Manchester Evening Hearld 1937-02-13

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Manchester Evening Hearld 1937-02-13 e( U. a. Mre BigM er Ih aridny i rMag ta tare tedlghf aai n m foyt MANCHESTER— A CITY OF VILLAGE ARM VOL.tVL.NO.88 « vage 14) MANCHESTER. CONN., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 18.1987 (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICS THHIB CSI Pretty Victim of Murder MURPHY MOVES IARREST NEGRO SIMPSOirS HOAL CLDB EMPLOYE G- MEN WI DEN HUNT STARTS; CROWDS JAM COURTROOM FOR KIDNAP-SLAYER' Goverior Porter Once Relened, Then New Loodoa Bud Leider qnesU” State Eoaie hur- Watched, Charged Wilh| Accused of Killnn Young AS VICTIM IS BURIB ley Between Km dsei and of n Yennl Womuat Oceu Bendi; Martin Troo^f Ready. Had On a Shirt of Case’s. Scene of Intensive Search Hundreds of (NHccn First Witnesses CaDed. i; -Tlint, Mich., Jan. 18.— ( A P I - New York, Jan. 18.—(A P )—The tered froa Ni Frank Murphy, determined to bathtub murder at pretty Mra. Norwich, Jah. IS.— (A P )—Maps iMMCOlMm" 'ect "a n immediate and peaceful Mary Robinson Casa came to a of toe Danceland Casino at Ocean CANADA Wtdmgtoi Stale to termination o f the General Motora Beach where 17 year old Ellen Sul- swift aad unexpected denouement 'u .'Z "' Btrikea, caUed today for a meeting livan fell to her death last July 18. today when lavaatlgalora arrested a Meocan Border- of company and union .^repreaenta' precipitated toe Brat wrangle in 38-year-old Harlem Negix> Uvea in hia office at the CapltoL charged him with the crime. Thirty- crowded Superior Court today as The governor, whoee previoua en- six hours after “ the 28-year-old 2S-yaar-old Robert A . Simpson, of Chiid’f h jiriet leader of toe Oasino band, went on jdeavon to arrange a Joint parley housewife was strangled aad beat- en to death In her Jackson Heights, trial ^or Brat dagree murder before faUed, diapatched lettera to the Rebf Widdwid Pc Queens, apartment, District Attor- a court at three Judges. cblefo of each aide 41 four reglmenta of Michigan National Quardamen ney Charles P. SuBlvaa aimounced Defense counsel, Morris Lubchxn sky, o f New London, aron toe first converged upon Flint, acene of that Major Greene, wiry Negro por- BOFrmiMol BULUfTINI bloody rioting Monday lOgbt ter employed in the apartment brush and forced a recess imme- HnsjAN.11 *^totely after opurt opened when Muiptay requeated William 8 . building, had been charged with the AT n s Knudaen, General Motora executive aromaa'a murder. Presiding Justice Ernest A. I^ ts (A P ) laiw ^ viee-preeident, and Homer Martin, Greene, who previously had baan sustained hia objection to mape of long kalfo today m mm at toe death scene offered by Prosecu- ■Mrt tasportaat ehns «e preaident of the United AutomobUe questioned u d then released, was When Mrs. Mary Chae (above), 38, a bride o f a vrar fannl I tion Arthur M. Brown. 'TACOMA Wwrtity of OharleaMai Workers of America, each accom' f*!***®**.** ^ home in Harlem, and Idinner-time ’phone call, he became alarmed and Mffsa|»-ldfier. panted by two aaaociatea, to meet ------taken to tho apartment wh«h 1to tteir New York city a?