-J- * for oigeeri who have Army Oentral Orders. Amy Register next below eecond lieutenant W. D. lery, to take place on the Army Register Mit Mow Police Intelligence. aandtng letter* to thia muntry I W»l W it lend for thoee who ere etUl (itMlil. OBUBks DRPABTMKKT, Smith. Lieutenant But. Arrett »f a H*rd*omrt\Tkuf..A young men, aboat 19 SHir DfinlT, oodbury, Boston, from Sumatra, sprang homo, neglect* to 007 Adjutant Genkbal's First Lieut Tbomu J. 1st to date Second L'eutenant William H. 11th of of rather aleak in a riolent gale on lb* 19th April, In 1st 14, Ion 81, and putli initiates we g'Ve l Orrioa, Jackson, Artillery, Soott, iahitif, year* age, genteel appearance, calling Mauritian on the 3d of C[>d«to To avoid any No. 60. ) Wa»hiairt«o, Sspt 1.1848. from August 20 Ties instead transferred to the 4th of Jamee H. n. was into Port Louis, May, ns before stated, ottorta tow on the frontier :. 1847, Vogdes, promoted, (March 14th) regiment Burfield, alias J. Brunlng, arrestedhimself from 12U0 to 19110 strokes p>r hour. and poetr of all the Promotions and appointments iu the regular army f August 'JO, 1840 to take on the next Lelow aflerooon officer of tbe 2nd Ctkind Jit t'oti Hraun- I". W. Sheruiau 3d plaoe Army lteglater infantry,yesterday by Deiaham, Ship HviirNnarr Pun» moron, of Bath,from Nswpor, Wales of the United Statin, (exclusive of those announced In Lewis O. Arnold. 2d Artillery, to data from Lieutenant ward, on a charge of three of before ashors on Island, below is Artillery ovUMedluf, let Lieutenant J I* Uaretcbu. Orders" Nob 37. and Buaeey. stealing packages reported Hog Portland, upon a ( Osneial 43, 47.) made. by the October 27,1847, rice Chapman, Assistant Prank H. Lamed, TOltigeure, valued at >13, tbe property of James P. Pond,penknives,ledge near the island Bhe bus 800 tons iron mils for the A ad roe A. A A <» ; (.'apt 1' H Hunt. 4th Artillery; apt President. the arteiee aud and Kennebec Railroad Co. Two steamers Brevet J. by consent of the Sonata, who vacates his regimental commie (ion,<4utrtermaster.instead of transferred (June 20th) to the 3d regiment of artillery, hardware dealer, No 54 Broad street. It appears this noggin attempted to Edward Dea*. 4th Artillery, Major T. and with the convent of the Sonata; and by tha 1'resi October 19. 1847. to take on the next below Lieut. man visited several hardware stores tow btr off at highwater Testerday without succeeding, and tw# -u Lieut. J A. brown. 4lh place Army Register young yesterday, werw » into wmcn sne 3<1 Arulitry, Reynold"dent, lince the publication of-'General Orders.'' No. 36, First Lieut. Thomas B.J. Weld. 2d to date Beall. and made a bill of at which ware iignters immeuiuwi; K wvunriu®, oom* J R 4th Breve Artillery, up goods saoh, packed msnoed dim. Annthor attempt would be made to get her off at . 24 Lieut Haz-aard, Artillery; of December 4. 1847 :. from October 19, 1840, rice instead Second Lieutenant Julian 3d and a bill ma le of the with 6 oent Wm tV. Chapman. A VI M let Lieut AbnerArtillery Daniels, promoted, McAllister, artillery, up. same, per off, for tie night tide. She leaked but little at latt aocaiut* hut It U Major I..PROMOTIONS. of October 27, 1847 transferred (April 13th) to the Ordnance Department, cash. Thus the bill remained, and the in the »ld aha la badly hogged, aad that it ia estimated that it wi'l coat Doubleday, A. C S.; Aaa't Surgeon Leonard MoThatl. " goods, J. adjutant uibtlal'l dkpabtfttknt. First Lieut. Marcus D. L. Simpson, 2d Artillery, to te take place In the Army Register next below Lieut. store, the aocused saying, He wonld call in again in at least $0000 to repair her. Vessel ra'ued at $16,0UI, one halt jit taint hotel- (apt. g. Prentisi. lit Artillery, Breed Oscar date from October 27. T. M. Whedbee. IS or 20 and insured at Boston; $0,000 at the Equitable, it,5UU at the Warren lit Lieut. H M A. M lit Captain K. Winship. 1847, ride Arnold, promoted, minutes, paykfor them." On his person, offices. commanding Whiting, H m ner-l. to be ceneralasjistant-adjut»n'with the of December 0. 1847 CASUALTIES. when searched at the office, was found a bill of and id.lUOat tlia Tremout Lieut James R RieketU, lat Artillery; 2d Lieut. asM-tant.adjutant instead VI.. polioe Tha Spanish Barm t'nilioa, Oilpl. from Havana, boundta breeet rank ol major, Decembar 2d. yioe First Lieut. Louis I). Welch, 3d Artillery, to date geods of Chailet S. 33 Fulton on Thorna* tj Rodman. Ordnance; Asa't Surgeon Eugene 1847, McCall, Rehgnationt. purohased Little, street, London, put into Charleston the 11th instant, in uintreea, who Taoates his staff commission from September 8, 1847. instead of August 13, 1817. Brigadier General Franklin Pleros, Maroh 30, 1948. for >49. Another for >2T, made by Fellows Ik Sobell. having »pning aleak. She baa a oargo of sugar. H Abadie roars or Marrena K. i'atrick, 2d I to date Lieut. No. 21 Maiden Lane. At Loth no he Brio at Boston, from Cronstadt, repir'a about .it J''0 Grande-2d Lieut T). M. Beltxhoover, knqinekrs. Captain nfantry, Col. John C. Fremont, Mounted Riflemen, places, doubt, MasaaNr.rr, Muuth Kirst Lieut Henry W llenham. to be from August 22, 1847. rice Anderson, deceased, of March 16.1848. stole several packages of valuable pen knives, as on lat tn.1t, ia lat 43, Ion 47 40, pioked up a water cask, tightly lit Artillery commanding, M^j. Nathaniel Anderson, captain. May wounds received in of 1847. his located at bunged, with the worda" aohr Sinters" out out on one of the heads 24 1848. rice Welrker deceased battle, instead August 20, Major George 8. Burbridge, Mounted Riflemen, searching lodging room, Gunter's, in which had the of lieen done. VI Nl.; Mej B. H hriee, 1'ayuiai.ier; Aaa't Surgeou, Lieut, First Lieut Ldward 2d Infantry, to date Fulton near several of appearance having recently Wm Second Horatio G. Wright, to be first Murray, 8,1848 January street, Broadway, packages Brio C a hoi.in a arpMary, of Boston, was sold at Rio Jv Levaly I* eh nary 28 1 e»4H. rice Trapier. lieutenai>n;HD no long stationed Mataraora* to be assistant with the This orcated a little Koy. wreok, but the greater part the l.as witbaraen from thai and is Brevet Second Lieut Johu O. Foster, to be second adjutant gen iral, Infantry. February 28,1848. Engineers, suspicion in the mind of Mr. cargo will be saved. We regret ti add that the wreck waashamv quartermaster, city, vice Harrison, brevet rank of captain, 23 1848, vice Brevet Firrt Lieutenant Alexander Second Pond, who directed his to watch where he went to. aooie now staliom d at llrow usril'e, opposite He bad made lieutenant, May 24,1848, promoted, January Hay/, boy fully gilundered by |iersona from Bustan, which Will be a coiirs ok torofikanncal enginkkbi promoted. Winship,Lieutenant 8th Infantry, April 12,1848. A few seconds after he left the store, three packages of sul jectfor inquiry hereafter. Wo are happy to stave that no lives binwlf extremely popular among the citiluna of First Lieutenant P. 2d knives were This faot were lost First Lieut. Andrew A Hutuphrejs, to be oaptain, Bryant Tilden, Jr., Infantry, pen missing. corroborated his Rio Matamoraa. 31. 1848. vice deceased Kirtt Lieutenant Kufus Ingulls. 1st Dragoons, to bs June 0. 1848. previous ,-uspicions. and pursuit was at once Janeiro, Aug 6 Ships Courier. Wolfe, for N York, 7tht Tlie flat of tbe H3d. has the following article upon May Mackay, trance, Vail, fm do, uuc; barks Camilla, Forsvth, fin Coast of Second Lieut. William it I'almer, to be first assistant quartermaster, with the rank of captain, Second Lieutenant William C. Tobey, 4th Infantry, which resulted in Mr. Pond traoing himinstituted,to his Alrica; for do; the banditti whoa depredations upon the Mexicans 31.1848. vice January 12. It rice t hurohill. deceased 31, 1848. room, at in Fultou where Glolrt, Clapp. Hector, Kemp, fin N York; have been mentioned the of thia aud ol May Humphrey* promoted lieutenant, 48, July lodging Gunter's, at, Mr. Lane, fm Boston; Laura, Leaeh, fm do; Cleora. Warj,Carolinesfrona by press city William ck. to be Kirat Lieuteaant Samuel O. 31 to Second Lieutenant 2d Pond caused his and found his owu the last three or brevet Second Lieut second French, Artillery, George Bruce, Infantry, arrest, misslag do; Rainbow, Cater, from Baliimore; imogone, Benedict from Mexico:.For four days, our town has 31 vice I'almer. be assistant with the rank of captain. 