SaintPetersburg May June





Prof VMBabichRussia Prof VSBuldyrev Russia

Prof RStone USA Dr NZhu Germany Dr VPSmyshlyaev UK

Dr VEGrikurov The secretary Dr IVAndronov Pro ceedings Dr EVNovikova Visas

Prof MALyalinov Prof NYaKirpichnikova Prof APKiselev Prof AMSamsonov


Prof VMBabich Prof VS Buldyrev

Mathematical Institute Institute in Physics StPetersburg University

Fontanka quay StPetersburg Ulianovskaja Ave Petro dvoretz Russia

Russia email buldmathnwru

email babichpdmirasru Fax

Dr VEGrikurov email grikurovmathnwru

Dr IVAndronov email ivalistru

Web site httpmathnwruDD



The SeminarsConferences Days on Diraction are annually held since in late Mayor

in June by the FacultyofPhysics of StPetersburg State University StPetersburg Branchofthe

Steklovs Mathematical Institute and Euler International Mathematical Institute of the Russian Aca

demy of Sciences

This b o oklet contains the abstracts of talks to b e presented at oral and p oster sessions in

days of the Conference Author index can b e found on the last page

The full texts of selected talks will b e published in the Pro ceedings of the Conference The texts in


L T X format are due by Septemb er to email ivalistruFormat le and instructions


can b e found on the Seminar Web site at httpmathnwruddruleshtml The nal judgement

on accepting the pap er for the Pro ceedings will b e made by the Organizing Committee following the

recommendations of the referees

We are as always pleased to see in StPetersburg active researchers in the eld of Diraction

Theory from all over the world

Organizing Committee

The conference is sp onsored by


StPetersburg Chapter

Russian Foundation

Russian Academy of Sciences

for Basic Research


List of talks

Valeriy A Ab dulkadyrov Dmitry V Ab dulkadyrov

The diraction and disp ersion of waves in semiconductordiraction grating structure

Eugeny G Abramo chkin Vladimir G Volostnikov

Wigner distribution function and intensityintegral moments of HermiteLaguerre

Gaussian b eams

Thomas M Acho

Derivation of eigenvalues for the SturmLiouville b oundary value problem with interior


KL Aghayan

Plane shear wave diraction in a comp osite elastic medium with partially b onded elastic


Mikhail V Balaban Ayhan Altintas

Application of Ab els integral transform to solving the electromagnetic wave diraction


M M ArakelyanKTAvetyan E A Nazaryan

Features of propagation and interaction of onedimensional top ological solitons in crystals

Agissilaos G Athanassoulis

Smo othed Wigner Transforms and homogenization of wave propagation

A G Bagdo ev A V VardanyanSVVardanyan A N Martirosyan

The analytic and numerical solution of second thrith fourth and sixth order Wienner

Hopf system for mixed b oundary elasticity dynamic problems

M A Bastos A Moura Santos

Perio dic diraction b oundaryvalue problems

Pavel A BelovYang Hao Mario G Silveirinha Constantin R Simovski

Subwavelength imaging at microwave terahertz and infrared frequencies

V V Belov S V Nikolaev

Integrable mo dels of the longitudinal motion of electrons in curved Dnanotub es

Vladimir VladimirovichBelov Ekaterina Ivanovna Smirnova

Semiclassical solytontyp e solutions of the Hartree equation

D Bianchi B Tirozzi S Reutskiy

Prediction of the tra jectory of typho ons and the Maslov decomp osition

D Bianchi Brunello Tirozzi

Kohonen neural networks and genetic classication

Jianfeng Feng Mariya Shcherbina Brunello Tirozzi

Dynamical b ehavior of a large complex system

A Boag

Nonuniform grid NG based compression of the metho d of moments matrices

Ya L Bogomolov E S Semenov A D Yunakovsky

Optimization of paraxial region for quasioptical electron accelerator

Victor V Borisov

The transientwaves pro duced byhyp erb olic motion of Gaussians transverse sources

V A BorovikovALPop ov D A Chelub eyev

Sound eld excited by exural oscillations of elastic plate with round inclusion part

Serge P Boruhovich

Planar and threedimensional chirality measure mo del

V I Bronnikov

Diractive mo del of scattering by a rough surface of radiation


I S Lobanov I Yu Pop ov

Twob o dy problem on p encil of lines

J Bruning S Yu Dobrokhotov R V Nekrasov A I Shafarevich

Propagation of the wavepackets in thin tub es with nonlinear integral p otential

Ya A Butko

Functional integrals for Schro edinger equation on a Riemannian manifold via Smolyanov

Weizsaecker approach

Volo dymyr O Byelobrov Alexander I Nosich

Dep endences of lasing thresholds for a layered structure with a quantum well on the


A A Chernitskii

Eective Riemann space for wave propagation in nonlinear electro dynamics

V V Borzov E V Damaskinsky

Bessel Oscillator

M V Golovkina

Waveguide structure containing metamaterial slab with resistivelm

S Yu Dobrokhotov A I Shafarevich B Tirozzi

One representation of lo calized functions via the Maslov canonical op erator and its

application to asymptotic solutions of linear hyp erb olic systems

S Yu Dobrokhotov S O Sinitsyn

Lo calized asymptotic solutions of d wave equation with variable velo city implied by

timedep endentsource

A L Efros

The problem of a p erfect lens made of a slab with negative refraction

V G Daniele R D Graglia

Diraction of a p erfectly conducting halfplane immersed in a gyrotropic medium

V A Eskin A V Kudrin T M Zab oronkova

Excitation of whistler mo des guided by a lossy anisotropic plasma cylinder

I V Donets V A Lerer A M Lerer S M Tsvetkovskaya

Investigation of multilayered and multislot resonant and p erio dical structures

Ali Ta jvidy Mohammad Nasermoghaddasi Ayaz Ghorbani

Multiple diraction loss calculation in microcell environments

F F Gorbatsevich

Dep olarization of shear waves in anisotropic heterogeneous media

R D GragliaGLombardi

A mo died Euler transformation for machine precision evaluation of p otential integrals

Valery E Grikurov

Windowed oscillating integral

Gaussian b eams metho d b eyond its limitations

Michael Katsav Ehud Heyman

Beam summation analysis of half plane diraction

Michael Katsav Ehud Heyman

A phasespace b eam summation representation for D radiation from a line source


Ya A Ilyushin

The impact of the small scale uctuations of the ionospheric plasma on the ultra wide

band orbital ground p enetrating radar measurements

Hiromu Ishio

An attempt to improve semiclassical calculations of wave transp ort in a quantum wire

with Diraction


M Shatalov S V Joub ert W E Pretorius I Fedotov

Vibrations of inhomogeneous solid discs sub jected to an inertial rotation

P H Klopp ers T H Fay SV Joub ert

A probabilistic approachtobivariate function approximation

S V Joub ert M Shatalov C E Co etzee I Fedotov

Vibrations of a rotating solid elastic sphere lled with an inviscid uid

S V Joub ertTHFay M Shatalov

Dynamics of a vehicletrailer system with a limited p ower supply

M V Karasev

Quantization of surfaces in magnetic eld

Karima Khusnutdinova

Nonlinear waves in coupled waveguides

N B KonyukhovaMBSoloviev P M Lima M L Morgado

Singular nonlinear b oundary value problem for bubbletyp e or droplettyp e solutions

in nonlinear physics mo dels

Yurii V Kiselev Vladimir N Troyan

The diraction tomography and iterative approach to restore the elastic parameters

and electrical conductivity

S A Kozlov PAPetroshenko

The nonparaxial selffo cusing of fewcycle light pulses in dielectric media with disp ersion

P A Krutitskii

Boundary value problems for the Helmholtz equation in domains b ounded by closed


Valeri V Kucherenko

Semiclassic asymptotics for the vector SturmLiouville problem with parameters

Andriy KryvkoValeri V Kucherenko

Asymptotic solution of linear system with a turning p oint of high order

R S Makin

Averaging and chaotic mo des for nonautonomic nonlinear dynamic systems

D P KouzovYu A Soloveva

Diraction of nonstationary wavewithvarying along the front amplitude by a soft wedge

I S Nefedov

Sp ectra of mo des of waveguides loaded with wire media

M D Kovalev

The numb er of energy levels in MQWstructure

Alexander G Kyurkchan Dmitrii B Demin

Solution scattering problems of electromagnetic waves from inhomogeneously layered

scatterers using pattern equation metho d

Alexander G Kyurkchan Nadezhda I Smirnova

Metho ds of the continued b oundary conditions and the pattern equations

A G Kyurkchan E A Skoro dumova

Mo deling the characteristics of scattering of electromagnetic waves by the b o dies of

complex geometry

A G Kyurkchan S A Manenkov E S Negorozhina

Mo delling of scattering characteristics of electromagnetic waves by group of b o dies using

the mo died metho d of discrete sources

Fedor N Litvinets Andrey Yu Trifonov Alexander V Shap ovalov

Berry phases for the Hartree typ e equation

V G Daniele G Lombardi

Factorization of WienerHopf matrices using Fredholm integral equations



Mo del for the regular nanostructuring of transparent dielectrics and semiconductors by

femtosecond laser radiation

Raul MahilloIsla Mara Jesus GonzalezMorales Carlos DehesaMartnez

Diraction of D complex b eams by a p erfect conductor halfplane a sp ectral approach

R S Makin

Gap condition for nonlinear evolution equations

R S Makin

The numb er of zero es in invariant manifolds for evolution equations


The comparison of elds excited by input grating coupler with those of SEW

G J McPheePNStavrinou D D C Bradley

On plasmonic and other mo des of double metalslab structures

V S Makin R S Makin Chunlei Guo AY Vorobyev

UniversalityofFeigenbaum and dissipative microstructures for highly nonequilibrium

nonlinear systems

G Maximov

Biots equations for multiphase media with dierent temp eratures on the basis of gen

eralized variational principle


Reection from a halfspace lled with wire medium the auxiliary source metho d

O V Motygin

On uniqueness in the two and threedimensional

NeumannKelvin problem

Vassili A Fedotov Nikolay I Zheludev Pavel L Mladyonov Sergey L Prosvirnin

Electromagnetic prop erties of doublep erio dic planar chiral array

K V ProzorovP A Krutitskii

The mixed value problem with the skew derivative

for the D Helmholtz equation outside cuts

G A Omelyanov

Interaction of sho ckwaves for genuinely nonlinear hyp erb olic systems

M OditIVendik O Vendik

D isotropic metamaterial based on dielectric resonant spheres

E G Papkelis H T Anastassiu PVFrangos

POPTD neareld scattering and diraction metho d for path loss prediction in urban

mobile radiosystems

Valeriy V Radchenko

Twolayer spherical dielectric lens with reector excited by a radial electric dip ole

D Bianchi F Raicich

Stability of p erturbation of ows and typho on generation

X Tr Tran N N Rosanov

Interaction of dissipative b er Bragg solitons

S V Fedorov N N RosanovNAVeretenov

Complexes of weakly coupled Dlaser solitons

Al S Kiselev An S Kiselev N N Rosanov

Eect of Kerr nonlinearity on discrete dissipative optical solitons

Nataliya Sakhnenko Alexander Nerukh

Electromagnetic eld transformation in circular waveguiding and resonant structures

with timevarying p ermittivity


S S Sautb ekov

Solving the problems of diraction by WienerHopfFock metho d for nite ne structures

S Ya SekerzhZenkovichBIVolkov

On application of asymptotic solutions to calculation of tsunami piston mo del

Alexander A Chaplygin Victor I Sergeev

On the information transmission metho d using material ob jects faraction reaction on

the external electromagnetic unconverted inuence

A Shanin E Shabalina

Numerical study of diraction phenomena in achitectural acoustics

V M Shelkovich

Singular solutions to systems of conservation laws connected with transp ortation and

concentration pro cesses

Yu A Shp olyanskiyANBerkovsky M A Berlin S A Kozlov

Selffo cusing of fewcycle light pulses in transparent disp ersive optical media with elec

tronic and electronicvibration cubic nonlinearities

Ilya A Shereshevskii

The scattering op erator in the stepwise waveguides

S M Sitnik

Explicit solutions to a singular dierential equation with Bessel op erator

Serguei A Nazarov

On continuous sp ectra of the elasticity problems

Alexander A Sidorov

Anisotropic approximation of radially layered elastic media

Irina I Simonenko

Transientwaves pro duced by a spherical source pulsating with dierent p erio ds

Y Smirnov E Sysova

Analysis of the TEwave propagation in nonlinear dielectric threelayer planar waveg

uides with nonKerr nonlinearity

Y SmirnovDValovik

Analysis of the TMwave propagation in nonlinear dielectric layer planar waveguides

with Kerr nonlinearity

O G Smolyanov

Cauchy problems in b ounded domains Feynman path integrals and difusions

Elena I Smotrova Alexander I Nosich Trevor M Benson Phillip Sewell

Lasing sp ectra and thresholds of a circular micro cavity laser emb edded in an annular

Bragg reector

I V Sturova

The scattering of the lo calized surface waveby an elastic plate oating on shallowwater

of variable depth

T Tovstik

The waves propagation in the comp osed ro d

Sergey Yalunin

Casimir eect and exactly integrable Hamiltonians

S A TretyakovISNefedov

Transformation of electromagnetic elds using metamaterials

Andrei B Utkin

Pulsed radiation pro duced by a travelling exp onentially decaying bip olar current pulse

with highfrequency lling


Roman O Rezaev Andrey Yu Trifonov Alexander V Shap ovalov

Onedimensional nonlinear FPK equation with the p otential of a sp ecial form in semi

classical approximation

Andrey Yu Trifonov Roman O Rezaev Alexander V Shap ovalov

Symmetry op erators for the multidimensional FPK equation with quadratic nonlo cal


S A Vakulenko

Asymptotics for nonlinear wave equations with external source

M V Ivakhnychenko E I Veliev T M Ahmedov

Fractional b oundary conditions in diraction problems on plane screens

Irina Vendik

Metamaterials based on structures with emb edded D resonant inclusions

A V Vozianova A G Nerukh

Resolvent op erator of maxwell equations for dimentional eld vector

A P Vinogradov A M Merzlikin A V Dorofeenko

Enhancement of magnetooptic eects with resonant structures

A M Merzlikin A V Dorofeenko A P Vinogradov

Distinct feature of magneto photonic crystals on formation of the Yeh band gap

A P VinogradovAVDorofeenko A M Merzlikin

A comparative analysis of mixing formula for SNG and DNG media

Alexander A Vinokurov

Analisys of applicability ranges of exact light scattering metho ds using spherical basis

M A Geyer T B Yanovskaya

Numerical approach for analysis of surface wave eld in the vicinity of caustics

N F YashinaTMZaboronkova

Electromagnetic surface waves guided by the metalcomp osite medium b oundary

Vasyl V Yatsyk

The problem of diraction of a plane electromagnetic waveonakerrtyp e nonlinear

dielectric layeredstructure

S Yu Dobrokhotov P N ZhevandrovBTirozzi

Asymptotic theory of the one dimensional linear scattering of the solitary waves on a


Vera B Zon

Reection refraction and transformation into photons of surface plasmons on metal


A A ZvyagintsevAIIvanov D V Katkov

Whisp ering gallery eigenmo des of a surface with anisotropic surface imp edance

George V Filipp enko

Vibration of cylindrical shell partially submerged into the layer of liquid The liquid is

inside and outside the cylinder

F F Valiev

Pulse shap e of current moving along a straight line with sup erlightvelo city and time

derivative of Whittaker p otential in far region

Lev A Molotkov

Investigation of wave eld in eective mo del of layered elastic medium with slide contact

on interfaces

V G Veselago

Ab out light pressure in negative refraction materials


The diraction and disp ersion of waves in

semiconductordiraction grating structure

Valeriy A Ab dulkadyrov Dmitry V Ab dulkadyrov

The Usikovs Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics of the NASU

Proskura str Kharkov Ukraine

email abdulkadirekharkovua

The wave phenomena in semiconductor structures have aroused considerable interest among physi

cists mathematicians and practicing sp ecialists The close relationship existing b etween the wave

phenomena and the fundamental prop erties of solids has spurred this interest for the knowledge of

the kind can contribute a lot to the improvement of the active and passive devices

In the rep ort the electromagnetic wave diraction by a diraction grating closely spaced

with a semiconductor layer backed by a dielectric substrate is considered relying up on Foigts ge

ometry The structure of interest is shown in the gure The semiconductor eld is obtained

from the simultaneous solution

of Maxwells equations and the

hydro dynamic equations of the

semiconductor plasma The pla

sma electrical prop erties are de

scrib ed by the tensor


xx xy

yx yy ik


After the elds have b een sub

ject to b oundary conditions at

all the structure interfaces one

gets the functional equation sys

tem reducible to the problem of

inhomogeneous conjugation of a

unit circle in the complex plane

which the RiemannHilb ert

problem is The Fourier co e

cients of the obtained analytical function come from the innite set of inhomogeneous linear equations

In view of the problem parameter smallness it is substituted by the reduced system which yields

the unknown co ecients of eld expansion to furnish us with the reection and transmission factors

Having known the structure elds one gets the disp ersion equation from the b oundary value

problem The disp ersion equation solution yields the propagation constants of plasma p olaritons in

either isotropic or magnetoactive semiconductor layer closely spaced with the diraction grating The

behavior of the disp ersion curves has b een examined dep ending on the structure parameters


MC Steele and B Vural Waveinteraction in solid state plasmas Moscow Atomizdat

NI Muskhelishvili Singular integral equations Moscow Fizmatgiz

VP Shestopalov LN Litvinenko SA Masalov and VG Sologub Wave diraction on gratings

Kharkov Kharkov University


Wigner distribution function and intensityintegral

moments of HermiteLaguerreGaussian b eams

Eugeny G Abramo chkinVladimirGVolostnikov

Coherent Optics Lab Samara branchofPNLeb edev Physical Institute of RAS Russia

email egafiansmrru

HermiteLaguerreGaussian HLG b eams are recently intro duced light b eam family that contains

HermiteGaussian and LaguerreGaussian b eams as particular representatives The Wigner function

and some other integral characteristics for HLG b eams are found

The Wigher distribution function plays an imp ortant role in quantum mechanics and optics It is

used for optical signals analysis and light elds characterization

In paraxial approximation the most famous examples of light elds with structural stability under

propagation in Fresnel zone are HermiteGaussian HG and LaguerreGaussian LG b eams The

Wigner functions for these elds were found in and resp ectively

Recently a unity of HG and LG b eam families was prop osed byintro ducing an additional

parameter The family of HermiteLaguerreGaussian HLG b eams G x y j keep many im


p ortant prop erties of HG and LG b eams In particular for any xed the family of HLG b eams is

an orthogonal basis of the space L R

In this work the Wigner function for HLG b eams is found with the help of generating function

technique Using this result it is shown that Fourier transform of an HLG mo de intensitymaybe

presented in terms of Laguerre p olynomials


ix y

d d G j e



x y x cos y sin x sin y cos

E exp L L

n m


n m is the energy of an HLG mo de G x y j or the norm square of the mo de where E


in the space L R

By dierentiation of eq the intensityintegral moments are found



hx y i G x y j x y dx dy



For example for n  andm  the moments are

n m n m

hi E hxi hy i hxy i hx y i E hx y i E cos

The ab oveformulae are used for the calculation of some characteristics of HLG mo des Namely

b eam quality factor M see denition in M G x y j n m


phase space area see denition in PSA G x y j n m



Bastiaans MJ Application of the Wigner distribution function in optics In The

Wigner Distribution Theory and Applications in Signal Processing eds W Mecklenbrauker

F Hlawatsch Elsevier Amsterdam pp


Simon R Mukunda N Optical phase space Wigner representation and invariant

quality parameters J Opt Soc Am A Vol pp

Tatarsky VI Wigner representation in quantum mechanics Soviet Physics Uspekhi

Vol pp

httpwwwufnruufnufnRussianrbpdf in Russian


Gase R Representation of LaguerreGaussian mo des by the Wigner distribution function

Quantum Electronics Vol pp

Abramo chkin EG Volostnikov VG Generalized Gaussian b eams J Optics A Pure

and Appl Optics Vol pp SS


Sagha S Sheppard CJR The b eam propagation factor for higher order Gaussian

b eams Optics Commun Vol pp

Murphy JB Phase space conservation and selection rules for astigmatic mo de converters

Optics Commun Vol pp

Derivation of eigenvalues for the SturmLiouville

b oundary value problem with interior singularities

Thomas M Acho

Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics

University of the Free State South Africa

Asymptotic solutions for the SturmLiouville b oundary value problem with interior singulari

ties were obtained using asymptotic forms of the Whittaker functions for higher order mo des and

TitchmarshWeyl mfunctions for low order mo des However these split interval techniques do not

readily provide the eigenrelations for low order mo des For the rst time with minimal constraints the

eigenvalues for the SturmLiouville eigenproblem are obtained when the TitchmarshWeyl mfunction

technique is employed

Plane shear wave diraction in a comp osite elastic

medium with partially b onded elastic strip

KL Aghayan

Institute of Mechanics ANAS RA

A comp osite elastic medium which consists of an elastic strip jxj jy j h jz j with the

width h and two identical halfspaces y h y h is considered in a Cartesian co ordinate system

xy z The strip and the halfspaces have dierent elastic prop erties It is assumed that along the half

panes x y h the strip and the halfspace are b onded full contact and along the halfpanes

x y h there is no contact b etween them and the halfpanes are free of stresses crack In

the elastic halfspaces the plane shear wave

u x y exp ik x cos ik y sin



is incident from innity at angle pi where k c is the wavenumber and c

is the velo city of shear waves in the halfspaces It is assumed that the medium is in the state of

antiplane deformation and the task is to investigate the diracted wave eld in the strip and in the


Representing the solution of the problem in the form of a sum of its even and o dd parts and using

the generalized Fourier transformations the problem is brought to solving two indep endent Wiener

Hopf functional equations

Analytical expressions are obtained for the amplitudes of the displacements in each part of the

comp osite medium Asymptotic formulas are presented expressing displacements in the far eld and

the distribution of stresses in the neighb orho o ds of the tips of contact zones tips of the cracks

Explicit expressions are obtained for the co ecients of transmission to the free part of the waveguide


Application of Ab els integral transform to solving the

electromagnetic wave diraction by a thin disk

Mikhail V Balaban

Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics NASU Ul Proskury Kharkov Ukraine

Ayhan Altintas

Bilkent University Electrical Electronics Engineering Department

Bilkent Ankara Turkey

In this pap er we consider the diraction of arbitrary electromagnetic waveby thin PEC resistive

and dielectric disks and prop ose way to build a rigorous mathematical mo del of this group of prob

lems We start with Maxwells equation generalized b oundary

conditions on the median crosssection plane of the disk

E E Z R n H H

tg tg tg tg

Z H H S n E E

tg tg tg tg

and radiation and edge conditions Electrical and magnetic resis

tivities for a thin dielectric disk are given by

p p

R i Z cot k S i Z cot k j j

r r r r r r

We represent the normal to the disk scattering eld comp onents in terms of integral Hankel trans

form imagefunctions



im i


E e e e J d


scz mz




i im


Z H e h J d e


scz mz


On substituting the tangential eld comp onents into the b oundary conditions we obtain a set or

two indep endent sets in the case of dielectric disk of coupled dual integral equations For the PEC

disk diraction problem they are



i j j i j j

J ka h e h J d i e e e

m m m m

m m



i j j i j j

e e e J ik a h e h J d

m m m m m




J h J d ik a e

m m

m m



ka e J i h J d

m m

m m

Weintegrate and decouple these equations and intro duce two or four constants of integration

By using Ab els integral transform technique for solving canonical dual integral equations with the

Besselfunction kernels


uJ d f J d v J d f J d


uJ d v J d

we reduce our equations to a set of vector integral equations of the Fredholm second kind and

add equations for nding the constants of integration The features of the Fredholm secondkind


equations guarantee the existence of

solution and numerical convergence

of the algorithm based on any reason

able discretization scheme

As an example weshow total far

eld radiation patterns for the PEC

disk excitation by a horizontal elec

tric dip ole Here the normalized disk

radius is ka normalized distance

from the dip ole to the disk is and

radiation patterns are plotted in the

planes of and

Features of propagation and interaction of

onedimensional top ological solitons in crystals

M M ArakelyanKTAvetyan E A Nazaryan

The Yerevan State University Armenia

email nazaryanernestnetsysam

The interaction of two analogous top ological solitons the FrenkelKontorova dislo cations at joint

motion with similar velo cities has b een investigated in some sp ecied velo cityinterval and the fea

tures of their motion have b een studied as well dep ending on the height of p erio dical p otential barrier

of lattice Based on a numerical exp eriment for soliton solutions of the nonlinear sinusGordon wave

equation the following results were obtained the interaction b etween the dislo cations proved imp or

tantatlowvelo cities the displacement eld of some given dislo cation was strongly distorted under

the action of neighb oring dislo cation In our opinion in this case a transverse slide of the dislo cation

in question is observed The interaction force b etween these dislo cations decreases with increasing

velo city and in the limit when the dislo cation velo city tends to the velo city of sound the interaction

between the dislo cations tends to zero Having in view the interpretation of obtained results wehave

studied the distribution of stresses around the dislo cations in the velo cityinterval at issue Accord

ing to results of numerical exp eriment as the velo city increases the stress eld is contracted in the

direction of slide and grows in the normal direction by converging to One may assume thus that

the interaction force b etween the dislo cations is determined by the distribution width of stresses of

aecting dislo cation It was then obtained that the b ehavior of dislo cation motion dep ended up on the

height of p erio dical p otential barrier of crystal lattice In case of low barriers the motion is transla

tional In the course of slide the dislo cation width is p erio dically changed At an increase of barrier

height the nature of motion changes In high barrier crystals the dislo cation as if executes oscillating

motion in the direction of slide The tailend ranges of dislo cations are distorted The width of dis

lo cation p erio dically changes remaining all the time less than that in low barrier crystals When the

allowance for the frictional force is made the motion of dislo cations slowed down the amplitude of

oscillations in the sliding direction is notably reduced

When the allowance for the frictional force is made the motion of dislo cations slowed down the

amplitude of oscillations in the sliding direction is notably reduced

The change of shap e of dislo cations in the course of slip has b een studied for b oth the high and

low barriers For that in the numerical exp eriment describ ed ab ove the distribution of displacement

derivatives was given for xed instants of time It was obtained that in the same time interval this

function p erio dically changed the amplitude of variation at higher barriers b eing more than for lower

ones Resp ectively the shap e of dislo cations for higher barriers is distorted stronger than for lower

ones that is esp ecially notable in the tailend regions

In all cases wegive detailed graphical results of the numerical exp eriment as well as made numerical estimates


Smo othed Wigner Transforms and homogenization of wave propagation

Agissilaos G Athanassoulis

The Program in Applied and Computational Mathematics Princeton University USA

email aathanasmathprincetonedu

The Wigner Transform WT has b een extensively used in the formulation of phasespace mo dels

foravarietyofwave propagation problems including highfrequency limits and the homogenization of

linear nonlinear and random waves The WT however is well known to present signicant diculties

in the formulation of numerical schemes due to its socalled interference terms

In this connection we prop ose the use of the smo othed Wigner Transforms SWT and derive

new exact equations for them covering a broad class of wave propagation problems The smo othing

ie the joint spatialsp ectral resolution at whichwecho ose to reformulate the original problem

now b ecomes part of the data of the phasespace equations Equations for sp ectrograms and Husimi

Transforms are included as a sp ecial case

As an application a semiclassical numerical metho d is develop ed and analyzed making use of the

SWT It allows for the ecient and accurate recovery of dependendt slowscale observables eg the

envelop es in problems of semiclassical ie highfrequency wave propagation

Working with concrete examples for the semiclassical linear Schro dinger equation it is seen that the

SWT approach is indeed signicantly cheap er to work with than full numerical solutions of the original

equation in the semiclassical regime as well as than using the WT without smo othing Comparisons

with exact and indep endent numerical solutions are used to keep trackofnumerical errors

The analytic and numerical solution of second thrith fourth and sixth order

WiennerHopf system for mixed b oundary elasticity dynamic problems

A G Bagdo ev A V VardanyanSVVardanyan A N Martirosyan

The antiplane plane and threedimensional unsteady elastic mixed problems for semiinnite cracks

in elastic plane and space and for stamps applied to elastic halfplane or halfspace are solved The

solution is obtained byintegral transformations metho ds Laplace on time and Fourier by co ordinates

The systems of WiennerHopf equations are obtained from b oundary conditions are brought to Hilb ert

problem for vectorfunctions of corresp onding order whichby metho d of PlemeliHilb ertNPVekua

is reduced to solution of the same order Fredholm integral equations system In mentioned problems

corresp onding matrix has singularities on innity which are avoided and are obtained corresp onding

WiennerHopf Hilb ert and furtehermore Fredgolm systems with continuous matrix The last ones

are solved numerically whichgives the technic of factorization of complex matrices Also the inverse

integral transformations are carried out and in all problems are obtained eective forms of Smirnov

Sob olev for stresses on corresp onding parts of b oundaries The stress intensity co ecients near edges

of cracks and stamps are derived and calculated numerically

Perio dic diraction b oundaryvalue problems

M A Bastos A Moura Santos

Dept of Mathematics IST Technical University of Lisb on Lisb on Portugal

We consider a wave diraction problem by a p erio dic strip grating Two b oundaryvalue problems

are studied in detail for an arbitrary geometry of the grating the oblique derivative and the classic

Neumann b oundaryvalue problems After we formulate these problems as convolution typ e op erators

acting on Bessel p otential p erio dic spaces asso ciated op erators acting on spaces of matrix functions

dened on comp osed contours are derived Within the last setting Fredholm prop erties and Fredholm

indices for the oblique derivative and the Neumann b oundaryvalue problems are given Sucient

conditions for the invertibility of the Fourier symb ols of the asso ciated op erators are studied


Subwavelength imaging at microwave terahertz and infrared frequencies

Pavel A BelovYang Hao

Department of Electronic Engineering Queen Mary University of London

London E NS UK

Mario G Silveirinha

Departamento de Eng Electrotecnica da Universidade de Coimbra Instituto de Telecomu

nicaco es Polo I I Coimbra Portugal

Constantin R Simovski

General Physics Department St Petersburg State University of Information Technologies

