-J- * for oigeeri who have Army Oentral Orders. Amy Register next below eecond lieutenant W. D. lery, to take place on the Army Register Mit Mow Police Intelligence. aandtng letter* to thia muntry I W»l W it lend for thoee who ere etUl (itMlil. OBUBks DRPABTMKKT, Smith. Lieutenant But. Arrett »f a H*rd*omrt\Tkuf..A young men, aboat 19 SHir DfinlT, oodbury, Boston, from Sumatra, sprang homo, neglect* to 007 Adjutant Genkbal's First Lieut Tbomu J. 1st to date Second L'eutenant William H. 11th of of rather aleak in a riolent gale on lb* 19th April, In 1st 14, Ion 81, and putli initiates we g'Ve l Orrioa, Jackson, Artillery, Soott, iahitif, year* age, genteel appearance, calling Mauritian on the 3d of C[>d«to To avoid any No. 60. ) Wa»hiairt«o, Sspt 1.1848. from August 20 Ties instead transferred to the 4th of Jamee H. n. was into Port Louis, May, ns before stated, ottorta tow on the frontier :. 1847, Vogdes, promoted, (March 14th) regiment Burfield, alias J. Brunlng, arrestedhimself from 12U0 to 19110 strokes p>r hour. and poetr of all the Promotions and appointments iu the regular army f August 'JO, 1840 to take on the next Lelow aflerooon officer of tbe 2nd Ctkind Jit t'oti Hraun- brevet Major I". W. Sheruiau 3d plaoe Army lteglater infantry,yesterday by Deiaham, Ship HviirNnarr Pun» moron, of Bath,from Nswpor, Wales of the United Statin, (exclusive of those announced In Captain Lewis O. Arnold. 2d Artillery, to data from Lieutenant ward, on a charge of three of before ashors on Island, below is Artillery ovUMedluf, let Lieutenant J I* Uaretcbu. Orders" Nob 37. and Buaeey. stealing packages reported Hog Portland, upon a ( Osneial 43, 47.) made. by the October 27,1847, rice Chapman, Assistant Second Lieutenant Prank H. Lamed, TOltigeure, valued at >13, tbe property of James P. Pond,penknives,ledge near the island Bhe bus 800 tons iron mils for the A ad roe A. A A <» ; (.'apt 1' H Hunt. 4th Artillery; apt President. the arteiee aud and Kennebec Railroad Co. Two steamers Brevet J. by consent of the Sonata, who vacates his regimental commie (ion,<4utrtermaster.instead of transferred (June 20th) to the 3d regiment of artillery, hardware dealer, No 54 Broad street. It appears this noggin attempted to Edward Dea*. 4th Artillery, Major T. and with the convent of the Sonata; and by tha 1'resi October 19. 1847. to take on the next below Lieut. man visited several hardware stores tow btr off at highwater Testerday without succeeding, and tw# -u Lieut. J A. brown. 4lh place Army Register young yesterday, werw » into wmcn sne 3<1 Arulitry, Reynold"dent, lince the publication of-'General Orders.'' No. 36, First Lieut. Thomas B.J. Weld. 2d to date Beall. and made a bill of at which ware iignters immeuiuwi; K wvunriu®, oom* J R 4th Breve Artillery, up goods saoh, packed msnoed dim. Annthor attempt would be made to get her off at . 24 Lieut Haz-aard, Artillery; of December 4. 1847 :. from October 19, 1840, rice instead Second Lieutenant Julian 3d and a bill ma le of the with 6 oent Wm tV. Chapman. A VI M let Lieut AbnerArtillery Daniels, promoted, McAllister, artillery, up. same, per off, for tie night tide. She leaked but little at latt aocaiut* hut It U Major I..PROMOTIONS. of October 27, 1847 transferred (April 13th) to the Ordnance Department, cash. Thus the bill remained, and the in the »ld aha la badly hogged, aad that it ia estimated that it wi'l coat Doubleday, A. C S.; Aaa't Surgeon Leonard MoThatl. " goods, J. adjutant uibtlal'l dkpabtfttknt. First Lieut. Marcus D. L. Simpson, 2d Artillery, to te take place In the Army Register next below Lieut. store, the aocused saying, He wonld call in again in at least $0000 to repair her. Vessel ra'ued at $16,0UI, one halt jit taint hotel- (apt. g. Prentisi. lit Artillery, Breed Oscar date from October 27. T. M. Whedbee. IS or 20 and insured at Boston; $0,000 at the Equitable, it,5UU at the Warren lit Lieut. H M A. M lit Captain K. Winship. 1847, ride Arnold, promoted, minutes, paykfor them." On his person, offices. commanding Whiting, H m ner-l. to be ceneralasjistant-adjut»n'with the of December 0. 