Global Assessment Report National Statistical System of Mongolia

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Global Assessment Report National Statistical System of Mongolia Global Assessment Report National Statistical System of Mongolia August 2014 Global Assessment of the National Statistical System of Mongolia Table of content Preface ............................................................................................................................. 4 Executive Summary ........................................................................................................ 5 1. Legal Basis .............................................................................................................. 18 1.1 Law on Statistics of Mongolia ....................................................................... 18 1.1.1 Background ................................................................................................................. 18 1.1.2 Structure and scope of the Law on Statistics of Mongolia .......................................... 19 1.1.3 Professional independence .......................................................................................... 25 1.1.4 Confidentiality ............................................................................................................ 25 1.1.5 Mandate for data collection and obligation for respondents ....................................... 26 1.1.6 Assessment and recommendations: ............................................................................ 28 1.2 Census-related legislation .............................................................................. 31 1.3 Other legislation affecting statistics ............................................................... 36 2. National Statistical System (NSS) ........................................................................ 38 2.1 Definition and delineation of the National Statistical System ....................... 38 2.2 National statistical programming and coordination mechanism .................... 39 2.2.1 Coordination mechanisms........................................................................................... 39 2.2.2 The multi-year and annual statistical programmes ..................................................... 41 2.2.3 The Council of NSOM ................................................................................................ 43 2.2.4 Assessment and recommendations ............................................................................. 44 3. Statistics Authority of Mongolia (SAM) .............................................................. 47 3.1 Structure and organisation of the Statistics Authority of Mongolia .............. 47 3.1.1 Overview .................................................................................................................... 47 3.1.2 Central Statistics Authority: National Statistical Office of Mongolia ........................ 48 3.1.3 Territorial Statistics Authority .................................................................................... 51 3.1.4 Assessment and recommendations ............................................................................. 52 3.2 Resources and infrastructure .......................................................................... 53 3.2.1 Finance........................................................................................................................ 53 3.2.2 Information and communication technologies ............................................................ 56 3.2.3 Staff, recruitment and training .................................................................................... 57 3.3 Dissemination policy of NSOM ..................................................................... 62 3.3.1 Legal framework, policies and principles governing dissemination of official statistics ...................................................................................................................... 62 3.3.2 Official statistics dissemination tools and procedures ................................................ 63 3.3.3 Assessment ................................................................................................................. 65 3.4 Communication, relations with users and stakeholders ................................. 66 3.5 International cooperation ............................................................................... 68 4. Data Sources and Processing, Registers and Quality Monitoring .................... 71 Page 2 / 180 Global Assessment of the National Statistical System of Mongolia 4.1 Overview ........................................................................................................ 71 4.2 Social and demographic statistics .................................................................. 75 4.2.1 Population and Household Register, Vital Register and the Census ........................... 75 4.2.2 Household Surveys ..................................................................................................... 78 4.2.3 Classifications and nomenclatures .............................................................................. 81 4.3 Economic and business statistics ................................................................... 82 4.3.1 Statistical business registers and censuses .................................................................. 82 4.3.2 Business surveys ......................................................................................................... 85 4.4 Agricultural statistics ..................................................................................... 87 5. Statistical Domains ................................................................................................ 89 5.1 Social and demographic statistics .................................................................. 89 5.1.1 Demographic statistics ................................................................................................ 89 5.1.2 Gender statistics .......................................................................................................... 90 5.1.3 Living Standards Statistics.......................................................................................... 90 5.1.4 Labour market statistics .............................................................................................. 92 5.1.5 Education and culture statistics ................................................................................... 93 5.1.6 Public health statistics ................................................................................................. 95 5.1.7 Disability Statistics ..................................................................................................... 97 5.1.8 Social protection statistics .......................................................................................... 98 5.1.9 Crime statistics............................................................................................................ 98 5.2 Macroeconomic statistics ............................................................................... 99 5.2.1 National accounts ........................................................................................................ 99 5.2.2 External trade statistics ............................................................................................. 105 5.2.3 Government Finance Statistics ................................................................................. 107 5.2.4 Balance of payments statistics .................................................................................. 110 5.2.5 Price statistics ........................................................................................................... 114 5.3 Business statistics ......................................................................................... 118 5.3.1 Overview and definitions .......................................................................................... 118 5.3.2 Short-term business statistics (STS) ......................................................................... 119 5.3.3 Structural business statistics (SBS) ........................................................................... 125 5.4 Multi-domain statistics ................................................................................. 128 5.4.1 Statistics on information and communication technologies (ICT) ............................ 128 5.4.2 Energy and environment statistics ............................................................................ 129 Annex 1: Law on Statistics ......................................................................................... 131 Annex 2: Mongolia Statistics Code of Practice ........................................................ 146 Annex 3: Producers of Official Statistics and data providers ................................ 153 Annex 4: List of abbreviations and acronyms ......................................................... 166 Annex 5: People met during the 2 assessment missions .......................................... 170 Page 3 / 180 Global Assessment of the National Statistical System of Mongolia PREFACE The Global Assessment (GA or the Assessment) of the National Statistical System of Mongolia was jointly undertaken by the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) and the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (ECE). The assessment process was initiated in response to a request by the National Statistical Office of Mongolia (NSOM) to the ECE Statistical
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