, Ill. Week of July 16·22, 19311 .' : Vol. II. - No. 39. •

Borrah Minnevitch and His Rascals By Barry J. Holloway

Bill wid Gi"S/flI:

The Story of Bill and Ginger By Arthur Q. Bryan

An Important Announcement by ~ ' The Voice of Experience': Thi5 Week =-"'~-l His ~ascals Keep CBorrah on the ~un

BORRAH [arrer from then on M INNEVITCH cMz'nnevz'tch Fz'lls Role is radio and Broad· .. He made the way history. When harmonica what it Vinctnt Lopez.' Sym­ is today Of Fafher and Boss to phony Orchestra was ~cheduled to appear at the Metropolitan • . _ The Rascals Hz's Unruly Performers Opera I louse for the -typify the fi15f time, Barrah was i r re~ponsibi l jlY of !.elected to appear as youth. By Barry J. Holloway 1he soloist on the pro­ gr:\ffi. It was the first lime lh~1 a harmonica was to be played in th:!! citadel of American mu,ic~1 ~rt. Ilis ~)lCl1!cnt performance that night Gill!>!:..! Otto Kahn to lose a ~1.000 bd. Kahn had threatened \0 c;'IIlcd the entire concert, say­ ing lh;1I j;l2l: W:l~ bad enough at the l\\lITopolilan, but to 11'1 the slrJins of a harmonica rise II,m.·n to twenty years old. desert his pel1!hollse for the park, Each is ;\0 indi\'idual of contrast­ and there in shadow·~hrOllded case ing I.>-pe-·one a dwarf, another a would stret~h himself on tile sod. Negro; ('ne W;]llts to be all artist. For company, while he meditated, he played 101'c ballads RLJll;lChite green lights to give a one·man hMmonica ~how. The whole theater, he still manages to live much to him~e1f. crystals ",hich proled of importance during the World dOlen of the Rascals were ~ated on tIle front row "just lie is known almost the world around as the man IIho War ",hen the German supply was exhausted. to see "'hat he w()uld do." made the harmonica wh~t it is today-the per$(m "'ho Borrah follo""ed his brother to New York to study Minne\'itch is one of the "DapPCI-DJns" of radio. lifted it from its post as a plaything for childrf"n, 10 the chemistry and was enrolled in City College to prepare Usually dre,5ed in some ~hade of hlue, his entire en:;emble realms of artistry. himself. blends perfectly. IllS tailor bill~ ;)re t'normous. I-Ie prefers Other than that and the fact he once returned from AlwJys self·supporting. he made a portion of his ex­ ~Jlort clothes to all others. lit 'COlds a great deal. and Europe "'ith a ocard IIhi.:h made Broadway history­ penses by plJying ~ h:lrmOllica .to attract customers to a '"Lohengrin" is his favorite Optl;), Minnevitch h~s m;maged to keep his private life :;epJlated music store. One d;IY Ill1go Rie:;enfeld chanced to hear And girls-if you want to mJke a hit with Borrah­ fl0m his public him. This meeting kd to his nrst professional engagement don't wear a boyish haircut, (.of go strolling on a sunny It is a hr cry from the snow-blown plains of Ciarist as ;I. soloist in Rie~nfcJd'~ or~he5tra at the Rivoli. I lis moming in a mink eo;lt. z I ITTI r r;l'plt ()fl the piano and yours truly No sir. Thtre was .1 time will inIRIc,II,I.dy 5"y, "I ime for Bilt and IIhen \Ie u..ed to go on the Gm.~t:r," An,] "'hy not? lie's bttn 5aying it ~ir at eight \ M. and II you for a )/'lr and I h~lr, Yet this is the fiN d,)n'l think that's A_ M_, try chance I'~t Iud to tell you .... hat I k"OUI ,t, '1 h.. re'~ a frog In your about Bill and GinJ;!'r_ throat that seems to have Before I ~pill the h.: '11 ... h',\\'e\'er, lct'~ do a little delv­ laken up permanent re~l­ ing into the hi~tory of tl •• ·-,e 1\\'0, /'\01 mu,h hi~tory, yOIl denee and a penny on each understand, for they h.h~n"t had time to m3ke any in­ eyelid. You ~re anything bUI voll'ed hiqory becau~ tllt'y're too )oung. '1 heir com­ p;ooJ natured. The mo~t you bined a!,:es 10111 fort) ~our gl~ing Ihe ~hort end of the ,bre hope for at eight U1m, t .... eoty-one )eJr~, 1'1 \ .rgini.l Baker, the name her o'dock in the morning i~ a mother !,:ave to GinSl'r ro(>l'r plJce ~nd thlm they'd take a chan.;., ArrJ we-re stdl to,<:"IiK'r_ We're \ery l>O'gi'ls to look ;cr I, ... ~ I,k .. ? Welt. (luality of my \"I)<:alizing. Thi) opinion, she's lillie-I gue~,; fili! f.· .. 1. nne and it :.eems, I >hare with my~lf alone.) a half inches llould C3,t " ~Il.ldow on Let's Talk About Bill is a h~rd·working.fellow, real­ her br(.lIn hair. She h:ls hr,,"n eyes. ly. lie arrange5 orchestral mu)ic, dj.. tf)O, the kind )uu rCJJ at..->uI, and rech a fine quartette ...-hi,h has be-en thry're as full of ~,II.::e-r 3_ i) Iheir IltaTd on chain programs many times. ollner. \'irginia Bolker coulJn't ha\e pla)'s his olin pi~no programs on oc­ e..:apcd that nickname .. len II It hadn't (3~ion, tries dramatics for whilh he Ix~n ~~hort for VirgLni~" She has a Bill and Ginser has a yearning deep, and does a host nerlou~ little lIay of gdlilll; at thing, (If other things beside rehear)ing with tlut wrt of llIa!..e I... r 1,It)k like a the young lady afore·mention~d. In little bird \ cry bU',I~ ;.: '\Ii,,;;. Jt its early morn­ a.JJition to all these thing~, he has time still ing "'orm nut d,JII'( ,,'t rl,,' iJ.. a that Gin cAre They Married(()Or Aren't They? to be ~n about tOlln in that near-new ~pe¢ is nervous. She'i d,'g-g'med rt'lOlute ~bout II agon of his, the 3~t. I know that .... ,,1 -.0 does Bill. Well, {Ohat's Your Question, hut {;mgcr, too, lIorks hard-lion. "Are they marrieM' dire(teJ at Bill, al me, in fa~t, at e\er~Ofle lI·ho conle~ into There it is, Oh. I for~"t to tell you th~1 Bill does really the )tudio. A half hour of rehear~ing i5 put into that last ooK outl The signal from the engineer. A ripple hate to get dO\\ll to r.. heJr,ing. lie always "'orks hard li\e minutes when Ginger'~ in trim. And she's ne\'er be-en of the piano. I .say, "Iime for Bill and Ginger.~ but hates Ihe idea tlut he really bas to do it. And to see out 01 trim that I can remember, .£, And )U,t look at them. They smile at each other little Ginger, hef lips tight together. waiting not so patient. Of course, all that is dilTcrent now. Wc're not on so -they IIho were glowering berore_and they say with one Iy while Bill finhhes a cnnl'ersation "'ith some chance early and as .1 result everything is smooth and unhurried. "~ord, "Good Morning,N plsSC'r-by, is to realife ""h)' the slightly bos~y little bride Bill's Calnl and affable. Ginger doesn't dire.:t so terrifically Onen I have be-en asked if it doesn't grow a trille ;l.ltitude is so easy, .lind Br)'C'(urcd a substitute for him in his ~ood friend, Pete ing you lots of things I shall one day tell my grandchildren ing to be up ill arms ... t me. I must say th~1 the act does \\'O(,ler1', and dramatized his operation. Nothing is sacred -

ADIO ,.. to emerge a full-fledged has its LOll CJ3ersman Emulates journalist. UIJOR grad!.l' Chaney. allog. he discovered that Ci{ The spirit the pen was mightier of the late Film StaT' Who Was than the sword, but that ingenious character actor there wasn't much call breathes again ill the per­ His Childhood Idol for wielders of either. so son of Teddy Bergman. he turned back to the NBC's man of a thou­ theater and his art of sand ,\11d one voices. mimicry. In 1927, four Ted d y Bcrgm31l's By Jay Faggen years to a day after his success might be ac­ three day incarceration credited to many factors. but predominating is his inbred in the Tombs, }Ie made his air debut on knoll'ledgc of human beings and their dcsire for good en­ a program known as "Singing Jailbird5~ tertainment. Bcrgman's life story reads like a Horatio over WOR. Alger nOl'el; colorful. e:oo;citing and poignant with human . A year later, he had an irrepressible interest. yen for the dark and mysterious, so New York gave Teddy Ikrgmafl to the world. and the "Blubber" appeared on the HTruc Detec­ world claims him. due to his reali~tic portrayals of nearly tive Story lIour" o\'er the Columbia every known dialect. chain. I Ie was first equipped for sound on August ro, 1907, One of Bergman's lovable chillrac:­ at ]12th St. and St. Nicholas Ave. Ilis firsl uttered word$. teristics is his fondness for children. Born it is uid. were da-da and mama-in four dillerent dialects,. with an innate ability to handle children. TEDDY BERGMAN WIth accompanying facial grimaces. not purely through theatrics. but because Bergman worshipped the late Chaney for many year'§.. or an inborn knowledge of their mental Blubber is a veer; human When but a boy. he witneS5t'd Chaney's performance as a proce~, Bergman soon found all out­ person . •. misformed. brain-twisted uipple in ~The Penalty.6 let for this characteristic in the capacity Chaney's first starring vehicle, and the nrst of Chaney'S of director of a boys' summer camp. Here, too, the chil­ success. Your guess gre3t impersonations. even before his startling "Quasimodo" dren soon discovered his knack of impersonating people is as good as his­ in the "Hunchback of Notre Dame. H It is his prideful they knew to perfectioll, and his day was occupied with and he will admit daim that he never missed one of the late star's pictures, imitations of the various people about the camp. from to you frankly and none among the ranks of his admirers was any more coullsellor. to dishwasher. to cook-much to the delight of that he is only grief-stricken at hjs passing than Teddy Bergman. his youthful witnesses. gue~ing even If "Blubber; as he is kflown to the myriads of listeners Upon his return from camP. Bernarr McFadden took you can persuade who hear him each Friday night on the "h1usical Grocery cognizance of "Blubber's" remarkable physique. and con­ him to hazard an StOf'e" program. had one great ambition as a child. He tracted him for air appearances on the Physical Culture opinion. wanted to go to a boys' camp. but unfortunately. financial and True Romances I lour, Personally. circumstances of his family wcre such as to prohibit. One have my own ideas summer. Teddy's mother managed to scrape together the NE retrospective phase pf his life to which Teddy on the subject. required sum-and had it stolen from her the day Teddy 101'es to revert is the fact that "·hen. at an early They are embodied was to leave for camp, (9 :ecutive's office. Orle hour I,HCt. she was sigJled on the ing lessons to give her the proper exercise. Following Ihe dotted line. specialist's advice, Vera took to her toes. Iler next radio work WOlS ""ilh KMTR. also on the Her conditioJl speedily improved, and the family then West Coast, where she broad(a~1 for twelve weeks with moved to Californi~ where it was believed the climate such success thai at the termin:uion of her contract. KHJ. would beJlefit her. By this time. Vera had become: a tal­ Columbia's Los Angeles outlet, gobbled up her services. ented terpischorean, ~nd when only seven years old she All the while she was $Iudying at s..:hool, taking I'oice was earning ~ hundred dollars weekly as premiere danseuse culture from Josephine Dillon, -and making personal ap­ of

Your Prohlems Solved CJ3ythe"VoiceQlExperience" (CGP7,I.bl )S3ll b7 RdlG Culde, IGo.\ ANSWER: It scem~ to me, Ji[1!e girl. that rhe solu­ INCE statmg m a ruelll ISHlt tbat I Dill 'IDt tion of your problem lies entirely wnh you_ Summer lime " [Dr/II lie-Idler Dlld do not bdift"1I' .n for­ IS approaching and certainly p:1U Ji'e near enough To some tUllt-ldllllg, I bavlI' rll'ulvlI'd a grll'at nIDlly Full Paije Soon beach or to some lake or SlIimllllJlg pool where you can ldtus oj u:bkb tbll' [o!lau:mg IS tYPlCol: have your sweetheart acwmp;1I1Y ),OU for a dip or swim So bem:y bllS btUI tbe res/,olllt 01 R"'oIO GUIDE S without h~ving to s~y ~n}'thil1g to him at JIl. Then. -after r~aders 10 Ibis t/tparlmwl collducied by "THE VOICE Dear Voice Gf E~""ri.":PE1UE:-;CE" tbot tbe editors hove duided to de­ fri.nds t<>(lk m. 10 • fodun.·t.ll.r who lotd me th.1 .illl.". what his reaction is without 11<1l1ng to go to him with an vole DJI ell/Ire page of eacb ISHIt to "your Irulld alld in July Gr Augu.1 oJ thi. y~ar n,y hu.band wa. going to meel opeJi confessioJl. DOI1't forget Ihis: I here is not one woman with an a.cidenl and die. Si".e thn I have bee" wotr)"ing, adviser's" sal'lholls oj PTII'S_:PFRIF"'CE" IS I/)e fliT. !V,IJIO GUJOE IS ,ooperat· Vol .. you pI,,"" on hllsb:\Ild is cert~inly not going to determine whether to MRS. A. E. T. I1Ig WIll; ]!lm /0 walu 'm 'O'aillable adVice available to marry or not on lhe ba~is of II Iwther the girl of his choice his vast audience t/!rou/jb tim pHblicailOll. Bcwuu ANSWER: Only one has knock-knees or bow-feg~. JUq 110 as I say-spend an 0/ tlu fDet tba/ spnu 1$ /'milNf, rcaders Dre request"d engaged IJJ an activity afternoon at the be,leh ~ltd ~ee If }our problem doesn't earnestly to preuut tbeir problems as briefly as pos­ similar to mine who re­ solie ilself like many Olhers by ~itllply ceasing to exist. ceives thousands of letters sible. a week can realize the ex­ IIlft/uH aI/ COllnllllllicn/iollS for Ibis departuullt • • • lent to which Ihe prac_ to "THE VorCE OF EXPERIENCE, core oj R~DIO GUIDE, 0." Yoioe of EXJ!~ri""'e: Ike of forlune telliJig is 112 FOllrtb Aveuru, New York. I "m a" "~cd I\'~m"" "OW li,'h'G in a home rOT 'h poor. My ,wenly.ltuee·)'",,,·ol,J om' h., .b'JPPI'",cd a"d I do"·t carried OJi aJld the hal'oc kllolV ",ho, 0 10 1"".t. t,im .IId h. do," not know thai I am that this guess-work is m Ih. poOr hou... 1I'0n't you f,jr,'. bdp me 'G local. hi,n! playing in human lives. ?ol"l-be som""ne ")'0 ,,"oulJ ,~"d your column would rC

6:30 P.M. 7;30 1'.'" Su.nday, July 16 Features: Wisdom of Ages COT Summer Concert CDT

