 mg/ml and allowed reaction is a selective KOR partial agonist (11). RB64 was not permeate the blood brain barrier in sufficient for 1 hour in the incubator. The cells were then

on November 7, 2018

Fig. 4. KOR-mediated signaling at synapses after 5 min. (A) Proteins mediated by three different groups of KOR agonists according to their assigned to different KEGG pathways, with particular phosphosites of each bioinformatics clustering (fig. S8). The coloring is the same as above. protein indicated by the position of the site in a circle. Empty, red, and (B) Immunohistochemistry in a coronal section of striatum using blue circles indicate no change, increase, and decrease of phosphorylation an antibody to DARPP-32 p97, showing decreased immunoreactivity by by U-50,488H stimulation, respectively. Significant U-50,488H–altered U-50,488H treatment (n = 4 per group). (C) Quantification of selected sites are chosen from the pairwise Welch t test between U-50,488H and phosphosites from (A). Samples were analyzed by ANOVA post hoc saline samples, with cutoff of P < 0.05 and difference of >70% in each Dunnett test. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001 versus saline (control) direction. Triangles next to the circles indicate changes of phosphorylation group. Error bars represent mean ± SD (n = 3).

Liu et al., Science 360, eaao4927 (2018) 22 June 2018 6of10 RESEARCH | RESEARCH ARTICLE

malized collision energy 27%, underfill ratio 40%,

A Tauto + U50 B Caly + U50 Fost + U50

U50,488H R m/z phosphosite = 15,000 at 200 ]. Dynamic exclusion of 60 s

z-score 6’GNTI CB1 pS317 Saline 2 andapextrigger(4to7s)wereenabled. -1.5 1.5 1 Bioinformatic workflow and Slc7a8 (S28) data analysis Oxr1 (S195) ) Iqsec1 (S88) 2 0 The raw MS spectra were processed using Nhsl2 (S1055) MaxQuant version (61). We applied a false Dbn1 (S142) U-50,488H -1 Csnk1e (S363) U-50 + Tautomycetin discovery rate (FDR) < 0.01 at the level of peptide- Sipa1l1 (S1384) U-50 + Calyculin A spectrum matching, protein assembly, and mod- Caskin1 (S1036) Saline -2 6’GNTI ifications identification. We estimated protein, Entpd3 (S528) Gabbr2 pS762 U-50 + Fostriecin Gabbr2 (T762) 2 peptide, and site FDR using a target-decoy ap- Cit (S1999) proach with the reverse sequence database. This Dbnl (S277) 1 step was performed in the Andromeda search Sptan1 (S1029) 62 Cnr1 (S317) 0 engine ( ) integrated in the MaxQuant environ-

Caskin1 (S1244) fold change ligand / saline (log ment. Searches were performed using the Mouse Crmp1 (S8) Sltm (S534) -1 UniProt FASTA database (September 2014). In Nup98 (T670) addition to the default settings, phospho (STY) -2 was selected as a “variable modification” to en- able the identification of peptides containing Fig. 5. PP2A mediates U-50,488H actions. (A) Heat map of the hierarchical clustering results of phosphorylated Ser, Thr, or Tyr residues. The Downloaded from U-50,488H–induced changes in PP2A substrates. These sites are dephosphorylated after U-50,488H “match between runs” (MBR) feature was en- application with or without tautomycetin (Tauto) pretreatment (PP1-specific inhibitor). But they abled, with a matching time window of 1 min. are not affected by 6′GNTI or by pretreatment with the PP2A inhibitors fostriecin (Fost) or calyculin Further bioinformatics analysis was conducted (Caly) combined with U-50,488H stimulation. The median intensity of three biological replicates in in Perseus (version (63), Microsoft Excel, each condition was z-scored and colored as shown in the scale bar. (B) Selected sites from (A). and R statistical computing software. Annota- The y axis is the log difference between each condition and saline control. Error bars represent 2 tions were extracted from Gene Ontology (GO) mean ± SD (n =3). (64) and the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG). The synaptic proteins were further treated for 30 min with 10 mM U-50,488H and 95 ml of trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) were annotated according to the synaptome database or vehicle. The cells were quickly washed with added to each sample. Digested peptides were ( PBS buffer, collected in PBS containing 1 mM enriched with TiO2 beads (10:1 beads:protein Kinase-substrate relationships were based on EDTA, and centrifuged. The cell pellets were w/w) at 40°C for 5 min at 2000 rpm. Afterward, the phosphositeplus database ( immediately dissolved in sample buffer (4% the phosphopeptide-containing TiO2 beads were (66). Interaction network analysis was performed SDS, 50 mM Tris, pH 7.4) with the aid of three further washed with 4 ml of wash buffer (60% with the web-based string database (string-db. short bursts of sonication. Samples were then ACN, 1% TFA) and treated with elution buffer org), using the active data source of “Experi- stored at –80°C for subsequent phosphoproteo- (40% ACN, 15% NH4OH). Eluted phosphopep- ments” and “Database” and the biogrid inter-

