Heroes and Legends League
HeroesHeroes andand LegendsLegends LeagueLeague League Champion # NGAA: Hawkeye Science 246 (5,625-1,433-241) *83 $16,209,200 … #92 or 501 TV Champion NGAA: Amalgam (1,569-860-143) *68 $5,417,300 … #51 or 502 Central Plains Champion JL6: The Hooded Inmate (10,017-1,701-334) *91 $22,326,600 … #139 or 503 East Coast Champion Syndicate: Deathlok (557-296-54) *25 $1,357,100 … #116 or 504 Great Lakes Champion NGAA: Dionysus (1,747-1,005-197) *81 $6,848,600 … #49 or 505 Mid-Atlantic Champion unclaimed Northeast Champion NGAA: Aesculapius (1,883-1,055-216) *88 $7,414,300 … #50 or 507 Pacific Northwest Champion VIRUS/LPPF/CTI: Anthrax (66-75-22) *15 $511,300 … #98 or 508 Rocky Mountains Champion unclaimed Southeast Champion VIRUS/CTI: Sir Arrogance JPM (1,084-407-91) *57 $2,892,600 … #151 or 510 Southwest Champion unclaimed West Coast Champion VIRUS/LPPF/CTI: Bio - Hazard (277-72-22) *19 $369,900 … #13 or 512 September 2021 League Tag-team Champions VIRUS/LPPF/CTI: Bio - Hazard and VIRUS/CTI: Sir Arrogance JPM #13 & #151 or 789 TV Tag-team Champions VIRUS/LPPF/CTI: Lab Rat and VIRUS/CTI: CM Punk #113 & #148 or 987 League Six-man Champions * win 5 free matches VIRUS/LPPF/CTI: Leprosy, SARS, and VIRUS/CTI: Latino Lover Boy #16, #97, & #150 or 789 TV Six-man Champions IWAIWA BulletinBulletin NGAA: Dionysus, Aesculapius, and Amalgam #49, #50, & #51 or 987 Battle Royal Winner NGAA: Hawkeye Science (5,625-1,433-241) *83 $16,209,200 … #92 2 HLL Rankings 1.
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