Tutorial Tutorial: synthetic frequency dimensions in dynamically modulated ring resonators Luqi Yuan,1, a) Avik Dutt,2 and Shanhui Fan2, b) 1)State Key Laboratory of Advanced Optical Communication Systems and Networks, School of Physics and Astronomy, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China 2)Ginzton Laboratory and Department of Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA (Dated: 11 May 2021) The concept of synthetic dimensions in photonics has attracted rapidly growing interest in the past few years. Among a variety of photonic systems, the ring resonator system under dynamic modulation has been investigated in depth both in theory and experiment, and has proven to be a powerful way to build synthetic frequency dimensions. In this tutorial, we start with a pedagogical introduction to the theoretical approaches in describing the dynamically modulated ring resonator system, and then review experimental methods in building such a system. Moreover, we discuss important physical phenomena in synthetic dimensions, including nontrivial topological physics. Our tutorial provides a pathway towards studying the dynamically modulated ring resonator system, understanding synthetic dimensions in photonics, and discusses future prospects for both fundamental research and practical applications using synthetic dimensions.

I. INTRODUCTION lattices with arbitrary dimensions were constructed using the Fock-state ladder formed by an atom coupled to several multi- 46,47 In physics, dimensionality, i.e. the number of indepen- mode cavities . For classical light, several internal degrees 16 dent directions in a system, is a key factor for characteriz- of freedom can be utilized to synthesize new dimensions . ing a broad range of physical phenomena, affecting a vari- Two prominent methods to introduce synthetic dimensions ety of physical dynamics1. Physical phenomena can have in photonics are (i) to build connectivity between different 34–41 very different characteristics depending on the dimensions of states of the system , and (ii) to use a tunable parame- the physical systems. For example, both Anderson localiza- ter in the system and to consider the parameter dimensions 48–54 tion and recurrence properties of random walks have differ- as the extra dimensions . The former method is an ef- ent characteristics in one or two dimensions as compared to ficient approach to construct synthetic lattices with compli- three or more dimensions2–4. Another example is the sponta- cated hopping coefficients, and therefore provides important neous symmetry-breaking phase transition in the ferromag- platforms to not only simulate interesting higher dimensional netic Ising model, which does not occur in one dimension states but also study exotic dynamics different from those in 55–59 (1D) but does occur in two or more dimensions5–8. The ex- spatial dimensions . The latter approach, although limited plicit dimensions in the physical world include spatial dimen- in its ability to study dynamics, has shown promise in experi- sions, which could be up to three dimensions at most, as well mentally emulating 4D quantum Hall Hamiltonians directly in 49,52 as a temporal dimension, although extra space-time dimen- reciprocal space . So far, various photonic degrees of free- sions have been theorized in high energy physics9,10. On the dom have been proposed to construct synthetic dimensions us- 34 other hand, higher dimensional physics such as four-, five- ing the former method, including the arrival time of pulses , 37 and six-dimensional topological physics has been attracting the orbital angular momentum of light , the frequency of 38,39 40 great interest recently in theory11–15, supporting exotic states the , and the spatial supermodes of waveguides . of light and matter with no lower-dimensional analogues11. Photonic synthetic dimensions not only lead to the demon- Moreover, lower-dimensional structures (such as those in 1D strations of a variety of fundamental physics effects, but also or 2D) are usually easier to build than structures in 3D. Hence, triggers explorations towards potential applications in optical 16,17 significant efforts have focused on developing the concept communications and quantum simulation . of synthetic dimensions, which uses degrees of freedom of In this paper, we provide a tutorial on the creation of syn- the physical system other than spatial dimensions to augment thetic frequency dimensions in the dynamically modulated the spatial dimensions in order to explore higher dimensional 16,17 ring resonator system. We focus on this system since there arXiv:2105.04069v1 [physics.optics] 10 May 2021 physics . have been significant developments in experimental imple- In the past decade, synthetic dimensions have been ex- mentation of synthetic dimensions using this system. Many 18–31 tensively explored in systems including cold atoms , hot of the concepts developed in this system are generally appli- 32,33 34–41 atomic gases , photonic platforms , superconducting cable for other synthetic dimension systems as well. Theo- 42–44 45 circuits , and optomechanics . In the photonic imple- retical approaches are outlined in Section II. In Section III, mentations, for the quantum (few-photon) regime, synthetic we introduce experimental methods to construct the system and to measure its band structure. We overview examples of physics of synthetic dimensions as studied in this system in Section IV. We finish our article by providing a brief outlook a)Electronic mail: [email protected] and a summary in Section V. We hope that our work gives an b)Electronic mail: [email protected] illustrative picture of constructing synthetic dimensions with Tutorial 2 engineered connectivity along the frequency axis of light and A. The tight-binding model can trigger more interesting ideas associated with synthetic dimensions in photonics. In photonics, for a variety of systems that have been used to construct synthetic dimensions using different degrees of free- dom of light16, the tight-binding model has turned out to be a very powerful method to describe theoretically the physics of the systems. We again take the simple one-dimensional II. THEORETICAL APPROACHES discrete physical modes shown in Fig.1 that are artificially connected in a sequential order to construct the synthetic di- mension as an example. It can be described by a Hamiltonian: The essential ingredient for creating a synthetic dimension   is to build artificial connectivity between different physical † † iφm HTB = ∑Vmamam + ∑ gmam+1ame + h.c. , (1) states and connect them in a particular order, enabling the sys- m m tem to mimic extra spatial dimensions. Take the frequency where a† (a ) is the creation (annihilation) operator and V axis of light as an example: the frequency axis is a dimension; m m m is the effective onsite potential for the m-th mode. g and yet, as one learns from any textbook, two beams of light pre- m φ give the hopping amplitude as well as the hopping phase pared in different frequencies can not transfer energy between m between the m-th and (m + 1)-th modes due to the artificial each other in a static linear system. Hence, the frequency di- connectivity. h¯ = 1 for simplicity. One can clearly see that mension in nature lacks connectivity to simulate the physics the Hamiltonian in Eq. (1) is the same as that describes the in the real space. However, if one considers discrete optical one-dimensional lattice composed of multiple potential wells modes at different frequencies and one also finds a way to in the tight-binding limit60, so one creates the synthetic di- connect these discrete modes, the energy in modes at different mension following this way. frequencies can then be transferred between them, or in other The tight-binding model has been widely used to de- words, the energy in one optical mode can hop into nearby scribe the synthetic dimension generated by utilizing dif- modes along the frequency axis of light. Such artificial con- ferent degrees of freedom of light, including the arrival nectivity between optical modes at different frequencies may time of pulses61, the orbital angular momentum62–65, the then be used to mimic the dynamics of one particle evolving frequency66–78, and other degrees of freedom79–82. In these in a one-dimensional lattice composed of multiple potential systems the tight-binding model shows excellent capability of wells along the spatial dimension (see Fig. 1). The exam- predicting and explaining experimental measurements. Here ple above (as shown in Fig.1) then gives a one-dimensional we focus on the synthetic frequency dimension in a ring res- synthetic frequency dimension. onator under the dynamic modulation of the , In this section, we briefly summarize theoretical methods to which can be well described by the tight-binding model. describe the constructed synthetic frequency dimension in the We consider a ring resonator made of a waveguide with a dynamically modulated ring resonator system, including the length of L. Such a ring resonator supports resonant modes tight-binding model (and coupled-mode equations), the scat- with the frequency spacing ΩR = 2πvg/L, where vg is the tering matrix approach, and simulations with wave equations. group velocity for light in the waveguide near the reference frequency ω0 (see Fig.2(a)). A modulator is placed inside the ring, with a time-dependent transmission coefficient (a) 1 2 3 4 5 6 f T = ei2κ cos(Ωt+φ), (2) where κ is the modulation strength, Ω is the modulation fre-

