Peter H. Bloom • Curriculum vitae Updated: 14 September 2016

Peter H. Bloom Zoologist

Bloom Biological, Incorporated Bloom Research, Incorporated 13611 Hewes Ave. 1820 S. Dunsmuir Ave. Santa Ana, California 92705 Los Angeles, CA 90019 [email protected] [email protected]

Tel: (949) 272-0905 Tel: (323) 457-2133

EDUCATION Ph.D., Natural Resources, College of Natural Resources, University of Idaho, Moscow

M.S., , California State University, Long Beach

B.S., Zoology, California State University, Long Beach

ACADEMIC AND PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS 1977 – Present Zoologist, Bloom Biological, Incorporated (BBI)

1990 – Present Research Associate/Biologist, Western Foundation of Vertebrate Zoology (WFVZ)

2014 – Present Zoologist and Chair of the Board of Directors, Bloom Research, Incorporated (BRI)

2001 – 2007 Graduate Committee Member, Humboldt State University (HSU)

2008-2016 Graduate Committee Member, California State University, Long Beach

1990 – 2006 Adjunct Professor and Graduate Committee Member, California State University, Long Beach (CSULB)

2000 – 2004 Graduate Committee Member, California State University, Fullerton (CSUF)

1982 – 1989 Staff Scientist, National Audubon Society (NAS)

1979 – 1980 Wildlife Biologist, U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM)


Peter H. Bloom • Curriculum vitae Updated: 14 September 2016

1975 – 1978 Biological Technician, U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM)


Peter H. Bloom • Curriculum vitae Updated: 14 September 2016

SPECIALIZED EXPERIENCE 2014 – 2016 (with BBI): Providing expertise on eagle ecology and behavior for a study evaluating the efficacy of detection and deterrence technologies at an operating California wind facility where golden eagle mortality is an issue.

2015 – 2016 (with BBI): Trapped and equipped nine Golden Eagles with GSM transmitters in northern California in a collaboration with USGS to understand impacts of development and recreation on eagle movements.

2014 – 2016 (with BBI): Trapped and equipped 20 Golden Eagles with GSM transmitters in southern California in a collaboration with USGS to understand impacts of development and recreation on eagle movements.

2012 – 2016 (with BBI): Provided eagle ecology expertise in the development of multiple Eagle Conservation Plan (ECP) documents for alternative energy projects.

1994 – 2016 (with BBI): Conducted focused surveys for special status species, including California gnatcatcher, southwestern willow flycatcher, least Bell's vireo, yellow-billed , Swainson’s hawks, golden eagles, arroyo toad (including trapping and relocating), California red-legged frog, desert tortoise, Pacific pond turtle (including trapping and surveying habitat), coast horned lizard, flat-tailed horned lizard, Belding’s orange-throated whiptail, coastal whiptail, southern rubber boa, coastal patch-nosed snake, California glossy snake, two- striped garter snake (including trapping and surveying habitat), red-diamond rattlesnake, southern flying squirrel, and Pacific pocket mouse.

1974 – 2016 (with BBI): Led more than 830 hours of aerial helicopter surveys for nesting eagles and other raptors for various governmental, public and private landowners.

1970 – 2016 (with BBI and WFVZ): Coordinates and manages an ongoing, long-term southern California raptor ecology study.

1970 – 2016 (with BBI and WFVZ): Together with sub-permittees, has banded more than 52,000 (mostly nestlings), including more than 700 golden and bald eagles in California, Nevada, Oregon and Sweden, fixing VHF, GPS, and GSM transmitters to more than 96 Golden Eagles.

Graduate committee member and advisor to student at University of California, Long Beach. The thesis was titled movements, habitat use, and Population of Western Pond Turtles in a Southern California Seasonal 2008-2015 Wetland.


Peter H. Bloom • Curriculum vitae Updated: 14 September 2016

2014 (with BBI): Equipped nine Golden Eagle fledglings with GSM transmitters in a collaboration with Brian Woodbridge of U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, to understand juvenile eagle dispersal movements.

2012 – 2013 (with BBI): Trapped and equipped 25 golden eagles in Kern County, California with GSM transmitters to understand eagle movements relative to proposed wind development sites.

2010 – 2012 (with BBI): Trapped and equipped 30 Golden Eagles with GPS transmitters in northern Sweden in a collaboration with Swedish scientists to understand eagle movements relative to proposed wind development sites.

1990 – 2007 (with CSULB, CSUF, HSU): Served as graduate advisor to seven graduate students.

