e( U. a. Mre

BigM er Ih aridny i rMag ta tare tedlghf aai n m foyt


VOL.tVL.NO.88 « vage 14)






FOR KIDNAP-SLAYER' Goverior Porter Once Relened, Then

New Loodoa Bud Leider qnesU” State Eoaie hur- Watched, Charged Wilh|

Accused of Killnn Young AS VICTIM IS BURIB ley Between Km dsei and of n Yennl

Womuat Oceu Bendi;

Martin Troo^f Ready. Had On a Shirt of Case’s. Scene of Intensive Search Hundreds of (NHccn First Witnesses CaDed. i;

-Tlint, Mich., Jan. 18.— ( A P I - New York, Jan. 18.—(A P )—The tered froa Ni

Frank Murphy, determined to bathtub murder at pretty Mra. Norwich, Jah. IS.— (A P )—Maps iMMCOlMm"

'ect "a n immediate and peaceful Mary Robinson Casa came to a of toe Danceland Casino at Ocean CANADA Wtdmgtoi Stale to

termination o f the General Motora Beach where 17 year old Ellen Sul- swift aad unexpected denouement 'u .'Z "' Btrikea, caUed today for a meeting livan fell to her death last July 18. today when lavaatlgalora arrested a Meocan Border- of company and union .^repreaenta' precipitated toe Brat wrangle in 38-year-old Harlem Negix> Uvea in hia office at the CapltoL charged him with the crime. Thirty- crowded Superior Court today as

The governor, whoee previoua en- six hours after “ the 28-year-old 2S-yaar-old Robert A . Simpson, of Chiid’f h jiriet leader of toe Oasino band, went on jdeavon to arrange a Joint parley housewife was strangled aad beat- en to death In her Jackson Heights, trial ^or Brat dagree murder before faUed, diapatched lettera to the Rebf Widdwid Pc Queens, apartment, District Attor- a court at three Judges. cblefo of each aide 41 four reglmenta of Michigan National Quardamen ney Charles P. SuBlvaa aimounced Defense counsel, Morris Lubchxn sky, o f New London, aron toe first converged upon Flint, acene of that Major Greene, wiry Negro por- BOFrmiMol BULUfTINI bloody rioting Monday lOgbt ter employed in the apartment brush and forced a recess imme- HnsjAN.11 *^totely after opurt opened when Muiptay requeated William 8 . building, had been charged with the AT n s Knudaen, General Motora executive aromaa'a murder. Presiding Justice Ernest A. I^ ts (A P ) laiw ^ viee-preeident, and Homer Martin, Greene, who previously had baan sustained hia objection to mape of long kalfo today m mm at toe death scene offered by Prosecu- ■Mrt tasportaat ehns «e preaident of the United AutomobUe questioned u d then released, was When Mrs. Mary Chae (above), 38, a bride o f a vrar fannl I tion Arthur M. Brown. 'TACOMA Wwrtity of OharleaMai Workers of America, each accom' f*!***®**.** ^ home in Harlem, and Idinner-time ’phone call, he became alarmed and Mffsa|»-ldfier. panted by two aaaociatea, to meet ------taken to tho apartment wh«h 1to tteir New York city a?^ The maps, drawn by toe Brat witness, Kenneth H Holmes. New The knife was aaai ki la Lansing at 11 a. m. (eat) tomoi^ Fta^Caae, SO-yew-oW HoUl ^battered body thro;Jn K o S i £ a th ^ ^ row with the Governor and James ply Company employe, found the h"** ■****“ «* »• < * “ i w a te r. c o v e re a w i w a sheet. Lendon civil snginssr, aboared toa position of chain kno^ed about in n^ b^ hash hafora I F. Deway, Federal labor conciliator. battered body of hia wlfa Monday. ky a Maw aa AM Aaka Holdup of Warraata Greene was kept there two hours toe dance haU where tha state eon- tenda Simpson, curly-headad aum' BWHrta • ( Om sta b WMBi Pending tha outcome of thla eon- and then taken to the Newtown po- "The aeith wert'e fareace. Gov. Murphy requeated Jo- Uce stotion. Greene’s brother, Hen- m-sr resort favorite, took Mias Sul- the etage at the Iragle Matteon •epa R. Joaeph, Gea^aee county ry, 38, and William Henry Johnson, Itvan after toa dance waa over, Tkooma. W arii, Jaa. J8v-(A P)4 (F lin t) proaecutor, to withhold also a Negro, also were questioned! MARTIN JOHNSON, NOTED criminally aasaulted her, and then kidnapteg and manhunt. torew her through the window to a Charlae Matteoate service at "John Doe" warraata for Johnson and M «jo r Greene were casket today ahlelded from i the arreat of the aeveral hundred employed at the Jackson Heights concrete aidewaik 28 feet below. She Radiating from toe territory shown in toe map at toe right, a man- atrikera remaining in the Flabei Bachelors’ Qub overlooking the died two days later of severe head hunt unequaled since toe Lindbergh kidnaping waa launched by Federal of hie sorrowing family tiM ^ EXPLORER, DIES AFTER iujurlea. Body No. 3 plant here, outside -of Case apartment from an adjacent and state autoorltlca after the battered body of CharlM Matteon, 10, he suffered at toe hands at ■< which a score of persona were in- wing in the same building. Map Is Changed left, waa found in a snowdrift, 60 milea north o f Tacoma, scene o f his naper aad aiayer. jured in the rio t Receee waa taken whUe toe abduction 18 daya before. Am y of Bvtdeooe Hundrads .at ofliean The warrants, charging kidnap- In a statement, at 6 a. m.. Dia- CRASH OF BIG AIR LINER offending chain were erased from throughout tbs Pacific n „ ing, ricioua destruction of property trlct Attorney Sullivan reviewed toe mape. The trial presented an unusual for toe kidnaper of the 10-y while rioting, fekmious assault and the evidence which led to the arroat Thcoma boy aa Dr. evd Mrs. criminal ayndicallam, were issued by of Greene. spectacule aa Judge IngUa, with Becones Secmid VictilD Judges Kenneth Wynne and John Mnttson prepared for ^ two municipal court Judges here last "Fingerprints found on tha p-nt i Schacht Cancels Trip ssrvioea.- night The warrants were signed at the door in the bathroom of the NO GERMAN 1R00PS R. .Booth, atarted hearing evidence without prellmlnaiy statementa hT DetaOa o f the boy’s by Detective Lieutenant Ray Martin apartment occupied by the dccMsed Accident in Which AD lAAMiad a t a closely guarded ' Soap Bonaa. and issued by Judges Edwin D. Mal- have )>een identifled aa thnan of the eltoer side. Simpeon, automatical- ly pleading not guilty, elected to be topey, were withheld antirrty ft. 1 lory and Frank W. Cain. Before the defendant (M ajor Greene),” Sulll- FOUND IN MOROCCO To Paris for Parley Mrs. Matteon and from tbs tww i governor asked that aervice of them van’a statement aaid. Other Passengers Are tried without a jury. Hundreds of citiama orowdad wtolning chUdrsn, wmiaa. Ifi, he delayed Sheriff Thomas W. Wol- •The bloody trousers recovend Burial 14. (rienda said. Ifo , cott had said it would begin within from the Incinerator in the apart- about toe (fon t o f the otd-fashioa- Berlin, Jaa. 18.—(A P ) — NasMp Dr. Schacht himself waa reported Hurt; Wife Has Fractnre. ad "Town Hall” ssak ag aaats la toa nouncement at what toa ai 34' to 48 hours. ment house building have been iden- A. P. Reporter, Howerer, Germany’s "economic ambassador,” enroute from Basil to Berlin. H ie ■bowed waa mads by Fedanl ■Idnaptag o f Guards tial room that bald only 160 apae- tifled aa the property at the defend- Ratchsininlster HJatmar Schacht, minister, who was to have gone to or by phyatclaaa oonduetaa 1 Wolcott said the kidnap charge aat. totora. Thara was no diaorder, aad Parte this week-en4 to open the Lm Angelea, Jan. 18—(AP) — Sees .GoTemmeit P in e bafoca court optnad tga Judges ra- suddenly called off a trip to Parts Ona stab wound from toa was baaed on alleged seixure at The defendant at tho tima of Wa Oennan buUdiag at toa Faria oxpo- ««iort pteroad ton body, hut company guards Iw the atrikera •naat was waaring a shirt takM Mattin Jtdiason, aioted atq^lorar, vaiaad a Fravtona JuB^ t h « only today and M t In toa hands o f altiont had alao iMen ospaeted to art Connecttcut aew9 apwnMR«.Brould partmental uxpMte new negotteUans vital organa tad left Chailsa ta t during the riot tew the apartment oeeupled by the dltd today at injuries siRTersd .S' tof oii i SB Chancellor Hltler’a personal eco- ture Mr While the 136th Infantry at the WMaaed aad the property of the da- —I^ R A M R e M P b r t bo allowed in the court. lOr a’Franco-German trade treate. nomic amhosaodor in ths trade yastardsy's Waatara A ir Et|ii sra After • M minute Intermlasloii, Tbs announoemant that Dr. patched him, the Baa National Guard was arriving hare oaaaed’a husband. traaty dlaanslon. Chronicle a i^ ta a Governor Murphy revealed that tnaapprt eraah, tha>aecond fataUty' Sctaactat's affairs la BarBn were too The communique aaid he had no- Oujda, FYaneh Moroeeo, Jaa. 18 (Usnttaned en Pnge BMht) preasing to permit him to make toe Tkroma dlapatch. three other regiments were being (Oaathraad On Paga Two) anioag the IS peraons aboard tha tified the German commissioner for moblUaed, lie said thia would make m-fated alrliaar. —(AP)—Three peraoas were iriiuclatod Proas oorrsspond- many’s urgent need (or raw mate- be conducted by departmental ex- (ti.''lilm barely enough fooc to i SPANISH CAPITAL terminal, its destinsUoi. rt Bui^ Mt iri in eased toe bombing yester- TOLEAYEHISBED rials, might be the prelude to a po- perts.” aUve and provided no group of Infantrymen, to reach Utlcai understanding between the Flint the 126th, came from west- on a flight from Salt Lake day during a trip into tha Spanish 'T h e statement said Dr. Schacht ■galiirt toe tetter cold.” (3ty. tovastlgate reported 1^^. two nationa.) bad decided eight daya ago not to ern Michigan dties. The Field Ar- tion o f German troops. Reichsbank circles were taken by *T>eato”, toe dispatch aaU, tillery personnel is from the Lan- make the trip to Paris. Co-Pilot Clifford P. Owens and A. No German regular aoldlera were aurpriae at toe armouncement Eh:. German morning newspapers, occurred poeelMy. six days h „ sing area, and the Cavalrymen are Ilonsands of Non-Comhat- L. lAomis, of Omaha, Neb., a pas- Placed m Whedebir and oridance of Schacht, who is both economic however, had failed to deny dis- toe froaen body was diaooversd.” scattered over the state. senger, were crIUcaU/ hurt, but minister and bead at toe bank, Coroner Otto R. Mlttelatedt It was indicated that the 128th was an Italian ahip patches from Bbrpad concerning the ants Quit Madrid; Ameri-I none o f those riding In toe big all in toe harbor of Mellila. Recehres Members of His could not go to France. They won- impending visit and, on the con- Seattle, who toe < Infantry would not be brought Into metal craft escaped without some TOe plana launched five iwimK. dered if something had come up to when it waa found Monday at i_ Flint immediately, but kept in trary, reported the excellent im- injury. but waa flying too high for accu ike such a visit seem premature pression the proposed visit had ett. Wash., aaid ba was sure toa t readiness at home. Ita units are Family— Resting Better. cans May Gose Emha$^. Mrs. Osa Johnson, toe explorer’s rate rnykamanriilp and only one at tola tone. mads. waa killed either, last ThuradM wife, suffered concussion and a frac- found its target. Friday. Mlttelatedt did not ' (Uaauaned on Page Fwa) tured right knea. . ProJecUle landed on a the autopsy to Tacoma. Madrid, Jan. 18.—-(A P )—Thou- While snow plied up on toe dam- doric, Mowing throe workmen to VaUcan Q ty. Jaa. 18.— (A P )— Armed with dafinlto, valu bite aad aetting fire to a pile of Pope Pius left hia alekbed to ^ y for xxnds o f .jpaniah non-combs tents, sugar. clues, officera huuteJ widely obeying the government’s oompul-| (Oeattsaed oa Page Bight) toe first time in mors a month. REGROUPING PLAN CHINA EXECUTES Two workmen were wounded. nerthernmort Washington to WANTS JAIL FARM aoiy evacuation order, quit the cao- Ths Pontiff, m With a variety of Californla-Mexican border for 9 ™wds rushed from cafes but ital t ^ y in endless streams, with old age compUcaUons, waa |fiac^ in kldnap-klller—urged on by : quiet was quickly restored. a wheelchair eapecially constructed ^^cau expected momentarily CranoraUp Is Oft SIRONGLY OPPOSED 5 DOPE PEDDLERS dent Roosevelt's plea that toe I to Join the exodus from tha war SLAYER OF THREE to aUow him to rest without dis- crime be solved quickly. AT REFORMATORY sone. While toe insurgent Spanish an- comfort la bis legs, awoUen with wriUea have ope^ the territory A man who became fright Aa long lines of trucks carrying varicort veins. 1 to correspondents in an effort to The chair waa pushed from the and ran away (torn a nev AM* • I n I* at I children and aged men COMMITS SUICIDE jnfute French charges o f German Democrats Job RepiUh Orer 50,000 Spectators ■ought to the vicinity of invasion, a heavy censorship has Holy Father’s bedroom to a private Sw* OTioal Bdatet Nw Chapel nearby where toe Pontiff Bernardino, Calif. been Imposed. Federal investigators dispb Offieiala at Mellila aaid aU dla- prayed. caos b Attackbg Parts Present u Narcotics Sell Then he was taken to an ante- acme interest in aa unldant Shoild Be’Setl flclals, thimigh the E m S im ^ ^ e ^ tehee filed there must be sent man, reported to have acted ' ?*bor^ Americans to isavs Spain Mao' KiDs Wtfe, ChHdrai rough toe censorship on toe maln- chamber where he received mem- S bera at his tamily who have been of Presideiil’s Proposal era Photofraphed, Shot while traveling on a bus ‘“ “ «b»toly. They directed th ^ tend of Fascist Spain. issued to Kelso, Wash., and Up On Giesliire Property. atm residing In the alege-loqked MUtary autoorltiss at Mellila barred from hia presence for sever Then Throws Ib n sd f al weeks. (rosen body waa found in rapltal to make known their tetan- a^ emphatically there were no reg- Missouri. He w u described, uoni. ular German troops although there Prelates aaid toe Pope's improv- Washington, Jan. 18 — (A P ) — Peiping, China, Jsn. IS.— (A P )— ever, ■■ 60, older than tha ar,a j___ , Hartford, Jan. 18__ (A P )—Joint While toe evacuation proceeded Under Wheds of Train. were some German and Italian re- ing condition might enable him to Some Democrats Joined Republicans An estimated 60,000 onlookers cruits in toe Spanish Foreign Le- bold private audiences in toe Papal erally -attributed to tiM kidntertF,.’ operation of toe proposed State Jail VM war office reported Socialist todsy In opposing portions o f ths tateneiva Search forces bad drivsn back aa inaurgent gion. chambara. watched five narcotics peddlera farm aad the Connecticut Reforma- Roosevelt program for government The eearcb was as intenaa as column near Majadahooda, north- Ne Foreign Treepe Pain in hia lags and atomaeh have executed today on the broad steps I tory at Cheshire is suggeated by Washington, Jan. 18— (A P ) — Ool. Gonzaira, toe local governor, reorganlaatioa, amid efforla o f ad- was wide. Federal agents che west of the capital. Police blamed tesanity today for the oisturbed tlih 76-year-old Holy Fa- of ths world-famous Temple of paorge C. Brakine, reformatory su- declared there were no foreign ther, VaUcan sources dlacloe^ al- ministration leaders to agree on tot from house to house In the ‘ It ackMwiedged. however, that Wiling ^ (fcrbln Biarmai of ^ Heaven. area. irinteadent, in his bieimial report teoope at all M hia territory and though his doctora considered him best methods o f assuring enactmoit^ directors. th r^ h that ««<1 two grown chUdren. described toe relations between The executions were the second in Department of Justice oper sector Isrt week to break govern- ^year-old man committed suicide in no taunedlate danger. Although few took exception to rsport, transmitted today to China’s anti-narcotics enuade and kept secret whether they ment communications with n Bsoo- y ' stepping in front of a freight (OeuUnned en Page Seven) toe President’s request for six more were performed with gruesome fan- one or two men fo r the nor (>oas, proposes that toe rlal and toe Guadarrama train after toe triple slaying last ( •a Page Seven) c asslstante, argumente centered on fare. crime, but they had definite ha aet up on availsbia , Une held control ’a t Las Roaaa, B3 nlMt. these nuijor points: The thousands of witnesses 1^ adjoining toe rafpnnatory and Plantio and Aravaca. Aravaca la The slain: 1. Should the executive be em- to guide them toward toa man that than be a central admliiiatra- watched intently but with no sign played the principle role. about five milea from Madrid nroner . Mrs. Frances Boarman, 60. whoaa powered to consolidate the 100 inde- of emotion as the condemned men, tion o f both inatltutloaa. on toe vital highway, body was found in tha dining room pendent a ^ c ie s especially those Dr. W. W . Matteon, fathar at Mr. Eraklna potaite to toe ecoi_ shackled and bound, were forced to boy, who strove to vain to pay of their home Jurt acroes toe Marv- 200 Millions in Gold with quaai-Jtidlelal functions 'tike knee] to front of the rifle squede iny that m igh) ba sehlaved by situ- land boundary. " «aiy- 828,000 ransom demaitJcd, ^ Brief reports from Valsada. now thi inuratate commerce commis- and be killed with bullets through ating tha jaU farm near tha rrfw- too seat of toe Bpaalrii government. William Pkancia Boarman, 36, sion, into the regular Cabinet de- their skullA eo to an anguished cry that he matoty rather than at aome site said toe iaaargsnt cruiser canattaa gr^uate studant at the University Placed in New Vaults partments? The almost ceremonial kiUlnga IlcVed there was m ore than •uch aa Glastonbury, where aa op- bombarded toe city eariy tart nighC of Maryland, found in the Wtchm. 3. Should Congress go besrood the atarted with a bonfire of 10,000 kidnaper. When told to batt ^ on property already has bora Margaret Boarman, 36, a book- recommendation* and economise by and frozen corpse found near , • (Later rsporta from Valaneia aaid ounces o f assorted narcotics which keeper, found In toa cellar. hundreds o f mlllkmsT The President ett, Monday, waa that rt hie aa insurgent ship or ships were seized after the "be cured by “A t ^ tlme’” ha says, “whan The only poUce ehies to the teto- estimated a 830,000,000 aavlng. he cried: toe port but were drivw away by well on Its way. Officials were silent 8. Should the comptroller gener- tha state is conahlarlng the astab- wars reports at neighbora with an aatimated 8300,000,000 on the value at the ahlpment, but (Oontiniied en Page Two) “1 feared It. I (eared when Ushmsnt o f an inaUtuUon fo r tha taM batteries and government atriuthat M i noarmaa,Boarman, known as a fam ~ iiv. worth of glittering brlcka at buUkm. al's office be stripped of much auth- pulled that boy out into the bmbera after a heavy exchange oflloving man. had been "acting kind private sources esUmate Ite worth ority, as proposed T can of many of those committed aped here today with the Srrt at $300,000,000. tost aomethlng like thia would : Aw short periods, I fori tiu treasure (or a new bomb-proof de- 4. Should the civil aervice set-up, TREASURY BALANCE pen." ■houM call your attantioo to the iBMirgcBt enilMn OuMrtiil Lsolnd Tb toe Port Office Departuent, if revlaed, be baaed solely on 00m- pository. toe gold load was Just a teg parcte But One Aldaaper fart that probably tha reformatory were sUd to have ahaO- 1 Boannan mat hls34-yeer^)ld petltlve examinatioiMT Washington, Jan. 13.—(A P ) __ Close friends, however, have sd ths port of Malaga,, ons o f tbe|d*i>St>tu‘t Mary, and her Banes Soldiers, Secret Service men, pon- port package. It wlU MU toe Treas- ai It now ia eonstttutod, teui»g oajy tal inspectors and mint guards kept To Bom Cmmam The position of the Treasury oa tlmated only one Mdnaprt c fee^ramalning Socialist ptrongholde |Ayna, aa they drove up* rnyfor postage. The Rmubllcan leaderffilp in Januaiy 11: . poaag offenders for n rnthsr losm la the south. Monday. The whola alwt watch ovst tha prectoua volved. Paul Seeva, qwkesman: partod, will noC have a popnlatian to toe houaa after work. Tbs new super-aafe vault la pro- Senate and House plaiM to Receipts, 843,340,843.08. elty. It waa aaid, was heavily dam- cargo aa it rumbled across the mtad by every device kitown to the fam ily. Invariably referred ; BnMb huger than it has at nrsasiit. "He lorttad aort o f queer," Ryaa caucus, once the adm inistration bUl Expenditures, 880,163360.67. aged, tecluding tha Britlah Cboaul- rel^ tater. "He eUd, *IhfTeh oountry from Philadelphia last Troamiry axperts. Because it Is In- "ths Mdniqper” or T m .” la introduced, in an attempt to unite Balance, 81,610,068.448.48. UM tha cost at doing many thinn night. — the opposition. Known clues guiding toa that oould ba done la toohighpw ate aad a buildiiig beliaved Amari- nobody home. Take me to a doo- land It Is safe .rom any Invading Customs- receipts for toe month. can-owned.) toe'a’.’’ In Fort Kiwx, wbsrs the naUon’s aray. Senatora Vandenberg (R., Mich.), 114,882,623.86. were the idiyaical deecrlptlaa i If Ita population w m KS4S GaH OagHal Boarman auddsnly dragged hia ntwert strong-box. eventually will Bealdas the Seventh Cavalry, it and Bridges (R ., N J fl), both men- Receipts (or the fiscal year (since kidnaper; the peculiar Ink and * eanrtdarably larger, it wonld be daughter from tha car and bit bar. bold 14,000.000,000 in gold hero and tioned as poaaibilitiea for toe Presi- used In the ransom note; poasSile to mahitatii at praeUeally About 8.000 noo-oombatente who' la protaetad by its own staff of July 1), 13387,88839833; axpendi- •vacuatad Madrid yesterday ware A shot (Man his gun paraad throimii bricka. a horasisas cavalry brlgads V'-ffoSa mrlth maffhtn# fiumera oon* dential iMmination In 1640, Indicat- turea, 83,784,863,608.16. (includtox peculiarities repeated art ““ “***• “ *t n verv bar arm aad graaed Ryaa’s waited to guard It. ed determittatom to w ar against 81306.489.64306 qt emergency n- handwriting in two tetters better program at to aastotn haveaa la a Seat stoaOy maiming four ’^ b o o r Of 880 tnieka aad antmaobaaa aup- Tha young eau ]^ Si Tha Seventh Cavalry is enUrsty •ueh at toe Roosevelt plan. pendltnres); exeeqa of axpaodituroa, Mattaon; a ptaster-rt-parie < PlMMUag tha regular aarvIcM Shortly after poUca fcund tha asttorised .for fast movameni— with Rough granito walls and al 3S-lnch Mart Bupportera of too President 81,466.842.804.^. G rort dtot. fS T his abck-covered shoes, tore 1 ftom Madrid toward the oeaaL Gov- bwUaa o f tha other aiambera o f tha armorsd ears, combat oars, soout- left toe talking to toa oppoaltloa, 466386,880.91, An increaae o f 8t4, at aa automobile used to fuafly, Boarman’k hm|y waa Ua- torch-proof steal rtMll atwato tbs pending declsioa on proownire. Irg BMchlnM and motoreyclea ear- vault, anterad toiougb n 30-ton 706,639.00 over the previona day. iMdy rt toa boy and toa coesisj on a.railroad trsA aaar lytag macblne-guna. They sought a common ground toje Gold aoaets, 8U3