(b) t12 t23 t34 t45 t56 quency, and φ is the modulation phase. For the resonant mod- ulation Ω = ΩR, the corresponding tight-binding Hamiltonian is38 V(x) (c)  † iφ † −iφ  H0 = g∑ am+1ame + amam+1e , (3) m

where g = κΩR/2π is the hopping amplitude. Eq. (3) shows that light at the m-th resonant mode (with frequency ωm = x ω + mΩR) can be connected to its nearby modes, and thus a synthetic frequency dimension can be constructed through dynamic modulation. FIG. 1. (a) Discrete resonant modes at different frequencies. (b) Modes are connected in the sequential order to build the synthetic dimension. (c) Schematic of an atom trapped at various potential B. Effective gauge potential wells. The dynamics of the atom can be described by the tight bind- ing approximation. One notes that the modulation phase φ is imprinted into hopping coefficients in Eq. (3) as shown in Fig.2(b). Im- Tutorial 3

By plugging Eqs. (5) and (6) into the Schrödinger equation (a) (b) 휔2 (c) Ring resonator 푧푟 id|Ψ(t)i/dt = H|Ψ(t)i, one obtains −휙 휙 푧 휔1 2  i(∆t+φ) −i(∆t+φ) iC˙m(t) = g Cm−1(t)e +Cm+1(t)e . (7) ℰ −휙 휙 푧푐