WE NR-nadio City Con.ert (NBC) WIND-Lillian AubuthOll, .on!" 8:45 p.m. COT ~ 7:15 p.m. CST WMAQ--Solo Sele.,tioM Fol' Y OUI' A lbum WJJD-Gruk Hou. WBBM-I'hil Harris' OrcJ'e5t'~ LOG OF STATIONS WC N-J .• n G ..bor'. Oroh.slra 11:30 I.m. COT +7 10:30 a.m. CST 5:15 p.m. COT ~ 4:15 p.m. CST WIN D-Norman Car~'1 Orc~.'lr. WAAF-B~II.d Hour W[NO-Croation Choru, WBBM-N"", World Sal~" Orcheslra 9:00 p.m. COT B 8:00 p.m. CST (CBS> 5:30 p.m. COT .f-+ 1:30 p.m. CST KYW-Th. G(OM Trolle.: N~w, WAAF-Jame, Hamilton WGN-Leon ..d Salvo. organ •• t WBBM-Ja~k flu'selr, O.. h ••lr. WBBM-Chicago Knighl.; Franlr. Wr.t· WCfL-Judgt flulhorford 11 :45 a.m. COT +-+ 10:45 a.m. CST ph.l's Oreh ... tra (CBS) WGN-Readi"~ the Comi., WENR-Mountain Musi.; MaQ .1Id WENR-L'Heure Exquiu (NBC) Small. (NBC) WCES--Our Lody 01 StI ..o... Catholic WGH-Wa}'ne Kin,'. Orchestra Churcb WeN-tawrwoe Sal~rno, ba"'on.; ..­ WIND-D~nce Pro~ram 12:00 N<>on COT +-+ \1:00 I.m. CST ohe,tra WJJD-"Memarie."' WSJo-WJJD Carnh'al KYW-lmet. Bob ",ith th Corniu WMAQ-Pollikoff Novdty Orch<~ha WAAf-Mu"ul Hour WMAQ-Col. McHenry !lowe Int.fvi_teI (NBC) by WSBM-Frcd F~ibf.1 at the O,san (CBS) Walin Trumbull (NBC) WCFL-Musical Vari.ly !'roc,"", 5:45 p.m. COT .f-+ 1:45 p .... CST WSBC-Jack Coope.; All Color..! 110 .... WAAf-ln Old Vienna WIND-D.nce iii" 9:15 p.m. COT ~ 8:15 p.m. CST WIND-lIot·Cho Boy, 12,15 p.m. COT ~ 11:15 a.m. CST KYW-Ru,..,JJ Glaves' B.nd WJJD-Org~n M~lod; •• WGN 72fJ 25,000 Drake HoUr WENR-The N.il Sisters, harmony Irio WBBM_Tom Gorun', Orch ••tra Superior 0100 WIND-Fr~rl f.ibel al th organ (CBS) 5:50 p.m. COT ~ 4:50 p.m. CST WCFL-AI Handle.'. Orcheslra WIND 560 1,000 W,,"AQ-Sutl>la Ile"il3l (NBC) WGN-J~n Gorber'. Orcheslra WENR~Edi~on Symph9ny /lrch ••lr. 12:30 p.m. COT +-+ 1l:30 l.m. CST WGN-Rich.,,1 Cole', O,ell ..lra 6:00 p.m. COT ~ 5:00 p.m. CST WIND-John Il."ry, BI.ck River Giant WJJD 1130 WBBM--Compitlsky Trio (CBS) KYW-fl"'k O'II.ro'. Orchstra (CBS) WIND-Taylor Tu" •• WAAF-The Thr•• Flail WMAQ--\'in.. nl Lope.' Orch~.lra: AliC 12:00 Noon CST EI!.NIE IlolST WeN-l,·n,,,,,o... N.... KYW-Summrr Id~'U (l\"BC) WJJD-.~!! Amerinn. A merlca', blll~ bloods bnv~ ~.T­ WLS-~linn"·il,,h · . Illrmoni.a Raoul. WIND-Prai.., and PrQ",i"" Huur WAAF-Hoo".. P~il"",,,pb.r pruud tbeir prelerellu lor tblS WBBM-Smilin' Ed MoCo"".U (CBS) (NBC! 9:35 p.m. COT B 8:35 p.m. CST WMAQ-Jahl~' WCfL-Lilhu.nian !'rogram good /ookillg, ?wI/rblllaut, )'Ollllg Molton, tonor; YOUnl'. WeN-Headline, of Olh~r D.y. mat$/fO .. mOlt 01 bii career Ensemble (NBC) WGN-Maurie Sherman', Qrollul•• 9:~5 p.m. COT +-+ 8:15 p.m. CST WIND-lJungarlan Hour bas bun In spOtl Ihat rllftr to 6:10 p.m. COT +-+ 5:10 p.m, CST KVW-Su"d.y al Solh Parken (NIIC) WMAQ- G 0 n e Arnold', Commodores society. pillyed Ibe swanky WGN-W3yne King'. Oreh.. !r. WSSrA-T~d Lewis' Orcheslr" (NnC) Colol/y Club III 1'0/111 nfllCb lor WlS-Sport. Heporle. WENR-Tod W~~m'. Ord' 7:00 il-fll. CST sprillfl be gael to tbe Book Cadil­ KYW-lilobc Trotter; Now, of Ihe WMAQ-To bo an"oullt",1 KVW-Su",I.y Morning Sun,hine Pro WAAf-(~ndo. Beautiful Melodi., la(. Hot~/ in Dd,oit .. anJ l'Ilia World 10:llO p.m. COT +-+ 9:00 g.m. CST WBBM-The PI.yboys, piano trio (CBS) ,ram JUmm(r$ bt ,pent III New York WAAF-Basehall SOOlU W(FL-Freddi~ I/e"hl'. O"hof011~IC>dj .. Irio; orehe.lra (CaS) maJ ... borll In Nro. ." ark and KYW-Sporl. R"'ie" 01 III. Day 10:20 p.m. COT +-+ 9:20 p.m. CST WeFL-Vori"y Program WCfL-Ba.obali Game sludied at Lalayrlll? fa be a Jllr­ 6:30 p.m. COT -Ho 5:30 p.m. CST KVW-lIu.k 0'11.,,<, O'rh .. "~ WJJO-Suncl.y Mornin~ Frolic WGN-1.oona,d Sa"'", orsani" Reali . ~lIded up by 'U'atlllJ1 Q KYW-U""i"" S~·mpl"",i. Chui. (NBC) lO:~O p.... COT +7 9:30 p.m. CST ':45 a.m, COT ~ 7:45 a.m. CST WIND-Manh"!!." Mood, (CllS) baloll ... first 1Il'Hirai t11gnge­ WAAF_Ma.I.",i ..... I(YW-.lul~. St.i,,·. Ord, .. trt. WeFl-lIeligiuu. P"U.h P,ngTam WJJO-U., .b.ll; So~ n. Bo.ton WMAQ--VenNi,n LitUe Sy,"phony Or· I/lelli 'U'a, will! Vi1lfenl LoPe; . WeN-Sporl. neportcr WCFL-f.. I,ly 1I.n""" "'gall 9:00 a.m. COT «-) 8:00 •.m. CST ch ••tr. (NBC) ,.,llIyed violin wilb the ongmlll WIND-Polish 1I"or WENR-Ord,o"ral G.·,,,. INnC) WAAF-S"crcd Song. WMB1-S.,,·i.. 01 Wo ..hip and Pra'''' Lopc, orc/Jeslro lor SI.T ,'ears . .. WJJD-our Orch~Slr. WGN-Eddio Sh'.l,Ly·. Oteh ph/a . .. Iln hIe b4l bUll full WAAF-RevH'C!' Ed"' ~rd Simmons WCFl-J).ln"y Ah'i,,', Orcl,,,,tu WIND-Populo< Sunday Mc!odi ... nf tU;Q-1J;uks ~"il"f.emellis that WCFL-AI liandl.. ' . Oroh~nc. WGN-{,hMlic A~"pw·. Orel,.,lra 2:00 p.m. COT +7 1:00 p.m. CST WeN-Collc!'rl Oreheos.hcart Protestanl Servi••• wbtn "ot a.·caring it-his .Iri~nds 11 :~5 P.'" COT of-) 10:45 p.m. CST 2:10 p.m. COT ~ 1:40 "p.m. CST have Ibrta/elltd 10 throw It au:ay .rl.lphia SJ·mphony Orchestra (CBS) WCFL-Don"y Alvin'. Ore1,.s". 10:"00 a.m. COT ~ 9,00 a.m. CST WSSM-flall.gan·. Sport Hunch" WIND-Old Plant~tion Four WAAF-M.lodie. in Thru·quartu Tim. il tbey (all get tiJeir bmllls 011 It WLS-Oon Hall Trio (NFlC) WGES-Eddie Neib,,,, • ~))eh •• ". WBBM-Rhoda Arnold and Chari •• Carlile. 2:45 p.m. COT +7 1 :15 p.m. CST · .. Holst 1£11111$ to fIIll/1e a bit: WeN-Richard Colo', Orchestra duds (CBS) WAAF-Eeho el a Sung 7:45 p.m. COT 6:45 p.m. CST bit '" New fork w he call sove KYW-Edw"," O,,,·i ... $ong' (NBC) 12 :00 Mill. COT ~ 11:00 p.m. CST WENR-Mornin, Musical. (NBC) WGN-Bas.ball; Cubs y •. Boslen a lot 01 1IIoney alld retire to KYW- Ilu,k (l'II.",,'. Orch,,'r. WGES-Memory Lane WMAQ-fhoeit.ll; Cub!; YS. Booion WSSM-Tcd Lew;,' Oroh ••I,a ,.Jay gol/. WIND-Edmund Brenc MomociCI WEN R-T.d W.em.' O.ch ••tr. WIN D-O.n.e Vari.tie. WLS-"Th B.rg,troms" WGEs-Qw1 C .. WJJD-Fre.j B.ck. or~an ,oleclionl WMAQ--Old Song. of tbe Chureh 2 :55 p.m. COT ~ 1 :55 p.m. CST WGN-Ilol Kpnlp'. Orehe.I,. WLS-Floyd Gibbons. C.nlury of PIOC .... WSBC-Poland'. Mu",e WBBM-D ••~ball; Cubs n. 1.1",10" WINO-V.ra \'an, contralto (CBS) (l\"BC) WIN D-Il~"r; Condro,,·. Orch WGN-Jan ""boT' Orel.e,lr. WAAf-Droad ..ay ~1.lodi .. WAAF-Evemng Song WMAO-Capitoi Theater Orch •• tr. (NBCl WAAf-June CartOn 12:3ll a.m. COT +-+ 11:30 p.m. CST WINO-<:alhrdul Hour fCBS) WENR-Clyde DO<',,'s Soxo~hon. Oot.1 WBBM-Phil Harri.' Oreh.,I,. 10:30 '.m. COT ~ 9:30 a.m. CST (NBC) WCfL-D",'~ Cunningham', Orchutra KVW_\'i".onl la!1<" Orcho,tr. WAAF-Rhythmic Concert WLS-John Bro... n. piani.l; Ad'le Brandt. WENR-Duano Yatb' Ord,utra (NBC) ..,[oi51 WGES-Poland in Sonr WENR-.\j;nltall>" ~I~rr)" Cd . 110"",/ WBBM-Mu.ical Variety Program WGES-Iln "uh 'h~ D"nr~ W5SC_A Cenlury in Mu,ic WIND-Velahil Melody Men INDC! WCFL-S.venth Church oj Chrill, WJJD-fronl Page lI~adnll.s WIND-Fro,,! P'g. Hcadl;n .. WGN-Chorli. A~Hw·. Orcl"Slra Scientist 3:15 p.m. COT +-+ 2:15 p.m. CST WIND-Don f.rna"do·. Orcho,lr' (CBS) 4:~5 p.m. COT _ ~:15 p.m. CST WJJO-Gorman 1I0ur WENR-Tho Ronduli.r. (NBC) KYW-Sl'tn~honetle (NBC) WMAQ-B"·3rl.n Ens.mble WMAQ-B.""~ Merolr, Orehulra WlS_Ve. 'I'd Johnny•• on,. and palin WB.f3M-Dr. Gustav Run!Orl, organist WGN-SaU Lake Tabern.oIe Choir and WENR-L. Trio IlOlnantiQuo 5:00 ~.m. COT ~ 1:00 p.m. CST W(FL-itae' 01 N.I;ons WGN-Ed,I.< She•• hy's Orel,«t,a KYW-Snn.hio. Program WAAF_Broadway ~Modi., KYW-Twilighl Mu,iul< WIND-Studio frolic. 1:00 ,.m. COT ~ 11:00 MId. CST WENR-Anlobal'. Cuban. (NBC) WENR-Lilhuani.n Dayal Ibe Werlcl's WAAf-Frank Bahr. Ihe Book"·orm, WMAQ-","eil Si,lcrs. harmony team WBBM-Around Ih. To",,; Dan .. Or. WIND-Walch Tower Fai. (NBC) ..ading "P(>$O(!.,ing Pruil.nce"' by limy WGES-Poland in StlnJ! 8:30 p.m. COT +-+ 7:30 p.m. CST che

