interspersed and illustrated with Many very remarkable and authentic FACTS.




LONDON: Printed for, and published by IV. BACON, at his Royal Patent Medicine Warehouse, ( appointed hj GovernmentJ No. ijo, Oxford-Street, oppofite New Bond-Street.

To the PUBLIC.

following Pages contain fome Obfervations upon, and THEa brief Account of, the Virtues of fome Patent and other excellent Medicine's, deferviiig, in a peculiar degree, the Con- fidence of Perfons afflicted with Diseases. Convinced by daily Experience, and by the frequent Information of Perfons (many in the more exalted Ranks of Life) who have taken thefe Remedies with the happieft Effects, that they combine very great Medical Efficacy with unerring Safety, Mr. BACON is therefore in- duced to recommend them to Society; and it is with particular Satisfaction that he is enabled to add, from his own Knowledge, that they are Discoveries and Preparations by Men of Science and professional Abilities, compounded with infinite Care and Attention, and all that Regard to Quality, Proportion, &c. fo highly requifite in the Preparation of Medicine: For it is a Truth, no lefs are undeniable than important, that Difeafes to be cured, not by the

Quantity of Drugs given to Patients , but by the fatalities thereof; and that to extraCt and combine the cfTcntial Parts of the more efficacious Productions of Nature, and apply them with Judgment, form the grand Arcanum of Physic. Further, it is a Matter of no light Conlideration, that the In- ventors and Preparers of fpecijic Public Medicines, not only put in hazard their Reputations and Property in the Introduc- tion and Eftablifhment of proprietary Remedies, butalfo ftudi- oufly and invariably bend their medical Refearches to thofe particu-

lar daffes of Difeafe, for which their Preparations are advifed and directed to be taken; and, in the contracted Span of human Life, perhaps a complete Invefligation of the Cause and Cure of even one Malady, is more than fufficient for the Study of one Man.i It has been afferted with great Confidence, that moll Patent and Public Medicines are compounded from the Difpenfatories and 4 Writings of medical Men, either of paft Ages, or of our own Time; now, if this Affertion be correct, it amounts to nothing more than this, that what are offered to the World as fecret Reme- dies, are in Truth fuch only as were, or are, in general Ufe. Bui is this the Fa& ? Is it not well known by every Man read in Phyfic, that many of the moft valuable Remedies in the Pharmacopeia publifhed in Europe, are the Difcoveries of Men denominated Empiricks,* from their laudably preferring to attain Knowledge of Medicine from practicalObjervation,' rather than to depend upon Theory or Chance; Witnefs the Jefuits Bark, Opium, &c. alfo various Preparations of the Mineral Kingdom, particularly Dr. James’s Fever Powder, which the moft eminent in the Art of Healing have for many Years paft written in their Prefcriptions, and which, it is credibly affured, is inferred in the laft Edition of the Pharmacopeia Collegii Regalis Medicorum Londinenfis, under the Title of " Pulvis Anti- monialis.” But, after all, thz great and moft important Matter is not fo much who difeovered it, nor what is the Competition of a Medicine, but what are its probable Ejjects in the Eifeafe for which it is preferibed ? Now, to afeertain the probable Effects of any Re- medy, it is certainly neceffary that the ftridieft Attention fhould be paid to Preparation, and that the proportionate Dofcs thereof Ihould be moft accurately known. If fo, to whom fhall we apply with more Hope of Relief, than to those who make the Pre- paration of one particular Medicine, and the Knowledge of one particular Disease, (or of even more than one Difeafe, if arifmg from the fame Caufe) their foie Enquiry, the Pillar of their Fa me, and perhaps thz great Means of their Support. That the Knowledge of Medicine is only to be attained by much

Perfeverance is not to be denied ; nor is it to be denied that, in this Age, the Gates of Knowledge are open to all Men; or that thole who fhall moft feduloufty apply themfelves fhall acquire the largeft Store. Happy is it for this Country, that every Science is open to

EMHElPiKor—Medic us qui ob Experiments folum, Medicinam nOvjt et tractat, Lexicon C. Schrevelii. 5 every one who fhall dare to explore it; and thrice happy are its People, that the Study_ of Physic is not retrained to thofe alone who have paffed through various Ceremonies; for to this Freedom of Reftraint may we, perhaps, impute the unrivalled Skill of that celebrated Divine, who lately reftored the moft amiable of Men from a Malady the moft afflicting in the long Catalogue of human Infirmities. There is alfo this very important Obfervation to be n>ade re- fpedling Public Medicines, that unlefs their Operation be gentle,

Jafe, and efficacious, they muft and will fpeedily Jink into Oblivion; for as they have rarely the great Advantage of a perfuafve Advocate at the Ear of the Patient, fo nothing but his Conviction of their Virtues, by their Jalutary Effects, can induce him to perfevere\ and yet reafonable Perfcverance is certainly moji requifite\ to enable even the happiest Combination of Chemicals or Galenicals to root out chronic Disease, andreftore the Valetudinary to Health. Silence were perhaps the beji Reply to that Shaft which is hourly let fly from the Bows of the interefted and malevolent againft Pa- tent and Public Medicines, viz. that “ they are advert[fed Remedies ;* but as this weak Reed appears to be thefavourite in their Quiver, a few Words may be thought requifite.—lt requires the ftrongeft Con- viction of their intrinfic Worth, and phyfical Excellence, by long and great Experiencet to induce the Inventor or Proprietor of any Medicine to incur the Jerious and certain Expence of making it known by Advertisements; an Expence which a very great and fhort ofFatuity general Demand can alone defray, and w'hich nothing could induce any one to enter upon without fuch previous Convic- tion ; for it were of fmall Avail to enter upon the Talk and Expence of making known that Remedy whofe Merits will not fupport its Character when known. No Advantage can poffibly be derived, but, on the contrary, the Clofe of it muft be marked by great Lofs cannot that the of Money, and I’ime ill applied. It be prefumed Mode of making known the Virtues of a Medicine, through the even Medium of a Newfpaper, is improper, much lefs difgraceful: If the Remedy be of superior Efficacy, it becomes a Duty to the Public, and to himfclf, that the Inventor or Proprietor do make

it as generally known as poffiblc ; and it muff not be argued, that the Medicine is delqfed by the Channel through which Society are made acquainted with it, fo long as the moji refined and moji powerful Courts in Europe addrefs themfelves to their People, and to the

World, by Means of the Printing-Press ; yet is it not a Truth, that many an unhappy Victim of Difeafc has been diffuaded, and even refufed the life of Medicines, which might have miniffered to his Relief, perhaps his Cure, folely bccaufe their Uses and Pro- perties had been fet forth in a Newspaper? as if their Efficacy was diminifhed or deftfoyed by being declared through that Organ which Ki ngs are proud- to fpeak by, and which, properly and jufily employed, muft ever produce the moji important and Jubjiantial Bles- sings to Mankind 1 It is frequently urged againft Public Remedies, that the World are often imprelied with favourable Ideas of them, by the Publi- cation ot unmthenfic Cafes of Cure :—Now nothing can be more

untrue than -fiich A’ffertions ; and. none but thofe who make.it their uniform Practice to decry the Merits of Medicines which they cannot equal, or which happen to excite their Obloquy by moji happy Ejjedis, when their Skill has failed, could venture upon a Charge which refutes itfclf. First, Becaufe that nothing is more cafily or readily detected than any fuch Attempt at Impofition, by a Reference to the Party. Secondly, That the Proprietor of a Medicine having once dared to offer fuch a Ficdion to Society, would in vain folicit their Confi- dence again—His Fame, and the Sale of his Preparation, would link inftantly for ever. Thirdly, That we are daily prefented in the Papers with Cases of Cure, certified by Men of Rank, Spirit, Education, and Fortune, who would affuredly profccutc

any one who fhould dare to annex their Names to an Untruth ; and as no fuch Profccutions arc upon Record, or heard of, flirely it re- quires little Argument to prowe that there are no Grounds for

* them. ,wr •■ ■ It is not the Plan or Wish of the Proprietor, of this Ware 7 houfe, ftrenuoudy to urge any one to come before the World with a Narrative of his Cure; nor (hall any Cafe ever appear in the

Prints without Content, or Direction of the Party ; but as’many Gentlemen, Ladies, and others, frequently tranfmit to him Parti- culars of their Difordcrs, and the Effects of Medicines applied, for

Information of the Preparers, and the Penfal of others alike affiified, he cannot omit exprcffing his earned: Requefl, that the Practice may be complied with as generally and as frequently as poflible. They are allured, that no Ute diall be made of their Communications beyond that of giving additional Knowledge to the Inventors, and out aiding the Cauje of Humanity, by pointing Means of Health to the Diseased. There is one Admonition highly neccffary, which (hall, for the prefent, conclude thete Obfervations :—lt is this, that Pcrfons taking any Medicine, fliould pay the moft implicit Regard to the Dire6lions given therewith, and endeavour regularly to conform

in , y eating, drinking cloathing &c. for unlefs the Patient will render his own Adifiance towards the Operation of the Remedv, its Efficacy mud: certainly be weakened and often greatly if

not totally dellroyed : Science may, and does teacli Men how to prepare and apply the Productions of Nature for her Aid againfl

Disease ; but furely it is not in the Power of all the medical Men in Europe to devife a Specific for inconsiderate Carelessness.

Asclepiades Officium effie Medici dicit, ut tutoi ut celeriter,

ut jucunde curet. — Id Votum est. Celsus. IMPORTANT CAUTION.

uniform Efficacy and Safety of the Medicines fpokcn THEof in the following Pages, have eftablifhed their Character, and a great and increafing Demand throughout Great-Britain, Ireland, and other Parts of Europe; alfo from America, and the East and West Indies; but this Character and Sale have been fometimes found productive of veryferious Confequence to the World, and the Proprietors, by giving Opportunity for bafe and avaricious unprincipled Men to prepare and vend poisonous Counterfeit Preparations, which they have done to an alarming degree, ef- pecially in Country Towns, and by Exportation ; Mr. Bacon, con- lidering it his Duty to the Public, and to the Patentees and Pro- prietors, for whom he acts, to render Affiftance to the utmoft of his Power, in checking this Evil, has devifed the following Cer- tificate, engraved in Copper-plate % and as henceforth every Me- dicine (in this Book), whereof he is the general Agent, will be cer- as Forgery a tified under his Hand, and the of fuch Certificate is not to capital Crime, he is without Hopes, that the Sick will cease experience deleterious Fraudy and the Discoverers of valuable Remedies be in future protected in the Fruits of their Labours in the Healing Art.

u Bacon’s Royal Patent Medicine Warehouse. “ I William Bacon, the foie appointed General (f Agent for the Sale of this Medicine, do hereby cer- “ tify it to befaithfully prepared, and truly genuine. “ Witnefs my Handy W. BACON, " No. 150, Oxford-freety . M Twenty Guineas Reward will be paid on ConvidJion “ of a Forgery of this Certificated ' As each Certificate is trebly checked, by a new and infal- lible Method, reference to Mr. Bacon, where a Forgery is fufoedted, will explain every Doubt, and lead to Difcovery.