Modulator 휔0 푧1 Eq. (7) is the coupled-mode equation that can be used to simu- f −휙 휙 late the dynamics of light in the dynamically-modulated ring. 휔−1 푧 It is interesting to note that the Hamiltonian in Eq. (5) is cos(Ω푡 + 휙) ℰin 푑 equivalent to a Hamiltonian describing a charged particle in a periodic lattice but subject to a constant electric field:66 FIG. 2. (a) A ring under the dynamic modulation. The ring in (a) supports a synthetic frequency dimension. (c) The modulated ring is †  † iφ † −iφ  H2 = ∑m∆amam + g∑ am+1ame + amam+1e . (8) coupled with external waveguide. m m

This can be proven using the gauge transformation85,86 portantly, the Hamiltonian in Eq. (3) has the same form as † the Hamiltonian of a charged particle in a lattice with a gauge |Ψ(t)i = Cm(t)a |0i → 83 84 ∑ m potential . More specifically, if we use m

Z m+1 Aeff d f = φ → Aeff = φ/ΩR, (4)   ˜ ˜ † −im∆t † m |Ψ(t)i = ∑Cm(t)am|0i = ∑ Cm(t)e am|0i, (9) m m where the integration is along the frequency axis, we find that the modulation phase is linked to an effective gauge potential to show that id|Ψ˜ (t)i/dt = H2|Ψ˜ (t)i is satisfied. The first for in the synthetic frequency dimension. This leads term on the right-side of Eq. (8) corresponds to the effective to many interesting physical phenomena that we will discuss potential Veff = m∆ linearly dependent on m and then gives the in Section IV. effective electric field Eeff = −∂Veff/∂ f = −∆/ΩR. Introducing multiple frequencies creates even more flexibil- ities for synthesizing Hamiltonians. As an example, we con- C. Theoretical opportunities with tight-binding Hamiltonians sider the transmission coefficient

