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ONE DOLLAR AND FIITY CENTS IN ADVANCE "THE WORLD IS GOVERNED TOO MUCH." Tf?;MS, TWO DOLLARS PER YEAR. OLD SERIES VOLUME 29, NO. 15. NEW SERIES. VOL. 13. NO. 5. PARIS, MAINE. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 28, 1862. A aiteoM followed theee words or look, thai site ko«w mora »Ixmi» It tbao Bui I ho widow Mwd io to quit* unooo- ; top »u »«• Thia illus- Corn and Cob Meal. brokm J«ii printed. ditcovrrj MISCELLANY. •cioua of all tbi* M oool aod which WM by Ilia Dorothy Wore* tli*} ; ao thrj w< ra ooiaplatalj baflUd. Pb* lookod ih» Ju l that bilwI econow ff« m Ihil «on« (orrwpwJfflU in the who. from her mi Mid, ••ibot important • Thar* it Ilattia Duma !' Mid coafortabl* la bar *iapU wbito nualin. wood, ruing in die- g*>lng by ki»I will follow strictly tri»ntific agricultural of rmnl date the Widow Jenkins didn't ll wm dork, oad oho gueeeedeh* /armors' ilfpartmcnl. pt|M>rt Why Marry Mra Wormwood. »udna It ruwin; the <|ueetn>n Sr. Wells • ■booId hove to bo imptwwbl* to g'anca out of tha window. I II warrant m though ibm *11 »o Mch pmoo m Dr. j going." r*lii>o iniii« without «»<•!• • inr ■■ a fee«t lor lanu *tnck Thle «• fi-* Hfl to nd coS «|, ST MAST CBACB HALf tXB. » number of olbora aUrtt4 the knowa aomothing about it, if aha w*« Wall* io «i»t«nc*, and nothing in ib« my»- i Wbortapoti belt 1 in| much th*l i« t»luabU Thit copper eeetn* to come up quite regularly thot bod DO idet it WM »f» queation the Widow J*nk*n« tnarrr on I a to ovar to tha wid* of hit that tb* «m «• docloriog, Iboj •!(• ltd erweree lo It^t Why j mind toll; aha ia Ury di«app*araoM up. A'lfH* p*rUiuD'l near th» proposed rout* tiling with thi* article, and observation* in their counteooooea, tod ehame tod dio* c>'j'j"T Mutual r iTrftimt and Widow'a Relief Mi»a Liwtalk. I mean to call har in.* Mr*. Jenkene l«d her (u**tt out to th* *op- upon Prince- lm| Frma ik# Now I'wwr. of the railroaJ bttwetn Oldtown and regard to III# r«•«•!»». that the value d'p-nd* oomfituro in their heorto. leofiog iho Doc- S at line of th*ir weekly meeting* Ilattia w»« called in ; and no who** bountifully »pread board with accordingly pcr-taMe, State ton. the ep>fie« or kmdofvtock ft-1 tor end the widow • then eel roe. Letter from Prof- Hitchcock, upon Now. Or Writ* had horn ytj attentie* j witnoM a-cr underwent a (harper Mctn*d to ha?* n benign effect upon tboM or chew the important tot hnrtl of lb* rot of ditco* it Animal* that ruminat« month*. Now, we would nol hove Iho rooder wp- 0—iogut- IIm* p pert to Mre Jenkin* for a number uf rro*a questioning at tha handa of tha n>«at lor whom it »m provided. we have benefitted for oo« salami. (Let we would bo tin in Oxford A t»« nf tin cud. founJ inv.imhljr by h«r Irom m Akimtr. Mam., J«n. Sltl, 1^2 in,; Coantj? II* invariably walked h«tD<> with infill.iu* criminal than did lha »»- And they *rotad theaeelvea around it, poee, »• il lo lawyer u to w< k«i h**o found in Mrn and eo*» u>e«|, and of eocb o breoeh of cooBdcnc* Dui —I i«t«oJnl to ht?« «nt or* i{hinj( £»<• |ui«ni|« yref'T church, *had racurted her !•» a numWr of foniatied girl M.»ra thia aelf cjoatiiutcd ind tipped tli* fragrant Diotir, fulprlj goilty i« a little t.nuri»b- the cuaTereotMM that followed ; be- line* • frtr Paris. Tint i* tl»« amount of Ho in«c m—»I al.»n». There in *»•?* had efinced hi*' heart* to an* r»lelo lm T"«i «wk« r«[«viin^ Urjpwt picnic*. and many Court of Ir.quuj.' called tea, their began fipand and II* hulk of it • ithftl et >1 wo ore well owore, the muet (>ul k«i* ever fount] in Anuri a, anl lit in- rornt in the cob, j a* ti-c and it* and all eom* re. though •illfr* f »h# Nrirolifid SuntJ, position partiality. And fur young pm-I But they elicited nothing of importance. tier geaial influence, tbey ia tirnt war of the (Into- to the t.i ^ « know «v«»wjrr to »irmitT YvU know that* turns of •eh and keeping up on the thtmeelvee, it U>4t I wrtil to M «lrr«l good di*pl<*a*rd with th«*e atlrn'ion*; heard Mra Jankena rhdIiod tha doctor'a and criep biacuita, the api^j loaf-rak*. th* inaufferahfy Wo »h«o thff* I tin in thit cuuntrr would In* worth more which ruminating animal* require. them with evident and JLa •tupid to em j body elee, copoeielly «>ts|vtr* Doti* with the contrary, *h* rrceivrd nam* ; though the had thought that *h* delicioua cutlarda preaeree*, A*., a thai fowl* art* benefitted But thie wo >»f with n«, an 1 than ten tut bra in timtot hate alio f >und by *o *u conaidared wen pop-r. soy eefelj p»rn.vl a quanlit? {old e»|v>ciallj pl***ur*; their marriag* •eemrd 11 U in iff *ob*r thta utual *ioca he which they *eferally declared tho beat put upon with curn oral. nor* ritimotii >• wrr* war. if • fleet should lho rnnture of the rob meal of (Joe. that if the Widow Jenktfn dido't th« r*«vi|u ot tbnr «jur.« foreign blockading a* a art tied thing by the inhabitant* went tlwy bad *vcr t«*t*d. All ol which wer* eoy, eal the whole duin't ui u* »m< drfinit* * r we »hould no Th»r are fond of it and Al* Dr. WelU, 1/ iroin'i K* illrrvatin Tl»*f git* cIwm* our harbors, gst aiptown in general and the un'isUn of the At la*t, hy the dint ol tea and UatUry, mad* by th* tiaall, white hand* of tbair ry 1 > ihe hat* f ,it a mine of Uth-Nild he d ••<*•*» red. the? d not «"hew cud. they Arr kt> of (fit •£• of Ihr r*tkl \i tin. unl«*a though Udm' Mutual Improvement and Wid* with which they pli*«i her liberally, flattie, hi*lew who iu a notable little houee keep. a *orl ol or b.-. u t^vruii>*J am tht of ft valua- n*verthel»-«« **c>nK?»#«jr' particular. who «»• hut a young, giddy girl, and not • er, and though aha kept one eerTent. gener* earned on their mil 0| lt„ rwJ Me tin mint 10 Oxford from tint in- grinding proeeaa by gutard*, learned thai b* had aud " imrioM l"ir*t ol all | County S>. when they little elated at the idea of being a perwa of •IIy spent pert of a»cb morning in the kitch- Tort Fait." Tha Boat »> oian* and the corn an 1 c«b m-*al thu* get* pretty without If fro l'«rrjat»J vicinity, wh« *&i*:*ncv of co»|. we a w* shall go- waa w hat ha wa* for, r-r- Ui» II *t#r ft into war, too, pulver>t««l where ha going. going imi that the would aek Mr*. J en ken* why The pretty wi«io« bore th« hrtoon werj of a ff>tn th« rural diatrict* of the or- young lady n-n of f «mI hat* txvn ing into the remainder of digestive A all «»f S»a»* d »p.-cu« plant* r for •ulphur. Hut in bit r#port I hat* when ha w«a coining t*rk. Ac.. •he refused l>r IVelU, f >r that the had re-, meekly ; though ehe d>d not, in terordanc* llogaierdom. who ilnlrd the Qoaeo C'ily of t > twine, or we Iri'io n* m I'm*. «huh rtwonrow of th•• *l»- gan*. For leed boraae, which felt had »n un- with a tune honored otuioiil lvxmlitjr i mil1! out abundant ptrtiiMil.tr* they they lu»«-d Itiiu they w»r« firmly coot meed, and custom, declare thai tha Weal laat weak, accompaniad byber pe- > are bene* »n or old rrj *antoo* at th<> d n.it think the co** of any grrat to and without even ar* all ol a in ill in Ma m. Our atcrah friend* diluted right know, rej>ort her there wee nothing oq the tab** fit to Ml, culiar twain, and look an appreciative view h ir«"* *re troubled duly reply. bwlow 6t In*niae ca*ee wh»re them th*ir waa " U>« fumiii n which Iw* > uih arc now »uff«rin£ in tin* war ; and I bidding any of g**>d-hye, aatoo*, Ilattie had hardly lelt th* houea hefore end 'hat ehe really afraid tbat none of of Iba aUphaal." <*«ttint into on* of tl.« typa.CTol Mm and rob •• inu*t with an otwtinate cwtivm.-**, an i *»rt- intent*. a • aaal th«" true c<*l f< tt'tttii>n llroiv !.*«* • tn latrlj bj th* f »f-*r* that th#j Uhmrnl Indignation ■he henrtily repent*.! of the proline* that them woulJ he able to make out sup|#r.' ciIj ear* lur a rida, lb* maiden look I m -a) i* a g »o I r-*i»i^lr. an f an urcwatonal and were thair cno- »vi rsprn thct*. Thi. eo»ci«Mu« 4»« i»trn to Iti* of [>irii«« lor tb#ir J>trang« C"tif!ir(ing ■he had *» thoughll<«ely ma le, hut ae ehe ilul tb« supper, lika all sublunary juye, while tha lotar planted biu-aelf oo Iba plat* feed ol il i* a of that kind nimora that » : no lh« t» J la*t buiuiim r. » u t r g«»od preventive and rarixi* wer« the ran* a arr »i>J At «*o jjfviu ..r It n 'I a rv H|»r«ii» j jwturra, had gitrii her word, aha determined to re* to an tod at la*l, and the whole party farm. The graceful vebiela had apod but hur*« ,t pj cv»a of trouble in were art Pt1>«t. Sunt aaid th-1 ha con- and «ti p:«a**l io fiuj .irjn^lj t • #xtr%rt th# »ulphur. It rrquire* no out- thereby itrfU It. adjourned to tb« parlor. At soon a* they few tlocka, whao the beoificnt j«>on^ r-intun a rent, of alkali, r» o! Mr Dttiut, and a Coha large per had l«*n arreted for treaaoo, aotue to €rbj the rnrvni lab lay ricrpt the Ma»ting o( th* rock. high Si the ncit morning »h« e«t out upon her had anated themselfes. deep litinj* reigned ductor inainualed hiraaelf to Iba popular and we doubt not that rob tu ul ar« > ||n hu twn (l>oi4»h ) that he ww a from the Confederate as* Principal | Mciiill l\j||*g*. Urg# ««| f It of fir* wood. »| y errand. Th* nearer ehe appr»aihod the fur they perceived by the widow'* look and flbariol, fur lha pnrpoae of collecting •lone, would 'w a or to Unu from *-t-r»l «>JJ rw*l pretty go*| dre**mg whila other* diH)lrNl I th# my houea, th* mora uny tatntly frit; spawk. panaaa. Appritacbiog Mp»rin»f«l fertilit-T for Indian com, il into 111 th# eountry. arvj fiuda tl># Jnipp^l w»ia ttgamiit, one ot thuM wandering gen- wae a Thw time Mra Jrnkrn* did nut ; •Mi iMuo* Io^Ihim ,;re*t«««t kitnlue** at tK# hand# >»f all •'.