2009-2010 , ISSUE 3

New Market Middletown Valley Hounds FEBRUARY 2010 FROM THE CHAIRMAN’S DESK

As I sit down to write my was a winner and we hope to to do the same again this Inside this issue: column for the third issue of repeat this social event again. year. So we are looking for- this year’s As we move into ward to your very lively partici- Master’s Message 2 “Kennel Notes” Your participation 2010, our events are pation in the bidding. If you it seems as if is critical to the also some of the most can’t attend the Hunt but Voice of the Horn 2 there is always important of the year, would like to bid on items, we future of our Cleveland Bay Hunt 3 one consistent Club... both from a social and will also be accommodating theme: the time fund raising perspec- proxy bids. New Members 4 certainly does tive as well as the Elections – We have recently fly by! Already we are into the business“‘New’ operations seems of to the announced our Nominating Club Contacts 5 second month of the New Club.be the Your operative participation is Committee for Hunt Commit- Year and while Mother Nature critical to the future success of tee (Kevin Bowie, Meredith Foxhunter’s 5 has been giving Reynard a ourword Club: in so many Paulsen and Kathy Wilt). Monologue break by curtailing our hunting Huntways; Ball –especially You have had Since this is an even year, days, this time of year is per- youras invite we now head for a intocouple of there will be four seats up for haps one of the busiest for the weeks, so hurry on and send election this year. Simultane- Hunt Committee. in yourthe RSVP!! 2009-2010 Seating is lim- ous with their important delib- We closed out 2009 with ited; youseason…” don’t want to miss erations, the Hunt Committee two significant events: this night. This is that once a is in the process of making Hunt Directory – The spiffy year special night out on the Master(s) nominations. Our By 2009-10 Directory was pub- town; the perfect excuse for Laws require that we publish lished mid November. This you ladies to go out and buy a our nominations 30 days prior Mike Moreland, Hunt handy little publication would- new gown (yes, you have my to the annual meeting, and we n’t come about if it wasn’t for permission!!) and us guys to are striving to be ahead of that Committee Chairman the huge efforts of a great dust off that dinner jacket or schedule. group of volunteers, whom we scarlet tails! Saturday March Annual Meeting – Our an- tion and enjoyment. If you are have detailed on the first 6th is the date, cocktails 7-8, nual meeting is scheduled for looking to add one more new page. Please make sure to dinner 8pm and dancing until Sunday May 2 nd at the Club year’s resolution to your list, I pick up your copy from the midnight. Location will be at House, starting with our amaz- challenge you to get more Club House and thank these Holly Hills Country Club. ing pot luck dinner at 6pm with involved with YOUR Club, people for their hard work. I Silent Auction – The much the meeting to follow at 7pm. everyone benefits and later as keep my copy handy and use awaited Silent Auction will This is the most important time 2010 passes us by, you will it all the time to reference a take place at the Hunt Ball as of the year to get informed on reflect back and be glad you member’s contact information usual. Back by popular de- all the Club’s activities and did! or to look for a vendor from mand will be a small live auc- hear from the Masters, the Mike Moreland one of our advertisers. tion for some of our most se- Chairman and the Treasurer Hunt Committee Chairman Shopping Spree and lect and popular items. This is as they give their annual re- Wine Socia l – For those of the most important fund rais- ports to the membership. For you whose hectic holiday ing event of the year, so we our voting members, it is also Puppy Naming Auction schedule kept you away, you desperately need your help in time when you perform your Scattered throughout the really missed a treat! There donating items or services to revered civic duty of voting for newsletter, you will find was lots of yummy food and the auction. Look for details on Master(s) as well as the open pictures of the “T” litter wine being served and the how to donate in our emails or Hunt Committee seats. puppies, their auction Club House was jammed just contact me. We have bro- As you can see, we are off winner, and name. Thank packed with vendors selling ken all records for the past two to a bang with 2010, numer- you for your generosity lots of great items. Seems like years in a row and we are ous activities under way and and creativity! this evening weekday format setting a very aggressive goal many things for your participa- Master Kate and Heather


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2009-2010 SEASON, ISSUE 3

