DAYS ON DIFFRACTION INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE SaintPetersburg May June ABSTRACTS UNIVERSITAS PETROPOLITANA MDCCXXIV ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Prof VMBabichRussia Prof VSBuldyrev Russia Prof RStone USA Dr NZhu Germany Dr VPSmyshlyaev UK Dr VEGrikurov The secretary Dr IVAndronov Pro ceedings Dr EVNovikova Visas Prof MALyalinov Prof NYaKirpichnikova Prof APKiselev Prof AMSamsonov ADDRESS Prof VMBabich Prof VS Buldyrev Mathematical Institute Institute in Physics StPetersburg University Fontanka quay StPetersburg Ulianovskaja Ave Petro dvoretz Russia Russia email buldmathnwru email babichpdmirasru Fax Dr VEGrikurov email grikurovmathnwru Dr IVAndronov email ivalistru Web site httpmathnwruDD DAYS on DIFFRACTION FOREWORD The SeminarsConferences Days on Diraction are annually held since in late Mayor in June by the FacultyofPhysics of StPetersburg State University StPetersburg Branchofthe Steklovs Mathematical Institute and Euler International Mathematical Institute of the Russian Aca demy of Sciences This b o oklet contains the abstracts of talks to b e presented at oral and p oster sessions in days of the Conference Author index can b e found on the last page The full texts of selected talks will b e published in the Pro ceedings of the Conference The texts in A L T X format are due by Septemb er to email ivalistruFormat le and instructions E can b e found on the Seminar Web site at httpmathnwruddruleshtml The nal judgement on accepting the pap er for the Pro ceedings will b e made by the Organizing Committee following the recommendations of the referees We are as always pleased to see in StPetersburg active researchers in the eld of Diraction Theory from all over the world Organizing Committee The conference is sp onsored by IEEE EDMTTAP StPetersburg Chapter Russian Foundation Russian Academy of Sciences for Basic Research DAYS on DIFFRACTION List of talks Valeriy A Ab dulkadyrov Dmitry V Ab dulkadyrov The diraction and disp ersion of waves in semiconductordiraction grating structure Eugeny G Abramo chkin Vladimir G Volostnikov Wigner distribution function and intensityintegral moments of HermiteLaguerre Gaussian b eams Thomas M Acho Derivation of eigenvalues for the SturmLiouville b oundary value problem with interior singularities KL Aghayan Plane shear wave diraction in a comp osite elastic medium with partially b onded elastic strip Mikhail V Balaban Ayhan Altintas Application of Ab els integral transform to solving the electromagnetic wave diraction byathindisk M M ArakelyanKTAvetyan E A Nazaryan Features of propagation and interaction of onedimensional top ological solitons in crystals Agissilaos G Athanassoulis Smo othed Wigner Transforms and homogenization of wave propagation A G Bagdo ev A V VardanyanSVVardanyan A N Martirosyan The analytic and numerical solution of second thrith fourth and sixth order Wienner Hopf system for mixed b oundary elasticity dynamic problems M A Bastos A Moura Santos Perio dic diraction b oundaryvalue problems Pavel A BelovYang Hao Mario G Silveirinha Constantin R Simovski Subwavelength imaging at microwave terahertz and infrared frequencies V V Belov S V Nikolaev Integrable mo dels of the longitudinal motion of electrons in curved Dnanotub es Vladimir VladimirovichBelov Ekaterina Ivanovna Smirnova Semiclassical solytontyp e solutions of the Hartree equation D Bianchi B Tirozzi S Reutskiy Prediction of the tra jectory of typho ons and the Maslov decomp osition D Bianchi Brunello Tirozzi Kohonen neural networks and genetic classication Jianfeng Feng Mariya Shcherbina Brunello Tirozzi Dynamical b ehavior of a large complex system A Boag Nonuniform grid NG based compression of the metho d of moments matrices Ya L Bogomolov E S Semenov A D Yunakovsky Optimization of paraxial region for quasioptical electron accelerator Victor V Borisov The transientwaves pro duced byhyp erb olic motion of Gaussians transverse sources V A BorovikovALPop ov D A Chelub eyev Sound eld excited by exural oscillations of elastic plate with round inclusion part Serge P Boruhovich Planar and threedimensional chirality measure mo del V I Bronnikov Diractive mo del of scattering by a rough surface of radiation DAYS on DIFFRACTION I S Lobanov I Yu Pop ov Twob o dy problem on p encil of lines J Bruning S Yu Dobrokhotov R V Nekrasov A I Shafarevich Propagation of the wavepackets in thin tub es with nonlinear integral p otential Ya A Butko