# aeneihle. though impulsive girl, disappoint •aid, aflably the hill in of Irotn half a t int to • ia on* ol thrm toto* of lb* P.-rn qoantttiee wbo from town to tiwn, tbeia. aha in a ton* that " rmy « tii •e«it!-to*n «h»m I »»w, *n 1 *e**r* try k<» deceuirg and cool 1 not hut f**l, uptn r« fl-ction. that ladiee.' Mid, Your lara, miaa." huth a We have hern l«d to tint conclu- wilea ■ T'* r*a*on whr w* roar to pint. with their tha *u*<eriincnt, maiantly •i »n eo«oe irt# uf that wei whuae ae understood that arc all en nous to on bar cheeke, and diaiik* hope* hi •• great ko inurnt manifested in th# confiding their intimacy, open and unreetrained it you vary pink to mmifcat il«4f but have not data ac- nt an» 1U» nt the kind, *uffioieotlj baa bee«>m» •o «an? per* di«a| p>ial«J. Mum Surtfjr u* to finally, Whrn ehe reach*d houee, cloud pupular ntuan* in tiooi in to thi* u*« of it. raralul consideration o( all th* and c«u*, • ooca mora:— fia i:r g *o tuati v cur too* organic all »V«iI th* r**ulu iif our tabor* Th* regard proa her eunny brow and the un» Yea, my dear Mra. Jenkms,' said Mb thia, an I ventured to remark Farmer. upon usually r k* them ar» l*j new (Maine | tha and wherefore*, the director* who President •• miaa." tb* Aiu.mg tpt > i|*riBlfnlnit uf th* iiranJ Trunk Kail- why* by wonted conatraint of h*r manner, oul I not Dorothy Wormwood, being Your fare, OU« n to • t'.ft of ftM, mj ..DC M* ( of 0ODlfer> at.J ol» ul the atxive mentii -d Moiety, wit, Mi*a n of tho and accustomed t-» lhia lima i.'ia to carnation, r a.1 gare a return p*«* to I'ortlao 1. (ail to ttired by Mr* Jenkina, who. society aj*V< pink deepmwl W'nr tKi Mi* niir Ci\b ? On« of our out lik* lb* im of iprucw. nn thai I* W ortnwood, Miaa IjOTwtalk, Mra. a in volunta»r*d to becume hrr with pl«oi x f*rrd ar a (m- orer th* r»vj i!>* coo* rothy though hut a f»w year* her eenur, felt public,' epokea- an I lb# maiden fingered paraaul paaa cam — e», thus ahxut came to * '' *M • Thi* show* that hangr* i'lcktiaw, and Mr* MakeluM. interret in the who woman for the real, have. Not from c Tha conductor real- Ifwj'ii'aJ plant in* aaa»in lor •>*««*!tiSe purp«»*e*. Th* pro- they motherly young girl, you prrtljr i«4'j»tii*hnrM anvtadv toll u« mm* mm, tnund in'*- :»ct» war* iS* clitoate Can why tie nitanimou* c« ncluaion that thi* • motiviw oh no wa are above what to maka of ihie aurt ol Wbto tbme | J|»ID£. f*a»i ml naturalist* «U> u-n lered wa* an of curineitj, ; didn't know freely to orphan. ly lim^w anl «tr tig winded. *w tied wa* tlia Main* o>u«l baeo lik* that of lb* id teriou* occasioned t>y • aurh but becwuM we art aniious and to look* little fooliab; af hav*s the»r •a«.«!anc* in wolfing diffi .*iM to th' unknown, • elatomercd who had ao deceived us That in ra*» ha car to ebow ol a diepoeition Nxoodlj. intenvtmg developed |«l«untol «gi*t for t».«• determination of N'«>—)pe,* poor Ilattie, t»aaely t»*gan ai|(na io than t Hm nf a tuning fork. th.ii, to t* • •air irrriMt) crim* commit* ha ah<>uld tha official th* f «*i|if*ruo« r»rki IVm 'U f >r )irk»M *u]|«j*>d to (eel what little ehe had should r»iurn. which Uod forbid, leave without for bia rida, rMj^tinu tilt ; »l- to [)'. I>>»< h«lp amanj h*g*n conrag* paying »>»u their «n» •• ■ I ha J coll«ci*-l tn>v| the® whitf will. t I the afof-»4id doctor, and discovered not ba allowed to dceecrate with i if to onoa mora: broke. L«b*r. and tk-ioiIj. t Mr will de»- by la-en able to mu*t«r ooting out of tb« end* unholy man ijfj eay Hilling* " JVrrj plant* »n *oue inatan«va * wa* **ti» ne*«*r In the af and thai tha afore- • •• •o itam-n* number ol t^ria. an I * r>>in|^ni jresaid widow ; virtuous and homes aim, far*." rnt>tf **«rral n-w «f tnSolilr* and bj of her firg«-r* ; that i*. I dno't feel tery prearnccour peaceful Hem your »p>> to b* article •» a-'teral i no bee too ahort ml email had Iwfi • » clande*- ctaa wera 4*n that wer« whtl (mI^hu i»* anJ thia a*id g« •-ij.town l*ct the vent to thia hurvt of el> a oi.»oien» tlioaa fiolat they • he..* fr :n th* r|«*cmii ! *howed hiui, wall. The is,' added, dr*|*r»te!r, Having given In lotely tf1® owner wanted t S»lur *o Kut now it i* |.> of %ny aemcv, euppoeing to hide hi* discomfiture and to avoid • the amiable settled bark into into hia fee*, an aurora pp»-r |u**ih4« will th# J«. rij.u >ut m th* I'roo -#d- finely, l'*e got into a •crape.* «ju«nc* spinster I Miking up through puMiah it ia too ; tli<>n atiil furt r. an I »•» d'-5uit»lj tf at tbet il (or to other* long tha shame ol a disclosure.' her and eoUtdad into a solemn si* of and lha eidein»»J go IS# 1 Natural His- support; Th* kind hearted widow looked a littl* ehair, Muahee, ruay lip* mg» >1 I'jrilan &Kitiyof switch. tb* Sla- it ta loo w»««ik. hemg a m-re Mim l»teulk testified, that one whoaa unaurcraaful* " d«w I'm b* oi»g to th* I >p layer ol t'pprr again Indeed, tnsiou*, for *h« wa* well aquaintad with Unre, dignity atruggled Well, they mj gwd-lookiog tory. i* thick anj a want to to what call tb* L-.». S tD'litti'* the and h«*y, a* th* waa *»t tha widow ehe with tha sieihle in at hum but I duo't aae Vv»u nan rr >op. gtol fub th* day, walking [ llttti*'* leition, l>ut and ly impatience dutenctly why lh* ( •—u« which we collected in wild impuUiie d.*p if the t*»^r«r t>> be a frrhlolooking saw the doctor and Mra Jenkene *r UeUrr'vrf gruop. M jr*u**r. tbuM n*- happ^na h«u»e, ah* And hare pom* to a*k mw to every glsncc of tfca ke«n. reatleaa syec and my it out ao bud !" u> t hveti *i»inm»d bull quirtly, you laoJi, hate jet, *•- to m II «%*. hi* cane rua to fx* a burden hiui. in he*rd that ahook ••oo* rock* obk-b ?.iu *1-1.11,ari man t getber the g»rd*n. and distinctly uhl of it ?' in each line ol tha ebarpangular face. It waa nut a p*al of tbond'r «K'0 to to lhem help you •• *tp%-ct begin ilnJ; Manj tu»n, «• often v.ma- •he* n*ar T>^*n March'* Cat*," Y >un; ami tui IJl—® rif th* wiJJ UoJ*. thoee JMr«, certainly eipow hit conduct.' And Mre. J. t that I netrr I may relieve the disinterested, and highly thai com minced general p«*a«a> «Sd«i riiiMK* n > on» #*»r he«rd till w* p'oiuiw you thiog a»ru- >0 canoe. S>m-> :!iuri»hir>» their atck* he a * »o in aucb a to .1 tlM V kftow g) the doctor replied, That hoftd will ini suc'i another.' ouininsndehls which baa di'trec* titter, aod culminating prn*a into citiJitatioo U»l get aniiety gerial had em.-rg-d again r them to th* aa*i*tai>i Packard (ound th* Ma)4 ne*. mn«i touching wouldn't a* it Would b* tha ruin of hits.' • e<>ma week* and aa VVeatero alose are thai our •long, V u may »ur* t> at I will do the h*«l ted your minde (or past, g ifiw lungs capable October. in and collect*! uiiJ ; *0(0# r«rrv them hug,*"*! up a »art uf a «!«• >re to which it haa liaratuo* oil N^uar* lak*. gr t |<>n which tba widow gtva that I can for tou. Ilattie. Hut muru it. "hoo. I a brief •ut#tn»ntnf thei, uruii. »>m<'Irt ih**iu •!*•!« hell »«y hate to answer thai of tha lempeai, Iwn,'j kit .1* of fu*»iU T>i* presented n*>«« laugh. first t- ll iuo wl.«t it i*?' •*i*en riae, I concluded In the mii«t CMMMkrj ■ our labor* in Mtm«. b*f r* " wit* *»h>oh it' r**o!u of their I. hi 1« at e*er» atep, bouncing I\ck flaw thrx.k her heal, bft '• r rim* to i(h» nkui of (tie *Jv.n>mb f a>il, (>r Fa* t^raJ, through WIdreupon Mr* •Well, th* *»jciely UJie*,' it«lerd»y, important quaetion, to the of my abili* the lo» r*. a P. of Natural Hot oil the »une them a« •' the wr mi to ahupJatit n th* ***t brancfi of +\j thrm sidewalk cattj and Il.it aha didn't know what > a two conditions. The fir«t one ia, Ad J wh«n the u( ft nd aaid, j r ifni»e I a*k you a question, ty, u|«»n I) >r* to ; • •iw " m>>uia en i« on* of tb* ch*ractrri*w fortnight j if knock down aiie.lf-raar* atr r warned than that. J.»r that the secret, which I ahail unlold to was ei lo bun. hit th* I ot, r«4ij in,; proof they *«ry nn|-"riii»«-iit one, I aiu eure you will you Hung plained >u kt.ow that a* if le.r iiiD«*tOM. Mr 1'arkar) • it* of tltai»«rff : y dr thi-iu to the ground, A" ah# wit* free to own that th« titver I-* to own bo* tu Iftti have for;o« of t'.ia >p lightly | »rt, aat, when bare hoard it.' ahall etrictly confined your pMportione might in trill you eip*nd«) turn areawaT* U|l)|l lo rrtrltv t.ieir aticka or that which of tot ;* ir m lac *<-m< ncecUm^.f fwl ut hurting dd liaa I• r. W tlla Nie knew lit wan aouis!' B»rn iru's die )^*J« >]uar* Mr* Jrokrai' countenance chared !