MASTER’S MESSAGE BY KEVIN CURRAN, MFH VOICE OF THE HORN BY ROBERT TAYLOR, HUNTSMAN What a challenging season only been because of the The festive season is tradi- this has been weather wise. I weather, but parking and land- tionally a huge hunting time in wish I could say our owner concerns. We also can- the "old" country, especially hounds were lean from so celed a hunt because of a Boxing Day and the New Year's much hunting. I wish I could hard crust of snow that would Day meet. No matter how bad say the horses are getting so have damaged the hound’s the weather or the head, it was fit that they are hard to han- paws. unthinkable not to go out on dle. Unfortunately, that is not The Masters of Foxhound those days. So, when I saw the case this season. The old Association strongly recom- those beautiful online videos of foxhunters used to say "get mends that Masters insure the Middleburg Hunt parade in Robert Taylor, Huntsman out all you can before Christ- safe hunting conditions for its the snow, it brought back fond Photo courtesy of Richard Leonard mas, because the weather members. With the ground as memories. Mind you it also re- may not coop- frozen as it has minded me of those not so good Well enough to tell the stories - erate after." been, not only is it recollections, when as a 12 year every word of them true and no This season, dangerous for the old, one was expected to be exaggeration! after our fabu- horses but a fall there on every occasion. Here we are in 2010. Thank- lous Junior would likely result in Dad would talk about the fully there are those who make Hunt on No- broken bones of "good old days" and the weather correct decisions on our behalf vember 28th, rider and/or horse. we hunted through. Humbug! so that the rush of hunting blood Mother Nature Mike Moreland, Trifle The Masters have There was no such thing as "the to our heads does not set us in has all but done all we can to good old days". What about harms way. Hunting this season, shut us down. keep the hounds going out leaving the kennels on horse, for my part, has been most The Northern Virginia when deemed appropriate. with hounds, for a 10 mile hack memorable and exciting. To Hunts canceled for three We will be adding by-days to a distant meet in the rain or take my canine charges out with straight weeks because of whenever possible during the snow. Hunt in the opposite di- a group of people who appreci- rock-hard frozen ground. Poto- remaining season. rection, away from home, say ate what they do, is indeed, mac's monitor said that hunt- It has been very frustrating another 5 miles and manage to exhilarating. What better place ing was canceled indefinitely for the Masters to cancel two stop the hounds just before dark to be, as often as we can do it. until the weather and footing joint meets with DeLaBrook with no field left. Still raining or To arrive home safe and sound, improves. I don't know who is and one with Fairfax Hunt. snowing, trudge the reverse way all of us, is a prime goal. So far, more frustrated this season— Also frustrating is the many home in the pitch black. You this season, we have been out the Masters, the Staff, the improvements we have added realize that there was no horse/ more than most packs. Our membership or the hounds. to our St. James fixture of hound transport for staff. Still, hounds continue to provide us Our cancellations have not which we have not hunted this there was the very frequent with excellent sport. I am de- season due to cancellations. pubs that dad and the whip wel- lighted. The week of writing this BUT...the hay still comes comed—outside of course, as has seen me hunt 3 times with out of the loft, the farrier still we still had hounds and horses. the two packs. My horse and I in arrives on schedule, feed That is when young that time have fallen 3 times store runs still continue like Robert tasted his first sweet because of the ground condi- clockwork and horse blankets sherry, or was it a hot toddy? tions. We walked away fine. It is, still need repair, whether we Home eventually and every in years, similar to these that I hunt or not. animal had to be dry, fed and act responsibly, and make the In closing, if any of you cleaned; all tack done for the best decisions for my hounds have an "in" with Mother Na- next day, before sustenance and horses. (Some say an Irish ture, please ask her to cut us was taken by the human. Won- man and responsible are an a break and permit horse, derful how the time makes the unheard of animal.) Spare a hound and member more mind work tricks. Often it was thought for the Masters who sport through what is remain- nothing short of total madness, have the decision-making on Kevin Curran, MFH and his ing of the season. but there again, Irish folk and these difficult days. Our hounds mount, Legs, listening carefully that word are often placed in the are ready to go when for the Huntsman and hounds Respectfully, same sentence. We all, for the the weather and land conditions Photo courtesy of Heather McCarthy Kevin Curran, MFH most, came away fairly well. allow us. NEW MARKET-MIDDLETOWN VALLEY HOUNDS NM-MVH.COM FEBRUARY 2010