Mechanics and Optics Sablinskaya St Petersburg Russia

We study b oth theoretically and exp erimentally subwavelength imaging by a slab of le wire medium

twodimensional electromagnetic crystal formed by parallel conducting wires WM supp orts so

called transmission line mo des whichhave completely at isofrequency contours and exist at

very low frequencies as compared to the p erio ds of the lattice In order to achievesubwavelength

imaging wedonotinvolvenegative refraction and amplication of evanescent mo des We prop ose

to transform the most part of the spatial sp ectrum of the source radiation into the propagating

transmission line mo des of the crystal having the same group velo city directed along wires and

across the slab resp ectively and the same longitudinal comp onents of the wavevector The spatial

harmonics pro duced by a source propagating and evanescent refract into the crystal eigenmo des at

the frontinterface These eigenmo des propagate normally to the interface and deliver the distribution

of neareld electric eld from the frontinterface to the backinterface without disturbances This way

the incident eld with subwavelength details is transp orted from one interface to the other one The

problem of strong harmful reection from the slab is solved bycho osing its thickness appropriately

so that it op erates as a FabryPerot resonator In our case the FabryPerot resonance holds for

all incidence angles and even for incidentevanescentwaves We call the describ ed regime as

canalization with subwavelength resolution The initial results on subwavelength imaging by wire

medium were published in In the presentwork we present recent results regarding bandwidth

of op eration and resolution of the imaging system We demonstrate transmission of images with

l resolution to the l distances Also we discuss opp ortunity to scale the structure so that it can

op erate at terahertz and infrared frequencies


PA Belov R Marques SI Maslovski IS Nefedov Silverinha M CR Simovski SA

Tretyakov Strong spatial disp ersion in wire media in the very large wavelength limit Phys

Rev B vol

PA Belov Y Hao S Sudhakaran Subwavelength microwave imaging using an array of parallel

conducting wires as a lens Physical Review B vol

PA Belov CR Simovski PIkonen Canalization of subwavelength images by electromagnetic

crystals Physical Review B vol

PA Belov Y Zhao S Sudhakaran A Alomainy Y Hao Exp erimental study of the sub

wavelength imaging by a wire medium slab Applied Physics Letters vol pp

MG Silveirinha PA Belov CR Simovski Subwavelength imaging at infrared frequencies

using an array of metallic nanoro ds Physical Review B vol pp


Integrable mo dels of the longitudinal motion

of electrons in curved Dnanotub es

V V Belov S V Nikolaev

Moscow State Institute of Electronics and Mathematics Russia

In the framework of the adiabatic approach we nd several mo del examples of curved D

nanotub es and congurations of a homogeneous magnetic eld for which the onedimensional matrix

equation can b e integrated exactly on a subregion of dimensional For p erio dic tub es

with the BornKarman conditions we obtain explicit analytic formulas of the electron sp ectrum

and the timedomain Green function of the corresp onding initially b oundaryvalue problem In the

electron sp ectrum we distinguish the corresp onding contributions of the AharonovBohm and Berry

phases and the Maslov geometric p otential


V V Belov S Yu Dobrokhotov T Ya Tudorovskii Asymptotic solutions of nonrelativistic

equations of quantum mechanics in curved nanotub es Teor Mat Fiz

V V Belov S Yu Dobrokhotov T Ya Tudorovskii Generalized adiabatic principle for describ

ing the electron dynamics in curved nanotub es Usphekhi Fiz Nauk

Semiclassical solytontyp e solutions of the Hartree equation

Vladimir VladimirovichBelov Ekaterina Ivanovna Smirnova

The Moscow institute of electronics and mathematics

Moscow BTrehsvjatitelsky st Russia

email katerinasmbkru

Concentrated asymptotic solutions in the form Haus packages are based on the ideas of complex

WKBMaslov metho d and covariant approach in the semiclassically approximation for the Hartree

equation with smo oth translationinvariant p otential of selfaction These decisions are natural for

understanding as semiclassical solytons for convex p otentials in not resonant case not blurring wave

packages Haus structure

Prediction of the tra jectory of typho ons and the Maslov decomp osition

D Bianchi B Tirozzi

DepartmentofPhysics University La Sapienza Rome Italy

email danielabianchivirgilioit brunellotirozziromainfnit

S Reutskiy

Institute of Magnethohydro dynamics National Academy of Sciences Kharkov Ukrain

email reutskiybarsnetua

We use the Maslov decomp osition for the solution of quasilinear hyp erb olic equations and the

numerical integration of the ShallowWater equations for isolated vortices to showhow to makea

forecast of the tra jectory of typho ons starting from the knowledge of the rst three p ositions of the

center We will show the results of the systematic application of this metho d to the a wide class

of typho ons from the tropical typho ons to the midlatitude ones


S Reutskiy B Tirozzi Numerical solutions of ShallowWater equation and typho ons propaga

tion to be publishedonRussian J of Mathematical Physics


Kohonen neural networks and genetic classication

D Bianchi Brunello Tirozzi

DepartmentofPhysics University La Sapienza Rome Italy

email danielabianchivirgilioit brunellotirozziromainfnit

High throughput technologies such as genome sequencing and DNA microarrays are changing the

face of biology These recent advancements are pro ducing an enormous amount of data from which

biologically meaningful features need to b e extracted and interpreted However b ecause of the large

numb er of genes and complexity of biological networks it is dicult to interpret the resulting mass of

data so the clustering techniques b ecome essential in data mining pro cesses for identifying interesting

distributions and patterns in the underlying data Clustering algorithms have simplied the grouping

of genes with similar biological expression Coexpressed genes found in the same cluster suggest

functional similarities There is a large literature on cluster analysis and its application to genetic

classication numerous approaches were prop osed on the basis of diRerent quality criteria and not all

the algorithms are well founded In addition the results of the algorithms dep end strongly on many

arbitrary choices for example on the initial conditions and the value of the threshold Therefore it

is imp ortanttohave a go o d control on the prop erties of clustering algorithms Wehaveinvestigated

the ecacy of Kohonen algorithm to cluster transcription proles This algorithm was chosen since

its prop erties are well known and can b e controlled by the user In fact wehave claried the state

of the art of the convergence prop erty of the algorithm considered as a sto chastic pro cess and proved

rigorously that the rate of decay of the learning parameter which is most used in the application is a

sucient condition for almost sure convergence and wehaveconrmeditnumericallyMany clustering

algorithms are unable to pro duce an unique nal result eg hierarchical clustering kmean graph

based clustering multidimensional SOM etc this problem has b een solved in our implementation

of monodimensional Kohonen algorithm We apply our theorem and considerations to the case of

genetic classication which is a rapidly developing eld


DBianchi RCalogero BTirozzi Kohonen neural networks and genetic classication Vol

January Mathematical and computer mo delling

Dynamical b ehavior of a large complex system

Jianfeng Feng

Department of Computer Science and Mathematics Warwick UniversityUK

email JianfengFengwarwickacuk

Mariya Shcherbina

Institute for LowTemp erature Physics Kharkov Ukrain

email shcherbiflintiltkharkovua

Brunello Tirozzi

DepartmentofPhysics University La Sapienza Rome Italy

email brunellotirozziromainfnit

The problem of synchronization of N neurons interacting through a random gaussian matrix is

discussed The synchronization prop ertyisformulated in a weaker sense via a generalized denition of

the stability of the dynamics This prop erty is demonstrated by means of limit theorems of probability

and the selfaveraging prop erty of disordered systems


J Feng M Shcherina BTirozzi Dynamical b ehavior of a large complex system Comm Pure and Applied Analysis in press


Nonuniform grid NG based compression

of the metho d of moments matrices

A Boag

Scho ol of Electrical Engineering Tel Aviv University

Tel Aviv Israel

email boagengtauacil

The metho d of moments MoM discretization of the b oundary integral equations of computa

tional electromagnetics conventionally requires roughly ten unknowns p er linear wavelength Even

higher density of discretization is needed in the quasistatic regime or for nonsmo oth geometries

On the other hand only two unknowns p er wavelength are sucient to describ e the number of

degrees of freedom of the scattered or radiated eld The contrast b etween the lo cal sampling re

quirements and the radiated eld prop erties that aect the interaction b etween spatially separated

domains can b e exploited to reduce the complexity of solving the MoM equations An ecient

compression technique based on the construction of radiating and nonradiating basis and testing

functions has b een prop osed in In this work we prop ose to construct lo cally and globally in

teracting basis and testing functions similar to those in via a numerically ecient algorithm

based on the nonuniform grid NG sampling and interp olation of radiated elds As the rst

step the scatterer is decomp osed into sub domains of roughly equal size Then for each sub do

main an NG is constructed in a way that allows the computation of the eld pro duced bythe

currents conned to that sub domain at anypoint of the scatterer byinterp olation This entails

that the lo cal and global radiating functions can b e constructed based on a rank revealing fac

torization of the matrix describing eld computation at the NG p oints The size of this matrix

is much smaller than the whole blo ck of the conventional MoM matrix describing the interaction

of a given sub domain with the rest of the scatterer Following the basis transformation the un

knowns corresp onding to the lo cal basis functions are expressed in terms of the global ones and

eectively eliminated from the system of equations to b e solved using the Schur complement pro ce


For arbitrary geometries the asymptotic computational complexity of the direct solver using the

NGbased compression remains of O N where N is the numb er of unknowns however the constant

multiplier implicit in such complexity estimates is greatly reduced In fact thanks to the prop osed

matrix compression the complexitymultiplier is much smaller than unity In addition the prop osed

technique is geometrically adaptive and very high compression and truly fast direct solvers are p ossible

for geometries of reduced dimensionalities

This research is sp onsored in part byNATOs Public Diplomacy Division in the framework of

Science for Peace programme


F X Canning and K Rogovin A universal matrix solver for integralequationbased problems

IEEE Antennas Propagat Mag vol no pp Feb

A Zhu R J Adams and F X Canning Schur factorization of the imp edance matrix in a

lo calizing basis J Electromagn Waves Appl vol no Jul pp

A Boag E Michielssen and A Brandt Nonuniform Polar Grid Algorithm for Fast Field

Evaluation IEEE Antennas Wireless Propagat Lett vol no pp


Optimization of paraxial region for quasioptical electron accelerator

Ya L Bogomolov E S Semenov A D Yunakovsky

Institute of Applied Physics RAS

NizhnyNovgoro d Russia

For the version of an electronp ositron collider suggested in the inner surface of accelerating

structure is optimized to enlarge the accelerating gradient the RF eld b eing b elow the surface

disruption threshold Assuming the radial channels essentially narrower in comparison with the p erio d

of the structure it is p ossible to consider an axially symmetric metallic pip e with a corrugated surface

as an approximate mo del of the system Inside the accelerating channel an electromagnetic eld

represents the axially symmetric mo de of E typ e In the case considered the Maxwell equations

for the axially symmetric mo de are reduced to the Helmholtz equation with resp ect to the azimuth

comp onent of a magnetic eld To nd the solution of the problem the metho d of discrete sources is


The following functionals are calculated accelerating gradient coupling resistance maxima of

the electric and the magnetic elds on the metallic surface normalized by the accelerating gradi

ent Dep endence of the functionals on the geometric parameters of the electro dynamical system is

investigated The results are mainly consistent with conclusions of


Petelin MI Quasioptical Collider Concept it Pro ceedings of the Advanced Accelerator Con

cepts Tenth Workshop p

Myakishev D NezhevenkoOTarnetsky V Yakovlev V TW Accelerating Structures with

Minimal Electric Field Proc of Particle Accelerator Conference and Int ConferenceonHigh

Energy Accelerators Dal las p

The transientwaves pro duced byhyp erb olic

motion of Gaussians transverse sources

Victor V Borisov

Fock Institute of Physics St Petersburg University

UlyanovskayaPetro dvorets StPetersburg Russia

email victorborisovmailru

The goal of the present rep ort is to construct two axisymmetric explicit solutions of the inhomo

geneous wave equation in the case of subsup erluminal hyp erb olic motion of the Gaussian transverse

sources Possibilities of an adequate description of the generated waves due to the ab ove solutions

are discussed Application of the obtained wave structures to the description of the electromagnetic

waves is also investigated

Note that kindred solutions are given for the pulse sources starting at a xed instant of time and

moving along a straight line with an acceleration see and for an extended consideration


VVBorisov ABUtkin J PhysD Appl Phis

VVBorisov Days on Diraction


Sound eld excited by exural oscillations of

elastic plate with round inclusion part

V A BorovikovALPop ov D A Chelub eyev

Inst for Problems of Mechanics RAS Moscow Russia

email v borovikovsumailru popovipmnetru

This problem was considered in the talk of VABorovikov ALPop ov and ALTimofeev Its

imp ortance is connected with the mathematical mo deling of noncontact nondestructive metho d of

testing of tub es This metho d consists of

excitation of exural oscillations of tub e

which in their turn excite the sound eld

outside of tub e Lo cal inclusions in tub e

lead to p erturbations of this eld which

can b e detected

In this talk we present the results of

numerical calculations of these p erturba

tions The example is shown on the g

ure where the sound pressure in Pam

at distance cm ab ove the steel plate

with thickness mm is presented The

sound eld is excited by the incident the

plane exural wave at round xed inclu

sion with radius mm The frequency

of this wave corresp onds to wavelength cm Since the sound wave length for this frequency is larger

than cm nonp erturb ed sound eld exp onentially decays while moving from the plate Therefore

all sound eld which is shown on the gure is due to the presence of inclusion its value is suciently

large to b e detected in exp erimental measurements

The second item of our talk is the inuence of the insulation layer watertight coating on the

propagation of exural waves in thin elastic tub es and envelop es and on excited sound eld The

harmonic oscillations in such rubb erbitumenlike coatings are describ ed usually by Helmholts equation

with complex wavenumber

We consider the harmonic oscillations of thin elastic plate covered by liquid layer with thickness H

and density and seek for the rst memb er of expansion in degrees of H of the equations of motion


of this plate In the absence of liquid layer this equation can b e written in the form a h

where a dep ends on thickness h and elastic prop erties of plate and is the density of plate so that the

co ecientwith is the plate surface density It turned out that the rst approximation for small

H of the equation of motion is a h H Inotherwords in the rst approximation


the only inuence of the thin liquid layer is the change of the plate surface density h by the total

surface density h H


This talk is supp orted by the grant RFFI No


VABorovikov ALPop ov ALTimofeev Diraction of exure waves in the innite plate on a

round inclusion Proc III Russia conference on elasticity RostovonDon Rostovondon

Novaya kniga p

YaOMalakhov ALPop ov On optimal p osition of soundabsorbing layer in the problem of lo cal

source sound isolation by means of thinwall shell Prikl probl prochn i plastichn Moscow KMK p


Planar and threedimensional chirality measure mo del

Serge P Boruhovich

Institute of Radio Astronomy

Krasnoznamennaya st Kharkov Ukraine

email boruhovichinboxru

During recentyears progress of b oth microwavetechnology and photonics has b een closely linked

to the topic of electromagnetic metamaterials structures with unique characteristics amongst them

the branch of planar and dchiral materials The authors of Ref found that the eectiveness of

optical activityby planar chiral surfaces is several orders of magnitude larger than that of bulk chiral

structures when op erating in the proximity of resonances Consequently b oth planar chiral materials

and monolayers consist of dchiral elements have attracted much attention due to a numb er of new

p olarization phenomena asso ciated with them

The quantitativecharacteristic of the reason of these phenomena chirality measure is very

imp ortant It is obvious chirality measures can b e intro duced in a number of ways Here we suggest

new algorithms applicable to single chiral elements and their arrays returning a dimensionless valued

chirality measure It is scaleindep endent and moreover limited to the interval

Here we provide algorithms for and dimensional chirality measure based on pure geometrical

approach They have b een employed to calculate chirality indices of some elements and structures

and b oth are simple in realization and converging stable and quickly

Comparison of these chirality indices with known data ab out p olarization transformation eects

for light diffraction on some structures has b een p erformed Close t has b een observed Further

researchisacurrent topic of presenters work


Hecht L Barron L D Rayleigh and Raman optical activityfromchiral surfaces Chem

Phys Lett vol pp

Papakostas A Potts A Bagnall D M Prosvirnin S L Coles H J Zheludev N I

Optical manifestations of planar chirality Phys Rev Lett vol no p

Schwanecke A S Krasavin A Bagnall D M Potts A Zayats A V Zheludev N I

Broken time reversal of lightinteraction with planar chiral nanostructures Phys Rev Lett

vol no p

Krasavin A V Schwanecke A S Reichelt M Stroucken T Ko ch S W Wright E M

Zheludev N I Polarization conversion and fo cusing of light propagating through a small

chiral hole in a metallic screen Appl Phys Lett vol no p

Zhang W Potts A Papakostas A Bagnall D M Intensity mo dulation and p olarization

rotation of visible lightby dielectric planar chiral metamaterials Appl Phys Lett vol

no p

Potts A Bagnall D M Zheludev N I A new mo del of geometric chirality for two

dimensional continuous media and planar metamaterials J Opt A vol pp

Boruhovich SP Prosvirnin SL Schwanecke AS Zheludev NI Multiplicative measure of

planar chirality for D metamaterials Pro ceedings of the EuMA Vol March


Diractive mo del of scattering by a rough surface of radiation

V I Bronnikov

Joint Company ISC Sun Energies Sosnovy Bor Leningrad region Russia

The scattering of waves on a real surface is of interest for various areas of mo dern physics Such

practical problems as denition of intensity of the scattered eld computer mo delling of illuminated

ob jects visibility measurement of ob ject roughness parameters are p ermanent for physical optics

Used mathematical mo del of the scattering b eing synthesis of the theory of diraction and

mathematical statistics as well as application of the theory of indignations do not provide adequate

description of radiation scattered as a sp ecklestructure In spite of the fact that the sp ecklestructure

is a result of the scattering on random nonuniformities of the ob ject roughness uctuations of the

refraction factor numerous works cover only investigations of its statistical prop erties not related

to parameters of phase nonuniformities A diractive mo del considering spatial distribution of the

radiation scattered by the rough surface is similar to the distribution of the radiation in case of

diraction of the wave on an ap erture with a shap e and size coincident with the illuminated area is

prop osed in the submitted presentation Intensity of the scattered eld is a sum of intensities of eld

comp onents where the intensity of the rst comp onent is dened by a ro otmeansquare roughness

at the base length equal to Dn n numb er of the diractive order of diraction on illuminated

area corresp onding to observation direction the second comp onentintensity at length Dn the

third one at length Dn and etc The reason is that the waves propagated in the observation area

have b een diracted on the structures of base lengths multiple Dn and diractive orders numb ers

divisible by n Approximations of big and minor compared to wavelength roughness are not used in

the prop osed mo del

There are numerous exp erimental validations for various wavelengths and ob jects typ es solid and



LMBrehovskih Diraction waves on Rough Surf Ac Sc of USSR v No p

MAIsakovich Scatt of Waves USSR JETPh v No c

Beckmann P Spizzichino A Scattering of elec mag Oxford Pergamon Press p

FGBass IMFuks Scattering of waves on statistically rough surface M Science p

VIBronnikov Pro ceeding of SPIE v

Twob o dy problem on p encil of lines

I S Lobanov I Yu Pop ov

StPetersburg State University of Information Technologies Mechanics and Optics

Kronverkskyy StPetersburg Russia

Scattering theory for a nonrelativistic quantum mechanical particle system on a quantum network

with n op en ends joined at a single vertex is considered The scattering is decomp osed into p otential

and geometrical contributions The Green functions of the involved Hamiltonians are calculated

The wave op erators and scattering matrices are obtained in the framework of stationary scattering

theory A detailed analysis is provided for inverse square particle interaction Some applications to

the quantum computing are discussed

The work is supp orted by RFBR grant


Propagation of the wavepackets in thin

tub es with nonlinear integral p otential

J Bruning

Department of Mathematics Humb oldtUniversity Berlin Germany

email brueningmathematikhuberlinde

S Yu Dobrokhotov R V Nekrasov

Institute for Problems in Mechanics RAS Moscow Russia

email dobripmnetru lognoramblerru

A I Shafarevich

Lomonosov Moscow State UniversityMoscow Russia

email shafarmechmathmsusu

We consider the problem of propagation of the Gaussian wavepackets in quantum nonlinear wave

guides thin tub es describ ed by the D Hartreetyp e equation


b b

Gr r jr j dr v x y i H H

int t


The kernel Gr r is a smo oth function and the connement p otential grows up when jy j

The last prop erty organizes the thin tub e wave guide with socalled soft walls The well known

fact is that wavepackets spread during the motion along the wave guides We show that integral

nonlinearity can crucially change the situation and Gaussian wavepackets can move along the wave

guide preserving its form We apply this result to the problem of the ballistic transp ort of p erturbation

in a long protein molecules We compare the propagation of Gaussian packets with the propagation

of socalled Davydovs solitons in long molecules

This work was partially supp orted by RFBRCNRS grant N and DFGRAS pro ject



VM Babich VS Buldyrev IA Molotkov SpaceTime Ray Metho d Cambridge University


V V Belov AYu Trifonov AV Semiclassical Tra jectoryCoherent Approximations of Hartree

Typ e Equations Theoretical and Mathematical Physics Springer

Functional integrals for Schro edinger equation on a

Riemannian manifold via SmolyanovWeizsaecker approach

Ya A Butko

Bauman Moscow State Technical University

Moscow Russia

Abstract We represent a new approachintro duced by Smolyanov and Weizsaecker to get solu

tions of evolutionary equations on Riemannian manifolds with the help of functional integrals We

obtain solution of Cauchy problem for Schro edinger equation on a Riemannian manifold in the form

of functional integrals with resp ect to SmolyanovWeizsaecker surface measures


Dep endences of lasing thresholds for a layered

structure with a quantum well on the mo de symmetry

Volo dymyr O Byelobrov Alexander I Nosich

Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics NASU ul Proskury Kharkiv Ukraine

email volodiabyelobrovgmailcom

Optical mo des and linear thresholds of lasing for a quantum well QW sandwiched b etween two

distributed Bragg reectors DBRs are investigated as a sp ecic eigenvalue problem with active

imaginary part of the QW refractive index

QWs emb edded in epitaxially grown semiconductor micro

cavities are widely used in photonics We consider a layered

structure consisting of the cavity whose width is w sandwiched


between two DBRs In the centre of the cavity there is a QW

or activelayer of the width w Fig We mo del the active


layer by a complexvalued refractive index with a complex value

i while adjacentlayers have the same real


values of this index which corresp onds to GaAS For


this structure weintro duce a lasing eigenvalue problem LEP

and reduce it to the following equation

i i w w

c a c

e R R

i bw w

c a c

R e R i

BT a



i bw w

c a c


e R R

BT a

Figure Sketchoflayered structure

where R are reectivities of the b ottom and top DBRs resp ectively We computed the LEP


eigenvalues by iterations starting from their values for the QW o ccupying entire cavity and using a

twoparameter Newton metho d Fig shows results of calculation of discrete pairs of the realvalued

normalized frequency of lasing w and asso ciated threshold material gain forw w and

c c a

w w for a QW in the cavity lo cated in free space ie without DBRs In the latter case

c a

several of the rst o dd mo des are lost b ecause their thresholds are to o high The thresholds of the o dd

mo des are higher than those for even mo des until

the tenth mo de and vice versa until the twentieth

one etc We can supp ose that p erio dicity in ten

mo des relates to the fact that QW is one tenth of

cavity Unlike thresholds the lasing wavelengths

are very stable with resp ect to the QW width This

is b ecause they are determined mainly by the width

of the cavity

We discuss how placing the cavity equipp ed with

QW b etween two DBRs eects the lasing wave

lengths and thresholds We also estimate the frac

tions of mo dal p ower leaking into the top and b ot

tom media through the DBRs as a function of the

layer pairs in reectors

Figure Thresholds of Lasing


G M Yang et al J Appl Phys

X H Zhang et al Appl Phys Lett

EI Smotrova AI Nosich Optics and Quantum Electronics

E I Smotrova et al IEEE J Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics


Eective Riemann space for wave

propagation in nonlinear electro dynamics

A A Chernitskii

A Friedmann Lab oratory for Theoretical Physics

State Univ of Engineering and Economics

Marata str StPetersburg Russia

email AAChernitskiieltechru

The characteristic equation for the nonlinear BornInfeld electro dynamics is considered This

equation has the form of the characteristic equation for the linear electro dynamics in some eective

Riemann space The appropriate eective metric includes the energymomentum tensor comp onents of

the electromagnetic eld The distortion of light b eams by the action of some distant electromagnetic

soliton solution is investigated in the framework of a p erturbation metho d This distortion corresp onds

to attraction with the solitons and lo oks like the gravitational distortion

The eect under consideration is used for the p ossible solution of the problem for unication the

electromagnetism and the gravitation For more details see


AA Chernitskii Light Beams Distortion in Nonlinear Electro dynamics J High Energy Phys

No Pap er httparxivorgabshepth

AA Chernitskii Dyons and Interactions in Nonlinear BornInfeld Electro dynamics J High

Energy Phys No Pap er httparxivorgabshepth

AA Chernitskii Induced gravitation as nonlinear electro dynamics eect Gravitation Cosmol

ogy Suppl httparxivorgabsgrqc

AA Chernitskii BornInfeld equations in Encyclop edia of Nonlinear Science ed Alwyn Scott

New York and London Routledge httparxivorgabshepth

AA Chernitskii Gravitation and electromagnetism in theory of a unied fourvector eld Grav

itation Cosmology No httparxivorgabshepth

Bessel Oscillator

V V Borzov

Department of Mathematics StPetersburg UniversityofTelecommunications

Moika StPetersburg Russia

email vadimVBspbedu

E V Damaskinsky

Department of Mathematics University of Defense Technical Engineering

Zacharievskaya StPetersburg Russia

email evdpdmirasru

The approach to construction of oscillatorlike systems connected with given family of orthogonal

p olynomials on the real axis develop ed early by the authors is extended to the case of Bessel functions

of Bessel functions We We construct a generalized oscillator related with the family fZ xg



shaw that eigenvalue equation for the Hamiltonian of this oscillator is equivalent to the usual Bessel

equation We also discuss the p ossibility of construction of the family of coherent states for this

oscillator This investigation is partially supp orted by RFBR grant No


Waveguide structure containing metamaterial slab with resistivelm

M V Golovkina

Povolzhskaya State AcademyofTelecommunication and Informatics Samara Russia

email naukayandexru

The electromagnetic prop erties of articial media have attracted a great deal of theoretical and

exp erimental interest in recentyears Many authors haveinvestigated the waveguide structures con

taining a slab of negative index material whose b oth p ermittivity and p ermeability are negative

In this rep ort wehave considered theoretically the wave propagation in twolayered closed waveguide

divided by a thin resistivelmOnlayer of thickness d is a negative index material and the other

one of thickness d is a usual material The thin resistive lm is consider as the b oundary condition

for the tangential comp onent of the magnetic eld at the interface b etween adjacent media divided by

this lm The disp ersion characteristics of TE and hybrid mo des are derived The prop erties of


eigenwaves in the waveguide are analyzed The dep endency of disp ersion parameters on the thickness

and the conductivity of the resistive lm is examined If the losses in the metamaterial slab increase

then the solution of the disp ersion relation disapp ears The considered waveguide structure can b e

applied as the lters with frequency resp onse


I S Nefedov SA Tretyakov Waveguide containing a backwardwave slab Radio Science

H CoryAShtrom Wave propagation along a rectangular metallic waveguide longitudinally

loaded with a metamaterial slab Microwave and optical technology letters

GI Veselov SB Raevskiy Laminated metaldielectric waveguide Moskow Radio i Swyaz

in Russian

One representation of lo calized functions via the Maslov canonical op erator

and its application to asymptotic solutions of linear hyp erb olic systems

S Yu Dobrokhotov

Institute for Problems in Mechanics RAS Moscow Russia

email dobripmnetru

A I Shafarevich

Lomonosov Moscow State UniversityMoscow Russia

email shafarmechmathmsusu

B Tirozzi

DepartmentofPhysics University La Sapienza Rome Italy

email brunellotirozziromainfnit

We present a representation for the fast decaying functions having a form V xh h based

on an integral of the Maslov canonical op erator on some sp ecial Lagrangian manifolds We apply it

for a construction of asymptotic solutions to the Cauchy problem with lo calized initial data for a wide

class of linear hyp erb olic systems Our main examples are the wave equations with variable velo city

and the linearized Shallowwater equations

This work was partially supp orted by RFBR grant N and AgreementBetween Uni

versity La Sapienza Rome and Institute for Problems in Mechanics RAS Moscow


Lo calized asymptotic solutions of d wave equation with

variable velo city implied by timedep endentsource

S Yu Dobrokhotov

Institute for Problems in Mechanics RAS Moscow Russia

email dobripmnetru

S O Sinitsyn

Moscow Institute of Electronic and Mathematics Moscow Russia

email sinitsynsmailru

We construct eective formulas for asymptotic solutions of D wave equation with variable velo city

and with timedep endent spacelo calized right hand side lo calized the timedep endent source We

consider the wide range of sources and show that their dierent dep endence on time converts into

dierent spacedep endence of the wave proles of the solutions

This work was partially supp orted by RFBR grant N and AgreementBetween Uni

versity La Sapienza Rome and Institute for Problems in Mechanics RAS Moscow


SDobrokhotov SSinitsyn BTirozzi Asymptotics of Lo calized Solutions of the OneDimensional

Wave Equation with Variable Velo city I The Cauchy Problem Russ JourMathPhys v N


The problem of a p erfect lens made of a slab with negative refraction

A L Efros

University of Utah Salt LakeCity UT USA

Recently there has b een growing interest in the creation of lenses with unusually sharp fo ci Those

lenses come in twotyp es

A The Veselago lens that is a slab of the material where due to some reason b oth electric p ermittivity

and magnetic p ermeability are negative at some frequency Such a medium is often called lefthanded


B The quasistatic lens where only one of those two is negative Pendry claimed that in the absence

of absorption b oth typ es of lenses are p erfect It has b een shown that the sup ersolution prop osed by

Pendry do es not exist for any lens with a real fo cus After regularization by a small absorption the

solution strongly dep ends on a distance from the source to the slab In this presentation I show that

for small wavelength the image is always controlled by diraction Mathematically this means that

two limits wavelength and absorption do not commute In the rst limit one gets diraction

controlled image that is indep endent of absorption at small absorption while in the second limit one

gets absorption controlled image

I prop ose also a lens with a virtual fo cus VF and show that in some sense this fo cus is p erfect

The VF is lo cated either in front of the slab or inside the slab at a distance d from the source