5~".M. 7:10p.M. Drake's Drums COT Monday, July 17 Kate Smith '" 1:00 I.m. COT ++ 7:00 1.111. CST 10:45 I.m. COT -H- ' :'f5 a.",. CST 1:30 p.m. COT ~ 12:)0 , ..... CST WBBM-Rm and Dun". n".. edt ... d WJJD-Judy RO!l." KVW-Musiul Clock; urio:ty pro;;ra. WAAf-Sonl' of Yesl.rday KYW-lIu.k O'lbre·. Or.he.lra sonl' (CBS) WlS-Potlih and Perlmutt.r. .ketdt WAAf-Breakfasl Elrpre:;s WBBM-Pedro d~ Cordool. 001<>i.1; Will WCfl---a.... Wilso ... conlrall.; ~ WeFL-Tont Amedio. ocurdioniJ! (NBC) W1l8M-Liltle Juk liU.t~ ~anisb Les."". WCFl-Kno'" Thysell Orcheslra; 1,,·in, Kaulma .. (CBS) WGH-Qrgan lnterl~de Sherr. piani'l WIND_The Bar A"o.i.lion WSBC-Music of Pobnd WeN_Palmer 1I0use Enli<:mbl~ Wefl-Jobn Ma%Well, Food WJJO-M~lo Quartel 11:00 ~.m. COT ~ 10:00 a.m. CST -r.I1, 8:15 '.m. COT <>o.liol of the Ail" WAAf_World N~ .., Rt!"'rl. WHO-Billy Sun.hin. WeH-Singing Lody; $Gng ••nd rllym .. WJJD-Your Neighbor. WMAQ-Brukl3st Clul.>. ortheslr. (NBC) WOOM-Virginia Clark, G."e and Charli. Wl5-Belty and Bob (NBC) WIHO--Clasoioal Pi.no SdectiOfl' WlS-Min.trols {NBC) 8:45 I.m. COT +oJ> 7:45 I.m. CST WENR-Originaliti... d.nce ot playlet KYW-four Southrn Sinle.. (NBC) WB.BM~frank Wil.on. t."or; Jul.. Stein. ((:BS) WAAF-Mornin& Merry·Co·Rou ,d pun.. t WSBC-Walt. Tim~ WIN D-Hot Ch3 Boy WIHO---Gvic n .... lopmut P"'!P"a .. W88M-!n the LU"'~a'lOOurl C;; .. d>fl. WeFL-Modern Livint 2:30 p.m, CDT ++ 1:30 ,.m. CST WJJO-frro Beck, Grl.n selections WJJO-Popul .. Dance Mu.ic (CDS) WENR-Merti.men Quartet (NBC) KYW-\Vomen·. nldio R~v,e .. tNBCI ':00 p.m. COT +-+ 5:00 p.m. CST WCFl--G..,.",." Entertain"'.... ! 8:]0 p.m. COT ++ 7:30 p.m. CST WeN-~larkot R.porl. WBBM-New World Sal... Orehe.trJ. KYW~Husk O'Har.·. Orclle.lr. KYW-thita,o Theater Surs WC£5-C.nar, Concert WINO-Ednlulld Br."". Memori •• «;SS) WA4F-Paul Mitcl!.n. the Themist WCN-WGN Kecp Fit Club WBBM-Drama, lov. 1lDd rom ..... WJJO-Bubb Piokacd WCFL---{)rgln R ••ital WBBM-Mildr~d Bailey, ...ng.lrt .. (CBS) WCFl-TI,elnu nd J'ck WINo-Bluu and MOOlh WMAo-Wings or Sonl (NBC) weN-Paul Ash'. Orell.,trJ. WCFL-WCFL Orchutra WL5-Sunsj,jne Exp.us WENR-Meloot Mom.nl. (NBC) WMBI-Conl1nued Slor, Rud'nc; WH!· WINO-C.sl LOIu Orche.tra WENR-Whal'. the Noonl WeN-Ev.nin!; ;n Pari.; orchMlral ,.... WMAo-Brcon and de Ro,,",: ,·nt,1 Ind dell P. Lov.I... WJJO-Fred Bock. orcan selections WGES-Johnny Vln, the Melody Mo. '",Irumenlal (NBCI «ram (CBS) WLS-Il ot~omab .. 1'<"1"'''' fro (NBCI KYW-Rhytluni< Strcnad. (NBC) weFL-Studio PrOgrm. WMAo-Now. of \l,e 4ir KYW-Julel St"n·. Or.he,tra WMAQ_Neys •. hullh and d,~t hints WAA"-Eotell. BarnM. piani.1 WeN-Afternoon Musioal. ':15 p.m. COT ~ 5:15 p.m. CST WCfL-Ton, and Joe, drama ':20 a.m. COT ++ 15:20 un. CST WBBM-tonccrt Miniature, (CBS) WIND-Indian. Sirin! Trl. KYW-Th. Clube Trotter WeN-Tnvitation to lhe Fai.; Frank Welt· WBBM-Organ Melodies WCrL-Variety Program WJJO-Keyboard Kal}erS WAAf-Ray Waldron', Sports Reyi ... pI,at'. Orel, ••lro, Male Choru. (CBS) WIND-Danc. llil. WMAQ-To be a,,,,ou1lced WBBM-Frank We.tph.I·. Orche.lra WINtI-J.ck Mulowe•• onl' 9:30 I.m. COT ++ 8 olO a ...... CST WJJD-Fashion 4dvi,.r WBBM-Ileal/ty Talk WSBe-Mu",oal Gem. WefL-Avi, McDonald. ,·iI>rahup WLS-~Iaple City Fo"r and John Browo WENR_l'.rooy Man (NBC) WcrL-Highlight. 01 Musi~ 1;00 p.m. COT ~ 2:00 ,.In. CST (CO NTINUED ON NEXT PAeE). WGE5-Uousck.eper 11 :50 i.m. COT d~. W4Af-Noontime Concerl Ira (CBS) 9:15 a.m. COT +-:l' 8:35 • .m. CS'T WBBM-J'ck Grillin'~ Orchestra (CBS) WIND-Lou., Arm,lron!·, Dr.:h .. lr. ':25 ,.m. COT ~ 5:15 ,.m. CST WJJD-Te. Tune. EDDIE AND FANNIE WeN-Allan Granl, ton«rl pi •• ",! WCFL-Luncl!ecn Cono.rt KYW-Sporls Reportu WeN-Mid·day Servk~. WlS-World'. f.i. Featu.", 6:30 p.m. COT ahm'. Court 12,15 p.m. COT .r 'n' Dad; ~k~uh 12:30 p.m. COT 11:10 un. CST 3:30 p.m. COT ~ 2:30 ,m. CST (Chlcaro Dayli~bt Sayin~ Time) KYW-i'/ational Fum and 110m. Hour KYW-Two Doctors wilh A••• ot tb. Air 6:35 P.m. CDT +-+ 5:35 p.m. CST WAAF-Dolty L .... (NBC) WBBM-Vnioe of E"p.. ien ... (CBS) WAAF-A Mood in Blue KYW-Meyor Da\"i5' Orchestra (NBC) WCfL-Pageant 01 Musi. WBBM-Local Markel Reporl. WBBM-Qrgan Melodiu WEN R-Counless Olla Atbani (NBC) over WBBM WCFL-Eddy Hanson, "'gamsl WeEs--Quarlol lIarmonie. WENR-Soleist (NBCl ':45 p.m. COT ~ 5:45 p.m. CST WeN-To be .nnouno.d. WeN-Paul Ash's Orch ••ln WIND-Musi.al Comedy M~tn ....iet KYW~Marvelous Melodie. WI'-IO--Goon;e Scherh.n·, Orohe.tr. WJJO-Organ Melodies WAAf-Rhytllrn King. WIHO-llounk""pe, CI'at. (CBS) DISCARD YOUR WJJD-Organ Melodie. 3:35 p.m. COT ~ 2:35 p.m. CST WBBM-Boake Carter. ne," oommenlatQf WlS-Poultry and Livtstoclr. Mocht. WMAQ-Board of Tr~de WENR-Harry Horlick', Or.h.,tra (NBC) (CBS) 12:35 p.m. COT Ging StrinG' {NBC! 12:4S p.m. COT ~ II :45 a.m. CST WENR-lady N."t Door (NBC) WCfl-Farln Talk WJJD-"Memo.ie," 10 :10 ~ .m. COT B ':10 I .m. CST WJJD-Fa,·orile Singe,·. WMAQ-Ben Ber"i.·, Orch.lrJ. WIND-Police Bull.a", WeN-The Mu.ic Wean," WJJD-I.ive Stock Morke!. 1:00 p.m. COT ++ 3:00 p.m. CST 7:00 p.m. COT n pI ... WIN D-Morning Mood. (C8S1 WGN-Paul Ash·, Orcl!eslr& WJJD-Billy Sun.bi". WLS-Cluh Eskimo.; orcllut .. ; yntali,ls few HDDle. _I.,. OD d.II."7. UI(ot eJ>o. WJJO-t.rtooni.t 01 UI. Ai~ WINO-R o~"d Towners Quodel (CBS) 4:30 p.m. COT ++ 3:30 p.m. CST (NBC) U ••17 ..".fled ••• turD within fh" dOlO aDd WSBC_B.nd Parade WJJD-U. 01 C. Spani.h Ci.,. KYW-t;..rl. ·hnner. tenor WMAQ-T""i~ght Concerl ,DU' '1 .. tit 1>0 .... ruDd"" wlthon! quO'Stlo.. WL5-Prairie Farm'" Dinnerbel1 Pco; ..", 10;25 ~.m. COT ++ 9.25 CST WAAF-Waltt., 7:10 p.m. COT 6:10 p."'. CST 'm WM4Q--Consolair•• +-+ SEND NO If ,0~.""."'~.'i:~i~H. WGN-Markct Reports WBBM-Frank We,ll'hal·. Ord'e.lra WCFL-labor f13~he. L.\BOlLATORXEB WMBl-OrSan Program and Bible nead· WENR-Larry larsc.. , 0',3nin tNOC) 10:30 •.m. COT ++ 9olO a.m. CST ing 7:15 p.m. COT ++ 6:15 ,.m. CST MONEY - nept. 14. Fora wlthl. G d"7I WeES-Min.l,ell WBBM-Jcrry Sum>·an. Song. o{ y.ster· WBBM-Am.rica·s Grub 5trut Siorak. WJJO-\vinlield H. C~slo\. It •• II ... Itb orbl. ;ua ... tee. Cbeck he•• It iDlerost.d In, WIND-Taylor Tune' WINO-l.ilhu3nian Pro~ra.n WBBM-"The Count 01 MOJot. Cri~lo." I de.l.r·, propoltuo. -. WJJO- M.dio,l Sooi~ty WIND-The Melody lody WHO-h.d Beck. ergan Hledion. drama WMAQ-Jirnrhy Kcmpe •• Ih Song r.b._ WJJ D-Mooseh.arl Children S:OO p.m. COT ++ 4:00 p.m. CST WeFL-Tom Cook. tenor lNA~11Il .•• , ••• "." ••••••••••• ••••• ,.1 WMBI-Devolion.1 11o,",,, 1 :20 p.m. COT +-+ 12:20 p.m. CST KYW-Mcl Stit",,1 .t the Pi.oo WGN-Kat. Smith. vocali,t (CBS) r"T)DUl~Sll •••••• ,., ..•...•••••••••••• 1 WSfI,j:-Littie Jlarr, WM4Q-Board of Trade 1'''>!IUIiI WAAF-T.. 11m. TuoO\l WINO-lIlusic~t f'ic!ureo ~·l· OWN •• " ••••••••• 81".\TIII ••• , ••••~ 10 R ad , o Guide

7:45 P.M. 10:00 A. M. Ferde Crofe COT Tuesday, July 18 Voice of Experience COT

(MONDAY CONTINUEDI 8:00 a.m. COT ~ HIO a.m. CST 10:45 I,m. COT ~ 9:45 I.m. CST WIND-U~o Siock Report WCFl-Joh" )'fa"",.n. food tallr KVW-;\lu.,<.1 Clock; .... rie.y pro,rafG ~AAF_Mu .... , Cal~nm INBC) WGES--Bohmian M.lodiu WCN-Oi~ut cr lh. D,)", N.-w. KVW-Prudennd Rid~. Runn ... WMBI-Mis.i,,".ry M •• ,.,. and Go.".] WeFL-Jud\:e R"lherford WENR-Solo Sel~dion, (NBC) WJJ D-Wa•• e 80skn WMAQ-Charli. While'. Cym 01 lhe Air Mu·i. WG N-P.lmer Hou.e En,~",ble WCN-Singi,,! lady WMAQ--The.ter or nomann WSBC-Polisl' I'rogra", WSBC-'fI,. For1'. Wm. Vickland Ind WENR-Morio" ",,,I Ji", tNBC! 1 :55 p.m. COT ~ 12 :55 p,m. CST WBBM-Sctty B.rlhen, song.tres, (CBS) WG N-Wi.h lh. Mallcr •. conrort mu.k Rarph Emerson WCN-Julle 8aker, hou •• hold binlo WLS-WLS New".st; II.rry Steel. WCFL-lIac~ 01 Notion, WJJD-RAOIO GUIDE Slar Intlou, Orchoi(", WMAQ-John"y Morvin (NSC) WAA F-(h'... ~o "" P",,,d. WCN-Lillie O'l,h.o Annie, " B.nd (NBC) WBBM-Rei. and Dunn. comody and WENR-PolI.ck a"d I.awnilu«l (NBC) WAAF-Ibw.iian Echo •• WINO-Lilllo Jack ].illl•. pi.no .nd ,ong' WSBC-~Ielodie. of the Momen' .on~' tCIlS) WGN-U. S. MaTine 8.,,,1 (CBS) (CBS) werL-WCFL Or~h.stra WINO-~lorni"s De,'otton. WINO-Froli.~ 2:1S p.m. COT ~ 1:15 p.m. CST WBBM-Ileporlon '.oodon Economi. Co ... WJJO-U •• hh .nd lI.ppin«, PrOgTam WJJD-Billy Su",ilino WCFL-Manh3ltan lira .. Band (NBC) le" · n~.: H. V. Kalt.nhotn (CBS) WMAQ--Jot Pearson, b., ...on WBBM-Organ Interlude KVW-Th. Clobe Trotter WGN-K~.p Fit Cluh; health ex.rd.... WCN-Market nO[l WG N-P.i",.d Drum, WSBC-Min'frel Merrim.nt WCN-T.u3n 01 the A"... ~hild"D" W .. tl,u 1l<[I: WSBC-Sp".d We,tphal n,1 WGH---Clyd~ MoCo)". Oreh ••lr. 12 :30 p.m. COT +-+ 11:3-0 a.m. CST WINO-:;elson', Yari.,ie, 3:10 p.m. COT ~ 2:3-0 p.m. CST WJJD--F,..l B""k, orll~n s~le Nm'ohie" Jimmy Ko.ak 10:05 '.m. COT ~ 9:0'> •. m. CST WMBI-nadio School 01 Ihe Bible; ... 11 :30 p.m. COT ~ 10:30 p.m. CST WJJO-Li"o Stock Marhot. W£NR-Paul Ash', Orch.,lca (NBC) KYW-~1ork ~i$her'. O,·d •• tra WAAF-M.mory Lane Ikel" MoCord WLS-W •• lh .. noporl; Pro'in', Oreh ..tra WENR-Studio P'''!l,am WC.N-Cr.,.1 Compo ..", n Mu,icale 12:00 Mid. COT E-+ 11:00 p.m. CST WGE5-nhythm Heyie'" WIND-~irc Pr.... ~nlion Talk WeFL-Roce of Nation. WIND-Kiddie Klub KYW-ilu.k O'lIar.'. Orehe'lra WCN-~telody Fa,-ori!o. WJJD-Wi"r.eld II. C ••low WCN-Paul Ash'. Orch ..tra WENR-T.d Wum.' Or.h ..t .. WIND-Vocal YaTidi~. 4:45 p.m. COT WIN D-Novc!ty Rhylhm. (CBS) WINO-Mu.ic of All Nation. WMB1-M".le and Missiona.,. Hou,; John WBBM-Tht Vuie< of E~p~rie"co (CBS> S:15 p.m. COT ~ 4:15 p.m, CST WJJD-JuJio ond Jimmy 1:45 a.m COT ~ 12:45 a.m. CST R. Ri.b. WCFL_A,,, .. i1e.s"~r'. Oreh •• tr. (NBC) Wl5-~loy" Gibbons; Contu')' ... F ...... WIND-Dante IIi,. WSBC-Littl. Harry WCN-E~rl 1I~llm""'s Otd,.,tr. WBBM-The Fuur No'•• ,,,o"; '1uarte' (NBC) Radio Guide 9