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2009-2010 SEASON, ISSUE 3 RECORD NUMBER OF CLEVELAND BAYS HUNT WITH NM-MVH by Marcia Brody New England contingent—who Hanna—and I am sure I am the Howard County (MD) had planned to stop by only for missing many with this short list. in August, and the Warrenton Eighteen purebred and part- a moment to see the field off— Former member Sarah O'Hal- Horse Show (VA), where the bred Cleveland Bays assembled was sufficiently captivated that loran's mother actually bred a Clevelands share the stage in the New Mar- half-bred Cleveland Bay in with Hunt Night on the Sunday ket -Middletown England that won the Burghley of Labor Day weekend. Many Valley's hunt 3-Day Event when it was still compete successfully in dres- field on Sunday run at the long format. sage and eventing, 22 November NM-MVH Joint Master Jen- while others are enjoyed as 2009 for the nifer Webster offered a per- pleasurable rides. club's first an- sonal reflection on the hunting Some Cleveland Bay part- nual Cleveland day: breds participate at the high- Bay invitational ...Sunday was also my first day est levels of sport. One of our hunt. The back in the hunt field after de- hunting participants, Ashley meet marked livering my son... Thomas’ Kehoe from Virginia, com- the first time Photo printed with permission of the photographer grandfather (and namesake) petes a partbred- that this record Liz Callar www.LizCallar.com , all rights reserved and grandmother, Tom and named Mazetto, an elite number of Marilyn Webster, purchased a Cleveland Bay sporthorse Cleveland Bays was assembled they hilltopped on foot until the stallion called *Ramblers Re- imported from New Zealand. in a single hunt field, according hounds returned at the end of nown 20 years ago with the help Mazetto has competed at the to Colin Green, past-president of the day! Both horses and riders of Alexander Mac- highest levels of the Cleveland Bay Horse Soci- emerged as enthusiastic con- kay-Smith, to whom international ety (UK), visiting from the Tre- verts to the sport. the pedigrees of no eventing—at goyd Stud in Wales. Aside from Many NM-MVH members less than 9 of Sun- seven four-star lots of publicity, recognition and have a long history of associa- day's participants events on three new friends, the hunt also raised tion with this rare breed. Marilyn (50 percent) can be continents—and more than $1000 for NM-MVH. Webster and her Idlehour Stud directly traced back. Ashley is ex- Cleveland Bays have often in St. Thomas, Pennsylvania, Tom Webster left us Molly Moran, Tumblr cited to con- been ascribed to deserves much credit in 1997 but I know tinue her com- possess a built- for the persistence of that Sunday’s clear blue skies petition career with him. The in “hunting the breed in North and two spectacular views of pair was extremely successful gene"—which America. I have bred Reynard were compliments of at the Intermediate level in was apparent, Cleveland Bay him smiling down on us from 2009, and will move up to with many sets crosses from the Above. Anyone who knew Tom Advanced in 2010. We hope of large bay Leavenmouth Gay will agree that this day would to see them on the Olympic ears finely tuned Kevin Bowie, Gordon bloodline for have been among his proudest roster in 2012. to the workings more than 15 years, moments as a breeder of Cleve- This historic day could not of the pack. The field enjoyed and Merry Fowler stood land Bay horses. have happened without the several views, as well as a few the purebred stallion Forbes Cleveland Bays have a great personal commitment of many sustained runs. Many of Native Statesman when she reputation as field hunters and of the Cleveland Bay enthusi- the hunt participants were either lived at Montpelier, in Virginia, can be found scattered through- asts in the mid-Atlantic region first-time foxhunters or mounted and still has many out North America, and beyond, or without the on Clevelands who hadn't actu- of his progeny. though their num- enthusiastic cooperation of ally hunted before. Among the Several of our bers are still very NM-MVH and Joint Masters 18 were 7 purebreds and 11 other members rare. Enthusiasts Jennifer Webster, Katharine partbreds. Riders represented at have also owned organize a series of Byron and Kevin Curran. least 4 states and Canada, as and ridden Cleve- breed divi- Thank you! Even Huntsman well as at least 5 separate rec- land Bays—Dickcy sions dedicated to Robert Taylor was overheard ognized hunts. Observers came Gibson, Michele Stacy Austensen, Tribute showcasing Cleve- to say, "And next year, I will be from as far as the United King- McKenna, Sarah land Bays in con- riding a Cleveland Bay..." dom and New England. It was Morgan, Craig Rockwell, Bob junction with the Upperville Colt Can't argue for more success especially gratifying that the Alexander, Barry Brown, Sharon and Horse Show (VA) in June, than that!! NEW MARKET-MIDDLETOWN VALLEY HOUNDS NM-MVH.COM FEBRUARY 2010