• made hippopotamus I thia r*aaon that »> w a.one with wrrr and it uf \ny c »uie* in contact with them ; go a tone ! (rac* at favorite w ithi.m'lolkt, but hi**uiooth( • Thia waa aai I with look anar« thought j artifi* at c wb*r* w >r* ol i^m tuijjhi b* g »ll) bobbing n«**r had wtid bcc-tu**.* *h« didn't imagine, it a an 1 wheo Ust saeo, wsre purchasing know anything, tel' ni' wh«l ii? I readily preluccd correspond" *i J.) of «r< atlll. N twit, pray llxqanliun id S CAO I at * .*it th« and ^ u ha*ae«n ntT Itrp1 map when they with to tuan'a *iro»jwet», n.» «»<*. w*r« vrTvral Stat*. I which o the ul'l *t>4 why but it had I lirr im. heard it cm f r Thute llouae. I a«.rry rwrriea only that he w«a nothing but a wo'f in thorp'a The# all indi*i an I cjll-ctifelj ba» •f^cnw ilitln'l Dr. Well*? lualljr ft *h down in Dme, wh>sft wh; jrnii ntrrj ■ In school ia Sat off ticiou* if on* la at tatinjly,' W* JiJ n .t think that *c Bigbt b* th* !• it 1 «u anxijua to accumulate th< ui to dog«, .Mother* ought to tcry c»re« C»n im to derlar#, thai t*>»jr woulJ iw|«* «•! th* tucked; anl reck p» carry ah« a i li J, h< r*»lf with neter hr«nihe a of il to »•*:»• I inciting di*!m^ui*briue terrible character. a pirate, a rwbher, in to ln« correct w* aerte two r•*»>!! anuff, amok* • imparling pupiU Bori! m AhMluok, -|il h.»j* »f the St«i«. Thia will for the Mm* that they with wbom they allow their )|>m Wortnaood heroically adJing, | tbou^b ge.. gjr grent dignity, lo Ml the l»*>t; Kill that hare lound bring!' «»f ft eerUin eiarnina. hate you I«*J^ upon ► i!^ would to tit* l.i the > ate the r«• and ctiew—-it la a hatul t.'iea to took an * ehe were etretchcd the •p«ilirj{. ih*i ur J« rij iun of cuuuirj I fir»i, ac<|uir«d. a**K*Mt«. I ejrly op- So. not if upjn daughter'* it out. Ml»i d I »lll I «*r«j III 111.' ti >n whrn the Irueteee and " parmte to **t«l« th*r* Th* our otn-rtftti tit a* well i< alt Atmruan, to w«rn Which aa there waa little in !jc* fartn-r* p*>>p|* tulle of all (Scientific my daughter* Mg»in*t m rack danger tbt p-irtanity Mr* Jankena' •sprweeiv* countenance, | were in attendance upon the exercises, r— tor«M-l»« He- to rv I>wMut »:*'*, h <• irf, will i-I a«l «i»ita. Ih.tt can I* fruui Jarkauti'a biui ; and it 1* to nic of lha occurrence ol that rather unj gathered *»ry gratifjing •he heard tlii*. underwent »arijui ; was ft course of three thr*« chang«e • hole school put through fill I r a »h-ri tun*, fr >ro th» •* rt», » .miiJIv, to ahow the authoriti-e Srott Hi*.! Fwd rr^ularlj fleet that l.al the wi*d mi to rolt evened to be aomewhat eu»*r» j they | hy >li0 then alternative, word Aaron wm ou> hJ at »nr*| lirat looked aitoniabud, indignant, Th« given 4 « fj»»• ou I out lt.« 4 da*. tfuMu — firtt •petlinj;. j if futury * m«i»h * rk i» n< eded to fill tn*p lini*e funnelling my advice.' (Man When I>r. Wtlla fluoue. ip»-uditi>>n,' I I J outfit guru k(«p C4Ui« | • aaid My ft littU (i.iMipltiin, I arc not angry.' llatue, •t it. it rendered by are now I but Out lu l.ttwn them. hoj* you that none of a»k me another correctly I- J< i i:. »: » viitit.-a*ti will nan Maib# r< the winch COb Jit >11, rll>iil|;l| tnatr<>n wm »«n ifniduouain her attention*, kene, ia, joa | pr<»Med u|«»n nap in e»>me latiun. a» Mr* Jmkrn* made who blated out: rotten » wl anl trepi oo our while the na« K• a ol charcoal, in fx-r m»r to him concerning it.' girl, " lh« cviaiti^ «>l«ir accunt of • had I «ou map j» supply art entrap • •juration »iitu>g. u*ing M'Tj | no I lo a*k you, ao I •• A little • ro-n—Aar*>n «" to reply. prumwrd waa to ha com- Big ■ id ii* aide U«t condition harder ol t»« r a*. nW| ii *r»t n. Ihe <>f northern Maine a»h«w tSnr J- digr«iiun. into a with one ol Iter fit* urmmr- Tina r*prvwruUi.vu» „in,\j | r'{ iu4p marriage tnutt. needn't tell in" ; • few m »a»«fts all weol w*rm thought I llut you to In th« course of « U> but aa the widow declined Uk*. hut at T.J lake, tiran 1 lak*. »i i. h i« i > In our ia Ixt their elerpm,; apirtui«iit« kept with ; S|uai« apprar printed report, ncd daughter* ) wont. •>«» plied a b*ll. word inlm-d. I hop* you I don't why thair M*nt as marriage. everj l#ing etr*w or leaire, an] th« feeding * paroe without it, gave gaily M ;*ke. Pterr, l' mhr «k«. *tc. r. »w in the liamle uf the anJ wuh drj And the wI'll*w Jeukena i» ul tha pro«r«d they lithographer*. i» *lioiild b«> any of their huxueM, and I'ui At lest t»m« oo* gave fill-d with all kind* <>f fi- aim. spoiled corroctly. ati ith. r bolt of t MMlil*ro«* rock*. i« w«ll rough, of lti<* •.ml the amutle " to that, Thirdly, i,>arl_» MuifldnJ. |wu I'm none turn* wm rather ft piece, opinion,' »ure that it i* of * aaid Mr#. Jetikrne. out th« word (Jllitry. This al uidtt-r to work into Manure, Thro, ladiee.' »p«*ek- fr-in Maaarin. ing an- brose up Tb« tin ihil 1 runi.iogaj.ilb w.*t*rl; tru«l we a.'.all Ik' to labor Mi» Wormwood. " track of I permitted Dorothy I am not in the leaat angry with yon, and I will rnlorm being our of the regular acn»«* lak-* the malarial* in* alowljr diatinrtly, poeer." »bc Arv«i k n»*r, T*lo*. of changing lre"|r v-.r in the delightful ta*k esplura- put*on pvrl«ctlj *4 id the in tha claaaaa. unw*> lljtti*,' widow, milling. Though that tha r«*ann why I haven't married warda spelled Many *■ Pariio .• ua mf t* r tl.at ahe'd hoi J jut M ■*>! »ak«f. and pond pn*«ato ii ii u.tj would enaM Milrr rn• at.J •ttrniiou tin* ki>J Miecv^diiig brr head a little lower.' iot*r*aueg. Evrybodj tu rAcui« th« work wiih rg» during oilier in inaarauch ft whoae eyee twink- | time, gifingyour promise, ; by rough urcbio, fairly mm « t»H. I mmI ab*ll* fr..m bow to double the mtf M *•!»«• k'. | •u iw in tima to cowa than the Crat ■uoothe. IP^iu *opplj * in tha ladia# out during I thould think ao, too,' chimed a* th■■ >KV«4ioo«d you eu much ud<**»ii»<<«« So completely ahanrhod war# thoe# led with tha unexpected triumph, spoke find boulder* »r« to U and • ir"* r 'k. !»v»u»,w in araaion will of • no «lm to be? •' L^itlinn They b*J. that alio better than ooght and that I will tl eii and ther* an*wer lluU dition to thair number, in tha form oI a tall, Uig tial litila gal ft-r y—(iftUary." at ne. w*r* a]| (n>ia thi* Ult of d*riT.J "v the of uur in l*-t thee* b« in* certain ah« h i» Im-h al> entire effort eloaad uiiportatira mir«li|;ali»ni U C'tU CoWl UP limn*. To knowledge, ijui*tiK>d hay, together frr-, not only with Well*, »«t<*lacti m. You uiay come, too, Ilallie, tha laet few mmutae, upon tho threshold of thaexercises in apalting^ad literally brought iu a *ooth eaaterlv dirrctioO l<> a oarri«>| : rule northern Main*, and to »r« within three we«k« ul but with other nilrini n | could mention. Iter ui<>» ruin aa dittncteof wh«n the cowe (j- •he add^d, a» the young girl catched up tha half open door, evidently I down Iba bouse. In •»» I t» fc the f*Mi diiUhM, |>aib* the modt-a of the culti- the of their thould tie il her con- improtio^ prraant calving time iu>pr»Te <(ualitj I For my jart. I ^laj bat, to making a haaty till. to whether ha had batter advance cr retreat. I. taf-Avur* tli* cd" »ton« h»4 tr»f preparatory vated to the cut a duct could be contiderud in tb« ra> waa recei»ed tb« afore* widow at rrgiooa. food by adding hajr good (prink* only light Tim «-.»gw by Neither did tha obeervt it. until, Alutr. It it a delicioue no* »t*l fjur..l il to *«• on* b'jnJr^l to J Fallimo •i«d, Vuura, »"at or itulT and aell. the raiaad truly, 'mg ol corn-in**! ahip Moisten ol imprudence.' aaid ladiea with mingled aurpriM tha concluaion of her aentence, that of wall nulled tutlr« Wall thu rI (Hat thall j« «i ifi of tb« Devonian imprudent in bad, leeling yon lo '< th« I i mu are aleo etea *rrj Pt. E II- leading. N-e that the bcifcre well to Dr. Well#.' remarked .Miaa Mr* Jenkene had, bitb'rto, atood that were find her o»il th<* enough marry lily haodaome pair upon to The it to cont, not forin«t n ; r »h«l 1 drop tleep. good f\>li'j»«t« kti and in condition. the to unchanta- waa a kept guod growing Lotetalk ; on# could m, with half aloof Iroui eoriety ; being countenance, in which thera eingular hate been tired enough to Il ii lower «1w*d lb» though lit* luu'w Of.»k*n» ND'UtjM. a S*itinu Stw i. omit to ealt the an waa over head and eara iu lie aa to declare it to be but and woni.r. to Never eye, that abe netting ol mirthfuluiiaa in on* &eri** th»n t> r*J of IVrry. A RuiKiir n>i Siurittixu. Ilo» blending r> n.lrr th« rtmaining poeture delight* tmi a and that it heard what •lock twice or thfro week, and pro- love with hiu>. What could have U-eo tba •achool for acandal,' ac*on>pliahed Tha eooaciau«De« that ha bad it A Smc# m? 1 !