MANCBENTER EVEN1NQ RimALD, IIANCBBSTES, CONN, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 18,1987 Municipal Workers MURPHY MOVES Central Flgares &i Biar Birthday Party PRESIDENrSBAU. lMNBORirSOy)EST^ 9JU N. Y. Stocks DORNTODiUHrRDNS Do Overtime Duty FORPEACETALK MUSIC ENGAGED RBIDENTISDEiy) Hawing Afasic Is Popular Reb Defenders o f Oviedo ST. M ARGAREH CRCLE John Mofit Ppputar Naim ^ Adam Ehep...... !...... 17|4 REAL R H m iM (»M U r Air Reduc CONGRATULATES REGENT M talcipal bulMtiiir i**t nixhtsroom, checking item by’itein u e on- Alaska Jun ...... With Japan's Geisha Girls Are in Desperate Plight BMrly M buiy ai a factory tiiea in the book* of the 'former IN AUTO STRIKE Among Our Cohgressma Allegheny ...... Ninth Schopl dUtrict. Original Campos Jesters to two diifta. .Am Can ...... Mrs. VirgiiiB Fuller W u 97; Is Really a Pot-poarri of Danc- fa x C ollator Samuel Nelaon, Jr., (OMttoiMd from Page Om ) Tokyo, Jan. 18.— (A P )—Japan's^^ Along with plaid neckUes, Franoo-Bpanlsh Mrs. Bessie Lappen Has Jast n e e tin f o f the Prebldeat'e Bail Am Homa Prod ing—Moro Thiui 250 Dancenrh7?*®??F^,' Fron-*nlght. the travelers said. Etoeh was busy with the clerical detail tn> ,43aUha girls sing their songs In "Juliet" curls and nose veils, Jap- tier. Jam 18.— (A P )—^ s deaperaU Been Elected Recording Sec- Waohlngtoo, Jan. IS.— (A P )—x "She waa very ill w Imb Z < le occupied the hearing volved In the collector's depart- Phj at Armory Here Am Rad 8t 8 .... in th« Cast. non-fighter was Umited to a pint of Judging from the roster o f the 76th stationed to Detroit, Pontiac, Sagi- Had a Keer^ M en o ij swing'Urns now. an's younger generation has taken plight of 880 gaunt insurgenU de- water a day. retary of State Organization along,” ha said, "and whsa sIm i the eecopd floor. Sub-coni- ment’s campaign to collect W :k naw, Bay a t y and Flint. Am Smelt ...... Oongreas, the naUon's most popular Am TsI and T d . . ^ And thsy. croon, too. such a fancy to Josephina Baker fending Oviedo, Biege-battered capi- Insurgent armies nasr Leon, 88 ed my parenta to nama asa : >f the Board of Selectmen, taxes. In addition, several medical and political-first name Is John. they agfttMd." of the highway depart- Od Satorday, Janoary 30. Am Tob B ...... * 'Im port statistics on moving plo- and Btog Crosby types of singing "B om To Dance", which comes tal of the rich northera Spani^ miles' to the southeast; brought up Elsewhere half a dozen typists hospital units were already here or Almost to Her Last Days. tures and phonograph reoords from that most o f the 73,000 (Setsba girls mining lands, waa describe to St. Margaret's Orcle. Daughters Forty-one lawmakers have car- The parento added a J, h u t' the water and newer de- worked on the compilation of tbs Am Wat W in ... to the State theater tomorrow for field guns from the Somoslerra In preparing to come. ths United States discloaed today —who take an eight-year oouiae in graphic, uncensored reporU reaching o f Isabella, held Its regular meet- ried thla monnlker from the cradle aervant rsooversd aad aav . were in aeesion during permanent Old Age Assistance tax Anaconda ...... three days. Is haUed aa the season’s an attempt to smash through gov- “Stoto Will Be S u p t^ ” Jttis spread o f Ocddental atjrlaa In entertaining—now Include them in here today. ing last night to the K. of C club- to the Capitol. Twenty-nine are Harold atuck. the erenlng. record which the state requires the Tha Original Campus Jeatora, ten Armour m ...... moat lamab pot-pourri of music and ernment Unea and rescue the newest Daiibuiy, Jan. 18.— (A P ) — Mr^. the ancient. Oriental dzlJlng ot the their repeitolree. rooms. The members congratulated named William. The name of Banator R. office Town Clerk Samuel town to keep in the town clerk's "Thi.s movement of nearly 2,000 Atehlsao ...... dancing. Produced by Metro-Gold- Travelera who left Oviedo January heroes o f insurgent Spain. the regent, Mrs. Bessie Lappen, on pleca orchestra, will play for Virginia Fuller, Danbury's oldest Oelaha girto Japanese phonograph companies Many Legtolatora began Ufe with Brldgaa of New HampMdra J. TurUngtoii worked throughout office. men Is to demonstrate that the state Aviation Corp ., wyn-Mayer the vehicle presents the 4, a few houre before a government Throughout ths northwest the lit- her elecUon to the office of record- the Fourth Anni^ President’s Ball Balt and Ohio . . . 1 For hundreds o f years these en- formerly dealt principally in dupli- attack cut off all communication Ue band of men to Oviedo were first names they have abandoned or back to an anoaator. Sir tte evening bringing up to date tne While in the basement Janitor and will be supreme," Murphy said. resident, died at her home, 166 D ef dynamic saeanor Powell as its-star ing secretary ot the state organlsa- abbreviated. o f recoida kept by him. Special Constable George Apel stok. in the State Armory, Saturday Bendlx .. <;tertainers have sung to their guests cations o f American records, mode with the rest of Spain, said the 800 bailed aa defenders o f a “ 8e<»nd Styles. 'The Iroopa will see that property Hill aventte, this morning a t 2 and Just stoout runs the entire Uon which held lU meeUng at Hart- Barrel-chested Rep. Maury Ma- Accountants o f the H. N. Alex-1 ed the boilers to keep the night shift Is not damaged, that there is no Bight, January 80, It was announced Beth Steel ...... o'clock. She was 97 years old ( the elassiesl music of Japan And from master discs of recordings by gamut o f rhythm. —all that were left of the 3,000 Fas- Alcazar." By order of General ford, Sunday to the Hotel Bond. “It’s Just a famUy quirk," ha 1 company labored in another | warm. Beth Steel, pfd . . . native folk dancee and melodlea. American orchestras. cist troopa to the city at (Siristmaa Francisco Franco, Fasdat command- verick, of Texas, pioneer stock, *Tm kMptng it g o l^ ai»d 1 _ rioting, that no persons are endan- last night at a mesttog o f the com' November 17, 1988. She was the In all there are more than 260 Rev. James P. Timmlu, ths new started as Fontaine, gered and that the, laws are obeyed. mlttos la tha Municipal building. Borden ...... widow of Nelscih Fuller. Now they have learned from N ow they do a lucrative busineas dancers and more than 200 tostm- Ume—still were lighting desperately er in chief, each baa been cited for pastor of 8L Bridget's church who aome. M y aon Is H. Stylsa, Jr.",; Can P a o ...... American phonographs records and recording their own J a a artists and to hold the city. valor. " I dropped It," he explained, "be- Shortest of all The National Guard was not sent to The orchestra broadcasts fre- Mrs. Fuller was born in New Ha- mentalists and singers to this new was recently appointed chaplain of cause it was too heavy.” hours. Its smoke darkening Peiping’s scare anyone.” mtnUy from This season it Cose (J I) ...... ven to 1840 of Revblutlonsry ances- sound films how to croon American swing bands. production with a nautical back- "Bh(en then," they declared, "the the circle, occupied his posiUon for names Is Joah Laa, Senator wnc. When he waa 16 he was riding up PADiTERS MEET cloudless, blue sky. hM playsd for the Travelers Girts* Cerro De Paa .... try. Her parents were the late blues. Some have taken up the In fact, their business tripled in ground with music and lyrics by city was In a terrible condition. The the first UmA Oklahoma. Gov. Murphy, saying that the AUTO VICriM DIES a long hill on a heavily laden wag- imis Are Burned Club, Swedish Junior League, Hart- Cbea and Ohio . . . Levi Van Hoesen, a descendant of '] rhumba. the past six months. Cole--Porter, for several seasons hospital was overflowing with One o f the longest la parties to the labor crisis had failed I t was announced that Bobby on. The driver—an old man— look- 1-arge sacks of red pills, adver- to get together because o f objections ford University club, RiuseU Sags Chrysler ...... early Dutch settlers to this country, Broadway’s number one tuneater wounded. Typhoid had broken out. Gorman, son ot Mr. and Mrs. M i- 'Victor MlchM Isac; Repr Coca Cola ...... Norwalk, Jan. 13.— (A P )— Mrs. ed at the horse and then at young W ANNUAL CONVENTION tised as a cure for the habit but raised by each, declared, that. It Collage and Cornell University and Samantha Barnes Van iloeaea, and lyrtclsL Both fighters and non-flghtera chael Gorman, waa the winner of from California. freaJdent Fronklln D. Roosevelt, wboM birthday Jamiaro SO wiU Alumnae. Ool Gas and El Martha Telbaggy of Brooklyn, N. Maverick. generally regarded as habit-forming was the state's duty to bring them whose ancestry also traced back talnly, and anyone who Uvea among Miss Powen, whose versaUllty were stricken." the bed blanket for which tha mem- Both Uke their t be the occasion for a series o f 5,000 celebraUoiu to be held through- Dandag wlU start at 0 p. m. but CtomI In v T r ...... Y., one o f five persons Injured re- * "Son,” he said, “what'a your themselves, were heaped onto the together because of the great num- through several generationa to this the animals long enough will en- and appealing personality won* her A city of unending siege etoce the bers havs been canvassing. wouldn't change tham tor XOi flames. out the countiy to j^ s c funds for he naUon's war against tofantUe this year the grand march will be Coml Solv ...... atert o f the civil war nearly, six cenUy to an automobile-truck crash, nameT" Delegates Welcomed at Hart- bers affected by the strike and its t country. JOHNSON’S HOME counter them. But animals are con- stardom to a stogie picture, "Broad- A social program followed the votes. Big packages of other narcotics ^ralysto. Right, Colonel Henry L. Doherty, for the fourth Ume na- : lostponed untU 10 p. m.. Just before Cons Edison ...... Although advanced to years, Mrs. aiderate, by and large. I t Is only way Melody of 1936'\ introducers 14 months ago, Oviedo was described died last night In Norwalk hospttel bualnesa meeting and cup cakes and "Fontaine Maury Maverick." by Mayor Spellacy ■ resultant fa c to ^ closlnga. of her Injurtea. were throwm in after them— some in U o ^ ^airman of the world's biggest birthday party. Manchester’s ntermlaslon. Refreshmenta will be Cons O U ...... Fuller was keen of mind and mem-^ m a n ^ b o fails in that respecL” varieties o f dance steps. In one by the travelers aa reduced to a coffee were served. "W e'U never get up this hUI with U m cold water sad amuMita | , The Morning Program. “ Beqnesta” Meeting fourth Birthday Ball wlH be held at the State Armory on January SO. served In the basement which will Cont Can ...... Mrs. Telbaggy suffered a hip frac- clever disguises. ory almoat to the last and TOWN HEARS NEWS number she does a medley o f six abambles. all that," repUed the driver. "From soap, to clean matting. Displa3rs showed the contraband In letters to Knudsen and Martin be decorated by Wilson's nursery. (3orn P r o d ...... reminiscences of her early chi' different t}rpea of dancing in Thousands o f non-combatante, ture together with other tojurles MICHAEL KERIN DIRS now on there ain’t no Fontaine." concealed In fake electric dry-cells, the governor said: A three-Uer fruit cake, donated Del Lack and West many minutes. She even leads a preferring to face conUnuoua bom- when on automobile in which she : Hartford, Jan. 13.— (A P ) —Some hood and young womanhood In Senator Theodore G. Bilbo of sewm in pillows, packaged in Inno- "For the purpose o f . conferring 'expending great sums” to promote by the Blue Ribbon bakery, will be Douglas Aircraft .. 76-piece band with taps and makes bardment from government guns waa riding with two other women ' <00 nembera o f the Connecticut anti-strike feeling and to "incite days when everyday life was organ' Torrington, Jan. 13.— (A P )—Mi- Mlsalsolppl was christened with a cent-looking cartonsT marked "tea” without condition or prejudice In an raffled off during, the evening. The Du Pont ...... her twinkling toes compete with and planes rather than flee their collided with a trailer truck Jan. 5 chael Kerin, 75, died today at the ObuhcU, Inc., International Society riot.” he added; hall will be decorated this year by ix ^ on a much rtmpler scale than at fourth name. It brjan with H. NOW 1 D R I N K and hidden in other containers with endeavor to find a basis for an Etostman Kodak ... present made her an interesting per- Noted Explorer Always the drummer's most expert rolls and homes, remained to the city. on the Boston Poet Road to W est' Charlotte Hungerford hospital of "One day,” be said; “ my father 'Of H a lte r Painters and Decorators, "W e are entirely satisfied with the ARREST NE(310 O. O. Simons, Inc., of Hartford, EHec and Mua . labels of harmless goods. agreement, tentative or otherwise, heats. The Grand hotel, the only quar- port The truck overturned and yiw i were in session for the 30tb sonality whom her friends liked Injuries which he received last night got down the Bible and scratched A fter the executions, anti-nar- I am requesting that you meet with progress of the strike. It is most which did the work last year- Elec Auto Lite .... In addition one dance group of ters suitable for newcomers, waa caught fire. COCKTAILS annual convention at the Hotel Bond effective and is expanding progres- often to visit when he was struck by a car driven out the H part of my name. The fel- cotics authorities reiterated their me in my* office at Lansing Thurs- Chalrmaa Philip Mahoney of the Gen E3ec ... Visited Chamite, Kansas, 110 men does, a faat tempo routine half in ruins— the result o f direct Mrs. MyrUe Stetson and Anna . today to discuss progress in the sively. The object, of course, is to mus(c committee reported that none Flue Coaversatlonatlst Tonight by Mrs. Mary Baccel. Mrs. Baccei low after whom I was named bad AUehelle AaMMvZh recent warning that addicts would day at 11 a. m." aUB EMPLOYE Gen Foods ...... which embraces the shuffle, truck- ahell hits. Hemlnway. both of Brooklyn, also She was a gifted conversational- Jon. 18.— Special meeting o f the was arrested on a technical charge fftovule.- • ' be given another chance to prove stop production— and production la of the kMal orchestras submitted i Gen Motors ...... in', snakehlpa, waltz, waltz clog, borrowed 360 from him and then JU v With BaO-a " Mayor Thomas J. Spellacy and J.' Murphy mentioned "the unfortu- being stopped. The strike wlU con- bid to play for the ball. Tlie gen ist and her speech was flavored with When He R etnm ^ to U. S. Country club. , '' The other half sUll waa operated were Injured ^ d the truck driver, o f reckless driving. dlaappeared.” themselves cured “but the clean-up Gillette ...... the strut, fast and alow buck and as a hoteL MeiOni, president of the Hart- nate Bituation at Flint” and told the tinue to expand. The Auto Work- eral comitottee bad pfevioualy ex- quaint expressions now seldom ■ . Tomorrow Elarl Harvey o f Somerville, Maas., R ^ . J. Harold Flannery o f Perm-, is undeiway and will steadily In- Hecker Prod ...... wing, miUtary Up, the dratg, fox Grim, armed men stood guard chapter, welcomed the dele- opposing leaders he dtolred to ers' Union is growing daily by the INCASEpiDER iiressed a preferench tor a Manches- beard. Jan. 14.— PubUc tnataUaUon ot snd a helper, Matthew Lopes of Average ratofMl for the enUre aylvuiia, is Harold beoause an old crease In severity.” Hershey ...... trot with Imaginary partners, and "avoid possible further disorder and thousands." ' ' ter band. Mrs. Fuller bad resided for more over the water supply day and Boston, were bunted. . Only one dealer previously had Hudson Motors . . . Chanute, Kas., Jsn. 18— (A P ) — DeHolay officers at Masonic Tem- an exceedingly fast straight Up. globe la about 60 Inches a year. fam ily aervant inalatod on IL Beil-ansI permit an early resumption 6f work (Oonti'mied .rovi Page Oaa) than a half a century to this city ple. Tiw morning program included been executed. Closings and cqttailments of Mrs. George Grazladio and lo t Harv , . . . i . . . . Martin Johnson’O home town found More than three weeks of intensive MR INDMmiOIIV by the many industrial planU now General Motors plants scheduled for Sedrick Straugban have been ap- onC| was a member of the First Con- ThU Week t singing of patriotic songs, invo- Addicts and dealers both were Int Nick ...... rehearsal were required for this idle.” today will leave 113,800 employes ^ "The shpea taken from the de- pointed to have charge of the sale, gregattonid chuirch. Six years ago it hard to believe today that tha atioD by the Rev. Julius Hultecn said to have been throwm Into panic Int Tel and Tel . Jon. 18.— M. H. S.-Meridsn baa- number during part of which all Oovenoc’s Statement idle by tonight fendant's person showed stains o f tickets through women's and she ha% a ,fa)l'which resulted to a - worldadventurer who followed the ketball game at State Armory. r tlM nmanuel Uitberan church and by the killings today, taking them Johns Manville . . . . the dancers play musical toatru- memorial service for deceased In a formal statement Gov. which beyond doubt win be identi- men's organizations, Mrs. Mary fra ctu r^ hi|>Aut.xecovered to such moat savage Jungle trails with im- Jan. 16.— Legion danoe at Rato' as a sign the government was de- Murphy reviewed lost week's at- fied as human blood. Kennecott ...... menU and inUnperse their play- gkmmbsrs, Dsnnoher, chairman, reported. an extent that ihd'atos able to get punity met death m an accident ot bow Inn, Bolton. ing with singing. termined to catty out Its heralded tempts to arrange a peace parley, "The dry cleaner’s identIficaUon Lehigh Val Rd .... about the house with the aid o f a 'Ihe origin snd evolution of wall Also Democratic Victory Dinner Another group does a dance drill plan o f wholesale executions. then said: mark on the trousers found to the L igg and Myera B cane but waa' obliged to use m wheel clvHlaatlon— a transport plane crash was akstched by Elmer J. Loew*! ...... to CAUfornift* St Masonid Temple. with drums. Six bass dnimftiers, “The situation rqaches beyond the incinerator have been traced to a chair out o f doors. Several years : o f Buffalo, N. T „ who said the Reading Lorillard ...... Only Monday Johnaon had com- Next Week graduates of bagpipe bands, twist Immediate parties to the contro- tallor’a shop located to the vicinity before the accident Mrs. Fuller idea from which the Corn- Mont Ward ...... plained Jokingly ot the perils of a Jan. 17.— Legion Forum meeting their huge drums and spin them wall paper o f today has de- versy. It affecU directly large o f the defendant's residence where made her first trip to New York at the Nathan Hale schoeL ST. BRIDGEn BAZAAR groups of workers and their families And Writing Nat Blsc ...... modern world. ■rouad like a seal playing with a ‘'probably was one of the they were sent for cleaning Dec. 23 Local Stocks whicb attracted considerable atten- Jan. 18.—Lecture o f Mrs. Lewis rubber boll. who are employes to related indus- Nat CMsb Reg .... "Why, 1 almost got killed by a ' first nbtioas to enter the brain -ly John Solby- last" tion at that time. Rose, "The World Today” , at Y. H. tries and who m, *' are involuntarily Nat Dairy ...... uaia motnlng,’’ the bald, keen- The feminine chorus has been f nrimlUva man." Mrs. EHiller is survived by" two C. A., at 8 p. m. DATES ARE SELECTED subjected to an interruption of Burial At Lancaster Farnlsbed by F. B. Shaw, Ue. N at Distill ...... e]red explorer said as 4hey stopped termed "streamlined" girls, because Hot having ha sufftdentiy advanced em- daughters, Mias Mary OordsOa This Moatb ployment and wages. It might be a good idea to ruth Greene's arrest came a few hours MS Farmtogtoa Ave., N Y Central...... off at Balt Lake a ty on their fate- Dance Director Dave Gould used QfanMilspRil his development to carve, paint Etoller, with whom she mode her Jan. 2 4 .-Annual meeting of ■ "It also seriously affects the to-, down to the book store right now after the body of the attractive West Hartford N T N H and H . . . . ,fu l westward plane trip. extreme care In selecting shapely ■ «baw. primitive man did the next and see if you can t trade one of home, and Mrs. Virginia Stanton, of Between their tripe to the far Emanuel Lutheran church. young misses whose lines were be- Pre-Lenten Fair to Be Held On terests of the general public and it housewife had been taken to Lan- WUIIan. B. Martin North Am ...... Portland, Ohio. thing available by banging on the numerous copies of "Gone With Packard ...... corners o f the worid, the intrepid Jon. 26.— Conn. River Bridge As- tween the slender sthletio types of February 3-6— Big rommit- causes general suspension of pro- caster, Pa., for burial to the d ty Local Bepresentative .The funeral will be held Ertday at GP That^theKafnoteorotir walls o f his abode the skins of the Wind," you got for Christmas Param P lc t ...... explorer and his equally courageous sociaUm dinner to Legislators, Ho- five years ago and the plump, tee to Be Chosen. duction in a major industry, ana to- where abe was married Nov. 23. Bid Asked 2 p. m. with burial to Wooster ceme- s, Peck said, constituting the Penn ...... wife, always found time to visit the tel Bond, Hartford. curvy girls o f a season back. This volvee an important question of law for a book by R. c. Hutchinson 1935. Funeral services are to be held Cap. N a t Bk. and T r. 29 81 tery, this city. ; wan dacoratlons. observance and interference with called "Shining Scabbard." By so there tomorrow. Conn. River Bk. . . . . 450 — Phelps Dodge .... town o f their romance and mar- Jan. 27.—Manchester High Class chorus hod eight different styles of 7saved objects were next, be riage. They had hundreds of frienda L4ay exerctaes at school auditorium. February 8, 4, 5 and 6 are the the rights of private property. doing you will be in on what seems Htfd. Conn. Truat ... 78 83 Phil P e te ...... dancing to accomplish before the and in the palaces o f many The grief-stricken husband, her Also dinner meeting of Merchants dates that have been selected for the "The situation developed into likely to be our next sensation to Htfd. N at bk. A Tr. 32 34 Pub Serv N J ...... "hare. final fadeout. tribal klnga the pieces often parents. Mr. and Mrs. William J. * In 1936 Chanute named Ita muni- Division o f Chamber o f Commerce. four nights pre-Lenten bazaar that serious riottog and disturbance of the world of the novel. Mr. Hutchin- Robinson, and , Mrs. Douglas W il- Phoenix S t Bk. A T r. 280 — Radio ...... Among the featured artiste In appllsd to the wails before the STATE WORKERS CREATE cipal airport the Martin Johnson Jan. 29.— Manchester High mid- support o f Miss Powell to "Born is to be held to the basement o f 8t. the peace. Local authorltlea ad- son’s new book, is even better than liams, of Saratoga Springs. N. Y., a Insurance Stocks Rem Rand ...... surfacs was dty, to •Field to honor of ita two famous year graduation at school audito- To Dance” are James Stewart, Vir- Bridget's churob for tbs purpose of vised that the situation bad passed the preceding three, one of the beat sister of Case, accompanied the Aetiia O a u a lt y ...... i l l i i g Rey Tob B ...... tha Impresrton of the weave. r Jstoy funds to carry on the im- beyond their control, and to ac- tclBsens. A t least twice they brougnt rium. ginia Bruce, Una Merkel, Sid 80- novels o f the year, and one of the body. Aetna Fire ...... 49H 51HSafeway Stores ... OWN PENSION S Y S ia their travel pictures to Oionute for The two day convention has on provements that are planned for the cordance \^th their request several Jan. 80.— British-American club vers, Frances Langford, Raymond best studies of fho French mind Mrs. Case waged a fierce battle Aetna L i f e ...... 2944 3144 Schenley Dis ...... pramler showings. I'tto schedule a discussion of the Rob- rectory and the church. units of the state police and Nation- Sears Roebuck .. .. fam ily party at Masonic Temple. Walbum, Alan Dlnehart and Buddy MID-WINTER Automobile ...... 3144 8344 ^'toson-Patman Act by Hiss Lillian ever written to Etogllsh. with her assailant in the tiny kitch- The couple's last visit to Chanute Also President’s Birthday Ball at Etosen. The matter was brought to the al Guard were summoned to aid in Conn. General ...... 3444 3644Shell U n ion ...... Halley of Shipman and Goodwin, Mr. Hutchinson builds an over- en of her apartment before be V as to September, 1936, but they State Armory. attention of the Holy Name Society the maintenance o f order, Hartford F ire ...... 7344 7544Socony Vac ...... Draft Bill to Be PrcMnted to The accompanying feature for the . I'Hartford, a discussion of the Social whelming situation in a great, strangled and crushed her skull wire expecting to return here again Next Month at their meeting Sunday night, but "The public peace and safety are Hartford Steam Boiler 73 76 South Pac ...... 4744 Assembly — Outline of the three days is "Down the Stretch”. ^tBaeuTtty A ct ^ a talk on '"The with a hammer. next spring. Feb. 1-2. —"Petticoat Fever*,, 8- instead of havipg It sponsored alone paramount and public authority damp old house to provincial Bau- National Fire ...... 65’4 6744South Rwy . vn a a tla e of Good Painting Prac. must prevail at all costs. In the The Intruder fied after dumping . 26*4 Proffrun. Friends here recalled that the first act play by the Community Players by the Holy -Name Society It Is In- lon, which la between PaWs and the Phoenix Fire ...... 95 99 St Brands ...... by Granville Brelnig of New meantime we should endeavor to re- her body into the bathtub, whicb he . 1544 and last trips Martin Johnson and at Whiton Memorial auditorium. tended to have a committee selected Rhine, rather a preca lous location Rossis Insurance . . . . 12 14St Gaa and E 3 ...... jk York City. turn to the rule of reason. covered with a sheet, stopping jhe . 18 ti ,Ma wife took together were to The Feb. 2.— Annual banquet of Lu- from among the different members to the spring and summer of 1914 Travelers ...... 495 516 St Oil Ctol ...... Hartford. Jan. 13.— (A P )—The SALVE ^ reception will be held for offl- o f the parish and the plans call for "In the interest of the public and drain and turning on the water. . 4474 ..Sputh Sea Islands. ther League of Emanuel Lutheran These are the people in the house: Public UtIUty Stocks St Oil N J ...... 69 8,000 state employes will have their It waa to Chanute that Johnson . I in the ballroom tonight. tha most complete entprtalnment the many employes and proprietors Eugene Severto, who was i. With him, police said, be took a Tex Corp ...... own pension system under a bill ehurch. of a ffe ct^ toduatrles, 1 am request- Coon. Lt. and Pow. .. 71 75 . 55% , first met his bride. Then a grade Tomorrow’s session include that has been held to the pariah Colonel to the Franco-Prussian war, blue suit belonging to Casa and the Timken Roller Bear now drawn for presentation to 'the Fab. 6.— Annual Masonic Ball at ing the conference so that we may Conn. P o w e r ...... 5444 5644 . 72 school graduate, Osa Helen Leigbty, (yheney hall. • COLDS ttee reports and the election ttece the days when fairs were held cashiered for cowardice and de- ®^ict which, police said, Greene was Trana America .... Legislature. discuss the problem and endeavor to Htfd. Elec. L t...... 6844 7044 . 16% sang at a theater where he showed UseM-Taaiets f otflean. la the old Apel Opera House. In termtoed to clear his ntune, wearing at the Ume of his arrest. Union Carbide . . . . . Employe and state contrlbut^'tia 7.—Annual PoUce Benefit at order that there will be sufficient reach a solution that will permit re- Hartford G a s ...... 41 46 .104 ’•blcturea of a trip around the world. Stats theater. tyrannical man behind an Idee Deputy Ctoief Inspector John J. So. New Eng. Tel Co. 169 163 Union P a c ...... 1. Haw Year's or die” drive started riot was a statement tog Knudsen get a hearing in ()ueens Felony Fafnir Bearings...... 120 r— Elec Bond and Share (C u rb ). 2744 clerked to hla father’s store and de- GOING thla month. SENTENt'ES OOM.'ML’TEO. cessantly, breaks her furniture or cent: 50 years, 100 per cenL that It "is very much to be deplor- Court tomorrow. Gray Tel Pay Station 1944 2144 veloped photographic plates for In- 'DISCONTINUED PATTERNS WILL BE SOLD AT OLD P M ^ . A re Photographed moves It at all hours, scandalizes The state wlU be required to^set dependence folk. When he waa 20 I A fter the contraband had been Albany, tf. Y , Jan. 18.— (A P ) ed." Knudsen said that because the her household. FIngeiprIats Tally Hart and Cooley . . . . 200 __ aside 2 per cent o f Its monthly pay- plant was closed the company Landers, Frary A a k 4444 4644 BUDGEPORTS PAYBOULS he read in a magazine that Jack | burned, the shackled prisoners were Governor Lehman commuted to life Into this group are Inserted Detective James Sullivan said po- roU for the general fund. TU s * London and his wife wanted a third January watchmen had been instructed to Mann A Bow, Class A 944 1144 Plus .dragged to the scene and forced to Imprisonment today the death ol Renee, who is the wife of Eugene s lice learned yesterday, while Greene money wUl be known as the State person to sail with them to the I UP! pooe for photographs for use by the handle no provisions or supplies, blit do.. (TIaaa B ...... i — Bridgeport. Jan. 18.— (A P )—The •ROOR SAMPLES sentence of three youths sentenced "the strikers were not prevented son Pierre, and their two children. was being quesUoned, that the Ne- bualnesa survey of the Bridgeport Employes Retirement Fund. South Seas on London's 47-foot | 'authorities in their crusade. l4day that the average weekly pay- — UPTO — shouted hyiterically. The others The three, all negroes, are Went- woodwork. roll for 20 years wUl pay 2 per cant; letter. London telegraphed back: Clearance Sale BUY NOW! The street flght was an aftermath are servants, attorneys, doctors, an rolls here in December were the ertoged in silence. worth Springer. 17; Lawrence Peck, Stow A Wilcox 17K 1944 "Can you cook 7” . *0DDS AND ENDS oX what union leaders charged was occasional visitor from outside. Greene was released and detec- Russell Mfg. Co...... 37 41 highest since November of 1929. 10 to 20 years, 344 l^ r cent; under In view of price advances on all uHes of merchandise The bodies were dumped nn- Jackson, 18. and Robert Taliaferro. " I IttUe,” Johnson replied by wire. an attempt to prevent the "stay in ’ There Is even Louis, who Is Elu- Uves followed him. Sullivan said ScoviU Mfg. C » ...... 5044 5244 The December figures were * 1,- 10 years, 6 per cent. oaremonlously into crude coffins 19, who were convicted of the mur- ' "W ill learn more.’' j’ou make substantial savings by buying now. Many of strikers from getting their fowl.” gene's brother and continually to- Greene’s trail led to a pawn shop Stanley W orks...... 54 56 143,663 compared to 31,221,018 for New employes hired after July 1, PRICE! stacked nearby and carted to the der of Morrl.s Emcrt, store-keeper, "The trouble started.” said Knud- where he attempted to dispose of 1937, w ill pay 6 per cent. He went to a nearby restaurant I these saie prices cannot be equalled now at wholesale. You Know, anraiclpal “ cemetery for criminals” suited by him because Instead of Torrington ...... 97 99 November, 1929. The December and hired himself out aa a cook. He | —AND on n holdup in which they received sen, "when an outside organizer choosing the army, Louis has clothing. The state win ati^ Its 2 per esut ^UNMATCHED PIECES The crowd collected hours before *3.50. Union Mfg. 0>...... 1244 1444payroll was $126,684 higher than worked night and day for a week, with a sound truck incited pickets chosen trade. He sella rugs, and In- Johnson, poUcs said, later offered U S Envelop, com .. 80 __ contribution when the fund reaches the executions and watched the The three are in the death house for December. 1935 and 341,281 then Joined London to San Fran- | We Know, outside and Induced them to storm cidentally pays Eugene's blUa. to sell a blue suit to two Negroea, do., pfd...... 182 — 3750,000, but it renews Its oontribo- oorcmonial fire which burned two at Sing Sing prison. th.. gate and imprison the plant o- above that of November, 1936. Cisco. Renee sees her relatives by mar- and'also took a bloody shirt to V^er Root ...... 118 126 tlon whAi tob fund falls to 3500,000. MORE lice. The city police were called, Starts FhotogTspUng *SINGLE PIECES riage through bewilderment. It la laundry. The garment was seised Whitlock Coil Pipe .. 9 11 Injured employes wiU get 40 pei Another of Johnson's services to I Camel Hair Coats Everybody Knows but were too far outnumbered to as evidence Immediately. Some species o f psyche-moths cent of their current salaries sftef be effective. true, but also with an almost ani- J. B. Williams Co. . . . 37 42 , hitherto unexplored South Sea mal honesty. And Into this swelling, Officers said they learned from Mlscenaasoaa spin curious silken cases to the examination by three physiclani ' nooka with the Londons consisted of "The situation today is that the Henry Greene that his brother had Burdines, Inc...... 44 47 exact image o f snail shells. employed by the state. Warmly interUned. Regular $16.98 — That Prices Are plant is to the hands of the strikers, often unbearably poignant situa- photographing. He later decided taken a gray suit to a tailor fo r al- Chapman V a lv e ...... 4044 424 *0NE-0F-A-KIND SUITES where it must remain until local and tion Mr. Hutchinson inserts two bis exploraUona would be recorded Conn. Invst Mfg. . . . 444 54 Values. IQ ss state authorities can restore it to matters from outside. One is the teraUons. They said this suit was enUrely to fllma. Actually be bad Advancing. It’s N9 us." desertion of Pierre, who forsakes IdenUfled as having been stolen Elec Steam Sterilizing 2 3 not fired a gun to the last fifteen [ — anda-r- Used Car Sale The General Motors executive as- his army career to come home and from the Case home when It was Foundation Co...... 844 94 years, he sold recenUy to New York serted the company had "not Im- protect Renee. The other is the ap- looted several months ago. Hendqy Mfg. Co...... 21 23' 3—DAYS— 3 aty. Secret. You Hear It At Special Low Prices poitcc any guards." saying ail of pioacblng war. Police fixed the time of the mur- John Irving Shoe, com 9 11 Mrs. Johnson stood by armed to 1 King Seeley Corp ... IS 15 protect h ir husband when a lion' or | them are Flint residents. He added The story is Mr. Hutchinson's snd der at 2:30 o’clock Monday after- TOMORROW “COMPLETE SELL-OUT” that "the only Imported men to noon. case, a Cornell University Solar M fg...... 5*4 64 STATE FRI. AND SAT. a rhino charged instead of posed. Fur Collared Coats Buy Now Save The Difference need not be told here. But you In Every Store Everywhere Flint today are found in the ranks graduate, told officers be attempted Sylvanla Indus, ...... 44 46 Time aher Ume she brought down I should know that the novel Is writ- beasts literally at her nusband'a Prices Are Sure To Re Higher In The Spring. Ol the union ” about 6 o'clock to telephone - his Taylor-Colquitt ...... 60 65 Of fine quality. Regular $25.00 ten with taste, humor, and an al- EVEHYBOPrS GOING TO THE BIG SHOm^ fe e t On one trip into Borneo, she He said the corporation will not wife that-he would be detained. .. Utah-Idabo Sug. Com. 344 Of All 1936 Stocks! most incredible knowledge of hu- tv Ice killed elephants aa they were This No One Can Deny Take Advantage .Now Of The Values We Are Offering. deprive the men In the plant of When he received no response he New Voyk Bank and Ins. Stocks values. $ manity. Bank of New York charging. Etoch time the elephant | lights, heat or water. The strikers rushed to the apartmUnt, where they Bankers Trust ...... fell to front of Johnson and said the heat was turned off at the had lived for more than a year, and — to make room for new stocks coming CHEVROLETS Ume of the rio t “Shlnbig Scabbard", by R. V. Chase ...... camera. Hatehlnson found her dead. She shared every expedlUon be I NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY! from the big Winter markets at New York "We are not going to encourage (Farrar A Rtoefaart). Chemical ...... We Offer Remarkably Smart 1936 Master St)ort Sedan ...... $645.00~ violence because we do not believe Guaranty Truat ,... de. niey went around the.world Umeo, spent a year to Australia, and , to fill our quota as a member Sedan (R a d io )...... $645.00 labor disputes can be helped by B.YNKINO IN JERUSALEM: Continental ...... 1344 violence," Knudsen declared. "W e JUST ONE LONG HOLIDAY CURB QUOTATIONS Corn Ehicbange . . . . . 64 ro years in Borneo and live years Not Only For Present But of America’s largest 1935 Town S ed a n ...... $475.00believe that everything we can do Eirst National ...... 2140 Africa. Martia Johnson devoted 1)RESSES to prevent violence will tend to Jerusalem (A P ) —Bank deposi- Irving ...... 16 twelve years of his Ufe to the South Sea lalands. Of high grade crepes and new printa, Master Business Coupe...... $425.00 eventually foster a better under- tors in Jerusalem must have an Manhattan ...... 3244 For Future Needs furniture buying SYNDICATE stoiullng when finally our mutual By ASSOCIATED PRESS ManufacL Trust .... 67 Aa means o f locomoUcn dsvslop- accurate watch and an intimate ;ed and cameras improved to their » S • • • S.O 1935 C h evrolet C o a c h ...... $400 00 troubles are over and behind ua.” Am CIt Pow and L t B ...... fkt' National aty Bank . 43 knowledge of three calendars. range, the Johnson safaris hsesms John L. Lewis, head o f the Uom- Otherwise they hasten to the Am Gen ...... 10T4 New York ...... 142 io q 5 Pick-up...... $395!o O n.ittee for Industrial organization Ark Nat Oos ...... 844Public ...... 6744 >largar. His films of Borneo wild bank, confident o f arriving be- Ilto wars highly ptaiasd. His rspu- 1934 Chevrolet Pick-up ...... $275 00 with which the U.A.W.A. is affiliat- tween the hours of 9 and 12, only Aasd Gas and E2 A ...... 4%Title ...... '1844 A Special AaBortmeot Of Am Sup Pow ...... 2T> taUon and aUU brought him tbs Where You ed, revealed in Washington last to find the doors locked and a sign lasuraBee Blue Ridge ...... 3% commission to record the vaalshlng IQW J?®®*®** Sport S edan ...... , .$400.00 night that be plana to aak Congress reading "closed for Mauled el American (Newark) to investigate General Motors and Can Maroonl ...... 244 wild Ilfs of Africa for the American 1933 Chevrolet Sedan . $325 00 Nebl.” American Rese'rva . Mussum of Natural History. SILK m ^ E S said the strike will be "fought to a Cent States r a ...... 2% Attterican Surety .. Afford To flnlsh." ” I f the hoUday is n o t'H a u l^ el CIt Serv ...... 