10, 1848. knives on his person. On the aooused liahia, with Circus Co; St Andrew, for New Yutk. beeu in a feverish elate of exoiteiueut the lieutenant, May 184S, promoted. quartermaster, August being brought 6th; kept by OnilMSI B DKVARTMKNT. January 12, 1848, rice Shover. who vacates his staff Assistant Surgeon Grayson M. rrevost, June 7, to tbe Police Office, ho was at once recotrnized hv Mr Atwood, dn, disg; Brunette. McGrulh, fm Bangor, do;Channiig,brigs advance upon Matamoras of a band of rumored Cararcas, Man , ful Coast of Africa; Braiil, [invan*, f n do; robbers, Lient. Col. George Taloott. to be oolouel. March 25. commission. 1848. Stow ait, the Clerk of Police, as a thief,and likewise by Denuison fm Kit numbering two hundred and fifty ir.en.fifty of whom deceased. First Lieutennnt Kiias K. Kane, 2i to be Assistant Surgeon John S officer Smith. Justice committed him to the Grande, rvp.g; Saliae, Uray, fur Baltimore,Overliii.ii, are with the after 1848. vice Botnt'oid Dragoons, Battee, July 28,1848. Lothrop Cth; Ocranus, Sullivan, for Boston, in 2 weeks; Ormui, Mexicans. intention, nightfall, of K to be lieutenant colonel. assistant quartermaster, with the rank of Peter T. June 1848. Tombs for trial. fm Lisbon fm Smith, our citizens, in the Major Henry t'raig, captain, Paymaster Crutcbtteld, 15, disg: Hussion, Veazie, Bangor, do; Venus, Adama, plundering consequence, March 2.r>. 1848 vise Talcott. promoted. January 12.1848, vice Armstrong, killed in battle. Covimietiont I'ncalut under the Provitioni of thelth Jrrtil on Sutyicion..Officer Franklin, 13th ward, fm Boston, via Baliis; Poul'ney, Mouatt, fm Baltimore, via Par* bare doubled the police foroo, posted picketsauthorities to be March First Lieutenant J.T. Dana. 7th Section the Jlct June 18. 1840. a man the name of Alfred namhuco, arr 2d: sch* Mary Ca'liarina, Griffith, fm do: without the limits of the town and Capt William H Bell, major. 25, 1848. Napoleon Infantry, of of arreetcd, yesterday, b.v do lleuriett^ designated a place vice Craig. promoted. to be assistant quartermsst-r. with the rank of Major L. Thomas, 4th Infantry/ January 1, 1848, od tuepich n of having stolen the following Cook, from via Baliia. for sale. Sid (ith, brig Montesuav of assembling, in tbe event of au onslaught. Of the Louis A. B Walbach. to be March 3, 1848, vice Irwin, deceased. assistant adjutant from Mr. at No .VIoeicr,12(3 Roberts, for Baltimore; July 3D, Swedish brig Siri, NoreHne, New existence of armed hands of who First Lieut. captain. captain, general I'blilip Nnsbaum, residing propertyYork. desperadoes, hang March 25. 1848. vice Bell, promoted. First Lieutenant Joseph A iiaskin. 1st Artillery, to Brevet Major (J. A. McCall, assistant adjutant Broome Ht a gold lepioe watch, 1 plain gold chain, 1 W baleme n. the roads 'o the interior, no one upon hading doubts Second Lieut James U Benton, to be first be assistant quartermaster, with the rank of captain, j, December 26.1847, major 3d infantry. general twisted chain. 2 gold rings, 1 hair bracelet, gold clasp; At Port Louis, Mauritius. June 15, brigCiv ITopkin*, Pease, been more than once .1.. i 1. They have seen, in full force, and March 25.1848. vice Walbach. August 12.1848. vice Cross, promoted. Captain Robert Allen, 2d October 1 silver braidt d together with in silver ii ill mi r.. . i f> ... now rendered certain promoted. lieutenant. artillery,' 19,1847, clasp, $00 coin; it is pretty that they Were the kiiist rkoimbnt ok iirauoons. lteuben M.Potter, of Texas, to be military assistant <(Uarterma»ter. valued in all at $100. The whole of the was Pedf >rd, K'U tills sp 5CU do win Alto, Lake, do, no oil, bound ok of Mr. Wilson, property u mutderers merchant of Catnargo. who Major Kdwin V. Sumner, of the second dragoons, to March 23. 1848. vice King, cashiered. storekeeper,a Captain W. W. Chapman, 2d artillery,' October 27, taken from a book case, which was broken open, it i* cruise. a short time since, was killed on bis way to this place. 13. MtDIl Al. DEPARTMENT. 1847. assistant the accused. Justice Spoken. Mr. be lieutenant colonel. July 1848. vice Wharton quartermaster. yresumttl, by Oeborn committed Frances Fi fiom Boston It is also feared that W'infleld. of this p ace. who P. G. S Ten llroeck, of New York, to be assistant Captain E D. Townsend,2d artillery,* April 21,1848, him to prison to await a further Ship Whitney, ,k, (May 1) for Bombay a few weeks since on a to deceased. hearing. SiC, uo da'e, lat 2 07 N, Ion 29 W, (by the Edward at arted trading expedition first t.ieut Lucius B Northrnn. to }»» 1..1- surgeon, December 13.1S47.original vacancy. assistant adjutant general. Selling Obscene Prints..Two men, by tho names of Koppisuh, - Fernando, ha* fallen a victim to tomn Montevideo.) Fan kindred 21. 1846; vice Turner resigned John Campbell, of New A'ork. to be assistant Captain W. W Mackall, lit artillery,* August 20, Wm Lee and Adam Uartman, were arrested, on Friday Bxrk Chilton, Whiting, from Machias (Juno 22) for Rio nwlen association. About two works since, a party, Second Lieut John W Davidson, to be first lleut., December 13, 1847. original vacancy. surgeon.1847, assistant adjutant general. night, in Catharino st on a charge of selling obscene Aug H, about 2 d ys sail from Rio Janeiro. Janeiro, i ear one huudrtd stroug. after numerous 8 1848. vice John K. Summers, of to be assistant Captain George l)eas, Oth December were taken before Justice Itark Canton, Harding, from Bo-ton for Havana, 13, lat rancher and January Northrop, dropped from the rolls. Virginia, infantry,* 0, prints. They Loilrrop, 10 Ion til) 20. Sept on* upon travelling companies,depredatcrossed SECOND RFOIMEST OF PH.IiOONS. December 13, 1847. original vacancy. surgeon.1847, assistant adjutant general. with their bundles of obscene pictures, and together3U, he Kio Grande and made their escape into Texas Marshall 8. Howe, to be major, 13. Charles Ii Smith, cf Virginia, to be assistant Captain Justus McKinstry. 2d infantry.* January 12, to prison for trial. committed Foreign Porta. wi'h their booty, amounting to near fSO.OOO Captain July 1848, December 13. 1848, assistant A.tTwrn p, Aug 28.Ship Soih Sprague, Wadaworth, for New American During vice Sumner, promoted to first dragoons. 1847.original vacancy. surgeon. quartermaster Constructive Larceny..Officer Stokely arrested York, with paw-augers, ihe two years the ariny occupied the Kio First Lieut. Washington I. Newton, to be captain, Washington M. Ryer, of New York, to be assistant Captain K. U. Elliott, 4th infantry,* January 1,1848, a Frenchman,.by the name of H. Dnchir.ean,yesterdayliARcKi.oM*. Aug 10.SIU Marion, Thompson, Messina. Grande. many adventurers, combining with hundreds July 13,1648, vice H< we, promoted surgeon, December 13, 1847.original vacanoy. assistant quartermaster. on a warrant issued by Justice Lothrop, wherein he Baiua, July 21.Brig Gen Pinkney, Broughton, from t tieeerteJS and others.men totally lost to society. Second Lieut Lewis Neill, to be fir.-t lieutenant, Lyman H Stone, of Vermont, to be assistant Captain A. 17. Keynolds. 1st infantry. March 10, stands charged by Aaron B. Marvin, of No. 93 William schr Wilmington, Lay, do. BalUinore; rmed a league after the fashion of the banditti of the date of December 1848, assistant two hundred Cadiz, Aug ly.Ships Howard, Ilill; Geo Thacher, have December 20,1847. first Lieut. Steel's 13, 1847.original vacancy surgeon. quartsrniaster. street, with obtaining thousand needles, and Jno Currier. f.r CrowuH, other periods, and spread themselves over the as John M. of to be assistant Dimomdkd, July 20. 1848.under the requirementt of valued at under of an order Knapp, Boston, ldg, and others. Sid liith, Madre. adjutant. Haden, Mississippi, ' $90, pretenoo having ship Faneuil llal), Poster Boston. country this side the Sierre to prey upon the Second Lieut Diehard II Anderson, to be appointmentDecember 13, 1847 the 1st lection o/ the act of March 3, 1847, (See from a western on which sale he would first oiiginal vacancy. surgeon. " merchant; only Campkachv, 21.U 3 sclir Iris, only Am vessel in treasure that seeks an outlet through the northern 13.1848 vice Newton, lieut., ( bailee H Crane, of Massachusetts, to be assistant Ih tiers A'o. 36. ofJuly 7, 1848 ) Generalmake a of about $0, and if he did not sell Aug port. It is bard for one to be July promoted. profit thnn, Ci'Racoa, Aug 24.Bark lrma, Warner, from PUilsdelphUt part of Mexico. compelled to Brevet Second Lieut. Samuel H Starr, to be second surgeon.'