The tight-binding Hamiltonian description of the syn- T = ei2κ cos(Ωt+φ)+i2κN cos(NΩt+φN ), (10) thetic frequency dimension constructed in dynamically mod- ulated ring resonators brings many theoretical opportunities. which includes the lowest-order resonant modulation Ω = ΩR, By adding another dimension38,39 or folding the frequency as well as higher-order resonant modulations at frequencies 57 dimension to construct a two-dimensional synthetic space, NΩ with strength κN and phase φN. Such a modulation leads one can build non-uniform distribution of the effective gauge to the tight-binding Hamiltonian38 potential for photons and introduce the effective magnetic flux     Beff = ∇×Aeff, where ∇ is the differential operator in the syn- † iφ † iφN H3 = g∑ am+1ame + h.c. + gN ∑ am+Name + h.c. , thetic space. m m Eq. (3) gives the Hamiltonian of a ring resonator under (11) the resonant modulation. For a more general case where the where gN = κNΩR/2π. One can see that this Hamiltonian modulation is near resonance (Ω ≈ ΩR), the corresponding includes not only the nearest-neighbor coupling, but also a Hamiltonian is66 long-range coupling between two lattice sites separated by a distance N. Therefore, a dynamically-modulated ring res-  † i(∆t+φ) † −i(∆t+φ) H = g∑ am+1ame + amam+1e , (5) onator system with multiple modulation frequencies can eas- m ily implement the long-range hopping process in the synthetic frequency dimension, which, on the other hand, can not be where ∆ = Ω − Ω is the offset between the modulation fre- R straightforwardly achieved in various real space implementa- quency and the frequency spacing between resonant modes. tion of such tight-binding model, such as through the use of The evolution of the system can be studied by assuming that coupled resonator array87. Such a long-range coupling may the state of light has the form38,66 be used to achieve higher-dimensional space in a single mod- † ulated ring resonator36,57. |Ψ(t)i = ∑Cm(t)am|0i, (6) m In the setup of Fig.2(a), instead of using a phase modu- lator, one can use an amplitude modulator. In this case, the where |0i is the vacuum state and Cm(t) denotes the ampli- Hamiltonian to describe this system becomes70 tude of light at the m-th resonant mode. This form is valid   to study the evolution of either the quantum dynamics of † iφ2 † −iφ2 H4 = ∑ ham+1ame − hamam+1e . , (12) a single photon or the classical dynamics of coherent light. m Tutorial 4 where h is the hopping amplitude and φ2 is the corresponding Here γ is the coupling strength between the system and the modulation phase. One notes that the coupling here is non- external waveguide, and cin,m (cout,m) is the input (output) an- Hermitian. For a ring resonator that includes both a phase nihilation operator for the waveguide photons at the frequency modulator and an amplitude modulator, the corresponding of the m-th mode. The input-output formalism is a quantum non-Hermitian Hamiltonian is88 formalism, but it is closely related to the temporal coupled n o mode theory formalism that describes the input/output pro- † i(φ+φ2) † −i(φ+φ2) 92,93 H5 = ∑ (g + h)am+1ame + (g − h)amam+1e . cess for the same system for the classical waves . These m formalisms are quite useful in the design of experiments, as (13) we shall discuss in details in Section III. Here g,h ∈ R. The ring resonator undergoing simultane- ous phase and amplitude modulations is very useful for ex- ploring non-Hermitian physics in the synthetic frequency 70,88,89 dimension . D. General wave equations While any physical ring resonator can only support a fi- nite number of resonances, theoretically it is very useful to consider a system where the number of modes along the fre- Although the tight-binding model is perhaps the simplest quency axis is infinite. For such an infinite system, the modal approach in capturing the physics of a system exhibiting a translational invariance in the frequency dimension gives rise synthetic dimension, it does not provide information associ- ated with the spatial distributions of the modes. We again take to the momentum k f along the synthetic dimension. k f is a good quantum number for the infinite system. It is a conju- the ring resonator under the dynamic modulation as an exam- gate variable to frequency and therefore has a dimension of ple, the operator am or the amplitude Cm that we discussed in the previous section can describe the evolution of a single time, below we will show that indeed k f is a time variable. To mode at the frequency at a certain reference position z illustrate how the k f arises, we take the Fourier transform ωm r in the ring (see Fig.2(c)). Yet the information of the field imk f ΩR propagating inside the ring at positions other than zr are not ak f = ∑ame , (14) m explicitly described in the tight-binding model. This lack of information is usually not an issue for a single ring resonator and the Hamiltonian in Eq. (5) becomes since the experiments usually collect signal from a single ref- erence point along the ring. However, for more