1997 – 1999 (with BBI): Transponder and radio-tagging of adult California red-legged frogs in Ventura County, California

1992 – 1997 (with BBI): Trained biologists in India to capture and track birds with radio telemetry equipment. Nineteen species of raptors were captured, including 6 eagle species and 2 vulture species.

1996 (with WFVZ): Prepared raptor status and management plan for Naval Weapons Station, Seal Beach and Fallbrook Detachment.

1990 – 1996 (with BBI and WFVZ): Established and led operations of a MAPS monitoring station for seven years.

1990 – 1993 (with BBI and WFVZ): Supervised and performed predator management services for USFWS to protect California least terns, snowy plovers and light- footed clapper rails at six locations across southwestern California.

1992 (with BBI and WFVZ): Supervised a two-year CalTrans radio telemetry study of nesting peregrine falcons and relationship to California least terns in southwestern California.

1990 (with BBI and WFVZ): Provided herpetological input for Orange County environmental GIS and Cleveland National Forest inventory.

1990 (with BBI and WFVZ): Managed successful Great Blue Heron mitigation project designed to increase numbers of nesting herons with artificial nest platforms.

1988 – 1989 (with NAS):Conducted a two-year radio telemetry study on Red-shouldered Hawks in Orange-county, California.


Peter H. Bloom • Curriculum vitae Updated: 14 September 2016

1984 – 1987 (with NAS): Conducted contaminant studies involving 180 golden eagles as a surrogate for understanding potential lead exposure in California condors, ultimately linking variation in eagle lead levels to hunting seasons.

1982 – 1987 (with NAS): Directed the effort to capture and track with radio transmitters all wild free-flying California condors, eventually bringing all surviving wild condors into captivity.

1981 – 1984 (with BBI): Collaborated with U.C. Santa Cruz (UCSC) and U.S. Forest Service (USFS) biologists to conducted a three-year study to determine statewide status of Northern Goshawk for California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG).

1980 – 1981 (with BBI: Trapped five juvenile Prairie Falcons for first CDFG harvest of nestlings on Mojave Desert.

1979 – 1980 (with BBI): Trapped and placed radio transmitters on five Great Gray Owls with funding from U.S. National Park Service (NPS) in Yosemite National Park.

1979 – 1980 (with BLM): Conducted field, museum and literature study to determine status of Swainson’s Hawk in California. Product contributed to state-listing of the species as threatened.

1971 – 1980 (with BBI): Surveyed raptors inhabiting the 200-square-mile Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton and prepared a report on their ecology and distribution for CDFG.

1979 (with BBI): Trapped and collected blood samples from seven Peregrine Falcons on coast of Peru, with funding from USFWS to examine organochlorides.

1975 – 1978 (with BLM): Conducted reptile, amphibian, small mammal, and avian surveys as part of vertebrate inventory of 3.25 million acres of public land on the Susanville District, California.

GRANTS, AWARDS AND HONORS Research Grants (GPS transmitters): The Nature Conservancy 2006

Professional of the Year: The Wildlife Society Western Section 2005

Research Grants (GPS transmitters): The Nature Conservancy 2004

Bergstrom Award: Association of Field Ornithologists 1981


Peter H. Bloom • Curriculum vitae Updated: 14 September 2016

Best Thesis Award: School of Natural Sciences, California 1979 State University, Long Beach


Peter H. Bloom • Curriculum vitae Updated: 14 September 2016

SELECTED INVITED SEMINARS (Keynote Speaker) “Fifty Years of California Raptor 2015 Conservation — Success, Failure, Works in Progress, & Insights for Future Research”, Annual Meeting of the Raptor Research Foundation. Sacramento, California.

“Conservation Status Update on the California Condor 1988 Recovery Effort”, Italian League for the Protection of Birds. Milan, Italy.


Raptor Research Foundation 1977 – Present*

Cooper Society 1977 – Present*

Society for Conservation Biology 1990 – Present*

American Field Ornithologists 1978 – Present*

Western Banding Association 1970 – Present*

California Native Plant Society 1979 – Present*

American Ornithologist’s Union 1975 – Present

Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles 1995 – Present

American Association for the Advancement of Science 2003 – Present

* Lifetime member

MANUSCRIPT REVIEWS Journal of Wildlife Management, Journal of Raptor Research, Journal of Field Ornithology, Auk, Condor, North American Bird Bander, Wilson Journal of Ornithology