mic analysis. tides were concentrated in a SpeedVac for 15 min action data depository ( on November 7, 2018 at 45°C; during this process, volatile chemicals Cytoscape (version 3.3.0) and its plugin jActive- Phosphoproteomic sample preparation such as NH4OH and ABC were removed. Samples Modules were used to analyze the architecture Frozen brain tissues were transferred into “lysing were then desalted using StageTips packed with of subnetworks and to visualize the interaction matrix D” tubes, which contained 1.4-mm ceramic SDB-RPS membranes and then concentrated in a data (67); t tests were conducted using the Welch beads (MP Biomedicals) with 400 mloflysisbuffer SpeedVac until dry. A 6-mlvolumeofMSloading t-test formula implemented into the Perseus en- (100 mM Tris pH 8.5, 4% SDS). Samples were buffer (2% ACN, 0.3% TFA) was added to the vironment unless stated otherwise. Multiple sam- then lysed using Fastprep 24 (MP Biomedicals) samples,whichwerethensonicatedfor5minina ple comparison was performed using ANOVA at 4 m/s. Samples were then spun down at the water bath sonicator. with post hoc Dunnett test and the “multicomp” maximum speed for 90 min. Frozen cell samples package in R. were processed in the same lysis buffer. High-performance liquid For convenience of data handling, all samples chromatography and MS measurements After heating for 10 min at 95°C, cold acetone were first transformed into a log2 scale and data was added to each tube to induce protein pre- Samples were loaded onto 50-cm columns packed normalization was performed. Briefly, after valid cipitation to reach 4:1 (acetone: sample v/v). in-house with C18 1.9 mM ReproSil particles value filtering, a median subtract was performed. Protein precipitates were redissolved into 500 ml (Dr. Maisch GmbH), with an EASY-nLC 1000 sys- This is based on the assumption that the ma- of the resuspension buffer [100 mM ammonium tem (Thermo Fisher Scientific) coupled to the jority of the phosphoproteome is unperturbed by bicarbonate (ABC), 100 mM Tris pH 8.5, 10% MS (Q Exactive HF, Thermo Fisher Scientific). the ligand stimulation. In cases where a batch 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol (TFE), 10 mM tris (2- A homemade column oven maintained column effect was observed (e.g., when experiments were carboxyehtyl)phosphine (TCEP), 40 mM 2- temperature at 50°C. Peptides were introduced measured in separate MS sessions), normaliza- choloroacetamide (CAA)]. After incubation at onto the column with buffer A (0.1% formic acid) tion by PCA component subtraction was performed. 50°C for 10 min, samples were transferred into a and eluted with a 140-min gradient of 5 to 25% of The component in PCA that was correlated with 96–deep well plate (DWP), from which the pro- bufferB(60%ACN,0.1%formicacid),bothata the batch effect was removed by multiplying tein concentration was determined using the flow rate of 300 nl/min. each sample by its own normalization factor. BCA assay. From then on, all the following steps A data-dependent acquisition (TopN) MS To alleviate the “missing value” problem, we were performed in parallel. The EasyPhos protocol method was used, in which one full scan (300 to performed stringent valid value filtering requir- was applied to the samples as described (30). 1600 m/z, R = 60,000 at 200 m/z) at a target of ing at least 30% of valid values in all groups, at Briefly, samples were treated with trypsin and 3×106 ions was first performed, followed by 10 least 70% of valid values in at least one group, LysC at 100:1 (protein:enzyme w/w) with agita- data-dependent MS/MS scans with higher-energy and 50% valid values across all samples. In ad- tion (2000 rpm) at 37°C; 150 mlof3.2MKCl,55ml collisional dissociation [target 105 ions, max ion dition, we removed any columns where quanti- of 150 mM KH2PO4,800ml of acetonitrile (ACN), fill time 120 ms, isolation window 1.6 m/z,nor- fied values were fewer than 10% of the mean