5:JO ".M. Drake's Drums COT 7:30 '.I0Il. Monday, July 17 Kate Smith OOT

1«1 un. COT ++ 7:00 a ..... CST 10;45 a.m. COT ++ ':45 I.M. CST 1:30 ,.111. COT ++ 12:30 , ..... CST WBBM-Re;. and Dunn, ("<1m", ... d WJJD-.1udy Rog ... kVW-Mu.;caJ Clock; l"af",t, "''''••• WAAF-SonC' of Ynhrday kYW-lIusk 0'111,,', Orch'""trl lOBS' (CBS) WL5-PolI.b and Perlmutt.r, .ht" WAAF-8.ukfast E"pr~," WBBM-Pedro de Cordob., IOloiJt; Will WCfL--c ..c. Wilson, ~ ..I ..II.; Eddy WCFL-Ton)' Amedi •• Iccordioni" (NBC) WIIBM-litt~ I.ok LiW... .-.xol .,," Osbornt'. Orch"l.. (CBS) Hanso", o..-,a .. WENR_Sa", Robbin', Orchulra (NSO WMAQ-World (ootlomi. Conl.ren•• , k_ pi.no tCBS) WCFL-Popular Muue WGN-Earl lIollman', Orcllut.. WGE5-Poland Ut Son, Londoa (NBC) WCfL-WCFL Kiddi.,. Afroph~. a .... WENR-Rhythm Rlmblo ... (NBC) WIND-Uve Stock Rej>Oic~l Pro,••• WIND-Our Orchesl .. WMAQ-Speabr (NBC) WJJD-Bubb Pickard kYW-K.inl'. Jeol ... ; ha,molt)' U" (NBC) Wt!olD-Polish PrO!..... WJJD_Fr..! B.ck, orl.n ..I .. tioal 1 :45 ,.m. COT ++ 12:4S ~. CST WMAQ-Vi.nnu. En ••mbl. (N9C) W6BM_TfiI L ....is' Otthutra WJJO-HapP1 Co Lucky '1'(",. WMAQ-Toda,'1 Childr.. kYW-Pruden~. Pennr, houwhold iuob WLs-(i.orgia Wildoah aQ.d. Thr•• Little WSBC_lIot H,I, WAAF-S.l.... Musie 5:15 p.m. COT ++ 4:15 ••m. CST WCFL-SteYl Sumn .., U"iOD Talk KYW-Riehud lIimbe:,'s E.. sembl. (NBC) WGN-Hot from Hollywood; Ak Lym ..•• "hid. 10:55 • .m. COT ++ 9:55 a.m. CST WB8M-llenri Gendro .. •• Or~h ..tr. WMAQ-Span;.h Lnsool WCfL-KJtow ThyseU WBBM-Phil Porlerfi.1d, "00'; NOot'" Orch ..lra: Irvin, Klufm... (CBS) WS8(-Mu';c 01 POll"d WGN--Qr,an Inttr[ud. Sherr, piani.1 WIND-Th. Bar Auoci.tion WGN-Palmer House En.. ",I>I. WCFL-John &1u ... dl, Food T.1k WJJf>-Mal, Qulrt.1 ':15 a.m. COT ++ 1:15 am, (ST 11:00 i.m. CDT ++ 11l:OO I.m. CST WIND-Ann Luf, orl.m,t (C8S) kYW-Ru Mlupin'. C.rniul W[ND-Th. P1oulhbon WENR-Pal Barnu WL5-Phil Cook's Shu." (NBC) W88M-~lu";ul Tim. S.y~< WGH-Fuddi. Mlrlin', Orch ..l .. (CBS) WMAQ-Conrad Thib>.ull; Ferd. 0.01". WeFL-Tlm. Pat3da WAAF-B.nd,tind WL5-Uv .. toxk Ind Gra;" Morbi. WBBM-G..,,,. Han'. Orcbeslra WIND-Ton, Boliek, $Onl' Otcb ••lra (N9C) WIND_IIU1II ..;,n Pr"'Stam (cas) WMAQ-S;lItr. 01 the Skillel (NBC) WENR-Gen. Arnold'. Con,modor .. WJJD-Bohbi. Oi(kooo 1:00 P.lll. COT _ 7:00 ,.111. CST WlS-The BookshOp, Will- Vlckr • .,d and (NBC) 2:00 ,.m. COT ++ 1:00 ,.JR. cST Ralph EmHMm KYW-Ru: M.upin'. C .... cert. voaJist 5:30 ,.m. COT ++ 4;30 ,.m. CST KYW-To k .""ounted WCN-June Bahr, household hint. WAI.F-chieq;o on Parade kYW-U.. d. Bob'. Cu.b·i.·lhe.Li.... 1 Club WAAF-II.... aii.n Echoe. ':3(1 I.m. COT ++ 1:30 l.m. CST WINO-Juk Marlo ..... IOn,. WBBM-Ann Leaf .c the Ors;.n (C8S) WAAF-Gail Bandell WBBM-.1ack RusseU·. Orth.. t .. WBBM-Oandng Eo"""' ...... ,tr. (CBS) WJJO-F.mou,Oreh•• lr .. WCFL-Eddy H ....on, <>tpn ,ec;tll WBBM-Slo:,ppy: Childron'. oIUt WCFL-Mon. V.n. IOprano .ol<>isi: WeFl-Oanee MuSIC WMAQ-,Johnny Marvin, I." .... (NBC) WCN-Bnut,. Schoo[ 01 tb. AU­ YfCfL-Or,a" Melodi .. WGN-Bou-You, Nel,hboro WMAQ-B.ukfast Club. oreb .. " .. (NBCI WBBM-\·ir,in'" Cta.k. Gen. Ind Charlie WL5-Bott)' .nd Bob tNBC) WIND--3dlO< WJJD-Billy Sun,hin. WCFL-Junior FfiI.ration Club WIBM-BiU Bllr, G ••ndpa Burt .... olOri •• WAAF-Su".et Sa[ut, WMAQ-SUTDm~r School WGN-Earl 1I0Ifman·. Orchett.. WCFl-Rlc. of NatioM ':55 ".m. COT ++ 1;5<; ~ .... CST WBBM-J .. k Brook.. I.nor, ...-chest" WLS-lIlrr, Stule, !lewK.l.t 11:30 I.m. COT _ 10:30 a.m. CST WIND-Tim. to :"n! WENR-Lilll. Orphlll Annie, dtildru'. (CBS) KYW-Mis. G.y WJJU-Famou, Otch.,lr.. pla~ld WCfL-WCFL Orch ..lra 9:00 I.m. COT ++ 1:(10 1,'". CST WAAF-VITlel:r WLs-Quarter Hour in "hr...... qu.rler Ti.e WGN-Liltle Orphu Anll;e, eh;[dr ...•• WGN-:.rlhur Trloy, the Slr.et Sin,,," KYW-Fou. Souttimo Sing." (f'BC) WBBM-.·.. nk Wilson, I."or: Julu Sle'n. WMAQ-Words .nd Mu.ic (NBC) pI.yltt «BS) WAAF-Morninc M~rry-Go·Rou"d Jun"1 WS8C-Wllt. Time WINO-1I01 Chi Boy W[ND--Civ,c ~".lopm.nl P'OITI. WBBM-Io th_ Luua>lrn", (;~,d .... WCfL-Mode,.. UY,nl 2:30 p.m. COT ~ 1:30 CST WJJD_t·ted Beck. or.o" ..Iecl;on. WJJ D-PoJ>Ular Danc. Mu.ie (CBS) ,.m. WENR-~[crriemon Q"artol (NBC) KYW-Women'l Rldio R ...... INBCI &;00 P.lll. COT ++ 5:00 P.lll. CST WCfl-Germln ERler!lin",en! 8:]0 p.m. CDT ++ 7;30 p.m. CST WGN-~hrkol R.porh W8BM-New World SII... OrehUlra kYW-lIusk O'lhr.·. Orthe.I," WGE5--F.ed B.ck, orl.1 ..l«lio'" WGES-Jobony V,''. lb. Melod, Mu ~rlm (CBS) 'n.l,u,nental (NBC) WL5-Hom.maker. l'rOlr •• f ...... Fair; WGN-Und. Quin, .Jn", Donfty Drea",er. WI~D--(lden Ind " ...... 11 :35 a.m. COT ++ 10:35 I.m. CST M. O. Munn, lalk SUS I.m. COT ++ 1;15 ."'. CST WGN-P.,,,,N Dream. .nd Wisbbo ... ; .hildlell·, pcocrl.. WJJD--Qr,a" R01IUflll K¥W-Mornlnl Panode INBCI WS6C-Th•• ·our Knn" W[ND--Germl" PrOC .. m WMAQ--Goldmln Sand Conc.rt (NBC) WIIM--Chiugo O,."bl Soc,"y 11 :4S I.m. COT _ 10:i5 I.m. CST 2:15 p.m. COT ++ 1:4S ,.ft!. CST WJJO_Mary Willilms, 1<)<011 WGN-cbra. Lu 'n' Em INBCI WMAQ-No.. s 01 th. Ai. .;45 ,.m. COT ++ 7:i5 '.111. CST KYW-nhythmic Se.. nad. (NBC) WCFL-Slud,o P'OI,m. KYW-Jul" St.in·. Orchulra WMAQ-Nt}'Ia. htallh .nd d •.t kinh WAA~-Es ..JI. Bamu. piani.! WG N-AilemOOD Mu,iule &:15 ,.m. COT ++ 5:15 p.m. CST WCFL-T.... ' Ind JDe, d.lma WBBM-Concerl Min'.t",., (CBS) 9:20 I.m. COT ++ 1:20 I," , CST WIND-Indiana Siring T'" k¥W_Th. Glok T.ott.,. WCN-tovihlion 10 Ihe Fa,r; Funk Wul· WBIM-o.gan Melodi~, WCFL-\'ariely Progr.m WJJO-Keyboard Klpe.. WAAF-RI, Wildron', Sporl. ReY;"" W[NO-Dlnce }iill phal·. Orch"tra. M.I. Chorus (CBS) 9;30 0./11. COT ++ 1:lO ...... CST WMAQ-To be InnouneM WBBM-fhnk Westph.I', On;hesl.. WIND-Jack M.. lo .... , son,. WBBM-Beluly Talk WJJD-Flshion Advl$.r WSBC-MuS:;cl[ Ge"" WCFL-Ayi, M~Donltd. ,-ihrahltp WCFl-lIi,htighll of Mu,,",c WL$-)[op[. C,ty Four and John Bro .... 3:<10 p.m. COT ++ 2:00 ...... CST WENR_Parody M.n (NBC) (CDNTlHUED ON NEXT 'AGEl WGE5-llousekeeper 11:S0 a.m. COT ++ 11l:50 .:m. CST KYW-Luck, Suen WGN-Mlrhl Repo't. WCN-Q.,an Ruital WAAf-Lin Siock Market; WuU.u Su.· WCE5-FWGN-TartanlmoUI 01Orchutr.. Ihe AI'"', ehildr.. •• I,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;; WIND_Th MerrymlkNlt «(Ihl 12:00 Hoon COT _ 11:00 '.m. CST ma., ,tor, Wl5-Tonl. Roy and Di,,~ M ..... KYW-Ru Maupin', O'ch.slra WIIM-II.rriot Crui... co"lullo; ordou· WJJD-Sporh Rui.w 01 tho DI' WMAQ-MuS:;cll Hodge Pod~e WAAF-~ ..... nlim. (oncorl t .. (CBS) WMAQ-Auslin Stronl (NBC) 9:35 I.m. COT _ 1::15 ""' cn WBBM-Jack Griffin'. Orelt.~"r. (C BS) WIND-Loui. Arm,lrool', (tnhe.tr. 6;25 p.m. COT ++ 5:25 , ..... CST WJID-Tn Tun .. EDDIE AND FANNIE WGN-AUan Gra"l, conce't p,~.i t WCFL-Luncheon Concert KYW-Spo.h l!;epo,l .. WGN-Mid-d:l, Sen';cn WL5-World' ••·o.ir F .. I"• .,. 9:45 I.m. COT _ 8:iS I_m, CST 6:30 p.m. COT ++ 5:10 ...... CST WJJO_U. of C. In.pj •• !iou[ Hour WMBI-Sarr.d Mu";. WBBN-Th. Sinpn, Or!;.",.1 kYW-Th. Admi ..l. CAVANAUGH WL5-World'. Fa,r Tour. 3:15 p.m. COT ++ 2:15 , ..... CST WAAF-Jimmie KOlak .t Ih. Pian. WCFl-Kob.u WMAQ-Vic a .. d 5.ad. (NBCI Continue the KYW_Or. H. N. Bund.kIl, " ..10. tllk WBBM-Penrod Ind Sam: dr~ml WGES-Musical Grab B3, WMBI_Loop Evalll.Jiilic Suoic. WGH-Leon.rd Sah·o, Dr5Hi.l; Th Mail WAAf-or,... M.[od'" WCFL-Jud&. ~kom', Court 12:15 ,.m. COT _ 11 :IS l.m. CiT W[NO-Piano Moods WENR-Soloist (~BC) ... KYW-lIu.k 0'11 ...'. Oreh." .. WJJO-··M.moriu" RADIO GOSSIP WIND-N.bon Vlrithe, WGE5-lnttrnuional Hour WLS-"Wuvu of OrUlU,M Hu,h A.pin. WIND-Luncheon M.lodi •• WMBI-MeHalle WGN-Sports Reporl.r ... aU; Ralph Em.rso.. WJJD-WJJD Sid. Show WSBC-Tu Tim. Twn .. WIND-I'o[i,h IIour CLUB WMAQ-Jrml GI.", o..-,lni.1 (NBC) WLS-Roundup; Orchn!r.; Variet)' A.t. 3:20 p.m. COT _ 2:20 ,.111. CST WHO_Fr.nk lIubo,l O'[hre. U .•1 C. WMAQ-Summer Sohool WMBI-!>torlu of Answered Pra)'" WMAQ-Spo'b Summ ..y 01 Ih. D., daily at I p.m. 10:00 I.m. COT ++ 9:00 1'11. CST WMBf-Mu,i.a! progr.... KYW-Mother 'n' Dad; ....tcf, 12:30 p.m. COT _ 11:30 '.m. cn 3:30 p.m. COT ++ 2;30 pm. CST (Chlta,o DayliKbt SuinK Time) WAAF-Dott, LH KYW-:'·alion.1 ".rm Ind It"",. llour KYW-Two Doctors wilb Ac •• " Ih. Air &:35 p.m. COT ++ 5:35 , ..... CST (NBC) WBBM_Voiet 01 E"perienc. ICBSl WAAF-A Mood in Btu. KYW-M.yu D.vis' Orch.. lrl (NBC) WCFL-i"geanl of MU'!-l.e W8BM-Local M.,kol Reporls WBBM-Orgln Melodi .. WENR---lJouuk~pet Cbal. ((BS) WAAF-Rhytl'm Kin~. WJJ~.,an M~lod;u 3:35 ,.m. COT _ 2:35 CST WBBM-Boak. Culu...... <'Oo,m.nlllo..­ WMAQ-Boord of Trad. ,,11\. WL5-['oullry and Liv~ .lod loll-keto W[NR-Harry Horli.k·, Orche.lra (NBC) (CBS) WMAQ-Boa.d ,,' T.ad. 12:35 p.m. COT ++ J1 ;35 I.m. CST 3:40 p.m. COT _ 2:10 ,.111. CST WCFL-WCfL O,ch•• lrl WSIC--<[ose lIarmo.. y WBBM--<:h,cl~o Hour of Mu,i. WENR-Th. Goldbo".. tomed, ~kclcl. Seie.otlflo WMAQ-Ru; -Battle', Conc.rt. Ensemhl. WMBI_Book Tabl. (NBC) 10:05 a.m. COT ~ 9:Q'i a .... , CST JUl'enU •• (NBC) 3:4S p.m. COT ++ 2:45 ,.m. CST WCN-Quio Ryan', World's Fair Broad· WAAF-M~mory L.... Away willi WAAF-\\'att~ Melodi .. c.. 1 WMAQ-Sin"n, Str;nS' (NBCI 12;45 p.m. COT _ 1[:45 I.m. CST WENR-Lad)' Nut Doo, INBC) EnU~ly. WCFL-h.m Talk WJJO-.. Memori .... 10;10 a.m. COT ~ 9 :10 ...... CST WJJD-Fa\'orit. Sin,u, WMAQ-&n Berni.', Orch ..lra WIND-Po[iet Bun.t'n, WGN-Th. Mu.ie Wuv~r. WJJf>-Liy. Siock Muke," 1;00 p.m. COT ++ ):00 ...... CST 7:00 p.m. COT ++ 6:00 p.m. CST ~,;t~:):i::;~:.~:::'·;·: ... 10:15 I.m. COT ++ 9:15 ,"" (1T WL5-W.. lhu; Produce and BuUu .nd WAAF-["iano Nov~lti.s; J,mmy Ko .. " KYW-Ilusk O·Hart'. Onh.. t .. KYW_U. S. Navy B~nd (NBC I Mark.ts WBBM-Don LlnJ. Animal Slorin (CBS) WAAF_Th. Symphonic lIolir WAAF-I'iano Romblfl WENR-I'aul Ash·, Orel ...I .. (NBC) 12:S5 p.m. COT _ 11:55 •.'11. CST WBBM-O"a " ..non ••0nt ..lI. WBBM-Galaxy of Sla .. ; 1'/0,1 POrltrr.eld W[NO-Indi.ni Strin: 'frio> WCFL-llarr, Scheck. A Noi,hha,ly Union .nd flulh lIowud. \onh't,,; £J"a,d WL5-lb«y SI ..lt. ne ..susl WJJD-Our (}roh.~t'" Chat lSUo.lthlt7 • ..,teeU"17, t •• 1;00 p.m. COT _ IUlO Nooll CST ..~ ,~Iu"'. Impro.ed. C~_. lIou.e. or,ani,l; Norm Sh ..., ""ni.t 4;[5 p.m. COT _ J:15 .,..,. CST WGES-FirJl Slo,·ak 1I0ur fot UM 1ft U.s. :.;... 1 n ... pllal. WCFL-Kolnr WAAF-Soh" 01 Ihe Soulhbnd WAAF-~oveteuu WGN-Sin~in' S.m. 11.", Funke[. bari· };aob ,~.ttd n 1J~7 mite .... WEHR-Enid Odell, ront.allo ...Toi.t WBBM-I::ddi•• nd Fan"i. Covanau,h, WBBM-Syracuse SpoIlis'" Or.h .. lra Ion. (CBS) ...ottn. No tI,bt ....,ktl .... ' WGES-Rhylhm Review radio gossip ((BS) WIND-Ma'h... ·• Mu Ie Room .eellon-no ea .....t ...td. TRY ONE 5 DAYS AT OUR RISk WGN_f1lppy End;n,,- nfle WCFL-Ru. 01 NaHont WIND-AIt.,noon \".ri~I'" WJJ D-German lIour ~1.t1 OOU(lOa at 001".. Pa7 _1m." tl pI .. W[ND-Morcin! M,""" (CElS) WGN_Paul A,h', Ord,.,I .. WJJD-Billy Sun.lti". WL5-I>~l'. Or~h.,l .. WCFL_L.bt>01t7 "'~rlaL p071 WCFL--C.or~. O"Connen. !..:Ir"on. 1:IS p.m. COT _ 12:15 p.m. CST KYW-lh,." 51""CI WGN-f.:ddie Sh .. ,1:>~··. Onh ••I.a I wtn WAAF-Mark.u: Int.r1ude _,on.. tl pi'" few ...ftt.o _",•• II WEHR-I'hylli! and Fr."k, >I<~tot WAAf-World N~, R.po.l, WINO-Manhatt.n Ser.nad... «(OS) 1.... 1 pl~l_ will ... 'u.n ... ltbt. t .'7.1 WGE5-Min.trel. WBBM-J.rry Sum"an, 5o.r>,s of Yhler. WBBM-Americl', Gtub ~1.~1 51,.0"" WJJO-\\,inli~ld II. C ••[o,. I fO< 11 ..,tunG.. I WGH--