^ The maps, drawn by toe Brat witness, Kenneth H Holmes. New The knife was aaai ki la Lansing at 11 a. m. (eat) tomoi^ Fta^Caae, SO-yew-oW HoUl ^battered body thro;Jn K o S i £ a th ^ ^ Lendon civil snginssr, aboared toa row with the Governor and James ply Company employe, found the h"** ■****“ «* »• < * “ i w a te r. c o v e re a w i w a sheet. n^ b^ hash hafora I F. Deway, Federal labor conciliator. battered body of hia wlfa Monday. position of chain kno^ed about in toe dance haU where tha state eon- ky a Maw aa AM Aaka Holdup of Warraata Greene was kept there two hours tenda Simpson, curly-headad aum' BWHrta • ( Om sta b WMBi Pending tha outcome of thla eon- and then taken to the Newtown po- "The aeith wert'e fareace. Gov. Murphy requeated Jo- Uce stotion. Greene’s brother, Hen- m-sr resort favorite, took Mias Sul- Itvan after toa dance waa over, the etage at the Iragle Matteon •epa R. Joaeph, Gea^aee county ry, 38, and William Henry Johnson, Tkooma. W arii, Jaa. J8v-(A P)4 also a Negro, also were questioned! MARTIN JOHNSON, NOTED criminally aasaulted her, and then kidnapteg and manhunt. (F lin t) proaecutor, to withhold Charlae Matteoate service at "John Doe" warraata for Johnson and M «jo r Greene were torew her through the window to a concrete aidewaik 28 feet below. She casket today ahlelded from i the arreat of the aeveral hundred employed at the Jackson Heights Radiating from toe territory shown in toe map at toe right, a man- atrikera remaining in the Flabei Bachelors’ Qub overlooking the died two days later of severe head hunt unequaled since toe Lindbergh kidnaping waa launched by Federal of hie sorrowing family tiM ^ EXPLORER, DIES AFTER iujurlea. Body No. 3 plant here, outside -of Case apartment from an adjacent and state autoorltlca after the battered body of CharlM Matteon, 10, he suffered at toe hands at ■< which a score of persona were in- wing in the same building. Map Is Changed left, waa found in a snowdrift, 60 milea north o f Tacoma, scene o f his naper aad aiayer. jured in the rio t Receee waa taken whUe toe abduction 18 daya before. Am y of Bvtdeooe Hundrads .at ofliean The warrants, charging kidnap- In a statement, at 6 a. m.. Dia- CRASH OF BIG AIR LINER offending chain were erased from throughout tbs Pacific n „ ing, ricioua destruction of property trlct Attorney Sullivan reviewed toe mape. The trial presented an unusual for toe kidnaper of the 10-y while rioting, fekmious assault and the evidence which led to the arroat Thcoma boy aa Dr. evd Mrs. criminal ayndicallam, were issued by of Greene. spectacule aa Judge IngUa, with Becones Secmid VictilD Judges Kenneth Wynne and John Mnttson prepared for ^ two municipal court Judges here last "Fingerprints found on tha p-nt i Schacht Cancels Trip ssrvioea.- night The warrants were signed at the door in the bathroom of the NO GERMAN 1R00PS R. .Booth, atarted hearing evidence without prellmlnaiy statementa hT DetaOa o f the boy’s by Detective Lieutenant Ray Martin apartment occupied by the dccMsed Accident in Which AD lAAMiad a t a closely guarded ' Soap Bonaa. and issued by Judges Edwin D. Mal- have )>een identifled aa thnan of the eltoer side. Simpeon, automatical- ly pleading not guilty, elected to be topey, were withheld antirrty ft. 1 lory and Frank W. Cain. Before the defendant (M ajor Greene),” Sulll- FOUND IN MOROCCO To Paris for Parley Mrs. Matteon and from tbs tww i governor asked that aervice of them van’a statement aaid. Other Passengers Are tried without a jury. Hundreds of citiama orowdad wtolning chUdrsn, wmiaa. Ifi, he delayed Sheriff Thomas W. Wol- •The bloody trousers recovend Burial 14. (rienda said. Ifo , cott had said it would begin within from the Incinerator in the apart- about toe (fon t o f the otd-fashioa- Berlin, Jaa. 18.