Liu et al., Science 360, eaao4927 (2018) 22 June 2018 7of10 RESEARCH | RESEARCH ARTICLE valid values within the group. In each brain re- We reasoned that multiple dynamic phosphoryl- thiopental (150 mg/kg i.p.). As soon as they fell gion, we usually encountered 11,000+ sites after ationperturbationonproteinsthatbelongtothe asleep (~1 min after injection), drugs were in- this stringent filtering. When comparing the same cellular mechanism are likely to occur if the jected intracisternally and mice were perfused phosphoproteome across regions, we quantified pathway is recruited. Therefore, we performed 5 min after drug treatment with 4% para- 6000 to 7000 sites after filtering. For most of nonparametric Mann-Whitney U tests between formaldehyde in PBS (50 mM phosphate-buffered the analysis, whenever possible we did not per- phosphosites carrying the same annotation against saline, pH 7.2). Immunohistochemistry was per- form imputation. If necessary, we imputed the the background. formed on coronal 40-mm vibratome sections in- missing values from a random Gaussian-shaped cubated free-floating in blocking solution (10% distribution applying a downshift of 1.5 times Immunohistochemistry normal goat serum and 0.3% Triton X-100 in the standard deviation of the global dataset, Immunohistochemistry was performed as de- TBS) for 90 min. Primary antibodies against and a width of 0.5 times the standard deviation. scribed (68). Briefly, mice were anesthetized with pDARPP-32 (1:400; Cell Signaling Technology, This effectively simulated values toward the lower end of the intensity distribution, as expected. AB5 min Stimulation, Striatum 30 min Stimulation, Cortex k PCA, a hybrid hierarchical -means clustering 2.8 algorithm, and categorical enrichment tests (Fisher mTOR signaling pathway Ribosome exact test) were performed in the Perseus envi- 3 ronment. The detailed description can be found in (63). The PCA analysis was performed on the basis 2.4 of singular value decomposition. The categorical enrichment tests were performed in the following 2.4 Downloaded from steps: We first performed ANOVA on samples 2 from one region and time point (background) Enrichment factor using a post hoc Dunnett test. To ensure the sim- Adherens junction Enrichment factor mTOR signaling pathway RNA transport plicity of the test, we pooled U-50,488H, HS665, Spliceosome Phagosome and RB64 into one group and 6′GNTI and HS666 1.6 Regulation of actin cytoskeleton 1.6 into another. We then selected groups of phos- Axon guidance RNA transport phosites that passed a threshold of P <0.05forthe 1.6 2 2.4 1.8 2.6 3.4 former but P > 0.05 for the latter. A Fisher exact -log(p-value) -log(p-value) test was used to test categorical enrichment of the above-mentioned phosphosites using the C Conditioned place aversion D Seizure threshold E Writhing test “background” mentioned above. The ANOVA post 60 50 hoc Dunnett test was performed for phosphopro- 400 ## *** ** teomic analysis using R. 200 50 40 0 30 40 Interaction network analysis -200 20