4% * . The Johnsons made their boss on 1929 Chevrolet Coach (2) Nebl, which is the birthday of the Baltimore American iLafce Paradise, In a remote region He had spent a day conferring at Serv., pfd...... 6744 Bxc€tt Sizes 14 to 44 at the afanoBt onbdiev- Prophet Mohammed, it la likely to ot Abysstnla. Becauso o f tbs with Martin and John Brophy, a El Bond and Share ...... 27*4 Fid. and Deposit The FX)RDS be Whft Monday, Ctorban Balram Nlag Hud Pow ...... 17% gton's inaccesaihUlty, game abound- able price o f ...... Lewis lieutenant in the C.I.O. Ed- Great American ed. ward F. McGrady, aaslstant secre- (Mohammedan feast of sacrifice). Penn Road ...... 4% Halifax Johnson himself deerisd the inslat- GOOD tary of labor, also talked with Mar- First Day of Peasacb (Jewish Pass- Segal L ock ...... 3 ...... ^295.00 Hanover ...... anes ot persons who wanted him to 1933 Ford Sedan...... on tin. Brophy and Lewis. over), or the birthday of King Unit Gas ...... 1244 Home Ina...... 2 for $5.00 . Lewia proposed that Ckmgreas to- George VI. Unit Lt and Pow A ...... 10% ralats occasions o f great phyileal Home Fire Security 'danger. veaUgate the financial structure of 1930 Ford Coach ...... !!!!!!!! $95 00 In fact the clerks are given 81 UUl Pow and L t ...... 144 Mass. Bonding . . . . " I have seen thrilling dol the corporation, stJarles paid Its pubUc holidaya to addition to Sun- FURNITURE 1929 Ford Roadster...... $25.00 National Liberty , omoag tha wild Jtfe o f Africa," YoaH agree with ub when yon see their style end execuUves, company earotogs, the days. Six of the holidays, how- North River ... rviaUoDsbip between It and the Du- TOO MUCH HASTE (wrota in 1936. "I have had narrow quality. Twenty-llve Other Cars Ranging From $23.00 Up. ever, fall on Sunday anyhow, so Prov. Wash. ... ;e a e u M from death, and so has Osa. pont family, the Flint riot and the the net gain in days off is only 26. Michigan Judiciary. aevcland — Patrolman Robert Pref..Aceident ^ But la a world already filled with all Fine, firs t Quality Chiffon or Service ffeaboard Surety He. also said he wants Congress Adams arrested John Whitlow, Jr. i the diffieultlea and uaplaasaataaas DAGGER IS COMB Security Ins. I that our world Is, why should p s o ^ to ascertain whether "Foreign finan- 2L charging him with driving 62 oak to hear of a i^ m oia f I don’t bs- Gmipaiqn ciers should dictate labor policy in Paris— (A P ) — A tortotse-shan miles an hour. SILK HOSE pr. America." whether General MoUun lleve they really mean It, and I am Rilcy Chevrolet Co., tc. dagger thrust through the front of. Whitlow's oompankm, Ralph certain that they, as wdl as “ I An dzes. TMaintalns "araenals". whether It to Center street a new leather belt Is lass murdsr- Brumby, 19, offersd to taka ths ear ) would much prefer tlitbs bsanty ot has engaged a strlka-broitolag bus than It looks. Pulled out o ( Ito sad sscurs a ball bond. ' Ihe-seeat gsmeJIelde Sa they realty UWl CORNER PEARL AND MAIN STREETS ' and whatber K n u d a ro a ^ dMath the dagger provas to bs a Patnflman Frank (Sabrlsl anastad Alfred P. Sloan, preMdent, are Tbs plaast M aS a y has bo at- .are to tbs eacsggeraUd storlss so Wen Made "m en office boys." handy lltUs comb .tor emergency Brumby a few mlnutss latar tor mospbsrs. Bpsctroacoptc photo- f eften told of Beree and daad|y aal- service. It’s an tdsa o f Schlapa- passing a red light la his basts— {mala and of nOBbty gama boatata. Lewis accused C t u e ^ Motors o f raUl’s. g r a j ^ show It as a dry. sun- A sad took Brumby to Jail, too. baked, waterii tfnrasar bsrdy wrtaslng sudden and Main . Street—*Opposite High School— Manchester awful daatb. SUPS 7 9 c 2 for $1.50 ilBAMfiB.e«* itaw Toik, Jaa. U ^(A P)—SbTMkfMt what win ba on Ota dbmar Oohimbua. 0„ Jan. 18.—(AF)—«dli«ot)y RaauMR aaiilita s M i t MM >■ wallm il faoafaea thetha menu—with inanu—with thetha raault that man eataal Sifetj Comniision Giw- La«y university freshman can be the yean te achool. tba meat faU. Ujnme caring to oontribute towards' — g-—— MV aoaraama^ W tUgiS __ ^ Caet iTiajr don’t know how mackerel, for exampla, at lunch, prodded into studying a»«ii aiek onaa [IW estor J. B. Jolustoi of Com fna AH hurts of -Alrllna offld ala pratead a new on foe receiver, takee beartegs oa and go home to confront mackerel urn oeeunring among frashman, a foe expense Incidental to foe aerim j eoM 4 flltftko can be treated, but when they CaU mM find opportunity to do oo. atefUo-proof antenna and radio di- aay two stations ahead or behind in la and hut true that woman on the dinner table. ' man Addresses Grangers amallar number among sophomoMa, ar i plots foe lines. The intersection “*Nstaad Miik haaf far bettar Wives Should aay chseifully at In love watch out for fiywv "fliuika,'’ and a toaiply raduoad number Bdson M. Bailey, chairman of foe Worit 500 Lawyers Are rection finder today as another step Junior Dean Cbarlaa W. Raadar of State Teachers’ College >meri<^tlonlimmlttee of Dll- In making transport flying more of foe lines tedlcatss foe T.i«n«« , thay undarataad ataak,” aaid breakfast, “Henry, wouldn’t it be among senlon and Junten. ^rth-Cornen Poet, American Le- pcritlon. r tha Oyatarman today, pufllny a nice to have for dinner”—etc., ad* m ConrentMHi Today. Ohio State Univaratty’s School at "But student courtahipe have Whnt te this Ufa if, fun of eara If you’ve Iteqrd this betora, wsfi safe. Commerce observed today. to Be the Speaker. gion. ^ prteelMU of foe high Wa have no time to stand and otnra. you can’t stop nm now— Budfing the Big Case. Captain Peter H. Redpath, TWA diar. vised BUly. Bothtegjlo do with that," ha added. school will prealde a t eiiia mmting. "lb an affort to furtbar increase ~ I troubla la,' women erarr “Never aay flatly. In a bossy There’s no known preventive for "Then u* as many o r ^ No time to stand beneath tba boughs •How long did it taka your wife foe safety of eomoerctel aviauan Airways and navigation engteaer, the cardiac "dlsaase,” he Mr. Ballsy fa amteted m And Stan oa long aa sheep or cows, to learn to drive T’*x -!■ ■aid the-moat Important aafoty to aaa qnlek reaulta—gat In a tone. 'We’re going to have..’ That's A need for divided ^traffic lane at the heart among upper elaaemen mlttee by Robert Hathaway, Aldo iu the United Btates we terite other the biggest mistake a woman can "Although etudeate seldom admit No time to am, when woods we pass "It win be 10 years next 8aptem- Philadriphla. Jan. IE—(AP)—A alttinea to confer with us fonowteg feature of foe ^paraua ri that it and cook ateak too faat. la- main highways, and either apeelal as flnt-yaar atudente. But tha oth ProfeaKr J, B. Johnston, of tbs P ag ra. W, Henry Weir, Earl Usw MX1VOM swa A ■. W han aqubrete hide their nute in y**— as aa auxlUaty receiver for ton- 7low It, their love affqiie ahara with lack bar." \ net Income axoeedteg $1JX)0 a d a y - ^UMiiteil BUly, whoaa cooking haa make." ar canaes at ‘flunkr—too Uttte or Ifaw Britain Btate Teacbera’ Ool- Wright and Chartea Oliver. aww afenuN aim A | l this demonstration oo .that they m flourtablng on thia ialand atnce Men genuinely appreciate any Ut* traffic eourte or district courts If of atudy and poor health tha Mama misdirected study, too much out' foot te tha dream of 18,700 per- (nay ayall themsrivaa 'of our en- Department at Commerce radio Cunnecticut motor traffic Is to move for failing cUos work." said the toga, win be the speaker at the next No time to oee, te broad (layllgbt - Abaent-mteded prnfisioi' (going sona arho will offer proof of forir beam stations. I pabay daya of Little Old New tie thing women do in an attempt to aide work, poor health, or other l ^ o n forum to be held a t the W. A. Montgomary off Houstoa •ai ww ■ M am ghMerteg data," aaid Jack Frye, feck. please them, said BUly—so It’s up to with greater safety te the future. dean. *mndlcape such as poor sysslght or iltliMte «r • ifeMl ernimt • Streams fuU at stars, Uke skies at around te one of thoaa revolving dalBU to foe $17,000,000 asUte of president of Transcontinental and Pilots flying te fog and unahia to "We can make etudenta study Nathan Hale school next Sunday af- Tex., ran over a fuU j^ w n pan- night ,, doors): "Bless me—I can’t remem- Ibw Henrietta R. Garrett, widow maintain radio contact with ground AMERICA’S SMARTEST *1 don’t wlah to aKaggerate,” he wives, sisters and ssreethearta to Indicated In an address by poor haaiteg seem to have been t^om , January 17, at form foer.wifo his motor car. Since It Western Air. Judlriwialy. 'But I am M to experiment with their cooking untU more, or send them to the student eUmlneted.'' ----- A poor life this If, fuU of care ber wtaefoer I was goteg in or com- of W riter Garrett, sniiff manufae- H ie apparatus has been Installed stations because of static no longer Chairman Samuel H. Fisher of the o'ctock. was at night,, he did not Unger to We have no time to staind and otara. ing o u t” , turar, bsgtanteg Thursday before a sill have to "dive" under foe fog that perhapa ateak la more they get from their men "an ~ health center If they ore ailing— Unlveraltles have a nonaal an- ^^Hie subject for dtecusrion wHl be search, for the body. TkM asm I------within the past two months on the '— coperiy cooked than any presslon of satisfaction." , Governor’s Commission os Street but Just tty to keep them from foil- N ( A V I N —W. H. Davieo. master te Orphans Oaiurt. layer and navigate by “visual” con- nual fatlun n te for the same Ssa* ^1m Influence of the FImnUer on M n. OaneU died te 1880 after TWA fleet of 88 planes on the Los tact. ______1 on the American table.” "But don’t stay over a hot stove am' Highway Safety before the an- ing in love. son as the United Btetes has a nor- American Ltfe and Institutions," a Need Aaefoer Chairr A*teb>aa-Naw York route. MODERN FURNITURE Uvtaff for nearly 38 years os a Rla colce, which la nkturally aU day," he warned, "because the nual meeting of the state Orange at “Young men and women enter atal death rate, Reedar said. foeme with which Professor John- Do you have time to d t and raadT How often we have wtehed to r On Jack Franklin, oommunl cations "Now," Redpath aaid, "foe pUot the Stratfleld Hotel te Bridgeport Rather, do you take time? Time extra chair te the living room—A duae fonowteg foe death of her can immediately 'fix’ hte porition rang out:—“A ateak three heat wUl make irou wacky." college Just as they are reaching the Regulations which requUs atu sson te thoroughly conversant A huabond. She eras known to be engineer who directed work on the IS SOLD FROM MAINE TO CAUFORNIA , thidi must be cooked tirenty For feminine guidance, there was this afternoon. mating age, and some of those love graduate of Tale college, where he to the one thing we do poseem. Our good-looking one, not too Mg yet wlfo two bearings, use foe direc- The belief that young and future dents to and UMir first two yean Success depends upon tha use we comfortable. Montgomery \Fard wealthy, and in her test yeara abe devloe, said Ita development and iMbutas after it la seared— his final suggestion:— affairs are much more serious to with grades of “graduation” eaUbre was awarded a Ph. D„ ha haa served mate maay large gifU to chaif installation ooat $35,000. tion finder as a homing device and ; Woman are making another grave "Most men U!ce simple food—plain drivers may well be expected to set them than their studies. A perabn os Superintendent of Schools at Old make of our time, and its by-pro* have some dandy puU-up chairs, fl> foe ’’On-Courae’ rignala.” new standards of competent, res- before they can becooM Junion has fluct, foe odd mo'.jent Sit down a walnut frame, covered te plain or Franklin explained Its modus or, continued BUly. They home cooking by a. sophisticated can't think of two things at the curtailed failures among members I ^ e , four yean at Kent Unlvenity, operandl thus: V plane was tuned up for a pub- Wise Smith’s — Hartford — have the n’t telling their husbands at woman." ponsible operation of motor vehicles, int a t night ami think, "What flowered mohair tor only $4.96. Shortly after her death, Charles and that many features of our pres- same time, so it’s usually the class- of the two upper cIosms to la small Missouri as profosoor of history; and Starr, ate), adfo bla brother, laaae, The baste principle la eompleie lic demonstration hare today, work that suffers.” -. at foe New Mexico School of Mtem. ive 1 done with today T’ la your ent day efficient motor vehicles may percentage of the number who fall At foe present time Profeasor John- or another's, any foe richer be- Today te every home there te had managed foe Oarrett affairs for streamlining of foe plane's loop Exclusive Sale of this Furniture For still be improved for safer operation, Dean Reeder observed that fail- during their first year,'' ha daelar- many years, and Frank O. Marori- antennae, with a new wiring ar- ThompaonvUle, were visttors the ures at Ohio State University ■tone holds the chair in foe Depart- _je at good deeds wdl done? Or leteure time wfaldi. If it te to be a KABLY to rise .is BULB was also stressed as Chairman ad. m ^ t of Social Studies at foe New tve you paaaed tha day te doing sattetyteg time, requlrra aonm plan- lua, who claimed to be a flrat oouote rangement designed to give oom- first part of tha week at tba horns Flahsr elaborated the Comdex En, JJM w. (3amtt, were ^pointed te Mi^chester and Central Connecticut iiDOSnaAL DUST of Mr. and Mra Jerry Ugoea, of Britain State Teacben' College. SALE .jts of ’teofotegaT" g Don't be so ning. The Puritana' bad a line tor ptete shlridteg against atatlc. Waisaw (AP)—Goaeral FeUcyan genaerlng, BMucation and Enforce Oiphana Court to administer her Morton street. Theee open forum meetings are busy doing nothing that you haven’t I t Said they, 'T he devil finds The antennae. IS inebee te diame- SUadkowsIcl, hardened by mllltaiy ment phases of the general problem state, avoiding aa far aa pooalbla rapidly increasing in popularity foe time to "stand and stare"—at a work for Idle hands," and that old e r is ^ a a d wUl which dlapoeed of ter, la mounted under foe noee of Hiss Martha Ballah, R N. of the congested areas of towns and BUY GOOD discipline, Is teaching ofindal Po- Springfield haa been ipendlng a tew Mr. Fisher remarked on the Im- 69 STULS CONFiSCATED throughout foe nation, even the Uttle child’s smile, a gorgeous sun- raying, te Just aa tine today os It foe ship and te connected to a land to get up te foe morning. As ' HEALTH PROBLEM provement for safety shown te the cities, to carry the through traffic radio having Instigated a coost-to- SHOES NOW M t on old man’s eyes—so many was when the Puritans roamed the There was no indication of foe manual crank by which the pilot days vlaiting with her parent!, Mr. and thus relievs opr ordinary roads r a ^ e u of her personal fortune. Premier, he te routing out the cabi- and Mrs. Anthpny Ballah on West accident atatlstica of Connecticut's coaot hook-up of foe Town Meeting AT GREAT things to watch—a Uttle dog running woods. But do not be dismayed may turn foe loop In on 180-degree net for meetings at 8 m^^ Main street four largMt dtles, Bridgeport, New for local and tetra-atats traffic. Con mSTATELASTYEAR at foe Air, under the Joint auspices at your fmt, it may be foe Bargain because new ways of living bavs died te 1805 he left arc. Haven, Waterbury and Hartford, necticut is neighbor to a great of foe taague for Political Ekiuea- SAVINGS ***** * letter to bla widow Mrs. Andrew Nstate has been eon* metropolitan, area, and the gateway Round trying to tell you somethl^! produced a brand new set of prob- ■ rirt^ her to “moke your arili now. A cockpit Indicator dial, calibrat- Jfaite IhliD f Wide Surreys fined to her home on Weat street by and credited much of this Indicated tlon and the National Broadcasting For Instance— lems. Put hands to work doing ths Improvemeni; to the excellent work to New England. I Company. Don t put it off, but leave your for- ed like a oompaos. Is divided Into a Illness. Oirieial Estimates That Gov- For Tour Good Health! things they love and discord files green right half and red left half. Winiam Defoaae .of Omnt evenns being accomplished by special police "Our lower courts in recent years The local forum meetings are open You can buy aU of Dr. Jackson's out of the window. There is a nice tune to chsultable Institutions. • • • te Cnrl IKsease Dae to accident squads organised, trained have found a new tsrpe of offender ernment Saved 20 Milliona Do not let any scalaarogs get It If Bearing! to foe right of foe plane’s was a recent visitor a t the home 4 Health Products at Pteeburst Gh>* way to distinguish ^pleasure from you can help it." cour„e appear te foe green portion, hU parente. Mr. and Mrs. A. Dafoaas and put to work te these dUes dur- before them, namely the driver whp Becanse of Results of Raids. eery. Dr. Jackoon’a Meal, Ushua ing the past year. breoka the motor vehicle lawn. work by reasoning thus and so: Did Not Obey those to foe left In foe other aec- in Norwich. and Kofy-Sub. He wlU give a lec- Whan we would rather be . doing tion. Eiposves. Mia Dorothy L. Schofield of West While a alight Improvement In the These drivers In the main are not But Mrs. Garrett didn't mind her number of persona killed and Injured ture at foe Woman’s (dub. Broad something else than what we are husband’s bidding. Perhaps she Mounted on foe dial is a aeedls. ford avanue who Is em p ^ad at the criminals, but careless and thought- Hartford, Jon. 18.—(AP) at., Hartford, Tuesday, Jan. 19th. doteg (no matter what that may oCrice of tha Stafford neaa under- in the state te the past year wu less. Many of our smaller town or Joseph C Oskane, te charge of the HKNSOWS ridn't realise how rich she araa on The black half la used for bearings Onrlag Hw last few years, tha noted,*tha chairman pointed to the justice courts bavs had an amaaing ' " • wn '‘‘I I ,Uti 111. ■ , be) wa are working; when we are June 3, 1931, arfaen she arrote: ahead, foe white half for beartegs went a minor opermtlaB on her foot alcohol tax unit te Qmnectlcut. doing exactly what we want to m : psnblasB baa assumed such im In the Springfield— hospital,' Monday steafiy teeraase tn the serlouan.ess of amount of business along these lines. Speaking of Turkeys. "Dear Mr. lfoarlea S. Stair—Give to the rear. aeddente ab a clear Indication that It may weU be that before long we aaid today that Federal agents’ < How would you- like to take core doing, tlien that te pleasure. you my estate and belongings which > In tbs baaltb at industrial ------Her conditionte I reported to be im. ure of 69 stills te the atete lost year A "null’’ or minimum volume of proving and te expeeted to be dls* the state as a whole has not yet ob- shall have in the State either spec- IMIIIX'O of 35,000 turkeys, eating 4H tons are named te my book per a-c foe radio Impulse results when the ttwt It baa become neces* charged from the boapttol in e few tateed an answer to the motor ac- ial traffic courts or district rourts mv^the govemmaat nearly $30,* Of food a day and costing $5,000 a folkmlng amounts * * •’’ after "hole" of the antennae loop is turn- f to srtend greatly tha duat eon* days. ddant problam. hardllng these cases to co-ordinate month? That la foe Job Mrs. Hose adilch abe listed e few peraonal be- r directly toward a radio station. I arthriUaa e l thaBursau of Oo* Mr. and Bra. Edward Newberry Mr. Fisher remarked on the Im- decisions and avoid the confusion Tha figure, Gakone said, rapre- K.\I)I(),S has at Shagroy Farms, foe laigeat quests. When foe loop Is parallel to foe nal Plaaaaaa at tha State Da* provement for safety shown In the and inequalities and delays that are esttte taXea tha atills’ operaton tuiitey farm east of the Rockies. For s time foe admintetratlon of of Mencheater were the recent would ha,a evaded during the year atatlon foe volume te maximum. . nt at Baaltb, Dr.-AIbart 8. ruesleste of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Mul- accident atatlsUoa of Connecticut's now so unfortunate. Agnes Hose was formerly a church the estote moved quleUy. Then a Franklin said that when a pilot, Tht Morning AfterTaUng diraetor ct that bureau, ra> insjs of Center street four largm eltiea, Bridgeport, New PeraonaUy I believe the revoca- bad they been allowed to function organist and also an amateur gai^ few relatives filed claims, not know- t in tba dapgrtmanra monthly Havao, Waterbury and Hartford, 34 hours a day tor 365 days unmo- dmer, who loved foe out-of-doors ing ita vaatneoi of her holding. The flying by instrumente, wlabea to Paul Campo of Weat Main street tion of Ucenaea or their suspension • - > CartM^ Little Liver Pflit member of the Olympic Football and credited much of this indicated for certain periods, together with a lested. juIar^S and gloried te working te foe soU Overnight A. P. nears began to spread. By July, addlttas^ te tba wlda variety of team was discharged from the John- Improvement to the excellent work requirement of a re-examlnation be- The tax unit director said n IM \ I wUh her own hands. She has late- 1934, 8,000 had flleq claims. In aix ■ larvlean performed by tha son Mamorial hoapltal where ha haa being accomplished by special police fore the license Is returned, is the only about 10 per cent of the liquor RiwKids ly grown into an experienced turkey News months the number Inrrmaod to In talafioa to baaardous bean a pattent alnce last October aeddant squads organised, trained most effective penalty. sold today la bootleg. woman, a for cry from a church or- 5,000. Last spring foe State Su------I In isduatry, it haa and put to work te these cities dur- suffering with a fractured leg re- ’’Ehtaminatlon for license la be- He estimated selxure of 3,090 gal- ganist At leatA sh- refurad to Waterbury—Hie Rev. Edward J, preme Court ruled that those whose naoaw uq^ survey duat ea* ceived te the first football game of tof. the past year. lons of illicit alcohol lost year to- stay te a rut and by refusing has claims were booed on rolatlonahip rea in M dUferent tepaa cf In* while a alight Inprovement in the coming more rigid in CcmnecUcut. Brennan, pastor of 8t. Mary’s, by More than ten per cent of the 46,000 gether with 4,067 gaUons of other become a successful business wom- foe Sea, New London, was reported to Walter Garrett had no rights te Jtea and operatloaa. b tba pies* Pfaser. R.N. haa been nunber at persons klUed and injured distilled Uquora and 8,334 gallons an. Of course, It has meant hard by St Mary’s boqiltal attaches to foe fortune since it all passed to ' year, witb an augumantad per- apandlng a faw days at the home of te the atate te the puat yrear woe v’ho applied for examination for a of malt liquors te Connecticut Annual Meetingr Work. Her day starts at 5:30 a. Mrs. Oarrett on hte death. ThU the temtier of dust anrveya noted, the chairman pointed to the license in 1035 found their ^ plica- be growteg weeker graduaUy. He her stater, Mrs. Clara Armstrong on tions rejected by the State Motor Agents omflscated eUso 31,450 In accordance with foe charter m. and she personslly supervises all entered foe teatituUon six days ago. reduced foe claimants by nearlv U mere than doubled with a Church street steady te>:reaaa te the seriousness of pounds or about 17 tons of sugar. of Cfonneetlcut (folldren's Aid So- work. She employs 13 men at half, leaving 18,700. T tosmrd reducing the prevalenoa accidents as a clear indication that Vehicles Department. Stiffer ex- Meriden—Mrs. Catherine Hoffman Mr. end Mrs. James Houle mter- aminations than at present would The stills seized had an average I dety notice la hereby, given that i-’-K daughter time but when foe turiceys of New Britain, set into motion ar- First Heariags Such duat dla- talned at their home on Hyde Park the state aa a whole has not yet ob- capacity of 260 gallons. Their to- foe annual meeting of foe cor- ore young, she has borne a full The flrat of those who claim rela- . __ onoeonloals and tained an answer to the motor acci- probably keep .qff our roads some IVNORTON’S Elrntn — - A __ rangements to receive foe Ladles’ with a party te honor of Mrs. Della 047 Main Street tionship to Mrs. Oarrett and foe ------, Dr. Ckay said. dent problem. who have no business to be there. tal capacity, Oskane said, would be I poration will take place on CheMy Bledt -> shora at endless hours of hard work Auxiliary of the (fonnecUcut Asaod- h annlng of Blast Brookfield, _ The man who Is found to be driving about 15,078 gallons. At top speed, Sunday, January 31, at 13:80, teid onxlotu nightlong watches. She ation of Postal Clerks, at foe S9th right to share tn foe estate will be In these surveys four factors must who was observing her 80th birth- "Our mate highways should be these etlUa oould p,oduce enough al- In the Hartford Club, Hartford, X-RAY SHOE HTTING has had no vacation in three years heard Thursday by Master William m considerad In order to determine day. During the evening a soclai broader, with divided lanes of traf- a car while under the influence of annual convention to be held here F. Davidson, beginning a aeries of ^ extent of the health haxard: ( ) liquor la the I ost dangerous menace cohol to lose $54,689 taxes for the (Connecticut. EUecUnn of direc- and social life for her does not Febu 33. Mrs. Hoffman organized a 1 time was enjoyed with refteahmanta fic,’' Chairman Fisher stated. “Dan- government tors, annual reports and such ocist This she does not mind but hearings to be held tm days eafo toe particle stea to determine being aerved. Mrs. Manning was ger spots should be clearly marked of all. unit composed of foe wives of Meri- week until completed. The claim- • tebather amaU enough to enter the and dangerous grade crotsinge eiim- 'Courses in the High schools for Oskane reported 191 arresta te other business os may legally be 'not much time for reodteg Is a hoid- den post offlee clerks. presented with a puree of roanay. transacted at this time will con- POLLY PRESTOW 8|iip. She has great plans for foe ante must appear personally before “ o* the lungs; (3) tha oom- David Wosaerman of High nreet teated where possible. The Ughttng the potential drivers of the future alcohol violation cases of which Hartford— Gov. Croaa re-ap- foe master. ----- cC the duiK both chemical of dark places must be a care for are essential. Perhaps the younger number 178 went on trial with 85 stitute the agenda. future, one plan being a aeries of poteted Dr. John Crowlqr of Hart- boa returned after ependlng the first per cent successful prosecution. 5 IvO -C ^ ^^ervt tC^t three hotcbliig periods a year. How From fodo-Chtea to foe South I mtoenUeglcal, to team whethar pert of the week te New York dty the future. AU of tbeae matters ore generation will teach the way to ford os a roamber at the OonneeU- American Andes; from the 48 stotoa 1 harmful; (8) the concantratloa meet the problsms of the road bet- foe will do this, how the Urde are cut Medical Examining Board for a oa buateese. hatched, boused, raised, slaughtered and m foreign oountries, those who -I dust in the air and (4) the William Kuslansky at Main atreat ter than our older one. five year term. have proof to offer will eome to OO of wgpcoUre. and Oeorge Burrell of Keee Plates "A most important phaaa of safe- and marketed la a story oil In It- Hartford—Connecticut famUles of ;»or self. Needless to say the turkey Philadelphia. They ore repreeented tlie poit thTM or four ywfo, attended the U. S. 6owlteg Sweep- other states, but to accomplish the t. work te the state can be accom- OCC enrolloea received approximate- by 600 Philadelphia tewyera, 3,500 r stated, the bureau has been stakes' In Waterbury. naadsd rssulto, more money le re- pUsbed by local committees. Many market has become consistently ly $4,678,800 as their slum of the out-of-town attoitaeya and hundreds 4 nunber of completo Mr. and Mrs. Loula Rajoay of quired of the state. nave been formed-or are forming good through foe year’s 13 months. wages paid foe boys te fos three and of generiogtete. r foundiv duot ooadlUoiM la Salem, N. H., have retu rn ^ to their "We should aee two or three great We urge continued local effort for Mrs. Hose declares she could have a half years since foe start of foe Charlea Starr, the adminlatrator. to datermtea tha extent of home after spending a few days at trunk lines nmnteg through the ■afety." sold 50,000 birds last 4fo of July If CCC. and an teveatment broker, whoee axpoaurea presented by speci- UiL home of his father, A. Hajoiiy of she had them. Roxbury—Ira M. Booth, 88, teat I operatlona and typea of equip* brother was heir to 813.000,000 from School street. of foe Civil War veterans here, Writer Garrett's sister for “faithful Vanity and mirror «37. Bench |5.0O. Bed $33. Cedar Itaad cheat $38. Pier |U ; “* “ d at tha praaent Uim a Announcement has been made at Aay Spare lAmpa on Handr died. servlcea,’’ la one of foe chief claim- ! -tba foundry Industry In the engagement of Mlaa Alice Lewis, "Hygrrde” electric lamp bulbs Hartford—A Grand Jury to con- ants, baateg his claims on foe word- I la in progress la which the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward ore dependable (they’re one of the sider murder cases was ordered con sledge obtained In those studies ing of foe win—“Give irou my estate Lewis of West Mate street to "big three”) and now you con get vened at 10 a. m. Thursday by Su- and befonglngs." He was In control — . dng applied. At the conclusion Anthony FerrentI, son of Mr. and them at Potterton A Krah’s. They perior Cfourt Judge NsweU Jen- W the survey, now more than belt of Mrs. Garrett’s estate for many Mrs. A. FerrentI of Hartford. No have those hard to get types—deco- nings. Three cases ore on foe years before her death. *“ pleted, the facta obtained wUl be date has been aet^for the wedding. rative, ete. docket. Sixty Lovely Variations for the development of ede* 666 UQUID - TABLETS • SALVE - NOSE DROPS Hartford—N. B. Lazarus, Buffalo, T duet control measures. Foun- It’s smart to buy now. Now Is . an ere cooperating In this N. T., milk official, urged licensing NAVY KKRUITS QUOTA USE AS A foe time of foe year when all stores of operators for dairies and dairy kmrk and even before the survey STATE SUPREME COURT make reductions te practically all machinery os a health measure at ^ b e e n oompleted there U much of their merchandise. Not only on^bne of the gravity-among the foundries tn .foe ennual meeting of foe Connecti- FOR STATE INCREASED etearlng up dusty conditions which RULES ON THREE CASES white goods and furniture, but cloth- cut Association of Dairy aad Milk •nve been disclosed in the course of PREVENTION ing, shoes, hats, yard goods, etc., all Inspectors. Harold C. Kelaeu of have had a good slice cut off their Middletown woa chosen president; The quota of Navy reenitte to be toe study. Similar surveys of other Placs 666 Salve or 666 Nose Drops in nostrils night and enlisted from Connecticut during foe lovelibst themes OBtire industries will be conducted origlnkl price. Jot this down in William H. Frisbte of Norwalk, fiixt Finds Error in One of the Ap- your memory book and if you ore vlce-prerident; Dr. L R. Vail of month of January, already sharply te order to provide an orderly, well morning and take 666 Liquid o r 666 Tablets every morning. Iccreaaed over that of recent balaneed procedure which will be peals— Middletown Dentist wise, when next January rolls Bristol, second vice-president; H. around you won't have to Just read months, has Just been further in- that ever came a ^ U v e In control of the dust pro- Wins His Suit. Clifford Goriee of Hartford, seere- creased by foe Navy Department Mem enoountersd in Connecticut about these soles but will have foe tary and treasurer and F. H. Page cosh to nm down and take advan- of Durham and A.’R. Meigs of New according to announcement m ote by GET THE LATEST INFORMATION ON OUR tage of them. (Thief Electrician’s Mate, Thomas Hartford, Jan. 18.—(AP) The Haven, auditors. Zlbeaki, USN., in charge of foe out of a designers Supreme Court of Blrroro ruled oo Willi man tlo—Rowe Wheeler, coun- Navy Recruiting Station te foe STAFFOmPRINGS three appeals today, finding error Do Yea Oo to Bed a t Nlghtf ty detective, arid bench warrants Federal Building at Hartford. « Monthly And If ao, do you sleep when you had been served by him on Paul only In one of the caae brought be- This teoreaae In quota te te itee ? I V • J • . ►*• dream! ^ t a session of the Tolland County fore it. Sweepstakes get there or Just toss back and forth Locrasto and Joseph Sabo, both of with foe Navy’s present building * 3 ’*™'' court, Monday Judge Ken- The coni-t niled there was no er- Imagining thtegs or thinking of WUUmantic. charging each with ar- program although on additional in- ■eth Wynne of New Haven granted ror in the action of a Middlesex this and that. - Maybe you have son te connection wlfo on $8,000 fire crease during foe month bad not • deeric of divorce to Flora Ethel County Superior Court jury which foe wrong kind of mattress. If oo, at a WtIHmantie night club and res- been expected by the local offlea. * d ^ e of Main street. Stafford awarded $15,000 damages to Dr. now la foe time to do something taurant. CSilef ZiboiM brilevas that hte offlee, ■ pnnn from John F. Roche of West Eldon L. Crowell, a dentist, who about It. Watkins have a Twin which serves Hartford County, win Ira n street, Stafford Springs. The suffered severe Injuriee when he Innersprteg Mattress and ciox London introduced badges for be called upon to supply a large part •VWM was granted on the grounds fell 20 feet down an elevator sbatt Spring for the price of one, 834.95 Its cab drivsra 98 year! ago. of foe state’s qnotA n nanltual intemperance.' It was —^for both or 3 twin mattresses if r . teSOontested and the plaintiff wa.s In the building of the Middletown Savings Bank where he had offices. you’d rather. Better take advan- the custody of the three tage of foie omaxing sole—you may ' children, with an allowance of The bank, defendant in the caae, claimed there was contributory neg- never get another chance at such a a week for their sup- tremendous savtegt ‘be couple were married in ligence on the part of Dr. CrowU ffbuord Springs on March 3. 1»30. prior to the accident. • 4»toniey Joel Rf<»d, 2nd. r^pre^iented The court also failed to find er- Nven If you cannot be a "sun fol- $-drawar cheat $33 ror m the Judgment of the Fairfield ~~v” you Wont to know what —TONIGHT— same ses.slon S *be Superior court, Joseph Relfa County Common Pleas Court which ’ are wearing in aouthern cUmea. aC^BteffordvUie who took an appeal awarded damages against the Um- tlU give you Ideas about what ?**m a conviction in the Stafford vereal Newe Delivery Corp. to will be areartog a t our own , anrao bing o •22 ■ M g s Borough -court, for drunken Charles H. Miller, Greenwich store------bra this summer and you can ffnvteg last July, changed hts plea keeper. A truck owned by the de- ■'“ 1 planning your summer waid- When he appeared before fendant rolled from a parking place rabe accordingly. For' swimming EACH PIECE and coasted backwards Into the GET YOURS NOWl 11-TUBE GRUNOW a sleek ahteing bafoteg suit of a St James *s School Hall - Imposedeby the front of Miller's store. satin or a two way stretch, wta oe good. Aa maay alacka as dreaaea, 10 Games 25c. 6 Special Games. amirt and 850 of the line was re- Krror was found in the action of Phone 5191. Only $1.50 Down. 80e Week. FASHION-PliOW la unlike any fuinltnra yas In the borough court. Beffa the .New Haven County. Superior la the word from moat of the amort Avmpktm Hafy Nggi8 Sodetjr, S t. JsMea’g C h i i ^ raaorte. They ora more flattering may have seen before — It Is tairitara wUh J IT'S THE'BUY of the YEAR! aa IDEA. It la more toe higher court. He was Marilla B. Spencer from a decree of to most figures than sborte, and -^g^P^mted by Attorney William M. have become an all-day “uniform." erieefod plate glaae and toe Guilford probate court admit- aa eminent derigner. Oeorge Kilek, ting the will of Frederick C. Spen- Payments Mny Be Paid At QUINN’S. Your beach coat must be fitted and ' Taylor. 35 of Westford flaring and made up of cotton of a n loyriy dienm. Be pvt M en paper. It wm cer to probate. ” so simple, no amnrt, so agetoariy beanllfiA 2!*'' ‘bs winter term The Supreme Court ordered the wUd-ooiorad design. For daytime * toe W ind^m County Superior case remanded. ateo there are the perfect tailored ir s NEW that all FASBION-FLOW Fnraltnra was baM u n te bonds of 82,000 on ths firaoMs of non-crufoteg linen to around this one eupeih rinatliia !J P jy f breaking, entering and BRUNNER' water oolors. For "dnos-up" w* caMaet-maken worked oa aaeh p__ ’ 2 " to .too ^ h t session whsn be change uniforms pink marquteette and black lac^ that special panels sealed drawera tram < '2 5 - C?^®**** before Justice Clar- “Ahraya At Yonr Serrice” with a anng bodioe aad aweepteg that surfaces wore robbed to a estnor-glew—• 80 OAKLAND STREET PHONE 5191 T4«r alter Y%mx, mor* for yoor monoY^' Interiora mode amoofo as aatiat B»low to the Ashford Justice Harrisburg, Pa.. Jan. 13__(AP)— aUrt. Tour hat should be huge , Mmiday afternoon. Bemg un- Onen Niehta uul Rnmleva hrimmed, with crown ^latticed with JO furnish .bond he was taken The Pennsylvania highway patnri's MOOTBn, Q uulu Y*8 iNoiNBai MiWAu*sTmaAFrrTBooiiai..ated Uke fine eblaa aad rihwr, FASHION-PliOW orab. gray uniforms will go Into tba . . . Now in two dam . . . Re-dmignad for topk atesi sldea, stesl Boor. , . reteforeed with -■;s7 Trivet ribbon. For .erenteg try R \l)l() may be bouht te OPEN StOOK. Start wHh. ►tos o i^ ty Jail to await trial. His black aad white oomUteation. -J^Mrs. Cora Berrlek also of d ^ a rd In tha Interests of payriiol* ecooemy. gntetnms, and nnoofonna. stod throughout and welded into a dngle oB* a bed aad drmair — a vaaHy aad____ •isja Startling tor summer nights—a later. Boy a ■ aIgM riaad — later tara toeft was Steel unit of treaMBdous strength. = t « j l a •teSTrieas, baektess gown of white, It tato a ifaila^ ______„ f to ths Windham county Announcing the patrolmaa would Mnr lAir^AcnoN aArrrr atAnai topped by a saua Jacket at warii* r c o m m der 8500 bonds, shi be attired soon In natty rod and ALSO! • • • X,erge Inggnge ewi*wp***—i ■ ., 88 WAYS bi wbieb ta arraaga FASHION* blue outfits. Captain n . . . Bslf intrgirint operation-found la no . ..