Boxing Great Muhammad Ali Was Also A Great Magician

National Day is observed by magic lovers across America each year on October 31 as part of National Magic Week.

Magical displays have more than likely been produced throughout history. One of the most renowned magicians was . Known for his *, Houdini had developed a range of stage magic tricks and made full use of the range of conjuring techniques, including fake equipment and collusion with individuals in the audience. His show business savvy was as exceptional as his showmanship. Scranton, Pennsylvania is home to the Houdini Museum. The term “magic” comes from Greek. The term’s etymology is ancient; “magic” derives from mageia (μαγεία). The first people to perform magic acts were Persian priests, called magosh in Persian and magoi in Greek. Alexander Hermann, known as Hermann the Great, a French magician was responsible for the outfits most magicians wore! The tall hat and the cape! The earliest magicians were considered sorcerers, and they were believed to have supernatural powers. One of the most famous illusionists was Baron Wolfgang von Kempelen. In 1770 he devised an automated chess player that took on all challengers. Benjamin Franklin played against the machine in 1783 and lost. For a long time, magicians refused to reveal the methods behind their tricks to the audience, and it was hard for beginners for enter the profession and find relevant information. The first publication about magic tricks is Reginald Scot’s Discoverie of Witchcraft, from 1584, and just a few books on the topic have been published ever since. The magician words “hocus pocus” are taken from the name of a sorcerer in the Norse mythology, called Ochus Bochus. On the other hand, “abracadabra” comes from an inscription that people used to wear inside their amulets during the Black Plague to protect them from the disease (according to English writer Daniel Defoe). It’s illegal in Queensland (Australia) to own a pet rabbit unless you can prove that you’re a magician. – Source In 1956, a magician was performing the “cut a person in half” trick using his wife for a televised performance. Immediately after she was divided, the host ended the show. People were horrified, thinking she had been killed, but time had just run out on the broadcast. – Source The CIA hired a magician to train agents in techniques for use in their mickey-slipping LSD experiments. – Source Apollo Robbins, a pickpocket magician, struck up a conversation with Jimmy Carter and Secret Service agents. Within a few minutes, he emptied the agents’ pockets of everything except their guns. – Source Charles, Prince of Wales, is a member of the “Magic Circle”, an exclusive club for magicians. He gained entry in 1975 with his “Cups and Balls” performance. This routine is considered by many to be a sign of an accomplished magician, as it uses many different techniques at once. – Source Muhammad Ali wasn’t just one of the greatest boxers of all time. He’s was also a magician, talented enough to earn David Copperfield’s praise in 2012. – Source


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The Abracadabra

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