It is p erfect in a sense that the radiation from the VF as it is observed b ehind the slab is exactly

the same as radiation from the source but the VF is shifted with resp ect to the source The slab

do es not intro duce any distortions b ecause of the amplication of the evanescentwaves exactly as

Pendry prop osed However in the case of the VF these arguments do not contradict to any general

theorems b ecause the elds do not haveany singularity in the VF The sup ersolution exists without

any absorption In fact there is no maximum of the eld in the VF itself but this fo cus maybeat


the p oint that is very close to the rare interface of the slab though still inside the slab Then the

eld at the interface will haveavery narrow subwavelength maximum The inuence of the small

absorption inside the slab is considered


J B PendryPhys Rev Lett

Diraction of a p erfectly conducting

halfplane immersed in a gyrotropic medium

V G DanieleRDGraglia

Dipartimento di ElettronicaPolitecnico Torino

Corso Duca degli Abruzzi Torino Italy

email vitodanielepolitoit robertogragliapolitoit

The diraction of an electromagnetic waveby a b o dy immersed in a gyrotropic medium is a very

complex problem even when the b o dy has a simple shap e b ecause gyrotropic media supp ort two

mo des of propagation Nevertheless the diraction problem of a p erfectly conducting halfplane has

b een solved in particular cases when one of the axes of the homogeneous gyrotropic material is a

symmetry axis of the structure for example it is parallel or orthogonal to the metallic halfplane

Closedform solutions are available also for plane waves at oblique incidence The formulation

of these problems yields to WienerHopf WH equations By using the WH technique we are able to

obtain closed form solutions since the involved kernels are scalars or matrices that can b e explicitly

factorized b ecause of their particular form in fact they commute with p olynomial matrices In this

pap er we consider the general problem of the diraction of a skew planewaveby a p erfectly conducting

halfplane immersed in an arbitrary gyrotropic region The WH formulation of this problem is very

complex Diculties are overcome byintro ducing in the Fourier domain a circuit mo del given in terms

of vector transmission lines In this manner we establish a straightforward approach to obtain the

twotimestwo WH matrices to b e factorized The form of these matrices p ermits one to infer the

cases when explicit factorization is p ossible Whenever explicit factorization is not p ossible or it is

not pursued we reduce the factorization problem to the solution of a Fredholm integral equation of

the second kind Numerical results for an arbitrary lossless gyrotropic medium will b e presented at

the Conference These results include also the evaluation of the diraction co ecients for particular

observation direction

This research is sp onsored byNATOs Public Diplomacy Division in the framework of Science

for Peace under the grant CBPMDSFPP


SR Seshadri and AK Ra jagopal Diraction by a p erfectly conducting semi innite screen in

an anisotropic plasma IEEE Trans on Antennas and Propagat n pp

EV Jull Diraction by a conducting halfplane in an anisotropic plasma Canad J Phys

vol pp

RA Hurd and S Przezdziecki Diraction by a halfplane p erp endicular to the distinguished

axis of gyrotropic medium oblique incidence Canad J Phys vol pp

RA Hurd and S Przezdziecki Halfplane diraction in a Gyrotropic medium IEEE Trans

on Antennas and Propagat AP n pp

VDaniele An intro duction to the WienerHopf Technique for the solution of elec

tromagnetic problems Rapp orto ELT Politecnico di Torino Sept

httpwwwelnp olitoitstadaniele


Excitation of whistler mo des guided bya

lossy anisotropic plasma cylinder

V A Eskin A V Kudrin

University of NizhnyNovgoro d

Gagarin Ave NizhnyNovgoro d Russia

email kudrfunnru

T M Zab oronkova

Technical UniversityofNizhnyNovgoro d

Minin St NizhnyNovgoro d Russia

email zabrnirfiscinnovru

Whistler waves guided by cylindrical plasma structures aligned with an external dc magnetic eld

have attracted considerable interest in view of many applications ranging from space plasma re

search to radiofrequency helicon plasma sources used in various plasma physics exp eriments

Recently several investigations have b een made involving the inuence of dissipative losses in a mag

netoplasma on the characteristics of guided mo des of a plasma cylinder lo cated in free space and

some interesting and unexp ected physical b ehaviors have b een found for such mo des In partic

ular conditions havebeenrevealed under which allowance for comparatively small losses results in

division of the guided waves into weakly and strongly damp ed mo des with signicantly dierent eld

distributions across the plasma channel This should evidently lead to dierent excitation eciencies

of the corresp onding mo des due to a given source It is the purp ose of the presentwork to study how

dissipative losses in a plasma channel can aect the sourceexcited eld

We consider the excitation of a lossy anisotropic cylindrical plasma column byaloopantenna with

uniform current distribution placed coaxially with the column near its surface Losses in the plasma

are accounted for byintro ducing electron collisions We calculate the total sourceexcited eld and

determine the contribution to it from the discrete and continuoussp ectrum waves Conditions have

b een found under which the total eld is dominated by the discretesp ectrum waves ie eigenmo des

of the plasma cylinder It is shown for this case that in the presence of two groups of eigenmo des with

essentially dierent damping rates the amplitudes of weakly damp ed mo des turn out to b e notably

greater than those of strongly damp ed ones Despite this fact the ma jor part of the p ower sp entbythe

lo op antenna go es to mo des with higher collisional losses b ecause their numb er considerably exceeds

the numb er of mo des with smaller damping As a result the eld near and far from the antenna is

determined bydierent groups of mo des which stipulates the corresp onding variations in the total

eld distribution across the plasma column as a function of the distance from the source The results

obtained allow one to clarify factors resp onsible for the features of formation of the sourceexcited

elds in lossy anisotropic plasma channels in the whistler frequency range

Acknow ledgments This work was supp orted by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research pro ject

Nos a and a and the Program for the State Supp ort of the Leading Scien

tic Scho ols of the Russian Federation pro ject No NSh


I G Kondratev A V Kudrin and T M Zab oronkova Electrodynamics of Density Ducts in Mag

netized Plasmas Gordon and Breach Amsterdam

W E Amatucci Radio Sci Bul l No

F F Chen and R W Boswell IEEE Trans Plasma Sci

A V Kudrin and V A Eskin Phys Scripta


Investigation of multilayered and multislot

resonant and p erio dical structures

I V Donets V A Lerer A M Lerer S M Tsvetkovskaya

South Federal UniversityRostovonDon city Russia

Resonant and p erio dical multilayered and multislot structures are used as antennas elements

frequency selective devices and sp ecial waveguides

Cross section of investigated structure is shown at the gure Slots have nite length in z direc

tion Structure may b e p erio dical one with p erio d d along z direction

may include magnetic or electrical walls at the z z d also may

b e innite in z direction Numb er of slots N and numb er of dielectric

layers P are arbitrary values

The system of pair sum equations in two dimensional Fourier trans

forms of magnetic current densities was obtained

Electromagnetic eld at the structure is sup erp osition of slots elds

Field of each slot is determined in the situation of absence of all other

slots These slots are replaced by p erfectly conducting screens Mag

netic current densities are unknown functions To nd them we satisfy

continuity b oundary conditions of tangential magnetic comp onents at

the surface of each slot H y H y As a result we

xz xz

obtain N equations with N unknown magnetic current densities at


the slots surface I


Galerkins metho d with basis in the form of Fourier transform of functions taking into account

eld singularities at the edges of rectangular area was used for solving obtained system of pair sum

equations SPSE

In SPSE the singular static part of ker

nel was extracted and transformed byan

alytical manner at the stage of numerical


Used basis functions provide fast inner

convergence of the metho d Tomakecal

culations with accuracy b etter than it

is necessary to takeinto account basis

functions for each current densitycompo

nentateach slot Usually the number of

sum terms after convergence improving not


In the work was obtained following de

p endencies disp ersion curves of complex wa

veguides with insertions in the form of p eri


o dical slots of two kinds cross and Mal

tese cross Fig resonantcurves of multilayered and multislot resonators resonance curves of

complex shap ed slot resonators situated in b elowcuto waveguide

Comparing of obtained results with known theoretical and exp erimental data for some particular

cases of analyzed structures conrm accuracy of the investigation


FeiRan Yang KuangPing Ma Yongxi Qian Tatsuo Itoh A novel TEM waveguide using uni

planar compact photonicbandgap UCPBG structure IEEE Trans on Microwave Theory and

Techniques p


Multiple diraction loss calculation in microcell environments

Ali Ta jvidy Mohammad Nasermoghaddasi

Islamic Azad University Science and Research Branch Tehran Iran

Ayaz Ghorbani

Amirkabir UniversityofTechnology Department of Electrical Engineering Tehran Iran

This pap er will intro duce a mo del for prediction diraction loss from arbitrary numb ers of equal

height parallel buildings by using uniform theory of diraction UTD in urban environments Some

recentwork fo cused on plane wave approximation rather than spherical wave assumption even though

this may b e correct in macro cell but in microcell since the transmitter and buildings are near

each other this approximation may not hold any more Therefore in this pap er we used spherical

wave approximation The presentwork takes into account only single diractions over buildings

for calculations diraction loss Moreover b ecause of simplicity of the mo del it can b e applied to

area coverage and interference predictions in the planning of cellular systems For calculation the

diraction loss a typical urban cellular radio wave propagation is shown in Fig as can b e observed

in this Figure buildings could b e seen as an arrayofwedges with interior angles of radian joined

twobytwo forming the at ro ofed buildings and assumed to have the same height relativetothe

base station antenna height same thickness v and constantinterbuildi ng spacing w The spherical

source which has an arbitrary height is considered to b e ab ove or level with the buildings height and

lo cated at a near distance from the mentioned buildings so that a spherical wave impinges on them

with an angle of incidence Using a straightforward technique based on the nal UTD solution for

the diraction of plane waves by an array of dielectric wedges given in a new expression in terms

of UTD co ecients for the analysis of the diractions pro duced byanarray of dielectric buildings

considering sphericalwave incidence is prop osed The total eld at the observer p oint indicated in

Fig is calculated using the summation of pro duced elds by single diractions If there will b e only

one building b etween transmitter and receiver the received eld at observed p ointisgiven


r v r expjkr r r

D L expjkv E E


r v r v r v

Figure Scheme of the prop osed environment







−30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Excess Path Loss Over Free Space (dB Number of Buildings

Figure Excess path loss over free space for single diraction v m w mf MHz

and Sm


Furthermore for n E n the following is denoted



jkr r

X n


s s

r e

y y




E D L e E n

m y y

n r s s s s s s

n y y y y

y y




jkr r




r e

s s


z z



Ep D L e

z z

r s s s s s s

n z z z z

z z


E is the eld reaching the rst corner of the ro ofsas shown Fig Hence for m E can b e

m m

presented as



jkr r




r e

s s


w w



E D L e E

q w w m

m r s s s s s s

m w w w w

w w




jkr r




s r s e

v r v



Er D L e

v v

r s s s s s s

m v v v v

v v


In these formulas r is distance b etween transmitter and diraction p oint also s is for calculation of

distance parameter and spreading factor The mo del was derived for buildings with same heights

m It was assumed that the height of transmitter antenna is equal m and distance b etween

transmitter and rst building is m The calculated results are shown in Fig The prop osed mo del

can nd application in the development of theoretical mo dels to predict more realistic path loss in

micro cells


JV Ro drguez JM MolinaGarcaPardo and L JuanLlacer An Improved Solution Expressed

in Terms of UTD Co ecients for the MultipleBuil di ng Diraction of Plane Waves IEEE An

tennas And Wireless Propagation Letters VOL


Dep olarization of shear waves in anisotropic heterogeneous media

F F Gorbatsevich

Geological Institute KSC RAS Fersman Str Apatity Russia

email gorichgeokscapatityru

During propagating of shear waves through geological media an eect observed connected with the

change of p olarization degree of these waves has b een observed Suchachange is accompanied bya

buildup in the elliptici ty of shear oscillations or by their dep olarization Following Aleksandrov

the p olarization phenomenon is accounted by the scattering of shear waves from small and largescale

inhomogeneities His conclusions were corrob orated by Crampins exp eriments on inhomogeneous

cracked media A dierentinterpretation of the p olarization phenomenon was prop osed byObo

lentseva According to her theory dep olarization o ccurs in some solids due to their gyrotropic

or acoustical activity Whenashearwave propagates in such media its p olarization vector rotates

through an angle prop ortional to the distance travelled

To our opinion the dep olarization eect is also appreciably manifested as shear waves propagate

in a medium consisting for example of dierently oriented elastic anisotropic layers Wehave anal

ysed some theoretical asp ects of the shear wave dep olarization SWD eect mo deling results and

determinations of the eect in crystalline ro ck samples

The mo deling results are shown in the Figure The acoustical p olarization metho d was used

to measure the amplitude of linear p olarized shear waves passing through two anisotropic plates The

mo del prepared consisted of two anisotropic plates of uniform thickness comp osed of the same elas

tically anisotropic ceramic mate

rial PZT Acoustop olarigrams

were obtained for dierent angles a

between the elastic symmetry ele

ments of the plates According to

Figure the VP diagrams show a gra

dual changeover from a fourp etal

pattern to a gure more and more

resembling a circle as the angle

increases The diagram for

almost coincides with that of an iso

tropic medium

The obtained results show

that this typ e of the SWD eect is

rather frequently observed in aniso

tropic crystalline ro cks comp osed of

layers or grains whose elastic sym

metry is suciently maintained for

example in two directions It is

necessary to note that the SWD ef

fect manifests itself on the backgro

und of the usual change in the de

gree of ellipticity of shear waves whi

le propagating in anisotropic media

Consequently the metho d used

Figure A Arrangement of the plates on the acoustical p olarisco

to detect the eect must not b e sen

p e platform and B acoustical p olarization diagrams obtained for

dierent angles  between the elastic symmetry elements of the

sitive to suchachange One such

plates Solid and dashed lines are for the parallel and crossed p ola

metho d is provided by the acousto

rization vectors resp ectively

p olariscopy



Aleksandrov SI Dep olarization of b o dy elastic waves scattered in a randomly heteroge

neous medium Fizika Zemli No pp in Russian

Crampin S Evaluation of anisotropyby shearwave splitting Geophysics Vol No


Ob olentseva IR Seismic gyrotropy In Investigation of propagation of seismic waves in

anisotropic media Novosibirsk Nauka pp in Russian

Gorbatsevich FF Acoustic p olariscopyofrock samples Apatity KSC RAS p in


Lyamov VE eects and anisotropyofinteraction b etween acoustic waves in

crystals Moscow Moscow State Univ Publ p in Russian

A mo died Euler transformation for machine

precision evaluation of p otential integrals

R D GragliaGLombardi

Dipartimento di ElettronicaPolitecnico Torino

Corso Duca degli Abruzzi Torino Italy

email robertogragliapolitoit guidolombardipolitoit

The sup eriority of the cancellation metho d with resp ect to the subtraction metho d to numerically

compute singular and nearly singular p otential integrals with R singularities is discussed in

A new numerical technique to compute to machine precision singular and nearly singular p otential

integrals byworking directly in the parent referenceframe is presented here Our integration scheme is

based on a new rational expression for the integrands obtained by a cancellation pro cedure and by use

of a mo died Euler transformation for the integration variables as well as on sp ecial quadrature rules

Gauss quadrature for rational functions together with classical GaussLegendre quadrature The

technique can deal with static and dynamic p otentials on surface and volume elements In particular

in the static case of p olynomial source distributions our new cancellation pro cedure allows for the

exact integration of the p otential integrals The rules to establish the quadrature weightsp oints

including their numb er to guarantee machine precision are rep orted in Several numerical results

for p otential integrals will b e presented at the conference

This research is sp onsored byNATOs Public Diplomacy Division in the framework of Science

for Peace under the grant CBPMDSFPP


M A Khayat and D R Wilton Numerical evaluation of singular and nearsingular p otential

integrals IEEE Trans Antennas Propag vol pp Oct

W Gautschi Algorithm GQRATGauss Quadrature for Rational Functions ACM Trans

Math Softw vol no pp

See also httpdoiacmorg

R D Graglia and G Lombardi Machine precision evaluation of singular and nearly singular

p otential integrals by use of Gauss quadrature formulas for rational functions IEEE Trans

Antennas Propag submitted for publication


Windowed oscillating integral

Gaussian b eams metho d b eyond its limitations

Valery E Grikurov

Dept Math Comp Phys StPetersburg UniversityUlyanovskayaPetro dvorets

StPetersburg Russia

email grikurovmathnwru

Highfrequency asymptotic metho ds in wavepropagation problems quasiclassical in quantum

mechanics are known as physicallybased approaches to obtain in particular numerical results for

the range of parameters which are not accessible by nitedeference or niteelement techniques

However despite of the physical clearness of asymptotic metho ds their implementation is not always

straightforward for example in the simplest form known as the geometrical optics the approachis

said to b e nonuniform and fails on manifolds carrying the singularities of the geometrical ob jects

connected with classical tra jectories rays

Starting the middle of th century a lot of work was done to understand the uniform generaliza

tions of the geometrical optics The Maslovs theory also known as the canonical method

provides the most common and uniform integral representation for a highfrequency wave eld How

ever this representation is not eective for numerics Another uniform integral representation known

as Gaussian beams method is highly promising b ecause of its simplicity and computational eciency

but has certain internal limitations

In the talk we suggest the new uniform representation entitled windowed oscil lating integral WOI

The approach preserves all attractive features of Gaussian b eams metho d but can b e applied b eyond

the limitations of the latter WOI also is asymptotically equivalent to b oth Maslovs and Gaussian

b eams metho ds and thus serves as an asymptotic bridge b etween these two approaches The nu

merical eciency of the prop osed approach will b e demonstrated

This research is sp onsored byNATOs Public Diplomacy Division in the framework of Science

for Peace under the grant CBPMDSFPP

Beam summation analysis of half plane diraction

Michael Katsav Ehud Heyman

Scho ol of Electrical Engineering Tel Aviv University

Tel Aviv Israel

email heymanengtauacil

Gaussian b eam summation GBS formulations are an imp ortanttoolinwave theory as they pro

vide a framework for raybased construction of sp ectrally uniform solutions in complex congurations

In these formulations the eld is expanded into a sp ectrum of collimated b eam propagators that

emanate from the source domain in all directions and thereafter are tracked lo cally in the medium

and summed up at the observation p oints see for a recent review

In many applications such as in indo or or urban propagation the ambientenvironmentinvolves

edges and corners that cause the incident bream wave impinging near the edge to diract in all

directions In order to b e used selfconsistently in GBS schemes this scattered eld needs to b e

expressed as a sum of GBs that emerge from the edge in all directions thereby describing the edge

by an equivalent GBtoGB scattering matrix Various solutions for b eam scattering by edges have

b een derived in the past yet none of them has addressed the problem describ ed ab ove namely GBS

representation of the edge diracted eld

Following the discussion ab ovewe present a GBS representation for a halfplane diraction of

an incident b eam wave The scattered eld is expanded into GBs that emerge from the edge with


appropriate excitation amplitudes Asymptotic expressions for the diracted b eams amplitudes are

derived and compared to exact numerical calculations Applications to GBS mo deling of indo or

propagation are discussed

This research is sp onsored byNATOs Public Diplomacy Division in the framework of Science

for Peace under the grant CBPMDSFPP


E Heyman and LB Felsen Gaussian b eam and pulsed b eam dynamics Complex source and

sp ectrum formulations within and b eyond paraxial asymptotics J Opt So c Am A

A phasespace b eam summation representation for

D radiation from a line source distribution

Michael Katsav Ehud Heyman

Scho ol of Electrical Engineering Tel Aviv University

Tel Aviv Israel

email heymanengtauacil

Beam summation formulations are an imp ortanttoolinwave theory as they provide a framework

for raybased construction of sp ectrally uniform lo cal solutions in complex congurations In these

formulations the eld is expanded into a phasespace sp ectrum of collimated b eam propagators that

emanate from a set of p oints and directions in the source domain and thereafter are tracked lo cally

in the medium and their contributions at the observation p oint are summed up see a recent review


There are essentially two classes of GBS schemes for p oint sources and for distributed ap erture

sources In the former the eld is expanded as a angular sp ectrum of b eams that emerge from

the source in all directions whereas in the latter the eld is describ ed as a discrete phase space

sum of b eams that emerge from a set of p oints and directions in the source domain Here we

intro duce a hybrid scheme for radiation from a line source distribution involving a phase phase

space decomp osition of the source distribution along its axis and an angular sp ectrum of GBs in the

plane normal to the axis Our motivation for this new expansion scheme has b een the preparation

of the analytical framework for a GBS representation of D edge diraction as an extension of the

D expansion in The accuracy of this scheme and the choice of the expansion parameters are

illustrated numerically

This research is sp onsored byNATOs Public Diplomacy Division in the framework of Science

for Peace under the grant CBPMDSFPP


E Heyman and LB Felsen Gaussian b eam and pulsed b eam dynamics Complex source and

sp ectrum formulations within and b eyond paraxial asymptotics J Opt So c Am A

MM Pop ov A new metho d of computation of wave elds using Gaussian b eams Wave Motion

A Shlivinski E Heyman A Boag and C Letrou A phasespace b eam summation formulation

for ultra wideband radiation IEEE Trans Antennas Propagat

M Katsav and E Heyman Gaussian b eam summation representation of a twodimensional

Gaussian b eam diraction by an half plane IEEE Trans Antennas Propagat submitted


The impact of the small scale uctuations of the ionospheric plasma on the

ultra wide band orbital ground p enetrating radar measurements

Ya A Ilyushin

Moscow State University Moscow Lengory Russia

email ilyushinphysmsuru

The propagation of the ultra wide band UWB signals of the ground p enetrating radars UWB

through the ionosphere with small scale irregularities is investigated Signal distortions due to joint

action of phase distortions in the regular layered disp ersive ionospheric plasma and the scattering on

the random small scale inhomogeneities is simulated numerically The impact of the diractive eects

on the function of the phase correction algorithms is investigated

It has b een stated that the plasma density uctuations intro duce signicant distortions in the chirp

signal esp ecially at the frequencies close to the critical frequency of the ionosphere Satisfactory

quality of the signal compression can b e achieved at frequencies well exceeding the critical frequency

When the uctuations are strong the signal frequency must b e quite high compared to the critical

frequency of the ionosphere This conclusion is in agreement with the published exp erimental results

on planetary GPR sounding known at present

The op eration of the algorithms of correction of phase distortions in the regular ionosphere is

relatively little inuenced b e the plasma density uctuations at least when the uctuations are not

to o strong Thus the conclusion can b e made is that the regular and random comp onents if the

ionospheric distortions of the UWB chirp signals are indep endent The stability of the investigated

phase correction algorithms with resp ect to the scattering of the signals on the small scale uctuations

is shown

The investigation is in part supp orted by the RFFI grants and


Ilyushin YA Kunitsyn VE Metho ds for correcting ionosphere distortions of orbital

groundp enetrating radar signals J Commun Technol Electron

An attempt to improve semiclassical calculations of

wave transp ort in a quantum wire with Diraction

Hiromu Ishio

N Scho ol of Engineering Nagoya UniversityNagoya Japan

Recently the systems of nanoscale wires made in semiconductor heterosurfaces are attracting

much attension b ecause of their p otential application to electronic devices They haveinteresting

features of quantum eects such as quantization of conductance conductance uctuations etc All these

phenomena originate from the coherence of electronic quantum waves In our previous presentations in

the series of this seminar wehave shown an interesting phenomenon which had b een found numerically

and later explained semiclassically for coherent electronic transmission through a mesoscopic quantum

wire with a step structure The motion of free electrons in the wire is ballistic with sp ecular reections

from the Dirichlet b oundaries The wire allows only a few mo des for electronic transmission This

time we rep ort an attempt to improve the semiclassical calculations of wave transp ort in sucha system


Vibrations of inhomogeneous solid discs sub jected to an inertial rotation

M Shatalov S V Joub ert W E Pretorius I Fedotov

Department of Mathematics and Statistics PBX Pretoria

Tshwane UniversityofTechnology South Africa

email mshatlovcsircoza joubertsvtutacza

The eect of a vibrating patterns precession in the direction of inertial rotation of a vibrating ring

was discovered byGBryan in This eect has several applications to navigational instruments

such as cylindrical hemispherical and planar circular disc rotational sensors A mo del of inhomoge

neous structures comp osed of concentric thin circular discs vibrating along the plane of the disks and

sub jected to inertial rotation is considered Dynamics of the disc gyroscop e are considered in terms

of linear elasticity It is assumed that the angular rate of inertial rotation of the discs is constant and

it has axial tangential orientation We also supp ose that the angular rate is much smaller than

the lowest eigenvalue of the discs and consequently anycentrifugal eects that are prop ortional to

the square of the angular rate are neglected The mo del is formulated in terms of NovozhilovArnold

Warburtons theory of thin shells The system of equations of motion of the discs are separated and

transformed to a pair of wave equations in p olar co ordinates A solution is obtained in terms of Bessels

and Neumanns functions Various nonaxisymmetric mo des of the disc are considered and eigenvalues

as well as Bryans constantisinvestigated for imp erfection of mass densities of the structure

A probabilistic approach to bivariate function approximation

P H Klopp ers T H Fay SV Joub ert

Department of Mathematics and Statistics PBX Pretoria

Tshwane UniversityofTechnology South Africa

email joubertsvtutacza

For an arbitrary x the GaussBernstein approximation for a function f x known in the p oints



y p a nite weighted sum of y with weights x y f x j n is of the form k x

j j j j j j


p The weights are probabilities determined by the Gaussian distribution with mean x and standard


deviation x It is also p ossible to deriveascheme of cho osing x so that the GaussBernstein

approximation of a straight line passing through twopoints is exact that is the dierence b etween

f x and k x is guaranteed to b e exactly zero Ultimately it is then p ossible to uniformly approximate

any function of b ounded variation by piecewise straight line segments

In this pap er this idea will b e extended to approximate a bivariate function f x y

If a function z f x y is known in the p oints

fx y z f x y gi n j n

i j ij i j

it will b e shown that the GaussBernstein approximation is


k x y z p

ij ij

i j

with p probabilities from a bivariate normal distribution with means x y variances

ij i j x y

and covariance


Ascheme to select the variances and covariance and hence to calculate the probabilities will

b e explored

Appling the technique to approximate a surface plane it will b e shown that this technique is free of the Gibbs eect


Vibrations of a rotating solid elastic sphere lled with an inviscid uid

S V Joub ert M Shatalov C E Co etzee I Fedotov

Dept of Mathematics and Statistics Tshwane Univ of Technology South Africa

email joubertsvtutacza mshatlovcsircoza

The dynamics of a solid elastic sphere lled with a compressible inviscid uid are considered in

the frame of a threedimensional theory Equations of motion are solved by means of a four p otential

metho d It is assumed that the system is sub jected to a small inertial rotation with regards to inertial

space This slow rotation means that the maximum of the absolute value of the inertial angular rate

is substantially smaller than the minimum eigenvalue of the system Consequently it is p ossible to

neglect eects suchascentrifugal forces prestress of the sphere due to inertial rotation et cetera

that are prop ortional to the square of the angular rate It is shown that the gyroscopic eect of the

vibrating patterns precession dep ends on spheroidal mo des of vibrations The eect of inertial rotation

of vibrating patterns in the direction of revolution that has a rate that is prop ortional to the inertial

angular rate is considered Various typ es of inertial rotation with constant and radial dep endence

of angular rates are examined These investigations are tentatively submitted as to ols to b e used in

order to understand some fundamental phenomena in seismology and b oth solar and stellar dynamics

Dynamics of a vehicletrailer system with a limitedpower supply

S V Joub ertTHFay M Shatalov

Dept of Mathematics and Statistics Tshwane Univ of Technology South Africa

email joubertsvtutacza mshatlovcsircoza

A mo del of a vehicletrailer system having four degrees of freedom is considered The linear motion

of the vehicle is characterized bytwo degrees of freedom one degree describ es an angular lo cation of

the trailer and an additional degree of freedom is intro duced to describ e an engine which is considered

as a source with a limited p ower supply This means that the torque pro duced by the engine and

transformed to a driving force could opp ose a mean value for the frictional forces involved but cannot

opp ose p erio dic vibrations created by the p erturb ed motion of the vehicletrailer system This is why

a strong interaction b etween the engine and the vehicletrailer system exists and this interaction has

to b e taken into consideration in order to pro duce a realistic description of the dynamics of the system

It is shown that a simplied mo del of the vehicletrailer system can b e describ ed in terms of Mathieus

equation and by means of which the critical regimes are found These regimes are then investigated

in a complete system with four degrees of freedom by an approximate p erturbation technique as well

as bymeansofanumerical solution of nonlinear equations of motion using RungeKutta metho ds

Quantization of surfaces in magnetic eld

M V Karasev

Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics Russia

We consider a p ointcharge on a surface in a suciently strong magnetic eld The surface is

twodimensional smo oth oriented and arbitrarily curved as well the eld is smo oth and arbitrarily


In classical mechanics this is an imp ortant example of a natural system with two degrees of

freedom whichinvolves metric and gyroscopic forces only In quantum mechanics such a system

mo dels the electron in a thin lm for example on the surface of a nanotub e In this case the

surface curvature and the magnetic eld inhomogeneity manifest themselves already at atomic scales

The basic quantum Hamiltonian is the usual twodimensional Schro edinger op erator with metric and


magnetic eld If spin eects are taken into account then the spinorbit and Pauli corrections are

added to the Hamiltonian

Our main goal is to demonstrate that in the framework of the nanomomentum mechanics ie

on the class of states with nanoscale kinetic momenta this nonintegrable system is asymptotically

reduced to a system with one degree of freedom which can b e eectively analyzed in b oth the classical

and quantum cases

The original surface serves as the phase space for the reduced system The Poisson bracket on this

surface is determined by the inverse magnetic eld tensor In quantum case the Poisson bracket is

replaced bythecommutator and as a result the original surface b ecomes a quantum surface This

is an inhomogeneous generalization of the wellknown Heisenb ergtyp e commutation relation b etween

co ordinates on the conguration plane whichwas prop osed byPeierls in th of the last century

in describing the Focklevel splitting of a charge in a homogeneous magnetic eld and a p erturbing

p otential In the general case studying arbitrary magnetic elds and curved surfaces we obtain a

rich family of examples of phase quantum manifolds of a complicated shap e in particular likethe

sphere the torus etc The symplectic area ie the magnetic ux around holes in the quantum

surface must b e multiple of the elementary London ux We stress that for the original problem such

quantized surfaces are just the usual conguration spaces

In the given mo del the motion of the charge can b e separated into oscillations of a light magnon

quantum vortex similar to the spin or hydro dynamic vortex and to dynamics of a heavy

quasiparticle representing the motion of the vortex center along the quantum surface The magnon

energy levels are degenerate Each of them is split into a cluster of energy levels of the quasiparticle