. February 2. 1848, vice Suter, deceased. Major General Gideon J Billow. he would either bring back the needles, or pay the wtg orders fr >m Maracatbo. spesk thus of liisiwn oowutrymen. but the history of lieutenant, 13,1848. vice Anderson William Hammond, jun of Missouri, to be assistant Miyor General John A. (Quitman. cai-h. Under those circumstances, Mr. Marvin Darted Cards:* as. Sept 1.Bark N W Blake, Il.-dey, from Portland. no account July promoted. .tie world furnishes of any couutry HC.OIMF.aT OF MOUNTED RIFLEMEN. surgeon. March 2. 1848. vice Glen, deceased. Brigadier Central George Cadwalader. with ths ; but instead of the acouscd |nstsm trigs Aheona, Souper, from New York for Maiania* a of its property taking next day; from uno. ihe debasement of portion population.'}without William W. to be PAY [DEPARTMENT. Declined. the needles to the Western Hotel for the as Fioien"ee, Boeton, withdrawal of our Major Loring, lieutenant colonel, merchant, Calcutta, Julv 10.Ships Iltaide, Whitney, for Boeton, Jsince the troops from Mexico, March 16.1848. vice Fremont, resigned. John D Reatty. of North Carolina, to be navinaster. Second Lieut. Wm. A. Merriwether, 8th infantry. be conveyed them to an auotion store in Leonore, Dale, to load for harks Idg men bare become emboldened a represented, do; Constanoe, Barry, and these deluded to Capt. V\ inslow F Sanderson, to be mjyor. January May 10, 1848. vi< e Bosworth, deceased. Second Lieut. Taschal C. Greeson, 2d artillery. Ann street, and from there, the same day, sold the Ilotohkiss, for do, ldg; Talisman, Gurhain, for N York, do.Tartar, degree, and pursue their lawless vocation withfearfula 8. 1848, vice Burbridge, resigned. Robert Strange, jr., of North Carolina, to bo Brevet 2d Lieut Thomas J. McKean, 2d dragrooui. whole lot of needles to Krastus D. Thayer, No. 93 t.owiis, Septl.Brig Taranto, Tbompeon. from Mataaias, wtg li tr.i riiy uurearu hi mmrun-! »uuuiu o« Capt. George B. Crittenden, to be major. March Juno 14. 1848. vice Beatty. declined. paymastor, Paymaster John D. Beatty. Maiden Lane, for $40. Justice Lothop, under this orders. thk t> to arre»t thorn in their career of crime. vice 15, James W. of to be Deaths. state of committed the accused to to Cardiff, Sept 1.Ship Palmyra, Byrne, for Boston, soon. the 2uth ult outside imineaiaieI; 1848. Loring. promoted. Sprat ley, Virginia, paymaster, facts, prison, Crorstadt, Aug 23.Ships Ariosto, Porkins, from Havana.art On suuday. just tile linos of John S Simonson. to be July 13,1848. vice Spark, deceaeed. Col. Geo. Bsmford, ordnanoe, at Boston, await a further hearing in the oase, which will take 17th, uno; Medora. for barks a took between a (apt major, August 19, Rand, Boston, ldg; Mary II Kendall. Brownsville, quarrel place Mexican, 1848, vice Crittenden, cashiered. KCUIMKMT OK MOUNTED RIFLEMEN. March 25,1848. Massachusetts,place on Monday morning at 10 o'clock. Crocker, from Havana, arr 17th, uno; tjuinuebuug, Jones from ill the quartet master's employ, auii an Vmerlcan. The First Lieut Llewellyn Jones, to be John McL. Addison, ofthe District of Columbia, to Brevet Lieut. Col. G. W. Allen, m^jor 2d infantry, the Jict..A. Matamras, do do; Marcia, Wilson, for Boston, abt ready; SaonK drt w a knife, and »w struck across note captain. at Ifcra Placing Baby very singular oase of false for do Faltio. for Mesicau the 1847. vice Pope, resigned. be second lieutenant, June J4,1848, vice Russell, Crur. Mexico, March 15, 1848. was taken on Holm, 2Uth; Allen, do, ldg; Wessacumooo, and the American with a heavy stick, Noah Newton, to be Decem31. Lieut. Col. Clifton 1st at Kort pretences Friday by Justice Lothrop tor Rio Janeiro, ldg; Merlin, Welsh, for New Fork,Robinson,del eye by First Lieut. captain, January promoted Wharton, dragoons, a young man the name of Delas L. Kootelle. Harmon, do ao; Frederick a wound He has luin in a state of ICAU «? «*<. Caniluronn nirimntod ! 8, I.i avenaortb. Mo against by Wa.ren. Sampson, for ghastly inflictInn K1RST REGIMENT OK ARTILLERY, July 13,1848. a in watches at No. do; over sinee. and it is will die. W. V. at dealer 34 Liberty street, made California, Robinson, and Gilbert, Melcher, hoc. Bordeaux,Sid supposed insensibilityFirst Lieut Thomas Duncan, to be March Jefferson C Davis, of Indiana, to be second Major Cobbs, 4th infantry, Exeter, N. H., Mr. Simeon watch No. 64 Davison,lrtth, barks Florence, Woodward, M .deira; Lucia Field. Rich, A Mexican gentleman. just from .Monterey, informs 1848. vice Crittenden. captain, June vice Gibson. 1848. « by Dreyfore, importer, John 'JUth, Boston. on 15. promoted. 17,1848, promoted. lieutenant,January'l, street, in which Davison stands with brig Ualoyon, Sheffield, Kleineur, us that Gen Bustamente is his way. and will be First Lieut. William W. Taylor, to be James E. Slaughter, of Virginia, (lieutenant in the charged Dkai. Aug 26.Arr A G Hill, Curtis, N Or'eans fur Bremes about a week, with five .Mexican cav captain. Aug. * Regimental commission vacated, a bill of goods, consisting of watch materials, 31st. Mason, from London for heroin hundred 19. 1^48. rice Simonson. promoted. rtgiment of voltigeurs.) to be seoond lieutenant, June (only) valued at false It obtaining Osgood, Havre, (and sailed jams airy. Whether the growing spirit of rebellion in Second Lieut Robert M. Morris, to be first 27.1848, vice Morris, promoted. t Mojfcomimseicn (on y) vacated. $300, by representations. appears day.) 26th, Surrey, Norton, Laguna for Uamburg; Uidine Northern Mexico bas called these men here or not. is to Major Thomas Noel, 7th infantry, near Baltimore, from the affidavits made before the magistrate that the ltoundy, from Sumatra via Cowes, reported for Amsterdam; 29tb January 8, 1848, vice Newton, promoted. lieutenuut.Daniel Nickel, of Maryland, be second lieutenant, abont a month called the Josephine, Porter, Stctten, for Bordeaux. lelt to conjecture. It is thought Gen. Bustamente will Lieut. Francis S. K. to 1848. Md., August 14,1848. accused, ago, upon Genoa. bis The Second Russell, be first July 13, Brevet A. S. 5th at and wished to buy a bill on a credit: Aug26.Bark StambouL Kenrick, from Boston, (July make Matamoras headquarters. forsaken, March 15. 1848, vice Duncan, promoted. l!eutenuut, SECOND REGIMENT OK ARTILLTRT. Major Hooe, captain infantrl, of^goods complainant,22) err 25th. senoritas should spruce up. The Kouge, La., December 0,1847. Batonand having purchased goods of him before, and Gisr altar, lorlorn. desponding Sicond Lieut. Julian May, to be first Jefferson H. Nones, of Delaware, to be second his was paid Aug 23.Ship Mattakeeset, Comings, from Tra Mexican Hotspurs will suj the lieutenant, Major E. K. Bamum, 2d infantry, at Baltimore, Md., for them, credit considered good. Watoh pani for linstoD, rtpg to sail in 10 or 15 bad sold of nee young military ply place August 19. 1848, vice Taylor, promoted. December 30,1847, vioe Edwards, promoted.lieutenant, were then selected the of da;*; part in their uffections lelt vacant by the departure of "los Brevet Second Lieut Alfred to John McLean of to be aeoond December 26,1847. by accused, amountingmaterials cargo salt; brig Jas Roach, Drown, unc. Gibbs, be seeond Taylor, Kentucky, Brevet Captain T. Green, 1st lientenant 1st to $300 and for the payment thereof he gave his Havana, Sept. 8..Ship Adelaide, Adams, for New Tort Yankees." lieutenant, December 31, 1847, vice Second Lieut. lieutenant, March 3, 1848, vice Weld, promoted. artillery, and 90 notes, soon, and others. In Edwin About 200 of to be at Fort Monroe, Va., December 23, 1847. dated.at30, 60, days; but previous to th selling port 2d, Banks, Johnson, Canr, Tut Bvffalo 'Host.. gallant, ardent Hatch, appointed adjutant LlojdBeall. Missouri, second lieutenant, J. R. assistant at the of the the complainant asked the acoused if he Justarr.; Osproy, Ripley, for Hamburg, la the Stream, crew r\ and young men. all of whom have seen the Brevet Second Lieut George H. Gordon, to be second March 20,1848, vice Sears, promoted. Captain Irwin, quartermaster, goods, tused duty; Madona. Mitchell, repairing; brig Condors, Niol energetic city of Mexico, January 