• to • matter of ful: the labor of tbe day got*. irnila Fourthly. writing wport, g»t »lf*p man^ p*raoM With tell- blood to her vide frt-e acccM to water. rm*on ?' far mora tniachiel than good. aha bad aaid eent tha warm oter ; «ti 00 *• r*"*aa anot more, enl bathing pruoouncwd bility, countenance*. «aa now that would aa- eomelbing cooing ueuat manner a Bother htr band »utu»r? «i, J ^ a « '.rain. with culd «itr*tmt»-a. Th» tilKAT WROl'tillT IR.i* >llt»T—TIIB F»IC* I like detaching to bt u«rM«, quality t' prr« it waa ha, had r* greet, And thin brine* ua hack to the commence- toniah tonw to)ka !* | Dr Wille, for already ohtld. the mind 4t i« it in ft •o» The from that of a r to t: wli.es rt«*j fruiu • jre ol MoikJ ou ll» tram IUttlmi. Kric»a>>n iron-pUinl of tha rumor* that w»r# tlwping •upi n.> nt our didn't the Widow ' an inkling of atory. Why The next at lb* hour, c«iv*i a lid trtr it, a'r,»«i II. If.en, we lH*ilim)?«f«4 icIim or * »k>ful n»i' and the %t Gr«**n Point hu lw«n d«v. appointed teecnt to bar* balmy eiotiag •tiu«lat*-d pulaa fl'Mtitx hnti«'rj oooecrnmg i>im, *> b« «u at no low Jenkena marry Dr. Well*? in io Jro- ui found | he all tooted Mrt. ! like tht elottd. The ayeurtooa lo » tii» of it e iSrMWl »r*»u»ry wMe m the I )M ID tlx heal olUrt painful, l/t •ruted with two ll inch Culutnhialea«ent little comprehend baa to take iu air7 ronnde. w in th< wild i»nd« of M*tne, th« ,«i • and cl.afa th« bojy and ntreini h*»e t>io luroi*h<*d witS four liunilrrd I parlor. •ptril goo* itkl, jcIi rtM | vitliout to ootioi tbo evident the widow heraell waa tha who Mr« krnt received tti«m with her oeual But appearing •I u«r >ur»»r I .»» tie»n im 'N th*n tr» ti -• a or loml. of rub rouuJ •hot, eech I >411 only peraon Jen Wj »nh hru#l» smartly wrou^Lt-iron coeting at bw un«s> [Ilawlbornt. 1 cun*Urn»tioo of tbo cooopanj Hoi aettle thia veted Hut with «he waa mora than utu- to 11 M*t.\ f >r it will b» • to circulali >o, and ftt.il HI I he The twit* wert could queetion. affability. Indeed, repaid only ith tha hand*, protoi>t0 $47 weighing entrance, ha turned to the wiJuw, and eeernrd to bo world lhi« • blood iron at all her kindneea of heart and there eocioble, particularly peetcd tha me«tit if ^J.nJiit^ to tb« t'hdraw t*i« nnvirt ftniounl of uAile hj forging *qusr« bloeke of afT-ability. 'alljr Jeo- The 4th New regiment baa at and Mid Good ofeoing. Mr*. Uatapehire wa«t« in waa a in thia manner dcairoue of her quMtljr.4 frtuuful Utrbi«, bot will cause that frum lit* hrain. an 1 will tall a»l«*p the Novellv iVurk*. then turning them in g»nile dignity lady'a making gueate perfectly a at tbej ktn$. I twico at tbo door, but ro- jutl eon pitted beery job of eboveiling th»t at homo. But there waa a certain constraint rang lo *-i *tlt!<4—*ij tba IjtvmiM will a lea tomato*. A mid bath, or ft "pong* the Uthe. The c>«t of the fuur hundred prevented any atteinplt familiarity, aiooe, 00 do attaotion, and bearing I be eoond P«rt Royal. A few daye ioepeo- to no one *u bold to a«k her 110 their manner, but mora 10 th«lr oeiving I w to tl» Mil. r». »th and or • run, or ft *ui<>unu u> $I8.&00, »n.i their total enough point eapeciafly one of lha (it* »y rubbing, g<»od rapid weight of voioM I ventured to eniar unan- tioo, Colooel dmeovered and hint* ami either which were mora tnaa ueuallj witbin, Whipple An :1 r foci I"*• *.»< <\>a*9 to n~Uicr • alk in tb* or or do«n ie ?3/<00 If*. C«et ir»n ehot are liable to blank, intinuatidneahe tongue*, tuj up«u air. goiof up ! eolditre' guru Dot 10 the beat order. Said I could not or would not underetand. and their minda eeemedio bo aoltmlj oouncod.' T**-lit r. A U.-4 jt Uftt.t* T t>M •uir* • few tifQ«« bttont retiring, will hraak id when flred against thick iron quiet, " 00 C<>p|« juai piecee that Than without waiting for a ftpJj, bo the Colooel, Don't appear inepeotion onoe to aek with the di»«loe«re t< ju n -»r u Theee iron ehol are for Mim LoveUlk ventured her, imprreeed important b**o 1 C'»r.\»l!, th« wild Un*i« aid iu »<|ualmnj circulation and promoting platM. wrought tbo and id* with goo io thai eoorfittoo." • tima their turood to tbo ml of ooapanj, •gain yoor the It the ri to hrnr from the doctor?' waa tbuvl to ba made Ererj of ih« f*«t>ro | »rt of lb* suu. It n»ii«t 1h*M rulea ar« and of through aide* of euch aaceaeion peeled believe tbat •• I know Ibe ain't right, •iwp aimpla raaj •maahinf to a!l bio baad, remarked,' 1 Colonel. gun jntt To which ehe received a decided hoe wee bar mouih apeak, eyaa dining eom« fri« % r b«ll filrniinx iotu tb* hoati jo in o*atl* or caUt, mauaioo ur hatteriee fte the M-rrimme, at Nor- negative. opened I'ee Ibe aboeel oter in tba tvj a; j lietinf ova an to bob* of my good frieodo bet got brighteat had were filed her in eager expectancy, I apologj Suu lr>oif..rt of folk »od Jfalltn'l TurlU, at New Orleana And they eech, r»-|*clivcltr( eipreeaed upon tbe U'iMi|i(uck, tvtUft*. may ; ; for Bat tbo eotrenobmentt yoo em ■aw," replied t* hie and aa there led from them eotoe oaaoal re- my adrupt departure. in IbAt their Mtoniahwcnt eoddeo disappear* preeoot ib« ta> idj irp-irt ItiM ti itiMod* who wuuid frealj expend moary illoeoi of a Mar rato- •oldier. Tba Colooel oav point, aa from tba of euddeo and alarming •nee, in the of pud* clue to mark. m far poaaibla aubjact cXamn*!. (rota k*I ii^iiOMtmn*, Lt an "Nalura'a aw«*-t All of til who «r« worth ftnjrthlng, epend hope obtaining kutd tbe ooro 0 bow, aoxijn* pr«»u»oU waa tin will 1 an confidant. to eaab koowltdged by gmoaful »m " the hut the widow lieteoed in ihair ibatr diaappoiaiacak provo, but haNif to b«tr u( th« tit* 1 <>or manhood in the lollies or «!• myatery, grate tbougbla, Ua*. prt^ticd rt»Uir«r, UI.»jj atop kerning aad tkmruMt boarte, a wlOwt Mian,' mi poaad dewa Ik* them m taliatuon, word •vMaai. eot-rj oi u» 11 Ufura it>« rvcooBfo [S4M0u£c Ameriofta. | piaung the miatakee of our joutb. •ileoct, giving by fir* War New*. OlIWil t>r»i»ri ll. Fiai in Avurm. A di>oiruotl»# tookj Frnai iIm- J <*•' —I «( OeaMMM*. >'>* TIM or Now this Freeman. tho Bethel Drummer in thla and term rj fMtid.t govern* Charity few words oily S«tniil«jr •wiling im rrrito. Ma. Editor : I wish to mj a pltM cubmtiui u.ral Iim it* tan !• in, it hid beltrr tusk* loy. A Blin Trader Hmog. Mo Hilar It bmk«out in lb# atore ihs Liberal Institute. looming. wHi while ob hnnrd on* of the »U*e auf- In Miftlfnf Norway C»m. FiwK lo lb« fx**)** work of it. Hi* |«u jihmi A few daj* «»»••, Nathaniel Gordon. daaler, room of lli« ahoa atora ol Win. II llwnl ami r»|«rti D«partm«i| ths i« well knuwn *l lao on the Grtod we of lh« law »* H'* Mr. l*onard, l*rir»njM»l, |Ih»I on arrival l'lark«*ill«*. tlur* tntiro IMkb in iaimwdiate Fur th# infor II* i»r ra a anrroyndad he *»«,• minutes o'clock F noon, Mi* visisity. lh« cilii'Mia had flftl luting r »N fiwi ol South Carolina, th« m* Mill* bnj hall; teen peat Cviolva ndaj nil block own*4 I*/ IUu«| W illiama an.I *ij.r>*a*l VIA FLU CH. IKS- Ijr nation of thus* farther ii he i'Aftlfe. INK. tn*n in conrerM the of I to a lata away, may hi* viraa ami intfiitign* to tha and w ill h» in onottni tear* * new rrwp of rebela d.ifrn enroeetly vrgtgrd in jarti he city pri*on Up Mra 1'boniM Smith. Tli« Mo«k e<>nUin««l M«j»r stated thai ft* Ii i ol Dartmouth nil to nddiwae (Mr remark* hour on no man under **n« graduate lion. C. J-»hna«»n, H th*ir r*>|ue»t imukI « t» IfwiHIe South Carolina f**gwn Hon. apfvaring Thursday night, tlx I'uilofiiv, ufieo, tb« Ago ol- poeienty. C which hu furnib end to tha little for th* limf hrinf, tence ol death U»rw wilh olleget MMirinj all am I'n-aa room and dry prn«a frorUmtlinn, |«Ntrt*»» |j " the lest v«-*r* than fit*, wi that teachers during fortj ilia I hat »ilh * Co** * not their flnt aetata wee the centra of attraction in thet end ol' than (iurd<«, md ih«t *aj i'l lli«j un^ltl \VM. ▲. PI DO** the in|Hi that Captain Mom of SloaonaA ward. llm K-nnv pu*rr* oll.fr m tin- United Stat~, with Say aa bad th« the Our wea el oocee«eit*d. atnvwl to (ha hour ol eircwiion lh«fe •ny Odieg* rMuiu" their buaitxaa nr >"4ti 'n«, M- b» I cauae (or rebellion, ftr. r«iio*iljr up !«•« the Shoo atora ol W in li llunl, r«.juirin^ rtontif r^ual th* .of Yale. lie Journal, *nl wa into iht nuw. ereined to be a of sm^le eiception, ;rrVi/'» tha lailifarjr ituna and t-j of thai Slate irxjoirisl C»|>l«in glimmering hop« pictured tho hardwaro atoro of C Wf. SafT«rd, tho only •<1 proltwooo, la fit »i and hulling iba mth.iritiaa r4l,*f* N»a thie war auMimfr atop R'li.nnn. IMh«l, of rj, yt ol an«l Cottier wJ of lion. up, J. »•***▼• a »oi*c*a«rui and oftcoa Wiiliaot* jon* himself popular Ih« ./ii* • unconditional aur ren- li oim inl irm-d a* that Iht in- and haa euff-red tlm hom* pro»ea rf*|<.i»iM« itut tht* ali«II >1 willuul »• an joungal^r disappointment, Koutl Williama. lh« CanlcliU of the l'o»t unqualified IrtcUr. I In school, it 0 «hi J, «** ifirr And auftcient afur wu Frr*ui*n, lh«» til* far the crtUMt bo he* aoututiUed, raa*rr*tioti. * to tha federal authority. ClurUj Horaa -"i" O' i'«» mil Fif CV»»«. r** der quin«J j the first ottcw and ol Hunt's An«J Safftrd'a ba to hoar Thiir*.)