We note that the cause of this splitting is dierent from that in the wellknown Peierls scheme there

is no p erturbing p otential in the given problem at all

The Hamiltonian of the quasiparticle is a function on the surface which can b e expressed in

terms of the joint geometric invariants of the magnetic tensor and the metric This Hamiltonian

determines b oth the regular dynamics and the lo cal instabilities separatrices whichcharacterize

zones of irregularityquantum tunneling etc The b ehavior of the quasiparticle can b e analyzed

in particular by metho ds describ ed in whichallows us to solve in the nanomomentum

approximation the original problem ab out the quantum charge on a surface in a magnetic eld

We conclude that the surface in a suciently strong magnetic eld is stratied by the quasiparticle

orbits actually each orbit is presented by a pair of nearby fermion sub orbits if the spin is taken into

account In the stability domain the orbits are closed and carry the discretized magnetic ux Now

by considering a collective motion of electrons along the surface we can state that a vortexfree ow

of a quantum charged liquid of quasiparticles app ears on the surface The ow is generated by

geometric ob jects magnetic and metric tensors only This can b e regarded as one of p ossible origins

of the dimensional sup erconductivity eect

The work is supp orted by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research under grant


L Magarill A Chaplik M Entin Sp ectrum and electron kinetics in curvilinear structures

Usp ekhi Fiz Nauk N

V Kozlov General Theory of Vortices SpringerVerlag

M Karasev Magnetometric Hamiltonians on quantum surfaces in the conguration space Russ

J Math Phys v N

V Maslov Theory of Perturbations and Asymptotical Metho ds Moscow State Univ

V Babich V Buldyrev Asymptotical Metho ds in Problems of Short Wave Diraction Nauka


H Cycon R Fro ese W Kirsch B Simon Schro edinger Op erators with Applications to Quantum

Mechanics and Global Geometry SpringerVerlag

M Karasev V Maslov Nonlinear Poisson Brackets Geomtery and Quantization Nauka



Nonlinear waves in coupled waveguides

Karima Khusnutdinova

Department of Mathematical Sciences Loughb orough University

Loughb orough LE TU UK

email KKhusnutdinova lboroacuk

A system of coupled KleinGordon equations cKG is prop osed as a mo del for onedimensional

nonlinear wave pro cesses in twocomp onent media eg long longitudinal waves in elastic bilayers

where nonlinearity comes only from the b onding material We discuss general prop erties of the mo del

Lie group classication conservation laws invariant solutions and sp ecial solutions exhibiting an

energy exchange b etween the twophysical comp onents of the system To study the latter we

consider the dynamics of weakly nonlinear multiphase wavetrains within the framework of two pairs

of counterpropagating waves in a system of two coupled SineGordon equations and obtain a hierar

chy of asymptotically exact coupled evolution equations describing the amplitudes of the waves We

then discuss mo dulational instability of these weakly nonlinear solutions and its eect on the energy

exchange Our metho dology is generic and can b e applied to other systems and other multiphase


The simple lattice mo del leading to the cKG equations has b een used to study some features

of propagation of nonlinear waves in bilayers with delamination The mo del can b e naturally

mo died to takeinto account nonlinear interactions in the layers and other degrees of freedom

for example by considering chains of interacting mechanical dip oles instead of chains of p oint

masses It can also b e easily twodimensionalised We exp ect such mo dels to b e useful for the

mo delling of nonlinear waves in a large class of bilayers We discuss some results in this direc


The research is partially supp orted by the EPSRC grant EPD


ISh Akhatov VA Baikov and KR Khusnutdinova Nonlinear dynamics of coupled chains of

particles J Appl Maths Mechs

SD Griths RHJ Grimshaw KR Khusnutdinova The inuence of mo dulational instability

on energy exchange in coupled SineGordon equations Theor Math Physics

SD Griths RHJ Grimshaw KR Khusnutdinova Mo dulational instabilityoftwo pairs of

counterpropagating waves and energy exchange in a twocomp onent system Phys D

KR Khusnutdinova and VV Silb erschmidt Lattice mo delling of nonlinear waves in a bilayer

with delamination Pro c Estonian Acad Sci Phys Math

KR Khusnutdinova Nonlinear Waves in a Double RowParticle System Vestnik Moskov Univ

Ser I Mat Mekh

IV Semenova GV Dreiden AM Samsonov and KR Khusnutdinova Nonlinear bulk elas

tic waves in layered solid waveguides Pro ceedings of International Conference on Exp erimental

Mechanics ICEM Alexandroup olis Greece to app ear


Singular nonlinear b oundary value problem for bubbletyp e or

droplettyp e solutions in nonlinear physics mo dels

N B Konyukhova M B Soloviev

Doro dnicyn Computing Centre RAS

ul Vavilova Moscow Russia

email nadjaccasru

P M Lima

Centro de Matematica e Aplicacoes Instituto Sup erior Tecnico

Av Rovisco Pais Lisb on Portugal

email plimamathistutlpt

M L Morgado

Departamento de Matematica Universidade de Tras os Montes e Alto Douro

Apartado Vila Real Portugal

For a secondorder nonlinear ordinary dierential equation a singular b oundary value problem

BVP is investigated which arises in hydromechanics and nonlinear eld theory when the static

centrally symmetric bubbletyp e or droplettyp e solutions are sought The main theoretical results

of this talk are describ ed in detail in for the mo dels see eg Posed and partially studied

in for a capillary uid mo del with a simplied form of the chemical p otential of the medium

this singular BVP is the same for the scalar Higgs eld with two distorted vacua In the normalized

variables the considered singular nonlinear BVP has the form




j lim r j lim r r

r r

lim r lim r

r r

Here all magnitudes are real N and are the parameters

Eq has a regular singularityasr and an irregular one as r Wegive the restrictions

to the parameters for a correct mathematical statement of the limit b oundary conditions and

their accurate transfer into neighb orho o ds of singular p oints using some results for singular Cauchy

problems and stable initial manifolds Due to the approach of and certain results of the

necessary and sucient conditions for existence of bubbletyp e or droplettyp e solutions are discussed

in the form of additional restrictions to the parameters and some estimates are obtained A priori

detailed analysis of singular nonlinear BVP including the representation of oneparameter

sets of solutions in the neighb orho o ds of the singular p oints leads to ecient sho oting metho ds for

the numerical solution of this BVP Some results of numerical exp eriments are displayed and their

physical interpretations are discussed In particular wegive a comparison of dierent denitions of the

bubble radius which inuence imp ortantcharacteristics of the bubble such as the minimal nucleation

radius surface tension and interface thickness

NBKonyukhova and MBSoloviev acknowledge supp ort from RFBR pro ject No

PLima and LMorgado acknowledge supp ort from FCT pro ject POCTIMAT


NBKonyukhova PMLima MLMorgado and MBSoloviev Bubbles and Droplets in Nonlin

ear Physics Mo dels Analysis and Numerical Simulation of Singular Nonlinear Boundary Value Problem prepared


FdellIsola HGouin and PSepp echer Radius and Surface Tension of Microscopic Bubbles by

Second Gradient Theory CRAcad Sci Paris Serie I Ib

VARubakov Classical Gauge Fields Editorial URSS Moscow in Russian

PMLima NBKonyukhova AISukov and NVChemetov AnalyticalNumerical Investigation

of BubbleTyp e Solutions of Nonlinear Singular Problems J Comput Appl Math Elsevier


GHDerrick Comments on Nonlinear Wave Equations as Mo dels for Elementary Particles J

Math Phys

FGazzola JSerrin and MTang Existence of Ground States and Free Boundary Problems for

Quasilinear Elliptic Op erators Add Di Equ

The diraction tomography and iterative approach to restore

the elastic parameters and electrical conductivity

Yurii V Kiselev Vladimir N Troyan

Institute of Physics StPetersburg University

Ulyanovskaya StPetersburg Russia

The results of numerical simulation on restoration of electrical conductivity and elastic parameters

Lame parameters and mass density of the lo cal inhomogeneities corresp ondingly with the help of

electromagnetic and elastic sounding signals are considered

The direct problems for the Maxwell and Lame equations are solved by the nite dierence metho d

Restoration of the desired parameters is implemented by the diraction tomography metho d in the

time domain using the rstorder Born approximation Restoration of the electrical conductivity

is studied in the low frequency case

We consider restoration of the inhomogeneity parameters with the help of the iterative pro cedure

Each step of the iterative pro cedure includes solution of the direct problem and correction of the

desired parameters by the diraction tomography metho d For this purp ose the algebraic metho ds

with dierent regularization schemes are used

The numerical simulation for D problems in elastic and electromagnetic cases is implemented

for the lo cal inhomogeneities with a simple and complex geometry and with a contrast ab out

relatively to the reference medium Main attention is given to study the convergence and accuracy of

the considered algorithms

This work was supp orted by RFBR grant


Ryzhikov GA Troyan VN Tomography and inverse sounding problems StPetersburg

StPetersburg University in Russian

Kiselev YuV Troyan VN Numerical study of restoration of lo cal elastic inhomo

geneities by iterative approaches based on the diraction tomography metho d Proc of the In

ternational Seminar Day on Diraction St Petersburg Russia June July

FacultyofPhysics SPbU pp


The nonparaxial selffo cusing of fewcycle light

pulses in dielectric media with disp ersion

S A Kozlov PAPetroshenko

StPetersburg State University of Information Technologies Mechanics and Optics

SaintPetersburg Kronverksky Ave Russia

email kozlovmailifmoru pavelpetroshenkocom

In the last decade laser systems that allow pulses comprising only a few cycles of a light eld to b e

obtained were created in many lab oratories The concept of an envelop e loses its physical meaning for

such extremely short pulses ESPs therefore for describing propagation of these pulses the equations

of evolution of envelop es that are conventional in nonlinear optics are no longer appropriate The

theory of nonlinear propagation of ESPs in various media is based as a rule on equations describing

the dynamics of no the pulse envelop e but its eld directly The rigorous theory of the selfaction of

ESPs in a bulk media should b e nonparaxial since in the calculation of the spacetime evolution of

pulses with small longitudinal size the p ossibility of o ccurrence of transverse inhomogeneities of the

same scale in the pulse structure should also b e taken into account

In the presentwork the solutions of the equation describing the nonparaxial dynamics of the space

time sp ectrum of an ESP in a homogeneous isotropic dielectric medium with an arbitrary sp ectral

dep endence of the linear refractive index and nonresonant electron nonlinearity deduced in is

illustrated bynumerical mo deling

The gure illustrates the temp oral sp ectrum and the corresp onding electric eld of twodimensional

ESP of TEp olarized radiation at dierent distances passed by the pulse in the fused silica The

disp ersion of the fused silica id describ ed by the dep endence n N a where N

s c m a

Figure The dynamics of the temp oral sp ectrum g and the electric eld E of initially fo cused few

cycle titaniumsapphire laser pulse with input p eak intensityisI W cm in the fused silica

The gure shows that during selfaction of ESP the highly intensivelightkern with the transverse

size comparable with the central wave length is generated As the gure indicates the inhomogeneous

broadening of the sp ectrum into the red and the blue regions including the generation of tripled

comp onents takes place mainly at the exp ense of the energy of the time sp ectrum at high spatial



Kozlov SA PetroshenkoPA SelfDivision of a Pulse Consisting of Several LightField Oscilla

tions in a Nonlinear Medium with Disp ersion JETP Letters Vol No pp


Boundary value problems for the Helmholtz equation in

domains b ounded by closed curves and op en arcs

P A Krutitskii

KIAM Dept Miusskaya Sq Moscow Russia

email krutitskmathphysmsusu

Boundary value problems for the Helmholtz equation are considered in planar domains with com

plicated b oundary The b oundary of a domain consists of b oth closed curves and op en arcs cracks or

cuts Formulation of b oundary value problems in these domains implies that the b oundary condition

is sp ecied on the whole b oundary ie on b oth closed curves and op en arcs Boundary value prob

lems in such domains were not actively treated b efore though they have many applications Similar

domains mo del cracked solid b o dies or they mo del several obstacles and screens in a uid However

problems in domains b ounded by closed curves and problems in the exterior of op en arcs were treated

separately b ecause dierent metho ds were used in their analysis In the present talk we consider b oth

the Dirichlet problem and the Neumann problem for the Helmholtz equation in domains b ounded

by closed curves and op en arcs We study either the dissipative Helmholtz equation in interior and

exterior domains or propagative Helmholtz equation in exterior domains The rigorous mathematical

formulation of the b oundary value problems are given the uniqueness theorem is proved With the

help of p otentials the problems are reduced to the integral equation on the b oundary of a domain

By means of some transformations this equation is reduced to the Fredholm integral equation of the

second kind and index zero It is proved that this integral equation is uniquely solvable in the appro

priate Banach space In this way the classical solvability of the problems is proved and the integral

representation for a solution is obtained The eective computational scheme for nding numerical

solution is suggested The Dirichlet and Neumann problems outside op en arcs in a plane have b een

studied in The Neumann problem for the dissipative Helmholtz equation in b oth interior and

exterior cracked domains has b een studied with Neumann b oundary condition in and with Dirich

let b oundary condition in The Neumann problem for the propagative Helmholtz equation in

exterior of several obstacles and screens has b een studied in in case of nonresonance obstacles

and in in general case The Dirichlet problem for the propagative Helmholtz equation in an

exterior cracked domain has b een studied in The Helmholtz equation outside cuts in a plane

with the skew derivative b oundary condition generalizing the Neumann b oundary condition has b een

treated in


Krutitskii PA Comp Maths Math Phys v No p

Krutitskii PA Comp Maths Math Phys v No p

Krutitskii PA Zeit fuer Analysis und ihreAnwend v p

Krutitskii PA Int J Maths Math Sci v No p

Krutitskii PA J Math Kyoto Univ v No p

Krutitskii PAetall Computers and Math with Appl v p

Krutitskii PA ZAMM v No p

Krutitskii PA Mathematics and computers in simulation v p

Krutitskii PA Geophys Astrophys Fluid Dynamics v p

Krutitskii PA Rendiconti di MatematicaRoma Serie v p


Krutitskii PA Mathematika London v p

Krutitskii PA Applicable Analysis v p

Krutitskii PA Nonlinear Analysis TMA v No p

Krutitskii PA ZAMM v No p

Krutitskii PA Hiroshima Mathematical Journal v No p

Semiclassic asymptotics for the vector

SturmLiouville problem with parameters

Valeri V Kucherenko


email valeriesfmipnmx

Consider asymptotics of linearly indep endent solutions of the matrix SturmLiouville equation in

some vicinity W fx jx x j g


ih y Ax uy Ey x W


with resp ect to a small parameter h Here y C h h and u u u are some parameters


Let u V fu juj gThe matrix SturmLiouville problem o ccurs in manyphysical problems

Let Ax u b e a selfadjoint matrix function of class C W V Supp ose that the matrix

Ax has the form Ax U x k x k U x where U x k x k are the C W matrix

j ij j ij

function and the matrix U x is unitary Consider the case when eigenvalues x in the vicinity


W coincide only at the p oint x and it holds that

d x x

inf E x x x only at x x


dx W


where j It is proved that in the domain W V for suciently small the function

det Ax u has the following representation

det Ax u x ux x u jdx uj j uj

where inf x u x uu C V and x x Wecallx u the


turning p oint function and the function uwe call the ecient parameter It is easy to verify


x x u j uj h for any xed the application of WKB that in the domain

metho d provide asymptotic solutions of equation We will construct the asymptotic expansion for

the solutions of equation in the domain

j uj h jx x uj h for some xed

in mo died prepresentation and obtain representations of these asymptotics as the WKB asymp

totics near the b oundary of this domain ie for h jx x uj h By this approach

the connection formulas b etween WKB asymptotics of solutions of problem in domain x x u

and WKB asymptotics of these solutions in domain x x u are obtained


MVFedoruk Asimptoticheskiie meto di dla lineinih obiknovennih dierensialnih uravnenii

Moscow Nauka p


Asymptotic solution of linear system with a turning p oint of high order

Andriy KryvkoValeri V Kucherenko


email valeriesfmipnmx

Linearizing a nonlinear hyp erb olic system of partial dierential equations for example the system

of equations of ideal compressible uids system of Maxwell equations with the current J E non

linearly dep endentonthecharge density and the electricityeldE one obtains a linear hyp erb olic

system with three or more coinciding characteristics at the p oints of multiplicity One dimensional

mo del of this case is the following system with a small parameter at the derivative


ih Aty hB t y



where y C r and h is a small parameter We consider the asymptotics of the

linearly indep endent solutions of system in a vicinity U ft jtj g Let B t C U bea

r r matrix function and At b e a matrix function of the form

Ia t

b t d At

c t

where I is r r identity matrix d R anda t bt ct are C U functions such that

a b c Ab ovementioned system can not b e reduced to the Webb er equation In the

present pap er we construct the asymptotics of this problem In the domain jtj h

the asymptotics of equation can b e constructed by the standard WKB metho d In the domain

jtj h for the solution of problem the asymptotics of the form






w p p dp tp b d exp y t h



is obtained Here p is a patch function and is a contour that go es along the real axis and

bypasses the p oint p from b elowover the circule of radius h

In the domain jtj h an expansion of asymptotics y t h is obtained by the

saddle p oint metho d

Averaging and chaotic mo des for

nonautonomic nonlinear dynamic systems

R S Makin

Ulyanovsk State University Dimitrovgrad Branch

Dimitrovgrad Ulyanovsk region Russia

email rmakvinfru

The KrylovBogolyub ovaveraging theorem has b een considered the lo cal existence of p erio dical

orbits in some tasks ab out forced oscillating of nonlinear nonautonomic dynamic systems has b een

determined with its help Some general features particularly the existence of homo and hetero clinic

orbits have b een determined Such orbits can b e found with the help of Melnikov metho d when the

task has the saddle connection The discussion of resulting chaotic movementatavailabilityofsuch

orbits is given the examples are given


Diraction of nonstationary wave with varying

along the front amplitude by a soft wedge

D P KouzovYu A Soloveva

StPetersburg Russia

Exact analytic solution of new D problem of diraction byawedge with dirichlet b oundary

condition on its surface is found The incident eld is a plane wavewith typ e prole The amplitude

of this wavevaries linearly along its front The solution is constructed by SmirnovSob olev metho d

the metho d of functionally invariant solutions

Sp ectra of mo des of waveguides loaded with wire media

I S Nefedov

Radio Lab oratory SMARAD Helsinki UniversityofTechnology TKK

PO Box FI TKK Finland

email igornefedovtkkfi

Wave propagation in rectangular waveguides loaded with single and double wire media is studied

Both TE and TM mo des are considered Propagation of TE mo des is quite trivial b ecause the spatial

disp ersion causes only reduction of the transversal wavenumber by the plasma wavenumb er TM

mo des p ossess more interesting disp ersion including propagation b elow cuto of an emptywaveguide

existence of backward waves etc

Following features of sp ectrum of mo des propagating in a waveguide lled with double wire media

were discovered

DominantTE mo de cannot propagate

The dominant mo de of WMW can propagate even b elow cuto of the TE mo de of the empty


In pass band o ccupied byTE mo de in the emptywaveguide now propagates a backward


Both lowfrequency forward and backward waves have p olarization similar to TM mo de of the


No waves propagate b etween highfrequency cuto of this backward wave and TE TM

mo des b oth lowest mo des in WMW propagate in singlemo de regime

There is dierence b etween geometries with connected and nonconnected wires If to connect

mutually p erp endicular wires the rst forward mo de disapp ears The features describ ed ab ove

take place indep endentl y whether the plasma frequency is b eloworabove the cuto frequency of the

emptywaveguide Decrease of the plasma frequency causes shift of the lowest pass band to lower


The waveguides lled with wire media can nd applications as size reduced transmission lines

mo de lters and controllable devices if to load the wires bycontrolling elements


J Esteban C CamachoPenalosa JE Page TM MartinGuerrero and E MarquezSegura

IEEE Trans Microwave Theory Techvol no pp April

I S Nefedov X Dardenne C Craeye and S A Tretyakov Micr Opt Tech Lettvol No pp


The numb er of energy levels in MQWstructure

M D Kovalev

MGTU Moscow Russia

email kovalevmathmtunetru

A formula for the numb er of energy levels of a quantum particle in onedimensional piecewise

constant p otential eld of certain kind is obtained This eld we call a MQW multiple quantum well

structure It consists of an arbitrary numb er but more than of layers that is segments of constant

p otential We treat a sp ecial typ e of MQW structures consisting of wells and walls The p otential of

eachwell is equal to and the p otential of eachwall is equal to U The widths of wills and walls

are arbitrary b esides external walls having innity width The deduction of the formula is based on

the analysis of the recently obtained multilayer equation allowing to calculate eigenvalues of

energy E of a quantum particle in MQW structure The multilayer equation lo oks like F E


where F E is a rather complex function built bya given MQW structure and dep ending on the


index i of an arbitrary chosen preferred b ounded layer In the previous work the author proved that

nontrivial zero es of the function F E are indep endent of index i of the preferred layer The formula


obtained for the numb er of energy levels is valid only for a general p osition case It means that in

some cases one can pick up widths of wells and walls in suchway that the formula ceases to b e valid

But this collections of widths are very rear

Besides the problem treated here the multilayer equation is extremely imp ortant in the theory of

optical waveguides It p ermits to calculate the eigenvalues of eective index of refraction for the mul

tilayer waveguide The formula discussed here can b e rewritten to give the numb er of the eigenvalues

of eective index of refraction Note that the multilayer equation may b e applied in the dierent situ

ations This situations and problems now are of signicant practical interest for nanotechnologies


AA Maer and MD Kovalev Disp ersion equation for eigenvalues of the eective refractive index

in a multilayered waveguide structure

AA Maer The equation for energy eigenvalues in MQW structures with an arbitrary number

of quantum wells Doklady Physics p

AA Maer The equation for energy eigenvalues in MQW structures with particles having dierent

eective masses in dierentlayers Doklady Physics p

Solution scattering problems of electromagnetic waves from

inhomogeneously layered scatterers using pattern equation metho d

Alexander G Kyurkchan Dmitrii B Demin

MoscowTechnical University of Communication and Informatics

Aviamotornaya street A Moscow Russia

email kyurkchanyandexru

This pap er presents the generalization of the pattern equation metho d PEM which had b een

applied b efore to solve electromagnetic scattering problems for conducting ob jects coated with dielec

tric materials utilized to solve scattering problems of electromagnetic waves from inhomogeneously

layered dielectric scatterers The core of layered ob ject represents the dielectric obstacle

By analogy with the previous works the basic p oint of the PEM is to reduce an initial b ound

ary problem to solving an innite system of algebraic equations with resp ect to unknown expansion

co ecients of the scattering pattern and also elds inside the dielectric layer and core of scatterer

into series in terms of vector angular spherical harmonics that comp ose the orthogonal basis in the


Fig Scattering pattern for sphere

Fig Scattering pattern for spheroid

spherical co ordinates Under the certain restrictions on geometry of the problem which can b e strictly

established the received innite linear system of the algebraic equations is solved by the metho d of a

reduction In the framework of the metho d the analytical solution of the scattering problem for sphere

as the Mie series with resp ect to the expansion co ecients of the scattering pattern has b een obtained

Under the develop ed numerical algorithm of PEM we carried out researches of accuracy of nu

merical calculations for scattering characteristics Moreover we carried out comparisons of our results

with the results obtained by PEM for imp edance and dielectric scatterers and by other metho ds also

The class of scatterers geometry was limited to the b o dies of revolution that signicantly simplies

the numerical algorithm and reduces the surface integrals for matrix elements in the system of PEM

to single integrals

Some of the results obtained are shown here We consider the axial incidence of a plane wave

directed along the symmetry axis of the scatterer which coincides with the z axis The bistatic

RCSs of the dielectric sphere coated with a dielectric spherical layer are shown in Fig The

geometry of sphere coincides that was presented in The internal sphere has a radius and its

coating spherical layer is of thickness There are two cases presented in rst case the materials

of the internal sphere and the covering coincide curve relative p ermittivity and p ermeability

in second case materials of core and the covering are equal to

r r r r

and i resp ectively Both curves completely are agreed to what are given

r r

in We consider also a dielectric prolate spheroid coated by dielectric material One consists of

two concentric spheroids with the semiaxes of internal spheroid ka kc and the external

spheroid ka kc The medium in internal spheroid and its coating layer have the relative

p ermittivities and resp ectively The results plotted in Fig show the dierential

r r

scattering cross sections DSCS normalized by c for the coated spheroid curve E plane curve


H plane DSCS is calculated from jF j where F is a pattern of electrical eld Our numerical

results agree very well with results that are obtained by the nulleld metho d with discrete sources

The metho d prop osed here will b e extended to the solution of the electromagnetic wave scattering

problems bymultilayered scatterers

This work was supp orted by the Russian foundation of basic researches pro ject No


AGKyurkchan DBDemin NIOrlova Solution scattering problems of electromagnetic waves

from ob jects with dielectric covering using pattern equation metho d Radiotec and Elect

N pp in Russian

JY Li and LW Li Electromagnetic scattering by a mixture of conducting and dielectric ob jects

analysis using metho d of moments IEEE Trans on vehicular technology

A Doicu T Wriedt Nulleld metho d with discrete sources to electromagnetic scattering from

layered scatterers Comput Phys Commun


Metho ds of the continued b oundary conditions and the pattern equations

Alexander G Kyurkchan Nadezhda I Smirnova

MoscowTechnical University of Communication and Informatics Russia

email kyurkchanyandexru

For almost years the pattern equations metho d PEM has b een successfully applied to the

solution of the broad sp ectrum of wave diraction and propagation problems However essential lim

itation of the metho d is that in its strict formulation it is not applicable to the solution of diraction

problems on b o dies with non analytical in particular piecesmo oth b oundary caused by divergence

of SommerfeldWeil integral representation in singular p oints of a wave eld The metho d of continued

b oundary conditions MCBC suggested recently allows to overcome this limitation The trick is that

according to MCBC the b oundary condition is satised not on b oundary S of scatterer but on some

surface S covering S and separated from it by some suciently small distance It leads to the

approximate statement of a problem however as a result all diculties related to singular p oints of a

wave eld on scatterer b oundary in case it has breaks corners edges etc as well as diculties related

to singularity of the corresp onding integral equation kernels are removed Computational algorithm

thus b ecomes signicantly simpler and practically universal It has b een shown that in framework


MCBC the b oundary problem can b e reduced to the solution of Fredholm integral equation of the


and kind with smo oth kernel In particular in case of Dirichlet b oundary condition MCBC gives

the following equation


ik R

ur e u r ur

ds R jr r j

n n n n R



where u is a known function an incidentwave By parametrizing surfaces S and S and as

suming that in p oints corresp onding to the same parameter values the derivatives ur nj and


ur n j are equal whichisreasonablegiven the small distance b etween S and S the equa



tion can b e treated as Fredholm integral equation of the kind relative to the unknown func

ik sin sin cos cos cos

tion ur nj ur n j Bymultiplying equation by e


integrating on S and taking advantage of generalized SommerfeldWeil representation for function

ik R

e Rwe obtain the following integro op erator equation of PEM relative to the scattering pattern g



k g cos sin ik sin g g g


g exp ik cos cos sin d d d d





expik cos ds is the generalized scattering pattern and Hereg



cos sin sin cos cos cos cos sin sin cos cos cos sin cos

sin sin sin sin sin cos cos sin cos Generally sp eaking the equation

is approximate since at its derivation it was assumed that g g However this equation

is now applicable to the diraction problems on b o dies with nonanalytical b oundary If b oundary

S is analytical the obtained equation b ecomes exact It is interesting to note that integro op erator


equation of PEM cannot b e derived from standard currentFredholm integral equation of a kind

even for b o dies with analytical b oundary b ecause of the simple layer p otential normal derivative jump

This work was supp orted by the Russian foundation of basic researches pro ject No


AGKyurkchan NISmirnova Solution of diraction problems using the metho ds of continued

b oundary conditions and discrete sources JCommunTechnol Electr

Do Dyk Tkhang AGKyurkchan Ecient metho d for solving the problems of wave diraction

by scatterers with broken b oundaries Acoustical Physics


Mo deling the characteristics of scattering of electromagnetic

waves by the b o dies of complex geometry

A G Kyurkchan E A Skoro dumova

MoscowTechnical University of Communication and Informatics Russia

The pattern equations metho d has app eared to b e the high ecient metho d on a series of diraction

problems in particular at solving of an acoustic problem of diraction for scatterers with a complex

conguration In this pap er this technique is extended to an electromagnetic case

Consider the problem of the waves scattering of primary mono chromatic electromagnetic eld E

H on a scatterer of a complex geometry with latter to b e presented as a combination of ob jects of

the more simple structure Lets consider two b o dies case

h i

are set on surfaces n n H Z Let the imp edance b oundary conditions n E

j j j j


j j

are secondary diraction H S j E E E E H H H H is the total eld E


j j

elds which satises to a homogeneous system of Maxwells equations everywhere outside of S and


also to a condition of radiation on innity

Reduction of an initial b oundary problem to solving an algebraic system of equations is based on

using the series expansion of the scattering patterns in vector spherical harmonics

Examination of the velo city of the convergence of the prop osed metho d for scatterers with an

analytical spheres and a nonanalytic cylinders b oundaries has shown that the algorithm of PEM

remains well converging when scatterers are coming close together up to their contact It allows

the extending the PEM to solving the problem of the wave diraction for b o dies with a complex

conguration by their representation as a combination of ob jects with a simple geometry at minimum

consumption of the computer resources

We carried out the examination of this tech

nique based on comparison of scattering patterns

of sup erellipsoids with scattering patterns of a group

of twohalves of these sup erellipsoids comp osing to

gether the larger sup erellipsoi d

Figure shows an example of such a comparison

for two p erfectly conducting sup erellipsoi ds with

parameters ka kc larger semiaxis

is along axis z and a single sup erellipsoid with pa

rameters ka kc The case of a longi

tudinal falling of a wavewas considered It is clear

from gure that the dierences of these character

istics are rather insignicant

One of the metho ds of a validity estimation of

the solution of the problem of the diraction is verifying of fulllment of the optical theorem