*** Perfons taking fix of one or more Articles, will have them free of Stamp Duty. Orders from any Part of , Scotland, or Ireland fafely packed, and duly forwarded, upon a Reference for Payment in London accom- panying the fame. Merchants and other Perfons, taking Quantities for Exportation, are fupplied on the , as lowef Wholefak Terms and without Stamps, ufuak Patent and Public MEDICINES,



is the difficulty in Prepara- in every other complaint arifing from SUCHtion, and fo great the length of | defect in that firfigreatprinciple to truly time necelTary produce this termed infenfiblc Perfpiration, iince it valuable Medicine in perfection, is an unerring truth, that almoft every that it is feldom Dr. Norris can ven- difeafe incident to mankind arifes from

ture to publifh it for generalfale. perfpiration being fupprejfgd, diminijhed The Efficacy of thefe Drops in or difproportionate. the Cure of everyfpecies of Fever, is To excite Diaphoresis is in the but of not only fpecific, abfolutely une- power many preparations in the qualled by any other Medicine, and Pharmacopoeia, but to induce and con- their Operation 'is no lefs gentle JiantlyJ'upport infenfible Perspiration than It is certain. Be the Fever in- is a benign virtue to be found alone in

, malignant , Drops. flammatory, putrid , miliary thefe and or nervous, ever fo far advanced Thefe Drops are efpeciall y appointed in its progrefs ; be it attended with to be fold by Mr. Bacon, in Bottles Delirium, Petechia;, Putrid at 2s. gd.—ss. ?d. —and us. 6d. each. Sore Throat, and other alarming There are alfo Family Bottles at il. 2s. fymptoms, this divine Medicine never each. Thefe are fold by Dr. Norris fails (if in the power of medicine) in- only, at his houfe in Lower Brook- ducing a charming Perspiration, ftreet, Grofvenor-fquare.—Dr. Nor- followed by and Essay refre/hing Jleep, every ris’s on theVirtuesofhisDrops prognoftic ofconvalejcence: Further, is highly deferving of perufal; it con- the patient never fuffers any anxiety in tains much excellent advice in various the operation, for it may be taken by Difeafes, and may be had for perufal the moft delicate Female (and if ofMr. Bacon, and the other Venders pregnant , to great advantage), or by of the Medicine in town and country. Infants in the month, with equal fafety and ferenity. T he following Cases are publifbed Nor the hnce are goodeffefis of this Me- herein, having occurred the laji dicine confined to the Cure of Fe- Edition of Dr. Norris’s Essay ; vers: it has been found, in the expe- To Dr. NORRIS. rience of near 40 years extenfive pradtice, equally falutary in gouty “Sir, Habits, Rheumatism, latent “My name is entirely at your fer- Scurvy, Bilious Complaints, and vice, ifit can be of the lealt ufe, for I am all Disorders of the Stomach and perfuaded, that whatever tends to pro- Bowels, in obstinate Costive- mote the ufe of your excellent Me- ness (but not by purging), Coughs, dicine muft conduce to the Public Colds, Nervous Head-Achs, and Good. Your Drops werefirft rccom- mended to me by a relation of mine, tion, I fhall not fail to communicate lately deceafed, who had done Infinite them to you. fervice by the application of them to lam, Sir, with much refpcfl, his poor neighbours, in the neighbour- Your obedient fervant, hood of Crewkerne, in Somerset- FRANCIS LEIGHTON. shire. lam forry, for the fake of the Shrewjbury.” public, that I neglected to write down from his mouth fome of the particular To Dr. N OR R I S. cafes in which they were ufcful; but I “Sir, well remember that he was fo warm “ About three years ago I was feized in their praife, that 1 refolved always to with the Internal PrLEs; thofeonly keep them by me. who know any thing of that painful

“ complaint can judge what I fujfered Thecafe of the poor man to whom from having them very grievoufiy. I fent them, I believe, was almoft “ def- I took noftrums ; 1 applied to the psrate, Before the Fever attacked Faculty; and fwallowed Sulphur him he had been extremely weakened till the frnell of my own (kin was hate- by another diforder ; 1 think it was a to me—my diforder was no way Cough and spitting of Blood. ful mended—l was even told, that when it His recovery (efpecially after his rc- fhould give way, it would be but for a lapfe) fo aftoni/hed the Apothecary and that muft expedl frequent almoft time, I who attended him, that he con- returns of it during my life. fidered miraculous ; exceffive it as the “At this inftant the continued im- neatnefs and of the cleanlinefs woman portunities of much valuedFriend to a was the only circumftance which prevailed with me to try your Drops. he could attribute for he was it, I took one of your largest bottles, entirely ignorant that the patient had and with- but took them negligently, left off his I medicines, and taken out hope, rather to filence my friend, yours. than from expectation ofrelief. Find- “ We are feldom, this from one in place, long ing myfelf better, how'ever, Fevers the confidence free from infectious among bottle, 1 called on you; your poor, particularly in or after unfealona- in my Cure begat mine. Two bottles I bly mild winters; Ufall, therefore, more put an end to my diforder ; I took probably have fome opportunity of fur- another, at my own inftance, by way nifhing you with other proofs of the of prevention, and have never had the Efficacy of your medicine; and if leaffymptom. ofits return.—1 am, Ac.

any fuch fhould fall under my obferva- Aldgate Within, C. D. F. Dec. 28, 1790.”

ADAMS’s SOLVENT, For the STONE and GRAVEL. many eminent and respec- in removing Disposition of the habit table FOR proofs of the innoccncy and to calculous concretions, an advantage Cjfcacy of this Solvent, the afflicted which even chirurgical operation can- are referred to Mr. PERRY’s ESSAY not fecure to the patient. on the STONE, in which appear the Mr. J. Robertshaw, a non-conv- Cafes of Patients of thefirji di(Unc- milHoned Officer in the Royal Re- tion in this Kingdom, illujirated by giment of Horfe Guards Blue (and in the moft eminent of the faculty. General Blathwayt’s troop) was for Since the laft edition of that work, many years tormented with fits of the the following Cures, amongft others, Gravel, which at length became have occurred: They prclentnot only Stone, rendering him incapable of do- indubitable evidence of the folvent ing his duty ; the accumulation was power of this Medicine in the Stone fo rapid and alarming, that he kept his all that and Gravel, but alfo its happy effects bedfor fix weeks, being unable 11 time to Hand upright but with the Solvent, and after difcharging a con- great'ji agony. fiderable quantity o£ mucus and fund, At this Period he was reported (during the ufe of the remedy) his the Surgeon to have urine by regimental a became clear, his fits of Hone confirmed Stone, and to be in were trifling, and he could make water great danger. General Blathwayt’s without much pain ; in fhort, in four fervant was thereupon difpatched for months time, he was perfectly cured ; Adams’s Solvent, which, by the he is now a fine healthy boy, eleven time he had taken it three weeks, gave years of age, at Boarding School, and -him fome relief— in fix or feven more has never had any return of the cruel he began to evacuate quantities of/lone diforder under which he laboured fix and clayey matter. The excruciating years fince. As I confider it a duty to pains, which had kept him awake for you, and to the public, you have my nights together, abated, and fymptoms free confent to make this Cure known, threatening an ulcer dfappeared. who am, Sir, By this happy change Mr. Ro- Your obliged and obedient fervant, bertshaw could walk about JV». hewer , now , and 29, Brook-Jlreet with further continuance of the Sol- Grofvenor-fqua ,L.ONDoN, Al. CjALE. 7, vent, be ventured to mount his horfe, Jvtui 1791- pajfingjlone andJand in prodigious quan- From the above letter this impor- tant Fact is viz. that one tities daily, till he grew as well as ever deduced, he was in his life. Although it is now child was perfectly cured of the Stone two years fmee he left off the Solvent, by the Solvent, and that another died

of , though attended by the yet he continues perfectly well, and is Lithotomy doing duty with the regiment, to the mollfkilful Surgeon in the world. The furprife of every one who knew his aedion of this Medicine upon Human /, Calculi is eafy, toKtir.ua and cafe ; his cure being conhdered as one of the mojl ajlonifinng inffanceS of the of certain cjfedl \ yet mojl perfectly in- power of medicine. noxious to the general Conjiitution* To S. PERRY, Efq. Surgeon, The Case of Mr. W. HARPUR, at Proprietor of ADAMS ’s SOLVENT the Right Hon. Lord Robert for the Stone and Gravel. Bertie’s, voluntarily communi- “Sir, cated by a worthy Clergyman. “Upon reading in the Suflex Weekly ! “ Mr. Harpur had been affli&ed Advertifer, dated the 13th of June in- : with the Stone many years to that de- Rant, that “ on Friday Iaft died in | gree, as rendered his life at laft ex- “ London, after being cut for the Stone tremely burdenfome, and made him in-

The ALTERATIVE AMERICAN SYRUP, An abfolute Specific Cure in the mod deplorable SCORBUTIC DISEASES; Caries of the Bones, from ill cured Lues; Schirrous Tumours ; and Putrid Affections of the System. DONOVAN, Surgeon, that, in all morbid Affections of MR.No. 35, James’s Place, London, the Blood and Lymph, (the cauib difeoverer of this exalted Prepara- of altnoft every malady) fo noble, jafe, tion of American Herbs, (when and efficacious a remedy, was never yet with Tarleton’s Britilh Legion, offered to mankind ; but he now leaves ferving in North America, during it to the world, confcious that he has the late war) ferioufly recommends done his duty, by fending forth what it to the afflibfed with the Scurvy, may be given to the tender Infant, (even in its moji deplorable Jlages j as a the pregnant Female, and to pal- Remedy to them really invaluable. sied Age, with fafety and efficacy, The many thoufands, whofe exiftence hitherto unparalleled in the annals of is hourly rendered horrible, by tortures medical difeovery. confequent of unreftrained paffions and Governor Franklin has been Jirong will, in this power- long acquainted with the efficacyofMr. ful and innocent Alterative, Donovan’s Syrup, and authorizes his find an early and happy Restoration publifiiing as follows. to perfect Health and Strength ; To Mr. JEREMIAH DONOVAN? be the Bones affeffed, the Nervous Surgeon, London. System palfted] and the whole Con- tc Norton-frect, Auguji 3, 1790. st it beyond all hopes “Sir, of cure, by general medical aid ; yet “ Having known repeated inftances will this medicine conquer the malady, of the extraordinary Relief af- by gradually dulcifying and defraying forded by your Syrup, in Scorbutic the Virus, and giving Tone and Disorders, I cannot refufe giving Health to the whole frame. you, from under my hand, this Tes- Mr, Donovan might add much timony of its Etficacy. more in juf report of this Syrup, for WILLIAM FRANKLIN, great experience has convinced him, Late Governor of New-Jersey.” To Mr. DONOVAN To Mr. DONOVAN.

“ No. Brick Court Sir, 4, , Temple, yA;;.2,1792 cc I have for many years laboured “ Sir, under a moft violent Scorbutic Com- cc For many years I was troubled plaint, and for thefe three years lafb paft a 1 have been with with violent Scurvy , which broke out troubled large blotches in large blotches on many parts of my' all over my body, difeharging a thin body, and my face; my eyes were ichorous humour; my left arm, and much inflamed, and very painful, and right leg, were covered with fores, my head was covered with pimples ; after many of them very large and deep, at- taking a great variety of medicines tended with excruciating pain. Men- without benefit, I determined to try tioning my fituation to a Gentleman, VOUr A M E RIG ANVEGETA B L E S Y R UP;. who had ufed your American Al- 1 had taken two bottles only when terative Syrup, I was prevailed I found’myfelf much relieved; at that on to put myfelf under a courfe of it; time bufmefs of emergency obliged me in a fortnight after 1 began to take it, to go to Ireland, where I remained ray pains were much abated, my reft three months. When at Bath, on my cotnpofed, and the fores put on a mild way to London, from Ireland, 1 was ■appearance, difeharging in general a feized with a violent pain in my right thick pus ; in ten weeks every fore fide, which was foon followed with was healed, and my health perfectly tormenting achs in my head, and in all roftored. . . “ my bones ; I lojl the entire nje of one eye, Any candid enquirer may be fatis- and the other was extremely weak. This’ ned of the above fadls, on applying to Complication of Complaints, to- me at No. 20, Oxendon-ftreet, Hay- gether with a Jhortnfs of breath, de- market. W. BURTOFT. prived me of deep, and' rendered my September zi, 1791.” life inferable. From the relief before afforded me by the Syrup, I refolved Thefe letters were voluntarily ad- drefied to Mr. to put myfelf under a courle of it; in a Donovan, and are two afnongft many hundred fortnight Irecovered the try eyes, teftimonies c- ufe of qually ftrong, ofthe my ref was perfectly rej.cored, and an aftonifhing healing entire regeneration of health .in three properties ofthe American Syrup, The months, in the whole time I took but Inventor and i reparer folemnly pledges himfelf to the that it is a ten ofthe Syrup ; its world, Me- quarts operation dicine was imperceptible, except when bed prepared fiolcly Vegetables in neither firom Mercury, I felt a pleafmg glowing hear, and Antimony, nor any fometimes a very gentle perfpiration. other Mineral, are known in the Com- He You have my penniflion not only to pofition. has given it in many thou- land cafes of the publifh this my cafe, but to refer to me moft defperate kinds, any perfons labouring under fimilar often after every other remedy had complaints. failed ofi efife ft, with the uniformly happy conjequences. moft I am, Sir, The American Alterative Sy- Your moft obedient fervant, rup is fold in bottles at ss. sd. and quarts at 1 rs. 6d. each; and every genuine K. O’BRYAN.” battle is certified by Mr. Ba- con, as let forth 111 page 8 of this book. 15

Genuine PECTORAL BALSAM of HONEY, Invented by the late Sir JOHN HILL, M. D. prepared from bis MS. Recipes his ReliSi and And now faithfully by Executrix, at her houfe in the Hon. LADY HILL, Curzon-ftreet? Lerkeley-fquare, London.

