
Overview of topics per year group for RE curriculum. KS1 to cover all topics (2 per term) KS2 to choose 1 topic per term from the given religion. All year groups to produce a minimum of 8 pieces of work per term.

Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2

Reception Special People Special Places Special Times My family is special; my community is special; My special places; Special places in my Special times of the day; special times of my faith is special; a special visitor; I am community; the world is a special place; the week; special times of the year; a special special. Creating a special place; looking after our celebration; sharing a special time together. world

Year 1 Harvest (C) (H) Milad un Nabi (I) Purim (J) Esala Perahera (S) Our wonderful world; The mandir; The Celebrating Special clothes; (B) How are new babies creation; harvest story of Rama and birthdays; Comparing clothes from other Who was Buddha?; welcomed?; The hymns; Saying thank Sita; Good vs evil; Saudi Arabia to the religions; The story Relics; The Temple Naam Karan you; Feeding the Welcoming Lakshmi; UK; The birth of of Esther; Mishloach of the Tooth; Sacred ceremony; Sikh 5000; Sharing; Good luck; Diwali Muhammad; Why is Manot; Mitzvah; Places; Memories and names; The Guru Foods around the celebrations; Muhammad so Gifts; Purim remembering; Esala Granth Sahib; Sikh world; the Comparing Diwali to important to celebrations; Choices Perahera families; Different importance of water; other religious Muslims?; Leaders; and decisions in celebrations; families; Age and Local church celebrations. Followers of sacred stories. Comparing Wisdom; Finding out celebrations; Local Muhammad today; celebrations. about others. harvest celebrations. Respecting other people’s beliefs.

Year 2 Navratri (H) Christmas (C) Losar (B) Hanukkah (J) Jumu’ah (I) (S) What is God like?; Looking after a baby; Making a fresh The story of The story of Bilal; Why are weddings Different Hindu The Advent wreath; start; New Year’s Hanukkah; Kosher; What is a Muezzin?; special?; Promises; gods; The story of The Nativity; Gifts; Resolutions; Good The dreidel; Prayer; Friday Vows; Finding out Durga; Special Celebrations; luck, Tibetan prayer Hanukkah traditions; prayers; parts of a about Sikh wedding clothes; Navratri Celebrations; Joy; flags; Loving- Miracles; Right and Mosque; Places of celebrations; puja thalis; Religious and secular kindness; Offerings; wrong; Cleaning, worship; My special Working as one;; Celebrations; Quiet Christmas messages; The Losar shrine; repairing and times. Rules in the time; Mantras; Is The Christingle. Cham dancing; Good rebuilding; ; Weddings God like a mother? and evil; Comparing Comparing Hanukkah from different New Year Traditions. to Christmas. faiths and traditions. Overview of topics per year group for RE curriculum. KS1 to cover all topics (2 per term) KS2 to choose 1 topic per term from the given religion. All year groups to produce a minimum of 8 pieces of work per term.

Year 3 The Hajj (I) Holy Week and Easter (C) Shabbat (J) What is the Hajj?; Items used during the Palm Sunday; The story of the last supper; The Creation story; Why do Jews celebrate Hajj; Peoples opinions of the Hajj; Hajj The eucharist; The crucifixion of Jesus; The Shabbat; The Shabbat table; Special meals customs; Special journeys; The five pillars of cross; the resurrection of Jesus; Easter at home; Comparing weekend activities; Islam; Other spiritual journeys and Garden; Belief; Eggs; Easter celebrations. Saying goodbye to Shabbat; Rest; pilgrimages. Lent(C) Responsibility for the natural world; Special Eid ul-Adha (I) Ash Wednesday; Forgiveness; The 40 Days days of the week in other religions. The story of Ibrahim and Isma’il; Sacrifice; of Lent; Switching Off; Pretzels; Prayers; Shavuot (J) Eid ul-Adha celebrations; The importance of Colours of the Church seasons; The The synagogue; The Torah; The story of Eid ul-Adha to Muslims; Zakat (charity); crucifixion; The Resurrection. Moses and the 10 Commandments; Are the People who have made sacrifices; 10 Commandments used today?; Kosher food Comparing the stories of Ibrahim and laws; The story of Ruth and Naomi; Bread as Isma’il. a symbol; Food; Harvest around the world.