The results obtained are showed that the accuracy of fulllment of the optical theorem for b o dies

with an analytical b oundary spheres spheroids is very high valid signicant gures irresp ective

sizes of scatterers and the accuracy for the ob jects with a nonanalytical b oundary cylinders is

noticeably b elowvalid signicant gures but also is still acceptable

This work was supp orted by Russian Foundation for Basic Research Pro ject No


AG Kyurkchan EA Skoro dumova Solution of the ThreeDimensional Problem of Wave Dirac

tion byanEnsemble of Ob jects Acoustical Physics Vol No pp

CBohren and DHuman Absorption and Scattering of Lightby Small Particles A Wiley

Interscience Publication New York Toronto


Mo delling of scattering characteristics of electromagnetic waves by

group of b o dies using the mo died metho d of discrete sources

A G Kyurkchan S A Manenkov E S Negorozhina

MoscowTechnical University of Communication and Informatics Russia

email kyurkchanyandexru

The mo died metho d of discrete sources MMDS oered in work subsequently has b een

applied to the solution of a wide class of problems of the theory of diraction and in all cases high

eciency of a metho d has b een shown The main idea of the metho d consists in uniform wayof

construction of the carrier of discrete auxiliary sources by means of analytical deformation of b order

of a scatterer Thus the a priori information on prop erties of analytical continuation of diraction

eld inside the scatterer is materially used

Represents the big interest a question on how it is necessary to apply MMDS to the solution of

problems of diraction of waves on a group close lo cated b o dies of revolution The problem at issue

is that as a result of diraction interaction of b o dies the picture of arrangement of singularities of

analytical continuation of wave eld inside of each scatterer can dier from that whichtakes place in

case of single b o dy rather essentiallyAt a close arrangement of the scatterers singular p oints start to

be multiply that is the singularities inside of one b o dy generate the singularities inside of another

We shall consider for example a problem of diraction of waves on two b o dies attened spheroid and

smo othed double cone Axis crosssection of the b o dies is shown in Fig Here at a close arrangement

of b o dies the singular p oint in the edge of double cone is represented in a spheroid generating an

additional singular p oint whichwould not b e if the problem ab out diraction of a plane wave on this

single spheroid was solved Standard technique MMDS do es not consider this circumstance

In the presentwork some mo dication of MMDS is realized allowing to make this metho d eective

at the solution of problems of wave diraction on a group close lo cated b o dies The essence of this

idea consists that the carrier of discrete sources for each of the b o dy is constructed using usual scheme

of MMDS but in addition to the basic sources the sources surrounding singular p oints which app ear

b ecause of interaction of the scatterers are added As a result as have shown researches accuracy

of calculations increases approximately for two orders at the same sizes of corresp onding algebraic

systems This fact is illustrated in Fig in which the distribution of the residual on the contour of the

crosssection of the attened spheroid is shown see the geometry in Fig In some cases co ordinates

of the images of singular p oints are found analytically however in the general situation it can b e

necessary to use numerical metho ds to search of these co ordinates For a nding of co ordinates of

singular p oints in this work the eectivenumerical algorithm based on a metho d of continuation on a

parameter is oered Eciency of the metho d is illustrated by a lot of numerical results

Figure Figure


This work was supp orted by the Russian foundation of basic researches pro ject No


AGKyurkchan SAMinaev ALSolovejchik A mo dication of the metho d of discrete sources

based on prior information ab out the singularities of the diracted eld Radiotekh Electron

APAnyutin AGKyurkchan SAManenkov SAMinaev Ab out D solution of diraction prob

lems by MMDS JQuantitative Spectroscopy Radiative Transfer

VFAp elcin AGKyurkchan Analytical prop erties of wave elds MSU

AGKyurkchan BYuSternin VEShatalov Singularities of wave elds UFN

Berry phases for the Hartree typ e equation

Fedor N Litvinets Andrey Yu Trifonov

Department of Mathematical Physics Tomsk Polytechnic UniversityTomsk Russia

email litvinetsmphphtdtpueduru trifonovphtdtpueduru

Alexander V Shap ovalov

Department of Theoretical Physics Tomsk State UniversityTomsk Russia

email shpvphystsuru

The Hartree typ e equation

fi H t gxt



H t Hz s dy y tV z w sy t



is considered Here pseudodierential op erators Hz s and V z w s b eing functions of noncom

mutative op erators


z ir x w ir y x y R

x y

dep end on slow time s tT whereT is a p erio d of adiabatic evolution The op erators Hz

and V z w are determined by their smo oth symbols Hz and V z w resp ectively A function

is complex conjugate to is a real parameter is a small parameter

We construct semiclassical solutions of the Cauchy problem for Eq in adiabatic approximation

taking eigenfunctions of the nonlinear op erator H as an initial condition The solutions are

obtained in the class of semiclassically concentrated functions using the Maslovs complex germ

metho d The leading term of the asymptotics in the parameter T is shown to remain an eigenfunction

of the nonlinear op erator H at every time and only gains a phase factor Following Berry we

decomp ose the phase into the dynamic and the adiabatic Berry phases In the linear case

the expressions obtained corresp ond to the wellknown results

Acknowledgements The work was supp orted in part by President of the Russian Federation Grant

No SS DFG Litvinets F was supp orted in part by the nonprot DynastyFoundation


Belov VV Trifonov AYu and Shap ovalov AV The tra jectorycoherent approximation

and the system of moments for the Hartree typ e equation IntJMath MathSci

Berry MV Quantum phase factors accompanying algebraic changes Proc Roy Soc Lon

don A


Factorization of WienerHopf matrices using Fredholm integral equations

V G Daniele G Lombardi

Dipartimento ElettronicaPolitecnico Torino Corso Duca degli Abruzzi Torino Italy

email vitodanielepolitoit guidolombardipolitoit

The main problem in solving vector WienerHopf equations is the factorization of the n n matrix

kernel G This problem has b een considerably studied in the past Nowadays closed form factoriza

tions for particular classes of problems are available in literature but no metho d to factorize a general

n n matrix kernel is still known Consequently it is necessary to develop approximate techniques

of factorization To this end all the p owerful metho ds develop ed in functional analysis ie iterative

metho ds moment metho ds regularization metho ds and so on can b e eectively used for solving WH

equations or for obtaining approximate factorized matrices Since it is p ossible to factorize rational

matrices the factorization problem could b e faced byintro ducing rational approximants of the entries

of the matrix kernel for instance Pade approximants These authors exp erienced all these technique

Some of them are very cumb ersome and p erhaps not easy to b e applied in engineering applications

In the framework of approximate techniques these authors suggest a new ecienttechnique for

the factorization of WienerHopf matrices This metho d is based on the reduction of the factorization

problem to the solution of a Fredholm integral equation of the second kind The aim of this pap er is

to discuss the theory of this metho d Several numerical applications concerning matrices of order

two three and four will b e presented in the oral presentation and in the full pap er

Acknowledgment This work is supp orted byNATO North Atlantic Treaty Organisation in the

framework of the Science for Peace Programme under the grantCBPMDSFPP


VG Daniele An intro duction to the WienerHopf Technique for the solution of electromagnetic

problems Rapp orto ELT Politecnico di Torino Sept


VG Daniele and G Lombardi WienerHopf Solution for Imp enetrable Wedges at Skew Inci

dence IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation Sept pp

Mo del for the regular nanostructuring of transparent dielectrics and

semiconductors byfemtosecond laser radiation

V S Makin

Reseach Inst for Complex Testing of OptoElectronic Devices

Sosnovy Bor City Leningrad district Russia

A Y Vorobyev

Institute of Optics UniversityofRochester New York USA

Exp erimental results ab out the interaction of linear p olarized femtosecond pulses of laser radiation

with wideband dielectrics quartz glass calcium uoride zinc selenide and silicon were analyzed It

is shown that at laser p ower density of the order Wcm fs the nonequilibrium plasma

having concentration n cm is pro duced and the nonthermal phase transition o ccurs In

this situation at the b oundary nonequilibriu m plasmadielectric the conditions for surface plasmon

p olaritons excitation by incident radiation arises Mutual surface plasmonp olaritons interference and

one with the incident laser radiation cause the standing interference ngers of nonequilibrium electron

density formation Then the dielectric volume breakdown o ccurred the near symmetric channel surface

plasmonp olaritons interference is the cause of the volume nanostructures formation

As a next step the dierentways of the timedep endentevolution of mo dulated electron density

into the remnant p erio dic nanostructures of material are considered

The mechanism for nanostructures formation on the transparent semiconductor surface is the same


Diraction of D complex b eams by a p erfect

conductor halfplane a sp ectral approach

Raul MahilloIsla Mara Jesus GonzalezMorales Carlos DehesaMartnez

Departamento de Teora de la Senal y Comunicaciones e Ingeniera Telematica

Universidad de Valladolid Spain

The classical approach when tackling radiation and diraction problems dealing with Complex

b eams is to use an analytical continuation of the cartesian co ordinates in the isotropic line source

solution Since this can b e applied to the exact solution of a particular problem with the isotropic

cylindrical wave the obtained solutions are exact as well The analytical continuation of asymptotic

solutions can b e also p erformed but the region where the approximation is go o d can b e dierent from

that considered when the continuation is not carried out as such in the radiation problem of a D

Complex b eam happ ens

The diraction problem of a D Complex b eam by a halfplane made of p erfect conductor is

discussed in by using the analytical continuation of the asymptotic solution of the cylindrical

incidentwave The authors prop osal is dierentfrom since other approach to the problem is used

The way the problem is treated is similar to the isotropic line source in the solution is constructed

by sup erp osition of plane waves solutions of the halfplane problem In order to set out the problem

the plane wave sp ectrum of Complex b eams will b e carried out

Totackle the problem in this way provides a closed expression for the exact solution from which

the asymptotic forms arise Likewise the asymptotic solutions are go o d enough in certain regions

that will dep end on parameters dened during the early steps taken in order to solve the problem

The pap er will present a detailed derivation of the asymptotic expressions for the problem and a rst

characterization of the regions where asymptotic solutions are valid


P C Clemmow The Plane Wave Sp ectrum Representation of Electromagnetic Waves Oxford

University Press IEEE Press Oxford New Jersey st reissued edition

L B Felsen Complex source p oint solutions of the eld equations and their relations to the

propagation and scattering of gaussian b eams Symp osia Mathematica

E GagoRibas M J GonzalezMorales and C DehesaMartnez Analytical Parametrization of

a D Real Propagation Space in Terms of Complex Electromagnetic Beams IEICE Transactions

on Electronics EC

M J GonzalezMorales C DehesaMartnez and E GagoRibas Ab out Complex Extensions

and Their Application in Electromagnetics In Complex ComputingNetworks Brainlike and

Waveoriented Electro dynamic Algorithms I C Goknar and L Sevgi editors SpringerVerlag

Berlin st edition

G A Suedan and EV Jull TwoDimensional Beam Diraction by a HalfPlane and Wide Slit

IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation

Gap condition for nonlinear evolution equations

R S Makin

Ulyanovsk State University Dimitrovgrad Branch Russia

email rmakvinfru

Conditions of non p erio dical solutions existence for a class of nonlinear evolution equations have

b een considered The conceptions of invariant stable and unstable manifolds inertial manifolds are

mainly used during studying their prop erties The conditions where inertial manifolds of nite fractal

dimension exist in the task are determined gap condition is the main of them The examples of this

condition for classic tasks of diraction and also for transp ort equation are given


The number of zeroes in invariant manifolds for evolution equations

R S Makin

Ulyanovsk State University Dimitrovgrad Branch Russia

email rmakvinfru

The prop erties of stable and unstable invariant manifolds for nonlinear evolution equations have

b een considered As a mo del task onedimensional evolution equation of parab olic typ e has b een

considered where the main memb er is elliptic op erator the secondary memb er is nonlinear op erator

with certain conditions Detailed prop erties thus numb er of zero es numb er of laps stable and

unstable manifolds and also its dimensions and asymptotical prop erties hyp erb olic solutions of

original nonlinear task are determined The examples of prop osed approach application for more

complicated diraction tasks are given

The comparison of elds excited by input

grating coupler with those of SEW

V S Makin

JSC NanoLab Dekabristov str SaintPetersburg Russia

V V Trubaev

Moscow State UniversityofCommunication Ways

Obraztsov str Moscow Russia

Surface electromagnetic waves SEW are the eigenmo des on interface of two media one of which

has negative real part of dielectric constant for example metal and the other has p ositive one for

example vacuum or air The electromagnetic elds asso ciated with SEW are lo calized in the vicinity

of the interface and damp out on b oth sides of it As SEW propagates along the surface its intensity

decreases exp onentially b ecause of dissipative losses in metal In the middle and far infrared the

SEW propagation length is ab out some centimeters and it increases with wavelength In this case the

pro cesses of SEW launching byincident radiation free SEW propagation along the surface and SEW

recovery backinto bulk radiation may b e separated A great numb er of studies in the middle and far

infrared SEW propagation along metal surface have b een made It was supp osed that exactly SEW

propagates along a free part of surface b ehind the input coupler However wehave discovered that if

input grating coupler is used to excite SEW the generated wave is diered essentially from SEW

This wave is conventionally named pressed wave by us

Wehave calculated the elds generated by input grating coupler for the radiation CO laser The

metals used are copp er gold and aluminum This selection of metals and wavelength p ermits us to

compare calculated results with exp erimental ones In this work we compare the elds of pressed wave

with that of SEW We examine the evolution of pressed wave eld on the metal surface with distance

from input grating coupler and compare that with analogous dep endence for SEW It is shown that

unlike SEW the intensity of pressed wave decreases not exp onentially while it propagates along the

surface The pressed wave b ehavior may b e the reason to reexamine the results of early exp eriments

of SEWs propagation lengths Also wehave calculated the pressed wave eld as a function of distance

from the surface for numb er p ositions along the wave propagation Wehave got that unlike SEW the

pressed wave eld prole is mo died as it propagates along the surface It follows from our calculations

that as the distance from the input grating is increased more and more the discrepancy b etween the

elds of pressed wave and SEW decreases


VV Trubaev VS Makin Pressed waves Surfacebulk electromagnetic eigenmo des of metal

surface International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves v No pp


On plasmonic and other mo des of double metalslab structures

G J McPheeP N Stavrinou D D C Bradley

The Blackett Lab oratory Imp erial College London UK

email graememcpheeimperialacuk

The electromagnetic mo des of planar optical systems comprising two metal slabs b ounded by

dielectrics have b een studied on several o ccasions in the past Original studies by Economou

considered implicit disp ersion relations and schematic energyversusmomentum plots for ideal metals

in a range of congurations The disp ersion of the mo des of a doubleslab system were later studied

by Stegeman and Burke and more recently byRevelli and coworkerset al in the context of

Organic Light Emitting Dio de structures where the metal plates act as the electro des In the present

work we reexamine and extend these analyses to consider a much broader range of system parameters

and nd some previously unrep orted features of the general system

Figure a The geometry of the system and the schematic form of the electromagnetic mo des b The

imaginary part of the propagation constant of the electromagnetic mo des of the fullysymmetric double

Aluminium slab as a function of slab separation divided bywavelength in medium

In common with Stegeman four surfaceplasmon mo des exist that corresp ond to the four p ossible

symmetries gure b black traces There is however a sp ectrum of weaklyguided mo des grey

traces similar to parallelplate waveguide mo des which can p enetrate to great depths into the outer

dielectric layers and which cut o at a particular maximum value of slab separation As in the

case of the plasmonic mo des the prop erties of these mo des are very sensitive to system parameters

Furthermore whereas Stegeman found that one of the surfaceplasmon mo des SAS exhibits a cuto

below a certain slab separation as in gure b wehave found that for many cases where the metal

thickness is varied the lowest order weaklyguided mo de WG evolves into the SAS mo de which

has the same symmetry gure a and neither is cut o The evolution of the mo des can b e b est

appreciated by mapping their lo ci in the complex plane which for in some cases extends into other

sheets of the Riemann surface We show that for a range of p ermittivityp ermittivities and thicknesses

the rather complicated b ehaviour can b e rationalised and understo o d in terms of the basic symmetries

Some interesting features emerge For example it is p ossible by design to increase greatly the long

range plasmon propagation lengths by making very small changes change in the p ermittivity

of the central dielectric slab

Our ndings suggest that structures such as these provide many desirable features which could b e utilised in the design of nanoscale optical devices



E N Economou Surface Plasmons in Thin Films Phys Rev

GI Stegeman JJ Burke Longrange Surface Plasmons in Electro de Structures Appl Phys


JF Revelli LW Tutt BE Kruschwitz Waveguide analysis of organic lightemitting dio des

fabricated on surfaces with wavelengthscale p erio dic gratings J Appl Opt

UniversalityofFeigenbaum and dissipative microstructures

for highly nonequilibrium nonlinear systems

V S Makin

Research Institute for Complex Testing of Opto electronic Devices

Sosnovy Bor City Leningrad region Russia

R S Makin

Research Institute of Atomic Reactors

Dimitrovgrad CityUlyanovsky region Russia

Chunlei Guo AY Vorobyev

Institute of Optics Ro chester University New York USA

The discovered phenomenon of step like resonant microrelief p erio d reducing of titanium surface

under the action of series of femtosecond laser pulses is discussed The physical mo del of phenomenon

is prop osed based on interference pro cesses with surface plasmonp olaritons participation

On the base of physical picture of the phenomenon the mathematical mo del is given involving

logistical mapping It is shown that functional dep endence of total electromagnetic eld intensity

for considered system has quadratic dep endence of the height of formed resonant microrelief This

functional dep endence changes in the pro cess of sequential irradiation of surface by series of femtosec

ond laser pulses allows to explain exp erimentally observed changes of microrelief p erio d Following

the Feigenbaum the bifurcation diagram of cascade of the p erio d doubling for quadratic mapping is

created So the simple example of highly dissipative nonlinear system with the transition from simple

p erio dic to complex nonp erio dic state by the reverse microrelief p erio d doubling mo de is demonstrated

One more exp erimentally realized example of reverse cascade p erio d doubling is analyzed for

microrelief of quartz glass surface under the action of scanned linear p olarized radiation of continuous

waveCO laser

Biots equations for multiphase media with dierent

temp eratures on the basis of generalized variational principle

G Maximov

Moscow Engineering Physics Institute State university Russia

email maximovdptmephiru

The system of generalized Biots equations describing waves propagation in multiphase or multi

comp onents media in presence of heat exchange b etween phases is derived on the basis of generalized

variational principle Maximov GA DD p It is shown that at presence of N phases

there are N eigen mo des in this system At high frequencies N mo des have the wavetyp e of motion

and N mo des have the diusive heat typ e of propagation Atlow frequencies there is the single

acoustical wave mo de and the rest N mo des p ossess the diusion heat typ e of b ehavior

For the two comp onent medium without temp erature exchange the develop ed approach is reduced

to the well know Biots mo del Account of temp erature elds gives generalized Biots mo del for two

comp onents medium


Reection from a halfspace lled with wire

medium the auxiliary source metho d

Stanislav I Maslovski

Radiophysics Dept StPetersburg State Politechnical University

St Petersburg Russia

email stanislavmaslovskigmailcom

Solving wave reection problems for slabs of materials that exhibit spatial disp ersion is not triv

ial Amethodtoattack such problems will b e presented The metho d op erates in wavevector

space and requires k of the material to b e known some hints how to correctly dene k

for spatially disp ersive media will b e also given It will b e shown that byintro ducing auxiliary

sources into unb ounded media it is p ossible to simulate nite slabs or material halfspaces Earlier

Henneb erger in prop osed a somewhat similar sourcebased metho d however his approachwas in

complete and even erroneous Another approach op erating in the wavevector space was develop ed


We will apply our metho d to the problem of plane wave reection at the interface of free space

and the wire medium with wires oriented orthogonally to the interface The problem will b e the

same as in where it was rst solved microscopically In contrast to that our solution will b e

completely macroscopic and will make use of the spatially disp ersive p ermittivity of wire medium that

was derived in It will b e shown that the results of our metho d are in agreement with Another

calculation of the reection and transmission co ecients for slabs of wire media was p erformed in

The authors of used Henneb ergers metho d directly and obtained results dierent from ours and



K Henneb erger Additional b oundary conditions An historical mistake Physical Review Letters

D F Nelson and B Chen Comment on Additional b oundary conditions An historical mistake

Physical Review Letters

B Chen and D F Nelson Wavevectorspace metho d for wave propagation in b ounded media

Physical Review B

B Chen and D F Nelson Wave propagation of exciton p olaritons bywavevectorspace metho d

Physical Review B

M G Silveirinha Additional b oundary condition for the wire medium IEEE Transactions on

Antennas and Propagation

P A Belov R Marques S I Maslovski I S Nefedov M Silverinha C R Simovski and S A

Tretyakov Strong spatial disp ersion in wire media in the very large wavelength limit Physical

Review B

I Nefedov A Viitanen and S Tretyakov On reection from interfaces with some spatially

disp ersive metamaterials Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials ee


On uniqueness in the two and threedimensional

NeumannKelvin problem

O V Motygin

Institute of Problems in Mechanical Engineering

VO Bolshoy pr St Petersburg Russia

email ovmotygingmailcom

We consider the uniqueness question for the classical NeumannKelvin problem of the linear theory

of ship waves The problem describ es motion of b o dies in an ideal incompressible heavy uid W

with a free surface F The ships move through the still water with a constantspeed U along the

horizontal xaxis the co ordinate system is attached to the b o dies and y axis is directed upwards We

consider b oth D and D problems and the case when the contours of ships S are totally submerged

The mathematical problem consists in nding the velo city p otential u which is a harmonic function

r u intheunb ounded domain W satises the Neumann condition on S and the b oundary

u on the unp erturb ed free surface F fy g where gU and g denotes u condition

y x

acceleration due to gravity The problem is completed with the condition sup jruj and the



jrux zj d z Dasx condition at innity upstream jruj D

A feature of the problem under consideration is that solutions to the homogeneous problem can

have innite energy due to wave propagation to innitydownstream There are quite few uniqueness


theorems not assuming niteness of energy jruj d V F Ursell proved uniqueness for one


circular cylinder D problem see eg x BR Vainb erg and VG Mazya see eg

ch proved unique solvability of the problem for b o dies of arbitrary shap e and for all values of U

except some nite set of values which cannot b e dened within the metho d thus the uniqueness

cannot b e guaranteed for anygiven interval of U

In this work weprove a new uniqueness theorem valid for b o dies of arbitrary shap e we only

demand S C without any assumptions on niteness of energyFor this we use a

mo dication of the technique suggested in Being based on Greens identity maximum principles

and study of solutions and Green functions b ehaviour at innity the approach leads us to the


conclusion that if the inequalitysup GQ P d s holds then the homogeneous



nP S

problem has only the trivial solution G is the Green function of the problem

The latter inequalityallows us to nd very simple b ounds for the set of parameters for whichthe

uniqueness is guaranteed For example for the threedimensional problem uniqueness parameters are

given by the inequality



e jy j

d s y

xy z



and it can b e easily deduced also referring to ch for the solvability arguments that the problem

has a unique solution for any system of b o dies when they are suciently deeply submerged the value

of the depth can b e found from the latter formula Results of numerical computation of the b ounds

for various geometries will b e presented

The work is supp orted byINTAS YSF grant no


Kuznetsov N G Mazya V G Vainb erg B R Linear water waves A Mathematical Approach

Cambridge University Press

Mazya V G Vainb erg B R On ship waves Wave Motion Vol P

Motygin O V McIver P A uniqueness criterion for linear problems of waveb o dy interaction

IMA Jl Appl Math Vol P


Electromagnetic prop erties of doublep erio dic planar chiral array

Vassili A Fedotov Nikolay I Zheludev

EPSRC NanoPhotonics Portfolio Centre Opto electronics ResearchCentre

University of Southampton SO BJ United Kingdom

Pavel L Mladyonov Sergey L Prosvirnin

Institute of Radio Astronomy of NAS of Ukraine Kharkov Ukraine

email mladyonriankharkovua

We rep ort the rst numerical and exp erimental results on electromagnetic prop erties of a new

planar chiral metamaterial The metamaterial is formed by a periodic array of uninterrupted crossed

wavyshap ed metal strips placed on a dielectric substrate see inset to Fig The metaldielectric

p erio dic structure is a mo dication of a grating of wavy strips or a shscale structure

Crucial dierences of the considered metamaterial are its fold symmetry and a planar chirality due

to an arrangementofnonchiralshap ed strips in the array The inset to Figure shows one of two

enantiomorphic array fashions

Doublyp erio dic planar structures of complexshap ed strips are attractive for microwave applica

tions b ecause of their resonance prop erties in the frequency band of a singlewave regime In recent

years a great numb er of pap ers was published on arrays of separated metal strip elements Neverthe

less prop erties of arrays of uninterrupted complexshap ed crossed strips are not considered suciently

Numerical analysis of electromagnetic wave diraction by the structure was carried out bythe

integral equation metho d describ ed in The metal pattern was treated as a p erfect conductor

while the substrate was assumed to b e a lossy dielectric In the exp eriments we used the structure

that was etched from a m copp er lm on a b erglass PCB material The overall size of the

sample was approximately mm mm We found a very go o d agreement of the numerical and

exp erimental results

Because to a fold symmetry of the array the reection and transmission prop erties of the struc

ture dont dep end on a p olarization of normal incident plane wave In contrast to arrays of separated

metal particles the structure is nontransparentinlow frequencies The rst frequency of a high reso

Figure Normal incidence reection a and transmission b of linearly p olarized waveby the pla

nar metamaterial Solid lines and separate symb ols denote the exp erimental and numerical results

resp ectively The inset shows a fragment of the array of crossed wavyshap ed copp er strips patterned

on a dielectric substrate The dashed line b ox indicates a mm mm elementary translational

cell of the structure Wavyshap ed strips consist of semicircles The width of strips is mm The

thickness of substrate is mm Substrate relative p ermittivity is i


nance transparency is considerably lower than corresp onding frequency of an array of straight crossed

wires arranged with the same spacing A planar chirality of the metamaterial leads to dierence in

diraction of left and right circular p olarized waves at an oblique incidence This prop ertymaybe

useful for FSS applications of the metamaterial in setups op erated with circular p olarized wave b eams

At last control electron devices may b e incorp orated into structure at the cross p oints of strips and

b oundaries of translational cells in order to transform the array of uninterrupted strips into an array

of separated gammadionshap ed particles and vice versa


SL Prosvirnin SA Tretyakov PL Mladyonov Electromagnetic wave diraction by planar

p erio dic gratings of wavy metal strips JElectromWaves and Appl pp

VA Fedotov PL Mladyonov SL Prosvirnin NI Zheludev Planar electromagnetic metama

terial with a sh scale structure Phys Rev E

The mixed value problem with the skew derivative

for the D Helmholtz equation outside cuts

K V ProzorovP A Krutitskii


We study the mixed value problem outside cuts in a plane for the Helmholtz equation with atten

uation The similar problem for the Helmholtz equation describing waves has b een studied in

under dierent conditions

By a simple op en curvewe mean a smo oth nonclosed arc without selfintersections In the plane

x x x R we consider simple op en curves of class C so that they




We assume that each curve is parameterized do not have common p oints We put

n n


by the arc length s

fx x xsx sx sg s a b n N

n n n

so that a b a b Therefore p oints x and values of the parameter s are in




onetoone corresp ondence Below the set of intervals a b on the s axis will b e denoted by

n n



The tangent and normal vectors to at the p oint xs are denoted by  x sx s and


n x s x s resp ectively


We consider as a set of cuts The side of which is on the left when the parameter s increases

will b e denoted by and the opp osite side will b e denoted by

Wesay that the function ux b elongs to the smo othness class K if

ux C R n C R n and u is continuous at the ends of



R n nX where X is a p ointset consisting of the endp oints of X xa ru C





in the neighb ourho o d of any p oint xd X for some constants c the inequality

jruj cjx xdj holds where x xdand d a or d b n N

n n

By C R n we denote functions which are continuously extended on cuts from the left and

right but their values on from the left and right can b e dierent so that the functions mayhavea

jump on Let us formulate the mixed value problem for the Helmholtz equation in R n

Problem U Find a function ux which b elongs to the class K ob eys the Helmholts equation

ux k ux x R n arg k f g

x x

satises the b oundary condition

s F uxj


u u

F s ij j const j j


x x



Zommerfeld radiation conditions if Im k and the following conditions if Im k

juxj o jxj jruj o jxj jxj

All conditions of the problem must b e satised in a classical sense

On the basis of the energy equalities we can prove that the problem U has at most one solution The

problem U is studied by p otential theory and the b oundary integral equation metho d The problem

is reduced to the Cauchy singular integral equation and then to the Fredholm integral equation of the

second kind which is uniquely solvable The integral representation for a solution of the problem U

is obtained in the form of p otentials

Theorem If arcs areofclassC F s C F s C then the

solution of the problem U exists it is unique and is given in the form of potentials The density in

potentials is a unique solution of the Fredholm integral equation of the second kind and index zero


P A Krutitskii The skew derivative problem for the Helmholtz equation outside cuts in a

plane Rendiconti di Matematica Roma Serie P

P A Krutitskii The oblique derivative problem for the Helmholtz equation and scattering tidal

waves Pro ceedings of the Royal So ciety of London ser A P

N I Muskhelishvili Singular integral equations No ordho Groningen

P A Krutitskii Neumann problem for the Helmholtz outside cuts in a plane Comp Maths

Math Phys P

Interaction of sho ckwaves for genuinely nonlinear hyp erb olic systems

G A Omelyanov

Universidad de Sonora Mexico

email omelhadesmatusonmx

We consider strictlyhyp erb olic systems of conservations laws

u fu

x R t

t x

where u u u f f f Let R b e the eigenvalues and the eigenvectors of the matrix

i i

R uniformly in u Let f u i The assumption of genuine nonlinearity means that



the initial data for b e a sup erp osition of two jumps

uj u A H x x A H x x


and H x is the Heaviside function We consider the problem x were u and A are constants x


for arbitrary values of the amplitudes A assuming that the initial jumps generate two


sho ckwaves which remain stable until the time instant of the sho ckwaves paths intersection

To describ e uniformly in time the pro cess of the sho ckwaves interaction we pass to a smo oth

regularization of the problem and use the weak asymptotics metho d Since centered rarefaction

waves can app ear as a result of the interaction the asymptotic anzatz contains many free parameters