,:311 ".N. ';00 PM. Jane Froman UT Thursday, July 20 H. V. Kaltenoorn CDT

(WEDNESDAY COIHINUEDI 1:00 1.111. COT ++ 1:00 I.m. CST WEHR-Hh}·tllm Ihmbl... ; ....".~tr. Prot",m n,dn,. are ,o".tt when P\l~' 5,15 p.m. COT +-+ 4,15 D.m. CST KYW-Mu.iul OK.; ....i.l,. prOS>' .. (NBC) fi.h" ~y RADIO GUIDE. but ul, of limo KVW-ne~g,~ Child', o.oh.,tra INBC) HIO •. 111. COT ++ .:00 ~. CST WAAF-Bualdul E~p .... WGES-G"m.n,. In Son~ b,. st.lions In4 nllwo.k. and ",tlonal WBBM-liorriet Crui .., son"I .... on. kYW-Th. Glolw Trott•• WBBM-Littl. J.c. Lill!., pano...... ,. WGN-D;Bul of Ih. D.y'. 1'..... ,morgen,ies "ft,n uus< dtvlitlon, whith Norm Shur. ",ani.t WHBM-Johnny lIamp's Or.hnl •• (CBS) WIND-And.my of Mtdi~ine (CBS) Ihe s!.II'an' unnot 10resH. WCFL--Jch" Maxw.1l, lood lalk WCFL-Gra<~ Wil..,,,, .oatralto WCFl-Kiddiu' A(.opla". Cub WJJD-F.. dol" WENR_Sonl' 01 tho ClIu .. h (NBC) KYW-Th. C"""IS, ",.• .1 .. quutci (NBC) WIND-Ga.y Yard and Garden Procram WBBM-Tom Guun'. Ord,Ulr. WIND-II"n~arion Pr""rom WJJO-Studio Mu'ieal P'ocram WG N-Singml{ Lady WGH-June B.ku, hau."bold hillt. "army WCFL-AI III"dl•• '. O'clln". WlS-Th. Booklhop. Wm. Vickland olld WLS-IJvn" "" __ 0 8;}0 I.m. COT +-+ 7:30 a.m. CST KYW-Ru M.upin'. Conu,l; "...,alid 5:35 p.m. COT ~ 4:35 p.m. CST 11;15 '.m. COT +i' 10:15 a.m. CST WMAQ-E.·.,. House E,,".mbl~ (NBC) 9:30 p.m. COT _ .:30 p.m. CST WBBM-In Ihe LuxembGu., Gardon. WAAF-(hi ••~o 011 Parade (CBS) KVW-The Ai. Sho,"" Ine. WBBM-La "'or.e B.,un'tn Mu.ieale 5:45 p.m. COT ~ 4;45 p.m. CST KYW-nu ...l1 Gb~t.· Band WAAF-World N ...... R.po.": Market, (CBS) WBBM-Janr Yroman, contralto; Juquu WCFl-Popu! .. Danu 101 ..". WAAF-Th~ Spotli,hl WIND-I.u.n 10 SIN'.k Engli.h WBeM--G~ne Ind Charli.; Vircini. WCFl-ll.. a.oYl. male .opr.no WBBM-hbam Jonu' Orche,t,a (C8S) H./I ....I'. OrI .., pi.nist ,·Ir. (r-;BC) WJJD-B ••(lrrow I Nt.... WGN-I..ittl.. 0.-,,11au A"nif; ~hild ..n·1 .on!. (CBS) WJJD-Billy Sun.hl"e W"'AQ-Echou 01 Erin (:-;'BCl pl~)'I~t WIND-D.nc. Oreh.,lr. WIND-M.. min, O~"oli"n. WMAQ-~umm(. S.bool WSBC-M.lodiu of Ih~ Momtnl WIND-llot ('ho 00,. WJJ D-llulth ."d UI]>pint"> P""ram WLS-rri>du •• Ma.bl Ro.,..rlu n:30 I.m. COT +-+ 10:30 I.m. CST WJJD-F•• d ~"k. o.,aniol WMAQ-C.phin I)pbh,i~·. H,,,py Tim.n 2:15 p.m. COT o+-jo 1 ;15 p.m. CST 8:55 I.m, cor ++ 7:55 a.m. CST KYW-n.,. B.ttl.'. Con ...1 En50cmble WMAQ--Snoor" and Oops (NBC) (NIIC) WL5-lhrry St«le, n.,..cad (NBC) WCFl-Eddy lI.nse". o.g.n .ecital WG N-Ea.] Holfmln', Oroh •• t'a (CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE) WAAF-Mut Rfij~ T.tle by Mild.ed 9:35 p.m. COT +-+ 1:35 p,m. cn 9:00 '.m. COT o+-jo 1,00 a.m. CST WIND-Indiana Slrin, Trio WGN-II.ad!in .. of Olh .. Day. KYW-South,'n Sin,e.. ; hl.muny t.a.. B.t, (NBC) WSBM-frank Wilson, I.no.; Julu SI.in, WL5-Ralph Em."on. or,on ,.I.cllo~1 pi."in WMAQ--Wo.c!, ond Mu,i( (NBC) 9;45 p.m. COT +i' 8:45 p.m. CST WAAF-Morninr Morry,Go·Roulld WSBC-R.dio Hu,jh" ... KVW-Jul., Stei,,·. Ot~hr".a WBBM-lofdody Parad. tCBS) WEN R_lIom. Se.vice W8BM-T.d L.... i.· O.oh .. I•• WCFl-G.. man Enl.rtain ....1If WGN-M.rk.t R~po.h 2:30 p.m. COT o+-jo 1:30 p.m. CST WCFL-Roco ~I Nalion. WGE!>-Cana.y Con«11 WfHD-<:onn.t Minialu ... (CBS) KYW-IYom.n·. R.di .. Rovi .... (NBC) WGN_f:ddi~ Sh~.'hI'1 Orrhnlu WGN-WGN K ••p Fit Club WJJO-Joan TII'lo. WBBM-Or~.n lnlulud. WINO-II."""ond Com""""ty Pr""arn WIND-Dlne( Vo.i.tiu WMAQ-On \\,in~' 01 Son~ (NBO WCFL-Studio Pro~ •• m WJJO-All A",uiun, Wl5-To,... r T.. pic> Tim. WMBI-Ccnl;nutd 510., Rudin, WGN-PouL A_h', Orcb •• lr. WMAQ-U. of r. C!U"''''m 1A:duro 11:35 '.m. COT -H 10;35 •.m. CST WIND-RiUy Whil<; oroh ••t •• (CBS) 10:00 p.m, COT +-+ 9:00 p.m. CST 9:15 I.m. COT +i' 1:15 a.tll. CST WGN-Pomttd lloum. WlS-Little 110m" Th .. le. KVW-'-po," R.po.lu KYW-Mornm, "arado INBC) 11;45 a.m. COT 10;45 un. CST WSBC_)!i",I ..] M".rim.nl WCFL-:,rhool Tnch.. ' P,,,,,r... ++ WBBM-Ame.inn Mt'O.1 IInneh •• WGN-fohm,l>i. S~'mph{.ny Orn,lIme Mclocli .. ; Wulh... 2:55 p.m. COT o+-jo 1,55 p.m. CST WENR-I."m . "d AbhN (!'i8C) WGN-~'brkol Rtpo.\o WBBM-'1a,i~ Ih. l.itlt. f.ond< r,innu WSBM-B... haU; Cubs u. Ph,I.delpl,ia WINO-("I"n,l,ia Sl,,"p~.ony Or.h.. t.o WIND-Bill and Gi,,~ ••• "'~I' (CBS) (("BS) c'us) WlS-Tom ."d 1l0Y WCFl-l.unt'''ltU (NBC) 9:35 I.m. COT -H 1:35 I,m. CST WIND-Popular Dan .. I'r~ ..m 10:30 p.m. COT +i' 9:30 p,m. CST WAAF-IJ", Stock M.... t; Wealh.. Sum· WGN-Allan G,."I, WMBI-fulu •• rr~ •• m WIND-Tom G•• "n·, D•• h•• I.o (CBS) WeFL-K.. blr 12:15 ,.m. COT +i' 11 :15 a.m. CST WSBC_Th. M.~,c CarIN'I NAKED TRUTH ABOUT KYW-HII.k O'lIa.~'. Orcb«I •• WMAQ--C.rlo. Moh".·, T'h~. Rhumb. WGES-Mu".. l G.lb Bac WOMEN'S FIGURE WBBM-Ib.old K"i~ht's Orch.,l,. (CBS) 3,15 p.m. cor ++ 2:15 p.m. CST o..h.t" WGN-~n",<1 ~~h'o. o.~~n"t I. ltoo ..~.,. leld 101 Ih. today' •••1. WIND-Sci",,,', Va,i.tin WJJD-IYJJO Sitl. Show KYW_Tllk by 0 •. II, H. BuodeHIl oult. ond ""au,. of lodA,', _Ifle•.•• 10:45 D.m. COT +i' 9;45 p.m. CST WlS-Uo"ard NI.l(, rh.mi.1 lalk Wl5-noundup: 0 ..11 ..1.1; Vorid, Ad. WAAF---Orc.n M.lodi .. ~gb!~td11~h~1 r!~~J :I.':~~.;~~!~ r~~~! WeFL_Thn"y Ahi,,·. Ouh~.t.o WMAQ-I.m. G!n. orc."I" INBC) WMAQ--Summ~r S.hool Wl5-Atlol. atandt ....loi,1 WS8C-Tu Timr Tlln", .... la"t • IIIH. b.", Ind lb.... roo dOll'1 10:00 a.m. COT +-+ 9:00 a.m. CST 12:30 p.m. COT ++ 11:30 am. CST a_ ~J"I~al ...,<1_. \1 "" ••'0 I~ 101 ..1 .... , 10 dl~I. WBBM-Loral Mark.t R~porl. Don'l oIeml fal>n.lf 1101,,&'1 IOU 11k< .1Id KVW-Ru •••11 GI .....• Band WCFl-P.~unl 01 Mu,;e WENR-Thu,sda,. SfHcda!; 101oi.1o and .... a·~ omit ... bno",. ""op- Dlet·AIoI. WGES-Quo,t.t H •• momr. WCFl-~'ddy 1I0nsen. o'l.n o ..h~.I .. (/IOac) WCFl-Ed."I A.h·. Onh .. t •• WENR-Ralph l\i'''''1. th D.uln Sin,. WGN-To ... ""noun.cd WMBf-M... ar* ~t:l1'l'i~~W C',~.~:'t",~u~::''!.f:·.i'I!~l:: WIND-G..,. Sobt.b• .,'. En$Omblt (CBS) ••..,. ."" ~lu .. aL .. 'NBCI WIHD-Ilou ... k«p« ChIt • •• , bue lo1ru oft::1 j>Ouodo , .. Uo_ WJJ D-Qr~ln M. lit. WIND-Am ..ican L'1;io" Compli,a (C8S) "lnel_l"'til. WMAQ-Oi~k Fidtll~r'1 Or(hutra (NBC) ,lIi,l)i", bt~ ..a,e. WENR-Tt'I.,', O,~ht'''" INBC! KYW-t;"itod ~tat .. Nny Band (NBC) 1 ;15 p.m. COT +-+ 12:15 p.m. CST WENR-Ar!in,lon Pa.k "'uturo R ... SATISFACTIO N GUARANTEED WAAF-\latk ... ; TnI~.lud. " D!rt.lions Irt lollowd w. Gu ...• 12:15 a.m. COT ~ 11:15 p.m. CST WAAF-C.. II'" En ••mh!e KYW-\'Ch ••nl lolN'" Oroho.t •• WENR-l'h)'lli, .nd F'ank. Ihlrb KVW-ilose Vlndrrloo"h al the pilno WIND-W),ir] of ~1"lody WENR_B"dd~ R.", ...' O.ch.l .. WGE5-(;.""&,,y In ~C WAAF-frank Rah., th. Bookwo.m. , If TU'!ln.~~b;;..~"'r'J'lre~ c ..... = WGN-(harh Acn ... ·' D•• h(otr. WGN-To ....nno""ud WJJD-Moo ..h •••t Child ••n .cadin( "Th. Spi.il of Ih. lI.r 11:45 p.m. CST WMAQ--nl.ylhm Ra",bl ••• HmC) : 9 S. Kedti'" An., Cbleal'o, m. ~ KVW-Juln Sloin', o..h .. t.a 1:30 p.m. COT ++ 12:30 ,.m. CST WCFl-Tony Amod.o. I ••ordioni.t , WMBI-"u .. o .nd !,ho.t Story Ho", KYW-liu,k O'lIa •• ', O.. h•• tr. WENR-Be.1 to"n', O ..h ..ln (NBC) : NAME ...... WSeC-IJII1. lIarry , 1 1:00 I.m. COT +i' 12:00 MI •. CST WAAF-I'i." ....qu. WGES-Son&. 01 Poland , W8BM-A.ound the TOWD; Olno. Or· 10;45 a.m. COT o+-jo 9:45 a,m. CST WBBM-Th. Mfrrymakc,"; orchOSln WGN-Tninlo.d 01 Tun" . • ADDRESS ••••••••••••••••••••• .hnl ... WAAF_Mu.. ul Cal.nd., (CBS) WIND_Indiana Slrin, Trio • • WGH-Ibl " .... '1·. Or.h.,,,. WBBM-Up 10 P.r. hullh u.Ik WCFl-G.... Wihon. oonuallo WJJD-Bubb Piok.,d ~£!!!~-;.:.:..::.;.;.;.~:.:.:~.:. ..:~~.- ..:.:.!.!..I • WJND-"~ ..t All Nali"". WCFl.. -ro" .. lar )Iuli, WGN-Ea.1 1I0ffman'. Or.hfll•• WMAQ-Vienn.5Oc En •• m ..... (NBC) 14 Radio Guide

