United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 6,159,466 Yang Et Al
USOO6159466A United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 6,159,466 Yang et al. (45) Date of Patent: *Dec. 12, 2000 54 AQUEOUS COMPOSITION COMPRISING 4,348,483 9/1982 Skogerson ............................... 435/235 SACCHAROMYCES BOULARDII SEQUELA 4,923,855 5/1990 Jensen et al. ........................... 514/188 AND CHROMIUM GLYCINATE 5,614,553 3/1997 Ashmead et al. ....................... 514/505 DNICOTINATE OTHER PUBLICATIONS 75 Inventors: Ping Yang, Fullerton; Houn Simon Hsia, Foothill Ranch, both of Calif. Vinson et al., Nutrition Reports International, Oct. 1984, vol. 73 Assignee: Viva America Marketing, Inc., Costa 30, No. 4, pp. 911–918. Mesa, Calif. Saner et al., The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Oct. 1983, vol. 38, pp. 574–578. * Notice: This patent issued on a continued pros ecution application filed under 37 CFR Uusitupa et al., British Journal of Nutrition, Jul. 1992, vol. 1.53(d), and is subject to the twenty year 68, No. 1, pp. 209–216. patent term provisions of 35 U.S.C. 154(a)(2). Barnett et al. In: "Yeasts. Characterization and Identifica tion'. Cambridge University Press. Second Edition. 1990, 21 Appl. No.: 09/015,758 pp. 595-597. 22 Filed: Jan. 29, 1998 Primary Examiner Sandra E. Saucier Related U.S. Application Data ASSistant Examiner Vera Afremova Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Lyon & Lyon LLP 62 Division of application No. 08/719,572, Sep. 25, 1996. 57 ABSTRACT 51 Int. Cl." ............................. A01N 63/04; C12N 1/18; C12N 1/20; A23L 1/28 The present invention includes a novel yeast Strain of the 52 U.S. Cl. ..................................... 424/93.51; 435/255.2; genus Saccharomyces boulardii sequela PY31 ATCC 74366 435/900; 426/62 that is able to process certain metallic compounds into 58 Field of Search ..........................
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