Whitewah Tubeless Tires TIRES GOOD.I
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ts ; y".' ■r . V r \: ■ I , ■ wFOTJR • - 7 r m m t i A Y , m a r c h i, ise t- Average Daily Net Presa Run The Weather Forecaat of O. 8. Wimtber'Barean iS^ttirlr(0ter lEmnittQ Hml2i \ Far tha Week EedMi ’ Fabm ery ti, IM t O eer, Cold tmUght Low 'xero to 10 above, leiro tA mlnnii 5 in 13,547 normally eolder areas. Fair, con Member et the AAdit ^ tinued cold Saturday. Hi^'ld-IO. .s Borewi ef Ctreeletlem ,OME W I^K ONLY,- Manchester— A fAty o f Village Charm C.O O I)>*V e AII TIRE PIECED TO VOL. LXXXI, NO. 128 (FOURTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, MARCH 2. 1962 (Claaeiried' Advertlglng on Fg'ge 12) PRICE nVB CENTS Pinehurtf GovH itupected Our^62 Stocks arcTon Viet Nam Pilot i . JJ Nu Arrested Slate News their way corn fed lotca State freth lean Given ’Asylum . And.We've Got to Make Room Roundup .'.J. We'ie Moving ’Em Out! / Seizes By Cambodia Pork Roast We’re Cldeing ISm Out! • \ We’re Cleaning ’Em Out! Lawyer Testifies PHNOM PENH, Cambodia (AP)—Cambodia gave politi For the large family— For the smaller family, we suggest for Car - Truck - Spare He Bet $200,000 Just what I have been this 2 in 1 combo .... \ ime cal asylum today to a South or a freezer special at LOW PRICES Vietnamese fighter pilot who LOIN ROAST PORK During One Year flew to safety here after At looking for . Cold cuts i ' !Re Early—first oome, first served! By f B r o L nooo ^ment and seised strategic com tacking President. Ngo Dinh sliced to order, where I 3 in 1 combination. A Full 5 to 61/4 lb. M strip | munications, transportation and iEIAR'rFORD.(AP)—Irvin, Diem’s palace in Saigon. whole 10 to 10^,4 lb. strip . as is or 4 chops, 1 RANG()0N, Burma (AP) security points throughout ■ the I. Krug, 52, a veteran Willi- Cambodia’s chief ■ of state. can get any assortment roast lb. < Burma’s diefense chief, Gen. country.., manfic lawyer, estimates that Prince Norodom Sihanouk, called makes 2 nice roasts and^ Ne Win, seized ^ w e r for the An army source said about 10,- the attatk on jDiem "God's, pun I want in a pound or V2 in one year he placed $200,000 W ill 8 or 9 chops. lb. second time in 3Vi years today 000 troops and 30 tanks took up in bets at horse race tracks ishment” and(^denjed the South RIB ROAST PORK pbsts at key points throughout Viet Nam government's extradi lb. lot... and arrested Premier U Nu, the capital 'and blocked all main along the eastern coastiT"' tion request for the pilot, Nouven Remember' . you get bid faahloTied Full 5 to 51/2 lb. 1/2 strip ex-President Sao Shwe Thaik roads leading In and out of Ran The former superior court pub VanCu,26. Decision on HEAD CHEESE counter meat service at Plnehurst . JUst . as is or 4 chops .. 1 and other members of the goon- Heavily armed troops lic defender, Uking the witness The Cambodian action seemed tell the meat men how you want your roast government. backed by tanks ringed Rangoon stand In. his own behalf in federal I certain to further irritate, rela CORNED BEEF LOAF fixed . roast Ib.i One canualty was reported In Airport. All flights in and out of court yesteixlny, picture^ him self; already severely strained by Burma were canceled. as ah Jnyeterste, almost ^ompul-. border Incidents growing rtlOSGDl'lTlNI ,the‘ army seizure of power—the Center pork chops . , double thick, thin of regular at 89c are a good •non of TiTaik was fatally wounded In Rangoon, however, there were j race track gambler. out of South Viet Nani's war HAM CAPCAOLA by a stray bullet when Thalk's no troops on the streets and city Krug Is on trisl on charges of . against Communist guerrillas, value . Serve apple sauce or cranberry sauce with your pork . guards and troops exchange- fire. dwellers went about their busi wilful evasion of income taxes Diem’s gpvernmeift has accu.sed TOKYO (AP)—Soviet Am MORTADELLA Thaik was Burma’s first presi ness seemingly unperturbed by from 1954 through 1957. The origl-. Sihanouk of allowing the rebel bassador Nicolai Fedorenka, dent. He retired from the office In the events. A large concentraUpn nal charges placed the amount of Viet Cong to operate from Cani- said today the Sosist Union’ , “CEflVELAT 1952. of soldiers took station a t the era- taxes due at more than $16,000 but" bodian territtfry. Neutralist Com- tral police Station in .the heart oY. new audits introduced at the trial will have to resume .nuclear PASTRAMI Jillltary Informants said U Nu bodia has reJected these charges was arrested at his suburban resi the city, and smaller, concentra now places-the taxes due at nearly and in turn accused South Viet testing if the Weitem powers BAKED HAK dence at 3 a.m. and taken away tions were seen at ail other police $11,600-^ namese troops and planes of fre do. ’ by soldiers. Thaik lived a few stations. /i„ . *Die trial' resumes today before quently violating Cambodian ter • Talking to 25 students at a BOILED HAM hundred yards away. ^ - Win declared In a radio broad-, Jud)ie'M. Jo.seph Blumenfeld. He ritory. luncheon at International Military personnel In quick Suc cast___________ appealing................ for calm.......... that.......... the reJect':cwd a defense motion for ac- Diem^ escaped inJury in the at- DUTCH LOAF cession also arrested ’Thakln Tin. army had acted to halt a vastly J flu'^tal yesterday after the J Christian- University, Fedor PIMENTO LOAF finance minister and president of deteriorating situation and to save , <‘'‘»J«ent\reated Its case,. ; Another pilot In Tuesday's 50- enko made an apparent refer Burma’s ruling party; the housing the nation from diatintegratlon. J ^-rug whjle on the stand for tw o bobbing and strafing at- ence to President Kennedy’s OLIVE LOAF tninister, U Zahre- Laian; the What'motivated the staunchly jhom's yesterday, said: : tack on Diem's-palace was taken trade minister. U Thwin; the In anti-Communist general's action! ‘My practice of law >>*cnme a big plane was shot expected announcement of a HOMESTYLE LOAF dustries minister, U Rashid, and was not Immediately clear. But i-’id® ‘s'"'® Involved trivial •• l-'our persons were . reported. decision to go ahead with at the minister for Karen State af sums eomparSd to the money that mospheric nuclear-tflsta..------ PEPPER LOAF the coup coincided with growing killed and 30 wounded in the raid fairs,. Sao Hla ’Tun. was pouring through my hsnds at that destroyed a wing of the palace The ambassador said the SAXiAMI Thfe army suspended Parlla- (Continued on Page Nine) the track.” and al.so hit the Saigon Jiirport fuid Soviet decision to resume test He denied he ever told an In government broadcasting station. ing last S^tember was made FRANKFURTS FROM ternal Revenue agent that he had The absence of any other overt FIRST PRIZE no client files. 'Tt would have been move against Diem's government with “bitfer feeling, against AND G R O ^ ^ ^ CHANGEOVER Man or Machine at Fault? ridiculous,” he declared, “the whole at the time, of the sir attack in our wish.” It had to be done, office is full of those files." dicated that the tvyo fliers had act he said, because "among the Krug said he won sometimes and ed on their own and were not par^ capitalist countries one con lost sometimes but that'during the of a larger plot. / Imported boiled ham. period in the charges — IP.IS tinued' nuclear tests.” This Most but not all center Investigators Comb through 1957 he ended up each SAIGON. Sbi/th Viet N>m (AP) was apparently fl reference to slices $1.19 lb. year Insolvent and, owing money. —Comnvunist----- — guerrilla- activity France. has increased Shai-piy'■ply duringd the WhitewaH Tubeless Tires Fatally Injured past two weeks, with heavy caS' By JOHN M. HIGBTOMfai A li CENTER SWEDISH h a m b u r g e r s Airliner Wreckage ORANGE fAP)—Mrs. LiAe J. uaiUes report^'dn both sides. WASHINGTON (AP) - - BOILED HAM Use Wi lbs. of Pinehurst 3 in (Maria) Cfrrone. the 48-year-old H Je heayiSst fighting has been Aatronaut John H. Glenn Jr., bloiviikin goldei pet for benefit of photographeni at Waldorf Tower# Pmident Kennedy is expect $1.59 lb. Vi cup fine bread 1 egg I blend of Beef, Pork, Veal wife of a New Haven physician, in the )dekong River delta ares In New York City after receiving the "gift Yrom edmpoeer Paul T a ii^ a n . Col, Glenn played trum- ed td announce tonight that crumbs t tablespoons was killed last night In a single c*r and extreme southem provinces of pel In his high school band. Taubman said trumpet was g lfro f Mie city’s musicians. (AP Pho- teaspoon salt ‘ chopp^ parsley for this recipe or double By ANDREW-MBISELS 4 Hers t#llow one of them, Joseph thp>-^ountry, although the pace of tofaxl. / the Unitfld States will resume NEW YORK (AP)—What faUure F. Farano of New York,- described accident on the Milford Turnpike. U ^teaspoon paprika 1/4 cup (i/i. stick) quantities. 600x13 SAVE 650x13 SAVE Police say Mrs. Cerrone was d riv ..the---- wwar has’ picked up markedly testing nuclear weapons in the % teaspoon pepper Stargariae of man or machine caused an It: .