40 Tears Experience efficacy, the refult of long researches NEARLYhas confirmed the unequalled effi- into nature, by the Linnaeus of Bri- cacy and fafety of this elegant Medi- tain ; a man who dedicated his life to cine in the immediate Relief, and Botany, and juftly fought the true gradual Cure, ofCoughs, Colds, means of Health in the vegetable Sore Throats, Hoarseness, Dif- kingdom—but as the fevered human ficulty of Breathing, Ca- laws are unequal to the prevention of tarrhs, Asthmas, and Consump- extreme fraud by coining and forgery, tions ; for it is the greateft preferver fo it is not to be admired that the me- of the Lungs, and contains all the heal- rits of this Medicine have induced bafe ing, fqftening, and foothing qualities of and avaricious men to vend counter- thatfalubrious Extract ofFLovvEßs, feit Preparations of it, preparations called Honey, and the essential not merely devoid of all efficacy, but alfo Parts of the richest Balsams of highly deleterious, for it is not the Eastern World ; it is reitera- long fince that theLady ofthe Reverend tive as Aftes Milk, and never difagrees Mr. Fowler, of Peterborough, with the Jiomach. A Tea-spoonful had nearly fallen a facrifice to a fpu- in a wine glafs ofwater is a Dose, con- rious Ballam of Honey, fold by a verting the water into a molt pleafant Perfon of that place, and which he balfamic liquor, to be taken morning Ihewed to have been bought by him, andevening. A common Cold yields as genuine, of a w'holelale Druggiji to the benign influence of this Medicine in London. in a few hours ; and when reforted to Sold, in Bottles, price 6d. each. before the lungs are ulcerated, all dan- 3s. There are alfo Bottles, price il. 2s. is ger of Confumption certainly prevented. containing more feven at 6d. Such the faint outlines of the than 3s. are me- and certified by Mr. Bacon, under rits of Sir Hill’s Balsam of his hand. John , as per page 8 of this book. Honey, a preparation of molt exalted

The SAMARITAN RESTORATIVE. invaluable Restorative is received a and is ftock, debilitated, from THISthe production of an eminent imprudencles or inattention in the earlier Phyfician, and has been admihiftered, in part of life, or is linking under the private practice, with the greateffuccefs, advance of years,, a few dofes of this for upwards offorty years. It was ne- Medicine will afford immediate affur- ver before advertifed, and is now of- ance of returning health and Itrength, fered to the world, not for private by giving Tone to the Muscular emolument, but from moll ferious con- System, and Organs ofDigestion, viction, that to withhold so benign and by renovating the whole Con- and health-restoring a Balsam stitution. from Society in general, were an adt I o the Young it will afford last- of the greateft injultice. ing Health, Strength, and Spi- Youth and Age, of either Sex, rits, in place of lajfitu.de and debility ; are equally the objedts of this Re- to Aged / and the and Infirm, it will storative, and they will uniformly affuredly furriifh great relief and corn- participate in its falubrious qualities fort, by gently and fafely invigorating and eftedts 5 for whether the fyltem has the fyftem 3 it will not give immorta- lity ; but if it be in the power of Me- ing, fly before the effects of this great dicine to gild the autumn of declining Medicine ; and all that train yearsy and calmly and ferenely to pro- offinkingSy anxictieSy and tremori, which tract the clofe of life beyond its narrow fo dreadfully affect the Weak, the Se- fpan, fhis Reftorative is capable of ef- dentary, and the Delicate, will fecting that grand Desideratum. in a Ihort time be fuccecded by cheer-, Constitutionsßelaxed,Weak, fulnefsy and every prefage of bailing or Decayed, in Men or Women, Health. are under the immediate influence of this To those who have revelled in the Restorative. Midnight Cupy or madly drained Na- OldCoughs, Asthmas,and Con- ture of her richefi JioreSy by unre- sumptive Plabits, are foon relievedy ftrained or licentious Love, or by the andfpeedily curedy often by one bottle only. horridfeljijh Pajfion of Diogenes, this Poverty of Blood, and emaciated Restorative will render all pofjible Limbs, will ere long meet the happieji Assistance ; and if the vital powers change ; the chill watery fluid will be- be not entirely deftroyed, it will gra- come rich and balfamicy and theLimbs dually repair the melancholy Evil. be covered with Flesh, firm and Sold, in Bottles, price 15.6d.25.6d. ss. healthful. and ios. 6d. each; and certified by Nervous Disorders, of every Mr. Bacon, under his handy as by kind, and from whatfoever caufe arif- page 8 of this book.

Dr. H U X II A M ’ s Genuine TINCTURE of PERUVIAN BARK. Royal College of Phy- tion, the vaft difference in Richnefs sicians of and ma- THE London having pro- and QQualityyy confequently in nounced Dr. PIUXHAM’s Tinc- terial Efficacy, will be obvious to the ture ofPeruvian aryl moft (zvhen truly uninformed \ that this is a Fact Genuine) to befuperior to all other pre- no lefs true than important to the af- parations all (or aHedged improvements J of flicted, Experience , the Test of that valuableCorroborant ; Mr. things, will convince every one. Bacon, of No. 150, Oxford-ftreet, found London, conhdered that he could not This TinCture will be highly long but merit tjie approbation of Society, falutary after Fevers ; alfo for in engaging one of the moft eminent Lofs of Appetitey Nervous Complaints Chemijis to duly prepare this Medicine, , from the choicejtpicked Bark, See. un- Periodic Head Achs, der the infpection of a Member of the Bilious DfeafeSy tlard College. Drinking, and Aguijl) ; Such is the Tincture of Peruvian AffeStions and is fold in bottles offive ounces each y Bark now propofed to the public ; a price as. 6d. alfo in pints, at 7s. each, more perfect and accurate preparation with directions for ufe. cannot be found: and if comparifon be made with the weak turbid mixtureSy Every bottle is certified by Mr, Ba- which are generally and difgracefully con, under his handy as per page 8 fold for Dr. Huxham’s Prepara- of this book.

For COSTIVENESS, INDIGESTION, CHOLIC, and BILIOUS HABITS. Mr. WILLIAMS’S APERIENT PILLS. great importance of an ejfec- perfons of all ages and circumftances, tnal and eafy opening Medicine in j (particularly in Jedcntary life) requiring THEthe above Complaints, with the frequent i a Laxative, has induced the Propri- and various occafions which occur to I etor to recommend this excellent and ready adiftant, which in all cafes is at bed-time, after excefs in eating or adapted to gently open the body, drinking. without caufmg the ufual had confiquen- ' The Public are affured thefe Pills ces or no , they of purgatives commonly employed, have fimilarity to Scotch Pills as requiring any confinement or attention do not contain a particle of Aloes in to Diet. their compolition, and inftead of heat- Thefe Aperient Pills prove of the ing the body, or producing Piles, are firft advantage in a Cold, Cough, the heft Remedy forfuch Affedfions. and Fever, and are particularly eli- Prepared only by the Proprietor, T. gible in habitual Coftivenels, as a fre- Williams, Member of the Apothe- quent ufe of them does not injure the caries’ Company, in boxes at is. 6d. Conftitution, but will remove a long 4s. and 7s. 6d. each. train ofDifeafcs which alternately refult The boxes at 7s. 6d. contain equal to from a confined ilate of the Bow'els. fix at is. 6d. They fpeedily remove Sicknefs and Every box is certified by Mr. Ba- his hand 8 Head-Ach, from Bile getting into the con, under , as by page Stomach, and fhould never be omitted of this book.

Mrs. MATHEWS’S MEDICINES, For curing the PILES, and FISTULA in ANO, without cutting, or any painful Application, ORiginally difeovered and pre- from ray horfe, ami foon after I felt pared by Mr. Mathews, Sur- very acute pains in my Back and geon, Brook-direct, Holborn, deceafed; Loins : I neglected thelc lymptoms are continued to be prepared, from until I was pronounced to' have a his JWanuJeript Recipes, by Mrs. Ma- Fistula. After nearly twelvemonths thews, his Widow, Duke-llrect, had elapled, during which 1 fought re- Manchefter-fquarc, London. lief from medicines, but in vain, I

These justly celebrated Re- went Into St. Bartholomew’s Hofpita!, medies are functioned by the experi- and fubmitted to an Operation which ence of 40 years, and have been blelled was performed with infinite fkill and with fuch happy efeeds in the molt defi- tendernefe by an eminent Surgeon. afflicted made it perate cafes , that the arc The oblHnacy of the difeafe allured more efficacious and innocent pre- requifite that I Ihould be cut a Jecond two time again parations for of the moll diitrelling , and the operation was per- in dileafes in human nature, were never formed ; forfifteen weeks I remained yet made public. As perfons of rank the deplorable anguijh, daily attended mofi able and fortune, who have been rellored by my Surgeon, and other Gentle- to found health, after feeking afliftance men of the Faculty ; but the complaint in vain from general practice, have baiHed all their endeavours, and I went permitted Mis. Mathews to give pa- out, reduced by it to a skeleton ; not tients reference to them, fo they may difmiffed as incurable, but that 1 might be acquainted with particulars, by ap- try to recover fulheient {Length by the plying to her as above. frefh air, &c. fo as to be enabled to But as the Cure of Mr, G. hear cutting a third time. During this Good all,ofKing-ftrect,St. George’s interval, 1 happily heard oi Mrs. Mat- Fields, furnifhes the moji fatisfaaory thews’s Medicines. I began with Ffficacy proof of the alledged and them i in four days they gave me eafe, Safety, after the moji eminent jurgi- and by continuing their ufe for rune could avail him completely cured.. calfkill not , it is thought weeks,. I was proper to publilh it in his own words : My {Length is entirely returned, and I January 9, 1792. am now hearty and well, as at any pe- u I hree years lince I was thrown riod of my life. Mr. Taylor, Coal- merchant, King’s-Bench Walk, and Sold, with ample Dircdlions for Ufe, Mr. Smith, Newington, know me (by appointment of Mrs. Mathews) in and my cafe, and will add their tefti- packages, price One Guinea, or in dou- mony to the truth of this cure, which ble packages, price il. Os. 1 now earneftly requeft may be pub- Every package is certified by Mr. 8 liftied for the information of other un- Bacon, under his hand, as per page happy fufferers.” of this book.


has been Places, hot Climates find this found bylong ex- or , will WHICHperience a very gratefuland effec- Snuff an admirable preventive of in- tual Remedy for molt Diforders ot the ; and it is particularly fervice- Head-ach. fection Head Head, efpecially the common al lc in thofe Complaints of the It removes Drowfmefs, Giddinefs, and which Painters, &c. are fubjedt to. Vapours; relieves Dimnefs of Sight; Thofe alfo who take much of the com- is excellent in curing recent Deafnefs, mon Snuffs may prevent their bad ef- and has been of great fervice in Hyf- by mixing with them a propor- teric and Paralytic Complaints ; as aifo tion of this excellent Cephalic. in reftoring the Memory when im- Sold in bottles, price y(d. each, and paired by Diforders of the Head.— certified by Mr. Bacon, under his Perfons who vifit the Sick, unhealthy hand, as by page 8 of this book.

The genuine ESSENCE of WATER DOCK,

For the LEPROSY, SCURVY, and all CUTANEOUS and ERUPTIVE DISORDERS Essence of Water Dock nature is further affifted by a more THISis prepared from a plant indigenous than ordinary difcharge of urine No to Britain, called thegreat Water particular regimen or preparation is Dock, being a very pure and perfedt required by this Medicine ; it is of the inner and is an vegetable kingdom and perfectly folution of its rind, folely, abfolute fpecfic cure the Scurvy, anlwers the old Greek character of it, for “ in every (rage, condition, and degree of That few Medicines are more efec- that difeafe, and this with the moft tual, none more innocent.” Further, it innocence for it cannot is and perfeft , repel; pleafant, ftrengthening, reviving; nor has it any of the dangerous ef- it clears the complexion, gives fpirits, fects of mineral preparations, Mercury and comforts the ftomach. being unknown in the compofition.— “ any one is ill, and knozvs not his Whether the Scurvy be of the erup- If Diforder , let himfujpeff the Scurvy,” tive kind, orJatent in the habit, this Mathiolus. Essence is always confident in its operation and elfedls. Its hrft effort Sold, in Bottles at 3s. 6d. each, and by Mr. Bacon, under his is by infienfihle perfpiration, thereby cei'tified opening the obdrudfed pores, and giv- hand, as by page 8 of this book. ing panage to the offending humour ; There are alfo Bottles at il. 2s. each, and, where the diforder is virulent, containing more than Seven at 3s. 6d. GLASS’S MAGNESIA ALBA.

genuine Magnesia Alba has ftitution. It is alfo an admirable re •* to a medy for the Heart-burn and for Aci- THEbeen found, by experience, be , powerful corrector of thofe four noxious dities in the Stomachs of Infants and Humours, into which indigefted food Children, mod and for the part degenerates; Sold in Boxes of 3s. 6d. 7s. and il. taken to may be therefore advantage is. each, and by Mr. Bacon, whenever acrimony abounds in the Sto- certified under his hand, as by page 8 of this mach and Intestines, or has entered book. into the blood, and affedled the con-


TINCTURE of HEATH VALERIAN, For Nervous Disorders, and Hysteric Complaints. ofValeri is in and Tincture an Flatulencies Obfiruftions , it is a THISpreparedfolely from the Root ofthe moftfafe and efficacious remedy. true Heath V alerian, far fupcrior (but ,As the difeales wherein this prepara- much more rarej than what is found tion of Valerian is recommended by rivers and in woods, and generally are almoft always the growth of time, fold. It poffeffcs wonderful efficacy fo they require fome perfeverance to

, Head- in all Nervous Diforders, Fits meet a cure. The operation of the

Achs , and Loiv- Medicine is yet certain JVeaknefs, Heavinefs, gradual\ , and nefs of Spirits, Dimnefs of Sight, con- its firft fymptoms of good cffedt are fufed Thoughts and Wanderings of the Serenity and Cheerfulnefs. Mind: Vapours and Melancholy, and Sold in bottles, price 3s. 6d. There all kinds of Convulfions and Hyjterical are alfo bottles, price il. 2s. each, at Complaints, gradually go off by the containing more than feven 3s. 6d. ufc of this Medicine. In Sicknefs of Each is certified by Mr. Bacon, under Stomach, the Convulfive AJihma, and his hand, as by page 8 of this book.