M 'JltT • 1:00 .... Edmund Kean Friday, July 21 Tales of Titans eDT

(THURSOAY CONTINUED) 8:45 p.m. COT ++ 7:45 ".m. CST 8:00 a.m. COT .f-+ 1:00 a.m. CST 10;45 a.m. COT ~ ,,..,. 1m, CST WeN-Earl Hollman'. Orch.. t.,. K'fW-Dr.m~tie Sketch KVW-Musicol Clock; var"ty pro,... WAAF-M".kal Calendar WIND-Live Slack Ileporl, p,m, -E-'I> p.m. 6:00 COT 5:00 CST W1I8M-l'hil Harri.' Orehe.lr~ WAAF-Breakfast Exl'r~SI WB8M-p.dro de <;ordoba, ..,Iaiot; Will KVW-TI,,, Sizzl"rs, harmo"y toam (N BC) WlS-"Undt E.. I" WeFl-V£lIa Cook. c"nt"l!o ...!<>ilt WBBM-Little Jade \Jtll., voc.1 and I'iano Osborne'. Orch•• lrl (CBS) WMAQ--Childcen's D.y at the Wodei'll WAAF-Jarne, lIanlilloo.. WGH-Frank Weslphal's Orchestra; quar· (CBS) WCFl-D.nce Mu.;c Fair (NBC) WBBM-H. V. Kaltenborn, I..<>nd"" EOG- tet (CBS) WCFl-WCFL Kiddie" Aeroplane Clu'!> WENR-FiftH" Minul" wilb You; Go ... ",omit Confe,enoe (CBS) WINO-Jaok Marlowe, sonII we ES-Bnhe""an M.lodie. Arnold I:4S p.m. COT ~ U:45 pm CST WCFl-\\,(Fl Oroh".lr~ WeN--Good Moening; mu';c.l prO(T" WGN-Digest 01 the Day', N_. KYW-Prud""ce Penny, h"u.eho(d hiDm WENR-Wbat'. the News! 9:00 p.m, COT oH- 8:00 p.m, CST WIND-Polisb Program WIND-Minnie Da"ley, ..,n,1 WAAF-SonS 01 Ih. Sirings WGES-Johnny Van. lbe Melod)' M.II KY'I/-The Glob. Trolter WJJD-llaI'PY Ga Lucky Tim. WJJ D-Fred Beclr, "ria.. ..Ioclion, WBBM--(o!umbia Educalional Fut_ WGN-Uncle Quill. JNn. Donny Dru ...... W8BM-Johnny Iia",p'. Orch~slrl WlS-Cumberland Ridge Runn~ .. WMAQ--Tod.v', Childr.. e" .hi!dr... '. 9:30 p.m. COT oH- 8:30 p.m. CST • tory WlS-"Spaceribs" and hi. F.iry T.I... WMAQ-Cene Arnold', Commodar"" WGN-Boauly Sohonl af Ih. Air KVW-" Edmund Kean"; drama {N OC} (NBC) WIND-V,c;"li .. WJJO_Sporh R.vie", 01 the D.,. WBBM-Four Norsemen; -"'u~rt.1 8:45 a.m. COT ++ 7:45 I.m. CST WJJD-Baseb.llll; So" y •• BoolOil WMAQ-Coneerl Footlisht. (NBC) WCFl-Dare Cunmngham'. Orohul .. WHBM-Walt" Drums (CBS) 11 :15 '.m. COT ~ 10:15 '.m. CST WINO-MorninI Dovotions WAAF-Warld Ne," Reporh WlS-BeItJ Ind B"b INDO COT ~ 5:25 CST WGN-Tama""W-s Ne .... 6:2S p.m. p.m. Wl5-Pr<>duct Mubl Report... WBBM-Virginia Clark, Gene and Charlie WMAQ--Sanala Recital (NBC) KVW-Sporh Report.,. WIND-Dance OrcblOSln WSBC-M",i.al Gem 8<>" . WJJ D-Health and Happ;n ... Pracn. WeH-J.no Carpe"ler, p;3nist 8:55 i.m. COT ~ 7:55 am. CST 2;15 p.m. COT ~ 1:15 p.m. CST 6:30 p.m. COT ~ 5:30 p.m. CST WMAQ-T.d W ...",s' Orcbe.tra WlS-Harry Steel.. newscnl WINO-H.rold I\nig~I'S Orchutra (CBS) KYW-Husk O·H,c.'s Orch•• tra WJJD_Billy SUMhine WB8M-Alu s"mmltt, cOllcert pianiol WAAF-Voice "f the Violin 9 :35 ~.m. COT H- 8:35 p.m. CST 9:00 a.m. COT ~ 8:00 a.m, CST WMAQ--Summu School (CBS) we N-II ••clline. of Othu Day. WCFl-Famou. tovn (NOC) WBBM-Penr<>tl ,nd Sam, drama KVW-Four Souti,.,n Singe.. ,ers WCFl-Race "I Nation. WCFL----Germ." Enl0rlainm.nJ pi.nist WGN-Sp<>eh n.""rt.r WeES-eanary Concert WeFL-Modern Lh'in, WMAQ-Wocds and M~ sic (NBC) WeN-)I,,,de Rooney; Columbia Sym. WSBC-Onnce Time ;OliN D-Polish I'rogrom pho"y Orch ••1ra (CBS) WGN-Ke.p }'it Club WEHR-Home Service WJJD-hckio HeH.r, tenor soloi.t WIND-Indiana Program WIN D-Qrgan Melodies WGN-Board 01 Trad. Rep<>rl, 2:30 p.m. COT ~ 1:10 p.m. CST WMAQ-Day" Sports Sum,,,ary WJJD_AII A",.ric3n. WlS-Sunshine uprltS. WIND--Con"er' Mini.lur", (CBS) KVW-I\'M'OI1'! Radia Review (NBC) WMBI-r>lu,;cal ".eidy Pri>!:tIi .. KYW-Rhylhmi. Suenade (NBD WBBM-8<>ah C~rt~r. now' commenlal'" 10:05 p.m. COT ~ 9:05 p.m, CST WSBC-Lillian Gordoni ICBS) WAAF-Stovens Sistotl KYW-~I.rk Fisher', Orehutra 9:30 a.m. COT ++ 8:3D am. CST 2:40 p.m. CDT ~ 1:40 p.m. CS-t WCFL-Qrch,tra WIIBM-Conoerl Miniaturu (CBS) KVW-Th. Strallin, Fiddler INOC) WBBM-FI'"ag'n'. Sr><>rt Hunch. WEHR-Th. G"ldkrgs. drama (NBO 10:15 p.m. COT ~ 9:15 p.m. CST WBBM-O.auly Chal WCFL-Vari.ty Pro,r.m WGE5-P"lish Compo .... WeFl-Barren O'Hara, hlk WCFL-Highlight. of Mu». WIND-Dance Hitl 2:45 p.m. COT ~ 1:45 p.m, CST WeN--Quin Ryan'. World'. Fair Broad· WENR-Lum ond Abner (NBG) WGES-Mood. in R!lythm WJJD-Fash,on Adviser WAAF-Hea lth Talk, "Enuncin~ KYW-\'incent Loper Orch.slca (NBC) WGN-B as~b.lI; Cub, Y$. Philadelphia 9:35 a.m, CDT ~ 8:35 I.m, CST WAAF-Noonlime CaDcert WAAF_The S)tnph"nic Hour WeFL-heddie Henkel', Orcheslra WMAQ-Oas.baU; rub. v,. Philadelphi. WBBM_The 0 and C Na"i~alots WENR-J.d: Denny'. Orch.. Ira (NBO we N-Allan Grant, toneeet piani.1 W88M-Morie. the Little French Princ... (C8S) WSBC-Braad"'a}' Mel<>tliu WCFl_Union La~1 League Talk WeN-W'yne King', Orch ..tra 9;45 •.m, CDT ++ 8:45 a.m. CST WeN-Rich,cd Cole's Orch ... lca WINO_Leon Belasco's Oreh ..tra 10:30 p.m. CST WMAQ--Bo.rd of Tr3d. KYW-~1arlc Fishec'. Ocoh.tra WJJO-Qrgao Meindl .. WENR-A,c~dian.; "rch .. tra fNBC) WHO-Judy Ilo~ ..s 12:35 p.m. COT ~ 11:35 '.m. CST WIND-U. S. Acmy BInd (CBS) WLS-,\!clo Rltei·. Phanl"m Stdn," (NBO WCFL-.·r.ddie Henkel'. Orohnl.a WlS--Poultry Ind Livutock Market, WENR_D,,,dng in Tw,n Cities (NBC) WMAQ--U. S. Marine Band (NBC) WBBM-Chiirnm WGN-Poll".r House En.omble 10:10 a.m. COT +-!> 9;10 a.m. CST 11 :45 p,m. COT ~ 10:45 p.m. CST WINO-Po!ice Bulldin. WGN-Th. Mu.ic W... ·ec' 4:00 p.m. COT ~ 3:00 p.m. CST WINO-\'era V.n, <"n!rolio m WMAQ-C~I)I'in Hency's Showb,,.t (NBC) WJJD-Cart<><>ni.t "f the Air WIND--{'hilcl W,'lf,.. WS8C-German lloor WENR~Buoldy Rog.rs' Or 3:45 p.m. CST 8:15 p.m. COT H- 7:15 p.m. CST lItg WINO-Do" Fernando'. Or. lI'inirred Chri,li. Moor Speaking d.y WIND-B"y S (CBS) 1:00 a.m. COT oH- 12:00 Mid. CST on "Mu,ic" WJJO-Fred n.ck, argan ,.le"tian. W8BM-Acound the Tawn; Dance Orchu. WBBM-Modem Lh'io!r; talk WGN-Palmer !louse E"sen,ble 5:00 p.m. COT H- 4:00 p.m. CST WJJD-Mu.ic ~h.lers WIND-The Melody Lady tras WCFl-C;'oq:e O'Conn~n, barilone KYW-Adult Ecluulion Council Progt"~. 8:30 p.m. COT E7 7:30 p.m. CST WGN-Jla\ Kemp'. OreheSIca WENR-Phyllis and Frank, .hteb WJJD-)!oo..-hoarl Chi(dron WAAF-Frank Baker, the Bookworm k'fW-a..ntty Meroffs Orchslra WIHD-Mu,;c "I All Nation. WCES-M,nslrol. 1:20 p.m. COT ~ 12:20 p.m. CST WBBM-Frank W""lphal'. Orche.t", W8BM-Jimh>~ Gri.r's Orch ... lra WMAQ-B<>.:Ird "f Tr.de 1:45 I.m COT ~ 12:15 I.m. CST WeN-The CalHinlo.. ; orUtSlcl (CBS) WCFl-T"ny Amedi". acc(lrdiani.! WeFl-D~n Cunningham', Orch""lra WIND-D'"ee Hils WIND-Tayloc Tun •• 1:30 p.m. COT ++ 12:30 p.m. CST WENR-Reggie Child's Drchestra (NBC) WEHR_W ayn~ King s Orch""t,a tNOCI WJJD-Romanlic Dcama KYW-Hu,k O'l1ar.', Orch"tra WGES-Po!and in So"1 WeN-Band ('oneert 2:15 a.m. COT ++ 1:15 I.m. CST WMAQ-Jimmy Kemper, tho Song Mao WAAF-S.Ion COllC .... t WeN-Trainload 01 Tune, WIND-Slim Madi"s' All An)uican. WeN-oid Fa.l,ion.d B~nd Conurt WMBI-Music ~nd Radio ScLool 01 lbe WB8M-Arli'I'. Recilal {CBS} WIND-Indiana Sicing Trio WINO-It.lian PrOgl'.m 2:30 "'.m. eDT ~ 1:30 a,m, CST Bible; Mrs. McCard WCfl-Eddy Hanson, orgaQ, ... ith Christy WJJD-l3ubb Pickard WJJD-Qrpn Reque.t, WIND_Dance Melodiu WSBC-Litlle Harry Valvo, buitone WMAQ_Vienn.. ~ EM"",ble (NBC) Radio Guide 15 , Jacgues Renard Carleton Smith In CANADA

CFAIDAY CONTiNUED) WLS--Pol ••h .nd " ••h..-, .. tI.... ,kd.h N EXT st("op. the £"'P"H Df ~~ \\e rountIe,i the Ro.:k anti neared the lim't dors from England. (SBC) 8ntolll," the porter uid, ~ lhe Vlater'~ edge .•• lhe ma< i\e the lint'! ·tnj:en and conductor, 5:15 " ... , COT ++ 4:15 ,If!. CST WMAo-M ••k fi,h't·, OrtMII.. he ga\e the cUrlain of my ~hining ",llIle lCmrress, a httle from th.(: (t'nttnenl. and lhe best. J(u.. of the Iir,t loOund ~leep I had had in acro~5 the Atlantic. And over on the It j. (.,w to ~ympathizt .... ilh WCFL-Joha Mu ...1l, leod uOr. WGN-Rubt Appleberry. 01." 5e\·tral night... The cooling brteze~ other ~ide, the long. low village wllh Canada < tI, ,ilf' to develop her o\\n W[HR-f'.t Barn .. WJJO_ntn,inj..:~n." ,,[ \"iclo, IIn""rt of the St. I a"rence Valley had been toy hou~~, and on ev~ry hill a spire proR.~m< I h.lt is but natural. Eng­ WG N---GfO'".. lIalr. Or« .. r Ih~ P.Ii ... du (JI;BC) was cI~an. toudlCd "i!h the fed of l'etHions and lIS bnghtly colored Countr\ \\(,uld relay more Empire 5:30 p.m. COT ++ 4:30 ,.In. CST WAAF-.~m..,<.n \h.~ll D,... ,a the "ater, salt but not quite salt building~ ... a \yml?hony 1131] with broad~;I,t~ from London, and would WIIM-phil 1I."i.' Oru.. Not a o;ound in Ihe whole valley but gOllen. in this l1ew·found place Can~d;1 lhan in j'ngland. WCFL-Grlct Wil.., .. , roed Talk WINO_~ en>(l.iu Ihe singing of the wind ••• the .... here the P~~t seems to ha\'e WEHR-Major Sharp Ind Min61 (NBC) WJJO-Undc Jot feeling of peace, of quiet. of fe~t SlOj)ped. c.ln;"li;'n~ ha"e imbibed American WCH-Sin';n, Lady WL5-PI,il lIor.i.' Orch •• lr.; Lu" R'r. . .. the l'I~u<;e jU~1 after the dawr. idea. I hq h"ve become accustom­ WIND~lu.iI1OD~' •• WCfL-Avi, MdxlII.Jd. ~,br.halp t.a 12,00 Mid. COT _ 11:00 p.m. CST f . r, .. I So m~"1 ""eo. l;_ o. O."c 2.000._ WENR-The fou. 1I0,.~on~lI: 'Iuarld WENR_Fir.t ~ill"n. dr.mo (NBC) KVW-" •••• (' "",'. 0"'•••• , ,. Ie t to the wl11l1ls 0 t 10~eI U' 'OSt (~, .h"e "" •. \\."., 'F0' ... I.• a ,. cu_ ' (,\OC) weN-tou 1I01t •. 'om~cli.n; ti'Ht /11"".10. WENR_Ted W.om.' Orohnl.. tbid tflortJ IIrt 10 pltd(l.e t it maXI' mpnl. f.I"'o~1 P'oduet. CG •• Cble.,•. Ill. Wc; ES-f.moul Orohulr.. lOp.anO; unni" 110)'10"', O ...... lcl WeN_II.t Ktm,,', (lreh""a >/Ium alldit"rt.~ Nor i~ it to be u~d ~.~~o'F. W.\.. b ...... DoIpt. Bin. DDt: WGN-ToTun or 'h Apt'" .hil .... ,,', (C8S) WIND-llil. an,l to incrtao;e the turno\er or indu~tr~ ,Io'r WIND-If.,n,ari.n P'OII'.'" WMAQ-I)i~k }idcc. the hnme of a Wc;N-Spo." R.potUr 9:30 p,"'. COT +-+ 1:30 p.m. CST 12:45 a."'. COT _ 11 ,45 ,.m. CST uce .. hich i$ more I-rench than WIND-Poli.h pr..... m kYW-lond<>n E.or.ollli~ (;onf".~,.e kYW-J"I •• "",n' O.d,~,tr. Fran.:e ilo;elf. WJJD-,hdJ.~ II,"" •. '~TI(" ,.. 10;" ,"oc i WGN~ !, .Ie ll,-(·",. Orr~"". WMAQ-U.),·, ~pori/tm, and fhhm'oc; 1I ••d'~J WIND-The Dor R~pot'tr ~i"'n. pi_"" d,,'1 I"'Be) WJJD-II ••hh and lI'lrln~" P'OJ'." 1:45 ~.m COT ++ 11:45 '.m. CST da's tatent \\111 ne\er compare I WMAQ-Th JI; .. Tlh,."... WIHO-I'~I,,,I", 0.,,<, 11011 ra\orahly y, ilh Ol1r 0\\ narc eWn(lmlc. 6,40 p ..... COT ++ 5:40 p.m. CST When their product i~ perfected, the WMII-S'otlrt of Ano"t,..! P,o,e': 110 .. 9:35 p.m. COT _ 1:35 p.m. CST 215 ,m. COT _ I,IS '.m. CST prOI/me of /or,tr SO/OTltJ bTlngs tI •• d Il.'m.n.~" WeH-lI.. dlin~. of Oth •• Day, WIND-SCi", Mot1i",' Ait Am ..i.a .. , 9,45 p ..... COT _ 845 P'" CST 2:30 .m. COT ++ 1:10 1m. CST ro NrJJ J" ork_ So long as "'e pay 6;45 ~.m. COT ++ 5,45 ~ ..... CST kYW-llIlt B,lIy I/~ .., 'I1,c~b' {",DC) WIND-J'''I'~I~. I),,, .. Melod.i .. Ithe bill, .... c .... ill ha\e the be~t !:tlent k"W-~ro"d~u' ~Idod'" WAAf-Rh)\hm K;nu WIBM-1'.d L.. ",· O,d"'''a WBIM-Boa" Carlu, DC'" (Omm,nIlIO, WCfL-Race of I\.non' '("OS) WENR-Ttd \I·u",.' Oreh .. "o wcrL-Q•• hulul "r(>ft •• ", Wc;N_Jli