1847 CASUALTIES. when searched at the office, was found a bill of and id.lUOat tlia Tremout Lieut James R RieketU, lat Artillery; 2d Lieut. asM-tant.adjutant instead VI.. polioe Tha Spanish Barm t'nilioa, Oilpl. from Havana, boundta breeet rank ol major, Decembar 2d. yioe First Lieut. Louis I). Welch, 3d Artillery, to date geods of Chailet S. 33 Fulton on Thorna* tj Rodman. Ordnance; Asa't Surgeon Eugene 1847, McCall, Rehgnationt. purohased Little, street, London, put into Charleston the 11th instant, in uintreea, who Taoates his staff commission from September 8, 1847. instead of August 13, 1817. Brigadier General Franklin Pleros, Maroh 30, 1948. for >49. Another for >2T, made by Fellows Ik Sobell. having »pning aleak. She baa a oargo of sugar. H Abadie roars or Marrena K. i'atrick, 2d I to date Lieut. No. 21 Maiden Lane. At Loth no he Brio at Boston, from Cronstadt, repir'a about .it J''0 Grande-2d Lieut T). M. Beltxhoover, knqinekrs. Captain nfantry, Col. John C. Fremont, Mounted Riflemen, places, doubt, MasaaNr.rr, Muuth Kirst Lieut Henry W llenham. to be from August 22, 1847. rice Anderson, deceased, of March 16.1848. stole several packages of valuable pen knives, as on lat tn.1t, ia lat 43, Ion 47 40, pioked up a water cask, tightly lit Artillery commanding, M^j. Nathaniel Anderson, captain. May wounds received in of 1847. his located at bunged, with the worda" aohr Sinters" out out on one of the heads 24 1848. rice Welrker deceased battle, instead August 20, Major George 8. Burbridge, Mounted Riflemen, searching lodging room, Gunter's, in which had the of lieen done. VI Nl.; Mej B. H hriee, 1'ayuiai.ier; Aaa't Surgeou, Lieut, First Lieut Ldward 2d Infantry, to date Fulton near several of appearance having recently Wm Second Horatio G. Wright, to be first Murray, 8,1848 January street, Broadway, packages Brio C a hoi.in a arpMary, of Boston, was sold at Rio Jv Levaly I* eh nary 28 1 e»4H. rice Trapier. lieutenai><from August 22, 1847, vice 1'atriok, promoted, instead Brevet ..'ajor H. 8. Turner, Captain 1st knives were found.evidently stolen by the aooused,while neiro to the 3d ult. Jit btazut Santiago. 2d Lieut. O. H Tillinihaif, lit resigned. of 1847. Dragoons, to tbe Mr. Pond's prerioua 1". B Eastland Second Lieut. Massilon Harrison, to be first lieuten. August 20, July 31,1848. purohase goods. store, 1'Bam/ic,(Honduras) Aug 10.Ontlielst of August. the bark Artillery, coniinandii g; Major l| M.; 11..APPOINTMENTS. C. n Broad was the last store he where he Voluaia, ofLondon, master, sailed from Truiillo with a BreTet Geo. Thouias, A. C S.; Ais't Surgeon T ant. May 24.1848, rice Btnbam. promoted. Captain Henry Pope, Mounted Riflemen, firetendingstreet, visited, Finlay, .Major Braret Second Lieut. Charles E. Blunt, to ba second ADJUTANT GPXXRAL'S DS. SARTMKTT. 31,1847. Deoember said, after the goods Were p4c*eu up, that he would ft!! eargo of mahogany anb logwood, and while boating out at It C Madiaon -8. 18*8. First Lieutenant Don Carlos But 11. 3d First Lieutenant Jamee H. of call in in lifteen minutes and for them.. 1* M tlie same night, struck upon the Barbaret reef, near Pigeon at as lieutenant February vice Wright promoted. adjutant Trapir, Corps again pay The vcseoiis a total of Mej. ck«)>n;HD no long stationed Mataraora* to be assistant with the This orcated a little Koy. wreok, but the greater part the l.as witbaraen from thai and is Brevet Second Lieut Johu O. Foster, to be second adjutant gen iral, Infantry. February 28,1848. Engineers, suspicion in the mind of Mr. cargo will be saved. We regret ti add that the wreck waashamv quartermaster, city, vice Harrison, brevet rank of captain, 23 1848, vice Brevet Firrt Lieutenant Alexander Second Pond, who directed his to watch where he went to. aooie now staliom d at llrow usril'e, opposite He bad made lieutenant, May 24,1848, promoted, January Hay/, boy fully gilundered by |iersona from Bustan, which Will be a coiirs ok torofikanncal enginkkbi promoted. Winship,Lieutenant 8th Infantry, April 12,1848. A few seconds after he left the store, three packages of sul jectfor inquiry hereafter. Wo are happy to stave that no lives binwlf extremely popular among the citiluna of First Lieutenant P. 2d knives were This faot were lost First Lieut. Andrew A Hutuphrejs, to be oaptain, Bryant Tilden, Jr., Infantry, pen missing. corroborated his Rio Matamoraa. 31. 1848. vice deceased Kirtt Lieutenant Kufus Ingulls. 1st Dragoons, to bs June 0. 1848. previous ,-uspicions. and pursuit was at once Janeiro, Aug 6 Ships Courier. Wolfe, for N York, 7tht Tlie flat of tbe H3d. has the following article upon May Mackay, trance, Vail, fm do, uuc; barks Camilla, Forsvth, fin Coast of Second Lieut. William it I'almer, to be first assistant quartermaster, with the rank of captain, Second Lieutenant William C. Tobey, 4th Infantry, which resulted in Mr. Pond traoing himinstituted,to his Alrica; for do; the banditti whoa depredations upon the Mexicans 31.1848. vice January 12. It rice t hurohill.
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