Mrs. M. E. VINCENT, For SCORBUTIC HUMOURS in the face, &c. ofMen and Women.

Lotion was invented and /kin, and dulcify and extraft the acrid THISprepared by Dr. Gowland,Apothe- humours affecting it. By the fmiple cary to his late Royal Highnefs the application of this falutary fluid once Prince of Wales, and is a remedy a day, upon a towel, for a few weeks, of moft exalted efficacy for all Scorbutic the molt rancorous and alarming Scur- Humours in the face and other parts, vy in the face, which has foiled every and in all difeafes of the Ikin. It is a other remedy, will gradually difappear, preparation and fo and the affume that pleafmg, folely vegetable, is complexion and denotes far from being it. the leaft a repellant, cool, natural ftate which that its firft principles of operation are certain health. gently and kindly to open the pores of the Ladies of delicate Complexions fincercly wifh you every advantage cannot put too great confidence in this which fo valuable a Lotion as that in Lotion, for it pofl’efl'es all the good your pofleffion has a claim to, and do qualities of the moft celebrated cof- allure you I lhall always be happy to metics, without any of their doubtful recommend it., effects ; clearing the fkin of deformi- I am, Madam, ties, fuch as Pimples, Tetters, Ring- Your humble fervant, worms, Freckles, Tan, Rednefs ,of the P. BANKS, Surgeon, London:’ cVc. Nofe, and inducing -a clear, tran- To Mrs. Vincent.

— fparent, healthy White and Red. Many of the molt exalted Rank, know this to be ftriclly true. “ Madam, Prepared by Mrs. M. E. Vincent, “ I do hereby certify, that I have Davtes-ftreet, Grofvenor-fquare, Lon- been, for two years and upwards, un- don; and fold in pint bottles at ss. 3d. der the infpedlion of Dr. Petit, of and quarts at 10s. 6d. with Directions Paris, who is juftly counted the firft for Ufe ; and certified by Mr. Bacon, Phyfician of that city ; alfo for feven- under his hand, as by page 8 of this teen months under the care of Sir book. Richard Jebb, of London, for a violent Scurvy in the Face, but found remedies 1 then A number of original Letters be no advantage from the may laft I had to Dr. feen at the Proprietor’s, from which ufed. At recourfc Gowland’sVegetable Lotion, which, the following arc feledtcd. in four months, effectually cured me, “ Madam, moment perfectly well u and I am this With no fmall degree of pleafure of this difagrccable difeafe, which for do I inform you of the effects of happy 13 years before conftantly attacked my your Lotion, in a late formidable face. This Lotion at firft alarmed Cure that occurred in my practice; me, by increafing the running and from the complaint having baffled the drawing out the humour; but when power of Medicine adminiftered by the difeharge had its vent, by applying many of the moft eminent of the Pro- the Wash morning and night, it com- fellion, I think myfelf bound to ex- pleated a certain cure. prefs to you, in this manner, the high opinion I have of this Lotion, and the Given under my hand, EDMOND FINUCANE, benefit you muft do to the world in making it known in the moft extenfive Ufher at Mr. Prynold’s School, quarters; I have tried it in many £lt ham, Kent violent cafes with the fame fuccefs. I To Mrs. Vincent.

GREAT THAT STOMACHIC BITTER , THE GENUINE TINCTURE of CENTAURY, Invented by the late Sir JOHN HILL, M. D. Is faithfully prepared from his MS. Recipes by his Relict and Executrix, the Hon. Lady Hill, at her houfc in Curzon-ftreet, Berkeley-fquare, London. from its fuperior pro- Diforders of the Stomach are become ■* perties as a Bitter, obtained from in a manner univerfal; ivant of appe- early writers the titleof“Fel Terr.®, tite, fiteknefis after meals, with extreme or Gall of the Earth as a Sto- tucaknefis, and giddinefis of the head, arc machic Bitter it is unrivalled, in that it complaints heard from every mouth ; gives an Appetite and j'ound Digejlion, loathing cf food, weaknefs, woarinefs, and neither heats nor binds the body. and at times licknefs withoutvomiting. 21

and in many a continued heart-burn, firjl Dofe, by a fenfe of kindly warmth di{'orders are alio very general ; they all in the Stomach, and a relief from that arife from a weak and vitiated organ, languor and fenfe of wcaknefs attendant caufing indigejiion, wind, and a nfuig on thefc complaints. Add to thefe vir- in the Stomach after meals. A tea- tues, that Centaury is a Cordial fpoonful of this Tindlure twice a day, friendly to Nature, and ready to give fpecdily relieves the moll difmal op- regulated,continued, and uninterrupted prellions, and will gradually rejiore the chearful Spirits, thereby bracing and Stomach to its lojitone, for in all Phyfic fecuring the Conlfltution. there is no ftrengthener fo fafc and fo Sold in bottles, price 3s. 6d. each. efficacious; it is a mod friendly Me- There are alfo battles, price il. 2s. dicine, for it powerfully excites appetite, containing more than feveu at 3s. 6d. and affifts digejlion, and its good qua- Each is certified by Mr. Bacon, under lities are often found upon even the bis hand, as by page 8 of this book.


Medicines ever poflefled a; ftomach Is relieved, and the appetite FEW,title to public notice and efteem, j and other figns of health are in a few equal to the Pills invented by the late 1 days completely reftored. In all af- Dr. JOHN SCOT. If honourable fections of the Nervous System, birth, a regular medical education, ex- their efficacy is no lefs remarkable. tensive practice, and avowed abilities, Females of the mod delicate conftitu- are a recommendation to any man in tions, and of habits particularly irri- the exercife of his profeffion, and table, have found uncommon benefit authorife him to expert from the from thefe Pills, in Dofes fometimes world confidence in his judgment and of half a Pill, or more, as occafion veracity, no man could afiert his claim may require, or experience indicate. to fuch confidence with more propri- Perfons afflidled with Bilious Com'- ety than the Author of this Medicine. plaints may, with certainty of Relief, His Treatife on the Gout, Ner- apply to thefe Pills. To all thofe vous Diseases, See. and the Pamphlet therefore who re fide, or have long re- of Cases of remarkable Cures ofthofe fided in warm climates, no Medicine Disorders, at once difplay his great can be recommended fo efficacious for knowledge in the healing art, and the removing thofe Spafins and Obftruc- refpedf fhewn him by all with whom he tions which occafion an Accumulation had ever been acquainted. of Bile, and for evacuating the Bile The character of thefe Pills has itfelf, without any violent operation, by been eftabliftied feveral years among the Kidnies and Bowels. In cafes of people of the firft falhion in England, common Colds and Indigeftions, thefe . who are ready to bear teftimony of Pills have always proved highly fer- their virtues—fuch teftimony as would viceable. remove every doubt the moft feru- Tliefe Pills are fold in boxes, price pulous can entertain of a Medicine 10s. 6d. each, (by fpecial appointment whofe compofition is a fecrct. of Mrs. Jane Scot, Relict and Exe- Their chief objed is to prevent, or cutrix of the late Doctor) and are cer- remove, a fit of the Gout. If taken tified by Mr. Bacon, under his hand, juft as the firft fymptoms of that inve- as fet forth in page 8 of this book. terate difeafe appear, its progrefs is Alfo fold as above. Dr. Scot’s immediately checked, a gentle perfpi- Enquiry into the Origin of the Gout, 5ccr , ration is produced, the pain and fwel- price 3s. 6d. fewed, in demy B vo. ling are diminiflied, the licknefs at the The following Cases of Cure are To Dr. SCOT. extracted from a great number lately From William Shirriff, Efq. publifhed in an on the Me- Ejjay great “ dical Dear Sir, Efficacy and Dr. Scot’s “ Safety off I {hall, with very great pleafure, Pills, Price is. embrace every opportunity to give my To Dr. SCOT. teflimony in favour of the fafety and Pills ; been From Michael Bruce, Efq. Son of Sir efficacyof your they have of me cured Michael Bruce, Bart. infinite fervice to , having me a I of , with which “ Sir, bilious Diforder had been oppreffed for more than twenty tc For many years I was afflidfed with years, without receiving any relief complaints, by the Phylicians which, worth mentioning, although in that I were fometimes termed confulted, timeI confultedPhy ficians ol the highelt , Nervous Bilious fometimes , and fome- reputation ; your Pills have removed all times thought to proceed from an ir- and are welcome my complaints, you regular Gout j dißrefs arofe my chief to make what ufe you pleafe of this re- from a of without Deprefion Spirits, cent proof of their good ; and almoß any rcipite, and which, together efi'edis a 1 remain, Sir, your obliged fervant, with confant Watchfulnefs, hardly ever being able to deep, rendered life WILLIAM SHIRRIFF. a burthen to me ; m this way you found Old Alresford, Hants.” me ; I took your Pills, and in the courfe of three weeks 1 had not a fymp- To Mrs. SCOT. tom illncfs,— of all my former VVhat “ is the Pills Madam, very remarkable, operated u I muR requeflr the favour of you like an opiate, me, procuring the very to fend me two bones of your mod ex- firf night I took them, and refrejh- found cellent Pills by the firß poR ; 1 1 ever fhould ingjleep. remain, Sir, be dißrefied to be without them, as they Your obedient fervant, never failaflißing me for a Complaint MICHAEL BRUCE.” of rny Stomach, which, probably, arifes from a Bilious and Gouty Habit ; the former acquired by hav- ing palfed fome of my earlier days in To SCO T. Dr. warm climates ; the latter I inherit from From James Wilmot, Efq. of Bellevue, a Gouty Father. near Seven Oaks, Kent. i hope you will take care, for the le-

« Sir, nefit of mankind, that fo valuable a me- “ I had for fome years been violently dicine may never fink into Oblivion. diflrefTed by a Gouty Rheumatism, I think it is a pity that fome efFedlual which for the moft part confined me method is not taken to make it more to my houfe and chamber ; finding no univerfally known, convinced as 1 am of effedfs. relief from medicine in this country , I its valuable fought a morefavourable climate in Italy, I am, Madam, but zvith as little benefit. Returning to Your moR obedient humble fervant, England, I became your patient, and GROSVENOR, Surgeon. in fp/te of the feverity of laft J. winter, Drayton Shropfinre.” Market , with a pozuerful yet mild and infenfible operation, your Pills carried of my dif- two order; the firf dofe or eafed my pains , To Dr. S C O T. and precured mefiweet and naturalref . I have been this Autumn threatened From J. Gell, Efq. Captain in his Ma- with a and have again recurred jefty’s Navy. relapfi, “ to the Fills with the Dear Doctor, fame Juccefs. “ As I am very foon going down to I See. Sic. am, Sir, my fhip, (hall be obliged to you for a JAMES WILMOT.” frefh fupply of your Pills, as they al- ways carry off the fit, and in my cafe veral of them, and what is more to my anfwer the intent; from the experience purpofe, have takenfeveral boxes of the of three years I never once found my- Pills with greatadvantage to myfielf. felf deceived. VVhencver any fymp- I am, Madam, toms appear of the Gout, five or fix ■of the Pills have generally carried off Your obedient fervant, z matter / th gouty , and never found myfielf MONTAGUE DAVIES. out of health fince I took them. Canterbury.” I am, dear Dobhor, See. J. CELL.” To Dr. SCOT. “ Sir, “ the To Dr. SCOT. Permit me to acknowledge great benefit I have received from your from the Right Honourable Lady excellent Pills-, and I think it a Augusta Murray. very duty incumbent on me to make known “ Sir, my cafe for the good ofothers. About “ I am happy on every occafion to nine years ago 1 began to be troubled acknowledge the benefit I have received with the Gout, fince that have had from youradvicc. I fhall be extremely many regular fits, which have confined lb if by fuch my acknowledgments I me to the houfe, fometimes longer, can be of any fervice to you. After fometimes fhorter. By the recommen- having been for two years much afflibted dation of a friend I began to ufe your with Bilious and Nervous Dforders , and Pills, fince which time they never having tried the preferiptions of other failed to carry off the firft fymptoms of a phy/icians, and foreign climate, with- the diforder, and it has never in the out obtaining any relief, I was, in the leaft confined me. courfe of a few week, rejiored to health From the certain proof of the good ef- by the life of your medicines, to which fects ofyour Pills I Ihall take every I always have recourfe when any fymp- opportunity to recommend them. ofthe above diforders threaten me. foms From your fervant at command, humble I am, Sir, your fervant, WILLIAM GRAY. AU. MURRAY.” Pall-Mall ”

To Mrs. SCOT. To Dr. SCOT. “ Madam, “ Sir, u You will be fo good as to fend me, u 1 had been long troubled with a by the return ofpolt, two boxes of your violent pain in my , and a valuable Pills. 1 bought two boxes Jiomach fiwim- ming in my head ; the fwi naming in my fome time paft. I think: they were oj head was To very alarming to me, that fervlce to me in my Bilious and Ner- had been oftentimes the necef- Complaint. I under vous fity of catching hold of fomething to Your moft obedient, fave me from falling; for thefe com- Philip Houghton Clarke. plaints I had advice from fome very eminent medical people, but without Addrefs Sir Philip HoughtonClarke,Bart. receiving any benefit. Two years ago J)oiv»ton, Wilts." I was feized with the Gout in my great to toe, which caufed my foot and ancle fwell very much ; and while the Gout To Mrs. SCOT. continued there, 1 was entirely free “ Madam, from my former complaints ; at this u I lhall be much obliged to youto fend time a friend of mine, who had been oy the who will bearer, pay for the fame, afflicted with the Gout, called to fee one Box of Dr. Scot’s Gout Pills. me, and advifed me to take your Pills, 1 do not want any pamphlet contain- and accordingly fent me a box that day, ing an account of cures, as I have fe- together with a printed direction hcnv 24 {hail to ufe them ; I took one that night on where I always be happy to fee going to bed, and after taking four or you; being, Sir, five more, I was able to walk about Your moft obliged, my room, and three days afterwards to And obedient go abroad, as ufual, about my bufinefs ; fervant, lince that period, when, by catching HENRY SCOTT.”