complicated H = 2ga† a cosk Ω − ∆t − φ, (15) k f k f k f f R structures, e.g. multiple coupled rings, the modal amplitudes are defined with respect to different reference points in dif- In the case where ∆ = 0, the Hamiltonian in Eq. (5) is periodic ferent rings, and it would be useful to explicitly describe the along the frequency dimension and also time-independent, the connection of these different modal amplitudes. In addition, eigenvalues of Eq. (15) then defines a bandstructure ε = the tight-binding model in the previous section is a perturba- 2gcos(k f ΩR −φ). When ∆ 6= 0, the translational symmetry in tion theory that starts with the modal structure of a unmodu- Eq. (5) is still preserved. The eigenvalues of Eq. (15) then de- lated ring, typically assumed to be lossless. Thus, the model scribes a dynamic bandstructure ε(t) = 2gcos(k f ΩR∆t − φ). can not accurately describe systems with strong modulation or Moreover, by comparing Eq. (14) with the total field in the loss. For these reasons, it is useful to develop a more sophisti- iωmt iω0t+imΩRt ring, E(t) = ∑m Cme = ∑m Cme , we notice that cated wave-equation approach where the variations of the field k f is nothing but the time t. Due to the periodicity along amplitude inside the ring are explicitly exhibited. In addition the frequency dimension, k f ∈ [0,2π/ΩR] in the first Bril- to treating the more complicated system as discussed above, louin zone physically corresponds to the time t ∈ [0,T] where such an approach also allows us to derive the parameters for T = 2π/ΩR = L/vg is the round-trip time. the tight-binding model in the regime where the tight-binding We end this section with several remarks. First, the Hamil- model is applicable. tonian in Eq. (1) is linear. But various nonlinear effects can To illustrate the wave-equation approach, we provide a be described by adding appropriate terms into the Hamilto- more detailed description of the ring under dynamic modu- nian. Second, in many experiments one probes the dynamics lation at the position zd, coupled to external waveguide at the of light inside the ring by coupling it to external waveguides, position zc, as shown in Fig.2(c). The electric field circulating as shown in Fig.2(c) for the case of one such external waveg- inside the ring can be expanded as92: uide. The effect of coupling can be described using the input- 90,91 output formalism , which describes the dynamics of the iωmt entire waveguide-resonator system in the Heisenberg picture. E(t,r⊥,z) = ∑Em(t,z)Em(r⊥)e , (18) m In the case with only one external waveguide as shown in Fig. 77 2(c), the equations of the formalism reads: where z denotes the azimuthal position along the ring (such d γ √ that Em(t,z + L) = Em(t,z)), r⊥ is the direction perpendicu- am(t) = i[HTB,am] − am(t) + i γ cin,m(t), (16) lar to z,E (r ) is the modal profile of the waveguide, and dt 2 m ⊥ Em(t,z) is the corresponding modal amplitude at the carrier √ frequency ωm. Starting from the Maxwell’s equations and us- cout,m(t) = cin,m(t) + i γ am(t). (17) ing the slowly-varying envelope approximation, one has the Tutorial 5 wave equation for the modal amplitude92: resonator’s frequency modes, allowing one to continuously tune from on-resonance excitation to far-off-resonance excita-   ∂ 1 ∂ tion, in turn enabling direct band structure measurement [see + iβ(ωm) Em(t,z) − Em(t,z) = 0, (19) ∂z vg ∂t Sec. III B]. Extensions of this simple setup have shown signifi- cant potential towards exploring various analogs of condensed where β is the wavevector of the waveguide. matter physics effects that are usually observed for charged The equation for the field at the coupler at the position zc electrons but are challenging to observe for neutral photons. between a ring and an external waveguide (or another ring) For example, it has been demonstrated that one can couple 93 is clockwise modes and counter-clockwise modes through addi- q tional fibers to realize an effective magnetic flux in two simul- + 2 − in − Em(t ,zc) = 1 − γc Em(t ,zc) − iγcEm (t ,zc), (20) taneous synthetic dimensions41. Additionally, one can choose a modulation frequency that is off resonance with the free- in where Em is the amplitude of the input field component at spectral range of the ring (i.e. Ωmod = ΩR + ∆, with ∆ 6= 0) ωm from the external waveguide (or another ring), γc is the to introduce an effective electric field97, or add an amplitude coupling strength, and t± = t + 0±. On the other hand, the modulator inside the ring to introduce non-Hermitian cou- equation that describes the field undergoing the dynamic mod- pling or to design active mode-locked pulses70,88. This plat- 94 ulation in Eq. (2) at the position zd is : form has a lattice frequency spacing typically below a few tens ∞ of MHz [Fig.3(c)]. + q − −iq∆t− Em(t ,zd) = ∑ i Jq(2κ)Em+q(t ,zd)e , (21) As an alternative platform, one can consider a modulated q=−∞ nanophotonic resonator, which holds promise for miniatur- ization and on-chip integration98. Towards this end, Hu where J is the Bessel function of the