6:10P. 9:00 P .... Saturday, July 22 Kaltenmeyer's Kindergarten

8:00 l.m. COT +-+ 1:(10 ;un. CST WEHR-Spanish Td)·n .. Ihin~ .....mble Pr<>gr.m 1l,Ungi art corrtd w~en /luI>­ WCH-<:oncul OrchntTl WHO-luther Burhanlr KVW-Mu,io31 Clock; variety 1"0;'.1.. (1"8C) Jlthed by RADIO eUIDE, but salt of time WINO-<:Ias.kal Plano ScloctiO)ll.ll WL5-"Bi! Y.nk" I"rograrn; Ja",.,. WAAF-Drukf.. t UP'HI WGN-Di•• st of the Day'. Nt... by ,tlllons and nttworb and ution;o., WJJO--Cartoonist 01 the Air Codd.rd; Mapl. City hut WBBM-In the Lu~embours Gard~n,., or- WIHO-Slim Martin'. Orcheslra tmergtnci" ofttn UUst dniltions which WMAQ-Thr... "X" Si.lul {HBCI WMAQ-K·Seven, secret ~nice spr st.... , d • ..-;tr3 (CBS) WJJD-Fa"orile Siugc" the Ullion. nnnat f~ (NOC) WCFl-WCFL Kiddies' AeMpl>n~ Club WSBC-The Forenooo Revie .. 5:4~ p.m. COT ~ 4:45 ,-"I. csr WGES-Bobtrniab Me!odie. WAAf-Th. Spotlighl 8:15 p.m. COT .ll; SOl< v •• Bostoo. 6:00 p.m. COT rn To SfH!.k Engli,h WGES-P"land In Song (NBC) WLS-"$parerih." .nd hi. fair, Tates WBBM-Virginia Clarke~ Gen. ~nd Ch~rlie 2:15 p.m. COT ny D.. amer, WSBC-I"oli.h Hour WMAQ-News Irom the QuadranKl •• (NBC) WG N-Earl Hollman'. Orchestra and Wi.hbone; children', progra.. 9:15 p.m. COT -E-t 8:15 p.m. CST B:4S iI.m. COT rgan Interlud. WINO-Isbam Jones' Oreh ••lra (CBS) WMAO-Brukb.t Club (NBC) KYW-Ro,. Vanderboscb at the Plano 6:15 p.m. COT 1 th. DaJ WCfL-GunlllO Enlertainmeot Solomon Birnbaum WCFL-Baseb;ooll Game WM"Q-Meyu Davis' Oro:hestra (NBC) 9:35 p.m. COT ncert WSBC-T.a Tim. Tun.. WMAO-Bava"an Ensemble WGN-Murld 5.lo:>n {)rehut,. (CBS) WGN-Mid.day S.. ,,;c .. 3:15 p.m. COT arles Lindsley WMAQ-American Legi ... , MOllnt Hood WAAf-SonS' of the Island. WJJO-WJJD Side Show WBBM-American Medical An'" PrOlum WENR-<:oncttt Fa'·OT;t .. (NBC) WMAQ--B.n Bernie's Or.b ..t .. Clinob (NaC) WL5-Studio M""cal VaridJ P~ .. WMBI-l'Iain Talh WCfL-Ko:>bar W!I.1AQ-Piano Selections 7:00 p.m. COT lle (CBS) WINO-Charles Dnis' Orcbestra {CBS) WBBM--lot:al Market RepOrb 9:50 un. COT ble Marhb and WAAf-lVorld Newl Report. • Orcheslra (NBC) KVW-R.d,o Ilou,.hold h.stitute, droma w.ath .. WB8M-Johnny Hamp'. Orche,tu we ES-I' U'ute ~I~" (NBC] WBBM-Tito Cuillr. Mexic.n tenor (CBS) WGN-Hiehard Colo', Orehe.t .. 12:55 p.m. COT B 11 :55 I.m. CST WEN R-Arlington Park Feature Race WCfL-Women'. !-ligb School Teach ... WAAF-Piano nambles WLS-Harry Stttl,,; news ."mm31'J Federation WIND-Cu. Ar"h.im·, Orchestra (CBSI WCFL-Kobar WIND-lilhuanian I'Togram WMAQ--Vjltc.nt lo"e'" Onbestra 1:00 p.m. COT pez' Orch .... tra WENR-Pfoyl1i. and Frank, .kett ll WAAf-Tu Tim. Tunu WHO-Mooseheart Childr ... WB8M-lfarriet CntiH. co"trallo; Norm WSBC-Along the Blu. Dan~b!! WCE5-Midnilhl ~.mboree: VodviJ WGE~-ttahan 5hol'pt. WMBT-Bible RudinS 8;15 p.m. COT n 1:00 I.m. COT T chutta. WLS--Tim.ly Farm Topic. KVW-Unc!. Dob'. I"atty WMAQ-Tffi W•• ms· Orchestra WENR-Buddy Rogers' Orchestrl WMAQ-<:ollcerl Eohoe. (NBC) 10:45 a.m. COT (ll'uial a de(:ldr ago, In conm'd ilm NEWS A ~umm{"r heat, h3S been ~It",t­ with thr program he \\ill ulfrr Ir~ t'll for the PmiCeH I'lll 1'td 10 ~ing e\'ez ",J:ht al RENE LO I ~RAI;"';F heu,l un ebral~1 lHtist. is the author. ''''the O\H 5tation WQ . b".;k III Ilol't" incidentally. bewme~ a 1('!4 1 he~' are, "'1 hat 0 d <,ang of the )'OIlT NtiebboTJ and the "Imd' .n the drama, for his i5 the "line." Jealous" and the' ,\Iidnight I Grrtlt PQradt pr()Jl;raOl\ OHr Tole of 3 rarrol- -but the . PuJly" Walt/,· For the 1a~1 .i~ year, he WJJD, "'a~ re(TuiteJ for rJdio ha~ <.(Ime e,lrtmely important lim's ha' been station manager ;011 WSBC from the le&itimate stage. ,\li'5 110m II to 35 per (tnt of the I.orraine was a feature.1 pl;l~'~r j() r rn. Monday ;ludien,e, are. B BrnlJY Mero" "and his f;rrnou5 or­ in many r-:ew York rla)~, among om! suney di~doses, is tuned 10 the ~he~tra. formerly re:tturtJ \\Ith the foremost the ~u.;,e,\f\ll 'Suh· PT1ncess Pat dramas. The fe:Hure /;ddie Call tor on the eha'!" and way Expre5s." In radio 5kelches ha~ more of the audience in the Chicago Jd 10b'HOIl, Ea,tl Mu­ ha\'e been popular With WLS Ii$-­ man, Fili O'Orsay. Gtorgit Priu, "parle: \'OUS" by trading English teners for over two years. Ma ry Willitltns, one of Ihl' be't IikeJ ra.lio pionctn, has chan gC'.i for French les\Ons with a girl in lhe IJallimt Fredtrick ~nd Mmr, Btl!e Argonne, Forbts eNII", ~s well as l 'IIIUllt her time of broadcast, She i~ now featured Mond~)'s. Wwnl'~d~)s jQck Holdtl/. announcer" M txer(l:.t program~ You c~n rteot-­ Otltl olld Syi1:ia," for the past four .l!fairs will be sl3ged weekly. mle hi~ programs by the theme sonS yeus ~ popula r five·nigh t-a·",eek Coruit'alilt, who can he hurd (I\er WJ. I D'~ Ctlrnival every SunJay of " Bend Do\\n Sister." night at 9 p.m. The little mite mimic~ Vtlller, CrOJby ~Ild Cbn " !J,, fe~ l ure of WMAQ, have been cut Frank Bilker, tbl Booku'orm ..... While now maintllft, .. rumored she will won be oIod hi$ 3rT programs, Ch lahii,hell these ()du~ h~\ e f:~rdC'd as fC'mote in \ iew of the A French nationv.-ide J'(Ili.:e r~d;o 'lfer ",,11 be a f!:Qld·plated fact thlt thC' good season or ..... intC'r 11m, of Ntw York City, 1 his COll­ ha\e \:'oeen esubli!>hed throul\houl air ~train('r that C'nablc~ a Ii'len- It(.tption in the Unitt

OLUMBIA'S "Voi<- of [~peri­ The Norlb A merir,/rl CO"'{lar.y ,11 tI'r altli-,liIlUJ.>:, tTlt _Iudi() the other day to lislen to the enee," if I nl.J" hurl ~ tIP to \\'a~ to have ~I thi~ nell' ~rllCe iuto tile "w,,,y! m~kmg, of a new TJdio show bUIlt C the radio s,cnbc o! the coun­ operation in ~I'telllbl'r. But the ak,ng the lines of the memorabie try, is an unwrl'" d rdugium r~dio netllurk~ ha,'e h~.lrd, much .. ,\larcb of TI/lI~. In the course of pc.:~torum (r~f,.t:e 01 {(II/Inl, to to their relief. that, 101l0wil1g a n. 1 Rolfe h~, hl'on>or "as to ha\e ritic def~n,e of the prohibition law, h'cn Ilud'on motor car~. But :IOme­ And so help me. tlu.; 'l/, u,,'o Iild 0" tile I uc,d.IY, Thllr....Jay Jnd Saturday-­ luld, trying to go riAht Th.. r(lla reo u'at'rs os ofl(1I OJ IllS s':L'ell voice a, of ,lore. '1 he /JOWl! M,II/chaIIJeIl cently read her st'lry. HI poli!l~ would ;lIsli/y. I ha1'~ ;I/It b((lrd 1\[ ~ighed with relief. lilnguage and in a cuuple of days, from Dirk, ,wd be baJ bod news, I\ill return on '1 hllr"t!ay, in Ihe pcr­ \(In of f0 to dear up her probl .. n!, IIhkh, if Rlvu /ro/ll .\ho/'do, 1'0, burl/ld m~ny of tho'e mugg~ imitalllig me, you ask mr_ \las ind .. c I tough. It dati;" somt J".I I ago comple/ely. j 11/ Smith tells" it aboul himwlf. hut ;Ifter this, Slattery gets my 5eems thnt p, G. ,.... ~ n I'r~tty little Dilly II ,al UIIJ a call(J(y wert I hl'Y look 111m into a rc;:ording O. K." thing, engnged to be nurrieJ 10 "'­ J11~n IIhom the d,x\'H" hJd told that he ne,'er \Iould ~ able to ;51'<>nl>Or n bles,ed e,ent But the rellollo J..nt'w thJ\ p, G, "'hen ~nd if he nurri~J !la, would 1'0 KNOW YOUR STARS? naturally want to e\I'CrirlKe the W",..,.. • III b~ad . Well. as they !It lolel {If the Ii rrr(/I~ll/Iw/~J /lroodrOJ~­ her slory. and s.::nre, of I,-Ienns :II~ SyJlem, "hi.:h is th~ Hd II"Yllle 20 hal'c IIrmen in .... ilh IJll'Jll:l :IOlu­ ehain. but other imJlCnding radio ,ions for hcr ca~ a(til ity on a broad '-Calc. has been But Ibe IOl/gl, Nrt ,,-.1 '/ is f/.oal ,I orr.ling the e~13bli~hed networks :10 far as the 3UHllnn i~ concerlle". P C. didn't Cit' ... b..-r "J-" ''', (wd The bigge,t hcad,'ehe ahead a f~w 1frtW fbI' lfoiCo!' It I.y": fa filld BIC w~rks ago, loomed in the ~ha-P'e ()f l!a to mlorlN "(T (I.a a sym­ a lIired "ir~lc~s serl'i.:e, by which (lalbtlll; pllbllC, or p.!r (1/ II al Ihe audien.:e was to hale been "ITered :l home ~('TI'kl' wilh a choice It01l ag.:n-:} ".. I,i.:I hJlu.lles hoo. 2nd 3rd 100

Two prizes of The Editor's Mail Box $25, five prizes of $10 V. E. G., rhll~delrhiJ.. Pa,­ of "Iyrt and Marj::e, is not broad­ and ten prizes Rhythm Ramblrr., I~h} tinnie Seren­ casting on any progrJIll now. She'~ of $5 ea.ch Jde Syncopators, DJu,,, Ma~ler5. in lIollvllood wilh M~'rl, making Oil Radio Troubadour" 311 su,taining lilm. Iltr permanent address IS CLurs TO STARS ABOVE: Th~ namu .. t"lhe 10 ...... iott in Group 13 "'e ""'0<11 Ih. broadc:t~ts, do nol hal e angular The Columbia BroJ, J~",f "~.I ...r, But Llh., FrInk ".,hr, N4t Shilk .. t ond Job" S. YOllnl. ample, Rhythm Rambler, might be Chicago, I II, I'hrold Slokes' orchl'~lrJ one week Begill T I, is Eltiel·lainillg Pastime Today. Tlte Rilles: .and Jo.)Cf KOI':stner's tl,e ne,t. C. J/" Jr., :-..:~W Orleans, 1.:1..­ HOW TO COMPETE: CuI the piun i" •••10 ,.oup of jumbted ltan p.;nltd In RADIO GlIlDE wrtkl, and p ••h Bing Crosby IIJ~ horrl May Z, 19Q.I. Ih.", in tb.i, propt. pt ••• ••" form pictures .f th. 11a ... Numb.. nob pictur., Paste.n oJ the "'"" '" 0"0 '.O"p A Ilamp Fan, "Bridgeton, N. j.- III l" awma, \\ Jsh. Rf'ill name is .... I t .rc~ pie.e "I "",pt, Ind 1.110:1 III. p.apt. ''Group tri o. 1. Group No. 2. cI •.~ Lun roo .. " tb. boll"l11 oj ....pc, j ohnny Ilamp broad.:a'h Ol'er Col· lIarry Lillie Cro~by, Jr. J/is:IOn 10 prinl fOut nl",. Ind .dd•••• pt.inl" AI ...... lot nl"," ot Itarl, Ih"" _poll»" and It",on. uKd .., lponSOU umbia networks $und.. y; at 12 :<1; .... as born Sf'leral \\ttks 3g0. HCoI_ on thi. pro~u", •. It it ,,,,, nen'sur, to buy I <01'1 01 RADIO GUIDE to com".t~ The pielurn ...y be ropiod o. Ira ••d, Tbe RADIO GUIDE 1"'), be Ulmin"~e ('G"'I'I.I.d lhe ...rie l 0115 ,ro..p', t-tnd lb ... b1 fi ..1 d,u ",il, day. Wednesday and '1 hur;;day: ill and his Orioles are plJ}'ing one 10 p. m. Mondl)', 1 UI"day and fri­ polta~. prrP3ld, '0 Star Stot'e Edilo., RADIO CUII>£, 413 Plf", .... lh Courl, Cb,uJo, Illinoi .. night stands oubide of Chicago. I II' CLOSING DATE: lhe In t "oup ... ill bo pubti,hd in i.. ue 01 Jill, 3O·Aullll1 5. All elltriu "' .. II bur, pOd, day, and 8:30 p. m. S:llurday. Thc ~ e has no Chicago date~, radio wire, or .. ark of nOI lot,. tban midni&ht, AU(ll '! 15. pc: riQds :He ~ubje't to change wilh. adl'ance s.:: hedule at this time. ELtGIBllITV: En" ptfso. utrp! .",pkI,.u .. f nADIO GUIDE or ",.mbt..... their h",m •• It .lil.bl. t. out noticl':. I-Iamp i. 31'0 hcard on ."m!>tlt the Wind-¥. City Rerue. And}' JUDGES : Th. judKu OI'ill bo Kal. Smith, \V~rn. Kin~ and Ih. Edil .... of R4D10 CUI()IC, and .11 .nl •••I. Freeman stili dOl':< oc-ca'ional vocals. Mrs. W. G,. "Port \Va,hington, I,ru , .. Ic.il S. L M .. BrOOklyn, 1\:. Y -Jerrv the Gypsies from Chicago at the Baker is both [tallan alhl marricd u5ual lIme Mondays at 9 p. m • 11000.n lu;l.bl, tor 11M b,. RADIO CUIDE. lh. Iljn~ t~ p.i,~. ",n ~ ....a.dtd. .. Parker is slilI an ;lr(lent plJyer. Mr_ r. r. C 10gJn, 13 --If a '" Order Back 423 Plymouth Ct., star .... hor.e picture appl"ar, In R'010 F M 1.., Montreal. Q,ee.-Neither R d " (i"d (;1;11)1'5 Star Slatic Omtt_t appears a 10 Ul e the Profe~<.Or Md ~Ikn program Copies from Chicago, III. on t" o or more chain programs II ~t nOT" 1 he "a,ll; .. hl~" ~kelCh IS on the: I ~ ______J aU slogans