Gold, by Change JVeather fudden of , or by little irregularities, ‘my old com- Lord Cadogan prefents his com- jdaint in my Jiomach and head feem to pliments to Dr. Scot, and acquaints threaten to return upon me, a few of him, that he finds himfelf confiderably your Pills always carry them oft', better in point of digeftion, having left and fet me perfectly to rights, and I oft the Pills for fome nights, by way never enjoyed better health than at of experiment. He defires to know prefect; and if this teftimony can be whether he would have him refume of any ufe to you, you have my free them, though he fhould continue well, permiftion to make it public, and I will and in what manner he would have him myftlf take every opportunity of re- take thorn. commending them to thofe who (land St. fames's-Jquarc, Monday. in need of them. I am, Sir, To Dr. SCOT. Your much obliged humble fervant, “ Sir, MACPHERSON, “ I take the advantage of a Friend's MAL. for coming your Advice, to requeft Stafford Row.” another Box of Pills, and have the pleafure to acquaint you that I enjoy To W E a better Hate of health and fprrits this Captain G O R, Hambledon, Spring than I have done the three pre- Hants. “ ceding ones, to extra- Sir, and owe it the ordinary good your ;

Dr. DICKINSON’S WHI T E DROPS old efiahlijkcd Medicine, and in fpeaking of the ufefulnefs of this Medi- ANufc with the firff Families in the cine, in a letter which the Proprietors to kingdom , proved by long experience have preferved, fays, “After 18 years be admirable in Convulsion Fits, “ experience, I do take it to be one of the Falling Sickness, Apoplexy, “ the moft excellent remedies in the Palsy, in moft Nervous Cases, and “world for Convulfion Fits, both in “ Fits of whatever kind ; they are cer- men and children, and am perfuaded “ tain and fife in the Cure ; and to thofe it will be for the good of mankind t * afftiiffed with Hysterics, &c. this is “ have it made more common.” And alfo recommended as an excellent re- in other letters his Grace declares, “ he niedy.-rr-Thc late Archbilhop Wake, “ had recommended thefc Drops to many with good fuccefs; and that he DROPS, a certain Cure for Con- “ had more reafon than any man to vulsion Fits in Children, at zs. yd. “ blefs God for the ufe of them.” and ss. jd. Sold in Bottles price 2s. pd. and Each is certified hy Mr. Bacon, un- ss. sd. dcr his hand, as by page 8 of this Alfo Dr. Dickinson’s RED book.

GEO. BOTT’s celebrated CORN SALVE. Remedy has obtained a great tended with no fort of inconvenience THIScharacter for the Relief and during the application. Cure of thofe painful excrefcences, Sold in Boxes, Price is. 1 fd. each, CORNS on the FEET : it has been containing fufficicnt to free a -whole fa- prepared and ibid by Air. Bott, of mily from Lamenefs and Pain. Nottingham, for many years, and Each is certified by Mr. Bacon, un- no at- is quite jefe, gives paint and is der his hand, as by page 8 of this book.

The CANADA BALSAM, Or STRENGTHENING DROPS, Invented by the late Sir JOHN HUT, M. D. And now faithfully prepared from his by his Relift and Executrix, the Hon. Lady Hill, at her houfe in Curzon-ftreet, Berkeley-Square, London.

molt exalted Vegetable ries, from early old age, and from a THISBalsam, and Genial Resto- the Gates of Death, will jhort courfe rative, was one ofthe lateji dilcovc- of this Medicine moll all'urcdly refeue ries ofthe celebrated Botanist whole the affli&ed. alone fuflicient time name it bears, and is Ladies, of any of life y may by to entitle his memory to the mofi grate- this medicine be freed from 'one of the ful veneration of pojlerity. It is Iblely .mqft afiiidling diforders incident to the calculated for the of all Dis- and at certain it is molt Cure fex } a period orders caufed by exhau/Ung drains ; highly ufeful. attended withWEAKNESS ofthe Back, Sold, in Bottles, price 3s. 6d. each. and Feebleness oftheLimbs, Trem- There are alfo Bottles, price il. zs. blings, Cramps, intolerable Sink- each, containing more than feven at ings, Coldness and Numbness of 3 s - 6d. the Legs, and general Debility Each is certifiedby Mr. Bacon, un- arifmg from imprudent indulgence, and der his handy as by page 8 of this that dellrudiive paflion in Youth, the book. paffton of Diogenes y from all thefe mife-

HAMILTON’S TINCTURE for the TOOTH-ACH, AND PRESERVING THE TEETH. experience ofmore than 20 years it contains neither Acid nor Alkali, nor THEhas confirmed the Reputation of any thing at all noxious to them ; it is this celebrated Tincture, it inliantly alfo an admirable Jweetcner of tire. cures the moft violent Tooth-Ach, Breath. corretis putrefcency of the Gums and Sold in Bottles, labelled, price 2s. pd. Fluids ; renders them healthy and firm, each ; and certified by Air. Bacon, un- and preferves the Teeth infinitely der his hand, as by page 8 of this book. better than any other Tincture, for THE TRUE AND GEN U I N E SWITZERLAND ARQUEBUSADE WATER, EOUET, FAB RE, or LEVADE. Experience, and the Public ward Ulcerations, and ObfiruCtions of A Voice all confpire to eftahhfn Urine ; and it is in inch eftiraation, as the Credit of this most excellent to obtain a place in moll Gentlemen’s

WATF.R ; and, where truly genuine, it Families. is the bell remedy for Gun-jhct Wounds, Sold at 6s. the Pint Bottle ; and cer- Fraffurcs, Cuts, DiJlocations,2LX\iSprains, tifiedhY Mr. Bacon, under his hand, in Brulfes, Disorders of the Brcaji, as by page 8 of this book. the t'n- Pains in Side,- After-pains, and

(Br the KING’S Patent.) Mr. WILLIAMS’s Pectoral ESSENCE of BENZOIN,

For Coughs, Afxhtnas, and Confumptions. excellent Pefloral Medicine remarkable inftances of the Efficacy of THISwas invented many years fmee by this Effence of Benzoin, arc feiecbed Mr. Williams, an eminent Surgeon from many others, for the fatisfaclion

and Apothecary, in London, and is now of the aHlicled: faithfully prepared, from his Recipes, “ With juft remembrance of the by his Son, a Member of the apotheca- great relief and fervice I experienced ries Company. by the ufe of Mr. Williams’s Es- FULMONARYCcMPLAINTS,OrDIS- sENCE of Be in a very dijlrejjing of Brea nzoin, CRDERS the ft and Lungs, (even illnefis, 1 freely content that my name in advancedfates) are immediately re- ihouid be added to his very rcfpedfable lieved, and loon curedby this Balsamic lift of perfons, recovered from fimilar Ess ! nce. complaints by that medicine; I had Coughs, Coldc Afthmatic Affec- , every Symptom ofan advanced Confump- tions, (reccntcr chronic) Hoarfeneffes, tion, violent Cough, much Expectoration, Catarrhs, Wheezings, and uneahnefs IVajling, and Debility of the Body, and are in breathing, fpeedily removed> often Hectic Fever, attended with Perfipira- by a few dofes only. tions at Night. Congealed Phlegm, Acrimony in the WALLIS. FK.v s, and Obftruclions in theGlaads, JOHN King-ftreef, St. s- arc gently and fafely difeharged, by eafy James' expectoration. fqvcare, Nov. 1,1791.” The advanced in Life, who arc fo generally aid i deedwith dry hardCoughs, Copy of a Letter to Air. Williams, from especially when in bed, (depriving them the Rev. Mr.Selwyn, Vicar of Block- ofreft) are ferioufly recommended to ley, in IVorcejlerjhlre.

the ufe of this Effence. It contains no “ opiate, but it wiil render them Sik, more cc I am not fond of having my name cafe than any other preparation ; for it in print, but if it will be of fer- gently opens the Thoracic takes any Dulls, vice, in recommending to

“ Your mod obedient humble Sir, fervant,

Sir JOHN HILL’s ELIXIR of BARDANA, For the GOUT and RHEUMATISM. Prepared from his Manufcript Recipes, by his Relidf, the Hon. Lady Hill, Curzon-ftreet, Berkeley-Square, London.

learned Phyfician and Botani/I nerous in the pleafures of polite and THEwho invented this efficacious and focial life) reduced the attacks at the to two innocent preparation of the Burdock latter part of his life 'flightfits, of Root, was, in the younger part of his only three weeks continuance each, life, moll dreadfully afflicted with an one in Autumn, and another in Springs hereditary Gout. The refult of all more than this, he faid, “ no man af- his enquiries, touching the relief and flicted with the Gout Jhould ever hope to cure of that difeale, was this Medicine, dor and he ufed it, and no other, as an In the Rheumatism, and Rheu- Alterative, and alfo upon every attack, matic Achs and Colds, this Medi- with infinite fiafety and advantage ; cine never fails of cure. it fits well on the Stomachy induces Sold in bottles at 3s. 6J. each, with gentle perforation, is lubricating and directions for ufe. deobfiruenty and operates principally by There arealfo bottles at il. as. con- 6d.—each Urine ; at the fame time it refrejhes taining morethanfevenat 3s. and invigorates the frame, and promotes Ls certified by Mr. Bacon, under his Digestion. By this Vegetable Pre- hand, as by page 8 of this book. paration Sir John Hill (though ge-

ASIATIC ASIATIC TOOTH-POWDER, much approved of by the moft To secure the Public from having SOeminent Medical Gentlemen, any other thing impofed upon them by for fafety in its ufc, and by all who the fame name, Dr. Debraw made have ufed it, for its efficacy in beautify- oath that he never difpofed ofany Recipe ing and preferving the TEE I H, for but to Mr. Richard King, of Chan- healing and Jlrengthenin? the GUMS, cery-lane ; and has given it under his and for fweetening the BREATH. A hand, in the molt explicit terms, that multitude ofinftances can be adduced he never made any other perfon privy of a Angle Box having effected thofe to the medical ingredient from which it defirable purpofes, derives ethcacy, and the name of Europe is beholdenTor this excel- Afiatic. lent Powder to the labours and inge- It is prepared by a very fingular nuity of J. DEBRAW, M. D. late procels (accurately deferibed by Dr. of Fleet-ftreet, London, eminent for Debraw’s Recipe) by Mr. KING. his refearches and lectures in Chc- Sold, in boxes, at zs. 6d. each. millry. Certified by Mr. Bacon, under

his hand, as by page Bof this book.

