NEWS LETTER Focus on Spot light on Around the News Summer Young Parent Hubs Family Projects 2019 Centre

Focus on Young Parents. Young parents often find themselves in a position where they need support but find it difficult to access it which makes them particularly vulnerable. As young people they are in the transition into adulthood, which is a time of considerable change. As new parents they need support to help them to adapt to their caring role.

The Young Parents Hub project is unique as it provides support to young parents in their new caring role and it addresses the risk factors associated with being a young parent. It supports parents as young people dealing with emotional wellbeing and helps them to plan their future aspirations and begin a journey back into education, suitable training or employment. It takes into consideration childcare needs, the adolescent need for identity and to be listened to, the importance of peer support and the variation of learning styles.

Our young parent support hubs are in Pencader, Ammanford, , Pembroke Dock and Milford Haven.

If you would like any information about our current groups or are interested in setting one up in your call 01267 221551.

Young parents celebrated their success in gaining an Agored Cmyru qualification level 1 in Emotional Wellbeing.

Messy play time

We love our outings

We have learnt how to cook

Spotlight on Ty Mair Family Centre Burry Port. The family centre is based in Burry Port Junior School, Stepney Road. It has satellite bases in and Pembrey. Last year 338 individuals were supported.

What we get up to

Wellbeing Wednesdays:

During these sessions, we plan activities that provide a sense of wellbeing, be it through crafts, activity, focus groups and discussions or out and about sessions. We also provide accredited and non-accredited training opportunities plus a crèche provision delivered by staff.

Baby Group:

We listened to parents who shared their concerns about their babies. We set up a group for babies 18 months and under which has provided us with a platform to support new parents. We follow the Language and Play course format and use messy play as part of the sessions.

Language & Play

We provide a safe place that helps families learn together from the start by encouraging better communication. We offer support and guidance and help develop language, communication and social skills through a range of fun and exciting activities for everyone to enjoy. Collaborative working with Cymraeg i Blant has supported families to enjoy a bilingual experience which leads on to engaging with Clwb Cwtsh for 8 weeks, to introduce families to Welsh vocabulary and phrases relevant to caring for young children.

Dads’ Group:

The Dads’ Project engages with men connected to the families currently accessing our services, including grandfathers, uncles, foster parents and other responsible males. A dedicated group meets once a week, allowing male time and a space to enjoy activities with their children in an environment where they are encouraged to feel comfortable and valued as part of their children’s lives.

Events and Outings:

During the year we have visited the Dinosaur Park in Tenby, St Fagans and the Tour of Great Britain cycling workshop. We hosted a visit from Animal Encounters and Pembrokeshire Messy Play. Parents also had an opportunity to access a Forest School training day, focusing on innovative educational approaches to outdoor play and learning by encouraging more use of natural surroundings and free resources - stone painting, sand sculpture and felting.


Outreach takes place within the communities of Pembrey and Kidwelly. Kidwelly outgrew the original venue due to high numbers attending. However, we have secured a larger venue and now support over 20 families at our weekly Stay and Play sessions. We have established a working relationship with local Health Professionals who promote the services wholeheartedly.

Around the Projects

Celebrating Fathers’ Day with an overnight camp in Pembroke Dock

A summer picnic at St Paul’s family centre in

Dads helping to keep the community free of litter in Pembrokeshire

Young parents celebrate Sali Mali’s birthday

Celebrating Sali Mali’s birthday at Ammanford Young Parent Hub

A trip to Cardiff Bay - Families Together Gro ups and the Young Pare nt Project


Christmas cards and Christingle resources

Thinking well ahead! Plant Dewi Christmas cards will be available to purchase from October 1st either direct from the office, at the Diocesan conference or to order over the phone or through our web page.

Christingle resources are available at the Diocesan conference or direct from the office.

Plant Dewi Charity Shop News

Our shop has undergone its much-needed building work and repairs externally and internally. The shop staff decided to leave us to take up new opportunities to further their careers and we wish them all the best for the future. During the next few months we will be refitting the shop ready for its new beginning.

Events Coming Up

On Tuesday Sept 17th there will be a Dad & Me breakfast at Pembroke Dock Community School: 8.15am – 9am

On Tuesday Sept 24th a Dads and Kids bake off will be held at Pembroke Dock Community School: 3.30-5.30pm

On Saturday 21st September, a Fun day for families will be held in the Cathedral. 11am -3pm

There will be two light parties during October half term – one in Llangennech Young Parent Hub and one in Burry Port Family Centre.

If you would like any further information on Plant Dewi please contact us on 01267 221551.