10,1848. was over ,21 years ot age, because if he was not, the erscn, for Grande, same elephant, left the city yesterday, for the rendeivous lieutenant. January 8.1848. vice Morris, promoted. l'aschal C. ureeson, of Georgia, to be second W. notes oonld not be colleoted. SaguaLa day; Maria, Potter, dia'g; as are Lieut. William B. March 1848. vice Captain G. De Hart, 2d artillery, at To this inquiry Davison othe-s as before reported. on the Rio Grande. There many others vho are Brevet Second Lane, to be second 29, Sirupjon. promoted. lieutenant, J.. 1848. most that he w*s over 1.Bark Amos to take a hand in this 19.1848. vice C. Adams, of to be second April 21, Ellsabethtown.N.replied positively 31 years, and London, Sept Patten, Foster, for Boston, woa>. awaiting an opportunity great lieutenant, August May, promoted. Wiley Georgia, lieutenant, Captain John at was therefore responsible for his debts. this discharge and recopper. affair. A despatch, dated 2d instant, re- FIRST RF.OIMF.WT OF ARTII.L.KRV. May si. 184b. vice lireeson. declined. Maokay, topographical engineers, Upon Leghorn, no date.Are bark Santos, telegraphic of to Savannah, Ga May 31,1843. representation tie complainant parted with his Marston, from Boston. ccived at this office, from fork, inrorms us that a First Lieut. Israel Vogdes. to be captain. August 20. Caleb Smith, Virginia, be second lieutenant, W. O. Kello. 8th In and took the notes in thereof. goods, Mai.H AH, about July 2.An ship North Bend, Sprague, fro a ha.- b«en formed there, and is to 1847, vice Mackall. assistant adjutant June 21,1848. vice Merchant, promoted. Captain infantry, Southampton payment On the first Boston, (Mrh 17) for Calcutta. company ready depart general, who Va ., 1848. note the payment was and the The news from we bis commission. It. I'. Butler, of South county. January'if, becoming due, refused, Malta, Aug 22.Bark Ionia, King, from Newoastle, arr 19th. from that port. Matamoras, which vacates regimgptal Christopher Carolina, Captain R C. 4th at Fort Monroe, set up was that he was a minor and f-r IV da for below, indicates that there are as First Lieut. Bennett H. Hill, to be in the twelfth to be second Smead, artillery, plea (Davison) Smyrna, Brig Sylvius. Ellis, Boston, arr Mth ana publish brigands, captain. Jannary infantry.) (lieutenantVa August 20, 1848. consequently not liable for the debt. And it was for aid 21 tt for Catania, to Toad forBeaton. well as buffaloes to be bunted on the Klo Grande, and 12. 1848. vice Aisquith. negatived by the Senate. June 27,1848, vice Totten, promoted. lieutenant, G.L. at this false in Malaga, Aug. 23.Art Walker. for ae well as THIRD REGIMENT OF ARTILLERY. Captain Welcker, engineer, Savannah, Ga., representation, stating he was of age, ship Sophia Wiswall, that Mexican soldiers, blaekeyed senoritas Second Lieut Trnman Seymour, to be first when in fact he was a that the Sept 1 a2; barks E Wright, Jr, Plttec, (from S|>cixla)doBoston,dej en the to date fr»m Charles C. Churchill, of to be May 24,1848 minor, above oomplaint N Crleans will be found hunting grounds...V. O Delta. August 26,1847. lieutenant. Pennsylvania, second i T. P. 2d in Baltimore was Instituted. stated Suwarrow, Sleeper, (from via Vigo) for Palermo; 6 Second Lieut. Lewis O. Morris, to be first lieutenant, March 3, 1848, vice Mauty, transferred to aptain Ridgely, artillery, On,these facts, Justice Lo- M Fiolder, Willis, from and lor New Cork, arr 17th; CharterHelen Sept. December 23. 1847. vice deceased. lieutenant, the mounted riflemen. county, Md., December 6.1847. throp issued his warrant, and Mr. Davison was Oak,Smith, fkom do.just arr. Mary Dale, Lelar, from Gibraltar Green, Captain J. M. Smith.3d at officer of the lower and held to unc, Maria. Baker, horn Venice; arr 17th, from the Par West. Second Lieut John B. Gibson, to be first William A. Winder, cf Maryland, to be second infantry, Encerro, by Walling, police, arrestod forN seeking freight Lota* Interesting lieutenant, U. December 4' 1847. Mexico, answer the charge. A hearing is to be had in the case, Bearse, York, wtg fruit; Columbia, Beeoher. and VVaku.la, Hill, March vice T. * of the St Louis Republican ] January 12, 1848. vice promoted, 24,1848, Andrews, promoted.lieutenant,First Lieut. H. 4th at the Pass of when the facts be do do; C L Bevaa, Burnbam; for New York or Philadelphia; [Correspondence ECOSI) RF.G1MF.HT OF Richard H. of ltidgley, infantry, possibly might somewhat modified unc; Foht Childs. Platte River. August 22, 1848.. I send ABTILLERV. Smith, Tennessee, (lieutenant in the Galaxra. November witnesses introduced on both Blanchard; brigs Gulnare, Dodge, for Croaattdt, wigCuba, a Lieut. William W. to fourteenth to be second Mexico, 24,1847. by being sides. frujt; Guslarus, Smith, from just air; Sea you a copy of treaty lately made by Lieutenant Col. First Chapman, be captain, infantry ) lieutenant, June Firet Lieut. Jenks Beaman, 4th infantry, at from Dublin, Eagle, Ludwell t. Powell, the commanding officer of this October 27. 1847, vice Daniels, deceased. 21,1848. vice Minor, deceased. Boston, do; Uenrioo, Pains, (Torn N York, do; AllenWilliams, post, Francis W Isaac W. in the tenth Mexico, May 8,1848. Tampico, King, Hanson, from and for do; Geo t Williams, Paine, from with the four confederated bands of Pawnee Indians, Firet Lieut oodbridge. to be captain, Tatton, (lieutenant infantry,) Firet Lieut. D. G. Rogers, 2d dragoons, at VeraCrus, Died. for Boston; Santiago, Holbrook; Islam LoIliad, from GibralGenoa, under an order from the War Department 6.1847. vice Ridgely, resigned. Decemberto be second lieutenant, July 13, 1848, vice Lendrum, On the 18th Miss Fbaivcki tar, a Llent. F.dward D. Mexico, July 21,1848. inst., Adelaide $2,000 for the purchase of site for aappropriatingmilitary First Townsend, to be captain, promoted. Firet Lieut. L. D. Welch, 3d artillery, at St. in the 16th year of her age. unoMargate, oS, Aug 27.Altorf, Prime, irons Hamburg for Yen as its interest some 21,1848 vice De Hart, deceased. FIRST RKIMtST OF INFANTRY. Polhamui,Crux. post at this point, publication may April Fia., March 24,1848. Angustine, The relatives and friends of the are of readers The land purchased the First Lieut. Henry C. Pratt, to be captain, April 21, Edmund O. Bradford, of Mississippi, to be second Second Lieut. 8th family respect* Martinique, about Aug 2S.Sohr Viola, from Norfolk: your by treaty June vice George Wainwright, Infantry, at fully invited to^attend her funeral, this at touched to trr tie market: bad done the same at embraced the whole of Grand island, some miles 1848. vice Townsend. assistant-adjutant general, who lieutenant, 27,1848. Plummer, promoted. N. from afternoon, cut Antigua and sixty SECOND REGIMENT OF Brooklyn, Y., August 3,1848. 4)4 o'clock, ber mother's residence, Ann Guadaloupe, could make no sale. in extent, and is invaluable to this post, from the fact vacates his regimental commission. INFANTRY Second Lieut. C. J. Minor, 3d artillery, at Monterey, No. 47 Oliver street. Marseilles, Aug 25.Brig Cameo, Weeks, irom that it contains much the largest of valuable Second Lieut Henry B. Sears, to be first Thomas W. Sweeny, of New York, to be seoond Polhamus,21st, expected to load for NY ork. Venice, arr proportion vioe lieutenant, March 1848, vice California, August 17,1847. On Friday evening, after a short but severe illness, timber to be found anywhere on the Platte rirsr. The October 27. 1847. Chapman, promoted. lieutenant, 3, Schureman, promoted. Surgeon P. H. Craig, at New Orleans barracks, La., Mr. John Lows, in the38tb of his Newport, Wales, Sept 1.Ship Rockingham, Penhallew, for extent of is about 600 miles. Second Lieut Richard H. Rush, to be first William W. Johnston, of Ohio, to be second year age. Boston, abont ready. territory purchased square lieutenant, June vice August 8,1848. His friends and acquaintances and those of his Palermo, Aug 18.Bark Frances It The Pawnees hare been for a greater part of the summer December 6, 1847. vice Woodbridge, promoted. 27,1 848, Jarvis, promoted. lieutenant,Assistant A. F. at the of N. fiassett and J 15 da Sid Louisa. Mayo, for New Second Lieut. to be first THIRD REGIMENT OF INFANTRY. Snrgeon Suter, city Mexico, .grownail, are brothers-in-law,York, 9th, barks Juniata, lllanohrrd, do; 12th a Idth out upon their buffalo hunt On their return to their Josephs. Totten, lientenant, December 17,1847. invited to attend his funeral this Strafford, Robson, Boston. Bark Sarah Boyd, Drumrannd, from some three weeks since, at this April 21. 