Peter H. Bloom • Curriculum vitae Updated: 14 September 2016

BOARD AND COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIPS Board Member, Scientific Advisory Team, Raptor Research & 2015 – Present Conservation Foundation (India)

Chairman of the Board of Directors, Bloom Research, 2014 – Present Incorporated

Board Member, Orange County Natural History Foundation 1988 – 1996

Board Member, Sea & Sage Audubon Society 1985 – 1995

Board Member, Western Bird Banding Association 1982 – 1984

PUBLICATIONS Book chapters

2012 Chiang, S.N., P.H. Bloom, A.M. Bartuszevige, and S.E. Thomas. Home range and habitat use of Cooper's Hawks in urban and natural areas. In C.A. Lepczyx and P.S. Warren (eds.), Urban bird ecology and conservation. Studies in Avian Biology No. 45. University of California of California Press.

2007 Bloom, P.H., W.S. Clark, and J.W. Kidd. Capture techniques. Pgs. 193 – 219. In D.M. Bird and K.L. Bildstein (eds). Raptor research and management techniques. Hancock House, Blaine, WA.

1996 Bloom, P.H. and M.D. McCrary. The urban buteo: Red-shouldered Hawks in southern California. Pp. 31-39 in D.M. Bird, D.E. Varland, and J.J. Negro (eds.), Raptors in human landscapes. Academic Press and Raptor Research Foundation, San Diego, CA.

1987 Bloom, P.H. Capturing and handling raptors. Pages 99-123 in B.A. Giron Pendleton, B.A. Millsap, K.W. Cline, and D.M. Bird, eds. Raptor Management Techniques Manual. Natl. Wildl. Fed., Washington D.C.


Peter H. Bloom • Curriculum vitae Updated: 14 September 2016

Scientific Papers and Journal Articles

Submitted Katzner, T.E., D.M. Nelson, M.A. Braham, J.M. Doyle, N.B. Fernandez, A.E. Duerr, P.H. Bloom, M.C. Fitzpatrick, T.A. Miller, R.C.E. Culver, L. Braswell, and J.A. DeWoody. Continental-scale consequences of local-scale renewable energy generation. (submitted to PNAS).

In Press Katzner, Todd E., D.M. Nelson, M.A. Braham, J. M. Doyle, N.B. Fernandez, A.E. Duerr, P.H. Bloom, M. C. Fitzpatrick, T. A. Miller, R.C.E. Culver, L. Braswell, and J.A. DeWoody. Golden eagle fatalities and the continental-scale consequences of local wind-energy generation. Conservation Biology.

In press Clark, W.S., and P.H. Bloom. Plumages by sex of Adult and Basic III Rough-legged Hawks. Wilson Journal of Ornithology.

2016 Doyle, J.M., T.E Katzner, G.W. Roemer, J.W. Cain III, B. A. Millsap, C.L. McIntyre, S.A. Sonsthagen, N.B. Fernandez, M. Wheeler, Z. Bulut, P.H. Bloom, J.A. Woody. Genetic structure and viability selection in the golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos), a vagile raptor with a Holarctic distribution. Conservation Genetics [published online 11 July 2016: DOI 10.1007/s10592-016-0863-0].

2016 Poessel, S.A., P.H. Bloom, M.A. Braham, T.E. Katzner. Age- and season-specific variation in local and long-distance movement behavior of golden eagles. 62(4):377-393. European Journal of Wildlife Research.

2016 Singh, N.J., E. Moss, T. Hipkiss, F. Ecke, H. Dettki, P. Sandstrom, P. Bloom, J. Kidd, S. Thomas, and B. Hornfeldt. Habitat selection by adult Golden Eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) during the breeding season and implications for wind farm establishment. 63(2):233-240. Bird Study.

2015 Bloom, P.H., J.W. Kidd, and S.E. Thomas, T. Hipkiss, B. Hornfeldt, M. Kuehn. Trapping success using carrion with bow nets to capture adult golden eagles in Sweden. Journal of Raptor Research. 49 (1):92-97.

2015 Bloom, P.H., M.D. McCrary, J.M. Scott, J.M. Papp, K.J. Sernka, S.E. Thomas, J.W. Kidd, E.H. Henckel, J.L. Henckel, and M.J. Gibson. Northward summer migration of red-tailed hawks fledged from southern latitudes. Journal of Raptor Research. 49 (1):1-17.

2014 Thomsen, S.K., C.E. Kroeger, P.H. Bloom, and A.L. Harvey. Space use and home range size of barn owls on Santa Barbara Island. Monographs of the Western North American Naturalist 7:339-347.