Functional integrals for Schro edinger equation on a Riemannian manifold via Smolyanov Weizsaecker approach Volo dymyr O Byelobrov Alexander I Nosich Dep endences of lasing thresholds for a layered structure with a quantum well on the modesymmetry A A Chernitskii Eective Riemann space for wave propagation in nonlinear electro dynamics V V Borzov E V Damaskinsky Bessel Oscillator M V Golovkina Waveguide structure containing metamaterial slab with resistivelm S Yu Dobrokhotov A I Shafarevich B Tirozzi One representation of lo calized functions via the Maslov canonical op erator and its application to asymptotic solutions of linear hyp erb olic systems S Yu Dobrokhotov S O Sinitsyn Lo calized asymptotic solutions of d wave equation with variable velo city implied by timedep endentsource A L Efros The problem of a p erfect lens made of a slab with negative refraction V G Daniele R D Graglia Diraction of a p erfectly conducting halfplane immersed in a gyrotropic medium V A Eskin A V Kudrin T M Zab oronkova Excitation of whistler mo des guided by a lossy anisotropic plasma cylinder I V Donets V A Lerer A M Lerer S M Tsvetkovskaya Investigation of multilayered and multislot resonant and p erio dical structures Ali Ta jvidy Mohammad Nasermoghaddasi Ayaz Ghorbani Multiple diraction loss calculation in microcell environments F F Gorbatsevich Dep olarization of shear waves in anisotropic heterogeneous media R D GragliaGLombardi A mo died Euler transformation for machine precision evaluation of p otential integrals Valery E Grikurov Windowed oscillating integral Gaussian b eams metho d b eyond its limitations Michael Katsav Ehud Heyman Beam summation analysis of half plane diraction Michael Katsav Ehud Heyman A phasespace b eam summation representation for D radiation from a line source distribution Ya A Ilyushin The impact of the small scale uctuations of the ionospheric plasma on the ultra wide band orbital ground p enetrating radar measurements Hiromu Ishio An attempt to improve semiclassical calculations of wave transp ort in a quantum wire with Diraction DAYS on DIFFRACTION M Shatalov S V Joub ert W E Pretorius I Fedotov Vibrations of inhomogeneous solid discs sub jected to an inertial rotation P H Klopp ers T H Fay SV Joub ert A probabilistic approachtobivariate function approximation S V Joub ert M Shatalov C E Co etzee I Fedotov Vibrations of a rotating solid elastic sphere lled with an inviscid uid S V Joub ertTHFay M Shatalov Dynamics of a vehicletrailer system with a limited p ower supply M V Karasev Quantization of surfaces in magnetic eld Karima Khusnutdinova Nonlinear waves in coupled waveguides N B KonyukhovaMBSoloviev P M Lima M L Morgado Singular nonlinear b oundary value problem for bubbletyp e or droplettyp e solutions in nonlinear physics mo dels Yurii V Kiselev Vladimir N Troyan The diraction tomography and iterative approach to restore the elastic parameters and electrical conductivity S A Kozlov PAPetroshenko The nonparaxial selffo cusing of fewcycle light pulses in dielectric media with disp ersion P A Krutitskii Boundary value problems for the Helmholtz equation in domains b ounded by closed curvesandopenarcs Valeri V Kucherenko Semiclassic asymptotics for the vector SturmLiouville problem with parameters Andriy KryvkoValeri V Kucherenko Asymptotic solution of linear system with a turning p oint of high order R S Makin Averaging and chaotic mo des for nonautonomic nonlinear dynamic systems D P KouzovYu A Soloveva Diraction of nonstationary wavewithvarying along the front amplitude by a soft wedge I S Nefedov Sp ectra of mo des of waveguides loaded with wire media M D Kovalev The numb er of energy levels in MQWstructure Alexander G Kyurkchan Dmitrii B Demin Solution scattering problems of electromagnetic waves from inhomogeneously layered scatterers using pattern equation metho d Alexander G Kyurkchan Nadezhda I Smirnova Metho ds of the continued b oundary conditions and the pattern equations A G Kyurkchan E A Skoro dumova Mo deling the characteristics of scattering of electromagnetic waves by the b o dies of complex geometry A G Kyurkchan S A Manenkov E S Negorozhina Mo delling of scattering characteristics of electromagnetic waves by group of b o dies using the mo died metho d of discrete sources Fedor N Litvinets Andrey Yu Trifonov Alexander V Shap ovalov Berry phases for the Hartree typ e equation V G Daniele G Lombardi Factorization
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