tn r~~a.d 10 8.b Jo!O(:h"n', lett., from Thanks to You-AU J "ill protiat, ,00<1 ",,,.ie . Thtre is more Dur Sir: instanc•. Just the me .. lion of tho •• n.m .. Dear E,.n. Plwmmer: I"m I>Ot ,« .. a ,e:l<'""r for one Stat. Colleg., Pa. it a sNond lime and finaUy Um. 10 the V. O. L: year ond five ... ,..,ks and like it fine. So Our "Voice of th li.l.n.. ": Likes Us Anyway conclusion Ihat this lettu ... a. bardly Irom Prune., pr"".. 10 N. Con,.. for hi. I Ihou!hI I'd ... rit. and tell you ..hy I On.. belore I .... 'ote you'eonc .. ning tilt phe .... M only u good a. her nllidt. "'usk th.y pre... nt. My .tudy of music arti.ts: Da .... Rubinofl. G,,," and Glenn. "A No. I" pi.ni.l, but an abre direotor. tIl,. J)<'r",n ~"'j.d.d to it. II. h •• 1K00,"" Som~timu a uript docs not permil IuD in the mal. qu ..tet field has been exlen_ Eddi" Canlor, Ever.tt Mitebell. Irma Also Ibe other m.n are very good playe.. bor.d ... ill, th" eheap petty Uilieism that uope of on.'. ability. What"'or prompted sive and by '. I h..... list.ned to Geo. and Glen,,'s .. m .... rong. I am not against cril'ci.m_ d~i"g a ....ll jGb. I hope thi. upr.. ,ion of appreci.ti"n prcgram. 659 day. from Dec. 20. 1930 Ih.t i •• "'n.lfUrtive. intellig.nt and .an" J. M. B. may ap"..ar in "Voice of the Lisl.no,." to May 6, 1933 and hove only m... r Sir; ... ill again Iry 10 brcak into your p']ler. 10 Mr •. Harry llarr for hu eomhOon .ens•. Your .ub'~riber, 0'" I" previous RADIO GUIOES Ihere have In fact, I wa, all ready to ••",d a bot Loui," Phoebe Schley el."er. E'· .. )"on~ likes ~o ..e hi. na",e I" reply to tl,. J.tter 01 liard Chandler be"n sugge.tions for Ibt V. O. L 10 .I~p letler 10 th ..... ngling- "l·am.,i!ht·l·ou, i" prinl ond be ..co("ized. I asSure Y01l in the Jon,. 25·July 1 i ..u., may I hh ".lingi"I!" mud." In my opinion 'lingiag ai-e ...ro,,!" mo., ... hen the n.w RADIO .. l'OU "'ould ha,·. ju.t os much publicit)' uceplion IQ h .. unl.ir eriliei,m of Mar,. mud i, Ihe only mothod 10 tah toward GUIDE came oul. And sin.e, in a period had you said the nie. thing. :'hout lhe lou. 01 "-"how Boal." "ur lamous orch.,tra, who ar" .0 ke." 10 of despai, for my narraw·minded br.th'.... Likes Hill-Billies "Itar." th.t you rully Ihink. To n,y "_y of Ihinking. know;", Ihat jau up .eme of. our beloved hymn •• Vory I had ... ritten thi•• rude po~m. I Ihought The orocn... are good. tho Mit!. Mary Lou i. .u,,£ by one pe ..on .. nart. i.n't il! And I al ....urmis. Ihal you migM be .ble Ie u.e it for future arother,' on"o"" ... l. ".ssabl.. I .I.u spoken by .n~IJ,u. 110. ~rltici.", i. jusl'"' O.. r Editor: Ihe.e orohestra. !>ave Ihe idea they .re rderen ••. Ilk. tb. mnl~riel and the "homoy" char. a Irifl~ I~o pointed to com. froon ~ di._ I enjoy your "Yoie. of the Li.t.... r" .d... --only a t .. ",p oould,,'t appreciate inter•• led 1;'le"tr. ri ... ing their udio fan. a marvelou. pT .... "II half Ihe ... ord. of ,adne.. pa~e very much ond do nol Ilke wh,t lram but I'U wager that mo.t 01 tb. radio Ihom. I do gel a kick out of our bumor· I ,,'" v.ry pl ....d to nel. in this Ume Wer. chans.d to word, .. f .h,..,r. Mi .. Nun •••• yo abo,,1 hillbilly ...ng •. li.t ....r. who enjoy lood musie " 'iII lu"rQ Oil. m.. ron.. Not 'bat I'm on~, lKuu~. i •• u •• Ion!\" and ;nl.usling as w.n aa Thi ....orld would M filled ..ilh lladn." 0 .... 1>li .. Nunes know, a .. d .he oay. 011 their radio! or tune in on anoth.r ....'d bolh be in lI,i, caSe. And i,n't it unbi"•• 1 artide On Mi .. Grun•• "d aD_ Instead of depr."ing drear." .h i. a mu"c leacb.r. Ihal these 'G .. g. • tation. If any li.t."or h. any criticism 2 rity how poor old Ben B.",i. 2nd othr " .. ~~.~~b ooupled "ilh Countes• Perhp. I ~k. Wayne Ki"g bed be­ are Ihe only Irue .ong. in the United Kale Smilh n~,""r get nny Itt ... tion be. I .. olier. Id" havo It by all me~n •• Albani r~l.rriIlJ to Show Boat. oau.e I l,.,·e .e~" him in p~ ..o~, .nd a Stal •• loday. n,.y are Ihe ropres.ntaliv .. O'US. U,.y'Te .0 awful! Th. last ~onlin. And may I a~ain uy Ibal I oppr.ciate C. Y. hppi~r piece of person.lily 1 nover .... )'our RADIO GUIDE to Ih. utm05l. of pure ,on! both fr .. m a hislorioal and lIinn could be rdOTring to any maga.,n~ ""lore or .in.e. So rave on, ,II ye .nti­ musiul ,Iandpoinl. Th~y bav•• urvivtd but e.rhinly nOI RAOIO GmDE! A, Gordon Kin.!;·'st., '~r )"our ",i~hty pens ,h.u D • .,..,.. Ihe lim.. and any thinK Ihat ha ••urvived Mr. CamplKll. if your radio e'·.r "'enl Afore Static burt my 1.. 1in~ •. through all lhe yUTS must h.,·" ,0",' "de~d" you. longin! for tbe abo,' ••Iars Fert Worlh. Tu., Good luck t.. th~ ''h.ll'f"le51'' pa""r value. ,.·ou1<1 be ".ell reprt!ent~d by tho picture Gentl .. men: Worse Titan XER cut. Sh.... 1'0 ""yo the perf"r",e" Ue :.lw.y. ta tlot right of tb. "Yoioe of the List.ncr." '11•• 100 mllrh mor~ jU.lilied in m"king "TTudy" O~"mark off pitoh ~"d have very I"'or voie ••. WolI, Mik. Sorlw.n Bloomfield. Wi.con<\in my con't,la,,,L ;,1,.,,,1 XER now that I ha.,.. DUT V. O. L.: ' .. n fl. D. A:. l.tt•• Irom way up in Thank goodn ... an radio .btion. aren't K~nsa.. 1 "i.b rou had publishod il in ih WLS. Thi. st.tion bas lhe ..u.i~ot Ted ink ."d .~nl it to lb. 51ation, th. ,rOlram, "f an,. on the .ir. It i. plJ Radio Com",i,.i.. n Or any oth.r pe"~n 0<" Mlief th.t four·fillb. of the farmers and and group ... h .. h .. 10 do wilh """latins ,uclo RADIO GAGS lI,ing •. oth.r Ii.ten ... have Ihe ,arne opinion as BONERS ) a"d would appr.ciate a chao~. 01 pro· E,·try "i~ht I Iry to gel the ,oft ••wed rum•. (One doUar will be paid for each gag or boner published) .trains of W~yne "inS's oroh.slr•• I &<1 1 pr.. ume Ib.i, main obj",,1 i. 10 ap­ Address: 112 Fourlh Avenue, New York Ciry '",tea.1 'he "medicine tablots. oil burn... peal 10 the fa"ne .. by broadca.ting ,uob ~"d .M.xiun "ishti"gales" 11. O. A. h,... _on!e .. "" along ... ith Ih. ",arkets. Th. Jun" 1-Dr. hou." all day." JII".. 21-M.mory mfntioned. bltlOl", howevu, i. O. K.. and Mn.fi.i.l; WBAX: Gent: "Stands ..ound Ihe nou,e! Why 8:>\0,. m.: )'OUT! in '.l"."p.thy, S.lina. Kan,.•• "Uqcl. Ezra," ''The Yodeling CowbGy." "COl1.ult • tk."-Casimir 2eka•• Chi. farmn. Th. only f.vorabl. coniment I UII .. eago. Illinois. Listen., to Harris ..ate about WLS ,. Ihal it i• • poworlul June 28 - Breakfast Club - WMAQ- J,m" 23--J.ck Benny-IO;o-\" ,. m.' Austi ... Tex.. " Alation "';th (.1 ..) more 'I'o[lIme Ihn 8:15 I. m.: '1"1>. Uniled Stain i, in Ihe punk 01 Jun. 22-ehor,o pro~ram-WGY- Dur V. O.l.: ...... 1o then, Annc"n<~r: "We ",0'" hc.r Ihe oriiPnar condilion."_B. Gold~a. Br ....klyn, N. Y. 9;30 a. Ill.: Prunes to Eyan! Plumm.r for 1i"ilO!!: La Sen.. u,h uiPltu .on~ 'Jack in Ih. BOl<' ."­ .. Announoe" "A young mao on our bitth· J ••k B.nny • p.dage of prune•• I tbink Ruby Jean MoEwan, Elgin, 111. Jun~ 21-P.t Flan.!.n, announcing baU day li,l i, cel.bratin~ for the third ti",e Juk Benny', rrog... m i. o"e of Ihe lK.e ,amo: ",ith u. hi, 97th birthd~y."-B.tty Barr. on radio and it "'3! even better 10.1 y.ar Krazy for Kemp Jun. 29-KSTP-6:48" •. Ill.: ''11,,, loor. i, tied .. , 1 to 0 .t the IIhn Ted W~'n. was tbe orch .. tra leader Ann~""e •• : "The I.m"..ratur. i. noW 01 tho lilth innin~.'·-L"Gk Pierce, '"'D,· on the Columb,~ cbain. H Dubuqu~, 10.,.,. 1;"01 .... ",i .. ulu before ""ven o·cloek. - eatur, lU, Jun. 22 - Fl.i,.hmann Ye.. I-7:49 Phil Harri.· o«h.. ln ;, one 01 the bed D.ar Edilor: Dorothy M. Wyatt. Mwneapoli,. Minn. p. "'.' on the air a"d a, for hi. dttp barito"" . I loa..., bu·., ,tadi", RADiO GUIDE .. June 2O-Tuaoo 1'ire CI,id-WMAQ-- Torry: "Ho... d~ ),ou know AIV can ... oic., J think uuyone H cra.y aboul it .o..;e tbe lirol ;.'U" wu publi.hed and June 26-Sincl.ir Min.tr.i., NBC- 7:57 p ..... : swim!" and it 'hey 're nol it', mj~hty poor jlHlg­ ..... _tic.d nry Ie .. ",,,,m.nls ... Har 7 p. tI1. Fir. Chitf: "The ... rr'~e age 01 "Well. he ,aid he "pran~ from ",.nt en Ih~r "..rl. PLUMS to PHIL Jr...,p', .....hfStr.. Personally, I thiok C~ne: "Clm, ),ow'. YGur old ",olhert" I ny girl i. anywhere b.lwetn th. ,ominary I of pe~ ... "-J.m". K. Munni., HARRIS I U.I has 110. i>ul ....h.,tra in Ibe .ou .. tr.)'. Qlll: "Oh. oh. ju.t oland. lTound th, and 110. um.t.ry."-M. MrGill, Kno~, Ind, Ulban., IlIi""i,. D. J. P. HIGHLIGHTS if {he WEEK (Programs Listed m DaV/!ght Savmg Time) Goldmall Band Conccrt, l\BC-KYW at 8:30 p. m., also Tales of the Tit:\ns, NBC-Wli1AQ at 7 p. m. NIK-WLS, Wednesday at B p. Ill. and NBC-WMAQ The lir~t t-:ighler, t-:BC·WENR at 9 p, Ill. ThllrsJay ,It 9 p. nl. SAl UI{O.\Y, JULY 22-K-Seven, NIK-WM:\Q at 8:30 COMEDY MONI)!\ Y, JULY 17-llarry Reser's E:;kimos, NI3C-WlS p. m. at 7 p. Ill. SUNDAY. JULY 16-Bert I~hr, Iloma), Bailey alJd Lee r('rlie Grofe's Orchesra, Conrad Tllib:lUlt, baritone, NBC­ SUllS with Rubinoff. NBC-\\';\\\Q at 7 p. m. \\o':\\.\Q at 7:4; p. m.; also Wednesday at 8 p. m. VOCALISTS H~rn' Ilorli.:k's G,·p,ies, l'rank Parker, tenor, NBC­ MOt"O,\Y, JULY 17_Mil1,trel Show, t"BC-\\'LS at 8 p,m. TUE STltE[1' SINGER-CBS-WGN, Monday and Wed­ Pota~h and Perlmutter. NBC·WI.5 at 7 :30 p, m., abo \\' .\\.\0 :I( 8 p. n~. Joseph Pa)ternack's Melody Moments, NBC-WENR at nesday at 8:li p. m. Wednesday. HOW.WI) M_\HS!!, CBS-WBBM, rriday at 9:30 p. m. TUESDAY, JULY IS-Ben Bernie :tlld his band, NBC­ 8:JO p. Ill., The Melody Singers, Mi.~ed Quartet, Guest KATE S.\\ITII-CBS-WGN at 7:30 p. Ill. Monday, Tues­ WLS at 8 p, m. Artists. TLESD,\ Y JULY IS-Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra day and Wednesday. Taylor Iioimes, "The rire Chid's Cnde:' Graham 1\1.;. M_\HY E\STMAN, CBS-WGN, Monday at 9 p, m. and l\'~ll1ee, Don Vorhee'~ Iklnd, r-:ac-\\,"I,\Q at 8:30 p. m. Stadium Concert, Willem Van Iloog,traatell, conduct­ ing, NBC-Iday at 8:15 p. m. leA Zont6 {he AIRIAL TO With Martin Lewis AST week I told you :tbout Jack Pearl', big­ his orcbe51ra 1>1 playi1lg "Stormy W,.albu." It ceau'!. while" . , . Fro1lk Bla,k graduated from college as "" gest boo,ter, Ilis dad, who sits 111 the front to be a joke, Ever 5ince ibis :WI/g became so popular chemical engineer, yet turned to pounding a piano to be­ row at tl,e studio each 'I hUrsd"y ntght for we've bad ,wlbwg else but "Stormy Wealber." come one of radio's best known arrangers and conductors the B~ron's broad~ast. This week permit me Life is funny that way. £ to tell you of another big booster of a Harry Rl!ur discovered how famous men spend the falllOUS radio name. r'ourth of July. Returning in his yacht from a cruise in Sbould we believe Ray Perki//s! He slarted aD Iler name is Franres S/I'/" gorgeous platinum blonde_ Peconic BJ)" the banjo-playing conductor passed under ill his lieu: Tbursday 1Iigbt revue Ilitroducmg Howard .. former Ziegfeld beauty. L'nlike Pearl's dad, she selects bridge. Seated on the bank, far from the speech-makers Cialley, the assistallt master 01 ceremOnies, as "the the blck row to do her dll:er.leading-and I mean Just and the fire-crackers, with his wife beside him and a fish. mat'est a,mO/llleer on the air," LOll Kalunan as that-be~ause immediately after her fa'·orite completes his ing pole in one hand, was former Govemor AIJred E. Smith. "raJio's mod falellted direelor," jimmy Brierly, the number, she is the first to start applauding and the last to t~l/or, as "radio's balldsomest u:arbler,~ Bobby Perk",s. stop. She ne\"(~r misses a S\llld~y night at the studio for TI(o Coral sail~d for Ellrope Friday, fo play an bis kid sisler, as "the swellest oJ kid sisters" alld Larry hi, broadcast Jnd actually believes /Jove RI.b,noff the ""I:;

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