Year 4 Kathina (B) (S) Janmashtami (H) The life of a Buddhist Monk; the Rains The formations of the ; Taking Amrit; Hindu gods; The story of Krishna’s birth; retreat; The story of Kathina; Kathina Comparing Amrit to Baptism or Bar/Bat Krishna’s life; 108 names for Krishna; celebrations; Generosity; The Dalai Lama; Mitzvah; The 5 K’s; What do believe?; Janmashtami celebrations; Role models; Comparing the life of a Buddhist monk to Identity; Vaisakhi celebrations. Hindu bhagans; Music in other religions; that of a Christian Monk. Gurpurab (S) What is your purpose? Vesak (B) The beginning of ; The story of Guru Ganesh Chaturthi (H) The Story of the birth of Buddha; The four Hargobind and the Hindu princes; The story of Ganesh; The Puja ceremony; sights; Mandalas; Impermanence; Murtis (statues); Symbols of Ganesh; Enlightenment; Keeping calm; Kindness; The Obstacles; Starting something new; The death of Buddha; The Tripitaka; Vesak story of Ganesh and Kubera. celebrations.

Overview of topics per year group for RE curriculum. KS1 to cover all topics (2 per term) KS2 to choose 1 topic per term from the given religion. All year groups to produce a minimum of 8 pieces of work per term.

Year 5 Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur (J) Sunday (C) Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr (I) What is a sweet New Year?; Days of What is God like in the Bible?; Church When is Ramadan?; THe Hijri calendar; Repentance; Saying sorry; Tashlich; Yom furniture and design; Worship through What happens during Ramadan?; The night Kippur; Focusing on God; The Synagogue; music; Why do Christians worship?; What is of Power; Reading the Qur’an; Why is Special objects; Forgiveness; Reflection; worship?; Is Christianity just for Sunday?; Ramadan important to Muslims?; Gratitude; The impact of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Faith in the UK; Is Sunday important to Eid al-Fitr celebrations; Kippur on believers. everyone? Comparing celebrations. Passover (J) Pentecost (C) Lailat Miraj (I) Masters and Slaves; The Plagues of Egypt; The Ascension; Pentecost; The fruits of the The Night Journey story; Washing the heart Alternative explanations; The story of the Spirit; The shield of the Trinity; THe body clean; Prophets; Jannah (heaven); Speaking Exodus; THe Seder plate; Celebrating of the church; Communities; Baptism; Faith with Allah; Salat (prayer); Faith; Reactions Passover; Freedom; Special times of the in action; Saints. to the Night journey story; Why are sacred year; My special times; Does God care? stories important to believers?

Year 6 Gurpurab (S) Parinirvana (B) Kumbh Mela (H) The ; The golden rules of The death of Buddha, Impermanence; The The story of the churning of the milk; The Sikhism; Sharing 10%; Charity in other wheel of life; Comparing beliefs about life four places of pilgrimage; What is Kumbh faiths; The ; The Mool after death; Funerals around the world; Mela?; Karma; Reincarnation; Moksha; The Mantra; Sikh ; Words; The story of Change; Memorials and monuments; Stupas; Naga Sadhu; Devotion; The story of the Guru Arjan and Emperor ; Martyrs; What could you be remembered for? Goddess Ganga; Pollution and conservation of Celebrating Guru Arjan. Dharma Day (B) the River Ganges. Bandi Chhor Divas (S) The Buddhist flag; The four noble truths; (H) Who was ?; Compare Guru The Noble Eightfold path; THe wheel of The meaning of colour in ; The Hargobind to other religious leaders; Dharma; The Middle way; The Jataka story of Holika; Krishna and Radha; Kathak Fighting for freedom; Defending the weak; Tales;Good and Evil; Compassion; Words of dance; PLaying with colours; Equality; Defence; Bandi Chhor Divas celebrations; wisdom; The Golden Rule; Universal truths. Looking after nature; Need and want; Compare Bandi Chhor Divas to Divali Weddings; Happiness. celebrations.