(a able white sharkskin wlfo ramov- M« OimiL P V M rt. K v B. tb it At FLOW. Pleees sketrimd a n to wabrat va- *••*?. “ tof furnloblng bonda. other rar at the price—gives greater ttoppiag - seder shoddeis stewteg . . . improved e a ^ ■ M-ls able collar of glowing black ssqutea OoiaB’g Dnig Stw e—or Quarles explained: Let’s go! aeen (alra amy be bad ta mabagai CBlckeaa, oil and other articles They will create wlthte the pw> ponnr with easier, softer pedal aeticn. eoolmg...ridiwood-fraintlniiheo inside trim ' s'J.vl * or cherry at aili^lly ^atetloM.MK; poultry liases trolmen a greater reepeet for . . . Hsart new uphobtety treetmeats. . . deefk ')• ford -a ^ vteto-fty. The young neee, orderllnees sod dteclpli^ Bnu imn BEDOfa QOAUTTI. •Center For Tear Osavanteneet Branner*s Radio D ept d d o n ’Y*’wiaddddds foet opm on aB doted Pteeburst Grooery havs a dsUvsty SEXm FLOOB •rraatod Saturday oaH hi« “Men get tired at waarins tba AliM Hdr ibr r D pMNBsetv e . • rear aeot c a n . . . iefety Oliss induded in all modda at Got tho Latcot l « f o ^ ^ Oh Our 925.00 MoatUy arrested on Mmday by same old thing all the '■'sViA system that’s bard to baat Fhana fbUeemoa, V. John Labecto M r iteoid 7 tedM IbnMfd of tbt m r ole. no extra cost rOVM fOMD DEALJUt your orders te. A special aariy de- ^ “ “ 8»ttteg rid o< your ‘ poUce barracks. j-.j'rit livery leaves tbs a tm a t a a. ai. SOOMdaadStr^ pi^BeSlM Evealiig Appointnento ArriHced. 1 btra. P a t^ VerrbgUo uf dingy old CRT and getting a tfhtay Plenty of later deUvertaa Dial 0pm Nifhtg gad Himdajrg ooa; It makaa you teal batteca" 615L nalhdig'W’ .181* Vrtmm ta ra Mirror $1L CUI E a te r^ ia e 1100 (No Ckut$) \ •C‘: MANC!HR8TER CVENING EERALD UANdfESTER. CONN« WEDIGBSDAy. 4 HAWCaMSTBR MVKMDfQ H lilk w ii MAWOBMnaL’Om N, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY tt, liBT reckoning. And then again It may pentonshlp tor tbaaa wbo arc denied tfUuirlyratrr prove that, with tha plana what''it tbe blaaaing of sight * . la, all thOM recent diaaatera ware This Inatltutlao. which trains un- Washington Daybook tremely Baagereqa ladtvlduala both nott-compatittre teste for fitneoa. Ha In aa inatltuUaa and at Ihige. :IEMtdn0 IlfriU) "unavoidable.’* beliavably fetelUgant and incredibly adrecatod a merit system on the fU C IAl SICURITY RiedRO By Prrston COLLEGE PRESIDENTI®^ Uaqusatioeahly, thare would ba a baala of tompetitive HOT CHIMNEY BLAZE ' rUMLMHKU Ht I'HIC ___ The /undamental bacard of the devoted doge to guide and protect very coosidatahlt asvtag is tot am- U> PHINTINU OltMPANt. INC Waahington.—The state ------WAiitii HIyoRIRHJEFROUS Senator Browp (D , Mfoh.), vfho airplane would eeem to be Ita utter tbe blind, and trains the blind to o« depart-^ have sought to smear the reputa- Outstanding pioymeet of a aultalUa staff for thia ■arved OB toe roorganlxatlon com It NiM*ll dirati tions of fqrmars for oalUiig food to MELTS HOSE NOZZLE M>nrkM>*f. Conn. IneUllty to remain In the ai^ while led and protected by their canine ment Is auffaring no aiid o f ' dipto- I X. larger group." mittee in toe House laat aesalon, THOMa N riCHOi'HUN matio anguish over having to grant the alHes before American entry GRADUATION SPEAKER State Dircctof' Hvlejr Declhres BatabUabmaat of a JaU farm ia preposMl that OOBgreoa do the entire OMiarai Hanaiiai reducing Ita terrUic speed to almoet other-selves,'stands out from among into the World War. Tha ’’smear' iteelf. .pMatat (letaMI I. Itll a a permit to Robert Oiae, Jersey T|iere Will Be No Cots Do- sapocted to be oaa o f the larger is- Llttla Daaui^ Done In P in at or quite none. It la In much the all tbe otber helpful atienclea of Inr* baa* been directed inatoad suea of this Lagialature. Governor "To put toe power in toa execu- • IT THIS VAlUAill ROOKLIT City airplane exporter, iio ship near- agalnat tba mimitiooa makara. Aa ■pita ShrinkHge of the Nx- North End Bat It Prored a •Mianaa K«ar> KvaBint ltacai.» same situation aa an automobile mankind' RACMETEEBS alarm yesterday afternoon for a jM Ooaa ...... I ■* the airplane, when Its pilot la un- tresaas are like fairyland talea over the infiuence of tha ’’al- Brakiae aaplaiaa. woold be valuable chimney fire at Tl5 North Main _ Hraraa aaa Taar ...... >»** waa no toning what draotie restric- Officen and Direeton of "toere win ba no reductions on the ia proving tillable load to be work- sure of hla whereaboiita, could hover One of these dogs Is to be mighty dollar” , on American efforts tions on angry Congress might tm street and while they inecaeded in !W mubr OP rMM AW«>t;iATitu ed ^ Inmatea ybo never can be Dmibury. Jan. IS.— (A P )—Pour W. ■ eea m . Mgv. and feel Its way, doubtless air nav' brought to Manchester on Friday to stay out of foreign conlllete. -pose upon the munitions Induatiy. at Commencement On Xoeal InetitotieiL work relief rolls of toe Works Prog- extinguiahlng the fire without loss a«o«e Theoter Oonaiaat, & P H I O I I P aetf-aupportlag becauae of mental men from New Jersey will be ar- It proved to be a hot firs. aa-rSTTLi ___Aaaoalaiail Praaa la aiciuaivair tgatloD would become relatively of this week by ite woman owner Until th' Cuse affair, the state reas Adminlstretica ia Connectlciit Umltationa. * ratgiMd in toe New Milford court blltlad •• tha aaa ol rapuiiMraiio' department was able to stave off Coagreas Can Hold Tempor despita ebriakage o f the national A fireplace had been converted so T all Mara Alawiiahaa cra4<nied Meat Speciak mWIU-ATHiNB______clala b^an to speculate as to what along although league members second to graduate at mid-years In greee haa mode available for us to what they claim to be a chemically In and toe fire waa soon extinguish- eventually take Ite place. But In be that human beings may hope, would be the reaction If potatoea history of M. H. S„ is expected 75 houm weekly, may have toe aame ed. Cornell street extends east foom . Tha Harald Pnailaa Coaiaaaa. lar hinted there was not much uaa in cover axpendlturea f6r the remain- 46-bour week aa other employes treated sheep manure but which Aaaaiaa aa Saaanal raaiKhiMi» any event our guess la that before some day, to arrive at as high an and core should be Involved tnatead trying to Impooe oanetiona with consist of fifty-eight students. der of toe natlenel fiscal year (end- McKee street to Palm street aad L«aa Rib Corned B eef...... |fc. TO LEAVE HIS RED aaalyala diecloeee is only tea leaves, toere are no houses on eltiter atreet, taa»araaaiaal arrara aanaarina in air travel actually becomes standard estate? ' of planes and engines. U. S. supplies unchecked. “Why Men FaU." ing June 80)," Hurley eald, "1 ah.ii recovered from a dump near a tea Pawey Boneleaa Brisket Corned B e e f ...... 38c Ihb ^rtlaamaa'a la tha Maarhaaiai If a real war broke out. the de- Dr. Bressler will speak on tba sub- ao there was no great danger as a iiaa HaniM the vehicle will have to be capable 'There Is ample talk of broaden oaU a opeclol m eeti^ at our state plant at Lodi, N. J. result of toe fire. mand for agricultural products Ing the Prealdeni'a powers under .M jiect. "Why Men FaU." President « headquarters here la Munson street of hovering and making a perpen- REGROOFWG FLAN Hesda ti Csbbsge ...... 5e and lOe hesd WXDNK8DAT. JANUARY IS and food supplies in general would the neutrality^ act so he can meet ? of Rhode Island State since 1931. A t tote sesaion toere will be In at- dicular landing. become almoet aa urgent aa the cry he has had a varied career In edu- From time to time, the Pope ellps a situation suqh as the Spanish tendance all toe project sponsors S smUI Ends of Fresh Pork to Cook with Kraat . In New York for bombs and bullets. Would tbe civil war, and perhapv Impose re- cational circles and is much in ds- Into periods of depreoslon, these from all toe cities in toe etete and STRONar OFPOSED ..2Sclh. UNINSPECTED CARS By Gaorca Rota lojralty of farmers, burdened per-' atrlcUon.-! on "war materiala'.’. But mand as a commencement speaker. seurcee said, while at otoar mo- a program will be outlined for them 1 HARVARD HELL-BENT? haps with a surplus of wheat, be likewise there ia opposition to get ' He has been a school teacher, gram- meate he is calm and hla stitwe Ssian. Frtoh Spore Wbo and Ntco White Krattt. mm tba TM7 cocoelleBt blennU) that arfll result In eeeaomlea. If « Wita* Oaa) equal to foregoing profitable sales to ting too hoity-toity about trading i taiar school principal, coach, athletic charactar pravallo. ^ necessary, that wiU hava no effect . tlH'ComniJBalaoer of Ifo- Something seems to be happening New York—Why venture some j dfoector and professor of public Royal Scarlet SanerkraBt ot warring nations? with belUgerents where It means Fears were felt la Vatican circlea oa the work reUef roUa." » o • a *2 < ifa rlT e to Harvard Unlversltyr la the amateur guesses about 1937 when f speaking. For‘ a time. Dr. Breo- acMoa oa what (Thalrman O’Onaor iM iif wo miaa ono item In So far no Senate Investigators real money. a vela In Pope Pius’ right leg might (D., N.Y.), of toa Kouae rules com- firat place It salected as Ite preat- the Infant yaar already has had ite y aler was head ot the department of buret at aay time, duplicating toe Rod. Line Twnstoes, No. 8 site of wMeli ara hooo ocmmioil I Rural. Eklucatioa in toe extension mittee called “a hot potato pro- f, jfT .2 ouw fer 29e dent, to succeed the ultra-Boetonlaa Outstanding Value in Quaintness danger o f Infection caused by the tatenottaf And otherwteo In horoseopa read by Helene Paul, the ? service of toe University ot Texas blem." variooM vein la his left leg. WANTS JAR FARM Chalnaaa Byrd (D. Va.), of tba Bolt SparerilM .. •Uvo document. That Item la and hereditary Harvardlte Dr. Low- falr-halred aotrologlat, who often le tell me the cauee-of astigmatism and ' and later aaslatant director of vo- -•••-ISc Bh If there ia any cure?" Until the swollen r i ^ t leg, ta Benate reorgaalsatiop. committee Bumbar of ragiatered automo* ell, one James Bryant Conant, a taken for Ina Claire? Health and Diet cational education In the Texas state SsH Pffs* Hoekfl Answer: Astigmatiem refers to department of pubUo instruction. which the varicose condition recent- differed with toe Prealdent’a recom- ..2 lbs. lie in tkla atate arblcli bava aa- iNusquely Irreverant RhUiatlne wbo The star-goaing Helene has given defective vision produced because of THREE PIECES * / T Q ly has grown woree, is relieved by AT REFORMATORY mendations on most major ques- I Salt Pl8a* Feet .. From Texas he went to Penneyl • '.'.5|! l b , wasn’t aven a Harvard graduate— your correspondent a private a defect of toe refractive surfaces of natural and artificial drainage, well tions. \ lB^tec**«>M altogatbar la the gUmpae Into the conatetlar outlook Advice SOLID M APLE 5 OJ7.50 vanla, where he was professor of Laan Salt Pork .. thereby violating a tradlUon as sa- By UR FKANH MeVOV tos'«ye. It is commonly due to an , rural economics and aociology at Informed sources said, toe Holy Fa- (ODatteoad tram Pagt Oae) He said creation of two new Cab- ...29elh. I Yaaia dnrlog arhieb. the Inapoc- foe this year of grace and offers inet departments—Social Welfare cred as the codfish on the State Irregularity of toe curvature or re- Penn State, coming to R. L State ther must suffer periixla of intenoe ajwtem baa baaa la oparatloo. these irianjtary observations: , fracting power of toe cornea. When One o f your last opportunities to own cna ot agony. d mllar to that of Oonnecticut have and Public Works—would increase EYES EXAMINED - GLASSES FITTED Eatin Psney, Whole Milk, MIW Cheese, line Ustot, 2>c Bt House. And now the Board ot This la gojiig to -be a great year THE AfTEB-EFFBOTS OF - six yean ago. He ia toe author of government expenditures Instead of what aetioa. If any, baa baan toe curvature of toe cornea ia not toeaa quaint maple bedrooms at this low price. I several hooka and a briUlant, inter- Slept Fhiriy Well found it advisable not to have aay SMALL WREKLY PAYMENTS Truataea and one can almost bear for love, if Jupiter, Capricorn, Sa- COLDS symmetrical, thia results In light not Whan our present stock is gone , . we purenaaed fixed upper age limit but have al- encouraging the reduction o f 8600,- hi ^ eaaa o f tboaa vabiciaa esting speaker. drclee reported tbe Pope ‘Fhney, Fresh Splnseh — Green Benno — Fieoh Gtssa the Oonant whip crocking over Ite turn, Uranus and Neptune have Many people refuse to take care being clearly focused upon tbe re- it last Summor at the low price . . no more will lowed toeir Institutions to carefully 000,000 a year be believes possible. I a r e bo w oparattng arlthout Oommeacement exerdsea at Man- dept Yalrly well" lost night and p anyUilng to do about It And thia of a oold and persist In oboervlng tina and toe Image ot toe object be- be available at this eenaationaUy low price. segregate within toamaelvea those Byrd called bis committee to meet Pass — White and Red Onions - - Niet Rlpo Ttans* oattMcataa. baad— summona to ba dean ot Har- le guliig to be a great year, tha their usual eareleas baUte of living chester High wiU get under way aa ma spirits were consequenUy tomorrow to consider the first of RICHARD STONE toes. ing looked at will consist of both Wednesday aftetnoon, January 37, groups that should be segregated. OPTICIAN [ttbata are thonaanda of tbaaa care, vard Law School no leas aiarm|ng g horoseopa says, for “those with both during the time they have the clear parte and blurred parte, with stronger than for the past few 18 reoiganlsatiOB studies by toe Pilgrim type bad, bracket-base dreaaer artth . with an assembly for seniors and mornings. “There are, I believe. In this vid- Brookings Inatitutioiv He aald the Wm. J. Sevgeren, Optonwtrirt peraon that James M. Landis, chair- hot-re ol conaummaUng that tm- cold and afterward. In such In- toe consequence that the Image Is alty oeveral comparatively l a ^ fooiirae; mrjbtxSf knowa that pulae to marry and avi up a home. eeparata hanging mirror, and a four-drawer , juniors only. The Class WUl la to President bad told Um tbe commit- 18* Mate S t State Theater BMg. TtL 41SS man of the Federal Securities and stances, various compileatlona may tndleUnct. The beat plan Is for you A th o u g h examination by Dr tracts that could be bought at a rea- DIAL 5111 \ b y doing a Uttla aum in aub> Flahennan’s luck will depend up- occur which might have been avoid- cheat, exactly as plotured. Solid maple with be read at tola session and f'a.if Amlata Mllaal. hU chief phjildaa.' tee’s work would "supplement" hla Exchange Commission. An orig- to consult an optometrist, who after MUd oak drawer Interlora. Satin-smooth an- Gifts will be distributed, along with ■miable price, and as we ara ia own activity. we may find out from tba on the position of the Moon. Thoae ed had a more careful regimen been examining the eye will be able to tique maple finish. showed toe Pontiff’s condition to be inal Roooavalt brain-truster, a polit- ticiT under lunar auspices may look carried out. I letters to all toe atoletea wbo en- unchanged, however. practically toe geographic center as The Virginian said he would sup- thwiaanda tell you whether an Improvement Igaged In sports activities this past well as toe population center of the forward to mighty baula Bui The most common after-effect of The apartment was quiet through- port a grant to toe President of report givae the total numbtr ical and economic pal of the terrible may be expected In your case. Aa a folL atate, the Legislature might deem It pow.er to re-group agencies within here’s a oad.nota for fiabermen oorc the ordinary nose and throat cold le rule, the patient with this defect out toe night, but Informed persons r ngM taiteas for U M as 415,341). Felix Frankfurter, a person oo for under tha sign of Places. Their chronic eatarrh. Ones this catarrh- 1 Special awards wlU include the wise to consider toe establishment a framework “very carefully consid- flnda It necessary to wear glasses. •Reneaelaer Medal, given to the stu rttrtbutad this to strict enforcement ered’’ by Orngreas. Thie power I first kmpactlon psrlod 19S«, removed from the Harvard ooneep- better natures will do them no good al state has been creatiMl. we find of toe order for dienee to aid the of a divlaloa or department la con- ot dent with toe highest rating in sd' nection with the reformatory to should not reach to toe agendss closed, saw saejxw ours tlon of easentlal fitness that be had during tbe current fiscal veai For that It may easily extend to some (Lamp la Side of Neck) Pope’s sleep rather than to aay of the structures eloee to the nose cnee and matoematlcs for four care for those sentenced for a period with Judidal fuactione or those like the execrable taste to be bom, if those kMjm finder this sign the pro- Question: Arthur M. inquires: noteworthy allevlatioa o f bis oondl- the Social Security Board, he con- upon. That would indicate phetic Helene tella us, "are lepe- and throat. Inasmuch as these t years; toa Clarke Medal, given by of more than 30 days. you please. In ’Tokyo. “Have a lump In toe side of the tioa. tended. ntly that M445 motor vehl- dally kind to dumb animals and are neighboring parte are all lined with Outstanding for [Wilfred B. casrke, director of phy- For DefoeUvee neck about toe else of a pea which $24.75 Isical education in the pubUc echools He and Vandenberg opposed cur- aubleet to tau^ectlon, did not Indeed It whs be who was largely to let the poor fish go back Into tbe a continuation of the same mucous has been there for many years. T t might alM be desirable to membrane. :and high school baeketbaU ooacb, have an additional department for tailment of the romptroner gener- 173 ASYL UM STREET Inatrumental In drafting the Securi- water In a moment of excessive Asked a doctor about It and be al’s power to pass In government ex- yaas through the lanes at all. — eympathy.’’ Qualntneaa combined with toe I for toe best all-around achievement those who are now /oommonly known Ues Act of 1938 and the SeouriUet The different parta of the breath- said leave It alone. It can be moved comfort of toe old fashioned Morris Comfortand Value NO GERMAN TROOPS p-ndituree. And it is logical to assume that ing paasages might be compared to I In athletics and studies and tbe as toe defective delinquent, wbo is and Exchange Act of 1984', each of around a little with the fingers. chair! Made of tolld maple with three : American citixenship awards, given Byrd sleo questioned toe provi- In vary many eaaea they have not Foahloa Outlook. a series of different rooms which W^Jd like your opinion oa to what adiustmente for toe back. Spring- probably toe moat common recldl- sion for placing present office-hold- which wrujg tear* of agony from The horoscope also has a mes- are connected with each other; thus, to the bpy and girl who best exem- FOUND IN MOROCCO vlat and also contoina a few ex- gone onto the Inapectlon lanes be- filled cuahlona covered in tweray plify tod qualities of the ideal dt- era under,dvll service with only tha souls of all of Boaton'a highly sage for milady. (Take It away. the nose, throat, wind-pipe and Answer: The lump is probably a homespuna -nauae their oemere were quite post- Helene.) "There wrlll be rothutg bronchial tubes are somewhat like isen. Harvardised SUte StreeL fatty tumor and ia not particularly Claaa NighL (Oeattaaod tr Page Om ) I they would not pass. eevere and boyUb about women a various rooms In a building, with "Mgerous. If It does not Iperesu'c in It ia fnquant causa ot oom^alnt— To be sure, LancUa, at 39, bad clothea In 1937. January will the nose representing tbe front hall I Class Night exerdsea wiU be held slse and causes no pain, t ^ best on the evening of January 37 at 8 g j ^ a a d Moor, aa partectly bar- | who can aay that it Is not been a full pmfeaanr In Hsrvartl bring elaboration in footwear. Feb- way. From the nose, other rooms or plan Is to leave It alone. H o ld e r, if ruary win inaugurate hate that win cavities open off, ealled tha sinus o'clock, when toe Class History and ble one—that ear ownsn can Law School bafora be deserted ro ^ u wish to have it removed, you Prophroy will be presented, followed Thera was no exploitation of toe 1 ba elaborate andeexpenalve. March. eavitles; and in addition tba back of win be glad to know that such r»- inspecUon and yat, at the the brain-truoL But of oouree that by tbe annual senior dance. .*? ®*ore inland foom the city, he April. May and June will concen- the throat la oonnected with the TOval is very simple and la not at- ■aid, by any foreigners. was the doing of Hie devIHsh Frank middle ear by a passage-way or The graduation program on Fri- IF YOU WANT TO BE regtetertag period, get their trate oa the elaboration of neck tmdM by any danger. Tbe cause of ( F r ^ autoorltles had charged fiirter. And now Dr. Oonant ele- wear—aa well os millinery. July small tube called tbe Bhistachlan the formation of these fatty tumors I day night will include addresses by Juet the same; while tube. I the valedictorian. Miss Virginia ^ Spanish Inautgente with etlr- vates him to the Ugh and powerful and August will give much atten- has not yet been dlecovereiL nng up unrest among toe natives I ownten ot newer can which arc Chronic catarrh of the nose and ‘ Ryan, and tbe ealutatorian, Mlse post of dean In tha, legal holy of tion to the aleevea and that part of and turning over toe country’s min- EXTRA CAREFUL reliant ooodition and frequently garmente above the waistline." And throat may therefore extend to any Leona Fortin. Thomas Freney, holies. . president of the Class of 1937A, will erals to Nasi engineers.) I from the factory are required you can expect the um of much of these othei rooms or paasages Seven boots were in toe harbor Why, the first thing you know embroidery and many exquisite col- and may result In catarrhal deaf- .also speak. The junior-senior • go to the inoonvenleBoe of vlalt- j chorus, under the direction of G. Including the Italian steamer Tfol- Harvard students will quit booing or coroblnationa. ness, chronic sinus trouble, or leoni. WITH COLDS tlie iaspectlao taaea. ehronle bronchitis. Hollywood ’ Albert Pearson, will sing two num- President Roosevelt whet, he pose ,^d, ab. Indeed, the falr-halrsd ibers. The local Iron mines appeared to : would seem to be a reasonable Helene has not forgotten to consult In addition, the acute Infective be running normally. es by. Hollywood, Jan. 18.— (A P )—With Use Vicka VapoRub ... ThU Naw Improved Way atlon that I f junk can are her twinkling prophets about process of the common cold may also Both for the Other officers of the class are Lor- One of toe engineets Is an Amer- ■Wally." Mrs. Simpson's horo- produce acute disorders affecting Blnnle Barnes and John King it raine Van Haverbeke. vice presi- iltted to operate svithout In- dent; Constance DellaFera, secre- 1 ^ , Alan Riley, of Bridgeport. I scope confronts us as follows; Jan- the various parte I have mentioned. waa a case of oate at fir«t elgbb Goiui. I During this treacherous winter wsather, no cold should be ;ilMectlon, If no penalty la Imposed on OLD FRIENDS uary ia to be a "fighting month" For example, an acute sinusitis, But tha hate didn’t last. tary: and John Smythe, treasurer. The three other Americans at MU S I I I M Price of One! The various committees in charge neglected. Don’t delay. Don’t experiment with half-way Y M r ownera, and they can still ob- A chain hat store man Philip H. for her, what with tbs many de- acute broncbltie, and broncho-pneu* \ xre Mrs. RUay; the former measures. The moment yon come down with a cold, go monia are frequent compileatlona of Mite Barnes, British actress, and of the graduation events are as fol- tain reglstntion. It wUI not be long Lusttg, died at his home In Brook- pressing, confused, deceptive con- King, young leadmg man. met sev- Frances Reardon, who is tbs wife straight to bed and nse your old dependable Vieke VapoRub ditions that aurround her: in Feb- the acute cold. lows: Win committee. Nelson Rich- ot Lt.-(3ol. Jose Berroejo Lopez, In Before tbe Inspectloa law becomor lyn. N. y. In an obituary notice Sometimes the patient complains eral weeka ago during the filming Twin Innersprlng mond, chairman, M. Ostrlnaky, Dor- —and m it this new improved way. Then you not only ruary, some Important Individuals of a picture which called for QUO charge of native affairs; and her enjoy all the benefits that have made VapoRub tha standby • dead letter since pretty soon own- appearing in the New York Times will ooma to her reaeua. And m chiefly that after a cold hla stomach mattresa and box othy Anderson, N. Moorhouae with aunt. Mrs. Frank Weber, of Vir- thorough hatred of each other. of two generations; you setnally foersoss its affsetivenesa are of approvabic can will Insist -m March her position wlli become ee- appears to be upset or that he has .95 Russell Wright as faculty adviser;' ginia, Minn. appeared this sentence: "It waa said But before toe picture enced, toe apring. •prophecy committee, WiUlam Slnna- tbe aame privilege of Ignoring the cure. In April, she la destined to what ha colls "Intestinal flu." When Lapes waa graduated from I Uaalheas aad StreatllitBs VapeRob's Actiea—Massage H of Mr. Luatig that he Introduced the this occurs, there ia usually a direct two players, arte- hating each mon, chairman, Herbert Weber, Lor- the University of Hinnesote in I 92fi. | rule that seems to have been tacitly •ore Important frienda and other to toe full extent ct their his- siUPfR H4 i..)t briskly on the back (betwten and M ow tbe aboJder Panama hat to the United Staten." there la to be an unpleasant de- eonnectiOD between tha cold and raine Vah Haverbeke and James antended to the owners of motorlxed these symptoms, tbe acute caUrrh trionic telente all day before the Horvath with Warren Horton as Wades) aa weU oa on tha throat and eheet—/or t fvU min- He must have started the procere velopment involving tbe ax-kIng. In faculty adviser. ntu. Then—epreod aJMek layer ovar tba ebeat and cavar anecka. May, the nervous tension may affect of the mucous membrane of the camera began showing up at Hol- REFUGEES LEAVE of tntrod action a' a precociously ij-wood p'ay spots together during History committee, B. Calhoun, with a warmed cloth. Each step of tbte “ 8-Mii|uta VapoRub Wo are not quarreling with the her health but the etara indicate breathing paasages being dupUcated This Is toe most amaUng timerspring mattress sale ta years, young age. He waa 78 yaare old In an acute catarrh of tbe mucous the evening. Only by a fortunate purchase from toa makers of tbe Perfect toairman; L. Fortin, A. BIretta and Massage helps to lengthen and strengthen VMoRub’e nfficlal state inspection idea, but we that a handsome gift win be given >E. Kluck with Nathan Oatchell as fameua two-way action. when be died and Panama hate her. June will be one ot the moat membrane lining the digestive tube. As to whether there soon will be Sleeper mattressea mokaa tt poaslbie for ua to offer two SPANISH CAFITALI do feel aa though It should be :>y It must be remembered that we inav a marriage. King says: CHOICE ot fine bedding for toe pries we would usually have to’eh am for faculty adviser; gift committee. were. If not precisely common, no turbulent times In her entire m- ^ U e ^ a Cold Two Woys ot Oae»-Alm oat before the law either voluntary or compulsory have catarrhal Inflammation of any “Ask Binnie." Twin Mattress with the singla mattraas alona ' Constftnot chAinnui \ novelty In New England 60 years reer and If she marries during this Box Spring to m a t^ . John Smytoe, Roy Johnson and (Cisnthis VapoRub is well rubbed on, it starts to bring relief two month, temporary unhatiplneae may mucous membrane, regardleas of Mies Blnnle remains qui-ib. I f it were tbe former no doubt any ago. That Is, the hate then and whether that membrane lines the or, two twin Imier- 'This oale la tha idaal opportunity to equip children’s rooma Vito AgosUnelU with David Hart- ways at oneo—4 dirsef ways.* number of moloriats would pul their be her lot, tor tha atera aren't spring mattressea bunk bsda maids’ rooms or guaot rooma having twin beda , weU as faculty adviser. ernment offldsls supervlaed the de- now known as "Panama," though friendly to this period In the life of stomoeh or the Inside of the noae. I. Through the Skin. VapoRub acts direct through the ekin nan through the lanes as ' measure "The patient with gastric catarrh Cali Patrick, screen aetrcea, te parture of others today. tney never did come from Panama the Duke of Windsor either. Hollywood's latest victim ot In- Americana choosing to. remain 1 like a poultice or plaster. af aelf protection, because an olTI- finds that tbe appetite .s capricious hut from .icuador, where they are and one meal he Is fairly hungry, fiuenza. were warned aueb a decision would I alal certifleatioo of good condition The Worst to Over. -STATE F U tE M E N ra iU N D 8. Mediated Vapors. At the same time, ite medicated va- an ancient native product made while he has little appetite for the Dr. Hairy Martin said today bar be at their own risk. Only two of 84 porj, nleaaed by body heat, are breathed in for hours— This Is tbe season of the Beate: condltloi la compHnated with a for the car provides a certain meas- from the fibres of two kinds of next meal. Early in the morning Americana occupying the Bmbasay about 18 times a minute—direct to the irritated air-poa- when every eerivenet site down to a bronchial infeutiou and a bigbtr aver n exits were known to have determined to ara of evtderce in favor of the own- pelm trees. he may be annoyed by bringing up MORE T I togea of tbs nooo throat, and cheat. selection of the ten outstanding a eonelderable quantity of mucus fever, but la not dangerous "at rht» leave, however. ar ia eSM he becomes Involved In -in somethings or other. By way of time.’’ "niie combined pbifltice-and-repor action loosens phlsgm We seem to have an Impresalon *• '**’’ * frothy. Foods Most of toe rapt, including news- ancklent In which there is a dispute variety, here are this corner's nom- which usually agree with him sud- Production of Mias Patrick's lat- Araert They Are Handicapped papermen. and Puerto Ricans and! end makes breathing easier—relievea irritation—eases the of having read, long ago, that even inations for the year's Worsts: as to responslbuity. When It >s denly seem to disagree. Ueuallv the est picture, "The Love Tap." la be- in Fighting Fires—To Hold PTUplaos whose money la tied up In e o n g b -^ p e break eongettion. Long after yon »«lax into In the colonial period, the well-to-do Worst Pun of the Year: .The •ipposed however, to be a matter stomach raturna to normal within a ing continued through today under Parley With Liqnm- Board. Spain becauss ot axport restrictions I e ^ e ^ l a sleep, VapoRub keeps right on w orU n g-^u r cUlrens of New Orleans habitually Ingenue who exclaimed "Oh, Sex!" after hour. Often, by morning tha worst of the cold is ovor. a( compulsloD there It bound to ic few days or weeks after being upset a revised shooting oeheiule and on c ^ ta l. were expaeted to stay. 1 **ure Panama hats, and some con- In the comedy, whereupon the lead- following a cold, but In the mean- than will ba halted until recovery. ing man retorted, "Oh, Sex, Fifth New Haven, Jan. 18.— (A P )—A Erie C. WendeUn, third secretary I Avoids Risk o f Stomach Upsets—This safe external treat- feaentment when It turns out that temporary of Prc.sident George time. the patient may be puExled to Avenue." And whereupon the la- conference between membera of the o f toe Bmbaaey. ^rtegrairiied the ment cannot possibly opart the stomach, as constant In- ■ aO you have to do to get away with Icnow what la wrong. ^ peal from Valencia where be ac- Washington wrote, unless we are senue continued. "Oh. Lora and 8Um ffummervllle, elongated ac- "itate Liquor Commission and toe ternnl "doting” is so apt to do. It can be used freely, aa aiolaUon of the law la to Ignore -i In reality e cold Is a beneficial oompanled a Thaakogiving day exo- mistaken, ol the Father of HU Taylor, hava Macy on my soul." tor,, found today that he oaa not ""lalaUve committee of the Oatanee- often aa needed, even on the youngest child. process and the patient should feel dus of Americans from Madrid. MATTRESS M d nothing will be done, then the Worst Play of the Year: A com- changed In six years—that is, physi- it State Firemen’s Association in All Sizes Country, protecting his head with ^ tter when It is over than he did ■» foMitlon takes on a different aspect edy called "Don’t Look Now." No- cally. basards in' tavern He said Um State Dapartmant at Down one of these hats as he rode about body did. before It started. However duriax ^ t e will be held at toe State <3apl- baviag Betel Any “ eeld” net promptiy rrtieved by thU toe cold, an of toe defensive forces SummerviUa put on toe tottered hla estate. Worst Song of the Year: Don't uniform be wore In "A ll Quiet On ! tol tOBoorroiw at 8 p. m. Tha cm- often that Americana be evaenated I thorough treatment with Vicks VapoRub should ctf toe body are engaged In fighting reiwoe waa announced by Eugene ftom toe Sapnlsh capital, now unad have the attention of a doctor. AIR TRAVEL Anyhow, we can recall a neigh- get ahead of me. It's "The Muaie toe cold and most of the energy of toe W e ^ rn Fro .t,'* found It fits Goes 'Round and Around." perfectly, and ha will use it now in J. Mulligan of this dty, president of it in view o f "the poeaibUlty the How many more airplane lln<:re bor's bragging, along about 1878, of toe patient Is being used In the ;tha asioolation. Bmbosqy may ba eloaed.” Worat Boxing Oontost of the struggle. Energy should not be "Tbe Road Back.” a sqquel to tha HKat crock up this winter before liavlng owned the i’anama hat ce Year: The dull thuds of Joe firat picture. The commiMhm reoontly ruled, then had on hU head for twenty wasted during this time by atoying •ran tbe more Inolfferent of poten- Louie’ that felled Jack Sharkey up late at night, by over-eaUng. Srtwrdlng to Muiugan. that axite Mai paaaangera decide to go back u> years. early In the evening. over-work, or by excitement or Waltei Brennan’s use of a port- •from toveraa must be Hmitod to one Mr. LusUg may have Introduced Worat Legtalation of the Year: some other form of emotional «x- ab s telaacopa gave him a black In number. Fire offleiala thiW h- indlroad travel we haven't the least The law that outia -ed barrel-organ , out tha State beUeve that the UiS Panama hat to the United travagxnce. When nervous energy eye. In "Whan Lovt Is Young. " for Smartness 11 A .B L Idea: but It would seem to be hard- ^•*^re from the streete of New la frittered aqray in some of these f enos and cotitinuatloii of this ruling By Popular Demand! 11 A . M . . ®^i*a but It be did he merely com- formerly titled “Claaa ProphOTr,’* V poaeible that tbe dsetnicUon of pursulte. toe body may fall to elim- Brennan plays toe'part at a alda- •is a dangtroiM fire hasatd TO 7 P.M . Bve of thiera within a month «■«" mltteil the not unemnmon and for- Worat Art Demonstration la inate all of toe toxins It Is seeking 'walk telescope owner. TW O PIECES should ba rMlaved to tba axteot of TO 7 P.M . givable social error of introducing Manhattan: The Surrealist and to throw off and the organism may In demonstrating toe telescope to permitting two or more exHa In tlie THURSDAY ONLY! foil to begin u> give travelers Ideas. Dadaist Exhibition where, the Hu- two old frienda. be left in a weakened state with all Virginia Bruca and Kant Taylor, tot •rent of a fire occurring in a torera. Whether It li’ iossible to greatly MM Figure la made to represent aa AS SH O W N of the vital powers depressed. leads in the pl'.^jre, Brennan allow- $89 . “When firemen nre enUed to n fire ultra-moderelstic kltebanstte. jlsjfoduce tha haxaida oi fiigbt—partie- The patient left in a weakened ed it to slip sad hit him In toe *i& A tATtni u d find Um rMr dew _ HiB Certificate b Worth $4.41 ^f lNarty winter Sight—while eontinu- SEEiNG EYE atate at toe oonclusioB of a cold, eye. He aloo suffered a gash on the bvred nod hloelMd tb«y are h-pA|. where toe return to normal wall- Modara luxury at a ssaaatloiially low priea Mp^ in trying to eater too build- v L S * T*w 0 «u ln e Indoatructibte 85.00 V A C U U M : to unt machines even approach- ncilM. Davanport and chair asoetly as almwn (note Not wholly lost ii this eearreJ- BBEDfa U BELIEVING being does not take plaee within a ,tag,” said Captain Mulligan, •’and SS^tiTtS^ fiS^^SsS^ ‘W- A lifrtliM guar- : the present type of alrplaae, or aouled world. Not when reaaonabla tima, may be fooliah baHoon-typa cuohlOBs) In a eomUnatlon of brown aur eomwittae wUI aak tha _ Only, on condition that we do not advertise Film Productloa Notes: and tan Modem eovera Regular 8185.0(L One we have not the least Idea. ten thousand torturea o< war 'pMlM Raplda. la.—Scientific anougb to go oa Uvliig carelessly, suite only! •too to help nUavlato thia dangarous It aaay prove, oa one eom- with tha result that at toe next apeU Robert WUcom, formarly of tha cotHtitioa.** and war's alorma, of crime and in- mima detyting methods convinced Mudlo theater ployare o f Buffalo. the name of this nationally known mattress, were we allowed to offer Whitman. 84. of tbe advtea- of cold or wet weather, he devetapa > ^ Tha iagiolatire oommittoo that ator holds, that these recent lusUce and jangling ooofllct ot in- N Y.. has atartad work in “The bmty of confessing theft of aa auto- a new cold, or toe old one seema to •IS? ’****• cooimlaaloa eoo- nte have reoultod fiom the ^reats and bitter hatreds a"-* BK>Dltoe come back. When tola happetia he Btooas O y Out” ,,’Bste of Llaut Chorlaa H. Bnmdaga ’ HU, Parade ’ will serve - aa a this amazing''price concession, ^han you see the maker*s name on that pUote have abandoned mositiee and Inscnaate erualUas, I n ^ ear, found wraekeil and ■bould keep warm, ear lightly, dress at New Haven, chairman; Chlaf warmly, take care of tbe inteatinal starring vehicle tor Phil Regan, toa OW THURSDAY AND SATURDAY EVB4INCS UNTH 9 O'aOOC avigatlon hy daad-reeboning and there can exist, in serena baauty it •bMdoned. poUea diseovarad a lock Jamea Downey ot WaUtogfoid. r^r- of hair. They put It under a micro- ciimlnatioB. and go to bad If ne^ •Hinging Oop.” at HapubUc. the mattress you will be astounded. $20 is' ouf conservative valuation! eome. to ra(y wboUy on beam purpoae. such an Institutioa aa The Monogram haa purchoaed two SS* ^ ^ ^ w * * * * * * ^ NoewlS^ •oops alongalda a look ftom Walt- thus trying to help the body John B. Graham o f Watertmiy, and m OM c «y for hre ^ --VfertWag min and that they foouid m bock- to nornial. Jack Lmiden atortaa ” Qua«i of toa ■reing Bya. . Going oo. day after man’a baad and lat »«(— look at WATKINS BROTHERS Boy IMquiat ot Branford. ALM ft IMS to check inotrument navt- TukML” and "nvou Uaii.'’ d«yi year after year,-in Ita dtvotod T U y matehad. Waltman was QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Ift tha ckwest poaslbie dred Twwtleto OsotiKY'FHi has pur- Ua Bxins LIMIT ssrvtoa of creating pratecUva cooi- aeatenced*to 10 yean In a refonna- (AaUginnllaai) el IWSNCHISTW, COHN. " ' toty. ehaaad the lights to "Jean.” stage by *Bs an- pixy s ( Bnnpiwn orfgto. VMCARTOLL^S Cut-Rate Perfmiier and TTh Q i i l y • than 5000 MARTIN (DEALER) W ed n esday ' A ft a r I TWa MANCHESTKR EVENING HEBAU>. ICANl