*v he wee att-oJ«l hi* B»"r<* flonrnhing. Mf»«»rr f ret and power bojr.M wero M»od Tho pont«*nt» of tho Ago " " •• an titellent instructress Tin partly W> Ma to *• hea a although intual advl*era, the !l*v l»r. l\»rhit, Her.. assistant, atiiali ha »nt*n li.J t<> taka tha rail ilk* .N»ath tfcr»linaand people pru> Charley kttiory" ..fli.v and of tho PriM rootua ol tlx Kmno- guitboaU, up lI'iSMnf, IV# * ~uM upon •thrr assistant*. Mrs. Leonard ami Miea lfc»M »iJ revolt ll ahaut Ibia h* i« now hill thirteen of ag* To Or end the He* l>r. Iltngham. rim tw k <4 ^»enison, well rrsp»«ctive i« »< tkr < mulMiva P«(rr of thin^a. and again eetahlieh commune*, h« ia an and fn«, IWtween six •tail orphan hoy, I taa of K- ui-l Williao.a will lie ffiOOO of lk«J >»)»»{ ol the over South raided in Oilaad, In Ot hi* wile end mother-in law, with departments. ft authority goreratnaut formerly evening, S»e*ona A ward a am oint «>H «»nl parenta thia Say including large w-w in* railed at the to Uk* Concerning on* characteristic of A rervnnmeunc* U morn- t'«wU«. it *hall leeMa* nawMrj to t»um ford yuit« a nuoiWr of y*er» hi* little one, I\>u»tw, Saturday County. from actual of Stale work n«arly coiuplated Moiling wile, • Cital him. school, the writer ia enaMed, Ir tiu the diction of <«n*ral Smith. eon* I r mluce her lelda to and wa«tee, •inrr, hit fa»hrr of hia farewell H Th« unfortunate in/ ritin, grew jaaloua to llirin, th« eaUbli*hm«nt to in terms of com- $3,500 Ago rlar will ahot hrr. end then killed w oman bore a look, and had *vi« Inspection, speak strung •latwg of lh« i'ttaerun «!r n« and thre* it iaa*t Se done; and if nothing hacame frantic, haggard Mm Th.ma* Smith. C. ia her* mad* to the $.1,200. $1*00; nf all i* •• and Ilk* unto without father «!rntIt enl hot lor a time, tncndation. Referent* infantry, under tirunnj d<> it. make h«r a* <•!nn. him*<>lf. Tfiia left Charley little, long every W Win. II. (lout. of the instruction SifTord, aaytitrfnf cared for. moment of her time for th« two week* umr.tmm.m /Aemug W«f of Col. Prfdni«n Th* u.Nutty •eptratea <• Mot rah." l« oar judg«*at. or mother. II* waa, howeter, |«»*t SlNl. ni»i*»or» at Total. f.Vl.OIIO. traitora w »r ti» waa been dctobd to the *«ei* Patrons, who wixil.l th-pipil'i f..r several tit: H nt roui!*•- mill Soilh Carolina • n I at th* finnmfti^iiipnl i>f th* hating Mfurmg |Mitbt«. IMI, a >»iuj Hie amount of in«oranfo waa a* f ill >•• Uinmenta thonuniVr of books which he •n'l llunirr'i Mil «, to t r< an ineult to rterv lo»*l with of IUlh*l, uni« of influential in by mper*r y main ar d re»« l« w iuM U I'apl llaating*. partiee endmvoring e»*aMi*hm*nt KenneS.* r Ilia Age fl'iflO; to 4*od. h**n to tl.e <-i-cuti >n of hu*hand. hsa rather, r*iW there •• « rntnt fur the vbile the in the I nn>n, and an intuit with whom h* hid f>r aowlimo IiTinj^ prevent her joo through—or, mi»lrr. ma Journal Mr* Th •**• Smith the method latter r •oe.ir.j twward to n It r ,fter to nuree th^ea tip •tH tr**t*»l A* ahe entered the cell of her hoetauid, »he through,—slier fluently pur. j Centrrville, ik.ng r r t*•« I'm trtj ktmlly C w Saff.rd Wot ll |J«nt of not be satisfied. Hut thwfcj $'.000, f200l), • circuit within the lin«* of the 'in. eould nothing «hort Ct»tk S. r. Iw«rda, of Ralbfl, r*- fell tainting on the door, and had luKiMf- Sued, luijjht pick* er* in li»-r ('apt Total the in eduratiunal r »• fl'J I 'ie* wirk^l. t» cruitnf in ihf ol lUl r«*u out into Ilia room, where, appreciate wisdom, [ •u. »• it itf*iriKtinn ddfijini mmjvinjf tirimtj reception hy The Con'ontiof the Poat Office wt-re all and ficit* the aaaiatanre ol the *he ee^ra, tl>v ol I I^tin maura, The r.«ull » i« the turn <>( el*ren traitor* t»u*l t• ecourged oat riot loan f.>r th* ^Ih R*glm*nl. Tli* privm pt>j*ifian, ji| good "/nfi. raj rebel r» mnH The evening w«a aery at ill. to to »a« *<1 frntr,' (makv ||»I|1 alow would be aaMy mounted two of whom I to ha*e the m n an I tbe mean* mrnt attrn'ling thaw operation* elt*n lt»w- do it. and we niuat do it. Ch*rl«T: hf nafhl brought delighted, regiment, to I Kennebec Journal. worth > i}i»«-j* J« cobi« Mr. l-emnar !'• aim ia, take (•in* l'l Nurtb L'iral.M There I'he contiecati *i of etert dollar'* want'xiu>ct>t auch aliw he an fann*d th* fl«mr -a*r maaaive the *.*hnl«r a b.*>k hj m %• *n of about tw»l»« ehote The r< in N»Mh Curu.in* would him from U ; hot it I tha wall* of that diurnal j>na- through vtchafge of | |nh a<-t thl raU N' jmltW (!»» ho tnuM headlong only p«r«»n many e»ening« ainee, a »rry pl* w>ti loo a l**t far well kr* I r eiaisple.) they it tint alterno n and are con- we M* »r we tut rc-cch public deon, or anything ek; arm*, nnpinied u|»o Weeliingtin II >n It II Mono on th» |>«rt of lh« nu- <* " a*id« to entrr entue other t u>»n and wvaien in all the for a mmician : th« rulra her hr»w, an J »• then removed ®*7 uj-»n fiOld ID ttl« uld •( ltl- lim. At la*t it »•• from hrr n -*«r to met on earth, tJnli b« done tal Matra whni my let of th* army M>-lud«-1 *ight a?ain J. uantl Socth Carolis*—What th» l.lUi to that g*n- RBL4TIM) M Tlltu.««HI lisri out to A skillful farmer, in "breaking U'giin»n», pr'«ent»l Hcrt in* ait wuh ut teruia. or 'dot her that Charl*y ahouM go waiter lie fondly etuhrec, 1 h•• child, and k>**ed up." with arranged a -ndi I »w..r I and •««h. W'u not ruah hit otrr the Ixnan *ph a*i*<>n»pa« ntrtiTtitHr, f) C, and let her be inJ ai h* wnl, an 1 wa» and kia*td it until lb* would p.t.iw mrfitr*, « hw ft at t' farotU of >tate<, Klward*; Sut«. for t:.» } fortj ('apt kerprr •••cuw|*lied a n»at and 1 th« here and nying the gilt with a| fropriale Feb. 2'» l^i'J —Mrd-fl U(»n,i ine 2»»th «f I'rui l?n|, * "tft the ol l«n 1 half i doten ep««»ch, recipient replied day February,the — down nf thia t returned to hi* cell in thoa j h*J a h •inj* and bje word til th* ►nttlr Mull Kun IWifg »tip, O'tiifany of |ii*r# I'k, It h*t {mlBrt.kL'iMtliM perpetual **rf h«n l«"ir." i> rm» K*a l>r Teft. virtu* f the X t iif t' mil- h*««>»m* a times, It. alter all. little better than chap, by '"gr-t It h»* »uaic t.. lha lateet mi. tun* h.« W41 n «t inirtin, hot p»-t hi* apiniual adtia.ra. At nine o'clock ha leaving f»i. »Ut<*f»»rn. g«nr:ati lain of tho wai then called I >r itary )n .if the lin • in the tmgui^rJ a ha lout.d it. lie rather takes time to Catalry [■»*»—i ul<'«r*|>U •h'1 1 »»«xl tlx •n th* Allhi*i/h n •mm*!'* rolered into with tb« U"V ^'r go •m« ui»n. I.'»4l tu 'u—ti'ti r»mpany, prtjer l'»inp, the f,»r a short Sutra. over with a fur- an I ho entertainrd company United wait*r H* h^itni th* Ll*r for (hi «*wOi- mil «a* then ltd alone in of the carefully it, deep. straight «\>r«• ttitiott »r,J t'io Cmua. Wt,»l<» t*»»« JC*uw for RtjoieiuY* Hoy. charge ha „( tl,.. it tuno in that etylenf In*. which, 'JJ—All tel j»r.»pb <*'ifnfniini«»t..»r»< in re- w*r»i«. k> for the r«uiain'l*r of the row. turning every a.»|, »fun. peculiar ii • wiurt ol r.t ,r«J. it it «n Th* i* «•»! the |«^« |wr* ni«(ht. family rli»n<»«»« p4K}. »"«• liatenrd to, ia n«t to he !>r. 11 nt, n>it • m*s his Nni to make aure forgotten. g*r«l nnluary ii[>*ret)< > «H 1 ar**! at th* httt> .f lm hi* he. hacking up eirmely that a * ,fh f,«« »r r> aJ lik* »>rn>n< light In thia capacity tntil four o'clocc couch, pr art) t hut ri »t act, lay uf»m *\l followed I!, t*. nf authorized (he •»f it. r- too, in his h« T*ft hy Ilrett. Ko«| liy War tf.e hr*m ft«. n*ra!« o-,ta- nn the ai,h » o| and runa it down Oldtown IA»nng. commanding, »" •» c u'J U* * I iur went to p| iw, ?>««• N n t * r« «l heart, »tu r. the • J" «» P*lr> •rounJ litlU C'h-tr nh!j».ing A-out o'clock the kn the fl«*l I in the ee*. ut V »n. a w«v'~ne«m (he surface. It may gentlemen, «n th«* nun the l «t»«i Th* »i«n-ru* that with I i« *krill fll-», »!!n,; ell an! di»^>vered linn in and long *C J liir 4< *uucti u( I iKmugtMMl away j fcr»4t ag my Tina linimt eral ar»- a'^- }>ijtlin£ feiini time 11 whtn it ia with merited n.mj d*p»rtm nt». f rtidden. lU rmf ul i-*tin >u and take J this Sin applau*e. lutely a mm >t x*' r haw l«rn I farth in iww k.-r fl *«dl* ahot* •off, ri»>g mi'tiM h« called J n C Cal'»un mpi4 p*in immediately w 11 I.icut. Ill ••tin. .1.1—Alt new* re the mili- it tniiHihU |o richly dr««rvd by pep* pu(ili«l>in| « ha done, something. '* t vt U'r I, •»n*' tj ■ t\. 11. i(lfr »i»iihrf, f •* 'N l«»ftt ■ rfiti of hutlla. Fdw«rNa*ja ap M>l«t«D(*. 