1848, vice Townsend. promoted. Andrew Jackson, of Virginia, to be second Assistant C. at (Sunday)respectfullyTrlest, arr Uth and sailed for village, they Btnppcd vice Surgeon J. Glen, Matamoras, Mexloo, at 2 o'clock, from his late 220afternoon again trapaui or Malaia. Bark to receive the lately purchased for them as Second Lieut Anderson Merchant, to be first December 30. 1847. McFerran, promoted. residence, Dutchesa, Lane, waa expected to lease Marsala in abt 15 t« post goods B. of New York, to be lieutenant,February 14,1848. Washington st. His remains will be taken to finish at days, contemplated in the treaty, by Captain Stewart Van April 21.1848, vice Pratt, promoted. lieutenant,Charles Brower, second Assistant Surgeon Robert Newton, at New Orleans Idg Palermo for Boston. Bark J no Cathie was expeoted at BreTet 2d Lieut. James M. to be December. 30, 1847, vice O'Sullivan. Cemetery. Greenwoodfrom Catania to Uniali Idg for Now York. Vhet, of the t^uartermaeter Department, St. Louis. Robinson, second resigned.lieutenant,barracks. La., August 9,1848. On Saturday, 16th inst., John H. of Port Au Prince, 28.No Am ressel in seemed highly delighted with the bargain lieutenant, to fill a vacancy, to date from June 28, Lawrence W. O'Bannon. of South Carolina, to £e W. A. at June Reid, Savannah, Boston. Aug port. Bid brig They they the date of bis into the second March vice Paymaster Spark, Selma, Ala., 0,1848. Georgia. Draeo, had made with Vncle Sam. as they were in a very de BIGIMRKT OF AHTILLERV. promoted.First Lieut. Lucas B. Northrop, 1st dragoons, 4t Geo. and PeterBierworth, from Dangor. diag, onlv Am veeitcl. cover Second Lieut John H. to be Thos J. Mason, of , to be second Pickersgill Co., Gordon, Vendervoort, Pehnamsuco, 5. them.the blankets to their nakedness, and the Lendrum, first lieutenant, 8,1848. Januaryare invited to attend his funeral, on 18th Aug Brig Putnam, Ferroll, from ammunition and guns to protect them against their March 24, 1848, vice Welch, deceased. March 3,1848. vice Schru-der. promoted. Ditmiued. half 4 o'clook Monday, Id; schr Outesie, Coultield. u: e. Phibdelphia,srr John H. lieutenant, FOIRTII REGIMENT OF INFANTRY. inst., at past P. M., from the New York Rio Grande, July IS.Brig Alfred for New numerous enemies The portion ef the $'J.000 Brevet 2d Lieut. Heck, 3d artillery, to be Captain Edward Deas, 4th artillery. April 11, 1848. Hotel. Savannah 5 Am vessel in Hammond, York, after the of the articles second lieutenant, to fill a vacancy, to date from June Thomas H. Bussey, of Maryland, to be seoond D. 3d papers please oopy. days, only port. purchase bargainedremainingfor, Captain Stephen Dobbins, infantry. December Smyrna, Aug 17.Dark Iosco, Dotcds, Irom Boston. (Jar s 28) wa- in suitable to their 1848, the date of his entry into the December 30,1847, vice Judah, promoted. 1847. arT, Osmanii, Gardner, uno. expended procuring presents 28, army. of to be lieutenant,1, just tastes and fancy They were distributed as a reward FOURTH HBfilMFWT OF A R TILLER F. Edmund Underwood, Pennsylvania, second uatrutrcd. HARlTinB INTKLbl Svmath a, (Southern Coast) about March JU. Bark Hull Put. action and conduct towards First Lieut. Joseph Roberts, to be lieutenant, March 3,1848. vice Lincoln, promoted. B. mounted UKNCK, nam, leg. for virtuous good the captain. August to be Major George Crittenden, riflemen, St 1.No An whites among the different chiefs, at the same 20. 1848. vice Smrad, deceased. William C. Tobev, of Pennsylvania, second August 9,1848. Martim, Sept vessels in port. Sailed About while, John A. to be March a. vice 2-th August, echr Louisiana, Ryder, New York. time, these who heretofore bad been guilty of Second Lieut Brown, first lieutenant, lieutenant, 1848, .Montgomery,promoted. Second Lieutenant Thomas H. Bussey,4th infantry, SHIP NHWS NOTICE. Triutc, Aug 24.Na An Tenets. had not a 20. 1848. vice Robert*, B. Collins, of the District of Columbia, to be Commanders of vessels Bng Angolt, Morgaa, fit trespasses, and sustained committinggood August promoted. Joseph March 20. vice Jones, April 11,1848. bound to this port, will NYork via Ionian islands, aid 19th character. wtr« not slighted, but received Brevet 2d Lieut. Robert W. Howard, to be second second lieutenant. 18-18, Military Storekeeper T. G. King, ordnance, a flavor upon us by having all paroels, conferand Tuhka Islam i>, Sept 1.Brig Judson, Russell, fur New York, only vice Brown! promoted. 23.1847. intended fer the New papers, next day. reprimands from the commanding officer, severeas j lieutenant, August 20.1848, promoted. W. December reports, York Herald, ready for well as threats of and severe FIRST FSIilMKWT OF IWFARTRV. Columbus Howard, of Georgia, to be second Jfeeatived bv the Senate. Immediate delivery to our news the Itoma Porta. summary June vice Ba. cha mill w j steamer, News that be found Thompson Morris, of the second infantry, 17, 1848, .Moloney, promoted. lieUtenant. G. C. let January >V>. 1 " uvuuu TWWig the Bath, Sept 13.Cld brig Carnboc, Ander»on, New Orleans. against any might hereafterpunishment* Captain John C. ef to Major IIutter, fnfantry, 12,1848. IB B. Aeli-ast, Sept <.Arr offending Among 'he latter was an old offender, I to be major. Januajj 12. 1848, vice IJutter, negatived Bonneycastle, Virginia, be second Captain W. £. Aisquith, let artillery, January 12, oinlty of Sandy Hook. Those bound to other chrs brig Harriet, Sbute, Philadelphia: 11 til. June vice porta, Major Ringgold, and Lumartine, . tu riobe. or the Dad hief who has been the causeChireby the Smut*. lieutenant, 27,1848. Bussey. cashiered. 1848. whether foreign or domeatio, will oonfer an additional Boston, Sept Diizburv. of almost all the committed First Lieut. Alexander W. Reynolds. to be fifth regiment of infantrv. Second Lieutenant C. mounted fhvor to the March 2/: barks13.Amred.ShipOov Woodlgrry, Sumatra, depredations by tbesejl captain, of New to Carson, riflemen, by forwarding Herald, through the mail Briggs, Hallett. Philad; Pieduiontese, for years past, as he is a shrewd and intelligentndiansMarch 15. 1848. vice Miller, promoted to Second John Neilly, Vork, be second lieutenant, January 28, 1848. or otherwise, ship news or papers that may be Ulairdel', d'>: brigs Sarah Abigail, Doyle, Havana: Alvaredo, Indian, and possesses a very great influence over the Infantry.March 3, 1848. vice Read, promoted. VII. The officers promoted and appointed, will Join of interest to the cemmunitj. We will deemed Richardson, Philad ; Uco Washington, Coggins, do: Yucatan, e. those that are First Lieut. Ferdinand to be Benjamin Wingate, (Sergeant, company G, mounted the favor. gladly Baker, do; Wm Pitt, llall, do; llyla*. Tarr, do; sohrs different trib< particularly inclined to S.Mumford, captain, their proper regiments, companies and stations, reeiprooateLav ton, Nansemond, Va; Patriot, be vicious. He is now, however, safe in our custody, March 16 1848. viee Reynold* assistant quartermaster, riflemen.) to be second lieutenant, June 14,1848, vice delay; those en detached service, or acting underwithout Bowditoh, lly Franklin, Nickeraon, Norfolk; traders to the who vacate* bis commission. Hatch, I'tnlad, Orbit, Torrey do; New York, Ooodsell, and (migrants and mountains will no regimental Farelly, promoted. special instructions, will report by letter to the NYork. Signal for a herm brig. Ship Austria, M'Manus, from have r*json to fear his influence. I Second Lieut Joseph B. Hummer, to be flrst sixth REGIMENT Or INKANTRV. officers or their Fort ot Hew York, September 17, lVM, Cadiz, came into the longer any regard the of respective regiments commandingand Bay yesterday, and was ordered to the Pawnees as perfectly subdued, and not likely ever March 16.1848. vice Reynolds, promoted. lieutenant.Thomas O. Davis, of District Columbia, to be corps. Cld shipa Minstrel, Bateau, East Indies; HarrietPhiladelphia. to the trouble Second Lieut. Schuyler Hamilton, to be first second lieutenant, December 30, 1847, vice Oarnett VIII. and of srw Bises 6 03 I noon niaxs 9 i Rockwell, Uerrish, NOrleant; bark Bohemia, again give government any by Acceptances non-acoeptances Stm srrs I9 part diggns, with of its or March 16. 