
Polygons/Congruent & Similar Activities

Polygon’s Activity 1 - Sorting Cut and sort the card into: Similar, Congruent, or Neither

1 2

3 4

5 6

7 8

9 10

11 12

13 14

15 16

Activity 1 Key

Similar Congruent Neither 3, 7, 11, 16 1, 4, 5, 6, 10, 13 2, 8, 9, 12, 14, 15 Activity 2 Combining and Subdividing with

Trace or print and cut the pieces in the diagram above, to help you create four different pairs of statements, using the vocabulary words subdivide and combine. You may use more than two pieces in your statement, and you may refer to each piece as “ 1” or “triangle 7.” Trace your pieces on scratch paper to show how you combined and subdivided the . Example Statement Pair: a) Triangle 1 and triangle 2 can be combined to form a large triangle. b) A large triangle can be subdivided into triangle 1 and triangle 2.

Feel free to share your statement pairs with your math teacher via e-mail or on flipgid! (Hint: this is a total of 8 statements – 4 sets of pairs) Math 5 Common Assessment (Revised 2016 SOLs) SOL 5.14

1. Which scenario best describes two congruent shapes? A 2 with sides each measuring 4 inches B A with sides measuring 6 inches and a with sides measuring 12 and 3 inches. C A rectangle with sides measuring 8 and 3 inches and a rectangle with sides measuring 6 and 4 inches D A triangle with sides measuring 3, 4, and 5 inches and a triangle with all sides being 6 inches.

2. Courtney is designing a flag for an imaginary country. If she divides the square in half as the picture shows, what will the two halves be? A squares B C rhombi D

3. Deyonte wants to push two square tables together to make one large table. What shape will the two tables make? A a rectangle B a triangle C a square D a

4. Katie wants to build a path that will divide her rectangular garden in half. She will make a sidewalk that goes from B to point C. What shape will both halves of her garden be? A C

A two acute B two right triangles C two squares D two rectangles


Directions: Choose the three correct answers. 5. Which 3 shapes can be made by combining two triangles?

6. Lynn folded her napkin into a triangle and placed it next to her square plate. Which did she create by doing this?

A plate B napkin C Rectangle D Trapezoid

7. Which figure can be formed when combining the two congruent equilateral triangles pictured below? A A B A rhombus C A D A

8. Marlee cut up her sandwich to share with some friends. Which polygons can be found in the sandwich?

A Two right triangles and two trapezoids B Two equilateral triangles and two trapezoids C One parallelogram, two right triangles, and a trapezoid D There are no polygons present in this shape.

9. Edgar broke up his candy bar to share with some friends. Which polygons can be found in the candy bar?

A an acute triangle, a right triangle, and two trapezoids B Two equilateral triangles and two trapezoids C One parallelogram, two acute triangles, and a trapezoid D Two right triangles and two trapezoids

10. Juanita’s college classrooms form a trapezoid. She mapped out her routes to her classes. What polygons does Juanita form when walking from Art to U.S. History?

Biology U.S. History

Art French

A A rhombus and an acute triangle B A right triangle and a trapezoid C A rectangle and an D An acute triangle and a trapezoid

Common Assessment Key 1. A 6. D 2. B 7. B 3. A 8. A 4. B 9. D 5. Figure 1, 2, & 4 10. D