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2009-2010 SEASON, ISSUE 3 NEW MEMBERS IN THE NEW YEAR Compiled by Michael Capps Tell us about your horse and beats a good trail ride. Overall, favorite hunt ever was in the his/her take on foxhunting. I've been riding for 10 years. snow. Absolutely breathtaking! For the 2009-2010 hunting Harley is a horse that I leased Have you fox hunted with Early is getting up daily at season, the New Market- for the season from Cindy other Hunts? 4:30am to commute into DC. I Middletown Valley Hounds Lytle. He is a wonderful show I rode twice with the Cloudline don't call getting up to hunt membership horse who really Hounds outside Dallas just early! increased by seems to enjoy the before I relocated back to What do you do when you are thirteen people! sport. Texas. Great group of people not riding? By most people’s What’s your favor- and not that different from I'm getting re-settled back into reckoning, this is ite tailgating dish? here. You'd probably imagine Maryland. Work, gym, and one of the larg- Anything with the terrain to be more desert- sleep consumes most of Mon- est membership chocolate. like but it's actually a lot like day through Friday. There's a enrollments in Roy Good, Teaser What’s “cold” to our fixtures. little time sprinkled in for my recent memory. you? What’s Tell us about your horse and wire-haired dachshunds, The new constituency in- “early” to you? his/her take on foxhunting. Tilghman and Barnsby, and cluded former members re- I am from upstate NY so cold I brought a couple of horses weekly American Idol watching turning to the fold, the expan- is all relative...I did put in back from Texas with me. potlucks with friends. sion of family memberships, some early days during cub- One, Sawyer, a 6yo Belgian/ the addition of folks who had bing getting up at 4am! TB cross, has been out twice Susan Snider hunted with other area hunts Do you have any foxhunting now with NM-MVH and taken What attracted you to/motivated before, as well as those who’s goals for this year? it in complete you to join NM- first hunting experiences were To ride with the first field. stride. I think he'll MVH? had this season with NM-MVH What do you do when you are be a great hunter. I have always (such as me!). Each of the not riding? I've had my good wanted to do more thirteen new members were I am an Orthopedic/Hand sur- hunter, Sadie, 11yo foxhunting, as invited to share about them- geon in Frederick, MD. That Perch/TB, leased prior to this year I selves with the hunt and were keeps me pretty busy. I have 2 to member Mike had only hunted a sent nine questions that they crazy rescue dogs and a hus- Moreland who's Christopher Rocca, Tornado few times as a had the option of answering. band who tolerates me and all ridden her for the guest. And how The number of questions an- of my animals! last year and a half. This mare fun it is!! Thanks to Jennifer swered and the length of the learned foxhunting at the Webster for inviting me to get responses were left up to the Jason R. Daisey same time I did. She's a involved. I really enjoy getting to participants. Below are the What attracted you to/ trooper. know everyone in the hunt. responses that were sent in. motivated you to join NM- Do you have a favorite spirit What a great group! MVH? for your flask? Have you foxhunted with other Kristin Nesbitt- I was a member Wild Turkey American Honey. Hunts? Silon through last season Love port, but the stinginess of Hunted with Midland Fox- What attracted but spent the past American Honey warms me hounds of Georgia at a fixture you to/ several years in up on a cold day, and numbs in Alabama. motivated you Texas. Because I the body at the same time! Tell us about your horse and to join NM- was only able to What’s your favorite tailgating his/her take on foxhunting. MVH? Thomas Webster, Tango ride once a month dish? My horse that I have been us- I hunted as a or so, I didn't re- I'd have to say anything that ing is a paint mare named guest with Shelley Herlihy in new. Just after not renewing, I Mike Moreland brings. I recall Fancy. She is a cowboy’s horse the past and really enjoyed took a job back in Washington a pot of soup after a snowy and I do not own her. She just myself. DC and now I'm back in Mary- ride in Shepherdstown a cou- loves foxhunting and that is all What kind of riding experience land (for good!). ple of years ago. That memory she wants to do now. Since she do you bring to NM-MVH? What kind of riding experience will probably stick with me for is in foal, I will likely have to use I have ridden and shown hunt- do you bring to NM-MVH? the rest of my life. another mount soon. ers since the age of 11, but Previously I hunted for three What’s “cold” to you? What’s What do you do when you are am a total novice when it and a half seasons with NM- "early" to you? not riding? comes to the hunt field! MVH. Beyond that, nothing Cold is teens or below. My I recently bought into our family NEW MARKET-MIDDLETOWN VALLEY HOUNDS NM-MVH.COM FEBRUARY 2010