q-th order. q et al.99 have reported synthetic optical frequency lattices in The set of equations (19)-(21) can be solved numerically in high dimensions (up to four) based on thin-film nanophotonic both space and time to provide a more detailed description of lithium niobate microrings using incommensurate modulation the dynamically-modulated ring system38,57,66. Alternatively, frequencies [see Fig.3(b)] 25. The major requirements for to describe the steady state of the system, Eq. (20) can be achieving such on-chip integration are the simultaneous re- rewritten as a scattering matrix with two inputs and two out- alization of: (i) low-loss microrings with a high quality factor, puts: and (ii) a modulation bandwidth higher than the free-spectral  p 2  range. Both these requirements have been met through im- 1 − γc −iγc S(γc) = p . (22) provements in material quality and fabrication techniques of −iγ 1 − γ2 c c thin-film lithium niobate-on-insulator substrates. On the other The wave equation in Eq. (19) contributes to a propagation hand, acousto-optic modulators and piezoelectric actuation phase for the mode between two positions z and z inside also provide possibilities for strong modulation of rings on Em 1 2 100 the ring: chip . The successful demonstration of synthetic frequency dimensions with state-of-the-art chips provides a promising −im(z2−z1)/vg Em(z2) = e Em(z1). (23) candidate for further manipulating the photon’s spectrum in the quantum regime. In a completely different frequency Therefore, a discrete linear model from Eqs. (21)-(23) can be range, synthetic dimensions for microwave photons have been constructed to explore the steady state for the system in Fig. reported in a modulated superconducting resonator43,44 [see 2(c)67. Fig.3(c)] at cryogenic temperatures or a chain of modulated RF cavities at room temperature101. We also note that the frequency synthetic dimension can III. EXPERIMENTAL METHODS be implemented in a waveguide without forming the ring res- onator. Here, one considers a waveguide incorporating a trav- A. Construction of synthetic frequency lattices eling wave modulator. The waveguide supports propagating modes across a continuum of frequencies, and the input fre- The approach as discussed above, where a frequency syn- quency ωin combined with a traveling-wave modulation Ω de- thetic dimension is created with the use of dynamically mod- fines the frequency grid ωin + nΩ. In such waveguide sys- ulated ring resonator structures, can be implemented experi- tems, the eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian are mapped to the mentally in a number of platforms. One platform is based on wavevector along the propagation direction of light. While a fiber resonator incorporating EOMs95, as demonstrated first this can simplify the setup compared to the aforementioned using commercially available fiber-pigtailed lithium niobate resonator implementations where one needs to precisely con- modulators (Fig.3(a)) 96 embedded in a ring cavity. In such trol the spectral alignment of the input with respect to setups, external fibers are connected to the ring through direc- the discrete frequency grid of the ring, the waveguide imple- tional couplers to inject the input laser and readout the cavity mentation introduces some limitations in terms of what mod- field [see Fig.3(a)]. In this system the frequency of the in- els can be implemented or excited. For example, since the put laser can straighforwardly tuned, which allows for a con- frequency grid is determined by the excitation itself, it is non- trollable detuning ∆ω = ωin − ω0 of the input laser from the trivial to create a frequency-detuned excitation akin to the res- Tutorial 6 onator implementation. (a) (b) Input Laser FC1 The traveling-wave modulation required to create a fre- PD1 FC2 quency lattice in waveguides could be realized electro- Electro-optic optically using the Pockels effect (e.g in a lithium niobate modulation (EOM) waveguide as shown by Qin et al.56) or all-optically using Fiber EOM Microring nonlinear four-wave mixing. In fact, the first experiment on PD2 frequency lattices used a highly nonlinear fiber driven by a strong pump to study spectral Bloch oscillations of a weak (c) Fiber EOM SC cavity On-chip EOM Nonlinear probe field102. Recently, the single pump has been replaced by multiple pumps with controllable relative phases to realize long-range hopping with complex coupling coefficients along the synthetic frequency dimension55. All-optical nonlinear- ity permits very large frequency spacings in excess of 100 GHz to 1 THz [Fig.3(c)]. Wang et al. have further developed this platform to construct multidimensional chiral lattices by judiciously designing the pump configuration together with the fiber nonlinearity, to induce nontrivial effective gauge fields103. In other experiments, a one-dimensional waveguide array with inhomogeneous couplings between waveguides has synthesized arbitrary multi-dimensional excitation dynamics, greatly increasing the network dimensionality104.