Resp ectively there app ears a very complicated dynamical system to describ e the time evolution of

these parameters However it is p ossible to avoid a detailed analysis of the system supplementing to

the anzatz small in the weak sense corrections Therefore we do not need to sp ecify the nonlinearity

We consider the uniform in time description of the centered rarefaction app earance phenomena as

amostinteresting result of this research

The researchwas supp orted by CONACYT under grant Mexico


D isotropic metamaterial based on dielectric resonant spheres

M OditIVendik O Vendik

Microwave Micro electronic Lab oratory Dept of Micro electronics Radio Engineering St

Petersburg Electrotechnical University Prof Pop ov St StPetersburg Russia

email MAOditmaileltechru

Articial metamaterials with negative p ermittivity and p ermeability double negative material

DNG are very promising for designing novel electromagnetic comp onents with interesting and useful

prop erties Most of mo dels intro duced are anisotropic however isotropic DNGmaterial should b e

more practical for many applications Earlier in the mo del of isotropic double negative structure

was intro duced A structure considered consists of two sublattices of dielectric spherical particles of

high p ermittivity and dierent radii emb edded in a dielectric matrix of smaller p ermittivity It has

b een shown that such a comp osite medium reveals prop erties of an isotropic double negative media

DNG in a limited frequency range when resonance oscillations of H mo de in one kind of particles

and E mo de in another kind of particles are excited simultaneously

Consideration of scattering of the plane electromagnetic wave on a sphere allows intro ducing a

diraction mo del to dene eective DNG medium parameters Mo dules of elds inside and outside the

spheres were analytically calculated The calculation shows a sizeable attenuation of the electromag

netic eld outside the spheres therefore in a rst approachwe can neglect mutual interactions b etween

particles in case of appropriate distance b etween the particles and to consider each particle as a single

indep endent sphere Our next step was taking into consideration this interaction In order to do that

analytical diraction mo del was improved Firstly for calculating resonant frequencies of dielectric

spheres the real p ermittivity of the host material was used In the next iteration we consider that

spheres are placed in a host medium with eective frequencydep endent p ermittivity The eective

p ermittivity results obtained are close enough to the previously calculated This implies the fact that

the interaction b etween particles is weak enough

In previous pap ers the structure containing three single cells with typ e of spheres with

p ermittivity and radii r mm r mm was simulated by the fullwave analysis

More accurate analysis taking into account symmetry of the structure has b een implemented It has

b een shown that there is a stop band near the resonant frequency in case of negative p ermittivityor

p ermeability only But for mixture medium with b oth set of spheres there is a narrow pass band near

the resonant frequency The frequency range of the electromagnetic wave transmission corresp onds

to the doublenegativecharacteristics of the structure Evidently the resonance frequency is close to

that calculated by the diraction mo del Pass band width is ab out MHz This value is close to the

analytically calculated

Also exp eriment has b een p erformed with four samples with dierent radii mm mm

mm and mm These dimensions were selected to obtain the resonant frequency near

GHz Ferro electric spherical particles have b een placed by turns into metallic waveguide connected

with the network analyser Firstly one waveguide p ort was shorted with a moveable electric wall

Moving the electric wall we obtain the electric eld distribution in the waveguide with its maximum

in the place where the sphere is situated That allows to get maximum reection level from the sphere

at the resonant frequency In the case of bigger sphere inside the waveguide wehave a magnetic dip ole

resonance That means that we should use a magnetic wall to get maximum reection With regard

to imp ossibility to create a real magnetic wall we also use real electric wall placed at distance

from the plane where the virtual magnetic wall should b e In the next exp eriment the waveguide

with a matched termination have b een used and the transmission co ecientwas measured Resonance

nature of S and S parameters was observed near theoretically predicted resonance frequency

Exp erimental verication proves validity of diraction mo del The results obtained allow to con

sider p ossible realization of articial double negative material



I B Vendik O G Vendik M A Odit Isotropic articial media with simultaneously negative

p ermittivity and p ermeability Sp ecial Issue of Microwave and Optical Technology Letters pp


J A Stratton Electromagnetic Theory McGrawHill Bo ok Co Inc

POPTD neareld scattering and diraction metho d for

path loss prediction in urban mobile radiosystems

E G Papkelis H T Anastassiu PVFrangos

Division of Information Transmission Systems and Materials Technology Departmentof

Electrical and Computer Engineering National Technical UniversityofAthens

Iro on Polytechniou Str Zografou Athens Greece

email pfrangoscentralntuagr

The nearFresnelzone eld calculation of radiowave scattering and diraction is very imp ortant

for the accurate path loss prediction in cellular mobile radio systems since in a typical urban street

grid environment the scattered and diracted nearFresnelzone eld from building walls and wedges

o ccupies a large p ercentage of the surrounding area In recent publications wehavedevelop ed a two

dimensional simulation mo del for the radio coverage prediction in urban area sites This mo del is based

on the analytical metho ds of Physical Optics PO and Physical Theory of Diraction PTD and takes

into account the electromagnetic elds at the receiving antenna due to rst and high order propagation

mechanisms In contrast to other published deterministic metho ds where the radio coverage analysis is

limited to the far eld scattering this mo del includes nearFresnel eld calculations since in a typical

urban environment the near or Fresnel eld scattering area covers most of the street canyons region

due to the large dimensions of the building walls relative to the wavelength of the radiation Even

though this mo del was proved to have satisfactory prediction accuracy for MHz and GHz

as compared to other high frequency metho ds and measurement data it is quite timeconsuming

mainly due to the near eld computations which are based on numerical integration over the surface

PO currents and subsequentnumerical dierentiation of the vector p otential In this pap er a time

ecient metho d for the calculation of the scattered eld from plane scatterers rectangular plates for

the D case and plane strips of nite length and innite height for the D case in the near and

Fresnel zone is presented The metho d whichwecallNeartoFar Field Transformation Metho d

is based on the analytical metho d of Physical Optics PO and uses the technique of segmentation

of the scattering surface into an appropriate numb er of small rectangles cells By such a division

of the large scatterer an observation p oint which is originally lo cated in the near or Fresnel zone

of the scatterer is now relo cated in the far zone of the smaller cells As a result the PO far

eld approximations can b e invoked in order to calculate the electromagnetic eld at the receiver

due to the induced PO currents at each cell The total scattered eld at the receivers p osition is

calculated by complex vector addition of all signal comp onents received The incorp oration of the

prop osed metho d in the simulation co de by replacing the numerical integration and dierentiation

op erations mentioned ab ove decreases drastically the calculation time and at the same time provides

even more accurate results since it avoids p ossible numerical errors due to the dierentiation of the

vector p otential Finally extensive research studies are currently undertaken in order to implement

the Near to Far Field Transformation Metho d for D diraction from the building wedges In

particular the diracted eld near the building wedges is calculated by applying a combination of

the prop osed metho d describ ed ab ove with the accurate Incremental Length Diraction Co ecients

theory PTD which has b een intro duced by Mitzner for the D diraction problem in the far eld area


Twolayer spherical dielectric lens with

reector excited by a radial electric dip ole

Valeriy V Radchenko

Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics NASU

Ul Proskury Kharkov Ukraine

In this pap er we study the prop erties of the double layered spherical dielectric lens with reector

It is considered that the layered sphere excited by a radial electric dip ole lo cated near the surface of

the p erfectly conducting zerothickness reector shap ed as a spherical disk These antennas are used

for multib eam scanning at millimeter and microwave frequencies in mobile communication systems

remote sensing and radio astronomy In the geometricaloptics approximation these typ es of lenses

transform the feeds spherical wavefrontinto a plane wave The attractive features of these antennas

are the op eration over a broad band of frequencies and the spherical symmetry of the lens that allows

multib eam scanning by placing an array of feeds around the lens There are many pap ers considering

this typ e of lenses Normally they are analyzed by the FDTD metho d which has b oth advantages and

disadvantages such as accuracy loss in the presence of resonances Toovercome this problem we use

well develop ed metho d of analytical regularization MAR

Toformulate the electromagnetic wave radiation problem

for a dip ole and lens we use all conditions necessary for the

uniqueness theorem From b oundary conditions on the spher

ical surface we obtain the dual series equations in terms of the

asso ciated Legendre functions and further use MAR which

is ecient for numerical analysis It is based on the analyti

cal inversion of the static problem for a p erfectly conducting

spherical disk in free space The nal result has a form of

innite set of linear algebraic equations

h i



X X Q nn Q

m n n n

nm n nm

n n

This set is of the Fredholm second kind and therefore has guaranteed convergence and controllable

accuracy even in the presence of resonances

The main aim of our researchis

the lens prop erties study to optimize

them in future The plots of the ra

diation resistance radiation pattern

and directivity in the wide band of

parameters variation are presented in

this pap er for dierentlenslayers pa

rameters and dierent angular sizes

of reector Besides we compare the

prop erties of the layered dielectric lens

in the presence of reector and with

out it As one can supp ose the pres

ence of reector decreases the level of

the backside lob es in the radiation


ac s s


Stability of p erturbation of ows and typho on generation

D Bianchi

DepartmentofPhysics University La Sapienza Rome Italy

email danielabianchivirgilioit

F Raicich

Institute of Marine Sciences CNR Trieste Italy

email fabioraicichtsismarcnrit

We analyze the velo city eld of the atmospheric ows involvedintheoriginofatypho on According

to a recent theoretical result the lo cal p erturbation of a given ow conserves its form if the Cauchy

Riemann conditions of the velo city eld of the main ow are veried Thus we analyze the velo city

elds in the region where lo cal p erturbations are generated starting from the velo city distribution of

the wind measured in such situations and check these conditions


SYu Dobrokhotov B Tirozzi A Shafarevich CauchyRiemann conditions and lo calized asymp

totic solutions of the linearized shallowwater equation Applied Math Mech V N

Interaction of dissipative b er Bragg solitons

X Tr Tran N N Rosanov

StPetersburg State University of Information Technologies Mechanics and Optics

StPetersburg Russia

email nrosanovyahoocom

The interaction of dissipative optical solitons in b ers with saturable gain and absorption and linear

Bragg grating is investigated The initial phase dierence b etween solitons plays a crucial role in their

interaction Dep ending on this value the solitons can attract or rep el each other at the b eginning

stage of their interaction As illustration Figure shows the interaction of two dissipative Bragg solitons

that are inphase initially then these initially motionless solitons transform into two solitons moving

with fairly large sp eed in the opp osite


Beyond the approximation of slow

ly varying amplitudes wehave found

that single solitons are lo cated near

maxima of refractive index of Bragg

grating This feature results in the

p ossibilityoflargenumb er of coupled

states of motionless dissipative Bragg

solitons We demonstrate stable b o

und states of two motionless dissipa

tive Bragg solitons whose nal phase

dierence is nearly equal to or

whereas similar pairs with phase

dierence near and are unstable

Figure Interaction of two dissipative Bragg initially inphase solitons


Complexes of weakly coupled Dlaser solitons

S V Fedorov N N RosanovNAVeretenov

Scientic Industry Corp oration SI Vavilov State Optical Institute

Birzevaya line SaintPetersburg Russia

email nrosanovyahoocom

We consider complexes of Ddissipative solitons in a continuous medium with frequency disp ersion

and nonlinear gain and absorption describ ed by the generalized complex GinzburgLandau equation

for the electric eld envelop e E

E a E E g E

i d i d f jE j E f jE j


z x y

jE j b jE j

Here we use the dimensionless Cartesian longitudinal co ordinate z transverse co ordinates x and y

t zv t is time v is the group velo city g and a are smallsignal gain and absorption co ecients

g g

resp ectively b is the ratio of

intensities of saturation for

gain and absorption non

negative co ecients d rep

resent the medium dichro

ism d and sp ectral lter

ing d The governing


equation has the most sym

metric form in the sp ecial

case d d In Fig we


presentsometyp es of sta

ble soliton complexes and

Fig Stable complexes of Dlaser solitons inphase and antiphase pairs left

Fig demonstrates a vari

cub e inphase motionless tetrahedron centre and moving inline

ant of these complexes col

pyramid with one antiphase soliton in the vertex right the eld phase

is co ded in grey scale on the left


Fig Collision of twomoving pyramidlike complexes and formation of a rotating soliton complex


Eect of Kerr nonlinearity on discrete dissipative optical solitons

Al S Kiselev An S Kiselev N N Rosanov

StPetersburg state university of information technologies mechanics and optics

Kronverskiy pr St Petersburg Russia

email andreyskiselevyahoocom nrosanovyahoocom

We consider propagation of intensive radiation in an arrayofweakly coupled singlemo de b ers

with fast nonlinearity of gain absorption and refractive index Kerr nonlinearity The goal is to

analyze the eect of Kerr nonlinearityoncharacteristics of spatial discrete dissipative solitons in the


The analysis of onedimensional spatial discrete dissipative solitons with weak coupling on the

nearest neighb oring b ers bases on the following equations of the coupled mo de theory

i h

E g a


i jE j i E f jE j f jE j C E E

n n n n n n


jE j b jE j

n n

Here z is the longitudinal co ordinate E is mo de amplitude of the nth b er C is coupling co ecient


is Kerr co ecient g and a are smallsignal gain and absorption co ecients resp ectively b is the ratio


h h of intensities of saturation for gain and absorption In the continual limit E E

n n



where h is the spacing b etween the b ers these equations come to the generalized complex Ginzburg

Landau equation where dissipative solitons are well known in the literature At the same time more

interesting are highly lo calized structures not describ ed by the continual mo del

Numerical simulation of radiation propagation along the array of b ers results in the following

conclusions on the eect of Kerr nonlinearity see Fig Selffo cusing nonlinearity gives the

ultimate narrow radiation lo calization and extremely stable discrete solitons On the contrary self

defo cusing nonlinearity results in soliton prole widening and decreases its stability

Figure Evolution of intensity distribution in an arrayofweakly coupled singlemo de b ers with

nonlinear gain and absorption Kerr nonlinearitytyp e is selffo cusing left zero centre and self

defo cusing right

Simulations show also the p ossibility of formation not only transversely motionless but also moving

discrete dissipative solitons with prole dened by the system parameters It is p ossible to control

the soliton transverse motion intro ducing gain or absorption inhomogeneity These regimes present additional to ols for optical information pro cessing


Electromagnetic eld transformation in circular waveguiding

and resonant structures with timevarying p ermittivity

Nataliya Sakhnenko Alexander Nerukh

Kharkov National University of Radio Electronics Lenin Ave Kharkov Ukraine

email n sakhnenkoyahoocom

This pap er presents the analytic results of comparison of mo des transformation in timevarying

structures on examples of circular waveguide and circular whisp ering gallery mo de resonator The sit

uation is that a natural mo de propagates inside the structure at the moment when the refractive index

changes abruptly in time inside it A closed form solution is obtained for the electric eld comp onent

by applying the Laplace transform directly to the wave equation and enforcing the corresp onding

initial and b oundary conditions

The basic interest is to gain insightinto details of mo de evolution during the transient p erio d and in

steady state regime Wereveal the common features that underlie these phenomena in b oth structures

Time changing of the dielectric p ermittivityinunb ounded space leads to change of a wave fre

quency and conservation of a wavenumb er In the presence of b oundaries this pro cess is more

complex and it dep ends qualitatively on conguration of the initial eld For the case of initial eld

without external source e g mo de of the resonator changing of refractive index leads to the changing

of frequency and wavenumb er but near eld pattern conservation If the initial eld has external

source eg p oint source then the temp oral change of dielectric p ermittivity inside the resonator

leads to complicated transient pro cess caused by excitation of all mo des of the resonator in its new

state and transformation of the neareld pattern Possibility of the source neareld pattern control

in D circular resonator by adjusting in time of media parameters is discussed

The analytical solutions of circular waveguide mo des transformation due to abrupt time change

in dielectric p ermittivityisconsideredaswell It is revealed that initial mo de evolves into time

transmitted and time reected mo des of the structure in its new state These mo des havethe

same eld pattern as initial one Exception is the fast time decayofwaveguide higher mo des when

dielectric p ermittivity in the core decreases

Acknowledgements The authors wish to thank the supp ort of this pro ject under a NATO Reinte

gration Grant CBPEAPRIG


FR Morgenthaler IRE Trans Microwave Theory and Techn MTT

NKSakhnenko TMBenson PSewell ANerukh Optical Quantum Electron

Solving the problems of diraction by

WienerHopfFock metho d for nite ne structures

S S Sautb ekov

Euroasian National University Munaitpassov str Astana Kazakhstan

email sautbekmailru

This pap er deals with further development of WienerHopfFock metho d for solving the waves

diraction on ne stripslotted structures problems The classical problem on diraction of plane

wave on a strip is oered as a key problem The b oundary value problem is consecutively solved by

reducing to the system of singular b oundary integral equations then to the system of the second kind

Fredholm equations A few way constructing the analytic solutions of this system are prop osed Using

the integral op erator of diraction from intro duced edges sources the solutions are presented in the

form of diraction series and also with use of sp ecial functions From solutions for the stripslotted

structures the characteristic equations and resonance conditions are obtained


On application of asymptotic solutions to

calculation of tsunami piston mo del

S Ya SekerzhZenkovich

Institute for Problems in Mechanics RAS Moscow Russia

email sekeripmnetru

B I Volkov

DepartmentofPhysics Lomonosov Moscow State University Moscow Russia

email volkovbmeistergmaicom

The conditions are derived at which asymptotic solutions of the Cauchy problem for the wave

equation are applicable to calculation of the tsunami piston mo del in an uniform depth basin It

is done by comparing the results of numerical mo deling with those obtained using the asymptotic

solutions for the initial b ottom disturbances in the form of the gaussian exp onents The question of

the wave propagation is discussed

This work was partially supp orted by RFBR grant N


Dobrokhotov S SekerzhZenkovich S Tirozzi B Tudorovski T Description of tsunami propa

gation based on the Maslov canonical op erator Doklady Mathematics pp

On the information transmission metho d using material ob jects faraction

reaction on the external electromagnetic unconverted inuence

Alexander A Chaplygin Victor I Sergeev


The aim of this pap er is to describ e a p ossible metho d of onebit information transmission using a

faraction reaction ie instantaneous action in distance of material ob jects on external electromag

netic unconverted inuence

The initial information is created by means of simultaneous formation of an electromagnetic soli

ton and an electromagnetic instanton resp ectively Then electromagnetic soliton and instanton are

united into electromagnetic solitoninstantonic breather SIB After b eing formed the SIB is for

warded to a certain rst resonator and it excites the rst resonator Then the SIB lo cated in the rst

resonator is exp osed to the inuence of the electromagnetic eld with preset parameters to cause a

solitoninstantonic tremor The rst resonator excitation by the electromagnetic breather results in

induction of an extreme fastdecaying EMP in the second resonator Both resonators should have

a pass band not smaller than the SIB sp ectrum in opp osite case the breather will disintegrate into

ordinary waves group

The rst and the second resonator can have dierentoverall dimensions In case the second

resonator admits equal or larger amplitude values of p ower characteristics in comparison with the rst

resonator then in the second resonator the EMP not larger than the rst resonator EMP is inducted

In case the second resonator admits amplitude characteristics lesser than the rst resonator signal

amplitude characteristics then in the second resonator the maximum p ossible EMP but not larger

than the rst resonator EMP is inducted The rst and the second resonators are oriented in space

accordingly one another

In case the said conditions are violated information transmission by use of the describ ed metho d is imp ossible


It has b een p ointed that during the signal trip through dielectric media in signal a reactive

comp onent app ears whichischaracterized by the presence of an imaginary comp onent in analytical

description of a nonlinear signal Thus in case the soliton is formed with simultaneous propagation

of this signal through dielectric media the splitting of the signal to soliton and to instanton takes

place Both parts are shown as an intertwined structure the solitoninstantonic breather Therefore

in this case the supplementary unication of the soliton and the instanton to breather is not needed

The said metho d of information transmission is a result of an actual transference of the rst

part of EinsteinPo dolskyRosen paradox statements to macrolevel where the resonance systems are

represented not by elementary particles but by macroresonators in singlet connection In lightof

the ab ovestated it is obvious that the singlet connection b etween macroresonators is realized due

to their coherence and corresp ondence including identical orientation in space Besides the breather

tremor corresp onds to the eect of parametric absorption of electromagnetic waves energy by material

ob jects

Consequently the formation of solitons nonlinear signals that excite the rst resonance system

is crucial for realization of the information transmission metho d using a faraction

The linear signal represented by an electromagnetic sine wave oscillation or impulse signal is formed

The linear signal is fed to a nonlinear b o dy In general the frequency of the linear signal carrier wave

do es not inuence a p ossibility of a nonlinear signal formation with the given nonlinearitytyp e In

fact for every frequency range of a linear signal carrier wave there is only one optimal choice of a

nonlinear b o dy formation

A nonlinear b o dy may b e represented by a threep ole unit two inputs and one output One of

the p ole units inputs receives a linear signal that should b e transformed into nonlinear signal and

the other input receives a pumping signal which can manage the nonlinear parameters of a nonlinear

body The output yields a nonlinear signal which is a result of parametric addition of a linear signal

and a pumping signal in a nonlinear b o dy

The nonlinear parameters management is p erformed at the exp ense of the inuence of a strong

pumping signal andor linear signal since the nonlinear parameters are a temp oral functional of the

pumping signal andor linear signal variation law

In whole the algorithm of the pumping signal andor linear signal parameters denition is as

follows the typ e of the nonlinearity of the resulting nonlinear signal is know a priori is given

The equation is resolved with one or more unknown quantities each of which is a time function that

describ es required signal or signals The choice of a resp ective nonlinearitytyp e of a nonlinear signal

inuences the choice of pumping signal and linear signal parameters that forces us to a priori dene

the nonlinear prop erties nonlinear parameters of a nonlinear b o dy

The utilization of an articial nonlinear b o dy lo cated in the zone of nonlinear signal propagation

in the soliton formation device can b e considered a realization of the describ ed metho d of a nonlinear

signal formation a soliton Such nonlinear signal is passed through a nonlinear b o dy as a parametric

converter The nonlinear b o dy receives a pumping signal The resulting nonlinear signal will b e

a result of parametric addition of a linear signal and a pumping signal under conditions of a non

linear b o dy The required pumping signal parameters are dened as a result of a parametric addition

equation solution according to ab ovementioned algorithm of pumping andor linear signal parameters


According to the describ ed metho d of the information transmission which is based on the hyp oth

esis of a faraction of material ob jects reaction on unconverted external electromagnetic inuence

an excitation of the rst resonator is carried out under xed small p ower exp enditures The second

resonators can b e lo cated at maximum distance That is utilization of the describ ed metho d of the

information transmission allows to increase the distance of information transmission under xed small

power exp enditures and also ensures the information transmission in complicated electromagnetic

conditions since according to the rst part of the EinsteinPo dolskyRosen paradox statements the

resonance systems in singlet connection will react indep endently from the distance and electromag

netic conditions of the circumambient media


Numerical study of diraction phenomena in achitectural acoustics

A Shanin E Shabalina

Moscow Russia

The aim of the research is to estimate the inuence of typical diraction phenomena on acoustical

prop erties of ro oms halls etc As the main prop ertyofaroomwetake its reverb eration time Thus

we develop a metho d of numerical estimation of the reverb eration time accurate enough to contain

the information on the diraction eects

Toachieve this ob jective weuseaveraging in frequency domain to dene the reverb eration time

This averaging enables us to suppress the inuence of global interferention pattern As a result

weintro duce a family of dep endencies of reverb eration time vs frequency having the bandwidth of

averaging lter as a parameter A prop er choice of the bandwidth is discussed in the talk

The program for numerical mo deling in D case is describ ed The results are presented and


Singular solutions to systems of conservation laws connected

with transp ortation and concentration pro cesses

V M Shelkovich

StPetersburg State Architecture and Civil Engineering University Russia

email shelkvVSspbedu


There are nonclassical situations when systems of conservation laws admit and sho ck

typ e solutions They are singular solutions such that their comp onents maycontain the Dirac delta

functions and their derivatives up to the order n n For the theory of sho cks see


and the references therein An absolutely new theory of sho cks was established in

Using our previous results we study the Cauchy problems admitting sho cks for multidi

mensional zeropressure gas dynamics systems in conservativeform

rU U rU U

t t

and nonconservative form

rU U U rU

t t

Using our results we study the Cauchy problems admitting sho cks for the system

u f u v f uv w f uv f uw

t x t x t x

where f u f u f u f u are smo oth functions

These typ es of solutions are related with transportation and concentration processesWe derive

and sho ck balance relations related with mass momentum and surface transp ortation to singular



S Alb everio VM Shelkovich On the deltasho ck front problem in Analytical approaches to

multidimensional balancelawsch Ed OSRozanova Nova Science PublInc

VG Danilov VM Shelkovich Deltasho ckwavetyp e solution of hyp erb olic systems of conser

vation laws Quart Appl Math

E Yu Panov V M Shelkovich Denition of sho ckwaves typ e solutions and the Rankine

Hugoniot conditions Proc Days on Difraction StPetersburg

EYu Panov VM Shelkovich Sho ckwaves as a new typ e of solutions to systems of conserva

tion laws J Dierential Equations

VM Shelkovich The Riemann problem admitting sho cks and vacuum states the vanishing

viscosity approach J Dierential Equations


Selffo cusing of fewcycle light pulses in transparent disp ersive optical

media with electronic and electronicvibration cubic nonlinearities

Yu A Shp olyanskiyANBerkovsky M A Berlin S A Kozlov

StPetersburg State University of Information Technologies Mechanics and Optics Russia

Optics of femtosecond fs pulses containing only few eld cycles is a hot topic of a mo dern laser

physics Here we analyze theoretically propagation of fewcycle wavepackets in bulk optical media

with normal disp ersion and cubic nonlinearity of electronic and electronicvibration Raman nature

For the purp oses of this work let us lab el pulses with ten or less eld cycles as extremely short pulses


Theoretical mo dels of ESP propagation having b een actively discussed in recentyears dier from

conventional mo dels based on the slowlyvarying envelop e approximation whichwas initially suggested

for quasimono chromatic pulses with many eld oscillations Nonlinear equations of ESP propaga

tion are written more and more often directly for the pulse electric eld or its sp ectrum b ecause

the envelop e approach b ecomes unnecessary for fewcycle regimes b oth analytically and numerically

Following the technique suggested in wehavederived unidirectional equation for ESP sp ectrum G


e e

iT Gz Gz Gz

G i n i

G d d

z c c n n n n




where z is the propagation co ordinate is the radiation frequency c is the lightvelo cityinvacuum

is the transverse Laplacian and x y are transverse co ordinates Medium resp onse

x y

is dened by the arbitrary dep endence of the linear refraction index on frequency n cubic sus

e e

ceptibilitie s of electronic and electronicvibration nature and aswell as parameters and

T which quantitatively characterize disp ersion of electronicvibration nonlinearity This is the most

general equation of unidirectional paraxial evolution of pulses with continuum sp ectra in transparent

media with electronic and electronicvibration nonlinearities

Equation has b een solved numerically using Fourier SplitStep Technique for axisymmetric

Gaussianlikewave packets with fewcycle duration and continuum sp ectra centered at the fundamental

wavelength of a TiS laser and propagating in bulk fused silica We demonstate regimes leading to the

formation of ultrashort light structures like dumbb ells or bubbles dep ending on the initial intensity

An example of dumbb ellli ke distribution is given in Figure A bubble which is not presented here

Figure Selffo cusing of fs ESP with intensity Wcm in fused silica medium input z

left and z mmright


includes a center area with emptiness where the eld is practically nullied We considered the

pro cess of the pulse tail steep ening and subsequent turnover of the envelop e sho ckwave and illustrated

dramatic eld changes and asso ciated sup ercontinuum generation This regime is b eyond the scop e of

the envelop e approachby denition

It is shown that the account of electronicvibration nonlinearity of fused silica do es not change the

selo cusing scenario qualitatively the dierences app ear to b e quantitative and b etter seen in the

sp ectral domain We found that the central frequency of generated sup ercontinuum is moved to lower

frequencies due to Raman eect to compare to simulations were electronicvibration nonlinearityis

ignored Formation of evident Stokes or antiStokes features has not b een observed in computations

We b elieve that this is due to consideration of ultrabroad sp ectra whichfaroverlap Stokes and

antiStokes shifts and comparatively low combination activity of fused silica


Th Brab ec F Krausz Rev Mo d Phys

SA Kozlov SV Sazonov JETP

AV Husakou J Herrmann Phys Rev Lett

M Kolesik J V MoloneyPhys Rev E

SA Izyurov SA Kozlov JEPT Letters

GP Agrawal Nonlinear b er optics Academic San Diego

The scattering op erator in the stepwise waveguides

Ilya A Shereshevskii

Institute for Physics of Microstructures RAS Nizhnii Novgoro d Russia

email ilyaipmscinnovru

The problem of mo des transformation in nonhomogeneous waveguides has the very long history

and extensive list of physics and mathematics publications was devoted to this problem during last

centuryNevertheless the wellknown and widely used term scattering matrix seems to b e not yet

mathematically welldened in the waveguide problems and corresp ondingly the mathematical prop

erties of the scattering op erator in waveguide in any sense are not well describ ed Such description

is however necessary to understanding the pro cesses in the quantum electro dynamics and acoustics

waveguides and in particular to developing go o d numerical algorithms for waveguides simulation

I consider in this work the mathematical mo del of the stepwise waveguide and demonstrate that

the investigation of this mo del is in essential the problem of the theory of the selfadjoint extensions

of the symmetric op erators in the Hilb ert spaces In such approach the scattering op erator app ears

naturally as the parameter of the selfadjoint extensions of some symmetric op erator and hence the

scattering op erator is from the very b eginning the op erator in appropriate Hilb ert space namely

the deciency space of the initial symmetric op erator This allows us to investigate the prop erties of

the scattering matrix in frame of the op erator theory

Besides the construction of the scattering op erator we obtain in this way the description of some

of its imp ortant prop erties Some of them seem to b e rather unexp ected as for example the fact

that this op erator may b e in general unb ounded in the Hilb ert space of the sequences of mo des

amplitudes with usual scalar pro duct Also it is interesting that under some conditions the scattering

op erator may b e approximated in some welldened sense by nitedimensional op erators whichis

scattering op erators for appropriate nite dimensional waveguide This approximation conserves

most of imp ortantpropertiesofsuch op erators such as the ow conservation low and can b e used to

numerical calculation of the scattering matrix for various typ es of waveguides

I consider also some algebraic prop erties of the family of scattering op erators which allowusto

construct new op erators from existing ones These prop erties are wellknown in the nite dimensional

case and are very useful for investigation of multistep waveguides


Explicit solutions to a singular dierential equation with Bessel op erator

S M Sitnik


Consider a problem of nding explicit solutions to a singular dierential equation with the Bessel

op erator B and a p otential function q x

B ur q r ur ur

via solutions of simpler homogeneous equation B v r v r in the next integral form