Peter H. Bloom • Curriculum vitae Updated: 14 September 2016

2014 Doyle, J.M., T.E. Katzner, P.H. Bloom, Y. Ji, B.K. Wijayawardena, J.A. DeWoody. The genome sequence of a widespread apex predator, the golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos). Plos One. 9 (4):1-11.

2014 Moss, E.H.R., T. Hipkiss, E. Frauke, H. Dettki, P. Sandstrom, P.H. Bloom, J.W. Kidd, S.E. Thomas, B. Hornfeldt. 2014. Home-range size and examples of post-nesting movements for adult golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) in Boreal, Sweden. Journal of Raptor Research. 48 (2):93-105.

2011 Bloom, P.H. Vagrancy, natal dispersal, and migrations of Red-tailed Hawks and Red- shouldered Hawks banded in the Pacific Flyway. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID. 131 pgs.

2011 Bloom, P.H., J.M. Scott, J.M. Papp, S.E. Thomas, and J.W. Kidd. Vagrant Western Red-shouldered Hawks: origins, natal dispersal patterns, and survival. Condor 113:538-546.

2011 Kelly, T.R., P.H. Bloom, S.G. Torres, Y.Z. Hernandez, R.H. Poppenga, W.M. Boyce, and C.K. Johnson. Impact of California lead ammunition ban on reducing lead exposure in Golden Eagles and Turkey Vultures. PLoS ONE 6(4):e17656. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0017656.

2008 Muralidharan, S., V. Dhananjayan, R. Risebrough, V. Prakash, R. Jayakumar, and P.H. Bloom. Persistent organochlorine pesticide residues in tissues and eggs of White-backed Vulture, Gyps bengalensis from different locations in India. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 81:561-565. DOI:10.1007/s.00128- 008-9529-z.

2008 Pagel, J.E., J. Linthicum, and P.H. Bloom. Brian James Walton, 1951-2006. Journal of Raptor Research 42:75-76.

2007 Bloom, P.H., W.S. Clark, and J.W. Kidd. Capture techniques. Pp. 193-219 in D.M. Bird and K.L. Bildstein (eds.), Raptor research and management techniques. Hancock House Publishers, Surrey, British Columbia.

2007 Kidd, J.W., P.H. Bloom, C.W. Barrows, and C.T. Collins. Status of Burrowing Owls in southwestern California. In Proceedings of the California burrowing owl symposium, November 2003. Bird populations monographs No. 1. Institute for Bird Populations and Albion Environmental, Inc.

2007 Lincer, J.L., and P.H. Bloom. The status of the Burrowing Owl in San Diego County, California. Pp. 90-102 In Proceedings of the California Burrowing Owl Symposium, November 2003. Bird populations monographs No. 1. Institute for Bird Populations and Albion Environmental, Inc.


Peter H. Bloom • Curriculum vitae Updated: 14 September 2016

2005 Bennett, J.R., and P.H. Bloom. Home range and habitat use by Great Horned Owls (Bubo virginianus) in southern California. Journal of Raptor Research 39:119-126.

2005 Clark, W. S. and P. H. Bloom. Basic II and Basic III plumages of Rough-legged Hawks. Journal of Field Ornithology 76: 83-89.

2005 Houston, C. S. and P.H. Bloom. Turkey Vulture marking history: the switch from leg bands to patagial tags. North American Bird Bander 30: 59-64.

2001 Bloom, P. H. Molt and sequence of plumages of Golden Eagles and a technique for in-hand ageing. North American Bird Bander 26: 97-116.

2001 Hull, B., and P.H. Bloom. The North American bander's manual for raptor banding techniques. North American Banding Council, Point Reyes Station, CA. 22 pp.

2000 Collins, C.T., and P.H. Bloom. The status of Harlan's Hawk in southern California. Western Birds 31:200-202.

1999 Goldstein, M.I., P.H. Bloom, J.H. Sarasola, and T.E. Lacher. Post-migration weight gain of Swainson's Hawks in Argentina. Wilson Bulletin 111:428-432.

1998 Bloom, P.H. (Review of) The raptors of Arizona, edited by Richard Glinski. Journal of Raptor Research 32:349.

1997 Hall, L.S., M.L. Morrison, and P.H. Bloom. Population status of the endangered Hawaiian Hawk. Journal of Raptor Research 31: 11-15.

1997 Tietje, W.D., P.H. Bloom, and J.K. Vreeland. Characteristics of Red-tailed Hawk nest sites in oak woodlands of central California. Pacific Southwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, General Technical Report PSW-160:365-372.