1»r II -l^'u*n, tha •e If | 1'ipt pri*on phy. a natna of tbia Suu, ha han a* coil an J inj ff r*n» If tit- pr-if something t imn. iii »Si!iit t »• »! ut »> mtllT IftitxttH-ni ll>«l unan, a' I and. he *»in di*co*rfH •i. |»'«r*d juat leiiij in wlirra the war found medium not authors the of. like this to he J mo. ftr y«*r» Virginia, received, -J by f wn on nufhl M'-r««knuining • »r J n > • r# •m"|t ,ii»vL» l: »• 1- hit »r>d th tl IkH unnfttu- fine d in !la*tm^' >r, t at (iordon had taken I>r* l.i* ]+• j>. ('apt pr! poleon a on th« Ira* U'»tr fl< a I menti t.rl m the Of'-r the surface of l»> or of like Iota larg* pUntir plan. authority preceding H •».»« C ftft* to W th* r*lr*at common >k«. science*, ! tW* hi. ||« haJ tl,» '.. »• 1 I »♦» •<» l*»»Wl «« t«» K-*il»«l 11*11 S*n *d, n> a* and VVo-«d •• r« al»> c*llei| in and the t»" |||fia ju«t ||«> *ai »i«iU>J tbo Colonal •>! tbo f*moua will he eielu t.-i llumfWr from '• > i* Inn* r than n .th- hy paragraph, * .»! !• how 4o«n *nJ *at4 it «mM not d i» • a surfacwplow.ng, ■. it* i«f tit '>101 I r gr ,i J, I, i «,t iS« any »tomai*S li*d which, after d >iUc Charky j o'n| *p[ laf*>' lilai'k who him tb« inf rmation or fruta ther* ias in llorM I'aaalry. ga«« receiving by tel»gr»gh, * if» tS"fft I wuuti out h« r III |h» ing Wt strong temptation, .•> • f • \ * l at to '» «i. *hr| lifttu *»«•*» of tli« 1*1 nf »T|<»nr of an hour or ai, *tmi hint out of •i. | -•tul I'mT ^ placed altarnativ* of a i»im#i«>i m in r«ilrt*J. these toward accepting tian*iottting new«p*pn^ iin titailMitliuM aw«y dtnger Iht rvmoral of j»oa.»r» of tho alata in not Fdwarl J*. hj Me to'* tli* rrbol a'oiy, or Iraung 4th— Elwardv, Stanford int«» th»ir mi !*t, indriKttMKi Y«nk*>*s liks do op hrt»'n« DM 11 l fur ihftti. from IS* fiKim, hut **ry ritiain^tion it «*«« found tf.at l«e hi I taken 4* 1-12M j» luUal " fiMtr boura l.icut 111.-a 10 chow* ie made of m a Itotb and Iwi'Mty military aopervieor telrpraphto • n. »aa Uk»n pu- i If lt'4l tv i >n thua fmt h*« U»n •nf w?>*n i>o hi* errand mercy • at mi' time it «*a* f»wre i-'uni like pssaeng.-r* rail* t'*« !•»» 1 f t u <>i- •••««•*•• .It firat it b<*b»«>*1 •• »' ih* nJ»I«, «nd whs H,a o h«r ^e it* pila ► »»!• in >j; >| j hy |n« lti«t th« jallow» Woolj cheaird of with bi« arvl wl>al b« o>«ld An>on ^t»*er i« (ba le military S«n-rinteo- rlo. ft* an*!•««• t ,(t*» wa» rl*d ear. pi {>roun<| v » :• ► «ri« #•' u* b«l. Ih»»ik« m«K'li»J »H t .fti -hn. I II* *ii. in how in t *t I r f.r>t 1 jy-m^nt «.r* r*p *icii'u. iirti i>n i,«»l re^«rJ |A with hnn »>n hi* he was .n J«nt nf all line* ai 1 id the that the I is not lik- a carry j-»r»n, telegraph • 4 * t r*»# i»"" a I tits* il w n U'l. forfaiting mis rs »• I Mr *1' iun. t ••■l. '• n Iluiiitwi* the among lha killH, ami for >ng he he *aiJ that it wa* ul into jt if. |«»» ohtaiacd it. [ hia to tbe North All bia h«a L'ni ted St a tee • I >-u«i .»i»e, which fulfils its Ul way | nporty 1. r (. i' 'nti >n. i.' i»r »« iiwni' I. ill «l.t8.*»ilti"» hf *4< j'4l I» him a p'lrj nnly »»• •)|p|>*\| a ri£ir and bought hy friend ; it Ik-oo cld to r« Ital 5th—Tbie an I control of the tel- I piirchawra. povition > «ai tut >»ut I .• % v .» uh I « !■•(<•»* •h*r»»rr<», IKt fwttc* Whil* at Richmond. he nnfitifd in • *• ar>>l in ly • ij at*iut gnun* -J the ««r*« I'.# Ir»nroonly r> ■» * U* | pr |ri»>n«ilh itnl of a ci£ar watching hi* ar^ for hi* the afT«ir« uf the r [ opportunity " ij. fraud-d Northtm men dmng. ni|eni»» «'lf loiter ; in communities ordinary «• .t r ! Jni>thrr many lb 4 11 tS* n! l.i •»j-.i»«i i(h |» Wilr.it. ('•»ngff*«ni'n Kly, he bit the «nd of it off and *wallow«»! it all, and l.ia I. itua. Tina order of the rn r« hia (*igne«l) Hy l*reei|ent, ■ it ia aioai it <|e«wa right*, pro parly, m *n«t«r aeholar*. it 1"i r«- it! t n l » i» .ji'an it II la)ai»«l f'0«al |+i««o'i« II- t «4t|| tbnr an I threw houarlf I w twI to dl*, lie popular n|»in i* a of of th« Kt>wt* M, Sr*M v, of War. sn I f.tler aprt*imru |>atri'itiaia worthy Sec'y !• • •* tl .*• ! .• > • a \ r.ftnt »• n| t<^ k t* *t > ,4 -1 i t | I' r» imp »n«! 11 Mrriti^a whit I »d »ol lakto ti e vflf fit* minot«w e.»na'»jo-,ntlj. p"l p.i*on n 1 tar Tho otiaaiuo wm a fry hap| y one tor u«r * a » >!u m l maki* than aolid instruction. Mi IT IftoM rai. i «oti. m uti id II..». J irkni •• * ai4fi li % !.if an I it wa» cnlitmfj lh« uuaici>f a <|uar* th. n. to ths hona«| tm»rh- hy «»• i»a >i*rr Commend me. • »• .i i.. r- •»•.»*. iti uu • ? r *r ui Norioll. 1'iirMBouth, a oik-. I-*> llul mu*t | he walked toward th« he wa* Cairo, Feb. ill T It»».|e-»n VTilli, •t »|'lcjr A* |*IU*i toil* led I'rof llr«*;t of «« choir, hy Strong t* er. who aets his Ur>» fl,nt the«e • mi I.rti* .» t tr at fci i 4 I S irtb I anlma. » hil«* * tl-u.k m tliat a agaiftsl of —Linl. .mmari h» bo, lik 1»« «ri, the | icture of "Impair With tr^mhlm^ | K*nttrhrc Journal. Secraurjr Niij ling » ronaeiontiou*lr rritolta |he %n ib I b> > ■ ol c>- a»t If ««a ami «^nt tSmfitations. (mrn. with tin' f •«;.>r. hn • tr% a:. t ui tw rm»tur I fa!l Ptrhang"!. *t« f lo m< hed llix »j«oi. and •■■'iiifd l.ar ll* goriUtat ju*l inltf.afa of his whaletsr theif ti. k.riiai nt. on Ihf I'.fiiMrtae. ||* ha>l 'intr '^-n h ». »n | A I- •if. u* agiia* t t I«-ral ^ j r«tmg with tr »r»,» h'iin» W» |V*ih*| •hie to *o|)j«»rt l.imarll. «*a iw TmCn«i»»t IWian E P.'lp lb* Bim| Mi«o»*ip| 1 nr their and n C4tn# on m imdmsiiona that ol ar I » ■ .1 UT. •«*)! T t I I ru limn m>J I»onn-:« f» • *ir f *.-r ir* •» he pwrmta. • ^awa, d tha hi >n rin S Car lllll t •a|on>l In* tieel. an-l Yank*« fifing, fulfill*! tut r*p»rta ra.«kea Mroei of th* 0f in fun-pn voting uulr nt» itiiu 'I bf Uw iMiiir *%«r C(* • t4T.»r-«l pro.*sa and n rth tfahama tj ha I1 A l«f latian, U j highly Ittan tl >*ti a frw worda to ll e Rev Mr. rWSttg4 tlii* n« •outb Vnnn»« |SM||VltoiI apoke •• in fill«g#. TkJ<«>Uy eon tent to hide his if »[ j«iifi«mT,», >.*• rr* l*tll 4t» I anciMliluu n*l • I» » TlMttal r«d of r-hrlli.ni hia t. ram* liiitu* uti •irueii.tn, time," nrMt pr ^ X 'lUiitvl. It >!<-»ir»» Ca| R>|w«rJa l'»ai|i, aii'l at fiftevn mmate* ft»l twelve th» 1*01 1 h« ttudirmo ?vty f or Ding, p#*l. in unrewarded "*n ib an •i iwitU. 1> .t t lU't-rai.i. J f*«o!u in I «f~Ut I will rtll jJae* ("Tiarley o'cU k the faT ,1 ai^tial gitpp, and • a* not »> 14 r „•» 4< th« h<>u« unglil haf* with it is • Niulh in an I Scholars who think that a at rt II rirt l<> nv I- of 0 2 II :« .t-, it u iTU-' 1 *-ul in 11.« »!kJ« »• mp«ny .fcw,iid yriitiwi K^imrnt, imfortonaie *|> |>iwnl away, a«Y ilitm ilil' l hut |h wliO lietler in iitiMt* • >t i'i t.' o u l wlcn wr m* hno »n ^•'»^^l tlx r*ra, h* * the tcunlxM»l wiiicli will »i| ih« I iti •r» {I J tL« ini^ | U.i. t<> he «d to • far tur world II nrck fr tu a »ir .|.•irf to hear him ntif. p*»>p|« f.o| '• niai nj |l»»-.k .Je#|., IK I sale rv.| th* |*ieriaa rt«n in Lis u«n tK*« id M «« »■ wtll *h «»♦» ht« »nt in hia thru of the»* State* to r«iM L'dioo f >ro«» wittiia ■S'KUiitv lit I ti. Min, An 1 ••ouri. amy j»in K^girumt, *4* not hrokni, hat he died a!mo*l withooi r««kinj( in rnlfiu«ia»m th# la«*k in nuin w uld do well to Ainnet'i tlu-m* ties with •»f* f.« a han*! «n itMl r t n • >■». i| ilr^ile. the Inaliluts |he Classics, the enjijmMit »n but t'-o II. • «« I ir ll» llM lllllWII \\ hrt' rr i'tall r»rr tli* hra*«» litt!* Norway in •<> A II Fioti, |i UmI (jr IMM 1 B<«4f..iif tj P»^| r), iini(W twelve, when tin- phy*ician* pr>^ tn>«inign«d) p4*t Mathrinatli-a, |he Ntliira Vie|i(*i, II I |l,^ |T|.>no'r r < rvt •» im 1.1 *\ »u«i II ..* il tu ■ rt »t •••? ; but in ia all it matter vf un r«,' Officer »••«. „f II I t[ rviBt.ing fallow n^ain Main*. tiouncwd life ilUKl. m th« fnol»gi«i» »«jr !U- (,'oiuiuanding urnamenUl branches ol leirning, as well aa j#rf«l »•' t »ir r»u»« nt* «< .••4u. 1 'it n' »u'<»t4»iiti4lij c*rt*init,—far f>Hi.r, At mmute* ,#t twelve he W4* cul mili^ n<» ifn ftil to h* lii^lily «nt*rUin«iJ St t'-ii ~2'i Ihirly j atu all Cvtvife Locw, rbt Rnitlini'i ® • the common fUlgliah Ii"#, duS fc l 'i n Jj' «« i'. n-i 1 |!i- tu •r » •>! 1 iu« it f .«t »M*r hit hum*, itk * hi* I if# in hia hantja, an I «• jr h*|'[ri>i j>^- il >«n ahl ill charge of »«me >f In* lb* far »l | r >gr4Rim<» which J «nu. Cairo atch the ,<•< n fN,*h. |.l»r«"d m rariti>-s mar be hjr jr» de«| *ajt <|»n " stianti \io g ths .i'i ^ tii I *r» (• u *• ntl « t»« bfii m >«t • >»a not what a !a? !•*-. J» kn hiw huried. " ••«*•.>« « and m| hauc«l!jr friend*, who will have " Mr. fin», elear, till* i* confirm**) Our tr t.> k privataly act ii i* I Iltjwtrl }► «ij« po—ae*i • ■ ri'otione.| diggings among • l* I ... ti f. * w »• l" deep l 'I '•»t lull lf'4- l| l| t tt t llalr ntr.i tliat m«f forth." Charlrf mav in«wt «1> ath a tw.i • • ,fin< llllur* he wroU» letter to the w*ll trains! fi |ir lor nj;ifi£ ill* ion *iiliout •ili >n. 5 -<1 it* •)» .*!. dyin£ •• iJreek re»ts," and French rnnuncia- 'ij }• Fl.jd at. .»» .i. *••• in W the j J : t I f M uf ll'r ;• tin »»t, ; but il that r >nlm* ■ • L'.ri. <^i*tr«t« ibil WIW *t-*» >n th* >k*!tl<-£f!J mvt^e ol hi* who are confine! in tl»« .,m wtnla n •killful « »t 11 »rr fi 11 ir !