Interaction network analysis was performed -400 30 writhe count 10 using pairwise Welch t tests (for example, be- -600 **** seizure threshold 0 pre-post test difference

tween U-50,488H and saline samples) to deter- TEM saline TEM on November 7, 2018 mine U-50,488H–regulated sites in each brain salinevehicle saline saline saline vehicle U-50,488H (KO) TEM U-50,488H region after 5 min of stimulation. Proteins carrying (KO) vehicle (WT) vehicle (KO) U-50,488H significantly regulated phosphorylation sites were TEM + U-50,488H TEM + U-50,488H subsequently used as input for interaction analysis (KO) TEM + U-50,488H using the String database and Cytoscape plugin “jActiveModule” (67). In the jActiveModule analy- Fig. 6. Blockade of mTOR signaling inhibits conditioned place aversion but does not influence sis, the Biogrid mouse interaction network was anticonvulsant or antinociceptive effects. (A) Fisher exact test on the group of sites that are also used as an input. The jActiveModule analysis significantly regulated only by U-50,488H and HS665 in the striatum after 5 min of KOR activation. was originally designed to find the highly con- (B) Same as (A) but in cortex after 30 min of stimulation. The x axis is the negative log of the nected modules or subnetworks, which exhibit P value obtained from the Fisher exact test; the y axis is the relative difference between the similar responses to an experimental condition. percentages of significantly differentially regulated sites that carried the depicted annotations over We further designated the response as changes the percentage of all sites that carried the same annotation. (C) Conditioned place aversion in in the phosphorylation level in our experiments. pDyn-KO mice (U-50,488H, 2.5 mg/kg; n = 6 to 8 per group). Three-way ANOVA with post hoc The consensus networks between these two ap- Šidák correction for multiple comparison was performed with time spent in each chamber as the first proaches in each brain region were selected and factor, treatment of U-50,488H as the second factor, and treatment of temsirolimus (TEM) as the displayed. third factor. The interaction term between the first factor and TEM yields P = 0.0074, whereas TEM alone does not induce significant changes, demonstrating that TEM treatment has a highly Categorical enrichment analysis significant effect on U-50,488H–mediated aversion. The results of post hoc comparison between A Fisher exact test was performed to reveal an- time spent in each chamber is indicated. ****P < 0.0001, ##P < 0.01. (D) PTZ-induced seizure notations and pathways that are significantly threshold in pDyn-KO mice (U-50,488H, 20 mg/kg; n = 5 per group). KO, pDyn-KO; WT, wild type. enriched in the regulated group for each brain Two-way ANOVA with post hoc Dunnett multiple-comparisons test and vehicle as control was region. The output of this test is a P value (in- performed with treatment of U-50,488H as the first factor and treatment of TEM as the second dicating a degree of significance) and an enrich- factor. U-50,488H treatment was significant (P < 0.0001), but treatment of TEM was not significant ment factor (indicating the level of enrichment (P = 0.5809). Post hoc Dunnett multiple-comparisons tests are shown. **P < 0.01. (E) Writhing with respect to the background). test in CD1 mice (U-50,488H, 2 mg/kg; n = 6 per group). A two-tailed t test showed no significant The “annotation matrix” algorithm described difference between saline and vehicle. Two-way ANOVA with post hoc Dunnett multiple-comparisons previously (36) was also used to identify cellular test and vehicle as control was performed with the same factors as in (D). U-50,488H treatment mechanisms and processes proteins harboring was significant (P < 0.0001); treatment of TEM was not (P = 0.7627). Post hoc Dunnett multiple- large-scale dynamic phosphorylation alterations. comparisons tests are shown. ***P < 0.001. Bars represent mean ± SEM.

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Liu et al., Science 360, eaao4927 (2018) 22 June 2018 10 of 10 In vivo brain GPCR signaling elucidated by phosphoproteomics Jeffrey J. Liu, Kirti Sharma, Luca Zangrandi, Chongguang Chen, Sean J. Humphrey, Yi-Ting Chiu, Mariana Spetea, Lee-Yuan Liu-Chen, Christoph Schwarzer and Matthias Mann

Science 360 (6395), eaao4927. DOI: 10.1126/science.aao4927

Mechanisms of drug action Advanced mass spectrometry methods enable monitoring of tens of thousands of phosphorylation sites in proteins. This technology can potentially distinguish cellular signaling pathways that produce beneficial effects from those that produce unwanted side effects. Liu et al. treated mice with various agonists of the kappa opioid receptor (a G protein Downloaded from −coupled receptor) and monitored changes in phosphorylation over time in different brain regions. The phosphorylation patterns revealed distinct patterns of signaling in various brain tissues, some of which were associated with unwanted side effects. Science, this issue p. eaao4927



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