1996 Bloom, P.H. and M.D. McCrary. The urban buteo: Red-shouldered Hawks in southern California. Pp. 31-39 in D.M. Bird, D.E. Varland, and J.J. Negro (eds.), Raptors in human landscapes. Academic Press and Raptor Research Foundation, San Diego, CA.

1995 Bloom, P.H. (Review of) A photographic guide to North American raptors, Bryan K. Wheeler and William S. Clark. Journal of Raptor Research 29:286.

1995 Woodbridge, B., K.K. Finley, and P.H. Bloom. Reproductive performance, age structure, and natal dispersal of Swainson's Hawks in the Butte Valley, California. Journal of Raptor Research 29: 187-192.


Peter H. Bloom • Curriculum vitae Updated: 14 September 2016

1994 Bloom, P.H. The biology and current status of the Long-eared Owl in coastal southern California. Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences 93:1- 12.

1993 Bloom, P.H., M.D. McCrary, and M.J. Gibson. Red-shouldered Hawk home range and habitat use in southern California. Journal of Wildlife Management 57:258-265.

1993 Garrison, B. A. and P. H. Bloom. Natal origins and winter site fidelity of Rough- legged Hawks wintering in California. Journal of Raptor Research 27: 116-118.

1992 Bloom, P. H., J. L. Henckel, E. H. Henckel, J. K. Schmutz, B. Woodbridge, J. R. Bryan, R. L. Anderson, P. J. Detrich, T. L. Maechtle, J. O. McKinley, M. D. McCrary, K. Titus, and P. F. Schempf. The dho-Gaza with Great Horned Owl lure: an analysis of its effectiveness in capturing raptors. Journal of Raptor Research 26: 167-178.

1992 McCrary, M.D., P.H. Bloom, and M.J. Gibson. Observations of the behavior of surplus adults in a Red-shouldered Hawk population. Journal of Raptor Research 26: 10-12.

1991 Bloom, P. H. (Review of) Hawks, eagles, and falcons of North America, by P. A. Johnsgard. Auk 108:740-741.

1991 Bloom, P.H. An analysis of the potential hazards of diurnal raptors to aircraft at Long Beach Airport. Unpublished report prepared for Long Beach Airport. Long Beach City Airport, Long Beach, CA.

1990 Pattee, O. H., P.H. Bloom, J. M. Scott, and M. R. Smith. Lead hazards within the range of the California Condor. Condor 92: 931-937.

1990 Risebrough, R.W., A.M. Springer, S.A. Temple, C.M. White, J.L.B. Albuquerque, P.H. Bloom, R.W. Fyfe, M.N. Kirven, B.A. Luscombe, D.G. Roseneau, M. Sander, N.J. Schmitt, C.G. Thelander, W.G. Vasina, and W. Walker II. [Observations of the , Falco peregrinus subspecies, in South America]. Revista Brasileira de Biologia 50: 563-574. (In Portuguese with English summary)

1990 Risebrough, R.W., R.W. Schlorff, P.H. Bloom, and E.E. Littrell. Investigations of the decline of Swainson's Hawk populations in California. Journal of Raptor Research 23:63-71.

1989 Bloom, P. H. J. M. Scott, O. H. Pattee, and M. R. Smith. Lead contamination of Golden Eagles Aquila chrysaetos within the range of the California Condor Gymnogyps californianus. Pp. 481-482 in: Meyburg, B.-U. and R. D. Chancellor (eds.), Raptors in the modern world. World Working Group on Birds of Prey and Owls, Berlin, Germany.


Peter H. Bloom • Curriculum vitae Updated: 14 September 2016

1989 Bloom, P. H. Red-shouldered Hawk home range and habitat use in southern California. M.Sc. thesis, California State University, Long Beach, CA.

1989 Clark, W. S. and P. H. Bloom, and L. W. Oliphant. Aplomado Falcon steals prey from Little Blue Heron. Journal of Field Ornithology 60: 380-381.

1989 Harlow, D. L. and P. H. Bloom. Buteos and the Golden Eagle. Proceedings of the Western Raptor Management Symposium and Workshop, 26-28 October 1987, Boise, Idaho. National Wildlife Federation Scientific and Technical Series 12:102- 110.

1989 Risebrough, R.W., R.W. Schlorff, P.H. Bloom, and E.E. Littrell. Investigations of the decline of Swainson's Hawk populations in California. Journal of Raptor Research 23:63-71.