THE FAMOUS EYE-SALVE; The Competition of the lately deceafed Dr. John Smellome, an eminent Phyfician of the Royal College, at Edinburgh. SALVE has been long ex- and Fevers. It likewife effectually THISperienced m Scotland with the carries all watering and groffier humours dejired effiedt, and particularly in Her- from them, andfirengtkens weakfight, Rio'f’s Hospital, to which the Doctor where there is no vifible illnefs. was Physician for many years, and A Lady of Quality from her until his death. It has alfo oflate been experience of this Salve, when in great ufed here with furprifmg ftccefs, by danger of lofmg one of her Eyes, was people of all ranks. It cures all forts pleated, for the good of the public, of Dimness, Inflammations,Dry- by the Daily Advertifcr, and other pub- ness, Itching, and Films in the lic papers, 1750, 1751, See. to atteft Eyes, as well thofe arifmg from a na- its extraordinary effect upon her. as tural JVcaknefs, thofe from Acci- Sold, in boxes, price zs. 9J. each, fuch as Lime And and certified dents, Duf, , &c. by Mr. Bacon, under it remarkably good for ailments in his hand, as by page S of this book. the Eyes, after the Small-Pox, Meades,


Cleaning, beautifying, and preferving the Teeth and Gums. By B. RUSPINI, Surgeon Dentist to the Prince of Wales. Powder and Tincture are Alfo fold by W. Bacon, Mr. Rufpini’s THISfold by fpecial appointment of Treatise on the Teeth, price zs. Mr. Ruspinx, in boxes and bottles Each box aud bottle is certified price ss. sd. each, with direilions, and by Mr. Bacon, under bis hand, as by pollefs veryfuperior efficacy in the difor- page 8 of this book. (ders for winch they are recommended. CHEVALIER RUSPINI’s Balsamic STYPTIC SOLUTION Styptic poffeffes the mojl Sold by Mr. Rufpini’s fpccial ap- THISfalutary effefls in internal and pointment, in bottles at i is. 6d. and 225. EXTERNAL Hemorrhages ; it is and certified by Mr. Bacon, under and his hand 8 always ready for , as by page of this book. jnoji innocent, me, fhould be kept in every family, to have recourfe unto in cafe of emergency.


TROCHES of T A MARI N D S, unanimous opinion of the Fa- fected (particularly at the age of pu- THEculty, and the experience of So- berty) with irritation of the lungs ; to ciety, for more than a century., declare, them,, and to all perfons lb afflicted, that the Tamarind (deprived of its thefe Troches are moll ferioufly re- groller parts) is the moft falutary of all commended as ahfolutely fpecifc. tropical Fruits; this Lozenge Children, and efpeclally Infants,

is prepared therefrom (whence it is during dentition, will experience the named) and fuch otherfafe and healing moll falutary effects from this elegant vegetables, as are well known to nolleIs remedy ; in fabf, there is no recent at- or peculiar efficacy in the Cure of Pul- tack upon the breafl lungs, which monary Complaints. a little perfeverance in this fate and "ele- A lingle Box will certainly cure a gant preparation of Vegetables will Cold, or recent Cough, even when not remove and cure. attended with Fever; Hectic Heats, Sold in boxes, price is. i|d. and 2s. and incipient Consumptions, are af- 6d.—each is certified by Mr. Ba-,

furedly removed, without danger or con, under bis band, as by page 8 of reftraint of diet. this book. Youth of both fexes are often af-

Mr. MARSHALL’S UNIVERSAL CERATE. excellent Preparation was in- Leprosy, THISvented fome years fmce, and is Sore Eyes, ftill prepared, by Mr. Marshall, Chilblains, Chvmist, at Northampton. It is Proud Flesh, agreeable to fight and fmell, will keep Open Cancers, for years, and is fo eminently falutary Sore Legs, and fafe in curing external Dis- Carbuncles, eases of the human body, as jnftiy Eruptions, entitles it to the denomination of Chapped Hands, &c. “ are relieved and Universal.” immediately , foon Gangrenes, cured, by this mild and delicate Cerate. Scalds and Burns, In application it is eafy, produces no Erysipelas, painful fenfation, and the firft dreffing Old Ulcers, generally gives pofitive proof of fperdy Fresh Wounds, amendment.—ln fhort, there is no ex- ternal di(order or wound afflicting the Sold in boxes, price is. ifd. and human body, which this Cerate is not zs 6d. each (with directions, and many warranted to heal radically. Travel- cafes of cure). Each box is certi- lers and Sea-faring Perfons, having fied by Mr. Bacon, under his hand, once experienced the excellent proper- as by page 8 of this book, ties thereof, will never be without it.

Mr. LEAKE’s Original CHILBLAIN WATER. Price only is. i|d. the Bottle.

Bland, Cooling, and Healing to Children and the moll delicate A Fluid, is a moft Jafe and effectual Females, without the finallcft degree Remedy for Chilblains affeCting of fear or hazard. the Hands and Feet; its operation Scalds, Burns, and all external is fo f.mplcy pleafanty and immediatey Inflammations, are in like manner that it may be laid to cure as by a fpeedily and fafely cured by this excel- charm ; lor being applied on the ap- lent water. pearance of thefe teazing and painful Prepared by Mr. Leake, Surgeon, complaints, all the fymptoms of hcaty in St. Martin’s Lane. itchingy and inflammation are generally Each bottle is certified by Mr. removed in one night’s time ; add to Bacon, tinder his handy as by page 8 this, it is fo innocent that it may be ufed ofthis book.


The GOLDEN PILLS of LIFE and BEAUTY, TpREPARED for more than 50 years Near forty perfons of fortune and A by the late Mrs. Jane Hanny, of character, living at Trowbridge and Trowbridge, in Wilrfnire, and now Bradford, have certified in the Bills faithfully prepared by her fuccefTor, of Direction to the great virtues of Mrs. JANE WYNNE. thefe Pills ; and perfons applying for Thefe Pills cleanfe and purify the them are defired to fay if for young or Blood, {Lengthen the joints, carry off old perfons. Obftrudfions from the Stomach, create Sold, in boxes, price is. x-*d- each. a good Appetite, relieve Fainting Fits, Each certified Mr. and reftore loft Colour to a fine clear box is by Complexion. They alfo relieve Short- Bacon, under his handy as by page 8 nefs of Breath, Giddinefs, and Pains of this book. in the Plead.

THE ONLY TRUE SPECIFIC CONVULSION DROPS. For the Epilepsy, or Convulsion Fits, either in Children or Grown Persons, of either Sex, at any' Time ofLife. r jpKESE are the celebrated Con- j at Mr. Kippax’s, in Ball-Alley, Lom- vulsion Drops which were dif- 1 bard-ftreet, London. penfed, for very many years, by a re- in the year 1785 the Preparer died, spectable Clergyman in Wilt- aged 84 ; and from that period to this shire i and fold, by his appointment, time the Medicine has not been on “ retain their virtues fide ; but its great character having Specific j” they and are the fined Medicine induced many perfons to make repeated many years , and diligent enquiry where it may be in the world for perfons aiiiidled with Epileptic or procured, even at any price, the Rela- Convulsion Disor- tive and Executor of the deceafed ders to take with them to fea. is induced, from motives of humanity One bottle is often funiclent for rather than any lucrative views, to cure in Children, and recent CAses prepare it from the Rev. Gentleman’s in Men or Women, and, in the molt MS. receipts, for public benefit. ohfinate and long funding, very rare!/ Thefe Drops are mild as water, fails of giving certain and happy ailu- and were never known to fail, in the rance of returning Health. courfe of Jixty years admiafilration, ol N. B. As Infants arc very fubjedb radically curing to Fits, thefe Drops are particularly Convulsion Fits, recommended to be given them, as a Epilepsy, certain cure. Hysterics in Women, Falling Sickness, Sold in bottles, price ss. each. Apoplexy and Each bottle is certified by Mr.

Nervous Disorders. Bacon, under his hand, as by page B They may therefore be truly called ofthis book.

TOOTH-ACH, PAINS in the MOUTH or GUMS, and INFLAMMATIONS in the FACE. The TOOTH-ACH FLUID a new and important Disco- by every other medicine, will afuredly IS very, by an eminent Surgeon, meet fpeedy relief and gradual curefrom for the ffe and certain Cure of that this Fluid. tormenting malady : neither Opium, Sold, in bottles, at zs. 6d. nor any other known or alledged re- Each bottle is certified by Mr. found this preparation : his 8 medy, will be in Bacon, under hand, as by page of and thofc who have been difappointed this book.

WILLI A M S ’ s SPERMACETI LOZEN G E S, For Coughs, Colds, Asthmas, and Consumptions. as the preparation of genious prccefs, are al! the medicinal TRIFLINGthis little article may appear, the qualities cf this heading medicine pre- r In v £ ntor and Pr.epaR £r has actualiy ferved, ai\d the grofier parts dilchargsd. bulled himfelfat various times,for nearly IT RE M AIN S i'or thePOLfTEWoR L D two years, in bringing it to perfection. to decide, whether this preparation is Gentlemen of the Faculty have deferving theirattention ; and that they been pleafed to honour this Lozenge may have an opportunity to judge of with their decided approbation ; and, its worth, without cxpence, T. VV iibams flattered by their opinion, he is foliat- has initrudted his Jole appointed vender, ing the King’s Patent for the lame. Mr. Bacon, No. 150, Oxford-ftrcct, Phis Lozenge is not prepared from London, to prefent a box to any Lady the Sperm commonly fold in the fhops, or Gentleman applying for it. neither does it prefent to thepalate and Sold, in boxes, at is. ifd. Jiomach the flavour of common Sper- Each box is certified by Mr. By to his maceti. a very nice attention Bacon, under hand, as by pvge 8 the prime native article, and a very in- of this book. Mr. D E E R I N G’ s ANTISCORBUTIC DROPS than Thirty Years my head, as if Raided. The anguilh MOREExperience teftify to the Safety and pain I fuffered was beyond defcrlp- and Efficacy ofMr. Deering’sDrops tion ; it alfo deprived me of appetite, in curing the Scurvy, and Scorbutic and I was thereby rendered incapable Complaints of every Species, latent of bufinefs. Every internal and ex- or eruptive, affecting mankind. Thefe ternal application was made ufe ofthat Drops that could are fo fafe, they may be the moll eminent of the Faculty given to Infants and pregnant Women, advife, without effect, and was hip- not merely without hazard, but with poled by them incurable. Defpairing the greotejt afinance ofadvantage ; and of relief, and as my laft expedient, i fo very efficacious are they, that a fmall had recourfe to your moft invaluable ever to bottlefeldom, if , fails alibi'd the Drops, which, with the blefling of God, moft pleafing profpedt of entire Cure. performed a perfect Cure.. By a little perfeverance thele Drops I am, Sir, will be found abfolutely infallible in the Your moft obedient fervant, rnoji deplorable cafes; and that every ANTHONY BODY. fliadow of or idea of unfounded doubt, Ot7. 29, 1791. affertion, may be removed, the Pro- Corner of Hertford-Jircet, May-Fair hereby undertakes to return prietor the To Mr. Deering. Purchafe-Money to any perfon who ftiali duly taken the Medicine have Mr. Edward Strong, Gardiner, according to the directions, without in Covent-Garden, or at No. 9, Jack- great in a fliort fpacc of time ; relief lon’s-Alley, Bow-Street, in a Letter who is not cured after or radically fair to —“ and proper perfeverance. Mr. Deering, obferves, It is now nearly twelve years lince that I derived the greateft benefit from your The following Cases of Cure are vDrops. I am, and have continued publilhcd by requeft of the parties; ever lince, quite well. I had previoufiy “ Sir, j been under the hands of many of the u Upwards of fix years ago I re- ! Faculty, was falivated often, and took ceived a very extraordinary Cure by ' variety of medicines ; but fuch was | violent tlie ufe of your Drops. I then lived in my disorder, and fo the racking and for the j pains in my limbs, that all was of no Brownlow-ftreet, fhould, effedf. few Drops benefit of others, be happy to have my | A bottles of your | reftored me to the health 1 fo long Cure made public It is as follows ; I w At times my body, legs, and arms I wanted, and which have now enjoyed were covered with large blotches; thefe i for a long time. Accept my hearty difippearing, I fwelled as if I had been thanks, and publifli my cure for the in- afHidled with a violent dropfy; as the formation of mankind.” dwelling abated, 1 became covered with Sold in bottles at as. 6d. ss. and bladders of water. Thus alternately 10s. 6d. each.—Each bottle is certified I buffered upwards of eight years, dur- by Mr. Bacon, as peV page 8 of this ing which time my hair came twice off book.

B Y T H E K I N G’s P A T E N T. The SPA E L I X I R, A moft efficacious Corroborant for either Sex. ELIXIR poflelfes ing from whatever caufe, and at any THISTonic Powers in the Cure of jj time of life. It is an elaborate Che- Debility, Weaknesses, and Re- j mical Preparation of the component i. anation in Men or Women, arif- I parts of the moft falutarv Springs in 33 and England upon the , and and and relaxed in Continent Climates, are languid the dofe is from 30 to 60 drops in a wine their whole fyftem, may take this glafs of w'ater. Medicine with the happieft effedls; and lt is the peculiar property of this perlbns going to the Eaji or Weji In- Elixir, gently to brace the fibres and dies, cannotfore a more important ar- veft'els, and invigorate the Stomach, ticle of Health and Life. and the whole Nervous Syftem. Bilious Disorders, attended with General Observations. Acidity and Want of Appetite, ahfing This Elixir from a relaxed ftate of the Liver, or Restorative a&s, exceffive Drinking, are immediately in all complaints for which it is directed, ; it affords relieved and fpeedily cured by this with uniformfafety gradually Nature her loji "Tone ; imperceptibly Elixir^For Weakneffes, Deficiency of Na- roufes the fyjiem into and regu- tural Strength, and of the lates the different Secretions ; the pa- Relaxations nothing heating Velfels, by too frequent indulgence of tient experiences or foon fucceeds to Lan- the paffions, this Medicine is a fafty violent; Strength guor; Mental Anxiety and Eorpor are certain, and invaluable Remedy ; infi- and , nitely fuperior to the moft extolled pre- followed by Serenity Chearfulnefsprefage of parations of Gums and Balfams, which giving fair and certain re- turning Health. often produce Feverifh Heat, and are always found to be Momentary Stimu- The Spa Elixir is prepared, by lants, rather than permanent, healthful the King’s Patent, by T. Williams, Strengthened of Nature, Memberofthe Apothecaries Company; In Debility after long Fevers, in all and, fold in bottles, price 2s. 9d. ss. and Nei vous Disorders, and in Weakneffes, 1 is. 6d. peculiar to the Female Sex, this Spa Each bottle is certified by Mr. Elixir is invaluable. Bacon, under his hand\ as by page 8 Tbofe who have long refided in Hot of this book.