1848. vice Mumford. will be to < 7 | hioh watbb 11 other inward Turks Island cargo;) brigs Souther,Kennobunk,(with any military operations, by mo- promoted. lieutenant.promoted. promptly reported the Adjutantappointments Jg Msyo, Cape Town, and a interferingUreTet 2d Lieut. ( harles N. Underwood. to be second George T. Sbackleford. of Virginia, to be second of the in case ef COU, market; Trenton. Pitmaun, Mar, December vice Army; and, acceptance,Generalthe tilies, Chat Ferdinand, (Brem) Uetiemeyer, C'ardeuas; to the mruntains They look upon thi« a lieutenant, June 28. 1848. the date of his entry into the lieutenant, 30, 184T, Flint, promoted. birth-place of the person appointed will be stated. Cleared. I Spaiea, Windsor; sehrs Ham ah A Topaa, post, (and Severth Regiment of Infantry. Jane, Perkins, Philtd: J Q cry small Jorre will It sufficient to garrison it.) as a army. By order of the Secretary of War: Shipe.New York, (pkt) Crupper, Liverpool, C H Marshall; iAdams, Norris, NYork. Sid ship Merchant, Maryland; barks of from their numerous SEC OSt> lir.lMEST OF ISFASTST. Robert R. Garland, of Missouri, to be second R. Gladiutor, (pkt) Williams, London, Grinnell, Mincarn & 1Niagara, tlirard, Bohemia; means jroteetion foes who JONES, Adjutant General. Co; ' brigs Triumph, (nut yesterday) Miller, of the December vice Potter, Camus, Dunbar, New Orleans. Eagle a ilaiard; Mourn tdeiphia, Thcuiis, Alabama, Elisha Do sue, seem bent on the entire destruction of the miserable Captain Albert S flrst infantry, to be 30, 1847, promoted. lieutenant, Vernon, ' Wave, Acorn, and eighth reiiimks f of Bmeu, Mobile, J W Jtlwcil; Southerner. (t) berry, Charleston. itlieit; bark Syipb sld on remnant of a Oltte nation. We are major. March 15. 1848. vice Allen, deceased. infantry. MEMORANDA. id, Tillesiun Ik Co; W O Wednesday night. powerful anxiously Spoil' Sullivan, aits, do, bulkloy. . Baltimore, aept 14.Arr, brig J N Niokoraon, First Justus McKinstry. to be Jan. William A. Merriwethcr. of Kentucky, to be second Barks.Swan, Cork and Soston. eoir Nickerson, waiting the time of our relief, all anxious once more LieqJ captain, March vice lie-appointments. (br) Hogg, Limenok, Urinaell, Mia- I Cld, J K Kidgeeav. Lantair, Vt Indies; Lena, (Ur) to see home and friends, and cursing the tardiness of 12.1848. vice Morris, promoted to first infantry. lieutenant, 3,1848, Wood, promoted. Paymaster Charles H. Smith, re-appointed from torn St Co; l.ollaud. (Bwl Neilsoa, Leghorn, book fe Hreimhardt; fields, 8t Johns, NB. Sld, ship Republic, Buck, Liverpool. Kith, First Lieut Christopher S. Lovell, to be James A. Deaney, of Pennsylvania, to be second Autoleon, Park, Mobile, Eagle k Hazard; h Aigls, trr, ship Juniata, Smith, Philad; Brem Louise government in its movements captain, November, 24,1847, when his former appointment to load tor (Fr) Siegaette, liarks ship Maria, a o! the Tawnce January 12. 1848, vice McKinstry. assistant lieutenant. March 20, 1848, vice Crozet, promoted. Wilmington, Nc, Europe. A'oncke.do; Knth, Kio Janeiro; Active, tuxwell, do ; The following is copy Treaty, expired.Brigs.Nathan Hale, Moran, Limerick, J K Dingiey. lire a on; Aba;un, . who vacates his commission. John of South Carolina, to be second Everett; Puritan, br Kio Volunteers en rou!t to Oregon, in behall of June 6.1848. resigned. of Captain Turner, to date from July 4, resignation183d, Eden Elizabeth le Janeiro, at tons,) Mounted Brevet 2d Lieut. Bruce, to be second and to stand at the head of the list of first expired. ton, NC; Zenith, Soltr, City, NC; J U Eing, Ket- ^ (loadtd Ccorgetown;) schr Newton, Smith, NYork. the , and the Chiefs ana head men of the George lieutenants, Paymaster Lloyd J. Beall, re-appointed from then; Wilmuigton, N C; Sally Wheaton, Wheaton, Plymouth; '. Id, bark trauma Partiidgr, Travers, f. I St Thomas: schr J E four confederated bands of Pawnees, vis.: Grand vice Steele, promoted, to date from Jnne 28.lieutenant,1848, being his date and position at the time he was dropped 13, 1848, when his present appointment Septemberwill W m Collyer, brooks, balUuitre; Michigan, Terry, do; C L ilulso, 'tidgeway, Lanfair, WIndies. the ofbis Into the from the roUs, 1848. mi Mir; iiuiwd, uuiiaru; oenccia mown, ana J I Fast 1 Pawnees. Pawnee Pawnee Republicans, and date entry army. January 8, expire. rueman, PattoH, * Thomastor.Ar, ttb, Nuurmahal, Cooper, N. York, for Loups. THiai> HEGIMF.UT OF l*F*MTBr. fourth regiment of artillert. Philadelphia; kit) and Martha, Bcuvias, Bangor; Isabel a, langor. Pawnee Tap) ages, at prerent residing on the south Chare, and Fall River, R.Arr river Captain George A. McCall. of the 4th infantry, to Kdward Deas. late of the 4th Artillery, to be lrii>, Lacon, Bcaree, Boitou, Catharine, Sherwood, Sept brigs Montenima, True, and side of the Platte December 26. 1847 vice Barnnm. to date from his captain, 1. The nomination of First Lieut. Joseph A. Haskln, Portsmouth, NU. ! Harding, Comcry, Pictou; tcbr lultod Statu, Clark, Baltimore,Albenarle, Abt 1 The confederated bands of Pawnees hereby be major. deceased. February 16,1847. former date. 1st Artillery, to be not Clocpt.James Lnmpheer, Green, Philadelphia. or high ton. i/th, brigs Robert Pcnuel, and United their First Lient. Oliver L Shepherd, to be Deo. iv. officers. asslstant/iuartermaster, having I lull, t'ictnu, for Meriyman, Linvola, cede, and relinquish to the States, all captain, been confirmed till August 12, in consequence of Arrired. Dighton: lllth, brigs Waipole, Ryan, Pioton; and Interest, in andto all that tract of land 1. 1847, vice Dobbins, dismissed Re-appointments of officers of the old army, who the 1848, 1 lib, Bcnj Carver, llciry, do. Sld 'Jth, brig Shakspuare, right, title, First Lieut. Win B Johns, to ba December received in the additional promotion of Captain Cross to be quartermaster, Packet ahlp Oxferd, Ooodmaiiaon, Liverpool, Ang IS, with fl PhilaIclnia. described as follows, to wit: .commencing on the captain. appointments regiments (on which it been laid over for to C 11 Marshall. hailed ta oo with deceased raised for the war with depended,) having mate, snip Mineaota, Allen, c Uahihmeb.Ar, 7th, scht Kagio, Smith, N York, Jane. south side of Tlatte river, five miles west of this 4 1847. vice Smith, Mexico, made under the in aaw her on the 2 off 1'hilat Mary post, Jobn Trevltt. to b« flrst of the fourth section of the the Senate, his appointment as assistantconsiderationfur New York; 2d, Kinaale, with low of main- ;Steams; clphia; nth, West< ustogo, York, Baltimore; sld, Kort Childi; thence due north to the crest of the Second Lieut. lieutenant, act, approved Julyprovisions dates from topmast head. ' th, brigAineabury, Rodbird, Uarbaduea. Platte thence east and Decembei*l, 1847. vice promoted. 10. IMS. quartermaster, necessarily August 12, 1848, fackel London, Ilebard, London A l.i si.e, A.Arr bluffs north of said river; along Shepherd, instead of as announced in the ship Portsmouth, 31 . Sept. schre Lucretia, Sumner, Only Second Lieut. B Sebn to be flrst r*v department. January 4, 1848, Army With tndae, to Critiui.ll, Minium A Co, daye, and Daughter, the crest of said bluffs to the termination of Grand Henry eder, Kegieter for February, 1848 ; and he takes f 1'Dofbc, Melville, Sawyer, New Y'ork. Sld 7th, liars /id >n, to be about miles distant; and December 4. 1847, vice Johns, promoted. Timothy P. Andrews, late colonel to be accordingly Ship 11 C Bailey, (ot Bath) Pitt, Cardiff, Walee, 31 daya, with ? new) Kioe, Philadelphia; echs Mozart, Rood, New York; SUi Island, supposed sixty lieutenant, voltigeurs. place on the list of assistant quartermasters next railroad iron, to Uavia, brooks A Co. Sailed in co. lie I.rande, Race, do; M. M. shore said Platte I*,,. ,.u i>ntu,>T ... to date from 22. 1822, and to take with ahip loth, Johnson, do. thence south to the southern of river; paymaster, May N. J. T. Dana. M'-rse. lor New 1 ork. iu«i >!