• r-d up *e»*el, «r> 1 jiirv»« j,;, m«*i, H that'i li .n that is worthy the name, r 'it»tr? Ih» <•«« tr» ij ruir, tli«t I • i "t on l'i» I' I li n. t«r-«nt. »n4 *t*r c ui*a h* will l>* I .on I »r«».•!* truly lt»n. r i'ntoii. al* 11 la? down their City which would not make a Frenchman iture {■•rforiiiioirw ii«fjr tj Ur vjr^it with tut Clu. It Dtub, m •txl t!i*> tir*t* urxl-r f»mtii in tii« L thl.il (Hi«fct L* F'*>u», f ^ th* f»*— g uj ica 11 it n*« I tl in in ih* I>ni 'h, >»»»•• all ih« I mi I N'i hia Pupils *ip*iiti Irum lung, rli*rrin^ will 441 Iraat rhvriah lli<* lu-iu iry of lli« T'>« Tennis#* it r»Jl*| for Pr*v>*ii \V* Diiiicv tint A n«r- er With lar It-SB of real b"0*tit legislature • 1 f.im I • alh jn « •> c* t > »•! ^ *t Tn t«r» *k II. »• »nli<« Ibtailr* un lo Tirt-If % or fl*4lh prelenaiona. J'f •• uT. editor and «.f the Such aa avail thsma- !«.* ol ths ad* pl«-»»uri* Monday t »nl Nv.ui.> « I am J«ra»>ii tl u. «t in«JiMOiU'4H«L' «!••« E«j proprietor may .jal LIMturj l.afo in writing -.11 InrnJf. N<» t > I'nion m rement* ii Alleghtnun," a lit* pap*r, | uMwhed at offered hv the N..rw*v school will ei>jiyc» »'.«r» ibwi llmul'l vantages r-|>n'M.* »tn^l* PtftMIM. IkImToU Kvrrvbodj main «•>rit to lute tvaihMt, and cvn» jurml* Citff. Mi>ri >n hat #»•<• >»»rn >r f»I! «»iHai|"i.M in lUiker «| Cttao, F»h,C'> The >wing •*•(*•;*! • uniting hi* Main* Mr unliaa are theniaelfrs at fault. !■» »> f^t J -vt, It# I » ■mil* th«» t t.i art >n* >tt Ami I turn to r»n* them Mt o«n iu •<«*«» they at lb* faj.'vif wl I lt 1» Im« Jam. A. Unital SutM S -o*t >r to »»fh to tf.r Tril.un* i* a natue til an ] re- W Wright d«*j Chi « <•» .* l/tfrll, worthily r-j t n •»• I % ,r .( i.nlli * r »*t >' "li>4. Cfttm jii liw> ur» r '»*n till iba Uit j- torbft complete jcar. till lb« ol J'*** I' llright. Y»*htiH# wAt t 1 •ent* our in the Mato. j>la<*o jrati-rday o-uj by •• »< Ji»h. 1 S'i'J. • *• I < —I J it* ■! atrurti l> » ftutv the rn<»- 1 bate ifarr»*d to m ilI ritn» torn County, Keyitone Njrwar, Nth. !•»>• hi, tbft it»«rc>l an i a* (NiO (*rix>f>« undrr lirn Huell «•( i' I'm ii I t!-« »t »n* Miitiun *uring Monday night, The ft deral fl.ig it now flting iter th* >f f»i* irnntl «Mf •'! *«"i.t in ft iiii..rt in th« it» l«c« c»e* for I'ift Letwbl al An Fato». In transmitting •rrj if n • ©»>r th* in the 1 t'omeuti the follow * tbia II |>*\>» >! wl.o kl VI O ll.lti< ftOI«>tltlfi»-«|lv 1 he U*t ol r<*'tr«4rjr, I »i«ni the ar«4 of railroa >n, in,; The held ml ih« Congregational ««• M>iwu our. lite wn^ftt oru'lifj in The Tenne»««« legislature adjourned on 1 •.( V>ulK 4*«r- iiic*. -r>g r* »!.<• it niititii»T ti •!i •« .nn r w tbftt wit » and wl it in lb* windiw « < m? »• ntrtifr «.»» a Me I »i. I hr tf r. uHi Pant, continue with ■■•ctioQ ol the tool, »l#<> >k< «jj*L week. an I m*t a "tin at >1 •• Saturday -tophi*. • a of h»r ttfllifl.-ati >n c4id«» atd Slant.« high complw the the hnckt in tt>«* L\>utl up by tftTrg-tic pU»u up. SvrM.irj ptid enin^ inter**t The ihflumn g 'injj Irom ceiling, landing Iti* rr porta! tbat Ctia>mi**i >n#r* hat# t J '•* .t men. h«** v< I- • ii .K l*«tr« re nt t > the »n 1 Irien I at In* at 1U A I la Mf puM«.* | 1 iiti-nt*, fi»r«ihftji»w thr •flar lh« h'moJ made t'*nr it) .noun,; $allant •• ■■ Hoom I'lm wiw not tcrr gr. ; |-«r- lh<-ni (Sod evidently' dauiag* hern *r p..»r.t.-l to cooler with th* F.-leral » •» 1 in whom he th4 K»r b«it f.t* ei I nf thi* untisttiril w*r wh>l* aii'v 1 into *iu4>t u, ooc ai l#, M (i-fiffal M<-Clellan, have aln t*rn umlo Ifn.tturr, f trat'*plant<«| j> »^.r iug ineii lh»ir «*<>rk, and their tran»|{r«-*- mni arrang-im-nt* mJjt autboritiea at Waahingt>n, t » arr«n^<* t^rim » «<»• t i»«. ] r«ot uMif itm ft r»tifi t'-noe. and t'e rrault of t«w Fin !i»»^ c jntrr t« 1 wi'h rv*w lif«* un I in in rich ««rth. when- had the utinixt * nrrl before tbe ftl« cwirftj^ plant |«il. thej •ioti*. ]|>- ••]• n[M'n«lh their e*r to di*oi- to fiii" the building r«-j for th tmn*l*r of an J th%» ti t. an J well tllagunce, Smlh « tf ti' (I i»—*• Mr ll-n- rr-«1it » H ti^w |ifi» lunlioutti ( j till the first wrvk in Jun«, wt *rcc$ oter t n in w«rk—h* «W '« •i in urn now eihibiwd to * " hi* Kf**t v I r „• r *i'l uituc 1 iii'o jut 4ruii In u 1 «*t lli'tu out ol dvviri, •till t!»« natural, rejoicing are in will »! err |I|«T r^aiaiurd *04I|« trli diT«. tbay n*gr. |ii*« ; »nd FB(Uti. The IliU Th* St. L>ui* thai II* •»* th*t th« •» of riwn km MM t > il «t t ft .*111 t toilli io« of • hen their «»' 'r • •• In ui i* It i« iiuw *t*ted the f5,*rra of the Cjd« Republican predict* q«t«*»t ctiaii^i light hj denomination* to o>>ui* am! »h»r* thi* b|.*« t rt II' *1 of the comtpoud*nt I'hilaldjihia New Orient * ill be in our h.tndt withio itvcll an •* '«»• nut ion it «m n it*kr ir>* «.f ti-uiiUi i'i* ol rfb»-I t» d »rk cr*en. il« r» has tnjr great that r«-|"irt, ii* we ing with K«f«H'ial!j would invite Ir><|u.r«r Mjre : ♦ Urn-nt uf rl'-'it u»m ihM * «l ! I1' ft. nil »• b« in then ll.e r of the AMociateil I'm* day*. iliti' *aU I! fthatc* .untrr ha* uii*tftk« f'lofjru, irinapJaiitPij porter ««jit •II minister* in town* to come sod •• The tr<.«*twork which b»» liwi in forty adjoining |>ro» wh'« »«• oth'f In ttii* be iui » or Imhm that on he rannot learn • pr-<*»nt thinjr BlrftnUoil—»|J iim4« fr Itul bed fnai tl>« earrful iP'juirr, u« for the »• 11. An ic?lt«njj»d |iri«oo»r. j Ijgjita dirreti/ tw with un I help Mooting* gr« f> r touiv tuao |«r >u» uf the to the mllijiil ih« n( <*og!i- that »uch word* were u»e«1 at th* J i! Datia inauguration, n^ht!?. .i»i. »>4 j >lioj ifird-n jrw coming week will 1* held err* da* and It it erTeii iutif» loiij; and roftchn irtw th« F»l' #mj Mr r»lfema** political c*r»*r »•!: : »* 1- M tiit tj hrrv rikiwrl tutting Hi** were huddrd r«Md» to o'- a affair. N it a cher, r a tingl* I*-tfrjft j plait* •teniug, at twoo'chx-k, I' M .and 7 itUtiJ ; ft ditch uf 'l/riii£ itur turruundt tpirillea* fit* t > ti lt hi* «f of enthu»ia*m t n maniti-*red. Irwm lini<* of !«»««• t ri< ti, il«D tti u>i« in t!i« iii«uno«, ar-» the uii l;Uof June, uhlth w *• aa an I Iha PolotMM juHic Say' early the iii.I, wh> h is >*cn Jai^t riualjr •I n>ad ar* effects fr^K time to lime to built in forui, and caurun «r« Vaa*~lt pvw up down ■* •'vgu* a>n t m {♦•*» *fitir» •»«' for th* »>*r» *tat* .. ln»- it r '.if in thrir tn- should be r-nornl fruiu tlm our riti of the w.th 1* littl* tr tu'-U Thr j *-«tirrin£ ftftftj llirj pit«in ill, (or eoiue lime, Ji»-1, on FriUj ni^ht, ad Ire** th* p«oph. \?« Invite all planted III ft | ^tlllwll to th«UI 'niparatireljr ttl tl' :>»» *i« r« i« f >11 u«, In South c—i on U»rtefir* ha»a n.f u|. ii' nt roar1, t J*rk ftii'l cloaJ* tlii* cluuat*. tin* \r th«jr kept »twiil cm * u*. W.i re. that i* that n» *t of th» j lourkj llj of pneoiu.iina Tit** gloom i*n* to come and me»i with enemy. A prominent oSe«r decUroJ pfMainn >» 1 i—i m-11 I'nl«*r hi* of I »V hit 0* 1 <#f •.<•• !> Si ] O.ir WfttChUKB »ill and belofe the middle Auj>u*l and in cona« .»nj t o »n.'. l i»f i her had np«j totaato**. of the '•*£! were with flte mil^a range, hat# ♦awn a#nl rj< jvrar* »pr*ft tpieiic* ••itnr of the (rati* Hire ftgain»l ft hundred tb<»utanl r«' >k to 0-n. ll >ok>*r ditmon to tn^a^« pliot RrrKMn to lie Tint* m» Tihwn P«*. fruHli* II 4f t WIN# Qt*lir<) »i tlikt Hurkner, (iriSn, ol U'witton, «<£•• 5» «w. C'ti jr id !'•- i'««i -itu Mat* r\u«TiiM in Ojr.fu Corxtr. The aude uee of h*n manure. h >g manure, patch* Patrick werecloeed on th«l di?. The wntrr* an fwirtinente »hn wim st Perl P i* in wif« II. ga«e •• 4 rea- Watblnfto* pr»«lict rarlj aij< turi I r ia»•!* «r« •uo««i tr ui 'V J" uti-i' uMitii't an i»t*tract if leached i»*li««. Iim« and toil wiled captured nelaon, hi* Sun-Jay night. y K | cftrvlulljr the whole will h« with lat»«t ia •jrwpathjof peofd* the hvcl* nf ih» S M f >r Ken* son the that the had uf tancw on the Potomac *tr>rj t it I?. ir«l>*lt, for art, complained Ihrtr Munit— '>T 44>t, tmill vmicriM «] t niu. 'ui«, ( uniK* Ut Ihu it m| (M .tr* lugelher, uiiii ftll iwrJ to eianJ ft fortiu^M in ihie a( fij the Chi-f M t^xruto and Uiuily 0 >t allo«e<| t t tarkv. »»»d will h«i tried fnr tre*«'>n. The him, and had him in tatrrsl tnn«t. that niU'l will ba delaj |b« btc >iu« Hut tprii I iMrliiMii « •<>! t» »t Mi! rl C" f j I at luroi*he4 1,175 t>."i and nuk* f iirih. in the I••• of cmin- «it in ord-r to carnally incorporate all the bj Judge Audrofevggin ft LanJer. lor bit aJtam** r<'g«rruai in- 1* *r vtbtag Ilk* L'oi u • uiiioc i evuKi U r 1 id 'J I 2 i»f it* ui*l« j»'|ulation. Tbe loin a U** require warm weather, and with ha»e n wonJerful atorj about J<.urn»l of t widow to an c«ntura of the near r* fi»o •• puMiehed The I>»wMion »p-«ki» Tha tchuoo'r of arrival implied aruij fwub ) tn *nr p»r« vl n>« »•*«* U« ratio of lUah l« Mate «Nnil one io 36 proper nar« they will bear Aid, Yarmouth, transplanting (•en. Mcllellan oauard the to in* lojg Ulrgrtph who fieitod the editor, make on Wiwhingt.'U. I ••* •"* na u • n' I- t t! < n or in 11 of uia'e io* (mii** tb«n other •!