B. Band structure measurement FIG. 3. (a) Simplified experimental schematic of a fiber ring resonator with an electro-optic modulator (EOM). Adapted from With the synthetic frequency dimension in a modulated ring Ref. 96. FC1, FC2: fiber splitters/couplers. PD1/PD2: photode- resonator, we have shown that the wavevector along the fre- tectors. (b) Schematic of an on-chip electro-optically modulated res- quency axis is a time variable. Therefore, the band structure of onator consisting of a waveguide-coupled race-track resonator with the synthetic lattice can be quite straightforwardly measured electrodes place around it. Modulation is induced by applying an in the ring system coupled to external waveguides in Fig.3(a), electronic radio-frequency signal. Adapted from Ref. 99. (c) Fre- by scanning the frequency of the input laser and then mea- quency lattice spacings and approximate number of coupled modes 96 for experimental demonstrations of frequency synthetic lattices till suring the transmitted signals as a function of time . As an date. All demonstrations except for the SC cavity (superconducting example, in case where the ring is modulated with a single cavity) are around a center wavelength of 1550 nm. Parameters esti- near-resonant modulation frequency, using the input-output mated from reported results in Refs. 88, 128, 96, 97, 43, 100, 44, 56, formalism, one finds that the corresponding transmission of 98, 99, 137, 102, 55, 139, 138 (from left to right, in increasing order the optical signal is of frequency spacing). γ2 Tout(t = k f ;∆ω) = , (24) 2 2 [∆ω − 2gcos(ΩRt − ∆t − φ)] + γ A. Topological photonics in synthetic dimensions where ∆ω ≡ ωin −ω0 is the frequency offset between the input frequency ω and the reference frequency ω0. For resonant Topological photonics has become an active field over the modulation, i.e., ∆ = 0 or Ω = ΩR, Eq. (24) indicates that the past decade, not only to create photonic analogues of nontriv- static cosine-like band structure, which is associated with the ial topological phases that were first explored in condensed one-dimensional discrete photonic lattice along the synthetic matter physics, but also to guide and manipulate light in a frequency dimension, can be observed while one performs a manner that is robust to imperfections and disorder105–108. In time-dependent transmission measurement while scanning the almost all lattice-based models, the strengths and phases of input laser frequency. couplings between lattice sites need to be tailored in a specific fashion to realize topologically nontrivial phases. Addition- ally, topological phase transitions require the tuning of these IV. EXAMPLES OF PHYSICS STUDIED WITH couplings to go from a trivial to a nontrivial topological phase. SYNTHETIC DIMENSIONS Synthetic dimensions provide a straightforward way to achieve nontrivial photonic topological phases due to the fact The synthetic dimension concept in modulated ring res- that couplings between discrete modes can be designed nearly onators allows us to synthesize and control a wide range of at will. As an illustration of how to construct a prototypi- Hamiltonians, and therefore enables the exploration of a vari- cal topological model – the quantum Hall lattice, consider a ety of novel physics effects. Here we discuss a few examples 1D array of modulated ring resonators as shown in Fig.4(a). of novel physics studied theoretically and experimentally in The discrete resonant modes at frequencies ωm in each ring photonics using synthetic frequency dimensions. are coupled by the modulation, while the modes at equal fre- Tutorial 7 quencies in different rings are coupled evanescently, forming a 2D space with one spatial dimension (x) and one frequency dimension (y). Moreover, the modulation phase of the mod- ulators are chosen as φn = nθ which is linearly dependent on the spatial index of the ring n. The distribution of modula- tion phases is imprinted into hopping phases along the fre- quency axis of light. Therefore, a photon circulating around any single square plaquette in the synthetic space accumulates a non-zero phase θ, which corresponds to a uniform effective magnetic flux perpendicular to the plane of the 2D lattice84 (see Fig.4). This synthetic quantum Hall model supports topologically-protected one-way edge states, which not only facilitate spatial guiding of light without backscattering, but also enable unidirectional frequency conversion38,39. Similar quantum Hall physics with an effective magnetic flux in syn- thetic space has also been proposed in a 1D cavity array with the orbital angular momentum (OAM) of light being the syn- thetic dimension37 and in a single degenerate cavity with both the frequency and the orbital angular momentum of light be- 81 ing two synthetic dimensions . Note that the modes along the FIG. 4. (a) A quantum Hall lattice with a uniform effective mag- frequency or OAM dimensions typically lack a well-defined netic field. (b) Experimental demonstration of quantum Hall physics boundary, and hence to observe one-way edge propagation, in waveguide arrays. The input beam excites the boundary sites strong coupling with another resonator64,81 or the dispersion in synthetic space, which propagates one-way along the synthetic engineering of the waveguide forming the ring38,109 have been modal dimension at the left boundary. Output fields are collected proposed to create an artificial boundary. in experiments, which show excellent agreement with simulations. Adapted from Ref. 40. (c) Measurements of chiral currents in syn- The first experimental demonstration of quantum Hall thetic space in a single ring resonator. (c1) and (c2) Chiral currents physics in photonic synthetic space was reported in a 2D jC ≡ ∑m>mL PCW(m) − ∑m

