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anarchistmaweekly OUT OF AFRICA WE HAVE NOT SPOKEN YET QUR ENTERTAINING and in- of African independence groups. colonial masters the conviction that Fortunately illiteracy and the ab- history of their previous ruling class teresting contemporary Black With the ending of the 1939-1945 the Africans were not fit for self- sence of the mass media saved for in their long progress to socialist Flag had a quiz which asked 'Which war and the granting of indepen- government. This in itself would, to a time the African from its worst statehood, and peace and the current Head of State was a frequent dence, if not freedom, to many the mind of a thinking man, convey excesses of exploitation but unfor- brotherhood of man, etc. Mean- visitor and speaker at anarchist African peoples, African interest in the thought that perhaps the teach- tunately technological growth, one while, by the dialectical process, meetings in London?' The answer anarchism declined, in the effort to ings of these old masters were such cannot call it progress, is introduc- minor wars, minority repression and was 'Jomo Kenyatta'—who once achieve competent self-government as to make them unfit. Indeed the ing all the demagogy of democracy. military juntas must and would go also wrote in War Commentary, our and—in some cases—naked power indoctrination of habits of obedi- We were told once by anthropol- .on. predecessor. for political adventurers. ence, the deplorable teachings of a ogists of tribes who existed without Perhaps it is too simple to believe During and shortly after the war It was pointed out some years ago slave mentality by missionaries, the rulers; but the African is increas- that the Africans, preserving their the anarchist movement attracted by Arthur Uloth in these columns installation of white ideals of com- ingly faced by rulers without tribes, tribal, village and agricultural quite a number of black comrades, that Africa's historical development merce, politics and militarism, have of nation states without village society, could' have in their develop- exiles from British colonial oppres- and political history resembled that all made for the present chaos. societies. ment side-stepped the growing pains sion. The Malatesta Club was in of Britain's Middle Ages with feudal Additionally the deliberate breaking- It could be, and was, argued that by opting for a decentralized, bal- fact sub-tenant-host of the African barons and warring lords competing down of long-standing tested ideas it was necessary for the African to anced, libertarian society. Forum, a multi-people's association for domination. We have seen on village life, agriculture and tribal make the transition from colonial bloody struggles such as the Congo systems, all made it easy for a de- slavery, to nation-statehood, through and Nigeria and bloody tyrants and caying ruling-class but hard for a any of the 57 varieties of socialism; However at the moment the Man benevolent despots such as Nkru- growing, newly independent and and thence to the ideas of a liber- on Horseback, puritanical and re- mah, Banda. Verwoerd, Kaunda, ambitious-to-be-free people. When tarian, or even anarchist society. formist as ever, has seized power in Strydom, Smith, Haile Selassie, rise, one in the fifties met African stu- The route taken was generally Ghana. The unlucky Kofi Busia Gunpoint fall and persist. Betrayals, double- dents they were generally either through technological development has been accused of corruption but crossings, clamps-down on civil studying to be lawyers, or to be and production; elevating every such corruption is an institution in liberties and mass executions are not accountants; and the armies and African nation—by its own boot- newly-constituted states. At a com- unknown in the newly-emergent armed service elite were trained (as straps—to a leading industrial and parative period in English history countries. part of arms deals) at Sandhurst or military power. Of course this en- it was only censorable corruption Arrest of other British military academies. If one takes the British time-scale tailed the usual hardships and the to take bribes from both sides in a there is no need for despair about The rising African ruling-class were usual errors, but the only thing that dispute or not to do the favours one the repetition of deplorable errors, permeated with the once-envied could be said was that they were had been paid for. about the crudity and cruelty of the standards of their former masters their own errors and not those of Our former fiery associate, Jomo Census Rebel leaders of the New Africa. The and were in class fetishes and cus- their colonial masters. Kenyatta, has almost achieved the struggles for power that go on in toms 'more British than the British'. Some have argued from a deter- rank of Elder Statesman. On the T>HE CENSUS SAGA still drags on. Africa are a reflection of the de- Whether democracy is a suitable minist Marxist viewpoint that it was other hand the eminently respectable ■*■ Ian DaHison, 31, of Bromley, re- ,.