Rockbridge Hunt NewsHound March 19, 2014 1. Closing Meet. Saturday, March 22 at 2:30 PM, cookout to follow the hunt. Our Closing Meet is this Saturday! Bring something for the grill. BYOB. Cost is $10 per Rockbridge Hunt member unless you have pre-arranged to bring food or volunteer in some other way. Laura Jarvis is coordinating the cookout. If you would like to help in some way, please contact her directly at 540- 817-9216 or
[email protected]. Remember to make reservations ASAP with Hugh Brown at
[email protected] or 540-886-6359. Thank you! Plans for this Saturday are for ratcatcher attire or a reasonable facsimile. If the weather is very warm or if the ground is very muddy, we may switch to casual attire. Please check the hunt line on Friday night. And you might want to be prepared for a last-minute change on Saturday. There is a slim chance that we might schedule an additional day of hunting on Sunday, March 23 or on Wednesday, March 26. Again, please check the hunt line. We hope to see you there! 2. Protective Head Gear. In these increasingly litigious times, our insurance company has made it clear that we need to require all participants in riding events to wear protective head gear at all times while riding. So if you are hunting, hound walking, trail riding, hunter pacing, schooling, horse showing, or poker riding, please wear protective head gear and make certain your guests do the same. We can not function without our insurance coverage.