P rtv r dr ur v r


Here P rtisa kernel v r is the Bessel functions of some kind and B is Bessel op erator of the

form B u u u p otential function is integrable at innity and satises condition


jq r sjpr s r with some nonnegative pr

Theorem Under ab ove conditions the representation exists with the next kernel function



y t r t r t

P jpy j dy jP rtj

r tr y


y t r t r t r

expf P jpy j dy g

tr y


here P z is the Legendre function

If q r C then P rt C trandistwice dierentiable For the kernel also

explicit integral equations are found Many imp ortant p otentials such as strongly singular Bargman

and Jukawa are covered by this theorem Equivalent problems are nding of transmutation inter

twining op erator suchasS B q B S or the generalized translation op erator The case with


integrals in over interval is also studied In sp ecial case we arrive at the explicit

formula for the mixed problem to the equation

py u q xu u u u

yy xx


Levitan BM Razlozheniya p o funktsiyam Besselyavryadi i intagrali FourierUMN V


Carroll R Transmutations scattering theory and sp ecial functions NorthHolland

Sitnik SM Factorization and estimates of the norms of BuschmanErde lyi op erators in weighted

Leb esgue spacesSoviet Math Dokl Vol No P

Sitnik SM Op erator preobrazovaniya i predstavleniya Josta dlya uravnenia s singulyarnym p o

tentsialom PreprintIAPUDVO RAN Vladivostok P

Katrakhov VVSitnik SM Otsenki reshenii o dnomernogo uravnenia Schro dingera s singul

yarnym p otentsialom Doklady RAN V N P

Katrakhov VVSitnik SM Komp ozitsionniy meto d p ostro eniya Belliptichi skikh B

parab olicheskikh i Bhyp erb olicheskikh op eratorov preobrazovaniyaDoklady RAN V



On continuous sp ectra of the elasticity problems

Serguei A Nazarov

Institute of Mechanical Engeneering Problem RAS StPeterburg Russia

It will b e demonstrated that for a p eakshap ed solid with the surface free of traction the sp ectrum

of the op erator b ecomes continuous and a certain information on the structure of the sp ectrum can b e

obtained This observation leads to several conclusions on asymptotics of solutions to sp ectral elasticity

problems for solids with singularly p erturb ed b oundaries In particular concentration of eigenvalues

in the ultralow frequency range and lo calization of the corresp onding eigenmo des were discovered

for elastic b o dies with blunted p eaks and for heavy and hard elastic p eakshap ed inclusions As a

result of these consideration the following result is obtained Under a few symmetry assumptions on a

comp osite elastic cylinder any preassigned numb er of linearly indep endent trapp ed mo des solutions

to the homogeneous elasticity problem decaying at innity can b e found on the continuous sp ectrum

byvarying the physical prop erties of inclusions This result provides the eect of decrement damping

of certain packets of elastic waves

Anisotropic approximation of radially layered elastic media

Alexander A Sidorov

Institute of Physics StPetersburg State University Russia

email asidorovearthphysspburu

Approximate solution of elasticity equation for the cylindrical pip e consisting of multiple isotropic

homogeneous layers was obtained

Following LMolotkovtechnique we replaced multilayered pip e by eective anisotropic pip e with

radial anisotropy Thus we got one equation for anisotropic pip e instead of several equations for

eachlayer interconnected by b oundary conditions Then formal solutions for eective equations were

found as series All these considerations are valid only for low frequencies and under some geometrical


As the next step we conidered solutions obtained at zero frequency limit only rst terms of series

were taken and got formula for tub e wavevelo cityinmultilayered cylindrical pip e with water inside

Velo cities computed by the formula obtained are in a go o d agreementwithnumerical computations

Transientwaves pro duced by a spherical

source pulsating with dierent p erio ds

Irina I Simonenko

Institute of Physics StPetersburg University

UlyanovskayaPetro dvorets StPetersburg Russia

email simonISspbedu

The solutions of the initial value problem to inhomogeneous wave equation are constructed in terms

of spherical harmonics for sources distributed on a spherical surface p erio dically expanding with the

velo city of light The sphere has the xed radius at the initial moment of time The time of sphere

expansion is xed The numb er of expantions is nite Perio ds b etween two consequent expansions

are not equal to the time of sphere expansion as it was considered in The wavefunctions are

constructed for the dierent p erio ds with the help of the Smirnov metho d of incomplete separation of

variables and the Riemann Formular Separating the p olarangle variable we represent the solution


as the Legendre p olynomial series whose co ecients are function of the radial and time variables The

analytical expressions for the ab ove co ecients are obtained by means of the Riemann formula

We apply the constructed solution in the cases when the source is distributed on the circle b elonging

to the pulsate sphere and moving p oint source on the circle Weinvestigate the spacetime structure of

formed waves in dep endence of pulsation p erio ds Applicatiom of the scalar solution to the description

of electromagnetic waves is also discussed


Simonenko I I Proceedings Day on Diraction StPetersburg p

Simonenko I I Proceedings Day on Diraction StPetersburg p

SmirnovVIDokl Akad Nauk SSSR

Analysis of the TEwave propagation in nonlinear dielectric

threelayer planar waveguides with nonKerr nonlinearity

Y SmirnovESysova

Department of Mathematics and Mathematical Mo deling Penza State University

ul Krasnaya Penza Russia

Propagation of electromagnetic waves in linear media along threelayer planar dielectric waveguides

is a relevant topic of classical electro dynamics Cylindrical waveguide structures consisting of

nonlinear media is also an ob ject of intense studies However until recently any rigorous pro ofs of

the existence of mo des in nonlinear dielectric waveguides have not b een obtained as well as the correct

mo de classication Planar structures consisting of several planeparallel layers lled with nonlinear

Kerrlaw media is another wellstudied family of waveguides see Whereas for example in the

sp ecial case of a threelayer planar waveguide with Kerr nonlinearity in the layers the eld can b e

describ ed in terms of elliptic functions

In this work we consider propagation of TEp olarized electromagnetic waves in a threelayer

planar waveguide lled with a nonKerrtyp e nonlinear nonabsorbing nonmagnetic and isotropic

dielectric We lo ok for timeharmonic propagating solutions and reduce the problem to a transmission

and b oundary value problem for quasilinear dierential equations The dierential equations are solved

analytically by elliptic functions Numerical results are also presented


Borgnis F and Papas C Electromagnetic Waveguides in HandbuchderPhysik Editor

Flugge S Springer Verlag Berlin

Snyder A and Love J Optical Waveguide Theory Chapman and Hall London

G Agrawal Nonlinear Fib er Optics Second Ed New York Academic Press

Eleonski V M et al Cylindrical Nonlinear Waveguides Sov Phys JETP

Chen Y Nonlinear Fib ers with Arbitrary Nonlinearity J Opt So c Am B

Schurmann HW Serov V and Shestopalov Yu TEp olarized waves guided by a lossless

nonlinear threelayer structure Phys Rev E

Smirnov Yu Schurmann HW and Shestopalov Yu Integral Equation Approach for the

Propagation of TEWaves in a Nonlinear Dielectric Cylindrical Waveguide J Nonlin Math

Phys no

Schurmann HW SmirnovYu and Shestopalov Yu Propagation of TEwaves in cylindrical

nonlinear dielectric waveguides Phys Rev E


Analysis of the TMwave propagation in nonlinear

dielectric layer planar waveguides with Kerr nonlinearity

Y SmirnovDValovik

Department of Mathematics and Mathematical Mo deling Penza State University

ul Krasnaya Penza Russia

Propagation of electromagnetic waves in linear media along threelayer planar dielectric waveguides

is a relevant topic of classical electro dynamics Waveguide structures consisting of nonlinear

media is an ob ject of intense studies However until recently any rigorous pro ofs of the existence

of mo des in nonlinear dielectric waveguides have not b een obtained as well as the correct mo de

classication Planar structures consisting of several planeparallel layers lled with nonlinear Kerr

law media is wellstudied family of waveguides see Whereas for example in the sp ecial TEcase

of a threelayer planar waveguide with Kerr nonlinearityinthelayers the eld can b e describ ed in

terms of elliptic functions

In this work we consider propagation of TMp olarized electromagnetic waves in a twolayer and

threelayer planar waveguides lled with a Kerrtyp e nonlinear nonabsorbing nonmagnetic and

isotropic dielectric We lo ok for timeharmonic propagating solutions and reduce the problem for

Maxwells equations to a transmission and b oundary value problem for quasilinear dierential equa

tions Integration yields an equation so that one eld comp onent can formally b e expressed in terms

of the other leading to the p ossibility of nding one eld comp onentbyintegration Evaluation of the

b oundary conditions for the layer structure leads to the disp ersion relation The dierential equations

are solved analytically by elliptic and hyp erelliptic functions Numerical results are also presented


Borgnis F and Papas C Electromagnetic Waveguides in HandbuchderPhysik Editor

Flugge S Springer Verlag Berlin

Snyder A and Love J Optical Waveguide Theory Chapman and Hall London

G Agrawal Nonlinear Fib er Optics Second Ed New York Academic Press

Eleonski V M et al Cylindrical Nonlinear Waveguides Sov Phys JETP

Chen Y Nonlinear Fib ers with Arbitrary Nonlinearity J Opt So c Am B

Schurmann HW Serov V and Shestopalov Yu TEp olarized waves guided by a lossless

nonlinear threelayer structure Phys Rev E

Leung KM Pp olarized nonlinear surface p olaritons in materials with intensitydep endent di

electric functions Physical Review B

Joseph RI Christo doulides DN Exact eld decomp osition for TM waves in nonlinear media

Optics Letters

Cauchy problems in b ounded domains

Feynman path integrals and difusions

O G Smolyanov

Lomonosov Moscow State UniversityMoscow Russia

One investigates some relations b etween Cauchy problems in b ounded domains Cauchy problems

in the whole space Feynman path integrals over tra jectories in Riemannian manifolds and diusions

on such manifolds


Lasing sp ectra and thresholds of a circular micro cavity

laser emb edded in an annular Bragg reector

Elena I Smotrova Alexander I Nosich

Institute of RadioPhysics and Electronics NASU Kharkov Ukraine

email elena smotrovayahoocom

Trevor M Benson Phillip Sewell

George Green Inst for Electromagnetics Research Univ of Nottingham NG RD UK

Key elements of compact integrated circuits are micro cavity lasers due to their small size and very

low threshold op eration Ring and disk lasers use whisp eringgallery WG mo des that exp erience

almost total internal reection at the cavity rim These mo des op erate under extremely low thresh

old pumping energyFurther reduction of micro cavity size leads to the increasing of mo de threshold

as far as loworder lasing mo des are nonWGmodes Here we analyze a circular micro disk laser

emb edded into an annular Bragg reector ABR Figure

This structure has p otential to supp ort lowthreshold mo des

with low azimuth index as far as ABRs have the advantage of

strong inplane radial optical connement In this pap er

we study D mo del of micro cavity and fo cus on the H po


larized mo des Our study is based on the Lasing Eigenvalue

Problem LEP which enables one to nd not only the

lasing frequencies but the thresholds as well

Several factors bring fundamental inuence on thresholds

of lasing mo des The rst is the distance from the activecav

ity to ABR the second is the numb er of pairs of layers of

lower and higher refractive indices in ABR and the third is

the thicknesses of pairs in reector We discuss a p ossible op

Figure Micro disk inside ABR in D

timal conguration of the microlaser to achievethelowering

of the thresholds


A Jebali et al J Appl Phys

EI Smotrova et al IEEE J Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics

The scattering of the lo calized surface wavebyanelastic

plate oating on shallowwater of variable depth

I V Sturova

Lavrentyev Institute of Hydro dynamics SB RAS Novosibirsk Russia

The wave forcing of a oating thin plate can b e used to mo del a wide range of physical systems

for example very large oating structures sea ice o es and breakwaters In mathematical mo delling

such structures are often treated as thin elastic plates At present there have b een considerable

numb ers of studies on the hydro elastic b ehavior of the oating elastic plate Main interests of the

previous researches have b een conned in the hydro elastic resp onse of a thin plate on at seab ottom

In reality the seab ed is not uniform in depth To our knowledge the consideration of a variable

water depth was made only for diraction problem by solving the linear hydro elastic problem for


a single frequency Unsteady b ehavior of b eam plate oating on shallowwater of variable depth is

considered in this pap er This problem has b een chosen b ecause the seab ottom eects b ecome more

signicantinshallowwater than that in deep water Prop osed metho d maybeusedforany unsteady

D problem of linear shallowwater theory but here the motion of the elastic b eam plate is considered

for a travelling lo calized surface wave


An elastic b eam of width L oats freely on the surface of an inviscid incompressible uid layer

The surface of the uid that is not covered with the plate is free The uid region S is divided into three

parts S jxj LS xLS x L Without the plate the uid depth is equal to H xin

S and the uid depths in the left and right hand domains of constantdepth S and S are equal to H

and H resp ectively With the plate the uid depth in S is equal to hx H x d where d is the

draft of the plate It is assumed that the maximal depth of the uid is small in comparison with the

lengths of surface waves and exuralgravity ones and the shallowwater approximation is used The

velo city p otentials describing the uid motion in the regions S are denoted by x tj

j j

A deection of an elastic plate w x t is describ ed by the equation

D w x m w t gw t x S

where D is the exural rigidity of the plate m is the mass p er unit length of the plate is the uid

density and g is the gravity acceleration The draft of the plate is equal d m

According to linear shallowwater theory the following relation is valid

wt hx x x x S

In the freewater regions the velo city p otentials x t and x t satisfy the equations

t gH x x S t gH x x S

The displacements of the free surface x tand x t are determined in the regions S and S

from the relations

g t x S j

j j j

If jxj L the matching conditions continuity of pressure and mass should b e satised At the edges

of the b eam the freeedge conditions are satised which imply that the b ending moment and shear

force are equal to zero

It is assumed that at the initial time the plate and uid in the regions S and S are at rest In


region S the lo calized displacement of the free surface x gH t travels to the right At t

the displacementreaches the left edge of the plate and the plate b egins to undergo a complex b ending

motion in resp onse to the incoming wave Consequently the initial conditions have the form

w t t x t g x t

The transient elastic deformations of a b eam is computed by means of timedomain dierential

equation metho d with elastic deections expressed by a sup erp osition of mo dal functions with time

dep endent unknown amplitudes The plate deections and wave motions of the uid for various

b ottom top ographies have b een calculated

The researchwas supp orted by the Foundation Leading Scientic Scho ols Grant No NSh

and the Integration Program No SB RAS


The waves propagation in the comp osed ro d

T Tovstik

Institute for Problems in Mechanical Engineering RAS StPetersburg Russia

email tptovstikmailru

In this pap er weinvestigate the waves propagation in the comp osed materials Let us consider the

mo del problem deal with the onedimensional longitudinal waves in the comp osed ro d We consider

the comp osed ro d as two connected ro ds and intro duce the elastic and viscous linear interaction

between p oints of ro ds At the initial moment the left end of ro ds is under action the force impulse

or the displacement impulse of this end is given The right side of ro ds is free we consider also the semiinnite ro ds

f(t) f(t) x

-L 0L

Figure The mo del of the b o dy

Longitudinal displacements are describ ed by the system of equations

u u u u

S Ru u B E S

x t t t

u u u u

E S S Ru u B

x t t t

where u x t are the longitudinal displacements of the p oints of ro ds i E S are the

i i i i

parameters of ro ds Young mo dules transverse areas and mass densities R B are the co ecients

of the elastic and of the viscous interaction of ro ds This problem is a mo del of the longitudinal wave

propagation in a ro d of sandwichtyp e consisting of the alternating hard and soft lowers

In contrary to the single ro d here the wavevelo city dep ends on the wave length and therefore the

disp ersion equation is investigated By using the Laplace transform in time the stressstrain state near

the frontofwaveisinvestigated For comparison the solutions are constructed by using the Fourier

transformation and also by the nite elements metho d The inuence of the problem parameters in

partial the viscous forces on the motion is discussed

Casimir eect and exactly integrable Hamiltonians

Sergey Yalunin

Theoretical Physics Department Kant State University

A Nevsky st Kaliningrad Russia

email yaluninbkru

Application of the dimensional regularization to a certain class of multidimensional manifolds

with b oundaries is considered Simple formula for regularized vacuum energy is obtained Examples

for some integrable Hamiltonians are considered including Hamiltonians constructed via Darb oux

transformation The Casimir force results from the alteration by the b oundaries of the vacuum

energy Applications to a certain class of integrable mo del of eld theory is discussed This approach

can b e useful in the numeric calculations


Transformation of electromagnetic elds using metamaterials

S A Tretyakov I S Nefedov

Radio Lab oratory SMARAD Helsinki UniversityofTechnology TKK

PO Box FI TKK Finland

email sergeitretyakovtkkfi

In this review pap er we discuss various approaches to electromagnetic control and transformation

of electromagnetic elds with engineered metamaterials including a novel concept of eldtransforming

metamaterials These articial media change the elds in the volume o ccupied by the medium in a

prescrib ed fashion Weshow what electromagnetic prop erties of transforming medium are required if

the transformed elds are arbitrary linear functions of original elds

It has b een recently realized that metamaterials articial electromagnetic materials with engi

neered prop erties can b e designed to control electromagnetic elds in rather general ways More

precisely it has b een shown that transformation of spatial co ordinates accompanied by the corre

sp onding transformation of electromagnetic elds can b e mimicked byintro ducing electromagnetic

materials with sp ecic electromagnetic prop erties into the domain where the co ordinates have b een

transformed As an example of such co ordinatetransforming device an invisibility cloak has

b een suggested Not only spatial co ordinates can b e transformed and the result simulated bysome

metamaterial but also the time co ordinate can b e transformed with a similar interpretation It has

b een known for a long time that the material relations of an isotropic magneto dielectric transform

into certain bianisotropic relations if the medium is moving with a constantvelo city eg It

was suggested that also this eect of time transformation can p ossibly b e mimicked by a metamaterial

In this presentation we discuss opp ortunities for eld control from a more general p osition in

tro ducing the concept of eldtransforming metamaterials In this concept we start directly from a

desired transformation of electromagnetic elds and nd the material prop erties that are necessary to

realize this transformation Wewillshow that an articial medium with the bianisotropic constitutive

relations of the form

j j

D E rG H B H rF H


transforms electric and magnetic elds E rand Hrinto

Ert F rtE rt Hrt GrtE rt

Here and are the relative p ermittivity and p ermeability of the host medium resp ectively

Materials with the constitutive relations b elong to the class of moving omega media Of

course this material is physically at rest but the elds see it as a moving material This is also a ma

terial which is required to physically realize the eld transformation corresp onding to transformations

of time Possible realizations of such media will b e discussed in the presentation


JB PendryDShurig DR Smith Science vol pp

U Leonhardt Science


LD Landau EM Lifshits Electrodynamics of continuous media ed Pergamon Oxford


SA Tretyakov Microwave and Guided Wave Letters vol no pp

AN Serdyukov IV Semchenko SA Tretyakov A Sihvola Electromagnetics of bianisotropic

materials Theory and applications Amsterdam Gordon and Breach Science Publishers

U Leonhardt T Philbin New J of Physics volp


SA Tretyakov AH Sihvola AA So chava CR Simovski J of Electromagnetic Waves and

Applications vol no pp

Pulsed radiation pro duced by a travelling exp onentially

decaying bip olar current pulse with highfrequency lling

Andrei B Utkin

INOV Inesc Inovacao Rua Alves Redol Lisb on Portugal

email andreiutkininovpt

Investigation of electromagnetic radiation accompanying propagation of pulses with highfrequency

lling moving along a line segment is stimulated by the problem of launching directional scalar and

electromagnetic waves as well as by results of exp erimental investigation of sup erradiation waveforms

see eg Egorov VS et al Sov J Quantum Electronics p In this work the sp ecic

envelop e function an exp onentially decaying bip olar pulse a sum of two exp onentially decaying pulses

of opp osite p olarity is considered as b eing one of the simplest but feasible approximation of many

real source currents

Generation of the electromagnetic waves is describ ed by solving the inhomogeneous Maxwell equa

tions directly in the spacetime domain rst the electric and magnetic eld vectors are expressed in

terms of one scalar function and then the resulting hyp erb olictyp e PDE is solved using incomplete

separation of variables and the Riemann formula

Being an extension of a wellknown description of the travellingwaveantenna this mo del can

explain p eculiarities of some nonstationary electromagnetic waves pro duced by traditional articial

and natural line radiators in particular frequency transform and b eatings The choice of the sp ecic

envelop e function allows deriving observable and easytoanalyse expressions related to the space

time structure of the emanated waves whichmay b e used for characterizing natural phenomena and

optimizing parameters of manmade radiators

Onedimensional nonlinear FPK equation with the p otential

of a sp ecial form in semiclassical approximation

Roman O Rezaev Andrey Yu Trifonov

Department of Mathematical Physics Tomsk Polytechnic University

Tomsk Russia

email rezaevtpuru trifonovphtdtpueduru

Alexander V Shap ovalov

Department of Theoretical Physics Tomsk State UniversityTomsk Russia

email shpvphystsuru

Solution of the Cauchy problem is constructed for the FokkerPlanck equation

P x t U x t P x t

t x x

x x

U x t hxtix

Here prime denotes derivative with resp ect to x in semiclassical approximation accurate to O


is a constant is a small parameter The moment hxti is dened by expression


dxxP x t hxti

The solution of eq is constructed in the class of semiclassically concentrated functions in

the framework of the Maslov complex germ metho d The nonlinear evolution op erator is found in

explicit form that admits to construct a parametric family of symmetry op erators

The results obtained are discussed in the context of solutions found in

Acknowledgements The work was supp orted in part by President of the Russian Federation Grant

No SS DFG Rezaev O was supp orted in part by the nonprot DynastyFoundation


Belov VV TrifonovAYu and Shap ovalov AV The Tra jectoryCoherent Approximation

and the System of Moments for the Hartree Typ e Equation Int J Math and Math Sci USA

Drozdov AM and M Morillo Solution of nonlinear FokkerPlanck equation Phys Rev E

Symmetry op erators for the multidimensional FPK

equation with quadratic nonlo cal nonlinearity

Andrey Yu Trifonov Roman O Rezaev

Department of Mathematical Physics Tomsk Polytechnic UniversityTomsk Russia

email rezaevtpuru trifonovphtdtpueduru

Alexander V Shap ovalov

Department of Theoretical Physics Tomsk State UniversityTomsk Russia

email shpvphystsuru

A metho d of construction of semiclassical asymptotics for for the FokkerPlanckKolmogorov

equation FPKE of sp ecial form with a quadratic nonlo cal nonlinearity based on the Maslovs complex

germ theory is applied to the multidimensional FPKE with the quadratic p otential


o n

W xy tuy tdy uxt V x t






V xt K x W x y t K x K y

 n  n 

Here t R x x x R y y y R are indep endentvariables x x

n n n

means a transp ose to a vector or a matrix dx dx dx the dep endentvariable ux tisa


real smo oth function decreasing as kxk K K K are arbitrary constant matrices of order

n n and are real parameters t x is a gradient op erator with resp ect to x





x is a Laplace op erator

x x



The Cauchy problem for the FokkerPlankKolmogorov equation is reduced to a similar prob

lem for the corresp ondent linear equation The relation b etween symmetry op erators of the linear

and nonlinear FokkerPlankKolmogorov equations is considered Illustrative examples of the one

dimensional symmetry op erators are presented

Acknowledgements The work was supp orted in part by President of the Russian Federation Grant

No SS DFG Rezaev O was supp orted in part by the nonprot DynastyFoundation


Asymptotics for nonlinear wave equations with external source

S A Vakulenko

Institute of Problems of Mechanical Engineering RAS SaintPetersburg Russia


This pap er considers the Cauchy problem in R for some nonlinear wave equations with external

sources for example for sinGordon equation

u u a sin u f x t


Such systems are imp ortant for many applications for example for physics chemistry phase transi

tions In these applications one often observes wave solutions

It is well known that for integrable systems n solutions for small can b e studied see for

example and references in it

Moreover in general case nsuch asymptotics can b e obtained under essential restrictions to

initial data when these data are close to a wave solution for example a soliton or a kink

We study formal asymptotics for large with a strong external source Under some conditions

on the initial data they should b e close to a wave solution of the usual linear wave equation such

asymp otics can b e obtained by standard linear metho ds However justication of these formal

solutions is a dicult problem


Babich V M Buldyrev V S ShortWavelength Diraction TheoryAsymptotic Approach

Springer Berlin

Molotkov I A and Vakulenko S A Lo calized nonlinear waves in Russian St Petersburg

State UniversityPetersburg

R F Bikbaev and S B Kuksin A p erio dic b oundary value problem for the Sine Gordon equa

tion St Petersburg Math J

Fractional b oundary conditions in diraction problems on plane screens

M V Ivakhnychenko E I Veliev

IRE NAS of Ukraine Kharkov Ukraine

T M Ahmedov

IMM NAS of Azerbaijan Baku Azerbaijan

Last fteen years NEngheta develop ed the metho d of fractional op erators in solving wide class of

problems in electromagnetic theory NEngheta Fractional Paradigm in Electromagnetic Theory

achapter in IEEE Press chapter pp Fractional derivative and integral and also

fractional curl op erator are some of the examples of fractional op erators In this pap er fractional

derivatives dened by RiemannLiouvill e integral are considered N Engheta intro duced the concept

of Intermediate state in electro dynamics fractional paradigm It means the following if the

function and its rst derivative describ es two canonical cases of some electromagnetic eld then

f y corresp onds to intermediate situation fractional derivative of this function D


of the eld b etween two canonical original cases Engheta investigated suchintermediate situations

as new waves intermediate b etween plane and cylindrical waves new sources of eld intermediate

between sheet and line sources etc In this pap er developing the fractional paradigm new fractional

b oundary conditions BC are intro duced which act as intermediate b etween known BC of Dirichlet

and Neumann In some sense fractional BC can b e treated as imp edance BC Utilizing fractional BC

wesolve diraction problem on innite thin strip with imp edance of sp ecial kind It is shown that

for the solution can b e expressed in analytical form for anyvalues of frequencyFor the strip

with sp ecial imp edance suchphysical characteristics as radiation pattern cross sections are studied


Metamaterials based on structures with

emb edded D resonant inclusions

Irina Vendik

St Petersburg Electrotechnical University

Prof Pop ov Str St Petersburg Russia

email IBVendikeltechru

A classical structure exhibiting prop erties of medium with negative p ermittivity and p ermeability

within a limited frequency range was suggested in and then exp erimentally examined in where

the negative refraction phenomenon was observed The structure suggested in is a combination

of two lattices a lattice of the splitring resonators SRR and a lattice of innitely long parallel

wires This structure is anisotropic and reveals the negative p ermittivity and p ermeabilityifthe

propagation direction of the electromagnetic wave is orthogonal to the axes of wires Though the

theory and exp erimental investigation of such structures are still under interest of many scientists

isotropic DNG structures are very attractive for practical use In this case structures with emb edded

D resonant inclusions are very promising

In this presentation dierentways to create the D isotropic and DDNG medium based on a

regular lattice of resonant inclusions are reviewed

Singlenegative or doublenegative metamaterial formed by a rectangular lattice of isotropic cubic

unit cells of particles Each unit cell is formed by putting p erfectly conducting resonant particles

on the faces of a cubic unit cell Dierent particles are used simple and complicated SRRs

Wparticles or combination of SRR and wire medium

DNG medium formed by a regular lattice of spherical resonant inclusions providing excitation

of electric and magnetic dip oles at the same frequency In this case the magneto dielectric

particles or dielectric particles in doublespherical structures are used

DNG medium formed byanarray of dielectric ro ds with dierent radii which is D analogue of

articial media based on spherical particles

Clustered dielectric particle metamaterials which are constituted by the p erio dic rep etition of

a moleculeli ke cluster of dielectric atomlike particles


DR Smith WJ Padilla DC Vier SC NematNasser and S Schultz A Comp osite Media

with Simultaneously NegativePermeability and Permittivity Appl Phys Lett No pp


JB Pendry Negative refraction makes a p erfect lens Phys Rev Letters pp

CR Simovski and S He Frequency range and explicit expressions for negative p ermittivity

and p ermeability for an isotropic medium formed by a lattice of p erfectly conducted particles

Physics Letters A pp

Th Koschny L Zhang CM Soukoulis Isotropic threedimensional lefthanded metamaterials

Phys Rev B R

L Jelinek J D Baena R Marques and J Zehentner Howtomake a fully isotropic magnetic

metamaterial th International Student Seminar on Microwave Applications of Novel Physical

Phenomena St Petersburg Russia Octob er Seminar Pro c pp

C Holloway E Kuester A double negative comp osite medium comp osed of magneto dielectric

spherical particles emb edded in a matrix IEEE Trans on AP Octob er

O G Vendik M S Gashinova Articial Double Negative DNG Media Comp osed byTwo

Dierent Dielectric Sphere Lattices Emb edded in a Dielectric Matrix Pro c EuMC Paris

France Octob er p


IVendik O Vendik M Gashinova Articial dielectric medium p ossessing simultaneously neg

ative p ermittivity and magnetic p ermeability Tech Phys Lett pp May

Irina Vendik Orest Vendik Odit Mikhail Marina Gashinova and Igor Kolmakov Isotropic arti

cial media with simultaneously negative p ermittivity and p ermeability Microwave and Optical

Techn Lett accepted for publication in

I A Kolmakov L Jylha S A Tretyakov S Maslovski Lattice of Dielectric particles with

Double Negative Resp onse th GA URSI New Delhi India pap er BCDp df Octob er

A Rennings C Caloz M Coulomb e Unusual wave phenomena in a guidingradiating clustered

dielectric particle metamaterial CDPMTM Pro c EuMC Manchester pp

Resolvent op erator of maxwell equations for dimentional eld vector

A V VozianovaAGNerukh

Kharkov National University of RadioElectronics

Lenin AveKharkov Ukraine

email annavenusmailru

Current developmentoftechnologies requires investigation of nonstationary electromagnetic elds

in complex organic mediums eg chiral mediums moving mediums articial mediums metamateri

als etc Mo deling of corresp onding phenomena requires solution of complex initialb ound ary electro

magnetic problems with explicit accounting for time dep endence of elds that is usually nonharmonic