Boulevard, fhnaha. Neb, hi Juries; la critical ccndltlaii. GBiBte thnatsMd him. He set- JohaaoB pcia*d hi* fOma. Ha Klbba, Mra Ftorenca Assodaticn will hold a pubBe whist AIIIER-SOK D.' E Spsaear, Stiombarg Eleo- shook hla hsad «vsr tha troubla and fled the matter for 810.000, g iv ti« Mias Evelyn Nelson. and other* will follow Alcatraz Looks at the Bridge COL NSSELL GIVEN IWASHINGrON STREET ; and setback party tot* evening at winter month*. ntog at their rooms on Elm strssL patrick. 68. of DatertE^ trle Cbmpaay, Chicago, bead ton axpsiMS. and tba danger, taivolvad la Mor fIJiOO in cash and notes to- Missouri A tf War Cmters Hm prognm win te In charge of Prizes wfll be awarded and rafreah- ,-_j_ tsmng 88JXI0. This theft paid the tte achooL Prises wfll be awarded. To Entertain N«tghborbee4 anb Jutlea; ia c r it i^ oondtUon. fairing tham, bihana* ha kn«w the ROCKVILLE tha retiring officers and refresh- Tte proceed* will go toward* the meats wfll be served. associate of W6 seCrahonriie Pilot WllUam W. Lswta, Glendala, cutting room would ahav* do* He got hb letter* RESIDENCE IS SOL0 ments win M ssrved at toe close rt Mr*. Albert N*wmark*r rt Taloott —aler In th* antomottv* thair nmaliig Uma for tha acraan. back. If h* bad bean rightly ad- On Ribs of a Dairy Cow work rt toe ilssociatlon. * avenue, a former resident rt Ogden’s CkUt, fractured Mg. ONE TO M E E YEARS tba buabMM am linn Tte Ladle* rt toe Maple Grove University, Mis*.—Pr. Oo-PHoL Clifford P. Owens, Bur- QrtTWMMh y M at th* tim* it wouldn't have The new ottleen wfll -ha>Jnatalled Corner will be hoatM for the "Know what 1 d e f" ha aaked. hfippened." Mr. and Mjn. IrrinE H. Halpriil win teld a card party for memters Neighborhood Club OB,-Tiiursday af- bank, OaUf, fractured ^ w and Msa on Wednesday evening, Jamiarv and friend* at Maple Grove this Deaths Last Night the University 2*-*^^^* of several teeth. i "W*1L I vpend mnntha gattiag theaa AB Deed Pkr Notes Today Poreliase tha . Gal- Kansas City, Jan. IS.—(AP) —Bln ths raucous “Frankis and John- FORMER POUIX CAFTAOI 27to with a supper being rorved in ternoon. Thera wfll te needlework _____ ^ uate school. CoroMiy Reid h ISBOUri'S c iv il Em r JVmtdiPSHl ^^.a ^ __ k_____ • •venlng. Prize* will be awarded and a social hour. R. T. Andereon, wte booked pas- films. 1 bring them back. They ColOMl BteesU’a wife, Mr. Spel- Missouri’s dvll art war centered to- barroom ballad; and stockyard connection with the meeting. Fields Gnity to Conspiriqr ^ stated, was ia poor health at laiiier Property. day on Dolly, a red dairy cow, and and refreshments will - be served. Mooes Card Party Syracuae, If Y—Jo sage through an Atlantic City, N- ar* piscsd togMber. I look at the butchers slaying a steer—near the 0*ra Party Tonight New York—Barney Fagan, 87. earthy, 55, former ' Major ' renilL TiMjn I leave town. Boma- the UnM of this epbode and the unruffled Thomas Hart Benton, the DIES AT CRYSTAL LAKE This is toe first party rt toe kind The Rockville Lodge rt Moose will ;V ii4fiey, MasL, by J, traveling agency, fractured leg. IrvlBg H. Halprte and his wife, left ear of ci|m t-pufllng T. J. The, Longview Parent-Teachers to be held during toe present season composer and old-time minstrel. baseball player with the timea I atay long enough to go to Charge Soperior Court colonel fser*d the effect any dle- murailsL who mlxds his paints with P*ne dona the residenca at UO wuhlngtca tpiMvpd Minsters Today to my work, and invariably I get money taken, he added, "didn't ex- _ Patriotic critics said the ribs on Charge* by startled state Rep- KrauM Panmn Away airplane engine manufacturers, frac- Yesterday. ceed by a Mngle penny," the sum street o f Arthur L. and Minnie M. Dolly, a flguTO in Benton's recently mad and get up in tba middle of the GaUagher. The property coMlste reeentaUves he bad "dirUed up” at Age of 74-.Had Bren III tured ankle. i show and leave.” ^ needed to pay off tha notes. 'The completed murals In the State Capi- tbeto lounge nevw ruffled the black D. Hulse, Stromberv Electric letters," he claimed, ‘Were aU there of a one family dwelUag, two cat tol lounge at Jefferson City, were Past Two Yenni. jHtagtMd. Maw.. Jan. IS—(API He appended, forgivingly, "TaSi I garage on a lot meaaurlisg 50 by mustache of dtounuttve. Independent Company, Chicago, uninjured. know the American public can’t ba Oolond Harry B. BbeeD of 48 *P**xl*, there was noth- "entirely too skinny for any Mis- Benton, who spent 15 months paint- IMB. prieata and laymen came Miss Uta James^'Loa Angelea, un- ing else." 160 feeL The sale was mada souri cow.” an over Uie eaat today to see expected to sit tb ro i^ three days BIwood road, formerly a Maneh through the agency of Georga L, ing the murals. ' Rockville, Jan. 13. — Leopold old Blahop WUHam Law* injured. of the Martin Johnaont In Africa or Mayor SpeUacy pleaded. "I ari; Said Benton, a leading American To ammaations he had left out Arthur S. Robtaisoa, Roeheatar. ter FoUee commissioner, chief of the court In view of hb honorable Oi^adto. "realist'': Krause, former captain rt tte I conaecrat hla aon, William Ap- Botneo. Tha atuff-haa to be cuL" Mr. Halprln operates the Norton ^ “beautiful and rapreaentative" tAwreaee, a« biabop ot the N. T , poaaible fractured ankle. Oaa, too, had never a qualm about steff of Uie 4Srd Natianal Guard record to make tha nuiuiwiim aen- “Any real farmer knows a milk features of historic Missouri to Rockville Police ' Department, died Stewardess Esther Jo Conner, division and United Stntes Property as short as poaaibla. Ha b Shoe store here. He and hb wife cow doesn’t take on faL I haven't m Haaeactauaetta dloceae ot plane traveL She chortled aa she expect .to occupy the home aa soon make it a "houn’ dog state” of at hla home at Oystel Lake on Bpiaoopal church. Glendale, CMllf,, fractured ankls. told about flying Into tha Interior of and DIaburUng Officer for Ccmi^tl- disgraced, be wUl be dh^onorobly I heard a single dirt farmer object to "gaunL ugly caflaatures”, Benton euL pleaded flfuUty late jresterday dUchargad from tha Army. It wiU ** pracUcable. The residence la at the way she's painted—only gentle- Tuesday evening at nine o’clock, . It waa the flrat lather-son con' WRnessed By Patient Borneo and landing ths amphibian present rented. replied, here last night to a puhUc . teratlea in the loo^ history of the Four miles from the crash scene, on a river before the eyes of natives aftenioon In Hartford County Supe- be duricult for him to r£d>Uitate * men farmera who never milked a forum; age 74 yeara. Mr. Krause bad been 1 Hunch in America—called by Dean Roger Pollard. 19, a patient at the who bad never seen aa airplane be- rior Court to a charge of conspiracy himself. From 1016 untU r o c ^ v Mr.' Oraziadlo, who made the sale, cow." "To roe these things arc beautiful. In ill health for toe past two yeiars. Piarcy T. Edrop of CThrlat church sanitarium, shouted to his nurses fore. to defraud the state and waa sen- ha haa been on mlUteryt duty; lit Is says that there b every evidence at He used the yolks of 85 dozen TOey are part o f the life and the Mr. Krause was born In Schwarea, | Athedral, where It took place, “one tenced by Judge Newell Jennlnk* to the only businaas ha has batn In." thb time of a deflnite ]ilck-up in eggs to give the palnU more last- wgend of Mlasouri aa I know IL I Germany, March 8. 1862. He waa "There's an airplane crash just It took us houra to coax them real estate Unea He says that ha ing qualities. lit the moat aolemn ceremonlea of outside the wrindow. I heard a great out of the jungle”, she said. a State Prison term of from one to am always trying to get things as educated in toe school there, later our communion.” One of Martin's prise stories In- three yeara. haa several transactions under way Hla first commission from his na- real as posriMe.” learning cabinet making. Coming toJ crash and then the cries of many now and believes they wUI be com- tive state—the Legislature appro- this country aa a young man te waa ] The feaaratioaa-old ritual called persona." volved one "King Kelly", an Irish Hb arrest November 19 on _ Benton used flve and ten-cent Mr the a(ed Qahop Lawrence, who conceaslonaira in Oantral Park. A beach warrant Issued nt the requeet KRIEGERiUaiYAROSZ pleted soon, priated 816,006 for the murals— cigars to cajole rustic characters for thirteen years employed as a I Robinson who hobbled on his In- of State's Attorney Huili M. Al- evoked both praise and criticism, pattern-maker at the United States I I'liatirad aa bWiop of Maaaachuaetta jured ankle to meet the first rescue few yeara ago the Martins brought Into posing and sketched most of yau hla 76th birthday In 1926, to aak over from British Eaat Africa a corn, came as a complete surprise ’CAFETERIA PLAN’ all of it Intense, -from the home bis figures from hvlng Missourians. Envelope Company and for a Ume I {.Tiaearchinf questions” of his son, party, said: and great shock to Mends and ac- MEETDIlO-ROUNDERj FOR CROPS sue folka His own ancestor*, Thomas Hart conducted the Turn Hali Cafe. ‘*We had no warning that any- couple of SwahiU tribesmen to help Only Jle /Umn prmy that he might "receive the with a shipment ot simians. One of sway from one of the world's grestest bridge*, over qunlntanoes in his home town and Fowler, Kaa—(AP)—W. A. 1 The 47-year-old artisL center of Benton, famous sarly day Unltod In 1904 he was made super-1 tNoly Ghost for the office and work thing waa wrong. -We were ridl^ which minions soon will past, the lonesomest (pet In America JiHa throughout CennecUeut and New western Kansas ranchman, has sul numerous past art controversies, States Senator, and General John numerary policeman and in 1007 he | Odds arid Ends at DRASTIC REDUCTIONS along very smoothly. Suddenly the the natives proved fractious and re- up in the foreground, as seen from a swooping plane. In the die* New Torti, Jan. IS.—(AP) —Two nutted a “cafeteria plan" ot cr , _ was given free rein by the Legtola- a Msbopin the church of God."' fused to desert the delicts of Har- England where he waa well known J.' Pershing, eminent Uvlag Mto- was promoted to a regular patrol-1 Those AasMIag plane began to drop—drop. Then lem. tance is the Golden Gate bridge, nearly complete, as seen setess In military circles. of the better-lmown 155-pounders, production control and soil conser- tors to paint the "Social History of aourtea, were not Included la the man. On September 20, 1910 he I there was a terrible crash.” slugging Solly Krieger of Nsw Tork vation to the U. S. Department ot 'I Missouri.” Cboaea to assist Bishop LAwrence Kelly rounded up the wanderer the bay toward San Francisco from Alcatraz bland. Uncle Sam's Oeverod Period of Tears mural—"because they were not as WM named captain of toe Rockville ytsare the Right Rev. James DeWolfe The stewardess, confirming Rob- impregnable piSson. There the nation's most desperate convicb Over a period of years, the state's and ex-champion Teddy Taross from Agriculture. The result: Scenes showing Jesse socially significant as the McOor- Pollc-Jee Department*'-----^ by Mayor Georgs - I and put him aboard a boat out James robbing a bank; brewery : af the American church, and Blahop inson's aceotmt that there had been bound. are utterly isolated from the outside world, the main eellblock attorney informed the courL BlsaeO Pittsburgh, tangle tonight to elim- Long termed .hb 9-polnt pro- miek reaper. Forster and held the office rt cap- LAST CHANCE FOR GREAT Diy Knox Sherrill, o f Boston, no Inkling of trouble, aald "We were Ming the long, low building in the center. Directly before It it waa guilty of Irresmlaritles in hb inate one from the crowd of middle- Ktom a "cafeteria plan” because it workers giilplng down beer; a moth- ‘T painted In Jesse James,” the tain for nine years. j id of the Massachusetts Diocese. Months later Martin wrote Kelly weights Invading Broadway’s fight enables a farmer to choose the er at a county political rally diaper- talking about bam and egga." from Swahill-Iand, T h e tribe has the headquarters building. At the right tip of the ble are laundry, accounts and obtained between I artist added, "because he inaugu- He was a member rt the Turn I SAVINGS ON SHOES Tile oeremooles also Included The plane, due In the Union •hoe and typewriter repair shops. 88,500 and 810,000 by manipulating drclea these days. method he deeired to earn aUot- ing her baby; negro slaves being roted a rather Important business In Vereln and eerved as a member rt| aHemn proceaaion o f bishops, clergy voted you king.” KaUy refused the Looking on at their ten-round ment money. beaten by an overseer; the murder Terminal at 10:45 a. m. yesterday ^or. Martla wrote warningly, contracts for National Guard aup- 1 the United States.” the building committee when the AT WARDS ,ftom ottier dioceses and church dlg- reported at 11:05 a. m.. It was pUsa. mlU In the Hippodrome wUI ba the building on l^lage street :|Ntarles in to/th e cathedra] before "The curse o f the SwahlUa has been Colonel BlsseU, who shortly after current UUeholder, Freddy Steele of erected. He was a member rt the I tibe eoBsecratlon. and aftenvard 'coming down to localiser at field.' you. But yon can eacape It and blood platelets, He also will The message referred to the air- spread aome of the blood on a slide; his arrest resigned from all his offi- Tacoma. He may take on the win- cepted. The foUowiag officer* were German Sick Society No. 1 and tte| Siermal Holy Commtmlon service for by bowing before an ebony Idol Pm cial capacities, was, Mr. Alcorn con ner in defense of hb title, although Sons rt Herman. Mitsat’ and Women's lABIy the new blahop, his family and port's radio directional beam.” sending.* SIMPSOirS TRIAL the blood b then stained so that be WHAT TOO SHOULD JOB INSURANCE elected; President, F. M. Wolff; Pilot Lewis gave this account of, may determine the different varie- tinued, "a competonL efficient offl Babe RUko another former cham- vlce-prerident. H. A. Rice; secre- Sixteen yean ago Mr. and Mrs. I other biahops. Kelly bowed. The eurae waa lifted. cer, with a splendid war record, but lion, and Jimmy H cLanln also| Krause moved to Oystal Lake be- ^ For the communion Mrrice the the aecidmt to Gardner: Mar^ always told the story with ties of white blood celb and the rel- wry, C. E. Hunt; trenoureF, Qaorn "We had heavy weather as we hla tongue In hla cheek. he yielded to an enterprise of thb lave been mentioned. KNOW ABOUT H. <3inmpUn; trustee, H. R Hutch- cause rt the fofmer'e UI health. MidFgeasoii ht Reverend William P. Ladd, ative number ot each variety. kind. It was an offense against the Beaidea his wlfs, he la survived I I ot the Berkeley Divinity Bchod came over Saugus. The Burbsnk STARtS; CROWDS He also may mix a very small Krieger and Tnroas, for th* mo-1 BLANKS HAILED toa; asaoctote tniatoe, B. P. Lyman: station setmed to be tied up with state and hla honor as a military menL are at the top of th* heap of libraiy committee for tlu«e year*. by one eon. Walter Krause rt Devim, I New Raven, brought here two ot UVTO IN WEST BARTTOBD amount of blood wltb other fluids officer and there la no other couree FACE PHH I B four daughters, Mr*. Oiarle* Gris- dnirdi's moat treasnred rsllcs, other calls for I couldn't get through Hartford, Jan. IS—(AP) —CapL to determine the total amount of 155-pounders around town. Also on Mia* Marion Holme* and cV k Sallee and paUa used by the to Union Air terminal for my exact T. E. 'nuingbast of West Hartford, JAM COURTROOM than to Impose an adequate sentence hand Is Fred ApostoU of Sgn Fran- Hunt. It wag voted to accept the wold rt West Hartford. Mra Rotert DRESSES bearings. loe had formed on the hemoglobin, or red coloring mat- in the state prieco." cisco, who meets Ken Overlln of Teimatodt and Mr*. Albert Kuhniy t Episcopal Mabop in America, ia the crash of a Western ter. The amount ot hemoglobin la Employe Not Reedriof bequest rt 8500 le ft'to the library I Right Reverend Samuel Seabury. ship and I waa driven to the left ot Ait SaxpTEM tnmaport pi—ft B6ftr lOsntlnoM from rage On*) The maximum sentence for the Norfalk on January 27. rt this dty, and Mra Everett Uttl* estimated by comparteg the color ot offense to which Cokmel Bbsell h tha win rt the late Charles Lta- SisdtoM Ai my course while attempting to cross Fernando, Calif., yeaterday, is Krelger, 6 to B favorite tonight turbanee, or merely from inewreet ooto. The Librarians report gave tha rt HarrisvlUe, a I., atee several WERE 3.95 .. 'The new bishop, bom in Cam- the range through Newhall Pass. jU es manager o f the Pratt and the morning session developed Into the paUent'a blood when mixed with pleaded guUty, Stete's Attorney Al- cleansing, or sometimes thsy . aro Than Shoald Crattet grandehUdren and one great grand- acid, with that of various standard flgurse. an 'impresslvt showing I foUowtag information: Number rt duio. I Mass., while hla father waa "One of the motora waa sputter- Whltam division of the United Air- a lengthy description, by Holmes, of corn emphaslaied, is flve years. •gainst the Pittsburgher may eani moro peislsteni dne to sietmr in- soluUons or with tho color of a piece Sergeant Charles G. Higdon, for- ternal eanss*. timae op*n*d 158, It only being cloe- The funeral win be held from hto of the Episcopal Theologtcal ing badly. I thought it was going OorporaUon. the Danceland Casino, at Ocean him a crack at Stecic. He stopped ed once on .tte ragular library day, _k 05 , studied at Harvard collage, to ba ripped from its base. I decided of pa)>er or gteas which also is merly chief clerk In the United . W * PWP«»> troatiity the m - State Empioyiiieiit (NTice. lato home at Crystal Lake on Fri- TUUnghaat was on a sales trip to Beach eleven miles from here on Harry Balsa mo a few weeks ago, to that falling on Chrlatmaa day. H m N O W " — ' he completed his course In then that the only thing to do waa the west coast, Pratt and Whitney t/>og Island Sound, where the standard. There also are electrical States Property and Dbburalng end ,|L threat a lot of experts thought dertytofT caMs, yon can telisve th* sfternoon at two o’clock. Rev. and one-half years, and at to make a forced liuuUag. officials said, and waa flying to Loa devices with which It b powflble to office, will be brought to Hart- Itchy, horning soroness and halp to'gast rsgistiatlon was to February Ptetor of! tragedy occurred. ford later to face similar charges Iriae to a title shot yw sUn fav nainsr an ointment that and the highest fat August, whsn TheoioHeal and Cambridge '^I^uddenly out o f the fog, directly Angelea. Pictures of the broken window estimate much more accurately the oex. Insisting he's no longer I H»e cwnpletlon of mailing forms „ „ „ „ „ „ tte union Congregational church rt I gleal adioola. He Is a director of the company exact amount of hemoglobin by when he b discharged from a SL ^ keep m,*dlcation in oontaet the summer lake season is nt its ?**•, o ffid a t * . Burial win I In front of tw, loomed the anow cap- through which Mias Sullivan craah- Petersburg, Fla., hospital where he bothered by a trick knee, also b with thenlmply note. Apply {* to ^iproxtoiately 15.000 empleyera beight The aggregate n u m ^ rt be In Grove Hill cemetery. Re After his ordtnation he served in ped Santa Clara ridge. I turned off Md before coming to East Hartford ed, dimenaiona of the dance hall, weight in a certain quantity of h(^tng for another chance to take liXmrrence and Lyon before bacom- in 1980, WM chl0f of tho Amy AU* blood. b recoveiing from a broken leg. every'nliht and inva it on all for the collection of 1938 contrtbu-1 visitors to the Library 'during the vine. WERE $2.98 . . Original Prices Slashed! Not Every Slie* Color O r Style - But my motora and pancaked the ship were admitted aa evidence. the crown. ni^L It does • world ot g o ^ Umu was aimounced today by the e J n g r e c t o r i n I M S ot Grace church on the aide o f the mountain." Corps power plant branch in Day- Mr. Alcorn said y«ar was 3030. n>e total circulation City Bfeeting Sniprlee Vote lib Providence, from which a ton, O. "mystery” witness fron. Worces- Higdon Aceonat* Used For moro than 40 yean people Unemployment Oonapenaation Dlvl- waa 5360 volumes, plus the school There were about sixty voter* I Sensational Bargains For Every Shopper Wh o Gels Here Earlyl Airline officials declined to com- te.'. Mass.; the unusual aspect of a Whenever any of these methods Is have Bsed Resinol Ointment to flU slen rt the State ' Department rt f Sloeisan conventian called him last ment on the cause of the aeddent. During tha World War, "niling- Higdon's bank accounL the court circulation which would bring ths present at tte special city meetlng’l yEdI to ancceed the late Bishop murder trial before three justices used, the doctor (s able to say was informed by the state's atto*^ tU sn^ It sdethes the lirltatien Labor and Factory Inspection. Om- which followed less than a month 5^ was a pilot with the Allies. that the blood b 80 per cent nor- total jip to around 5800. Hils was ^ed last evening in the Town Hall i'Tbomaa r . Davies, who died late Downed In enemy territory by Ger- without a jury; and the sordldnesa ney, waa used to carry out the con- ^ aids heeling. It also troate the Idoyera not receiving these------forma 1 divided as follows; Fiction 3658 to take action on tte proposed plan I after a southbound Unltad Air Lines mal, or 60, or whatever the case ell pores where many snrfiu* pim- should contact the Ue $ Women’s 7last summer. p'-ane from San Flandaeo struck man planea, he was captured and of the state's charges that Simp- spiracy. He and Colonel Bbsell. PIANOFORTB rnemployment volumes, Juvenile 049; History 318 • rt doing away with tte “off year" Women’s Daan Edrop dlacloaed to the son criminally attacked the girl In may be. Very small differences_ ples start Washing flr*t with Oorapensatlon IMvlaion or secure Oak Mountain In this same Newhall Mt to^a prison enckhipment from Alcorn rebted, collected moftey by INSTRUCTION Rssinol Soap qniekans ths pbasing n n- I Periodicals 1218: an other Masses election and aubaUtuUng biennial NOW Cathedral church's annual meeting which he eac^Md Into Hollaad. the darkened hall of a Danceland for example, from 70 to 75 per cenL bllUng supplies to military units at these forma directly from the local elections. The plan had been under Pass area and killed an 13 persons or from 80 to 90—are not signifl- risnita. 229. There are 12 periodicals regu- this week that "before Blahop aboard. He learned to fly after stiii«»iny CMsino added to the drama of the a price higher than contractors were CHAS. P. PACKARD public employment offices. larly subscribed to 1^ the library, cteslderation for many years, but Davies died he told me that he trIaL canL charged. AU suppUea for NaUoaal ointment Included to the material sent to SHOES "An Immediate inveatlgatioo will in the Army Air Corps In 1917 and 8m cake of Resinol Soap £rooi ainr and several more were donated dur- last night’s meeting waa the flrat Now ia toe time to get that SHOES would like to see William Appleton be made as noon aa the Injured are 111 the vummer of that year waa ata. The red coloring matter in the Guard summer training campe nre Studio: 68 Wells St. emplojmra were (1) Report to De- one at which action bad actuaUy I Lawrence as his successor.” The girl waa screaming "go away For fin sample writ* termine Status Under Connecticut ing the year. There have been the new dress you've wanted— cared for, and the facts will he made tloned at Selfridge Field as a flying from me....leave me ^one,” the blood of a normal man varies from mrchased through the Property and Dept 10, Baltimore^ Md. following additions to the Library been taken by the votersj'and it waa Bishops Invited to the oonaocra- known to the public,'' said Alvin Instructor. 13.9 to 18.7 r^'ama for every 100 disbursing office. Phone 8551 Unemployment Ciompensation Act, «pected that the plan would go “<1 at a big Ward savingl tloo Included the Right Reverend state contends, when she plunged ------1______(2) Employers’ Contribution Return ^ring the ysar. From state grant Fine crepes la black, navy *1.00 Adams, president of Western Air In July, 1918, he was assigned to through the windows of Jie Casino cubic centimeters o f blood. 'Diat In Hr. Alcorn aald that Colonel Ble- Lambert Method Used 71 volumes, by purchase 28 vol- through without opposition. I Rosolarly " * 1.97 Samuel G. Babcock, Boston; Rt. the 17th United States Areo Squa- sell became "involved in a matter and (3) Official Regulations rt the and leading colors. Sizes Rcffalarly “ Express. to fall 25 feet to a concrete aide- tho blood of a woman variea from For Beginners. umes, from Mr. WUUaraa i ; .vol- However, in a surprise vote by 12-46. Priced to Rev. Granville G. Bennett, Provl- Tbs Ug two-motored Boeing, dron as a pursuit pilot and operated 12 grama to 16.6 grams per 100 which required money to adJusL” Administrator rt the Connecticut those present at the meeUng lart Priced to :denee; RL Rev. Beniamin Brswstar, on tha western front with the Brit- walk last July. She died two days He bad written letters. Attorney Organist Unemployment Compensation Act. umes, from others 8, making a total 12.49 one engine tom off and its nos* later. cubic cenUmeterSi Thus, 16 grams ths Pisn was voted down. $2.98 IVatland. Ms.; R t Rev. Prederick cinmpled, lay Uka a gbosf ahip atop ish army. Thomas J. SpeUacy. Hartford mayor SL James's Church The report to determine status ot 100, H. P, Hutchins during the |0. Budlong, Hartford, Oonn.; RL Much thiimer and palar now, after of hemoglobin for 100 cubtc centi- mURSDAVS yet r gave gtfta rt interest from tne ^Itowlng tte meeting city offl- Women’s the anow-ahroudad ridge and 100 meters o f blood b the equivalent of and BisseU's counsel, explained, to Is to be returned by all employera ciw who confidently expected the I 'B ov. FhiUp Cook, Wilmington, Dela- •lx months ia jail, Simpson, who led a woman In Hartford, "who aubee- whether or not subject to the Act, BUsa Hutchins estate, .which havn Exceptional opportunity.' Styles £,Bare; RL Rev. John T. Dallas, OoU' yards below the Loa Plnetos ranger what used to be called 100 per cenL change to be approved stated that It Sport Oxfords and Dress gtylea. lookout statloa. the band, pbyed the saxaphone and wMIe the contribution return form s not been classtfled aa yet 116 appeued an those who did not fovor fashion-wise women have snapped ^ord, N. H.; RL Rev. Arthur cornet, and generally was the life THRIFTY are to be returned togetter with townspeople repreeenting 50 fami- up eagerly at much higher prices. If aise and style selectlona were pKoulton, Salt Lake City, and The body of Braden was taken to TTie Poet’s Colum n the plan had attended the meeting I a San Fernando mortuary. of the summer nights at the CMsino', contributions only by ero^oyers lies have taken out books, and dur- while most of those who were in I A wide selection—in Suede styles, complete, they'd still te selling at |Rsv. Benjamin M. Washburn. offered a simple defense. liable for contributions with respect ing the summer 63 visitors enjoyed but not all sizes. lOnings; N. J. Medical aid waa mahed to the DO T O r KNOW JESUS SPECIALS A T favor of the change remained at their regular, higher price! plane and th# other tajurad ware re- Hla story b that Mim Sullivan, to 1936 employmenL Official reg- the privileges rt the Ubrary. home feeling sure that the change moved to tha unoccupied lookout ill from too much drinking, went THE NEW ulations are to be retain^ by em- would be voted. “ I Regiilmrly strtlon—a smaU circular glaaa house Do you kn^w my blessed SavlourT ployers to serve as a rofersnee guide Who for you waa crudfled with him to ths dance hall to re- At the meeting last evening tte I Priced to JOBNSON, N im D used only during the summer fire rover while he got hb instniments, for the administration of the A ct voters authorised the dty treasurer W OMKN’SI 1. While they huddled to- He who boro your sin and sorrow Everybody’s Local representatives o f the Un- MRS. LANDON HAPPY MEN’S SHOES FO OTHEALTHS. He who suffered, bled and died. and leaped from a window after Be- to borrow 865,000 to meet current Regulariy 83.49, 81.98 98c gether in this cubicle, bmes a coming hysterical. Simpson Insbts employment Compensation Division expewa unUI the city taxes are re- Regularly 83.M Regularly 88A# EXPLORER. DOS AFTER will be stationed in the district pub- FURwTRIMMED set and sedatives administered unto he did not molest the girl. POPULAR MARKET ceived >n April. On the cross for r-Jo he suffered tractor, and mule team tranaporta-' Medical Examiner Charles Kauf- 855 MAIN STREET lic employment offleee after Janu- TO RETURN TO FARM EIHagtoa Veraen Pkrmer'e 1.57 tlon could arrive to take them to Bore your load • f guilt and sin RUBINOW BUILDING Market ary 14, to aaatet emploirers in flUng $ $2.57 CRASH OF AIRPLANE iran «rho conducted an autopsy, ^ Bxehange AND SPORTS $2.37 If you missed getting them at hospital. Hulse and Mist Jamea Will you not accept hin mereyf returns and to furnish information Tkomas J. Neill baa been elected Styles sniq>ped up sag- sfjlered from bruises and shock. said abe had been criminally at- "WHERE THRIFTY SHOPPERS SHOP” Free DeliYeryt Phone 57211 relative to the A ct Says It W»n Be Welcome erly all ssaaon long at Wards famous . arch Christmas Ume, dim’t miss buying L«t Us blessed peace come In. tacked. A selesUon rt good- shoes for women. (Oeotlaaed from Page One) "When the fasten seat belts' sign Both the status and oontrlbuUon Change from Strenuous Si railngton Vernon much higher prices! looklag styles at a them now! Lovely styles, liiade The nature of the testimony of return forms are to be returned to FAri^s Exchange to succeed AI- Also Bveateg Sandalsl Price rarely reduced! for comfort and teautyl flashed on as we started to come See how much for you he suffered land OOnkes Months of the Presidential •lashed sals ptical Discoatlnued stylca. aged wings and fuselage of the air- down to level off for the landing at On the cross of Calvary Miss Ethel Werner, the mystery the Unemployment (^mpensatlon has moved to COATS priced! witness for the defense b In doubL BUTTER! Campaign. tola dty. other officers named are liner, on a ridge 100 yards below Burbank,” the stewardess said, He can break the chains that bind Division In Hartford not later than vice president, George W. Simpkins* the Los Plnetos ranger lookout sta- V. tnt through the cabin to aee that Inasmuch aa she has not previous- January 28, the due date for the you THURSDAY SPECIALS THURSDAY manner, Werner E. Kupfenctenldt: tlon, two governmental inquiries all passengers had their belts se- He can set your spirit tree. ly appeared In the case. coOecUon of contributions. tJon- Topeka, Kaa., Jan. 18.—(AP) Were 7^ to* 23^* curely fastened. Chester Simpson, brother of the tributlons paid under the State Un- secretary, Luther H. Skiimer; treas- were set in motion In a attempt to Once again “just a plain cltlsen' urer, John McKlnstry; aMiatant 1 .determine the cause of the dis- “Then I took my post In the rear. defendant, and who was outside the employment Compensation Act may Of We had no warning of troubM. Then Just now why not receive him T be credited towaid payment rt the the prairie state from which her Kupfer- aster. Let him come into your heart building when Miss Sullivan fell, scnmldt; auditors* BlonroD Stroiia I It was the fifth major alrllnei ac- Ihere was s sudden, terrible jo lt- baa been called by the prosecution. strictly Fresh, large. Local Federal excise tax levied under Title husband rose to bid for the naUon's then blackness. When I came to, 1 He, will make your lift happy IX of the Social Security Act. Such Th^re Palmer:’dlreitol^. S S cident in the United States in the He will perfect peace Impart. FRESH SHOULDERS highest honor, Mra. Alf F. Landon last 30 da Ts. waa lying in the cabin aisle, a man's EGGS! contributions , must be paid before rO o/ xM u ia i 3 HAZEL GILBERT turned her thoughts h^pUy today Tjjran, R. Allen Sikes and Rupert I Using i six-mule team and form thrown across me, nly legs credit Is claimed, and delay In pay- doubled beneath me.” 46 Maple 8L ment may prevent such credit. The toward a new adventure—life on a NOW' TO CHIIDREN' S WEAR ' wagon, tescuers tolled all night to "She's the most courageous worn- RoneittM P O T R O A S T S farm. The cfflMrs report shows that toe I MEN'S bring out the Injured during a snow The Family doz. Administtator has no authority to MEN'S WEAR an I've ever seen,” said one passen- extend t|me of pa3rment beyond this Announcing the purchase rt a Exchange ia in good stendlng with storm. The big ship struck a foot- ger. "She assured us we needn't SHIP DISASTER REVIVES date, and Interest penalties will be 160-acro suburban place. Mra. Lan- “ •“creasing volume rt biialig^. hlL in murky weather 10 mUes worry — that everything would be OLD SUPERSTITION I Smoked SHOULDERS assessed upon emplo3rer contribu- don expressed a seat for ter first During the past year toe Ex- from Its terminal destination, roll. all right. She kept trying to cheer Doctor tions unpaid after that date taste of rural Ufa She confessed It change did business o f 8135,105 48 Ing along a slope for 20 feet. us up. When rescuer* did come she Narvik, Norway (AP)—An old COFFEE! would be -a welcome change from ??? time there are Tragic Picture greeted them with: 'Welcome, supersUtlon of the sea—that a BLOOD OF WOMAN CONTAINS the "strenuous months" during 180 stockholders.! The business la . A tragic picture greeted first ar- strangers—I didn't expect to see dead body aboard means mbhap— FEWER RED CE1X8 THAN 1 C O U N T R Y B 4 M A . 8»A<“. seed potatOM^ for- DOES THAT OF MAN YEARUNG 1 ROB 1 which former Governor Landon ; rivals at the crash scene, four miles you BO soon." was revived in the alnking of the 2,%o lb. campaigned aa Republican Preel- tillzer and other articles used by I from the Olive View Sanitarium 5,000-ton German steamer Afrlka. COLUMBIA denial nominee and aim was First the farmers. The finaadal report semi-conscious pilot mumbling In- CAIAXD PLANES SAFE When the ship w o loading, a ^ DR. MORRIS nSHBEIN BUTTER Idunb Forea PorkRoaato Lady rt the Kansas e x ^ tiv e man- showed that toe organisation opened Marveloas vatu*«l Sport Cuberently into a radio no longer New York, Jan. 13.—(A P )—Mar- member of the crew w o klUed Iter, Jouraal of the Amerlean Nw^HrUBeyTTerg^^™” " A. J.. Kirk and family rt WlDl- sion. toe year with a balance of 8218.38 coat*—fitted, belted er ewag- working; everj’ occupant "piled up tin Johnson died today and the during a struggle, and the body Medical Aieociatlen, and of Hygcia, with a net grt. rtl gar iu fl*«e** aud aovelty the Health Magazine. TANGERINES! mantle have moved Into the Tripp "We're going to keep a cow and Of. s o m e o n e e l s e . ” world's movie audiences lost an en- waa taken along for burial In Ger- house- on the Willtmantle road. Mr. some ehickena” she declared. "It’s fabrlcal Dr*** coat* alabor- The scene was detailed by Rich- tertainer who ranged the globe'i last many. Kirk drives the Bond Baker* truck Meeting Tonight The blood of man normally con- 12v^»>' 1 l R e “ >' 1 going to be fun living out there.” •tely ius-trimoMd. 14 to 12. ard Gardner, deputy county sur- frontiers with a camera focused on The skipper before leaving port doz. that comes through here. “I am really glad to be a plain Stanley Doboas Unit No. 14 veyor who said he found Pilot Wll- both the factual and the humorous. declared he could not rid himself tains from 4,9(X),000 to 6,050.(HX> red ^ii***i? A “ *c*<*“ Legion A uxiliary Mr. and Mr*. William Wolff are clUzen again and to be able to do WIU hold an important mestinr thia ( liam Lsiwis in the mall compart- Uneasy?" He echoed a ques- of a feeling of uneoineas because blood ceUa in each cubic milllmetar. the parent* of a baby girl born The blood of woman contains 4,440,. and say Rhat I please. Most rt sU f ment, pistol in hand. tioner last October when, freshly re- of the body. e^y Saturday morning at the I am glad to be 4ble to have my •" ?• A. R. halL A t this "His leg broken, he was looking turned from a year's expedition In While at sea a gale struck, and 000 to 5,350,000 to each cubic milli- Ume Helen MacFarland rt meter. Hie body of a woman Is Windham. (Community Memorial children play freely and happily Mansfield Center, past department . ,OLt of the compartment, a gun In Borneo, he was In the act of estab- the shifting cargo of iron ore Eyaporated Milk! hoeplUl in WUllmanUc. Thl*n* without w orr^ g about them.” She Us hand,” Gardner said. "He had li.shing himself in a New York hotel smaller and obviously demands few- FRESH FISH! FRESH FISH! proddent and district Legislative pounded a hole in the hull. third child. referred to Nancy Jo, 6 and Jack chairman wUl be present and speak Just fired a shot to direct rescuers ith assorted simians and thousands The crew of 30 men took to the er red celb In the circulation than At the aiuiual election rt officer* 8. - GIRLS' WEAR of feet of movie film. does the body of a man. to the members in regard to Legis-1 to the scene. boats, but the captain stuck to hb SUCED POLLOCK for the Columbia Sunday school In contrast to the “fun” ate an- lative matters. ^egis-1 Finds Dead Han I was never afraid of exploration Each red blood cell b only O.OOOS by air. Our ship—and we own two ship. From the Ufeboate the ere* FANCY 3 20^ held Sunday morning the followtog tlctpatee on the farm, Mra. Lan- . There wlU be a program rt sater- . "I pulled open the cabin door. My •aw him disappear iqto the waves. Inch to diameter. These cells grow were elected: Supt. aayton *E, don said her four yeara aa wlfs rt ayes fell first on the dead man, of them-5-ls as safe as a truck on to the bone marrow, especially -In tainment and game* followtag the I the Kansas pbins. We just pull 21?**.; i! ' M*deUnethe goventor rt Kansas had been btutoodi *e*«i<». and refrwihmsnte James Braden. His body had fallen the riba, the backbones, and. the MltcheU; secretary. Mis* Virginia ‘‘interesting onss.” win b* eerved by the Leglalatlra ..aver Mrs. Osa Johnson and she was on the throttle and take off." WOMAN WALKS OFF DOCK flat bones. In babies, however^ the SMELTS FILETS ROYAL DESSERTS! He and Mrs. Johnson, the plump, Oollln*: treasurer, Mia* Shirley Try- The Umdoas plan to build a chairman. Mra S l o a n ^ S Regular $19.75 Stock! asking for someone to help lift him OBEETDrO KIN IN BRITAIN marrow of all the bones takes part th ^ pianist. Mn. Laura Squirt; Colonial style, whits waalMd brick oommittoo.' aside. She herself * apparently waa smiling Osa, invaded the Interior of to buUdtog Mood. OYSTERS Ovsr 10,000 suits in this Borneo by boat and plane. Their 3e each asMstant pianist. l(nss <3arol to - home containing 13 or 14 raoms on Aaaoiiaoa Bagmaemeet ...AuSertng from a broken leg. Southampton, England (A P )—So After tha blood celb have bean man. ^ Mr. and Mr*. Oscar Meng* Tahe Advantage O f These Coast.to^osat Ward m Is I machine, a low-speed poky affair excited was Mr*. S. MiUs of Ikirte. 2 lix- 2 tbsir farm. It wUl be funilahed al- Every eat a leading bit of , ,, , "Most of the passengers were adapted to both land and water developed, they go from the bone 3ib^2S« The January meeting rt the most enUrrty with aatlquss coBset- nou^ toe engagement rt their I ^11 honscloua. The seats were all smaan- takeoffs, had carried them to hither- mouth, when she saw her brother-,marrow______into the blood stream, be- | pL Ladies Aid society will be an aU ed by Mrs. Landon. dat^ter. Mia* Agnra Ruth Meng* Clearance Savings tte •• son. Oioic* of ad and everyone seemed to be piled to unpbotographed portions o f Af- in-law on the deck of the inoonUng I tog picked up by the veins, atid Tomato - Vearetable day work meeting at the hall Tues- UntU the new honM la ready the to Charles R. Ctarke, aon rt Mra I •port* back and basins** up on someone else. rica and other continents. army transport R- 8. Callfornin,' then------are carried' ‘ £b “the lungs, where day of this week, starting at 10:80. Landons wlU Uve at the recldence Mrttha Griffin Clarke rt Milford. TouH aand jrour chil- ityl**l Slngl* and double "1 recognised Martin Johnson No”, he said, "I'm not afraid of that, aUll waving her handkerchief, they take up oxygen. The oxygen SOUP! There win be work for aU, quilting JUsjMenge a graduate the dren off to achool and a p ic' she walked off the quay side and f ^ here of Mr*. 8. B. Cobb, Mr*. Lan- U rt I breasted medeU. from pictures I had seen of him. He flying " Is carried by the red coloring mnt- PORK & BEANS! aproos. etc and Mrs. Natach win don'* mother. Rockville High School and rt tte I out to play in these drilllirlous and was screaming He was proud of bis explorations into the dock. ter of the cells, called hemoglobin. FRUIT SPECIALS BAKERY have plenty rt material to make up Arnold CfoOege at New Haven. ^ uvm suite. Kasha f /M -from pain and afaock. and proud of tha way he eared for For a moment she struggled fran- Hemoglobin to a complex sub- for the Windham Community hespi- WAUOER TO TURN F ARBOEK te (di^cal inatructor at the Nmiral TaMMtCDttoHK lined jackets and wbol “The stewardeaa waa ths heroine. hb animab. tically in the water as the vessel, stance which contains e ^ e iitxi. taL The hostesses for this meeting Paychlatrie Institute rt th* Hart-1 fleece pants. Plaids; SpMdaOyPHMd ..JOthough suffering from a broken Lived Like Kings nearing the quay, threatened to If the number of red blood w GRAPEFRUIT can fora Retrrat •olid colors and eom- FLORIDA ORANGES SUNKI8T ORANGES are Mrs. May Cobb, Mrs. Laura N*w York. Jan. IS.— (AP) — UnaUons. R«S. 84A8 Abkle. aha limped about trying to Tfight hundred dollar* worth of crush her. Then aha waa rescued puaciea talb below normal, w if RoMnaon, Mrs. Vera Lyman Jame* J. Walker, who found the Mr. C3ark* ia also a graduate rtl fealp out all the other* and cheer food”, he added, "that'* what w* and hauled to stfety. the amount of hemoglobin in' the Mra Winnie Field. tte Arnold College and Is director I — 39c 3'»10e I Ikncy. Larger OdUenla life rt a country gentleman pleas- them through the ordeaL . fed thoee animal* on th* way back blood corpuscles to deficient, the 18