« * on r. Hardy, on the list of next Captain below Kmalidin, 17th uit, ell Ca|>e Clear, waa in ocpi la.o;u, rti»B «acuaurc, ivelley, and tbence west aDd along the southern shore of the said Captain Lorenzo Thomas to be major. January 1, place paymasters below Paymaster 2. Second Lieut. ( olvllle J. Minor, 3d co wiih 1 liiiadelphia packet ahip fiuranac, from for r Lulkin, Now York. 1)1igo, the of O. II Smith, being the date and held him ( artillery, Lirerpool NiwrunT, 16.Arr Platte river to place beginning 1848 rice Cobb*. decen-ed. position by died in alifornia, August 17, 1847, (the Philadelphia. , Sept brig Hanover, YorK, Portland; aelira In consideration of the land ceded C of the uxdrr his former appointment m the pay department. having Ship V» m A Ceoper, Cutte, Turkt Itland, 1. with to tavld Bu.uh, Smith, Pliila; Sidney Miliar, Mullen, liontoa: Art 2, hereby aptain George Wright, eight infantry, to be of vbich was not received at the War DepartmentnotificationNeannth A Walkh. * Sept salt, i.Hen, Daiiall. do; Mury and the I'nited States has this day paid, major. January 1, 1848. rice Thomas. assistant CORPS or TOPOGRAPHICAL I.NO I.11:1, Its. till 27. 1848 his to be first Caroline, Sherwood, do; J. P. liunt, llean S. relinquished, Vauvliet. Assistant K. Johnston, (late lieut col. to be January ) promotion Bremen bark Conatitulion, Schelliag, Bremen, '40 days, in i llarp, Uibha, Philadelphia; H. U. Uadey, tFoburn, Hath; Nnlua, through Capt Stewart general, who vacate* hi* regimental comral**ion.adjutant Joseph voltigeurs.) to date from 8, announced in ballast. to Oelrioh A r. In the Lower waa lanlee, Itouiidout; Martha Maria, an erder from Lieut to date from 21. 1810 and to take September 1847, lieutenant, Krug Bay, run into by imwrer.ee, New York; I'. S. Army, under (|uartermaetsrCol. Klret Lieut. John H Wore, to be captain. December captain, September ueuerai t'rueiK .10 00, 01 December «, mi. la kchr Hamilton, liom Alexandria, and carried cutwater and Spaldiny, ilo. Niaga». i' on awaj I »!/ M>, Ion 'J saw an JSonroi.k, S« pt IS.Arr, »chr» Vo promoted infantry. neO-ttarilyjib Aug 10, IS, Am rloau bark . per, Staple*, Newport; Tho« Mounted Volunteer®, to the *»ld four band® First I.ieut Kdward (J. Klliott, to be captain, LinnHid being the rank and posit.on held by him a. [;,c (Announced In " General showing a blue signal, with white letter B in the centre. ' rijland.h'immers, IS York; Met ev ,* Deborah, Trlppe. N of tbi® the amount of rice his former commission In the of under appointments Bark £ A Kinsman. (ot Portland) Kinsman, Havana, 13 P 'l li Tinmiieon, Drown, Providence; Sherwood, Yarituih, on the execution treaty, 1,1847. Thorns*, promoted. corps topographical of Sergeant Henry Wilson and Order*"1 days, taten lei ml; ,N Vannama, two thousand dollar® in and merchandize,collectively,the First Lieut firanville to be January engineeers. No.'37.) Willi sugar, to order. Voaaela lelt before reported, loth instant, V America,P erce, N York, alp Jae Hurler, Joune, good® O'lialler, captain, Robert llailey, to be brevet 2d lieu tenants in Corporalthe 1st off Cl.arltsUU, spoke thip Zone, iroin New Orleans for Phils- f,iewport. Arr, 12lh, hark Ualrlco, Traejr, Hoatou; aohr Columbia of wblcb is acknowledged. 1. 1M8. rice assistant master, ordnance Dr.partmsst, lab. rn, N York J 11 receipt hereby January Llllctt, <|uarter II. and 2d Regiments of 1 nfantry, respectively, to date sdibhiv l.in .euy; I'pahur. do; I .e ton a, Mye, M A»t.8 The United State® ihall hare the privilege whs vacate* hi* regimental commission George Talcott, (late major voltigenrs.) to be from June 2H. I84H. canceled.it appearing, by returns Bark Peter Demill, Uoey, Savannah, S dayt, to R M DemlU A (iaiigu*. (iibha, Sandwich Edward and Finnk, Croat, Porta.Bedrid; of bard timber that at time be Lieut Abrain II. Lincoln, to be first to date from March 3. and to take captain.on roa.b; 1 il T hirer5 ore. to ueing any may any Second 1847, place recently received, that the said non-commissioned Co. i Walker, Alexandria, lu.d N C. Sid, needed, situate upon Wood Creek, immediately north November 24. 1847. vice Ridgely. killed in the Army Register, next below Captain R. H K. died to the date of their Bremen brig Marianne, Brenkema, Trinidad de Cuba, 23 dayt, rir Aniethyat. N t ork; acbr Bounty, I),born, N Y'ork; Levin auk of the land lieutenant,being the rank and position to which he would previous appointment.officers sugar, to Pavenatudt A Shuinaekor. Left ahip James A withkit man, Salcgi. hereby conveyed action. Whiteley, R. JONES. Adjutant General of New York, for 2S. PomaMut'TH, Scot 10.Ar aelir Eliia N An 4. The i'awnee nation® renew their assurance Lieut. Thomas J. have succeeded in virtue of his former commission in * Chace, Bremen, Aug No other Am£dward. Rider, York; 11th, Second Montgomery, to be first Of wounds received in action. vvswl in porta shr Cygnet, (Mr) lluurett, Angnilla via New Kdtnbnrg. of friendship for the white men. their fidelity to tbe lieutenant. December 28. 1S47, vica Oore, the ordnance. Cutte, Port an with I'liovuiKNic.Sept Id.Arr their desire promoted. second regiment op Brig Uayti, Prinoe, Aug 2H, ooffro, to O A trig Heady Khino, (Mr) Friitel, United State®, and for peace with all tbe Second Lieut. David A. Kursell. to be first deagoons. A L 4 em*, sailed in CO with brig Diaro, tor Boston. Left no 'icttu. tribe® of Indian® vice Kcwler Hamilton, (late lieut colonel 10th In iiu.AliBi.rHiA, Sept 1.1.Arr, neighboring January 1. 1848. Klliott. promoted. lieutenant. Infantry.) Ahomtionop Si-avkry at Cayenne..We are Am vtanel port. . etcamihip Columbna, Peek, The Pawnee nation therefore faithfully promise not Second Lieut. Delancy F. Jones, ito be first to be first liautenant,to date from August 31, 1843, and Brig John t rench, Jaflreyi, Kio (J jmde, COdayg, with hides, Ae, harleeton; bark Uerinoine, (new )Starr, Wilmington, Del; briga or to on the indebted to Captain of schr. to 8 llaretow A Co. ' , 'okmorket, lliewer, ljuiucy; Isabella Kaeil, to molest or injure tbe property person® of any 1, 1848. vice Haller, promoted. take place Army Register, next below 1st Stickney, Nassau, Ann Kogerf, white citisen of the United State® wherever Jennary lieutenant.Llent. A l.owry. being the rank and held arrived at this port, Wednesday, from Cayenne, 15th Brig Almatia, Marsh, Curacoa. 21 da)£ With goat lluns, Ae, to eoha Sornere, Somen, Providence; Calcutta, Nowliuryort;Hoffman found; Second Lieut Maurice Malonev, to be first position by for to J oat t h loulke it Son. ],clmOnpton Shaw; J K Shaw, and Jane, nor to make war upon any tribe with whom said vice him nnder bis former commission in the 2nd August, papers the 12th Slavery was abolished ii Harriet Payne, aariqa May 6.1848. fieaman, deceased. lieutenant, In on Brig Jefferson, Boott, Rum Key, 1.1 days to W B Bourne. Left NYork; liouiaa, Ut Fgg Harbor; 11 It mover, Cook,Darug. or be at public decree, French Guiana, the loth of lew tribe® now, may hereafter, peace;I'awneebut Brevet Second Lieut liiram Dryer to be second dragoons.by no Am vessel*. j till let; J tit W Irriekeon, tVe-ieott, Providonce. arise agree to refer th® 1ECONO REG IMS. N T or that month, in virtue of the decree of the Republic, KirtiM(iki), should any difficulty they iicuienaoi, 01, rice iuiwj, tMi((iwa. INPANTRV. brig Melaaio, Nieholi, Cardenas, Sept 2, to P 0 Thurston. n Sept. 1,'t.Ait, eehr Pair, l.ayheld, N York. Sid, brig in to »ueb arbitration as the President of juij 10*0, Hermann 1st of the 27th April, and In the name of the French Schr Nile, Llsmpton. Bellie, opltfl, Havener, Morton; aehr* Virginia, Cold, and KbkA Stuart, dispute matter rirTH beoiment or i^rtirri?. Thorn, (late lieut 3d dragoons,) to be (Honduras) August 25, to t' t ! was amidst muoh I Island re, . . gifltr, NYert; WeatPoint. the United States may direot second Heutenant, to date from October 16. 1846, and The proclamation made people. > Imdy Imke, l.umpklu, Flrsi Lieut Oeorge UrM, to be captain. December in the a Qtrard,bchr St l l Sai.km, Sept 14.Arr brig .1 8 t abot, l.oa h, Philadelphia. Abt. 5 These articles of agreement and to stand on the Army Register next below 2d Lieut. presence of vast concfturse, botn ceremony,oivll Rleanor, Mnrtine, day*, via Grenada, { N shall from the 6th 8, 1847, Tire Hooe. deeearod. J. M. the and and with cheers and salutes of cannon. and Uukdaliupe, with salt, Ao, to N L A Co. avannah, Sept 10.Cld, brlga Angueia, Sherwood, York; be obligatory and binding conventionday Flrrt Sterne Henry, being date and position held by him military, I), lat oh Ion 74 bark Mcu'ready Martltllqw.vI ai. klin, Coibnrn, and Latcu, Haakcll, Bath. (Me); ao. r 11 A of Lieut. H. Fowler, to be captain, former '1 he then to the where a Sept 27, 16, spoke Zaida, Topliff, from Ma- n August. A.U 1®4* 1847. tinder h'» commission in the xu cortege proceeded ohuroh, tanias i<>r Hamburgh, 10 days out. ufia, .New bury port. aid. bark llenry Dulngoon, Cnllen, In Col vice Dear, assistant adjutant December, intantry. solemn followed a TV was » Pnankliu and Beth: aehr U A whereof, tbe said Lieut Ludwell general, or lliiint mass, I)eusi, NYork; Larch, testimony wbo vacates bin SIXTH REGIMENT by celebrated, Schr Mai on, Potter, CampeMhy, 21 days, with logwood, Ac, to ¥ brt, Anguatn, Liverool; K Powell, commanding battalion Missouri Mounted regimental commieaion. Samuel Wood*, 16th and an address delivered by tbe prefect. After the Bouchaud A Thebaud. 