Moreover in such tasks it is necessary to account for the essentially vector structure of electromagnetic

eld Furthermore it is often imp ossible to separate material equations into indep endent electric and

magnetic comp onents In such cases it is necessary to consider essentially dimensional structure of

electromagnetic eld

Along with dierential approach to description of electromagnetic eld there exists a new p owerful

and rapidly growing to ol for temp oral mo deling of electromagnetic pro cesses in complex structures

integral equations For their solution there are used analytical as well as numerical metho ds

Regardless of solution metho d formulating of integral equations in time domain require knowledge

of explicit expression of spacetime Green function Such function is used in freespace problems as well

as in problems for mediums threedimensional vector problems with complex mediums anisotropic

mediums problems of multilayer dielectric structures problems of structures with forbidden regions

Temp oral Green function for Maxwell equations in unrestricted space allows solving many electro dy

namic problems such as problems for nonstationary sources problems of scattering in temp oral Born

approximation problems of electromagnetic oscillations in photonic crystals etc In work there was

considered full Green function of free space for Maxwell equations in time domain The Green function

was obtained using metho d of propagation op erators propagators that are common to quantum me

chanics but quite seldom used in classical electro dynamics There exist a limited number of works that

use such approach eg temp oral integral op erators of propagation were obtained in work for investi

gation of pulses propagation in nonstationary uniform and isotropic dielectric and magnetic medium

In this work there is given general approachtoinvestigation of initialb ound ary problem for

Maxwell equations in uniform medium and in plasma in time domain by their reduction to inte

gral Volterra equation of the second kind for dimensinal eld vector This is attained using derived

Green function in dimensional formulation in time domain The integral equation is equivalentto

Maxwell equations and contains initial and b oundary conditions It gives unied denition of eld in

the whole space including nonstationary region of irregularityandambient space There was obtained

resolving op erator for this equation whichwas used for investigation of plane wave transformation and

emission of lump ed source in the medium with sharp time variation of parameters Arbitrary non

stationary of the medium can b e approximated by sequence of such sharp variations of its parameters

and for eachvariation there is calculated exact analytical solution obtained using resolvent metho d


Enhancement of magnetooptic eects with resonant structures

A P Vinogradov A M Merzlikin A V Dorofeenko


Magneto optical MO Faraday eect which consists in rotation of p olarization plane of transmitted

wave in presence of magnetic eld can b e substantially amplied by means of dierent resonant

structures The examples are FabryPerot resonance in homogeneous layer defectmo de of photonic

crystal and Tamm surface state on a b oundary of two photonic crystals with intersecting band gap

In all these cases a resonance is manifested as a p eak in the transmission co ecient In the presence

of magnetization the p eak splits into two ones corresp onding to b oth circular p olarizations Fig

thick lines The incidentwave b eing linearly p olarized the transmitted one has the same p olarization

at frequency of crossing of the thick curves in Fig The Faraday rotation angle is determined as

shown in Fig

We carry out an analysis of amplication of the Faraday rotation on the base of partial waves

Fig The large phase dierence which determines is a result of dierent sign of phases of

partial waves This mechanism has nothing in common with multiple passing the MO layers

Fig Transmission co ecient thick lines and Fig Two circularly p olarized waves presented

corresp onding phases thin lines for two circular as a sum of partial waves

p olarizations at the presence of magnetization

Distinct feature of magneto photonic

crystals on formation of the Yeh band gap

A M MerzlikinAVDorofeenko A P Vinogradov


Systems of anisotropic layers play a signicant role in a numb er of applications narrowband Solc

lter multistage electrooptic mo dulators and p olarizer We consider the eect of natural and

articial anisotropy and birefringence on magnetooptical MO prop erties of photonic crystals PC

It is well known that the natural anisotropy usually masks the magnetooptical eects in homoge

neous media Indeed the dierence in the values of wavenumb ers of ordinary and extraordinary waves

as a rule exceeds the dierence app earing due to the external magnetic eld As a consequence con

trary to isotropic medium in naturally anisotropic media magnetooptics eects is quadratic in small

magnetooptics parameter

In PC b eyond the natural anisotropy there is anisotropy due to anisotropy of primitive cell The

later eect is more pronounced in D and D PC Thus in the general case to observe linear in the

magnetization MO eects one needs working with directions where the Blo chwavenumb er of ordinary


and extraordinary waves are identical Along such directions the PC is eciently isotropic

ABlochwavevector is determined up to the vector of recipro cal lattice Thus there is a series of

wavenumb ers characterizing the same Blo chwave Eachwavenumb er corresp onds to one of the plane

wave the Blo chwave is built of These plane waves dier in wavenumb ers as well as in amplitude

p olarization and phase of their phasors Considering MO eects wehave to distinguish the case of

coincidence of wavenumb ers of ordinary and extraordinary Blo chwaves dep ending on the rank of the

corresp onding plane wave in formation of the Blo chwave If we deal with plane waves harmonics

each of whichgives the maximal contribution having maximal amplitudes to the corresp onding Blo ch

wave it means that the Blo chwaves b elong to the bands with the identical order numb ers intraband

In opp osite case the Blo chwaves b elong to the bands with dierent order numb ers interband case

It shown that the Faraday eect can b e observed in intraband case only If the ordinary and

extraordinary Blo chwaves b elong to dierent bands then in the very direction of the optical axis the

Yehs band gap forms A signicant dierence in amplitudes as well as b eamsteering eect

make it dicult to observe MO eects On the other hand the formation of the Yehs band gap in D

MPC under inuence of external magnetic eld allows us to create new typ e of magnetocontrolled



A M Merzlikin A P Vinogradov M Inoue A B Khanikaev A B Granovsky JMMM

PYeh J Opt So c Am

A M Merzlikin A P Vinogradov A V Dorofeenko M Inoue M Levy and A B Granovsky

to b e published in PhisikaB

A comparative analysis of mixing formula for SNG and DNG media

A P Vinogradov A V Dorofeenko A M Merzlikin


Recently a great deal of attention has b een paid to metamaterials which are as a rule comp osite

materials consisting of ingredients with negative p ermittivity and p ermeability double negative media

DNG or wit negative p ermittivity or p ermeability single negative media SNG In this connection the

problem app ears how to treat mixing formula The key moment is existence of the BergmanMilton

p oles of the sp ectral function on real negativeaxis

It is shown that in static case when even DNG media can b e treated as a SNG media we should

take care when extracting of the ro ot of function of two complex variables Firstlywe need makea

prop er cat of the complex plane to obtain a unique analytical branch Secondlywe need factorization

to reduce the function of two complex variables to two functions of single complex variable

Dealing with calculation of wavenumb er of a plane wavetraveling through a DNG media we

cannot choice a unique analytical branch of the ro ot to treat all p ossible events The reason is that

in electro dynamics we deal with two quantities namely with wavenumb er and imp edance As is

shown by our analysis calculation of the physically true values of quantities we need employ dierent

branches of the ro ot Thus wehavetotake addition assumption that for example a plane wave

transferring energy from left to right has a p ositivevalue of real part of imp edance After doing that

wecanchoice a prop er branch of the ro ot and determine the sign of the wavenumb er


Analisys of applicability ranges of exact light

scattering metho ds using spherical basis

Alexander A Vinokurov

StPetersburg University of Aero cosmic Instrumentation

Bol MorskayaStPetersburg Russia

email vinokurovdataartcom

The light scattering metho ds expanding elds in terms of wave functions are widely applied due

to their high eciencyWe analyse some of these metho ds namely the extended b oundary condition

EBCM separation of variables SVM and p ointmatching PMM ones considering their

theoretical and practical applicabili ty Though the metho ds lo ok alike b ecause of their use of the

same expansions of the elds it is found that these approaches dier in imp ortant asp ects

These approaches seem to b e very similar as they search for the problem solution in the form of the

same eld expansions with the expansion co ecients b eing derived from solution of systems of linear

algebraic equations The main dierence of the metho ds is their use of dierent problem formulation

which leads as a result to dierent systems In the EBCM the elds and Green function expansions

are substituted into the b oundary condition presented in a surface integral form in the SVM the eld

expansions are substituted into the b oundary condition written in a usual dierential form in the

PMM any of the ab ove forms can b e used but the system is derived from minimization of a residual of

the b oundary condition considered in selected p oints at the scatterer surface see for more details

From the theoretical p oint of view applicability of the approaches is related with convergence of

the eld expansions and solvability of the systems used to derive the expansion co ecients The

convergence of the expansions of the scattered and internal elds dep ends on the eld singularities

It is shown that in the fareld zone EBCM can b e formulated in terms of eld patterns

In this case its applicabili ty is restricted only by the solvability condition whichisweaker than the

convergence one For the SVM a similar analysis has not b een p erformed though at least the EBCM

system can b e obtained within the SVM The system arising in the PMM is always solvable as it

is p ositively determined see eg

For numerical analisys wehavedevelop ed a homogeneous set of co des based on the metho ds under

consideration Their accuracy in the far eld zone was studied by using the relative dierence of the

extinction and scattering cross sections jC C jC C calculated for nonabsorbing

ext sca ext sca


For spheroids where all the three metho ds are mathematically correct the EBCM is generally

preferable to other metho ds The situation is a bit dierent for axisymmetric Chebyshev particles

Our calculations well conrm that EBCM provides p o or accuracy when its resolvability condition isnt

met However SVM and PMM still coverge

Thus despite the large similarity of the EBCM and SVM see the discussions in their

theoretical applicabili ty conditions dier in principle as the solvability of the SVM is not determined

by the EBCM solvability condition Our preliminary results of similar comparison of the metho ds

when the spheroidal functions were used for the eld expansions led to the same conclusions

Acknowledgements The work was supp orted by a grant of the RFFI VI acknowledges a supp ort

by the grants RNP and NSh


M I Mishchenko J Hovenier and L D Travis eds Light Scattering by Nonspherical Particles

Academic Press San Francisco

V G Farafonov V B Ilin Single light scattering computational metho ds In A

Kokhanovsky Ed Light Scattering Reviews SpringerPraxis Berlin pp

V G Farafonov A A Vinokurov and V B Ilin Comparison of light scattering metho ds using

the spherical basis Opt Sp ectrosc N


Numerical approach for analysis of surface

wave eld in the vicinity of caustics

M A Geyer T B Yanovskaya

SanktPetersburg State University Russia

Due to lateral heterogeneity of the Earth surface wave paths deviate from great circle arcs that

results in app earance of caustics on the hemisphere opp osite to the epicenter The caustics consist of

two branches forming the cusp in the p ointofcontact Between the branches three waves interfere

coming to and from one of the branches and coming to another branch Asymptotic representation

of the wave eld in the vicinity of such a caustic at high frequencies is expressed in terms of the

Pearcey integral which is a function of twovariables related to lo cation of the p oint where the eld

is considered resp ectively to the cusp and to the caustic Analysis of harmonic surface wave eld

in a simplest plane mo del on the basis of the Pearcey integral Yanovskaya has shown that

wave amplitude oscillates within the cusp in two direction along the caustic axis and in the direction

p erp endicular to the caustic The wave phase varies along the caustic axis unevenly that results

in sharp variations of the phase velo city However these results are true only for high frequencies

where the asymptotic approach can b e applied In the real Earth p erio ds of surface waves maybe

rather big up to s and corresp ondingly the wavelengths are big as well In such a case the

asymptotic approach for analysis of surface wave eld cannot b e applied Besides this metho d can b e

realized for plane surface and for an individual caustic while the surface of the real Earth is spherical

and we frequently observe sup erp osition of such caustics Another diculty is related to necessityto

calculate travel times of the sup erimp osed waves in the same p ointwithvery high precision that is

necessary to calculate parameters of the Pearcey integral At last application of this metho d needs

to extrap olate the Pearcey integral parameters outside the caustic So this approachisvalid only for

drawing qualitative conclusions ab out b ehavior of the wave elds near the caustic

In the present study we prop ose a numerical metho d for calculation of surface wave eld in the

region containing caustics The wave eld is considered as a sup erp osition of the waves arriving from

the circle dividing two hemispheres centered in the epicenter and in the antip o de So for calculation

of the wave eld on the hemisphere centered in the antipode we can use the representation theorem

The factor in the expression for surface wave eld describing variation of the eld due to conguration

of the rays on the surface socalled geometrical factor satises the wave equation with phase velo city

of the waves U c r We consider only the geometrical factor for which the representation

theorem b ecomes


U u


U r u rS U S dS


n n


where u r r is the Green function The geometrical factor U on the contour S a circle b ounding


the hemisphere centered in the epicenter is calculated on the basis of the ray theory b ecause the rays

on this hemisphere are not intersected The Green function on the opp osite hemisphere is assumed the

same as on a laterally homogeneous spherical surface This limitation is not to o substantial b ecause

conguration of the rays on this hemisphere is mostly determined by the eld on the circle The integral

in the representation theorem is calculated numerically The result turns to b e dep endentonachoice of

the limits of integration A metho d is prop osed for estimating the integral indep endent of these limits

The results for some numerical mo dels as well as for the mo del of the real Earth are presented It

is shown that in case of two sup erimp osed caustics strong increase or decrease of amplitude may o ccur

in the intersection of the caustic axes Strong phase anomalies forestalling of the phase are observed

outside the cusps that results from arrival of the waves from the parts of the contour neighbortothe

caustic axis The main conclusion from numerical mo deling of surface waves on the real Earth is that

in a xed p ointwemay observe dierent amplitude anomalies for dierent p erio ds This shows that

sp ectrum of the wavemay b e strongly distorted

The researchwas supp orted by RFBR grant


Electromagnetic surface waves guided by

the metalcomp osite medium b oundary

N F Yashina T M Zab oronkova

Technical UniversityofNizhnyNovgoro d Minin St NizhnyNovgoro d Russia

Over the past decade the impressing success in the development the pro ducing and the testing

of a comp osite materials has b een achieved In microwave range these materials demonstrate some

qualities whichareunusual for natural one As it is known the comp osite material consists of a metal

resonant elements placed in dielectric which sizes are smaller then wave lengths It is p ossible to create

isotropic as well as anisotropic magnetic media These materials are used for nonreecting coverage

frequency multipliers transformers and so on Electro dynamics of new comp osite materials for the

Microwave technical equipmentaswell as propagation reection and refraction of electromagnetic

waves have b een discussed in the literature

It is the purp ose of the presentwork to consider the p ossibility of existence of electromagnetic

surface waves on the metal comp osite medium b oundary Our investigations have shown that

it dep ends on the sign of comp onents of dielectric p ermittivity and magnetic p ermeability tensors

Anisotropic of any tensor leads to app earance of surface waves if one of diagonal comp onents is

negative The disp ersion prop erties of the surface waves are investigated for some cases of interest

bianisotropic chiral medium and so on We also considered the particular cases when parametric

instability of surface waves guided by the planar metal gyrotropic anisotropic medium b oundary can

arise due to the presence of intense external electric eld into the medium

Acknow ledgments This work was supp orted by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research pro ject

No ts


AA Zharov IG Kondratiev and AI Smirnov Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics


SA Tretyakov Journal of Communication Technology and Electronics p

NF Yashina and TM Zab oronkova Proc International Seminar Day on Diraction

St Petersburg State University St Petersburg p

The problem of diraction of a plane electromagneticwave

on a kerrtyp e nonlinear dielectric layered structure

Vasyl V Yatsyk

Usikov Institute for Radiophysics and Electronics NASU

Ac Proskura Str Kharkov Ukraine

email yatsykvkkharkovua

The problem of diraction of a plane electromagnetic wave on transverse nonhomogeneous isotropic

not magnetic linearly p olarized weakly nonlinear dielectric layer and layered dielectric structures

Kerrlike nonlinearity in resonant area of frequencies are considered The analysis of a problem

of diraction on weakly nonlinear layer layered dielectric structures without taking into account

multiple the frequencies generated in considered op en weakly nonlinear structure is lead

Numerical analysis of the diraction by the weakly nonlinear layer layered dielectric structures

is p erformed in the resonant frequency range when the parameter of cubic susceptibili ty takes p os

itive and negativevalues It is shown that as the excitation eld intensity increases the diraction


characteristics acquire essentially dierent prop erties for p ositive and negativevalues of susceptibili ty

For a layered structure consisting of layers with p ositive and negative susceptibility of the enveloping

medium the eects inherenttoenvironments with p ositive and negativevalue of susceptibilityare

observed in certain areas of variation of the excitation eld intensity

The prop osed metho ds and results of computations can b e further applied to the analysis of various

physical phenomena including selfinuence and interaction of waves determination of eigenelds

natural resonance frequencies of nonlinear ob jects and disp ersion amplitudephase characteristics

of the diraction elds description of evolution pro cesses in the vicinities of critical p oints and to the

design and mo deling of novel scattering transmitting and memory devices


Yatsyk VV Ab out a problem of diraction on transverse nonhomogeneous dielectric layer of

Kerrlike nonlinearity Elektromagnitnie volny i elektronnie sistemy pp

Yatsyk VV Diraction byalayer and a layered structure with p ositive and negative suscepti

bilities of Kerrnonlinear media Uspehi sovremennoi radioelectroniki no pp

Asymptotic theory of the one dimensional linear

scattering of the solitary waves on a b each

S Yu Dobrokhotov

Institute for Problems in Mechanics RAS Moscow Russia

email dobripmnetru

P N Zhevandrov

Escuela de Ciencias FisicoMatematicas Un Michoacana Morelia Mexico

email pzhevandzeusumichmx

B Tirozzi

DepartmentofPhysics University La Sapienza Rome Italy

email brunellotirozziromainfnit

We discuss the formulas which describ es the amplitude of the solitary waves approaching a b eachin

the one dimensional case and in linear approximation These formulas are derived using the asymptotic

expansion in some small parameter of physical relevance of the solutions of the one dimensional wave

equation with non constantvelo city The case of a b each with a linear b ottom of constant slop e is

explicitly treated The scattering of the solitary waves on the b each is discussed also in connection

with the problem of the runup in the tsunami events The metamorphosis of the scattered solitary

wave is shown The event of the Algerian tsunami of will b e used as an example

This work was partially supp orted by RFBR grant N and AgreementBetween Uni

versity La Sapienza Rome and Institute for Problems in Mechanics RAS Moscow


T Vukasinac P Zhevandrov Geometric asymptotics for a degenerate hyp erb olic equation Rus

sian Journal of Mathematical Physics Vol N pp

GF Carrier and HP Greenspan Water Waves of nite amplitude on a sloping b each J Fluid

Mechanics V Pag

SYu Dobrokhotov S O Synitsyn B Tirozzi Asymptotics of lo calized solutions of the one

dimensional wave equation with variable velo city I The Cauchy Problem Russian Journal of

Mathematical Physics Vol N p


Reection refraction and transformation into

photons of surface plasmons on metal wedge

Vera B Zon

Voronezh State University University sq Voronezh Russia

Maluzhinets theory develop ed in the th for plasmons on wedge surface with a small imp edance

is used for the calculation of surface plasmons reection refraction and transformation into photons

The metho dically simplied summary of Maluzhinets theory whichisvalid in the rst order on is

presented The approach is satisfactory for the wellconductive metals up to optic frequencies Photons

radiation takes place primary in the direction of their motion along the wedge surface Angular

distribution of the radiated photons has Lorenzian form with width For the rectangular wedge

reection refraction co ecients and diusion part of photons radiation are also

Diraction eld in wave zone

100 10

Figure Angle distribution of radiation for rectangular wedge with imp edance i and

i from left to right solid curve is directed radiation dashed curve is diusion radiation Diraction neareld


Figure Neareld for copp er at distances equal to from the wedge edge from left to

right Solid curve corresp onds to zeta i A dashed curve corresp onds to

i A


Whisp ering gallery eigenmo des of a surface

with anisotropic surface imp edance

A A ZvyagintsevAIIvanov D V Katkov

Kharkiv National UniversityUkraine

email alexeiiivanovuniverkharkovua

An algorithm of nding high frequency whisp ering gallery WG eigenmo des of a curvilinear surface

with anisotropic surface imp edance is prop osed It is based on the metho d of reference problem

mo died to deal with threedimensional problems

Whisp ering gallery WG mo des are the waves usually propagating along a concave surface and

according to geometrical optics GO rep eatedly reecting from it It has b een shown that GO

fails to describ e suchwaves if the numb er of reections exceeds predened level Instead the metho d

of reference problem can b e used for this purp ose if the wavenumber k tends to innity and can

b e considered as a large parameter We consider the problem of nding asymptotic solutions of the

Maxwell equations in complex form that are concentrated in a vicinity of a smo oth surface and b ehave


as WG mo des The b oundary condition on the surface is given by H W n E where H



E are tangential to the surface comp onents of the magnetic and electric eld strengths and W


is the surface imp edance tensor It is required that the p ermittivity and p ermeability of the outer

medium to b e slowvariable on a wavelength real functions and the eective radius of curvature to b e

p ositive The problem is solved in co ordinate system n s t where n is a distance from surface to

the observation p oint s is a natural parameter of a geo desics passing through fo ot of a p erp endicular

dropp ed from the observation p oint to the surface and t is a natural parameter of a curveonthe

surface p erp endicular to the geo desics The Maxwell equations have b een reduced to system of the

second order for the electric eld strength It has b een shown that the system can b e reduced to

three Helmholtz equations by p erturbation metho d and the Helmholtz equations can b e solved by

the metho d of reference problem Each of the comp onents of the electric eld strength is obtained in

the form of asymptotic series



m m

E exp s t k v s t k

j m m

m m

where M is an integer numb er dep ending up on required accuracy v z is the AiryFock function

nk and are known co ecients Some numerical results of applying the describ ed

m m

technique are presented and the prop erties of the solutions are discussed


VM Babich and VS Buldyrev Asymptotic metho ds in problems of short waves diraction

Nauka Moscow

A A Zvyagintsev A I Ivanov D V Katkov Whisp ering gallery eigenmo des of a curvilinear

imp edance surface analysis by the metho d of reference problem in Pro c th Internat Conf on Mathematical Metho ds in Electromagnetic Theory MMET Kharkiv pp


Vibration of cylindrical shell partially submerged into the layer

of liquid The liquid is inside and outside the cylinder

George V Filipp enko

Institute of Mechanical Engineering

Vasilievsky Ostrov Bolshoy Prosp ect StPetersburg Russia

email georgegfspbedu

The problem of oscillations of elastic constructions partially submerged into liquid is one of the

actual problems of mo dern techniques It is imp ortant to estimate the amplitude of vibration and

acoustical elds in such systems as ships oil platforms dierent supp orts tub es protruding ab ovethe

surface of water and so on

The calculations of such b o dies vibrations are very complicated need great computational re

sources and havelow accuracy So it is useful to explore the pro cesses in these systems taking as an

example more simple mechanical systems The cylindrical shell is one of these often used mo dels

In this work the problem of cylindrical shell oscillations when the axis of the cylinder is orthogonal

to the liquids surface is considered The liquid is inside and outside the cylinder The problem of oscil

lations of the cylindrical shell partially submerged into the layer of liquid is considered in the rigorous

mathematical statement The exact analytical solution of the problem is constructed The disp ersion

equation basing on the exact solution and the representation for the eigen functions are obtained

Pulse shap e of current moving along a straight line with sup erlight

velo city and time derivative of Whittaker p otential in far region

F F Valiev

VA Fock Institute for Physics StPetersburg State Univ StPetersburg Russia

The electromagnetic elds of sources moving with velo cities v equal or higher than velo cityof

lightinvacuum chave b een discussed in connection with an interest to the problem of lo calized

electromagnetic waves and VavilovCherenkov radiation particularly One way to do this is

to use p otential of Whittaker

In this work the calculation of derivative of Whittaker p otential U with resp ect to was p erformed

in the framework of linear current mo del Here ct is the time variable

In the general case the U is equal to the sum of several integrals dep ending on the interrelation

of the following parameters p osition of observation p oint z pulse duration velo city of the running

pulse and length of the line segmentL

It was shown that correlation




z z z f U



z z

holds for the Cherenkovangle arccoscv where f z is a form of current pulse propagating

along a straight line

Results of computation haveshown similaritybetween dierent forms of running pulse Gaussian

distribution square pulse or distribution deduced from simulation by means of a computational exp eri

ment where the co de GAINT was used and derivatives of Whittaker p otential U in far region

Go o d agreementbetween U and f z is observed with innitesimally close to


ASezginer JApplPhys vol No p

Borisov VV Utkin AB JPhysD ApplPhys

FFValiev Tech Phys Lett v

FFValiev Tech Phys No


Investigation of wave eld in eective mo del of layered

elastic medium with slide contact on interfaces

Lev A Molotkov

St Petersburg Branch of VASteklov Mathematical Institute Russia

For the medium consisting of two alternating elastic layers with slide contact the eective mo del

was constructed and investigated In the wave eld of this mo del there are leading triangular

and back concavefronts In this mo del the wave eld exited by an impulse p oint source is represented

in a halfplane as Fourier and Mellin integrals We transform the expressions of the waveeldby

the metho ds used in In the Mellin integral we replace contour of integration by a stationary

contours In the obtained expressions we rearrange the integrals and calculate the inner integral

The external integral is equal to two residues The corresp onding p oles are ro ots of two equations

of sixth order These ro ots are situated at the right halfplane and can b e complex or real If these

ro ots go out at the imaginary axis then the corresp onding p oints of observation are on the fronts or

inside of triangular and back concave fronts In these cases the displacements are equal to zero The

obtained representation for the wave eld corresp onds to the expressions derived by the metho d of

SmirnovSob olev For calculation of the complex and real ro ots determining the wave eld we suggest

an eective metho d

The work was supp orted by RFBI grant


LAMolotkov ZapNauchn Semin POMI

LAMolotkov Investigation of wave propagation in p orous and fractured media on the basis of

Biot eective mo del and of layered media SPetersburg

LAMolotkov Days on diraction

Ab out light pressure in negative refraction materials

V G Veselago

Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology Russia

email vveselagorelcomru

As it was shown in for material with negative refraction NRM many formulas of electro dy

namics must b e used very carefully This in particular p ertains to wellknown formula

p hk h nc h v


linking value of momentum of photon p with its wavevector k andor index of refraction n and phase

velo city v


If formally follow this equation one might conclude that momentum of electromagnetic eld in

the NRM is directed opp osite to ow of energy of eld or group velo city v This means that in NRM


instead of lightpressuremust exist the light attraction However it is easy to show following metho d

develop ed in that requirement of conservation of the centre of masses of system consisting of eld

spreading in NRM transmitter and receiver can b e not satised if acknowledge the equitable formula

For this case the conservation of the centre of masses p osition follows only from correlation

p h v c


The details of contradiction b etween these formulas are discussed in rep ort


VGVeselago VG Appl Phys B

Einstein A Ann Phys


Author index

Merzlikin AM Ab dulkadyrov DV Sinitsyn SO Frangos PV

MladyonovPL Ab dulkadyrov VA

Sitnik SM

Geyer MA

Molotkov LA Abramo chkin EG

Skoro dumova EA

Ghorbani A

Morgado ML Acho TM

Smirnov Y

Golovkina MV

Motygin OV Aghayan KL

Smirnova EI

GonzalezMorales MJ

Ahmedov TM

Smirnova NI

Nasermoghaddasi M

Altintas A


Nazarov SA

Gorbatsevich FF

Anastassiu HT

Smotrova EI

Nazaryan EA

Graglia RD

Arakelyan MM


Nefedov IS

Grikurov VE

Athanassoulis AG

Soloviev MB

Negorozhina ES

Gua Ch

Avetyan KT

Stavrinou PN

Nekrasov RV

Sturova IV

Hao Y

Nerukh A Bagdo ev AG

Sysova E

Heyman E

Nerukh AG Balaban MV

Nikolaev SV Bastos MA

Ta jvidy A

Ilyushin YaA

Nosich AI BelovPA

Ishio H

Tirozzi B

Belov VV

Ivakhnychenko MV

Tovstik T

Odit M

Benson TM

Ivanov AI

Tran XTr

Omelyanov GA

Berkovsky AN

Tretyakov SA

Berlin MA

Joub ert SV

Papkelis EG

Trifonov AYu

Bianchi D


Troyan VN

Boag A

Karasev MV

Pop ov AL

Trubaev VV


Katkov DV

Pop ov IYu

Tsvetkovskaya SM

Borisov VV

Katsav M

Pretorius WE

Borovikov VA

Khusnutdinova K

Prosvirnin SL

Utkin AB


Kiselev AlS

Prozorov KV

Borzov VV

Kiselev AnS


Bruning J

Kiselev YuV Radchenko VV

Valiev FF

Bradley DDC

Klopp ers PH RaicichF

Valovik D

Bronnikov VI

Konyukhova NB Reutskiy S

Vardanyan AV


Rezaev RO

Kouzov DP

Vardanyan SV

Byelobrov VO

Rosanov NN

Kovalev MD

Veliev EI

Kozlov SA

Vendik I

Chaplygin AA

Sakhnenko N

Krutitskii PA

Vendik O

Chelub eyev DA

Santos AM

Kryvko A

Chernitskii AA VeretenovNA

Sautb ekov SS

Kucherenko VV

Co etzee CE

Veselago VG


Kudrin AV


Kyurkchan AG

Damaskinsky EV

Vinokurov AA

Semenov ES

Daniele VG

Sergeev VI

Volkov BI

DehesaMartnez C

Sewell P

Volostnikov VG

Lerer AM

Demin DB

Shabalina E

Vorobyev AY

Lerer VA

Dobrokhotov SYu


Vozianova AV Lima PM

Shanin A

Litvinets FN

Donets IV

Yalunin S

Shap ovalov AV


Dorofeenko AV

Yanovskaya TB

Lombardi G

Shatalov M Yashina NF

Efros AL

MahilloIsla R

Shcherbina M

Yatsyk VV

Eskin VA

Makin RS

Shelkovich VM

Yunakovsky AD

Makin VS

Shereshevskii IA Fay TH

Zab oronkova TM

Manenkov SA

Shp olyanskiy YuA Fedorov SV

Zheludev NI

Martirosyan AN

Sidorov AA Fedotov I


Maslovski SI

Silveirinha MG Fedotov VA

Zon VB

Maximov G

Simonenko II Feng J

McPhee GJ Simovski CR Filipp enko GV Zvyagintsev AA