naTAOrS CABINET NEirWOillJIALIUlUC Spriaga park baa been thick enough OBITUARY California Editor Charged SELECnVE BUYING BASEBALL VEIERAN DAILY RADIO i^OGRAM for superriaed akating, according to People Sleep Too Much BUT niREE SKATING records to the office of Park Super- IVaesIsisWTIC Brsaxcasttog Herstoa NOW FOR SA U BERE v;EDNECOAV, J anuary is (Central and ffaaleni Stondard Tima) intendent Horace F. Murphsy. DEATHS SltlNES DEFENSES With Libelling President FEA1URES MARKET aarttorx, iisaa. During tbs previous uirsa 1ELU BIG THRILL f.'otai Ad prosrams to k » end basle eheina or troups thereof unloee spod- SBJMW W. 1X48 IL C. 8SSJI M. Says Ex-Senator Smoot 52nd Im ie of Indispensable r.ed: coet.t to coeel (e te e) deelsnaUone inelude sli avalUble etaUoae DAYS BERETHUSFAR the average number of days iff __ P.-o-rsme ■ubjoet te thence by etsl.ene wltheut previous netlee. F. M. perrised skating to January 18 waa ter Springs oukT D.REVILOMcKEEDIES *•»> Joae, Oalif,, Jain IS—(AP)—satgasd the oonplaiat. Saving tbs edl- Book of the Tear Answen a NES-WBAFtREO) NIT'-yORK CtnV BaeL 19 days. Tbres years ago January Edltor P. Miltca Smith of Mountata Balt Lake CUy. Jaa. 18.—(AP)—> to Ifi lifto il Plreseit E vopeti toi^ actioa waa akfai to "Anarchy." Onnally Brisk ThmEdi h MIBIon Qaestions. BAC.C — ttd ti west wlw wane «Ue •lO ^ diOO—BMie by. Buddy Clerk— Wbfinsaday. Jaaaory U Tha long-time Republican Senate 18 was tbs twentyasoond day at View, CkdIfL, faced prellnilaaiy .*« la not Ubol," aald Snuth. “That Got It As M u ife r of a World, nr j a r n u a wesh ky w « f br wre wgy bsdo. Jr. Nuits Cerpe midweett Ifoad Smoot xdie spent 80 years lii^ leader retired to 1033 to devote atlng on tbs rink, according to soL6soLoy IN HOUSE OF BIRTH WUUI w e n t w U m wwj weal; MiCwteti . f Jeek—west ths U. fi, SsBato before retiring to Hafe htnged 19 Days Up examlnatloB to Juatloe Court today to a^prtarion at aa opinion aad The World Almaaae tor'10S7 kau «rmaii who wow erdaf-wirs wed •lit— 4:1S--Ntwa ef Youth — baelet P. M.' “ “wbataver yaars ara laR to ma to Mr. Murpbey. U! fmr Sitiidioi, RouMUMit b I bava a right to erpreaa onr opinion Fint Half Hov; Auto luip wai wood Oraen-^Ulo: Plana Proa.—west devote himself to his church, my tturch.” He la a mambar of fiesta F a H. __ CO a . c h a r m at criminally UbalHng at any p u l ^ offlcar." now on sals. Edited by Robert Hunt Series WhiBer Says Chr- MIbwBCT A CANADA - wtmj ksbe l'S “ eito-Proea.Redlo Newe—east 4:00—Harry Buass’a Orehsetra. launched Into his 76th year of vig- After having bad rather poor'iuek Last SnrrlTor of One of Town’s wllia nelK Wilay kfyr cret ofcf •H— •(»•—Oeorge Hall Orehostra the (touncU of thsTw elva AposUea to Tlds Imi^ Carnira} In predicting skating for (toriatmas Pachseo, RepnblkMto Renats?! Preeideat Franklin D. Rooaevalt. Aftnr the aditor’a arraignmeat Lyman since 1838, It stands first as 4:80—“Follow ths Moon." orous Ilfs today with a lament that of the Latter Day Satnta Arroyo Iseo near Tsso, EarHcat Families Passes Needed, b Edei’s Beliel. The complaint waa baaod 00 aa SOUTH—wrva wpU wwrnc wave wjak d.-oo—fSSr 7dO—Footle Maladae *• ^ Mounted - ean: 4:48—"Dick Tracy.” people “sleep too much." ttd New Year's, with enpouraglng- nm to Juattca Court a mantb ago h Th . Shuras Are Weak. [m flnaat rsfsrsnce botric. No- ence Rowhnd. wila-wsun wtod wun wme web wapi . .J^rbtH Foatt’o Bneomblo.'west A* Senate flaanoh eommlttee ly cold weather turatoitttog sb ru ^ y party oaueus aad was Away; Nesn 85tk Birthday. editorial Nov. 37 la tbo 88-yaar-oM MePOw, u. B. attoraey at can ons itod tha record wjds wemb kvoo wky wfaa wbep kpre 8:00-^aok Onslow's, "Thera are many who work but chairman, Smoot for a quvter of a Plans Dehyed. oditor’e newapapar tba waaUjr Fraadaeo, aald ba batleved tba woal ktbs kUie woee wtar wia wr School at the Air. ‘ 40 hours a weak and sleep eight or to warm days,, . Mr.------Muiurphey refuses chessn mtoority floor Isadar. i Reglatar-Liaader la wUeb ba aafd ■tog evento at 1088 at wfbc kark kcae jllfcTo io Announeod-seat century held a cheek upon appropri to guess when, Uif ever, tosrato wU be ty whip, mtoority tiaatf ipt tiM EtfhUi IfeKea, dieded a t 0:30 ' London. Jan. IS.—(AP)—Great ^aiga would ba drappad. Santo New York, Jan. 18.—(AP) — for Immedlato reference. MOUNTAIIt-koa kdyl ksir kabi ktar j!# ~ 7ie»—Boake Carter’s Commenf 5:15—Tom Mix. nine hours a day," the former Sen- ationa. “I can't help wbrryuig over any mors skating this year. isfilalativs Bommlttss a. m. yesterday at his home, 1083 Britain's Cabinet turned from Span- the Preaident waa "a man unlvaraal- esara county offleers, aud, howavar, CSilesgo, Jan. 18.—(AP)—Clar- PACIPIC—kri ksw komonmq kpo kfbk 8:80—"Jack Armstrong." ate dean charged. "That U a de- to act I; bated for a amlUng hypocrite, a Selective buying eontlnaed In to- Every editor and writer must have kwt knij kcu 7:0B— fiOO—Amerioan Caveleade—to e tha budget situation," be said So ter thia winter there have been In toe msanUme toe Iteeraattcn msmbsni at both Bast Middle Turnpike, of pneumo- ish aon-iaterventloB today to con- they iatoaded to go ahead with ence “Pants” Rowland, rounding out Cent. Xatt. 7i|^ fil^Burna end Allen Comedy 5:48—“Little Orphan Annie." plorable waste of a most precious "When I left ths Senate the debt U|at th« dMitot put* centrate OB home plana and mountebank of the lowest order and and carry tte caae to a trial. dajr’s Stock Market but recovery I t every llbrarlaa and rassarcta JiOO—Nino Martini aonge—te e. resource—time. but three tty s when the lee in the committee is eoneernlng Itself more Pacheco is tha only .. nia.....Mr. McKee waa bora in aad workM, eveiy teacher, every stu- 44 years to baMball. says there’s ho 4tSO~ atf>-Jaok Arwistrsna — baale; ••Jb—•Ito—Jeetlea Draeenotte-to r 6:00—Newa bad been whltUsd to 16 blllloa with proposals for leastag the toe 84-msmbar Senate. SO acTM o f hla death occurred in the called up for revlaw her rsarms' the biggeat Talae alarm’ ainee tba SmlUi’B Regtotar-Laader ___ lrn—1I;X>—Phil H ai^ and Orcheetre birthday Sunday, for most of bis ter Anthony Eden disclosed the di- movements vrare apparent from the Si<&- S:46—Billy B B etty-w caf only: 7:00—Amos ’n’ Andy. lnf/' of bis birth was June 7, 1853, aad There, too, are all the results at tbs (^ba acouL started a. a mascot for NBC-WJg (BLUE) NETWORK Ilfs has exercised the principles of mensions of the mllltarisatloo plan, start and around the fourth period Orphen Annie - mldwesi repeat: 7:15—Uncle Exra’s Radio Station. be waa therefore approaching his before the Cabinet today, as rivaled Olympic games, of the World a Dubuque, la., team has been Flyine Time Bkit-.otner'etstione BASIC — Beeli wjs wbs-wbsa wbal ‘plenty of work aad not too much 8Sth birthday. Ha waa a descend- ASSEMBLY SLATES MI STAKE CLAIMED trends wers highly Indefinite. ball aeries, at the leading football diOC— y:U0 — Amee 'a* Andy — aaet: wham kdka wav wzye wlw wnrr wma' 7:50—“Four Star Hlta" HE’S raW T UBEBIAN only by the ambiUous soolie of the With retell spending a player, club owner, manager aad Donald MeOIbnoy.y^Comniont--woet O------wfll waby wobr woky wapd waen wteo leap." During a long period as ant of Andrew McKee, one of the program through which Boland is games, aa well aa sports to ganersL arbiter 4n hla long diamond career. dilC— 7t1»—Uhold Radio etatlon Midwoeti wear wis kwk boll wroa wart 7:45—"Count of Monte Crista" chairman of the Saoats fliunoe oom- TO f8Bort waa msnagtog the ei4»—■ - y:4b— - dorry■ - CoeMr, - Cone— - -wwi ent wjto webo wday klyr cret ofcf 8:30—Wayne King’s OrehastriL 30 out O’ *Jic 34 hours he stod. Monrovia Uberia (AP)—Gahrlsi lister, Robert Treat, John Francis favor! tea. day-by-day events to the chronology wmau: Ruth Lyon, Banns—chain SOUTH — wrva wptf wwne wle wjms 9:00—Fred AUen; with Peter Van "But I’m getting old snd I’m U- L. Dennis, saeretary of toa treasury DDNAP-5UYER While Britain's own Srst lines at Automotive issues wsrc kept In great Chicago White Sox team and William HUla for 1988. The abdication of ifitij which won the Ameriesn League 7i0b— tiOO—One Man'e Pamily—to e wfla-wsun wied worn wmo web wap! Staeden’s Orchestra pering off a little now,' he smiled. of Liberia, baa Just become ths first Mr. McKee was a caipentsr by defense were held to tha fore, th* background by q>rcadlng of the. 7 tt— IdO—Weyes stlnd’e Orenoetre wjdx wnnb kvoo wky wfaa wbap kprt 10:00—Your Hit Parade. French. suggastloBS to control arms Edward Vm, President Roosevelt's penaant and world's championahip ' Allen B Tewn Hell wtar worn ktbe klha weoo wave wcac Tall, white-haired an-1 energetic, he Ubsrian over to travri around toe trade aad oonttnued work on hie General Motors strike, but truck trip to Buenos Aires to the Peace irW—leiW—The Parade ef Hits—to a wfbc hark ksae 10:80—Meredith Willson's Orches- oould pasa for a man of . world. AS V iniM IS BURIED aad volunteers to Spain through Lesishtors Expected to to 1017 over tha New York OiaaU. ei»—Idd^Ttio Rm Shield Revun 60 farm from aariy life until a few Ei’Buik Held Telit Sente oenearo lames edged forward. A Coaferencs of the twenty-oiM Amer- MWNTAIN—klo ktfr ksU ktar bvod tra For the nation's young men, On bid 50,000 mils tour hs gath- IT PAYS T O SAVE - “What a team,” ha breathed rev- IS.-ea-lliO^Newei Hal Ooedman^ra. years ago. He leaves aa only strict supervision of porta of depar- few utniUas did batter. Steels aad wen 11:00—News. ture, shipping lanes aad the French ican rspubUes, also th^ work of the •reatly. “Lomclt those names, boy ■i; Amse 'n' Andy— rpi ^ Ml Smoot suggested these principles; ered aeoaemlo Information which daughter,' Bertha, wife of Assessor Make Annoanceiiients Oo ooppera encountered selling and the alphabetical administration actlvl' ftiff—llilf—Kins’e Jeetere Orsheetra kfbk kwd kmj kera "Keep busy, keep bodily clean. ho will attem pt to apply to hU Thomas J. Lewie. Mr. aad Mra aad Portuguese borders were felt to Pirobert H u t It Shoild ralla held to a restricted area. Farm —Chick Geadll a t first, Eddie Col- lOiSO—lliS^Frenkle Masters Orehest. Cent. Beet. 11:15—The Oonnecticut Legislature ties to promote recovery, and the lins at second, ’Swede’ Rlaberg at 11:00—Ud)0—8henderi B. Htyee Orch. —WUUam Sheehan. Have high Ideals. Remember that country, and hs completed a trade haa been prodnetive of i ^ t s as shown by the aembt a man wSo aa> Lewie have made their home with have fallen on reqmnaive eara Implemeato aad other specialties meaning of the Social Security Act. fliXt—ItiSO—"Lishts Out" Melodrama ?'?)>'"• Lady—eaati Idleness is the devil's workshop,. Eat agreement with Japan which grant- Ifete dtoertptlon: him. Mr. McKee also leaves sev- The new French plan, said to met further support. short and Buck Weaver at thlr^ Joe . .The Oletelare* Bnsamble—west 11:30—Kings Jeaters’ Orchestra. Not Ha?e Beei Made. Enlightenment on these problems Jackson, Hap Felcb and ‘Sbano’ (Jol- CB8-WABC NETWORK did»~ Hemeeteid. Sketch 11:80—Bob MeOrew'e Orchestra -ilaln foods. Avoid hot drinks, ed toe Japanese liberal rights in business done by this bank in the lin t few .dsya '' Itf pomeiM; hdKbt eral nlecea and napbews living la have been submitted yesterdi^, was Small recessigns prodomlnatsd la win be a t ths ssrvloe of aU. Ths !ito~tl*y*» Rnlihel News Club (evar touch Intoxicating liquors of ceapkaian Maacheater A»d in Nebraska. ooaslderad to dovataU with the Brit- Itoa to the outfield, and Ray Sehalk BASIC—Beall wnbe wade woko woee t«nfl 11:45—Karl Hliiaa Orchestra Liberia In return for unspsotflsd toa bond dapartment OemmoditlM World Almanac haa the answer to wnab weal wgr wkbwwkre whk w)r V b a * 12:00—Weather Report. any kind.” J privllegss for Liberians la Japan. of 1987. T he l i n t o f a new y e a r Is s h n y s n twigy hair. Hack; beard. Mack; The fuaera) will be held Friday ish proposal for immediate stoppage Ilartford, Jaa. IS.—(AP) — Tha wers uasven. catching. For pltitoers, such men wdre weau wJaS wpro wfbl wjsv: ------rtpeat afternoon at 3 o’clock a t bis heme, of voluateers to tha SpaalMi civil WashlagtoQ. Jaa. U.—(AP) — most of your questions. Try It snd aa Eddie CIcotte, Rel Faber, Dave Midwceti wbbre wfbm kmbo kmos 12:02 a m.—Shandor, violinist : apaaeh, wtth aUght ae- question of oommlttaa appointments Joseph R. Swan, former prssiilent Among shares on tbe upelde were e. whan kfeb krat . db. e. tt r Tenor toloo—chalB ©nly; time bnt THIS year mon NEW aeeoimta w an daap; act, about M; 1083 Ekwt Middle Turnpike. Rev. war. Danforth,.. Reb Russell aad Jim BAST—wbne npc whp whee wibe wfaa •its— d:4»—Lowell Theme* - east: 13:08—Mario Bragglotts's Orches- was uppermost today la the minds of the Guaranty Ck>mpany, a New White Motors, Mack Truck, Yellow Old features have suffered no tra an ha wore dar^ treua* Watson Woodruff of the Center Truck, Ree Motors, Ssars Roebuck, Scott, among others. wore efrb ekeo wibs wmna wtac weSf Jean and Her-Ceeerte, Voeal-weet opened and MORE money waa added to aeeoimta laser and a light Congregational church will officiate Eden toM ths Foreign Press As- of Legislators as tbs Word w Tork Investment firm, told Seaats neglect. The record at tha year, the ‘But It was a tough Job, h»ndutir PWIB-wan wsfa wbro wqam vnfod ii«b- r.-O^Beey Asm Skit—alao eat 13:30—UghU O ut and burial will be in the East ceme- Investigators today "It is clear we Montgomery Ward, Deere, Federal memorable events at the centuries, Ura wroo wise wwl wtoe hrld ktrh ifp" Iilf~U"eMBi Champieno—baa. l;0O-SUent - fufiaatad that la an sociation last night the armament passed around that woric on the made a mistake” In underwriting a Water Ssrvloe, Norto American, In- that club, to addition to being my ktaa wsoo koma wdbo wbi wdao wblp •’*?r Abaer—esel ealy; than in any oim period in auuiy yeare, aad tbesa taeaatlgaton ob> tery. !s was "madnaaa'' He warned alatas for the two Houses was near^ and the tale at scientific progrcH biggest thrill. It was aa tempera- wdW wwva wmto weje wrabr wain' . -f^rle CenI Sons Precram—west ly complete. 180,000,000 real estate note Issue ternatten^ Telephtm, U. S. Smelt- ars as totaresttog aad fasetoating as ktol keko weoa wane wnot kwkh knew •if®'' 7:ed—Jemee Wilkinnn, Sena— miw ti the sa a'a Britain waa not growing soft and for the lata Van Sweringsn broth- ing, Seaboard OU, Houston Oil, Con- mental a bunch aa I’ve evsr seen. wnunra Ceiti^n'd network Tomorrow’s Program who mve a n Eton aeean in dnifig ao. > ) , hla flacerprinte aall Jamto W. Meivia. Senator Joseph H. Lawlor, pres- heretofore. Here, too, are tha valu Eddie CoUlns, the greatest second MipWBBT — wmbd wlen wibw kfh A Comedy A. M. described the nation aa rearming on ers of Clsvelaad. tainer Corp., International Hydro- able reviews of labor and of the wkbn wcco webt keej wixwo wnax woe 'Ito— f'to—Bthel Barrymore, Drama James W. Melvin died at bis "a conaiderabla, indeed a formidable ident pro tempore, and Speaker J. baaemsa of them all, waa In a dif- of Arofeaeionele 6:00—Blue Grass Roy. heme, S3 Bigelow street, this morn- Mortimer BeU are expected to an- Chairman Wheeler (D., Mont.) of Electrtc, Gimbel, Marshall Field, economle and financial progress of COAST-tins kola Wro kol kfiw "kvl tha a a a might aeale." the Senate railroad finance invesUr Schsnley, Procter Gamble, d u e tt ferent mood every few aeconds. kkfo chamber Musis 8:80—"RsvsiUa" poaelbly so ing after a short lllnsee Mr, Mel- The forelgB mialstor imUcstsH nounce tbe appointments la tl)e the year, . htghllghta on uUUUea "K ths youngsters don’t—the old -t'to~!9'to-M«f*4'«h Wllleen Orehes. .Get the H abit of Depooftfaif R«viibur(y IB vin who was 77 years old leaves two Senate aad Houae Monday when tha gating commlttoe bad charged the Peabody, dm ada Dry, Crowi. d>rk, money aad securities. EMueatkmal Cant. Bksl. IQito-llito-wawei B. Bleak's Orehes. 7:00—Morning Watch—Ben Haw- •mtOt would ba la- M>proval of the recently resurreetsd pubUe Icri 115,758,004 of the 880.- Umeik remember how he won the 4tto--eiXt—Ttio Blue PleihL-____ J'lf—JJ'lb-The Ink Spots Ouartet thoraa sons and two dmightern. They are General AssemUy resumes its dellb- aad Newport,:-Industries. and vital atatlaUcs, aaeociatloDS and world title by taking tha «i««i g»w.. HJfcll'SrS"*''Oalaihah-Oreheetrs d Ua aetteas Uratlooai. moves for Franeo-Ctorman eo-opeca- sratJons. 000,000 It invested in the notes. In the backward claas were .. Sf.fy*" tntorvlewe-weet JJ’SSrJ£'S""S“a. Arahrlm Oreheetre 8:00—News. atato htghway patrpimen Chester H., Mra Luella Buckmin- UoB aa a means to Burapean peace, sodettea, medal winners and office 4 to 1 after Helnla Zimmerman, dies— e:. for thirtj years, coming here with was expected to whip lato shape for day after ths General Assembly careful, diligent invesUgatlon and than Bert Mlchell of Mrs. 'EmU key dtit of fat, cluSiay Klngfish TPA4. Parta 1:50 p. m , with the Parliamentary action. scrapped Its system of Joint com- to Divorce American Wife. Denemark’s stable, Jacobs won tbe . 8:30—Burna and Allen. ^ t o ; OSD. OSC. OBB. London, A :00—NBC Music Guild. Ml Department of Jua- her husband from Germany. ualng our best Judgment" Levtoa)cy aad I doubt If Joe Louie 9:00—Chesterfield Prseents Ntoo Bbe leaves three sons and a The ministers, pressing for in- mittees because of a partisan dis- The company officers bad repeat- $500 prise offered by the Gables could lay a hand on Maxle to 30 Sbipbuildtag aad 10:10, fee Reekey ;80—Havsrback SIstsra. Electrify Martini and Kcetolanets’s Orches- tlAOOO reward for ar- daughter, Edward E., Fred B. and creased army and navy enlistments puts. Each Housa commutes will edly adviaed with Harold Stanley, a Racing Association, Anderson pi' 'rounds" . . . add superatitlou: You Hingland ve. Resident (tonadiana* :45—Happy Homsmaklng with Wofld*s only cats wMi deal ocaaomy of oil efsonar and th f kffler. Barnarr ifcFnd. through enhancing the attracUons Qomprise 15 members; Republican London, Jaa. 18__ (AP)—Ernaat tra. pjD . Berlin. 7:30. Radio play and Isabella Beach. Mrs. Maleda Jarvis, all of this town, partner In Morgan. Stanley and Aldrich Simpson, former husband of loted 35 winners, aa compared to w ’t biro Maurice (Big CUpper) , 9:30—Beauty Box Theatei ovtomotie ovsrdriva s Lowarad floor*—dtair-halfilu saoh— publlsber, added gl,- and William T. of Baa Diego, Calif.; of the service, also were understood leaders have Indicated they stand Company, he added. Charlie Kurtainger’a 16, to win the Smith of VlUanova to walk forward Acolf Jeneen tongs; CJRO, CJRX 00—Pepper Young's Family. and WaahingUm State ready to give Democrata represen- Mrs. WslUa Simpson, ; baa filed a 10:00—'Gang Busters.” Winnipeg, 9, This la Parle; YV2,Rc! haod room and lafl /room Io tpora s W erld'i tofsaf, tfronflodf, four brothers, BUward Mblsen of to be considering conscription Blamed OX Depreasloo. slander suit against MrA Joan Suth- $500 gold watch offered to the rank- Into a stadium . . . he alarays backs 3:15—Ma Perkins. I .coaatdered offering fO.- Allentoem, Pa., Henry of Hartford should the current peace moves fall tation on House committees provid- He blamed the decline In value of ing jsekey. this.wlU give ]Tou an idea of 10:30—Rep. Maury Maverick—“Let Btobilway hits; JVH, :80—Vic and Bade. qwlateri oil itaal bodlai rainfercad by itoal s World's larfiast lufi. ing Republicans are given places on erland, alleging she said Simpson Ua Meet tbe leeuea." Toky^ Ov^TMM profimm. ' and Otto and Albert of Germany; and an emergency arise. tba notes, on "tba greatest financial received a sum of money to divorce what New York baseball arrltera (a :45—Tbs O’Nellbk fl^ a capacity # WoHd’e ccsicsl doslnfl deon with cxdusiva non- — and pUionrs of bloasoms and three grandchildren. Sbe was a Senate committees. 10:45—Patti Chapin. Your Kitchen collapss in history,’* sddlpg that "we hie American wife. It was learned More than $400,000 to purses and hard boiled lot) thfaik «ff EMdie m lato tha funeral parlore in member of the Concordia Lutheran The Senate will set up Ita com- stakes will be distributed to the 11 :(H^News Serrica fotric rotary deer ledn • Dual range itaarinfl gear for easy path- didn't foresee what waa going to today. Braanlck, Olant eecretary: Jerry 11:18—^Benny Goodman's Orehea- ptatlan for the be^e ^ v a te !church on Winter street. MRS. PECKHAM HEADS mittees Monday, but Its Demo- happen.’’ horsemen during tbe 46-tty session Mitchell arrote to tbe Ehrenlng Poet; iag s Studaboker'sCLT. Budflct Plan effais lew time poymenli. aerviee a t 1 p. m. <4 p. m., The funeral will be held Saturday cratic leaders said they wera not Mra. Sutherland is the wife of tra. The notes were Issued In 1880, Lieut Col. A. H. C. Sutherland who at Hialeah Park, which opened to- "He has more friends than Santa 11:?*—Roger Pryor’s Oreheatra. . T . ) afternoon at 3 o'clock at Watkins ready to announce what. If any, Swan testified, after his company has been decorated by the govern- day. Topping the stage card la the (,AUS" . . . VhnetBl Oereomay Brothers funeral home at 143 Bast THE PYTHIAN SISTERS share of the committee assinments 12:00—Dsxle Nelson’s Orchestra. had twice rejected proposals for ment xrltb the Order of the British 850,000 Widener challenge cup tor Tomorrow's Program funeral, a i*resbyterirn cere- Center street. Rev. Karl Richter, would go to Republicans. 'Ihe Sen- financing the Van Sweringen real Eimpire and also tbe Military Oosa. handicap performers and tbe $20,000 H ie New York Yale club has Its $40-00 DOOR PRIZE pastor of the (Tonoordla Lutheran ate committees are expected to be beat arlsecreckera primed to give A. M. ^ araa to be ooaducteu by the eatate enterprises prior to tbe 1838 Simpson declined to discuss the flamingo stakes, formerly known aa 7:00—Eta Alpha Pregramma—Col- SMITH’S GARAGE rBarold Long, with only mem- church, will officiate. Burial will be Memorial Temple Installation made up of five members each. market crash. ease except to confirm that notice the Florida derby, for three-year L any Kelley what tbe boys call de In Ehmt cemetery. arolks" at tonight’s dinner to tke lin Drtggs, organist -of the llattsfti family and Ceremonies Held in Odd Fel- Telegrams placed In evidence of the suit had been issued and olds. J. E WIdener’s Brevity, win- tlon. 80 Bisgell Street Manchester ’ bhiaest friends present. Watkins Brothers will be open to- showed that Stanley said the Van served on Mrs. Sutherland. ner of the derby, tor three-year olds. Tale grldJere . . . Oesle Solem may morrow night and Friday night for lows Hall Last Night. be called on for double duty at Syra- 7:45—News Service. BINGO J. E. Widener’s Brevity, winner of 1-t. OoL Ous Applemsn, H. friends of Mra. Marks. MOTHER AND DAUGHTER Swerlngens were "terribly sore at The cult, sources close to Simpson 8:00—Treasure Housa of Berkeley, Calif., and MemorUl Temple Pythian Slaters Guaranty" because it had refused aald, was the result of Simpson's the derby last year, is one of the cuse . . . they haven’t-got an ath- favorites for the challenge ,Jrophy. letic director up there and since 8:15—Shoppers Special — 2nd Sec- B. Baxter, aU close Mias Theresa Dyer seated its 1087 officers at a meeting to finance their real estate opera- efforts to quiet talk of hie divorce Ossie held doam that Job at both tion. THURSDAY NIGHT of the family, were named Miss Theresa Dyer, 44, died at In Odd Fellows hall last night Past BANQUET JANUARY 22 tions earlier. and alleged payment of money Drake and Iowa, he may be asked 8:00—Oreenfleld VlUage Chapel. the coffin to a mausoleum Grand CRilef Mrs. Frances C3iamberi Wheeler asserted that when fin- which arose after tbe temporary WUlia Sharpe Kilmer, ever a lib- 8:15—As You Uke I t the home, of Anton Miller, North eral nominator to rich stakes, heeds to take It over as well as coach the other friends of Or. Matt- Coventry, yesterday morning follow- was the Installing officer and in rec- ally underwritten the notes were decree was Issued to his wife at football teem. 9:40—News Sarvtee. ^.wete honorary pallbaarere. ognition of her services, Mrs. A8bary Groap of Sooth backed partially with 5(W,000 shares Ipawleh, October 37. the Ust of nominators to the 50th ing a short Illness. Hiss Dyer has renewal of the futurity at Belmont 9:45—Organ Melodies—Mary Her- Odd Fellows Hall Be On Time In 1937 Bureau of lavcetlgaUon lived in the Miller home for the Rllsabetb Caverly In behalf of the Methodist Church to Spon- of Alleghany Corporation stock Simpson was declared to have (3olf pros DOW to Callfomis are BUUt _ ineeatlgated every report, Temple presented a gift to her. which wps never worth anything been irritated by dlacuaslon to both Park In 1839. The Binghamton. N. past 84 years. Mias Dyer left no sor Annual Dinner. Y., and Virginia sportsman haa burned up at the new Southern Cali- 10:00—Batty and Bob. how alight its apparent near relatives. Mrs. Chambers In turn presented to and ne'ver paid a dividend.” the London financial distriet aad m fornia ruling which prohibits advice 10:15—Modorn Chider^a. $ 25-00 nuzBS with tht kidnaping, Mrs. Janet Linnell, mistress of rec- This stocl:k later was replaced wtth Mayfair aoetety clrelee. named 88 mares. The recently from caddies . . . Joe. Jacobs, lOiao* Betty Crocker. The funeral will be held tomor- Managlng tbs annual Mother and Slmpeon’s attoraey refused to dis- formed Vsldlna Farms of Texas With WESTCLOX newastaad operators anrf a row afternoon at 3 o'clock a t the ords and correqMndencs, with a pari 115,000,000 of government bonds, manager of Msx Schmeling, la the 10:8*—Hymns of all Churches. Daughter banquet, a high spot In Swan testified. close details of the suit beyond the ranked high on the > list with SO In Blankets • Floor Lamps - and Oilier jdatlon man who reported a Miller home. Rev. iLeon Austin, chiefs certificate and pin. tbe social life of tbe women mem- nominations. > latest riser to tbe aporta mob . . . ^ WatWns— Who’s fled from t. newaatand at pastor of the North Coventry Con- Tbe new officers are aa foUowa be'ra of the South Methodlri ebureb, fact notice bad been Mrved. he never leaves the hay until 4 p. m. Who to tbo Nsxra Useful Prizes! Westelox Big Ben Chimo Aiann a w* told officers he re- gregational church, will officiate Host excellent chief, Mrs. Mercyle will ba the big January project of . tbe Phillies have a hot pros- TubereuloMs aad ’rtth n d lM n d la l !v !T ...... S4.50 deacriptlons given of the and burial will be in the Center Peckham; most excellent senior, ths Asbury group of the Wesleyan F0HEI6H EXCHAHCE MAN H1TCH-RIKE8 SELF ]>ect in young Hugh Mulcaby, up Publlo Health Soriety. cemetery, Coventry. Hre. Annia Alley; moat excellent Guild, will be tha Mg January pro- INTO LEGISLATURE. from Haxleton, Pa., with tbe eling- WeaWox ^ Ben Chime Alarm A sa ett. nearly 100 men made Junior, Mrs. E tta Parkins; manager, ject of tbe Asbury group of tbe New YoriL Jaa. 18.—(AP)—For- WRESTLING ehot delivery . . . Blair Cherry of w ith plain d i a l ...... $ 3 c 5 U Kitchen efficiency comes not alone from modem, eleeti:le -by-foot aearcb for clues over Mrs. Gladys Modean; mistress of Wesleyan Guild, plana for which are eign Ekchangs stsady; Great Brit- Dsliss, Texes—(AP) —Odis A. Amarillo High le the No. 1 candi- 11:80—Big Sister. finance, Mra Sarah Tomllnaon; tain in dollars, others in cents. New Raven, <3Dan.—Stanley Pla- date to succeed Jack (Stevigny at 11^8—Homemakers Exchange _ three mllos in radius funer a ls In the making. Weldon hitch-hiked himself Into the Big Ben Load Alarm a as labor-saving equipment, proper cabinets and work counters I the si»t where the body was mistreat of records and correspond- Mra. Ellen F. Crosacn has con- Great Britain demand, 4.81 3-18; to, 313, New Hampshire, defeated Texes legleleture on e pledge "to Texas . . . if he does, he’ll have to Eleanor Howa •Mrs. Oertrude Haefa ence, Hral Janet Linnell; protector, sented to assume the chairmanship csbles, 4.81 8-16; 80 bills, 4.80 Irish Jack Donovan, 830, Boston. (3 vote to the best of my Judgment snd take a cut In salary . . . right 18:00—Ad-Llnar. One Woman with ndinn (Usi ...... $*5^45 a-. but also from their planned arrangement Monday. At Tacoma, Chtel new, he la among the highest paid PM. ties Harold Bird sent hla men The funeral of Mrs. Gertrude Mra Ada Peckham of Olaatonbury: of the committee who wlU prepare 8-18; France demand, 4.87 8-18; of 8 falls). refuse to be bought off on eny met- Haefe of 207 West O nter street guard, Mra Maty Swain; past Chief, and serve a turkey dinner at 6:80 caMss, 4.67 3-18; Italy demand, 5J6 Albany—Steve Casey, 380, Ire- high school coaches in the coun- 18 15—News Serrica Big Boa Load Ahrm aa ^ mi a doaea trials. He asked ter for any eiaount of money." try . . . owner of an out-lying sum- was held this morning at 8:80 Mra. IBdjrtbs ChapmaiA representa- p. m. on the date a ^ Friday, Janu- 1-8; cables, 8A8 1-3. land, defeated Len Macaluso, 31A He recently turned 23. "and thet 18:8^R o^cs of Helen Trent Tells Another with plainJial...... o’clock at the home and 8 o’clock tive to tbe stats convention, Mrs. s' 33. l^mands: New York, (straight toUa). makes me about the )oui)gest mem- 11.46—wRich Man*i Dftrlinv. $2.45 : or other unoccupied prop- at St. James's church. The Rev. Mary HUls; alternate, Mrs. Chap- Mra. Edward O’Mallev, formerly Belgium, 16A7 1-8; Germany Worcester, Mass.,—Danao OVa- The Toronto Maple Leaf hockey 1 :(HV—Ad*Ufi€r. Inspect It on the possibility ber at tbe state lawmak’op body on LET US HELP YO U PLAN YOUR Joseph cneary celebrated the mass man; planiri, Mra Ada L. Psek- president of toe Guild win be toari- Free, 41J8, Registered, 18.00, honey, 380, Ireland, defeated Cy record,” he aaya , team Is Insured for $325,000 , . l:l6^M «rJorie MlHs Hour. “naper might have seeruted and read the committal service at ham; degres mistreat, Mra Frances nJstreaa, Mrs. 'Hiomas Vennard win T ra v ^ 80JS0; Holland, 84.78; Nor- WtlUams, 880,/Tsxas (by dlsquallfl- Bing Hiller decided to retire to the Baby Ben Alarm there for at least part of Encouraged by friends at Canton, role of coach for the Red Sex be the grave in St. James's cemetery. Cfiiambers; press correspondent, have charge ef the dining room, and way, 84.88; SwedMi. |5A8; Deft- catieii). Weldon entered tue first primary to ilS tow ST w ?'™ *"- ' he .was held captive, The bearers were Jacob, Leonard, Mra Mareyle Peckham; tnirices, Mra. Garfield Keeney, decorations. mark. 81.94; FlnleBd; 8.17; Swttaef- Newark, N. J.—Gino GaribaMI, cause he didn't make good once aa a 'ft JflL Radium Dial KITCHEN AS IT SHOULD BE report that a bloodstained July against five other candidate^ pinch bitter last season . . . (is his Frederick and Theodore Hermes of Mra Sarah HUlar, M ra EUabetb Children wlU be aersM at half the Isad, 88.87; Spain, unquetod; Fertx- 810. S t Louis, defeated Matros and emerged victorloua t from the AND WHY NOT? b^teved to have been worn Mystic and Joseph LaShay and Caverly aad Mra Ada L. Peckham. price of adults, ao that young gal, 4.47 l;4; Greece. JO 1-8; Po- Kirilenko, (3 of S falls). face red?) . . . end the guy used to Pearce aad bU Gang. rwaa found in an automo- run-off lem than a month later by a be the best to the bis. . . , Bob WamoB f ih o u ld ____ Henry H aefa Jr., of this town. Mrs. Frances Chambers waa ap- motheta may bring their daughters. land 18.98; Gtoeheelovalda, A48 Bangor, Ms.—Prsd Bruno, 188, vote of 4,150 to 1,833. 8:80—Do You Ramombor., m PuyUup, was denied by pointed chairman of tbe sick com- Details aa to ths complete pro- 8-4; Jugoalavla. 8J4; A u ett^ New York, defeated Bulldog Brown, Pastor’s ambition is to become a _ ' fiaviag Spselals $3.95 Among the following are all the itqms which make the Barton, Puyallup police chlel, gram are not aa yet avmUable. Mrs. "The people out on the ittd didn't neVepepermon . . . he thinke all eat lU s Wssk Ooty. mittee, and will ba aasisted by Mra iS.TSn; Hungary. 18J8; Rumania. 80S, Clevelaad; Mike Tell^ea, 181, know I was anything but a hitch magic change from obsolete to modem kitchen. Nathan, la chargj of the BROTHERHOOD NAMES (torrle Samlow. Lawrencs Case, howtver, wiU spaak .75; ArgenUae. tt.TSa; Brasil, 8J0 UkraalB, aad Lloyd Stew art 305, they do la etand*on tbe comer and agents investigating the on *^otbera". l-4n; TMcyo, 88J8; llhaaghal, 89J5; Iffon, Mass., to free-for-all nmteh. hiker when I was oampaigntog,’ hand out free passes . . . Hike Tha social oommlttaa for tbo-next Weldon eayp. “But w W they Jaeobe will pull out for Miami *Iight Wdght Sweaters .6 Baby Ben Alarm* ; comment." toras months wiU be Mra Helen Hongkeng, 80.68; Hexleo City, Minneapolis—Dick Ratoas, 845, Electric Sefrigentor Electric Baage State hospital au- GUSTAFSON ITS HEAD Henry, chairman; M ra Sarah Miller, 87J0; Montreal to Naw York, Texas, pinned Diek Lever, 340, picked me up I told them and they abortly for a few tt}ra with the and Blouses 7 With Plain Dial lOO.OO; New Yorit to Montreal, soon arere helping me out, toa" bangtails. . . Joe Loula trained.for Electric Water Heater' Adequate Lighting agaln investigated former Mra Gladys Clark, Mra. Augusta FEAR BAY STATE FLIERS NaahvUIe. When tbe farm-to-farm canvas all hla big fights, except the one RADIO Dry Oeaned ' patienta on the chance one Chace. 100.00. LIneoln, Neb.—Jack Kennedy, 810, Electric Dfahwaxher-xink Ventilator Fan Becomes President of Eman- N—NomtoaL ended young Weldon had spent 846 with Schmeling, at Dock Bier's i motivated by some obaeure Tbe $5 on which members have Dallas, dsfeatod Chief Little Beaver, for the Job that will pay him $10 a Jerat at Pompton Lakea, N, J. . . SteMMrO rh x a ) Electric Kitchen Mixer night have kidn^Md the oel Lntkeran Men’s Gronp at bean aelUng tleketa was won by 885, North Osroltoa, two fails. Electric Gock DROWNED IN day while the legislature is to see- for Schmeling, Joe shifted to Lake- Handy Cnbineta Last Night’a Session. Mtoa Mabel TomUnaca of 45 Ptoss- B80KEN BONES BB1INITS Man Mountain Dean, 817, Georgia, v.ood, and you all know whaf hap- 25 a' Ben Bolt Electric A lam A o Sanitary Work Connfora ant street, the numbar bsiiig S81. It CanUNKMMD SmiENDS. dsfeatod Brother Jonathan, 840, Salt pened . . . so he’s back at Pompton York want ad readers, may have with Boaotifnl, eagy-io-dean floor covering aad wad FROM MADRID Oarl A. Gustafson at 38 Laurel was aanounced that tbs grand chief Herinepla, lU.. Jaa. IS.—(AP) — Lake aty. Lukes for keeps. ■pott^ tola one la tbs papsn: TASOBS VAUBMGIA s ^ t was elected president at the and bar staff win make their offi- (Nothing recovered from the Illi- Paris, Tax.—(AP) — A eonpls at TBEE TBUNE MUSHBOOMa ^Foatod teT/ radio appaoraaca Brotberbood of the Emanuel Lu- cial visit to ths temple on Tuesday nois river today spurred the March broken bonen oonvtoosd Mrs. Har- MAN IN DEIfMARK p e rm who aa a child aras la k n to FkaaM (AP)—Valea- theran church at the anbual meet- •vanlng. January 88, at which Ume for two Maswenutotta National riet Agnes Teague, 84, aad Mrs. n oonro •^wild wEffr.'* West Park. CUif.—(AP) -W an - NEGRO WANTS UCEN8E or teem 1845 (old rush.* Westcloz Bingo Alarm ...... $1.25 A supper wUl be served. Guardsman, believed drowned In n Lou Brooks, 75, thet tt’s a small * RE MEM BER I pna about reached the limit ing ef the organisation last night dering in the woods, Antonio (Saeta TO "COOK-AND-OO.” f”*»°°** — htefi sneh ANY ELECTRICAL DEALER WILL GLADLY SUPPLY StaUty for which they are He succeeds Evald Uatocn, . ^ o e e Ssndwtebes and eoffaa were plane crash Monday night. world after aU. Helens, M ont-(AP) —It must and Cart Rontelli found tba stump u todlytdual. Re waato the parson AD T h li W o O e sn and Pnflfl aerved after lari nlght’a bualnasa The missing men were Lieutenant la Bsparsts accidsxto each suf- be that some the tales Hel- “ ihla reports reaching to™ waa completed by'Harry Gue- at at of a rotted tree overgrown adth U ttle old negro Skhxisr. as guest Is to do a mono- other araaa in the war BATS COST OF SERVANTS Natick, Masa. They wars on a and to eubsequeat dm ts dlaoovorsd I tsawd. tha houriag aeeom. “*®>ed were: WU- Postmaster Hairy Hendricks com- they hauled the old stump plopped doom $8.10 snd applied for lofi on tbs CaUtorats gold rash. Tha FOR 8 0 / Weetdox Dax W atchex...... nem Orr, vieo-preeldent; Carl Petor- ■OUM DOWN BIBTREATB training flight in a mcnopbUM bound they had p la ^ togetlier to Ttoi- mented as he read Jans P. MoSsrs So far they have bad muahrooms a "cook-and-do” Ucenae. gwd rusher would toD Ms or bar 2 $1,2S Both thxxx wntchxx have wihr— eryatals. ■srretary; Ivar Carlson, Snan- ter MoUne, m . ■see more than 70 yeUs ego- Inquiry about the pries at "som- adienever toey wanted them, one T bare’a no auch thing," Hoff psrtenees. ^ It is a step you will never regret. Mcretary; Carl Matoon, treaa- Loodim—(AP)S— Iftoi B. Hough A pair of aviator’s tmuw ri tound b rm , cowboy boots, goat akto harvest alone yielding SO pounds. aald. "What you want la a mar- So far ths GsOod Vir and DdlToibd Q. Albert Pearson, sour of Cbelmstord, addrsatiag a eon- in ths river near here ware IdsntHled FISH sTATnAncir Chapa aad revotver." riage Ucenae." rthsr negligible, probably farence of eonaervatlve wonMn aa the property ef Lieut Otis. Ths letter, postmarksd Odens, , *7(0 It ain't either,’’ replied tbe 'o Individual would hs $7 ■ Tbe Brotherhood voted to taSTf. btamad Britain's "servant DIAL 7100 TODAY Wextdox Electric Kitchen Clock ...... $3.50 V A copcMt by Um BbmbimI An overcoat found was Ideatiflad Lswiatoo. Mont—(API— Demaark. waa sililressert to the BBANDINO BEOOBIMNB SLOW. negia "What I want la a llccnsr •’a v . prabtom’* tor tba toUtog birthrate as Ssrgt (BMionff. ty aNHIton fish havs beeii lotosd at "lam st shop whlob Is dssHng to tor a woman to cook and do Utti< 're buiatt. howavar, It'S be a m l *T bsitasw toara «ra many edu- the Leertatown M cosrboy bost$. hats, ate." Qrut Band. Kaa.—(API- Regls- tktogs around the house." 'I opportunity tor som THe MahcHester Electric go ismard tbe putebsee at new e«tod WSMS yeto Ota rafufing to jAOTWrariss&,£ 1881, leer HodgalMiff, duperintesd T wrote him that be can tratloa of cattle brandf to one »ir- Tbe clerk aaya that older rest bfi;o tobrttom." abo aafd. "baoauas est. aeyx. He aStteetoe toa east * t-rv Chase tenlght: ^tor tbe ebolr.*^^ ^ tllty C8SMt tons tbs psssIbUlty c< tram 8100 tor Um aatet. ton county kuetoeae to a parmanant dents had tofonned him that It wet yMto*toff toe meeting, refreab- at proftoetor fish to a b ^ oxe e ^ psafitog «B haw amity friOs m ^ Tlwl^ lafftetnrilen araa not uncommoB fix* unaerupulous pet- TUks: WABOCBS-IO-JO, U. S. CLEANERS & DYERS B. DONNELLY 1BE COMMBCnCOT PO W n OOMPAIfT bavtoff to rua a Uoust aad briag tototojrete aerved and a social boor lyxwpiens led Oept Nser- pMh tor aach at ffiaxrtb vp to waato thrawB to," said the mer^ to. 1188. Only 48 brands hays baan JEW ELER a toaUly aoUtaly ftagla baad- ^ to bellisva It eras submerged in acos to UkO advantage at negroes I t ” ? " U t Ws Meet ■ Nitt sSrt* ri-« miunatnet An tbs Sab are re- chant to whom Hendricks gavs ths regiaterad atoce 1878 and topet of by selling them worthless lcooIi> tha Issuer;- WBAF^NBC—lOtdlt 515 Main Street . Manehester ttetM tor.tolitFflM tde«. ‘ l i b a andHlff’ MANCHE8T1R EVENING HERALD. MANCafEETEI, OGNIL. WEIMWSDAT, rr BVEWNg laauLn . tUNCHBrnha. oonn„ wbdnisdat, lAm rAK T i*, iw r bUD\Y WARUKSCENES ATINAUGORAHONS T he Hig h School W or ld Hard Pressed To Doum Bluef lelds Bu 32^ CBAPXmXXV Job end to It was what I aranted jM t Hmytwy tbt to talk about,” hs arent on. ‘Tve Prendeoti lincoh «nd Wil- VoL IV - No. 32. Wednesday, Aumujr IS, 1N7 Coaipfled by Students af Hsaebeater HIgb School OotoMr BnriUny wd got the finances and you have prac- *U«e Hdea Bataa. fracnlt)' Adviaar At ttlA Ini- tical busineas experience. Why not JL WELDON’S ONLY GAGERS ISYRAOISEPUYERS tb* booMbold join forces 7” toB Took Up Tkoir Doties MORIARTYS 20-GAME STREAK~" I J u r i a d l e t i o B ot the "Oh, not on Ihusder Uesa!” Bet- OOSE COHIEST EOOIIS Meeting An Unexpected Obstacle EASTERN BIG LE I Jdevhhie'a dtath w u ty cried. ’1 couldn't—" m Grim Tnoes. tba oonaer aatd, "Tm laavlhg this place, too, Bet- IPRIKCIPAL BAILEY WITH A CHANCE TO TIE TOP PUCK SCORERS unusual exdta- ty," Pearl John told her. “There JISMBSIIERIDENIIEET JEXPAND FARM ' asplMw'a daath. no reason now for me to stay. Any- 0£WINS AT STAKE TONIGHT amrdartr lay where that you decide ed yard Intervals along the bacb, principal to Putnam High, 18 8-18 83 than did a draatlo about face b er war Just as good with hi* legs as Jackson, Syracuse is 10 S3 ing. however, are negotiations for in U they reported In Santa strong for tradition and all that" Dick's fine foul-shooting was on im- ARE ON BDlLEnii BOiUtD Editor-In-Chief' — Dorothy VARSITY HOCKEY TEAM Drug waUop th* Oak Grin by a sure In teaching the young men and fome sort of working agraement b th* buabaas tor some route. Artillery companies stood portant factor In the defeat to Bris- Sclireiber, 'STB. the arork of Student Government 80-30 score aad ths West Sides Blae4lelds (08) form and bowled over one opponent with hla arms. Among those he boya and had much to do with hla Markle, Syracuse 0 10 38 P Om inquest As the omdat A Mexican servant entered the ActivlUee were discussed. Mancbee- A. Raguskue, rg .. th* Association. have found It highly pro room and reported that a car wm ready for action at several points tol this year. Managing Editor — WUUam polish off th* East Sides, 39-3S. . 4 3-4 10 after another through tb* remob- met b Hanehester on the wreatibg staying b Mancbeatar for two Keating, Providettc* 8 18 10 |Mmged away through the t * ' High's Student Council.was on* Fedlund, Ig ...... Convey, Syracut* 0 10 S4 Much of th* system will be oper- of thalr bast sourcaa of ready to take anyone down from In the city, and sharpebootera with A t the guard posb will be Blan- Raferenee Room Illiwtnites Knapp, 'STB. Members Receive 75 Points. ^ Both results wsr* b tbe nature ot . 0 0-0 0 der of th* aeason, meeting th* le^l- mat waa Professor Hike Dwyer. weeks bstead of going to ether L .the tendon that bad held rifles loaded scanned the crowds D. Muldoon, e ...... 3 0-1 Tbe profeator secured thte UUe oa Smith, Pbflauelphla i i lo 3i ated through Brooklyn*’ Cbos A A l- tta Newark (Inurnat relaxed. Once more the mem who wanted to Imve. chester’e two reliable^ Captain History and Topics of Cur- Feature BkUtor—Barbara (b - Toward 700 Required for upaete as the lesen had prevlouaiy 4 b g aeml-pro baokatball teama b larger placaa wbar* he would have Bears, aad tta B bgi from rooftops. E. Raguskua, rf .. . 0 I-l he bad been a guest at the White Aemundeon, N. Haven 7 18 30 lentown term b the New York- o f voices sounded from Later, as they drove away to- Horvath end "Jim" Murphy. "Boao’’ rent Interest As Well As ooon. 'STB. Principal Edson M. BaUsy report- beaten their rivab of bet night 1 atete. Whan tba aeaaon ended, been abt* to make more money. York-Paaa) Triptate. Qnarded As He Speaks. Letter. O. Weir, r g ...... 3 0-0 the looala )iad won 17 games b ' a House and taught President Theo- Loran, Syraoua* 18 8 30 Pmnayivanb League. Through thte ltd quartern and In the wasd the mem’s edge, Betty turned has a good eye for long shots and Is Sports Editor—Michael Haber- ed on the poeeibUiUes to eUte-wide Weldon’s are now the,only team 4 Tha writer saw much ef "Farm- Uncoln spoke 38 minutes from “Story of Bad Boy.” Smith, If ...... 8 0-0 0 row and copped th* Waterbury dore Roosevelt some of the fb e er' Burns during th* two weeks Hextall TOIadelphi* IS 0 3J ^ Dodgers will have Both tta PhUsdalphb' to the house the feeling of again to wave sit John de Forest, a fine defensive man. Murphy, at am, 'STB. The girl’s an-etar varsity hockey testing programs. A bter confer- with a mathematical chance of ty- Mason, Philadelphia l i o 19 the Capitol's east portico while the other guard position, U as fine ence, with an outside advbory Demoerat tournament b th* proc- points of tha game. They were that he ataired b Manchester. Not the of any player In Olbton of mombara have eeea t ta was ovldent standing in the gateway of the pa- "Nobody loves a bad boy” , one b Exchange Biditor— Jean Cuds, team has been announced. The b g the P A ’S for the first round title Kuhn, Providenoe lo 9 ig th* Three-Eye L e ^ e (aaae B). troops with fixed bayobets and ar- a guard as there b In the league. He 'STB. group, wUl be held to formulate Fith three week* of play remab- 11 8-0 28 eaa. They started 1030-37 right both' good men and when they because he waa a wrestler, tat be- nl* Meek haa.eeverel aoui.._ tio. The rays of the sun gilded the informed by a bulletin board In the membere were chosen from the Blue wrestled b Mancheater It waa not Duguld, Provi’enee 18 5 17 and ReldavHle. N. C., of the Bl-8tate tillery units stood guard before the succeeded in holdldg Klasoekus of Assbtant Editors—Mariar Beh- plans. bg. Score at half time, 16-13 PAAC. where they left off, adding the oaiise be waa president of th* club torlal for hla athletlea; th^. the first shock over Ra- hacienda with an unearthly radi- crowd. high school reference room at tn* the White teams, and each girt who aet-up, but an exhibition that Paraona. SyracuM 11 e 17 League, Beatrice of the Nebraaka have workbg agraamaato) ance, making It more dream-like Meriden to a lone field goal and rend, 'STB; Jack Crockett, STA; b on It receives T5 points toward Principal LouU P. Slade o f New 1 Grin Stan BUasbg Referee, Holland; time, 15 mbut* Speedboys, Bristol Weat Bbda aad and the only reason that he waa Saundera, Springfield 7 10 1/ lath, Angellque was able Again In 1017 the scene was grim- two foul shots, while he remained library—a busy and IntsrMtlng halves. that they gave. The exhibition waa elected president of th* club waa State loop, aad Cterdcl* of th* Geor- already have paid dlv than ever. Even its young osmer Sam Pratt. 'S8B; Ubarixe Rob- her “M. H. S.” The team b u fol- Britain reported on "Life Member- la th* opsabg contest of th* eve- New Britalri Emerald* to their Hat Wares, Pblladelphb 5 13 it t how ahe bad found the secret ly martial. America’s entrance In- In the game. Murphy has a ten- piece, these days. largely attended, ta t the prices gla-Florlda circuit, all Cbas D. seemed the figment of some fanciful bina, 'S8A; Herbert Seymour, lows; * ships”. Seventeen prindpab la tba ning, the 'Watdoa Drug team carved of victims to bring their atrbg to because be owned a white vast Mfcnn, Syraeuaa 7 10 17 Tta Boston Baas now Aha did not seem In the to the World War came only a dency to be too aggressive at times ;taa Tolies’ cissses have been West Bides (39) twenty victories. These ar* the newcomers to tea olulM o u trtfh t tale, wherein love and tragedy and working on vocations, whll* Mias *S7B; George Smith, 'STB; Peggy Dorip Cole, Grace Donahue, Alice state have bad more than twenty out a bard fought victory over the Mahed over her reason for month after Wilson’s second tnnuxu- and this causes him to foul. It will Woodruff, 'S9B. Madden, Marjorie McCormick, Doris i B. r. T. _ Speodboya Improved drama were all woven into a fan- ratlon. Fellows’s EnglisL classes have bosn years experience. Tbe oldest prlnd- Oak Grill team. Mtaus th* services Betty a prisoner, be interesting to see if hs can hold Ubrarians—Lucy Gray, 'S8B; Stevenson, Dorothy Lange, Rutn McAdams, if ...... 3 0-0 4 Th* Speedboys have been vastly tastic pattern. studjrlng "the magaxlne”, one class pal in point to service b CoUn S. of the dynamic Red Carbon, Jotmny ght Ramon loved her," The President’s carriage drove the "Horse’’ again Friday night Francea Hyde, 'S8B. McCormick, Francea Mordowsky, Buel, principal to WUUams Me- Vennart, If ...... 3 0-0 4 Improved obce taking a 47-88 de- Betty turned and slipped her hand down a lane of steel. He had a studying its pubUcation and the Sullivan and Casey Magnuaon, th* simply, as though that AU In all, the game ahapea up to Reporters—George Atden, STB; Mae Sloan, Jean (EInrke, Ruth Pear- moriiu Institute to New London, Werner, r f ...... 1 0-1 3 feat from the Flreatonea last under Bob's, resting on the steering guard of cavalry as well as Secret be the closest battle to the season. other comparing the different Grill started off strongly and with ■ OXplanatlon enough for any- Elsie Becclo, 'STB; Louba Cham- son. Peggy Lee Woodruff, Mary Cor- who has been piindpal tor forty- but four mbutes to go b tbs first Brimley, rf ...... 0 0^) 0 Thaakaglvtag and have been knock- "Now there Is nothing left wheel. He and their love, at least, Service operatives. An armored car Mancheater, wdth the advantsge of magsslnes. were real, and the car was carrying bers, '89B; Blton Clark. 'STB; dero, Dorothy .Kerr, Anita Lewb. five years. half were leading, 0-0. Tbe Weldon E. BIssell, e ...... 3 0-1 0 ing off teama b this aecUon tn high- ' hut to go Into the church." In the parade drew much attention. playing on Its home floor, rates at One act pbys were being read by Jean (narke, '89B; Everett Cole. In order to receive an “M. H. 8.” Brown. Ig ...... 3 them at a rapid pace straight Into A happier day was Grant's first least an even break, if not jl sllgnt The complete state of officers b Drug team then aank seven succes- 1-1 0 ly Impreiatv* fashloa, aa evidenced ran to her and Impul- one group and Mba Putnim’s his- 'STB; Louis Foley, 'S8B; Eriuicea T(K points must be earned. Points as follows: Gihapman, I g ...... 4 0-1 8 by tb* llckbge handed th* Long the greatest happiness ahe had ever oftlco-Uklng when Union veUrana edge, with undefeated Meriden. tory shelves have been busy as may be earned in hockey, tennb. sive foul shots b a row to go ahead graaped her arm. "It came Imagined. Godleskl, 'STB; Lucy Goodale, President—Roy Haggard, Groton. ' — HUte of Boat Hartford and t ^ tight, Angellque," she said, of the.Civil war, flushed with vic- The probable starting lineups will usual. soccer, basketbaU, voUeyball, swim- T-0. Shortly before the half ended Bob turned and smiled down at be: STB; Ray Goalee. '38B; jobb Vice-president—‘nmottay E. Ckir- Mahoney made the first field goal 14 1-4 30 Knights ef LIthuaab of Hartford live yoa I wasn’t hurt." tory. put on the biggest military Topics to current interest are Hamilton. 'S9A; Ann Howartta, ming, the required number ot miles bar, touching the spray of holly show Washington bad keen. Gan Meriden Bfauichestor ran. New Haven. for Weldon's' and the t>«i* ended Baal Sldee (88) thte peat wsek-ottd. Th* Speedboys shook her bead. ’7t posted on the bulletin boards. One *883: Irene Jobnaon, *888; Mar- In each stroke. Oplisl rg ...... pinned to her coat 'T il never get eral Grant disappointed' some be- Klasoekus...... Cobb -^san OariM, ’88B. Secretary-treasurer — Edson with the lead b their poeeeselon, 8 1-8 7 crave revenge from th* Flreatonas ver be aiqrtnlag but wrong centains a map of Spain, scene of garet Mctbrtan, SSB; OUvs Bailey, Manchester. J. Muldoon, rg ...... 4 3-3 10 and com* her* with th* determina- another Christmas present quite cause h* wouldn't wosr- hb dress Right Forward tbe present strife, which telb the DO. to have sinned that way, Paslnskl ^...... Moorehouse Metcalf, '88A; Marian Olson, Member of the Executive Board— W. Dowd, Ig ...... 1 0-0 3 tion to get It tonight, a fact that r know .a moment's peace like you, sweetheart,” be said. uniform, but Admiral Forragut tabtory of Spain in tiny sketches. ’SSB; Fellda Ptetrowskl, 'STB; The Oak OiiU's came back strong- THE END turned out resplendid In braid and Left Forward Parker Moulton. ly In the second half and again re- Oavallo, e ...... 0 0-0 0 should reault b a sweet ball gam*. I earth as long as I have I m e d a b . Sokol . ... Hannabal crossing tbs Alps b Mary Smith. ’STB; Faltb Steven- DANCING CLASS PROVES Tureck, rf ...... 1 3-4 4 Probable Lbsups ...... Kose pictured on another bulbtin. The In tbe afternoon eeasion, Paul D. gained the lead. 17-i6. thb stage thing on my soul. I didn’t Center son. 'S9B; Alarjori* rsylor, STB; Collier, Supervisor of Secondary Sturgeon, rf ...... 0 0-0 0 The bvadera will probably atari Another happy occasion dominat- scene U from ths historical flltc to Ellen Toman, *878; Franoea Wal- of the gam* the veterar. Tommy Betty, but I hoped you ed by the military was Grover Maelowsid ...... Horvath Education to Oonn.;cticut, brought V.', Weir, If ...... 0 0-0 0 Foran and MlUer at the forward die \rten I pushed 3rou the life of Sciplo Africanua, tbs ac- btt, ’S9B; Frank Wilson, «0B; EFFECT OF LESSONS Faulkner, who had tough luck all WAPPING Cleveland’s first inauguration In Right Guard tue greetings to the State Depart- Mi . bertha, <3olwiek at center and Brbk that «>orway. I was mad tors In which are 10,000 soldiers to Arthur WlUtie. '40a evening b hb attempts to [ocate 1885. The recon.structlon' period Dacey ...... Murphy - , . _ _ . . , ment of Education to the aasoda- 0 8-9 38 and Walsh at guards, a qubtet that alousy and I would gladly the regular U. S. Army, made up aa Typists:. Rutb BbaeU, ‘STB; tbe hoop, started to drop them b The South Windsor Parent-Teach- was over and the re-franchlsed Left Guard Lively Party Friday Conclades tion. from oU pobta of th* floor and be- Bcore at half time, 17-8, Weat la capable of producing basketball [strangled you with my own ers Association will meet at the soldiers of Rome and Carthage. Erimees Dowling, 'STB; Dorothy South had helped elect the first G. Smith, '37B. Coarse in “Watching Tour other speakers on the afternoon - fore |he bewildered Oak Grill team Sides. Referee, Holland; time, 18 of the hlgboat caUbr*. Ooaeh Hugh 1 If It would have made Ramon Wood Memorial library at 8 o'clock An amusing UtUe calendar In the JeweU, STB; Ida OrfltelU, STB; mbute halve* Democratic President since the Cav- Alberta Wilkie, 'STB; Esther Sten.” program were'as follows: could recover tbe game had ended Grear la axpaeted to us* Schusta tbia evening. The hMteases will be il war. room contains Uttls primer stories, and OaUaFara at forward*, Sheldon one for each from one the moral of Yulyas, 'STB. ' Dr. Clyde M. HiU, Prtoeasar te with tbe Weldon qubtet on the big tbera will be other men. Mrs. Robert Ris!ey, Mrs. Harry Regiment after regiment of south- DO FRENCH STUDENTS wrui. _____ .. I Department to Education. Tab end of the score. at oanter and Saimonda aad Fraser Bob began, then paused Prior, Mrs. H. V. Parker, Mrs. Nell erners swung proudly down the wh.ch may ba applied to Manches- at guards, with Judd, Antonio and ter High school students. In the second gam* of the eve- ked at Betty. He knew very Harrison and Mrs. O. McDougle. avenue in their Confederate grey—a MAKE MISTAKES? YES Die Now HavMj Normal ning, tbe PolUh-Amerks ran bto VEIERANS TO HOLD Btestll b raaarv*. Th# ganu b aat . there could be no one else Mrs. C. Watson Vlbert Is the new uniform that had last been seen In "Ob, what a sad, sad sight b for around S:S0. h Men’s aptlimg, Fanusliiiigs aad Shoes At Qemiey’ the moat determbed opposition librarian at the Wood Memorial II thb! A boy with a dunce cap on floor, ImmacuUtely attired mvalne [ rktoi- He turned to the dark- the capital 20 years before when a they have yet encotmtered in their Coach Frank WaddaU has bean Bpanisb girl with pity In his brary at South Windsor. She start- hb bead! He b a bad, bad boy. He EAST HARTFORD GAME group of prisoners marched In. G May Be a Wish— Error In Say- t l t e " c b S A * 2 S u S * * ^ [ r $ I Objectives to tha new- apparmitly unstoppabb climb to workbg hard with th* Mortarty "Try to believe that Betty and ed on her new duties last Monday A. R. veterans also Joined In the talks and bugha la school. H* loves MEETING, BANQUET Girla during recant weeks and la ing School Begins at Noon. to be idle and does not do hb lea- last Friday. ly reorganlxed New England Asso- tib Rec championship before they ■“ hold anything against you. Miss Florence Newberry resigned on parade by thousands. DRAWS LARGEST CROWD ciation of CoUegea and Secondary finally won ever tha Blueflelds. A confidant that bis laaalaa wiu make ue." January 1. after serving many years son. All the good boys ehun him! Mr. and Mrs. WirtaUa have bean A htatorlan reports that one of Amusing mistakes galore were teaching the class many tricks of schools. scrappy bunch of pbyers, the Blue- a good ahowbg agalnat tha expert OVERCOATS •rest took Angelique's arm with the late Miss Elizabeth Pelton the strangest sights for capital ol>- Do you think a good boy can love enoed Aetna Flra qubtet He haa SUITS S hoes The main address of tbs day was flelda provided the toughest opposi- gently led her away. Now The Y. M. C. A. boys will hold shown In Hiss KIbbe'r sixth French a bao one? Can the teachers love Cheer Leaden Hope for Better dancing. A t the beginning of tbe Conyendon and Dinner la servers that day was a deUchment Close on a surprise quia the other classes, the boys were a little afraid delivered by Rolsnd R. Smith, bead tion the PA’a have yet had to con- a talented aggregatlOB of feminbe $35.00 Value the mystery of the mesa had their regular meeting at the Wap- to negro troops In grey. They were him? I think not No one loves a Cheen When Rooten Can players avaibbl* and tha prelimi- Now $8.75 Florsheim a day. There were questions on the bad boy." to dance with one of the fair sex, to the Department to Mathematics quer to keep their rseon] clear of $27.50 Value Now $22*50 cnlained, he was again the plng Community cburch house this former slaves who had fought with Be Together at Armory. but tbe sltuatloa greatly changod at Claaslcal High achbol, Spring- nary should pKv* to bo a most b haul, kindly host he had months, seasons, days of the week —A. Howarth. th* smirch of defeat Tbe Blue- Planned at Bond b Hart evening at 8 o’clock. Th e Y boys the Confederacy. during the course. Tbe boys and fls,d, Maas. H b topic was "Modem fields started off with a bang — n tereaUng encounter. Now . l on Christmas Eve. How long and their leaders had tholr pictures and colors, all to be answered In French. A t tbs East Hartford basketbaU girb that attend these dancing Trriids’ ia tbs Teaching of Math*- had a ab pobt laod before the A rt McKay’s waU known orahae- $29.50 Value "'$ 7 *0 i t^kat gay party seemed now. taken In front of the Community clasees wUl be able to enjoy dancing msttca” and tbe new coUegu en- ford for Jannary 24. tn WtU furnish muate for danebg Now I What tremendous changes had More than one pupil thought that gams in East Hartford last Friday game was barely five mbutes old. $22.50 $24.50 Value Now house. Rev. Elmer Tbtenes was Instead of being “waU flowere." trence board examlnatioiui. Mr. Using every trick they have learned bfter the mab eoatest cf the eva- '“1 place since that Christmas present with them also. the colors of Eleanor Gardner's a bit to conversation was overheard $19*50 EDITORIAL They baVe learned to be at ease $8.75 Bostonians dress were brown and young! No, Smith pointed out among tbe mod- tbs' PA'e cut down the lead and at The first annual convention and nlng. Nominal admleeten prioea storm bad held them all The boys and girls basketball Recreation to the effect that It was the largest w i ^ dancing’ how to politely ask era trends of teaching, a ctaango that Isn't a typographical error. crowd the hoop sport has drawn I half time were ahead 16 -18. banquet of the Veteran Baseball wUl prevaU. If tonlght’a , program $27.50 Value rs in the hacienda! teams to the Wapping grammar T-E-A-M a girl for a dance, how to politely from the traditional r—eMwa, ot proves eueoeaeful flnaaoti^, ir.n- Now Now u thinking to this as he Because of a slmlbrity between The PA'e wldkiad the gap to Player* Asaoebtion of America, wUl $22.50 Value Now school will play the Broad Brook Row can we overcome the op- ^ to be poUto I matbematica In w a U r-U gh t^ m - seven pobta oe b e second »me other funny « i t ’s unwelcome attitude iriien tni. ed over a longer period c f time. ^B lght county chapters, organised INDIAN^ RAMBLERS $22.50 Value (both "funny peculbr" and -"funny U aa large a crowd turns opt for Tbb b itself abowa bow eager tbe —G. Smltn, ’STB. by Johnny Falkoski and two of ths Now dMperately in love with the daughters of Mr and Mrs. Gilbert The men’s swimming classes will cheerleaders ar* first seem? Friday’s gam* with Meriden as did tbs chance to bear someone Tracy Hartnett, treasurer; Agnea The women's bowling at the West idno* where dust and dirt cnimot ed the tUrd C. C. L L. victory b five ficiate of teama now organised and oeat tat baraly toppbg Now Itovaa. Haberem, Chairman, of Pro- not be treated as w* wars and poe- a good battle. 'Thb b the team that starts to put M. H. 8. b a three- Tha nightcap which was expect- 25c Q uality $7.95 Value Now $6«SSj what he's slwrays thought Fitzgibbon, secretary; Mirrtle Rear- Side Rec will be from 7 to 8. land In th* wst paint, and tbs arU- bterestod b the formation .of semt- tha aeveland Fakoib. The Imself, and when It comes gram Committee Elected at sltdy. In time to coins, w* wiU b* carries the weU-known "Horae’ way tie t o second place with Bris-- ad to be tha most eplritod oimteet prafooslanal bqaobaU or* bvited to don, social committee; Reta Broad- A pubUc bridge party wlU be held extended th* same frisndUnsss and ete to ba painted should b* turned Kbsoskus around. Let’s all be there wWwed the bat plaee $3.95 TSlt Sale 5 pr. for $1.00 lyou dsrlingl" at the West Side Rec. P b y wUl Meeting Monday. upside Amu tee tha beginning og tol aad Middletown. I f Meriden b of tbe evening proved to he a dull atteBd the dbaer moatfaig. Reaorva- $7.45 Value Notp $6«li rick, membership oommlttee; Olive sportsmansbip attituda. ana help tbe team. defeated when they come hare Fri- outnt of tta waOtm aoetloB twOoM Now ’^poUto cough from the door- start at 8 o'clock. tbe point job. Tbeee are tbe re- ■ad drab affab b whlrii Ub favor- tiOBs may b* mod* with Archto KU- of thro* timae. but Ctovaland iw- !'!:$ 3 .2 9 DriscoU, speakers committee; Dor- Spaaldng o f chesring tbe new day, M. B. 8. wtU stand a very good ite East Sidta w en defeated by Rednetiona them both turn. Pearl othy Maloney, publicity, and Fron- Officers were elected at the Hl-T quirements of good furniture paint- Soon our friends tbe upper-Senlora I Into tbs room, heslu^ meeting Monday, January 13. Vice- •am” ’ cheer te '< ary good, but ing. chance for second pboa and poealbly their tradttioaal tivob the West OB ds Petrekonas, athletic committee. everybody doesn’t know It. It goes will be singing “Auld Lang Syne” first, if Meriden loess a game. A Ug tnra out to ba a tough eustoraeti^ *1 know three's a whola mob PnOPHET IN HIS OWN president, Fremy. who was In —Prances Godteskl, *87a $3,50 7sIoe.i WOOL Fancy SUEDENE JACKET! Action on a petition to determine CXICNTBT " Uka tb b : to their school wUdi has Manled b expected to witness the Pajamas Hats “ Wtolks just now, but Tve got charge as Preaideat WUUam Slnaa- them for four jraars (7 ) W * will be Aboohitely imobla to get atertod Now whether or not South Windsor fa- mon was absent, caUed the meeting T-T-T-T game, biggest of tbs season, upon I to you bators yon Isavs the vors biennial elections of town offi- MAGAZINES OOafPAREn mbeing ”Capt” Horvath ef the or blow even the oUghtoM u t ot *2 .8 9 Suspenders Caps MUnXBRS $3.50 Value Now $2*7S] BeAeley. Calif.—United States to order. James Doufaa was elect- which dspends M. H. 8. hopes. ^ fight th* But SilM wars bald to cers will be taken at the meeting at l^B-K-R Did you avsr stop to think o f an basketbaU squad. Boso bas pbysd Th* bcab did not have much $1.95 rnlne, A w Mwa ; ttdng. Don’t Bind us, de Weather Prophet Tbomoa a Reed ed tbe next president, and Rlcbanl the time loqulred•d to find,fli write up both footbaU aad baskstbaU. ab potote to the flrrt bUf by tbotr Underwear 8 o’clock Tueaday evening. Twenty- predicted snow. H b ehUdrea were LeBarron vica-presldent. MIebaM trouble b overcoming tbe McGrath- OUBIN6 THB HQUDAY8 I . ENJOY BOW...... e 1 *40 $2.95 Value $231 wwsMd. "Betty has 1 ' A - A - A - A and printt all the material contained ->* mcn,______even on the btter’a emnll floor, West Side ciwwlnai In the aeeuBd $2.95 Now one voters signed the petition. Ac- skeptical. Haberem was made cbalnaan of tbe te CBS of our magastassT t half with I fuldocB leading th* way Now Sweaters ‘ that BtoU take me on as titoi also will be taken on appropri- pitigram commlttea. No new eeerw Kose, the local center, has many |at Boat Hartford'' E d Koee'e eeven $1.00 T&lne, . may •B tt 1 ton manage la Bo be took them for a ride in the M-M-M-M Tha JoamaUam cbo* leosatiy baa of the League coiKihaa ob tbe run. tirin pobtera and five etrelgbt tour the East SMm battled fnrimuty to !^ 2 .3 5 Chttiey Cravats dtlng $780 for auditing to town Berkeley HUb to prove hb forecast tery and treasurer was electod, as Biada compariaoBa of any two of IWW OeooeoeooooE W $2.95 Hooded Jackets j forn s both." IfiTirtmgLT ‘The boy bas aoored on avarage of 11 •Lota helped , very much b the scor- a vain atteatot to aaafee tt a bou hooka and appropriations tor tbs was oonect It was. So correct la tbb b a cme-year office. Committees tba BOWS pabnoatbaa ouch i potote a gams. Kume. T ^ ohoppto away abwty I taaglned.- Paart John following accounts: Cliairity, Ugli- were appointed tor the reftaritmeat CREMO fa ct that hb ear stalled on a oluaby Tim*. Nows WariL Lttemnr Digest. Not bed! He has aoorod.108 pclnte and surely at th* wSto M u b u a wistfully. -Tou’m way*, insurance, fiood rdief, survey- stead And other btislnsee was taken Taam, Team, Team obah adth Baaelck b Bruise road. Today, Ufa. aad Ravtow of Rsvbws ao far, I flgnra out port was a hard battle, but wan lead ta t toay w m umU* to * * » » yon nallaa. Bob." ing, town reports and old og* aoslat- “P- . Coma on now, lot's gatbar round aad aay tero o f the InteDsotual mag- HOLIDAT BREW !>• wnikad over to ths An irate highway patroUnan. A t the next meeting aU captalaa and obsar tbb F H < ^ iilidtK at tha tLrouiriiout, contko''ed by tbe Ked come tha tecitfla onen tax. The question to astabUsh- ooBlag to the reacue, told Reed In oslsa: AtlaaUe, Barper'o, ScriL- Mora btaadiars are being set u p 'aad______White abnrpshooters.^______Kose and by tholr behadoL- T ov ikiErits D riid ^ i _pot snether Iqgoii tbs lag aoidng rsgulatlona wVJ b* acted and captain-elects will be invited Iftrldso gams. Our team aasda nmr’M, Amortcaa Mareaiy oc Forum.- Oil Jisa to the 1 ha eama back ha had no unoertain terma what he thouj^t with their eoachec to taiw to the good ou pp^ 00 tafa givo It to t o ths tlto Meriden gam* ao as to | Mooriiouae each —nit ab boakets la flnt hslfi eSMpOMB ____ tat the upon and by-Uwa regulating ped- of people who don’t read weather Ths oomparisoBS war* mod* oo octmnmodate the large crowd whicn the s c o r^ . The rietory it 'i OMa wan. "lha Blsra win bt otoptadL club. thrall articles, type of fletlca, general Weat Sidu white “Jit"'M nldocm (Wooaata. r-Cbarbs RobUns. b expected to see the battle between marka tbe seventh vletoiy •nuatbool abootfiu ta the _ _ ..THE (3IEM0 BREWme CO. 1-liBiy tatth, ’ST& Bbka upk appeal, and atgrbo. WtwBritstR. Com. TMLiTM the League leaden and M 3 A . lb Bbe etarts. half foatm oStteim a