1 experiment simulation For example, complex-valued band energies allow for topo- 푅

Ω logical invariants defined in terms of the energy eigenvalues, /

휔 experiment simulation -1 instead of the usual Hermitian topological invariants defined (c) 0 -0.16 0 125 0.16 (d) in terms of energy eigenstates . Such non-Hermitian lattice 1 1 0.2

푅 models have been constructed in photonics in real or synthetic

Ω 0 /

휔 space, as well as in acoustics and electrical circuits, but remain -0.2 experiment simulation -0.16 0 0 challenging to realize in condensed matter systems. −휋 휋 −휋 휋 −휋 휋 −휋 휋 푘푓Ω푅 푘푓Ω푅 푘푓Ω푅 푘푓Ω푅 Synthetic dimensions provide a fertile ground to explore non-Hermitian physics, and have led to theoretical proposals FIG. 5. Band stucture measurement in the synthetic dimension. (a) for engineering active mode locking89 and pulse shortening70. Direct measurement of band structure in a synthetic lattice along the frequency axis of light. (b) Measurement of topological edge mode Using an array of modulated ring resonators with spatially en- in the synthetic space. (c) Measurement of a dynamic band evolution gineered gain, a topological insulator laser has been studied in in the synthetic frequency dimension for a modulation detuned from synthetic frequency dimensions, which shows promise for ac- the FSR by ∆ = ΩR − ΩM = 2π×1 MHz. (d) Measurement of non- tively mode-locking many rings to realize robust high-power Hermitian band structure. Panels (a), (b), (c) and (d) are adapted pulsed lasers74. Moreover, the 2D non-Hermitian skin effect from Refs. 96, 41, 97 and 88 respectively. has also been examined in a synthetic photonic lattice. In this model, second-order corner modes have been shown, which For a model with two bands, such as a quantum Hall ladder can be used to manipulate light in both spatial and spectral formed using two independent synthetic dimensions of fre- domains75. quency and spin in a single ring, the time-resolved transmis- On the experimental side, as briefly mentioned in Sec.IVB, sion gives information of the projected band structure to the non-Hermitian bands in a frequency synthetic dimension have left or the right leg of the Hall ladder [see Fig.5(b)] 41. The been characterized to observe arbitrary topological winding band-structure measurement technique clearly reveals spin- of the band in the complex plane88, and hence to characterize momentum locking and the topological chiral nature of the topologically nontrivial phases in non-Hermitian systems. A bands [Fig.5(b)]. On the other hand, for a non-resonant mod- parity-time symmetric photonic system in wavelength space ulation, i.e., a non-zero ∆ in Eq. (24), an effective electric has been shown in the microwave regime, which leads to force along the frequency dimension is created. Interesting single-mode oscillation of the optoelectronic oscillator in a physical implications of this force are the Bloch oscillations simple experimental configuration126. in lattice space (which is the frequency here)66,99,102,122–124, A prime goal of photonic lattices is the simulation of many- and a dynamic band evolution in reciprocal space. Such a dy- body interacting phases of light and matter. This is signif- Tutorial 9 icantly challenging due to the weakly interacting nature of V. SUMMARY AND OUTLOOK photons, and strong nonlinearities mediated by novel mate- rial platforms are hence necessary to overcome this. An ad- In this tutorial, we overview several theoretical approaches ditional problem that is particular to synthetic dimension im- and experimental platforms for realizing synthetic dimensions plementations such as frequency or OAM, is the long-range in photonics by connecting different resonant modes in the nature of the interaction, since all the modes along the syn- dynamically modulated ring resonator system. Recent exam- thetic dimension are co-located within the same waveguide or ples of physics studied with synthetic dimensions have also resonator. A method was proposed recently to address these been reviewed. Research associated with the creation of syn- issues by introducing strong group-velocity dispersion into a thetic dimensions with complex connectivity in photonics has highly nonlinear ring resonator. Such a method achieves a witnessed rapid growth in recent years. The idea for con- Hamiltonian where the interactions are completely local and necting discrete optical modes to form a synthetic photonic allows the photon blockade effect to be theoretically studied in 77 lattice have several attractive aspects: First, synthetic dimen- the synthetic frequency space , paving the way for quantum sions provide a way to explore high-dimensional physics, such many-body physics in future studies. In the classical regime, as the four-dimensional Hall effect39, in a lower-dimensional intriguing states such as chimera states and dynamical soli- physical structure. Moreover, interesting physics can be ex- tons in frequency combs have been proposed by incorporating 78 plored in a relatively simple experimental platform, which third-order nonlinearities into a modulated ring resonator . attracts great significance in quantum simulations. Second, the connectivity between discrete modes can be readily de- Other novel physics has also been widely explored in syn- signed to achieve complicated functionalities, such as the ef- thetic dimensions. 1D Bloch oscillation along the synthetic fective magnetic field for photons38–41 and complex long- frequency dimension has been studied66,122, which can be fur- range coupling55,57,96, which are otherwise difficult to achieve ther generalized towards a technique for generating broad- in spatial dimensions. Lastly, physical phenomena in syn- band frequency-modulated light127. While steady-state sig- thetic dimensions can be used to manipulate photons in novel natures of Bloch oscillations have been reported previously in ways. For example, the one-way edge states enable unidirec- nonlinear fibers102, such oscillations have recently been ob- tional frequency conversion that is topologically protected38. served in real-time using modulated ring resonators128. On the Along this line, the properties of photons, including the fre- other hand, coherent random walks of photons have been ex- quency, orbital angular momentum, and arrival time of pulses, perimentally realized in different platforms such as the time- can be controlled using a very different perspective, which is multiplexed system129, the synthetic frequency dimension99, promising for applications in optical communications and op- and the OAM dimension130. tical information processing. Therefore, besides seeking for Synthetic dimensions are promising for manipulating gen- more opportunities in studying new physics and manipulat- uine quantum interference and entanglement between pho- ing photons, future investigations into synthetic dimensions 143 tons along internal degrees of freedom. Towards this end, would benefit from a push towards the quantum regime , for efficient manipulation of high-dimensional quantum entangle- quantum computation as well as miniaturization of photonic ment has been proposed in synthetic space by combining fre- devices towards on-chip applications. quency and OAM dimensions81. Moreover, unitary transfor- mations for photons along the synthetic frequency dimension has been investigated using electro-optic modulation or with ACKNOWLEDGMENTS time-resolved photon detection, with prospects for frequency- 131–133 encoded quantum information processing (QIP) . On This work is supported by National Natural Science Foun- the experimental front, rapid progress in frequency-encoded dation of China (11974245), Natural Science Foundation of QIP has been reported using both electro-optic modulation 134–139 Shanghai (19ZR1475700), a Vannevar Bush Faculty Fellow- as well as nonlinear wave mixing , but several chal- ship (grant N00014-17-1-3030) from the U.S. Department of lenges regarding loss and scalability remain. As opposed to Defense, and MURI grants from the U.S. Air Force Office of frequency-encoding, an alternative platform for scalable, de- Scientific Research (grants FA9550-17-1-0002 and FA9550- terministic quantum computation has been proposed using a 18-1-0379). L.Y. acknowledges support from the Program for synthetic time dimension in a ring loop coupled to a single 140 Professor of Special Appointment (Eastern Scholar) at Shang- cavity-coupled atom or quantum emitter . 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