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2009-2010 SEASON, ISSUE 3 FOXHUNTER’S MONOLOGUE business (feed store and tack TBD. I did take him out not forms amongst foxhunters is by Heather McCarthy shop) so I have been working long after moving to MD, to Dr. special, and has a lot to do a lot. I enjoy entertaining Belt’s Gate, where for 25 min- with why so many people take Horse is clean. Tack is clean. guests and would like to have tues he proceeded to shy, up the sport. In summary is a Boots are polished. Saddle pad friends over for dinner more startle, snort, buck, run away quote from a Master that sums is washed. Haynets are full. often, in the New Year. with me, and even launch up the nature of the Water is fresh. himself into the air a few friendships that form Clothes are laid Michael Capps times. The miracle is that most from foxhunting: out. Tailgate is What attracted you to/ of the hunt had no clue what "Half of foxhunting prepped. Alarm is motivated you to join NM- was going on behind them. I is fellowship, the set. Monitor says, MVH? think it was too much for him shared experience," “We look forward When I started riding four to process. So, it’s back to says Epp Wilson, to seeing you years ago, I was interested in square one for us, but I do huntsman and Joint Zachary Austensen, Turbo there.” Cooler is learning about all the various have faith that he will pick it Master at Belle packed. Helmet disciplines, including foxhunt- up. I am very grateful to Mi- Meade. "You can have the is on the trailer. Horse is tacked ing. After meeting fox hunters chael/Jason for the use of best group in the world, but if and loaded. Pulled out on time. at one of Red Mountain Thunder, who seems to abso- people come in after a hunt, Please stand while I mount. Hounds hunter paces, I came lutely love hunting and has put their horses on the trailer Listen to the Masters. Move out. away impressed with what a made this season a very posi- and leave, you've missed the Half-halt to back off. Inside leg/ friendly group they were. Even tive experience for me. opportunity to build fellowship outside rein around field cor- before I met Michael More- Do you have a favorite spirit and team spirit. We want peo- ners. Outside rein/outside leg land, I was contemplating a for your flask? ple to have fun while the around sharp turns. Just let the social membership with RMH, I’m enjoying a white port and adrenaline is still flowing." hound go by. Be patient while but of course, being a member Amaretto DiSaronno combina- the field reverses. Move off my of NM-MVH is even better! tion. I’ve tried the harder stuff, NMNMNM-NM ---MVHMVH left leg to avoid a hole. Bend Club Contacts Have you fox hunted with but it always makes me go right to miss wire fence. Take other Hunts? “Guh!” going down. MONITOR the big spot over a 3' coop go- I was in the “Tally Ho Wagon” What’s your favorite tailgating 301.371.4081 ing every so slightly up hill. at Woodbrook Hunt’s Blessing dish? Listen behind you. Go perfectly Joint Masters of the Hounds. They are a I tend to gravitate towards the straight down a row of corn. Sit of Fox Hounds drag hunt, but deviled eggs. deeply to the downhill fence. Kate Byron also the oldest Do you have any Move off my leg to jump a log Kevin Curran hunt west of the foxhunting goals for immediately after turning. Grab Jennifer Webster Mississippi this year? mane! Go bravely into rushing River. I remem- My primary goal this Hunt Committee creek water. Shoulder-in to use ber thinking at year has been to Chairman the field edge. Stand very still. the time that a learn as much as Michael Moreland Walk up hill. Turn on the fore- drag hunt left Kevin Bowie, possible about [email protected] hand to face reversing Staff. nothing to hunting by observ- 410.507.1878 Move off my leg to get out from chance, until we saw the rid- ing my fellow foxhunters. My Honorary Secretary under a tree and hold. Please ers laying the scent going one secondary goal has been to Bonnie Kepner do not take the bit running direction...ten minutes later get my horse in hunting [email protected] downhill. Keep your forward first field, sans Master and shape. 301.582.2686 momentum going up steep hounds, going the opposite Foxhunting clubs are made slopes... all the while watching, direction…and ten minutes up of people who come from Treasurer listening and remembering it's after that the second field diverse backgrounds. The Guillermo Warley all about the hounds. Bend your coming from a third direction! members and their experi- [email protected] nose back here for a scratch. 301.514.5851 Tell us about your horse and ences unite a group of people Stand still. Horse taken care of. his/her take on foxhunting. who might not otherwise have Newsletter Editor Tack away. Jacket changed. Mr. Flopalopagus (Floppy) is had the opportunity to meet, Heather McCarthy Grab the cooler. Have a drink, an unraced TB with a mysteri- enjoy, and learn from each [email protected] break my fast, and enjoy the ous past. As to hunting…that’s other. The camaraderie that 301.676.6142 company of like-minded friends. NEW MARKET-MIDDLETOWN VALLEY HOUNDS NM-MVH.COM FEBRUARY 2010