1988 Bloom, P.H. [Arrivederci, condor]. Uccelli 23:8-11. (In Italian)

1988 Wiemeyer, S.N., J.M. Scott, M.P. Anderson, P.H. Bloom, and C.J. Stafford. Environment contaminants in California Condors. Journal of Wildlife Management 52:238-247.

1987 Bloom, P.H. Capturing and handling raptors. Pp. 99-123 in: B.G. Pendleton, B.A. Millsap, K.W. Cline, and D.M. Bird (eds.), Raptor management techniques manual. National Wildlife Federation, Washington, D.C.

1985 Bloom, P. H. Raptor movements in California. Pp. 313-323 in: Harwood, M. (ed.), Proceedings of Hawk Migration Conference IV. Hawk Migration Association of North America, Rochester, NY.

1985 Bloom, P.H. G.R. Stewart, and B.J. Walton. Status of the Northern Goshawk in California, 1981-1983. California Department of Fish and Game Wildlife Management Branch Administrative Report 85-1:1-29.

1984 McCrary, M.D. and P.H. Bloom. Lethal effects of introduced grasses on Red- shouldered Hawks. Journal of Wildlife Management 48: 1005-1008.

1984 McCrary, M.D. and P.H. Bloom. Observations on female promiscuity in the Red- shouldered Hawk. Condor 86: 486.

1984 Schlorff, R.W., and P.H. Bloom. Importance of riparian systems to nesting Swainson's Hawks in the Central Valley of California. Pp. 612-618 in R.E. Warner and K.M. Hendrix (eds.), California riparian systems. University of California, Berkeley, CA.


Peter H. Bloom • Curriculum vitae Updated: 14 September 2016

1983 Bloom, P. H. and S. J. Hawks. Nest box use and reprductive biology of the American Kestrel in Lassen County, California. Raptor Research 17: 9-14.

1983 Bloom, P.H. Notes on the distribution and biology of the Flammulated Owl in California. Western Birds 14:49-52.

1983 Schlorff, R.W., and P.H. Bloom. Importance of riparian systems to nesting Swainson's Hawks in the Central Valley of California. Pp. 612-618 in R.E. Warner and K.M. Hendrix (eds.), California riparian systems. University of California, Berkeley, CA.

1982 Barrows, C.W., P.H. Bloom, and C.T. Collins. Sexual differences in the tail barring of Spotted Owls. North American Bird Bander 7:138-139.

1982 Bloom, P.H. and S.J. Hawks. Food habits of nesting Golden Eagles in north-east California and north-west Nevada. Raptor Research 16: 110-115.

1980 Bloom, P.H. The raptorial birds of Camp Pendleton Marine Corps Base, San Diego County, California. Unpublished report to Camp Pendleton Marine Corps Base, Natural Resources Office. 33 pp.

1975 Collins, C. T. and P. H. Bloom. Aid to eagle banders. Western Bird Bander 50.

1974 Bloom, P. Some precautions to be used in banding studies of nesting raptors. Western Bird Bander 49: 4-5.

1973 Bloom, P. H. Seasonal variation in body weight of Sparrow Hawks in California. Western Bird Bander 48: 17-20.

PERMITS AND CERTIFICATIONS Federal Threatened and  Peregrine falcon (banding) Endangered Species  (banding) Recovery and Migratory  Swainson’s hawk (banding) Bird Permit, USFWS (TE-  Red-legged frog (incl. placement of transmitters and 787376) transponders  Arroyo toad  California gnatcatcher (incl. banding)  Least Bell’s vireo (incl. banding)  Southwestern willow flycatcher (incl. banding)  California least tern  Snowy plover  Salvage remains


Peter H. Bloom • Curriculum vitae Updated: 14 September 2016

 Predator management  Migratory bird relocation

State Scientific Collecting  All raptors, incl. Golden and Bald Eagles, State-threatened Permit, California DFW (SCP- Swainson’s Hawk, and Peregrine Falcon #000221)  Yellow-billed cuckoo  Least Bell’s vireo  Southwestern willow flycatcher  California least tern  Snowy plover  Non-listed reptiles, amphibians, small mammals, and many additional bird species

Master Banding Permit,  Permission to band all non-threatened or endangered birds USGS (MB20431) in western U.S.  Numerous additional permissions for special status species, including tissue collection and auxiliary markers for golden eagles

Desert Tortoise Council  Certified to conduct desert tortoise monitoring

USFWS  Approval to conduct brown-headed cowbird trapping