«S6kSJ.''i.4 * > ■ m t.KVVmifQ HE1A£A MAWCinBii ^ ooirn.

Back Home BUY SE <7^ REWT/ /;?/^ a,e usrm, SENSE and N O NSENSE 0 9 ^ \ , - ZlDfo OOMN ONNA QV.HOUfiC J| I vypvi M40 I WMOM « VNWKM ftV lA '------' One thing in fovor of cold woath- New York eonsmnea 816,000.0001 TUAM 4r: There to a decline In tbe jium- YOM VOHCRH mwcmwjif c jn ^Mt£y^ galtons ot water dally, or about ISO WM4. N O O B U T - t H G O X IA Q tor of flah storlae that parade the gallons per person. qattam. v U^TSM.CaOKw*. N O O ' It sever pays to be too postUve,| jo'xjB. r i oat VI VaN5EEO THE PEAKS CMT LIFE B&M J 1 S O M E HBHK\P announcements AimiMOBlLBS PUR SALE 4 WANTED—PBTS- for their to always the chance that| A heart that never knew a pain the other fellow to right 1 r I *••••••••«m M IHM lOM FOND COUPE, 1085 Ford P O IIL T R Y -.B T U C K 44 New England Tracks Plan FOUR MAT HATCHES Is Uka a land without a ralh. AMD CARS for oklrrty ooaeh, 1084 Ford aedan, 1034 Ford WANTED—A U * KINDS of tive Meriden High Comes Here Is like a land that never knows It’s a wise guy who ean keep biaj , M C o t t a c * s t i M t . coach, 1080 Ford coach. SnuUl poultry, alao live vaai oaivea. Tele* A toNngUme flood, or summer rose. lack of wisdom to himself. down payment, low monthly pay* phou* 8441. A Otammo and Son. Big Purses For '37 Races ALDEN — Character aMBt Ode MotoriC 5468. ON HARTFORD CARD With High Scoring Quint; So tot us thank otir God for this. 11—ApL No. 1, t n —, ______. a Our Maytlma.. ...our December. t aboat. Baitford. Beuta 10 a. FOR 8AUB—1080 MASTER Do- FUEL AND FEED 49-A The first embrace, the parting kisa A Thought t:M > a^ No appoiatinoDta hnCa Chevrolet ledan, fully equip* Pawtucket, R. I., Jaa. IS.— (Bpe-zAdequate stall apacd la assured Referee Lauds Clarkeineh The things that wa remember. VIotoxoe ahaU ao more be heard I P«>. radio and heater, privately ag ent for ko pper ’s cuke. etel)—In one of the most construc- horsemen anxious to run at all three la thy land, wasting nor destruc- tive steps for tbs furtherance of Chrk and DonoYin Meet h owned, Itaiancea arranged. Call Cash price 818.00 per ton. Cone plants. Tha day with neither rain nor sun tioa within they borders: bat then sold tor cash only. iL. T. Wood horse racing In New England, Nar- A t least three stakes of 835,000 0808 after 5 p. m. In hanging up a perfect record by* Last Saturday, Coach Wnfsed Brougbi. never flowers to anyone; shaH call thy walls Salvatten, atel PEB80NALS Company. 51 Blamll street. Phona ragansett Park, Suffolk Downa and or more added money will 1^ run Main Erent Tonight at foy gates Pralse^-laalah M d X wtnnlng an o( ite sight games to ------Clarke’s tads ------walloping ~ ‘ ' Thank God for joy, and grief, and 1086 PONTIAC 6, A*1 oondltlan, 4406. Rockingham Paric united today In during the aeaaon, Narraganaett strife, B! I T K X C n u add eauoM 70a intensive campaign to bring date, Meriden High, etate and New High ot Bridgeport in the Park heater, 1035 Dodge coute, perfect showing the way with two of these We live u]N>n the ptslrs of Ufe. Violence ever defeats its m._, UlOOTB, Oaa Palna, la* the outstanding owners, trainers, —the 835,000 or $50,000 added Nar Foot Guard Hall City, turning Uie trick In ao im- ______BaarUmm, got foe aam- condition, radio and heater, 1084 England cage champ of 1936, has ends. Where you cannot drive you Toonerville Folks .Studebaker Commander aedan. W A N T E D — T O B U Y 58 jockeys and thoroughbreds to this ragansett Special to be run Sept 11 pn m ve a manner that CbarUe ean always purauade. A gentle By Fontaine FVix F Aoetec'a piooerlptiaa. Udga, at amassed a total ot 398 points, or ttotriho, veteran referee who worked Tbe poaaibUltlea .of the English Regal equipment, eacellent condi- HIGHEST PRICES paid for Junk section for a rich and Important and the $30,000 added New England an average of 87.35 points per bat- language are next ahown If you take wort, a kind look, a good-natured I ' O m g Btoraa. tion. Call Meaaier Naah Inc. 7858, racing season to run continuously Futurity, to be run In the Fall and Hartford, January 18.— (Special) the game, spoke lavishly In pralee amlle can arork wonders and ao-| G r a n d m a F u t t y , w h o c p n t r o l s a l l t h e m o n e y i n t h e f a m i l y and live poultry. Wm. Oatrlnaky. tle. It's defense as weU aa its ot~ of the team and predicted tough a little liberty with the spellleg. 50 Glenwood street. Tel. 5870. from May first to Armistice Day, which la expected to gross more —George Clark, Scotch heavy- fenaa has been strong, opponents Anyhow it sounds all right; compllsh miracles.—RasUtt CONTINUES TO E ^ O Y THE WARMEST CAR IM TWVN Not. 11. than $55,000. things are in store for Meriden, OUR BOARDING HOUSB II1HLB8 rU R S A L E 4 weight champion, and an aspirant having talllad an aggregate ot 183 when he came to the Silver City Sat- ■ .Mubby—Why haven't you mended GARAGES-SERVICE— CMbr Rleh Farasa Interest Buns High pdats, or an average of 18.87 per BEESWAX FOR RADIATORS _ PAR IB AND tlioa. Wo alao for the heavyweight wrestling urday night to- work tha Merldan- these? C3 S T O R A G E 10 ROOMS W ITH O irTv With each track outdoing any Suffolk Downs offers two rich crown, wUI take on Irish Jack Dono- game, which to slighUy better than Wlfey—Did you buy that coat . oM can for parta. A. P a n t^ Wlndham encounter. 66 BOARD . 59 previous ssason, the “Big Three” of stakes, the $35,000 Massachusetts van In the star bout of the wrestling one-half ot Meriden’s average aoore Al KtoeedoH Star you promiaed me? Terre Haute, Ind.— (A P ) — A. d. I MV WCJRO.' UM r-P— V-wKUMF— FEMALE 35 be cagkl 33 potnte agetaist Wind- • are few things that cannot be Im tor. _ hanced by the fact that horsemen attract the finest fillies and mares to be advanced to Wednesday. scbolastlc League scrap here Frt> ham aa a result of one foul and proved by ite possession and senat' PERCHANCE TH ERE ARE . C L A S S I F I E D APARTM ENTS—FLATS— are relieved of the usual heavy bur- In training to New England, at least (3ark last week won over Danno day nlgbL Manchester gave Mert' WANTED—TOUNG girt for offioe, eleven fleld goals from various dis- Me use. HERE’S A BIT OF GOSSIP WITNESSES ABOUT WHO adver tisements TENEMENTS 63 den of shipping costs as the close seven, and probably more. Important O'Mabony at Boston; CMahony was den a real battle in Meriden’a In- tancea and angles In slightly less sthta saUty, age and full partlcu- augural, losing only 25-30. The FROM THE ZOO I WILL HELP ME PROVE eta everaae worOe le a lora. Write Box O, Herald. proximity of Um three racing plants stakes for fillies and mares will be the fa^rtte and Clark's victory thus than one half of the game. Hla ex- Girl’s Mother—Young » ««« ^ TO RIBNT—5 ROOM F L A l 880; 6 la rated an “upeet” and tt Is a sig- tosigin was tbe loweat by which we V aaaMeta eaO aoeroviattoos assures low rate van or tradn asrv- scheduled, with purses running from room Nngle 540; Main street atore hibition was rated the beat of his turn tbe lights out at 10:30. Cincinnati — (A P ) — Bite of gee-1 MY INNCJCENCE.^ eel ae a ■ero aao eeeiaeaaa ice. 83,000 to $5,000. The minimum nal that he is moving along toward Meriden has triumphed this era son high school career. I M twe worda ItlalmoeB mat <■ with 8 room ttvtaig quarters suit- Boy Friend—Oh boy I That’ll sip from Cincinnati’s see; I The joint message of the “Big purses at Narraganaett and Suffolk the title. Both dark and Donovan The Local Statlsties 01 three uam HELP WANTED—MALE 34 able for tailor, barber, plumber, *Q**>rtnie has registered 103 keen!' Eight lion cube have been acid I m ear dev Cat Three” emphaalsee the Idssl cBmat- Downa will be $1,000 and no purse are powerfuUy built matmen, eiudi Manchester's offensive and de- points for an average of 1X75 per ete„ 845. Apply Elwaru 3. HoU, tipping the a ^ e s in exceaa of fandva record le a l quite as im- in recent monthe but coo offlclalal MEN—MEN—Wa wU Uia I le aad Uvinig oondltiona prevailing in at RoeW'igbam will be less than JOS, fffime. In most ot the games, he ^' A builder, when called upon for a more man. Tour Investigation at TaL 4648. and both are grapplers ot wide ex- preaalve as that o f Coach Flank eay at least two of the remaiatng I ***** * " " * * Oaah Ohorae New England throughout tbs racing 8800. A generous number of over- wee relieved for various parjoito'of fow rsmarks, modestly observed Uoneaeea arc awaiting the atork. I thlo ad will aotebliah the fact that perience. . This bout la listed aa one Baifiikow'a ckaigef, hut statlatics time. Undoubtedly hla total would •eauve Sara I atai a ^ 181 AND 183 AUn^MN atreet. period, offering more than six night handicaps, with purses of aren’t expected to mean anything that he'was “ more fitted for the Mr. and Mrs. Tiger also are an-1 •eaUve U av' ..I 0 atal 11. au this is h rallhbla coqipany and you of the feature events of the Indoor tove been greater had is atayad In tlcipating. ■ ...... a... a ••I tl etel 10 ate Bach 6 rooms, steam heat, 835. months during vacation-time In the from $1,200 to 81,500, will be card- season. when the rivals square off for tbdr heaffold than for the epeakers’ plat- can make money here U you artu the struggles for tooger perleda but form.” irdere for Ittaralw laaettleai The Lomas A Nettleton Co., 18 heart of New England's most glori- ed for decision. Frank Judson. veteran Polish retura engagement at the Main Admiral, tbe Kodiak bear and I I aharaad at the oae uam rate. work hard and givt one hour each Asylum street, Hartford. 7-3313 ous beach, mountain and lake re- Heads of all three tracks report toaeh BaraUcow wisely reeted up largeat in capaUvity, baa begun to - - t n reoa tetai ever* day of your time to study. We ore heavyweight and for many jrears street drill shed. Tbe Ctarkemen hie pace aetter and gave autaetitute hibernate. | or Manchester 8375. sorts. unprecedented interest In the 1937 have won seven out of nine games, Dr. Bklak—^You should take a ______give aaee raaamt, prepared to prova this to jrou. No coach at Harvard, wUI mix with experience. The Giraffes must have their spinach eedeied rat term at eta dare The announcement further dem- season and freely predict the great- Dick Stahl, the “German Oak", in compiUng a total of 373 points or bath before rearing. I oalere the thtid m otta aalaa azparience whateomr la FOR RENT—FOUR ROOM tene- onstrates the complete harmony and est year in the brief but highly spec- Meriden aee Is expected to hook up Mr. Barter—BuL doctor, I don’t and each alao gets two onions tor I U p t nafrmary. Wa will give you 8 days' the semi-final. There wiU be two an average ot 80.33 points per in a scoring dual with tbe brtUiaot breakfast ! ttUl'ham aharwae cair ear the ae* ment, 810 a month. Christina Hoff- friendly undeiata^ag existing be- tacular history of horse racing In preliminaries. Alex Pofroff of Aus- game. Defensively the team baa eiQ ^ t to, retire for 20 yeark. her a* .laMa the a apoeer- training. It Is not unusual for man man, Forest street. Bast Hartford. Ed Koae, Manchestei's varsity eea- Susie, the “only trained gorilla I Bess tbe rate mraea, hat tween the three track managements. this section. tria tangles with Cy WiUUms of held opponente to 380 points or an tor, who has taUied exacUy 100 In the world,” gets cod Uver Ml. Pofleweett 01 rataade to make 835.00 to 150.00 in one Toronto in one and Tony Q>lesano of average of 35.56 points per game. . ’The longer the act the shorter the Uam ada ateaaad after the day with this compa.,y. We have FOR R E N T -F IV E ROOM' apart- points in the nine gamea playad to encore. Abe, the alligator, went to sleep I msnt, steam boat 36 Birch street Springfield wrestles Pat Riley In the The Silk C3ty crew has four veter- date, an average of l l . i i per game. in October in tbe basement of the! ujthiag to sell you. IHia require* showing In the League. In the sec- other. The first bout U set for 8:30. ans from last season. The team, 'VW tor—Wee it your love of drink manta are that you he of good Apply 8upt Apt No. 4. Meriden’a winning atraak la ae reptile house; they put him in THREE GAMES SUTED ond claish the first place Ramblers which many feel did not show ite follows; Manchester, 38-30; Bristol that brought you here? strait-jacket untU April. ' deraid ertu aar he reepeaeiaie character, between the ages of 31 are favored to win over tbe Oxfords, best form against Meriden, boasts Prteoner—Lord, no, madam, you thee HOC inmrw et amrtioa and 40, and kxiking for a real op- FOR RB!NT—JAN, 15th, on Cam- 31-28: Middletown, 82-32; Windham. e'avartieemani erdarad tar bridge street room tenement, but they will have to make a strong wins over Bristol, East Hartford, 80-16: Meriden Trade, 43-19; Eaat epn’t get nothing here. THEY LIKE ‘MARIA* thee oae time. portunity, Applicants wUI receive ON T COURT TONKHT bid for the honors as tbe snappy West Hartford, the Trade School, a paryonal Interview. Address Box garage. $35. Tel. 5409. Hartford, 43-18: West Hartford, taadvartaar eaiaaloa at lam r Oxfords are strong competition In Rockville, the Alumni and Baadck. 50-16; and Wfaidbam, 46-lX ~ Dorothy—Gee. but that date tost (SoDsales, Tex.— (A P )—It’s trip-1 atlaa at advartiaiaa will he T, Herald. any basketbaU game. The last Local Sport sight was freahl lets at the Fred Garcia home. The aalr ay aaaaalla'lea el tea Senior League in Action With I made for (he mrvim readereo HOUSES FOR RENT 65 game will be between the Arrows * Evelyn—Why didn't you slap hto lirls were named Maria, Marla and MAN FOR COFFEE route. Up to and Highland Park, both holding foce. Karla. My wife likes the name ot ala maar aeafona 845 first woek. AutomoUk given Tripleheader Offering; First many of tbe Leglonnairea have cupped the race In 1933 aa a junior .atyla. aear aad tyaoaraahr wita FOR RENT—6 ROOM tingle and Clash at 6:45. the lower positions on the League Chatter been enthusiastic supporters of the Dorothy—I did; and take my ad- ’Maria’,’’ aald the father. aatoieae by the eaoiiah- aa bonua. W rite Albert MiUa, 018 sun porch at ISO Maple. All mod- at Fordham and set the present thay laaarva the n «h l la standing, but the Arrows are hoping local Ctountry C3ub but the club la record of S-SO in 1934 In hla first fites, paver slap a guy when he’s Monmouth, Cincinnati, O. em improvements. Available Jan. to snap out of their recent losing planning to jack up Its membership chewlhg tobacco. 17TH CENTLBY GOWN M at -lalae' aay aaay aao* T Schedule Tonight Flash!... .Charles Murray Mc- year out of college___ I. MEN, (8) WITH CARS for local 38. Inquire at 133 Went Center streak to gain a much needed point Carthy of the Bristol Press selects dues find the Legion is therefore HAS SILVER TROMMINOI StHiltS—Utaaeidee ada la street or Phone 7073. 6:45—TalcottvlUe vs. So. Method- starting agitation for a mundpal V day aaat ha ra- poaitloiM. Experience unneeesuiy; ist. Manchester High to beat Meriden Baloney dollan may not go aa High here Friday night___ writes course within the reach of every The two glria* baaketban teams fo r he the otlier kind, but they go Paris— (A P )—Marie BeU, French \ W il d PITCH ! il aTaleab aaaa-. totardayc references required. Phone-for ap- 7:45—Oxfords vs. Ramblers, of the Y. M. C. A. traveaed tu Ver- aitrosa, wears In her latest play a -laaniT pointment, Hartford 6-0800. Chuck: "With three teams tied for golfer’s pocketbook___ It la felt J^ aafast.; . “ WANTED TO RENT 68 8:45—Highland Park va. Arrows. non last night to play the girls at seventeenth century drees of stiff ^ l9ir'VMM»lM>MY TELEPHONE YOUR League Standing second place In the Central Connec- that a municipal venture of this kind win meet with Instant suc- the Tolland County Temporary black velvet deaigned by Moly-1 js i WANTED TO RENT 5 or 6 room Ramblers ...... 5 1 Sport Briefs ticut Interscfaolastlc League, there’s ^Ifondy—You say he's had a WANT ADS. cess. ... Home---- an even break wa- the rs- foecktred career? neux. The dress has a volumlnons I SITUATIONS WANTED— single, or duplex house, garage, So. Methodist...... 4 2 still a chance of a deadlock for sklit, festooned with silver lame, I S( OKCHY SM ITH hda are aaciatea aver toe taleaheae first place honors, providing Bristol sulL the older **Y“ team emerging Double Indemnity alba UUAMUS RATb yteea aba«a FEMALE 38 reasonable rent Write Box N, TalcottvlUe ...... 4 3 By BILL KING ^Pkndy—Yea, he's been following and four pairs of silver tassels By JOHN C TERRY and Manchester can score conquests Joe McCIuskey wlU defend the the winner by 82-17 as V. Zslonls Ote -cross-word puzsles ever since _____ 1 ------Mvaalaa • to advarrieara. aei Herald. Oxfords ...... ,4 2 Boeton, Jan. 13.— (A P )—This Is featured by scoring 14 potnte... which dot tto front of tbe pinebed- T FoeufHLV, r KFpr , - F I N A U X NBS -A N D A PPLC & A rr ...... tH ItATBh will a, aeeeetaa ae TOUNG WOMAIf axperlenoed In Arrows ...... 3 3 over Meriden during the next two only national title he now holds— t^ey came out in this paper. WANTS the day tbe Red Sox' general staff, the younger “ T ” team was beaten,. In bodice. A cluster of purple vio-' THE WHOLWTHINtrFnOM [W RITS HIM A B OUT ^mrwt re s o rt mR hAVMCNI U paid at the boat all klnda of oOlce aroil dealraa Highland P a r k ...... 0 6 weeks---- Manchester meets Meri- the 8,000 meter steeplechase title SBNT SCORCHV FROM BAF * MORS •Cim aa or hatera the mvaaia Tom Yawkey, Joe Cronin, Eddie 12-9....C . Zelonls and A. Oubano- lets accents the ailver-linrt black I A FPIM O ATS - r WAS S MASON'S ANP-WSLL, VOVKNOW whole or part time position. Phone The first game of the evening be- Collins and BlUy Evans ^meet In den In the SUk Town this Friday Indoors—at tbe aimual American ’ Nothing assms so unimportant aa velvet muff she • arries with IL ...... ' OOBSMASON Mlawian the drat lamrtiaa at LEGAL NOTICES night....Tbe Silver City cagers, akt scored all the polntr for the A F R AIP HB WOULP T H IN K [ t B RR O RITIN O 1 WANTOFTOUF- aa atharwim the OHaltUh 5084. tween TalcottvlUe and the South Now York to map out the 1937 championships at Madison Square money when jrou have plenty, and, MS TRAITOROUS, AND ^ wUI ha mllaetad Na raeaaai LiavoN pmAmit Methodists srlll be a rsal tussle as undefeated thus far, bumbled Wil- Garden on Saturday, Fetniary 37 losers... .the teams are coached by or course, vice versa. ANESTHESIA HARPOON W A S H r j v s r lar arrara la talaabeaea ada NOTicB o r arPLioATioa American League campaign... .that M'.urice Burke and managed by V ’ _____ PISCUAR&S MS PROM TUB, both teams wUl be determined to re- sounds very important but about fred Clarke’s charges earlier in the ..HeCHuakey, now In hla 13th IS PERFECTED| maad ana thair oaearaay This IB to vivo notice that I. Fran season. Since then Manchester has Helen Pobarskl.... RANCHO ROSARIO - gaaraataaA n>ll|.TRY ANDSUFIM.IKS 4.1 ela Donohue of IS Pearl atreet. Man tain -second place poaitkm. The all they wtO do la aak each other year of track campaigning that I sat next! the Duchess at tea ehBter. Conn., have filed an appllea So. Metbodlate are tha younger improved tremendously and gets has carried him to the heights , In And 'twfis juat as 1 feared It would Tallahassee, FIfi.— (A P )— A bar-1 IND EX OF FINEST NATIVE quali^ roasting bow he has been since Octqber and tton dated Ith of Januarjr. IMS7 with team, but have been maklag a fine my vote to bump off the Barnlkow- acbolasUc, collegiate and a m a t^ jt . 1*4 peon designed for capturing llfo I ehlehena, broileta, 83e lb., dreaaed the Liquor Control Commlaalon for a rig up some bulUsh tales to spring The University o f Paris was CLASSIFICATIONS on the Boston baseball writers at m en....Tbe Meriden-Briatol setto circles, will aeek his sixth straight Her rumbllnga abdominal were alm- alive by injecting anesthesia was and delivered. Carlson A Son Hotel Permit for the eale of alcoholic here a week from Friday will at founded about 1300 by K i ^ Philip owe o odatld •ddoododoaaoao at^B liquor on the premieea of Boeton TTiursday's reunion at Fenway Park. triumph In thia 3vent....be, first ply'Phsnominal— shown here by Count Dia Toletoy. a Poultry Farm. Telephone 4317. Turnpike, Bolton. Conn.. The buel- L E G A L N O T IC E S 78 tract the largest crowd to witness And everyone blamed them on me! grandson o f. the Russian writer. •••••sdssssdo* neea la owned by The New Bnalend a baaketball game In Bristol in Count Leo Tolstoy. I Hotel ot Bolton. Incorporated of Boa- LOUVOK PBRMIT The only major happening to the several years---- Joseph W. Cooke, Tolstoy said the mechanism was Of T6sBli# ••••«# tOn Turnpike. Bolton. Conn., and will XOTICB OP APPI.ICATIOX Red 8«jx, since the Pinky Hl.^vlns Neddie—Does your wife ever •••••••••A*•••### Thil I. (o s lv . node, that I. Harry faculty advisor at Bristol high, tells claim to have made a man of you? developed ao that large flab may be EMM be conducted bx'Frkncle'Donohue of trade for Naughty WUIIe Werber •••••addssbsdwss 11 Pearl atraht, Maneheater, Conn., Mints of SIS North Main Btr.«t. Man- me that ticket applications for the Freddie—She doesn't go that far captured and transported t i aqua-1 •••••oooodsaodsS aa permlttea. choatar. Conn., hava fliad an applica- and some caah, la the mending of Meriden game are being accepted riums for itudy and photography, tion datad Sth of Jannarr, lUT. with hut I have beard her aay that she u FRANCIS DONOHUB Cronin's lore thumb___ the Impor- with a minimum amount of Injury tha Liquor Control Commlaalon for Bristol Invades West Hartford this FLAPPER FANNY By Sylvn has tried her level beaL Ai Dated Mth of January. IMMT. tance of this event will be deter- Friday In quest of another victory to the specimens. ' foi dele a R-1-lS-Mle Parkase Btora All Alcoholic Permit I. —... I I I gefanie wa r , a s s a a a M r .« a - libiiee let Macaeasa I EMERGENCY for Ih. sal. of alcoholic liquor on mined later for, according to Joey's ---- The only thing that can stop aaemeoriee—lire* ...... C the pr.mla.a ot SIS North Main last broadcast, be has decided to Monahan's charges from winning Is HeiiainBa—Paia'lea . . . . . 1 straet. Manch.atar, Conn. The bual- play Babe Dahlgren on first, Hig- an earthquake.., FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS By BlotMer Osaoele ...a f-a na.a Is owned hr HInnIa & Mints ot gins on second, take another whirl By Trash ...... b CALLS 3SS North Main straat. Manchester. WASHINGTON TUBS ___By Crane -rat air* ...... » Conn., and will ba conducted by at aberrt and move Jimmy Foxx over The Naugatuck YMCA made a OUT OUR WAY Bv Williama see—Oereiee—aterewe ...... U Harry Mints ot SSS North Main to third....sounds good, but will it clean sweep of its matches at Bris- ■ i " r K T MV M6W IW^-hOMTcwiCKrSONN^^^ ''febl ANVmiNGl OF COURSE N O T^ eercreMa—Bterele* ...... II ■treat. Manchester, Conn., a . per- work? IB K A L L Y O U O H TTO J TtS,F>OP,I MUST I PUT THES6 BOXlHG SH06S O N AND SKIP AlOuND ri TWIMIC IVB FOUND FOUCE mlttae. tol last Saturday In tbe Southern 5TKAN66 ai*a eaioe—Ituii.reraim ... It PUMI8H R3R RKAO* a d m i t ------L TMC R)HG» t*w f»—l«eei aeritrm RARRT MINTZ New England Volley Ball League , 1 KKICW EVENV- WHAT DIO IT» THAT siaem a«r*ieei oWeree ..... It Dated Ith ot January, IIST. Now about his outfield, which and remains tied with the local INp-WATDIARV X THwa IM rr fof liENvr/ f'T]iriir'' •hois d*r wee M area...... It-a 434S II-1-1S-S7. must be built shout Rog Cramer, the Recreation Centers team for first LAMP OVER. TH E Itaa—Ouairaetiaa ...... it V490IE WHBhJIVKkHA B'WTHOSE woits “ tierae.Kt ...... It /NS(/qt LI«COR PBRMIT .293-hiltlng center fielder... .Cronin place, each with five victories In as SINK WAS ORIPPIN* has llttK or no choice out there.... many starts---- Naugatuck nosed B 9 < ,B U r 8IH C K M XJ a b o u t NDO D ATtHS Uirwtart ...... it FIRE NOTICB OP APPLICATION WHILE IH E DISHES 01 aliea—PlaaibiBa—Kooiaa II YOt/O. ThI. I. to a lv . notice that 1. Jam*. it's either Mel AlmadA the light- out Somerville by 15-18 and 16-14, C O H F «8 S TD IT , MV AM OTHEP (31PL araaee ...... it Soath Broaan of SI Clinton atrsat, Man- bitting veteran, or rookie Goffke In then trimmed Bristol by 15-8 and h a n d s AW E TTK d / WERE BEINS try—iirtmawkiBd ...... 11 f(/ q .S ch.at.r. Conn., hava fliad an applica- light and Buster (the busber) Mills 1 6 - 7 . .the next League matches V «A «M -yDU W KW E < tiaa—Tracaiaa—N.uraat .... It tion dat.d Ith of January, tlS7 with WASHED-AND WHILE 4M y a s a t a e d a * m o * ...... M.e 4321 tha Liquor Control Commlaalon for m le ft... .and as for Cronin's pitch- are slated for January 33 at Somer- O0IW3 WDM M O M .' Ad ing, an to can do about that la ville and Bridgeport with Manches- I W A S C U T T IN ’ TH* bttea*' I’aatiiaa ...... ti North Packaxa Btora BM r Parmit tor tha ' ao-nsl isrvlam ...... It Bait of alcohollo liquor on th. pray toi%, miracle, such as Grove ter playing at the Park C ity...... St premia.! of SI Pina atreet, Manchea- M E A T A N D P E E U N ' TH* 4M—Uyalay—Otaalaa It ter. Conn. Tha bualneaa la owned by and FerreU repeating and Marcum Oooat UM det«te* ...... It 5432 A S James Broxaii' ot SI Clinton street, starting to click....all ot thia may Tbe Executive Committee of the I —Batiaaa* a* dot ...... It Manchester; Conn., and will ba con- sound very sour to you good people American Legion baa petitioned the everything ducted by James Broaan ot St Clin- out there, and so it does to Yawkey, Selectmen to pueh the purchase ot eae o-ream ...... II ton atraet, Manehaatar. Conn., aa par- the Old Golf Lots on Bast Center AMBULANCE mlttaa. '' Cronin and Collins aa they try to laairaetiaa ...... It smile away their fears. street aa a site for a municipal golf ...... ^it*a (Uongsa) c o f ^ r o ^ T JAMBS BROGAN ’Dramatic ...... tt Datad Ith of January, 1117. course... .which brings to mind the lastraeiles ...... $» H-1-11-ST. fact that Mancheater has a splendid riaaailtl 5630 chance to acquire property for a aha—Surtyaym « ... Batate ot Henry Calvin Daaaett links several years ago but let the aBeerti.aitlsa ...... (HoUoru) lata of Andovar, in the Probate Dis- NOW r u . trict ot Andover, deceaeoA HOCKEY opportunity go by the board...... WIllMyPEET ^ The Administrator having axhlblt- when tha Mancheater Emergency PRESS A HO^V.' rr^ A SUCCESS! i Minneapolis Fire and •d hla adminlatratloa account with hmmm.'and BurnoN Waaied—rtstal* a s aaMffbp 3060 Bmploirment Association was in ^ocnoTM ’' FLOOR! WORKS! TH ( eCAT ST Bald Batata to tha Court of Probata Nattonal Lgagna IS THE 6 3 6 Waatae—Mala .. (Qnish) Marine Insurance tor aald Dlatrlot tor allowanca. It la operation, the late Mary Cheney ot- Wgjmpy OF MVJNTIRE C/tKEEIi* Waated .•••* O R D E R E D :-T hat tha llth day of New York Americans 4, Montreal fered the Association her land off TbUR Qimpany Maroons 0. WORTH JWUSANPS OF DOU-ARSf a.e ^faetaS Jan. 1IS7, at I o’clock In tha tora- Clu^rter Oak sfseet and at M t Btaeaa Wsatad—Paawle 4340 noon. at tha Probata Ollloa In Colum- Montreal Oanadlens 4, Detroit 1. Nebo for the development of a aailuoms* Wsaieu—Mai* ... bia be. and tha aama la aaalaned for Chicago 4, Boston 3. municipal course but tbe offer W u a hearing on tha allowanca of aald VAUCr Edw. J. Hdl, he. adminlatratloa aoeonat with aald IntentatliNial-ABieftoan Leagng turned down and the Association HOSPITAL Batata and thia Court diraeta tha ad- Mo games. spent foba of money elsewhere oa _ •••••••••aaiv Ml Aesats mlBlatrator to cite all paraona tatar- •••WWAWbbM MM A nmHmmi AasdMatlaa projecte that ware for from aa 865 Main SL Phone 4642 •ated tharaln to appaar at aald tima KaiiaaB City 3, SL Paul L worthwhile.... ^ ••elHBaaebad MM 5131 ' and place, by publlahtng^ this order * H u —roeliry-etDeM MM once In some newspaper having a B t LouU 4. Wichita 3. For lasnnuice Service oIrculatloB In aald DiatricL at Taaat TONIGBrS SCHEDULE We’d much prefer to aee a mtml- Coi WATER DEFT. fivt daya bafora aald tIma aaalgned. Nattonal—No games. dpal ttnlca laid out on the Chester Ask For Aad due return make. ••••ease Internattenal-S msriMn Oak atreet grounda n«an at the Old 1 like him. *He's so kina ol poetic snd aresmy * Certified from Reoerd. Gteveland fit Provtdenoa. “Gene” Freeman CLAYTON B. HUNT Golf Lota aa the former alte aeema *Thst't just die trouble— ell wishbone and nobackbona'* ...... aeodeaewiStellie ’ 3077 Judge. Bpringfiald at PhUadalphla. much more suitable and Ideal for a H-l-ll-ST. Aaaoeiattoa—No gantM. aporty oourae....tt la known that .r. Pfodeett 4« (A fter 5 P. M.) MM 7868 ^ ffiM7STWtaatavicc.iiic. T.ai.fifa.ii.a.PiaT.e»e dBd d t M S m t e a M w i i r ! S MYRA NORTH, SPECIAL NURSE Off For Ainsley House ^ I iM at the iMom m By THOMPSON AND COLL MANCHESTER s o 'THCT'S WMXT IS BACK BUT.MP / BA-I HAVE A CUTV ALLEY OOP A a o o w o TH E OOCKIBZ o f t h e Three Of A Kind OF ALL 1NIS...V0U WANT TO MV OOUMTEV>1 M OST 1 WATER (X). euiLDlAlG. WITMIM ACM'S REACH By H A M LIN TO PUT A « AI^V.SO M E- 6 0 W C K . you SAID weu.,iFi evEFi hr/b ihttte la O F AAVBA, OOa O LD PKlEKIQ ■ sofvotTBSYaawKcr.vouR vdercH A ITS A NICE y zjtf ib> WICCE, while yo u MIX UP. VOURSELF, VOU n D ATT, A SOM O F MV OWM, W^,WELL-TISA VEAH- WHO’S Y KOVAL MOOV/AW CROWN,VOU KENEOAO^ HMmm - 5974 IN SOME MOBS O F '«T 5 e eUM O. L IS TE N S ATTEMTIVELV NICE CEOWi YOU MbMWda BPdWMp Ml . TO TH E Q O N V E e SATlO N . MKOULOTlDUVAMr HIM ^ ^ P O ^^'S L E \ HIGHNESS-H mst S C U M / BETTERN WELL, PRETTY MGAOMSTHAT GOtST THA’S ^ ^ T O NEAR GOT •«» GAS CO. 6H? MOURE TH S I CJZOWN TC iC fT iUt rut% OW TH IN G M M Y KJNCs WUR I’VE ' ^ SiCK W 1 . ' EMPIEE M Bmt jrHEKE.6.UX, T 5AV TH' 5075 D IA R V ? OL' BOY BEAN uNpesi .LEAST/ •«S6« Mt M K i i c U A ‘ ELECTRIC CO. *