—(A P ) — NasMp Dr. Schacht himself waa reported Hurt; Wife Has Fractnre. ad "Town Hall” ssak ag aaats la toa nouncement at what toa ai 34' to 48 hours. ment house building have been iden- A. P. Reporter, Howerer, Germany’s "economic ambassador,” enroute from Basil to Berlin. H ie ■bowed waa mads by Fedanl ■Idnaptag o f Guards tial room that bald only 160 apae- tifled aa the property at the defend- Ratchsininlster HJatmar Schacht, minister, who was to have gone to or by phyatclaaa oonduetaa 1 Wolcott said the kidnap charge aat. totora. Thara was no diaorder, aad Parte this week-en4 to open the Lm Angelea, Jan. 18—(AP) — Sees .GoTemmeit P in e bafoca court optnad tga Judges ra- suddenly called off a trip to Parts Ona stab wound from toa was baaed on alleged seixure at The defendant at tho tima of Wa Oennan buUdiag at toa Faria oxpo- ««iort pteroad ton body, hut company guards Iw the atrikera •naat was waaring a shirt takM Mattin Jtdiason, aioted atq^lorar, vaiaad a Fravtona JuB^ t h « only today and M t In toa hands o f altiont had alao iMen ospaeted to art Connecttcut aew apwnMR«.Brould vital organa tad left Chailsa ta t during the riot tew the apartment oeeupled by the dltd today at injuries siRTersd .S' 9 partmental uxpMte new negotteUans SB Chancellor Hltler’a personal eco- —I^tofRoiiA i M R e M P b r t bo allowed in the court. lOr a’Franco-German trade treate. ture Mr While the 136th Infantry at the WMaaed aad the property of the da- yastardsy's Waatara A ir Et|ii sra nomic amhosaodor in ths trade patched him, the Baa National Guard was arriving hare oaaaed’a husband. After • M minute Intermlasloii, Tbs announoemant that Dr. traaty dlaanslon. tnaapprt eraah, tha>aecond fataUty' Sctaactat's affairs la BarBn were too Chronicle a i^ ta a Governor Murphy revealed that The communique aaid he had no- Oujda, FYaneh Moroeeo, Jaa. 18 (Usnttaned en Pnge BMht) preasing to permit him to make toe Tkroma dlapatch. three other regiments were being (Oaathraad On Paga Two) anioag the IS peraons aboard tha tified the German commissioner for moblUaed, lie said thia would make m-fated alrliaar. —(AP)—Three peraoas were iriiu<i scheduled trip ctencided with toe the exposition his duties in Berlin FMMht approximately 2,000 troops avail- James A . Braden, president of aad two wounded ia aa air raid by first official German admission that were too heavy to allow tern to be The autopsy also todlcstod such negotiaUons were under way.
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    GOOD NEWS FOR BULLS & BONERS THOUSANDS WHO One Dollar will be paid lor every broadcasting boner printed in this col· umn. Your boner- a ludicrous error or ARE SKINNY a statement wilh twisted meaning made by some radio perfonner- should be accompanied by name 01 station and broadcaster. date 01 program. Address Bulls and Boners. RADIO GUIDE, 731 Plymouth Court, Chicago. Ill. In case more than one reader submits same boner. prize goes 10 contributor whose leiter bears earliest poslmark. In case 01 lying postmarks. all tying conteslanls will receive pri2.ea. ,.... ,.. ~ Dexter H ayes on "Society G irl": "1'tI call for you al seven. Let's not dress:' SERIOUS SHAW QUITS -Curtis Langford, 1328 N. Winona Ave .. Tyler, Tex. (Oct. 11 over CBS) SHOW -SHUNS COMEDY Homemaker's program:• " T his pump· kin pie is decidedly different. It is one hundred year. old."-Mr.s. Ray J . Jones, Ottertail, Minn. (Oct. 9 over ASEBALL has its Dizzy objected 10 reading comedy Station WDAY.) Dean. drama has ils John lines on the show. The last is BBarrymore-and swing has the most plausible chief reil' Rosemary Lane to• Bing Crosby: "My its Arlie Shaw. They have son. Not long ago Shaw took husband has been after me to get a something in common. Some his musicians and walked out laundress but I prefer to wash my· call it temperament; some call in a huff in the middle 01 a self.'·-Mrs. E. W. Boose, 35 Colley St., it color. Some like it; some dance engagement ilnd got Waterbury, Conn.
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