„i^.„. ,n< Qf c:onorn:c ant» political export is an iterf f,or questioning. necessary to recapitulate the sorry fused 10 complete his form as a matter Continued on oage 2 of principle. Equally he refused to pay forces which are slowly taking shape. the £30 fine imposed. His solicitor de- There is much talk of neo- scribed him as 'unrepentant'. He was colonialism, which in some cases is sentenced to 60 days. There is to be no an excuse by rulers for failure. It appeal. is quite true that domination of the His wife said, 'We were rather sur- prised at the sentence, but my husband majority of African states is no knew what he was letting himself in for. longer by direct rule but by indirect He wanted to show up the census for economic exploitation carried out in THE MINERS MUST WIN! what it is. and he has succeeded. I am some instances even by the device backing him all the way.' of repayable 'aid'. Neo-colonialism AT THIS EARLY STAGE, the effects have any great effect for some time. out In Northern Ireland the first man to has its counterpart in neo-com- **• of the coalminers' strike are hard Large stocks of coal have already ..been refuse to pay his fine has been jailed. munism which adopts the same 'aid' to estimate. The response from the rank delivered and power stations, factories ALTERNATIVE FUELS? Fined £8, his sentence could be up to tactics, and the penetration of and file miner has been overwhelming and coal merchants have prepared them- Pundits are always warning the miners two months. He is Cathal O'Boyle from Eastern technicians goes hand in for they know that this is one battle selves, in advance, for this official strike. that a prolonged strike could mean that Castlewellan, a 30-year-old teacher. hand with the works of Mao. Many that has to be won. There is the realis- The Government knows this and will customers will change to alternative His arrest was dramatic. Six soldiers ation that for too long they have therefore sit back, waiting and watching. fuels. However the supplies of these with flak jackets and Sten guns dragged states have pursued the complex accepted low wage increases for fear that Although many power stations are well are unreliable if any great switch had him out of his house, although there has game of playing both ends against the Board would close down more pits. stocked up, there are others with in- to be made from coal. The Middle East never been any trouble in the village of the middle and succeeded in getting However this has happened anyway and sufficient storage space. Miners are countries, through the Organisation of Castlewellan. But he happened to be aid from both sides in the cold wan the miners have had the worst of both planning to picket power stations, like Petroleum Exporting Countries, are de- chairman of the Newcastle Association but the penalty for failure is high. worlds. The Coal Board and the Govern- Fulham. Tilbury, Battersea and Barking manding higher revenues. Fuel from the for Legal Justice. The disappearance of Biafra, the ment pay out low wages to a shrinking in order to prevent the movement of North Sea still has to reach the high None of the priests who have refused assassination of Lumumba, the labour force which, at the same time, coal from them to others with low stocks, expectations forecast for it. And so to pay their fines have been jailed yet. downfall of Nkrumah and his suc- has pushed up its productivity. Having which could be exhausted within a few Britain still relies very heavily on coal. Our Northern Ireland correspondent has cessor Kofi Busia. are all tombstones done that, they find that the Coal Board's days. However, if any power station This strike stems directly from the not yet been approached despite his on the way. new chief, Mr. Ezra, still threatens runs out of coal, the power supply for Government's policy to hold down any public declarations in print that he had closures if the strike goes on. its area could be made up by other wage increases. The Tories are prepared burnt over 100 forms. Events in Africa have served to stations via the National Grid. To do for a long struggle. They know that the M.H. implant in the minds of the former As was expected, the response of the TUC to a dispute, which affects the this the Central Electricity Generating trade unions are frightened of any real whole trade union movement, was Board must have the co-operation of the showdown and that as the strike pro- lamentable.