Dr. SOLANDER’a SANATIVE ENGLISH TEA, Univerfally approved and recommended by the moft eminent Physicians, in preference to Foreign Tea, as the moft Pleafing and Powerful Restora- tive in all Nervous Disorders hitherto difcovered. celebrated Tea is pecu- It is highly efteemed in the Eajl and liarly THIS efficacious in moft inward JVeJI Indies, being unlike India Tea, Waitings, obftinate Coughs and Con- which abrades and wears away the fub- fumptive Habits; it thins the blood, ftance of the folids ; but on the coi>- cafes the moft violent Pains of the trary,a£ls asa General Restorative Head and Stomach, and is a wonderful Cordial, upon debilitated patients, Affuager of the moft excruciating Pains being a fovereign Remedy in Bilious of the Gout and Rheumatifm, by pro- Complaints contracted in hot climates. moting gentle Perfpiration; and by the In the Mealies and Small Pox, no- Nobility and Gentry much admired for thing need be given but a plenty ofthis Breakfaji-y it is grateful to the tafte Tea drank warm at night; it promotes and fmell, gently aftringes the fibres of refrelhing reft, and braces up the Ner- the ftomach, and gives them a proper vous Syftem. tenfity, which is requifite to a good Sold, in packets, price 2s. gd. each, digeftion ; and nothing can be better and in canifters at 10s. 6d.—Each is adapted to help and nourilh the confti- certified by Mr. Bacon, under his tution after hand late hours, or making free , as by page 8 of this book. with wine. For Sprains, Rheumatifm , Bruifes, Chilblains, &c WILLIAMS’S ARQUEBUSADE OPODELDOC. neat and moft agreeable of the Joints and Muscles, therefore THISOPODELDOC is prefented to of the utmoft fervice alfo to Rickety the public as an application of the Children. higheft efficacy in external complaints. It removes Pain and Inflammation It is in part prepared from, and from Burns and Scalds, and being poflefles the good qualities of the applied diredlly, will prevent their blif- Genuine Switzerland Arque- tering.—Stings of Wasps, Gnats, busade, the medicinal virtues ofwhich and other offennve Infedts, are alfo are univerfally known, and alfo much cured by this medicine. increafed in this preparation.—lts Su- In the moft violent Tooth-Ach periority, in power and odour, to andEAR-AcH, this Opodeldoc proves every other kind of Opodeldoc in ufe, an excellent remedy, by applying a is evident on the ftiorteft trial. little on lint to the tooth, and on wool This Arquebusade Opodeldoc to the ear. —Pain and Swellings of the is very penetrating, and quickly effica- Face, which often attend fuch affections, cious in curing Sprains,Rheumatic are alfo foon removed by bathing with Affections, Bruises, Chilblains, it. and Chaps in the Hands or Feet, Sold in bottles at is. i|d. and 2s. each. Bruised Wounds, the Cramp, Each is certified by Mr, Bacon, under Debility his hand 8 Numbness, Stiffness or , as by page of this book.

A valuable Difcovery for the Fair Sex, EDWARDS’s GLOBULAR NIPPLE CASES, (Made of an Herbal Composition)

For the Cure of Sore, and Recovery of Loft NIPPLES; Alfo to regain the MILK after being loft for Years. Approved of by eminent Gentlemen of the Faculty, and particularly recom- mended by Mrs. Bevir, Midwife, No. 75, Maid-Lane, Southwark, as well as by the many extraordinary Cures that have been recently performed, and the Perfons of Character who have granted the Liberty of publifhing their Names.

AFFIDAVIT. don, and the Weft of England, without obtaining any Relief, until hearing of EVERY, (wife of John Mr. Edwards’s Nipple Cafes, which, SARAHEvery) No. ir, Glafshoufe-yard, upon applying a pair, according to his near Blackfriars-bridge, Southwark, prefcribed directions, was enabled to maketh oath, that, for Jix years, fhe fuckle with both breafts, without the has laboured under inexpreffible afflic- leaft pain or uneafmefs ; and earneftly tion, occafioned by fore Nipples, and recommends them to her has fex, as being never before been able to fuckle but a perfect cure. SARAH EVERY. with one breaft, and that with excru- Guildhall, London. ciating pain; alfo, has received the Sworn this ytb day of Aug. 1791, advice of many of the faculty in Lon- before me, f. Bordell, Major. To Mr. EDWARDS. Certificate of Dear Sir, BARBARA FRANCIS. Reading laft Thurfday’s Paper, (the Times) I obferved your Nipple Whereas I, Barbara Francis, offered public—the Cases to the fur- No. 89, Whitecrofs-ftreet, Barbican, prifing cure I have received, induces in the parifh of St. Luke, Middlefex, me to offer you my name to recom- have been affli&ed with inflamed fore fex; mend them to my Nipples fix years, through which I have Upwards of feven years I have en- endured the molt excruciating pain ; dured the moll excruciating pain in alfo my milk drying fo that I have not fuckling offive children, in fuch a ffate been able tofuckle my children. I have that oftentimes I have been obliged to feveral times received the advice of an be held by two women, in a chair, eminent Gentleman of the Faculty, while the child was put to the breaft. and have applied advertifed falves and I applied to many eminent Gentlemen plaifters, but to no purpofe. Ido vo- of the Faculty, but could never get luntarily certify, that, fince the appli- relief, until applying a pair of your cation of a pair of Mr. Edwards’s Cafes, which immediately gave me Nipple Cases, I have not had the eafe, and in a fhort time healed them; leaff figns of a fore whatever; alfo my and I firmly affure you, I never en- milk returned, and I am now capable joyed a day’s comfort in fuckling my of fuckling without the leaf! pain or children before. uneafinefs. I defire, therefore, to make Your pbliged humble fervant, this public acknowledgement, for the benefit of thofe afflidted of my fex : ANN WILLIAMS. And fhall be ready at any time, to (a-

Blackheath, Aug. z-jth, 1791. tisfy any perfon who may enquire of me about my late unhappy fituation. To Mr. EDWARDS. BARBARA FRANCIS.

Dear Sir, Nov . 2, 1791. For many months I havebeen affl’uSted with inflamed fore Nipples, and, at IVitneJJes to the above Cure : the time of fuckling, obliged to be held in a bed or chair, in fuch a low The Rev. J. Forbes, M. A. Minifter. ftate that my friends defpaired of life, Luke Langdon, Churchwarden, which reduced me and my child to the Joseph Sampson, nvprfppr„ very bone : I applied to an eminent Henry Page, Uverfeers. Phyflcian, who could not relieve me, and my diflblution was, by all, ex- The original maHufcripts maybe feen pelled ; when a friend recommended on application. the ufe of your Nipple Cafes, which, in twenty-four hours, gave me eafe, and in a few days healed them; and it is with pleafure that I freely offer you Sold, at the pair, di- to make known ss. with my name my cafe to rections for ufe. the public. PHEBE REYNOLDS. Each is certifiedby Mr. Bacon, un~ a der No. 18, Upper Thames-Jireet, his hand, as by page 8 of this London, Sept, I, 1791. book. BACON’S Cordial ESSENCE or RUSSIA RHUBARB,


Preparation is found to ful and certain Remedies, in THISbe fo valuable a Remedy in Cholics, Dysenteries, Disorders of the -Stomach and Diarrhoeas, Dry Gripes, Bowels, that all who have ufed it are Fluxes, Bilious Cases, induced to keep a bottle in the houfe, as And in all difeafes proceeding from the beft Family Medicine known in Debility, and painful Affections fuch complaints.—This Essence is of the Stomach and Bowels. In not only a very tnildand moft innocent Gouty Attacks of the Stomach, but alfo this Effence afford immediate ; Purgative , poffeffes very im- will eafe portant virtues as a Corroborant, and there cannot be a finer medicine and Tonic, in Weakneffies of the Di~ for Windy Sensations before or af- gejlive Organs and Intejtines, and there- ter meals. fore will be found one of the moft ufe- Sold in Bottles, price zs. 6d. each. bottle is Air. his by 8 Each certified by Bacon, under hand, as page of thisbook.




Experience in the of many years, CANCERS.—If early ffage in various cafes, has fully efta- of this horrid difeafe the Plaister be THEblifhedtheCHAßACTEßandEFFiCACY i applied, it will gradually extradt the of this Plaister, as an univerfal and virus through the pores of the fkin, never-failing Refolvant and Healer. diffolve and difperfe the Humours and Cancers and cancerous Affec- Lumps, and make a found healthy tions, Wens, Abscesses, Ulcers, cure. When this difeafe is farther ad- Fistulas, Boils, Bruises, Sprains, vanced, it will greatly draw off all the Contusions, Anchylosis, andevery cancerous matter, by eafy fuppuration, affe&ion of the glands, and flefhy parts, and caufe ths wound to heal up, and are immediately relieved and foon cured become found flefh. by this which and all other fleshy Ex- Plaister, gives nopain, WENS, and may be ufed by perfons of all ages, crescences, are gradually and cer- and both (exes, with the greateftfafety tainly diffolved and difperfed, without and centainty of good effect. pain or hazard, and in greater or leffer The resolving and regenerat- time, according to the nature of the ing qualities of this Plaifter, render it difeafe. an univerfal Healer in all external dis- Prepared and fold in packets at is, orders incident to the human frame, zs.6d. 5s.— 10s. 6d.—and il. is.each. whether arifing from a vitiated ftate of Every packet is certified by Adr. Ba- 8 he blood and fluids, or from accidental con, under his hand, as by page or other caufes. of this book. BRASIL SALTS, Prepared by the only Maker, PRESTON HORNBY, Chemist, York. SALTS adt as a mild Pur- of thefe falts, to an adult, is from half THESEgative in Bilious,Scorbutic, and an ounce to three quarcers of an ounce, Nephritic Complaints. In Worm to be diilblved in a pint of cow’s whey, Cafes they are particularly ferviceable; barley water, warm milk and water, and, from their having no difagreeable water gruel, veal or chicken broth, and tafte, they are found to be an excellent taken at two draughts in the morning Purgative for Children, the dofe being failing, allowing twelve minutes be- proportioned to their ages. In the tween each draught. chronic Rheumatism, the Piles, in *«* A courfe of obftinate and in all thefe falts will pro- Costiveness, duce all the good effedls expedted Diseases where a gentle, mild, and from the VV aters of Harrogate, Cheltenham, cooling Purgative is required, thefe Scarborough, Salts to hitherto Thorpe-Arch, or any are fuperior any thing ot the difeovered. Their operation is Mineral Purging Springs; or not they may be occafionally confined to the asfome mixed with Inteftinal Canal, at the of their adlive parts are carried into the them, fpring head, to quicken their operation. blood, along with theirdiluent, whereby glandular Obftrudlions are relieved or Price one fhilling an ounce, or twelve removed ; and this is a mod material Shillings a pound, fixteen ounces to confidcraiion, as it is well known that the pound, pot and duty not included. the human body cannot enjoy perfedf Each packet, or parcel, is certified health, when the glandular fyffem be- by Mr. Bacon, under his hand, as by comes in any way difeafed. The dofe page 8 of this book.