Mjw ru 6H Sale5jr_ . . .2 »; «8 i 5181


mt aav maaaaasmaj V Mm


T. : dkneat T. Bantty and Bdward .. John f L Hackatt, John F. Bulitvan, tha beUat tb tt in i^ Jr„ am la New Torfc City HOSECO.NO.l’STCiUI aad Loland T. Wood. such a hoUdlng would ba o f g m il today attandhig tba national motor POUCE COURT RE-ELECT DIRECrORS . Reports were nuuia toourtag that COFCROARDB^ boat show at tba Grand Oantral vahM to Manchsator. >* WHINERS IN SETBACK tba deposits o f ths oompaay ia* Tba Board thankad Mr. Itoiooo «< dM I Tbo second ot laat JUIy John J. creased 88 per cent during 1888 aad tba prtvilage o f beutog Ida pmp o » wtn iM Boaa Owapantaa No. 1. 8 am Bjurmtt, 87; o f 68 WUls street, ,1a OF TRUST COMPANY that tha bank samad alx and a half SPIESS’S PARK PLAN al but took no dadnlta aetlan on t8a wk« at T:M, aM af the'South Maneheater fim da* Police Cburt:cbBrgad with intmrica- per cent on tto capital fund last mattir. It balag dseidad to gtvs tlw inSM to atb TooraasiCBi CsBcInded Last project further study bafom — ^qg BMta aad oeou partmaat will meet for thalr flrat tten, was givsn a suqieiided JaU aittlag la aetback tonight at eight Nii^t As Rosst Beef Supper Directors win meet tat the near a racommendatkai to tha Cbambtt tor tha yaar IM t Is Served; Te Start Again. asntsnoa o f 16 days and placad on Annl Meetinf of Stock- futum to elect olBcem for tLa year. memberatalp. alaetad fo r IMV. o’dock at NOb 1 Hoaa bouae on Ptaa p.obatian Cor aix months. SdeefaMi a ii PtGce Con- karttMOi p to p v to atiaat, Laat night, 10 days after tbe pro-' Tbe Board waa alao aoUflsd tbit ; wu> ba act- ' Hoaa Conq^any No. 1 team was batlon period axpli^ ba was koUers Held Yerterday an attampt la bataif made to revive Nathan Hala Lodge, No. A t>oyal itissioM r OmEms the win f(ri* the arUmer of tbo setback touma- rested at North Main aad North PUBLIC RECORDS the AutomoUve DMaian ot tba Bta w ill Toung Americana, arlU meat In siraata by Policeman David F. OaUl- Chamber aa ChamBir msmbam siw Orange hall tomorrow evening at 6 mant that has been S'idng on In tba AftenooB. Old Golf Lets PreposiL gaged in that field foal that tbs Di- o'dM aharp. Inatallatlea of offl* gan who reported Barrett was “dead North End Fim liaadquartem tor drunk.” He pleaded guilty In court Warrantee Deed vision Is naeded to bring about a cam and oibar buainaaa w ill ba closer oo-operative slfott of loeal Nora Saalth ot CMway tranaactad. as wan as Initiation and the past 15 araeks in the Firemen'a tola morning to a chmge of tntoxl- Arthur L. aad Mlnnla M. Gal- ■tortaiaad a party «ft bar Setback League, which llalahed last cation, explaining that two drinks An dlrectora of the Manchester Belectman aad PeUea Cbmmls- automotivo agendas. Anotbar meet-

_ I at earda at bar boma yaatar* ovary momhor la urged to attend. lagher to Rose H. Haiprtn, property ing on tbs matter win be bdd Mon- night Ttaa No. 1 team came from given him by a man or Demtng Trust company wem re-elected srea- at 110 Washington street. Bloner Mathias Spteas appeared be* ; altaraoea. aad at tbe eloaa of street, Imocked him out.” day, January 85, at 8 o'doek at tba ■a aanrad daintj refreah' behind during the last two sessions terday afternoon in the annual toXt Deeds fora the Board o f Control of the place o f budneas ot Alfrad Bcbleeal. Judge Johnson doubled tbe threat meeting at tbe bank, attended by SELECTMAN PERO PLANS and a areek ago arent Into Srat place of a JaU term. Imposing e suspend- Savinga Bank of RockvUle to Chamber o f COmmerca last night The Board aoceptod an Invitation I If a dosen stockholders in addi- replacing tbe Merx tsam by eight au sentence of 80 da^ and put Catherine Morlaaoa. two-family aad asked the Chamber'a support of of tba Merchants Dlvislan to attend Of Chapmaa Court, Or- {xAnts and but nine points ahead of tion to the directors Su1 officials. dweUing on LUley street VACATION W FLORIDA Barrett on a probation period twice hla propoaal for tbe ereetton o f a tba Division meeting on Wednesday, e aC Aaaraath, ara rendiided of the Foley Express team. as long as ths last one, ona year. The directom returned to office Joseph aad BUaabeth Winkler nf January 37, at which tlma Judge |!faatallationa at taural Ooort of am Harold C. Alvord, Ernest T. East Hartford to Btaphea Martser municipal auditorium and reereatloa Mtabi, rriday areniiiy, and This caused considerable Interest Baatly, Clifford R. Buir, Lawrence Edwin M. Ryan of Hartford nW WUk His Wife Wm Leave a« It was reaUssd that the last s«s- of Olaatonbury, seven seres In Man- center at the Old Golf Lots < » Bast ■peak on the small claims court. Court o f Hartford, Saturday W. WUUam C. Cheney, W. chester and five aeiea in Bast Hart- Center street Mr. Spiaas outUned Soen for Foor Weeks T rip - Sion of play arould probably result George Qlenney, Walter 1. Gorman, The rest of the mestlBg vfoa devot- In a closer flnlsh than baa been the GIRLS’ FRIENDLY GROUP ford in the HUlstowa aectloa. the details of the p roj^ he has la ed to routine business.^ First Vacstioii in Decade. I Sawtnc Orda of ttaa Cooeor- in past tournaments. Such diurdi will bold ita fldactmaa Joaaph Pare and Mrs proved to ba the ease aa at the ses- IN REGULAR SESSION I maatlna tomorrow aftarooea Paro of Oakland street, arlU leave sion laat night tba Hose Company I o'clock. next areek for a four weaks’ vaca* team scored high for the night with tioB the greater pert o f artiich arlll a total of 147 points. This made BL Mary*B Cirla Friendly society todKO, N a 7^ Knigbto o f be spent IIn Blorlda. Mr. Pero plana them champions by 76 points over win hold Ita rafular maat* opened its regular meeting Monday to drive hia automobile to New York the Mars team, which llniahed sec- evening with a devotional sarvlea. [tonight at • o'clock at Oraaga and arlll aall from there for Jack' ond. The Foley team was driven This was followed by a talk by the at which tim* kutallatkio of sonvine, taking tba automobile out o f third posiUon by the Valvo- SHOP AT HALE’S THURSDAY rector. Rev. James Stuart NeilL win taka ptooa. Refradi* Prom JacksonviUe ba will Une team who were but three points I will ba atrvad aftar the meet' During the busineaa aeaslon plans motor aeroaa the state of Florida. behind the second place team and for the annual turkey supper wem rand a largo attendance of mam- Ha baa not aa yet decided where be I la aspaetad. the Foley team llnlabed in fourth discussed, as well aa programs for arin loeate, but wiU make a dedalan place, four points behind the third the year. Mlaa Hannah Jensen will For These January Sale Specials aftar ha raaebae Florida. Tbs trip place team. have charge of tbe meetings for . and Ifra. Joba Baratow ara la is taken to ghra both Mr. Paro aad Tark today, attandlag tbe i hla wifa a vacation aa It la the llrat Following the completion of play February, Mias Teresa Britton was * BOtor boat ahow at Grand last night them was a roast beet elected dues aeemtary. vacation that Mr. Paro baa taken la inuaea. 10 years. supper served aad it was voted to Mrs. Dorothy Turner vriU have Whila

Ringless Sheer Chiffon, 7 - Thread Service Weight. [,%lMBplo Chapter, OJBJB. w ill ob- I Vlaltiag matroaa and patroar Wanted Winter Shades. ^ THURSDAY SPECIALS : at Ito meeting Id the if aaoale TIOGA YARNS

tUa avaning. A auppar will Haleh Supreme the bualaeae aaaalaa. Benana. Badlaace Red, Riviera Red, Coronation Blue, Cameo Roaa. ir: t TT‘ fc pr. pr. —V— from the PoUah ctauieb TEA ^ lb. box 2 ^ ^ $2-25 For the band knit Spring garment e rWara, ifaaa., will ooma bare on uee Tioga Creveana—300-yard i«.n *~'*~y, January 3«. to preaent a I” " c Waabbwa Pancake 70 let comedy, entlUed, *mal- iMtroetlona Gladly tHvea By Ow KnHUag laatrnetor. U” In Pulaakl ban on North Registered , Another Shipment! FLOUR

comblnad meeting o f the execu* Optician ”Lneky Dutch" 20” x 4 0 ” C A N N O N SPECIAL oonunittees .of the Beethoven PRESCRIPTIONS nLLED O Oaf Oubf of tlie Eknanuel am We have a aeieeilan at tbe aew- -jeran church will be held tonight l>OG FOOD can 8 o'clock at tbe church. ast style frames. PURCHASE 5« TURKISH TOWELS Complimentary Adjoatments. 52x52” and 52x68” Pure Linen htere o f Liberty No. 120.

, are requested to meet at Boy On tbs Bndget Plan . ball tonight at 7 o'clock. PEA BEANS This is our sixth shipment AT JAFFB’S _ whence they arlU proceed to NO BXTBA CHABOE Armoor’a of these heavy weight check- LUNCH I home of Mrs. Martha Hooks, d 1 street. Mrs. Hooks was a ed Cannon Towels. We con- Complete Sae of ’ o f the lodge, and again to- J tracted months ago^or these ---- at 1:80 o’clock the Daugta- Hamilton - Waltham - Omen PORK & BEAMS can BUia and Balova Watches. '■ ' SB^— BBBIB^— B—^ i.of Liberty wlU meet at Orange Large —in fact for 8,600 towels— CLOTHS 1 to attend her funeraL and we have not been able to

ORAPEFRUIT e tor get delivery on them fast

enough. If we bought these

A Shipawfit of Callferaia today we wo'uld have to get

89c fo r them. Heavy, soft, Rcfular |1.19 ^ FAHMCBB8T COOKIES ORANGES absorbent Cannon Towels in ttom the evens, wm leadi Plnehamt today. Take your Spedali ehaleei Molaaaea, Batter, Oatmeal or OM Faahhmed. bright colored -all-over check Large Bnach design in red, gold, green, and

3 dozen in box 1 5 c orchid. Regular 89c. BROCCOLI -A

Ritz Crackers...... larsre box 19c. Special HEALTH MARKET

with Bnena advandag In price, w« wem fortunate: la eecurlng ORANGES GRAPEFRUIT 13 doaen lunch clothe that formerly hold for $1.19. Four amart " pattMiia In two sixee, four coiore, blue, gold, green, and red. Buy 2 dozen 49c 5 f o r 25c FISH SPECIALS each nw to youreelf or to gifte. All-over plalde, haaket weave iriib damaek pattern and colored border, fine quality craeh with roksail BALDWIN APPLES GREENING a !p PLES borders. Large 62x68" craeh with colored border. . Syi pouDda 25c 4 lbs. 25c st eak coo »> 1 2 i e



(We aeM eat en this Item TM iiay). In Heavy Steel—Wslaat ^

Ptoeknret wUI also k a w $3.98 Dinner SET Radiator COVERS or Ivory Finish FUi* Spam BOa and Eekhardt's FVaakfrirta to cook wttk krant. STEAK HALIBUT lb. c Floral patterno, oervloe for six. Five of 27 these seta to cloae-out a t .. kr aut AdJuatabla Adjustable to, .,10clb. open to 39” $1-00 open to 68”. ** F— want aamethlag dUforent tomorrow, try aome Steak Swordfish lb. * 27 $1.49 BEVERAiX SET TENDER NATIVE VEAL CHOPS with covered pitcher and alx cups, dccD- rated china ...... 50c Radiator A i r Moisteners ^^ Ribg...... 36c lb-1 Loin Chops, ,46c lb. MACKEREL lb- 1 2 i c with brackets for hanging bock of radiators ....

Piashurst Fresh Fish Shlpmcat WiU laelnde: GlassbaLe Ov e nwa r e Ojwlers Msckerel / HAODOGK In chroma frames, IF* platters, 11” utU- H>. l O e ity baktng dlWna . . . . Wi ndow VENTI LATORS E*te» Lsrge Smelts Adjustable wood frame, large else; Ux87” ...... : Gimvder C ^ Cod sad Halibnt Cookle Pr^Mes and met of Haddock FoDock or Boston Blue No. 1 SMELTS lb. e 15 Cake Decorators CHENILLE RUGS * stV •• car apatisi rirtniar this week lei Heavy non-rnat metal with four dealga Hi tKH>k id rug pattena, 34x46” 8L38. ^ aad one decorating aoosla-...... Larger ruga to m a t^ 88x60”

|No.'2 Cana Nnttlea* Tomatoes, 3 cans 29c Sirloin Stook ^

Short Stoak \ ib. ^ Great Stamps Given Top Round

V I n c . With

t Iu JW H A U iStNet Cash Sales. CORK Msnehestm’, Csna. CUBE STEAK lb. 390 Manch istir Comm* ^