•r fur*lU }vi|M«)%ti 1 any tegrtaM*, ao.l SlurJtj to f « connected wiiti hie headquarter*, the «ll.. U do u concerning tjuleai, 8. • full «f cotton ('"»3 In tha Senate, |i«-o. •»ir%rf «n-l )!k tl. tbi itil i'.ir»ira Y*t» CmwuIt «• at tinl • ■■i u*l iltr lir»l ('loud In tin* war till Ik 1 il't health ft* the tomato. N. X. X* balr*) con»ig-U io ntiun gu *|» Port II ehould lie home in wind Spolf Dotieleon ten dolUre a month from hie p«»jr. Tht b# Lieut. Oanaral. It it atattj of ur«« >o • >« « ti r*i and Iki-mmi, anl '1 tie Kcnn«Si«4 Journal mji iKat it )i»« appointei % wii made on Sunder, *nd m beautiful Km on Tu»-e- th«t connection nohle conduct of the iun ro»e« tier utoet Co ru mil tea bite »i- tit* •>* in th* A tight witnreaed. j tba that tha lo i>lac*« *{Mt T e I'.riUti 1 | hi thai John God* hut the uiaj« lor regular juMica* Coogrf«*Mnal i*tt«gr>tt he roiiimuijicatrd with St Lriui*, • arran-^menta >1 iy evening, at iudmi, in the Weet Tltc •limnhle mother. eti.Jeiicw in the ca»# il General • >'«<* i ti>e r and (he Sute aminrU tha Wntk, Uril r»«ifn \< miu .u vt Colour I of tattle »u and the tion of tb*ir |«|- j rintuig, «a« with unabated over Saturday tii(ht, him It i» oow ftJOMwh«t *n fale blowing violence, j of their Frerooct. anJ eionerata antirelj. Tba/ iat«ri*:iO£ <{ur^ lb** I 4*i»lry, on account o| liunofn. Tbf at 9 nntwithaiandip* *h» dratructioii of the tnn e»u-utf eurrenderfd foriuallj, o'clock, MtKtiMii at So. I'aRU. C«>r»iJershl« niationt to tha Vc« m\is to N.«tl« while th<< r.iji •inking lighted hata wa«i« auob r#pr-a tna tg know U Jvt> with of in our arr-m* to room flrla«a. Tba Ciraat II Portland «» fit. an'l mm" others of the While •1 •( So P»ri«. Th«» mntiirtg*, Republic, ba lo a command Will r -tura to Ltr i «o4 Ke«r»urge. Society. «hall aaaigneU >*hj uiKt>ndiUoQ U'l with alalia. witb tba of uk- ul enow oo editor o* llic (jmmtnH Mr lUaimonii. U»l eiprautiun M Mountain The coluoiu YalkdicioiiT: lt>« Ilri*rn m* on board th« Maine batter Ma. (If promotion (iranl, like a volume ■fk, ««r« coininuH, d«? mil to Tbi» < raited oftuoke, took l«v« of hit nwirri, ImI tuning. »i>' « v( k«r g i UI.Ativf La««lirr, «« mt*l at N«nb it Ke*r»arge,wea Reporter h* b*euoiM lh<« ol Ho* II. A reoMil •II Nrtfjr, «• waa »t»«J tba alalia «arr »up*nor fxMtiiiMtcr a the <-n l ill th« »*k. Tl)«s r<-*< nt wrtk, porpuae chan*wj, «uJ to the Mountain volcanij appear- week. in tha pungent vtledietory. | *«mM Mit her J«j wl i(r»co "I Ithtfl >uiith, rroiv«Ml. TU«&m giving following | of Ilia LmiimiIU Journal n p«r|i(ii> |Um be- •ro infor jj. J trrt»<*« sr« l.#IJ Melt •tuning. wade into bunk*, and will he i>cc«pi#«l bj Oupv ao am*, not ea»il? doecnb«d. The gape uaota liu D«*f«r t*»n announced, Mid I. r to rvturn ia Uvt tiut* *t l William Wtlkrr'i. lit* thol th« FV<|.t«I i« re- giro oj j rtualtj i* kept •»|>t occurred. tba |5th Mains wbiah it to go Urly pU«*<4 «rnjr tween the mountain* teemed com- m unknown ; Btvcrel rvntpr»»oin lm»« already i Hrgmcnt, toJ Ui • ill of t(.« I'm >o. Hal emallrr Lit »ucc«Mur It cit»* »i uiaurm «Ken ijiril «m to turning tnowa. M 1 It U to ilita that them ; Ship Ulattd. i* »cd I. u« in filled with the driven Goon Ilr *. Our tarn ot wrvio* >>k» ts»j prnpur unU thi« £iar1 UtU> IU«. Dr. C*rruth*ra, of Portla»d, who pletely • n re»t rMiou* to th* of From a aentcnce in th« Portland paprra, uth ihi Uti*r of expired, and bid at' «.fB.*r n«if«lv inform in/ him thai >j«| I I'trif, |iart Alluil«y) in a nutua the buw A**«t. «*!,—th»- ua 1**1 «wli, »o that ih« ountrr»;oii« ; aigned bj > V l'avid the BelUet bvr. h»f« Irwitad Uw> «t «, » .•«/ /rwn* fit Uii »»• k. M ««l| m on ib« iMbtath, lac* Wilkiue, of Knos. m;i p<>rif»—good TImj baa alao tba hi wm reiuro<-4 not fr>«tu r<*|«*ct f.»r bin ; to ar« oot •ttribuubU to tt* «fforU th*n loftr that th# 13th Ketweal hat a C and «a Uiank tbaai. all «*». »>/" .Sf'4-' 4. KiiUr b«r turtJ ui lti« lU('t»*l CLutcb ta tbta ilUaff. Ago, hog 18 inootha ola that girtt cdlantlj, baartilj | but lor tbo kitd of j forth. IMBi da*iioaU9f>. pocolior propartjr. % pat •p AiBwDf »u«r Suw, or r»Uuc« bur», JwOgr Ju4f» | O fatal return* show 3^1 kilUd, Uxiui mm (•r il»# CinmI) «r If *4 j E So. CLOCKS. WATCHES, I • mm .hi Rosenberg, Paris, »'*in4r4, MiJ loO »i»uB«i»*l in MnOrroao Goods, IMMKRIJ., nl*i»Ui(iini ik« »«• II. rAHKr.R. aMWairtluki Dry Millinery, ill" w School *oi»r ru» tmb Ma «| IVmms llwkrl1, Inla ol Oibiil in Milt of JiMHih I'iik'i, Isir HmiUiI, Family Boarding di«»i>n il Fort D«nmWo. KFZUII AWOTAWOX umIUUI'H Coaalf, r#a|»#il»ll) it|irrinlil Mill rtmmly, ilrrMMt, rrp»»»»»li: FOR BOYB. IMCKOVklb A.Nl» rATP.MTf.1) JEWDLETl W » 0003)3, »ui« ml mil iWntf*a Swrrurj mi k#ti»»i wto hAtmiI •» pa* Ik# jm«i lirU* stuck Im •«•>! at >uft< >etA in |My iS» jiMi tU4a*t wkirli to *11 rclaruMl AT COST! *m Tunun, March 4ik. 4nJ of 30 dftj* prisoner*. iK<- liM ml liia limlli, Ih# «| low Komlrtil ■I lk< Urn* ul lilt ilNlki Ik* ul tliltn Tiir. Jou^S kj l>) C«nliutir 'Irtrn »f»k# $10,00 $10,00 bft?« U*n dm M (>r the ra- ilultara. • h«ii<|iril «J>ilUr» AND BETAIL1 II'MMM TUr jmmkumI ki« tkkaul WHOLESALE V«i P#IIIK a*-r ik#i#l..r# f«at* that \mm kmmmt Yavr (WlHloaar Karri** |M4«« lb*l rw F*wilf law of *JI <>ar in the b«ti4«ol th« with imKb amd Iwkt «i • iKudi «I>W pltM ol if- NKW BNfiMND P.tMILf fri»»prn »f-alI ff<«nl k#i Ik#*** i. »rll ami matey »• woulj giaai bn ln»iw» la Mil. al paMir «m |*•»••• I aaul • m| (if !■»»• ihf «(»• 'if U» ««4 iwrirfv « m-' k ul ik' inl mi iI# u( mhI iIk'wmIm W aale, an-1 rumn w rnnrh ul INt iral iw'ata ul (Vnfe4«r»i wa; m S. For ul inn. Ani'>u il» |ir««.nr*l fnilnrri t gt|Uj JOHN ABBOTT. Thirty Days Only! •>•»«»» <"f (kr aaiti il#lna a«.l liao- Jaceaar.l a* |a (of lh» ma) (MlUMnl mi Machine! • tn»4" another advanc* (>j»U iho liinili>>l nlwr of t»4|iil»i Iti* C4l«• Sewing Ciao llurr«>! !•*• ilmltl rtwi m»il ilrlut, au.1 iim iJrulal liaifra. [1IOME; j f— !lul .lull l'i •Ki.'h «*rijr tmr it auly«cia Aafca»«l««r imm wnv>'« H»l«g Ot r on II, il.—tl« Cult) nf I'lulMlr IwU OiroMli, *«.—Al CwhI I'tiihal# Il u ••italJ# kl<»« llir I til IKImili |m«|mI 4'lfMUfe* ri|ai«4l«»< Clocks, batcr pla»**. <•1 mUi,i>| M»| MMkia^ hi, •Miniy Nrtnli An**< CanNic II <*.|kri< ki»l In ik# k • iru lri ll Mm. iNiJ (hi lkf A.I). IJ *• tab». k *11 ikirii Turoiii ul Jkmmii, A. |l. Ibifil TuraJa) J.imian, ll««*4rUI|i, making ■ tlr.tnf l*trk Htltfk. i# VAICY 00008. PMPUKCTT, «n i»> Cifn i)«ll<>< 1 trm, •• K«*•»« Citt. llo., F-b. ?l TH*r* IIMI (or a »*»••«! iiim*. «|'I vfii, lln ikr Ih'lrml, I'hal (In the af.nr««|.l Wilnnl, Thai mMii* Ctrmii. |m«•♦>!» »f M>) lu rkw lW |» Mm# llutk •• luui h •• lit m ul ikia l» In a nf feat (I* (l»M. ir-) (wiHn* Jifrii |mUiiIiiii4 <".i)i« |»rtili»*, U ik« !*»•< It iW i,i „m( nf repair of i«; nm* j.rr.J a iwitmim • l«*rtk« ] «Uf, wilk lhi» aililrt lkriru:i, Ikiri- Mark I) I'll iblCIM.Wr lIlMPiNI, ihirr ■W'ir.llM'll H»rr« Pifitll. Il'»«. John I t klW l« KM, «IXi * 4otacl>ai«nt ol the Ohio ||fN b»;a.-*u Cavtlrt, a al HI I a a a I X.I • a lk# ♦»*( ail HiMwitl wiii|>«|«i |iinlnl llir l\l.utl lit rai, N'«>)M)if( jxlalnlat l'rr»> »*( IVlff Tk'1 •»•», F.M|.. NafkllMll TOYS, 8TAT10H£RT, iii.i luai «(!•#.I >mi llul ill IUI 4|I«hI im» III'- ihii il II aoJ ft t«i>J >f r*t*U Tba Utw*r a*r« rout Artiolo in hit Storo t'aria, ik-al all |»iMaaa i#«l#-l I'jiu, pn*H|a K*l|>h ••*•«»• K«|., I'ltrlliml J l# TiiliffMH, KMHilrrMi, llrfii and CUtk> •a ik# liiMwn, al a Cmul ol IVilaair ih#» if |.'I< li il.lr al I'ari*, and ih'« r4 i<». il aai, (1. Hi h. K(■)*(*( (ai'l lili •* •li ml l *>( fraalrj. lil»o ){>■«••#, \ II. Patent —a*! fat u*«,tkit nckiM •• kit mi iji4 *k"tfM »• t l» W. Kk Fur f«(lh»r iif.Hmlmi nUni# (ditmi, lam.Ijr «f»r» il if* • »'i* taken Our I ■« I k»lU4 JLi |iam |>#ii#«l. K. WlKMlftl Jul«a. l All •< »k* b k( *22 • I'mil. !*«k tuliit I tir gitrn la-iiir anil A iiur r ip)—tiuiii: J S. Iliiiii, IU|iiifi. V r. TKl'F.. A.m.. Principal. Dr Ludf rmm Tf* Dollar* W totUr •no 3 •nun 1« \i, J • I'm* OK RKTAlL. I i w WOODBt R1. ft H-thM. M«., J44. IT. lamlrd. WIIOLLHALC 1 aIwi *|U lu rrwrwlvf llul aulM«i.)«l itifimjIiMUl all [atria •( tk» COLeT COI'STRY will •!« v»llutjt| of ra« it* but: T-» ik« Hum. I' W W'««!l iii), Ja l|i ul TnJiaia i; \ 11 !*. niiiialrii <>f lh» UiHinl Muiw ii | 1'<•»»'!, wilk a itrHilt ••• DrAlT.RH SiHIm'* iiniwi ra'lting • KKiLCR I* him aa.1 Mir fw« lk» ^lelftaalkxi, (lit ikr I' aalt Hal .III. <.) .1 \ 14 .«tn« \\ i'Ik t«, 11 r af \V «'rr- iui ia a lif ill •a ibrw frngbl fllj ln>«' 11 II I al IS rrnfa prt til. S\ rimtuif k|, |i*raMy .• •tr. i tl.o * ill tail ii l»■«»•!» <<...| |>. I.4i«r> *' 12 I 2— brat I? towtliH 1 .. him .taai «|u*L no. i* %i 4 Ual «a '■ a. J 11 II ■ijt.r In# a»i l> 'I'hil 'til ♦»*u