4 u fta New burypork. Second Lieut William be flrat (late major iufantry.) to ba ... Volunteers, and the chief® and bead men of the four Heed, to lieutenant, to date from 1843. and to taka captain.mass, an immense number of the new oltisens, with Schr liiirinion, West, Havana, 11 dayt, with to J J December (t, 1K47. vice I)eaa. February 27, place oo sugar, Stalled. confederated hand® of tJrand Pawnee®, Pawnee Loupe, promoted. In bla regiment next below ( W. S. their wires and children, celobrated the day with A Co Sailed in with schr Cherokee, for Santa Crn« Taylor Paaaengara Pawnee and Pawnee Second I.ieut Patrick A to be flrat aptaln Ketchum, dances and and Ndir Delaware, Francis, Newborn, NC, 4 dart, I ..MHini-St.'p New York.John Dcwar, New York; Peter Republicans Tappages, havs December 8. Farrely, and on the list ofcaptain* of next below sports great enthusiasm, shouting 8< l.r Wheeler, David signed their names and affixed their seal®, onhereuntothe 1847, vice Fowler, promoted lieutenant. B. R. A the Infantry " Vive la Republiijue Vive la Llberte Vive la Hamilton, 1'antleld, Alexandria, 4 dart. A nthi.nv tnaland, .Robert Canada; Crawlord. irviMTH RKGIMFKT OF den, being rank and position heldCaptainby Sclir David liuil, )>amy, Nrwotm, NO,7 data V ira lliuokis I * Caton. England; Mra L llleeca... Wm 11 day and year aforesaid LUDWELL K POWKLL, l*FAF«TRT. him under hie former commiaeion General Salem Uegiilrr. Commist-sireBchr Am Captain (ieorge Andrews, of the Stith to in the 6th Infantry, 0 ilyman, Totten, Wilmington, NO. 4 dar* E mo, Sew York. Lt Col ( (.mm f Bat Mo Mounted Volunteer® be 14 1 848. eice Infantry, v. . TRANSFERS. FchrA K Ua>, Low, North Carolina, 4 day. paaavu, vrt Arrived, titand Pawnees. Sha-re-ta rlche. Major. August Noel, deceased. Brevet Robert S. Scbrl anline.OolUng, Virginia, 4 days Chef-mo-latgne. EIGHTH BEOIMENT Or IN r A N T S Y. Major Harnett, First Lieutenant i'obto inco.. we lenrn iron J. T. B< lir Cblat, Van Name, 3 laiwuon.Packet ship Loudon.Thomaa 8.eel, England; lira Abtah-ra scha Pawnee Loops- l®h pa. French 4th artillery transferred to the 7th to Gapt. nnyiry Virginia, darn mannol, Mra L Tryou, Kcv K 1,' May. K l.a Ual and ka-top First Lieut Joseph Selden. to be captain, January Infantry, stand (it ii balk 1'ani which arrived on Pclir Mary Jam-, Oeburue, Norfolk, 4daja. H lady. tVm < bief. Big Chief Pawnee Republicans- La-lo 1848 rice to 1, on the Army Register next below First Lieutenant hita, Bchi Call, Virginia, 4 ,ukh, Mia Pr|tot,aru, F II Dounei, fc I rnron, (1 Sue, Miaa t Wright promoted Fourth Infantry. in 15 day.' parage, that in Porto Kino all kind* of Oregon, dayn lyde, all of New York; Mra Nourritt and (adv. i'm,,, h. no, A iha la-la-cot-eha-lo. American blef che-laahaPaw First Lieut Arthur T. Lee, to be Humbar Wednetdny. Bohr iiagnett, Weacott, Virginia 2 dayv. and nee ca-sha. La-sha captain. January First American produce tan ver* abundant and eheap, and Schr 4 rtatl K.imUiid, Mix* llullei, do; Mr M<:Kfiiili> and Inlf, Tappagee La-pa-ko-lo-co-ho 87. 1848. rice Reilo. deceased Lieutenant Rlcbard S. Smith. 7th infantry, of Ijifayeiti', Cliaoe, Virginia, data llmMnKlntln, Soolland; Mr and Mr transferred to the 4th to alro that the produca the Inland wan hardly avar Bohr Jersey Oak, Hergen, Virginia, 2 day a. Lnmlay lady, hnnland, Ta-ra-re-tappage puthas Second Lieut Lafayette B Wood, to be flrat artillery, stand on the Army »o aa the d»i dO illinft«»Ttli, Taxaa; Mr II Andaman. V'tr* nia; Ulfurrt.J O executed and delivered in the presence of Thome® 1, 1848. rice Selden Register next below First Lieutenant Fabnestook. known plentiful preaent year. Th« cropa of 8o)ir Oram, Falkeuburg, Virginia, 2 rnard, Itaitiinarr; II J Kirlihauin, T I. llarrix, J A W January promoted lieutenant. tha coming eeaaon are yot eomewhat there r Louisa Itirdeall, V» oodman, Virginia,daysSci3 daya. law Mrt KiiaUnd; Mrt T Todd Adjutant and Necretary ; Sublette, Second Lieut Alfred Crozet. to b« flrat Second Lieutenant Debney II Maury. 3d artillery, doubtful, Bohr I Fotter, IhnmaaVon. Iry, Murphy, Miaa Hiulirtdm", U 1 hapicott, K (forthlaft, < aptain 4 ompany A; Stewart Van Vllet Ant lieutenant, transferred to the being a great want of rain in many parti of the halienge, I Mataio, Kngland- 3fi4 xtoanma. January 7 1848. rice Lee. promoted (February 10th) regiment of leland. The old la there BchrOranv lie, ilaaknil, 'Diomaaton. Ijxithpiiiii..Parkatxhip Oxford J F. Ormll 0 J Walker. C S Army, Captain and A»®i®tantl.efaivre; Lieut. Theodore to he riflemen, to take his in saidmounted crop entirely exhauated, Bohr I'lttto, Hammond, llaltlmora, 4 Mai llanty, Mrx A J Iirevet Second l-lak, second original position being augar for one on tha daya. krat, arallaorua and Jan.rx Wax !»Xi»terraui< (Quartermaster I 8 Army; Samuel LingenfelUr ; rice Wain next below Lieutenant O. acarcely enough cargo, Bohr Richard Lew, Baker, Baltimore, 3 day. Uh ttikN- Iip mt 11 b rk ( lieuti riant August 2.1H48, wrlght, deceased. (Iranger. regiment, Ialand Aa the are institution .1> X V< linn-pi and W H Rodger®. 4 aptain Company D : J W Kelly, Second Lieutenant Lorimer (iraham, 10th regarda Mavea, they perfectly Belaw. I Simon, » Toraand lady -115 ataarafW. lady, Second Lieutenant 4 4 Infantry, and no feara ara entertained of an inaurractlon. P*tar ompany '; Peter H Cams Porg Ccaa»< tion o» Dates.malie ar and with rat addle transferred (February 2d) to the 1st of quiet, Ship Ann lliaa, Oobb, from New Orleans. Savannah.Bark Datnill-Mr Mclaughlin, David McCausland. 4 B : J B te regiment The new Governor General ia vary watchful and Oork. Phut au I'kimi». Urig Captain ompany Snail, AM) CONSENT Or THE SZNATB. ods, take place on the Army Register next belowdraft' Brit lull ark liaolie MrBvera, from llnyti.W ci.aptnaa, Mra J Vaahout, A 8 U 8 Army D P Woodbury, Lieut Engineer® Lieutenant Kvans. rigid Inali hia movementa..ifeirtwryparf Hrrali. Hark Maieppa, Thaioher, from NewOrleana. \ Deputy Pa) master General Daniel Randall, fay AU, a dlamaaled vaaerl in tow of a Meaner, and 2 briga. K10 (Irani.*.Bri* Jahn Prunoh.T Pike, i K JEFFREY DEROINE, Interpreter to date from March 8,1847, Instead of March Lieutenant Horace Ilaldeman, 11th infantry, Elliott. lloora, Captain 27 1848 Department,(June 20th) to the 8th of transferredto MMi IIkmzv, (HonmiHAx). Pohr Nila.0 regiment Infantry, Tnr. CNAaTitTi . eel Uatlrdt. Second I leut rank from April 0, 1847 date of hla former Amongattbe aitlelea red at the Stenmal'ip Southerner, Oi arleeten; packet aliipa Gladiator, SrVAmiaa.rohr fclaanor. Mr J ran l>cair VI According to the P.tnigraHon Act last Arthur D Tree. Second Dragoons, to (the London < hartlat club rooma were mleailea of a dl New York, hark Klijah Swltt, Olaagow: llr , 1 ortnglau*. lady passed during date in and to take on London; Liverpool: t,d iwrvanla, Kmuoolx Liiiuli-x and ann, Ualuaard I'uiraaiaai arsslon tbe tax on at the in October II. 1847, the date ef the Junior place the Army Register commission)next character, filled with Jaaa Allison. 8t Juhna, NB. . ittrdna It urn-fan, l.omx tmisranl® striving port of et. s«c< tid i.ieuteDant below Second Lieutenant gunpowder, naila, pieceabollcalof brig Nativrl, all Irom P>dat Pain, (Quebec is doubled after the loth Instant, vlx, 30a (F.vane) promoted in the Hrei Second Deaney Iron, he and ao fitted with a fuaoa aa to la * Unaaloapa Afomrel libs arm, instead of May 20,1847, and to stand on the Lieutenant Richard C. Drum, 0th infantry, explode larraaau Id-Wind. at eunriaa Nfi ertdlaw. NW, ma per head.- Ptln in»». Dragoontransferred (Mareh lath) to the 4th regiment of artU- half a adnata. MMVd