Mr. DONOVAN’s SPECIFIC ANALEPTIC BALM, For decaying ULCERATED LUNGS. DONOVAN, Surgeon, No. Balm, gradual Relief, and ultimate MR.35, St. James’s-place, Sc.James’s- Reparation to Health. Jireet, having difeovered, and brought to perfedlion, Prepara- Those who have failed of Cure, by a Botanical the tion,for the and moji eminent Phypcians, are ferioufly Jafe,certain, [peecly Cure advifed of Complaints (hitherto without nottodifregard the Analeptic Re- Balm, becaufe affecting theBreast and Lungs, it is advertifed.—lf it be in the of medicine to informs the public, that it is fold at his power refcue them from the houfe, (where he may be confulted) in Grave, this great Re- storative it. The bottles at 11s. 6d. and will effett js. 3d. quarts, younger at one guinea each. Part of Society, and ef- pecially The Properties of this Ana- Females, arrived at a certain are liable Pul- leptic Balm, are not vague, and in- criticalperiod, more to monary Complaints, than determinate ; any they are immediate, fafe, other andaJJ'uredly certain;Lungsdiseased, defcription offociety. The Ana- leptic weak, or Balm is therefore recom- ULCERATED, are cooled, mended deterged, Jirengthened., and to the moji ferious attention of gradually Parents, and ifregularlyadminiflered, healed ; violent, dry, hard, and hufky will never to Coughs, are fpeedily removed, by fail reftore Health and and Spirits, by its healing and deterging free gentle Expectoration; qualities. Asthmas, which have hitherto defied the utmoft ftretch of medical aid, for Each is certified by even Mr. Bacon, temporary eafe to the expiring under his hand, as by page 8 of this patient, will meet in this Analeptic book. THE FOLLOWING EXTRACT of a LETTER, Written by a Gentleman eminent in the Literary World, who had been reftored to Health from a lingering Difeafe, by Sir JOHN HILL’s MEDICINES, (Prepared by Lady HILL) After the utmoft Efforts of the Faculty had availed nothing, Is publifhed by his Permiflion, and prefents no lefs Comfort to the Vale- tudinary, than it does Juftice to the Memory of a Physician, the molt ftudious and fcientific Botanist ever known in Britain.

"OUT I haften to a pleafing, generous taflc, that ofcontributing my mite of gratitude to a charaCler, who (to adopt the language of a foreign FrinCe) hath not only made large additions to human knowledge in general, but who was of all Europeans, either ancient or modern, the moft (killed in thofe fciences in particular, on which depend the reftoration of health, elegant information, and protracting of exiftence. You eafily fee that I allude to that great and diligent Botanift and Phyfician, Sir John Hill. The dead are not fufceptible of encomium; I fhalj not, therefore, be fufpe&ed of flattery. What I have to fay, indeed, emanates from a purer fource; it emanates from grati- tude. lam on the lift of thofe who have been refcued from the jaws of death by thofe Reftoratives, which it was the labour of an ever aCtive life and vigorous underftanding, to difcover in, and extract from, thofe various vegetable productions, which the God of kindnefs has provided as anodynes for human infirmity. “ Nothing can exceed the diligent chearfulnefs with which Sir John Hill applied to that toilfome, and almoft incomprehenfible diflicult fucceffion of efforts, which was neceffary to fuch an undertaking as that of the Vegetable System—after he had finiftied which his afliduity was fo far from relaxing, (as is ufual with thofe who have long bent the mind and all its powers to one objeCl) that he feemed to gather new fortitude to begin a fecond, the moment he had compleated a firft. As a botanical writer, we only fee Sir J. Hill in theory. As a Philofopher and Phyfician (for he united the cha- racters) we obferve him putting that admirable theory in pradice. He did not ftart up as a vifionary Phyfician, broaching new-fangled doCtrines, and leap with felf-affumed faucinefs into a carriage, that he might have, like the gentlemen of the pill and potion, a prefcriptive right to kill or cure ; he did not hazard the life of a fellow- creature, by way of experiment; nor did he tamper and drug a conftitution as a trial of (kill. His fame, his fucceffes, and his fortune, which were the confequences of them, were gradual. Purfue him in his progrefs, and confider him under the different lights of a philofopher, a phy- fician, a man of various knowledge, and a botanift,—and experience will pay her tear of tribute to his memory as a man, a moralift, and a Chriftian. The great feature of his charaCler was philanthropy, or a tender and perfeCl fenfe of that love which bound him to the fpecies in general. We mark him, in the. next place, by an afteCHonate afixduoufnefs to ferve and cherifh his friends in particular. Syftem did not make him callous to the calls of charity ; nor did fcience prevent him from indulging his fympathy. Involved as he was in labours infinitely diverfified, he had not merely a barren tear, but a bountiful, healing hand for diftrefs in every form. He was never fo immerfed, either in bulinefs or books, as not to make leifure for either the cure or confolation of indigence or misfortune. In a word, whatever Sir John Hill may have added to vegetable or to medicinal knowledge, his head did not poflefs talents more amiable than thofe virtues which arofe from his heart; and although he had, perhaps, by the aftoniftiing and conftant fale of his medicines, (which were all formed on many years experience, fo that his practice was a fplendid illuftration of his precepts) circulated the knowledge of his abilities to all parts of culti- vated Europe, yet he was one of thofe rare characters who would bear ap- proximation. He did not merely glitter at a diftance, and die as a vapour at the approach, but fome of the firft men in this, and in foreign countries, can witnefs that the more thoroughly he was known, and the clofer your connection with him, the more would he entertain, and endear himfelf the more to your understanding, and your heart. I am, &c.”



Lately appeared in an ingenious WORK,

PubJiflied by a fenftble, candid\ and difmterejled PHYSICIAN. They are therefore deferving Perufal. CjINCE the Legiflature of this Country has taken Public Remedies, under its protection, by impofmg a Tax on them for the general benefit of the State, it follows, that as objeCts of public emolument, they lay claim to an igher degree of confideration than formerly; not indeed that they are rendered more or lefs beneficial to mankind as medicines, by obtaining the ftamp of legality, but as a that, forming part ofthe national revenue, it becomes every man’s intereft to recommend them, where it can be done with truth and propriety. “ One would really be led to imagine that the outcry againft Public Medi- cines by the regular practitioners, was not altogether difinterefled: it fhould feem, by the arrows continually difcharged from the latronic bow, that the virtues of thefe compofitions were neceffarily dangerous to thefettled trade, and as if the cultivators of the latterrefufed to afiign them any commendation, left it fhould be at the fame time an affgnment oftheir own proft. “ Much of this Opposition might be done away, were Gentlemen of the Faculty in the habit of exhibiting thefe medicines (many we know are already in this habit) without Jhrinking an avowal it ; and it is an habit from of‘ which might foon become no lefs general than laudable, were medical men made ac- quainted with the real powers of thefe compofitions, by cafes of public noto- riety, taken, for inftance, from the medical records of public hofpitals, 1( rom fuch fources of information, the moft fcrupulcus practitioner might ven- ture, in cafes of emergency, to feleCl the moft promiling and powerful nof- trums, and employ them with confidence andfreedom. ult might perhaps be anfwered, that an innovation of the kind here pro- posed, would turn the prefent ftate of medicine toply turvy j that the well freighted fhop, enriched with the numerous articles of the Materia Me- dic abundantly a, would kfe of its importance $ that the myflery of the art would gradually decline ; and that the empiric would trench upon the cultivated ground of the dogmatift. Be it fo; and to thefe mighty inconveniences, better profpe&s might reafonably be oppofed. Amidft the light of genuine philo- sophy, and the advancement of other arts, medicine, the moft ufeful and im- portant of any, affumes aJiatiomry afpedt, and without fome amendment in the prefent practice, will prefently become retrograde. The reafon of this is, we quit the firm impreflcd footfteps of experience for the light fluttering fuggef- ftions of theory, and, bewildered in a variety of fyftems, never notice the mo- tions of nature and the efteCls of medicines, but through a falfe or at leaft un- un- certain medium. To collectfadls, and make proper deductionsfrom them, is doubtedly the proper zuay of advancing our art ; but inftead of this, we afume opinionfor fadl, and lofe ourfelves in the explanation of it; in fhort, we be- wilder ourl'elves in fomcthing which we mifcall knowledge, becaufe it pleafes the imagination, and in the mean time our jiatients die, or are refcued from death by noftrums which we arrogantly afteCl to defpife. The innovation above-mentioned might, in time, rectify thefe errors, and the people in the fame degree obtain better fecunty for their health, with much lefs inconve- nience and expence. “ Let it not, however, be fiippofed, that I mean to confign the whole Ma- teria Medica to oblivion; no, I would preferve all the bell weapons for ufe, and know how to handle them with certainty and adroitnefs, by confiant employment and obfcrvation. Let us feleCl the moft interefting of its ar- ticles, ftudy their medical qualities at the fide of a fick bed, and take much lefs for granted concerning them, than we are apt to do ; combine with thefe fuch public noftrums as have ftood the teft of fair and impartial examination: let thefe together be confidered as affording the efficient inftruments of our art, ufe them as the offspring of proof and experiment, in preference to others which are daily adminiftered, whofe virtues, to fay no worfe of them, are merely conjectural. “ Although we remain in ignorance of the precife mode of preparation, yet if we know the proper dofes, and how to eftimate the effeCls of a medicine, let us not deny it on proper occafions to mankind, Lfi when we defert our patient as paji recovery, another perfon, lefsformal and dogmatical than ourfelves, or admini/ler James’s Powders, Norris’s Drops, fome other popular nojirum, at the and fave the expiring patient’s life, expence ofourreputation. “ There are fome men of the profeffion who deem it infamous to adminifter a medicine, whofe compolitlon is not exaCtly known; but however this prin- ciple might fway fome ftubborn minds, it is, in my humble opinion, a decifion more prefumptuous than juf. I ihall ever deem it the duty of a profeffional man, when foiled in his fanative endeavours with the ufual means of his art, to employ fuch as come well recommended to him, by experience, from the public: uNe pigeat ex plebeiis feifeitarifiquidad curandi opportunitatem conferre videatur.” “ If a fever refills the method of cure laid down by the Profeflbr, will the Phyfician fuller his patient to die, rather than employ an advertifed although fuch a remedy is forced upon his notice by the favourable teftimonies of thoufands ? If he does this, I maintain it, that his confcience will not quietly acquit him ; however juftilied by the ufage of the profeftion, however fan&ified by an idea of pre-eminence, his mind, ever vigilant, and confcla reftl, will infenfibly convidl him of neglett : it will fuggeft to him that, perhaps, if fuch a medicine had been given, the diforder might have taken a favourable turn ; that fuch a turn migh-t poffibly have happened ; or if not, that it was giving a chance for fuch an event, a chance which Hippocrates himfelf would not have denied. “ That there may be people fo fceptical as to difbelieve all the public tefti- monies given in favour of advertifed medicines, is probable; and that others are fo perverfe as to deny all merit to them, even againft the teftimony of their own fenfes, I can eafily believe, I have known profeffional men exhibit James’s Powders repeatedly , and undoubtedly fometimes with advantage, otherwile they would not repeatedly have done it, and yet conjlantly declaim the mal- againft them 5 had their declamation been directed againft frequent adminiftration of them, reafon might readily have affented to the charge : there are inftances enough to juftify a difapprobation of the indifcriminate ufe them all countenance to, with a approbation , ofthem ; but to ref ufe public fecret of

. . . is unmanly and difhonef. . “The confideration of fafety m an efficacious Medicine, is lo important, that it demands the notice ofevery prudent practitioner in phyfic, and merits cer- the countenance and protcaion of the public. The certainty, as nearly tainty as poffible, of not doing an injury, by employing luch a medicine, bears or might muder ag.dnlfc down all objection which ignorance, malice, perverjenefs it and takes away every ftiadow of excufe from thole who obftinately deny a ftiould on fuch a trial, be found it’ in favourable inftances, fair trial y and it, a’lefs valuable medicine than it has been here reprefented, let it, in the name of Wifdom, fink into oblivion. But even if a fair and candid trial cannot be univerfaliy obtained, furely, when a patient is finking into the arms of death, and whofe diforder has refilled all the regular means of relief, there can be no objection to extend forth that chance, that dream of relief, if i reafonable of the miffht ufe the expreffion, which Public Medicines, according to many duty and c a{| s feem to offer, and which it ftiould appear to be both the in- terejl of the Practitioner to grant; and, ifl do not entertain too flattering an idea of the medical world, many will certainly be difpofed to grant. Some, I fear amon°'ft the numerous members of that piofeffion, will think it ootn wife and right to zuithhold their affent to this doctrine, and be better difpofed to rifque a reftora- to fmile inactively over a patient, in articulo mortis, than to the Faculty at tive to health, extra limina artis. But let me, in juftice avow my belief, that the number of thefe formal executioners are few, large fra- and that thefe few are confined to the lefs informed and lower order 01 the ternity. From the man of fcience and humanity, anothercondua will obtai* • The truly good Phyfician knows, with regret, thefallibility of his art, and will or not {brink. back from ferving his fellow-creature, foi fear getting a fcratch in his credit. He does all that his art teaches, all that his experience recom- turn to the and experi- mends ; but he does not then a deaf ear luggeftions not con- ence of others, although conveyed to him in a manner altogether formable to his wifihes: he avails himfelf of a fadt, or perchance of a con- iedture, and leaves nothing undone, whilft a glimmer of life remains, to encourage his fainted hopes: he knows, that till life is quite exlinguilned, in whilft he has a ful- moft calcs, health is not abfolutely irrevocable ; and even picion merely of the poffibility of fuch a circumftance, he will periift, fedu- loufly and tenderly, to attempt fomething reftorativeto his expiring fellow- fail and the of death fulfils its creature j and then, if all means him, fhaft: errand, he adds, with a placid confcience, Welly God s ivillbe done, I have ful- filled rny duty” FOR BETTER ACCOMMODATION


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